spoupy-mogai · 1 year
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[👾] autaromantic + autasexual !!!
.*⌒★; autasexual, autaromantic, autaaroace: autasexual and autaromantic were coined by @genderlofi​, their definitions are:
.*⌒★; autasexual: when someone isn't sure if they're asexual or not due to autism making attraction confusing or asexuality modified by autism in some way 
.*⌒★; autaromantic: when someone isn't sure if they're aromantic or not due to autism making attraction confusing or aromanticism modified by autism in some way.
autaaroace is simply for when you are both of the above.
.*⌒★; im not a huge fan of the original flags because of the autasexual flag’s resemblance to the nby flag and the confusion that causes. i use these terms extremely frequently so i thought it’d be nice to make some flags i feel more comfortable using :)
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.*⌒★; autasexual flag meaning: black, purple, white and grey from the asexual flag, orange and yellow for levels of ambiguity, and red for autism. autism symbol also for autism.
.*⌒★; autaromantic flag meaning: greens and grey from the aromantic flag, orange, yellow and creme for levels of ambiguity, and red for autism. autism symbol also for autism.
.*⌒★; autaaroace flag meaning: purple and black for asexuality, red for autism, orange and creme for ambiguity, greens for aromanticism and spectrum of both attraction and autism. autism symbol also for autism.
★; coins by @genderlofi, flags by me ; req by no one
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