#atticus x eri
yams-here · 7 months
I am here to spread the word of Eri x Atticus
here's my powerpoint presentation
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thank you
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eeveeas123 · 7 months
(Atticus is crushing on Eri but he feels like she doesn’t have the same interest, Ortega tries to “Cheer” him up)
Ortega: “Maybe a story will cheer you up? It’s called The Ugly Bulbasaur…”
Atticus: *Nods*
Ortega: “Once there was an ugly Bulbasaur… He was so ugly that everyone died, the end!”
Atticus: “…”
Ortega: “Whatever, I tried…”
(Based on a classic Patrick Star moment from the early SpongeBob episodes, in my mind, Ortega would tell this story as a joke because he doesn’t want things to get too complicated or messy when he’s comforting his friends)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
If it’s not too much trouble, could you do a platonic team star x team star member!reader who became a dragon type specialist squad leader and joined because they got bullied for being a fan of other famous dragon type users like Lance and Raihan?
(Sorry if this is too specific)
Oh no worries, I like specific so it's all good!
"I'm gonna be just like them one day.." Sighing dreamily, you sat down at the cafeteria table, watching a video on your rotomphone while chowing down breakfast.
It was footage of a fierce Pokémon battle in Galar--a showdown between two of your idols, who were among the most famous dragon trainers of all time: Lance and Raihan.
Of course, you looked up to many other dragon type users in Paldea, but these two in particular kickstarted your dreams of becoming one yourself, inspired by their interviews and fierce determination.
You also hoped to meet them and have a battle, although that was a little too farfetched for you right now..
Yet you didn't let that discourage you from forming your own dragon team, using your studies at Uva/Naranja Academy to teach them all the best moves and remember type matchups.
Tatsugiri was your main partner, and when combined with your Dondozo..it was an absolute powerhouse in double-battles--albeit this academy usually focused on the traditional single battles.
You were also currently raising a Drakalok, Cyclizar, Arctibax, and Sliggoo, and you cherished all of them dearly. Tatsugiri was a bit of an attention hog at times, though, and always wanted to stay out of its ball and on your shoulder.
You didn't mind it, of course. Whether you're heading to class or to a tournament where dragon trainers were going to participate, you always went together.
Life was perfect.
Except for-
"Still prattling on about being the next famous dragon gym leader, huh?"
-one of your bullies already ruining your day before it could even begin.
For some reason..a few kids at the academy really had it out for you simply because you admired famous dragon trainers. You didn't think there was anything wrong with looking up to your idols. But apparently they thought you were being too "obnoxious" about it and sought to make your life utterly miserable.
It only got worse when you spoke up about it to a teacher, as that bully got off with nothing but a slap on the wrist--that being to train their Pokémon as "punishment".
By sheer convenience, they had ice and fairy types. And that teacher only gave them the chance to make their team stronger and further intimidate you...to the point where you're afraid to go outside, fearing they'll drag you into a battle.
You've kept silent since, hoping to avoid them at all costs and try to keep your grades up. But unfortunately, Arceus wasn't smiling upon you today...and quite frankly, you were tired.
Huffing, you switched off your phone and scowled up at the bully. "Still following me around campus, huh?" You mocked, with Tatsugiri hopping on the table and mimicking your expression. "That's kinda creepy if you ask me."
"Well those stupid fangs of yours are creeping everyone out." They sneered, pointing out your sharp teeth. "Halloween is over, y'know."
"I've already told you..these are canines, and they are real."
"Yeah? More like real freaky."
"Look, just leave me alone before you anger Tatsugiri." You warned, watching as their gaze shifted to your ace, falling silent for a moment or two...
Before erupting into laughter. "Oh wow, I'm soooooo scared of your stupid sushi roll! What ever will I do??" They shook their head. "If you want my advice, dump this thing and get yourself a real dragon. Like a Charizard or-"
"You don't get to decide WHO I can have as a partner!!!" Your hands slammed onto the table as you stood up, fists clenched with anger. Even though you could see people's heads turning in your peripheral vision, you didn't care. "Tatsugiri may not look it, but it's more powerful than you'll ever know! You don't know our bond, so just back off already!!"
"Oooooh, I didn't know you knew Outrage..better not hit yourself in confusion." They snickered.
"...why are you like this?" With slumped shoulders, you frowned at them. "Why do you keep tormenting me day after day?! I've done nothing to you. Is it a crime to admire my heroes? To wanna be like them?"
"No, but you'd be an embarrassment to every future dragon tamer. I mean who'd wanna see a pathetic thing like that in the Elite Four? Or on a Champion's team? Raihan and Lance would laugh in your face and crush you if they saw-"
"STOP IT!!" You finally snapped, hitting the table again before taking out one of your pokeballs. "Do you want a battle?! Is that what you want?!! Then you'll get it-!!"
"[Y/n], what is the meaning of this?"
Hearing the voice of the director made all the color drain from your face. The bully just smirked as you slowly turned to Harrington, seeing him looking at you with a frown.
"This is the second disturbance you've caused in this same area. You know battles aren't permitted inside the academy."
It's only then did you realize everybody in the cafeteria was staring..and you shrunk back in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, Director. I didn't mean to shout. They were just-"
But when you tried to point out the bully, they were gone.
How convenient.
"From how it looks..you were intimidating them. And you should also know we have a zero tolerance policy for such behavior."
"But I wasn't..they-!" You tried in vain to defend yourself, yet the look on Harrington's face told you he didn't wanna hear any of it.
"We can discuss this further in my office. Return your Tatsugiri to its pokeball and follow me, if you will."
"....yes, sir." Defeated, you gathered your things and put Tatsugiri back into the pokeball (much to its dismay), before commencing the long walk of shame to the director's office.
Maybe he will believe you.
"He didn't believe me either. What's the point of "standing up for myself" if I'm just gonna get in trouble?! What's the point if they're always gonna get away with it while I face suspension?!"
"I know I kinda let myself go back there, but...th-they kept pushing me and pushing me! Why couldn't he understand that? Why doesn't anyone here understand-?!"
Calming yourself down a little, you looked to Tatsugiri, who sat on your bed and looked up at you with sad eyes, wishing you weren't being so harsh on yourself.
"....well, I know you understand me, buddy." You quietly sighed and sat down, bringing it into your hands as it nuzzled your cheek. Immediately your shoulders relaxed. "I'm sorry. Thank you. I'm just...it's been frustrating. But I swear I'll never replace you for any other dragon. Not even for a shiny Charizard."
"Yip-yip?!" It cried out.
"Believe me! I won't." You chuckled, although you stopped as you thought over this morning's events...
And suddenly you felt sick to your stomach.
Just thinking about going to your afternoon class today made you feel ill, wondering who was going to harass you two next...and if you'll be able to do anything about it without getting into trouble with the director.
Now that you've gotten your second strike, you had to be careful not to lash out like that again.
But what else were you supposed to do?
Let them continue to bully you around and make your poor partner feel absolutely worthless? How was that fair to either of you?
At this point, you've ran out of adults in this academy to talk to...besides the nurse, of course, although she seemed more adept at healing Pokémon than counseling students.
Even if she was willing to listen, you doubt anything would change.
Nobody here took your side or could possibly understand what you were going through-
Your rotomphone started ringing, displaying an unknown caller ID. Normally you'd ignore it, although Tatsugiri had a better idea and decided to slap the screen with its fin, answering it.
"Tatsu!" You grumbled, pulling it away from your phone before addressing the stranger, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry! My Pokémon-"
"Greetings, am I speaking to [y/n]?"
".....uh...yeah?" Your eyebrows furrowed with confusion, not expecting to hear a distorted voice on the other end of the line. "And who am I speaking to exactly?"
"My name is Cassiopeia. Leader of Team Star."
"Team Star?" You blinked, remembering all of the rumors you've heard about this organization. They were a small group of kids who got bad grades, skipped school often...and sometimes harassed others into joining them or pulled pranks on teachers.
Why would their leader contact you?
Or better yet...how did they even get ahold of your number?
"Correct. We've been watching you for some time, and we see your pain. It must feel awful...being pushed around and intimidated all because you admire some famous trainers. And when you finally have the courage to defend yourself and your Pokémon...suddenly you're the bad guy? It's so unfair."
"How do you.....l-look, um..Cassiopeia. I got a lot going on right now." You mumbled, hoping to end this conversation quickly. "I'm facing suspension if I cause one more scene, so I don't think I should be talking to delinquents like-"
"That is a lie. Team Star isn't a group of delinquents. We're so much more than that." They interrupted you, sounding a bit annoyed. "The truth is that WE are the victims. We who were shamed and excluded for the crime of being ourselves. The system has failed us, [y/n], and we formed this group as a way to stand up and stand out."
"...ah, I see." Now you were growing a bit more understanding and sympathetic towards them. You always had a feeling that your classmates overexaggerated how "evil" this team really was, making comparisons to Team Rocket and organizations that were legitimately evil and criminal.
But obviously, you never put your two cents in. You were already getting bullied enough just for saying Lance and Raihan are cool dragon trainers you wished to meet.
You were already getting bullied enough just for admiring some famous dragon trainers.
"So...obviously you're trying to sell me something." You huffed, kicking your feet up on the desk. "You want me to join your team as one of your goons-?"
"Oh no. I actually have something much better in mind." Cassiopeia cut in once more. "We've seen how you battle with dragon types. Very impressive, I must say. You never back down from a challenge. You're fierce, protective..and you demonstrate incredible leadership."
That felt flattering to hear, considering all the times you've gotten criticized for your battling techniques during Ms. Dendra's class.
Recently, she actually made you apologize to your classmate, whose Pokémon was actively bullying yours and provoked it into using a powerful move that knocked it out in one hit.
Why was that such a problem?
Because you weren't supposed to be battling, but the bully kept pushing you into one--and of course, Ms. Dendra didn't see that part.
Only the part where you broke the "No-OHKO" rule she had written into her lesson plan for that day.
Now you were struggling to get your grades back up in battle strategies, which was hard since you gained a reputation as being "too aggressive"..when in reality you were just so afraid and fed up that no one would listen to you.
So hearing this complete stranger give you praise felt genuinely good.
"Oh! Ah...thank you." You decided to bite the bullet. "So what's your offer?"
"We believe you're a good fit to be a squad leader. We have one more slot available. Interested?"
Your heart immediately jumped at the opportunity, although part of you was still holding back.....wondering if it was worth getting mixed-up with people like Cassiopeia and Team Star's revered leaders.
This could very well throw away your entire future and your goals of becoming the next dragon type gym leader. You could be expelled for sure, or even blacklisted from partaking in tournaments.
But at the same time, you were so tired of living in fear and dealing with all of this alone.
Why should you have to? That's setting a terrible example for your Pokémon--they shouldn't have to see their trainer living like that. You had to be brave and stronger, but that was almost impossible if you were just going to suffer repercussions for trying.
Cassiopeia took your silence as hesitation. "I know this is a lot to think about. But trust me, [y/n]. Team Star can do more for you than the Academy ever did. You'll get to train without limits. Your name will be known by all, and nobody will mock you or Tatsugiri ever again. That is what you want, isn't it? To grow stronger together? To stand up against those who wronged you?"
Hearing them mention your partner made you look to the Mimicry Pokemon in your lap. Seeing the way they put their fin on your hand and gave you a small nod ultimately solidified your answer.
You weren't turning back now.
"We can discuss this tomorrow if you'd like-"
"No, I made up my mind. I'll take it. When do I start?"
"Looking sharp as always, Revavroom."
With a sharp-toothed grin, you gently patted the head of your Starmobile--specifically the Revavroom attached to it, as it rumbled in happiness.
Then you hopped onto the vehicle, climbing up to the stage where you could survey the rest of your camp, observing your goons hanging out by the vending machines and driving around on their Cyclizars.
This was the Achird Squad base stationed at Casseroya Lake, and for about a year or so...you've also called it home.
The location was perfect for a mighty dragon leader such as yourself, allowing you to keep watch over the Tatsugiri and Dratini herds you'd see in the waters from time to time.
It was far better than the cramped dorms of the Academy. They would never have let your dragons roam free like Dragapult, Baxcalibur, and all the rest were doing right now..
Ever since joining Team Star, you never looked back and never regretted your decision. You became fast friends with the other bosses, with Atticus even designing some cool armor plates for your outfit that resembled a Kommo-o's scales.
Although things have been...rather weird as of late.
Especially since it was the anniversary of the incident.
Back at the Academy, you and all of the leaders came together with the ultimate to confront your bullies once and for all. It was meant to finally settle who was the strongest, and how you were sick of being pushed around.
Least to say..the tables have turned, and everyone knew your names.
The bullies ended up running scared, barely putting up a fight themselves before scrambling to heal and recall their Pokémon.
You felt pretty good about it, especially when you knocked out that jerk who made fun of your teeth and admiration for dragon trainers in one fell swoop.
But then you looked around and saw everyone's scared faces. Many were recording the battles, spreading them all over social media, or shielding their own Pokémon from potential harm--even though you never intended to hurt them whatsoever.
It turned into a huge scandal over who was in the right or wrong, although in the end your bullies played the victims, dropped out of school, and ended up being listened to the most.
They made you out to be monsters who just attacked them for no reason..and it almost got you all expelled.
However, Cassiopeia took the blame, and while you were pardoned, Harrington, the deputy director (who tried erasing all records of the scandal and bullying to "preserve" the Academy's image), and many teachers left, guilty that they didn't do more to prevent this.
It would have been a bittersweet victory for Team Star---had your leader not also vanished, their last message being a call for the organization to disband.
To this day, none of you understood why they'd do that...or why they think you'd ever wanna leave this team and go back to your studies.
How could you after the faculty messed up this badly?
How could you after they still sided with the bullies?
How could you after they tried to cover up what really happened?
In the end, you all promised to stick together, abiding by your codes and living out on the squad bases. You occasionally met up for discussions and battle plans, although you always held onto hope that if the team kept going long enough....Cassiopeia might come back.
You've tried contacting them through various means, yet none of your Rotoms could retrace their calls nor social media posts. Everything was gone.
As though they wanted you all to forget ever meeting them..
It never made sense to you, considering you could really use a leader back then.
But what's done is done, and you winded up assuming a de factor leader position, given your team was the strongest out of all of theirs. Of course, Ortega was less-than-pleased about holding a vote on it, but you won the majority and he eventually got over it.
Now you've been training your Pokémon more frequently, and only because there's something called "Operation: Starfall" going around--and apparently some Paldean trainer was going around tackling each base with the hope of claiming their badges.
One of the codes was that being defeated in battle meant surrendering it, and that means...
Someone was dead set on shutting down Team Star for good.
But you wouldn't let them. The other bosses were your friends, family..and you'll be damned if you lost them, too.
"Boss! The others are comin' in!" You heard one of the grunts shout, and you looked towards the horizon in surprise.
She wasn't kidding.
Ortega, Mela, Eri, Giacomo, and Atticus were at your base's entrance, waiting for you. Although you were eager to see them after being occupied with training for so long...it didn't concern you that all of them chose to show up at once.
But you refused to show any sort of alarm, huffing as you jumped off the stage, mounting your partner Cyclizar. "Let's ride!" You barked, allowing it to sprint towards the group at full speed.
Your cape fluttered in the wind as it leaped across a small stream, all while Tatsugiri--who was resting in a small basket attached to it--held on for dear life.
Upon arriving, the bosses stopped their chatter and turned as you slowed down, stepping off Cyclizar. You gave it a small pat on the head, assuring that it could rest, before looking at the group.
"So we meet again...what's with the sour faces?" Your eyebrows furrowed at their expressions. When nobody was immediately speaking up, you huffed. "Come on, out with it. You can't come all this way to my base just assume I can read your minds-"
"We come before thee bearing..a warning." Atticus muttered, bowing his head in shame. "The student you've spoken of hath proven to be quite the adversary."
"Is that so? Surely they haven't claimed all of your badges, have they?"
"Why is no one talking-?"
"Because we got our asses handed to us." Mela bluntly stated, clenching her fists. "We got absolutely smoked...and now you're the only one left."
Your eyes widened in shock and horror, although you didn't get the chance to respond as Ortega cut you off.
"Now before you freak out on us all..we did try our best. We did everything you and Cassiopeia taught us. But this kid....they're good. Almost too good. And this guy named Clive was helping them out the whole time, getting under our skin and everything...."
"Well I wouldn't say that." Eri looked at the fairy trainer, crossing her arms over her chest as she frowned. "He wanted to know where we're coming from and why we're doing all of this."
"...and you just told him?"
You could see everyone tense up, and you just scowled, wondering why they would do this.
"What makes you all think he would care...or why anybody from that academy would care about us now?" Your eyebrows furrowed as Tatsugiri sat on your shoulder, mimicking your expression. "Nobody cared when they hurt us...nobody cared when we were literally begging for help. Look, I know keeping this group together was hard, but it's no excuse to-"
"Honestly...I'm kinda tired of this charade. At least someone's willin' to listen to us now.." Giacomo remarked, frowning a little bit. "But here's the lowdown, [y/n]: we got beaten into the dirt and followed our code, so now we're here to give ya a little heads up before this kid comes after you next. We're sorry. But we tried."
"And we still don't know who's really behind this sting operation.." Mela grumbled, shaking her head in worry. "Someone wants to shut us down for good, and it's definitely not either of those new students. They're just being used to carry out the dirty work."
"I might have a good idea on who it is...and I swear, they'll answer for this." You bared your teeth. "But I'll save my dragon rage for this trainer. Wherever they are, whatever they're doing...I hope they know I'm ready. Because I'm gonna defend Team Star...defend us....until my last breath."
"Su! Su!!" Tatsugiri trilled in agreement, nuzzling your cheek, to which you couldn't help but smile a little bit.
"Well whatever happens next, you have our full support, [y/n]." Eri smiled as she patted your shoulder. "Badge or no badge, we stand behind you."
Everyone else chimed in with agreements, smiles on all of their faces as well--although Atticus' wasn't immediately noticeable, you could see it in his eyes.
Knowing this group still cared about you and believed in your battling skills made all the tension leave your shoulders.
"Thank you, my friends. Hasta la vistar ~☆"
""""Hasta la vistar, and good luck, [y/n]!! ~☆""""
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yxorul · 8 months
Yeah more Pokemon and by Pokemon I mean the Crater Crew, I love em 😌
(I'd play the game just for them, but funds are low manss 🙏)
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Yeah, I like nemopen too (no widely accepted traditional pokemon ship name yet? sadge 😔) the fics abt em got me into it
I'm all for the crater crew polycule too I think they're adorable, nemopen is just my main one lol
Team Star Bosses are goofy, I love em
The mons of the crater crew probably hang out
Arven needs hugs, actually all of them do
Audio: Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (TV Series)
yeah even made an animatic abt em, they got trapped in a cave or sumn and they just happened to be gay that day ig 🤷‍♀️ (dw Arven and Juliana will save their asses eventually)
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glitch-tricks · 2 years
Team Star S/O Headcanons
Except for Ortega, cause if I remember correctly it was stated he’s the youngest, and he looks like a kid soooo
Probably jokingly asked you out and was surprised as hell to get a yes
He’s not complaining though
Oh, he so asks you to record songs with him and writes lyrics about you
Loves to flex that you two are dating
Gets the stupidest grin whenever you two do something remotely romantic, even if it’s just holding hands
It took her a million years to figure out she liked you
Probably walked up to you and just asked “wanna go on a date with me” “sure” “wait what”
One of the sweetest people behind her intimidating demeanour
She gets all flushed super easily
If anyone upsets you, she will be pissed and will track that person down, refusing to hear any voice of reason
You were friends, but he was pining for you from afar, and was constantly teased by the others for his obvious crush
Eventually someone (Probably Mela) had enough of it and shoved him over to you to confess
He tried to stay calm, but kept fumbling over his words
Eventually, you were the one who asked him out
He loves to design clothes for you!
You are one of the very few people he will take his hood down for
She realized she had feelings for you very early on
It took her multiple tries to confess to you, as she kept getting more and more flustered with every attempt
She eventually managed
She loves to hold you
Like, just hug you
She tries to be gentle while hugging you, so she doesn’t fucking crush your bones cause god damn, she could do that
Similar to Mela, if anyone upsets you, she won’t hesitate to pick a fight
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dontjinxx · 1 year
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what movie are you seeing September 29th
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kyushiblast · 7 months
Hiii !
May i ask for some jealousy with (separate) team star x reader ? Like their s/o is being close with someone else, or just general thoughts about it. I lack originality but there’s sooo little stuff with them
Only take the guys if all five are too much
Most importantly, have a good day ‼️
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⤷ 〝 hit up. 〞
➞ pairing : giacomo , ortega , atticus , mela , & eri x gn! reader
➞ summary : team star reactions to someone hitting on you.
➞ genre : fluff
➞ cw / other : slight cursing
➞ a/n : i cannot DESCRIBE how hard i mentally screamed when i saw mela for the second time playing through pokemon violet. like please , she’s not the fire crew boss for nothing
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❝ giacomo ❞
— ★ really pissed off.
— ★ of course, he’d probably try to hide it from the other person—scoffing and glaring at the other whilst behind you.
— ★ i kind of imagine him, if it were in a private place, to be blasting music anytime the other would talk just to annoy them more.
— ★ if the other tries dissing his music, he’ll probably break a fuse—especially if it was dedicated to you. but then he’ll calm down, because if he’s ever learned something from bullies, it’s that all they want is a reaction to their taunting.
— ★ doesn’t care how loud he yells in public unless it makes you uncomfortable.
— ★ giacomo would roast the person in return, hook his arm around your shoulder, and amble off with the middle finger up at the person just to spite them.
— ★ and despite looking all tough and whatnot, he’d still pleasantly kiss you on the lips afterward.
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❝ ortega ❞
— ★ will roast the heck out of the other. when i tell you he is the most mischievous, best representing with a shit eating grin i mean it.
— ★ the other person’s flirting with you? get FLAMED by ortega. and he’s not even the fire type crew leader, but he is going to be ROASTING the other like there’s no tomorrow.
— ★ “sorryyy, i would battle you, but my pokémon tend to get bored in the middle of battles with low-life losers like you,” he’d say.
— ★ will cling to your arm subconsciously, pissing off the other more. and if you’re able enough, he’ll want a back ride right in front of the person.
— ★ and then after, when the person leaves as a wreck from ortega’s sharp remarks and lines, ortega would probably wave bye to them saying something like: “byee, cya never!”
— ★ finally, he’d pepper your face with kisses no matter how dorky it looks.
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❝ atticus ❞
— ★ the calmest of the bunch.
— ★ will be polite with a slight twinge of annoyance in his voice.
— ★ if the person doesn’t leave, he’ll start becoming more annoyed. but since he’s not the type to stir a scene, he’ll just tenderly take your hand and walk off with you.
— ★ if the person follows, they’re just asking for trouble. POKÉMON BATTLE TIIIIIME
— ★ after drenching them with a poisonous defeat, he would say in his own atticus way that the person needs to move on.
— ★ then he’d start thanking you for not going with that other person and he’ll vent about how he hates when people are like this.
— ★ expect more scheduled dates after!!
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❝ mela ❞
— ★ hot tempered. would accuse the other of trying to steal you away before stating that they have no chance.
— ★ no mercy whatsoever, except maybe for a little pity glare that screams “go away!” to the other if they seem apologetic enough.
— ★ will walk in front of you and hold out her arm protectively—maybe out of habit in her earlier years—even if you’re perfectly capable of defending yourself.
— ★ she’s dominant in the conversation. will barely let the other talk. the only thing she’ll gladly hear is their apologizing for hitting on you and/or admittance that they’re no match for her.
— ★ after, she’s miss mean-but-with-good-intentions again! she’ll tsk and deny everything if you tease her.
— ★ expect random acts of kindness after.
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❝ eri ❞
— ★ the nicest. she’ll politely explain that you’re spoken for and ask for them to stop.
— ★ and if they don’t? then she’ll step it up and insist more. will point towards a pokémon battle.
— ★ she’s extra set on doing her best, especially since if she loses she’ll lose her pride of being strong for you. her pokemon seem to sense that too.
— ★ after, if she notices that the pokemon of the other seem to have a close bond to their trainer, signaling that the person’s not as bad as they show but just desperate, she’ll hype ‘em up saying something like: “i’m sure there’s someone out there fit for you!” but if it’s the opposite, she’s going to be naturally cold to them.
— ★ and as the other slumps away, she’ll hug you and ask if she did well.
— ★ she’ll take you to eat somewhere afterwards.
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work of kyushiblast , please do not translate , copy , or repost here or on any other platform !!
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pokeheadcannons97 · 2 years
Hey could you do one where team star has a crush but their crushes pokemon is a jealous and mischievous and gets in the way?
In some of these yall are already dating, my bad ;_;
✧. . . . . . . . . .‿‿‿❀‿‿‿ . . . . . . . . . .✧
Thinks that your pokemon just needs their space and he respects that, some pokemon aren't as friendly. His Pawinard is the same.
Overtime though, when the hostility hadn't changed and was always butting in when the two of you were spending time together?
It didn't makes sense.
He placed them together.
Would honestly cross his arms at your Jigglypuff when it was hugging you and smirked at him while your back was turned.
One time he noticed that one of his shoes were missing and were somehow on top of the fridge behind the Flaafy Flakes.
Would bring it up to you and you hadn't noticed until you saw them purposefully trip him while making food for his and your pokemon. Floating around with a giggle.
You gave your pokemon a stern talk and during so they had curled up against Giacomo with a huff and a roll of eyes at your onslaught.
It wasn't that your pokemon didn't like Giacomo, they just wanted all the attention and got jealous easily.
He gently placed his palm for your pokemon to sniff before giving them a soft pat on their head. "Looks like someone got a bit jealous."
They cried out while puffing their cheeks. Right on the money.
He felt like he wronged them somehow? And offered sincere apologies to your pokemon over and over.
This only made your pokemon more prissy.
Poor Atticus woke up one day to his fabric being shredded with your pokemons claws and strewn across the room in pitiful piles.
Your Sprigatito was swishing her tail while cleaning her paws nonchalantly. And smirked when he glared at the pokemon through gritted teeth.
When you walked in you gasped and didn't have to ask who did it as you tapped your foot impatiently at your young grass type.
The cat pouted and looked away with her ears folded against her head and meowed audibly yet pitifully when you asked them to explain themselves.
Hid most the day after that and only came out when you had gone to use the restroom. Making her way over to Atticus as he was busy sewing a tear together to mend it.
He raised an eyebrow at the pokemon and froze when she hopped up on his lap and laid down, purring softly while staring at him.
He drew a hand out slowly and she butted her head against it, asking for pets.
"To all I've seen." He murmured but smiled as he did as requested.
Sometimes a good head scratch was all that was needed to let a pokemon know they weren't all bad.
Surprised but gave your Floette space that she wanted. Some of the Charcadets that she raised were a little standoffish at first and some loved their space.
The fairy type would do the most underhanded things however.
Filling her trademarked boots with glitter one time that STILL isn't free from the stuff.
Wedging her little body next to yours and stuffing her blue flower in her face to block her from kissing you.
To even summoning a rather powerful fairy wind to disheveled her hair right after she'd fixed it.
The two of them would bicker together over the most mundane thing. Since her temperament could be easy to press, Mela lost her cool easier.
It wasn't until you got visibly upset at one of their arguments that both herself and your Floette froze mid fight and panicked over you together. Apologies frantically given to you.
Floette had been there with you since you were small, so she got rather protective over you and didn't want Mela to hurt you like you'd been in the past because of bullying.
Mela understood, how could she not? She's been there, is practically the reason why Team Star was founded.
Needless to say that the two of them became part of the Y/N protection patrol.
He used his best manners. Suckered up to your Zangoose, everything in the books of manners and politeness.
But boy was your normal type hard to please.
Expensive food that took forever to get cause it was on back order? Ignored. New sweater that Ortega stitched himself with Atticus' help? Roll of eyes and smacked away.
He could not wrap his head around why your pokemon was so apprehensive about you. He was being nice, and even more so than your Zangoose deserved in his opinion, from his poor behavior towards him.
Zangoose would stare at him through furrowed brows while you brushed him one afternoon outside of school. Ortega seated next to you.
"Is he glaring at me?"
You peered down at your partner pokemon and shook your head. "Mmm no. He just has that kinda face." You bent forward to blow raspberries into his fur. "Cause he's a cutie and good boy."
Your Zangoose cried out happily and his expression quickly retorted back into a glare towards the other male seated next to you.
"Has he always been with you?" Ortega responded, flicking his wrist idly, not looking at you out of being off put by your Zangoose. " Your partner pokemon I mean."
You hummed. "Since I was a kid. Aang's always been here for me. We practically grew up together. He wouldn't let me leave home without him." You ran your fingers thru your pokemons hair. "He's a bit overprotective sure, but after all the time we spent together? It is understandable."
Ortega glanced at your Zangoose who had one eye open peering at him. Their eyes met and remained like that for a few more seconds.
Now it made sense.
"He's a good partner then. I can appreciate protecting the ones you care about. You don't find people like that as often as pokemon." Ortega said aloud while looking anywhere besides your Zangoose, even though it was meant for him.
Your pokemon lifted his head from your lap slightly and rolled his eyes, but the small smile was unmistakable on his face.
Any pokemon would have to be incredibly stubborn to dislike Eri. Yes she may be a bit out there and her presence was known when she entered the room. But she was kind and lots of people liked her.
Nothing more stubborn than your Mudbray though. Wouldn't budge and wouldn't like her.
You and Eri had been going out for a few months now, and she was at her wits end.
Poor gal had tried everything to win your ground type over. Nothing worked.
It wasn't until you had commented on how your pokemon seemed to enjoy shows of strength. Be it from her being from the Mudsdale line or that you go came from a farm where the pokemon competitor to see who was the strongest. That Eri knew how to gain her love.
Your poor girlfriend stood outside in the rain, entirely caked in mud, dirt, and soaked from the water, stacking barrels of hay at your families ranch to try and help out.
You had asked her so many times to come inside and to not worry. But Eri wouldn't have it and instead threw haybale after haybale towards the barn for drying.
Your Mudsy was of course helping out and by the end of it was throughly impressed and even tackled the girl on her side as a sign of affection.
"I guess she likes you now." You teased and Eri could only cry as she hugged that small ground type in the rain.
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marshmallowchaos · 8 months
How I can imagine dipplinshipping’s wedding going based on my own opinions
Carmine- mad because she has a minor role, decorator
Penny- maid of honor
Nemona-Ring bear
Arven-gives Juliana to Kieran
Drayton-not invited =)
Lacey-in charge of the cake and the food
Crispin- best man(idk why)
Mela-bridesmaid #1
Atticus- caught the bouquet but gave it to another couple
Ortega- plays the piano for the reception
Giacomo-in charge of music
Amarys- there for Carmine’s sanity
Miraidon/Koraidon-stands with Juliana
Kieran and Juliana are both super nervous. Juliana’s dress has Applin inspired elements to it so does Kieran’s suit.
Idk this just popped into my head
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Might I request the star bosses from scarlet and violet with a male reader who becomes a boss of team star and uses psychic types. (would like his main pokemon to be muna and gothrita as those are my favorites) wish you joy in the new year!
Team Star bosses with a reader who is the leader and uses psychic types
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Hope it’s okay I made a team for the reader, as mentioned before I love doing so ^^
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You took over the team after Penny disappeared btw, before that you were a boss like the others.
-          Giacomo is a pretty chill guy, so while I think he’s sad that Penny left he’s happy you stepped up and took over. He has most likely looked up to you for a while since you were such a strong trainer and a good person.
-          Your Munna and Meowstic love him, if you can’t find the two its cuz they’re with Giacomo again. Your Munna especially loves to listen to Giacomo’s music.
-          He makes you a special team boss mixtape, like your own theme song for battle. He thinks that since you’re the boss you need a cool theme to go along with it, even if you were kinda flustered when he first gifted it to you.
-          You and Giacomo hang out when you just need a break, be it going for walks or going to one of your places to watch movies or listen to music.
-          Mela in the beginning wouldn’t want you to become the new leader since she still hopes Penny will come back, but when she sees how great you are at being the leader and that Penny isn’t coming back, so accepts it and backs you up 100%
-          Your Bronzong loves to hang around Mela for some reason. In the beginning she tries to make the pokemon leave since the large cuddly pokemon takes away from her tough appearance.
-          After your Bronzong completely wipes the floor with some bullies though, she accepts its presence and is worried when it doesn’t show up.
-          Shes shy about showing her true personality most of the time but she is open to you and your friends, and Mela finds comfort in spending time with you because she can be herself.
-          You inspire her to want to get stronger since you are strong enough to become team stars leader, so you are someone she sees as a close friend but also someone to look up to.
-          Atticus was most likely the one to suggest you become the new leader of the team after Penny disappears, seeing as you are a powerful and noble fighter with strong morals in his eyes.
-          He would create a cool outfit that would fit your role as leader of team star and a psychic trainer, and he is very proud to see you in it for the first time, he especially likes to see it in battle.
-          He would even go as far as to create matching outfits for your pokemon, Gothorita would especially love the outfits and since that pokemon is the one your seen most with, it has many multiple outfits to match yours.
-          Atticus doesn’t feel scared to be himself and speak about his interests around you, as he doesn’t feel like you will judge him for the way he speaks or carries himself, it helps boost his confidence and make him a stronger person.
-          You motivate him to be himself and not let others’ opinions of him bother him too much, and he is happy with his decision to offer you up as the next leader of team star.
-          Ortega isn’t sure about making you the next leader of team star, but his opinion quickly changes when he sees how you are able to support everyone and make them feel more motivated and sure of themselves.
-          He would build you your own starmobile that would match your use of psychic types, using colors and shapes to make it something that truly fits you as a person.
-          Ortega would be bummed out when he has to go to piano lessons and stuff like that, but you always step in and take over for him when he has to leave and write up a report on the happenings during his time away, just to make him feel better.
-          Your Gothorita and Girafarig would love Ortega, always coming out of their pokeballs to greet him and play with his pokemon, you both use the excuse of your pokemon being good friends to hang out some more between duties as leader of the team and a team boss.
-          Eri was at first against you becoming the new leader of team star since she hoped Penny would come back, but when she sees how you take care of everyone and do your best she relents and decides to support you as much as possible.
-          Like the others she helped you train your pokemon to be stronger, and she’s proud when your team becomes stronger than her own. She’s also the one who helped you evolve your Ralts into a Gallade, so the pokemon likes to spend time with Eri.
-          She always makes sure you are taking care of yourself and not pushing yourself too hard, since she knows being the leader is hard work. She doesn’t want you to burn yourself out, its also because she fears to some extent that you will leave too.
-          Eri would bring you lunches and snacks for your pokemon every now and then, just so you two could take a break together away from all the hard work as leader and boss. She still works very hard to protect the team, but she also makes sure to protect you, even if its from yourself as times.
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dipplinduo · 8 months
DipplinShipping Headcanon
There's alot of talk of Juliana's often visiting to Kieran's home in Kitakami, but rarely anything on Kieran visiting Juliana's Paldean home.
Kieran would absolutely LOVE watching movies at her place. He'd absolutely bring lots of gifts to her mom whenever he could.
Kieran would be so eager to make Juliana and her mom amazing dishes from what he's given from their vegetable garden.
While they don't have to worry about Carmine or the BB Elite Four (mostly Drayton) interrupting their alone time, Juliana's Paldean friends (including Team☆Star) are more than happy to fill that role.
Oh my gosh what great fluff oneshot content ideas :')
I honestly probably wouldn't think of these kinds of things myself and you are TRULY blessing the community with some good stuff
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chloeji · 6 months
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I happened to find this template at twitter, so I decided to give a try. My favorite shipping are: Attiana (Atticus x Juliana), Florenny (Florian and Penny), and Arvemona (Arven and Nemona).
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eeveeas123 · 5 months
Do I like Eri x Atticus?
Are you kidding me!?
The gorgeous poison ninja x the strong yet sweet fighting gal!?
It’s like a fairytale! (Or a poison/fightingtale)
But seriously, amazing couple and I just can’t get over the cuteness of that one event where it seemed perfect! (However, for now, poor Atticus. Eri doesn’t understand yet🥹)
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snailsaxophone · 2 years
Team Star and Their Love Languages
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I think his love language would be words of affirmations
He’s self conscious, especially after what he did as student council president. Everyone outside of team star were really mad at him
So basically, he’s nervous about what everyone else thinks of him especially as a team star admin.
Just a simple “You’re doing a great job!” or something is enough to perk him up on the worst of days
It really helps to reassure him that nobody hates him lmao
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Gifts lol
Before coming to team star, he was used to being pampered with gifts and whatnot
But after joining, he never really got any gifts besides his birthday and christmas. It really hurt him, was he not worthy of gifts anymore?
It doesn’t have to be anything expensive by any means. Something as simple as picking him up a candy bar while you’re shopping will make him so happy
It’s really the thought that counts with him. For all the artists out there, if you make him anything he will absolutely treasure it.
It’s just a gentle reassurance that someone still loves him. It’s a little taste of home, if you will
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Quality time 100%
He often likes to go out with you, even if it’s just to class or to go shopping
PLEASE sit by him while he’s sewing. He really enjoys your presence
On that note, be prepared to be a mannequin. He’s gonna make a ton of clothes for you, and he’s gonna make sure the fit just right
I think because of the way he dresses and acts he never really had anyone close to him. His team star friends are the closest people to him, but since they’re stationed at their respective bases he doesn’t see them often
Because of all that, he gets quite lonely. He will treat you only with the upmost respect while he’s with you too. You need a drink? He’s already on it. It’s a bit too cold? He’s turning on the heat and grabbing blankets
I love him so much
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tbh kinda struggled with this one, but i think she goes well with acts of service
Eri appreciates the little things in life, so she notices the little things more often then not
If you give her flowers she’ll cry. Please give her flowers she deserves them sm
Show up to her wrestling tournaments and she’ll win just for you. You showing up is all the motivation she needs
And of course, just doing daily chores lifts a big burden off her back. She’s used to being the responsible, caring one, but it’s nice to sit back once in a while
Even just looking after the other team star members makes her love you
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Physical touch
She’s another touch starved pokemon character.
I think she’s used to shutting herself out, being cold and tough. But really, she needs a big hug
Just holding her hand makes her blush, she really enjoys it
Cuddling? Absolutely. Soft Mela is very healthy for the soul
I absolutely love Mela if you couldn’t tell
A/N : This wasn’t written to specifically be romantic, it’s cool if you view it that way but i know everyone has different age headcanons and whatnot so i didn’t want anyone to be uncomfy with that. So please read this however you like!
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someguynamededdie · 2 years
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Hassel and his husband and his other husband and and his son and his son and his daughter and his daughter and his daughter and his daughter and his granddaughter and his child and his child and his other husband’s son and—
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hereforthe-stuff123 · 6 months
Ok, going back to SV, My primary ships are:
Julianna x Arven
Florian x Kieran
Nemona and Carmine just single battle besties.
But i literally don’t know if my next ships would work or not.
Penny x Team Star as a polly relationship. Basically Penny x Atticus X Mela X Ortega x Eri x Giacomo.
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