#aunt Helen
almostharlanquotes · 8 months
Raylan: I sort of did something and I need your advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism. Tim/Rachel/Art/Helen/Ava: And you came to me?
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preacherboyd · 2 years
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Justified | 2x08 The Spoil
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nicoscheer · 11 months
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I will forever love the Jacaranda for giving us that livestream 😭
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Also bless mama Rosie for diligently filming and taking flash pics of our darling in her one man band merch 🫶🏽😂
And like can we talk about how POWERFUL Miles’ voice is like my man has no mic and yet he’s louder than a singing along crowd, and always entertaining and involving the fans 🫶🏽🫶🏽🥹
All the hugs 🥹🫶🏽
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thank you for signing everything (including my friends shoe) youre a legend
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Via shavambacuk
See you on the water:
My death:
Time of your life:
Those three songs are the bonus tracks from One man Band
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Aunt Helen veröffentlichen Singles-Compilation
Die 70s-US-Punks Aunt Helen haben eine Singles-Compilation angekündigt. Die Band aus New York hat sich Ende der 70er gegründet und hießen später The Toys (die wiederum später New Toys hießen). Die Gruppe hat kürzlich eine Compilation mit ihren früheren Singles veröffentlicht. Diese hört auf den Titel “Hey Aunt Helen” und beinhaltet vierzehn Tracks. Erschienen ist die Compilation Vicious Kitten…
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shelbyxhughes · 5 months
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While visitors to the practice were principally there to see the real James Herriot, and were often overcome with excitement to meet him - which always bemused Dad - they were also delighted if Donald Sinclair (better known to them as Siegfried) made an appearance. This of course tickled us as, since we had grown up in and around the practice, Donald and his younger brother Brian (on whom Tristan was based) were like family.
They were a constant presence in our lives, Donald was Jim's godfather and we always referred to him and his wife as "Uncle Donald and Auntie Audrey."
- Jim and Rosie Wight.
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silentkw · 4 months
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Aunt Polly ✏️
Graphite pencil in my sketchbook
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sporkberries · 1 year
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Genuinely suprised by how much I've enjoyed reading this comic
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'Before his life-changing call from director Christopher Nolan, his sensational performance as the father of the atomic bomb in Oppenheimer, and the well-deserved Oscars buzz following the film’s release, Cillian Murphy spent nearly a decade portraying working-class Brummie gangster Tommy Shelby in Steven Knight’s British crime drama, Peaky Blinders.
Inspired by the real-life gang of the same name, the six-season series followed the Shelby family’s business dealings, relationships, unsavory acts, and pursuits of power in Birmingham, England, 1919. Thanks to compelling writing, word of mouth, a Netflix streaming slot, and standout performances from a stacked cast — especially Murphy’s — what started as a small show on BBC Two in 2013 grew into a global phenomenon.
Oppenheimer’s immense scale and widespread acclaim may have solidified Murphy as a household name, but in the years leading up to the monumental project, Peaky Blinders allowed him to meticulously refine his craft, wholly inhabit a character, and take his acting prowess to the next level. A decade after the riveting series premiered, Tommy Shelby remains one of the actor’s most indelible roles — a truth even more impressive when you learn that Murphy wasn’t Knight’s first choice for the Peaky protagonist.
That’s right. The 47-year-old Irish actor nearly lost the role of Tommy Shelby to Jason Statham, but a text sent to Knight post-audition, which read, “Remember, I’m an actor,” changed everything. Ahead of Peaky Blinders’ final season, Knight told Esquire he “never forgot” Murphy’s show of confidence. Despite the clear departure from his appearance and past roles, the actor was sure he could embody the physically imposing, virile gang leader. And he was right. “It’s a cliché, but no one else could have been Tommy Shelby,” Knight admitted later in the interview. “It would be absurd. It was as if Cillian was always waiting.”
Since Murphy first rode through the gritty Birmingham streets on horseback sporting a fresh undercut and a razor-trimmed cap pulled over his eyes, the role felt as bespoke as one of Tommy’s signature three-piece suits. On the surface, Murphy nailed the Birmingham accent, convincingly knocked back lowball glasses of whiskey, confidently handled a gun, and seductively smoked thousands of cigarettes on set. But his abilities to access and expose the deeper complexities, contradictions, and PTSD of the broken World War I veteran were particularly profound.
As the leader of the tight-knit Shelby clan, Tommy was a commanding, ambitious, fiercely intelligent force; an enigma who routinely committed despicable acts, but possessed enough potential for good that he repeatedly gained empathy from viewers — with help from Murphy’s charisma and authentically pained portrayal. Haunted by flashbacks of France and fueled by booze for a majority of the series, the Peaky Blinders leader perpetually grappled with a restless mind and stained soul, while guarding a heart capable of immense love. He was, all at once, completely unafraid of his own death and terrified of losing others. And since business was always personal, his family became his greatest strength and most sizable weakness.
A fraternal feeling and the sheer weight of familial responsibility shone strongest in scenes with Paul Anderson’s Arthur, while Tommy’s intimate relationship with Helen McCrory’s Aunt Polly — which deepened and shifted on the daily — peeled back his layers and offered glimpses of vulnerabilities. Tommy’s shell was undeniably softest with Grace (Annabelle Wallis), the woman who made a tea drinker, father, and eventual fortress out of him. Through small talk and genuinely sexy sex scenes, heart-to-hearts and heartbreak, and the brutal gut-punch of unexpected mourning, Murphy tapped into the full range of human emotions to convey and process the love and loss of Tommy’s wife. He never fully recovered from her death, but devastating breakdowns after the loss of Polly and his daughter Ruby proved he was still able to feel.
Murphy effortlessly exuded swagger, showed subtle humor in moments like the famous “no fucking fighting” scene, and slipped into pure panic at the drop of a hat. He loudly expressed grief in palpable scenes, such as Tommy’s brush with death in the Season 2 finale — when he almost had (and lost) “fucking everything” — or the bone-chilling final seconds of Season 5, when he hopelessly held a gun to his head, emitting a guttural scream born from insufferable trauma and fury. But despite the grand outbursts, so much of Tommy’s emotions were expressed without words; through Murphy’s facial expressions, jaw clenches, silent spirals, and intense gazes from his deep-set ice-blue portals.
Whether Tommy was strutting through smoky streets in solitude, leading grand shootouts with adversaries like Luca Changretta (Adrien Brody), digesting Alfie Solomons’ (Tom Hardy) verbal acrobatics, recovering from ruthless beatings, chomping on a leaf with his toddler, or battling his inner demons, Murphy’s performance was mesmerizing. Over the course of Peaky Blinders’ run, the actor brilliantly resided in the middle-ground between hero and villain, light and dark, and savior and sinner. And without fail, he flawlessly found his way back under the multi-faceted character’s skin after substantial filming gaps and major projects like Dunkirk and A Quiet Place Part II. In the 36 hours we got to spend with him on-screen, Murphy delivered a career-great performance, crafting an incredibly lived-in character, while masterfully evolving alongside him.
A decade after Peaky Blinders first premiered, it remains a razor-sharp series that boasts Knight’s brilliant storytelling; captivating characters; stunning set design, wardrobes, and haircuts; a killer soundtrack led by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds’ “Red Right Hand”; and a cast that was firing on all cylinders. The series’ legacy is as strong as the Shelby family in their prime, and when the credits roll on the dark final season — one made considerably more challenging by COVID-19 and the real-life death and mourning of McCrory — you’re reminded again that no one else could have been Tommy Shelby; that Cillian Murphy, as promised in his post-audition text, is one hell of an actor.'
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humbug-demartino · 10 months
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"Aunt Nauseam" [S5 Ep10]
Calling for backup
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disneyfemslash · 11 months
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"Meeting you was a perfect night. I want more of those. I want a lifetime of perfect nights."
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peakyblinded · 2 years
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POLLY GRAY for @youremyvioleta
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toweroftickles · 6 months
I totally agree with your Rio Morales headcanon, and it got me thinking of two other moms from superhero movies: Helen Parr from The Incredibles, and Aunt Cass from Big Hero 6. If you know the characters, do you have any headcanons for them? And out of the three, who would win in a tickle fight? (Assuming Helen couldn't use her powers otherwise she'd walk it)
Ooo, that's a toughie. XD
Of those three, Aunt Cass is definitely the best tickler; raising two boys, she probably had to adapt to a higher degree of roughhousing and broken furniture. She's also the "cool" parent, exuberant and fun-loving and way less uptight than the other two (so, greater tickle tolerance - she might even enjoy it). In a fair fight, Cass would clear.
Helen and Rio probably hate being tickled. But I don't think Helen is as sensitive as one might hope. She's a full-time superhero with a lifetime of physical resistance training; she's mostly grown out of it, but it's an irritant that still bugs her if you get her in the wrong spot. Rio, though...she's a wreck before you even touch her. Definitely gets all huffy and starts cursing in Spanish.
But that's all just speculation. The important thing to remember is:
Ticklish superhero moms.
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
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Aunt Helene from Ready or Not becomes even more intriguing when you understand she knows Grace was always going to pull that card.
From the get go.
Because Grace is a good person. Just like Helene’s husband was.
Nice people don’t belong in this family.
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supercasket-art · 7 months
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Butt Girl
"Helen Parr transformed into Buttgirl, a butt-centric superhero that uses her butt to attack and loves to show it off."
More works at: https://www.patreon.com/SuperCasket / https://supercasket.fanbox.cc/ Check out my picture packs at: https://supercasket.gumroad.com/
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filministic · 1 year
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Peaky Blinders (2013-2022)
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danceintherain · 1 year
I am distracted from my ships by needing to list the older women that I am so obsessed with. I can't even say there's an order to these honestly except MG is No1. I *think* I have a type? 🥹 I'm gonna do some fic recs too.
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