#auburn thicket
noctishy · 11 months
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Quick and small watercolor studies ft. my fav stratums
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lacedisc · 1 month
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msb-lair · 2 years
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Clutch #2990 - Dacia/Serre
Mated On: 2022-09-22 # of eggs: 3 Hatched On: 2022-09-27
Hatchling 7901 (Capezza) - Gaoler Male, Latte Shaggy/Jungle Striation/Honeydew Braids, Common - 18,406 on 2022-10-12
Hatchling 7902 (Canopy) - Gaoler Female, Auburn Shaggy/Green Striation/Thicket Braids, Unusual - 15 gems on 2022-10-19
Hatchling 7904 - Gaoler Male, Sable Shaggy/Shamrock Hex/Camo Braids, Uncommon - 15 gems on 2022-11-05
Comments: Another case of “remembered to hatch out yesterday, then got distracted and did not post”.
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0 notes
repo-net · 9 months
High quality rips of Etrian Odyssey 2's stratums!
Images under the cut! Credit not needed but certainly appreciated!
1st Stratum - Ancient Forest
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2nd Stratum - Auburn Thicket
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3rd Stratum - Frozen Grounds
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4th Stratum - Petal Bridge
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5th Stratum - Heavenly Keep
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6th Stratum - Forbidden Wood
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sofiiel · 1 year
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Cryptid!Eddie x Reader | PART FOUR
⇠Part 1 | Part 3 | Next⇢
Warnings: Violence. Hurt/Comfort.
A/n: working on a masterlist as soon as I can think of a decent title. My proofreading skills are still atrocious.
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Nature called and was calling swiftly, you scrambled from your bed and ran for the bathroom. Nearly tripping over a stray pile of blankets in the middle of the floor.
Happily relieved, you exit the bathroom.
"Wait...a pile of..."
Your eyes fell on the heaped blankets. All of them the ones you'd used for Eddie, all except one.
Your eyes scanned your studio, in the dark glow of the setting moon, it seemed empty.
"Eddie?" you called out. Though he would have been hard to miss.
"Maybe he's downstairs?" you reason with yourself before you worry., heading for the lift.
Though downstairs, as the doors opened, you were hit with the strong breeze pushing through the window curtains. Orange and auburn leaves dance about the bakery floor, more fluttering in by the second.
Your eye hone in on the gagged glass, the hole far bigger than what the brick damaged. It was specifically monster sized.
With eyes the size of saucers, you spend little time rushing back to the lift, going back for your coat. "I swear, if you've eaten Toad -" you utter under your breath.
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Shinning the flashlight away from the map and onto your watch, you grimaced at the time.
"This is stupid, he's a giant, he's perfectly fine. Toady goes out on her own all the time, she probably wigged out the window and he probably..."
You exhaled and drew in a gulp of the crisp, chilled air, "burst through the rest of the glass of the shop window like a cartoon character for the hell of it."
No, it still didn't sound convincing to your core.
With a sigh, you steal a glance at the sky above, you wouldn't have long until sunrise.
Already at the edges of town, you shine your light into a thicket. "Eddie? You out there somewhere?" you whisper. It wasn't the first time you'd asked, but you were holding onto hope. After all, your next place to search wasn't one you loved the idea of.
An answer never came, and nothing shifted in the dark. Your teeth sink tentatively into your lip. "I should just go home and wait." you tell yourself.
Groaning her stamp your feet, "I can't."
You now had a long walk to the very edge of town, where the stalks of corn loomed like a pale forest all its own.
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"It's taller than I thought it'd be." you murmured. Eyes glued to the corn field, a hand reaching to push aside a few stalks.
Across the gravel road, the fields shifted lightly, rustling. Your skin prickled, and a shiver shook your spin. You check the tree top to find them dancing in the breeze.
"Wind, stop freaking yourself out." you cold yourself. "Let's just get this over with. If he's not here, you go home." you sighed, venturing into the fields.
"Two rules, don't get lost or caught trespassing." you remind yourself, clicking on your light.
Moments after pushing through the thick sea of corn, you came upon trampled ground.
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You moved along carefully, but the ground was oddly uneven, sinking every so slightly. Though there was no sign of mud.
Stalks were snapped and folded down and pressed deep into the earth.
Lost in your concentration, you are left unaware of the shifting of corn at your side. Carefully creeping behind you.
Deep into the fields now, you'd lost the trail.
"Damn it." you hiss. Dirt and dust kick up as you turn about, you try to retrace your steps, "just go back, you missed something."
A tin, piercing screech jolts your body, your head turns left and right as you hold your flashlight up as a weapon.
Though, after a beat, nothing happens. Your fight instinct is left disappointed, and you try to calm your racing heart.
"What was that-"
Looking down at your feet with mouth slack, you spot a bristled Toad.
She howled at you yet again, her thin patchy curls stood straight while she backed up against you. Her back arched high.
That was never a good sign, bending down, you scooped her into your arms and held her firmly. Your gaze drawn to the direction she faced her fury.
You slowly move backwards, trying to put distance between the two of you and whatever might have given her a fright.
"She isn't afraid of Eddie, so, what's out there? She hates dogs. A guard dog maybe?" your thoughts buzz in your brain.
Though they are muted swiftly but the solid wall at your back.
Your ears tingle at the low growl above you, the guttural rumble bellowed from deep within its core. You held tight to Toad, though she seemed oddly calm, while you cast your shaky gaze up to meet a family face with foreign eyes.
Eddie's eyes capped in white shimmered under the half moon like pearls in the sun. But he didn't acknowledge your presence, his gaze fixed on the disturbance in the corn ahead of you.
"What's going on with your-"
He released another deep growl that rose into a shrill bellow. Eddie's lips parted, and out from them bloomed a warped flower. Flaring to show rows of needled teeth.
You nearly crushed Toad to you, and while your fear spiked into a weight you should feel settle into your limbs, she was calm still.
Another bellow answered Eddie's roar. Whirling about on wobbling knees you gasp at the faceless creature, it sported twice as much muscle as Eddie while they matched in size.
"Oh," you gasp, sucking air into your terror crushed lungs. "My god."
You hit the dirt, flung to the side as Eddie bounded forward. He and the other monster, colliding with audible force.
Gurgled snarls and flapped snaps sounded in the night. Your eyes couldn't focus fast enough to follow the fight. Whimpers and growls broke between the odd hollow yowl.
"They look similar, why aren't they friends?" You thought, feeling the blood your teeth had drawn from your tongue.
"Because they're probably fighting over their food." said the little voice in the back of your head.
"But if that were true, he would have snatched me up and ran. It would be easier than a fight." you muttered, hugging Toad.
With a sound like screeching tires coming from his throat, Eddie is flung. You watch breathlessly as his large body flew over your head, landing into the fields with a dull thud. Dirt and broke stalks fly into the air.
"Eddie!" you called out, getting to your feet with your cat. Toad now digging her claws into your skin.
As you ran for Eddie, the second monster made chase.
"I can't bring this thing back to him if it's just gonna kick his ass!" you thought, changing your course into a new direction.
"Please go to the road!" you panted.
Though, as with how the night was going, you were faced with trees.
Beating and whooshing assaulted your ears. Wind kicked up dust and fallen foliage around you. A quick pain clamped into your shoulders, liquid seeping from around the talons hook into your flesh.
Your scream is strangled in your throat, knotted into silence as you find yourself torn from the ground below you. Rising higher into the air at concerning speeds.
Daring to look above you, you find Eddie, his haunting eyes snarling at the creature below you.
"That's right, It doesn't have your wings." you murmur.
But did this mean you were, in fact, food?
You winced at the tearing pain in your shoulders. Eddie growled one last time before rising further into the sky, taking you and Toad with him.
Holding to Toad firmly, you watched the long drop below you. Unable to decided which was worse, death by tree impalement or as a monster's meal.
Looking up at Eddie, you watched him glance down at you. His eyes seemingly honed in on the blood soaking the fabric of your shirt. He licked his lips in the way a wolf licks its maw after a meal.
"E-eddie?" you stammered.
"It's um, thanks, that was an n-nice save back there bud!" your words chirp out. Maybe you could convince him, remind him you're a friend.
"The shop is the other way, though."
He snarled at you, and your mouth snapped shut.
"Ok, ok. shutting up." you whispered.
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"Ah!" you land with pain searing through your shoulder, rocks lodging in a few of the deep, narrow tears.
Scooting away from Eddie as he crawled towards you on all fours. One of your arms cradled Toad while the other aided your escape. Your fingertips dip into freeze water.
Glancing over your shoulder, you take in the small pool of water. You gaze, following the cliff behind it upwards.
You gulped, far below the topside.
In your mind you could recall your map, "this might be the quarry." you thought.
"It would be a good place for a den of sorts."
You broke your thoughts, Eddie was much closer now. His shadow hovering above you, blotting out the light of the moon. He opened his mouth wide, revealing four sets of fangs.
It was only now you'd spotted the dried blood around his lips, crusting his cheeks.
"I'm not food! We, we're roommates! Um...sort of!" you cry out.
You can hear your heartbeat in your ears and feel it in your fingertips as you back away, water soaking into your pants. You'd crawl right into the water if you had to.
Glaring at Eddie, you stopped, "I helped you. Right?" you tried to reason with the wildness in his eyes. Once fixed on your wounds with a primal hunger, they flickered to look at your face.
"So you helped me. I am. Not. Food. Damn it!" your words flow out demandingly.
Eddie's uncanny movement with the tilt of his head was worrying. It was everything horror movies had taught.
But in his eyes, you did not see the same soul you'd seen when you'd first met him. He wasn't a part of himself at this moment. It was much like looking into a picture rather than the physical person.
"This isn't you." you breathed in realization.
"It's some, 'on the night of the full moon' or 'bloodlust' bullshit." you uttered, looking up at him.
Your eyes, however, get sucked in by the deep claw marks near his ribs. The monster had cut into old scar tissue from healed wounds. Without thought, you find yourself reaching forward.
Your fingertips graze the wound past the torn toga, tipping in thick blood, before you press your palm against them.
Eddie froze, the pearlescent cap over this eyes fading away slowly. He flinched, though not at the pain.
"____?" he questioned quietly. Voice hardly a whisper as it trembled.
He sat back, and examined his hands and feet, both coated in two types of blood.
Unable to find words, you focus on the water glistening in his eyes.
"I didn't-"
You shook your head, "no, but if we're honest, you might have." you answered.
Eddie backed away, "you should run." he warned, a hand clutching her stomach. "I didn't feed enough, it won't be long before things get bad again."
"Feed? Blood?" you questioned.
Eddie shook his head, hair falling into his face, unable to look you in the eye.
"No." his words held an ache of shame in them.
You give your dry lips a lick and try to speak steadily, "Take me home. I have meat at home. Raw in the shop freezer."
He continued to hang his head. "If you can still walk, you should-"
"You just fucked up my shoulders, I hauled my ass on foot out here to find you. You're taking me home." you fought. Words not of anger but fear, If you couldn't get him to come back - something in your gut told you he'd never be seen again.
"That look on Lucas' face when it was you. The way he talked about this friend Dustin and your uncle. They need you." you thought.
"You can fight whatever is happening. You can, you didn't feed the night before, right?" you said.
Eddie frowned, "I was exhausted, that's all." he said.
"And you're not now? You tussled with that, that thing. It threw you around like a pillowcase. You should be." You pressed.
Eddie dug his claws into the dirt, his body trembling.
"You don't want to be given up on. Because if you did, you'd be the one to leave."
With your words, he crawled towards you, pressing his forehead to your shoulder.
You finally released Toad, wrapping Eddie's head in your arms, and the act cause his tears to spill over, splashing against your shirt. His tail wrapping around you.
"This is why I hid." he croaked.
"It could have been Wayne, it could have been Dustin, the guys. And I'd-" Eddie rambled in a hoarse whisper. His words faded into a loud sob. "I didn't ask to be this way."
You batted your eyes to fight the salty sting, they were words you'd heard before. Words that cracked something inside at the memory of the sweetest smile you knew, filled with agony.
The memory of a goodbye you'd only recognized when it was too late.
"Eddie, take me back." you spoke quietly.
You stroked his hair comfortingly. "Lucas is coming in the morning and the sun will be up soon. If we go now, no one will see you on the way back." you reason.
Eddie pulled his head away and peered up at you.
His eye searched your face, were you serious? You meant it?
"I'm cold, and we need to do something about these wounds." you said.
He nodded slowly, and got to his feet, lifting his arms the wings beneath them flared and Eddie took to the sky.
You hugged Toad once again and awaited the pain to return to your shoulders. Though this time, Eddie's talon curled gently into them, leaving the skin unbroken.
He took to the sky with you, sharing the same care a gator might while carrying its young in its mouth.
"You were one thousand percent dinner." you thought to yourself at the stark change. Opting to look at the ground below you rather than focus on the terror you'd faced.
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Up in your studio, Eddie watched you from a distance, quietly devouring the meat you'd taken out of the shop freezers. It wasn't what his body needed, but maybe it would be enough to help him fight the monster inside.
Toad excused herself long ago to lay on your bed as you patched Eddie and yourself up as best you could. You'd finished wrapping your shoulder and sighed.
Your nerves finally decided to relax.
Eddie finished the last of his meat and stared at his claws, he'd washed them clean as well as the talons of his feet. He couldn't shake the thought, "there's another one out there."
He'd thought the creatures of that place had been run off after the battle.
"But you weren't here for any of that, so you don't know for sure. Some might have survived. You did, didn't you..." he murmured to himself.
"What was that?" you asked him.
Eddie looked up in surprise, "I didn't you could hear me." he confessed.
Setting down your medical supplies, you went to him carefully, "wait, you're saying that the rumors about this town. They aren't just rumors?" you asked him.
Eddie stared at you with a level gaze, his expression leaving his face. "You've seen me. Is it hard to believe?" He asked back.
You sat at his feet from where he sat on the sofa. Looking at his face, into his eyes. Your own eyes narrow slightly, "What happened to you?" you asked him.
Eddie met your gaze, "I tried to be something I knew I wasn't and became everything they all thought I was." he said.
You exhaled, "what does that have to do with, with the bombs and chemical warfare?" you asked.
A large question mark took over Eddie's face. "T-that's not what happened." he said, anger taking over his features, "if that what's been said?" he asked.
"Yeah, the town was evacuated when the fallout floated into it and the military moved in to neutralize-"
Eddie growled, "No!" he shouted.
"Innocent people died because of, Venca! All that shit behind those gates. Someone should have made that public!" he raged.
"Wheeler wouldn't have let it slide....not without a reason..." he then whispered.
You blinked several times, "Vecna?" you asked carefully. "That sounds like a new flu."
"That would have been easier." Eddie muttered.
"So then, what really happened?"
"That would take all night," he sighed.
"Uh, I'm not sleeping after tonight anyway. I've got time, and I'm not going to be lost when 'everyone' shows up tomorrow." you pressed.
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When the sun finally took to the sky, the studio was left in silence. Eddie was all too happy to let you stew on the story he'd told. It was clear in your eyes there was a lot to take in, and in his eyes you could see the recounting made him weary.
You watched the cream swirl into your drink, steam rising to caress your nose.
"Jesus...I suddenly regret not believing dad. If all this could be true, there's no telling what else in this world is." you thought.
"Are you alright?" Eddie called out to you, watching as you spaced out.
"I should be asking you the same thing. I'm not the one who went through a whole sci-fi saga in a handful of days, then for years ever after." you murmured.
Your brows knitted together. "What are we going to do about your, eh, hunting episodes?" you questioned.
Eddie shrugged, "Hell if I know. Last night I tried leaving as far away from town as I could. That's what I've done for years. But it's getting harder to stay lucid enough to manage that."
He then looked down at his claws, "If that thing hadn't showed up, I probably would have gone to the farms to find....someone." he confessed.
You shuddered, eyes falling on the worn necklace chain around his neck.
"Hey, can I see that?" you questioned, running your hand along your neck.
Eddie peered down at his chain, wordlessly he reached back and tried to unclasp it. It was a struggle, and there was no way it was happening on his own.
Under different circumstances, you would have laughed.
Going to him, you shifted his hair and offered to help.
"Maybe we should file those claws down a little, to make it easier for you to maneuver." you said.
"I tried," he sighed, "on trees, rocks, metal they're super tough."
Slipping the chain from around his neck you examined it, "it might work or at least give us a warning." you muttered.
Eddie watched you perplex as you wandered off behind your divider.
Once again, you dug into your trunk. A soft tinkle chiming from the bottom as you shifted its contents. "Come on, I hear you." you whispered, continuing to dig.
Finally, you felt the cool metal surface, your mind vividly imagining the silver little object.
Sitting back, you slipped the musical ball onto Eddie's necklace and held it up with a hint of a smile.
It jingled as you returned to him, holding it up.
"A bell?" he asked.
"Before you say it, I'm not nuts. This is a good idea for now, if you let me explain." you rushed.
Eddie remained silent.
"I used this bell when potty training Toad. She was feral when I adopted her and pissed indoors all the time. My brain is trained to wake up when I hear this thing." you explained.
"So when I try to leave in the night,"
"I can wake up and try to get you to calm down or try to get you something that will help your um...your midnight munchies." you said.
Eddie shifted his hair and leaned forward, "I'll try it." he said.
You smiled and quickly went to help him place the belled necklace back on.
When you were done, you stepped away and Eddie glanced up at you. "I owe you one," he said. "Or like forty."
Reaching out his hand, he stopped short of touching your shoulder, his claws twitched, and he drew his hand back.
You stopped him, letting your fingers take hold of his hand, you brought it to your shoulder and pressed his palm to it.
"You can only hurt me, hurt people, if you will it. You have to stop being afraid of yourself." you spoke with solid words. He could not look at you.
"You've seen what I can do."
"Yeah, I saw you stop." You pressed her palm closer.
"You have to trust yourself, you didn't hurt me on the way back here. You knew better than you did when whatever happened, happened."
Eddie gazed at the floor and you sighed heavily.
"Whatever is going on, no matter if you want it or not - and I know it has to feel so strange," you released his hand and stooped to meet his eyes.
"It's your body, It's the thing that houses who you are. You have the ability to decide how it moves, for now. It might feel alien to you, but you can tame that, work with that, learn how to make it feel more like you." you reasoned.
Eddie watched you intently, he flexed his fingers.
"It won't be easy, but you'll need to try. You don't want to give up. You want your life back, your friends. They're coming to see you, which means they want you back, too. Your biggest hurdle in that will be yourself."
Eddie blinked away the onslaught of tears that threatened to roll past his eyelashes. Chucking softly as he did so.
"Yoda, for sure." he laughed quietly.
You smiled and narrowed your eyes a bit, "I just got you back inside, you are already aiming to get put out?" you teased.
Eddie shook his head and looked up at you, something hopeful in the reflection of his eyes.
"I'd like to stay." he said, it fell from his mouth like prayer.
"Then don't call me Yoda." you hummed, turning to head for the kitchen.
"We're all going to need comfort food by the end of this reunion of a meet up." you added.
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⇠Part 1 | Part 3 | Next⇢
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evita-shelby · 6 months
They didn't know we were seeds
Chapter 3
Cw: violence, murder, death,
@justrainandcoffee @call-sign-shark @emotionalcadaver @peakyswritings
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Tigris is the only person allowed with her in the stockyard where she is to prepare for her last moments on this earth.
The arenas are specially done in advance for the games, the entire thing is usually attributed to the Head Gamemaker and only used for this momentous occasion. Afterwards it is a tourist attraction that pays for itself because to the Capitol this is entertainment.
Eva's Launch Room is not like her room back at the tower nor even the cabin on the train. It is a dressing room where she will go to her televised death at the 61st Hunger Games. Eva hopes it’s not Dustin nor Laurie who kills her. Nor Lacey from 8, nor Daisy from 11, nor any tribute she made sort of friends with this week.
The tracker had been injected into her forearm. Breakfast was eaten by her almost entirely because Tigris only eats raw meat like a real tiger. Tigris who never felt human and became a tiger despite her family’s protests.
Eva has little family to speak of.
Her cousins married and moved away, and Eva’s aunt would follow after now that her husband is dead from cancer and the last mouth to feed is here in the capitol awaiting to be slaughtered. Olivia is a strong woman; she won’t be like her only sister who couldn’t cope with losing her children.
Some say Eva resembles her more than her dead mother even if she doesn’t have Olivia’s auburn hair. But both were tall, deemed beautiful by all those who know them and shared the sharp brown eyes everyone in their family inherited from Eva’s grandmother.
No one stood in Olivia Souza’s way not even death. This last part Caesar had liked, said she should aspire to be more like her aunt.
And if she is to be like her aunt in that regard, Eva asks Tigris what other strategy the mystery girl from twelve used to survive.
“She ran away from the bloodbath just like your mentor did. Her sponsors kept her fed and she used all her tricks to stay alive. She only killed one person. The rest was just a disease in the arena.” The tigress whispers as if it were illegal for them to speak of a previous game.
When Eva is raised onto the arena, she laughs while a voice countsdown the seconds and she takes a look around to plan her escape while Dustin plans to take the hunting knife put amongst the temptations of the cornucopia.
Maybe Dustin wasn’t wrong in thinking he could win them, Caesar in his bubblegum pink hair had said she was selling herself short and he was right.
They are in a desert, just like the one her district shares with part 2 and 5.
Just like home.
Eva doesn’t stick around once she’s secured the meager offerings nearest to her before running as far as she can from this.
Dustin made a mad run to the weapons and paid the price for it when the careers overpowered him, she doesn’t know who killed him and doesn’t want to know. And yet she’s foolishly hoping it wasn’t Laurie as she hides in the overgrown grasses having tripped over something on her way to the thicket of trees that she knows only grow like that near water, even if you must dig to find it. There isn’t much place to hide, most trees do not grow tall in the desert and the tributes are picked off like flies by careers and other tributes alike.
There had been one who ran in her direction only for her to lose her footing and bash her own head on the many rocks hidden under the grass, the arena is as inhospitable as a real desert meaning it will have all those critters that don’t need man to be lethal.
Eva crawls on her hands and knees careful to avoid the ants, the scorpions and the snake hole she tripped on until she reaches the first of the trees. A scraggly mesquite bleeding sap and enough pods to see her through the night until she can find the source of its water.
There is an oasis where the careers will take over with their supplies as they always have, but her backpack ---which she kicked the boy from eight in the balls for--- has a metal canteen for water, a spigot and iodine. It has a good enough sleeping bag that might be useful for the cold desert night, some food she could make last a while with her foraging and only matches for a fire.
She needs a weapon, but she can make do with what she has while the killing dies down and whoever sponsors her sends her a gift. For now, she stuffs herself with the sap and the pods as the canons go off.
With not much here to give them cover, the toll is rather high and the display on the false heavens feels unending. Twelve have died just today.
Tomorrow morning there will be more canons, not from murder or even the animals in the desert, but from hypothermia. Eva will be lucky if she sees morning.
But she does and is rewarded with a tiny little runnel that is enough for her to fill her canteen and nourish the wildflowers, some prickly pear cacti or two and the trees she uses for shelter. The girl fills her backpack with what she has foraged before making a suitable walking stick from the tree she slept against.
She could stay here, hidden and safe until the Gamemakers corral them to get the games going, Eva thinks as she finds a pinyon pine with enough leaves and branches for her to hide in for tonight. Desert trees don’t grow very tall but this one is old enough to cover her and have some pine nuts despite it being late mid July.
Eva sets her first trap, on a cactus that she knows not to tap water out of she leaves the spigot knowing someone is bound to drink from it.
Three more during the night and its barely dawn when she hears the laughter from the career pack led by Laurie and his golden sword. They are hunting down tributes going by their talks. The girl from One laughs at her own jokes about the boy from 5 begging for her to spare him.
Only nine tributes left. Both tributes from 1, 2 and 11 who hailed from the southern part of her district, the boy from 4 who stayed behind to defend the oasis, the boy from 9, and Eva.
Eva would be casualty number 16.
“I told you Evie would survive, 10's part desert, remember.” Laurie acts as if he isn’t here to kill her.
The boy gives her that same charming smile he gave her when they first met at the training center and extends his hand to her. “Hi, gorgeous, how would you like to join us?”
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He is counting on her losing.
Despite the growing animosity between them, Tigris is the last person alive who truly knows the man before her.
Coriolanus is so confident that Laurentius will take after his brother and win that he never considers Eva could kill the entire career pack with the poisons she can make with the flora of the arena.
Her grandmother was an apothecary, her mother as well and now she put her lifelong knowledge of living in a place like that with her healing training to the test. Even the trainers were impressed with her skill.
Now as the girl who snagged herself an alliance with the leader of the pack yesterday, she is safe from the others. Especially from the tributes who look down on her for being from a poor district and know her hold on Laurie Nelson spells death to them.
The spigot she left had tricked the boy from 9 and the girl from 11 because all the water from the runnel had dried up the day Eva left her trees. These two deaths happened while Eva lacked for nothing in the safety of Laurentius’ arms. The boy gave her the long hunting knife Dustin tried to fight him for and she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
She will make the games interesting, interesting enough for her to rack up sponsors and bets.
“Nelson may be able to keep her safe from other tributes, but can he save her from the Gamemakers?” There is a bit of blood from his sore on the drink and some on his lips that curve into a snake like smirk. It disgusts her along with the smell of the roses.
Grandma’am’s never smelled like these artificial yet real creations that fail to hide the rot in Coriolanus’ soul.
“We shall see, Coriolanus. It is only the fourth day, and these games can last up to twenty days.” The feline woman hides her distaste for the smell of his roses well enough to get him to think her ploy to turn Eva into the ghost of Lucy Gray was just a way to secure sponsors for her new ‘pet.’
Eva lives to see Laurie kill the girl from his district when they try to drown Eva and the career pack officially dissolves at the sixth day. Eva Smith somehow convinces Laurie to destroy the stockpile of supplies ---after stealing what they will need--- and leave his former teammates to starve or risk meeting them at the Feast that will surely come.
On the Seventh Day, the snakes come out exactly like the ones Coryo Snow once tampered with to save Lucy Gray Baird just as the Feast is laid out in the arena.
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webwingalpha · 1 year
Yes another colour poll! Had to jump in.
These are all colours I don't see much when I browse dragons as a whole, and I haven't seen them much if at all in the recent polls either! So let's give these colours some love.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 5 months
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The Swanmaiden and the Lord of Iron Hall
Day 6 Prompts: The decree | No force
For: @feast-of-horns
Rating: E
Pairing: Makar/Eärwen
Themes: Dead dove | NSFW / NSFT
Warnings: Minor violence | Extremely dubious consent | Threats of Non-Con
Wordcount: 1.5K words
Summary: After waiting half a year, Makar finally gets to have the Swanmaiden of Alqualondë for himself
Minors DNI | 18+
This is also available on AO3
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Ever the consummate hunter, Makar took great care to keep to the shadows while he stalked his prey. He heard someone's laughter—infectious and good-humored—echo through the forest. He halted for a moment to see who it was. It was his twin. She was gleefully laughing while chasing another.
“Come now, dancer!” Meássë cried, amused rather than wroth. “Have you grown weary of me already?”
“No, and never!” Lady Nessa laughed. Makar caught a glimpse of the Valië when she darted past him, her hair and silks a swirl of auburn and gold. Even he could not help but stop and admire her effortless, fleet-footed grace and otherworldly beauty. “But you must capture me if you desire to taste more!” 
Better her than that Tulkas, Makar thought to himself. Nessa paid no mind to him as she ran, swifter than any arrow. She turned down a winding path and disappeared into a thicket of pine. His sister was not far behind her, and he barely caught a glimpse of her as she ran in search of her companion. Makar closed his eyes for a moment. He listened to the sounds rippling through the forest. He breathed in the scents that lingered in the air. Triumph surged through him when a brisk gust of wind carried with it the subtle scents of salt and sea.
She is here, he thought, and she is coming toward me.  
He set off on his search again. It did not take long for him to find her, although the princess of Alqualondë also took great care to keep herself concealed, flitting from tree to tree and evading the clutches and nets and invitations of others. Her efforts were futile, for while she eluded the hands of her fellow revelers, she could not escape the sharp eyes of the one who followed her without giving himself away. Makar crouched low to the forest floor, waiting for her like a lion would lie in wait for a fawn. His patience was soon rewarded. The princess—unaware of the Vala lurking in the darkness—came closer, picking her way around trees and bushes and creeping vines without making a sound. She heard nothing. Saw nothing. The air grew eerily still, and a deep, unsettling hush settled all around her. A twig snapped in the distance. It startled her, distracting her from the danger looming behind her. 
“There you are, princess.” Makar rose and wasted little time throwing his arms around her. He grappled her to the soft leaves beneath her, pinning her down and caging her to the earth with his weight while she pounded her fists against his chest in her efforts to escape his grasp. 
“Unhand me, my lord,” she commanded, terrified. The Vala laughed. The sound was like great boulders crashing against each other. It frightened her even more.
“You are in no position to give commands to one such as myself, princess.” He reached for her wrists and held them firmly above her head with one hand. His other hand wandered over her body. “Heed me, however, and you will find me to be a most generous companion.”
“Prince Arafinwë will hear of this!” Eärwen felt his fingers brush lightly over her breast. She mustered the courage that threatened to desert her. “He will not take kindly to me being treated thus!” 
“Oho!” Makar—amused by the princess’s defiance— sat astride her. “Is the prince your intended then? Is that why you are partaking in the chase?” 
The princess flushed. Makar had part of the truth uncovered, but not all of it. She did indeed partake in the hopes of Prince Arafinwë claiming her for himself, but he was not her intended. He had not even asked if he could court her. This was not something she would admit it to the Vala, however. It would only encourage him to take further liberties with her.
“He is!” She writhed in yet another attempt to free herself. It only served to inflame her captor's passions even more. "He is my intended, my lord, and I must insist that you release me this instant.”
The Vala scoffed. Heralds would have ridden all over Valinor announcing the betrothal of two high-born nobles, and there were none concerning the impending nuptials of the youngest son of King Finwë and the only daughter of King Olwë. The princess was lying to save herself; he was certain of it.
“Do not attempt to deceive me with falsehoods about the prince’s betrothal to you, princess.” Makar admired the necklace she had adorned herself with. Golden pearls that had been fashioned to look like horns looped around her shoulders and fell past her waist. Then he caressed her hair, her cheeks. The princess felt soft to the touch. Enticingly so. He thought of all the ways she could please him until he grew tired of her. "Prince Arafinwë has not pledged himself to you. All of Valinor would know if a child of Finwë had indeed promised themselves to another. Yield to me now, and you will find as much pleasure from what happens next as I will.”
“I will not yield!” Eärwen returned. Makar paid no heed to her refusal. His thumb glided over her mouth, steady and insistent. Eärwen pursed her lips and turned her head to the side, thinking it would dissuade him. It was to no avail. He gripped her chin firmly and tilted it back toward him. She lowered her gaze.
“Yield, princess,” he ordered with icy authority. “Yield to me now, or you may not like what I do next.”
“I will scream.”
“The others will not hear your scream. They are too lost in their own diversions to even care. Yield to me. Now.”
“But the decree... the Elder King’s edict... you cannot force yourself onto me.”
“Manwë’s edicts are of little concern to me, princess. I will have what I desire from you, whether you consent to my embraces or not. Pray what is your answer?”
The hand around her wrists tightened, as did the hand gripping her chin. Eärwen gasped and forced herself to look at her capturer when a sharp flare of pain tore through her. She found no softening in his countenance, no sign of guilt or remorse or shame in his fiery red eyes. Makar intended to do whatever he wished to her, whether she welcomed it or not. He was not going to release her until he had taken his pleasure. 
I will have to consent to this brute, she lamented to herself. She had heard the tales from those who served the grim halls he ruled, and they were all the same. The Lord of Iron Hall was far from gentle. He found pleasure in inflicting pain, and his touch left bruises on all those he took to his bed. I will have to yield to him and spare myself greater agony. 
“Very well, my lord,” she whispered meekly. “Have your way and be done with it.”
The Vala smiled triumphantly. He had lusted after the princess for nearly half a year, and he had to bide his time until she joined in the chase. It was not because he dreaded approaching Olwë for her hand; the Vala feared no elf, and he had no desire to take the princess for a wife. He merely craved to have one as beautiful as her share his bed for a few glorious hours.
“A wise decision, princess,” he cooed. Then he leaned down and kissed her. It was savage, hungry, and bruising. Eärwen had little choice but to yield to his kiss, her tears coursing down her cheeks when his tongue forced its way past her lips, and she tasted the ale still clinging to it. Her captor did not mind her tears. In fact, when he opened his eyes and drew back, he found great pleasure in seeing them.  
“They say the Teleri have the fairest voices among the Eldar.” Makar dipped his head and brushed his nose against her fair hair. He sighed almost wistfully when he found the subtle fragrance of the sea still clinging to it. “I wonder if their Swanmaiden would care to sing for me.” 
“Such will not be the case, my lord,” Eärwen whimpered. She felt the heaviness of his arousal pressing against her belly and grew despondent. For many a year, she held onto the hope of a lord like Prince Arafinwë claiming her maidenhead. Now, thanks to her desire to indulge in the chase, the most violent and bloodthirsty of the Exalted Ones would claim it instead. “You will hear no singing from me.”  
“You will sing.” Makar rose, lifting her with him. He threw her over his shoulder and looked around him. He discovered a copse of oak trees, their branches heavy and weighed down due to their great age. He decided it was well suited for all that he had in mind. “And you will obey my commands. You will also guard your tongue after I am done with you. I will not take kindly to you spreading your tales to anyone who would hear.”  
"Yes, my lord," Eärwen agreed reluctantly. Makar's rage was said to be a fearsome thing to behold, and she had no desire to witness it for herself. She surrendered to her fate, even as the one who carried her strode deeper into the forest. 
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tags: @cilil @asianbutnotjapanese
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voided-peach · 1 year
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"I dreamt a world of scarlet fire
Thickets ablaze in auburn heat
Abandon reaps these holy gates
As I awoke, the dreamscape weeped into the dreaded real
a candle flickers behind the glow of these eyes
Serpents cascade from the depths in my praise
A tithe of men they bring
Their flesh began to turn to strings
Ribbons which cuff me to my Queendom"
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critcast · 27 days
closed starter for @wildskissed
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The morning light filtered through the dense canopy of the forest, casting dappled shadows on the ground as the wood elf stumbled forward, their heart pounding with a mixture of fear and desperation. The memory of the Nautiloid crash was still fresh in their mind, a blur of twisted metal, shrieking voices, and the sharp pain of the tadpole burrowing into their skull. Now, disoriented and aching, Fox had only one thought consuming them—finding Whisper. The bond between them had always been strong, a thread of magic that tethered their souls together, but now it felt frayed, weakened by distance or worse. Each step through the underbrush was a silent prayer that Whisper was safe, that the abduction hadn’t torn them apart forever.
But then, a sudden ripple of chaotic energy washed over the forest, causing the leaves to tremble and the very air to vibrate with an unsettling hum. Fox froze, their senses sharpening, eyes narrowing as they scanned the surroundings. This was no natural disturbance; it felt wild, untamed. Instinctively, Fox reached for the connection with the earth beneath their feet, drawing on the calming presence of the land, but the magic in the air was volatile, unpredictable—someone was struggling to contain it.
Cautiously, Fox moved toward the source of the disturbance, their steps careful but swift, driven by the urgency of both their own plight and the need to restore balance to the forest. As they pushed through a dense thicket, they spotted her—a figure with auburn hair, her form trembling with the effort of holding back the chaotic surge of magic. Fox’s breath caught in their throat as their head suddenly throbbed, the parasite within them reacting violently, as if sensing a kindred presence. The realization struck them hard—this woman was infected too.
Ignoring the pain, Fox stepped closer, their voice gentle but firm as they spoke, “You’re not alone in this… I can help.”
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ragnar0c · 9 months
Quick whats the best Stratum to lay face down in
Ah! I'm assuming you mean out of EO3's strata?
Waterfall Wood (grass)
Cyclopean Haunt (the only other stratum with a soft floor in EO3 BAHAHA)!
Out of any strata:
Auburn Thicket (Crunchy leaves...)
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thegreatpikminzx789 · 4 months
Not much further until the end of the Auburn Thicket. We just have to proceed through a bit of a back and forth trip from floors 8 and 9, then hopefully the rest will go smoothly...
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theshatteredrose · 2 years
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lily-blade · 9 months
HIGH PRIORITY: (in lair)
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LOW PRIORITY: (in hibden)
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I think, if I could swap out any Labyrinth from Nexus, I’d exchange the Ancient Forest for the Auburn Thicket. We’ve already got plenty of lush, green stuff, let’s add a bit of color to the mix.
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pierswife · 1 year
A or Z for the ask game!
Bored as hell at work sooooo time to get through my ask backlog! Doin this game first
Anthem of the Angels by Breaking Benjamin
Appetite of a People-Pleaser by Ghost and Pals
ASGORE by Toby Fox
Auburn Thicket by Yuzo Koshiro
Amazing, Because It Is by The Almost
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