#au mostly because i do NOT like chapter two. its the worst version of it imo. both character wise and writing wise
longeyelashedtragedy · 6 months
d, k, r
D: What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written?
Ohhh...hmmmm. I'd say my two multichapter AUs, and then dumb kids in their forties (SORRY TO KEEP BRINGING THIS ONE UP lol)
The multichapters (Mare Liberum and Dangerous) depict how I feel/felt about myself, my trauma, and as someone who has trauma that has colored their entire life.
Mare Liberum--written mostly a long time ago and conceived of pre-covid, even, is a version of myself that I feel rarely exists anymore. I love this fic and the universe so much, and wish I was updating it, but not only did it lose all but 1 person of its audience, I also wonder if I can't access that part of me anymore. That fic is just about someone bitter and angry at himself, at how the world treats and perceives him, at the wrongs done to him by others and by himself for who he is, and the fic's message (including the "love story" part) is--If you're born wrong, you're not gonna get a happy ending.
Dangerous is about the different ways people can become fucked up adults. Mikel's story, as I've said a few times, is a really twisted and exaggerated version of my own, and when we eventually get to the Christmas Chapter where Granit visits Mikel's parents for the holiday, this will be the first time I've ever ever given people a glimpse at how my lifelong mental health problems have informed my relationship with my own family. I...really don't like to talk about this topic, including in therapy, I think for Cultural Reasons, but because I understand Mikel's life so vividly, part of that is the family part. However--without giving away the ending, Dangerous I started coming up with in like, idk early 2022? And we were well into 2022 when I came up with the ending. The message of this fic, which could be perverse to some I guess, is "fucked up people deserve love too!" Obviously I'm not fucked up like Xhakarteta are in this but...what a lovely change of message ❤️
And then dumb kids in their forties...I didn't intend for the fic to be like this, but really, Jamie's thought process in this kind of depicts me in my absolute worst moments. Again, a bit exaggerated and what not, but like I was talking about the other day, the toxic inferiority. Idk if that's even a real concept, but I don't see it depicted to this intensity, and my own inferiority issues have done a shit-ton of damage in my adult life. It's something I work on a lot, and it felt self indulgent in a fun way to put Jamie through that.
There's a little bit of me in "Visited Upon the Sons" too--mostly, my frustration with compulsory heterosexuality and how it dominates conversations no matter where you go. But weirdly, writing that and discovering this through the fic, made me feel less frustrated about it in real life. Writing as Therapy!
Wow that was absolutely too long, I truly cannot shut the fuck up lol.
K:  Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
Lately I've been enjoying reading and writing a little Wag Fic 🫢 it feels so taboo! I also like things that are kind of gratuitously exploitative, but with a caveat: it needs to be a little tongue in cheek, like I can tell the author is making a conscious choice. (I think Dangerous is kind of like that, or at least I hope so lol)
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
Julio Cortázar, and to a lesser extent Carlos Fuentes and Gabriel García Márquez. Yesss my academic specialty was latin american boom and postboom lol. 11/10 recommend! For fic writers, legit you all are so good I'd rather attempt copying these big name authors than to even try to be like you!
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toontowncreepypasta · 2 years
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fic writer interview
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(a pic to get your attention, and to remind us all of how strong a look this was--you're welcome)
Tagged by @phoenix-ascended, thank you!!
name: C (heavensfallingaroundus on AO3)
fandoms: I wrote a lot of Madderton in 2019/2020, before I lost all hope 😂 I also wrote them as David Budd and Eggsy Unwin in a Kingsman/Bodyguard crossover that is long, wonderful and tragically still unfinished to this day--but I swear we're going to finish it one day, hopefully soon. Basically what I'm trying to say is: anything with Taron Egerton, and I'm game. I also wrote some other British Actor RPF starring the usual suspects (Colin Firth, Kit Harington, etc.) and a single Achilles x Patroclus oneshot after finishing Madeline Miller's The Song of Achilles. I read mostly Taron RPF (but not het stuff because it makes me uncomfortable, soz) and Hartwin--although I must admit I've not been reading as much as I would like, lately.
two-shot: What an odd question. I don't know if it counts as a two-shot, but this pair of crackficks (#sponcon) is definitely the best sorta-two-chaptered thing I've ever written, also thanks to my wonderful co-author and my favourite human on the planet, @its-a-soft-science. I'm also partial to where we're going, because it paints a version of events where everything turned out alright.
most popular multi-chapter fic: Still to this day, it's Three. If you were around when i was writing and publishing it, in the second half of 2019, you know how much that work took out of me and how I never took a break for around 6 months. It was the proverbial wild ride of my life as a fic writer, and even if I maybe think the quality of the work is not as good as it could have been, I still really love it. If you like a long and winding story, you should definitely check out Kingsman: The Highlands Liaison, which (I would like to solemnly promise once more) @misslittlefreckles and I are definitely going to finish.
actual worst part of writing: Definitely planning. I'm someone who would jump straight into writing a scene and 'go with the flow' most of the time, letting the inspiration lead me here or there... but in most cases one definitely needs to plan, cross the t's and dot the i's to make sure that there are no plotholes, incoherences of any kind, etc. And then probably the second worst part of writing is when you can't. The ol' WB is a bee in my bonnet at the moment, and I can't wait for it to pack its bags and fuck off.
how you choose your titles: Song titles and lyrics all the way. Music is a huge part of my creative process.
do you outline: Like I said--I don't love doing it, but I recognize the benefits in doing it, so the answer's yes.
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice: Goddamnit, I have a list in my phone notes app all about this. Let's see: a third and fourth installment of this Madderton wedding series (I had started writing a stag do part 3 but I never got anywhere with it), a fic on the wild night before Carpool Karaoke (they reportedly got blind drunk and they looked like the most fucked out + hungover pair of lovebirds ever on the day), a massive AU that I'd plotted a year and a half ago where Taron is a bit of an Eggsy character (estate kid with an abusive family history getting in serious trouble) and Richard his slightly older and incredibly competent hot daddy lawyer, several Christmas stories based on popular Christmas flicks, and finally another massive AU, which I'm not telling you anything about because it might well happen at some point in the near future.
callouts @ me: People definitely seem to have beef with me not jumping on the Richard/F**y train. To all my haters, a kind reminder to live and let live xoxo
best writing traits: I tend to use language that is a bit baroque sometimes but it also tends to go down pretty well. I've also been told I can successfully build up a lot of tension and then deliver on it quite effectively.
spicy tangential opinion: After almost 2 years of waiting for it, the Madden CK campaign is terribly underwhelming. The definition of overpromising and underdelivering.
Tagging @himbomcavoy, @taste-thewaste, @johaeryslavellan, @zebraljb
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12, 14 and 18☺️
Thanks for asking <333
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
There's lots to be honest, but something I still can't believe I haven't written is a horse riding au. Like, that's half a lie bc I have a few thousand words written for a Simon/Baz horse rider au that I might never finish, but I'd really like to write one for Naruto. But I always decide not to because I don't know all the words and I hate googling stuff while I write. But one day! Surely!
14. If you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick?
Honestly? Kirk and Spock. They'd find a way to get us out of there. And if not, it would at least be cool to meet them.
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
You really had to pick such a difficult question... I can never decide on any particular line/scene. So I opened up The sun within me and looked at the chapters and thought I'd pick something that could be interesting to comment on. And in this case, it's a bit about how Naruto, Sasuke, and Charasuke have changed and their different relationships with each other. So! Here's a bit of commentary for a scene in chapter 40 (under the cut bc it's fairly long lol):
[For clarification, this is right after Naruto and Sasuke come back home from Sasuke's mission where he fought Menma and Menma then disappeared. I'm skipping ahead to the part where they arrive at the orphanage and Charasuke is waiting in their room (Naruto's POV). My comments will be written in bold text.]
The clone’s memories dropped into his head like a puff of smoke, and he groaned out loud, making a face. Sasuke gave him a concerned look, but Naruto sighed and shook his head.
“Let’s go,” he said, feeling very reluctant as he grabbed Sasuke’s arm.
He supposed he could have teleported them somewhere else, but Charasuke had seemed prepared to wait until they returned. Maybe Sasuke could deal with him while Naruto sort of… drifted away and hid in the kitchen.
Naruto is acting very childishly in this scene, mostly because he's still wary of Charasuke, and also because he's just spent two days in Sasuke's company but pretending to be Menma, which means no cuddles/kisses or anything. He's kind of clingy, isn't he? Haha. And also, he doesn't really want to admit to himself that Menma disappearing for Charasuke is the parallel to his worst fear, that Sasuke will disappear.
“Where is he?” Charasuke demanded the second they arrived in the bedroom.
“Ah, Sasuke, maybe you can explain?” he suggested, inching towards the door, but Sasuke nailed him to the floor with a single glare.
“He could be anywhere,” Sasuke said, continuing to glare until he was sure that Naruto wouldn’t escape. “I didn’t manage to get a good look through the portal.”
“The portal?” Charasuke seemed to waver, arms wrapped around himself as he looked between them. “Tell me what happened.”
You can tell that Sasuke has really started to care about Charasuke here. He's not entirely open with him yet, but he recognizes a lot of himself in Charasuke and he puts himself in Menma's position, thinking about when he left the village and Naruto was left behind. He doesn't want Charasuke to hurt the way he knows Naruto was hurting back then.
While Sasuke described the mission, including what he called ‘Naruto’s dumb interference’, Naruto dug through his closet for the shirt he would make Sasuke wear. He was absolutely sure that Sasuke would argue about it – especially since he’d sent a clone to Akatsuki and not himself – but if he talked fast enough and relented that it would be enough if Sasuke slept in it for one night…
“He really is gone, then,” Charasuke said, his voice toneless. “I’ll never see him again.”
“I’m sure you’ll see him again,” Naruto said, contemplating the pros and cons of a t-shirt versus long sleeves. “Whoever grabbed him and hauled him off probably just wanted to keep him out of Sasuke’s reach. He gets awfully strong when he’s irritated.”
Naruto is definitely acting a bit heartless here, again, because he doesn't want to think about his own feelings or feel forced to recognize that Charasuke is a person Sasuke cares about, that he should also care about. I think he can get a bit closed off when there's too much going on in his own life, and that makes it hard to focus on other people, especially since he still wants to leave the other dimension and doesn't want to think about Sasuke caring about his family here - meaning Sasuke might want to stay.
When he turned back from the closet, he found Sasuke giving him a disappointed look.
“You’re taking this lightly,” he said, glancing at the shirt in Naruto’s hand and apparently deciding to ignore it.
“Well, unless we figure out how to dimension-hop after him, I don’t think there’s a lot we can do.”
Now that he was back to being himself, all Naruto really wanted was to curl up in bed with Sasuke and not think about the outside world at all. Charasuke, on the other hand, seemed on the verge of tears.
“And what would you have done if I was the one who disappeared?” Sasuke asked, an icy note to the question.
“How would I know? It hasn’t happened yet.”
A bit of foreshadowing lol. Except Sasuke is the one left reacting when Naruto leaves, but Naruto really is trying to keep a tight grip in his emotions here and absolutely not think about the fact that Sasuke could have disappeared with Menma, and he wouldn't have known what happened to him.
“You could have let me follow after him and we’d know where he went.”
Naruto straightened up, face hardening.
“No, you might have known where he went, but the rest of us wouldn’t. Besides, he was trying to kill you. I went through too much trouble to keep you alive to just let you jump into some unknown enemy territory.”
As you can see, putting a lot of emphasis on Naruto's fear of losing Sasuke again.
Silent tears now streaming down his cheeks, Charasuke sat down on the bed and clenched his fists over his lap. It was obvious that he didn’t like what they were saying, but Naruto pushed his feelings of sympathy aside. Sasuke was his top priority, and that hadn’t changed simply because there was another one of him now.
“I told him I never want to see him again,” Charasuke sniffled, and it was really disturbing to watch someone with Sasuke’s face – well, a version of Sasuke, really – crying out in heartache.
Meanwhile poor Charasuke is having a background breakdown. To Naruto, it's hard to see a version of Sasuke like this. Charasuke is coming face to face with the realization that he's A: definitely not over Menma, B: he really handled things badly and never even stopped to think about why Menma was doing things.
“If he survives, you can apologize,” Naruto told him, trying to sound comforting. “Hell knows Sasuke said a lot worse stuff to me.”
To his great surprise, Sasuke went over to sit beside Charasuke, frowning as his hand twitched to reach out to him.
“This isn’t about you and me, Naruto,” he said, settling for an awkward hand on Charasuke’s shoulder. “And it could be our fault, anyway.”
“You know, Sasuke,” Naruto said as the initial shock wore off, “that sounds scarily like you’ve started caring about other people.”
Naruto and Sasuke having a small fight about Charasuke... Naruto knew Sasuke cared about Charasuke, but this is when he realizes that Charasuke is becoming a person that Sasuke wants to protect. And for Sasuke it's a small step towards opening his heart for more people than just Naruto. Sasuke is honestly mad at Naruto for taking things so lightly, for treating this other dimension as something that doesn't affect them. Besides, I really wanted Charasuke to be comforted by Sasuke haha.
Charasuke kept crying, and the look Sasuke directed at him clearly said what he thought of Naruto right then.
“Moron. I care about other people, just not anyone in our own dimension.”
Naruto knew that to be a lie, but decided not to say anything. Having Sasuke admitting to something like having feelings was a huge enough step on its own. Instead he sighed, grabbed something to sleep in, and headed for the door.
“I’ll just sleep on a couch,” he mumbled.
Does Sasuke care about anyone back in their own dimension? Maybe, but you wouldn't really see him act like this with canon Sakura, not before they left for the RTN dimension at least. It's a big thing that Sasuke is starting to voice his feelings out loud, and acknowledge them more. Naruto is feeling jealous actually, because he wanted to finally have Sasuke to himself, and also he feels guilty for being jealous, and also he's hoping that if he pouts enough Sasuke will comfort him instead of Charasuke lol. Not always the most mature person, but who is?
Coward, Kurama accused as he headed towards the living room, but Naruto was too tired to argue with him. Something about Charasuke always rubbed him wrong, and maybe it had to do with how he displayed his emotions openly and so obviously thought of himself as weak. If Sasuke wanted to handle it, fine. Naruto didn’t have the patience for people who sat around crying, and a small part of him didn’t like that he had such problems with caring about Menma, either. Menma had everything, a loving family, a Sasuke who cared about him, but he was still feared and treated differently. Even in this world people treated the bijuu as something dangerous, and he wondered how much of the whole story of them losing consciousness and turning into beasts was true, and how much was justification to treat them badly.
It's a bit of 'my problems are worse than yours so you shouldn't be so upset'. In the movie, we really got to see how much it hurt Naruto to see this other world where he had everything he wanted, and then acknowledge that it wasn't real. Even if he can recognize that the bijuu were still treated badly here, he can't quite make peace with the way Charasuke and Menma can't appreciate what they have. It makes it really hard for him to sympathize with them.
Am I supposed to feel touched? Kurama snorted as Naruto rearranged pillows into an acceptable bed on one couch. You didn’t care much for us either before you figured out the truth.
No, but everything was supposed to be the opposite here, right? Well, this part isn’t the opposite, it’s the same.
Between one heartbeat and the next, Naruto blinked his eyes open in front of Kurama’s open cage. There was water sloshing around his ankles, and everything was clouded in some sort of yellowish haze.
“Oh, come on,” he complained, but Kurama tsk’ed at him with his head supported by one giant paw.
“I hate to admit it, but you might be onto something, kid.”
“Uh-huh, well I don’t know about you but I want to sleep.”
Kurama reached out and poked him in the stomach with a sharp claw, eyes narrowing to slits. Even if they were friends, Naruto didn’t feel like testing the limits of that friendship with those claws so close to him.
“Sometimes you say things in such a stupid voice that I miss how important it might be. Now shut up and listen,” Kurama growled, three of his tails swishing angrily behind him. “This world is supposed to be opposite, right?”
“I don’t know, but everything seems opposite.”
“Let’s pretend we know it’s true. So, everything and everybody is the opposite more or less. But, the prejudice against the bijuu is still there. And we were told that it was only recently that they became unable to control. So, where does that leave us?”
Naruto pouted, not bothering to answer. Obviously Kurama already knew what he wanted to say.
“I think it means that anything that is the same, is something that somebody has tampered with.”
I was going to do more with this, but it was also a bit of 'what sort of theories would they have for what was really going on?' and this one is accurate in a way, because Hagoromo did tamper with the bijuu which in turn made them become feared and badly treated. So it's definitely hinting at there being someone behind the scenes manipulating the bijuu.
Kurama rolled his eyes, sighing so deeply that Naruto felt the wind from it tear at his clothes.
“Think, boy! If this is a mirror-world or whatever, people shouldn’t be afraid of me and my siblings. But they are, and it only started a while ago. Obviously someone made us go crazy. And Menma has me inside him, but a crazy version of me, so wouldn’t it be logical that whoever did something to the me inside Menma, could also do something to Menma?”
He thought about it, hard enough that his head started hurting. Sasuke would probably know, but he was busy with Charasuke.
“I guess,” he said eventually, huffing a little. “But even if you’re right, it doesn’t help us figuring out who’s behind it all.”
“Does it matter?” Kurama scoffed, and then his lips spread in a terribly evil grin. “We’re going to kill them anyway, aren’t we?”
“This is why you have such a bad reputation,” Naruto sighed.
Kurama only laughed.
I really love Kurama... His and Naruto's weird friendship gives me life. His solutions to problems are always very straightforward heh.
Well, that's that :3
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rueitae · 4 years
Writing Roundup 2020
This is a writing reflection I’ve been doing for myself every year for the last four years. Its a positive boost to myself see how far I’ve come and look back on my progress for the past year and look forward to the new year. 
Everyone is welcome to use this same format if they’d like to do the same! 
Words written:
330,000, which is nearly half of all the words I’ve written on Ao3 in the last three years. 
One Shots Posted (all fics plance unless otherwise stated):
In the Arms of the Ever(pink?) Tree (4463 words)
For the Plance Secret Santa exchange. Post s8 date/not date on a snowy moon. Love confession. 
Birthday Treats (2129 words)
For Pidge’s birthday this year! Domestic family fluff, breakfast in bed, plance kids.
Begin Again (Together) (4805 words)
Canon divergence from before episode one! Pidge and Lance are established dating when alien intervention brings them to where they are supposed to be: with the Blue Lion. Just a brief look into what the AU would look like. 
Common Ground (4521 words)
A treat for my friends who introduced me to Magic Knight Rayearth and pointed out some fun character parallels. There is this beautiful art Arya made to go with it because we’re all trash for both series. Plance meet up with Fuu and Ferio post series for both couples. 
Bonded To You (1808 words)
For the Langstron Halloween Exchange! Established plance with a baby Lance is trying to keep safe from a witch who would take advantage of the child’s heritage. 
It Tasted Good (6785 words)
Pikelavar for Pikelavar Month! The premise is crack, but it's mostly treated seriously. Pike ate the Jewel of Jitan by accident and doesn’t realize it until Haggar finds them. Meklavar gets Protective.
The Remainder of Days (3188 words)
Part of my Bad Things Happen Bingo. Fantasy AU where Pidge is a minor forest goddess and Lance is her neighbor mortal farmer. 
I Love You a Lily More Each Day (3232 words)
Another of the Bad Things Happen Bingo. Canon compliant where Lance is undercover at a flower shop and knee deep in an illegal smuggling operation. 
Lease on Life (4978 words)
This one was also part of Bad Things Happen Bingo and was an experiment. It’s POV of an oldest plance kid, canon verse. Her parents’ Paladin days come back to haunt them one night. Some cute family stuff too in there. 
Ready to Dance (4135 words)
For the Valentine’s Day exchange! Post series. Lance tries to get back into the party scene and Pidge rescues him from a disastrous night. 
Loopholes (5476 words)
Technically I didn’t write this fic this year, but a very kind reader asked if I would post this to Ao3, so it was my first fic of the year on Ao3. It’s Lotura! Originally a gift for a dear friend I’ve had since elementary school. It’s a fantasy AU where Lotor stumbles into Allura’s kingdom needing help. 
Next to Me (7311 words)
Also for Bad Things Happen Bingo, this is probably one of my favorite fics of the year. This is the canon verse AU that went all wrong in s7, and Sendak succeeds in destroying Earth. Lance and Pidge end up not only his prisoners, but also two of the last humans in the universe. Ends open ended, but it became a series in the end!
Into Me (14248 words)
The sequel to the above fic. There are two versions, this and the one below. The title tells all. Lance and Pidge come to terms with their new life aboard Sendak’s flagship and do their best to keep the other comforted.
Into Me (non-explicit version) (7228 words)
Exactly the same as the fic above, only this one is SFW
Sunshine (3831 words)
A Bad Things Happen Bingo! One of my favorite concepts. Canon verse. Pidge gets sick while she and Lance are on a scientific mission. 
Showoff (635 words)
A really short fic for a friend on their birthday, featuring their plance kids!
Respite of the Heart (4181 words)
A fic I have been wanting to write for a very long time. I love the concept of Pidge as a Disney Princess in the sense she has the forest guardian theme and all these animals love her. So there’s some play on that as the Paladins stop for lunch on their journey back to Earth in early s7. Lance comes to a realization and they have a chat surrounded by the animal friends. @anchoredtetherart did a phenomenal piece to accompany it. Please look at it in awe here.
The Hardest Part (3960 words)
For Bad Things Happen Bingo! An AU of the episode The Reunion where Pidge doesn’t return when she’s supposed to. 
A Planned Sacrifice (4988 words)
Another Bad Things Happen Bingo. Canon verse. Pidge assumes that being a sacrifice for the ‘forest god’ is strictly ceremonial and at worst a wild animal. It’s actually Sendak, who no one has seen since Shiro shot him out of the Castle. He remembers Pidge and is far too pleased to see her again, tied up on a silver platter. 
Almost Forgotten, but Not Gone (3946 words)
Bad Things Happen Bingo. AU sometime in s1 where Haxus isn’t as dead as Pidge thought. 
Touch (7519 words)
Written for the Lance Goes Boom bang! It was inspired by @fenixseraph ‘s amazing art here! It’s a different take on The Way Forward, where Pidge and Lance are separated from the rest of the team and placed in their own cell. And the Red Lion causes issues. 
Chaptered Fics started/added to:
Wolf In Thieves’ Clothing (4516 words)
An AU of The Castle of Cagliostro from Lupin the Third series. Lee, you have my thanks forever for making me watch this finally. Pidge is a literal princess whose kingdom is in the middle of an internal coup. Lance is a gentleman thief who rides with his best buds Hunk and Matt. Their paths are destined to cross again when Lance goes back to the castle he used to call home. 
Game of Love (4593 words)
The most crack of the bunch. AU of Fall the of the Castle of Lions where Sendak and Haxus get away with it all. Pidge and Lance are prisoners on Haxus’ new ship, and Lance finds an opportunity for eventual escape when he learns that Haxus has a crush on his second in command. Operation matchmaker begins. (happy ending planned for all)
What Tides May Bring (20704 words)
Collab with the fantastic @anchoredtetherart for MerMay! Established plance as mermaids and guardians of their elements with adorable mer child. Then angst because they are all captured by a ‘research’ institute. 
Seasons of Magic (16546 words)
I actually added a chapter this year! Ongoing collection of one-shots with mage Pidge who lives in the country and cultivates her plant magic and makes potions with the assistance of her dragon familiar, Lance. Mostly domestic fluff. 
Too Soon and Not Soon Enough (11438 words)
Added another chapter this year to my Keith-centric AU. It’s basically VLD but five years early and they’re all literally child Paladins. Keith gets to meet Krolia earlier and its fun to go into tween friendships as they try and navigate the reality of their situation. 
Seeds (48833 words)
Added a ton earlier this year. A collection of plance fics all or mostly under 500 words. All meant to be adopted by others if interest strikes. Covers many genres.
Chaptered Fics Finished:
Resolve to Fly (75799 words)
Written for the Pidge Angst Bang. My artist @alchemie0 did an outstanding job capturing the feel of the fic. Look at the art here! Canon verse AU where Pidge encounters Haxus, who has crashed on Earth. She helps him repair his ship in excitement and good faith, which he pays back by kidnapping her. For two years she survives as little more than a housepet on Sendak’s ship. Gen.
Who's Protecting Who? (28989 words)
Also technically not written this yeah, but posted. A collab with Hush waaaay back in 2018. It's a plance Altean AU with Pidge as distant royalty and Lance as a bodyguard.
A Dish Served Cold (21533 words)
Finally finished this one! Canon verse in which Pidge accidentally runs into Sendak on an isolated planet. Sendak takes advantage of this encounter and tries to return to the Empire with her in tow. Much Pidge whump. Gen
Best title 
I still really really love Too Soon and Not Soon Enough (11438 words). Because it's too soon for the Paladins to be Paladins, and for Keith it's not nearly soon enough for Krolia to return. It just feels like it has a lot of heart to it. I hope I can keep it going, but my ideas are incredibly scattered for it. 
Worst title 
Touch (7519 words). Yeah it’s a play on ‘Don’t you touch her’ but it feels soooo dry. 
Best/worst last line
Best: This was really, really hard choice this year, but ultimately, making up for the terrible title, its Touch (7519 words) 
“It feels good to escape the ship with all of his teammates, secure in the knowledge that he has a way forward not just as a Paladin, but also with Pidge.” 
- Not only did I manage to fit the title of the episode in there, it's got that hopeful tinge to it and reflects on personal growth both internally and with Pidge. 
Worst: This one isn’t necessarily bad from Begin Again (Together) (4805 words), but it could be better. It didn’t get quite the epic sense I was hoping to pull from it.
“Okay,” he smirks, hand firmly on the throttle. “Operation save Earth starts now.”
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
Definitely wrote way more. Even with posting two fic that are essentially the exact same, I still ended up writing nearly half of my total Ao3 word count this year. (330,000/670,000). Doing Bad Things Happen Bingo was a bit part of that - I was very inspired at the beginning of this year - but also there were many events I participated in (8 total!!) on top of my personal projects. 
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
A really hard decision this year, because there are several that make me really happy. I think oddly enough though, it’s Game of Love (4593 words) because of its potential and how much crack it is. It has such whacky rom-com energy to it but also that underlying angst of the situation I can fall back on. My favorite trope to explore is what happens to the characters when they’re captured. I just really enjoy the concept and the challenge to make such a concept believable with minimal suspension of belief. 
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Using kudos as my gauge (and not counting the chapter fics), the winner is: 
Respite of the Heart (4181 words)
Not surprising because Ivy’s art is STUNNING.
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
I think that’s It Tasted Good (6785 words), the pikelavar fic. Pikelavar is underappreciated in general
Story that could have been better?
For all I was excited to write Sunshine (3831 words), it didn’t quite fall the way I had imagined in my mind. I don’t know if it was the structure or I was running out of steam or what. All i know is that I wanted more but all I could concentrate on was that scene where he’s caring for her in bed. Maybe I was just too ambitious.
Sexiest story?
No brainer it's Into Me (14248 words). Literally. Which really shocked me that it happened. Didn’t think I’d write any smut at all, let alone this year. This particular fic just kinda called out for it 
Saddest story?
The prequel to the above fic: Next to Me (7311 words). How much more sad can you get than Earth being destroyed, being Sendak’s prisoners all while trying to tell each other ‘i love you’ without seeming weird because you’re the last humans in the universe. 
Most fun?
I think it's Ready to Dance (4135 words). Just Valentine’s fluff and impromptu slow dancing in the park at night. 
Story with single sweetest moment?
I’m picking What Tides May Bring (20704 words). Listen, mer Lance and mer Pidge playing with their mer baby in their domestic paradise is probably one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. Dad Lance has my heart. 
Hardest story to write?
The last chapter of A Dish Served Cold (21533 words) was like pulling teeth. I’m pretty happy with it in the end but at the time man it was so hard. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote smut. It was...weird? But also strangely calming. I wrote more for another fic but it's still a WIP. I definitely need to be in the mood to write it. 
Proudest Achievement:
The Pidge Angst Bang. Resolve to Fly (75799 words). Look at that word count. I only wanted something under 3k at first, so it was just going to be Pidge meeting Haxus. But by the time I finished that part it was already 10k. So even though I was going through a rough part of my life, I just kept going and it ended up being my therapy. I’m really proud of the fic and I love my artists’ pieces. It really lifted my spirits. (You should all really go check out the Ao3 collection of all the bang stories and art they are AMAZING you won’t regret. If you love Pidge angst they are all must reads.)
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
I’d like to finish my Bad Things Happen Bingo card and then focus on my current WIP, that includes the Seeds collection. There are days I still feel a bit overwhelmed, and I’m still trying to find a routine after moving. I’d like to do more events too, but I think I need to be more selective about which ones I do. I don’t want to burn myself out. 
Apart from that, I’d really like to try and give back to the community more. I’d like to start consciously writing fics for others without an event to go by. 
Past Years:
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joiedecombat · 3 years
In the list of common Pride and Prejudice AU concepts, "what if Elizabeth felt she had to accept Darcy's proposal that first time at Hunsford" is one of the most common and, from what I've seen, the hardest to pull off.
The difficulty is not least because the premise requires Elizabeth to agree to marry Darcy at a time when she believes the absolute worst of him - a hard sell no matter how you go about it.
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Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy: The Last Man in the World by Abigail Reynolds kind of breezes through the initial justification with little more than a handwave: Darcy gets carried away during his proposal and kisses Elizabeth before she has a chance to unload her refusal on him, resulting in the ubiquitous "she feels like she has to marry him to preserve her reputation" excuse (favorite for this particular plot and in general).
She sets out to make the best of the situation rather than approach her marriage with hostility, but it doesn't take all that long for the shoe to drop and Darcy unsurprisingly takes it badly once he realizes she didn't marry him willingly.
The Last Man in the World is one of the earliest works I read in this whole adventure of mine, and I'm still not sure I can really recommend it. There's a lot of problems with this one, starting with how incredibly passive and subdued Elizabeth is for much of the story, especially in the early stages before the truth starts coming out. Once she and Darcy do start building some bridges in their relationship, their progress is hindered by a few too many severe miscommunications, some of them with very thin justification - one issue turns out to have occurred because Elizabeth informed Darcy of a significant decision she'd made, not realizing that he was so focused on an important letter that he didn't even hear what she was saying.
At the same time, there's something I really like about the way Reynolds writes them fumbling their way into understanding. There's a sweetness to it, especially around the midpoint of the story when Darcy gets himself injured and Elizabeth has an epiphany or two about her own feelings. I'm always predisposed to like stories where Darcy needs Elizabeth to take care of him, maybe because his natural disposition is to take care of others rather than be taken care of.
He opened his eyes and looked at her. "I could find another horse, but any horse I choose is likely to be spirited. I prefer them that way."
She surprised herself by lifting his hand and brushing a kiss across his dirt-stained knuckles. "Are there no spirited horses who know when to listen to their riders?"
"No doubt there are." He brought their clasped hands back to his chest. "Are there any further points you wish to argue?" Despite his words, he did not sound troubled.
She could feel his heart beating rapidly underneath her hand. If only the laudanum would take effect, they could discover the extent of his wound. But what if it were something she preferred not to know? What if it was even now too late? She distracted herself by leaning down to kiss his cheek then whispered archly in his ear. "You prefer it when I argue with you."
"My secret is discovered." His speech was beginning to slur.
There's also some good stuff in this one involving Elizabeth finding her way into becoming a proper mistress of Pemberley, mostly without Darcy's involvement since he's busy being injured or away in London sorting out Lydia and Wickham's inevitable mess.
Content Warning: brief contemplation of suicide at one point.
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Mr Bennet's Dutiful Daughter by Joana Starnes uses the other most common justification for this kind of plot: before Colonel Fitzwilliam can even spill the beans about Darcy's role in separating Jane and Bingley, word arrives from Longbourn that Mr Bennet might be dying. Suspecting that Mr Collins won't do right by the Bennets if the worst happens, Darcy apologetically urges Elizabeth to marry him as soon as possible so that he'll be in a position to make sure she and her family are protected.
I think this might be my favorite variant of this particular plot I've read so far, though it's not without problems. Elizabeth is once again a little too passive for the first leg or so of the story, and while she's got a lot more reason to be given the situation, there was one too many instances of her silently listening to Darcy talk and only replying in her head when she might as well have been answering out loud.
Still, her choices actually make sense - not at all guaranteed in this kind of plot - and there's a whole lot of compelling emotion that plays out throughout the story. Darcy manages to be at his best and his worst by turns: a steadfast and unfailingly gentle caretaker, an autocrat in the habit of making and carrying out decisions without even discussing them with anyone else involved, a snob whose reluctance to associate with Elizabeth's relatives is the source of several fights between them in the first couple months of their marriage until they finally manage to reach an accord on the subject.
"I am very glad I make you happy," she said quietly, and found with some surprise that she was in earnest.
"You know you do. More than I ever thought possible," Mr Darcy whispered hoarsely and, setting his plate on the table without looking, he reached to slide an arm behind her back and the other underneath her to gather her up, quilt, shawl and all, lift her off the sofa and bring her close, ensconced in a tight embrace.
Her plate had the same fate as his and Elizabeth willingly wrapped her arms around his neck, abandoning herself to his kisses, only to find guilt welling afresh when his lips left her skin just for long enough to whisper, "My love, you are everything."
'Do not say it, oh, do not say it!' she felt the strongest urge to caution him. 'Do not give me so much power over you.'
And then the other shoe drops, much later in this version and in the most disastrous way possible. It's not the angstiest take I've ever read (next post maybe I'll talk about The Worst Timeline!) but things get very bleak for a few chapters before they find their way into the happy ending.
When Charles "actual golden retriever" Bingley gets upset enough to read Darcy the riot act over his behavior, you know it's bad. Which is another point in the book's favor; I very much like its depiction of Bingley and his brotherly relationship with Elizabeth.
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manggojooz · 4 years
Foolish Love, Fake Love (Part 8)
pairing: idol!Jungkook x bodyguard!reader
word count: ~2,700
genre: idol!au; angst; romance; drama; enemies to lovers sort of thing
warnings: none
previous part: Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |  Part 6  | Part 7
summary: If all you can give me is a fake love, then I will be the fool to pretend that it is all true.
Taglist: @a-hopelessly-imaginative-girl  @dollwithluv @sweetcheeksdna @yeontanie21 @peachygiraffe14 @jeontaes-world  @forvever-ddaeng @namjoonsslutakakoreanmanswhore @apurpledheart
Note: firstly i am sorry this took so long. i have been really busy trying to settle things here and there in my life. secondly, as i am starting a new job soon i am not sure how long it might take for me to finish the next chapter and for that i am sorry again. 
lastly, the lyrics in this chapter is from a Chinese song titled “ME”... although this is not the original singer, i liked this version a lot more so im sharing it here as a song rec... hope you enjoy this chapter <3 
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The white bandages going across your shoulders reminds you of that day. The pain was less pervasive, or was it only because you were used to it by now?  
You put your shirt back on in the emergency room, as the doctor disappears through the curtains to talk to Myunghoon.  
“We need to wait for her x-ray results to see if any of her bones were injured, just hang on around for a while please”, you overhear as the doctor kindly tells Myunghoon.  
“Of course, thank you doctor but can I speak to you about something?”, Myunghoon replied.  
The curtains were drawn, you were still sitting on the bed, tired more so mentally than physically.  
“Ms. Y/N, please follow me...”, a nurse calls out to you and you see Myunghoon standing next to her.  
You were brought into a tiny room at the back of the emergency room.  
“What’s going-”, you asked the nurse and Myunghoon, but before you could finish your question, Yoongi enters the room.  
“It’s going to take a while for the x-ray results, and he can’t keep sitting in the van so I requested them to put us up here for a short while...”, Myunghoon explained.  
“Ah... I’m sorry for the trouble...”, you murmured.  
Yoongi does not say anything but drags his feet to the patient bed in the room and lies down. Myunghoon gives you a tiny nod and pointed towards the couch squeezed into the other corner of the room.  
“I’ll need one of you to come and handle the paperwork...”, said the nurse.  
“And that would be me...” Myunghoon answered, walking towards the door with her but turns back to say, “I’ll be back soon guys, just wait a while here.”  
As the door closes, the air around you felt still, causing your mind to wander into its memory bank.  
“I told you to protect her... isn’t that your only job? Is this how you protect someone?” the image of Jungkook yelling at you refreshed itself a few times.  
“You are right... I generally don’t bother making the effort to care... but you seem to be an exception.” Yoongi’s words too, brought themselves back to your mind.  
Suddenly an intense vibration disturbed the silence, breaking the still air and your thoughts. You turned towards the origin of the sound and see Yoongi raising his handphone above his face before rejecting the call and placing his phone back down.  
He sighed deeply before dragging himself to sit upright, swinging his legs off the bed. He started making his way towards the door and you quickly stood up, “I don’t think you should go outside... it’s quite crowded out there...”
He turns back, eyes locking with yours, “It’s ok, I’ll be fine, it’s too stuffy here.”  
You walked slightly closer to him, “If you have to go out, I’ll follow you then.”  
His face is mostly expressionless except for his blinking eyes looking away momentarily and then he moves back to sit down on the bed. “It’s ok, I can wait here a while more, you should sit down and rest too.” he slurred his words as usual.  
“I’m fine... if you want to go outside, I can just follow you... you don’t have to worry about-” you tried to explain.  
“I said I'm ok... let’s just wait for Myunghoon to come back”, his tone was sterner this time.  
His reaction caused you to be somewhat concerned. “Ummm...” you carefully stood nearer to him and he looks up at you, “thank you for bringing me to the hospital... and I appreciate the concern for me, really... I’m sorry for what happened earlier... I don’t want it to become an issue , you know like, a hindrance to me doing my job.”  
His eyes stayed on you for quite a while before he responded, “There’s no issue.”  
“But... just now in the car... you said that I was an exception... I... it’s my job to do this and-” you stammered.  
“I just feel bad for you...”
You stared at him for a while before uttering, “Why... why are you... feeling bad for me?”, you stammered.
“I don’t know... maybe because you are a female bodyguard...”, he answered.
“... Because I am a female bodyguard?”, your tone tensed up a little.  
“Just... you know... that it makes me feel wrong that I’m supposed to hide behind you...”, he sounded a little annoyed  
Men are often stronger than women; hardly any profession escapes that generalisation. However, your profession is often way more susceptible to this notion.  
“Yuri is a female bodyguard too... so why am I the only exception then?” you questioned.  
He hesitated for quite a while before muttering, “I didn’t say you were the only exception.”  
“Ahhh...” you nodded faintly.
Just then, his phone vibrates again. He peeks at it, sighs and rejects the call again.  
“Hyung, he’s not answering my call. Can you try calling Myunghoon hyung?” Jungkook paces around in the private restaurant room.
“Yaaaa, I already told you... Myunghoon said he’s busy now and will call me back once he’s done... for someone so worried why did you shout at her like that just now?” Sejoon remarked disapprovingly at Jungkook.
He didn’t know you were injured. How was he supposed to know? You looked fine at that moment.  
Yoonjoon sat at the table, Kijoon repeatedly asking if she needs to go to the hospital but her eyes were fixed on Jungkook. Jungkook senses her watching him and his pacing around stops immediately. He pulls out the chair next to her and sat down, “Are you sure you want to wait? I think you should go to the hospital first.”  
“I’m ok... let’s just wait.” she replied.  
Someone knocks on the door and enters; it was the manager of the restaurant. “We’ve look through our CCTV footages, there isn’t one that captures that area directly... The goods were unloaded at the carpark but we don’t know for sure whether it was just left unattended or someone intentionally pushed the trolley down. We’ll make a police report and get to the bottom of this. Once again, we are really sorry for this incident.”  
Once Myunghoon had finished handling the paperwork, you had urged him to take Yoongi back. Yoongi did not protest much either.  
So now you sat alone in the room, your right hand gently resting on your shoulder, assuring yourself that it will all be fine.  
The doctor finally enters, she places the x-ray on the table and beckons you to join her.  
“How long has it been since your last injury?” she asked. Your expression was solemn.  
Yoongi lay in his bed, no lights were turned on it his room, the only brightness filtered in from his window. He is good at sleeping, he should just sleep.  
But someone was determined not to allow him to sleep.  
“Hyung!” Jungkook continuously knocks on Yoongi’s door. “Hyung! Is she injured seriously?” at least Jungkook knew better than to just barge in to his room.  
He could hear Seokjin and Namjoon’s voices outside.  
“Who’s injured?” Namjoon asked.  
“Eyyy Yoongi is probably sleeping, don’t bother him...” Seokjin chimed.  
Yoongi sighs again, closing his eyes trying to let sleep find him. He doesn’t want to be involved in this, it seems bothersome, and bothersome things should be avoided at all cost.  
Now Jungkook was pacing around in the living room. Who should he call? Myunghoon? Sejoon? He'll probably get a scolding from either of these choices. Should he just call you? The way you stared him down earlier flashes in his mind. No no no, that must be the worst idea, he can never call you after what happened just now.  
Seokjin was munching on an apple as he watches his dongsaeng walk up and down the living room. Namjoon was trying to watch the TV that was behind Jungkook and he couldn’t take it anymore.  
“Hey can you just settle down? Or you know, go back to your room if you are going to walk around like this...” he said with gentle annoyance.  
“Hyung, hyung... what should I do?” Jungkook sat on the floor in front of the two older brothers whom he thought were wiser.
“What do you mean what should you do? If you are so worried, then go look for her... or just give her a call” Seokjin replied incredulously.  
“Ahhh~ do I have to? How do I even face her?! I don’t think it’s really my fault” Jungkook whined.  
Seokjin and Namjoon looked at each other curiously.  
“Who are you talking about? Aren't you just worried about Yeonjoo’s injury? Just call her... it’s not as if it’ll be the first time you are doing that” Namjoon chided.  
“Yeon-… no hyung I wasn’t talking about Yeonjoo...” Jungkook was baffled, “I was talking about Y/N... it seems like she was injured too and Yoongi hyung and Myunghoon hyung sent her to the hospital.”
“I didn’t know Yoongi went for dinner with you and Yeonjoo...” Seokjin was rather shocked.  
“Noooo...” Jungkook whined, “they saw her along the road and picked her up-”
“What?!” Namjoon was shocked too, “She was injured and you let her walk all the way to the road herself?! What if Yoongi didn’t pass by... what would she do?” Namjoon was appalled by now.  
“No wonder he’s pacing like this up and down,” Seokjin chuckled.  
Jungkook fiddles with his phone in his room.  
“If you know you were wrong, just own up and apologise... of course it’s not going to be easy but that’s the least you should do now, right?” what was Jungkook expecting Namjoon or Jin to say to him other than urge him to apologise.  
He unlocks his phone and then it dawns on him that he doesn’t even have your phone number. He makes up his mind and messages Sejoon to ask for your number.  
After five seconds of putting the phone aside, he picks it up again to see if Sejoon has replied but there was nothing. In order to keep his mind occupied, he decided to log onto their SNS. He started scrolling through the endless number of memes and messages sent to them.  
A really funny meme of Taehyung caught his eye and he laughed a little, another message from a fan who said she just fought with her boyfriend is waiting for him to say sorry while listening to BTS’ songs made him pause again. He kept on scrolling through the messages sent to him.  
Then, something makes him stop abruptly. One message titled “To Mr. 5.2.”  
“It can’t be...” he thought to himself but he clicks in and reads on.  
“We all yearn for someone who really likes us, someone who really loves us. But if we never knew the real you, then would you still believe our love was real? I hope you can start feeling comfortable in being yourself and showing the real you... there is always the fear that someone you cherish would run away if they knew the real you, but wouldn’t that be better than living in a world filled with fake love? Here's a song I’m recommending to you if you can’t sleep tonight...”
He was slowly analysing the message. Could it be? But why would you send him such a message?  
“I guess this is why we always have to keep up an image... once people know the real us, they will just stop supporting us,” Jungkook recalls his last words to you previously.  
Is it really you? He still isn’t sure.  
He clicks on the song that you had sent along with the message:  
“I use the love from others to define my existence, I’m afraid that my life would be blank.
But I have forgotten whether I should let my dreams conceal the ‘me’ from years ago
If you saw me, the me who is like this, scared and weak, and hiding in a corner
Will you runaway... or will you love me more?”*
Tears pooled in his eyes as he listened to it. It was as if the song was quietly singing about his inner fears which he had always avoided touching.  
For a few minutes after the song ended, he was still as a statue but the vibration caused by Sejoon's message disrupts his trance.
Your phone kept ringing and buzzing in your room. It stopped right as you entered the room with a towel draped over your freshly-showered hair. Just as you were about to turn on the hairdryer, the call came in again.  
In a flash you were dashing around the house with Yuri, grabbing your stuff, putting on a hoodie and your shoes.  
“Ahhh, out of all the times they could have caught the culprit, why must it be right around my bedtime!” Yuri was complaining as she put on her jacket.  
“I think it’s kinda out of their control right? At what time they manage to catch her...” you reasoned, “... are you done yet? Hurry, let’s go.”  
“I’m done I'm done!” Yuri says annoyedly as she runs towards the door where you stood waiting.  
You pushed the door opened to head out but a loud yelp made you belatedly realise you had hit someone with the door.  
“I’m sorry I didn’t-” you were in the middle of apologising when you realise it is Jungkook standing outside clutching his knuckle.  
He notices you and immediately muffles his pained noises.  
“Oh, Jungkook-sshi? What are you doing here?” Yuri calls out from behind you.  
“I... uh...” he stammered while looking closely at your expression.  
You looked away from him and pushed past him to head out, Yuri following hastily behind you.  
Once you reached the lift lobby, you quickly called for a lift, internally cursing that the lift is taking too long to arrive.  
“Y/N...” Jungkook tried to get your attention, “are you going somewhere?”  
His question was met with silence from you and a queer gaze from Yuri.  
“Can I just talk to you for a moment?” Jungkook persisted with a slightly shakier tone.  
“Hey, he’s talking to you” Yuri tilted her head at you wondering why you were so determinedly staring at the lift doors that were not opening.  
Just then the lift finally comes and you immediately stomped in, Yuri again following suit.  
Jungkook hesitantly stood outside as you frantically pressed the button instructing the lift to close its doors.  
The doors start to move toward each other and suddenly Jungkook slams his hands on one side of the closing metal shaft.  
“I... I’m sorry for my attitude earlier... I...” he kept stuttering maybe because this time you were looking at him with the sternest look you had.  
“What happened earlier? Did something happen?” Yuri nudges your shoulders while questioning.  
You rolled your eyes, not wanting to discuss this topic now, “Let go of the door please.”  
“Where are you going to so late at night?” he asked.  
“That is none of your business” you replied.  
“We are going to the police station, they caught the girl who locked her in the toilet cubicle...” Yuri explained until she notices a death glare from you, “What...? You didn’t tell me anything or not to say anything...”  
Jungkook looked surprised to hear that, “I’ll go with you...”  
“There’s no need for you to come along, please let go of the door” you insisted.  
This time his expression changes too, and he determinedly steps into the lift. “You guys don’t have a car right? I’m taking you to the police station, which station is she at?”
“That’d be great” Yuri answered excitedly.  
You glared at her again before turning to Jungkook and staring him down without making a move.
He was not avoiding your staring this time, he too looked straight into your eyes, not angrily but pleadingly, “I am sorry for yelling at you earlier,” he started saying, “it was my fault for jumping to a conclusion that way... and I was childish to say those hurtful things. But that is me, the childish but real side of who I am. And now... this is me too, the side that is bad at apologising but desperately wants to do something so that I can make up for my mistake....” he pauses for a moment, “So... will you run away?”  
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ofmythsandmadness · 4 years
scribbles in progress.
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Here, you can keep up with all the writs I haven’t yet published or completed (or started, in some unfortunate cases). These are all either long or multi-chapter wips; I won’t post short requests or drabbles here.
If you want to read some of my completed work, check out my masterlist! If you want to request something to be written, check out my prompts list. And, if you like my writing and feel generous, feel free to buy me a kofi (its elleslilcorner)! All will be linked in my bio (because tumblr is finicky and gets mad when I post any links, I won’t post any here until the posts made the rounds).
This is not in order of what comes first; it’s literally just in order of the google docs I’m looking at right now lmao.
Also .2 -- these are not all the fics I have in motion; it’s just the ones I’m really concrete on writing at the moment. I have a bunch of ideas scribbled out or written on my notes app but I’m not posting them here, because I don’t know if I’m going to write them or not. And because this is now a mostly tua blog, I’m always hesitant with posting marvel stuff or any other fandom, which is why again this is only the tua fics here. :)
UNTITLED | D.H | the eight times diego hargreeves realises he’s touch-starved - and the one time he does something about it.             — STATUS: 20% (1.2k/est.6k)             — NOTES: this is just me indulging in more diego pov, aka peak simp    himbo hours. also me being lonely as hell. but it’s sweet and another attempt at me writing long flowery romance bullshit.
WOEBEGONE HEART | B.H | a modern/university au and a take on cyrano. aka, poor ben hargreeves is stuck between the friend he’s hopelessly in love with, but has no clue how to tell them, and his brother who’s hopelessly in love with the friend, and has no clue how to tell them in an...eloquent fashion.            — STATUS: 30% written (2.7k/?)            — NOTES: this fic makes me so mad because I have been working on it for so long and yet!! i have not finished it. I’ve scrapped two versions of it and restarted because I despised the characterization I gave Ben, but now I’m scrambling trying to remember how to write and -- hnnngggghhh. but this one I think’ll be out soon! it’s funky and angsty.
FLIRTATIONSHIP | L.H | luther hargreeves has no idea how to find a partner. he can’t even look someone’s way without feeling immediate embarrassment trickle down his spine. but he wants to.            — STATUS: 25% written (1.9k/?)            — NOTES: this was a request I got about a week ago I’m turning into a full shot because I actually really like the concept! it’s taking a while because I’m new with writing Luther, but I like it still. 
SOLIS OCCASUM | H!ROYALTY AU | it’s no secret that king reginald’s illustrious lands make up the strongest kingdom in the nation. and it’s no secret that creating any alliance at all with said king would be a huge accomplishment for any around. and for those greedy for power, doing anything to achieve this was an easy price to pay -- even when it meant marrying off their unwilling daughter to his oldest son to get it.            — STATUS: 3% written (3.5k/??)            — NOTES: I came up with this at like 3am when I couldn’t sleep and -- I love it so much. It’s an old-timey based royal au and it’s going to be about nine chapters of steamy glory (steamy?? is that the right word?? am i just alluding to badly written sexual tension?? yeah). finally bringing a dabble enemies to lovers to here too :’)) i’m most excited about this. will i ever post it?? who the hell knows. but,,,i want to.
FIFTY SHADES OF GREEN | D.H | the man who could never ever possibly get sick, gets sick. and you’re roped into taking care of him (because who else would??) modern/university au.            — STATUS: 20% written. (1.3k/?)            — NOTES: I actually started this in April, but it was just around the time of the pandemic starting to get bad and I didn’t want to be insensitive. I left it to sit in my drafts for a while and...honestly I’m still hesitant to write it even if it’s not at all connected but I’m revisiting it soon. 
CRACKED REFLECTIONS | TUA AU | the hargreeves just to the future battered and bruised (emotionally and physically) only to find they have changed their own lives entirely. somehow their father knew not to adopt them, took in seven entirely new super-powered lunatics and labelled them the sparrow academy. but the worst of that was...somehow, their unadopted selves survived and went on to live six very different lives, alone.             — STATUS: 1% written (planned, not written)            — NOTES: I came up with this literally last night when discussing season  three with my sister. i know that there probably isn’t six new versions of the siblings out there but this fic is pretending otherwise. idgaf about time travel rules with this one. the siblings basically seek out who they could have been and who they are in this alternate world. and it’s not x anyone; just a self-indulging sad idea.
 — feel free to let me know what you like or don’t want to read (?) from this list. i’ll prolly focus my energy wherever someone wants to see this go. but we’ll see?? i’m not sure if i know how to string words together anymore. or what i’m doing. i’m tired.
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vroomian · 4 years
(headdesk slam) Yes, that was 2/2 percent didn’t even realize I forgot to add it in the message until after I sent it and spent like 5 mins internally screaming at myself. I’m a mess of a human being tbh. Really? I’m surprised because it feels like Xi fits perfectly in this AU. Xi as accidental cryptid is the best thing, in both worlds. That’s a relief to hear. My anxiety and I don’t get along so I tend to go to worst possible scenario. You’ll probably regret that soon enough. 1/2
I’m like a magpie if something catches my interest and I’ll fuss over it and go all crazy. Especially now, seeing that you did that hob oneshot and mdzs that is two of the main three bl web novels that I now of. Like, of the three I’ve only fully read svsss and my mind immediately went to wonder where Xi would fit in that verse and at this point he’d totally be where the biggest amount of knowledge is and that my mind went ‘what if Xi was head disciple of Qing Jing Peak?’ 2/?
But that’s pretty unlikely given Xi’s desperate avoidance of feelings, plot, and responsibility. Though I could totally see him as a reluctant head disciple and desperately trying to avoid plot. Plus, definitely the first to notice that something would be off with this new Qingqiu. That said, bullying in his peak would not fly with him so I could see Binghe crushing on this unknown elder disciple.
3/3 I’m sorry I don’t want to make it seem like I want to push you to write another AU when you’ve got enough on your hands. My mind just just went ‘ooh what if this happened?’ And I wanted to share my thoughts with you because I think it’s interesting. So yeah, again feel free to ignore this. I’m like that guy from the meme with the pictures on the wall and red thread when my brain goes nuts lol.
long ask so this goes under the cut
okay there are a million different ways this question could go, because like. is yrz female in this universe? is he male? is he older than the main characters? is he younger? which sect is he living near? is his family nice or assholes? which version of the story is he in? the sssvs version or the actual original demon path novel (or whatever it’s been a while since i read the novel)??? does yrz get a system??? 
because the answers to those questions change the story drastically 
okay so lets do two versions 
one: it’s sssvs. yrz has a ‘background character system’ or something.  he’s gotta have a system otherwise he wouldn't get without a thousand li of cang qiang sect. so this systems chooses him (lets say he’s a guy in this universe) because its low key and yrz is low key and it was like hey lets be low key together!
lol system. 
but the system and yrz get along pretty well, and they get into the peak they want -- which is Wan Jian peak, because if yrz can’t join the library peak because of Plot reasons, he’s going with hsi second love. Swords! plus i don’t think there are literally any named characters from the story, except the peak lord. 
so. timeline wise, i think that none of the peak-lords have ascended yet, so yrz does his natural thing --- he over performs and becomes the head disciple for wan jian peak  as consequence and it’s literally just in time for the former peak lords to ascend, so yrz is like. stuck. as a peak lord. 
both the system and yrz are horrified and confused as to how this happened. or, no, by then the system understands the Mistake it made in choosing yrz. on paper yrz is very unassuming! but in reality yrz has no chill. he’s never even heard of the concept of chill. he does everything at 110%.
I think that the bulk of this story takes place waaaay before the sssvs cannon, and lbh is sir not appearing in this fic. instead its -- liu qingge! and mu qingfang! both??? both is good! i think he meets lqg first, when he challenges yrz to a spar in the middle of a high stakes missing because lqg is a meathead jock at that age, and yrz is like. no? do your job? dumbass. (yrz has no idea who this shouty brat is, because the system is taking a nap. it wakes up and kicks itself for leaving yrz alone to do stuff.) yrz is older than lqg and kicks his ass because... well. because it’s hilarious really. so he gains a lqg shaped stalker. 
yrz has a lot of interest in both sparring and healing, and with lqg following him around, yrz spends a lot of time at the healing peak and meets mqf there. mqf gets a huge crush almost immediately but never said anything. it’s not surprising that yrz quickly bonds with these totally cool new disciples -- and then learns that both of the are the succeeding disciples for their peaks. oops. 
system gives up. 
version two: bing-ge edition! 
no system this time around and yrz stays far far away from the cang qiong. he joins a small sect to learn than fucks off to have adventures by himself as a rouge cultivator. so, male version again BUT yrz gets cursed or something and gets the ability to change gender at will because that’s funny and useful. also you know. porn world written by a “straight” guy. there are reasons for that kind of curse imma just gloss over. 
then the plot happens. all of immortal demon path’s many, many chapters are playing around in the background of yrz’s life, but she manages to stay out of it -- until one night yrz gets accidentally recruited by a cult dedicated to bringing down the evil demon lord lbh, because this cult has a book yrz is after. she ends up being used as bait for lbh (because he eats virgins now according to rumors. he’s up to wife number 249 by now so it’s not wrong !) 
yrz gets ‘saved’ by lbh, who’s kind of smirking and going ‘oh, no need to thank me, it was what anyone would have done,’ while totally expecting sex. yrz is like ‘oh, cool. bye then.’ and just. takes the book and leaves. 
lbh: *surprised pikachu face*
and by the time he registers no sex is going to be happening, yrz is long gone and enjoying her brand new book. 
after that, lbh and yrz end up seeing each other (mostly because lbh is trying to impress this woman and nothing is working) and yrz is like stop being a creep, i’m not interested in you. lbh needs to drink his respect woman juice and downsize on his harem a bit. yrz wouldn’t touch that with a twenty foot pool. 
anyway i think it comes to a head when they both get doused in pa pa pa juice and lbh is like oh this is more familiar, shall we? and yrz is like bitch. and goes to a brothel in the city instead. at this point yrz and lbh are more like antagonistic buddies than anything else. lbh has too many wives and zero friends. 
lbh starts developing some squishy feelings and is like what the fuck is this?? gross?? but he says nothing because he doesn’t get it. 
then the cross over happens, bing-ge vs bing-mei!!! and after than happens, yrz is just chilling at home and lbh shows up at her place like really fucked up and subdued. he’s like ‘why him? why did he get the good teacher? what did he do right?’ 
yrz is like... hm. emotions. ew. she trys anyway because she’s finally ready to admit that she does like this trash goblin at least a little. so she takes care of him while he’s being depressed. lbh cooks for her and she’s like. this is so fucking good. thank you. 
and lbh is just in love now. it’s nothing like he feels for his wives, but yrz makes lbh feels safe and accepted. it’s a comforting and comfortable love. yrz’s stupid little house is more of a home than lbh’s stupid palaces. 
look. i stand by the head cannon that all lbh wants is to be a househusband, no matter what version im talking about. 
lbh vanishes for a whole night. yrz is like hm, my house feels empty now. weird! and then lbh comes back and announces that he just divorced all his wives. he doesn’t want to be powerful anymore so can i stay herer with you. 
yrz is like... sure. 
and then there’s a long, long courtship and lbh marries yrz and archives his dream of just being fucking happy. the end!
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pengychan · 5 years
[Coco] Mind the Gap, Pt. 12
Title: Mind the Gap Summary: Modern Day AU. Tired of Ernesto’s snide remarks, Imelda decides to put him in his place and her husband is more than happy to help. It was supposed to be a one-night deal. Things quickly get out of hand. [OT3, mostly porn and humor. Plenty of instances of Ernesto being Dramatic, Imelda getting Sick Of His Shit, and Héctor trying to be the peacekeeper. Don’t expect anything serious.] Pairings: Ernesto/Héctor/Imelda Rating: Explicit.
To see the version with art by Dara, check it out on Ao3.
Tag for all parts up so far.
A/N: A bit late, but here's an update! Thanks for @senoraluna for proofreading, because I wrote half this chapter while drunk off my ass.
*** Héctor is a serious cuddler, even in his sleep. Especially in his sleep.
Imelda found out as much pretty early on, and - especially warm nights aside - she doesn't mind at all. On cooler nights such as this one, she's actually rather grateful to have him draped around her like a human blanket. She gets to lie awake for a time, listening to his breathing, basking in the warmth of his skin against hers, feeling his heartbeat, and there is nowhere else she'd rather be. Come morning she'll wake up first, and poke him in the ribs to wake him up. It always works, and the resulting yelp as he's startled into awareness never fails to make her laugh. Or maybe she'll think of a more pleasant way to do so, with no nightclothes in the way and-
The sound of the front door opening and then closing, quietly but not quietly enough, puts an end to that very pleasant thought. There are steps and those, too, are trying to be quiet - 'trying' being the key word.
He may come up with an excuse as to why he’s there, but Imelda knows that the little photoshoot - ‘Photoshoot Two’, as Héctor called it - they sent him is the real reason why he's just come crawling back. He probably got in his car as soon as he could leave whatever toilet stall he'd managed to run to. Again.
Not that he'll get to have any tonight, though. She and Héctor already had their fun; he'll have to wait and, if he behaves, he might get to take part next time. Serves him right for trying to force them into going out for the fourth evening in a row.
“Come on, just a drink to celebrate.”
“We’ve been having drinks to celebrate for the past three nights, Ernesto.”
“So what’s one more?”
“I have a headache and work to get done in the morning.”
“Well, Héctor is coming. Right?”
“Uh, actually…”
“Come on!”
“I just need to rest a bit before our big day, you know. Have a quiet night in, and--”
“We can rest tomorrow!”
“I think I’ll pass. You go and have fun.”
“Ugh, fine. You to stay here and bore yourselves like an old couple!”
Clearly, he forgot what happened last time he accused them of being two bores aged before their time, so Imelda saw it fit to send him another reminder. Héctor was more than eager to help.
The steps come closer, and then stop at the bedroom door. Imelda stays still, eyes shut and cheek pressed against Héctor's hair. She half-expects Ernesto to come in and approach the bed, and she has a remark ready for that - "of all times to come late rather than early!" - but there are no more steps, no sound at all except for Héctor's steady breathing and her own, the faint noise of traffic in the distance.
Imelda opens her eyes to see he's standing in the doorway. They forgot to close the blinds again and, in the sharp light cast by a street light, she can see the look on his face as he stares at them. She'd expected lust, she'd expected disappointment; longing is not what she thought she'd see. She wonders how many people got that special Kicked Puppy look from him, but she knows deep down - and with no small amount of smugness - that this look is different. This one is reserved to them alone.
Are you going to gape for much longer?, she almost asks, but she knows that would wake Héctor up and really, she's had such a pleasant evening; every bone in her body feels like cooked asparagus and she has never felt less inclined to start a fight - especially since she knows her husband would be all for letting him in. So she just lifts her free arm in a mute invitation, and he takes it.
He’s walking quietly across the room the next moment, stripping as he walks and leaving his clothes to fall on the floor. He’d better pick them up in the morning, she thinks, and doesn’t say as much only not to disturb her husband’s sleep. Which is disturbed anyway, because the mattress tips and the springs creak when Ernesto slips under the covers, and it is enough for Héctor - who usually needs the aid of a trumpet to be awakened any time before dawn - to stir.
“‘Nesto?” he mumbles. One arm tightens around Imelda, and the other stretches out for Ernesto. He grins against her skin when he grabs that hand and presses it against his cheek. “Liked the pictures?”
“You two are the worst thing that has ever happened to me,” Ernesto informs him, and the grin widens.
“How many visit to the toilet?”
“Imelda already did,” Héctor says innocently.
“I want to be in the next one,” Ernesto says. She can feel him pouting against her skin, and holds back a laugh. Instead, she yawns. “In the morning,” she mutters, and neither argues. She’s about to suggest they should shift - Héctor is usually in the middle, it feels wrong for him not to be and since he woke up he may as well move - but she has no time to say anything. Ernesto moves suddenly, and his arms are around both of them, his face pressing against their joined shoulders. Much like Héctor, he feels pleasantly warm.
“The worst thing that ever happened to you,” Héctor says aloud, grinning at Imelda over his head. She returns it with a smirk of her own while Ernesto heaves a long sigh.
“Shut up,” he mumbles, and for a time they do. There is some shifting around, and Imelda is soon half-asleep, not really caring which one of them is going to wind up in the middle.
In the end, no one does. Morning catches them in a messy pile, with Imelda awakening slowly to the sunlight. There is warmth and quiet breathing, the occasional snore and twitch, sleepy mumbles and fingers running over skin, through hair, and it isn’t a bad thing to wake up to - it isn’t too bad at all, and their bodies awaken before their minds entirely catch up.
Eyelids still heavy with sleep, Imelda can barely tell that it’s Ernesto’s chest beneath her head, and if it’s Héctor’s cock poking her. If she chose to focus, she would be able to tell whose hand is it on her breast and whose hand is resting on her thigh. But she’s still half-asleep and so are they, and she finds she likes it that way. After all, it’s Sunday; one lazy morning cannot hurt.
Imelda keeps her eyes closed, reaches for Héctor’s morning erection, and begins to lazily stroke its head with her thumb. There is a sigh, sleepy and yet shuddering, and Héctor’s cock twitches in her hand. He shifts closer but just barely, as sleepy as she is, and lets out an almost dreamy sigh. A thumb brushes over her nipple, and the hand on her thigh slips between her legs, to cup her mound. She tilts her head to kiss exposed skin - whose and where, it hardly matters. If she were to guess she’d say it might be Ernesto’s neck, but she won’t guess. She’s not awake enough to.
Another sigh from her husband, and her hand beings grow slick with precum. Another hardness is poking her, but she feels a hand - Héctor’s? Ernesto’s own? Does it matter? - reaching to grasp it, and Ernesto’s chest rises and falls in a long, content sigh. The hand between her legs - whose? Does she care? - parts her folds, and she feels gentle pressure on her clit, tiny circular movements that get a sigh out of her as well. It’s all very slow-- the touches, the build-up, even the orgasm coming in long, gentle waves.
Imelda doesn’t get many lazy mornings but, all things considered, she could do this more often.
“He’s about to say it.”
Imelda’s whisper is barely audible, for Héctor’s ears only. Leaning against the door with his arms crossed, he glances over to the bed. Ernesto has lain down every single charro he owns and is going over them all, walking back and forth like a general inspecting troops, his back to them.
“He’s not that bad,” Héctor whispers, gaining himself a look that clearly says ‘just wait’.
Ernesto pauses in front of a blue charro, shakes his head, then walks past it to a deep red one with golden stitching Pepita has chosen to lay onto. He reaches out as though to move her. Pepita flattens her ears and hisses. Ernesto pulls back his hand.
Smart choice, that: it’s hard to play guitar with a torn-up hand, and Ernesto wants to play at his very best tomorrow. It’s not every day you meet with your record label to sign the deal, give an interview to announce an album is officially in the pipeline, and perform on live TV right afterwards. He’s very obviously nervous, even if he tries to act like nothing worries him.
Héctor is… sort of nervous, too, but it’s easy to think everything will go smoothly with Imelda’s steady presence by his side, watching Ernesto try to pick an outfit for the following day. An exhausting process, truth be told, from the moment Ernesto walked in with armfuls of clothes asking for help.
They are now down to the last five suits and he has yet to make any decision other than ‘don’t bother the cat’. He finally sighs, and Héctor knows he’s about to lose a bet just a moment before he turns.
“I have nothing to wear,” Ernesto finally declares, and Imelda flashes Héctor a smug grin.
Told you he’d say it.
Héctor pretends not to have seen it. “You have plenty to wear.”
“Maybe I should go naked.”
“That’s unadvisable,” Héctor says.
“I look great naked.”
“That’s debatable,” Imelda speaks up.
Ernesto pouts. “Well, if your murderous cat wasn’t sitting on the charro I was thinking of wearin-”
“Afraid of a kitten now? You can try and move her.”
“If she’s such a nice kitty, why don’t you move her for me?”
“She’s comfy where she is,” Imelda says, and glances down at the charros. “Besides, I don’t think the red one does you any favors.”
He frowns. Héctor knows very well that the red charro is one of his favorites. “No?”
“Too aggressive. You’d look better in blue,” she adds, taking a step closer. “Or the white one, but Héctor will be wearing his white one. It goes well with his guitar.”
“We could both wear white.”
Héctor laughs. “If you want us to look like we’re trying to get into a church choir,” he says. “Or as angels in the church’s Nativity play, like that time when I was six. Remember how we used ropes to make me fly? I think we did pretty well.”
Imelda raises an eyebrow. “You knocked down the star and caused it to wreck Jesus’ cradle.”
That causes Héctor’s smile to fade a bit. “Ah. You remember that.”
“I played Mary. It nearly hit me,” she reminds him. “By the way, what were you thinking?”
Héctor shifts. “... Well, I guess it seemed seemed a good idea at the time.”
“You almost gave Sister Gregoria a stroke. And thank God Jesus wasn’t a real baby.”
“See? No one was hurt and it all worked out,” Ernesto points out as he picks up the blue charro, holding it up. Imelda rolls her eyes.
“Whose idea was it, anyway?”
“It was absolutely your idea. My ideas tend to work.”
“You were the one who said everyone would be impressed if we actually flew across the stage!”
“Well, if course they would be. Angels fly. It’s what the wings are for,” Ernesto points out, carefully hanging the charro. “But you were the one who suggested we try it with ropes.”
“Well, your idea involved a trampoline hidden off stage! And-- and I didn’t see you stopping me after putting the idea in my head!”
“Why should I?”
“Because you were ten and I was six, for one.”
“Didn’t make me your babysitter.”
Héctor huffs, crossing his arms. “Some amigo,” he mutters, but truth be told he’s nowhere as mad as he pretends to be.
He has very fond memories of that day, despite the unmitigated disaster; of the look on his parents’ face as they seemed torn between red-faced embarrassment and the almost inhuman effort not to burst laughing in front of the rambling nun handing them back their child, covered in sawdust from head to toe, broken makeshift wings hanging sadly from his back. They had at least made it to the car before they’d both laughed, and the lecture that had followed had been more an afterthought than anything else.
The one who couldn’t keep himself from laughing, right there and then, had been Ernesto’s father, who’d been dragged there by his wife to watch a play he clearly gave no fucks about only because their son was in it. It was surreal, really: big, foul-tempered, scary Estéban de la Cruz roaring with laughter in the midst of a stunned silence.
He hadn’t even bothered to listen to a word of what Sister Gregoria was trying to say: he’d just kept laughing, picked up his stunned son with one arm, and walked right out with tears of mirth in his eyes - followed by a wife who looked embarrassed and relieved in equal measure.
“I wasn’t even sure he knew how to laugh,” Ernesto would tell him the next day, still in a sort of stunned awe. “He kept going until we were home and then some more. I think I heard him laughing in his sleep at night.”
Entirely unaware of his fond recollections, Ernesto is talking to Imelda - ignoring Héctor as he always does when he’s absolutely, disastrously in the wrong.  “So, the blue one? You sure?”
Imelda shrugs. “It’s not bad,” she concedes. “I don’t think anyone will be focusing on your clothes only, anyway.”
“... Right. I need to make sure my hair is at its best, too,” Ernesto mutters, turning to glance at his reflection in the window nearby. Imelda is rolling her eyes hard enough to make Héctor think they must be close to falling out of her eye sockets.
“I assume they will have someone to fix you up before the interview.”
“Well, true,” Ernesto concedes. “At least they won’t have to work too much on me. I already look good.”
Imelda rolls her eyes. “Now that you’ve picked the outfit--”
“I need to pick the shoes.”
“No you don’t. I made you a pair.”
“You-- what?”
“She made us shoes for the occasion,” Héctor explains, a wide dumb grin spreading on his face. He hadn’t suspected a thing, because Imelda already had their measurements and didn’t need to ask for them again, and he’d believed her explanation of having orders to catch up when he’d noticed her working longer hours than usual in the past couple of weeks. She’d surprised him the previous day, and now it was Ernesto’s turn to be surprised.
As expected, he blinks at Imelda, entirely taken aback. “Ah. I… gracias,” he mutters, sounding somewhat awkward. It’s how he sounded when Héctor’s father gifted him a moño charro for his birthday - one he’d spent mostly at their place.
Imelda smiles. “Don’t thank me yet, we need to make sure they fit,” she says, like there is any chance at all she might have gotten the measures wrong. She might have mentioned something on how weirdly small Ernesto’s feet are, but now she spares his ego and doesn’t bring it up. As she steps out of the room - followed by Pepita, who seems to have decided Ernesto’s red charro is not comfortable enough - Héctor’s grin widens.
“Isn’t she amazing?”
Ernesto doesn’t reply, but neither does he scoff as Héctor expected him to. He turns to see his best friend brushing a hand across the charro he’ll wear tomorrow, slowly.
“... Maybe my parents will see the interview tomorrow,” he says, very quietly.
It’s a possibility Héctor hadn’t thought of, but it’s far from impossible, given that by now news might have spread throughout Santa Cecilia; it’s not often that someone from their town is on national TV, let alone two people.
“I guess they might,” he says, slowly. Ernesto’s family was always an uncomfortable subject, and one they avoided entirely since that entire fiasco with the letter. Héctor has no idea what was written on it, if Ernesto read it at all or if he destroyed it as he said he would; it doesn’t seem wise to ask.
“I hope they do,” Ernesto mutters, brow furrowing. “I hope my old man chokes on that.”
Not a word of his mother, who could barely choke out her question - “How’s Ernesto?” - without crying. There is a sudden knot in Héctor’s stomach, and he ignores it. “Well, you sure showed him.”
A moment of silence, then a shrug. “He’ll probably just switch channels. It’s your family that should be here to watch us.”
It’s a thought that has crossed Héctor’s mind several times, with every milestone - they should be here to see me - and it stings every time. As Ernesto picks something up from the bed, he makes an effort to shrug, like it hasn’t hit him as hard as it did. “Well, guess it wasn’t to be, and-- what…?’
Ernesto holds out his hand and there it is - the moño charro Héctor’s father gifted him, not long before he died. He wears it for all the important concerts, and Héctor is glad he does, but there is a tiny nagging voice in the back of its mind that sometimes reminds him that he has no gift left from his father, that their home was gutted by the explosion and fire and next to nothing could be salvaged. Other than some inheritance and a life insurance policy payout, he was only left memories and a few photos.
“I think you should wear this tomorrow.”
Wait, what?
“Wait, what?”
“Do you need your hearing checked? Not ideal before a musical performance on TV.”
“Oh, ha-ha.”
“I’m serious, Héctor!” Ernesto exclaims, seizing his shoulders. “Look at me in the eye and tell me your hearing is fine.”
“Really no--”
“Because if it isn’t and you mess something up on national TV, I will die.”
“Hey now--”
“I will literally drop dead.”
Ay, dramatic as always. Héctor laughs, slapping his arms off him. “My hearing is fine, pendejo. I just mean-- well, it’s yours.”
“And you’ll give it back after the performance,” Ernesto mutters, pushing the the moño charro in his hands. “Come on.”
He does take it, and swallows back a lump in his throat. “... Gracias,” he murmurs. Before Ernesto can reply anything Imelda is back with the brand new shoes for them, and they let the matter drop. Still, later on - before he folds everything neatly on a chair for the next morning - Héctor stands in front of the mirror, tries it on, and stares at the reflection.
As he did in other times of his life - the day he moved to Mexico City, the day he got engaged, the moment he stood with Imelda before the altar - he tries to imagine what their parents would think of him, tries to imagine what they would say.
You did good.
We’re proud of you.
His vision goes blurry, and he reaches to wipe his eyes, but never does: Imelda’s arms are around him the next moment, her head pressing against his back, and his hand stays in mid-air. He blinks, tears fall, and then he smiles. “Te amo.”
“Lo sé,” she murmurs, and holds him a little tighter.
“... And you have quite a following on social media, too. What would you say is your secret?”
“My beautiful face.” 
Ernesto’s quip makes Imelda roll her eyes, but her lips do curl into a smile and by the sound of it, the audience in the studio found it absolutely hilarious. The sound of laughter causes Pepita to lift her head and glance over at the TV screen, where Héctor and Ernesto are sitting on a sofa in front of the interviewer.
Héctor is a little hunched over and leaning forward, all wide grins and gangly limbs, while Ernesto is sitting back, one leg crossed easily over the other and a charming smile on his face. Laughing, Héctor elbows Ernesto in the ribs. It causes him to lift his hands.
“Just kidding, just kidding. Well, it did take quite a lot of networking, but I think music is what we really have going for us,” Ernesto says, the smile widening. He looks perfectly at ease, like he was born to be on camera. By looking at him now, it’s hard to guess how many sleepless nights he spent checking the hit count for their songs on Spotify, planning streaming events and networking with the nebulous bunch of people he refers to as ‘people who matter’. “It’s what it’s all about, our greatest passion, and I think that speaks to people.”
“And what good music it is,” the presenter says. “Here’s footage of your latest performance…”
The footage is shown, the interview continues, and Imelda finds herself frowning slightly. It’s going well, but she can’t help but notice that Ernesto is the one talking most of the time, with Héctor only replying to questions directed specifically at him. He can be as much as a charmer as Ernesto if he wishes, in his own cheeky way, but it’s obvious he’s leaving much of the spotlight to Ernesto.
And that… irks her. Not too much, because she knows Héctor cares very little for the fame and always happily left that aspect to Ernesto, but something still gnaws. They should come across as more of a team, not Wonderful Ernesto with a side dish of Héctor.
“Héctor writes all of their songs,” she tells Pepita, polishing the pair of shoes she just finished while still staring at the TV, Ernesto’s face filling the screen. He’s babbling something about believing in a dream and seizing his moment. “Should at least mention that.”
But Héctor looks happy and, well, her gaze pauses on the moño charro he is wearing. It was… nice of Ernesto to let him wear it for the occasion, and the pang of annoyance grows neglectable. Still there, but neglectable - and it helps that, when they move on to discuss the upcoming album, Ernesto does finally acknowledge Héctor’s role as the songwriter.
“So, will there be any songs that no one has heard yet?”
They share a glance, grinning. “Well, our agent said we can’t speak of such details,” Ernesto says, pride obvious on his face as he mentions they have an agent now. “But you never know with Héctor. I’ve had him waking up in the middle of the night during a hotel stay screaming before he grabbed a bunch of napkins, wrote a song on them, and passed out again.”
More laughter, including Imelda’s own, and Héctor slaps his arm. “It was one time,” he protests, but Imelda knows very well it happened at least on three occasions. By the time the interview ends and they prepare to play on stage for the audience, the earlier annoyance is gone.
“What song are we going to hear?” the presenter asks, and Héctor grins, picking up his guitar.
“Un Poco Loco,” he says, and glances at the camera. “I wrote it for my wife.”
Ay, mi amor. 
It makes Imelda a little sorry that she’s not there in the studio - she was offered to come, but had too many orders to catch up with - but then again, she thinks, it doesn’t matter.
They will see plenty of each other that evening.
“... Then we had another bottle, I think Armando was moments away from rolling under the table by the time--”
“The counter on Spotify is going crazy!”
“That’s great, ‘Nesto. Anyway, it went really well-- I mean, you saw us, so you know it, but… it went really well.”
“You did wonderfully,” Imelda says, smiling back at him. Sitting at the desk before his laptop, Héctor wishes he could reach through the screen to kiss her just now. They will be back in Mexico City late the next morning, and it feels like an unbearable long time. “Now get your idiot friend to drop his phone.”
“Sure,” Héctor says lightly, and turns to glance at Ernesto over his shoulder. He’s pacing back and forth across their hotel room, eyes fixed on the screen of his cell phone. “Imelda says you should drop the pho--”
As the phone falls on the ground, the rubber guard on it the only thing that keeps its screen from shattering, Héctor recoils. On the screen of his laptop, Imelda blinks.
“... I didn’t mean you should literally drop--”
“We’re trending on Twitter,” Ernesto announces, immediately picking up the phone again. He stares at the screen a few more moments, as if to double-check, then his expression breaks in a wide smile. “We’re trending on Twitter!” he repeats, like it’s the ultimate seal of approval, and leans in to kiss Héctor.
It feels good, deep and thorough and tasting like the tequila they both had, but it lasts too little. Just when Héctor is about to reach down for Ernesto’s belt and give Imelda something really fun to watch, his friend pulls back and holds up his phone again. “All right, just a quick photo for Instagram, okay? Smile at the cam--”
Oh no, not now. Héctor grabs his jacket and yanks his head back down into another kiss. “Forget about that,” he says, pulling back to grin and his widened eyes. “Best if this stays a private spectacle.”
“I’m recording, by the way,” Imelda speaks up. Both turn to the screen to see she’s resting her chin in her hand, looking awfully pleased, eyes half-lidded. “Feel free to go ahead.”
“Really no--”
“There may or may not be a surprise for you once you undress him.”
There is a sound that is part a scoff, part a laugh and part a groan, and then Ernesto is kissing him again, pulling him up on his feet, reaching to undo the buttons of his shirt.
“I want a copy,” he mutters against Héctor’s throat, only to get a sharp order out of Imelda.
“Then get on the bed,” she says, sounding all the world like a movie director, except for the curl of her lips and the glint in her eyes. “With him on your lap.”
Until not too long ago, Ernesto would have argued, snapping something on how he took no orders - but now, he clearly is beyond that. They’re on the bed the next moment, and good thing the laptop is already angled so that Imelda gets the full view. Héctor glances down at Ernesto’s flushed face and grins as Imelda speaks again.
“Going to enjoy the spectacle?” Ernesto asks, but he does do so without tearing his gaze from Héctor. He reaches to unbutton his jacket just as Héctor goes to unbutton his, fingers fumbling.
“Oh, I’m sure you’re not tired of performing yet,” Imelda says, amusement in her voice and something else that is well on the way to turn into arousal. And, well, Héctor’s duty as her husband is to help along, isn’t it?
With a smirk, Héctor leans in to undo Ernesto’s tie with his mouth, pushing the jacket off his shoulders before he pulls back with it still in his mouth. Their eyes meet, and Ernesto smiles back, slightly out of breath… and the reason why is obvious, already poking his thigh through his trousers. Best to take care of tha--
“Get his trousers off, Héctor,” Imelda’s voice comes again from the screen, soft as velvet.
Well, great minds do think alike.
He drops the tie and slides down, until he’s kneeling between Ernesto’s legs. He glances up, grins, and takes the zipper in his teeth, pulling it down slowly and relieving some of the fabric’s pressure on his cock - which is fully hard at this point. He nuzzles it a moment, and Imelda speaks before he can pull down the underwear with his teeth as well.
“Get up.”
Imelda’s voice is like the crack of a whip but oh, is her breathing fast. Héctor glances towards the laptop to see she’s leaning against the backrest, lips parted and skin flushed. One hand is reaching beneath her blouse and the other is nowhere on screen, but he has a pretty good idea of where it is.
“Sí,” he rasps, and stands. Ernesto stays on the bed a few more moments, panting, until Imelda speaks again and he recoils.
“Both of you. Come closer.”
They do, Ernesto almost stumbling over the trousers that have fallen around his ankles. Pushing off his jacket and getting the shirt off him takes little, leaving him down to his underwear. Ernesto steps out of his trousers and kisses Héctor’s neck, trailing down to nip at his collarbone. As he does, Héctor looks over his head towards Imelda.
She’s almost a vision like this, with her blouse open and a breast exposed, a nipple visible through her kneading fingers. Her lips are parted, pupils blown open, and by now she probably has several fingers in her. He smiles, breathless, and she smiles back before mouthing, ‘turn’.
Ah, right-- they planned this next bit. Héctor turns, unbuckling his belt and offering Ernesto his back. Within moments he’s pushing the shirt and jacket off him, kissing his neck and reaching into his trousers-- then he stills, and Héctor holds back a laugh.
“Wha-- is that lace?”
From the screen, Imelda laughs. “Get his trousers off,” she almost purrs, “and find out.”
Ernesto kneels and the trousers are pushed down almost before Imelda is done speaking, Héctor loses his struggle not to laugh, glancing at Ernesto over his shoulder has he cups his ass. He’s staring at the lace underwear Imelda picked for him with wide eyes, clearly speechless. “The moment?” he mutters, confused.
“For you to seize,” Héctor and Imelda say at exactly the same time, and Ernesto’s baffled expression melts in a guwaffing laugh.
“Oh, you think you’re so clever,” he mutters, and yanks Héctor’s arm to make him turn to him.
He lets out a yelp, but truth be told he’s… not surprised when he sees Ernesto reaching for his tie on the bed, not really. He glances at Imelda, and she nods, licking her lips.
Let him.
He does let Ernesto tie his hands, biting his lower lips. Ernesto rolls his eyes, face flushed and really hard in his underwear. “Was the fake tattoo really necessary?”
“Who says it’s fake?”
“Your fear of needles, that’s what.”
“Oh, sure, what about yours and that time in Oaxaca--” Héctor trails off with a yelp when Ernesto tightens the knot just a little too much.
“We’re not discussing that now,” he snarls, and physically throws him face down onto the bed.
“Hey now--” Héctor begins, starting to lift himself up on his elbows - but suddenly Ernesto’s hands are back on his ass, his mouth his brushing over it through the lace, and he finds he doesn’t really want to protest. A glance at the screen confirms that Imelda is very much enjoying the scene, too, and that settles it: Héctor drops his head back on the mattress, and lets Ernesto do as he will.
And what he does is tease an awful lot, all small kisses and nuzzling as though Héctor’s cock isn’t hard as stone and straining against the lingerie. He lets out a low whine, trying to buckle his hips, pressing his ass more firmly against Ernesto’s lips and warm, warm hands. He feels him smile against his skin just as Imelda lets out a hum.
“Well, are you going to seize your moment, or not?”
A growl, and the lingerie is pulled down roughly, the brush against his erection almost making Héctor cry out. Through half-lidded eyes, he can see Imelda leaning closer to the screen. Her skin is flushed, some hair sticking to her sweaty forehead.
“Now get yours off.”
Again, no protest or retort: Ernesto’s hands fly to do just that. A bit too quickly, really, because at the first attempt the elastic band of his boxers slips from his fumbling fingers and hits his skin again in a resounding smack, followed by a less than dignified yelp and laughter from both Héctor and Imelda. “Nice grito,” he compliments him.
“Pretend it’s from me,” Imelda adds.
“Very funny,” Ernesto grumbles, and takes off his boxers, letting it drop on the ground. With a chuckle, Imelda waits a moment - wait, is she having a drink? Was that glass there all along? - before leaning back. One of her hands is still off camera and very likely in her own underwear, if she has any on at all.
“Sit back on the bed,” she instructs, and turns her gaze to Héctor, who feels a shiver going down his spine. “And you get on his lap.”
He does and, before long, everything is drowned out by pleasure as he straddles Ernesto’s legs, bound arms over his neck, thrusting his hips up into his friend’s fist - against his cock, it’s such a tight fit, so warm and hard and he can feel every vein and twitch, every grumble in Ernesto’s chest and the puffs of breath against his face. He could come from just this, but oh, when Imelda orders Ernesto to turn him around, lube up and fuck him, Héctor nearly sobs with relief.
“Fuck-- fuck, fuck--” Ernesto groans against the nape of his neck, canting up his hips to push into him deeper, stroking him at the same steady rhythm. Through a veil of tears, he can see Imelda panting, too, head tilted back and mouth open as both of her hands disappear under her skirt. Their gazed meet, she smiles, and he smiles back breathlessly - so lost in the moment that he’s entirely lost track of time, and it doesn’t matter at all.
He could keep this up for his entire life, and he’d die without a single regret.
[Back to Part 11]
[On to Part 13]
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
When it comes to this "thicc crossover AU", will the girls from Monster Musume be there too? What about digimon since they're interdimentional beings (and in a scrapped script for Adventure02 they were supposed to arrive from space) or maybe humanized version of the Godzilla kaijus? (Ghidorah, Gigan, Megalon, SpaceGodzilla and many others either comes from space or have been in space.) Or what about Rayman, Warcraft or Skyrim?
The answer to all of these is a BIG RESOUNDING YES.The first relevant detail is that in the thicc crossover AU, ya gotta be sure whether it refers to membership in the MILF fleet or not; they’re a large group, but they don’t comprise every group in everything, ever, that i personally happen to like! They may be part of other factions, antagonist or otherwise, or be people they meet along the way, or groups with their own agendas, doing their own thing.
Additionally, I lean towards some things where I don’t much care for groups in general or know much abou the canon, but i find species really interesting, and in which case, those species form large amounts of background characters; different factions might have a lot of monster girls, orks, or elves or Digimon somewhere in the background. So even if specific characters aren’t mentioned, the species certainly are there somewhere.
Monster Musume - In this case, the monster people of Monster Musume are explicitly the same kind of beings as the monsters of Undertale, and are either a seperate sub-group tha tsplit off from an analogue to the kingdom of Asgore a long time ago, or have attempted to coexist with humans, possibly in various dangerous environments where they protect humans in exchange for the humans being their lovers to reproduce the monster girls. I have an AU of Monster Musume with a MILF vibe, where the monster gals of canon are notably older than Kimihito and protect him, and the idea of a polyamorous relationship is set up from the beginning. They’re also much bigger than in canon, with even Papi dwarfing a human (and being a major shortstack, to boot), and far more monstrous and inhuman in appearance, leaning more towards the ‘monster’ part of the equation.
As Undertale-style monsters, these gals are effectively masses of living magic, perhaps being species that in the AU taken on a form that has some weight in the collective consciousness; hence, monster girls adopting forms similar to human mythological concepts. They are thus vulnerable to raw hatred, but are enormously powerful, not to mention curvaceous. But that goes without saying in this AU. Assume that the monsters in general are huge, towering over humans by several times.
My interest in the series is limited to mostly liking the fan art, that slice of life monster girl series that preceded it, reading a few chapters, and liking minor character like Cathyl and Tionishia. Consequently, most of the characters of significance are not part of the MILF fleet, though they may be part of associated groups that could merge with them over time or are considered cousin fleets. They’d likely be allies, but not part of the core group? Tionishia would be an exception, and definitely part of the main group. If you like, I can go into more detail about how the monster girls differ from canon, in their size and monstery looks.
Digimon: an interesting case! Digimon was one of my biggest and first true fandoms (alongside Transformers, Gargoyles and similar series, which may explain why i love nonhuman protags so much), so of course they gotta be in here somewhere. In this case, I’m drawing a bit on the old notion of Cyberspace that was used a lot in Digimon, and while I’ve mentioned this before, it bears repeating.
The Digital World here is effectively the old concept of cyberspace as its own realm; all data and information takes on a life of its own, and the Digimon are self-aware emanations of this realm, effectively AIs with inherent power that may or may not be magic-ish in nature. Mostly the tone is inspired by the original Digimon world, with aspects from the first two seasons and Tamers: Digimon are effectively immortal, having a symbiotic relationship with the mortal planes; cyberspace is basically born in individual servers, and may take on its own life if those servers ceased to function, but it would be a chaotic and distressed life.
All Digimon that are canon, and plenty that aren’t, can be in the AU as background characters, with a few rules. Firstly, Digimon normally do not enter into the physical world on their own, existing mostly within the realms of cyberspace. They can slot into mechanical bodies or upload themselves into robots and operate them, but they don’t have any special powers; however, they do have access to a lot of computing power, and serve as the dedicated AI networks of the fleet’s ships, maintaining things for everyone, regarding it as diving into a strange and alien world.
Digievolution levels might be based on an individual Digimon’s complexity, and most spend their time in Rookie or Champion levels, stabilizing there; they can digivolve into stronger forms, but this doesn’t often last long, and as they weaken, they will enter weaker forms until they hit Baby and In-Training, and then must recuperate. ADditionally, they are becoming less complex as they devolve, and find the experience unpleasant, like losing bits of your mind for a while. (if you’re familiar with eclipse phase, they are basically infomorphs.)
Some Digimon can assume hyper curvy monster girl forms, if it pleases their aesthetics. Rarely, they can directly materailize into the physical realm, though this often requires a partner to help them, and its often a revolving set of different people they happen to be friends with. Common Digimon include Guilmon and Tentomon, and canon characters, including Digimon, are present throughout the AU in the different factions, though fairly different from canon; Digi-Destined is not a relevant thing here. They might be technicians working closely with the Digimon or explorers into the data realms, though.
Godzilla: I’m also including Gamera here. And yes, it’s very possible! In this AU, the kaiju of Godzilla and similar series are all canon, and are explicitly divine entities that embody concepts predating humanity. They are god-like figures that don’t hate humans, and at worst are indifferent to them, perhaps embodying the need to achieve symbiosis with the world rather than attempting to dominate it (and the hubris to follow). The ‘Good Kaiju’, such as Godzilla and their followers, may regard humans with vague interest, such as one might give to ants that spell out your name, and don’t mean them harm. They are likely worshiped across the cosmos, and have no direct link to the fleet; Godzilla or GAmera might have some connection to the fleet, but it may be as incredibly potent summons they might put enormous effort into calling forth… and since this involves being pregnant with the being in question before they are ready to materialize, this is a heavy duty. The kaiju might then take on some of the summoner’s characteristics, and take a shine to them.
The malicious monsetrs, such as Ghidorah, are spare-faring agents of raw destruction, gods of annihilation that wipe away all they see, perhaps as primordial architects of the mysterious cataclysm… or involved in it in some way, in the same way that the ocean is involved in the sinking of Atlantis. It didn’t cause it, but it certainly ended the continent all the same. They can also be hyper curvaceous and giantesses, as that seems to be an aspect of enough magic power in this AU? The villains might pregnancy-summon them in a fashion. Possibly the Cobalts have a kaiju or two in their repertoire, but it would have to be one that is sufficiently mild. Or it might be something like Destroyah, a hyper curvy monster girl in their hands, that has been tamed and soothed by their attention. She’s something like their kraken now, or even toes their flagship while slumbering, awakening only when they want something to feed her bloodlust?
Rayman: I can see Rayman being it’s own world/demiplane within the realms of magic, Rayman himself as a kind of protector golem (which is sorta canon) and the fairies as magical lords over their world, with the world itself as their domain. Of these, Edith Up is likely to be the most relevant because have you seen her, she is ADORABLE. The Razorbeard Pirates can certainly make suitable space pirate antagonists, perhaps as part of a criminal organization that tends towards more malicious deeds than suits the like of the Cobalts.
Warcraft: The Blizzard franchises are all looped together here, Warcraft, Overwatch, Diablo and the other Heroes of The Storm games are part of a complicated network of alliances, rivalries and foes right by a particuarlly nasty magic rift where all kinds of power leaks from across the planes. Celetials and fiends can emerge here, embodiments of justice and evil alike, and have orchestrated terrible wars and conflict, and so the events of Warcraft may have happened in such a fashion; orcs (or orks) were manipulated by demons that are efffectively the Burning Legion but with a more Diablo aspect into war against the Alliance (a faction of humans, human relations, eldar, and others, all tightly tied to magic more than other spacefaring human societies) in a desperate hunt for a new homeland. Thrall emerged as per canon, rising up and uniting the dispossed into a true Horde looking out for each other, and is heading a tentative alliance between the various good-ish forces against the literal demons from Hell, including the Starcraft, Overwatch and other Blizzard properties.
Name a Horde race, and it likely has denizens aboard the fleet, as well as the other factions present. Something similar would apply for the other factions throughout. Named characters are trickier, since I don’t know much about them in general; the united group of Heroes of the Storm are likely their own entity, and big enough to serve as a proper sci fi fleet that can stop demons and monsters from escaping that area of space, and may regard it as their duty to protect the rest of the multiverse from letting those things get loose. Alextrasza, however, is an exception; I’ve read about her and cool badass dragon mom who is kind to all beings and once swallowed a bad guy whole, WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ABOUT HER SOONER. She is definitely on the fleet, but in what capacity I’m not sure.
Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls setting is likely a lage expanse of space, heavily influenced with raw magical energy, but considering the weirdness of the original setting, it might also do as a demi-plane within the magical realms. In any case, the gods and daedra are likely to be worshiped throughout the multiverse. Malacath might have some vague approval of the milf fleet, while Molog Baal is a major antagonist because he FUCKING DESERVES IT THE ASSHOLE. Possibly some of the mightiest fleet moms are plotting to devour him and take his power for their own, or the goddesses associated with the fleet are deliberately scheming to do just that. Sanguine, in contrast, is probably backing the Cobalts for the fun of it.
The races in the Elder Scrolls can make up a wide variety of background characters throughout the cosmos; in general, assume that if you’re talking about actual elf ethnic background, think in terms of Elder Scrolls, with different elf types as more cultural or faction-themed. Dunmer are very common, and make up most of the eldar on the MILF fleet, for instance. The orsimer are orks,with a greater emphasis on martial honor and ferocity, and may be magically altered by a connection to Malacath specifically; perhaps descended from orks thatt revered him and took his essence into themselves. The Cobalts might have Snow Elves and Aldmer as a lot of the elves on their group due to them moving in the areas where those elves have settled over the eons. Argonians are also pretty common in the fleet!
The Empire is known as the Cyrodillic Imperium, and has way more influences from the real life inspirations of the different cultures in the Elder Scrolls to fit a more diverse, old society like a proper space opera should have, and the Aldmeri Dominion is probably the asshole elves you expect.
I’m not sure how to handle the specific characters, but some examples: update the Skyrim Civil War o be a cosmic battle, with the Stormcloaks as a rebel fleet with Ulfric as a somewhat sympathetic warlord. He might be an antagonist, but not one with morals opposed to the fleet; he’s just a human-centric ruler with little interest for others that aren’t ‘his people’. The dragons in general, especially Alduin, would be way more eldritch horror here, with optional hyper busty monster girl forms. With an element of kaiju; they’re probably big enough to wreck starships and can exist in space.
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infini-tree · 6 years
FANFIC: Bùkěsīyì - Part 13
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Summary: In which the Musician's Village is evacuated.
A/N: So. This is a year overdue.
Lots of stuff happened, leaving me to go on and off with this chapter. The reason why its something of a supercut of events is mostly to show the monotony of all the traveling back and forth, as well as help highlight things that deviated from all it. Also because the original version just had a lot more unnecessary stuff-- there's a whole scene cut, and another that had to be condensed.
Originally, I wanted this to be one chapter but par for the course it became two in order to give proper depth/development/pacing, so this is more of a chapter 13-a. Shifu is a character that I have very little experience in writing, AU or otherwise.
The Musician’s Village was the furthest village under the Jade Palace’s protection. It wasn’t so much a town you stayed at, so much as passed through. And those that did stay were a hardy folk that could brave whatever nature could throw at them.
Invasions, on the other hand, were another story. They were called the Musician’s Village for a reason.
Shifu breathed in the mountain air, looking at the settlements ahead lit in early morning light. Turns out, the masses had many questions regarding evacuation. Most of them regarding how. First thing’s first-- he needed to organize everyone. Everything needed to be just right for this. He looked down to a small scroll from his supply; on it was a basic procedure, some quick notes penned by him, and a map.
Past the winding trail, past the forest marked down hastily was their destination-- a town with proper walls and safehouses in case worse comes to worst.
It seemed simple enough, but he’s heard enough stories from the Five to know otherwise. He looked back up to a small group, who were looking were looking back at him for guidance. Chatter continued to ring in his ears-- there was too much of it, but he managed to catch snippets of conversation.
“-- he’s the master?” a young voice mused aloud.
“They sent just the one...” another whispered, tone tuned to gossip.
And through the panic, he heard a calmly embittered voice grumble, “Of all the-- I don't have time for this...”
Shifu cleared his throat a little bit louder than expected. The people in front of him lulled into a relative silence.
“You are the first of many groups that I’ll take down to the merchant village at the foot of the mountain.” He began to pace back and forth in front of them. “The Five have already informed the people there and are more than willing to take you all in.
“Women, children, and the elderly should be at the center. Those that don’t fit those categories should be situated around them, while I lead all of you down.”
“Er, that sounds like a lot of work for a little guy like you,” a pig with uneven tusks piped up.
Shifu opted to pretend not to hear that comment, a feat in and of itself considering his large ears. “If they’re unable to walk, get something or someone to carry them with.”
“Are you sure about that--” the pig continued, undeterred and unaware… at least until the master was face to face with him.
The red panda stared him down, shoulders squared as if readying for a battle. He had half a mind to lecture him in front of an entire village for disrupting the assembly of people, but he relented.
It would reflect poorly on the Jade Palace, after all.
Shifu took in a deep breath. Blew it out. “If you have anything to share, I suggest doing it out loud and in front of me.”
Everyone’s eyes were on the both of them. The pig had the decency to look partially chagrined.
“I get that you’re a master,” he continued. “But that seems like a lot of work for any one person. Can you blame me for being worried?”
“No need,” he said with a wave of the hand holding the scroll. “I’ve personally made the quickest possible evacuation plans, accounting for everything; walking speed, population, alternate routes--”
“But is that enough?”
Shifu stared at him, his mouth opening only for nothing to come out. He already knew that this mission had no margin for error, but those words made the failure more palpable. Made him much more aware of everyone’s existence, and how much they depended on him.
Everyone’s eyes were on him now, and they’re expecting something. As much as this was a terrible ordeal, he needed to stay strong for these people, like how the Five would be.
He gulped. No pressure.
“You have my word as a master of the Jade Palace that all of you will get out of here alive.” Shifu’s voice was noticeably slow and deliberate. “I have been assigned this mission, and I will do whatever it takes to finish it. Do I make myself clear?”
The pig pulled back his mouth and could only manage a grimace of a smile, but he nodded regardless. Even if they weren’t being directly lectured at there were others that held similar doubts in the group did so as well.
“Good.” Shifu turned around. “Now the lot of you should get ready before noon.”
“Can I ask you somethin’, master?”
The third group, thankfully, got their bearings quicker than the ones before them. Not by much, admittedly, but just enough to reach the safe town earlier than expected.
And in that reprieve, there was a lot more time for questions… much to Shifu’s chagrin.
He looked up from his planning scroll with a disinterested gaze and meeting eyes with nothing. A quick look down, and he was face-to-face with a rabbit kit that, save for the dirt clinging to her robes, was in good condition.
“Can’t you see he’s busy, Lan Min?” The father stepped forward, his entire frame shaking as he pulled his daughter back.
Shifu’s face smoothed out into something that at least seemed friendly. “It’s fine, I have a bit of time,” he said with a tone that barely masked how not fine it was, or how little time there could be.
“You’re a kung fu master, right? C-- couldn’t you just fight th’ army?”
His ears perked up at the incredulity of that. “Er-- no,” he said finally. “I could fight, but… they’re a lot of people. I would get tired.”
You would be slaughtered, his mind thought back to training sessions with Tigress.
“Oh.” The kit was silent for a moment, a sad sort of disappointment etched on her face. “Wha‘bout the Dragon Warrior? I heard there was a big, big festival an’ then he just kinda appeared.”
Shifu’s brow furrowed in frustration. Even with how far away he was from the Valley, the Dragon Warrior still taunted him-- still infuriated him. He wanted to say no, that the person they chose to be the Dragon Warrior wasn’t even that well-versed in kung fu. That it should have been any of the Five.
That it should have him.
But he didn’t have the heart to say that to a child-- especially one going through such an ordeal.
“I… don’t know,” he managed. Seeing the child’s confused face, he gave a soft smile in an attempt to mask his tiredness and disappointment. “But… I hope so.”
The kit seemed satisfied with this answer before she beamed, completely unaware. “I hope so too!”
The rest of the family shared a soft laugh at that, but before the child could answer any more questions, Shifu straightened up.
“In any case,” he said, perhaps a little too hastily. “I should get back up to the village. There’s still-- there’s still people.”
The mother had ushered Lan Min away, much to her protestations. Meanwhile, the father looked back at him, his brow furrowed. “Master,” he said finally. “I know you must hear this all the time, but… thank you.”
“It’s no problem, this evacuation is all in a day’s work.”
“I’m not talking about that,” he said quietly as his gaze shifted to his wife and kid, who were now mingling with the local villagers here.
They seemed… lighter, if only a little bit.
The buck coughed quietly before making his way to his family, leaving Shifu to stare at where they once were.
The red panda wasn’t exactly sure what he was feeling, but he could ruminate on that later. He was burning daylight here, and there wasn’t much time to ruminate on what exactly he was feeling.
Days began to meld into each other. So did the evacuating villagers’ faces, although Shifu was sure that was due to fatigue. With everything that had happened, it almost felt like he had been doing this for decades as opposed to a few weeks at most.
The mists had overtaken most of the mountains, and by extension the final group to descend. Villagers trudged onward and behind the red panda, their collective brows knitted and eyes downcast.
The trek, like all the treks before it, was monotonous. Maybe that kind of thinking, Shifu surmised, came with the territory of being bedraggled.
They had barely managed to make it past the first turn of the path before someone spoke. “Er, master?” One of the villagers-- a merchant goose with his feathers in a messy topknot looked at him with concern. “Are you alright? One of us could take the lead while you rest--”
“Absolutely not.” He emphasized that point by sweeping his hand in front of him in a defiant gesture.
“I think we can stand to take a small breather.”
Shifu looked back from his position in front. Even with the blanket of fog obscuring everyone, he could see how everyone dragged their collective heels as they tried to keep up. Which, upon further thought wasn’t even a fast of a pace in the first place due to how tired he was. At this point, all of them were running on survival instinct.
With a quiet sigh, he sat down cross legged. “Just keep it short-- we’re on a schedule here.”
The collective group let out a sigh of relief, setting their packs down and took out their respective rations. Soon enough, there was quiet chatter that could even be considered as amiable. There was a faint sour scent of pickled vegetables lingering in the air as they ate and relaxed for the first time in weeks.
From quite a ways away, Shifu took a swig of water from his canteen as he surveyed the path ahead… by walking the length of it back and forth with ears perpetually perked up. For the most part, there was the din of the group behind him and the breeze blowing past the mountaintops.
Despite that, he could still hear… something under all of that. A low rumble, or perhaps--
The red panda tensed up.
The villagers nearest him took note of the sudden shift and stared at him. The goose from before approached him. “Master?”
Even through the wind and low chatter, the sound of marching released was unmistakable.
“Be quiet and follow me.” As the villagers made their way to collect their carts and such, he stopped them. “Only bring what you can carry on your back and a canteen. Everything else needs to stay.”
A howl pierced through the silence. The villagers let out a collective gasp.
There wasn’t much time to process much of anything as the sound of taut string being released echoed in the mountain range.
“Take cover!”
Hundreds of arrows flew out from the mist. Many of them had been aimed at the village, but there was still dozens coming after them.
Shifu leapt up to bridge the gap between him and the arrowfire. As each one had closed in, he had quickly struck them mid-air, quickly gaining upward momentum as they clattered onto the cliff ground around them.
Higher and higher he went, until finally he could just barely see past the cliff edge of the Musician’s Village. Through the fog, he saw a platoon of wolf archers who fell back… and were going down the same path they were currently on right now. Before gravity took over and pulled him back down, the sound of something off had caught his attention.
The sound of metal clanging against each other.
As soon as he landed, the group of villagers crowded around him. The sound of snarling was fast approaching.
“Master, what do we do?”
The red panda stayed silent as his ears began to swivel in the direction of where they came from. Far above, there was the sound of marching and things being moved around.
“Master?” Another villager said through gritted teeth.
In the bit of quiet between footfalls, he could hear a caw, followed by the clanging of metal. He knew a fight when he heard one.
“All of you need to go,” Shifu said finally. With great hesitation, he handed off the scroll he had been using for his mission to the merchant-- surely, he knew his way around a map, if not the way down. “Just take what’s on you, everything else needs to stay--”
There wasn’t time to protest as the sound of snarling was fast approaching. Five wolves cut through the mist armed to the teeth. That is to say, the only weapons they had was their teeth and claws.
The villagers stood stock still, too mortified to run.
"Just go already!" Shifu leapt in front of the final group, standing off against the squadron of wolves. "I'll buy you time!"
After a moment's hesitation, the villagers ran.
One of the wolves noticed the evacuating villagers on the far edge of the ridge and attempted to run after them. This was met with the master pulling him back by the tail and throwing the wolf back. One soldier had managed to get hit square in the face with the body of his comrade, and left them in a bewildered heap.
There wasn’t enough time to process what to do with the downed wolves before the rest of them tackled him to the ground. Shifu quickly struggled out of the grasp of one of the wolves gripping at the collar of his robes, pulled his legs in, and let loose a double kick to the stomach towards the offending wolf.
The soldier flew back into the carts that were left behind, letting out a horrible cacophony of crashing. The remaining two hunched down on all fours and attempted to pounce on the red panda once more.
Shifu leapt up at the last second, causing the both of them to collide into each other. In their bout of disorientation, he delivered a Tiger-styled jab to the both of them. The soldiers fell, their bodies too tired to continue.
For the briefest of moments, the master's shoulders heaved. His ears twitched as the sound of retreating footsteps echoed from below the mists. The evacuating villagers was safe for now, but there was still more soldiers... and by the sounds of the overhead growls coming closer, they were now suspicious at the sound of conflict down here.
Shifu took in a deep breath as he began to go back up the path into the Musician’s Village, steeling himself and following the distant noise of fighting.
Dragon Warrior or not, he was going to end this.
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smolfangirl · 6 years
And I’m speaking the truth even if my voice trembles
Surprise! It’s me, and it’s not a new chapter for my soulmate au ^^ So this is what happens when I’m not happy with canon - I hope you like this version better as well!
Based on Soy Luna season 3 episode 20-23
Word count: 2k
„Luna, I need to talk to you.”
Matteo appears in her view as she puts her skates away and the smile on her lips hasn’t unfolded completely yet before it fades again. For the first time in weeks, he’s not smiling at her sight, which upsets her even without the seriousness in his tone.
No matter how strange it feels, how ridiculous it sounds, she’s gotten used to always seeing him happy and even flirty around her. Although she never told him, he’d been her fixpoint lately. Whatever else went on in her life, whatever chaos or stepping stone she tripped upon, Matteo’s smile was her lighthouse in the night.
And now that it’s gone she struggles to find the right words.
“Um, okay. Did something happen?”
He huffs. “You could say that.”
Luna lets her gaze wander around his face. (Mostly to inspect him, but not only.) His cheeks are drained from color, not enough for him to resemble a ghost, yet enough to worry her. His lips are pulled into a straight line and the look in his eyes kills any hope she had left that he might want to talk about something good.
Whatever is up with him, it’s bad news.
“Yeah, sure,” she says as she tries to act as casually as possible. “Do you want to talk here or…”
“Somewhere where we are alone. And no one can interrupt us.”
A memory fades into view at his words. Given the bitterness in his tone, he’s probably thinking of the same situation.
Luna sighs. On that day in the park, she really hoped he would kiss her, hoped for it later as well, but he hasn’t tried again since. And now it’s clear he doesn’t want to be alone with her to exchange a kiss or two without being interrupted.
If she wasn’t so insecure, so nervous around him, she’d walk up to him and simply pull him down to her, set an end to her misery.
With dark clouds looming over her, however, she follows him out of the Roller silently.
She recognizes the café before they enter. Back here, he told her he had found the ring, his ring in Cancún, and the memory of it would make her chuckle if she wasn’t so busy breathing the anxiety away.
Only a few tables are taken, but Matteo chooses the one as far away from everyone else as possible.
Whatever he’s about to say, it really can’t be good.
The moment he opens his mouth, a waiter pops up next to them, asking what they want to order.
Luna picks a strawberry milkshake. Matteo picks nothing.
“If you didn’t order anything just to steal from me, I hope you know I won’t allow it,” she tells him in a desperate attempt to lift the tension radiating from him. No reaction. Avoiding her eyes, he fumbles with the menu.
Sighs. “Emilia kissed me.”
Not in her worst-case scenarios, not in her worst nightmares would she have guessed this.
The world seems to spin around her, crumbles into pieces she no longer pays attention to because she feels everything and nothing at once and it’s too overwhelming as her whole body calls for help.
Her heart beats loudly in her chest. Her stomach twists. Her knees tremble. Her breathing hitches only to speed up, frantically pressing air in and out.
Her mind runs wild in the whirlwind of thoughts.
Emilia kissed him. That’s why she’s been acting so shady, that’s why she wanted to talk to him alone, it all makes sense now and it breaks her heart and why didn’t she kiss Matteo first?
“Luna? Luna, hey!”
His hand on top of hers pulls her back into reality. “Let me explain, please.”
“I didn’t want this, you have to believe me. I don’t like her, and I never wanted to kiss her. I have no idea what her deal is, she’s been bugging me for a while and I told her already I have no interest in her, I made that as clear as I could, multiple times. But she took me by surprise and when I pushed her away, she only laughed. Luna, I swear, I didn’t want any of this. Seriously, I only lo…”
He pauses. Clears his throat. “I don’t like her. In any way.”
Overwhelmed by his confession, her brain takes ages to process this waterfall of information he unleashed upon her. Every single word threatens to short-circuit her thinking. Every single word threatens to blow the house of cards that is her mind.
Meanwhile, Matteo sits in front of her, gaze not leaving her for the split of a second.
The waiter appears, putting the shake down in front of her and as he walks away, she thinks she should give Matteo a reaction, anything, even if it’ll be the tiniest fraction of what goes through her head.
“Why are you telling me this?”
It’s the most urgent question out of the many that are flooding her head. Luna doesn’t want to know when he kisses other girls if he won’t grant her the exact same pleasure. She doesn’t want to know when it’s a picture too hurtful to imagine. Can’t he see some secrets should stay in the dark if they only end up causing pain?
Matteo sighs, whether of frustration or something else, she can’t tell. “Because apparently, it wasn’t enough for her to run over me like that, so she took a picture of it and now she’s trying to blackmail me with it.”
“She’s blackmailing you?” Luna feels like a parrot, but this whole situation leaves her speechless. Numb. Too awake but also ignorant of everything going on around her.
“Tries to. Hey, you believe me, right?”
His hand rubs her skin again, filled with his silent plea for forgiveness. With her free hand, Luna stirs in her shake, takes a sip. Returns his look. “I do. Are you okay, though? After… well, that?”
He leans forward, his whole vibe changed in an instant. There’s still tension, though it’s not filling his shoulders anymore, it’s crackling the air, setting her heart on fire in a way that’s all too familiar to her. The corners of his mouth lift, just the slightest, yet it’s enough to light up the whole café. “It’s cute when you worry about me.”
Hoping he discovers the amusement behind her gesture, Luna rolls her eyes. “Answer my question, you chico fresa.”
Matteo nods. The relief painted in his eyes makes her heart sigh (although she has to understand yet why he thought she’d be mad at him when Emilia kissed him against his will).
“Good,” she says, only to shake her head at him as he quickly steals a sip from her drink. “You’re unbearable, do you know that?”
“I do, and that’s why you like me so much.”
“I’m not so sure about – will you stop! It’s not my fault you didn’t order one for yourself.” Grabbing both of his hands, she grins in triumph at his startled expression. “Ha! Now you can’t steal anymore!”
His eyes hurry to their intertwined fingers, then back to her. To her lips, if she’s not mistaken. The laughter dies in her throat.
“What a shame,” he replies. His tone carries a different meaning altogether and like that, the last thoughts of Emilia vanish into oblivion.
It’s the night of the Open and Luna considers jumping at Emilia’s throat barely an hour into the evening.
The Rollerband finished their first set of songs a few minutes ago, and just when the girls get ready to go on stage, Emilia appears out of nowhere. She’s standing there, looking into the crowd, mic in her hand and a devilish grin on her face as she announces a “huge surprise for everyone”.
Luna already has an idea what that surprise could be, and she doesn’t like it one bit.
Neither does Matteo who’s next to her, looking like he bit into a lemon.
Their eyes meet.
“It’s gonna be okay,” she whispers, though Emilia’s speech overshadows Luna’s voice. And then a gasp echoes through the room, calling for her attention.
When she sees the picture on the wall behind Emilia, a mind-numbing sickness finds its way to Luna. For a moment, the room turns blurry. Every shape and line spins as she gasps for air, repeating Matteo’s words like a mantra, over and over again.
She turns around to him. Panic reflects in his eyes, more so when she gulps (knowing he had been so close with someone else and seeing it are two very different things, apparently). His hand searches for hers, clings to it like she’ll forget the kiss wasn’t voluntary if he lets her go for just one second.
Slightly, she squeezes back.
“Matteo, don’t you have something to say about this?” Emilia brags, obviously enjoying the attention she got while she locks eyes with him.
The crowd turns so silent, one crumb of her mum’s cake could fall on the ground and be heard.
“I don’t know,” Matteo shouts. Luna knows from the tone in his voice that he has no plans to step down, that he won’t let this girl get in the way of what he wants and as she squeezes his hand once more, she thinks how good it is to know the truth.
“Don’t you believe all those people would rather hear how you kissed me although I told you I had no interest in you? Or how I pushed you away and you decided to blackmail me? Do you have photos of that too, Emilia? Or a video, huh? Because I’m sure everyone would love to see that more than a blurry kiss taken out of context.”
“I can’t believe you did that.”
Luna falls down on her bed, staring up at him in honest amazement. After Matteo’s comments and the chaos that ensued, she’s glad to finally find some peace in her own room and it definitely doesn’t have to do anything with him being by her side. (Or maybe it does.)
“Calling Emilia out like that. I mean, it’s not like she didn’t deserve it. But if I were you, I would have been speechless.”
With a chuckle, he sits down next to her. Their legs bump into each other and shortly, all Luna can think about is how badly she wants to kiss him – which lasts exactly as long as it takes him to come up with a stupid remark.
“See, it’s good that I am me and that you are you. And, for the record, those were the most unforgiving words I’ve ever heard from you.”
As he grins, Luna does too. It’s contagious, just like the butterflies swarming her stomach pit one by one.
“What she did deserves no forgiveness,” she shrugs, then smiles again. (Her cheeks begin to hurt.) “And I also can’t believe you told me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very glad you did. You really changed a lot, chico fresa.”
Where she expected cockiness, she discovers softness, in his eyes, in the curve his lips form, in his voice. “Told you so.”
Shaking her head, Luna huffs. Maybe, in another lifetime, he won’t be such a fresa one day, but it’s not a lifetime she wants to experience.
He nudges her shoulder. “Hey, we’re good, right?”
It’s one of these moments where she sees his walls crashing down in front of her. Sometimes, he works so hard to maintain a certain reputation, a certain image he believes he needs to hide behind, without understanding how beautiful it is to see him for who he truly is. Without understanding these are the moments she falls for him, falls hard, no strings attached.
Luna nods. “Of course.”
She takes a deep breath. She needs all the air and courage she can muster for what she’s about to say next, even if it’s the sweetest, most simple truth she ever learned. (Even if, for a while, she didn’t believe in it anymore.) “After all, Luna and fresa, always.”
His shoulders quiver as he breaks into laughter, short and delicate. “Yeah, you’re right.”
He’s stunning. In the way he looks at her now that fails any words. In the way he leans in, slowly. In the way his thumb brushes her cheek. He’s stunning, and breathtaking.
Yet, not as breathtaking as when he finally kisses her.
Without interruptions.
Without Emilia.
Just Luna and fresa. Always.  
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jojotier · 7 years
J O T A R O for the writing ask meme!
going with the best trash disaster i see lmao
J.  What are the best jokes you told this year? Any jokes you thought were funny that people didn’t catch? Vice-versa? 
A lot of my writing is, by default, generally pretty humorous, so it’s a little hard to pick which jokes are some of my faves- but some lines that I personally really liked were, 
- “I dunno, getting macked on by discount Dracula until all my blood rushed outta my jimmies sounds way less sexy than any schmuck on the internet would make it out to be.” (All That Glitters and All That Dulls, Homestuck)
- the little bit throughout A Tale About Nothing At All (Wealth of Stability, JJBA) where Jotaro’s too fucking big for that tiny ass hospital chair 
- “Pretty much any normal, well adjusted person would realize that no, a five year old wouldn’t be doing something as passive aggressive as all of that. Ogata on the other hand was neither of those things and was also filled with paranoia, dissociative tendencies and quite a lot of spite.” (Excuse You, Golden Kamuy)
- on two separate ocassions I wrote bee movie au fic. There are two bee movie aus in the world now, one for Jojo’s and the other for Homestuck. They’re just. There. I don’t know if I can be proud of those but those are definitely highlights for fics that other people went mental over
O. Do you believe in outlines? Show us one!
Oh hell yea I believe in outlines!! I believe in making them and then going so off track that the final product is completely different from what I intended!!! Because that has a tendency to happen.. a startling bit ngl. My outlines tend to be pretty bare bones, but here’s the outline for what I want to do for Forgotten Monarchs second set of quartets focusing on the Deck of Swords; Echoes on the Breeze !
- Savior of the Dreaming Dead: Jotaro and Joseph’s souls are ejected from their bodies, and both have to survive being chased down by the Knight of Swords, whose stand destroys the soul at the atomic level. While running they run into a familiar face for Joseph, and a blue haired man with a star on his shoulder…
- Everyone Says I Love You: Jotaro hears what sounds like Noriaki’s voice saying “I love you!” carried by the breeze, and from there everything dissolves into far more romantic comedic nonsense than he ever needed in his life as the Page of Swords tries to lead them astray of the whereabouts of a large amount of money…
- Savior of the Waking World: Noriaki comes into his own hamon in an explosive display as the name of the King’s game seems to be gladiatorial combat, and he and Jotaro have to find a way to beat out the whereabouts of the pillarman Santana. It’s revealed that a specialized space probe is being built.
- The Butterfly Effect and other Conveniently Timed Things: They are judged by the echoes of their past, present, and future, and Noriaki must face with the reality of what he’d done for Dio while under his control before having to face a more disturbing truth- the fact that his living past Egypt is apparently an anomaly and that he should be dead. A young Joseph makes a return for one last warrior’s hurrah.
- Intermission 2- The Obligatory Training Montage:  Before they leave Italy, Joseph takes the boys to be taught how to use their hamon under the tutelage of Lisa Lisa. When it becomes apparent that their hamon is far more limited compared to previous generations, and may very well not last, they’re also forced into a more weapons intensive training so as to not need to rely on their stands if they’re in a pinch. Included: copious amounts of Kakyoin using the “your next line” trick, Joseph versus Jotaro and Lisa Lisa versus Kakyoin.
T. Themes, motherfucker, do you have them? What are they?
God dude I am all about themes. Some of my favorite themes tend to be about learning about the importance of communication and found family, but the theme that seems to be popping up more and more in my stories is about the ideas of fate being an illusion and autonomy being more in play than you think, and the idea that even those who are born to be bad and who aren’t naturally good can become good if they try.
A. If you could rec a piece of music to accompany one of your fics, what would you pick? Why?
Recommending music for my fics has always been tricky because, for the most part, they have this tendency to shift narrative tones at basically random times that it’s hard to recommend one specific song… Though if I had to choose one, I’d say try listening to Come Little Children while reading “Little Red”- the basic premise of a naive youth being caught up in Dio’s “garden of shadows” fits pretty well I’d think!
R. If you had to rewrite one of your stories from scratch, which one would it be? What would you do to it?
I’d rewrite Strike a Chord, Clear as a Bell and Surprise! in an instant, honestly- those were some of my earlier attempts at Jotakak, so they aren’t completely in character and don’t have nearly the characterization I want. 
In Strike a Chord I made Kakyoin too ambiguous in his intentions and also made him too…. weirdly possessive. I thought that because he was a siren I could get away with making him a little more ‘dark’, and made him a complete patronizing asshole. After writing a bit more the fanon clone fic and realizing I took this characterization too far, I’d rewrite it so that Kakyoin is less gritty and dark and more whimsical and amused. Oh, and I’d also make him stop controlling Jotaro as soon as he comes out onto the rocks and nix the whole “Why don’t you be my pet” section. I was gonna do a bit where Kakyoin takes Jotaro down to the depths so he can see some cool mythical shit, but I’m exporting those creatures out to the myth au, so I guess there’s really no need ?
In Surprise!, since the focus was less on plot and more on fluff, I ended up making Jotaro a little too soft and awkward. For one thing, he talks a little too much and shows visible embarrassment when he says something dumb/kinda incriminating. For another, when it gets to his point of view chapter, while the characterization is slightly better, he still kinda wears his emotions on his sleeve. I’d rewrite it so that Jotaro was a little more in character, but otherwise, a lot of it is fairly solid on its own.
There was another O so here, have an outline for the original plan of the Fanon Clone AU- though of course, the ending’s different from what I’ll be really doing and it has no mention of what I’m doing with the Yanderetaro subplot lmao
Part 3: The clone roundup continues until Jotaro and Kakyoin have them all mostly under control. Except, now they’re all causing troubles for the originals and each other, and the user accidentally gets a photo of some of the fanon clones. The stand user is found and Jouta ends up being introduced, demonstrating that he has a corruption effect upon clones like Awkward Jotaro.
Part 4: They finally confront the stand user(s) and must face an army of clones and Jouta. Amnesiac Kakyoin finally summons his stand and as the canon versions run off to contain the stand user, amnesiac Kak and awkward Joot hold off the army on their own. The canons fight through the worst of the fanons and then, finally, capture the boss. The story ends as all the clones are burned alive, and the fanon pair closest to canon willingly walk into the flames together. Kakyoin and Jotaro vow never to speak of it again.
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perfectackeracy · 8 years
considering what you've already written on the topic of eren's behavior during chapter 84 up until recently; what do you think of him as a character in general?
Eh, I’ll give my judgement when the story will be over. He is the main character after all and I feel like giving a judgement now would be too premature, despite us nearing the end of the manga. I’ve got the beginning but the end is absolutely necessary for me to answer your question properly.
Still, if you want something partial, but still long, follow me under the cut (too bad for mobile users because screw the interface right).
It truly depends of how Isayama writes him at the end, if he really intended him to be some normie who tried to be a hero and change things, but failed, or… something else. Indeed, the end heavily relies of what’s presented to us at the beginning:
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“No… But I feel like I just had the longest dream.. What was it? Now I can’t remember…” - Ch.1
Flashback? Future vision? We all thought till chapter 89 came that future vision was bull. It took a whole chapter to suddenly invert the perspective. While there isn’t many chapters left, there’s still facts that are going to pop up that might suddenly change our perception of the characters forever.
…Just like mine with Eren in chapter 84.
I’d actually like the normie one because it would fit what Eren did at the beginning: joining the Survey Corps on a whim because he hates being confined and ended up inheriting a power considered absolute, realizing he made a huge mistake from the start.
It seems Isayama, who previously had a vague idea of what he wanted to do with him, found something more defined. If I recall correctly he felt inspired by Yuki Kaiji, the voice actor from Eren. He even told Araki to make him more pathetic than in the original manga, implying Eren was never meant to be the literal version of a hero, a character with admirable traits.
Usually, the typical shônen protagonist is a character who has a dream, since they were little and do almost anything in order to accomplish it, whether it is becoming the strongest, becoming somebody important, solving a mystery, finding somebody from your life who has gone missing, etc… Their personality vary from manga to manga, but it’s often the cheerful teenager, naive or hot-blooded, capable of being a simpleton due to his lack of experience but also the one who motivates people, is surrounded by his nakama and clashes with rivals and enemies.
The vengeful protagonist also exists, but they’re mostly present in dark shônen or shônen trying to deal with more mature themes without being labeled as a seinen. Eren registers in this category, while building the development of a typical shônen protagonist without exhibiting its qualities: he’s not full of dream and ambition, something a shônen MC should inspire in the heart of young boys. Instead, he’s described as being selfish, having a complex or no ambition at all.
As extra evidence, his highschool AU describes him as the frustrated normie who’s annoyed “in one way or another”. The fake preview from volume 22 describes him as neither belonging to the nerds or the jocks nor having any dreams or interests (it’s interesting how the formulation here ends in “もない” on the three sentences of the description, almost as if Eren meant nothing), despite the wannabe’s reputation being neutral. That’s kinda sad when you think about it actually, because at his core, he really needs to fuel his blank state.
Still, Isayama doesn’t make him wander around aimlessly in the canon storyline and managed to give him a purpose. He strangely carries themes like the Chosen One because people, specifically Grisha imposed that on him. Carla called her son special for the sole reason he was born into this world, that every human who sees the light of the day is considered special. 
Because he was frustrated about “Humanity’s submission against the titans”, that’s what prompted him to step out and defy the “imposed slavery” on him. He wasn’t always like that, though. Meeting and knowing Armin triggered that complex about him lacking ambition.
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Eren and Armin meeting for the first time - Ch. 83
When he first met Armin, he befriended him fairly quickly because of their status as outcasts. Eren already showed signs of not belonging to the other kids, probably because he had trouble sharing the same interests as them and also because he gets irritated quickly and gets into fights to shut them up. Funnily enough, those panels show the first signs of Eren’s prevalent traits: fighting back and beating them or else you’re a loser.
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“I had never thought about what was beyond the walls until then… I’d only spent my days looking at the clouds in the sky. Not that it’s anything strange for a kid eight or nine years old to not be thinking about anything… but then you came running to me with a book. Both of us were outcasts, not able to get along with the other kids in town. That’s all we were back then. But when I heard you telling me those things… and I saw the look in your eyes. That’s when I knew for the first time. I wasn’t free. I noticed that I had been living in a birdcage for all this time. And that these freakish things had taken my freedom. The world was so big, but they’d forced me into a tiny cage. And when I realized that… I knew I could never forgive them.” - Ch.73
It wasn’t so much about the ocean or the contents of the outside world Eren was motivated for. Because he was aimlessly starting at the sky, he couldn’t believe someone like Armin could conceive something like… ambition. That’s why Eren was intrigued by the look in his eyes. And because the titans were actually obstacles to his personal space, he held a grudge against them. They were in the way, they were giant-sized bullies, they have to be removed.
Eren’s character song actually fist up nicely with his character: “男はロマンだぜ!たけだ君っ“ by Shinsei Kamattechan (lyrics and translation here) illustrates somebody talking to a certain Takeda, who prompts him to disobey his parents and do whatever they want because they’re free, despite them being children (the song talks about spending money carelessly and buying cigarettes). Eren being either one of the kids, wants his taste of freedom without having any authority telling him not to do it.
“From the day we’re born, there was something special about all of us: we’re free” - Ch. 73
Needless to say, I think that attitude and that grudge against the titans pushed him to idolize the Survey Corps and eventually join them. Because they went as far as destroying his district, making him swear extermination on every person responsible.
Then there was his meeting with Mikasa.
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“You see Eren, that attitude is why you only have one friend.” - Ch. 5
Here we have yet Eren’s “normie” attitude demonstrated when it comes to Grisha asking him to get familiar with Mikasa. But then, he certainly wans’t expecting corpses.
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Eren ready to begin the chase - Ch. 5
I tend to see this chapter as Eren being triggered by seeing dead bodies on the floor. Him seeing Mikasa’s parents being brutally murdered tingled his sense of justice and frustration: “How dare they kill people? This if worthy of the death penalty and I’m going to inflict that to them!”. The way he got close to these bandits is almost as scary as what they were planning to do with Mikasa: he’s approaching the first one by acting like an innocent child with clear murder intent (He’s supposed to be 9!!!). He then proceeds to pin down the second one before repeatedly stabbing himself over and over.
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“I stopped dangerous beasts!! They only happened to resemble humans!! If you hadn’t come here, they would have been gone by the time the military police brigade had arrived!! The MPs wouldn’t have made it in time!!” - Ch. 5
Notice how the justification he brings to kill them is because they reduced themselves to low beasts who kill people, and as beasts, it’s “only natural” they deserve a death penalty. Besides, Eren is motivating Mikasa using the same logic he used for Armin: fight or you’re a complete loser.
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Eren “teaching” Mikasa - Ch. 5
Needless to say that Eren wasn’t opposed to let Mikasa live in his house. He came to realize years later his attitude towards the bandits was pure impulse, as he gets lectured by Reiner about the meaning of being a soldier in chapter 17.
In the very first chapter of the series, every trait I’ve mentioned till there transpires into his motivation into joining the Survey Corps, so he wouldn’t live as a “caged animal” any longer. He gets upset when people are talking trash about them because he truly believed they were doing it for great justice. And that day, when the wall has been breached, it just so happens that Eren had a weird dream when he was crying and it was finally the day where Grisha showed him the basement. That day truly changed his life, for the best or the worst.
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“I hate the idea of spending my whole life… inside the wall, ignorant of what’s happening in the world outside!!” - Ch. 1
But of course, this “outside” serves mostly as an excuse to give him more space. As he declared later: “They’re our lives! we can do whatever we want with them, right?”
When Shiganshina fell, Eren made his vow to kill every single titan left. During that time, he punched Hannes for preventing him from saving his mom. What was interesting is that piece of flashback before scrolling back to present.
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“I’ll never be able… to go home again. Up to the end, all I could do was argue and be stubborn! Mom’s gone!! I’m never gonna see her again… Why is this happening to us? Is it because humans are weak? Is crying the only thing the weak can do?! I’m gonna destroy them!! Every last one… of those animals… that’s on this Earth!” - Ch. 2
The night when Shiganshina has fallen was the night where Grisha passed his titan power to Eren. The part where Grisha stated two contradictory statements in relation with chapter 89.
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“Eren, get revenge for your mother. You can do it.” - Ch. 71
“Eren… never let this key… out of your sight. And everytime you look at it… remember… that you have to go to the basement room. The injection will cause damage to your memory… That’s why I can’t explain this to you now… but when you go to the basement room someday, you’ll learn the truth… it will be a hard and merciless road… but you have to recapture Wall Maria and get to that room. The power I’m giving you will be useful then. Their memories will teach you how to use it… if you want to save Mikasa… Armin… and everyone else… you’ll have to… control this power!” - Ch. 10
“Dad… Stop it! Dad! What are you doing?! You’ve been acting crazy since mom died!!”, “Eren!! Hold out your arm!” - Ch. 3
“You will be the one… to avenge your mother!!”, “Okay“ - Ch. 63
This moment was really hard to piece out together because what was thought as a contradiction became a succession of events where Grisha scared his son with the shifter power talk, but riled back him for a short while by settling him as one one who will avenge his mom. Earlier, Grisha made his mind and picked him as the legitimate successor of the Attack Titan. Thanks to chapter 89, it may have been inevitable. In this scene, he went from a sorrowful expression to an angry one, almost swapping memories for a brief instant like what happened with Kruger. In any case he burdened Eren with his shifter power and the Coordinate, thus making him bare probably the biggest sin going by Ymir’s curse. 
Because of that, his whole life changed. So did Eldians’.
The next segment is about Eren joining the military, two years after working in a settlement. This is the time where his attitude sort of... changed.
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Eren trying to let his will of dominance pushing him forward - Ch. 15
Chronologically, starting from that point, Eren uses “we” when talking about Humanity. Mostly because, as stated by his dialogue in chapter, he believes in unity against a common enemy. He settled the titans as the enemy “humanity” was supposed to defeat, despite him quickly meeting, and clashing with people who didn’t agree with that notion: it started with Hannes not taking his job seriously, then Jean who outright admitted he’d rather live a comfy life inside the walls. Even much later in chapter 72, when Eren mentions that spirit of unity, Armin internally disagrees by thinking about his bullies. 
Eren’s world was mostly an ideal one, where you loop the first opening of the anime and have humanity fighting against the titans, forgetting not every single human is motivated by rage: Mikasa is fine with living with Eren in a quaint place, Levi “the hero” is mostly motivated by Erwin, Jean wanted and comfy life among the MP, people have a very negative opinion of the SC in general, Ymir doesn’t mind living her life for herself despite knowing much more about what’s happening than Eren does...
His biggest obstacle was the first step for 3DMG training, where Keith sabotaged the equipment on purpose. For the first time, Eren felt like his goal just evaporated in the air, with everybody mocking him for it, followed by an argument with Mikasa, who’s trying to dissuade him:
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“You shouldn’t set your sights on that anyway. If you’re not cut for it, what can you do? Because at this rate, you’re just going to die in vain. And all your dreams and efforts will be for nothing. I’m saying you shouldn’t aim to be a soldier. You can always support the human race by being a producer. Laying down your life isn’t the only way to fight. [...] ...Your resolve has nothing to do with it. It’s not your decision whether you get to be a soldier, Eren...” - Ch. 16
Eventually, nothing worked. Eren still wants to pass the 3DMG exam. While talking to Reiner and Bertolt, he declares his will to kill the titans is a need he personally feels: becoming a soldier is a way to achieve this. I’m sure he’d find another way out if he can’t pass the exams, mostly because he has nothing left to make him move.
Parts of his personality have been shaped later by Reiner and Annie: Reiner about the solider mumbo-jumbo, Annie because of her techniques aiming to defeat people quickly. He demonstrated these two aspects during his fight with Jean (with Annie and Reiner even looking!). 
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“...I see... he was... just venting his feelings. Like I did before... but I’m different now... I’m... a soldier! [...] I’ll use my skills to finish this.” - Ch. 17
The most important part of his training is reserved for hand-to-hand techniques, skills proving themselves to be really useful once Eren shifts to a titan. Seems Annie was really insistent on teaching Eren these techniques as soon as he reminded her of her father, because Eren’s reality was just as misplaced as his. You can see that insistence if you connect chapter 17 and chapter 44 together.
I think I’d rather break this analysis into several parts because it’s getting way too long. Eren faced different trials in Trost, during the FT arc and so on, where he had to deal with huge losses, traitors, the hard truth and eventually, the coordinate settling in.
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