#autistic Tori spring
apersononearth011 · 9 months
Can I just say how much I love how everyone in this fandom can be so excited about the tiniest thing because it reminds them of an alice oseman book?
Like, a cat with heterochromia and it’ll remind us of michael, or a mention of Durham uni will remind us of loveless, or anything like that and we all freak out and I fucking love it
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michaelnotholden · 1 year
Tori & Michael (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)🩷(˘ ε˘ʃƪ)
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I’m back with art lmfao, although I’m still in my artblock ive managed to draw this so here !!
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thediamondarcher · 10 months
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comfortablynumb · 11 months
So like, Tori Spring has autism and depression, and Michael Holden has autism, ADHD, and anger issues, right? Like, this is widely accepted in the fandom as a fact? Cuz I have no idea how else i’m supposed to interpret these characters.
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lovepersevering13 · 6 months
Michael and Tori watch Lady Bird together. Tori says it was ok. Michael finds her later repeatedly watching the car scene.
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
all the autistic *insert character* tags on tumblr and ao3 are so dry 😭please i need to keep refueling my fixation with this headcanon 
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i love the spring siblings. there is nothing better than an all of them are autistic sibling dynamic
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beep-beep-robin · 1 year
no bc i think i need to go through solitaire again after i finish reading it and compile all the parts that i relate to as an autistic person bc tori is SO autistic coded i stg
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One ticket for Oppenheimer please 🤝 ONE TICKET FOR BARBIE *silly little dance and flappy hands*✨💗💓
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jimjamkagaricci · 4 months
and if i said i think frances janvier is autistic what then yall
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apersononearth011 · 8 months
Every now and then I have this sudden realisation that I am real and the world is real and not just some bad dream or film or something and it’s terrifying.
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michaelnotholden · 1 year
。.:*・゚☆ ☆.。.:*・゚
good(*´ -`)(´- `*)night
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thediamondarcher · 9 months
one thing i think it's very real about Tori is that she's a pessimist as a coping mechanism
her brain is constantly manipulating her into not getting attached to things and people, she doesn't expect nothing from no one but she still gets disappointed (obviously)
it doesn't matter how much she tries to not get affected by things, they always end up affecting her
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Asexuality is a sexual orientation. Typically, an asexual person has little or no interest in sexual contact with other people. However, they may engage in sexual activity alone or with a partner.
I’ve been really struggling with the whole situation of do I experience sexual attraction and such. I’ve come to the conclusion that I am in fact asexual as I experience little sexual attraction and I find sexual contact to be something I’m not interested in. it’s something I’ve been scared of, I don’t understand myself fully. However I feel confident in saying that I am asexual! Tori is amazing asexual representation!!
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lovepersevering13 · 6 months
Now could you elaborate on Michael's autism
Alright it’s Michael’s turn!
I want to preface this part the same as before: I’m not a psychiatrist, this isn’t how autism is experienced by everyone and let me know if anything is incorrect :) oh also I’m a little bit more educated on how Autism is shown in girls so this one is a bit of a mess.
Ok so for Michael I kinda had to think for a bit about some like concrete evidence because I didn’t have anything annotated for him like Tori but I think I’ve come up with a pretty compelling argument (also I thought I’d let you know that as I was doing this I started to realise Michael may have ADHD but I don’t really go into that too much).
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Alice Oseman herself supports this headcanon so…. Anhahahahajaja omg I can’t explain how happy this makes me! Anyway, let’s get into what I found in Solitaire!
1. Masking
- “Do you get angry a lot?” I say.
“I’m always angry,” he says.” Solitaire, Page 213
Ok we know Michael generally is a very upbeat, positive person on the outside but as we get to know him we learn he’s only barely happier than Tori. When I think about this covering up of his anger with overly positive emotions it is clear to that he is masking (Suppressing Autistic traits). Pessimism is a common m trait of Autism and the way I see it, Michael is overcompensating for this by acting super happy all the time to cover it up.
2. Deficit in social understanding
- “Do you remember when he tried to get everyone to do a flash mob for the Year 11 prank?” says Nick. “And in the end he just did it by himself on the lunch tables?” Nick Nelson, Solitaire, Page 39.
This quote when Nick and Charlie are talking about Michael shows and extreme lack of care about social consequences.
- “Michael Holden has swooped into the restaurant.” Solitaire, page 46
Ok so this quote and the entire scene on pages 46/47 where Michael shows up unannounced because he wants to ask Tori something displays extreme impulsivity and impulsivity is a common Autistic trait. He also didn’t care about the lack of social etiquette displayed by crashing a hangout he wasn’t invited to.
- “Michael is helping himself to our leftover starters” Solitaire, Page 48
Again, lack of social awareness because you aren’t really supposed to crash someone else’s dinner and just start eating their food.
- “He races inside and, without bothering to let me leave or shut the door, he lifts the toilet seat and starts to pee.” Solitaire, (I forgot the page)
- “He’s the strangest person I’ve ever met.” Solitaire, Page 62
- “I know Nick and I said he’s weird - and he is weird -“ Charlie Spring, Solitaire, Page 177
- “He looks sort of out of place everywhere.” Solitaire, (I lost the page)
People with Autism are often described as being “strange,” “weird,” or “peculiar,” because they are different from their peers which can make them stand out and struggle to fit in.
- “I, er, didn’t get on too well with the people there. Not the teachers, not the students…” Michael Holden, Solitaire, Page 148
Because of the fact that people with Autism struggle with social understanding it can be very difficult to make friends and get along with other people.
- “I’ve never been good enough,” he says. “I get so stressed out, I don’t make friends - God, I can’t make friends.” His eyes glaze over. “Sometimes I just wish I were a normal human being. But I can’t. I’m not. No matter how hard I try.” Michael Holden, Solitiare, Page 376
Yeah, this quote hurts my heart. So many people with Autism feel as though they don’t fit in and that they aren’t normal. When you don’t have a diagnosis it can be especially difficult because you don’t know why. You know there’s something different about you, you know other people are doing and feeling things you aren’t and you know you’re doing and feeling things other people aren’t, but you don’t know why. It can be super isolating.
3. Challenging Authority Figures
- “…having that argument with Mr Yates during his mock exams!” Either Nick or Charlie, Solitaire, Page 40
- “I swore at Kent.” Michael Holden, Solitaire, Page 269
It’s very common for people with Autism to challenge authority figures. Generally this is because they often naturally assume equanimity and don’t understand why some people should get more respect then others if they aren’t seemingly deserving of it. This stems from having a heightened sense of justice and empathy.
4. Autism and Sexualtiy
- “I guess you could say I’m not too fussy about gender.” Michael Holden, Solitaire, (I forgot the page)
We know Michael’s canonically Pan and as we’ve previously discussed (read Tori’s part for more info) Autism and the LGBTQ+ community are heavily intertwined. I tried to look into Autism’s correlation to Pansexuality but couldn’t find anything specific.
I also wanted to add in a little fact about how Neurodivergent people tend to gravitate towards eachother and queer people tend to do the same so Michael and Tori makes a lot of sense.
5. Special Interests/HyperFixations
Ok so, Michael gets pretty into Solitiare. Right from the start he’s obsessed. Taking photos of the posts, insisting they go to the meet up. I’d probably say it’s a hyperfixation.
And DISNEY. Holy heck Michael loves Disney… and if you haven’t caught on already, yeah imma say it’s a special interest.
- “He gasps and grabs a third DVD, leaps across the room to the flat-screen and switches it on. “We’re watching beauty and the beast,” he says.” Michael Holden, Solitaire, Page 115
I mean look at how excited he gets over ‘Beauty and the Beast’.
6. School
- “Seriously. I haven’t gotten above a C grade in any subject since Year 8.”
“It seems almost impossible for someone like Michael to be unintelligent. People like Michael - people who get stuff done - they’re always smart. Always.” Solitaire, Page 188
- “When it comes to exams… I generally don’t write what they want me to write. I’m not very good at, well, sorting out all the stuff in my head.“
“I just don’t know what the examiners want to hear. I don’t know whether I just forget things, or maybe I don’t know how I’m supposed to explain it. I just don’t know.” Michael Holden, Solitaire, Page 118
- “Because I hate school!” This is quite loud. He starts to shake his head.” Michael Holden, Solitaire, (I forgot the page)
A lot of people with Autism struggle with school and like Tori points out, it’s not because they’re not smart, Michael is smart. It’s just that the education system isn’t fitted to benefit Neurodivergent children. So many things affect Autism in schools. The dreadful sensory environment, lack of control over what they can and can’t do and the difficult social pressures.
7. Emotional dysregulation
- “He clenches his fist and he snarls. He actually snarls at me.
“Maybe you are a manically depressed psychopath.” Michael Holden, Solitaire, Page 163
Emotional Dysregulation is the inability to control the intensity and expression of emotions. This is common in people with Autism and can result in overly intense emotions and lashing out. I think this is something that heavily impacts both Tori and Michael and results in a lot of their arguments. The aforementioned quote is just one example of how quickly and dramatically their arguments blow up due to this.
- “His face contorts into a kind of scrunched-up snarl, his fists curl, his skin drains of colour, and he storms past the man and tramps over to the benches. He reaches a row of lockers and looks into them, blankly, chest visibly expanding and contracting. With an almost terrifying malice, he throws a crazed punch at the lockers, wailing a subdued howl of rage. Turning, he hurls a kick at a pile of racing helmets, scattering them about the floor. He clutches his hair, as if trying to pull it out.” Solitaire, Page 211
Oh there is just so much to cover here. So this is a prime example of an Autistic meltdown. Autistic meltdowns can be caused by overwhelming emotions (In this situation that is Michael loosing his race) and result in an outburst which can include crying, screaming (“howl of rage”), aggression (punching the lockers and kicking the helmets) and self injurious behaviours (Pulling his hair). It’s probably worth mentioning that a few of the outbursts he has towards teachers that I mentioned earlier are probably also meltdowns.
8. Stimming
- “Michael starts whistling.” Solitaire, page 198
Whistling is a form of stimming, this particular quote is from when they are in Truham looking for Charlie, considering Michael’s disdain for Truham I can imagine it was a slightly stressful environment to be back in which would validly result in a need for stimming. I actually couldn’t find any other examples of stimming except possibly the hair pulling that was mentioned in the last quote.
9. Pattern Recognition
So pattern recognition is the autistic brains increased ability to recognise patterns and in Solitaire Michael is the first person to put together the fact that all of Solitaire’s pranks were related to Tori. I really can’t be bothered to find the quote where they talk about those
10. Safe foods
I think that Tea is probably a safe food for Michael because he is often mentioned to have a mug of Tea in his hands. (But I’m not British so maybe this is like normal? How much tea do British people actually drink?)
1. Miscellaneous Quotes
- Since when did you acquire a body temperature” Solitaire, page 112
I know it’s probably supposed to be related to figure skating but struggling with temperature regulation is very common amongst people with Autism.
- “Most of the time at school I can’t even decide what pen to use.” Michael Holden, Solitaire, page 149
Indecisiveness is very common amoungst people with Autism
Alright that’s a wrap on Michael Holden. I’m thinking of doing a conjoined part for Charlie and Oliver if anyone would be interested in reading that :)
Some of the resources I used:
Thermal Perceptual Thresholds are typical in Autism Spectrum Disorder but ...
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nicxxx5 · 10 months
there is no way y'all aren't making an influx of autistic hc posts after watch heartstopper season 2
like you're joking right? did y'all even watch the show???
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