#avatar terms
eywaseclipse · 6 months
As much as I love clan lore and the peaceful clans weaving and storytelling, I am getting thirsty for the ash clan na’vi and Varang. The clan that tames Thanators.. the Metkayina going to war with the sky people after the events of atwow… the Sully’s revenge. Idk. I want angst. My nerdy senses are tingling… I need to channel all of that into a new chapter for my So’lek series.
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hikaaa-bi · 7 months
both the avatars we've seen so far are such cringefail losers. mr “i cuddle people to death and will break down the moment someone says i'm not scary” needles and mx “i changed my entire wardrobe and aesthetic as soon as i realized i had the power to wreak chaos, but i gave up my spooky artifact the moment i witnessed one really gorey consequence and died immediately afterward” whatever-their-name-is.
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petricorah · 1 year
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meeting on the fire nation stairs [ids in alt]
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persnickety-doodles · 8 months
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study time 📚
Old college AU sketches 🥹
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3cosmicfrogs · 8 months
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havent drawn him in a while... he is a half-feral cat to me.
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pastel-peach-writes · 7 months
Fire Comes From Within II | Korra x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: In what's supposed to be the night of your life, you let the Avatar feel your wrath.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Cursing, Angry Reader, 4000+ Words, Rivals to Lover, (One-sided) Enemies to Lovers, Part Two, No Use of Y/n, Not Proofread
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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"Where is she?!" your voice boomed through the halls. The doors to the locker room swung open, hitting the walls and then recoiling, almost smashing your teammate Yi in the process.
"Where's who?" Yi asked. The girl scrambled to match your strides, you were too in a fury to notice.
"You know who. I'm going to give her a piece of my mind. First, she's going to steal my spot on the Fire Ferrets then she's going to obliterate me in a match I'm supposed to win?" you scoffed. "She's the Avatar, she's not even supposed to be competing in the first place."
"Oh, come on, Lightning, you know she earned her place fair and square. She's not even using all of her abilities."
"I don't care!" you shouted. You turned on your heels to face Yi square. Your body was trembling with anger while your eyes expressed the pain you were trying your best to hide. "I tried out for the Fire Ferrets. I made it in and I was going to replace their teammate until she stepped in and ruined everything. My spot is on the Fire Ferrets, not the Elemental Mixers."
Yi frowned, her big brown eyes dimming as she stared into yours. "So, you don't want to be on the Elemental Mixers? You never did?"
"What? No, I just–"
"No, it's okay. I get it. I hope you can find your peace, Lightning." Yi left before you could get another word in.
With a yell, you turned away. That same fire in your chest made its return. Yet again, another thing ruined by Korra. You loved the Elemental Mixers, you did. But your heart was with the Fire Ferrets. It always has been and always will be.
As you came to, you noticed Guo's frame. He wasn't too far away in the halls and was talking to some person from another team. You hoped he didn't hear you yell, but the person he was talking to eyed you and then looked back at him
You groaned to yourself as Guo left the person. The male with the long brown hair looked at you displeased, his lips in a frown.
"How much did you hear?" you sucked in a breath.
Guo shrugged. "Just about all of it. Did you mean it?"
"Guo, you know I love being on this team. I think of you guys as family--"
"Did you or did you not mean it, Lightning? I don't have time for your games."
With your eyes fixed on him, you noticed the sternness in his eyebrows. Usually on the thicker side and friendly, they seemed to have thinned out and expressed a massive amount of disappointment.
"I mean it, Guo. I'm sorry--"
He interrupted you once again. "I'm sorry," for the first time since you joined the team, he called you by your name, "you're off the team. Someone on the Elementals doesn't express their hate towards other players or their own team. As you said, we're a family. A family that loves each other and protects each other.
"I saw how you broke Yi's heart. I watched the fear in her eyes as she watched you storm and rant about whatever the heck you were ranting about this time. You're off the team, officially, for unsportsmanlike behavior."
"Oh, come on! You can't kick me out. Like you said, we're family. Family doesn't kick out family, Guo."
The older boy shook his head. "It's clear to me now that you were never family, just a pretender." And like his "sister", Yui, Guo left without you getting another word in.
In the hall, you've captured the attention of some ongoers. Most of them you didn't care about, but then your eyes landed on bright blue eyes and deep skin.
She just had to be there whenever you're at your worst, doesn't she?
You walked through the crowd of people, brushing past them and glaring into Korra's eyes as you met her in the middle of the crowd. "You ruined everything for me, Avatar," you grimaced. "You've stripped everything I've ever worked for and known of from me in just a matter of weeks. You're a rookie. You shouldn't have all these favors and things handed to you just because you're the human the spirits chose to master the four elements."
Korra didn't say anything. Her expression was unreadable with her blank eyes and stone face.
"I hate you, Korra, and I hope karma bites you in your ass."
You didn't know Guo was serious about kicking you off the team. After the match, win or lose, the pro-bending teams were having a party to celebrate the end of the season. One of the teams rented out an old-school ballroom to host the party.
The party was electric, similar to the party a couple days ago, but the energy was significantly higher probably because all of the hard work was over.
You had to attend this party, it was the party of the season, but Guo got your name off the list. When he had time to do that, you had no clue.
You sat outside, high upon the marble steps to the ballroom. Guards stood by the entrance of the building, dressed in slick black suits and glasses like they were someone important.
Many partygoers and pro-benders eyed you and spoke to plus ones about you sitting on the steps. Though everyone eyed you differently, some with sad expressions and others with anger, they all spoke about the same thing.
"I heard they got kicked off the Elemental Mixers." "Do you hear that they got into it with the Avatar?"
"I heard them and Guo were in a relationship and had a messy breakup."
"That's not even what happened!" you exclaimed to a woman no more than 3 years older than you. She stuck her tongue out, her arm tightly wrapped around the girl. The two of them swayed their hips up the stairs, giggling to themselves.
"Why don't you just leave?" Mako spoke, making your eyes snap from the side of you to in front of you.
On the steps below stood Mako, Bolin, and Korra in their best party wear. If you weren't extremely pissed at them, you might even say they looked good.
You shrugged and faced your body away from the three. You didn't know why yourself, but you weren't going to tell them that. They knew enough about you already.
Mako let out an irritated sigh in replace of your silence. "Fine, don't tell us. Staying out here is just going to make you feel worse about yourself. Plus, you can't stay out here forever. You're going to get cold eventually."
"Goodbye, Fire Ferrets," you said, your gaze still not on them.
The three of them sighed in unison before walking up the stairs. Korra kept her eyes on you as they walked, but you didn't care enough to notice.
"I feel bad," Korra whispered to her teammates once they reached the door.
Mako scoffed. "Are you forgetting the part where they tried to trash talk you and then expressed utter and complete hatred towards you?"
Bolin nodded, agreeing with his brother. "Yeah, and you're the Avatar. No one should hate you."
"But that's the thing," sighed Korra. "They hate me because of who I am or at least what I represent. Because of my abilities, I've taken everything away from them. They trained their whole lives for a spot on the Fire Ferrets and all I had to do was flash a pretty smile towards Mako."
Mako scoffed again, more flustered this time. "That is not all you had to do."
Korra shrugged with a grin. "It's pretty much it."
"Pretty smile or not, you earned your spot on this team. They're jealous and will have to deal with it." Mako put his hands on Korra's shoulders. "You're the Avatar and it's unlike you to shy away from that. Don't let someone hating your destiny dim your light."
Korra stared into his eyes, her blue eyes sparkling. Bolin stood beside them, glancing between the Avatar and his brother. Mere seconds later, Korra laughed in his face. She took his hands off her shoulders, laughing harder.
"Wow, you almost sounded wise for a second," Korra snickered. Mako huffed with red cheeks. He turned his body away from Korra with a grumble. "I'm gonna go apologize, but that was good, Mako!" Korra announced as she ran down the stairs. "You should be a comedian!"
Korra's pumps clicked and clacked against the marble steps. You could hear them above the commotion from the party. You laid an arm along your lap and rested your chin in your other palm. You did your best to ignore Korra, feeling her presence directly behind you, but the Avatar was as stubborn as she is powerful.
"Hey, Mixer," her voice carried over. "Can I sit here?"
You kept your gaze away from her. Why would you give her the chance to look into your eyes, the gateway to the soul, and find something to make fun of you for? Something to use against you and make you feel even shittier than you do now?
From the side of you now, Korra sighed. She sat down a few feet away from you. Her legs stretched down the bottom of the steps and crossed at the ankle as she leaned back on her hands. Just like you, she avoided your gaze. Not because she was worried about what you discover about her, no. But because she didn't know what to say yet.
She came over to apologize but she didn't think of the words to say. How would she bring it up? Should she come out and say it or should she make a segway into the apology?
The orange sky with pink ribbons captured her attention. There were barely any white clouds in sight and the golden rays of the sun made the white and gray marble steps sparkle.
A breath moved past Korra's lips. "The sky looks nice."
On your side of the steps, the sky was a murky blue. The clouds were dark, almost resembling a storm. The moon wasn't to be seen, so there was no light to illuminate the clouds or sparkles of stars. You scoffed, taking in the bleak sight of the sky. "Yeah, right. It looks like the Wicked Witch is coming."
"Huh?" Korra veiwed the sky to her right, where you were sitting, and snickered. "No, not over there." A hesitant hand reached out to turn your shoulder but quickly retracted. "I mean over here." She pointed at the sunset.
Taking a gander at her side of the world, you tilted your head to the side. Nice was barely scraping the bowl to describe the sky's beauty.
The colors were warm and soft strands of clouds danced across the sky. The inviting warmth of the sun's rays invoked peace within you. You had to take a deep breath to really captivate and absorb Nature's gift. The sunset wasn't just nice. It was perfect.
After minutes of comfortable silence, you spoke. "What are you doing here, Korra?" The sunset was becoming enveloped by the dark sky, but for some reason on Korra's side of the world, it wasn't as dark. "You should be inside."
Korra shrugged. "I wanted to apologize. I think I understand why you hate me."
Understanding? Korra? The hot-headed Avatar, known for holding a grudge, was apologizing to you after you initiated all the arguments you've shared? The action was out of character. She should be trying to pick a fight with you like you have for the entirety of the season.
You shook your head, watching the sun disappear behind the horizon. "You have nothing to apologize for." You should be the one doing the apologizing yet you couldn't find yourself to.
"I took your spot on the team. I overheard your conversation with your teammate and then again through the grapevine. I never thought about the lives I affected by taking the open spot on the team. Some say it wasn't fair for me to be on their team, but I thought it was being I was the Avatar," Korra scoffed. "I mean, a lot of stuff is about me being the Avatar, but I realize there's another side to that.
"I didn't try out or train to get my spot on the team. I showed up and was accepted practically on the spot. I was so happy to be a part of something that uplifted benders. I didn't think about the dreams I would be crushing."
You grumbled. You picked at your outfit and returned your gaze to your side of the world. It was dark just as it was before.
Korra sighed at your silence. She mimicked your actions and picked at her blue dress while watching the clouds move across the sky. "We don't have to be friends, but this thing between us needs to stop. It won't be worth it since I won't be on the team anymore."
"I'm leaving. Most of this information is classified so don't tell anyone, but my duties as the Avatar are going to rise significantly as time passes. I won't have time to be on the Fire Ferrets, no matter how much I want to. It's only right that my spot goes to someone who earns it. You."
You shook your head. You met her eyes and searched for insincerity or hints of a joke. Her eyes, instead of the words previously described, were the opposite with a genuine gaze and a slight smile on her face. "I don't get it. You hate me."
"No," corrected Korra. "You hate me. I never hated you, just found you mildly annoying." There was a chuckle that followed after. Without staring at her in a fit of rage, the sound of her laughter was actually... pleasant. You wouldn't mind hearing it again.
"Ha. Ha." You adverted your sight. You rested your chin back on your palm. Become a part of the Fire Ferrets and for real this time. An actual tryout, a chance. It would finally be your time to shine. "What about your teammates? You may not hate me, but they hate me for hating you. How could I try out if they won't let me."
"Oh, trust me," a devious smile spread across Korra's lips, "they'll let you."
It took careful consideration, around 6 minutes, before you agreed to take Korra up on her offer. Honestly, you thought yourself to be a fool to reject another opportunity to be on the Fire Ferrets.
Though it took a lot of convincing on Korra's side to allow Mako and Bolin to let you try out, your tryout went well.
You hit every target, fired Earth disks when told, and showcased your agility. The brothers were impressed, obviously, but them accepting you into their team wasn't what surprised you. It was the team disassembling just minutes after you were accepted.
It was just your luck to want something so badly, get the opportunity to have it twice, just for it to be ripped out from under you.
Your rage towards disassembly was justified but not targeted towards anyone. The classified information Korra was talking about the night of the party? Yeah, apparently there were people out there taking away Benders' abilities. And being close friends with the Avatar and benders themselves, Mako and Bolin had no choice but to help Korra out.
Days into fighting Amon and discovering his plans, the Krew realized they were taking on more than they thought. Every hour, Amon was recruiting new members. Now his small group of around 20 expanded to nearly 100. The Krew was outnumbered.
"We're going to need more help," Asami informed her friends. The Krew stood around a map spread out on a table at the Air Temple. "Preferably someone agile, has a history doing combat, and is lightning quick."
Korra quipped a brow, smiling at the side of her mouth. Agile, history of doing combat, and lightning quick; Korra knew just the person.
It seemed like Korra was going to be doing a lot of convincing this season. The Avatar thought you would be eager to jump at the opportunity to fight side-by-side and to use your bending for something other than professional bending, but she was wrong. You flat-out refused to join her Krew.
"It's the same story," you informed the Avatar. You two were sat at a ramen place, slurping on noodles and drinking locally made tea. This wouldn't be your first time hanging out with the Avatar. In fact, since your joining and then well, leaving the Fire Ferrets, you two found out that you like each other more than you wanted to admit. "I get the chance to work with Mako and Bolin then it gets torn away from me. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. But fool me three times? Nuh-uh." You slurp up another noodle before continuing. "Not doing it."
"Oh, but come on," Korra whined. "There's no way for you to get kicked out this time! There's no one else in the running for your exact spot and there isn't going to be another worldly crisis taking the brothers away from you. Swear!"
You shook your head as you continued to chow down on your ramen. "Nope. Not happening. Find someone else."
"But there isn't someone else!" Korra pounded her fist on the table. The action shook the table, a thud echoing throughout the wood. Your cups and bowls rattled as the table continued to move. "There is no one as fantastic as you, Lightning. Guo said it himself, Mako and Bolin saw it, and even I did when we were competing. You're letting your fears take control of your life. You didn't have any fears when going against me and trash-talking, and I can kick your ass faster than anyone on this planet."
Through a smile, you scoff. "You wish, Avatar."
Korra rolled her eyes, her smile matching yours. "Come on, Lightning. If you can take me head-on, you can take on these Equalists. My crew and I will be right there fighting beside you if that helps anything."
From your seat across from her, you could see the eager determination in Korra's eyes. She was serious when she said there's no one else to take your spot and that her team needed you. Even through all the petty arguments and digs, Korra saw the best of you. The you that you refused to see sometimes. There was no need for competition if you were on the same team as your rival. Plus, how badass would it be to fight beside the Fire Ferrets? Oh, Kei was going to blow her lid.
"Fine," you prepped another bite of your ramen. "I'll help you guys out but as a guest, okay? I'll fight alongside you until the Equalists are gone, but once they are, I am too. I'm going back to pro-bending."
"Yes!" Korra bumped her fist in the hair. A grin spread wide across her cheeks and her eyes into upside-down C's. "You won't regret this, Lightning. Swear."
Your fight against the Equalists was your first with the Krew, but it definitely wasn't your last.
As you fought alongside them, you saw progress in your growth and how you fought. Bolin was the perfect role model to look up to and his positive happy-go-lucky attitude was infectious. There were even moments when Bolin taught Korra some Earth-bending moves and you were invited to join in on the lesson!
Sure, you were more focused on Korra's muscles than improving your skills, but that was a price you were willing to pay to be a part of the Krew. Speaking of Korra and her muscles, you two definitely grew closer as the years went on.
Since she was your top rival, you would train and spar with her the most. In the beginning, it was a bit annoying. Now that Korra could use all four elements, mostly three in the early days, she was hard to beat. She would use your own Earthbending tactics against you and then blast some fire your way just to annoy you. But now, years later, it was second nature.
Sparring with Korra will always be tough no matter your skill level, but she taught you great defense and offense. You were lighter on your toes which was usually hard for an Earth bender, increased your flexibility and hand-eye coordination.
"Is that all you got, Lightning?" Korra taunted. She used two fingers to shoot a fire stream. She was careful to let the fire blow a few feet away from your calf. She wasn't trying to burn you, you were too cute to burn. She wanted to let the heat annoy you and get you irritated.
Her Earthbender, who wasn't hers just yet, was cute when ticked off. Well, in a sparring sense. Korra blamed your early relationship for her finding you cute when sweaty and threatening to beat her into a pulp. Your threats were empty. She knew this and it's exactly why she wants to poke fun.
"Korra," you growled, moving out of the way of her attack. "What did we say about using fire?" You stomped your foot and a boulder rose from the Earth. With the circle of your forearm, the boulder grew in height. You swiped your arm across your chest. The boulder dashed in front of your body, you pivoted your standing foot and struck the rock toward Korra with a kick.
Korra laughed. She used dainty fingers and hands to pull two streams of water up her body and then towards the boulder to stop it from colliding with her body. "Nothing! It's free game!"
You groaned to yourself. It was times like this that made you miss your shared pro-bending days. Life was so much easier when Korra was restricted to her waterbending. You punched the racing boulder twice and it exploded into two halves. You took the first half and propelled it towards Korra. As expected, she took the rock and shoved it into the ground behind her. The rock acted as a wall.
With her back turned toward you, you took the other half and shoved it into the ground opposite of the first half. Korra spun on her toes as the ground shook beneath them. With a smirk, you collected other rock walls and built a makeshift shelter around her.
"Oh, really?" Korra called out. She turned around herself, surrounded by the walls made out of rock. She shook her head, rolling her hands in a balling motion to gather air. "This is so easy to get out of. Why did they even do this?" Using the air she collected, Korra spun up into the air. The walls busted from the movement, falling flat to the ground.
The Avatar's ponytail whipped around her head as she continued to spin 8 feet into the air. Up in the air, Korra couldn't help but notice you weren't to be seen. The Avatar landed on the slab you used for the roof, her eyebrows knitted. "What--" she scoffed while circling herself. "Lightning?"
A gust of air is violently taken out of Korra as you tackle her from the side. She cried out a groan, and you two pummeled into the ground. "Hah!" you war-cried.
The two of you rolled around in the dirt. The sounds of rustling clothes and leaves filled your ears. Korra grabbed onto your wrists as you two tumbled down the faint hill of the training grounds. "Spirits, Lightning, stay still!"
"No!" you laughed out. As you continued to fight and wrestle on the way down from the hill, your sweaty faces dirtied from the earth you two insisted on rolling in. Finally, with an accidental jab to her ribs, Korra decided she'd had enough.
She grunted, pinning your back into the patch of grass. Her hands formed what some would call a white-knuckle grip around your wrists. Her teeth were gritted, beads of sweat rolled in between her eyebrows and down the side of her face. She's almost seethed from childish horseplaying until she sees your laughing face.
Your laugh expressed a childlike joy. It reminded Korra of Jinora and Ikki playing pretend. They would frolic around the temple, using tablecloths as princess dresses. They took sticks or cooking utensils, whichever were available at the time, and used them as wands. As they stood and jumped around furniture, their giggles would echo throughout the Air Temple.
That sound, their laughter, soothed Korra even on her toughest days. On the days she disliked Mako and Asami. On the days she couldn't figure out airbending, Jinora's and Ikki's laughter would be heard from down the hall and remind her that everything would be alright.
Since the girls considered themselves to be "too grown" to play princesses, Korra assumed she would never find a sound to invoke that emotion within her again. That was until she pinned you down on the grass, your arms in the grip of her hands, and her thighs on the sides of your body, she heard it.
Your belly flexed and relaxed with your laughter. The sun beaming directly into your face didn't stop you from laughing and squirming from underneath Korra. "You should've seen your face! Oh, my Spirits, I wish I had that photographed."
Korra sat back, removing her hands from your arms. Though she was holding you down anymore, your back remained on the grass. Korra watched with an embarrassed yet fond smile on her face. "Yeah, haha. Let's make fun of the Avatar," she chuckled.
"Please!" you opened your eyes, the apples of your cheeks bright from your smiling and laughs. "You had it coming. You know how I feel about your unfair fire bending."
"'Unfair'?" exclaimed Korra with a laugh.
"Yes, unfair!"
"No, 'unfair'! You are my rival, Lightning," she poked your chest. "You're the only person I practice my firebending with. What, you prefer I get rusty and only use my firebending on the bad guys?"
A sound that was similar to a giggle escaped your throat. "Yes, actually. That would be best. Or, y'know, go train with Mako."
Korra rolled off your body and lay beside you instead. You missed the squeeze of her thighs around your stomach, but considering you were breathing easier now, it might've been for the better. "Absolutely not. Mako doesn't get cute-upset like you. He just gets upset like a dad. It's not a pretty sight."
You snickered. "Dad Upset" would be the perfect word to describe Mako's disappointment. Arms crossed over his chest, lips in a scowl, and his eyebrows so close together, they looked like one with a huge dip in the middle. "That's pretty accurate actually." You wiped your glistening forehead with the back of your palm. "So, you think I'm cute?"
Korra shrugged, a flustered smile threatening to break through her cool facade. "Yeah. That okay?"
Taking your gaze from the bright white clouds that were traveling across the vibrant blue sky, you meet the different vibrant blue of Korra's eyes. "Yeah, as long as I get to think you're cute too."
If Korra's flusteredness ever showed on her face, you didn't see it. The moment your sentence ended, she was grinning with a teasing sparkle in her eyes.
"I knew it! I knew you liked me. See," Korra laid on her side and rested her head on her palm. "I thought so when I kept catching you staring at me that morning of the big tournament, but I wasn't sure. I mean, you were so angry with me over nothing!"
The mention of your "hating Korra" arc struck a cringe from deep inside you. You slapped your hands on your face and groaned. "Please, don't mention it. I regret that whole situation every day."
"Nah, nah, nah," Korra laughed. "Don't regret it. If it wasn't for your angstiness, you wouldn't have gotten kicked off the party list and we would've never spoken on the steps. Without that conversation, I would've never thought of you to help out for Amon and we wouldn't be here... talking about the crushes we have on each other."
You let out a sigh, dragging your hands down your face. You wanted to tease her about using the 'c' word because when did you ever admit to having a crush on her? You just said you thought she was cute. But, nevertheless, you let it slide. You slipped your hand into hers and squeezed her calloused hand. "Yeah, whatever..."
Korra snorted. She poked your cheek with her other hand as the teasing sparkle in her eye morphed into a teasing smile. "You like me. I bet I kept you up at night." You closed your eyes with a heavy sigh. Korra only laughed. "I bet you thought about my arms wrapped around your body because, let's be honest here, you were not subtle with your staring."
"Korra," you warned.
"I wonder how long it took you to realize how many times I crossed your mind. I wonder when you realized the shift of hatred to 'Whoa, I'm in love with the coolest girl in the universe'."
"Oo!" she giggled a little. "I wonder how many times we got so close in sparring that it made your heart race. Tell me, Little Lightning," she hadn't called you that nickname since your rival days. "am I making your heart race right now?"
"Korra, if you so much as drag that finger down my cheek as you tease me, I will not hesitate to have a piece of Earth come from the sky and crash down on you."
The finger that was just barely touching your skin froze. It retracted, its owner pouting. "Well, gee. What a party pooper."
You laughed. With the squeeze of your hands, you two decided to spend the rest of the afternoon resting on the grass and cloud watching. Her hand felt perfect in yours and all it took to get here was a pro-bending match, failed Fire Ferret attempts, and a whole lot of rivalry.
Fin. | WC: 5,051
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iristial · 1 year
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Welcome to the Desire Grand Prix!
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imthepunchlord · 7 months
If AtLA did get that season 4 the writers wanted, I kinda wonder if they would've revealed the origins of the Avatar and what they would've done; as LoK's take on the spirits and the origins of the Avatar and bending felt disconnected from what AtLA previously set up (at least for me).
As I never got the original show's answer, it led to me pondering it and I had a thought I felt makes more sense.
Based on AtLA and how spirits were, I thought that the Avatar originally started as a powerful spirit that was tied to nature, and had a fondness for humanity and how they connected to nature, strong enough that they developed bending. And similar to La and Tui, they mortalized themselves in human form to be amongst other humans, only they had the unique ability to bend all four elements.
And between being a powerful spirit that's tied to people and the four elements, and the devotion to be there for people, the Avatar Cycle just came to be upon the first death and the first birth, this spirit always becoming reborn in a new elemental nation, to grow up amongst the people it naturally cared for, having a new life to live, to have new experiences, and forming new friendships while also finding old friendships that will last lifetimes. And given the spiritual origins, can also work off the unique role the Avatar has between the spirit realm and the material realm.
I feel this thought makes more sense for the origins of Avatar and working more off AtLA's set up of spirits and the origins of bending.
And while I would vote the actual spirit be left a mystery, IF it had to be specified on what it was, I probably would've voted they were a lion turtle. Like, even in AtLA, they're set up as incredibly mystical and spiritual, and able to manipulate energy itself, and I think the creators even had the idea that people used to live on their backs before LoK confirmed it, confirming they did have a close connection to people.
Everything about them is kinda set up to be like, a precursor to the Avatar. Mindful, it's not a requirement, but that could be a potential reason why the lion turtle arose to help Aang in his time of need, how they sensed Aang was lost and in need of guidance and advise, the Avatar potentially was the soul of a lion turtle, and playing off the lion aspect, they are sociable and work as a team.
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It's not a stretch to think a spirit tied to lions are open to helping another.
Either way, this is a thought I wanted to share as an alternative to LoK's answer for the Avatar origins as I just wasn't all that crazy about it.
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sokkas-therapist · 9 months
I think sokka would make pottery. That’s it that’s the post
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dragongirlfangs · 3 months
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Clingy 💛
• Mammon x GN!MC
• Lots of cuddles described in great detail
• Slightly suggestive
⚠️ CW: describes MC with gorgeous, pretty, adorable; I personally see these terms as mostly gender neutral as of current, however I can see how some people could not! Enjoy :)
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Mammon is hot.
And no, I don’t mean just his looks.
He runs warm, noticeably so, and unfortunately for you, you’re stuck with his clingy ass climbing into your bed every night.
Around 3:00 every night without fail, you hear the soft tapping of footsteps on the hardwood floor outside your door, the metal bolts creaking as they shifted to reveal a tall figure (to a human at least). The candlelight burning softly in the hall perfectly framed the boy in your doorway, his fluffy hair and lack of a shirt apparent.
You left your eyes closed. If he wanted cuddles, he would ask. You found that with Mammon, it was best to just let him take what he needed. If he wanted you, he would take you. That’s just how it was between the two of you.
And that’s what he did.
Carefully, and lightly, so lightly as to not make a sound on the floor that he’d memorized so well after the last few years he’d spent walking to and from your bed, just like this.
He towered over you, you were gorgeous. So pretty. He wasn’t sure if it was the lack of sleep, or just the overwhelming awe at the sight of his human. His adorable human. The one he loved so much. But you were the most breathtaking thing he’d ever laid eyes on.
Slowly, he grabbed the comforter from on top of you and pulled it back just enough for him to slip through. He slid into the nest of sheets you’d made yourself, still moving with caution to not wake you. He couldn’t have you seeing him like this. Not now.
He wrapped his arms around your torso and felt his face light on fire. How could he be this lucky? How could he have the nerve to hold such a sacred being such as yourself? How could you allow such a thing from him?
He buried his face into the back of your neck and breathed in your smell. Your essence. He felt himself longing for more. He needed more of you. He couldn’t bare it any longer, as he slowly creeped up under your shirt and rubbed the palm of his hand lightly across your torso.
A leg draped over your hip, and the other went in between your thighs. He found himself kissing your neck, almost suffocating at how sweet you tasted. How soft your skin was, how he longed to merge together with you. He wanted you to be his. He wanted to be you. He wished to crawl up into your skin and become apart of you for the rest of eternity.
You found yourself blushing at the second born’s antics, unable to keep up the disguise any longer. You turned to face him, burying your face into the soft part of his neck. He smelled sweaty, but you didn’t really care. His bare skin was warm, and you reveled in it. He was like your own personal sun.
He repositioned to make you more comfortable before holding you tighter. So impossibly tight you struggled to breathe. You could only smell him. You could only feel him. He was so close you could almost taste it. His soft breath beat down on your earlobe, making you shutter.
He had pulled your shirt up to your shoulders now, and you considered just letting him take it off for a moment. Soon enough though he was rubbing your back, so sweetly. So lovingly. It was almost sickening. His fingertips were like a magic spell, binding you together for the rest of time. And to be perfectly honest, you were okay with that.
This. This was your heaven.
In the morning you would surely be drenched in a thick layer of sweat and a half an hour late for school thanks to Mammon’s stubbornness, but it was worth it for this moment. This bliss that you called your first man.
You hoped deep down, that he would come back tomorrow and do it all again.
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notachair · 6 months
Since atla is again having an extra surge of popularity, I'm shooting my shot:
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[ID: (Rest of image description in alt). At the bottom of the image sits the text: "Zuko: Okay. Well, I can't remember how it starts, but the punchline is "leaf me alone, I'm bushed."" ID end].
Did we ever find out what the setup for this joke was? I feel kinda haunted by it. If not- anyone wanna make their best or worst guesses?
edit: I now know what "I'm bushed" mean, but go ahead anyway 👍
haunted thoughts in tags ↓
#atla#the way I was early out for this next surge in popularity 🤗 I was in a different phase by 2020#it's not like it haunts me day and night but it does bother me thinking back on it. please tell me I'm not the only one 🧍‍♂️#I'll have to reblog the 'closure is a myth' post jk#what kind... of joke is it? leaf pun on leave i get. I'm bushed however I dont get. it implies the punchline sayer is a bush at least I#think. but what prompts the 'i am bushed' I dont get. is it not contextual? is it a phrase ive not connected like 'leaf me alone'?#is there anotger layer between leaf and bush? again what kind of joke (social:joke purpose. what is funny? only pun?) + (in-joke set up)?#is it about the kind of bush it is? is it between two plants? the plant & someone picking on the plant like a teamaker collecting?#is it about a plant that has grown into bush and thus (somethingsomething)?? is it not a plant at all? other elements? iroh *what*.#if the creators actually had a setup in mind- I fear it will be lame. but yet I am haunted#it must have cracked someone up for him to try relay it. (set in term of endearment here) 🧍‍♂️👈 *poking him*#either way. me 🤝 zuko @ being bad at remembering & relaying jokes 😁👍#at least in that instance anyway#I mainly stick to irony & sarcasm. running along with an mistaken assumption or replying w something silly & blowing it out of proportions.#puns if I'm lucky. ect. fun when I can reference it later tho I try not to overdo it. not like I'll likely remember it for too long anyway#now to lay in wajt see if anything happens....#avatar the last airbender#zuko#atla zuko#a:tla#my rambles#its lie and not lay is it not.....
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ghoulishautism · 3 months
I do kinda hate the argument of "its a show from the 2000s" because it implies good shows (esp for kids) didn't exist until the 2010s and after
like ATLA,, Teen Titans, MLAATR, Samurai Jack, etc baby girls I am SO sorry those hoes said that about you
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returquoise · 7 months
ATLALA, aka Avatar the Last Airbender Live Action
Sooooo, I finished the first season and had thoughts (just like everyone else lol). First context, non-spoilery thoughts, and then spoilers under the cut, yadda-yadda.
Why context? Because for a lot of people OG ATLA was their childhood, and they have super strong feelings about it and about any adaptation that exists. I'm not one of those people.
The first time I watched OG ATLA I was over 20 years old, which means I was an adult and had adult viewpoints about the story – worldbuilding, character writing, etc. It was never the hallowed most perfect show ever for me. It was and still is a fucking good show with some amazing writing and worldbuilding but I did have some gripes.
So when ATLALA was announced I remained neutral – I've seen the movie that shall not be named and din't really like it but shitty adaptations have always existed. When we started getting photos and trailers and news pieces, I was feeling pretty positive about the visuals, but neither news pieces or trailers actually tell you shit about what the writing or worldbuilding is like. However, I was about 70% optimistic.
Because what indications I did get about visuals, writing etc, were very reminiscent of another adaptation that had come out recently, about a series that was actually a bit more important to me on an emotional than ATLA. I'm talking about One Piece, and OPLA which came out last August. I've been a fan of that for 10 years longer than ATLA, and while they did a lot of changes, the spirit of the story was there.
So I copied my optimism and good feelings from that, going into ATLALA.
Now, the thoughts.
Visuals are pretty good. There are moments when I can tell they left some visuals out due to trickiness/budget (the "is Zuko's ship real?" review after the premiere). Some things look fake or plasticy, some stuff is too clean. Bending looks a lot better than in the movie that shall not be named.
Writing has issues. Some of it is very expositiony which makes it wooden and the shots uninteresting (there were so many badly framed shots with characters just awkwardly standing and talking). There are some lovely bits of dialogue that gave me feelings, but those moments were in the minority. And some writing choices were also quite childish, even for an adaptation of a kids' cartoon, so I'm a bit confused about the intended age demographic – except there are some really violent bits in there, which leave me even more confused.
Pacing was either frantic or okay-ish. The writers clearly had trouble paring down the OG series, and then ended up cramming stuff together. I could keep up with it (knowing what certain characters roughly meant for the plot, even if they were at a different place and time), but I'm not quite sure if someone uninitiated in the OG series could. The last 2 episodes had probably the best pacing and even then there were some things that made me go "hmmm."
Some actors have issues emoting – main and extras. I agree that the Gaang has lost some of their flaws compared to the OG series. Maybe some of them will make more of an appearance in season two when everyone's more experienced at acting? Especially considering that they'll likely have stuff more spaced out there – there are some episodes I'm pretty sure they'll outright skip, just based on the choices in this season. But we'll see. There were some fun and interesting bonding moments between different characters.
Sokka, Zuko, and Suki were the standouts from the younger cast. Suki is considerably different from the OG but it was acted and written well, and is an interesting choice. Sokka's quips, while not as numerous as in the OG, were fun. Physical comedy is obviously more toned down because real bodies can't do the same shit as cartoons. More about his arc choices later. Zuko was a bit toned down from the OG but IMO also the closest to it. And as someone who's almost finished with a Zuko AU fanfic, I was positively cackling due to the fact that some of the choices made for the character are similar to something I've done in my fic.
As for the rest of the main kids, there'll be more in the spoiler bits, BUT, they're different, and feel less experienced in acting. They're not bad but some choices were definitely different than in the show and they offer interesting opportunities. We'll see how they pan out, but be prepared for some speculation from me.
Fight scenes sometimes had IMO slow moments in the choreo, and they could have been better. Some were excellent, some a bit ehhh.
On the whole, I think this is about 7 out of 10. Some moments were 8 out of 10. It's a passable adaptation
Spoilery thoughts waaaay down.
Whoo boy. Where to start here?
Let's start with the cramming. As far as I can tell from my notes, the episodes are roughly divided like so:
EP1: 3,5 and bits (Boy in the Iceberg, Avatar Returns, Southern Air Temple, half of the Storm, bits of Avatar and the Fire Lord)
EP2: 1 and bits (Warriors of Kyoshi, part of Waterbending Scroll)
EP3: 3 halves (King of Omashu, Jet, Northern Air Temple)
EP4: 1, 4 halves and bits (King of Omashu, Jet, Northern Air Temple, Cave of Two Lovers, half of Winter Solstice P1, bits of the Avatar Day,)
EP5: 2 halves and pieces of 3 (half of Winter Solstice P1, half of Bato of the Water Tribe, part of Southern Raiders, part of the Library, part of Siege of the North) AND timeskip mention of the Great Divide and the pirates from Waterbending Scroll
EP6: 2, two halves and bits (Winter Solstice P2, Blue Spirit, half of Bato of the Water Tribe half of the Storm, part of Siege of the North)
EP7: 2 (Waterbending Master, Siege of the North)
EP8: 2 and pieces (Siege of the North, Return to Omashu, bits of Northern Air Temple, part of the Library)
Waterbending Scroll is a bit of throughline because you see moments of training in pretty much all of the episodes.
Episode 1 was very full, and felt rushed at times. There were a few places where they could have shortened some parts (like the earthbender spy scene at the start) to give more time for other stuff. Biggest gripes are the convenience of timing – Aang going off to clear his head only for everyone to die that very night. HOWEVER, me and my friends talked about it being likely Spirit shenanigans going "fuck, Air Nomads are gonna die now, we need to deepfreeze the Avatar for storage." We also concluded that the sudden current of Sokka and Katara finding Aang was either physics we don't understand, or Spirit shenanigans. Also the thing about all the Air Nomads coming over for the Great Comet festival? And then having so few of them on screen? Sorry, but I ain't buying it. Having such a sparse population in one temple I could have bought (with caveats) but adding in the gathering, nah.
Episode 2, Sokka-Suki was beautiful. I think it works even with the removed downplaying of girls capabilities (this change also brought some other stuff to Sokka I absolutely adored in later episodes but I'll talk about that when I start ranting about the characters). This was pretty close to the OG episode in many ways and I really don't have other problems with it, besides the somewhat childish end discussion about hope and shit with Aang and Suki's mom (Suki having a badass mom is fun). Manifesting Avatars and being able to talk to them only at their shrines will be an interesting take on stuff. Because that will affect some stuff on later seasons and I'm not sure how.
(And considering how scared Aang is of the Avatar State this early on, we might end up skipping the Avatar State in the next season. At least partially. Because we did get a lot of info now.)
That's a very full itinerary and it was hardest to follow at eps 3-4 because there were so many things going on. Jet's and the Mechanist's conflicting storylines made for an interesting drama (though, again, hard to follow) and gave Sokka and Katara something to do – which they didn't really have in the OG Omashu episode, which was what Aang was mostly dealing with here. In my opinion these two episodes didn't get a proper handling, because they're one of the few instances were we get people from the Earth Kingdom doing questionable shit, but we don't really discuss it. And while everyone know marketing is a mistake (it makes no one happy), considering that this series was trying to sell itself as a more mature take, that feeling is left kinda lacking in regards to Jet and the Mechanist. I do appreciate Bumi being fucking bitter, like Yass, you go king, as well as the bit with the Earth Kingdom soldiers speaking of grief and mistreating Iroh. That complexity is what was left lacking with Jet and the Mechanist, and how Katara and Sokka dealt with that emotionally. Also loved Zuko getting hit by a broom and Iroh taking the fall for him. The Zuko-Zhao alliance was an interesting angle to take (after messing it up pfft) and establishing early that Azula is a master infiltrator? I liked that move, also the fact that there are Fire Nation rebels. Although I fucking loved the quick fake marriage.
5 and 6, despite being about as full if not fuller, were weaven together really well in my opinion. My biggest gripe with that two episode storyline was how the Fire Sage Shyu-Aang team-up was done – not that it was any better in the OG to be fair but it is more jarring in live action. I just about died at the 41st twist because holy shit that's an amazing angst take and I appreciate it so much. And while we do get Aang planting an acorn, it feels like a really small moment and I think the Hei Bai issue should have got a bit more attention as the episode was resolved. Koh was fucking terrifying and the appearance of Wan Shi Tong – and in the last two episodes the appearance of the celestial objects calendar machine, as well as the fact that Zhao got his dirt on Tui and La from a Fire Sage – leads me to believe we won't be getting the Library episode next season.
(The only way I can see Return to Omashu happening is if it's remixed with Imprisoned which was totally left out of this season, or we get the important info aka neutral Jing info all from the Swamp, or from a letter Bumi sent. I personally think Return to Omashu-Imprisoned remix is more likely, just so we can prep Teo and the Mechanist for the Day of the Black Sun which we saw flashing by on the celestial objects machine just before we finally got the confirmation that Sozin's Comet is still a thing. Although The Avatar State could also be remixed into this in a sort of "yes, Earth Kingdom needs to free Bumi etc but I can't do it in Avatar State, we need to be smart.")
Episodes 7 and 8 were pretty chill in pacing issues. I thought Yue was a bit too quick in warming up to Sokka but considering how it was explained I can accept it. Also, the fact that Tui and La are intelligent enough to not be fish 24/7/365 is a change that makes sense although the whole Ice Moon (is it the local Halloween?) thing was very out of left field. Women joining the fight was a wild update and definitely more of a modern take than an early 2000s take. Do I have other thoughts? Sure, but I don't want to write bajillion essays and I just want a general overview in one post.
Zuko is, like I said, a standout. Absolutely love his conspiracy board, and as someone who writes a fic with a more scholarly inclined Zuko, I loved him being able to draw, being the foremost Avatar expert in the world (you can't tell me there can be more than one or two people out there who know more than Zuko at this point, look at his research), and having opinions about calligraphy brushes. Ugh, my heart. There's some absolutely wonderful acting happening and he does action really well. Is he a bit less explosive than in the OG? Sure, but one must remember, that adaptations are just licensed fanfics. His abuse background is in the performance, and my biggest question is the Agni Kai. There was a certain desperation in his face, so he must have wanted to make an impression on Ozai, and maybe felt a bit more like he had the right to it – as this show made it clear he had been invited in the War Council and did not needle his way in. Also the 41st twist oh holy smokes I just about screamed. His flaw is still anger and trouble thinking plans through.
Azula (her bangs in the flashback crack me up, was that her emo phase?) is more obviously affected by Ozai's games in this. I know OG Azula has loads of fans and there are loads of deep dives into her character and abuse and etc, but this is actually the first time her writing has made it obvious to me. She's still cold and calculating, but she's affected by more things and that makes her into a more approachable character for me. I know many fans got this from the OG portrayal so I know this is a me thing.
Sokka is another standout. I saw an interview where the actor was like "I tried to interject and ad lib humour where I could" and I appreciate it, because a lot of them made me cackle. There was some really good humour there. As for his arc and conflict; I think it's really interesting that he tries to live up to his dad's image of a warrior, and doing it very much out of duty. It isn't so much that he wants to be a warrior, but he wants to be good enough and I think that came through wonderfully. He can be a warrior, but it ain't his passion. It also offers very interesting bonding possibilities and parallels with Zuko. My heart broke at that ice-dodging scene in episode 5, as well as his heart-to-heart with Katara in episode 4 (fucking SIBLING LOVE TRIUMPHS). Also absolutely loved the fact that he supported Katara being a warrior in the North. His flaws in the OG are self-esteem issues (nailed here), and a certain level of arrogance, that affected his attitude towards girls at times. The latter has been removed but considering it only lasted until episode 4 in the OG series anyway, I don't see it as a terribly big deal. We can still get his "it'll totally work out this way" arrogant moment at pretty much any point in the story in the future.
Katara has trouble emoting. I don't know how much experience her actor has with acting, but I hope she gets better with practice. There are some very nice bonding moments she has with Sokka and Aang that bring emotion out, but she's very stone faced a lot of the time. One could read it as a symptom of seeing her mother being literally burned alive but that depends on how her arc is written in future seasons, and how it's acted. I really like the parallel with Sokka, of him trying to be a warrior out of duty, while Katara wants to be that and has trouble getting the opportunity to do so. This came out really well in episode 4. The fact that she was made a fucking commander of sorts at North was amazing moment of proving to her that she can be, that she is, a warrior. I'm kinda sad her temper has been left out of the writing, because with her being a self-taught water bender (which I'm okay with because we see her practising every fucking episode) there's a threat of her sliding into so-called Mary Sue territory. Hopefully Toph's inclusion brings her temper out next season. She's also missing some of her naiveté, although having a crush on the first good looking outsider (with fucking mirrored shots) just like her brother is hilarious.
Aang is... to mature. He gets a lot of really good and morally and ethically right speeches, and while he expresses that he's scared and doesn't know what he's doing, it still feels too mature. He also doesn't have that many dumbass child moments (what was that episode he just went "oops" in, that was funny and felt childlike, and then there was the water fight he had with Katara). It could be because we're going through stuff so fast but it'll be hard to fix later. I kinda like how his connection with Katara is being the last of their kind and loss – and then the small really good acting in ep7 when Katara says stewed sea prunes taste like home, and you can just see him go "oh, there's still someplace she can belong to, unlike me." I loved his calligraphy brush discussion with Zuko, because there was the beginnings of a bond there. As a friend said, it's nice they removed the Disney princess like love at first sight thing from the OG. If this turns into a romance (I have thoughts on that... later) I feel like it has a better chance to grow organically. No, I never shipped Kataang, please refer to the context part of this post.
Suki had a fun isolated, but curious, and socially awkward vibe to her. She's obviously different from the OG, but it's a fun and interesting difference, as the most characterisation we ever got for her was badass. Yue was interesting, more assertive and playful, which I liked. I also liked the fact that she had obvious duties and was expected to be the next chief. Even if the Northern Water Tribe sexism was kept, this felt like it added some dimension to it. June flirting with Iroh was hilarious, enough said. Mai and Ty Lee are blanks of wood. Their writing, and the direction they were given was horrible, and they're a prime example of that awkward standing and bad framing issue I mentioned way earlier. Ty Lee could have at least been bending herself into a pretzel, and Mai could have been using a knife to dig stuff from under her nails or something. I hope they get better writing and direction in the future.
Iroh was honestly pretty enjoyable. There were some moments of skilled evasive answering, but I was left missing him saying that Zuko was like a son to him. They do have really good chemistry though and you can see the care between the characters. I hated the long monologue at the end of episode 6, that felt very much beneath whatever target audience they were aiming for, and failed show not tell. Not perfect but can improve. Also, that one part where they played Leaves on the Vine, I almost died.
Ozai being a manipulative, abusive game addict is different but offers him some agency and motivation besides megalomania, which I appreciate. He had a peculiar expression when he burned Zuko, and that smells like hidden lore to me.
That's probably every character I feel like addressing at this point. However, I did mention romance in Aang's section, and I have to agree with the other whispers on the net. The fucking scarf scene. At this point, it's more likely for this show to be Zutara than Kataang IMO. BUT before people go and blow up about it, some points; cartoons offer more leeway in visual age differences, I feel like they would need to extend ATLALA plot line to last several years (instead of like, 9 months it's in the OG) to make it visually make sense. The Fortuneteller (as well as Katara's obsession with love?), and Aang's love at first sight have all been written out. Cave of Two Lovers was used for sibling love on the first season, and we ain't visiting that location again, not with how efficiently we did pretty much all of the Omashu stuff this season. Most of the Kataang iconic moments have been left out deliberately. Does this mean we'll get Zutara? Of course not, but due to the scarf scene, as well as that rivals thing they have going (we literally have two fights between Zuko and Katara this season, and the water sprout she used to thwart his fireball in episode one, and if that isn't a traditional beginning of a rivalry, nothing is), it's certainly more likely at this point than Kataang.
But we'll see, just like with everything else. It's an okay start, it's far from perfect, but it does offer new viewpoints that I find fascinating.
What's in the future.
I already explained my Return to Omashu-Imprisoned-Avatar State mash-up idea above, and that we'll likely miss the Library. I also think Avatar Day will be left out. I do however think, that we'll get the Deserter next season. We also need a way for Aang to learn about the Comet coming again and if Library is out (and probably also the Desert), best chances are IMO the Swamp or the Fortuneteller (remixing those two together is also possible). Or maybe Yeong Yeong has spies and they tell him about the Comet and he tells the Gaang. I also think they'll be foreshadowing/setting up White Lotus a bit more than we got in the OG.
I don't quite have my thought together enough to make any other guesses, but we will get Toph, Ba Sing Se, and Azula's Mean Girls Squad, but no clue yet how they'll be remixed. Season 2 has a much clearer timeline structure, whereas season 1 had a lot of episodic stuff that doesn't timeline wise offer too many roadblocks for remixes, as we saw with what they did with Omashu.
I think that's about everything I can think off. If you have comments, please be nice. This was mostly rambling, and tin foil hat baiting.
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marchlione · 6 months
atla writers who write aang like a bratty child in the northern air temple episode instead of seeing the pain of a genocide survivor watching his people's sanctuaries being disrespected and desecrated<<<<<<<<
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pastel-peach-writes · 11 months
Hello!! I love your Korra X readers so I’m just gonna ask if you could do a Korra x Fem!reader (or GN up to you!) with the cliche plot of Reader being injured and not telling anyone until later? Hope you are doing well!!
YURR lets go. I initially wrote this as a fem!reader, but I didn't even use the reader's pronouns in this so, gender neutral reader it is!
Kiss It Better | Korra x Beifong!Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: With your girlfriend saving the world all the time, you take it as your job to not worry her with your own problems. If you needed help with something, you'd figure it out or get someone else's help. What happens when your "selflessness" nearly costs you an arm?
╰┈➤ WARNING: Injured!Reader, Suggestive Mentions, Cursing, Not Proofread, Beifong!Reader
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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It was a simple fracture. You were training with Bolin and a cluster of Earth hit you too hard in the arm. Bolin apologized and even offered to take you to the infirmary, but you rejected him.
One, you were a Beifong; you don't get hurt. Two, if you go to the infirmary, chances are you'll get a cast or some sort of sling. That'll worry your girlfriend, the Avatar, and with all the duties she had to attend to, your fractured arm was the least of her worries.
"Oh, fuck," you hissed, leaning back into your plush sofa. Typically, the plush cushions and fuzzy fabric would comfort you. The cushions would allow your muscles to relax and for your body to find comfort in the warm snuggles of your girlfriend's blanket. But now, the cushions only make your body hurt worse.
There was no support in the cushions. The plushiness was too plushy and the warm comfort typically found within the blanket was annoying.
"I'm home!" Korra announced. The woman kicked off her boots, put up her short hair, and plopped beside you on the couch.
You groaned, holding your bicep.
Korra tilted her head, raising a brow. "Hey, you okay? Was I too loud or something?"
Time slowed as you forced a laugh out of your chest. If you laughed too hard, your arm would ache. If you didn't laugh enough, Korra would assume something was wrong.
Nothing was wrong. At least, to her knowledge.
"Oh, sorry!" you smiled at her, "I was actually practicing this new joke Mako taught me. I was supposed to make this sound, but I guess I haven't mastered it yet."
"Oh... haha," Korra forced out of her. "No more taking joke suggestions from Mako. He doesn't have a funny bone in his body." The Avatar nestled her head on your chest. She hummed, snuggling into the warmth of your body.
"Right," you chewed on your lip. "I don't know what I was thinking."
"One, hit! Two, hit! Three--!"
"Okay!" you howled. You and Bolin have been training for three hours straight now. Something must've inspired Bolin because he's been sending over disks, boulders, and other forms of Earth toward you like there was no tomorrow. While he was losing pounds by sweating alone, your arm was screaming at you.
"Please stop moving me!" "I'm hurt!" "Why do you hate us?!"
You wished you could listen to your body. You really did. But you read somewhere that certain fractures can heal on their own with the proper rest and care.
You thought you could take it easy in training today, but obviously, Bolin had other plans.
"Oh," Bolin smiled, peeling himself away from his boxed stance. "Did I go too far? Sorry. Opal said something last night about guys working out and how she loved watching me train sometimes, so I wanted to work extra hard this practice so I wouldn't feel bad for showing off."
Your chest heaved up and down as the boy spoke. The fire in your arm was excruciating and it was spreading to your shoulders.
You trudged along the training center, going to a lousy bench where your water bottle and workout towel lay. "No, no," you told Bolin, "it's okay. I just need a break. That's all."
Lowering yourself onto the bench, your muscles and all the meat on your body felt like falling off the bone like you were a tenderly cooked piece of chicken. Your thighs ached and shook, like after an endless night with Korra. You took your towel and slung it over your good arm. You carefully opened your water bottle to take a sip.
Bolin followed after, mindlessly yapping about Opal and how pretty she was. Once he sat himself next to you and drank from his water, his eyes bulged out of his head, and water sprayed from his mouth.,
You whipped your head toward him, perplexed. "Oh, my Spirits! What was that?"
"What happened to your arm?" the boy exclaimed. He pointed at the swollen and bruised skin. Your rotator cuff was a deep purple with blue specs. He couldn't see it, but the bruising gave a pulsing sensation.
You scoffed and went for another sip of water. "Nothing. Just bumped into a pole."
"What kind of pole hit you like that?" he exclaimed again, now out of his seat. His green eyes were now filled with fear; his body trembled with worry.
You tried to shrug, but since your hurt arm was alarmingly tough and sore, only your good arm moved. "I don't know," you mumbled. "It was a while ago, I think. I can't really remember."
"Well, you have to at least let a nurse or someone qualified check you out! This looks bad, Beifong. No pole could've done this."
"Bolin," you rose to your feet. "I'm fine. Don't make me say it again." You didn't let Bolin get another word in as you gathered your things. "And Bolin, don't mention this to anyone."
Bolin can't keep a secret and honestly, it's your fault for telling him to keep one. You're his friend and Bolin doesn't believe in keeping his friends in danger. You need medical attention, even if you are too stubborn to admit it.
Immediately after practice, he ran to Mako who ran to Asami who told Korra.
When she first heard the news, Korra had mixed emotions. She was vexed because she didn't notice your pain and you didn't tell her, yet worried about the extremity of your injury. Could your arm fall off? What if the injury was actually worse underneath?
The Krew discussed your injury and how to intervene in your careless ways of living. There was a plan where they tricked you into going to the hospital, another where they took you out to dinner and would finesse you into spilling your guts, and then there's the plan they actually went through; the plan that made the most sense.
Korra was to go home with a smile on her face, cuddle and kiss on you for a while, and then ease into the conversation of training and injuries.
Mako thought the subtle conversation topic would force you to talk about your injury without actually forcing you.
Well, it's been two fucking hours of medical talk and Korra wasn't getting anywhere.
The two of you were cuddling on your bed, legs entangled with each other and her arms around your waist. She had her head on your good arm and from the corner of her eye, she could see the black and blue bruising that was growing to your neck.
Your pajamas acted as a pathetic way to hide it.
Korra was done playing the nice game. She had Asami in her head telling her to play the nice game and to ease into it. (She also had Mako claiming that Korra was unable to play the "nice-and-ease-into-it" game, but what Mako doesn't know won't kill him).
"Bolin told me," Korra spoke, her eyes fixated on the wall in front of you two.
You hummed, keeping your eyes closed. The ache and burn on your arm weren't as bad anymore. You also read somewhere that heat would inflame the injury more so after a quick lukewarm shower, you iced. You iced and replaced the ice for hours until Korra came home.
You were missing that ice right about now.
"Told you what?"
"That you have a disgusting bruise on your shoulder." Okay, so Bolin didn't describe it as disgusting, but what you don't know won't kill you either.
You snickered. "I ran into a pole, okay? It's not the big of a deal."
"Then why are you lying to me?" Korra pulled herself off of your chest. With delicate fingers, the Avater peeled the soft fabric off your shoulders.
The subtle movement of the fabric made you wince and the natural instinct was to push Korra away, so, you did. You pushed on her stomach to move her away from you. "Korra, don't."
"Oh, what are you gonna do?" she scoffed. Korra sat on her knees, shoulders squared to you and arms crossed over her chest. "Threaten me? You saw how that worked out with Bolin, nice move by the way." Korra's words were stern and leaning towards the angry side of things. Her nose scrunched while her nostrils flared. She was also gripping her arms so hard, her grip made marks.
"I didn't threaten him," you claimed.
"So, what would you call it? Being a bad friend? Telling him to keep your health a secret knowing damn well it's on the line?"
"My health is not on the line!" You've sat up from the bed now. Your bad arm rested on a mound of pillows and your good arm held it for support. "It's a tiny injury, sprain if you wanna go that far."
"That's rich," Korra scoffed. She shook her head, getting off the bed. "You can barely talk to me without the corner of your mouthing ticking from the pain. I can barely put my hands on your shirt and you can barely sit on the couch without groaning in pain."
You suddenly found interest in the ceiling. You took note of the texture and the color. You would find any new fact you could about this ceiling if it meant you could avoid Korra's burning gaze and her rising anger.
This is why you didn't want to tell her in the first place. She's worried about everyone else and for once, you wanted to be someone she doesn't have to worry about. But now she's here, yelling at you because she cares. Because you didn't tell her.
"I didn't want you to worry about me too," you mumbled. Your gaze dropped to the comforter. "You have so much on your plate, I wanted to ease the load. You shouldn't be stressed about me, you're the Avatar. You have more people to worry about."
Watching you struggle to look her in the eye, Korra sat herself on the bed. She put a soft hand on the mound of your knee, using her thumb to soothe the skin. "Hey," she spoke. "I am your girlfriend first and the Avatar second. I will always worry about you. You deserved to be worried about and cared for."
You swallowed thickly. The back of your throat scratched like you had a cold yet your mouth was eager to say something back. Your brain couldn't think of any words to say.
"Your struggles and problems aren't inferior to me. I want you to come to me with your troubles, not because I'm the Avatar, but because I'm your girlfriend. It's my job to care for you, to heal you when you're sick, and to pick you up when you're down. Master of the Elements or not, that's my job and it's yours too," she sighed. "So, please, for the first time, tell me what's wrong and what I can do to help you."
The moment your eyes locked with hers, a flood broke through you. You wept as you told her what was wrong with your arm and how long you've tried to sustain this injury, four days.
Korra could kick herself over and over again for not noticing how much pain you were in, but you were a good pretender. In some way, she had Bolin and Opal to thank. Without Bolin's sudden desire to train extra hard, you wouldn't be forced to stop pretending.
But instead of wallowing in self-pity and throwing a really weird party for the couple in her head, she comforted you. She pulled you to her chest and held you as tightly as she could without hurting you further.
The two of you stayed like that, you in her arms, for a while. You didn't take notice of the time spent in the position. You two focused on each other's breathing and warmth.
And finally, for the first time in a long time, you let Korra take care of you.
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