quitethepirategal · 1 year
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Tag Fix  ~  { 3 / 8 }  ~  au tags.
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akatsuki-shin · 5 days
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JunZhe Sci-Fi AU
±2,700 words | PG
Space Smuggler Gong Jun x Space Mercenary Zhang Zhehan
Commissioned by Leafswisher, dedicated to "those still waiting." 💕
(link in the reply below)
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yurigalactica · 1 year
greetings, weary traveler. it seems that you have traveled far and wide in search of some quality fanfic content. well fear not! yours truly happens to write an abundance of it! (that's a lie. my update schedule is so shit. please don't come for me i'm being theatrical for the funny)
but anyway. here is my official fanfic master post, sorted by fandom! all completed fics will be highlighted green and all unfinished fics will be highlighted red! happy reading everyone! :D
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beyond the nebulae — aka my long space fic! it's sbi-centric with copious amounts of bedrock bros and worldbuilding. as of writing this it has 4 chapters posted with ~30 more to come.
Thirteen years ago, Techno was abducted by aliens, who upon realizing he was sentient decided to recruit him into an elite crime syndicate of thieves, smugglers and mercenaries known as Hypixel. The entirety of his teen years were spent undercover, committing various acts of theft and espionage all in the hopes of undermining the severely corrupt Galactic Coalition. And though it was an exciting life, it was a lonely one. So what does he do when he finds another human locked up in an underground bunker? He takes them and runs.
boreas — aka my urban fantasy/gods and goddesses au! it's part one of a four-part series that's tommyinnit, and later cricket crew (minus billzo) centric! as of writing this it has 1 chapter posted with ~9 more to come.
Tommy had never been very good at magic. And in a world where dragons nested in skyscrapers, ancient remnants of gods walking among mortals littered the earth, and each and every person had the blood of ancient mythical creatures thrumming through their veins, that proved to be a bit of a problem. Or, at least it hadn't—not until the stars started disappearing. Then it became a problem.
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I love the thought of Marion and the Gentleman in the space AU. Like this smuggler/space pirate leaves a galaxy wide known superstar not knowing she had his baby? It’s so good. - ghost
YESS I adore the idea of Marion being a huge huge celebrity in space because? Space Lavish Chateau? The vibes are stunning.
AND you know what fuck it this is making me change my mind on the whole M9 space au
Now I'm thinking that their generation is the first to grow up among the stars, 30 years after the world ended and what was left of Exandria was sent to space and so they're all space babies and now I'm having so many thoughts:
Space Tide's Breath
Space Volstruckers
Space Cobalt Soul
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stevenismyboy · 4 years
You Belong Among The Stars.
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a/n: inspired by a post written by @jxnehxpper​ (check her work out because it’s incredible!!!) from a few weeks ago, I just couldn't resist not writing about Steve as Han Solo! I haven't been here long enough, but I hope you still enjoy my work. The day after tomorrow, or in two days' time I should publish the next part of To All The Boys I Loved Before au- who's excited? I certainly am! 
summary: This year, Steve is dressing up as a famous Star Wars smuggler for Halloween. But he didn't expect to meet a princess on his way. You can find my Masterlist here.
Steve loved Halloween. As soon as the leaves on the trees started to turn red, yellow and orange instead of green, he and Dustin just couldn't wait for it. Robin didn't share their admiration, although she was happy to join in with the costumes and go for a trick or treat in the evening. Steve wanted that night so badly. He wanted to be someone else for one night. Somebody special.
“Give me that” the guy sighed annoyed. Dustin reluctantly gave him a can of hairspray. Steve looked at himself in the mirror and put his lips in a beak, still dissatisfied with the effect. “You look good, Your Majesty. I've got to look, too. Don't be selfish!” Dustin sighed, trying to rip the can out of his hands. Steve just raised his hand up so his friend couldn't reach it. “Come on, that's not fair!”
“You, my little friend, are just going to ask the old ladies for candy. And I'm going hunting to a distant galaxy today, inhabited by the hottest girls on the planet Hawkins. You don't need a hairstyle from space” Steve snorted. 
“Just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean I have to look worse. Chewbacca had a great haircut. I'm not gonna let your tall ego ruin my image” the guy answered and finally ripped out his can. His costume looked fantastic. The kid worked on it so long, Steve was impressed. The fake fur was sewn by Claudia to his brown sweatshirt and even darker pants. Dustin worked almost all evening to attach his eyebrows and beard, but Robin and Steve assured him that what he had was enough.
It was Steve who came up with the idea for their costumes. He had to admit that he surprised himself year after year. His creativity was getting higher and higher. When he was recently moving cassettes with movies on the shelf with the most watched productions, he came across Star Wars and simply couldn't resist. He found and ironed a white shirt, bought a brown vest for a few dollars, and completed the whole thing with tall shoes, waving a plastic fake gun in his hands. Everyone will know who he is. A smuggler. Casanova of the Milky Way. Han Solo.
“First of all, you look terrible enough for a creature from outer space. And second, who do you want to impress today? You've already found your Suzie” Steve shrugged his shoulders. “Excuse me? Just because I have a girlfriend doesn't mean I'll go to Halloween unprepared. That would be unprofessional, and you, Steven Harrington, should know that of all the people you know, I am the least unprofessional. I could have been Luke, but you insisted I have to be Chewie, so bite your tongue and wait for me at the Millennium Falcon”.
“Yes, Captain” Steve saluted a friend and left the bathroom. His parents weren't home as usual. Why? To ruin his night?
Robin was already waiting downstairs. She was chewing the gum lazy looking at his childhood photos in frames, listening to the wind howling outside. She was wearing jeans, a white checked shirt and a red vest, much more spacious than the one Steve had. She looked at him surprised and made a gum balloon that broke with a loud crack.
“I have to admit that... I didn't expect you to look so good. And believe that it was supposed to be a compliment”she added quickly when Steve made a pirouette to present herself to her. “You really liked that movie so much?” Steve wrinkled his nose, pointing to her outfit. “Well, I don't remember much of it, given that I was completely high, but I had no other idea, and time was running out. Besides, I didn't spend millions on it. Marty Mcfly is fully satisfied with me” his friend shrugged her shoulders. True, she remembered little of "Back to the Future", but so what? She remembered that she liked it. Before she stared at the lights on the ceiling so long that she threw up in the bathroom.
“I gave you an idea. Then you disagreed” Steve squinted, pretending to be offended, though in a way it was. He's been dreaming about this day for months. He was supposed to be Han Solo, Dustin Chewbacca (though he would only spend two or three hours with him and Robin) and his friend was supposed to be Leia. But she didn't even want to hear about it. 
“I'll say again for the hundredth time, dingus. I don't want to and I will never dress up as a princess”. “Did you ever watch that movie? She's great! She's damn brave, sarcastic, and I guess I don't have to add that she's super hot. Don't you see the resemblance?” Steve raised one eyebrow. Robin sighined, threw herself on the couch, looking out the window. 
“You're only talking like that to convince me. My costume is ready, and Leia is absolutely not persuading me. Do you have any idea how many chicks can dress up like her today? A whole lot. You'll be able to dress up in them as much as you like. So leave me alone and accept that today you're playing a duo instead of a trio” she said with her hands behind her head. Steve refrained from commenting, hearing Dustin's feet rumble on the stairs. The boy ran to them with a perfectly laid out head, smiling from ear to ear.
“Ready for the most scary night of the year?” he asked, carrying his plastic gun and falling out before anyone could stop him.
After Steve and Robin made sure that Dustin would reach his friends safely and his sugar level would not exceed the norm, Steve took them both to the party he had been waiting for so long. Fortunately, Tina didn't organize it. He would have had the resistance to go to the bathroom to relive the same experience as last year. The host was some Nick (he didn't even know who hewas) but Robin made sure that he was a great guy and everyone who will be there would make sure that they don't forget that night for the rest of their lives.
They went through the crowd of sweaty teenagers, heading to the kitchen to find alcohol. Robin's blue eyes were wandering around the people, looking for a girl who has been visiting her at work quite often lately. Steve was looking around too. He was looking for smiling ladies, shiny eyes, long hair. He wanted to feel different today. He wanted to feel as if he could still please someone else. As a smuggler, he wanted to steal someone's heart today. Not for one night. Maybe for longer.
“Steve! Here!” Nancy waved at him, standing by the fireplace. Robin ran up to her first to say hi. The girl was wearing a short green dress and cardboard wings, painted with paint and glitter that was falling under her feet. She looked like a real forest fairy. Jonathan chose no costume, but was wearing a green shirt that matched his girlfriend's outfit. Steve smiled, nodding his head at him.
“You look incredible! Steve... I wouldn't expect you to be a smuggler today, Nancy smiled, drinking a sip of juice from her mug. Apparently after the last time she said she wouldn't touch alcohol on Halloween. “Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far, away...” Jonathan quoted the movie, giving Steve a hand. The boy shooked it, scratching his neck. A couple of people had already managed to hang their eyes on him and, frankly, he didn't expect it to embarrass him. He used to get used to the looks. Now, they made him feel warm.
All of a sudden, Robin's eyes were shining. She saw the blackness of a girl's hair, who had recently occupied her thoughts. She banged up and put her hand on Nancy's shoulder, apologizing to her. “You'll have to forgive me for a moment. I have to... move in time” she smiled at one corner of her mouth and rushed into the crowd so she wouldn't lose her chosen one. Steve smiled at her on the run and went into the crowd himself to dance. Wanting to dance like he hadn't danced in a long time, so that he could enjoy the music with all his heart and that he was among strangers for whom he was now only a smuggler.
At the same time, you too are stuck in a crowd of people. The pride in your costume began to splash like a soap bubble. The long, white dress got tangled under your feet, the long sleeves made you hot. It's good that the belt kept the fabric at the waist and didn't slip lower than it should. Instead of two princess's chignons on both sides of your head, you tied ordinary ponies, hoping that everyone would still know who you are today.
As you were fixing your make up on the couch, the mascara fell out of your hand, making your fingers black. All you wanted was to get into the bathroom to wash your fingers and accidentally not touch the dress. The princess is not allowed to walk in dirty clothes. But a party is always a party. A moment of inattention was enough for someone to step on a piece of your dress. You lost your balance by falling into a crowd of people, getting ready to meet the floor.
But that didn't happen. Someone's strong shoulders woven around your waist to protect you from falling. The ponies just swirled around your face, and when you took them aside, your heart stopped.
The universe has stopped for a moment. The planets stopped circulating, the stars surely glowed brighter. Steve couldn't believe his eyes. One moment he danced as if it was the last night of his life, and the next he held Princess Leia in his arms. You were speechless. The real, living Han Solo embraced you with no intention of taking his hands off you.
“I... um... my hands are dirty” you said the first thing that came to your mind, hitting yourself in your head for this stupid sentence. “My hands are dirty, too” Steve said immediately, and then he closed his eyes from embarrassment. “I mean... No, they're not, you don't have to worry about the dress, but it's a quote... That's what Han Solo said to Leia when... I just wanted...”. “I understand” you said it with a wide smile. Steve relaxed. He still didn't take his hands, but at least he stopped feeling the burning shame. “Well, if you know the movie so well, what did Han Solo say later?”
“I think... I think he asked 'what are you afraid of?’” Steve guessed, squinting his dark eyes a little. “Afraid?” you repeated amused again, not believing in your own happiness. Someone who knew Star Wars lines by heart, someone who was dressed up as Han Solo, someone who looked amazingly charming saved you from falling? No way. 
“You're trembling” Steve squinted, continuing to quote. Maybe he was even a little right. You got goosebumps out of your nerves, although just a moment ago, the long sleeves were keeping the heat. “I'm not trembling” your fingers went to his vest. You forgot they could leave ink streaks.
“You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life” Steve smiled even wider. “I happen to like nice men”. “I'm a nice man” he said it clearly. If he have to, he'll convince you to spend the evening with him. That he won't do anything to upset or disappoint you. He didn't even have to try. You already believed him.
“Well, let's see how well you're dancing” you're smiling, giving him a hand, completely forgetting the traces of the mascara. Steve didn't even care about that. He was led by the princess to the middle of the dance floor and when she held his hand he could swear that although he was in the middle of the house, he saw the stars in front of his eyes.
Taglist: @mochminnie​ @quen1054 @krazykatkay456​ @sydzygy​ @ghostineleven​ @the-almond-dinger​ @l0ve-0f-my-life​
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bittercoldbrew · 3 years
PLEASE tell me about the alien plant girls im so gay for anthropomorphic fem plants
omg thank you SO MUCH for asking and i apologize in advance for the infodump because i have been thinking about these alien plant people for literal years now, i love them so much. I first started thinking about these guys a little after TFA, because of an oc i was working on for a lil star wars fic that i have mostly abandoned by now--so sorry to the like 3 people who were reading my sidon ithano fic but tlj/tros really killed whatever passion i had for the franchise for a good long time :/ but Mando is great so i've been thinking about them'st again...
anyway i am sticking this under a cut because a) im very attached to these characters and if someone steals my shit i will kermit and b) sweet jesus this got so long, i am so sorry
in the SW universe at least, these plant people (that i still for the life of me cannot settle on an actual name for) were the primary inhabitants of a dwarf planet way out in wild space; they had a pretty symbiotic relationship with a race of sentient insectoid people (basically human-sized bees) who could travel between the planet and their home on one of its three moons (affectionately called the Honey Moon). what the plants didn’t know was that the bees were also able to travel to different planets, and had been doing so for a couple centuries before everything went to shit--but we’ll get to that in a bit.
the plant people weren’t particularly interested in the galaxy around them--they had a decent understanding of astronomy and cosmology, but little cultural interest in journeying to the stars. since the planet was pretty small and distant from the galactic core, it was pretty rare that a visiting ship would even pass them by, and scanners didn’t register them as genuine life-forms separate from the natural flora, so even if someone happened to end up out there it’s not the sort of place anyone would really choose to land. on rare occasions, a pirate or smuggler would try to hide out on what they thought to be an unoccupied planet, and would return to the Outer Rim with tales of mobile, sentient trees and bizarre, organic cities found on some uncharted world; likewise, occasionally a plant person would turn up at the local bar with tales of crashed space-ships and strange aliens that seemed almost like people. neither would ever be taken seriously.
the plants aren’t a particularly verbal people. they understand spoken language (a somewhat-modified Basic, at least, which is what the bees speak hmm i wonder where they picked that up from) and many can talk, but most don’t really bother learning to do so. mostly they rely on an ESP-like combo of pheromones and body language, highly attuned to the point that it’s essentially a kind of telepathy. i think i mentioned in the tags on that post that my character Antheia is sorta kinda a jedi? for these people, force sensitivity tends to manifest as an extra-extra-sensory-perception that causes you to be hyperaware of every living thing in your environment, not just the other sentient ones.
this made her uhhh extremely off-putting as a youth, easily distractable and often disinterested in the other people in the small community she grew up in, where she was already pretty disliked to begin with. there’s quite a lot of diversity among the plant people (a wide variety of skin tones/textures and body types, though few if any secondary sex characteristics; four limbs are most common, though occasionally some have two or more sets of arms; different types of leaves/vines/blossoms/etc in lieu of hair), and though they have a barter-based economy there’s still a lot of classism that’s mostly based around lineage (and thus evinced by one’s appearance and the traits one manifests). to protect (or attempt to bolster) those lineages, prospective parents can apply for a spot in a nursery, where their offspring are propagated and tended--mostly just through infancy before going to live with parents, though sometimes longer, and the very high class have private nurseries that will do all the rearing so they don’t have to.
But, on very rare occasions, certain wild plants will spontaneously develop sentience, and even more rarely will survive on their own long enough to find their way to a community. Hundreds of years ago (or “before the bees could speak”, which is their version of “once upon a time”), these spontaneous growths were revered and cherished, and whoever was first to encounter one would see it as a great honor to be responsible for their care and upbringing. now, with a much more striated society, these “weeds” (derogatory) are considered inferior, feral, dangerous. fortunately for Antheia, the man who found her, tangled in marsh reeds under the light of the Honey Moon, didn’t buy into any of that bullshit. he was a really sweet dad, very attentive and doting on his increasingly-strange adopted daughter; they were very close. but the older she got, the more her unusual ability developed, and the more he realized he was well out of his depth to help her understand that part of herself. eventually, she’s sent away to a kind of temple/convent for other people like her, where she’s trained to hone and control her extra senses, rather than be overwhelmed by them.
many years later, the sudden appearance of several large starships in their atmosphere turns their society on its head. it turns out, the bee-people have been traveling to other planets, forging alliances, brokering deals; they claim they just want to facilitate inter-planetary trade. Antheia is among the first to mistrust these invading aliens and their fleet of well-armed droids who seem hell-bent on mining their planet (which is, apparently, rich with cortosis, which--thank you wookiepedia--is apparently capable of repelling lightsabers and blasterfire alike). She flees her convent, joins up with an underground network of resistance fighters, discovers that her hyperawareness makes her a truly formidable force on the battlefield, and helps lead her people in defending the sovereignty of their home. And then things take a turn for the worse...but we don’t need to get into that right now.
my other oc, Shoal, is from the same planet but not even remotely star-warsy; either from a different time period well before the droid incursion, or just like an AU of my own stuff, idk. but she’s great, i love her deeply even though i dont really know what i even want to do with her yet. i mostly just was thinking about what a normal, average person in this world would be like, but then i got too attached. she’s also one of the spontaneous “weeds”, a semi-aquatic plant girl that washed up on a sandbar that occasionally connects a small island with the mainland when the tide is out. she was sort of “found” by multiple people at the same time, since they were making their way across to go trade goods at the mainland market, so to avoid the confusion of who should be responsible for her, she’s just sort of raised by the village as a whole. they name her Shoal, since that’s where they found her (it started as a joke, but then no one could agree on anything else to call her so it just sort of...stuck).
she grows up without realizing that it’s a pretty unusual upbringing. as a teen, she gains the reputation for the island’s best fisher (it helps that she can breathe as well underwater as above, and she’s always been a good swimmer). one thing that’s pretty consistent among all the plant people are their teeth--they all have long, sharp incisors and canines because sexy and also as more of a defense mechanism than a dietary one. they don’t eat much, typically absorbing nutrients from the sun/water/air/soil (mud baths are such a beloved experience, like for the most part they are very dignified people but find them some good mud and they will wallow for days) but when they do it’s pretty meat-heavy. they don’t really enjoy the process of eating very much, especially because they don’t have much gut bacteria so they typically have to swallow some stones to break up their food and nobody wants to do all that. but, at least in the coastal towns near where Shoal grew up, fresh-caught fish is considered a delicacy, and they can trade for quite a lot in return.
as she gets older, though, she starts getting restless. she loves her village, but it’s all she’s ever really known. also, it is so hard to even consider dating when literally everyone your age is practically your sibling, i mean, yeesh. so one day she just packs her bags and says her goodbyes and waits for low tide, then sets off to find her own way in the great wide world. she stops wherever she can, sees everything she can, but eventually settles down working at a tavern in a medium-sized town that’s mostly acclaimed for being a crossroads between bigger and better places. she likes it there, likes getting to know lots of new people and hearing about someone else’s travels more than she actually liked traveling herself. after a few years, the tavern-keeper retires and decides to leave the place to her, and she finds she’s become a permanent fixture in this new community. that’s really all i have for her so far, and i have no idea whether i’ll ever actually do anything with this character lol, but still she is very precious to me so i hope i find a story she’d be a good match for sometime soon.
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mightydragoon · 5 years
Prince Luke fanfic Recs
@silvereddaye you know the drill
For all your Prince Luke Skywalker/ Amidala/Organa etc needs.  Also ft a lot of Leia Skywalker along with that. 
1. The Prince and the Bodyguard  Toomanyfandoms99
Bail is unsure why he’s being told this, but he is intrigued. “Where is the boy now?”
“Here,” Mon smiles, “on this base, being cared for by Shara Bey and Kes Dameron.”
Bail nods upon recognizing the names. Shara is their best pilot, and Kes is their best combat leader.
“However,” Mon states, “they cannot care for the boy full-time. There is something...unique about him. Something you are more equipped to handle.”
Bail narrows his eyes. “What?”
“Ezra Bridger is Force-sensitive,” Mon reveals.
Bail leans back in his chair and blinks once. “I see…”
“If your son is anything like his true parents,” Mon says, “he will soon require guidance. This boy also requires that guidance.”
“So,” Bail says, “you want me to shield them both from the Empire. Get them a...teacher.”
2.First Impressions   Idhren15
Mara Jade attended the rich party on Coruscant for one purpose: to kidnap the Alderaan heir, Prince Luke Organa.
She didn't expect any of these complications.
3. Crowned Usurper  planningconquest
Princess Leia managed to capture the elusive rebel Jedi. She finds someone she never expected.
4.  The kidnappings of a Sith Lord  maedre13
How a certain Sith Lord may or may not kidnap his rebel son. One-shots. Strongly inspired by sparklight´s “Where Our Intrepid Hero Doesn´t Get Away”.
Current chapter: In which the prince of the Sith gets a new bodyguard (3/3)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10606992/chapters/52681459 (Part 1)
(Note* Fic is episodic often not connecting, sometimes is, so there is a good variety of stories, some involving Prince Luke others not) 
5. Sparks  SpellCleaver
Vader had every intention of ignoring that petty—if notorious—burglar on Coruscant, until evidence suggested that this "Angel" had Rebel ties.
Meanwhile, Luke never expected his father to actively hunt him down, and he doesn't like it.
6. No Distance Far Enough   KaelinaLovesLomaris
Imperial Prince Luke Skywalker is kidnapped by the Rebellion. His father is not happy.
7. Hostage  Slx99
AU in which Luke grows up as the Prince of Alderaan and Bail and Breha Organa’s son. When Luke is sixteen Bail becomes too outspoken against the Emperor, who sends Lord Vader to take the young prince as a hostage and cow his father into submission. Held captive aboard Vader’s ship, Luke is faced with the unpleasant reality of being the pawn in this power play under his captor’s watchful eyes; until they both realize a thing or two…
8. Hostage Interludes  Slx99
Interlude pieces of the ‘Hostage’ universe from my ongoing long-fic that don't fit into the main story, but which I still wanted to share. Some will be more fun, others more serious. They have no influence on the main story.
Basic premise of the main story: Luke grew up with Bail and Breha Organa as the Prince of Alderaan. When Bail becomes too outspoken against Palpatine he orders Vader to take the young prince as a Hostage. Luke now lives aboard the Executor. He finds out rather soon that Vader is his father and the story goes from there.
9.  Hostage
10. Runaway   SilverDaye
Imperial Prince Luke runs away from home to escape his overprotective father Emperor Vader. Jumping from planet to planet he finds himself creditless on Tatooine. While working for more money to leave the planet, Luke meets an old man named Ben Kenobi. But Luke knows he can't stay in one place for long for surely his father is hunting him down.
11.A Song of Dragon's Fire & Slaves Blood   Fan0fFIM17
A Slave is finally truly made Free.
Lost in a strange primitive Land, he takes advantage of his circumstances to rise to the position of King. A Slave, a Jedi Knight, a Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, Father, Son, all this and more. Read as he Fights for the Iron-Throne!
Winter Is Coming!
12. My sister has it    jedileia (cptnwintersoldier)
"You want me to fight my dad? Kill him? How could you think I would be capable on any of that, after what I just heard? Have I been training just so I could kill my father? Is that what this Jedi training was about? If so then i deeply regret the evening I went to look for parts for my speeder and ended up at Obi-Wan's yard."
Leia, a farm girl from Tatoiine, learns that she is force sensitive and the daughter of the evil Darth Vader, once known as Anakin Skywalker. She begins her Jedi training, meets her twin brother Luke Organa and confronts his father.
13. what is lost in the darkness.....hanorganaas
Starkiller is destroyed, the great Jedi Hero who saved the Galaxy Leia Skywalker Solo and her husband Han are presumed dead, and Luke mourns. But he isn't alone in his grief
14. our eyes; they were pointed at the sky (looking for answers) pieandsouffle
The last few weeks have been a nightmare: Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru are dead and gone, the farm is skeletal and dead, she found out her father was a Jedi, brutally murdered by a traitorous friend, and now she's going to die because Han Solo is an incompetent nerf-herder who is apparently completely incapable of opening a krething door.
15.  Possibilities of If May Be - Valerie_Vancollie
Co-authored by Selinthia Avenchesca.
What if two different Star Wars realities started to merge?
16.  Skywalker Swap -  stitchy
(Note Series is a mixture of a fancomic and a fanfic and it is glorious) 
17. There Is Another  stitchy
A comicbook retelling of Episode IV in the spirit of the old Star Wars Infinities!
Luke and Leia are placed in opposite homes after the fall of the Republic. Young Leia Skywalker is called to adventure when she meets two droids that belong to the strange witch, Old Kah.
(Note* Seriously this comic retelling is fantastic ) 
18 Here Among The Clouds   stitchy
In a universe where Leia Skywalker joins the Rebel Alliance of her long lost brother Prince Luke Organa, the Millenium Falcon and her crew arrive to Cloud City with a fully functioning hyperdrive. In the weeks following the Battle of Hoth, Lando Calrissian becomes entangled in their their quest to defeat the evil Empire. 
19. A Farm girl, a Twink, and an Uber driver-  Daniellecluck
This is literally just a collection of drabbles of a New Hope rescue scene various original trilogy scenes but gayer and Luke and Leia swapped places.
20. The Adventures of Leia Skywalker, Episode One: The New Hope   MaraWinchester
Nineteen-year-old Leia Skywalker lives with her Aunt and Uncle on the remote desert planet Tatooine, where there’s something ready to kill you behind every corner. Three moons make the nights bitterly cold, and the two suns makes the days unbearably hot. When a droid bought by her uncle contains a message by a prince, asking for help from a legendary Jedi Knight, Leia senses her ticket off world. Little does she know that her journey will take her right and center to a galaxy torn apart by war, involve smugglers of ill repute, and possibly shed more information on her father that she could possibly imagine...
21.  Another Kind of Hope  Skyrissian (ErinacchiLove)
In a period of a galactic civil war, the brave Rebel Alliance has won their first victory against the Galactic Empire and stolen the plans of the Empire's ultimate weapon, the Death Star.
When the starship of Prince Luke Organa, who is transporting the plans, falls under the Empire's attack, the future of the galaxy depends on two droids carrying the secret plans and their new owner, a farm girl named Leia Skywalker.
22 The Princess, the Smuggler and the Sith Lord's Son  Sassaphrass
Han Solo was trying to rescue her Royal Annoyingness from the Death Star when he runs smack into Vader's kid. Naturally he does the logical thing and takes him hostage. This is where the story starts. OR
Luke just wanted to get some snacks when he ran into a Wookie, a Princess and a Space Pirate. The day's pretty much downhill from there.
23. At Least the War is Over  Sassaphrass
The only thing Luke and Leia have in common are those nine months they spent in the womb and that time they brought down the Empire.
It's hard to build a new family when the last one got blown to smithereens with the entire planet, but Leia's never thought anything worthwhile would be easy.
24. His Imperial Highness Luke Amidala -  Sassaphrass 
25.  Chiaroscuro  SpellCleaver
A series of oneshots focusing on Luke and Vader's relationship, with other characters occasionally thrown into the mix. 
26. Prince Luke Organa: A New Hope   -lightningbisexual
An AU where Leia was sent to Tatooine with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru and Luke was sent to Alderaan as the prince. It begins from where Luke is captured by the Empire in A New Hope. I follow more his story than Leia's because we all know she's going to be a badass on her own and I really want to see Luke grow up and learn to face his fears.
(Note* see sequel below Leia centric) 
27.  Leia Skywalker: The Empire Strikes Back  lightningbisexual
A continuation of my twin swap fic. Leia Skywalker is being sought by the Dark Side and the Light, who both hope to use her power for their own agendas. However, her ferocity and anger make it difficult for her to train as a Jedi. Han Solo is also developing feelings for Prince Luke Organa and has no goddamn clue how to deal with it.
28. Between the Light and Shadows: Luke & Vader One-Shots  SilverDaye
One-shot collection focused on Luke and Vader. All AU.
29. How the Other Half Lives -aradian_nights
(Note* How can I talk about Prince Luke fics without mentioning them cause WOW. 10/10.  I  highly recommend even if you aren’t a fan of the Prince Luke trope cause wow. It is something.  Warning: Angst . )
Trial and Error - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8417668
Layers of Dust  -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/8900971
For Love of a Queen - https://archiveofourown.org/works/9342596/chapters/21167591
Deep Doubt-  https://archiveofourown.org/works/10361913
Vision Void-  https://archiveofourown.org/works/10628475/chapters/23511120
Fate Defied- https://archiveofourown.org/works/10947714
When Destinies Split -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11017986/chapters/24552093
Risk and Chance - https://archiveofourown.org/works/11506092/chapters/25817655
A Shout in the  Dark -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11699232/chapters/26341971
Walking the Line Between - https://archiveofourown.org/works/13172817/chapters/30129249
AO3 Tag
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Blinded By The Light | Smuggler!B.S
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Chapter One - The Smuggler
Ben Solo, the son of Leia Organa and Han Solo, The Nephew of Jedi Master; Luke Skywalker, and Grandson of Darth Vader has chosen his path, rejecting the Jedi religion, and his call to the light. He decides that the galaxy has called out for him to follow in his Father’s footsteps in becoming one of the galaxies best pilot’s and smuggler’s.
playlist: BBTL
pairing -
     Smuggler! Ben Solo x Fem! Reader 
    warnings -
swearing here and there. the use of female pronouns.clearly an AU, the plot has no relation to canon. 
a/n | hi guys, bet you had no idea I was working on this for the couple weeks I’ve been gone but here it is. also let me know if the title has been used already, because I know it’s popular in the fandom for Ben. I also suggest listening to the playlist above when reading.
Ben sighed, rolling his eyes at his fellow companion and co-pilot, Chewbacca. “Yeah, yeah- I know what I’m doing.” Chewie groaned out at his friend’s ego, they were late on their shipment to their boss, Ubbal Novar, which could result in possible punishment. The Wookie didn’t doubt Ben’s ability to work his way out of trouble, he defiantly took after his late Father, War Hero and Smuggler, Han Solo, but something about this job filled Chewie with worry, something seemed off. 
They arrived upon Dandoran, the home planet and base of their proclaimed boss Ubbal Novar. The sky was en-captured by darkness upon their arrival, the only source of light radiated from the moonlight. Ubbal resided deep within the mountain range, a hidden bunker of sorts, in hiding from the Galactic Authorities. After walking for miles, Chewie and Ben had finally reached the locked sliding door, after a few moments of standing by the door, a voice came from above the door panel, from the built in speaker, “ Ben Solo, Ubbal as been expecting you. You are late.” Ben bit his lip, thinking of an excuse before looking up at the camera, “ Give Ubbal my deepest apologies.” He put a hand over his chest, signifying his sarcastic empathy towards Ubbal. The door slid upwards, opening itself to reveal two of Ubbal’s guards, Ben and Chewie cautiously stepped inside, the guards following close behind them as they all walked their way to the boss’s briefing room. Chewie held the semi large package by its handle, the contents within being pages, from an old book, a treasure they had flown all over the galaxy for. The language within the pages was unknown to them, the only page readable was a random list of names, attached to different planets, the story behind why Ubbal would need these names shook Chewie with the worry. What was his plan? 
They arrived upon Ubbal’s conference space. He sat upon the couch, his long cape draping upon his shoulders, as he sipped on an alcoholic beverage. As the door automatically opened, Ubbal’s eyes shifted up towards the doorway, his eyes meeting with Ben and Chewie’s presence. He put the glass down, on the table in front of him, before standing up to greet his smuggler’s. “Ahh! Young Solo, I have been waiting for your arrival all day it seems!” Ben bit his tongue, taking in the annoyance of his boss, before also greeting him, a smug yet fake smile plastered on his lips. “ Ubbal Novar, it seems as though it took longer than expected to find the package, But we are here now, with all the pages in pristine condition. We hope you can forgive our untimely fashion.” Ben attempted to seem sincere, though he often failed at that aspect.  Ubbal chuckled, “ Take the package from the Wookie, look it over.” He ordered one of the guards. Chewie handed it over to the guard, whom whisked it away to be inspected. “ Now, sit.” Ubbal motioned Ben and Chewie to take a seat upon the opposite facing couch, sitting across from one another. 
“ I have an important job for you two. My most important one yet.” He began, looking at them both before explaining himself, “ I need you to smuggle a person to me.” Ben rolled his eyes, “ We don’t smuggle people Ubbal. We’ve made this very clear.” His arms crossed against his chest, watching his boss search for the right words, “Look at this as a favor with a price. As a friend, I’m asking for help, and as your boss, I will supply you with an appropriate amount of severance for completing this task-” Ben’s eyes squinted at his boss, before interrupting his free loading speech, “ How much?” Ubbal looked taken a back, unprepared, “Pardon?” Ben chuckled, “ Don’t play dumb Ubbal. How much in pay?”  Ubbal pondered for a moment before speaking his terms in a low whisper, “ I can’t say a solid number yet- but it would be enough for you to hide away, forever.” Ben took in the word; forever. Ben had dreamt of it many times before, disappearing among the stars, never to be found. Though his co-pilot, Chewie didn’t necessarily agree with Ben’s plan to cut his family out, he held a promise to Leia, to keep Ben safe, and if that meant disappearing with him, he was willing to do that. Ben turned to Chewie, attempting to read him, if this was a good idea or not. The Wookie shrugged, groaning out in sympathy, an “I guess.” Ben smirked turning to Ubbal, “ Looks like you have yourself a deal Ubbal.” Ben stared into Ubbal’s eyes with a fiery and dominant attitude after shaking his hand, “ But if you refuse to pay us less than bargained for, I’m not afraid to throw your ass to the galactic authorities. Understand?” Ubbal nodded, a toothy grin appearing among his face, happy to have the smuggler’s on his side. 
Back on the Falcon, Chewie and Ben packed for their mission, they were silent whilst doing this, until Chewie spoke up, telling Ben that this seemed like a bad idea. Ben sighed, packing an extra blaster, “ We need the money.” Chewie groaned out again, his worry still evident. “ I know it’s not a job we usually do-” Ben looked up at Chewie, “ But if we don’t find the girl, he could kill us, and I don’t need a bounty on my head. “ Ben then smiled, reaching out to place a hand on Chewies shoulder, “ Plus did you hear what he said? Enough money to hide away forever. Isn’t that what we’ve always wanted?” The Wookie nodded sympathetically, understanding his friends reasoning, despite not agreeing with it. 
Whenever Ben and Chewie were working for Ubbal, they often had no time to rest. Only for minimal moments here and there, taking turns between sleeping and piloting. Chewbacca had insisted that Ben get at least a few hours of rest before their lengthy mission. Smuggling spices and weapons was one thing, smuggling a person was a whole different game to them. Ben layed awake in his bunk among the ship. He stared at the ceiling above, his thoughts took over his mind, en-capturing him  within an essence of guilt. Despite his desperation for the money and assured protection to be hidden forever as the severance for the particular job, he couldn’t help but feel horrible. How could he do such a thing? Smuggle an otherwise innocent girl to Ubbal. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath, clearing his mind, before reaching out through the force,something that was rare for him, he searched for his Mother’s wisdom. There was a strange presence among The Force, not that of his Mother, a feeling he had never felt before. He could see flashes of images within his mind, a jungle of trees. He felt a dampness among him, it wasn’t cold, but it wasn’t warm either, it filled his senses. He could see a mist of fog surrounding him within the damp forestry. He attempted to reach out further, find the answers he had been searching for. He then saw a black mass in the distance, walking towards him, the entity appeared to call out to him, but he couldn’t make out the words, before he had lost the energy, disconnecting from The Force within seconds, his mind filled with nothing but black. But this time his chest felt heavy, not because of the guilt he had, but a feeling that he was meant to do this, that he needed to find who called out to him, his answers lying within the Yavin System.
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quitethepirategal · 3 years
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Alternate Universes;         SMUGGLER AMONG THE STARS  ~  Space Pirate.
      Everything is the same but in space.  Crimson Isle is just a moon to Neverstar, a dwarf planet ( or something like that ).  This is a very loose and flexible au.  Works for Firefly, Star Wars, The Outer Worlds, Titian AE, Treasure Planet …uh… Spaceballs?
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jennathearcher · 4 years
Talk about your OCs in a Star Wars AU! Any Force-Sensitives? Jedi? Sith? Rebels? Order sympathizers? Some other faction(s)? Former Stormtroopers? Spicerunners? Anyone not take sides and just wanna be a simple farmer?
- The Kem’bells are a noble political family from Coruscant, whose leader Willyem tries as hard as he can to keep the peace. However, his daughter and only child, Jenna, turns out to be the only member of their family to be born with Force sensitivity. Afraid of the dark forces that will try to exploit her power, Willyem takes Jenna to a remote planet and takes care of her there, doing his best to protect her. In his absence, his brother Mikkel takes over in his stead – leading to the quick rise to power of his own daughter, Ariana.
- As Jenna grows older, her power only grows stronger. Willyem knows that soon enough she will need a mentor to teach her the ways of the Force – but he gets more than he bargained for when his long-estranged brother, Stefan, finds them. Stefan was cast out of the family home as a youth for his Force abilities, being feared by their Empire-sympathizing parents. He was lucky enough to find a mentor in former Jedi Nathan Kross, who taught him everything he knew. However, Nathan was struck down by his enemies, leading Stefan down the path to darkness. He has spent a long time trying to atone for his past misdeeds, and only now opens up his connection to the Force again in order to teach his niece how to hone her own.
- However, in opening himself up to the Force again, Stefan also opens himself up to being tracked and hunted down by old enemies looking to settle a score – including the Empire itself. There’s a powerful Sith warrior woman by the title of Darth Angellus now hot on Stefan’s trail, and now he must take all the necessary measures to protect himself and Jenna from her. This entails hiring the help of smuggler Donnie Hornsby and his crew of ragtag space pirates; but unbeknownst to Jenna, Stefan makes another deal with Donnie: his assistance and the use of his ship in exchange for their help freeing his friend and associate Chris from the Empire’s prison vessel.
- During his time locked up in the Empire’s custody, Chris finds an unlikely friend in the form of Max Hart, a low-ranking records keeper working for the Empire. Over time, the two of them form a strong bond, until Max ultimately defects and helps Chris escape from the prison. Now on the lam, Max joins the Hornsby crew, embracing their newfound freedom.
- Meanwhile, Ariana finds a close ally in the form of fellow senator Simon de Lance, who may have more intriguing connections throughout the galaxy than she bargained for – and may be the key to helping her reconnect with her cousin.
- Over the course of their journey, it becomes clear that Stefan knows more about Darth Angellus and her history than he lets on...including her one weakness. On top of that, there may be an Empire spy on board the Hornsby ship, sewing the potential for discourse among the crew.........
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inqorporeal · 6 years
The Droids Have Ears: Surveillance and Technology in the GFFA
There's an odd thing that happens in properties (intellectual properties, or “IPs”, which encompass the entirety of published fictional media) which were created decades before our contemporary social and technological developments went from being fiction to reality. Things we take for granted are mysteriously never added to the official IP, and even fanworks which blend in pop culture tend to leave some parts out.
I'm leading with this, because acknowledging the meta when discussing fictional culture is important.
Theory: Star Wars and the GFFA at large do not have a surveillance culture.
* "GFFA" is common shorthand for "Galaxy Far, Far Away" and used among the fan community to encompass all related media including fanworks.
Back in the '70s, when Star Wars featured an all-encompassing Evil Empire, the Cold War was in full swing but the modern internet and ubiquitous presence of surveillance cameras had yet to appear. The HoloNet as a concept wasn't even a part of the IP until the much-derided Holiday Special, where it was more for telecasts than personal communication, and the characters had no fear that their own ship’s computer system or personal comm units might be passively collecting every bit of conversation and sending it to an Imperial dataservice, where it would be washed through filters searching for voiceprint matches and vital keywords.
This, by the way, is our lived reality in 2019. More than 40 years after its initial creation, our contemporary world contains a level of control that Palpatine could never have dreamed of, because he and his Empire were conceptualized in the late '70s.
Even the Prequels don't come close to our modern informational dystopia, despite the introduction of the HoloNet concept. The prequel films were conceived in the '90s, before a certain disaster made people in the US more willing to lose a little personal freedom in exchange for what we were told is better security (it's not, but that's a rant for a different time), and the films still don't take that leap into the true perpetual-wartime paranoia that we know today.
Early IP writers barely remember that characters can have a comm on their belt, never mind a HoloNet-connected datapad. Even contemporary IP writers, who make more pop culture references and have average characters using computers with a contemporary ease which wasn’t common in the 1970s, don’t take that plunge into cyberpunk dystopia. Fandom creators take it maybe a half-step further, bringing HoloNet usage into characters’ everyday lives.
But even in media where the deeply authoritarian Sith Empire has been in place for thousands of years, the presence of surveillance is limited to private security cameras, seeker drones, and sentient spies. Despite slicers being the canon equivalent of real-world hackers and crackers, they’re almost an afterthought: easily replaced by droids and used primarily for breaking electronic locks and engaging in industrial espionage -- it’s not the corporations selling your data, it’s the slicers selling other corporations’ data. Corporations -- which are notably more corrupt and blatantly evil than any we deal with on our contemporary Earth, almost eldritch abominations in their ability to survive for literally thousands of years and their ruthless inhumanity --  don't passively collect data from personal comms to sell to private or public security agencies, advertising doesn’t follow individual users from location to location, and even the government intelligence services have to send agents in to collect records a company won't willingly hand over. It's relatively easy for a character in the GFFA to obtain a false ID that's solid enough to get them past security checkpoints at transit stations, and somehow their biometrics don't get traced to their original IDs.
Part of this is a facet of the writers’ will: the person doing the creating either doesn't know what's possible given the technology, or they choose to ignore the possibility. Part of this is because -- as a result of earlier writers from a radically different social background -- these factors were never part of the IP to begin with.
And part of it is idealism: the desire to create a world which -- whilst dark and troubling and possessing many of the conveniences we have today -- doesn’t contain the everyday intrusions which wear us down. A world where we’re not creeped out by email ads offering things we were talking about to our friends yesterday and where nobody feels the need to put stickers over their computer cameras when not in use.
The result is a fictional world which is, in a sense, a technological utopia: there is some legal or social matter which prevents even the most corrupt of corporate and security leaders from engaging in intense mass surveillance and personal invasion.
It makes a certain amount of sense: the population of the GFFA can be numbered in the quadrillions. Despite the wide variety of species and hybridization, that's still too many to maintain a useable database on. You’ll get a million instances of a rare name and upwards of a billion if the name is common. The equivalent of the population of a developed world could slip through the cracks and the oversight would go unnoticed. Some worlds don’t even have a population registration program, either because they prefer to remain low-tech or because their social structures deem it unnecessarily invasive; the Sith Empire doesn’t care because they’re not a threat, and the Republic wouldn’t enforce it unless the world wanted a seat on the Senate.
Likewise the limitations of communication across distances on a galactic scale makes passive monitoring expensive and virtually impossible. There are hyperwave transceivers suspended in hyperspace across the galaxy to connect everyone, with an immediacy we can't even get between the Earth and our best satellites; however, by the time of the Prequels, the network still had not been expanded into the Outer Rim. Personal communicators are still limited by range -- Obi-Wan’s message from Geonosis barely reached Anakin on Tatooine, the system’s nearest stellar neighbour* -- but are still somehow operating on a faster-than-light principle, or it would have taken months if not years before anyone knew what was going down on Geonosis.
* For a real-world reference, the Voyager 1 space probe is 148.3 astronomical units (AU) away and it takes 20.56 hours to receive a lightspeed signal from it; the probe still has not left the Sun’s gravitational influence, which is estimated to extend to 100,000 AU, at which point a lightspeed signal back to Earth would take 1.58 years.
It's worth noting that, while an invasion force in the GFFA may set up local jammers on a planet or system, they never interfere with the Republic-created HoloNet network the way contemporary authoritarian regimes interfere with internet access, possibly because everyone relies upon the exact same network.
(We do not mention the Yuuzhan Vong in this household.)
When we take into consideration the fact that droids and even starship computers exhibit a form of artificial intelligence, we may consider that there might be some level of rights involved, but it’s pretty clear that the droids and ships themselves have no control over their programming, personality, usage, or how frequently they experience a forced memory wipe at the hands of the sentients who own them. The few droids who are noticeably liberated are still bound in some way as legal property to a given non-droid sentient. They’re treated more akin to a pet than a walking, self-aware computer, but unless their owner offers them a modicum of self-determination, droids are at the mercy of their handlers. Despite this, there is no evidence of corporate or government co-option of droids and ships against their owners*: once it is sold, the AI-sentient is no longer considered the company’s problem. This is likely an aspect of droids being treated by the writers as individual characters in their own rights whilst still acknowledging through their treatment by the other characters that they have no rights to speak of.
* It has happened in the IP that a character’s ship was broken into and their droid and computer were reprogrammed by the individual responsible. But there is no evidence of the GFFA’s invasive corporate or governmental entities engaging in such behaviour en masse.
We are also, interestingly, dealing with a population where the common citizen might carry a sidearm and even pilot a vehicle or a ship without any form of licensing; and we know this because otherwise all the smugglers would find themselves impounded as soon as they landed or docked on a government-controlled planet. Border control, in a 3-D spatial environment, is literally impossible, and blockades only work if you have a Scarif-style planetary defense shield. As they say, only law-abiding people will use the door: only pilots who give a crap about the law will use the pre-determined planetary approach coordinates, or wait patiently in the queue for permission to land. Or even land somewhere where their license will be checked and verified.
It can therefore be surmised that, through a combination of unintentional design and intentional later development, the GFFA is a universe that has -- except in extraordinary circumstances -- given up on such attempts at surveillance and populace control.
Individual planets and local governments may engage in personal surveillance, businesses may operate their own security networks or hire contractors. But the GFFA as a whole is a technological utopia where modifying or even building one’s own communication device allows one to access the HoloNet without charge or censure, and where surveillance culture died the moment it attempted to find a databank large enough to store and collate all the collected information. Even Sidious’ Empire -- arguably even more authoritarian than Sith Empires of previous generations -- doesn’t go to such extremes, or else the Rebellion would have been decimated in the early stages.
It’s remarkable enough that the Sith Empire isn’t as technologically invasive in its citizens’ lives as our modern governments in 2019 have become. It’s an authoritarian, speciesist, meritocratic oligarchy nightmare which rewards its subjects for playing unfairly against anyone they see as opposition, but it still doesn’t track its citizens and demand technological back-doors into their personal technology. Despite all its many, many flaws, at least it hasn’t become a cyberpunk dystopia. And in spite of its own myriad problems, the Republic never does so either.
It’s a unique look into a mirror universe that we might have had: a futuristic, highly technological society which has no surveillance culture. In 2019, the knowledge that the FBI or other government agencies might be spying on us right now is so ubiquitous it’s spawned memes, but in the GFFA even the most heinous of governments don’t even suggest trying.
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svartalfhild · 6 years
hey, you did a Vox Machina Star Wars AU thing, do u think u can do one with the Might Nein?
Well shit, I haven’t been in that mood for a long time.  This’ll probably be posted a bit later than you would hope, because I gotta take a hot second to think about this.  Let’s see...
If VM were Original Trilogy Era, per my original Star Wars AU nonsense, then M9 are Sequel Era, so bearing that in mind:
Beau is a Grey Jedi, trained by a secret order that values preserving knowledge the First Order would seek to destroy.  She’s also spent quite some time as a smuggler.
Fjord is a man who was once just a crewman aboard a shipping vessel.  His ship crashed and he woke up with the lightsaber of an ancient Sith lord in his hand, though he doesn’t really know what it is at first.  It whispers to him sometimes and grants him strange powers.
Jester is a Force-sensitive Twi’lek who was born on a beautiful Outer Rim world, but had to leave thanks to her own hijinks and she was hitching rides from planet to planet.  She’s scrappy and resourceful, having picked up all sorts of skills in her travels, from how to wield a blaster to all the best ways to use medigel.  She dreams of having a pink lightsaber.
Caleb is a former soldier of the First Order, previously known as CW-9112.  He is a brilliant engineer who was part of a covert strike unit.  He defected after he was made to kill his own parents.
Frumpkin is a small droid Caleb built from scrap.  He has a pair of googles he can use to tap into Frumpkin’s sight and hearing.  He became a smuggler with Nott after busting out of jail with her.
Nott is a Jawa who hates her family and being a Jawa so much that she left Tatooine and became a smuggler.  She wants Caleb to find a way to transfer her consciousness into a droid body.
Molly is a Twi’lek member of a troupe of entertainers who found himself joining the M9 mercenary band after the troupe fell apart.  He carries a pair of lightsabers that he sort of just found.  He’s Force-sensitive, but doesn’t understand it.
Yasha is...a mystery.  She was security the the same troupe Molly was part of.  She’s excellent with all kinds of weapons, but especially big blaster rifles.  Everyone is sure she’s part of some secret group, but they’ve no idea what it is.
Caduceus is a Wookie Jedi raised in a family of Wookie Jedi who live in isolation among old ruins, working hard to make sure the lingering spirits do not create great disturbances in the Force.  He feels his mission with M9 is to go where they lead, which his gut tells him will take him towards the great dark imbalance he is meant to destroy.
They do their best to avoid the First Order at all costs, which is easier said than done in First Order-occupied territory.
They may or may not have aided a Rebel plot and stolen a piece of valuable technology from the First Order without even really knowing what it is.  It seems connected to the Force somehow, though.
M9 can confirm: Outer Rim slavers are The Worst™.
The Mighty Nein accidentally??? commandeered a smuggling ship, which they renamed The Mistake.
Avantika is a space pirate who is in possession of a gauntlet once owned by the same Sith lord who made Fjord’s lightsaber, and she's obsessed with finding more such things.
Cue excursions to Sith ruins, where they encounter Fucked Up Shit.
I’m sure more ideas will come to me as the campaign progresses.
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limey-blue-arty-do · 5 years
@celestialnoodle has gotten me hooked on a Star Wars AU for myself and Mollymauk, with Molly as the royal prince of a planet who often longs for freedom and me as the childhood friend-turned-mechanic that acts as his informant, featuring:
Mollymauk’s wardrobe style is increased massively because space
me: I need x part to finish my project / Molly: say no more I got this thanks to the power of MONEY
me telling Molly about casual life things that he quietly longs for
me helping Molly bust out of the royal palace every few nights so we can go drinking and dancing among the other locals of the city
the two of us going to other planets for diplomatic missions and sometimes getting into more trouble than planned
anti-gravity fun times
Mollymauk dressing me up in royal clothing
me teaching Molly how to fix ship engines
also included:
day-trip with a smuggler and her crew of a droid and a blind man turns into an escape job with an ex-Jedi Knight and an ex-Sith (aka @celestialnoodle‘s self-insert Celest and Caleb Widogast)
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shemakesmeforget · 6 years
15 fics under 1K kudos
We all know how tempting is to sort fics by kudos, so I'm doing that lol I hope you all enjoy this underrated gems. I might do a part 2, I'm definitely posting a list for wips tomorrow (these are all completed fics btw). I have some moodboards coming, but for now you can check here and for other fic recs here. Okay, let's go!
How to Surprise Your Fiancé With Pork: An Honest Walkthrough by Viktor Nikiforov by Orchids_and_Fictional_Cities (@orchids-and-fictional-cities)
Canonverse, Rated T, 5K 
The thing with Viktor is that once he’s set his mind on something, there is a very very minuscule chance of him not following through on said thing. 
He wants to do something for Yuuri: partly as a Valentine’s Day gift, partly as a prelude to Worlds, and partly ‘just because’. It’s somewhere between dwelling on the abstract thought of Yuuri’s hunger as a competitor, and watching the younger skater on Facetime with his mother back home, that an idea starts to form.. 
This is how Katsuki Yuuri, the love of his life, the apple of his eye, the fire of his loins et cetera, ad infinitum, finds Viktor when he walks into the door: standing precariously with one foot on a barstool and the other on top of his counter, frantically fanning at his smoke detector with a magazine. 
• This is hilarious, sweet Viktor... he tries so so hard (also I relate to this more than I would like lol)
voices carry by spookyfoot (@spookyfoot)
Canonverse, Rated T, 4K
God Chris is loud, Victor thinks, half of his glass of vodka sloshing onto the floor as another rhythmic thump sounds against the shared wall between his and Chris’ rooms. Would the hotel allow him to change rooms so late at night? He could probably manage it no problem, but his toiletries are spread all over the bathroom and by the time he packs those up Chris and his…guest should be finished.
He’ll have to wait it out.
A moan floats through the wall. Victor’s not sure if it’s approving his plan or warning him to give up while he still can.
He pours himself some more vodka.
“Fill me up,” Chris's Fuck Buddy (CFB) says.
Oh god. Victor takes a long pull of vodka from his glass.
For once, Chris is quiet enough that Victor can’t hear anything beyond a murmur. And he thinks that’s that until—
“Fuck a baby into me,” Chris’ bedmate moans.
Victor chokes on his drink.
Meet cute by way of pregnancy kink 
• *heavy breathing* seriously?? You're giving us Yuuri doing the walk of shame and YUUCHRIS??? beware I laughed so hard I cried, so much secondhand embarrassment.
Lay Your Head by kiaronna (@kiaronna)
Canonverse, Rated G, 2K
By the time they end up sharing a bed, they’ve already slept next to each other everywhere else.  
• I LOVE this trope so much omg, you’re in for a treat A DELIGHT.
overture for two (me & you) by oh_fudgecakes (@asideoftrashplease)
Canonverse, Rated E, 21K
Plagued by his poor performance at the GPF, Yuuri’s disastrous free at Japanese Nationals ends not just in eleventh-place, but deals him with a lasting injury, resulting in him retiring before the events of the show. He becomes a commentator, determined to move on from his uneventful skating career. Yet, a series of chance meetings with a smitten Viktor and his own yearning for the ice keeps drawing him back to competitive figure skating. 
In which everything's different, but it all ends the same anyway. 
• Commentor!Yuuri owns me lol (all Yuuris own me), a great balance between angst and humor.
Lead Me To You by luni
Canonverse, Rated E, 68K
Victor Nikiforov, Russia’s living legend of figure skating, is forced to take most part of the season off because of a rather serious injury. A comeback, no matter how exciting or unexpected, is never easy- especially when the person who is supposed to help Victor through most of it is none other than Katsuki Yuuri, former ace of Japan, now retired.
• Role reversal!! Coach Yuuri!!!! angsty af but oh dear they're crazy for each other. 
Ode To Apollo 13 by cerebella (@badkisser)
Space AU, Rated E, 66K
Yuuri Katsuki has his first and only breakup, and reacts the only way he knows how: board a starship and live out the rest of his life in outer space, millions of light years from the home planet he loves. 
It doesn't work.
• Getting back together is a trope I really enjoy, also friends with benefits *praying hands emoji *  Particularly I like the flashback to their school days and, if you squint, you have some sweet yuuchris too <3 
were stars to burn by xylophones (@xyloophones)
Space AU, Rated T, 7K
How should we like it were stars to burn
With a passion for us we could not return?
“I’ll call,” Viktor promises, “I’ll write, I’ll send holo videos, I’ll–– I’ll–– I’ll––”
He doesn’t say “I’ll stay if you ask” but he thinks it. He thinks about asking Yuuri to wait for him.
He won’t.
(But he thinks about it: Yuuri, pointing up at the night sky and saying “there’s the love of my life, among the planets, among the streaks of light above us.”) 
• I dont wanna say I cried like a baby because that would be insulting to babies. So sad and beautiful.
Follow Me Down the Milky Way by Skowronek and voxofthevoid (@kaja-skowronek and @voxofthevoid)
Space AU, Rated E, 17K
When decorated space officer Viktor Nikiforov is sent on a mission to bring down an infamous smuggler, he does not expect to be swept off his feet by a pole dancer as mysterious as he is deadly.
Yuuri Katsuki simply tries to make the galaxy a better place with as little collateral damage as possible, but that's easier said than done when a fleet commander's son sneaks into his ship and a pretty officer with a thigh fetish is after his head and dick both.
• BAMF!Yuuri <3 finally Yuuri's thighs get the appreciation and love they deserve. Very sweet and funny!
quantum entanglement by minsyah (@pockybugi)
College/Coffee Shop AU, Rated T, 17K
For some reason, the man—Viktor—sits in front of him, silver hair flouncing as he settles comfortably into the chair, introducing himself as Yuuri’s new math tutor with an easy smile.
And Yuuri, 25 years old with a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics…doesn’t correct him.
(Viktor mistakes Yuuri for a high school student struggling with Geometry. Yuuri’s too awkward to figure out how to tell him otherwise.)
• I'm still laughing so hard. The ultimate meet cute! Yuuri is a dork, my sweet child.
Can you, not? by shereadsthestars
College AU, Rated M, 7K
"Stop moving," Yuuri hisses.
"I'm not moving," Viktor hisses right back, causing Yuuri to roll his eyes.
"Yes, you are," he says, adjusting himself to the best of his ability so as to accommodate Viktor's incessant shifting. "Or I wouldn't have told you not to."
"Whatever," Viktor breathes, then, without missing a beat, "Go out with me."
• Viktor is so in love, Yuuri tries very hard to not fall in love but everything works out in the end. Cute angst? cute angst!
faking in secret by DefiantDreams (@gia-comeatme)
College AU, Rated T, 14K
It gets kind of difficult when you’re simultaneously fake dating and dating in secret at the same time.
Yuuri and Viktor make it work—until they don’t. 
• FAKE SECRET DATING GOOD GOD. This Yuuri omg!!!! oblivious heartbreakek to the max. Adorable and hilarious.
Foresight, not just foreplay by myoue (@cofferi)
Roommates AU, Rated M, 6K
There’s no way I could have casual sex, Victor says, I’d fall in love immediately. 
• Friends with benefits is my weakness and oh?? This fic???? I adore how they dance around each other. Just wonderful!
life with the dull bits cut out by thishasbeencary (@yoyoplisetsky)
Actors AU, Rated T, 9K
Viktor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katuski have been best friends since acting school. Viktor got his big break early, and brought Yuuri on to every exciting event and premier in his career. As Yuuri's career takes off, he does the same with Viktor. They do everything together, and act like they've known each other for their entire lives.
Their fans think they're in love.
(Spoilers: They are.)
• This fic literally made me cry at work, friends to lovers is my favorite trope ever and mutual pining AND OMG THIS IS SO CUTE I WANNA CRY AGAIN, amazing.
The Viktor Nikiforov Affair by YankingAwry (@rvancoogler)
Heist AU, Rated T, 13K
Viktor tries wooing Yuuri. Yuuri will not be wooed. And then there's the small matter of Viktor being a Russian master criminal art thief extraordinaire, Yuuri being the Interpol agent assigned to handle him, and the imminent theft of a hundred million dollar painting.
There's tension throughout the whole fic, Yuuri tries do hard and Viktor tries the hardest.
• The fic I didn’t know I needed BUT I DID, such a good read! this Viktor must be one of my faves, hands down. 
Comes Love by Multiple_Universes (@witharthurkirkland)
Burlesque AU, Rated M, 46K
People in the audience would crane their necks to watch Yuuri sit and calmly sip his drink. He’d raise the glass to his lips and down its contents slowly, as if the gold liquid was honey and not champagne. Or he’d get a cocktail and drink it through a straw in a way that would make the men around him break out into a cold sweat. Then he’d cross his legs and recline in his seat and it didn’t matter what was happening on the stage: every eye in the room was on him. The regulars often said that no one could cross their legs like Eros did.
That night he sat in his usual spot and watched the stage with unseeing eyes. Two weeks of someone leaving a bouquet of roses would make anyone curious. He’d always find them in the same spot. There were always seven of them. And they always came without a note. But Yuuri knew they were all from the same person.
A Burlesque AU with Yuuri as a performer and Victor as his admirer.
• Are you ready to experience the best visuals of your existence? *fans self* This Yuuri is just too powerful, def too much to handle (praying for Viktor). Strip and fluff is now my new religion. It was angsty at times but overall it was very sexy and cute, so lovely.
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cgpfolio · 3 years
“Maybe it’s precisely this idea which constitutes an act of intellectual piracy in the current mentality of the EU.” [en/de]
First pubished in Weltkulturen News 02/2020 "DEDICATION" (PDF Spreadsheet) [Deutschsprachige Originalversion unten.] “Piracy in the early eighteenth century was, at bottom, a struggle for life against socially organized death.” It is unlikely that this definition of piracy, from Marcus Rediker’s “Villains of all Nations”, was going through the mind of the then Italian minister of the interior Matteo Salvini when, in June 2019, he proclaimed that the rescue of 52 people by the crew of Sea-Watch 3 was “yet another act of piracy by an outlaw organization”. And yet a similar battle has been raging on the Mediterranean Sea for the last five years: the European states have created a zone along their shared external border where all the values, citizens’ and human rights proclaimed by the EU have been suspended: a state of exception which degrades the sea to a weapon, people to bargaining chips – and the fluid southern border of the European continent to the most deadly migration route in the world.
Whether viewed from a historical, legal or conceptual perspective, the European activists at Sea-Watch and other rescue organisations which are opposing this development are not pirates: according to Rediker, piracy in the past was a (class) struggle for survival, which presupposed a sheer defiance of death. But civil sea rescue in the Mediterranean Sea is primarily a solidary fight, coming from the privileged position that it is not the rescuers’ own lives on the line. It is thousands of other people – those who are excluded from the European ‘We’ due to the logic of the nation state – whose lives are lost in the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea, who are left to rot in Libyan detention camps, and whose forced return from the high seas is implemented by the so-called Libyan Coast Guard, which is funded with millions by the EU.
“I do not need to make foreign problems, worries or oppression my own,” explains Pia Klemp, one of the captains of the civil sea rescue fleet, who is facing a court case in Italy for facilitating illegal immigration. “Solidarity means recognizing that all these problems are my very own from the beginning. No matter if the effects of it are noticeable in my everyday life or not.” Maybe it’s precisely this idea that rules out the construction of ‘the Other’, and thus ignorance of their suffering, which constitutes an act of intellectual piracy in the current mentality of the EU.
Since the MS Sea-Watch set sail in 2015 to represent this idea and take action against the dying on the external European border, quite a bit has happened: in 2015 and 2016 the organisation was acclaimed by civil society and integrated into the official search and rescue network by the state authorities, but the political wind in the Mediterranean Sea changed direction swiftly. In the first half of 2017, key figures in European politics began to establish the claim that the civilian rescuers were somehow colluding with the people smugglers in Libya. Based on ‘working hypotheses’ brought forward by the Sicilian public prosecutor Carmelo Zuccaro, the Austrian politician Sebastian Kurz, then foreign minister, declared that the ‘NGO madness’ had to be stopped. The German interior minister Thomas de Maizière similarly accepted Zuccaro’s unfounded claims that “the ships travel to Libyan waters and switch on their floodlights off the beach”. What he didn’t go along with was Zuccaro’s further working hypothesis (and one that was quite possibly more unpopular among politically conservative centrists) that “some aid organisations want to bring migrants to Italy to weaken the economy”.
Parallel to the effective publicity campaign on land, the state-run military and police operations retreated from the search area off the Libyan coast, as Paolo Cuttitta of Oxford University’s Border Criminologies Blog reports, “in order to leave the Libyan Coast Guard free to push back migrants as well as to chase and intimidate NGO vessels”.[3] Finally, in the summer of 2017 the rescue vessel Iuventa was seized from the NGO Jugend Rettet in Italy, which led to several humanitarian organisations abandoning their work altogether in the Mediterranean Sea. Just under a year later, in June 2018, civil sea rescue seemed to be nearing its end when a coalition of the 5-Star Movement and the Lega came to power in Italy, and the extreme right-wing interior minister Matteo Salvini announced that the country’s ports would be closed. Even Malta, a country ruled by Social Democrats which had long been used by NGOs as a base for operations, subsequently shut its harbour, but the other way around: it prevented the rescue boats Lifeline, Seefuchs and Sea-Watch 3 from leaving the port for months on end.
But the humanitarian intervention turned into a resistance movement: the remaining active organisations – Sea-Watch (Germany), Mediterranea (Italy), Proactiva Open Arms (Spain) and Sea-Eye (Germany) – were deterred neither by stand-offs lasting several weeks [4] nor by repeated impoundment of their ships. Even though the civilian rescue fleet was decimated to just a few vessels and left unable to deploy efficiently, it was dubbed the “No Borders Navy” by some activists as it steadfastly continued to “tilt at windmills”: every life in danger at sea has to be rescued and brought to a place of safety on land. “Punto!”, as Matteo Salvini would say.
In his essay “Of Other Spaces”, Michel Foucault describes the ship as “the greatest reserve of the imagination”.[5] Civilian sea rescue has harnessed this abstract potential of ships and positioned it against the deadly bleakness of a Fortress Europe. It has made its boats available not just for people, but also for the notion of an open Europe in solidarity. – and that has been gratefully accepted. As the political theorists Beppe Caccia and Sandro Mezzadra of the Italian sea rescue organisation Mediterranea comment: “Our ship has been appropriated and somehow reinvented from a wide range of standpoints that go from occupied social centres to parishes, universities and schools, from small town circles to metropolitan assemblies.”[6]
The boats, their crews and captains paint a picture that makes presumed other people’s problems our own. At the same time, however, this also turns the solutions into solutions for us. Matteo Salvini’s repeated demand for “confiscation of the pirate ship” merely underlines Foucault’s verdict that: “In civilisations without boats, dreams dry up, espionage takes the place of adventure, and the police take the place of pirates”.
Veröffentlicht in Weltkulturen News 02/2020 'DEDICATION' (PDF Spreadsheet) “Piraterie im frühen achtzehnten Jahrhundert war im Grunde ein Kampf für das Leben, gegen den sozial organisierten Tod.”1 Diese Definition der Piraterie, aus Markus Redikers Villains of all Nations, wird dem damaligen italienischen Innenminister Matteo Salvini wohl kaum durch den Kopf gegangen sein, als er im Juni 2019, angesichts der Rettung von 52 Menschen durch die Crew der Sea-Watch 3, proklamierte: “ein weiterer Akt der Piraterie durch eine geächtete Organisation”. Und doch tobt auf dem Mittelmeer seit mittlerweile fünf Jahren ein ebensolcher Kampf: Die Staaten Europas haben an ihrer gemeinsamen Außengrenze eine Zone erschaffen, in der alle durch die EU proklamierten Werte, ihre Bürger*innen- und Menschenrechte suspendiert sind. Ein Ausnahmezustand, der das Meer zur Waffe degradiert, Menschen zur Verhandlungsmasse – und die fluide Südgrenze des europäischen Kontinents zur tödlichsten Migrationsroute der Welt macht.
Die europäischen Aktivist*innen von Sea-Watch und anderen Rettungsorganisationen, die sich dem widersetzen, sind keine Pirat*innen im historischen, legalen oder ideellen Sinne: Die historische Piraterie war, nach Rediker, ein (Klassen-)Kampf um das eigene Leben, der blanken Trotz dem Tode gegenüber voraussetzte. Die zivile Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer ist in erster Linie ein solidarischer Kampf, aus der privilegierten Position heraus, dass es eben nicht das eigene Leben ist, welches zur Disposition steht. Es sind die Leben der Anderen – also derer, die durch nationalstaatliche Logik aus dem europäischen Wir ausgeschlossen sind – die zehntausendfach in der Sahara und auf dem Mittelmeer verloren gehen, die in libyschen Internierungslagern vor sich hin vegetieren und für deren Rückverschleppung von hoher See die EU eine sogenannte Libysche Küstenwache mit Millionenbeträgen bezahlt.
“Ich brauche mir fremde Probleme, Sorgen und Unterdrückung nicht anzueignen,” erklärte Pia Klemp, eine der Kapitäninnen der zivilen Seenotrettungsflotte, der in Italien ein Prozess wegen Beihilfe zur illegalen Einreise droht: “Solidarität bedeutet, zu erkennen, dass diese Probleme schon von Anfang an meine eigenen sind. Egal, ob sie Auswirkungen auf mein tägliches Leben haben, oder nicht.” Vielleicht ist es genau diese Idee, die eine Konstruktion des Anderen und damit die Ignoranz gegenüber dessen Leid ausschließt und damit in der momentanen Mentalität der EU einen Akt gedanklicher Piraterie darstellt.
Seit die M/S Sea-Watch 2015 in See stach, um diese Idee zu vertreten und dem Sterben an der Außengrenze etwas entgegenzusetzen, hat sich jedenfalls einiges getan: 2015 und 2016 in der Zivilgesellschaft gefeiert und von den staatlichen Stellen in das offizielle Such- und Rettungsnetzwerk eingebunden, drehte der politische Wind im zentralen Mittelmeer schnell. Im ersten Halbjahr 2017 begannen Schlüsselpersonen der europäischen Politik die Behauptung zu etablieren, die zivilen Retter*innen arbeiteten auf die ein oder andere Weise mit den Menschenschmugglern in Libyen zusammen. Gestützt auf  “Arbeitshypothesen” des sizilianischen Staatsanwaltes Carmelo Zuccaro, verkündete beispielsweise der damalige österreichische Außenminister Sebastian Kurz, der “NGO-Wahnsinn” müsse beendet werden. Auch sein deutscher Amtskollege Thomas de Maizière übernahm die unbelegten Behauptungen Zuccaros, “dass die Schiffe in libysche Gewässer fahren und vor dem Strand ihre Positionslichter einschalten” würden. Was er nicht übernahm, war Zuccaros weitere (und in der konservativen, politischen Mitte womöglich unpopulärere) Arbeitshypothese, “dass manche Hilfsorganisationen Migranten nach Italien bringen wollen, um die Wirtschaft zu schwächen”.
Parallel zur öffentlichkeitswirksamen Kampagne an Land, zogen sich die staatlichen Militär- und Polizeioperationen aus dem Suchgebiet vor der libyschen Küste zurück, um, wie Paolo Cuttitta im Border Criminologies Blog der Universität Oxford darlegt, “der libyschen Küstenwache Raum zu geben, Migrant*innen zurück zu verschleppen, sowie NGO-Schiffe zu vertreiben und einzuschüchtern.” Im Sommer 2017 wurde schließlich das Rettungsschiff Iuventa des Vereins Jugend Rettet in Italien beschlagnahmt. Mehrere humanitäre Organisationen stellten daraufhin ihr Engagement im Mittelmeer ein. Als ein knappes Jahr später, im Juni 2018, die Regierungskoalition aus 5-Sterne-Bewegung und Lega in Italien an die Macht kam und der rechtsradikale Innenminister Matteo Salvini verkündete, die Häfen des Landes zu schließen, schien das Ende der zivilen Seenotrettung nahe. Auch das sozialdemokratisch regierte Malta, das den NGOs lange als Operationsbasis gedient hatte, schloss in der Folge seinen Hafen, nur umgekehrt: Es ließ die Rettungsschiffe Lifeline, Seefuchs und Sea-Watch 3 über Monate nicht mehr auslaufen.
Doch aus der humanitären Intervention wurde eine Widerstandsbewegung: Die verbleibenden aktiven Rettungsorganisationen—Sea-Watch (DE), Mediterranea (IT), Open Arms (ES) und Sea-Eye (DE)—ließen sich weder von wochenlangen Stand-Offs noch von den regelmäßig danach blühenden Beschlagnahmungs-Perioden abschrecken. Auch auf ein Minimum an Schiffen dezimiert und jeglicher Effizienz im Einsatz beraubt, führte die von manchen Aktivist*innen No Borders Navy getaufte zivile Rettungsflotte ihren Kampf gegen Windmühlen unbeirrt fort: Jedes Leben, das auf See in Gefahr ist, muss gerettet und an einem sicheren Ort an Land gebracht werden. "Punto!", wie Matteo Salvini sagen würde.
In seinem Essay Of Other Spaces beschreibt Michel Foucault das Schiff als “die größte Reserve der Vorstellungskraft.” Die zivile Seenotrettung hat dieses geistige Potenzial des Schiffes nutzbar gemacht und gegen die tödliche Tristesse einer Festung Europa in Stellung gebracht. Sie haben ihre Schiffe als Vehikel nicht nur für Menschen, sondern für die Idee eines solidarischen, offenen Europa bereitgestellt – und das wurde dankbar angenommen. So schreiben die Politikwissenschaftler Beppe Caccia und Sandro Mezzadra der italienischen Seenotrettungsorganisation Mediterranea: “Unser Schiff wurde von einer Vielzahl von Standpunkten angeeignet und irgendwie neu erfunden. Sie reichen von besetzten Sozialen Zentren bis hin zu Kirchengemeinden, Universitäten und Schulen, von Kleinstadtkreisen bis hin zu Großstadt-Versammlungen.”
Die Schiffe, ihre Crews und Kapitän*innen zeichnen ein Bild, das die Probleme der Anderen zu unseren macht. Gleichzeitig werden damit aber auch die Lösungen zu Lösungen für uns. Matteo Salvinis wiederholte Forderung nach “Beschlagnahmung des Piratenschiffes” unterstreicht daher nur die Foucaultsche Erkenntnis: “In Zivilisationen ohne Schiffe versiegen die Träume, Spionage ersetzt das Abenteuer und die Polizei die Piraten.”
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theamericanjewitch · 7 years
Inspired off of my gifset I had created a while back: HERE
After much demand I finally had the burst of creative inspiration to write the first chapter of it! I’d love to know what you all think of it!
Shout out to @amagizoologistscase​ for being a constant supporter!
They were warned repeatedly… that if things didn’t change drastically, their world wouldn’t have much time left. Scientists, biologists, the greatest minds on the small blue and green planet had tried so desperately to be taken seriously… to no avail. It’d all been in vain, within a mere fifty years the surface had become completely uninhabitable for human life. They were forced to flee to the stars that politicians once tried to claim were unimportant. ‘They already knew all there was to know about space’. Now the one place they belittled was their home… stuck in floating colonies and structures.
Not everyone managed to escape before the earthquakes triggered what everyone had feared... the supervolcano located in yellowstone was set into motion. Finally the planet was unleashing it’s fury after centuries of abuse and overpopulation. Only a few hundred thousands successfully got to the escape shuttles, billions of people were less lucky. Their grief echoed throughout the galaxies, and they received no sympathy. In the frigid expanse of space humans were finally forced to truly contemplate the potential of extraterrestrial life… ideally intelligent ones who could perhaps offer some form of assistance.
Decades would pass until finally their hope was realized…
but it wasn’t quite …
as welcoming as humanity had hoped….
“Goldstein, one of these days you’re gonna get into serious trouble. And I’m not gonna help get you out of it.” The young woman gave her compatriot an amused half smile, leaning casually against the soot and grime covered counter. Dirt was a part of life in the slums, you learned to live with it to survive, only the upper sectors had the privilege of compulsive cleanliness. She unzipped her beaten-up old synthetic-leather racing jacket, retrieving an item from the inside lining, and placing it down confidently. Sharp brown eyes watched the fellow with a level of cockiness one rarely found among humans since they wrecked their planet many moons in the past.
“So does that mean you don’t want this nifty bit of tech that I managed to recover? Because if you’re so willing to throw me to the wolves, maybe I’ll just look for a better friend.” The black market trader was speechless as he stared at the object that she’d placed before him, delicately he examined the tech with careful precision. The female watched each motion with what appeared to be lazy confidence, in reality she was ready to spring into movement… always coiled tight with tension no matter the location or company.
The device was a piece of technology that she had nearly lost an eye over while retrieving it. Who knew that Sideras Elite were always so damned paranoid about theft? ...Okay… sure humans were known to frequently attempt to borrow objects from their benevolent (she couldn’t even think that without feeling disgust) extraterrestrial landlords. Maybe if they weren’t such condescending assholes-
“I’ll give you 50 credits for this.”
Her face twisted into an snarl of disgust before she snatched the item out of his hands. Talk about low-balling big time! This was worth at least triple that amount! ESPECIALLY after what she’d went through to get it! The scavenger wanted to club the asshole over the head for ever trying to offer such a pathetic trade.
“I guess we’re not such good friends after all Canes! Sounds like I’m gonna have to see if Silvas has a better price for me. “ The mention of his competitors name brought the man  to instantly bristle with over-inflated self-worth. There was a flash in those cold alien eyes, as if he was considering launching at her to pry the object free. Before the Sidera could even twitch a muscle, her gun was up and in his face, If it was possible for the practically translucent skin to pale further… she was certain it would have.
Even though what the human woman did was incredibly dangerous… she didn’t joke around when it came to her own safety. At the pathetic excuse for a home she had her younger sister waiting, and not making it back was unacceptable. Hence always being prepared for a fight, all while doing the very best to avoid one altogether. Canes slowly backed up with his hands up in surrender, once a coward… always a coward. The young woman didn’t lower her weapon however, instead she gave a stern glare to the dealer.
“Here’s how this is going to play out buddy, you’re going to pay me the proper 250 credits. Oh, and throw in a complementary purifier for water… then I’m going to leave. And our association with come to an immediate end.” When he hesitated, she nodded her head towards where the credits were stored. That was all the Sidera needed to get him moving, once she had the money and purifier tucked away into her inner lining… the human zipped  her jacket back up. She already had an escape route mapped out in case the bastard tried to get Auctoritas to come after her. It was almost tempting not to give him the device… but it would be a lot harder to sell the piece after this little interaction. And the last thing she needed was to get stopped for a random civilian check while it was on her person.
“You royally fucked up… don’t expect any further help or connections from Terra, our resistance doesn’t need backstabbers or internal strife.”
She all but threw the tech at him, he fumbled before successfully catching it. By then the human was out the door, only the bellow of: “DAMN YOU TINA!” echoing in her wake.
It was dark as she darted through the streets, putting a significant amount of distance between herself and the shop.Given that Canes dealt in goods largely obtained illegally… the odds were very low that the prick would actually call security to come after her. But it was always better to be safe rather than ending up on the receiving end of those Sideras sedatives. Nothing was more disturbing than watching someone you once knew be turned into a numb apathetic shell. A shiver trailed down her spine as she vividly recalled the day that their parents were dragged off… the way that Queenie had wailed…
Tina’s brows furrowed angrily, shaking her head swiftly to brush away the unwanted memory. The acrid metallic scent which was a key identifier of the slums irritated the woman’s nose worse than it usually did. People had been complaining for days now to the Auctoritas that the filters for the air wasn’t functioning, she already knew that nothing was going to get fixed anytime soon. Not unless there was a revolt, and even then… the humans would just be shot down and massacred if they even contemplated such a notion.
This was why she joined the resistance group Terra, to help those in need. Typically her job wasn’t scavenging from the elite assholes, it was to smuggle medical supplies and other key necessities in for her kind. Humans, while graciously allowed a place to reestablish themselves upon the Sideras’s home world… were treated more like pests rather than as people. Of the initial 50,000 who broke off from the space colonies… only perhaps a mere 13,000 still remained. The others had died off slowly or had seemingly vanished altogether as if they’d never existed in the first place.
While wandering directionless through the maze of alleys, she would regularly stop to check up on other terrains who loitered in the streets. Tina checked to make sure they had enough credits for food that week, and if they didn’t she would give them 25… letting them know that if it wasn’t enough to not hesitate to ask for more the next time they saw her. By the time she’d felt content enough that any sort of tail was lost, the smuggler began to make her way home. If you could call a hovel the size of a shipping container to be home. Little did the human know, there was still a figure trailing a safe distance away. Wide almost cat like eyes watched in awe and wonder at the female, as if she were some sort of miracle taken flesh.
Meanwhile Tina Goldstein: human, smuggler, scavenger, and high rank member of the Terra resistance… was oblivious.
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