#ava bekker x connor rhodes
erinlindsayy · 2 years
these broken pieces of us || rhekker
for the lovely @avasrhodes
➺  warnings: implied sexual assault, brief mention of past childhood abuse, self harm, connor is worried about ava, this does have a sort of happy/hopeful ending
✧   a/n: i have rhekker brainrot and i love torturing them oops
↬ like this work? let me know!
★ requests are open–I write for a number of fandoms! just ask :)
☆ comments + reblogs are greatly appreciated ☆
Ava never intended for Connor to find out about her recent foray into old habits, never intended for him to walk in on her undressing from a surgery, sharp red marks under her ribs painfully stark against the sharp contrast of her pale skin.
Then again, she never intended for that godforsaken dinner to turn into something far worse, never expected Cornelius Rhodes to fail to comprehend the meaning of the word ‘no’, to expect sexual favors in return for the donation, because sure--he was an ass, but she didn’t take him for the sort of man to...
She was wrong.
She could still feel his wrists on hers, could feel her brain tense at the knowledge of what was about to happen, because it had happened to her before when she was younger, the warmth of his breath against her skin and--
She shudders at the memory.
“Ave--” Connor starts. “What’s going on?”
Ava quickly tugs her sweater over her frail form, mumbling some lame excuse about tripping and breaking a vase. It’s half hearted at best, but she’s too exhausted to think of anything better.
Connor crosses the room, urging Ava to meet his eyes. He hadn’t intended on saying anything--he hasn’t really wanted to see her, let alone speak to her, but the girl has been withering away in front of his very eyes, and regardless of how pissed off he is, he still cares.
“Ava. Come on. Talk to me.”
Ava just shakes her head.
“‘M fine, Connor--really. Don’t you have other things to be doing?”
Her snark is weak, and she’s already on the verge on crying--or screaming, or vomiting, or worse--she can’t quite tell, and she just wants to go home and block out the world. She knows she’s spiraling--has been since that horrible night when... everything happened.
But at least then, she’d had Connor. She’d had Sarah, she’d had her support system, she’d had some semblance of hope.
And then, Connor had ripped into her without any thought, confirming to her that he did, in fact, believe his father--Ava had slept with Cornelius.
His father had just left out the crucial detail: nothing about that instance was consensual.
“You’ve lost weight, Ava, the bags under your eyes are bordering on mimicking that of a raccoon, and now you’ve got gashes that we both know aren’t from a vase. What is really going on?”
Connor stares at her with burning intensity, and Ava is faced with a choice: lie, and tell Connor that she’s fine, and that she can handle this on her own, or tell him the truth, and hope like hell that he’ll believe her.
After a few moments pause, the truth slips from Ava’s lips, a slippery slimey squalid thing, seeping from her very soul like black ichor from an infected wound. She’s sobbing by the time she gets to the end, and she’s ashamed--she hates being vulnerable like this, and she hates that Connor still manages to pull it out of her, no matter how awful and cold he’s been towards her over the past few months.
“This won’t change anything between us, Connor. I promise. You can continue to stay away, and if it’s easier for you, you can just keep seeing me as a monster. I’m already sort of damaged to begin with, anyways. You can just pretend I didn’t say anything, and we’ll both figure out ways to keep going forward. Just... forget I said anything.”
Connor sighs.
“You just don’t get it, Avey. This changes everything. You’ve been harming yourself for god knows how long, and you’re just now telling me about it? And not only that--my father is part of the catalyst for all of it? Why didn’t you tell me what he did?”
Ava turns away from him.
“How was I supposed to tell you? How was I supposed to know that you’d have my back after you were so inclined to believe your father over me, when you’d already painted me as a vicious temptress--a monster, really? You already broke my heart, Connor. I wasn’t about to have you tell me that I was lying about being a victim as well.”
Connor is visibly shocked. He’d fallen prey to his father’s manipulations yet again, and this time, Ava had been the one harmed. He’d ignored her, had broken things off, had left her stranded on a sinking raft, so blinded by his father’s snaked silver tongue, and she’d been crumbling, rot decaying her very bones down to her soul.
He walks over to her, tentative hand reaching out towards her shoulder. She flinches away from his touch, and Connor can’t tell if it’s from instinct, or disgust towards him, but either way--it breaks his heart.
Ava, ever so snarky and confident, brilliantly fierce and caring, had been suffering miserably, and he’d been so caught up in everything else that he’d completely abandoned her.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, eyes falling to the ground. “I should’ve been there for you, and I should’ve realized my father was scheming.”
Ava doesn’t respond, but she does lean into his touch,  body softening towards him.
“I still love you, Avey. I never stopped--I just couldn’t deal with the idea of you manipulating me, and it’s not the first time a girlfriend had used me to get to my father and his money, and I just... I panicked. Please forgive me.”
The last part is whispered, voice trailing off. Connor knows he has messed up, but he isn’t lying about his love.
“I didn’t just want to be your girlfriend,” Ava whispers. “I wanted everything with you. All of it. But you left. And you took my heart with you.”
Connor moves to wrap his arms around Ava, pulling her close. This time, she doesn’t flinch away.
“This changes everything, Ave. We can fix this. We’ll get through this--together, alright? I won’t leave you again.”
“Promise,” Ava mumbles, face pressed against Connor’s chest.
“Promise,” he responds. “Although, I might need to punch my father in the face. Again.”
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sande5098 · 5 months
I was wondering if you could do one where you're Ava Bekkers daughter, and you're around 14, and the episode when there's a shooting at the park you're there and you get shot, so when you get rushed into the hospital they immediately know who you're, unfortunately you're in critical condition and you do flat line but Dr Rhodes gose against code and starts doing chest compressions to save you and you do come back and you call out for your mum and he tells you that they'll get you to her, so when you wake up you're all bandaged up and you see Ava waiting for you to wake up, and she reassures you everything is alright and you scoot over letting her sit beside you in bed before you rest your head on her chest, and she promises to get ice cream and you two joke around before you both fall asleep together, and when Connor comes to check on you both he sees you both cuddled up so he leaves you both alone. Sorry it that's a long request.
Critical Condition
A/N: so sorry this took so long, let’s just say that A-Levels are a bitch and my psychology teacher is very unhelpful. I know that the millennium park shooting does take place on a Saturday but for the minute it’s a Friday
Requested: Yes, By anonymous.
Characters: Reader, Connor Rhodes, Ava Bekker
word count: 1.9K
You hadn’t wanted to go to school that day, most of your friends were either sick or away on a school trip and without them there to keep you company, school would practically be hell. Instead, you headed for Millennium Park at least, you could get some food there or even just chill out and attempt to do your schoolwork which had been emailed to you after you phoned in sick for yourself.
Your mum was going to be at work until 6pm so you had plenty of time to relax for a little. Either way you went to the bean statue and sat at one of the empty park benches, it was till early, almost 9 o’clock meaning that there was hardly anyone there since practically all children were at school and the majority of people there with families with young family’s or children with their babysitters.
As you put your bag on the ground and took out your laptop to open up YouTube on a tab and play some music through your wired earbuds you smiled as some young children ran by you with their slightly unstable legs which struggled to keep up with the rest of their bodies. You looked back at your laptop and quickly opened up your emails to see what work teachers had given you, most of it was easy enough: Biology Chemistry, Geography, English, Maths and Computer science. While you had a lot of your harder subjects today, at least you could do the work outside of a stuffy, noisy classroom.
You settled down into your work, occasionally taking a sip of the coffee you brought with you in a flask. Distraction didn’t come easy to you, and raven after the obnoxious school bell went off at the end of each class, your friends still had to shake you out of your school work trance. You were shocked that after you had made it to 11:35 and had almost completed all your school work that your attention was dragged away from your laptop. Looking up you could see a stampede of people running towards you, many carrying toddlers, and then you heard it. The distinct sound of gun shots you felt your eyes widen and your throat constrict with your heart practically in your mouth as you closed your laptop and started to run with the crowd.
You were shocked that after you had made it to 11:35 and had almost completed all your school work, your attention was dragged away from your laptop. Looking up, you could see a stampede of people running towards you, many carrying toddlers, and then you heard it. The distinct sound of gun shots, you felt your eyes widen and your throat constrict with your heart practically in your mouth as you closed your laptop and started to run with the crowd.
You could feel yourself slowing down, stamina was never your strong suit and the crowds where pushing each other out of the way trying to get to safety. It was at that moment that your footing fell from beneath you and you fell face first onto the ground, smacking your head hard, a sickening crack had brought tears to your eyes as you stumbled to get back onto your feet again; forgetting your laptop that had flown across the ground.
You started running again, tears clouding your vision and blood in your mouth from your heavily bleeding nose. Gun shots were still flying everywhere, the sound of people screaming and falling behind you and in front of you haunting your thoughts as you begged whatever entity who was out there to spare you today, that you would never skip school again, that you could go home and see your mum today. You were too busy in your own thoughts until you felt blood oozing down your back as you fell for the second time. Not having the strength to scream anymore you just lay there, slowly drifting off into the darkness…
The first thing which you remembered was the sirens, all of a sudden it was loud and busy. There were multiple people standing over you in some form of uniform, your eyes wide open and you pulse racing, you could feel it everywhere. Were you… Panicking? As you thought back in your memories, noting was really coming to mind, suddenly there was an agonising sharp pain in your abdomen, crying out in terror and fear, you tried to sit up, only to be unable to. There were shushing sounds all around you, telling you it was all going to be okay. From what little you took in you could see it was red… blood? A shooting. It was all coming back to you now.
You properly looked at the people in front of you, they’re wearing blue and black with white writing, police officers were the most likely, why not paramedics? Was the shooter still there? Your breathing hitched and you could feel yourself starting to panic again. One of them lifted you into their arms and you gripped on tightly to them, trying to speak to him, he stopped, trying to listen to you. Your voice came out ragged and weak, even surprising yourself. "Tell my mum, I’m sorry". He smiled, "You will be able to tell her yourself." He said back… With that you drifted back into a dose, still accompanied by pain, screaming, sirens and beeping.
You recognised the hospital you were being rolled into on the stretcher even from the bleariness of your eyes as they squinted open. 'No no no no no... this was not were you wanted to be.' Although it didn't really matter, your mother would have found you eventually but you knew just how deep a load of shit you would be in for skipping school. As you looked around yourself you could see blood everywhere, the crimson red starting to haunt the insides of your eyelids, even if you didn't think it was there it was.
That was when you looked up at the man overhead of you, you could briefly make out Connor Rhodes, your mother's current off and on partner; although she didn't realise that you knew that. "Don't tell mum please" was all you could whisper out hoarsely before coughing up more blood, a nurse handed you a sick dish which all the blood dripped into. "We'll do what we can, Y/n". You smiled briefly but before you could thank him you felt yourself drifting off into another sleep before you could stop yourself, the shouting for a crash cart didn't even allow you to open your eyes again.
"She's coding! Get me a crash cart!" Connor desperately shouted as he immediately lowered the gurney and threw the pillow to one side before starting chest compressions. Even though Ava and he had their spats he couldn't bring himself to obey protocol in that moment. This child was the light of Ava's life and who knows what would happen if she weren't to make it. He had to blink the tears back from his eyes as he was instructed to stand clear of the defibrillator thankfully, it only took one shock to get her back, and before he have time to think he immediately ordered that they take her to surgery to remove the bullet and sort out the internal bleeding before Dr Lanik even had the chance to berate him for breaking the protocol.
"I want my mum," he heard a faint whisper of the words and looked down at the 14 year old who looked like she was about to cry. He smiled as reassuring as he could at he, "She'll be here with you when you wake up but we've got to remove the bullet for you." The young girl nodded before the anatheisa took hold and she closed her eyes yet again... now the real work started.
Connor watched as the E.D started to get back to normal well, whatever normal meant several hours later. The place was an absolute mess, blood even managed to find its way onto the ceiling, which he had found it hard to believe. Connor had yet to even find Ava, his colleague was so busy that they had been separated to do their own surgeries. Walking into the break room again, which had mostly been cleaned up he saw Ava. The usual happy blonde woman was collecting her stuff, getting ready to leave after getting changed out of her bloody scrubs. She had an extremely tired look on her face. "Ava?" She turned to look at him, "I'm not in the mood Connor, I want to get some sleep. I'm going home." She replied, attempting to walk out past him. He stepped in front of heralding her forearm. "Ava, Y/N is here. She was involved in the shooting."
Ava stopped and looked up at Connor searching his eyes for any type of deception, "No... No you're lying, where is she?" Connor swallowed the saliva building up in his mouth, "She's in the ICU, room 4" Ava felt her heart constrict as she pulled herself from Connors grip and ran for the stairs up to the ICU. She had never ran the four flights of stairs so quickly, the tears were in her eyes, as they ran down her cheeks and dropped onto the floor causing a slipping hazard if others weren't careful enough.
Reaching that room and looking through that window to see a child wearing her daughters features with tubes sticking out from all over. She carefully entered the room setting down her bags and pulling the chair in the room over to her daughters bedside, picking up the girl's limp, cold hand and holding it in her own. She felt like it had been hours she had been sitting there for when her daughter opened her eyes for the first time. "Y/N/N, Honey, shhhh you're okay. I'm here with you. There's no need to be frightened anymore." Ava softly hushed her, wiping away her daughters unshed tears, glistening in the corners of her eyes.
"Mom? I'm so so sorry, all my friends were going to be away and I didn't want to go to school so I went to the park.. I'm so so sorry." Ava hushed her daughter once again. "It's all right, Honey, we'll talk about it later."
You shuffled yourself over on the bed a little, wincing as you done so, looking over at your mom, she gave you a disapproving look which you chose to ignore as patted the bed for her to join you. Ava pushed herself from the chair and settled beside Y/n on the bed, "Sleep my love, we'll talk later over Ice-cream alright?" You nodded and felt yourself drifting back to sleep surrounded by your mothers love. Ava was not long behind her. It had been a very long day after all.
Connor watched in through the window and smiled softly at the mother and child who he was both deeply fond of. Just another day of work and keeping families together, including the woman who he loved.
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Chicago Med and Brat headcannons
A/N: I still have a day before the results of the poll are final and I make my decision and will therefore write the next part but I have decided to bless you with this in the meantime 🖤🖤
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Connor Rhodes
-100% biggest Ravenna supporter in everything she does
-Soft and gentle with her but also easily irritated with her (because he’s in love with her and pining)
-Secretly jealous of Ava
-Buys her all the comfort items for when he has to work
-All the sex dreams about our little brat
-But also just wants to love and cherish her
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Ava Bekker
-Firm believer in making Ravenna independent and her own woman without needing Connor all the tome
-Finds her new books to read when she goes shopping with Sarah
-Takes her on field trips to Art Museums and music halls (because she needs other friends Connor it can’t be just you)
-Definitely has a bit of a crush on our girl
-Is the main driving force between Connor/Ravenna
-Sometimes wonders how those two can be so cute but so stupid at the same time
-100% encourages Ravennas bratty attitude to Connor
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callsign-dexter · 9 months
Surgical Serenade
Request: idk if u still write for him but can you do a Connor Rhodes imagine set in s3 (during the episode at the fundraiser thing) where the reader is like a surgical resident (like in greys anatomy) and her father is a famous general surgeon, so she gets invited and comes in a beautiful dress and he’s whipped, include Ava Bekkers jealousy pls coz I don’t like her 😄🤫
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Surgical Resident!Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: Thank you so much @selswift23 for requesting this!
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You never liked coming to these things but considering your dad was a big time famous general surgeon, you had also been invited, every single time. You yourself were a surgical resident at your father’s hospital, Chicago Med. You really liked it there and you really liked the people especially Connor Rhodes but you never were able to spend time with him since you were always busy and hardly ever on the same shift as him.
You thought Connor was hot but he was always with Ava when you did get to see him and you were absolutely crushed but you took those emotions and put them into work. By doing this you quickly became a top resident. You loved what you did and hoped to be good as your father one day, if not even better. You had talked with Godwin and she had said some promising things but you knew to take them with a grain of salt and just continued to work.
As you were getting read in your apartment you had to talk yourself up into putting on makeup and doing your hair. You sighed and looked in your mirror while you were putting on your earrings and your necklace that your father had given you for a gift on your last birthday. You wished your mother was here to help you get ready for this event but sadly she was not and that crushed you. When you were done putting on your makeup and jewelry when your phone rang. You picked it up and saw that your father was calling so you answered it.
“Hello, Dad.” You said with a smile and put him on speaker as you continued to get ready.
“Hi, Baby Girl. Are you almost ready to go?” He asked you and you smiled.
“Yes, putting the last touches on and then going to put the dress on.” You said and you could hear him nod.
“Do you want me to pick you up?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No. I’m good with driving myself.” You said with a smile on your face. Ever since your mother had died, he had really stepped up and gave you his undivided attention when he wasn’t working and you were glad about that.
“Ok ok. Just let me know if you change your mind.” He said and again you smiled.
“Will do, Daddy. Will do. I love you.” You said
“I love you too, Baby Girl.” He said and then you both hung up.
You looked at the time and then stood up and looked at the time. You stripped off your clothing and put on your navy blue dress. It was form fitting but flowing at the bottom. It was backless and the straps were thick but spaghetti strap style. You absolutely loved this dress. You had paired it off with the diamond earrings and necklace that your father had given you on your last birthday. Your hair was done up in a half up and half down style with it slight curl to it but it was French braided on the side and then loose going down your back. Your shoes were navy blue high heels but not too high where you weren’t able to walk.
When you got up from your bed after strapping on your shoes you looked at yourself in your full-length mirror and smoothed it down and smiled. You turned and grabbed your phone and then walked into the living room. You walked to where your handbag was and grabbed it along with your keys and you were heading to the fundraiser.
When Connor arrived at the fundraiser with Ava he was ready to get the day over with and out of there. They walked in a greeted everyone that they needed to and then they went a mingled about. He was listening to something Ava was saying but was only half listening to her. He fully lost attention when you walked in looking stunning as ever.
Connor had seen you around the hospital and wanted to talk to you but each time you or he got whisked away. When he was going to ask you something, when you were on the same shift, but Ava always butted in and when he was able to break free you were gone. In all honesty he had fallen in love with you at first sight and he didn’t even know your name. He watched you walk in and greet everyone and then went over to an older man and kissed him on the cheek but for some reason he wasn’t jealous. He watched you shake hands with the other gentlemen around you and other man. He had to know your name.
“Connor, are you even listening to me?” Ava said and but wasn’t paying attention to her.
“Who is that?” He asked Ava and she turned to look at who he was looking at.  
“That is Y/N Scott, surgical resident at med. Her father is Jason Scott.” She said and he just looked at you in awe. He watched you excuse yourself from your father and walked over to the bar. This was his chance. He walked over to that same bar and stood beside you completely abandoning Ava where she stood.
He turned to look at you. “Hi, I’m Connor.” He said and you turned to look over at him and smiled and he could’ve sworn he melted right then and there.
“Hi, I’m YN Scott.” You said and outstretched your hand for him to shake and he did and he loved how soft your skin felt. You only let go when the bartender came back with your drink and you turned and thanked him then turned back to Connor.
“So, Y/N what brings you here on this fine evening?” He asked and you smiled.
“Well since my father is a famous surgeon, I get invited to these things to.” You said and he nodded smiling.
“Your father is Jason Scott, right?” He asked and you nodded “He’s a nice guy. It’s always a pleasure working with him.” He said and you smiled you always thought highly of your father.
“He’s a great man. He really stepped up when my mother passed. I mean he was there before but after she passed, he became the mother and father to me.” You said smiling and occasionally sipping your drink.
While you had been talking Ava had been watching you both and was seething. She was jealous. To her Connor was her man and only her man. Connor would say differently. You never really did like Ava she was always acting better than you and you didn’t like that so you steered clear. She watched you both laugh with each other and the little touches you shared. She then watched you both walk out of the room and to somewhere else.
It was getting crowded in the room and hard to hear and he seemed to pick up on this too. “Hey, do you want to take this to somewhere quieter?” Connor asked you and you nodded as you set your now finished drink down. He took your hand and led you out of the room. You walked past your father and he just smiled at you when you looked at him. What you didn’t know was that he had always wanted you two to get together and fully supported you. Connor led you outside and for once it was a warm enough night that you didn’t need anything to over up. It was a comfortable silence. “Have you always wanted to be surgeon?” He asked you and you looked at him and smiled.
“Yes, my father had help in me choosing that career. Pretty much my entire family was in the medical field. My mother worked in pediatrics before she passed away due to a car accident.” You said and looked down when you mentioned your mother.
“I’m sorry about your mother. She would be proud of you.” He said and you looked up smiling at him. You had heard the rumors about this man but speaking to him now made all those thoughts invalid. You both continued to talk and then you decided now was the time.
“Connor, I’ve always liked you. I have since I started working at med for my surgical residency. I never got to speak to you because we were being pulled different ways or Ava would come and whisk you away. I think I always steered clear was because you two seemed like you were a couple and I didn’t want to ruin that. Point is, I like you Connor Rhodes and I hope I didn’t fuck this up.” You said and he was silent. You really thought you had fucked this up and was about to turn away and leave when he spoke up.
“No, you didn’t fuck it up. Truth is that I’ve felt the same way. Ava and I are not together, far from it. You’re absolutely beautiful everyday but especially tonight. I wish we had more shifts together but I know how it works. You’re an amazing woman and the work I’ve seen you do is amazing.” He said and you looked down and he gently raised your head up with his pointer finger so you were looking at him. “Can I kiss you?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes.” You said and he pressed his lips to yours and he could’ve melted at our soft your lips were. Fireworks exploded and this is what you imagined kissing him. He may have rumors going around about him but you decided to take the chance and this was the chance and so you kissed him back. You only pulled away when air was needed and you looked at each other smiling.
“Do you want to go and get another drink?” He asked and you nodded again not trusting your voice. He led you back into the room and to the bar. “Tequila Sunrise?” He asked and you nodded. He turned to the bartender and ordered both of your drinks. When the drinks were put in front of you, you both grabbed them and headed to another part of the room to find other colleagues.
He still had your hand in his and you knew people would be staring and you were right. Your dad was looking at you smiling and Ava was looking at you glaring but you didn’t care. You had Connor and he had you. Nothing could make you both happier at this moment. You both looked at each other occasionally smiled at each other and right then and there you knew this was the best chance you had taken and you weren’t going back.
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jewishbuckley · 7 days
this is the closest I'll come to discourse but it baffles me that the reason people are anti-bucktommy is because of how we don't get a lot of on screen development and not to be that guy but BACK IN MY DAY we would ship two men who never interacted in canon because that's how desperate we were for gay relationships and we would create INSANE fics based on how we think these two characters would interact
like... I was in the Chicago Med fandom... 4-5 years ago? that sounds about right and I think I was one of two "Rhanik" (Connor Rhodes x Jimmy Lanik) shippers. those bitches did interact on screen but they did NOT like each other. however I was gay and desperate. shit I had lesbian mutuals who shipped Ava Bekker & Sarah Reese and I don't think they had ANY on screen interaction
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Kismet - Connor Rhodes x Reader
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Tagging:  @cosmic-psychickitty    @brianbabygirlzvonecek    @ikbenplant   @rosaliedepp   @mrspeacem1nusone   @daniacat    @htariq    @sowrongitslottie   @readingbookelf    @earthtolottie    @crazy4chickennuggets   @cixrosie   @202rosebudd   @halsteadloversworld   @i-spaced-sorry    @lxna-mikaelsxn​   @1234-angelika​   @wolfers-stuff    @katia-01-05   @voidsteffy   @formulapierre    @aaronhtchnrs​
Being here at Chicago Med brought back a lot of memories, some good and some bad.  Connor remembers the thrill of it all, the surgeries, the challenges, the family that he’d never had. The people had been vital to him and truthfully, they still were, which was why he was here today. It’s been four years since he’s stepped foot in this place and now, he’s decided to return. He thought that the memories would fade over time, that the anxiety he had would subside, but the truth is it’s still as prevalent as the day he left.
His tenure here at become a horror show towards the end. A litany of stress and anguish. When he looks back, he wondered how he survived what Ava Bekker put him through. Therapy has helped but at the time he had thought he was drowning in the insanity of it all.
“We’re alike you and I, we’ll both do anything to get what we want.”
Her words ring in his mind as if she had just spoken them. He’d believed her at the time, they were both hungry, both ambitious but he was driven by the desire to learn and Ava, she was driven by ego. They were a matching pair until they weren’t.
“The ends justify the means.”
He remembers the tone of her voice as she said it, the look in her eyes. Everything was calculated down to the final detail even her escape from justice. There had been a moment when she picked up that scalpel where he thought she was going to kill him, he saw the glint of malevolence in her and he thought, this is it. This is how it ends.
But it didn’t end, not really.
He’d been fucked up for a while after she’d committed suicide and that was the point. It had been a final fuck you because she knew, no matter what she had done he would still try to save her. It was a form of torture, he’d held her life in his hands, tried to bring her back but she had escaped like a thief in the night. He had gone home and cried that night. Not for her but for everything she had taken away from him. There was cruelty in what she had done and it damn near broke him.
He was lucky you’d been around that night because the desolation, the loss it had all been too much. When he called, you’d come running, you’d taken one look at him, and you had known what he needed. You hadn’t been anything more than a friend at the time, someone to share a drink with at the bar but he trusted you with his thoughts, his feelings. He had been shaking when you’d gotten there, he hadn’t been able to stop. When you had held him, he had fallen to pieces, his face buried in the curve of your shoulder as he clung for you to dear life. You were his anchor in a sea awash with sorrow, the only thing that could bring him back to himself when he felt so lost, he could barely see through the darkness.
“You doing ok?”
Your voice broke through his thoughts as he sat on the bench in front of hospital. You were still as beautiful as the first day he had laid eyes on you, he felt that swell of heat in his chest as you held out a takeout cup of hot chocolate with a gloved hand, the mitten still buttoned to the back of it. He’d bought them for you at a Winter fair last month, they were sunshine yellow with threads of red and orange woven in. Autumnal colours. They reminded him of the first time he kissed you in Millennium Park, the leaves falling from the trees before the winter chill set in.
“Yea.” He answered automatically before taking his drink from your hands. He paused for a moment reconsidering his answer. “Actually no.”
You were the only person he couldn’t lie to. He put on a brave front, but you saw through all the armour he built up between himself and the rest of the world. you always did. His thumb caressed the indentations of the cardboard cup as you sat down along side of him. You nudged his shoulder gently and he took solace in your proximity. You were a safe haven for him. He could say anything to you, and he knew he wouldn’t be judged for it.
“It’s a lot being back here.” He told you, his dark eyebrows furrowing into a frown before he took a sip from his drink. It was perfect two shots of vanilla, whipped cream. He could already feel the warmth of the sugar soothing over his jangling nerves. “It feels like this place is haunted, my dad, Ava, Doctor Downey, it feels like they’re all just in there, rattling around the halls.”
“You have a lot of memories here.” You said softly, your hip pressing lightly against his. “It’s natural to feel a bit overwhelmed.”
He tilted his head to look at you, those brilliant blue eyes meeting yours as his hand came to rest upon your knee.
“There’s a lot of good ones here too.” He informed you. “It’s where I met you. I was in the right place at the right time.”
He wasn’t even supposed to be on shift that day, he’d finished an hour before. But Marcel had been out sick, and the nightshift needed cover and there you were hurling in Ruzek, because he had cut his arm on razor wire while chasing down a suspect. It had been a couple of nights later the two of you had caught up at Molly’s, he’d asked after his handiwork and sparks had flown.
He had been weary after he’d broken up with Ava, he hadn’t been looking for anything that night, but he’d found it. You were easy to talk to and you made him laugh.  His job kept him serious and all the shit with Ava, game playing, the suspicions…
It had been a very long time since he’d actually laughed out loud, he almost didn’t recognise the sound of it. Drinks, turned to dinner, dinner turned to tender nights wrapped up in one other, making love until the sun came up. Before he realised it you had become as important to him as oxygen.
“Kismet.” He said quietly as he recalled the early days.
“You believe it was fate that brought us together?” You asked him, a small smile playing across your lips. His fingers entwined with yours, he could feel the edges of your wedding ring through the material of your glove.
“I think if we hadn’t met here, it would have been another place to another time.” He told you earnestly. “The way I feel for you… I think we were always meant to find each other.”
“I can’t tell you how much I value you Connor, what the two of us have…” You trailed off, your cheeks colouring as you looked into his eyes. “I think we were written in the stars.”
He smiled then and it was like the sun was shining for the first time in the bleakest winter. It warmed you somewhere deep inside because you knew he felt it too.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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oneandonlychicago · 2 years
Happier Than Ever - Connor Rhodes, Will Halstead (Part 1)
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Summary: Reader finally ends a shitty relationship with Connor. Will has always been the one picking up the pieces! …just roll with it! 😅
Paring: Connor Rhodes x Reader, eventually Will Halstead x Reader
Warnings: Angst on Connor’s part, cute fluff on Will’s
To be in a relationship with the Connor Rhodes is something most girls could only dream of and somehow for you it had become a reality. Only the reality, that was once sunshine and rainbows, was quickly slipping away and returning to bite you in the ass.
What began as the perfect relationship was crumbling before you. At the beginning Connor would take you out for lavish dates and surprise you with expensive gifts, anytime outside of work was spent together and it always used to make you smile when Maggie would pair you together to work on a patient. Now you barely spent anytime together, in fact you barely saw him at all. You understood and was fully accepting of his choice to become a cardio thoracic surgeon, completely aware that would take more of his time but it had got to a point where you felt all but forgotten. Evenings together turned into evenings of non-stop arguing that ended with Connor storming out, leaving you feeling like the bad guy until an expensive bouquet of flowers appeared outside your door or at the nurses station at work.
The situation became even harder to ignore when Dr Ava Bekker joined Dr Latham’s team alongside Connor. You hadn’t let yourself get stuck in that hole but there were signs you couldn’t ignore because eventually you got the proof that proved your suspicions was correct and of course once Doris knew the whole ED was aware. As soon as Will found out he dropped everything and left to find you, signing his remaining patients for the day over to Ethan before heading to his car and making his way to your apartment. You didn’t even stop to change as you stormed into the doctors lounge and smacked the code into your locker before scooping out your keys and phone and heading straight to your car. How you managed to make it home alive was anyones guess, barely being able to see the road in front of you through the tears and even once you had got home those tears showed no sign of stopping, your heart leaping into your throat at the knock at the door.
“Y/N it’s me?” You were relieved to hear Will’s voice on the other side, fully expecting it to be Connor trying to worm his way out of it by making excuses. “Can I come in?”
“Thank god it’s you!” Your voice was still shaky from crying as you opened the door, Will’s heart sinking at the state Connor had put you in, still in your scrubs from work while your eyes were already becoming bloodshot along with your puffy tear stained cheeks.
“Oh Y/N!” Will looked at you sadly as he dropped his bag to the side and pulled you into his chest, one hand squeezing you as tightly as he could while the other cradled the back of your head, swaying you gently as you sobbed. “I came as soon as I found out what he did!”
“Found out or saw?” You mumbled against him.
“Maggie told me, you know once Doris knows something it’s not longer a secret!” Will explained with a soft chuckle. “Come on, let’s get you out of those scrubs!”
Gently taking you by the shoulders, Will directed you to your bedroom as you sat on the end of the bed while he fetched you some comfier clothes from your dresser.
“Here.” He smiled as he placed the sweater and leggings beside you. “I’ll be just out there if you need me!”
“Thank you Will!” You tried to smile although your watery eyes gave you away.
“You know I’m always here if you need me!” Will replied softly as he gently rubbed your shoulder, this wasn’t the first time he had come to the rescue nor the second. The worse your situation with Connor had gotten the more Will would keep an eye out. He hated what Connor was doing to you and always wished he’d said something at lot earlier but you had begged him not too, begged him to stay out of it as it would only end in you and him being accused of what you now knew Connor was guilty off.
Will had often wished he’d stepped in and swept you away before Connor had even got a chance to lay his eyes on you, you didn’t deserve any of this, to be treated like you were nothing and it tore Will apart. He was skeptical of your relationship with Connor from the start, not trusting a man born into that much wealth to think with his heart but of course everything seemed fine at the start, you were happy and to Will that’s all that ever mattered.
While Will waited for you to return he took the chance to change out of his own scrubs, he too had grabbed everything and left as soon as he found out what Connor had done and hadn’t thought twice about changing his clothes. Once into something clean he made his way to the kitchenette to find something quick and easy to make the two of you for dinner, a little startled when you came out rustling in a nearby drawer and slamming it shut after finding what you need.
When you didn’t return after a little while Will decided to knock on the bedroom door you had shut yourself behind.
“Y/N?” Will called your name softly as he turned the handle to let himself in, walking in to see you frantically throwing anything that belonged to Connor in a trash bag. “What’s going on?”
“Will I’m done!” You paused to take a breath, between the crying and frantic moving around you could barely breathe. “He’s out!”
“Ok?” Will was trying not smile, trying not to let his own feelings for you get too much in the way, that was the last thing you needed. “Well I’m gonna make you something to eat, call me if you need anything!”
“I know what you’re thinking, that I should’ve done this a lot sooner!” You cried. “But it’s never been that easy!”
“Hey hey I know!” Will cooed as he walked round to you, holding you close to his chest as you broke down once again. “I’d never tell you what you should and shouldn’t do but I have always said you were happier without him!”
“I should’ve listened to you before, saved myself months of being miserable!” You sniffed as Will pulled back to look at your face.
“Hey you did what you thought was right, none of this is in anyway your fault!” Will held your face in his hands as he spoke, gently wiping your tears away with his thumbs. “Connor’s the monster here not you!”
“He’ll turn up at the door at any moment and try to argue his way out of it!” You took a deep breath as you tried to compose yourself. “If he hasn’t tried to buy me back first!”
“Well you’re not gonna let him!” Will carefully moved the hair that was sticking to your face from your tears out of your face. “When he does turn up throw his stuff out in the hallway and tell him it’s over!”
“He’ll go mad when he sees you!”
“Then let him, he’s the one that’s guilty!”
“Yeah but I’ll be the one left feeling guilty!” You began to sob again.
“That’s why I’m staying right by your side!” Will smiled. “I’m not leaving you alone with him again!”
“Thank you!” You sniffed as you heard the loud and angry knock of Connor outside the door. “Oh god!”
“You can do this!” Will rubbed you arm reassuringly. “I know you can!”
You took one last deep breath before grabbing the trash bag of Connors belongings from the bed and heading towards the door. Opening it without a word and throwing the bag straight at Connor.
“Y/N what’s…” Before Connor could finish you cut in.
“It’s over!” You said in one shaky breath, not even able to fully look at him.
“What do you mean it’s over?” Connor almost laughed at the words. “Can we at least talk?”
“I’m done talking Connor!” You sniffed. “How many times have we been in this situation and yet nothing changes, you don’t care about me anymore and I don’t think you ever did!”
“Of course I care?” Connor replied as if you had just said something stupid stepping forward into your apartment, not immediately noticing Will’s presence. “What ever made your think I… of course Will’s here!”
“Don’t you dare!” You scowled, your voice lowering in warning against the accusations you knew were about to fly your way. “You’ve barely been home for months, I hardly see you and the only time we do see each other it’s spent arguing!”
“I don’t understand what you want me to do?” Connor started to snap back. “We’ve talked things out before and been ok?”
“Are you really that blind? No we haven’t!” You were right on the end of your tether and moments away from fully letting rip. “If ‘fine’ is you trying to buy me back with some expensive gift and making me feel guilty?”
“You’ve never mentioned any of this before?”
“Because what’s the point? You never listen, you’re too wrapped up in work and that goddamn hybrid OR to even remember I exist!”
“That’s not true!” Connor went to step forward sensing Will moving on the couch behind you. “Does he have to be here?”
“He is the one that’s actually been there for me, the one who cleans up your messes!” You were now smiling as you went on to tell Connor how Will had been doing the things he should’ve been. “Unlike you he actually cares!”
“So what’s not to make me think you’ve been sleeping with him?” Connor spat as Will made to move.
“Will don’t!” You turned to the red head as he backed off.
“Well?” Connor stood waiting for an answer.
“I’d never stoop that low because I loved you!” You almost squared up to Connor. “Who do think you are to make comments like that when I saw you with Ava in that damn hybrid OR!”
“I…I didn’t …it was a mistake?” Connor began to stutter, trying to think of a quick excuse for his crappy actions.
“Don’t waste your time! Nothing you say will work!” You sighed as Will stepped a little closer to you.
“Can this ginger prick please leave?” Connor’s anger started to turn towards Will.
“Yeah that’s not happening!” Will almost smiled, angering Connor more.
“I asked him to stay because I knew you’d be like this!” You growled. “The only person that needs to leave is you!”
“Why?” Connor said with a smirk that made both you and Will want to punch it right off his face.
“Because you’ve done nothing but ignore me and reel me in by using your money!” You shouted. “And then you cheated on me with the person you were ignoring me with! You say you’re nothing like your father but you are an exact copy of him! You think you can buy your way through life, get out of everything because you have a little more money than most but not this time!”
“So that’s it?” Connor shrugged, acting like he was the one hard done by. “After everything I’ve done for you and you throw the father card at me”
“Just leave me alone!” You voice quieter now as you waited for Connor to get the point and go. “I’m done!”
“LEAVE ME ALONE!” You snapped your patience wearing paper thin and your body about to cave beneath you.
“You’ll regret this!” Connor spat as he walked to the door.
“No she won’t!” Will replied calmly as he held the door open and waited for Connor to walk out before letting it slam shut in his face, watching as you slowly slumped down to the floor. “Come here!”
Will gently helped you up from the floor before wrapping his arms tightly around you and holding you to his chest as you sobbed your heart out on his t-shirt.
“Hey you did it!” Will spoke softly as he gently swayed you in his arms. “And I’m so proud of you!”
“Thank you for staying!” You replied muffled against his chest.
“You know I’d do anything for you.” Will smiled resting his chin on the top of your head.
“Why do I feel guilty?” You sighed as you stepped back.
“Because that’s how he’s always made you feel, come on!” Will replied as he placed his hands softly on your shoulders and walked you to the couch as you both sat down, Will taking your hands in his. “You just did one of the hardest things there is, you finally got rid of someone who was making you miserable and it was not ok for him to treat you the way he did but he’s gone now! It might hurt for a little while but I know you’ll get past it and you’ll be happier than ever!”
“He was my everything for so long and now he’s gone!” You sniffed as Will pulled you into his arms again.
“I know he was but you did what you had too!” Will’s voice was soft as he placed a comforting kiss to your forehead. “I know it might not seem like it now but once you’ve had time to deal with this and you feel more comfortable you’ll find someone who’s crazy about you and will treat you the way you should’ve always been treated!”
As he shuffled to the end of the couch and placed a cushion on his lap, patting it for you to lay down and rest your head, he wondered whether you had picked up that he was referring to himself although he wasn’t going to push it. All you needed right now was a friend and he was happy to be just that as you curled up with your head on his lap, still crying and sniffing as he soothingly rubbed your arm. Listening out for when your emotionally wrecked body finally gave into sleep before quietly putting the tv on, his hand automatically resting on the top of your head as he gently moved his thumb back and forth as you slept finally in some kind of peace. Eventually he’d need to tell you about his feelings but he was more than happy to keep waiting, the last thing he wanted was to cause you anymore pain.
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kosovoisnotserbia · 9 months
There's no Place Like Home (Kim Burgess x OC!Reader) Chapter 1 🥶
OC!Reader: Reed Michael James
Warnings: 18+, mentions of suicide, mature language, canon typical violence, mentions of grape, mentions of mvrder
Word Count: 1501
If you or someone you know is experiencing thoughts of sewer side, please call 988. You are not alone
I strode into the Emergency Department at Gaffney, ready to start another day. The past few weeks had been hectic, what with Dr Rhodes leaving due to Dr Bekker's suicide and the shitshow that followed. As a fellow surgeon working under Dr Latham, the stress had affected me most deeply. Which is not to say that it affected only me, it affected everyone at Med, but I had lost two coworkers. I only hoped that today would be the start of a new period at Med, with considerably less drama than the last. As I clocked in for the day, I recalled the moment that set off the chain of events that had fucked up the past few weeks.
*Seven weeks ago, Gaffney OR*
It had been a long day for me. Connor and Ava were at each other's throats, again. For weeks now, it had been going on like this. Ever since he had accused Ava of sleeping with his father (which I knew to be categorically false), their relationship had soured. Ava, not wanting to lose the man she loved, had begun to try to win him back. At first, Dr Latham and I just sat back and let the drama play out. Then, however, it spiraled into something neither of us could have expected would happen.
I strode into a room, having heard a commotion. What I saw was nothing short of shocking. Ava was holding a scalpel, and Connor was pleading with her to put it down. I began pleading alongside Connor for Ava to put the scalpel down, saying that we could work this out, that she did not have to kill herself. At those words, Ava turned to Connor, and sliced her carotid. She died of blood loss not long after.
*present day*
As I had just finished putting the finishing touches on a prepped OR, I was in the break room, trying to make up for my missed breakfast. All of a sudden, a large commotion erupted in the ED.
"James, Latham, incoming! We have two officers from PD down, you're needed in OR-1 and OR-2 STAT!" April yelled through the door.
Hurriedly, I hurried to OR-1, which had been prepared. As I washed up, I saw Latham heading towards OR-2, which he had prepared earlier. Now in the OR, alongside Dr Marcel, we anxiously awaited our patient. The doors burst open, and she was put on the table. Quickly briefed, we were informed that she was Officer Kim Burgess, suffering from severe internal bleeding due to multiple GSWs to the abdomen. Working quickly we were just barely able to stabilize her. Disposing of my gloves and gown, I exited the OR and slunk down outside. The past few weeks had been a whirlwind for me.
*Five weeks later*
I was in the break room when Ms Goodwin entered.
"Dr James, I need to see you in my office. Now."
I followed her up to her office, quite confused as to why. Once there, I was greeted by a man later identified to me as Detective Hank Voight. He introduced himself, and thanked me for saving Burgess' life. He then asked me to come down to Intelligence, as they needed a medical expert to consult on a new case. I accepted, and followed him there.
Once there, Voight led me over to a chair. Sitting in it, I waited for the officer I assumed would be working with me. Soon, they arrived. I looked up, and to my shock, it was Officer Burgess.
"Uh, hi. I see you're doing better than when I last saw you", I stammered, feeling an odd sense of awkwardness that I could not quite place.
"I quite sure am, thanks to you and Dr Marcel's help. Now, we need to work on this case", Officer Burgess started.
"Aight, let's get started, Officer", I said.
"Please, call me Kim." she said.
Sitting down, the two of you began to discuss the case. It was a graphic one, with several victims involved. Several men had been found dead outside their homes, each having been indecently assaulted and subsequently killed. Reading the files over, I was confused. This seemed to be a police matter. Why did they need a medical expert?
"We've asked an expert to consult on this because we think that your experience will be able to provide crucial pieces of information", Kim said, as if she read my mind.
Continuing on, for the rest of the day, Kim and I worked on the case. I was able to determine that three of the men had been involved with one woman, but were unaware of the others. The remaining four men were each romantically involved with each other, two couples.
Over the next two weeks, I continued to split my duties between Med and the case. I continued to bond with Kim. One particularly rainy day, I had off from Med and decided to watch some Star Wars. I pulled out my phone and texted Kim, asking her if she wanted to come over, seeing as we both had a day off. Around forty-five minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Kim, dressed in a tight black dress, paired with stunning black flats.
"Sheee-it, you look really good. Come in, no sense in standing out in the rain", I stated, offering to take her umbrella.
Once inside I led her to the living room, where I had Phantom Menace set up. Running into the kitchen to grab the popcorn I had made, I realized something. I could not go back into that living room, I was too nervous. My heart was pounding, I was sweating buckets, and I was feeling quite dizzy. I did not know how long I was in the kitchen for, but it must have been a long time, for Kim came in to check on me.
"Reed, is everything okay?" Kim asked, with a tone of concern in her voice that I did not miss.
"Y-Yeah, Kim, I'm f-fine", I stuttered.
"Well, come back in. I don't want to watch the movie without you!" she beamed.
As I sat down, I remembered why I was so nervous. I had a massive crush on Kim. She was in my house, in a tight black dress, looking absolutely stunning. She clearly had done her makeup, was it all for me? No, there was no way. There was no way that she had done this for me. I had to find out.
"Hey, uh, Kim?" I asked, still quite nervous.
"Yeah, what's up?" she responded back.
"Did you, um, g-get all dressed up like this f-for me?" I stuttered.
"Yes, I did. Now come over here, I want to watch the movie", she stated.
Scootching over to her, I grabbed us the popcorn and pressed play. It was about twenty or so minutes into the movie that something caught my eye, and it had nothing to do with Star Wars. Kim was laying down, head in my lap. There was no way this was happening.
"Hey, uh, Kim? You good?" I asked.
Looking up at me, she said
"Yeah, Reed. Wait, are you blushing? That's adorable !!"
"Oh, I am? I guess I was just never expecting this", I put forth.
At these words, Kim sat up. She paused the movie, and laid her head on my shoulder. This sent a flurry of thoughts through my mind:
"Does she like me back?"
"Should I tell her how I feel?"
"What if I tell her and she doesn't feel the same way?"
"I know she told me she got all dressed up for me, but what if she didn't mean it?"
Clearly, I must have been thinking out loud, for Kim looked up at me and said
"You have a crush on me?"
Oh shit.
Thinking quickly, I exclaimed "Uh, you know, let's, uhhh, let's keep watching the movie!"
"Nuh-uh. Not until you get honest with me. Do you or do you not have a crush on me, Reed Michael James?"
"Motherf-, I guess I can't hide it anymore. Yes, Kim, I do indeed have a crush on you. I guess I just was afraid of rejection."
At my words, she said something I was not expecting, not in my wildest dreams.
"Reed, honey, I like you back."
In a state of joy, I did a fist pump. Kim liked me back. She actually liked me back. However, there was still the matter of the movie. That was quickly solved, however, when the power went out.
I went to the closet and grabbed a few flashlights, seeing as we had no lighting. When I got back to the couch, I saw that Kim had gotten us a blanket. Taking her invitation, I got under the blanket with her.
Taking stock of how the day had unfolded, I decided to take a risk. I looked over at her, and whispered
"Kim, may I kiss you?"
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elenarodriiguez · 2 years
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day fourteen: yellow | a.b. & s.r. & c.r.
pairing: ava bekker x connor rhodes x sarah reese
word count: 233
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Optimism: the feeling that rushes through Ava when Sarah accepts hers and Connor’s offers to go out on a date.
Creativity: the act of carefully curating first, second, and third dates with the curly haired psychiatry resident, hours spent meticulously planning each detail while Connor slept soundly beside the blonde CT surgeon.
Happiness: the feeling of waking up in her lovers’ arms, the dark clouds which had obscured her vision these past few weeks fading away with sunlight finally peeking through.
Betrayal: the act of injecting her potential father-in-law with a synthetic form of insulin, fleeing from the scene as he goes into cardiac arrest only to come back running to try and save him, her face being the last thing he sees as he passes.
Fear: the feeling running through her veins as Dr. Latham reveals the batch she’d used to take Cornelius’s life was in fact traceable to her.
Cowardice: the act of staring at her partners one last time in the Hybrid OR Connor has divested so much of his time and energy to perfect, as she takes a scalpel to her carotid artery.
Madness: the feeling of relief she feels when Connor runs to her slumped over body to stem the bleeding and try to save the woman he loves while Sarah tears about the OR, ready to help perform surgery despite years of psychiatry at a second’s notice.
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riseandfxll · 5 years
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"I wish you weren't dating anybody at all"  
[Ava Bekker x Connor Rhodes] 
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erinlindsayy · 2 years
strangers again || rhekker
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ . ┊  Just like that, they’re strangers again.
➺  warnings: infidelity, connor is an ass, ava also has issues, will i ever let them be happy????
✧   a/n: uh oh sasha is writing angst... also??? sorry for always making connor sort of morally corrupt i am so sorry he’s just fun to damage like that OOPS
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Isn't it strange How people can change From strangers to friends
Ava hadn’t exactly had the luxury of starting off on Connor’s good side. Maybe she’d caught him on a bad day, and maybe that was just who he was, but either way: Connor did not like her.
One bit.
And yet, she couldn’t seem to pull away from him. He fascinated her--she wanted to know more about him. What made him tick? Why was he so standoffish towards her?
But slowly--slowly, they’d made peace. Their bickering became productive, glares began to linger and soften, playful bumps in the hallway turned into contact that was just a little too close, a little too long, a little more than a platonic gesture.
He’d asked her out--a fancy restaurant, nonetheless, and she couldn’t resist his devilishly charming smile.
After all, what harm could one evening out do?
Friends into lovers
“CONNOR,” she yelps, playfully smacking his shoulder as he lifts her up with ease. “Put me down, or I swear I’ll sue you for..,,, malfeasance!”
Connor laughs in retaliation.
“Avey, you and I both know I’d win the case. Good lawyers, remember?”
Ava scoffs.
“As if I couldn’t afford a good one on my own, cowboy. I could--”
He cuts her off, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.
“You’re cute when you’re indignant, you know that--right?”
Ava rolls her eyes. She’s often somewhat disgruntled, so she’s secretly pleased to know that someone finds her antics endearing. It’s been too long since someone genuinely confessed that they were attracted to her--flaws and all, and she’s relishing in what it’s like to be loved, apologetically and unequivocally.
“I love you,” she whispers, breath soft against his neck as she buries her face close. She’s been unable to find the courage to say the words, sticky barbs catching in the back of her throat.
“Did the great Ava Bekker, cardiothoracic surgeon extraordinaire, just admit... FEELINGS?”
“I’ll take them back,” she growls, smacking him in the shoulder yet again.
“You like hitting me, don’t you,” he laughs. “Should I be into that?”
Ava glares at him.
“Teasing,” he murmurs, moving to press a kiss against her forehead. “For what it’s worth--I love you too.”
Two years later, the two are happily married.  They argue like an old married couple, bantering and bickering, but everyone just sighs at the two of them, constantly commenting on how the two are ‘made for one another.’
And it’s true--they really are.
But the problem with fairy tale endings is that nothing stays perfect forever--not even lovers seemingly meant to be. Life--and reality--have a funny way of poking holes into all that is good.
And strangers again?
“You’re hurting me,” Ava whispers, voice breaking as she chokes the words out. “I don’t even know who you are anymore, Connor.”
Connor sighs.
“It’s still me, Avey. Still Connor.”
Ava shakes her head.
“No. You’ve changed. I just don’t know why I didn’t see it sooner.”
Connor is mad at this point.
“Like you haven’t?” He exclaims, voice rising as his face flushes. “You’re paranoid, Ava. Constantly asking me where I am, telling me to share my location with you, asking me what I’m doing and who I’m with? How am I supposed to cope with that?”
“BECAUSE I FOUND YOU, IN OUR BED, WITH ANOTHER WOMAN, CONNOR. How am I supposed to trust you? How am I supposed to live with that? I married you because you were the love of my life. I wanted you. I didn’t need anyone else, because I had you. But clearly--and I should have known--I wasn’t enough for you. So yeah, Connor. I’m paranoid. I’m paranoid because I’m hurt, because you promised that the first time was a drunken mistake with a girl who looked like me, and that you were emotionally vulnerable after a traumatic surgery, and I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Well, guess what, Connor! The benefit ran out. You blew it.” The past tense of ‘were’ instead of ‘are’ does not go unnoticed to Connor. How had he let himself turn into the very thing he swore he’d never become? Like father, like son, he thinks to himself, mind whirling as he looks over beside him at the crumpled, weary, teary-eyed girl next to him.
“We can’t go on like this,” she whispers. “I can’t keep breaking my heart, day in and day out. I can’t do this. I just--”
She breaks down, dissolving into tears.
She’s gone a week later.
It’s only after she leaves that she learns she’s pregnant.
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sande5098 · 4 months
Finally a place to call home
Ava/Connor fic??
Relationship: Connor Rhodes x Ava Bekker
Warnings: swearing, injury
Word count: 1.6k words
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Cwtch - A welsh word meaning more than a hug or a cuddle. When you give someone a cwtch you give them a safe place.
Ava couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, the air leaving her lungs let the heavy weight of stress fall from her. Between work and having to pack up her apartment and finding a new place to live was beginning to get too stressful for her liking. Coming home to a house filled with boxes only seemed to make her feel like she was back at work. She sucked in a breath and ran her hands through her hair, an action that she felt she'd done a lot over the past few weeks.
At least tomorrow she had the day off. Maybe she could do some apartment viewing... Ava shook her head, she couldn't even rest when she came home now. She pushed herself off of the sofa and walked towards the kitchen to make herself a mug of coffee. boiling the kettle was the early part, she could feel her legs shaking from beneath her, struggling to hold her weight. God, she really needed to lay down and sleep.
Once the kettle had finished boiling she lifted the heavy weighted item and it shook as she tried to pour herself a mug of coffee. "Fuck!" she whispered, "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Ava practically dropped the kettle on the counter as she rushed to the sink to turn the cold water tap on. The scald burned and sizzled under the cold water and she sucked wind through her teeth. She was way too tired for this, she just needed her bed, screw dinner and screw coffee. She found herself getting lost in her own thoughts as she held her hand under the water before a knock at the door shook her out of her thoughts. That was when she remembered her off the cuff night in with Connor that they'd organised earlier that day when Ava still felt up for human company and completely forgot about the mess of her apartment.
Hyping herself up as she turned off the tap and gently dried her tender wound with a rough towel which she internally winced at as she turned the door knob. Connors smiling face at the other end of the door holding up takeaway bags made her forget all her worries for that moment. So much so that she nearly cried with absolute joy when she saw the man she loved, Connor's eyebrows furrowed and Ava realised she hadn't let him in, smiling sheepishly she stood out of his way and he walked into the apartment. "Hey, are you going somewhere?" Connor asked as he looked around at all of the boxes sitting in no particular order all over the room. Ava nodded from the kitchen where she had went to put the towel back, her hand still burning, looking down at it, it was still a bright red raw colour with small bumps forming which she internally cringed at. "Uhh yeah, my landlord's increased the lease and I just can't afford it anymore so I'm moving out in the next three weeks." she called from the kitchen as she went to grab forks, only to realise that she had already packet them away, "For gods sakes," she muttered angrily as she now had to go searching through a tonne of boxes that she really didn't want to do. "Have you found a new place yet?" Connor asked, he could hear the tension in her voice.
“Uhh not yet, I’m planning on going to view a few places tomorrow.” Ava said, distracted by the pain of the burn brushing up against stuff in the moving boxes. In the end she resorted to just looking with one hand. She found them fairly quickly after that and held them to the burn which sent a chill throughout her body, Ava met Connor with a quick kiss "What did you bring tonight?" Connor smiled as he pressed another kiss to her lips, soft and sweet, "mhm Chinese, your favourite." Ava couldn't help but get excited at the prospect at getting to eat chicken chow mein takeaway and could feel her mouth watering at the prospect, "Let's have it before it gets cold?" she giggled and Connor nodded before they sat down together. "American housewife?" Connor laughed, "you know it." Ava found herself getting lost in the comfort of a relaxing night in with her boyfriend. They'd been together for almost 6 months and it was all perfect, although Ava didn't know if this was because they were in the honeymoon stage of dating or if this was going to be an all time thing.
Connor had finished his Chinese, chicken satay and went to hold Ava's hand, she pulled it away quickly. "sorry, scalded it earlier. It's still a little tender." Connor's face grew in concern, he turned to Ava, ignoring the show. "Let me see it love." "Connor..." "Avey." His voice was serious and Ava begrudgingly gave in and huffed out a breath just turning her attention to the program that just happened to go on a break right at the worst moment, now she had to pay attention to Connor.
"Avey, this is a second degree scald, what happened?" Connor said, quickly rising from the sofa to grab the first aid kit, "Connor, I don't need you fussing over me." Ava said, although her tone was verging on whining. "Ava, Its a second degree burn, Its weeping and badly blistered. You're glad I'm not making you go to hospital." Connor lightly scolded, Ava just rolled her eyes. "If you're looking for the cling film (Plastic wrap), It's in the top cupboard on the left."
Connor returned to Ava on the sofa and began to gently wrap her hand, "Ava, what's going on? You know how important it is to wrap a burn of any type." Ava looked up to meet Connors stone blue eyes and could feel herself spilling all that was bothering her. Her asshole of a landlord, not having a place to go to, she felt the annoying urge of tears coming to her eyes and she hurried to brush them away. "Ava, you can talk to me about anything you know? I'm not going to judge you." Connor moved his hand to her shoulder and she ducked her head. Connor didn't need to see her cry, "talk to me love, what's going on?"
"I.. I just don't know what to do anymore. My landlords raised my rent so much so that I can't afford it and now I have to find a new place to live in 3 weeks." Ava felt the oxygen escape her lungs and she couldn't get it back no matter how much she tried, "I'm not used to being unprepared, I, I don't know what I'm doing anymore." Connor pulled Ava to him gently as she sobbed, just holding her. It hurt him to see his girl under so much stress and her not turning to him hurt too. She knew that she could rely on him so why didn't she? He knew that Ava was strong, the strongest woman which he had ever met, aside from his mom, but even then, did he really know her. Connor planted a soft kiss onto of her head, "You know that we'll work something out, we always do. Together." Ava unburied herself from Connors torso, eyes red and puffy, she gave him a shaky, weak smile. "Together?" she whispered, "together. Forever and always." Ava grinned at Connor and hugged him as tight as she could. "I love you Connor Rhodes." Connor smiled down at his girl, beautiful in all ways, "and I love you too Ava Bekker."
It was Connor who woke up first the next morning. Somehow, Ava and he must've fell asleep on the sofa last night, although he couldn’t say he was disappointed. Ava was cuddled up beside him, her hair messy and covering her features. He smiled wistfully, wishing that this moment could last forever. He turned his attention to the tv which had made its way onto standby sometime in the middle of the night. Connor yawned and used his free hand which he didn’t have wrapped around Ava to push her hair behind her ears, she looked so peaceful like she had no worries in the world, although he knew differently.
Not wanting to wake her, he lay still gently playing with strands of her hair. That was what Ava woke up to, her boyfriend playing with her hair, plaiting it. “Connor..” her voice was groggy, still filled with sleep as she spoke his name. “Good morning to you too Ava,” Connor replied, stretching as Ava lifted herself off of him.
“I was thinking-” Connor started before Ava cut him off, “uhoh that’s a dangerous pastime Connor” She smiled. Connor just looked at her and Ava rolled her eyes, “alright I’ll keep the cometary at bay for now.” “Thank you” Connor replied holding his nose up in the air “as I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted…” Ava gently hit Connor on the shoulder, who rubbed it, acting as if it was the worst pain in the world. Clearing his throat, he continued. “If you, Ava Bekker, wanted to move in with me?”
Ava was too stunned to speak, instead she just stared at Connor dumbly, lips parted open in pure shock. “You want me to move in with you?” She clarified, wanting to make sure she wasn’t hearing things. Connor just smiled at her, “yeah that’s the general idea.” Connor got worried when Ava didn’t answer straight away but when she smiled and said yes, jumping into his arms and kissing him furiously he knew that she was the one for him. He was glad she was moving in with him, they could finally make their house into a home.
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Connor and the Brat {Part 18}
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Connor and Brat arrived at the restaurant looking for a sign of the younger Rhodes sibling. “Connor!” They didn’t have to look long because there his sister was flagging him down from a table, she got up and started walking over to them smiling warmly at Brat and then hugging her brother. “I’m sorry.” She whispered into this ear and Connor was about to ask what she was sorry for when he spotted the older man walking towards them, his father had joined Claire.
“Connor. How lovely you decided to join us, a your little friend too.” His father held his hand out and Connor was tempted to tell him where he could shove it but didn’t want to worry Brat so he took his hand in his and gave a squeeze he was sure would be strong enough to break his fathers hand had held it it any longer. Connors message was clear, he didn’t want to see his father, he wasn’t here for his father, and he would most certainly leave if he said anything out of line. “Well, our table is waiting on us, please follow me.” Brat looked uncertainly at Connor clearly picking up on the change in the atmosphere but Claire took her hand in hers and gave her a reassuring smile leading her to the table with Connor bringing up the rear.
“It’s very nice to meet you Ravenna, Connor has nothing but good things to say about you. And your dress looks beautiful on you.” Bless his sister for trying to make Brat more comfortable, she gave Claire a small smile but quickly dropped her gaze to her napkin and started fidgeting with it. “Connor tells me that you like to paint, do you think maybe you could paint me something for my design room?” Ravenna’s eyes lit up at that and she nodded eagerly to Claire, she pulled the phone out and handed it to her showing her some of the paintings she had taken pictures of before leaving Connor’s condo. Connor’s father watched Brat closely before twisting his mouth into a kind of rueful smirk.
“You don’t talk very much do you Ms. Scott? That’s the best kind of woman in my opinion, pretty but knows when to keep her mouth shut.” Brat opened her mouth and looked ready to defend herself when Claire sent a scathing look to their father and he held his hands up in surrender. “I’m just saying, no arguments, no whining, it’s just a shame my son found you in the loony bin.” Connor frowned and couldn’t begin to fathom why Claire would tell his father about Brats stay in the hospital, in fact he couldn’t even remember if he had told Claire that’s where he met Brat.
“How did you know about that?” Brats voice was steely, challenging Cornelius to berate her further but Connor could see her slightly shaking. She was trying so hard to be strong but his father scared her and he couldn’t blame her, there was nothing warm nor inviting about the man.
“Funny thing I ran into Dr. Zanetti at a museum a few days ago and she told me all about Connor’s little…charity case I believe is how she put it. She failed to mention how beautiful you were though my dear.” Connor’s jaw clenched and he stood taking Brat’s hand in his own.
“Well this was about as unproductive as I imagine it would be. You’re still a bigoted, misogynistic bastard. Claire we appreciate you having us for brunch, why don’t you come over for dinner tonight?” Claire looked sadly at her brother but she nodded, she couldn’t fault him for wanting to get Ravenna away from their father. Connor watched as Brat squeezed Claire’s shoulder reassuringly as they passed her letting her know she didn’t blame her for what had just transpired. Connor lead the way back to the car and he held the door open for Brat before going and getting in himself.
“Well he’s just a ray of sunshine, I can see why you don’t want anything to do with him. Your sister seems very nice though and I would love to make something for her.” Connor reached his hand over and laced it through hers before giving her a soft squeeze and she squeezed back.
“My father is not a good man Brat, but Claire seems to really like you so how about we go grocery shopping for dinner tonight?” Brats smile increased ten fold and he turned down the street towards the grocery store. “What are you thinking?”
“What if we made crockpot chicken and dumplings? It’s been a long time since I’ve had that.” Connor grabbed the cart and they went through the aisles grabbing the things they would need for dinner along with grabbing a few bottles of wine and some things to make an apple pie for dessert. Connor noticed that Brat looked particularly exhausted when they got back in the car and by the time they got home she was passed out cold against the passenger side window. He smiled softly at her before shaking her shoulder gently and waking her.
“Why don’t you go take a nap? You were up early this morning. I can get everything started for dinner.” Brat looked unsure for a moment but ultimately nodded and trudged herself up the stairs and to his condo, her legs trailing behind her like they weighed a hundred pounds and Connor frowned. It had been a very large change for her in just a few short days, maybe she wasn’t coping as well as he had originally thought.
Connor got the chicken and dumplings going and they should be finished right at 6:30 which is when they had planned on Claire coming over, he had the pie all prepped and ready to go in the oven when she got here that way it would be ready by the time they finished their dinner. He walked down the hallway and cracked Brats door open slightly to see she was breathing steadily and seemed to be in a deep sleep, he smiled at her before going into his own bedroom and changing out of his slacks and shirt and into some joggers and a plain t shirt. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he chuckled softly to himself.
Ava- Since you insist on hogging Ravenna all to yourself the entire meds staff has proposed a custody schedule for your highness 😝
Will/Natalie: Lunch on Mondays and they promise to have her back before dinner
Ben/Maggie: Want to have dinner and overnight stays on Wednesday’s
April/Ethan: Would love to have her join them for the yoga thing on Mondays after dinner
And of course mommy and step mommy Sarah want to have Brat every other weekend 😂😂
Connor could see no flaw in their logic so he texted her back telling her he would make sure to ask Brat what she thought and he would let her know once she woke up from her nap. He was startled by a quiet knocking on the door and looked down at his phone to see it was 6, Claire was thirty minutes early. He went to open the door and smiled at his sister before motioning for her to be quiet.
“Ravenna is sleeping.” Claire made her way into the kitchen taking the lid of the crockpot to peer at the contents of it. “She wanted chicken dumplings and apple pie.” Claire gave a knowing smirk and sat down at the dinner table crossing her legs.
“She’s got you wrapped around her little finger. You like her.” Connor sighed and really wished for the umpteenth time that people would stop calling him out on things he already knew. He was fully aware that he liked Brat but as long as she was in IOP there was nothing he could do about it.
“I do but she’s still a patient so it would be highly unethical of me.” Connor murmured quietly and poured himself a glass of wine.
“Hi Claire.” Connor turned and decided he was going to have to buy Brat some pajama sets because the girl just couldn’t keep walking around in oversized T-shirt’s. She look looked so adorable in it and sleepily rubbing her eyes.
“Hey Ravenna, I think dinners about ready so how about we make our plates and we can eat?” Brats stomach let out an embarrassing growl and she blushed while the two siblings laughed at her red face. Dinner flowed smoothly Claire asking more about Brats makeup and painting projects and while Brat shared a few ideas for a painting she would do for Claire. Connor smiled softly seeing how well Brat took to Claire and how much his sister seemed to enjoy her company as well; they would be good for each other. Dinner stretched in into the evening and Claire excused herself for the night around 9pm leaving Connor and Brat to drink their wine in peace in front of the fireplace.
“I know I’ve been saying it a lot the past few days but I really appreciate you letting me stay with you Connor and how supportive everyone has been.” Brat stood and gave him a small kiss on the top of his head before wishing him goodnight and leaving him alone with an almost empty bottle of wine and wishing that he could have kissed her on the mouth instead.
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twistnet · 2 years
public displays of affection [ chicago med ]
CHARACTERS INCLUDE ─ will halstead, connor rhodes, sarah reese, april sexton, ava bekker, ethan choi, natalie manning
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a golden retriever when it comes to any sort of affection. sure, he understands there is a time and place for it, but some times he can’t really help himself -- you’re his partner, why wouldn’t he show you all the affection? will has no issue with kissing you on the lips, pulling you in for a tight hug, or lacing your fingers with his own. regardless of the crowd surrounding the two of you. some make fake gagging noises, but they understand the need for some physical affection from time to time
somewhat like will, but is a bit more reserved. relies heavily on “there’s a time and a place” and will always try to keep up a professional experience in public settings. he will, however, give you a tight hug or a soft kiss to the forehead whenever you need it -- i.e. you’re having a bad day. but, once the doors are closed, he’s very affectionate and will show you every ounce of love the second you’re alone together
very shy to show any sort of physical affection in the beginning of the relationship. she’s still trying to get past the idea that you’re even with her to begin with --  which is something that still amazes her from time to time. once she is able to gain a little confidence, she has no problem reaching down to lace her fingers with your own, before giving your hand a tight squeeze. it’s simple, but it’s very grounding for the two of you and a quick reminder you have each other’s back. any other sort of affection is saved for more private moments when other’s aren’t around
loves holding your hand -- she’s a nurse, and a lot of her care comes in the form of contact. she’ll hold your hand if neither of you are busy, give you a few grounding squeezes, or press a kiss to the back of your hand. uses it in the sense to comfort you, while also telling you she’s here for you
finds public displays of affection to be more on the unprofessional side -- she’s trying to work, and as much as she would like to, kisses cannot be given at this time. however, if she’s on lunch or has a break in-between patiences, she will 100% provide you with the affection you are looking for // lacking throughout the day. it’s also taxing on her as well, but she’s got a better control on her affection when compared to her coworkers
much like ava, isn’t too fond of showing public affection but there are instances where he would. the end of shift is usually when he shows the most affection -- seeing he’s super tired and just ready to go home with you for the night. he’ll hold your hand, kiss your neck and cheek. really just turning into a pile of mush once he gets his affection
becomes so busy during the day, giving affection is probably one of the last things on her mind, but she always tries to make room for you and the affection she does give. arm around your shoulder // waist, nuzzling into your neck, pressing kisses to your cheek or the tips of your fingers -- she’ll do it all. does stand on the side of hestiancey when it comes to doing so around others, but she loves you so it equals out
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