#augustine ella
Ok so, I thought I should lay out how Ever After Highs's school system works within my universe, particularly to sort out the ages for my ocs so y'all know what's going on.
Eah works like an (American) highschool, in which there are four years the students attend. It starts with their first year, which the students have dubbed the Prologue year. It's the start of students learning more about their stories and how to properly play their roles. Their second and Third years are often called Act I and Act II, and these years are where they take classes that will aid them in making sure their stories play out correctly. They end with their Epilogue Year (more commonly called Legacy Year), in which they sign the Story Book of Legends and follow in their parents footsteps.
In the au I have with my OCS this is how everyone is year wise
Prologue Year - Declan 'December' Hare, Kingston White, Chancellor Cheshire, Humphrey Dumpty, Nina Thumbell
Act I Year - Winonah Pooh, Peony Porcelet, Cedar Wood, Ginger 'Breadhouse', Tucker Belle, Farrah Goodfairy, Faybelle Throne, Hopper Croskington III, Willow Darling
Act II Year - Dexter Charming, Darling Charming, Apple White, Kitty Cheshire, Lizzie Hearts, Madeline Hatter, Raven Queen, Holly O'Hair, Poppy O'Hair, Aspen O'Hair, Tillie Tigger, Briar Beauty, Ashlyn Ella, Courageux Lâche, Penelope Rabbit, Cerise Hood, Chase Redford, Rosabella Beauty, Pearson Pan
Epilogue - Augustine Ella, Emmaline White, Sylvester Bishop, Nacrine Neptune, Daring Charming, Oleander Beauty, Ramona Badwolf, C.A Cupid, Juliette Pendragon, Rosie Midas, Harriet Lapine, Dorian Dormouse, Katherine Boots, Duchess Swan, Justine Dancer, Hunter Huntsman, Jeremy Cricket, Jillian Beanstalk, Mindy Pillar, Melody Piper
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belovedblabber · 1 year
1, 3, 4, tlt?
<3 thank youuu I always have so much fun with these
1. which character do you relate to the most from your fandom?
Oh this is tricky. Funnily I think it might be Palamedes, who I adore but do not talk about enough on here. The reasons for my relating to him would take an essay for me to parse the why though sdfrtyhjk
3. what is your favorite ship?
This one is hard because for some reason with tlt sorting ships in my head gets tricky! I know not why. I do love Griddlehark, because of all of the STUFF contained therein, there's so much to unpack there, there's so much going on, devotion to the point of ruin and fragmenting et al. Ianthe/Harrow is also fun to me, as is Ianthe/Kiriona (in a 'gay sex is going to make this worse but I think we should give it a shot anyway' way asdfg)
Also a big fan of Jaugustine idk what's going on there but I want to bottle it
I did a bad job of answering this I was supposed to just give one oops
4. what is your favorite CANON ship?
This is kind of cheating because I already mentioned John/Augustine above, but I love whatever the fuck John Augustine and Mercy have going on. Does this count as an answer here? I'm going with yes.
Actually my TRUE favorite canon ship is me/Abigale Pent milf extraordinaire. Just kidding I would never ruin her marriage I'm not going to be a homewrecker AGAIN
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princess-ibri · 1 year
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Sorry it's taken so long to do another Disney Parent Backstory. Took a while to get back in the mood, but here we go:
Cinderella 's Parents
Her mother was a woman named Margaret, and her father was Lord Augustin Tremaine (I'm going off an older Disney book where Tremaine was Cinderella's family name, not originally the Stepmother's).
Margaret worked as a lady's companion for a noblewoman who Augustin's extended family wanted him to marry (he was an orphan by then), and so the two saw each other frequently whenever there was a social event 
Augustin found himself more and more drawn to the charming and kind Margaret over his intended, and she found herself drawn to him as well
Eventually Augustin announced his love for her, and his intention to marry Margaret instead of the noblewoman chosen by his parents
This was of course something of a scandal among the gentry, and Augustin's family cut him off for it, but he had his own fortune and title and most importantly his True Love, so they lived quite happily for many years
At some point Margaret did a kindness for a fairy in disguise, who in turn promised her a boon. Margaret asked only that the child she was expecting would be watched over and aided if she was ever in great need, as neither she nor Augustin had family willing to care for the child if anything should happen to them
The pair began  calling their daughter "Cinder-Ella" after a memorable occasion when she wandered off and was found asleep by the kitchen fire (thankfully long died down) with her face all smudged and the name stuck 
Unfortunately, Margaret died when her daughter was only four years old, and Augustin died four years later, after an ill advised second marriage to the widowed wife of an old childhood friend… 
Prince Charming's Parents
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Young King Maximilian fell in love with Lady Constantina at first sight, the very day they were introduced as young royals at a diplomatic meeting
She was a beauty from the Southern Isles, a cousin to their Royal family, and her lively spirit and wit immediately captivated him
She in turn found his brashness and blustery ways, which had often alienated him from others, to be charming, and the soft heart hidden beneath them enduring
They spent every hour they could together during the event, and afterwards, they entered into a correspondence that rapidly became romantic on both sides and were married as soon as the necessary protocols could be undertaken
They were very happy together, and were blessed with one son, Henri-Christopher, whom they doted on, though Constantina sadly passed away a few years before the events of Cinderella took place
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alyssasmaddworld · 6 months
people who would act in a movie about my paracosm
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Kirstin Kragh Liljegren as Alexandria Gray
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Amber Heard as Evelyn Gray
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Diane Keaton as Alex's Mom
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Harrison Ford as Alex's Dad
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Gavin Casalegno as Buster
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Logan Browning as Ash
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Cole Sprouse as Mason
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Alex Lange as Everette
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Justin Gaston as Jimmy Crystal
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Ellie Bamber as Suki Lane
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Renee Rapp as Porsche
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Mia and Ella Allan as Augustine and Harper Crystal-Gray
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Iain Armitage as Oliver Crystal-Gray
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forest-enchantress · 6 months
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✦Dagmara Dominczyk
The Count of Monte Cristo 2002 — under development
✦Dan Stevens
Dracula 2006 — (690 x 388px), (300 x 169px) Sense and Sensibility 2008 — (690 x 388px), (300 x 169px)
✦Ella Purnell
Belgravia 2020 — part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11 Intruders 2011 — part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8 Never let me go — part 1, part 2 Ways to Live Forever 2010 — part 1, part 2, part 3
✦Emily Blunt
Empire 2005 — part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6 Henry VIII 2003 — part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6 The Young Victoria 2009 — under development The Wolfman 2010 — under development
✦Ezra Miller
Madame Bovary 2014 — part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
✦Raffey Cassidy
Snow White & the Huntsman — part 1, part 2
✦Rebecca Emilie Sattrup
Skammerens datter 2015 — part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11
✦Rose Byrne
I Capture the Castle 2003 — under development Marie Antoinette 2006 — under development Troy 2004 — under development
✦Roxane Duran
Augustine 2012 — part 1, part 2 Marie Antoinette 2022 — under development Mary Queen of Scots 2013 — under development Paula 2016 — under development The Monk 2011 — part 1
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aureliahillshqs · 5 months
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todos conocen a AUGUSTINE COURONNE, pero su reputación está por descubrirse.
toadette, ¡bienvenide a @aureliahillshqs! nos encanta tenerte con nosotres. a partir de ahora contás con 24 hs para enviarnos la cuenta, en caso de necesitar más tiempo, ¡no dudes en solicitarlo! pst! también queremos contarte que si todavía no rellenaste este form, nos serviría mucho que lo hicieras. ¡gracias!
nombre/alias: toadette
¿tenés más de 21 años? sí
zona horaria o país: cst
nivel de actividad estimado: media
triggers: ninguno específico
¿aceptás que tu personaje se vea involucrado en las intervenciones realizadas por la administración del grupal? sí
¿algo que agregar?: 🌹🌹🌹
nombre: augustine couronne
faceclaim: abigail cowen
cupo: treinta & tres
edad y fecha de nacimiento: veinticinco, 13.06.98
descripción física:
de esbelta figura de un metro setenta & celeste mirada inalcansable de azul con tintes verdes, viva imagen de su madre a excepción de la frondosa cabellera rojiza que conquistó hasta las pecas de su rostro & cuerpo pálido. acento francés tosco heredado de su padre se mantiene incluso al hablar otros idiomas, que distrae con blanca sonrisa & risa elegante como su postura, como bien aprendió desde pequeña, junto movimientos siendo medidos al caminar o en general. cicatrices de años primerizos son contados & sin ningun posible rastro visible bajo sus rodillas & clavicula, solo perceptibles al tacto & mirada cercana gracias a tratamientos para no ser vistos. tiene un unico tatuaje, una minimalista ave fenix en las costillas bajo su busto.
descripción psicológica:
(+ ) entusiasta, optimista, flexible. ( - )insatisfecha, indecisa, superficial.
historia o datos curiosos:
001. ultima hija de los couronne, cerrando la familia al fin tener la hija mujer que deseaban. no tardó en estar bajo el velo de su madre, enseñandole & compartiendo todo lo que no podía hacer con los hermanos mayores de augustine. pero esto comenzó a ser demasiado & el escape de la pelirroja fue en los brazos tranquilos de su padre en la bodega, enseñandole sobre vinos.
002. augustine gustaba de la atención de su madre, hasta que comenzó a crecer & la toma de decisiones comenzaron a ser retadas cada vez mas por la pelirroja. que comer, que no, que vestir, que no, que amigos tener, que hacer, etc. las discusiones no se hicieron esperar, pero con un trato con su padre, mediador de ambas, se logró que ella tomara sus propias decisiones, pero de cosas no públicas. o que no llegarán a serlo.
003. su vida siguió como socialité, parte de la imagen familiar, aun encantada que la historia de amor que era famosa sus padres era un poco real por lo que veía en ambos, al menos frente suyo. quería algo así también.
004. fue en la escuela que comenzó a sentir un poco de libertad, a sabiendas de su padres no se sentía tan rebelde pero no rehuiría. hasta que comenzó a hacerlo, solo por la adrenalina. decir que iba a una fiesta pero salía de la ciudad a cualquier aventura que grupos de baja sociedad se pudo topar. en uno de esas salidas fue que se tatuó, y cuyas par de cicatrices sigue borrando. el cabello se tinta de negro cada que sale a esos lugares, perfecto para pasar desapercibida.
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obsessedwvampbois · 2 years
𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢'𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨
𝕊𝕙𝕦 𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚
I wanted to pick something aside from classical music even though he is such a snob about it
Studio recordings with live instruments
long runtimes
poetic lyrics
Uses these kinds of songs to give him a push to play an instrument every now and again
Black Country, New Road - Ants from up there Floating points, Pharaoh Sanders - Promises
ℝ𝕖𝕚𝕛𝕚 𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚
If there is one person (aside from Shu) who thinks modern day music sucks, it’s Reiji
“Everyone is just so crude and untalented these days”
Has every Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong vinyl released
He also has probably seen them live an embarrassing amount of times
Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - The Complete Ella and Louis on the Verve
𝔸𝕪𝕒𝕥𝕠 𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚
he is a rap fan, fight me
doesn't have a preference in terms of location like UK, east side or west side
more focused on flow and quippy bars
mostly listening to it before basketball matches or post game
would definitely play it out loud to piss off Reiji
JID ft. 21 Savage & Baby Tate - Surround Sound Nas - Nas is like Princess Nokia - No Effort
𝕂𝕒𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕠 𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚
Sounds so beautiful, yet so haunting
The music is quiet enough to keep any mood swings at bay
The links to Silence of the Lambs too just makes sense
Sufjan Stevens is just a good fit for Kanato
preparing his dolls, sewing or eating afternoon tea with Teddy
Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine - A Beginners Mind Carina Round - Things you should know
𝕃𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕠 𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚
He has two sides: raging sexual bangers and mindful piano ballads
The more innuendos and bass the better
Probably has a playlist called “Reiji’s favourite songs ~ “
The piano is for more introspective moments and it might be possible to catch him playing along quietly
Renaissance - Beyoncé Alias - Shygirl PERPETUAL FLAMES OF CENTRALIA - Lingua Ignota
𝕊𝕦𝕓𝕒𝕣𝕦 𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚
well I was going to put EAT on here but @kirua9 beat me to it
if anyone is going to listen to heavy / noise metal it's him
pretty heavy hitting lyrics
honestly, it’s very therapeutic for him
I Disagree - Poppy Toxicity - System of the Down STFU - Rina Sawayama
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Oh also uh *pulls out sketchbook* would you mind giving a physical desc of like all of your ocs?
Absolutely omg
This is gonna be long lol
Augustine Ella - a fair bit paler than her sister, freckles fleck her cheeks and across her nose. She's around 5'2 and has a slim build. Her hair is an auburn red type of color and its slightly wavy. Her hair is either up in a braided style or fully down. She has a small scar above her left eyebrow from a sword accident, and a longer scar going down her right thigh to her ankle from when she into someone while she was ice-skating and their ice-skating blade sliced her leg open. Her eyes are a bluey green color and have little gold flecks in them. Outfit and Hair Style inspo below
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Sylvester Bishop - Tall and lanky, around 6'2 or so, much like the mad hatter himself. Sylvester dyes his hair a stark platinum white to match his mother's hair. His natural color is the same as the Mad Hatter's fiery red hair. He does have various, faint scars from certain things he endured at the hands of his maternal grandmother, and due to the basic sword training he's had. His eyes are a soft blue color. Outfit and Hair inspo below
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Rosie Midas - Rosie is a bit taller than most of her peers, at 5'5. Her hair is a dark, chocolate brown and is always up in what seems to be like a wedding knot. She always has some form of gold hair piece in no matter the day or the occasion. Her eyes are a hazel-amber color, mixed with a little bit of green. She's slightly tan, and has freckles throughout her face, shoulders and arms. Outfit and Hair inspo below
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Kendall's Behind the Scenes Protection of Roy Family From Itself Part 2a: The Gothic Horror Reality and Kendall's Grips and Strategy Within It
Part 1 Part 2b
Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay. By Ella Ferrante-1,23
Gothic Forms of Feminine Fictions by Susanne Becker-2,19,20, 33,39
Lailah Gifty Akita-5
Angelo De Augustine-6
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flyn-15
A Hundred Years of Solitude-22
Her Unbreakable Protector: A Rescue & Protect Romance Suspense Novel by Alessa Kelly-27
Family Likeness: Sex, Marriage, and Incest from Jane Austen to Virginia Woolf by Mary Jean Corbett-30,35
Reach Out by Sufjan Stevens and Angelo De Augustine-34
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac-38
Story of the Lost Child by Ella Ferrante-42
1.2- 16,17,18
210? funeral?-26
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thechaosmuses · 1 year
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Alrighty here are the new OC's I've made recently listed by fandom like the canon ones- Just a fair warning that this is gonna be a pretty long post because I've included an introduction thing for each muse. Another warning is that some of the content in the introductions might be triggering, things like drugs, death, alcohol, blood, etc- typical things you see in the shows, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Also, some of the people mentioned, ones that aren't canon or mine, are my darlin's (@chaos-awakens) OC's-
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Carter William Forbes- he/him, 36, bisexual (female leaning). Carter was the first born of the Forbes’ kids and after his parents divorce he stepped up as man of the household. For the majority of his upbringing he was a good kid, got good grades, was a good athlete and was a perfect gentleman. When he got a little older though he started rebelling a bit, and though he was responsible while at home for his Mother and sisters the blonde was getting drunk and high with his friends when he wasn’t. After a pregnancy scare with his girlfriend when he was 18 and being told he had to repeat his senior year in order to graduate he took that as a sign and stopped drinking and smoking, cleaning up his act. Growing up he had always looked up to his Mother and so he applied for the Deputy Training Program and with a good word from his Mom managed to get in and not screw it up. He was in the program when vampires made their way back to Mystic Falls and unlike the rest of his classmates and teachers wasn’t buying the whole “animal attacks” thing. Eventually after a little while of it happening over and over again, he started investigating things on his own. It was during this time that he found out that both of his sisters were vampires, as well as many others in Mystic Falls. And there weren’t just vampires, there were werewolves, witches, hybrids and doppelgangers too. It took the blonde a little while to come to terms with everything but eventually he managed and Jeremy, Alaric and Matt taught him how to fight vampires and other supernaturals in case he ever encountered one. A few days after their Mom passed away Carter was asked to take her place as Sheriff, something that after careful consideration (and encouragement from his sisters) he decided to do. Carter is still human, though he has though about and been offered being turned it’s just not something he’s sure of right now.
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Lorella Diane St. John- she/her, 146, pansexual. Enzo and Ella never knew who their parents were, and quite frankly neither of them wanted to know. The twins had been orphaned when they were still very young, and by the time they were four they were being forced to work and by the time they were in their teens they were living on the streets. Neither of them were sure how they managed to survive but they had. At least up until 1903 when Enzo caught consumption and though he had told his sister a hundred and one times to leave, she refused, telling him they were born together, and they hadn’t been separated since and so they would die together too. They had tried to catch a boat to New York where they hoped they could get help but they wouldn’t let either of them on as Enzo was already ill and Ella had been exposed. Their saving grace came in the form of one Lily Salvatore who managed to get them onto the boat and mere hours afterwards not only did Enzo start to decline, Ella had started to become sick too. After finding out the Doctor was a fraud and there was no cure, the vampire offered her blood to them and after exchanging a look they decided to do it. They woke up a few hours later as new vampires, the ship docked in New York but Lily and her heretics were nowhere to be found. The two spent the next few decades going from city to city, for once able to enjoy their lives. However that joy was cut short when they found themselves at Whitmore and before long in the arms of Augustine. That was where they would spend the next few decades, it was mostly just them for a while until more vampires were brought in. Slowly but surely the six of them all became close, an unbreakable bond forming over shared traumas amongst other things. Ella is a lot like her brother, so much so that Damon liked to say that Ella is just the female version of Enzo. They do however have differences, one being that it is much harder to earn Ella’s trust than Enzo’s.
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Jensen Graham Gilbert- he/him, 57, bisexual (female leaning). Jensen was a surprise child that came only a year after John had been born. Their parents had only planned to have two kids maximum, but had ended up having four. Though in their eyes they really still only had two as they always seemed to forget about Jensen and Easton. The lack of attention from their parents led the boys down different paths, Easton chose to do anything and everything he could to get their attention and Jensen couldn’t have cared less. He started skipping school to hangout with his friends to drink and/or smoke, sneaking out late to go to parties or hook up with people. He eventually wised up a little bit at 16 and got a job so he could start saving money to move out at 18 and he’d managed to do just that, a few weeks after his birthday he bought a camper and hit the road, never looking back. He came home every so often for holidays, birthdays and when babies were born but other than that he kept his distance from his family. Instead he spent his time going to different places he could drive to, learning about not only the place but more about supernatural creatures. Like his youngest brother Jensen had never hated vampires, instead he was intrigued by them and what else might be out there. He was in California researching a town there when he got the call that Grayson and Miranda had died and though he wasn’t the biggest family man he packed up and headed for Mystic Falls once again. He decided to stick around for a little bit afterwards as he knew Jenna had her hands full with the three teenagers and though Jesse was a big help Jensen knew the young man needed time to grieve and so did Jenna. He also saw all the signs with Jeremy long before anyone else did and though he never lectured his nephew about it, knowing that would do more harm than good, he kept a close eye on him and who he was around.
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Easton Reed Gilbert- he/they, 55, pansexual. Easton was the youngest of the four Gilbert brothers, Grayson being the oldest. Though he was the baby of the family, their parents had always put Grayson on a pedestal and John on another, leaving no room for either of the other two boys. While this led Jensen to act out, it made Easton work twice as hard and though he had no intentions of becoming a Doctor like his older brother, he set out to get a Doctorate degree in something. And by the age of 22 years old he had managed to do just that, earning a Doctorate in Psychology and by the age of 25 he earned his Doctorate in Criminal Justice. Both of these things as well as the way the youngest Gilbert’s mind worked and other accomplishments of his put him on the FBI’s radar and after he graduated they offered him a job at which he still works today. It requires him to travel a lot, but anytime he can he makes time to come home and visit his niece and nephews, especially since his brother and sister in law’s death. Like his other brothers he was told about vampires but unlike the older two he didn’t believe that all vampires were evil. Maybe it was just because the youngest Gilbert had always managed to see the good in everyone, even his high school bullies or maybe it was just because he’d always had a compassion and understanding for what people went through that made them the way they are. Where other people saw a villain, Easton saw someone who was misunderstood. Though he will admit he’s seen true evil a few times, both human and supernatural. When Easton came into town and met the Salvatore’s he could tell they were hiding a secret and it didn’t take the Gilbert man long to figure out what it was though he kept it to himself. Well, mostly to himself, because while he may be a patient and caring man, he is also incredibly protective of his family so he made sure to warn the Salvatore vampires of just that.
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Jesse “JJ” Jonathan Gilbert- he/him, 35, pansexual. Jesse was only four when Miranda and Grayson adopted Elena and Elias and though he’d been an only child until then the little boy quickly became a big brother for the twins, and when Jeremy came along a few years later it took him no time to adjust to now having three siblings. His parents used to joke that he was meant to have siblings, even though they’d planned to only have one. Jesse wasn’t the most popular guy in school by any means but he was decently so from being part of the Founding Families, running track and playing basketball. Though he did two athletic things in high school, those weren’t really his passions. His first always was taking care of people, something he’s done since he was little and continues to do today. And the second being that he loves music and so any instrument he could get his hands on he’d learn to play, his favorites being the guitar, piano and drums. The older Gilbert did fantastic in school, rarely getting anything below an A in any class. After he graduated top of his class he headed for college at Whitmore, and to no surprise started working on becoming a Doctor like his Father. He was studying for his finals the night that his parents died in the car accident. He’d gotten the call from Sheriff Forbes who he’d known his whole life, both of them getting choked up over the phone before he hung up to rush back to Mystic Falls for his siblings. After that he dropped out of Whitmore and moved back home to help take care of his siblings. Of course he never thought any of what happened next would happen but he never once left their sides. Though there was a point he almost had, when he died, not once but twice. The first time was the most notable, as it was what made him a vampire. He’s still the same protective, caring older brother as before though vampirism brought out a certain confidence deep within himself, which in turn made him more outgoing and flirty.
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Zariyah Dove Parker- she/her, 49, bisexual. Zeph hadn’t been the only baby placed on the doorstep of the Parker’s, his twin sister, Zariyah, was also with him. The small baby girl was wrapped in a purple blanket instead of yellow like her brother’s, though both had their names on them. Just like her brother and Kai, Zari started to show signs of being a siphon at age 4 and thus ended up in the same room as the two boys for most of her upbringing. Now, the isolation took them all down different paths. Kai lashed out, Zeph shut in on himself and Zari, well Zari was a combination of both of them. But she’d also started to rebel more, sneaking out of the house when she could, stealing liquor from the cabinet and started hanging out with the stoner kids at school rather than going to classes, and another great distraction she had found was sex, mostly with a fwb she had. Of course the Parker’s never caught on, blissfully unaware that the teen was sneaking out constantly. She had actually been gone at the time that Kai had killed most of his siblings, only making it back to the house when he had gone looking for Luke and Liv. Before the then 21 year old could really figure out what was going on, Kai had put her in the locked room with Zephyr. And when her twin had overheard Joshua’s plan to trap his eldest son, Zari had told him she wanted to help. But being the protective brother he had been for most of their lives, he had made sure she stayed home where it was safe. Of course the older twin hadn’t realized he would get trapped with Kai, and when the coven returned from the woods without her two favorite people, Zari wasted no time in packing her bags and leaving that night, taking the ascendant with her to try and figure out how to get the only family she’d ever known back. It was a few months later that she had thought she figured out, only to find herself trapped in the Prison World along with them.
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Kennedy Taylor Parker- she/her, 45, pansexual. Kennedy was born after Kai and Jo and just two years after her brother had started to show signs of being a siphon like him. It was after that their parents moved them into a room together along with Zephyr. The three of them of course became very close, practically inseparable. As well as being close with them she was also very close to her younger cousin, Maia. And the four of them stayed close up until everything happened. Seeing her older brother who she looked up to more than anyone upset set the younger siphon witch off and she’d agreed to help Kai and by help she went further than anyone else had gone for him. Because of this their Father created prison worlds for them both and mere minutes after Kai and Zephyr had gone, Kennedy was too. It was a few weeks later that Maia had shown up and the Parker girl couldn’t have been more grateful to see her. The two of them spent the next 18 years together before Bonnie had accidentally brought them to the Kai’s prison world. It was there that they not only reunited with Kai and Zeph but also met Bonnie, Damon and Jesse. Kennedy wasn’t a fan, of any of them really though of course on drunken nights with her cousin they’d often question each other on which one they would pick if they had to, Kennedy always choosing Damon and Maia choosing Jesse. Whenever they finally got out of the prison world, Kennedy stuck with her family and has since. Which is how she’d ended up as a heretic, going along with her brother’s plan without question. Now, she’s a lot like Kai but has her moments where she can be a real sweetheart though those are often reserved for people she cares about. She’s not completely introverted but prefers staying home rather than going out. She plays the guitar and loves to draw as those were non-magical things she could do. She also knows of the Mikaelson’s, and is intrigued but only knows what she’s read in various grimoires.
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Myles Zane Parker- he/him, 26, pansexual. Myles was born after Maci and being the complete middle child was overlooked quite often, especially with Maia being born a siphon. The only person who really did pay attention to him was his older brother and while he loved him, the younger boy wasn’t fond of the way Micah treated their sisters, especially Maia. The blonde put on an act when their brother was around, afraid that if he said anything he’d upset his brother more but when Micah wasn’t around he was a completely different person. He was sweet, caring and would do whatever his older and little sisters asked of him and he would be lying if he said he hadn’t catered to Maia the most. He knew it had been against their parents' rules for her to touch him but sometimes late at night when no one was awake he would let her crawl into his bed and hold her for a few hours before everyone woke up, or let her hold his hand or hug him when she needed. He’d also let her siphon from him sometimes when they’d go outside at night, showing and teaching her small spells and cute things, like conjuring butterflies and fireworks in the palm of her hand. He had been devastated when his parents sent her to the prison world purely because their cousin Kai had lashed out. Of course that was something he had to keep hidden from the rest of his family, and the middle Parker boy spent many nights sobbing silently in his bed hoping his baby sister was okay. It was a few months later that he decided to move out of his family home and decide to travel the world. He wrote letters home, mostly to Micah but he also wrote letters to Maia, he never sent them anywhere, just kept them in a box that he kept with him. He was halfway across the world when his brother had informed him that Kai, Maia and Zephyr had gotten out of the prison world and were in Mystic Falls and Myles immediately got the next flight to Virginia to go find his sister.
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Mariana Joy Parker- she/her, 23, bisexual. Mari was a pretty quiet kid growing up, at least until she was a teenager she kept to herself mostly. The only people she really talked to were her sisters and Myles, steering clear of Micah whenever she could. She did decently in school and with learning magic though she had her troubles with both. When she became old enough and started figuring out things that were going on in her house, like how Maia was treated differently by their parents and Micah, she also found out about the merge. Because she had been so quiet for most of her life, her parents rarely paid attention to her and the younger Parker girl used to resent that but as she got older it started becoming something she loved rather than hated, especially since it meant that she could get away with most things. Because she was so quiet no one ever really knew she was around and would just talk like she wasn’t. That was how she found out about their parents' plan to put Maia in a prison world. Mari had never really been super close with any of her siblings, but if you ever asked the younger Parker to pick she’d say Maia and Myles were her favorites as the older two had always been in their own worlds, especially Micah. Of course she immediately went and found her brother to tell him but unfortunately for both of them they had been unable to stop their parents from sending their sister away purely because she happened to be a siphon like Kai. Mari had never thought siphons to be bad and though she didn’t know much about them aside from the evil things her parents and other relatives spewed she sought to learn. So after Maia was sent away and Myles had left home, Mari left too to seek out information about siphons so that when she got her sister home, she could help her. It would be 18 years later when she would get the call from Myles that everyone was free, including Maia and that was all Mari needed to hear before she was on her way.
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Holden Atlas Salvatore- he/him, 183, bisexual. Holden was born only two years after the twins, Benjamin and Braeden, and because of that had always remained close with them and when they left after turning, he begged them to take him with them. Luckily for him his older siblings agreed, turned him and the three of them left, never looking back. After a few decades together Holden separated from his brother and sister and went out on his own, finding his way to Chicago. It was there that he heard a name he hadn’t in a very long time, Stefan Salvatore. Of course his little brother looked a lot different than the little boy he had been when Holden left but he would’ve known him anywhere. At first the older Salvatore tried to keep his distance, afraid his brother would be mad at him for abandoning him and their other siblings so long ago and never coming back. He knew he would have questions, questions that Holden wasn’t sure if he had or was ready to give the answers to. However all of that went out the window when he realized his brother was the famed Ripper of Monterey, and had his humanity off. Stefan did remember him however any grievances or questions he had were the furthest thing from his mind. Holden and him ended up spending a lot of time together, not really as brothers but more so as friends, and whenever Klaus and Rebekah showed up and joined in, it only made things more chaotic. And while Stefan found himself in Rebekah’s bed, Holden found himself in the older Original’s. Of course all of that had been lost to him when Klaus took his and his brother's memory. The compulsion had even taken the memory of the two of them reuniting, something that didn’t happen again until Holden, Braeden and Benjamin all found themselves back in Mystic Falls decades later. While a lot of people like to compare Holden to Damon both in personality and looks, the two of them couldn’t disagree more though they are very similar, they do still have their differences.
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Lucilla Marie Nightstar- she/her, extremely old, pansexual. Before the Angel Twins, there were the Archangel Twins, Lucifer and Lucilla. Lucifer was “The Morning Star”, their Father’s bright white golden boy, his favorite, the one he’d entrusted with The Mark. Lucilla was “The Night Star”, their Father’s pitch black disgrace, his most hated, and the one he’d never thought was good enough. God had never intended to make twin angels, either time, but especially not when creating his precious archangels. Lucilla had been a mistake, a bit of darkness that had slipped in while Amara was still around. He’d thought that because Lucilla had black wings that she was the one he needed to worry about. But the archangel was the opposite of her brother in most ways, where he had a hatred for humans, she didn’t. Where he only pretended to care to manipulate people, she truly cared for others. Though she never cared about anyone more than her brother. So when God was sending Lucifer to The Cage, she fought back. Her archangel siblings helping him were able to overpower her just long enough to get Lucifer in but after was a whole other story. She left all of them in Heaven barely alive and made her way to Hell where Lucifer was. She wasn’t able to get him out of The Cage then but she was able to build Hell alongside him and make moves to eventually get him out. And while everything that happened changed her, made her heart a little darker, she was still the same caring, misunderstood archangel underneath it all. The Winchesters were able to eventually make Lucilla see how terrible of a person her brother was and that made the archangel want to change her ways. So, after helping them take down her brother, something that while she knew was necessary still left a hole in her heart, though her brother's son, Jack, helped fill that hole. The archangel saw a lot of herself in the young nephilim and so she stayed with the Winchesters to help raise him.
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Dawson Cole Reynolds- he/him, 23, bisexual. Dawson was adopted when he was three by his Mother’s older brother after she started struggling with her addiction again after Dawson’s father left. After that his mother went to prison for attempted murder and burglary and he didn’t ever see her again. When the Dread Doctors came for Theo and Callum the older boys managed to convince them to take the youngest boy with them. A few years passed where they didn’t do any experiments on Dawson but eventually the day came where they did. He was only 10 at the time and the other boys were just young teenagers though they did their best to save Dawson from going through what they had. They’d failed to do so but luckily the youngest boy managed to survive and become another successful chimera though he was still viewed as a failure by the Dread Doctors. Dawson was a were-fox, half wolf, half fox and like Theo could transform into a full wolf though Dawson looked more fox-like with reddish brown fur and pointier ears. The youngest of the three boys is a lot like the older two in most ways though he’s a lot more introverted than them. Whenever they came back to Beacon Hills and were trying to make their way into the McCall pack Dawson mostly stayed to himself and kept quiet. He’d spent the majority of his life with the Dread Doctors, and what little he could remember of his life before that wasn’t much better. He had Theo and Callum of course, and he slowly but surely started to warm up to the McCall pack but the chimera’s best friend came in the form of a girl his age that happened to be a werewolf. He met her out in the woods behind the school one day where he was taking a walk on his free period. She introduced him to weed which helped ease his anxiety a lot and when Callum and Theo went to Hell she was the reason he made it through.
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Callum Tate Raeken- he/him, 25, pansexual. Callum was only seven when the Dread Doctors showed up. He doesn’t really talk about that night, and honestly he doesn’t really remember much of it. The things he does remember haunt him in his nightmares, which is why he prefers not to talk or think about it. He also rarely talks about his life before they came, and especially not his twin sister that was stolen from him so he could have her heart. The Dread Doctors, the people he was forced to stay with for the next near decade, took her heart, along with his older sister’s to turn him and his brother into their first successful chimeras. Theo was the first, a werewolf/coyote, something that the older Raeken likes to rub in his brother’s face when they’re arguing. That he was the first at least, because while Theo was merely wolf and coyote, his baby brother was wolf and lion. Because of that, even though Theo was their first success, they catered more to Cal, thinking of him as a step much closer to The Beast they were trying to bring back. And they had been close with him, much closer than they had ever come at least until Mason. Before everything, Callum had been a lot like Mason and in some ways he remains that way, deep down at least. However the younger Raeken is also incredibly similar to his older brother. Which is probably mostly because they spent so much time together though they do have their differences, especially morally. While Cal believed they had to do what they had to to survive, he thinks Theo took things way too far with the McCall pack. It’s partially for that reason that the Skin Walkers had only sent Theo to his own personal Hell. But Cal went anyway, even though he was upset with him, seeing the fear in his brother's eyes and hearing his cries for help, he couldn’t stop himself from trying, and neither could anyone else. So, they went together and they managed to survive that together too before Liam got them out.
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Damian James Taylor- he/him, 40, bisexual. Damian was born when his parents were still teenagers and while his Father wanted to keep him, his Mother wanted nothing to do with him. So, after she gave birth to the little blonde hair, green eyed boy she signed all rights over to his Dad and went on with her life, even moving a few towns over. At the time his Father still lived with his parents but eventually they moved into a one bedroom apartment together. They didn’t have much, and between his Father working full time and doing online college to get a better job he didn’t spend much time with him. By the time Damian was 13 they were a little better off, living in a two bedroom house in Atlanta where his Father had gotten a good job. He still rarely saw him though and that caused the green eyed teenager to start acting out. He was constantly getting in fights in school and outside of it, stealing from the mall and other places, started smoking weed and got older friends to buy alcohol for him so he could drink, and he’d have parties when his Dad went on business trips. Around the time he was 16 he got alcohol poisoning after one of those parties and almost died. He woke up the next day in the hospital, his Dad holding his hand while fast asleep in a chair beside his bed. It was then that not only did Damian decide to turn his life around that his Dad decided to cut back a bit on his hours and spend more time with his son. After getting his life together he managed to graduate and went to college. He kept his major undecided for a little while until he had taken a criminal justice class on a whim and learned what a Private Investigator was. So, after a few years of working his ass off that’s what he became. He's not totally an extrovert but he’s not completely introverted either, pretty big flirt, and still a troublemaker after all these years, sarcastic at times. He has a lot of trust issues but once he trusts you he’s very loyal and protective.
911 Muses:
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Evelyn June Buckley- she/her, 26, pansexual. When Buck decided to move to California it was no surprise that his twin sister followed him. Born just eight minutes after him they had always been very close as well as very similar. And after moving they both applied to the LAFD and somehow managed to end up with and keep jobs there. Of course no one really warned either of them of the trauma that came with being a firefighter. Buck was the first one to lose someone on the job, the nightmares he had waking Eve up in the other room for weeks. And just when things had started to settle down, Eve herself had lost someone on the job. A woman in a car accident, trapped in the driver side of her car after some drunk idiot had slammed into it. She held her hand the entire time Chimney was trying to cut her out of the vehicle but unfortunately by time he managed she’d slipped through Eve’s fingers. Buck had miraculously been off that night but Athena had texted him the second they’d left the scene that Eve needed him. After that Bobby rarely let them work separate shifts and if for some reason they did they both knew, as well as everyone at the station, that the other was a simple call or text away if anything happened. As far as outside of work, or mostly, Eve was just as “slutty” as her brother though was a little more subtle about it on the job, at least most days. She also started smoking after hooking up with a girl who had informed her it was legal in the state. She preferred it over drinking, but it was still tied with sex. Around the same time that Buck started talking to Abby, who Eve hated from the start, Hazel had just transferred to the 118. Though the two only had a friends with benefits relationship Eve had slowly started to fall for the other girl until she got her heart broken when Hazel showed up with a boyfriend after visiting home for a few weeks. After that Eve went back to her old ways, but slightly more tame than before.
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Hazel Jayne Walker- she/her, 25, pansexual (female leaning). Hazel had a relatively normal upbringing, her parents weren’t too strict but they weren’t too lenient either. They let Hazel and her other siblings, of which there were five, do what they wanted within reason. Hazel wasn’t the youngest, but she was second to youngest and the only little girl her parents had. Now, of course her Mother loved her but she had always catered more to the boys as she had grown up with all brothers. Hazel’s Dad however grew up with a single Mom and two sisters so he catered to his only little girl the most. And Hazel had been a Daddy’s Girl from the second she was born and even as she got older that never changed. Her Dad had been a firefighter since he’d graduated high school and not long after Hazel turned five he became the Captain and though he said there were hard days, there were also a lot of good ones and he never once regretted his job. A few days after her 16th birthday and after getting accepted into the pre-fireman program at her high school, which both her and her Dad were thrilled about, her Dad had died on the job. Hazel had never felt so broken in her life and after the funeral she wanted nothing more than to give up but she knew that’s not what her Dad would’ve wanted. She knew that even though he had died, he wouldn’t want her to give up on her dream. She also knew that he’d never once regretted his job and always used to say that if he died while doing it, that at least he knew he died a hero’s death and would die giving his life to save someone else’s. Which had been exactly what he’d done, the Mother and the five year old little girl he’d saved showing up at his funeral to personally thank his family. So, Hazel put herself back together, piece by piece and became the top firefighter in her class before graduating and then at her Dad’s old fire station before she moved to Los Angeles after her Mom’s passing when she was 22.
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Izaiah Edison Hendrix- he/him, 29, bisexual. It was no secret that Izaiah and Isaak had always been close and being twins whose parents were barely ever around they only got closer. The twins were five when their parents had decided to adopt Isabella and though he was still a child at the time Izaiah could never understand why they would want to have another child that they didn’t even bother to care for. Despite the feelings he had towards his parents, he always treated Isabella as his sister, even if she was adopted. The little boy at the time didn’t care about that, he was just happy to have a baby sister. As he got older he remained close with both his siblings and grew more distant from their parents. He got decent grades in school and played basketball when it was the season for it but other than that Izaiah didn’t really put much effort in. It wasn’t like his parents cared whether he did or not as they were barely ever around anyway. When he was a freshman he got invited to his first high school party and after sneaking out past the nanny he had gone. It was there that he picked up three vices; alcohol, weed and sex after losing his virginity to a junior he’d had a crush on for a few years. After that his grades suffered a bit but not by much as he was a pretty quick learner and more than that he had learned how to get things he wanted from people just by talking and being charming. So any teacher that had dropped his grade he immediately went and charmed them into letting him take a makeup test or do something easy for extra credit. After graduation he tried to get over his addictions and even started working towards becoming a firefighter. He managed to do both things, though sometimes he’ll drink or smoke after hard shifts, but he doesn’t go overboard like he did when he was younger. When Isa came back home after six years and said she was leaving again for a job, her twin brothers immediately followed her.
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Matilda Iris Monroe- she/her, 27, bisexual. Matilda was the youngest born child of her six siblings though she received none of the “baby treatment” most people would assume when they hear that. In fact Matilda wasn’t even sure her parents or siblings even knew she existed and the youngest girl had been taking care of herself for as long as she could remember. Not long after she turned 13 her Aunt decided to take her in and move her to California with her. Her Aunt had never wanted or intended to have kids of her own but her and Matilda had had a special relationship since she was born and the older woman just couldn’t stand to see her favorite niece being neglected any longer. In California Matilda started to thrive, she came out of her shell a little more and even made a good group of friends. As she got older she started going to parties and things, not that her Aunt minded as long as she wasn’t drinking and driving or doing anything else life threatening and the young teen always kept true to that promise. Matilda loved her Aunt dearly and looked up to her more than anyone else and while she originally hadn’t had an exact plan for after graduation after her Aunt passed not long after she decided to look into becoming a dispatcher like she had been. That was how she’d ended up where she is now, as the head dispatcher for the station she’s been working at since 18, the same one as her Aunt. Mattie is still very much the same girl she’s always been, kind-hearted, a little introverted and quiet around strangers but the life of the party when around people she knows. She’s always been incredibly determined and independent, rarely ever asking for help unless she really needs it. She isn’t a huge flirt or anything but will flirt when she sees someone she finds attractive.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Bruno was just relaxing on his cloud as he wandered around. He usually kept an eye on travelers near his mom or dad's castles but he did go and visit his sisters and their kids often.
He also made good friends in the form of two strange travelers with mustaches that wore red and green uniforms and hats. They were weird but nice guys. Usually only attacked the ones coming at them or hurting innocent people.
He wondered what they were doing right now actually? He had a bit of a day off as his Mama went to visit Pepa and his papa went to visit Julie so Bruno decided to visit his friends.
An hour later he was staring blankly at the sky and questioning his life.
When he wondered what his two friends were doing, he didn't expect the answer to be his sisters.
Wasn't there something in the bro code about NOT dating or sleeping with a bros sister? Cause he's pretty sure both of his friends broke that code.
He was going to launch so many shells at the two of them.
Bros about to go commit crimes against humanity 💀💀
The last thing he expected were his friends to get with his sister 😭
Fèlix and Agustín trying to explain to Bruno why they got with his sisters:
Also, two new requests!
✨You’ve got mail!✨
Anon asks:
“WOWEE snippets anon did so great!! And looks like mama Isa took Lolo and Cami too. Guess they need nickname/titles! Dolores: ella que sabe, she who knows. Not just because super hearing, but because Dolores loves hanging out in the library. And Camilo could be Tritòn, Newt, because some newts can, to an extent, shapeshift to become terrestrial. Also, now I'm wondering: how did Mirabel break her arm? And what about Julieta and Augustin?”
thecoldestanimeartist asks:
“Love Super Mario Bros snippets 😆 can you do one where Pedro and/or Alma play with the grandkids?”
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cocoanmelaninsims · 1 year
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The Initiation
Transcript below
*hoofs hit pavement*
[Ella La Manzana] This will certainly be an interesting weekend. I hear the Prince is going to propose.
[Lady Rasheedah Watson] I doubt it. Prince Orion doesn't have it in him to be Consort to the Queen. He's still crawling up from under Agustin's shadow.
[Ladi La Manzana] Hmmph. I think Prince Orion will surprise us in more ways than one.
[Lady Rasheeda] We will see. My money is on Crown Prince Agustin. He's power hungry you know.
[Princess Audrina Ellsworth] Prince Augustin has no use for the future Queen of Osorio.
[Princess Audrina] Yes. He's betrothed to me of course. power hungry is perfect way to describe him but he despises the princess. There is no attraction.
[Lady Rasheedah] I envy the confidence the two of you share. Let the games begin.
[Emery] Welcome to Osorio Castle. The entire Kingdom of Osorio and it's Royal Family welcomes you. Please follow me.
[Queen Persiphae] Thank you for inviting us gentlemen. We expect a wonderful weekend at Court.
[The Royal Guard bows]
[Prince Artemis]  We have arrived. This is going to be fun.
[Crown Prince Agustin] Hmmph. We'll see. I plan to create some fun of my own.
[Royal Advisor] The Queen requires compliance this weekend. Don't gwt yourself in trouble needlessly.
[Prince Orion] This weekend will go off without a hitch regardless. What you all do is of no interest.
[Crown Prince Agustin] Shall we assess again on Monday?
[Prince Artemis] Stop bickering. You two are so annoying.
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milibluefairy · 1 year
Desde que salio s4 no pararon de aparecer tiktoks sobre el triangulo amoroso de Will/Mike/El inspirados en el de Folklore by my queen Taylor Alison Swift. Vi muchas discusiones por ahi.
Y estoy aburrida, asique voy a defender mi opinion sobre porque Will Byers es Betty y El es Augustine.
Cardigan (betty)
when you are young, they assume you know nothing
Cuando eres joven, asumen que no sabes nada
Will claramente es el mas maduro del grupo de sus amigos a parte de Dustin(quien pobrecito no tiene gaydar, es muy hetero). Sabe que no esta mal que le sigan gustando las mismas cosas que de niño, se autoacepta rapidamente(vive en un entorno saludable emocionalmente con Joyce y Jonathan quien lo motivan a ser el mismo) y prefiere ver a sus seres queridos felices antes que su propia felicidad(alentando a Mike a estar con El porque desde su perspectiva ellos estan enamorados).
Will esta muy en sintonia con sus propios sentimientos.
but I knew you,playing hide-and-seek and giving me your weekends
pero te conoci, jugando al escondite y regalandome tus fines de semana
Betty conocio primero a James, dando indicios de amigos de la infancia. Will tambien, porque recordemos todo comenzo con Mike buscando desesperamente a Will y a quien encontro en su lugar en ese bosque a El.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan. Under someone's bed. You put me on and said I was your favorite.
Y me senti como un viejo cardigan. Debajo de la cama de alguien. Me pusiste y me dijiste que era tu favorito.
 Aunque en la s1 Mike dijo que supuestamente todos en la Party son mejores amigos pero siempre hubo una diferencia con su amistad con Will. En s2 Mike le dijo a un Will poseidos que pedirle que fuera su amigo fue lo mejor que haya hecho(todo esto llorando). ¿Que sucedio? en la s3 Mike abandona a sus amigos(mas especificamente a Will) por El. Ya en la s4 Will cree que Mike no le importa porque no le escribio y ni llamo acomparacion a El quien recibio una pila de cartas.
You drew stars around my scars but now I'm bleedin'
Dibujaste estrellas alrededor de mis cicatrices pero ahora estoy sangrando.
Mike siempre fue el apoyo de Will con respecto a sus traumas, mirenlo tan solo en s2 el tipo se volvio loco de preocupacion. Pero ahora Mike es el foco de la angustia de Will. Le ah dicho cosas muy dolorosas(sigo pensando que el no es mi culpa que no te gusten las chicas es pura proyeccion de Mike) en s3 destruyo el castillo byers en el proceso y en s4 su discurso “romantico” le dijo a El siento que mi vida comenzo el dia que te encontre en el bosque, cuando Will estaba desaparecido en ese entonces(Will no tiene idea que es mentira).
I knew you, tried to change the ending. Peter losing Wendy
te conoci, trate de cambiar el final. Peter perdio a Wendy.
Will siguio tratando a Mike de la misma manera pero esta llegando a un punto en donde ya no puede mas. Mike esta a un paso de perder a Will por su propia inseguridad e inmadurez. 
Leavin' like a father. Running like water.
Marchandote como un padre. Corriendo como el agua.
Todos sabemos que el padre de Will los abandono(pedazo de mierda abusivo), mientras El no tuvo un padre que haya hecho eso por voluntad propia. Hopper murio/en realidad fue secuestrado por los rusos. Brenner(papa) no queria dejarla ir. 
Mike nunca huyo de ella, lo hizo con Will(al menos lo hizo sentir asi).
But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss. I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs.
Pero sabia que te quedarias como un tatuaje que besaste. Sabia que perseguirias a todos mis ¿Que pasaria si..?
Mike siempre sabe que le sucede a Will, es el primero en notarlo y el primero en contenerlo. No cambio. 
Chasin' shadows in the grocery line.
Persiguiendo sombras en la fila del mercado.
Will es un personaje atormentado por el pasado, lo vimos en s2 con sus visiones del upside down y siendo poseido por el mind flayer(quien literalmente es como una sombra).
Bueno, esas son las cosas que lo hacen a Will Betty. 
De todas formas al final de la cancion Betty sabia que James volveria. 
Y Will no pierde la esperanza con Mike aun. 
[este post se hizo larguisimo, asique las dividire en tres partes. La siguiente es James Mike.]
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lydiannode · 2 years
Current Favorite Songs Meme
I was tagged by the lovely and talented @royaltyisshe64. Going for four categories because I’m that kind of person: popular, jazz, soundtrack/showtune, and classical.
POPULAR “Tell Me Why” - The Beatles “O Captain My Captain” - David Broza “I Give You Give Blind” - Crosby, Stills, and Nash “Sultans of Swing” - Dire Straits “The Art of Dying” - George Harrison “Night in the City” - Joni Mitchell “Game of Love” - Katrina and the Waves “Luckie” - Laura Nyro “Calico Skies” - Paul McCartney “‘39″ - Queen JAZZ “Plea for Peace” - The Afro-Semitic Experience “My Favorite Things” - Dave Brubeck “De-Lovely” - Ella Fitzgerald “A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square” - Glenn Miller Orchestra “What a Wonderful World” - Louis Armstrong “Popsicle Toes” - Michael Franks “So What” - Miles Davis “Pirate Jenny” - Nina Simone “Somebody Loves Me” - Oscar Peterson “Night for Crying” - Tim Weisberg SOUNDTRACK/SHOWTUNE “At The Ballet” - OBC, “A Chorus Line” “Livin’ It Up on Top” - OBC, “Hadestown” “Non Nobis Domine” - soundtrack from “Henry V” by Patrick Doyle “The Daily Grind” - soundtrack from “Jeeves and Wooster” by Anne Dudley ”More and More” - Dudu Fisher and Ruthie Henshall, “Kol Nidrei”” “Overture/Main Titles” - soundtrack from “Lawrence of Arabia” by Maurice Jarre “Main Title”  - soundtrack from “The Lion in Winter” by John Barry “People Will Say We’re In Love” - Maureen Lipman and Hugh Jackman, “Oklahoma” “My Man’s Gone Now” - Leontyne Price, “Porgy and Bess”
CLASSICAL “Concerto for Violin” - Samuel Barber/Joseph Silverstein and the Utah Symphony “Concerto for Violin and Cello” - Johannes Brahms/Nathan Milstein and Gregor Piatigorsky “I Bought Me a Cat” - Aaron Copland/William Warfield “Captaine Digorie Piper, His Galliard” - John Dowland/Consort of Musicke “Sonata for Cello” - Edward Elgar/Steven Isserliss “Sonata for Violin” - Cesar Franck/Augustin Hadelich “Romeo and Juliet” - Sergei Prokofiev/Berlin Philharmonic “The Rite of Spring” - Igor Stravinskky/Zubin Mehta and the New York Philharmonic “Reconciliation” (from “Dona Nobis Pacem”) - Ralph Vaughan Williams/Brian Rayner Cook, Edith Wiens, and the London Philharmonic Chorus & Orchestra “The Saga of Jenny” - Kurt Weill/Dawn Upshaw
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viperiwinkle · 2 years
La favorita de Augustine es Ianthe y no paro de pensar en que él tuvo que matar a su hermano y diez mil años después aun le duele y no sé si Ianthe sería capaz de hacerlo con Corona pero se ve reflejado en ella.
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wantmyself · 3 months
vaughn amero,  late  40s,  businessman,  jon  bernthal,  heterosexual,  dominant, divorced  and  lowkey  having  a  midlife  crisis,  prefers  younger  women,  drinks  heavily,  toxic  and  messy,  possessive. nate turner,  mid  30s,  military  pilot,  glen  powell,  heterosexual,  dominant. ezra  st.  james,  early  30s,  retired  professional  surfer/surf  instructor,  chase  stokes,  bisexual,  switch, commitmentphobe,  has  cheated  on  his  partners  before,  still  trying  to  prove  himself  worthy  to  his  parents  who  believe  surfing  is  a  waster  of  time,  an  aching  need  to  be  loved  but  he'd  never  admit  it. caleb  de  george,  late  20s,  trust  fund  baby,  jacob  elordi,  bisexual,  dominant justin  sweeney,  late  20s,  race  car  driver,  drew  starkey,  bisexual,  dominant milo bowman,  mid  20s,  tattoo  artist,  rudy  pankow,  bisexual,  switch. charlie augustin,  late  30s,  drug  dealer,  oliver  jackson-cohen,  heterosexual,  dominant brett  romero,  mid  20s,  farm  labourer/bartender,  rudy  pankow,  bisexual,  dominant,  grew  up  working  on  farms  with  his  abusive  father,  used  alcohol  and  drugs  to  escape,  left  his  small  town  the  day  he  turned  18,  still  trying  to  find  his  place  in  the  world. graham kingsley,  late  40s,  small  town  sheriff,  david  harbour,  heterosexual,  dominant sebastian,  mid  30s,  professor,  jonathan  bailey,  bisexual,  switch  eliot,  late  20s,  actor,  tom  blyth,  bisexual,  switch  lane,  late  20s,  radio  host,  paul  mescal,  bisexual,  dominant rowan,  early  30s,  private  chef,  jeremy  allen  white,  bisexual,  switch dawson,  late  20s,  nfl  player,  mason  gooding,  bisexual,  switch levi,  early  20s,  college  student,  christopher  briney,  bisexual,  switch  hayden,  early  20s,  nhl  player,  jonathan  daviss,  heterosexual,  switch
juliette  contralto,  early  20s,  singer,  sabrina  carpenter,  bisexual,  switch  alice  devereaux,  mid  20s,  painter,  sydney  sweeney,  bisexual,  switch  maeve  darling,  mid  20s,  therapist,  madelyn  cline,  bisexual,  switch  emmeline dunne,  mid  20s,  onlyfans  creator,  madison  bailey,  bisexual,  switch  kendall,  early  20s,  daycare  worker,  madison  beer,  bisexual,  switch  piper,  mid  30s,  english  professor,  lily  james,  bisexual,  switch quinn,  late  20s,  nurse,  ella  purnell,  bisexual,  submissive  gracie,  early  20s,  social  media  influencer,  emily  alyn  lind,  heterosexual,  submissive  layla,  mid  20s,  waitress,  fiona  palomo,  bisexual,  switch  gianna du bellay,  late  20s,  fashion  designer,  simone  ashley,  bisexual,  switch cecily,  early  20s,  college  student,  rachel  zegler,  bisexual,  submissive maddie  maldonado,  early  30s,  secretary,  melissa  barrera,  bisexual,  switch,  raised  her  little  sister  kennedy  after  their  parents  died. kennedy  maldonado,  early  20s,  college  student/stripper,  jenna  ortega,  bisexual,  submissive,  works  as  a  stripper  to  help  maddie  pay  the  bills  and  to  cover  her  tuition.  remi louise,  early  20s,  model,  sophie  thatcher,  bisexual,  dominant  aaliyah,  early  20s,  student,  tyla  seethal,  bisexual,  submissive  olivia,  mid  20s,  accounting  associate,  courtney  eaton,  bisexual,  submissive,  works  for  her  dad's  company,  always  been  the  good  little  rich  girl  but  seeks  adventure  and  a  journey  of  her  own.
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