#autistic Karone
pinkrangerv · 9 months
Did I promise to update The Stars Shatter frequently? Yes.
Did I vastly overestimate how much I could ignore a screaming four-year-old? Also yes.
So here, have me confirming that apparently a key detail of characterization for my fic is that Andros and Karone are autistic twins. It didn't make my notes. Because I didn't realize I was writing that. In my defense, I kind of suspect a lot of Rangers are autistic, the whole 'Do The Right Thing No Matter What' programming is usually tempered by 'also make sure you live longer than two seconds' in allo people...which is probably why humans survived longer than ten minutes.
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Karone/Astronema from Power Rangers
Requested by @sadiejwolfblood
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This is it...the end.
To See Pictures From the Investigation, stop by my Facebook Timeline:
There may be a curse at this residence in Oakdale.  Every man whoever lived in this home, has died under strange circumstances.  There is a lot of Native American Indian energy on the land and this home is very close to the very haunted Knight’s Landing.  Alicia’s brother – Karon’s son died in this home.   It was death by suicide.  The suicide note that 27 year old Mikey left explained his personal reasons for the suicide and he also made it clear that President Trump did not care about poor people or people with disabilities.  Mikey was autistic.  The family has been plagued by the paranormal, such as a large box flying off the shelf, a face appeared on the TV, the smell of a lady’s putrid perfume (perhaps Shanell #5) resonated through the home; the front door opened on its own; a purse hits the floor on its own accord; people have been touched, people also have been pinched. When Deanna did her walk through, she detected strong energy in one bedroom, that moved down the hall into another bedroom.  Come to find out, Karon tells us that the one bedroom is Mikey’s bedroom and he would constantly walk from his bedroom to the bedroom down the hall, which was his mother’s bedroom.  The family has heard stomping sounds (sounds of loud walking) on this hallway.
Mikey died at the age of 27 and on the digital recorder at recording #27, Mikey says “hi”.  Our first EVP for this day.  Alicia felt it could be the voice of Mikey.  We sat in a circle and allowed Mikey to draw our energy, so he can speak to us.  We were unsuccessful in obtaining any EVPs in the bedrooms.  The last place we went to was the bathroom where Mikey committed suicide.  The bathroom proved to be Ground Zero for paranormal activity.  When we asked Mikey if he wanted to talk to us, if he wanted to give us a sign, he said “no” twice.  Mikey did not want to be bothered by our presence.  Because of that, we stopped our investigation.  We felt satisfied that Mikey was still with the family.  Alicia and the rest of the family felt Mikey would say “no” to us.  Deanna proceeded to conduct her metaphysical cleansing.  The family is moving out of this home and they are comfortable in knowing that Mikey is still with them.
Karon McDonald is a former HPI Paranormal Investigator and she called HPI in a time of need.  This investigation was sad, very sad.  A young man lost his life and this family is devastated by his actions.  I pray that this family heals and prospers.  Afterwards, Deanna treated Xandean and myself to a nice Mexican dinner at Cocina Michoacana.  The food was delicious and this dinner period of time allowed us to stabilize and discuss what we experienced at this home in Oakdale.
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations – HPI International.
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kbunny10 · 8 years
My Spoiler Filled Thoughts on the New Power Rangers Film
I have so many feelings about this movie, but I’m going to mention so many spoilers so all of that is under the cut.
So I saw Power Rangers 2 days ago and I just need somewhere to let all my thoughts out. Let me preface this by saying that Power Rangers is one of the first shows I remember watching as a child. For a long long time we didn't have cable at my house (my parents didn't want me watching mind poisoning cartoons like Ed Edd 'n Eddy) so the only place I could really watch Power Rangers was at my grandparents house. That's fine, I was literally there everyday until I was 5 anyways. In Kindergarten I had to go into a morning care program where there were a small collection of video games and board games to play with. One of the board games was a Power Rangers game. The game had you choose which Ranger you would play as and it had their names on it. My name is Kim, the Pink Ranger was Kim, pink is my favorite color. This was the only time I could get exactly what I wanted in school because kids would be like "well does it have your name on it?" As a matter of fact it does fucker. I was even the Pink Ranger for halloween that year. There are other things I remember about my time with power rangers (like how when I marathoned In Space with my mom and my cousin I threw a tantrum when Karone didn't become the purple ranger and I ended up stomping in dog vomit) but none of those things really relate to the Rangers portrayed in the film, so let's move on. I think the first thing I was extremely pleased about can be summed up in a line from Alpha 5 "Different colors, different kids, different colored kids." This movie is everything I've been hoping for in remakes, it's oozing in diversity and it didn't stick to how things were set up in the original show. We have a white kid, a half Indian girl (Naomi Scott did a wonderful job as my favorite Kim), a Latina, a Chinese-Canadian, and an African American. But to top it all off the Asian character and the Black character weren't the yellow ranger and black ranger respectively. They were more than just their skin colors. Billy is never called "too white" for how he acts, on top of it not only does he exhibit autistic like symptoms but he even says he's on the spectrum. A black autistic superhero, I'm so glad. Zack is bilingual, and we only ever see him speaking in Mandarin with his mother, no English in their scenes, I love it. I haven't been this thrilled about another language since I saw Assassins Creed in theaters. (Which as bad as the film was, props to having everything entirely in Spanish in the flashbacks. I loved that.) I did have some complaints. I went into the movie thinking that Trini was going to be a lesbian. What I got was Zack asking her "boyfriend troubles?" and her sarcastically saying "yea boyfriend troubles." His eyes grow wide and he says "girlfriend troubles?" She's silent. I can see they were trying to show that she's struggling with her sexuality, Trini realized that she's not straight but she's not sure if she's gay either. I cried myself to sleep for years back when the teachings I got at Catholic school and Church had me thinking that I was horrible and sick if it turned out I was a lesbian, but as much as I liked guys they never interested me as much as a woman's cleavage or the scent of perfume in a girl's hair. Of course now I realize I'm pansexual and I'm much more happy and secure. But what bothers me is that right after all of that Trini goes onto talk about her family issues and says "they like labels." Hold up "labels"?! LABELS?! No, you did not. Come on guys you already said Billy was on the spectrum, why are you backtracking to the stereotypical "labels" shit that they do with bisexual people on tv instead of just saying they're bi?! Ugh. Part of me thinks that maybe, just maybe they thought saying "labels" was the same thing as saying "I'm on the spectrum" instead of having Billy straight up say "I'm autistic." Maybe they thought it could be inferred and people would be happy? But they really fucked up there. I wish they had shown us more of Trini's mom too, the way she talked to Trini, asking rapid fire questions and slamming her hands down on the table while screaming "say something" just made me think about how maybe her mom is abusive to her. She does give Trini a cup to pee in when Trini makes a comment about how she thinks she's a super hero and that's kind of funny, but coupled with what she had done moments before...I think at the very least she and her mom have an emotionally abusive relationship, but the fact that questions weren't asked about the holes in the wall Rita left behind while beating the shit out of Trini...makes me think its progressed past that. One thing I noticed in the film is that we know that Trini and Zack go to school with Kim, Billy, and Jason; yet we never actually see them in school with the other 3. A lot of scenes are in detention and Trini and Zack aren't there until the very end of the film, but I feel like Trini and Zack never get as much development as the other 3. I mean we know their names are Kimberly Hart, Billy, Cranston, and Jason Scott, but we never once hear Zack Taylor or Trini Kawn. They're just Zack and Trini. I'm guessing Taylor and Kwan aren't even their last names now with the the ethnicity change. I've read a couple interviews from the people who worked on the film and I know a lot of the deleted scenes involve Zack's back story. Even looking at the trailers I know they deleted the scene of Zack jumping over a house, Trini at her deface locker with the things "loser" "ugly" and "die" written on there, and a scene of Zack morphed and running around at night. So I hope the dvd is either an extended cut or includes these scenes. I'd like to make some comments specifically on Kim, I mean she's my love so I kind of have to. I thought that Kim's switch from gymnastics to cheer leading was arbitrary, but it still made sense so I won't complain. When she passes her former friends in the final fight and they get hit with rubble she says "serves you right" and then Billy's bully hops in the car to shield himself. This implies that Kim's friends are on the same level as the bully. But all they did was cut Kim out because she sent her friend's nude to her boyfriend and made fun of her. That's...extremely reasonable? Kim was actually really shitty there so they didn't exactly deserve anything. However, if we go back to how they cut out Trini's locker scene, a part of me wonders if they're the ones that are picking on Trini. Trini seems to have an unexplained amount of hostility towards Kim that I don't think can just be explained by Kim not knowing Trini well after a year of her attending the school. It would make sense, even though they cut Kim out for a good reason, they seem to have mean girl tendencies and I almost think they are the ones making Trini's school life hell. Also though, I'm not a popular person and never have been. Super popular girls in a bathroom stall together and then falling out giggling in a flirty way? A popular girl sending a nude to a friend in confidence? That doesn't make sense to me. Is Kim's friend bi? Did she send Kim the nude hitting on her? Was she making out with their other friend in the bathroom? These are all thoughts that come to mind that I feel weren't explained. I mean I've seen girls come out of stalls together giggling like that, but that was in a Barnes and Noble bathroom where I hid for the entire time they were having sex. I couldn't leave because it was embarrassing but it wasn't fun to sit there and listen either. Another thing that they cut from the film, which I'm actually glad they did, was the Jason and Kim romance. It's still partially there, you can see it, but without the kiss and any sort of declaration of feelings it can also be read as just close flirty friends. I hated the idea of a romance happening between them in the movie. I was so against it, so when they cut the kiss out of the film I was actually really glad. Now if they have Kim be with Tommy in the second film, hopefully there won't be a love triangle there. I don't really ship Kim with Jason or Tommy, I'd be fine if they cut the romance entirely, but she's bound to be with one of them at some point. We know that Tommy is coming because of the lovely mid credits scene, a zoom in on a green jacket while the teacher in charge of detention calls for "Tommy Oliver" who is not present. I hope, hope they do something with Tommy's ethnicity too. I would love if he was Native American or something like that. In all honesty I was hoping that maybe we'd get a female green ranger, I mean in the scene at the very beginning we see Rita in the full green ranger armor so we do technically get a green ranger, and she's in the corrupted version of the armor for most of the film. But I was hoping that maybe they would make Tommy a girl so the main green ranger would also be female? But Rita as female green ranger in the past is good enough for me..for now. Overall I loved the film for what it was, I am bitter there wasn't more character development for Trini and Zack, but I'm glad with how it turned out. I think one of my favorite scenes was early on in the film, after they first got their power coins and they were running away from the mine. I liked how all 5 of them ended up in the car together to try to escape. The whole scene just came off as so pure and I loved the way everyone moved around during it. Yknow right up until they were hit by the train and almost died. I guess if I had one last question to ask about the film it would be: what the fuck did Trini do to get put in detention at the end of the film? Jason is there because he broke into the rival high school to put a stolen bull in there, Kim is there because she sent her boyfriend a nude of one of her friends and then punched his teeth out, Billy is there because he blew up his lunchbox, and we can infer that Zack is there because he skipped so much school taking care of his mother/finding a way to cope with the idea that she might eventually die that he probably has to be there every weekend in order to graduate. But what did Trini do? She goes to school, does her homework, and flies relatively under the radar from what she told us, so why would she end up there?
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sjohnson24 · 6 years
A Haunting in Oakdale, California
Ghosts & the Supernatural – Deanna woke up at 5:30 a.m. and heard the sound of beads moving.  Special Note: We have hanging beads that are attached to the bathroom ceiling. Deanna also saw the figure of man standing over the bed and she instantly thought it was me.  Deanna feels there was an entity standing over the bed and she does not know if the entity watching over her had some kind of connection to the investigation today. To See Pictures From the Investigation, stop by my Facebook Timeline: www.facebook.com/paul.roberts.39948
THE BRIEFING: There may be a curse at this residence in Oakdale.  Every man whoever lived in this home, has died under strange circumstances.  There is a lot of Native American Indian energy on the land and this home is very close to the very haunted Knight’s Landing.  Alicia’s brother – Karon’s son died in this home.   It was death by suicide.  The suicide note that 27 year old Mikey left explained his personal reasons for the suicide and he also made it clear that President Trump did not care about poor people or people with disabilities.  Mikey was autistic.  The family has been plagued by the paranormal, such as a large box flying off the shelf, a face appeared on the TV, the smell of a lady’s putrid perfume (perhaps Shanell #5) resonated through the home; the front door opened on its own; a purse hits the floor on its own accord; people have been touched, people also have been pinched. When Deanna did her walk through, she detected strong energy in one bedroom, that moved down the hall into another bedroom.  Come to find out, Karon tells us that the one bedroom is Mikey’s bedroom and he would constantly walk from his bedroom to the bedroom down the hall, which was his mother’s bedroom.  The family has heard stomping sounds (sounds of loud walking) on this hallway.
THE EVIDENCE: Mikey died at the age of 27 and on the digital recorder at recording #27, Mikey says “hi”.  Our first EVP for this day.  Alicia felt it could be the voice of Mikey.  We sat in a circle and allowed Mikey to draw our energy, so he can speak to us.  We were unsuccessful in obtaining any EVPs in the bedrooms.  The last place we went to was the bathroom where Mikey committed suicide.  The bathroom proved to be Ground Zero for paranormal activity.  When we asked Mikey if he wanted to talk to us, if he wanted to give us a sign, he said “no” twice.  Mikey did not want to be bothered by our presence.  Because of that, we stopped our investigation.  We felt satisfied that Mikey was still with the family.  Alicia and the rest of the family felt Mikey would say “no” to us.  Deanna proceeded to conduct her metaphysical cleansing.  The family is moving out of this home and they are comfortable in knowing that Mikey is still with them.
FINAL DEBRIEFING:  Karon McDonald is a former HPI Paranormal Investigator and she called HPI in a time of need.  This investigation was sad, very sad.  A young man lost his life and this family is devastated by his actions.  I pray that this family heals and prospers.  Afterwards, Deanna treated Xandean and myself to a nice Mexican dinner at Cocina Michoacana.  The food was delicious and this dinner period of time allowed us to stabilize and discuss what we experienced at this home in Oakdale.
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective Halo Paranormal Investigations – HPI International. www.facebook.com/#!/groups/HPIinternational/
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