#audrey and percy
sukibenders · 9 months
Me, whenever I see poc, especially dark-skinned, characters in fantasy and/or historical period dramas depicted with dignity and respect and just simply given opportunities to have happy storylines that aren't solely fueled by trauma on the aspects of their race: Someone cooked here.
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greenhouse-seven · 26 days
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What a fest! Nineteen spicy fics from eleven talented authors!
A massive thank you to everyone who submitted fic as well as to our readers who commented and left kudos.
The fest might be over but you can still read (and comment) on all of the fics!
On the Job Acting Professional - @tedwardremus Teddy Lupin x Victoire Weasley
Irresponsible - @constitutionalweasleymonarchy Audrey Weasley x Percy Weasley
We'll Go From There - @merlinsbudgiesmugglers Andromeda Black Tonks x Ted Tonks
Not Even A Little Bit, Not Even At All - @sophie-hatter-jenkins James Potter x Lily Evans Potter [+ prompts Don't Get Caught & Accidental I Love You]
First Time moment - @unhinged-romione Ron Weasley x Hermione Granger
Love Growing Wild - @merlinsbudgiesmugglers Andromeda Black Tonks x Ted Tonks
The New Mrs Malfoy - @midnightstargazer Astoria Greengrass x Draco Malfoy [+prompt Newlyweds]
Newlyweds Wicked Little Thing - @scrxpz Lucius Malfoy x Narcissa Black Malfoy
The Wedding Dress - @sophie-hatter-jenkins Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley
Outdoors Hiking Detour - @nena-96 James Potter x Lily Evans Potter
Secret Garden - @tedwardremus Hannah Abbott x Neville Longbottom
In The Mirror Their Reflection - @nena-96 Ron Weasley x Hermione Granger
Naughty Mirrors - @atthepotters Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley [+ prompt Mutual Masturbation]
In Public just a line in a song - @starlingflight Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley
Anonymous Whiskey, Neat - @merlinsbudgiesmugglers Remus Lupin x Nymphadora Tonks
Don't Touch Yourself Electric (Blue) - @sophie-hatter-jenkins Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley
Only One Bed Ginny's sleeping spot - @ginnyw-potter Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley
Interrupted More Action Than The Western Front - @sophie-hatter-jenkins Fleur Delacour x Bill Weasley
All Tied Up Restraint - @sophie-hatter-jenkins Hermione Granger x Ron Weasley
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kyistell · 2 months
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*sigh* The voices won
Never thought I'd get to the point of no return and make HP fanart but HERE WE ARE!!
Ahem, anyway, here's the quad, debated on whether or not I wanted to draw Marcus as well but decided not to soooo...yeah...enjoy?
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sneak peek: Irresponsible
Completed but yet-to-be-revealed fic fest entry
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He caught her wrist but didn’t try particularly hard to stop her hooking a finger behind the knot of his tie and tugging it down a little further.
Audrey wet her lips.
“Do you want me to leave?” she murmured. Like she was asking a particularly delicious slice of chocolate cake if it didn’t want her to eat it. Like she knew the question was entirely rhetorical.
Because what did cake exist for, if not to be devoured by that mouth?
Percy pushed Audrey’s cardigan back from one shoulder.
“No, I don’t fucking want you to leave,” he whispered darkly, right before he pulled her in.
This was wrong.
It was stupid.
It was terribly cliche.
None of which (a little voice in the back of his mind pointed out) would matter, as long as no one found out.
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romione-trope-fest · 7 months
Speak Now
Title: Speak Now
Author: adenei
Selected Trope: Weasley Weddings
Summary: In the midst of trying to navigate what life looks like following the defeat of Voldemort, and the loss of so many, there’s one thing glaringly missing. The irony of it all is it takes someone else’s wedding to give Ron the kick in the pants he needs to go after what—or rather *who*—he wants.
Word Count: 1988
Rating: G
TW: mentions of character death (all canon)
“Ron, I need to ask you for a favor.” Ron’s hand stops on the doorknob, the floorboards creaking under his feet. 
The thick piece of wood is the only thing separating him from a much needed afternoon nap. Sleep has been evading him. Nightmares torturing his mind as he tosses and turns on the lumpy old mattress that’s been his for as long as he can remember.
He shoots his brother a withering look, letting go of the handle as he turns to face him. “Right now?” 
It’s been two weeks since the Battle of Hogwarts. Two weeks since Fred died. Two weeks since Harry defeated Voldemort. And two weeks since he and Hermione kissed.
Every waking moment has been filled with funerals or meetings, and helping around the Burrow to ease the load on his mum, who’s completely overwhelmed with grief. And if he’s not doing his part to ensure the household is running smoothly, he’s taking a shift with George, making sure he doesn’t do anything rash or stupid as he navigates a world without his twin.
Because of all that, he’s barely seen Hermione, let alone had a chance to sit down with her. Every time they cross paths at the Burrow, he feels like he’s not making enough of an effort to make her a priority, yet how can he when everything else is just as important right now? She always smiles and nods in understanding when he’s pulled here or there, but sometimes he wishes she’d speak up and be selfish, asking him to come with her for once instead.
“Yes, right now.”
Ron sighs, trying to prevent the eye roll that sneaks out anyway. “Can’t you ask—”
“No. Bill is with George, and this really needs to be addressed by the end of the day.”
“Fine,” he groans, opening the door wide enough to welcome Percy inside his room.
He’s so busy ushering Percy inside that he doesn’t notice that there’s someone else already occupying the space—more specifically, his bed.
“Oh! Hi, um, sorry. I was just waiting for—do you need me to go?” Hermione’s brows knit with worry.
Ron could curse Percy all over again for needing him now—especially if he’s missing another opportunity to talk to Hermione. His brother stares at the girl he longs to be his girlfriend, contemplating her presence until he finally decides.
“No, actually, I’d like you to stay. I think that would be best.”
“Percy, what is going—”
The uptight redhead straightens his tie and clears his throat. “I have an appointment at the courthouse in Devon in thirty minutes, and I need someone to come with me.”
Ron’s not sure why, but he suddenly realizes that Percy’s dressed up—in Muggle garb.
“What did you do?” Hermione’s eyes widen as the question slips out of her mouth.
“I—nothing. I’m—er—getting married.”
“What?” He and Hermione both exclaim in tandem.
“But you’re not even seeing someone! Right?”
“I—I know it seems rash and maybe rushed, but it’s not. I’ve been seeing a—a Muggle for about two years now. Her name is Audrey, and I truly love her. She knows about me and our world. It probably wasn’t the smartest thing, dating her amidst the war, but—now that things are, well, over, I don’t want to waste any more time.”
Ron balks at him. “You’re seriously going to get married without the rest of the family knowing?”
“Er, no. They don’t. And that’s the thing. I do want to tell everyone…eventually, but Audrey and I had talked about eloping before things got really bad. We’ve been living in a Fidelius protected home and I had to be so careful not to get caught. Otherwise, I would have tried to make amends sooner too. But—Merlin forbid something were to happen again, I don’t want to miss my chance.”
Percy rarely gets flustered, but when he does, he is very much like Hermione. His train of thought tends to bounce all over the place and he doesn’t always make sense. Ron shakes his head.
“That still didn’t answer the question.”
“I am going to tell them. When the time is right. And we can have a reception or whatever else Mum wants to plan when she’s ready, but right now, I just need it to be me and her. We don’t want the fanfare.”
“So, why are you asking me to come with you?”
“Because we need a witness. Her best friend was supposed to come, but when I got the paperwork this morning to file the marriage license with the Ministry, we realized the witness needs to be magical for our end of things. Lara is still planning on attending, but…please, Ron?”
Ron stares at his brother, who looks at him with pleading, hopeful eyes before his gaze flits to Hermione. She nods gently.
“Fine. But I don’t have—”
“Oh, Merlin, thank you! Here.” Percy pulls his wand out and Accios something from the other room. It’s another muggle suit. “Hermione, you can come too, but I’m afraid I don’t have anything for you to—”
“I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“No, please, I’d like you there. It would make me feel a little better knowing that some of my family can be there.”
Ron’s heart constricts in his chest. Does Percy really consider Hermione family? Even though they aren’t even together?
“I—I’ll go look in Ginny’s room to see what I can find.” Her cheeks are rosy as she climbs off the bed and slips between them, exiting the room without so much as a backwards glance at either of them.
Percy looks back to Ron. “I’m sorry if I interrupted something.”
“It’s fine. You…didn’t.” 
Not technically, anyway.
“Er, right. Well, I do appreciate this. Truly. Thank you. I promise it won’t be long.” Percy glances down at his watch. “We need to leave in ten minutes. I’ll meet you in the garden and we can Side-Along?”
Ron nods. “Sure.”
As Percy disappears into the hall, shutting the door behind him, Ron has trouble wrapping his head around everything. 
Percy’s getting married. To a girl no other Weasley has ever met before—a muggle. And he and Hermione are the ones being asked to bear witness to it all.
* * *
The ceremony is just as Percy said it would be: brief, quiet, and intimate. For someone who always wanted all the pomp and circumstance of whatever position he held, this is uncharacteristically unassuming and private. And Ron can’t help but feel a little guilty upon seeing how the war—and the estrangement from his family—has changed Percy.
But when the justice of the peace asks them to say their vows, there’s a spark that comes to life in Percy’s eyes when he looks at Audrey, and even though Ron thinks his brother’s rushing things, it’s obvious they share something special. He doesn’t blame Percy for not wanting to wait anymore.
After all, hadn’t he said as much to Hermione in the Room of Requirement? ‘It’s now or never?’ Except it’s turned into ‘it was now, but then we had to wait a few weeks and he’s starting to think it might be never.’
Ron glances at his best friend, whose eyes are glassy with unshed tears as she watches Percy and Audrey share their promises with each other. He’s struck with an overwhelming feeling that he can’t quite place. Relief, maybe? Hope? Maybe it doesn’t matter that he doesn’t have the word to describe it. Until it’s obvious.
It’s against all odds—the fact that they’re here. They made it. Even when one, or perhaps both, probably shouldn’t have. Ron’s been so caught up mourning the loss of everyone who gave their lives to protect their world that he’s forgotten why they died in the first place. Fred, Tonks, Remus…they wouldn’t want everyone to grieve them so much they can’t get on with their lives. What good would all that fighting have been for? 
Maybe Percy has the right idea, marrying Audrey. Perhaps this is part of his journey of healing and moving forward on his own, and eventually he’ll find a way to fuse his life with Audrey to the one he’s working to repair with his family. Ron wonders if he should follow in his brother’s footsteps, and find his way to happiness again.
As Percy and Audrey are pronounced man and wife, Ron knows exactly what he has to do. He offers a genuine smile as they share their first kiss, signs the documentation as their witness, and congratulates them.
“Thank you for being here,” Percy extends his gratitude again as they walk down the steps exiting the courthouse.
“No problem. Just, er, maybe don’t keep this from the rest of the family for too long. I think they could probably use something happy to latch onto.”
Percy’s mouth forms into a thin line as he nods curtly. “I’ll…try not to.” Then, he turns to his new bride. “We’re going to head back to our flat, unless you need help getting home?”
And there’s Pompous Percy, back to play.
Ron rolls his eyes. “I think we’ll manage.”
Percy and Audrey wander off down the road as Ron eyes the park nearby and nods to it. “Care for a walk?”
“Sure,” Hermione agrees.
They meander side by side, and all of the things Ron wants to say storm through to the front of his mind, but he can’t latch onto a single one long enough to start a conversation. After harboring his feelings for years, how is he supposed to finally tell Hermione how he feels?
Their fingers brush as they walk, and Ron brazenly slides his hand into hers the next time the sway of their arms sync up.
“That was unexpected,” Hermione offers.
“It was.”
“But also really sweet.”
Hermione slows her pace and turns toward him, forehead crinkled in concern. “Are you alright?”
“I feel like we’ve barely seen each other, let alone spoken since—”
“I know.” The hand that isn’t still holding hers moves to slip around her waist. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“No, but—I’ve wanted to talk.”
“About what?”
Us. The kiss. The locket. What happened at Malfoy’s. Shell Cottage. Everything that’s ever happened between us since the fucking Yule Ball and what it could possibly mean. All of it.
He supposes any of those could be a good starting point, but that’s not what slips out of his mouth. “I want what they have—Percy and Audrey.”
“Oh?” The singular syllable catches in her throat as she looks at him in surprise.
“With you.”
He’s not sure how, but Hermione manages to move her body closer to his. “Me too,” she breathes. “I’ve been hoping—”
But Ron doesn’t give her a chance to finish. Dropping her hand, he brings it to her face, tilting her chin up as his lips graze hers. It’s much more gentle, tentative even, than their first kiss, and he relishes every second of the leap they’re taking.
“I never thought…” she starts to say when they finally break apart, but the words drift off and she bites her lip instead. 
He knows exactly what she means though, even without saying it. “I know. But here we are.”
“Here we are,” she agrees.
“Reckon we probably shouldn’t jump to marriage right away though,” Ron jokes. It’s the first time he’s genuinely been able to since—well, before they broke into the Ministry.
The crack brings a smile to Hermione’s lips. Merlin, he’s missed making her smile. “No, probably not. But I don’t see a problem with dating.”
“Neither do I.”
“So, it’s settled then.”
“Yeah, I guess it is.” Then, a wide grin spreads across his face and happiness bubbles up from his heart. “I finally get to call you my girlfriend.”
She nuzzles her head into his chest. “I like the sound of that.”
“Me too.” He kisses the top of her head.
For now.
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uselessalexis165 · 2 months
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some trios with red, blue and green color schemes ❤️💙💚
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pengwenpen · 7 months
ideas/ head-canons living rent-free in my head, somewhere in the making of actually being realized:
Wizengamot Shenanigans: Percy keeps in touch with Great Aunt Muriel Prewett. Since Bill and Charlie don't seem interested or politically inclined, Muriel decides to leave the Prewett seat to Percy so he can actually go into politics. I imagine he never truly lost touch with her, keeping in touch with letters, especially once he got Hermes. Before he would write her with school owls.
Platonic Percy and Luna: currently my main WIP. I plan for it to be vignettes-like, with different POVs reacting and assuming a relationship between the two. However, it stays strictly platonic. I envision a cute ending with Luna, Rolf Scamander, Audrey and Percy camping somewhere.
When I ship Percy with Audrey I see her strongly connected to the Muggle world, either as a Muggle or a wizarding expat.
wow... since reading a lot of fiction with Penelope, Oliver, Marcus and Percy being friends... Maybe Audrey is Flint's squib sister? might be interesting to explore that, and even as a way to introduce Marcus into the friend group in a canon post-war world? I like this one. I'll explore that I think!
But I also like gay/bisexual Percy coming out through happenstance to his family; Charlie being closeted himself and supporting his brother.
And to combine all of that I have an idea of a ftm / nonbinary Audrey (he needs a nice name obviously) where Percy learns more about queer muggle culture (but then it's not very timeline 90s and 00s conform...)
I really like Audrey as a "blank slate" so to speak. We will see what will happen!
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elisedonut · 3 months
I keep seeing @ace-aussie-asshole doing something similar with next gen characters
but like with the more popular options for each character im assuming im not very familiar with next-gen shipping
But every time I i see them my brains like
i wanna see what people say on Percy c: sounds fun
but like not the popular ones because Perciver would just zoom past everything else
so I thought it would be neat to do one with some of my Percy ships c: So then I decided to just exclude anything that I like that has more then 100 fics on ao3 because that made sense to me
So these 12 were the ones I came up with
out of these what do you consider the most interesting c:
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Book couples
I love romance in fictions, it is so much better than in real life which is sad. So, tell me what are your 5 favorite book couple from all the time💕
Mines are:
Audrey Rose and Thomas
I have so many more, but they are my top tier 🥰 (hopefully phone girl x Grayson can become one of my favs next year)
npt: @reminiscentreader @obbsessedfan @novas2cool4u @f4iry-bell @saturntonads @hathorneheiress @booksovertherapy
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evansisasadist · 5 months
Boy who thinks he's hard to love and girl who loves him like it's breathing
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shitakimooshrooms · 8 months
since I’m feeling like talking about Percy Weasley, here are some of my headcanons about his year/friends.
- There had originally been more kids in the year but most of them were muggle born or half bloods who grew up in the muggle world
- all the half blood and muggle born kids left part way through the first year aside from Oliver Wood and Penelope Clearwater, as well as the muggle born Audrey Westwind
- some more on Audrey; yes she is supposed to be the same Audrey that Percy canonically marries. Since we don’t know her maiden name I decided on Westwind to keep with the ‘w’ name. I made her a muggle born because the fandom wiki puts her as a muggle so she’s a muggle born witch.
- Percy befriend Audrey, Oliver, Penelope, and Marcus on the train to hogwarts as they all shared a compartment on the train.
- I am deciding that Marcus is indeed a pure blood for this though I don’t know if the Flints are part of the pristine 28. If not then we will say that a few generations ago his (however many) great grandparents who were both from pure blood families realized they wouldn’t be getting inheritance so created a new family and have still been intermarrying but now is a new one. Idk though.
- When they get to hogwarts they all get sorted into different houses(Marcus in slytherin, Penelope in ravenclaw, Audrey in hufflepuff, and Percy and Oliver in gryffindor)
- after all the muggle borns and half bloods drop out Dumbledore decided that the five of them can go to any of the common rooms to hang out so that they have friends their age
- in their second year Oliver, Marcus, and Audrey join their respective quidditch teams
- Audrey made the hufflepuff team as a beater and during her first game which was against gryffindor which was also Oliver’s first game, she somehow managed to hit him with the bludger within the first 2 minutes.(this is a canon thing to happen to Oliver)
- Oliver is out for a full week and the whole group spends all their free time in the hospital wing with him
- during this time is also when the rests of the group meets Percy’s older brothers Bill and Charlie who come to check on Oliver and also make sure Percy is ok
- Bill then graduated
- charlie still sorta floats with the group and sometimes tags along to make sure Percy is ok
- Audrey befriends a first year hufflepuff by the name of Cedric and he starts tagging along with the group
- In their third year Penelope befriends a first year ravenclaw named Cho
- During this time they also have a camaraderie with two gryffindor first years who just so happen to be Percy’s younger brothers Fred and George Weasley
- in their fourth year any camaraderie that Marcus and Audrey had with the twins was gone due to immense rivalry on the quidditch pitch. While the twins now have an immense hatred for those two, they are have a more friendly rivalry with Cho and Cedric
- the twins pranked the whole group quite a lot
- charlie then graduated
- in their fifth year they meet Ron, Percy’s youngest brother, as well as Harry Potter.
- they each (minus Oliver) become prefects of their respective houses as they are the only options (yes I have decided Marcus is also a prefect for plot reasons)
- Percy has the same kind of light camaraderie with Harry as his friends had with the twins.
- Oliver becomes a mentor to Harry, while Audrey, Cedric and Marcus become rivals. Harry doesn’t meet Penelope that year. Though he does meet Cho and starts to have a very obvious crush on her
now at this point the story can split in one of three ways, so I’m taking the polyamorous route right now but under maybe eventually there will be the more canon route as well as the route where Percy and Oliver get together
- Percy and Penelope start flirting with each other, which kinda throws off the group
- After a slight confrontation between Oliver and Percy the two realize that they like each other, which gets more complicated when Marcus reveals to Oliver that he likes him
- Audrey also makes a love confession to Penelope and after the five of them have a sit down and talk about their feelings they all realize that they like the idea of being in a romantic relationship with everyone in the group, so they secretly become polyamorous
- in public Percy and Penelope are dating as they really are the most showy and romantic out of the group and also are the ones who can truly be seen as a romantic couple through those affections.
- obviously the whole philosophers stone thing happens but that doesn’t really affect any of them. Did I put Percy and Audrey getting together a little early? Maybe. But they aren’t really fully public yet and just seen as most definitely flirting.
- In their sixth year they meet Percy’s little sister Ginny. Part way through the year she starts acting weird and everyone in their group is worried for her.
- Cedric becomes a prefect for hufflepuff
- almost immediately after Penelope and Percy become a public couple, Cho and Cedric corner the group and basically tell them they know they are polyamorous and they want in.
- its a little awkward with Cho Chang being 2 years younger, but they don’t want her to be left out and she and Cedric are publicly dating by that point so they let her in.
- She and Cedric aren’t really the most involved with the rest of them but they enjoy the group and didn’t want to be left out.
- when the chamber of secrets is open they walk in pairs (minus Marcus who walks with the his fellow prefect the year below him)(Oliver gets away with walking with Percy due to him being Percy’s roommate. Somehow that’s allowed.) (if it wasn’t obvious I made them all prefects so Audrey and Cedric could ‘patrol’ together) (also same thing with Cho as with Oliver, so she and Penelope ‘patrol’ together)
- Marcus, Audrey, Cho, Cedric, and Oliver all get really upset when quidditch gets canceled that year.
- in their seventh year shit gets Sirius. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and the whole school is on edge.
- Cho becomes a prefect for Ravenclaw
- Cho, Marcus, Cedric, Audrey, and Oliver are all way too happy when quidditch isn’t cancelled that year.
- The only real change was that Percy became Head Boy, while Penelope and Audrey became Head Girls
- oh and also they each have to go to therapy after Ron reveals that Scabbers was actually an illegal animagus. So much therapy.
- after they graduate, Percy works for the ministry, Penelope works at St. Mungo’s, Oliver plays for Puddlemere United, Marcus plays for the Kenmare Kestrels, and Audrey plays for the Montrose Magpies
- the whole group ended up going to the Quidditch World Cup (qwc) in 1994
- At the qwc, they met Bulgarian quidditch star Viktor Krum. They immediately befriend him and after the dark mark was released, he spent time with the group and ended up joining the polycule.
- Cedric and Viktor both become triwizard champions and Percy someone convinces the ministry to allow him to be part of the committee or whatever ran the tri wizard tournament.
- Percy befriends all the champions and helps Fleur get in contact with Bill
- at the Yule ball Cedric takes Cho, Viktor takes Fleur because they actually have a good healthy friendship in this and we don't need to involve weird age gaps, the golden trio go together as friends(and since Harry needs to dance with someone he dances with Ron), and then Penny goes with Percy.
- Cedric DOESN’T die because he actually knows how to apparate because look at this group, you think they don’t all know how to apparate? Anyways Voldy does still come back because Harry got nicked before getting ahold of the cup.
- Cho, Cedric, and Viktor all also become pro quidditch players. Cho joins the Chudley Cannons, Cedric joins the Kenmare Kestrels, and Viktor continues playing for whatever the Bulgaria team is called.
- After that I honestly have no clue as I never actually read the books after that. Maybe post war Percy and Audrey have Molly II and Lucy, but Audrey, Oliver, Cho, Viktor, Cedric, and Marcus continue their careers. Cho and Cedric also have a boy named something like Reggy(short for Reginald). Idk everyone lives/nobody dies and we have the daughters and son being raised by their 5 dads and 3 moms. I honestly don’t know how to end this.
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greenhouse-seven · 5 months
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Welcome to Greenhouse Seven!
(The Room of Requirement and the broom cupboard were already occupied)
This is a space to discuss and celebrate HP canon-compliant couples in both canon and AU situations.
We will run events and fests to celebrate and highlight these couples and will have an announcement soon about our first fest!
In the meantime, come join us over on discord for discussions and fun (and to see if we can find where Professor Sprout hides her private stash).
Greenhouse Seven Discord
Your mods,
@starlingflight, @merlinsbudgiesmugglers
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ikarponea · 4 months
Percy and Audrey children ☆
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And now memes:
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Do you think Molly ever grows to like any of her duaghters-in-law?
After the war, everyone is grieving for their losses
Molly especially is hurting from losing Fred, it’s bringing up memories of her younger brothers, who she never took the time to fully grieve for
Percy is back home after leaving the Ministry, Charlie is home for the summer, Ginny is home before her finally year of school, Harry is staying with them as he’s part of the family (and none of the Weasleys will allow him to leave), Ron and Hermione are in Australia, and George can barely get out of his childhood bedroom
Bill and Fleur come around often together, but Fleur comes around more on her own
She’s keeping the house functioning while Molly is grieving, doing all the things no one thinks about
Charlie helps her with the chickens and Percy is taking care of the vegetable patch and Harry keeps the gnomes out of the garden
Ginny helps a little in the kitchen, but Fleur/Charlie/Percy are doing most of the cooking
Fleur and Ginny are starting to build a relationship over shared glasses of wine and stories of their childhoods
Charlie and Percy get to actually know their new sister in this time and build a friendship
(Percy and Fleur grow close this summer despite Bill’s annoyance)
At the end of August, around Percy’s birthday, they have a big party, a sort of celebration of the end of the summer and also Percy coming back to the family and the joke shop reopening under Percy’s care, Ron and Hermione coming home, and also Ginny’s seventeenth birthday too
Molly can’t believe that someone put this all together, and she asks Charlie about it as he’s closest to her when she steps out the door
“Fleur thought that we had so much to celebrate that we should throw a party.”
That was when Molly knew that she liked Fleur, she respected her after Greyback attacked Bill and Fleur told her she would still marry him, but she knew that she liked Fleur after this moment
A month later Fleur finds out she’s pregnant, and Molly can’t help but be excited to be a grandmother.
Angelina falls back into George’s life about a year after the war.
The summer of ‘99 Lee and Alicia get married (as they’re pregnant but also because they’re original plans got ruined by the war 😅)
George is Best Man and Angelina is the Maid of Honor
They also have been in love since the first moment they saw each other on the train to Hogwarts at 11
Did Molly always know that Angelina was going to be part of the family? No! But did she see the way her son’s eyes lite up every time Angelina walked into a room? Absolutely she did!!
After Lee and Alicia’s wedding, George and Angelina are made Godparents to baby Maria Jordan!
They also just can’t force themselves to be away from each other, both of them are miserable, but at least they have each other
Angelina gets pregnant and George buys her a house
They lose their daughter, but then decide it’s time to do things properly
They get married and right before the ceremony, Molly and Arthur invite her to be part of the family
Molly had taken Angelina in under her wing a little after they lost their daughter Beth, but she doesn’t hide it after this
Angelina lost her own mama when she was eighteen, so having Molly to turn to is a great relief
Angelina is the DIL that Molly is closest too out of all of them
Molly had known Hermione since she was a little girl, but Hermione is more anxious knowing Molly as Ron’s girlfriend than Ron and Ginny’s friend
Molly had always liked Hermione, but she thinks that she pushes everyone to hard in her life
Hermione of course just thinks that Ron needs more motivation
After the summer in Australia with Ron, Hermione goes back to Hogwarts and Ron never writes her
They have a bit of a disconnect in their relationship and it hurts both of them so much
They love each other, neither of them can deny it, but there is so much longing and wanting that it’s hard for them to even express it to themselves let alone each other
When Hermione comes back from Hogwarts she moves in with Ron and Harry into their tiny flat and there is a definite shift in the trio’s relationship
They mend it over the summer, and Hermione is working in mending her relationship with her parents too
One night Molly invites over just Ron and Hermione for dinner and asks them what their plans are for their relationship
Ron tells her what he wants out of it, love and marriage and children
Hermione bolts to orchards, she saw their relationship move that way eventually, but hearing it out loud is frightening
Molly follows her and tells her that Ron was always like that
Hermione understands, but it’s scary to think about, she didn’t realize how onboard she needed to be
Molly tells Hermione about her first date with Arthur and how up and down that had been
And suddenly Molly knows that nothing will stop Ron and Hermione from making their way down the aisle in a few years
But she does have doubts of them having four kids, which she ends up being right about
Audrey just sort of falls into Percy’s life
He asked her out hoping that she would say yes, mostly being goaded into it by Angelina
Audrey said yes and then proceeded to be 2 hours late to their first date, Percy knew he was going to marry her right then and there
A month into the relationship, Percy bought an engagement ring for Audrey, Molly had just met her the week before
Audrey takes the time to be pleasant to everyone she meets, she takes the time to share what she needs to about herself, but more than anything, she takes the time to listen
Molly saw the change in Percy before really anyone else, and she also saw a change in Audrey too upon their second meeting
Audrey lost her twin brother in the Battle of Hogwarts and her parents were killed by Death Eaters coming after her and her brothers
She and Percy go through so many ups and downs in their relationship, and thirteen months after they meet, they elope
Molly is upset that her son didn’t want her at his wedding, but she knows that Audrey’s parents weren’t there either
She’s also upset to find out they got married because they were pregnant, but she excited to be a grandmother again
(Victoire is her only grandchild, Fleur lost a little boy two years before and Angelina lost Beth almost four years before)
Audrey turns to Molly a lot with questions about her pregnancy, she has no one else really to turn too other than Angelina and Fleur
(Both who she’s still building relationships with)
Molly sees how scared Audrey is and helps her in anyway she can, and when Audrey loses their little boy, Molly makes sure to check up on her that whole winter
That next winter, Audrey gives Molly her first ever Weasley sweater
Bonus - Harry
Molly is the first one to find out that Harry and Ginny are back together
She catches them snogging out in the chicken coop when they were supposed to be helping her out
It’s during their first Christmas after the war, and Molly is barely holding herself together
She has a bit of a go at both of them, and then pulls Harry into her arms later and tells him how happy she is for the pair of them
Harry and Ginny go through some struggles the summer after Ginny leaves Hogwarts, they tried to live together but it just doesn’t work out, Ginny just isn’t ready for it yet
Molly always welcomes Harry back home though when he comes to visit Ginny, even if she doesn’t quite like them both going up to Ginny’s bedroom at night
Harry moves out of the flat he shares with Ron after he starts making enough gold to live on by himself, he moves into his grandparents old cottage in Godric’s Hallow
He drags Ginny along, and they both thrive with the space and lack of space 😉
Harry had proposed the summer before, but they tell the family on Ginny’s birthday
Ginny’s brothers are all impressed, even more so when Ginny tells them that she doesn’t plan on getting married right away
Molly is the first one to know about James Sirius, Ginny tells her the morning of their wedding
Molly keeps it a secret, but she can tell that her daughter and SIL are so excited to be married that nothing will get in their way
Harry is nervous to be a father, but Molly reassures him that he’ll be wonderful at it, Arthur had the same fearful look in his eyes too after Bill was born
Harry thanks her and let’s her hold her first grandson for the first time
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doofranch · 1 year
perciver but oliver is mtf her name is AUDREY ... do u see the vision
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