#azzy’s drabbles
mascdestr0yer · 5 months
heyy if you don’t mind could you write something abt paige teaching her non athletic gf how to play basketball?? i just love reading some paige fluff, ur writing is really good btw ! 💓
for the team
(not like that !)
Paige bueckers x fem!reader
Warnings: there really aren't any, not that I know of.
Synopsis: Coach Geno made a bet between Paige's girlfriend (you duh) who is always (not all the time, he's dramatic) at the team's practice, if you make a shot from half court he would cancel practice for a week.
Requested !
I feel so coolness, keep the requests coming please ! Thank you for the compliment, luv you all ! -millie
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"baby you have to actually try," Paige huffed, rubbing her temples. "Your aim is way off."
"I am trying ! It's hard," I whined, giving her the basketball. "You do it then, since it's soo easy." I crossed my arms, waiting for her response.
"stop being a brat, a'ight. Back up a little, let me show you how real pros do it." She dribbled the ball a few times as I backed up to watch, she bent her knees slightly as she shot the ball from half court, she made it. She surprised herself, but shook it off.
"no fair, you have years of experience.. and luck." I whined as she passed me the ball. "Noo, I don't want it." I whined more, passing it back to her.
"And I don't want practice, so either you keep practicing or my whole team will literally drag me, especially KK." She demanded, my frown becoming more visible, her expression quickly softening. "I didn't mean it like that, m'sorry. C'mere," she dropped the ball, letting it roll as she pulled me closer by my waist.
"you were so close, so why give up now? Come on, pleasee," she pleaded, gently holding the side of my face.
"fine, but you owe me." I say looking up at her. Her hands falling to my ass, squeezing it gently, with a smirk. "Paige !"
"my bad," she chuckled as she pulled away, walking over to get the basketball that rolled away. She picks it up and passes it to me. We got right back to practicing, for almost an hour.
The whole UCONN wbb was sitting on the sidelines as Coach Geno passed me the ball, I was standing half court.
"do I go now?" I asked softly, really nervous.
"Y/n if you miss-" Ice starts, Paige quickly cutting her off.
"stop, she's already nervous."
"both of you, please shut up." Azzi says, and she looks me in the eye nodding slightly.
I dribbled the ball.
I bent my knees slightly, just like Paige did last night and I shot it. Everyone held their breaths crossing their fingers. Geno's eyes squinting to see if it'll go in or not.
I made it !
Loud cheering begins as the team ran over to me, Paige picking e up in spinning around. KK running around the courts yelling, Nika looked so relieved, thanking me. Paige puts me down quickly to run around with KK. Ines began skipping towards me and she hugged me tightly, thanking me.
"I can't breathe.."
"oh- sorry," she let go of the hug, Paige and KK running over to me.
"Y/n, you did that," KK hyped me up, Paige wrapping her arm around my shoulder.
"can we get chipotle?" I asked Paige, looking up at her, since she was driving.
"anything you want, I'll get it, extra chicken, extra guac, allat. I'll buy you boba too-"
"me too?" KK asked.
"definitely not." Paige said almost immediately.
"that's why you suck at rocket League,"
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imaginespazzi · 10 days
Golden Hour is so so good! I love the way you’re taking the story, I’m obsessed with the way they just need each other like you write it so perfectly. And honestly it’s how they seem in real life, just so entwined.
I don’t want to ask but if you have the time and it won’t delay golden hour updates... Can you write a chaotic family Drabble of the girls teasing Azzi and Paige for essentially soft launching the last few weeks. You just write them so perfectly! Hope you’re planning to be a writer one day!
Thank you lovie <3
Do I have time? In theory no but I found about 40 minutes to cook this up (this is my way of justifying the lack of editing) and it's probably more sappy than chaotic but I hope you enjoy it anyways my love. Let me know if it lived up to what you wanted :)
Paige lets out a soft sigh as she turns the ignition off, parking her car in the team apartments parking lot. It's almost one in the morning and the tired is practically vibrating from her body but she'd been determined to get them back to school tonight in time for classes tomorrow morning. She can't help the soft smile that flitters across her face as she looks over at the passenger seat. Azzi's head is leaned against the window, mouth slightly open as she hugs Paige's sweater closer to her body like a blanket. The younger girl had managed to keep her eyes awake for about an hour, tiredly responding to her girlfriend's chatter with one-word inputs until Paige had looked over after asking a question and found Azzi completely knockd out
She had heavily debated waking her up but ultimately decided against it, knowing that it was well past the shooting guard's bedtime and as cute as she found Azzi's cranky grumbling when she was woken up, she thinks the girl probably deserved her sleep after the weekend they'd had.
The weekend.
Truthfully Paige is a little sad for the weekend to come to an end. She's going to miss the privacy of their hotel suite and she's really going to miss seeing her girlfriend all dressed up every day (even if she's not going to miss the way other people had, had the audacity to ogle at what's hers). God it had been perfect; everything Paige had wanted to be. The experience itself had been wonderful but the best part of it was that she'd gotten to live it out with her girlfriend, her person, her Azzi. Whether it was sitting next to her at the fashion shows or sitting across from her at the Liberty game, they'd been together and that's all that had mattered.
Paige knows that there's people who will look at their weekend and still use the just friends moniker; knows that until she and Azzi publicly label themselves, there'll always be people who'll be willfully ignorant of what they are. But still, this weekend -this summer really- had felt different. And maybe it's because they're a little different now but something about it had felt cathartically freeing. It makes her hopeful for what's come in the future, when they can shed this barrier of being teammates and just be who they really are to each other. She can't wait.
"Baby," Paige whispers, slightly shaking Azzi, "we're here."
The other girl let's out a groan, slinking further into herself without opening her eyes, "shhh Paige, I'm tryna sleep."
Laughing to herself, Paige lets herself out of the car before walking around to open the door to the passenger side, leaning down towards Azzi, "c'mon big head, you gotta get up so we can go to bed."
"I'm already in bed," Azzi says petulantly, eyes still closed.
The blonde lets out a fond sigh, "you leave me no other choice Fudd."
"Wha-" Azzi squeals when Paige lifts her out of the car, using her waist to push the door in behind them, "oh my god Paige let me down. You're gonna drop me."
Adjusting the weight in her arms slightly, Paige smirks as she starts walking towards the apartment door, "I am way too strong to drop you."
"Oh my god the edits have gone to you head," Azzi groans dramatically, tightening her arms around the blonde's neck, "you're going to drop me and I'm going to die. I'm too young to die Paige."
"You have no faith in me," Paige guffaws, even if she's slightly struggling to get up the three steps that lead up to the door.
"Paige let me down," Azzi whines again.
"You sure about that princess?" Paige asks, a slightly devious plan forming in her mind as she finally makes into the soft fluffy mat right outside the door.
"Okay," Paige says with a shrug as she lets Azzi go, the younger girl falling on the rug with a slight thud.
"You asked me to let you go."
"Not like that," Azzi growls, rubbing her hips slightly as she gets up and shoves at Paige, "enjoy sleeping by yourself."
Paige's eyes widen as she watches Azzi open the apartment door and saunter towards the elevator.
"Oh hey wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry," Paige has to run to catch up to the younger girl, engulfing her from behind as she presses slobbery open mouthed kisses over every inch of her that she can touch, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't make me sleep alone."
"Ew stop," Azzi crinkles her nose, half-heartedly pushing Paige away.
"I'm sorry. Pleeeeeease," Paige begs as the two of them wait for the elevator, "besides I'm sure you can't fall asleep without me either."
"Oh you're sure are you?" Azzi teases, yawning slightly as the doors ding and open and the two of them step inside.
"I know you can't," Paige grins, nuzzling her face in the younger girl's neck as she presses the button for Paige's floor, making no attempt to press the one for hers as well, "see?"
"Shut up," Azzi blushes slightly, "it's only because I don't wanna deal with Ice in the morning."
"Sure it is," Paige sing-songs before her face morphs into something more serious and she presses her forehead against her girlfriends, "I had a really good time this weekend."
Azzi's eyes soften, "it was pretty great huh?"
"The greatest," Paige confirms, brushing their lips together, "I love you."
"I love you too."
Much to Azzi's chagrin -and to Paige's slight amusement though she won't dare say it- she does have to deal with Ice the next morning. And worse than that, she has to deal with KK.
"GOOD MOOOOOORNING LOVEBIRDS," a loud voice echoes way to early in the morning.
Azzi cranks one eye open about cuss somebody out when KK jumps onto their bed, tiny body creating such an impact that it has both her and Paige practically jolting up.
"Morning sunshines," KK grins happily as Ice snickers from where she's leaning against the wall, "y'all done with your world tour?"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Paige asks groggily.
"What's wrong with us? US?" KK's voice is as loud as always, "y'all abandon your kids-"
"Again," Azzi says exasperatedly, "y'all aren't actually our ki-"
"EXCUSE ME?" KK recoils before turning dramatically to Ice, "did you hear that Icey? She said we're not her kids."
"That's so mean of you Azzi," Ice pouts, "you practically abandons us for a decade-"
"It was one week-"
"A DECADE! And now-" Ice fake whimpers, "and now you're saying we're not even your kids? What kind of parents even are you?"
"The kind who aren't parents?" Paige says coyly only tfor KK to throw a pillow at her face, "seriously?"
"I cannot believe this," the Wisconsinite shakes her head, "first you abandon us," she glares at the two of them in a warning to not interrupt her, "and now, when we come in here to finally spend some time with y'all, do you welcome your children with open arms? OH NO. No you don't. Instead you make us feel like you don't even love us. Y'all are SICK."
"So SICK," Ice choruses and Azzi narrows her eyes at them.
"Y'all came in here to spend time us?" she asks slowly, "really?"
"Are you accusing us of having other intentions?"
"Oh my god," KK jumps of the bed, fixing them with an offended stare, "can't two children just want to see their parents?"
"Not when it's the two of you."
"KK," Jana's voice interrupts from outside the door, "is it time for us to come in yet?"
Paige looks between the door and KK and Ice's caught-out face as Azzi buries her head into her hands, "what are y'all up to?"
"Fucking El-Alfy ruining the plan," KK grumbles under her breath as she steps outside and the noise of bickering echoes through Paige's door.
"When we have actual children, we're never letting these idiots babysit," Azzi says softly as she leans her head back against Paige's shoulder.
Something beautiful blooms in Paige's chest as she kisses a smile into Azzi's shoulder. It's the way Azzi says it, the way she talks about them having their own children, like it's an inevitability, like forever means each other.
"Whatever you say baby," she whispers.
"Can you guys stop being gross for one second," Ice chides from the corner, "a whole fucking weekend together and still being this sappy has got to be a crime or something."
"A crime of passion," Paige says airily, relishing the way it elicits a giggle from Azzi.
"What the fuck?" there's a look of disgust on Ice's face as she studies the two of them, "that wasn't even that funny Azzi."
"I thought it was," Azzi shrugs, smiling as she turns her head to press her lips to Paige's cheek.
"Oh my god y'all get the fuck in here," Ice calls out, "they're being sickeningly cute in here again and I feel like I'm suffocating."
Unable to help their curiosity at what shenanigans their teammates come children are up to, Paige and Azzi can't help but look towards the door. Their mouths fall open as KK and Jana wheel in one of the whiteboards from the lobby, Sarah diligently following in from behind them. On the whiteboard is a series of cutout photos of the two of them taken from the weekend. A large hand-drawn paper sign hangs right above the photos: THE PAZZI SOFT LAUNCH tm.
"Ta-da," KK and Jana flail their hands as they present the board to the two gaping girls on the bed, bowing dramatically, "we made you guys this. Isn't it amazing?"
"It was my idea," Sarah juts out her chest proudly.
"It was not. I was the one who said wouldn't it be cool if we could show them how disgustingly stupid in love they looked all weekend," Jana glares at the freshman.
"Right but it was my idea to make the poster board," Sarah defends.
"Girl boo. I'm the one who came up with the title so it was really my idea," KK chirps in.
"All three of you needa take several steps back," Ice warns, "because who was the one who actually made this whole thing?"
"Me," all 6 of them turn to the doorway to see Caroline standing there with an exasperated look on her face, "I did all the cutting and glue-"
"You were in on this?" Azzi asks, "what happened to being the sensible one?"
"I am sensible," Caroline defends herself sheepishly, "but you know I love a good arts and crafts project and you didn't see them Az. They were failing miserably-"
"ALL OF Y'ALL SHUT UP," Paige bellows and Azzi immediately flinches away from her.
"Ow Paige," she whines, rubbing deftly at her hear, "that hurt my ears."
"Sorry baby," Paige coos, pulling the younger girl back in to her arms and apologetically kissing her cheek as suddenly forgets why she'd needed to yell in the first place.
"SEE," Ice cuts, "this is why we needed to make the board. Y'all are so atrociously down bad and if we have to see how sickening it is, so do you."
"I think it's kinda sweet these dumbasses have finally figured it out," Caroline says with a smile.
"Nobody asked for your opinion-" KK grumbles as Paige sulks.
"We are not dumbasses," she says indignantly,unable to help herself from smiling when Azzi kisses the pout off of her face.
"Oh my god," Sarah gags as she looks at the rest of their teammates, "do they ever stop being disgusting?"
She's met with a chorus of "no"s from the rest of the girls in the room who've had to put up with Paige and Azzi for longer than she has.
"Y'all have a lot of nerve coming into our room and then calling us out for what we do in it," Azzi scolds.
"This is NOT your room," Jana corrects.
Paige glares at her as she tightens her grip around Azzi, "don't listen to them baby. My room is your room."
"Fucking hell. Y'all are hopeless," the Egyptian groans, "I give up. Congratulations on the soft launch or whatever. We're all very happy for you."
Azzi splutters, a series of indiscernible noises waterfalling from her lips, "we did NOT soft launch."
"Really?" Ice cocks her forehead, "so this," she gestures to the whiteboard filled with incriminating pictures, "this just looks like a completely normal best-friends kinda weekend to you?"
"Yes," Azzi replies stubbornly.
"Seriously?" Jana points to a series of pictures taken of the two of them practically pressed into each other at two of the fashions shows; there's a noticeable difference in how much space there is between them and the people on their other sides in comparison to the lack of air between the two of them, "y'all sit this close to all of y'alls friends like this?"
"Of course-"
"Hey," Paige wails, "who else do you sit that close to?"
"Not the time," Azzi hisses to her girlfriend, "I'm trying to prove something."
"Prove what? That y'all look at everybody like this?" KK smirks as she points to a set of images of them basically cheesing at each other like lovesick fools.
"That doesn't count as a soft launch-"
"Baby it does look a little bit like one-"
"Shut up Paige," Azzi scowls, digging her elbow into her girlfriend's stomach, "it doesn't count because it's not like we meant to do it-"
"So what you're saying is you accidentally soft launched then?" Sarah raises an eyebrow.
"That's not- I mean-" Azzi struggles to form a coherent sentences as Paige laughs into her shoulder, "your a freshman. Shouldn't you be nicer to your upperclassmen or something?"
"AHA!" KK cheers as she high-fives Sarah "deflecting because you can't deny it. Good job freshie!"
"Baby," Paige says softly, barely concealing her smile captures Azzi's chin between her fingers to turn her face towards her, "let it go. They're right."
"They're not-" Azzi huffs.
"Yes they are-"
"Well they don't need to know," Azzi says petulantly as she glowers at the other occupants of the room.
Jana regards her with an amused expression, "you know we can hear you right?"
Paige sighs, annoyed at having to look away from her girlfriend as she rounds on the rest of her teammates, "alright y'all made your point. Now will you get the fuck out?"
"That is no way to talk to you children," KK says as she crosses her arms across her chest.
"Ooooh," Sarah grins, "wait does this mean I'm one of your children too?"
"For the nth time-" Azzi begins but Paige covers her mouth with her hands, not wanting to start another bickering session that would inevitable prolong her not getting alone time in bed with her girlfriend.
"We'll think about it," she tells the freshman, a little touched when it seems to make Sarah gleam with happiness, "now please," she gestures to the door.
"Kicking us out so y'all can be all mush-gushy in peach eugh," Ice scrunches her face with disgust, "at least tell us y'all got us gifts or something."
"Even if we did you're definitely not getting them now," Azzi snarls at them.
"So what you're telling me is that there's definitely gifts," Jana says excitedly, "ugh I knew y'all would come through."
"Here," Paige points to both of their suitcases parked against the wall, "how about y'all take those and go to the living room and take whatever y'all want-"
"Wait no-"
"Will you be quiet for one second," Paige pinches Azzi's arms before smiling at the younger girls in the room, "all yours guys!"
KK narrows her eyes at the blonde, "this feels like a bribe-"
"Who cares Kamorea. She's giving us expensive free shit, don't argue," Jana chides as she starts to pull KK out of the room, Sarah following excitedly behind them.
"That's kinda low of you," Ice says with a disappointed look towards both of them, "but hey," she shrugs as she begins to follows the others, "if it belongs to my parents, technically it belongs to me."
"Well played Bueckers," Caroline, the last person remaining, smile as she moves to wheel the whiteboard out with her.
"WAIT," both Paige and Azzi yell in sync before shyly looking at each other.
"You can um-" Paige licks her lips, "you can leave that. It's kinda cute."
"I lied," Caroline shakes her head but does as she's told, "you guys aren't sweet because this," she points between the two of them and the whiteboard as she begins to move backwards, "this is just sickening behavior."
"Y'all are just jealous of our love," Paige calls out, ignoring the chorus of protests that she gets in return, happy to finally have the room back to just her and Azzi.
"So," the younger girl says carefully, as she turns herself around to straddle Paige's hips.
"So," Paige whispers back, hands resting on Azzi's waist as the other girl brushes a strand of blond hair out of her face.
"I think we might have accidentally soft-launched a little bit," Azzi says shyly, nibbling at her bottom lip.
"Accidentally," Paige grins as she nuzzles their noses together.
And as the sunlight peeks in through the window and the cacophony of their teammates excitedly unpacking their presents drifts in from the living room, Paige holds Azzi closer to her chest, and she lets herself think of what it'll be like when they hard launch. On purpose, this time.
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
Sun cream
Imagining how pissy Cassian and Azriel would get when they have to go to the Summer or Day courts because they have to put a sun protective lotion on their wings to make sure they don’t get hurt in the heat
‘Oh my mother, Cassian! It’s just some lotion, and if you don’t put in on, then you’re not going outside. Do you understand me?’
The General shoots you a look of intensive displeasure. He doesn’t want to, they’re too sensitive.
You really don’t want to force it on him - it’s probably very uncomfortable to have the lotion smeared across the intimate expanse of skin. But just thinking about how painful it would be for him if he doesn’t let you put the cream on is enough to steel you.
His eyes flick away, shoulder sloping as he gives in, begrudgingly stomping over until he’s towering in front of you.
‘This is ridiculous. I’ll just stay in the shade. Besides, it’s too hot to be flying around.’
You feel bad, but you remind yourself of the consequences, giving him a stern look - as firm as you can manage.
‘We both know that’s the sole reason you would want to take off to the skies. To cool down in the wind, forgetting about the sun still being a problem just because you can’t feel it.’
His shoulder slump further, the wings at his back deflating slightly as you stick to your argument.
‘Hey, I’m sorry. I know it’s probably uncomfortable, and you know I don’t enjoy putting you through this, but it’s for your own good, Cass. Think what would happen if your wings were damaged again.’
A mischievous spark then enters his eye as he gives you a sly look.
‘Actually, I think you’ll enjoy this quite a lot.’
You give him a quizzical look. A grin spread across his mouth as he cocks a brow at you.
‘You know how sensitive our wings are, sweetheart. Maybe you’ll pretend to take no pleasure from it, but I know, deep inside, you’ll be savouring every second of power.’
Heat flushes your cheeks as you take a small step back, the lotion forgotten. He advances as you yield ground to him, large hands gripping your hips as he pulls you right against the hard line of his body, head dropping to your ear.
‘Greedy, little, sweetheart.’
‘I could do it?’
Azriel’s startled eyes flick to yours as you stare at him with an alarmed look, your hand covering your mouth as you replay what you just offered.
‘I mean— obviously, I could just get Rhys, or Cass? That would probably be better. Yeah. Less weird. Definitely. I’ll go get one of them.’
You were about to turn, but Azriel breaks the silence.
‘No, it’s fine. I trust you.’
He hands the small tin over to you, fingers brushing against your as he passes it over to you, moving back to sit on the bed.
He trusts you.
You suppose that makes sense. You’re in a relationship, you would hope he trusts you. Still, this is pretty big, right? Letting you touch his wings?
Just have to make sure you don’t mess this up.
You manage a nod, moving to clamber into the bed behind him. You unscrew the lid, scooping the cool cream up on your middle and forefinger.
‘And you’re sure you’re fine with this? I completely understand if you would prefer one of your brothers who actually have wings to do this?’
He gives you a look over his shoulder, a slight grin playing in his mouth.
‘Maybe it would be faster for one of them to do it. But I’ll enjoy it so much more if it’s from you.’
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cmaculatum · 2 years
they’re my favorite terrible duo
azzy waits until he hears prolonged silence behind the door, and then elects to shove his way in. col doesn’t even look up from behind his desk, unbothered or distracted or both. the man in one of the other chairs, however, jolts in surprise. “sir -”
“you’re done,” azzy tells him, picking up the back of the chair and dumping him out of it. “I need the room.”
“sir,” the man tries again, flustered.
“my associate told you to leave,” col says, toneless, as he flips a pen between ink-smudged fingers. distracted, it is. 
brows furrowed and mouth thin, the man leaves. azzy doesn’t bother watching him go. instead, he slams himself down into the empty chair (still warm. gross) and drapes his arms over his bouncing knees.
“stop that,” col tells him, finally looking up. he blinks, as if realizing who it is, and then promptly hands over a yellow legal pad with a list of names. “they’re building a new ship. some of your handlers would like to retire permanently from the field.”
azzy takes the pad, leans forward to grab the pen out of col’s other hand, and immediately crosses out three names. “none of them have experience in venator,” he explains. col just hums.
“why are you here?” he asks, turning his attention instead to a pair of computer monitors. azzy sits back, knee starting to bounce again. he’s gathering his thoughts, and he knows that col knows this. the sound of a mouse clicking fills the room.
“io,” col corrects. “we aren’t related.”
azzy rolls his eyes towards the ceiling. “uh-huh.”
col puts a hand out. “do you really think they would have taken out io?”
io. col always calls them io. it’s annoying. azzy grits his teeth, “this time? yeah. yeah, they would have.”
“stop that,” col’s voice carries an edge this time, “and tell me the truth.”
“I’m not delusional! I really think they would have.”
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demcnsinmymind · 5 months
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@shctsfired sent 🌀 for a random number - One Word Writing Prompts - Accepting!
28. — hope
Hope is such a fascinating thing. A true carrot on a stick. Balance it right and you can do anything to them. Get them to give you exactly what you want. Easily.
Give them a lot of it and they get bold. They get cocky. Lazy, almost. Which, sooner or later, always brings about their downfall. Brought on all by themselves. Give them no hope and they fall into utter despair. Soul crushingly so. Until it also reaches a plateau of nothingness in them. Which in return...just makes them give right up. But hit the sweet spot of just a little bit of hope and oh boy. The amount of suffering they can take is truly astonishing.
This is the right word to describe this one. And his relationship with hope.
It's been years now. Trapped in here with it and all the others, though it knows that he's not even aware of just how long it's been for him. Trapped in a truly hopeless situation. With no way out, constantly on the brink of losing both his mind and life. Yet for some reason, there it still is. Right inside of him. Hope. Indestructible. A true constant.
It must've seen hundreds of others all around him. Succumbing to these hopeless circumstances. Either to their own hands or to those belonging to others, both human and not. Seeing all of it for what it is. Hopeless. Something to just...give up over.
Not this one though.
This one's not just hoping to get out. This one's convinced that he'll get out. As if it's a fact when it's anything but.
After all. He should be dead. Shouldn't even be here. Yet he is.
An anomaly. A like minded, strange soul.
Talking to himself about his escape plans when no one's around. Whispering to himself. Using the pen even it doesn't know when and where he stole it to write on yellow walls, the surface of its skin,....if it had any. Tickles almost. Makes it so much funnier. So much more intriguing.
Hope can be a beautiful thing. And it's something that, for the first time ever, it's willing to give.
I will save you. Don't be scared.
It decides to write right back. Just a little bit. That sweet spot of hope. and oh boy. The amount of suffering he can take is something to hold on to.
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imxnotxhere · 10 months
Acotar Men Fic Recs
** Updated 03/07/2024 **
I already made a list for azriel which was actually meant as a list for all the characters I read for but I read a lot more of azriel fics because he's my baby and the list was getting too long. So here are the rest of the characters and I also added some more azzy drabbles sorry
dioxazine part 2 - fluff, smut, modern au, art school au
the lord's work - smut
if you should die before you wake - smut, rhys x cass x azriel x reader
just hold on - smut
a court of four horsemen - smut, part of a series
double duty - smut, rhys x reader x cass
what's mine - smut, rhys x eris x reader
lavender haze - fluff, suggestive
mine - smut, check warnings!
knocked up - smut
vampire!rhysand drabble - smut
professor!rhys headcanons part 2 - smut
soothing - fluff, aftercare
easy like sunday morning - fluff, smut
my body keeps saying it's yours - smut
all over my skin - smut, rhys x reader x azriel
home to us - fluff
rhys as a pleasure dom - smut - technically a drabble? blurb?
mirror mirror - smut
daylight - fluff
shrinking violet - smut
if i catch you i fuck you - smut
rhysand... - drabble, smut
mirror mirror - smut
take it - smut
a court of four horsemen - smut, part of a series
on the strategy board - smut
pools of sunlight - fluff
halley's comet - angst, smut
drabble - smut - az x cass x reader
cassian... - drabble
words of affirmation - fluff
runaway - angst, smut
fox hunting - smut
closed until further notice - fluff, smut, coffee shop au
smut blurb
smut blurb II
destiny's battleground - angst, smut
my lovely throne - smut
despite our differences - angst, smut, series
the prince of blood part 2 part 3 - vampire!eris
servitude - smut
thumb prints - smut
sly fox, dumb bunny - series
the burning of the autumn leaves and the roaring of my yearning heart - angst, smut
soul on fire - smut
a court of four horsemen - smut, part of a series
fire on fire - angst?
mind over matter - angst?
riding eris' face - smut, drabble
riding eris' thigh - smut, drabble
cauldron fated - angst, smut
making out with eris while giving him a handjob - smut, drabble
praise kink eris - smut, drabble
eris' hands... - drabble
eris... - drabble
like you wanna be loved - fluff
solecist night - smut
yell at me again - smut
personal problem - smut
the moon on a string - fluff
drabble - smut
drabble - smut, az x lucien x reader (kind of)
dom lucien - smut, human!reader
lucien... - smut
say yes to heaven - fluff
a high lord's scholar - fluff
new mechanisms - smut
sweet like peaches - smut
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midnight-kin-cafe · 2 years
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hi ! i'm Toffee or Azzy; he / it & star / dust
carrd w/ request info; asks are always open to chat !
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delulustateofmind · 4 months
Ride it (Drabble)
Summary: Riding Azriel, like the filthy degenerate you are 😎
Warnings: Pure FILTH, no plot just smut, overstimulation, MEAN!Azriel, light bondage/shadow play, degradation, praise (if you squint), crying, if I miss any lemme know.
WC: Idk maybe like 1k, very short.
Also unedited because I am embarrassed that I even wrote this.
A/n: Thank you all for the love on the Eris fic, also this is unedited because I was lowkey embarrassed that I wrote this. ANYWAYS have fun :)
*** Minors Do not interact under the cut ***
Oh, how you ended up in this situation. The utter regret you felt last night for even drinking so much, that this morning, Azriel, your typically wonderful mate had you riding him like your life depended on it.
As the cocky bastard leaned back against the headboard with a bored expression on his face. This has been going on for the past hour since the two of you woke up. Your hands are tied behind your back using his shadows. A few of his shadows were constantly flicking and nipping at your perky nipples. His thumb lazily flicked your clit with his piercing gaze never leaving yours as you sat on his lap, his cock nestled within you as you tried your best to rock your hips. Your legs were sore from keeping them wide for so long as you used them to bounce on his fat cock. One of Azriel's scarred hands caressed your torso and then nestled onto your hips, pressing his cock deeper inside you as he lowered them.
"Got to take it all f'me baby," in a lazy tone. Earning another mewl from your lips as it pressed deeper inside your core. The sweat formed on your face as you whimpered, rocking your hips in rhythm with his. The way you would beg, please, please-I can't anymore.
Azriel would bite his lip from groaning, the way his cock would press into your gummy walls. The fucked out look you had on your face as he would gently rock your tired hips for you. Your gaze was now blurry from how much you've come the past hour or perhaps from all the tears covering your eyes.
Azriel was the type of male who loved to push you to a breaking point, loved to go past your limit till you were in tears. Of course, you both had a safe word, but you both knew you enjoyed him torturing you like this. Torture was one of his jobs after all.
"Is that all you can fit, baby? Oh you love how mean I am to you, don't you? That's so sick baby" He chuckled darkly, loving how your body would tremble as he would angle his hips so that when you bounced on his cock it would hit that sweet spot. Every. Single. Time. The way you panted and whimpered from the relentless abuse on your pussy.
"S' big, I can't fit it all love" Of course you could. He just made you by pressing your hips down earning a loud gasp with an O on your lips as he bottomed out. Creaming on his cock, Azriel bit his lip, his nails digging into your soft hips leaving crescent markings.
"Already fucked you dumb, slut? Can't even look at me in the eyes?" He mocked you with a grin, his voice rough and deep. When you would stop moving, Azriel's hips would move, keeping a rhythm, each move strong and calculated. Each time his cock bullied your sweet spot, you would mewl and cry out his name.
"Ah-too deep-Azzy" Moans relentlessly escaping your mouth, like you were confessing to every sin. How his shadows would slither around your body, reaching your clit and mercilessly playing with it until you would cry out. Creating yet another creamy mess.
"You're so tight," As Azriel groaned with a taunting grin on his face. He stopped moving his hips and using his hand held your chin firmly so you had to look at him. In your haze, you could see a smirk on his lips, his tone full of dark amusement. "Now, I want you to ride me like your life depends on that. Got it?"
Moving his hand from your chin to your hair as he tugged to expose your neck. Licking a wet stripe down it. You moved your hips in rhythm, the wet mess below you sticking to your thighs. His moans as you would take every inch of him inside you. Your legs quivering like his cock inside your pussy. His dark brows would furrow together as he held back from moving in rhythm with you.
"Cum for f'm-" He managed to groan out huskily as you moved your hips faster. Your gaze is set on the ceiling. "Oh fuck....Azriel...I'm going to...ah, oh gods" You were desperately trying to hold it all together, how could you not be a mess with your mate bullying your poor cunt like this? His load filled deep within you, the hot sticky ropes filling your cunt to the brim where he could see the white circle at the base of his cock.
"A reward, for my little whore, you don't mind me fucking that cum deeper in you, do you?" Azriel panted as you could feel him hardening yet again inside you as you fell onto his chest. "Don't worry baby, I'll do all the work this time."
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redbleedingrose · 5 months
Hello I looooooove your writing and I was wondering (If it's okay) if you can write a drabble/headcanons about our boy azzie
Like how would he act if he had a sweet and extremelyyyyy affectionate mate and someone who's shy but would call out som1's bs
I hope you have an AMAZING day 💗 u
Hiiii!!! I hope you are doing well! Thank you sm for the ask! Looks like this option on the poll won so I spent some time thinking about some headcanons for:
Azriel x Shy!Reader Headcanons
Azriel loves his shy little mate. It always bring a spark lighting up his darkness thinking about how he first met you. How you couldn't even make eye contact with him without nervously giggling. Az at his baseline is quiet, but he is confident. He knows that he is attractive, knows that he can take any male or lady to his bed. But from the moment he met you, its like his entire universe shifted to revolving around you. He spent the entire night trying to quietly converse with you and focus your attention on him. Any time you would shy away, avoiding his gaze, he would lean down to force eye contact, scarred hand tilting your chin up at him so his pretty hazel eyes could peer into yours. He was literally hooked, trying to pull your soft smiles. It took one night with you for him to want to bring you all the stars in the sky to your palm.
The male is constantly trying to woo you. Even after decades of being mated, Azriel continues to make an effort into your relationship, learning new things about you, picking up on your habits, and honestly... he just loves dating you. He loves taking you out on dates, sometimes out to Rita's for dancing, and sometimes on midnight flights to the valleys just outside of Velaris for a late picnic and stargazing. He would do literally anything just to see your eyes light up in joy from his effort and love.
He adores watching you get dressed up for him, smirking at your sharp stare at him to get out of the room so you can change, his eyes twinkling with mirth because you're still so modest after he has seen you countless times in your bare form.
In the mornings, he likes to silently sneak up to your shared bathroom door, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed against his chest, quietly observing you do your morning skincare and makeup. "Can I get some of that too doll?" He mumurs, wrapping a thick arm around your waist, turning you towards his gently. You stare up at him confused, rubbing your lips together, pressing in the cooling balm, "the lip balm?" you ask, head tilted to the side while you hold up the container at him. He silently nods, mischief flickering when you hum okay. Then he pulls your chin up before kissing you deeply, pulling away all too soon, "thanks dovey," while swaggering away smacking his lips, all confident and proud of himself.
Az brings you a fresh bouquet flowers all the time. He is the kind of male to keep on the flowers so that he can ensure he gets you another bouquet as soon as the old one starts to droop. Male has gone as far as taking your old bouquets and getting them pressed into frames so that you can hang them in your shared home. The walls of your mini library that he had specifically built for the both of you is filled with frames of all of the bouquets he has bought for you. Eventually, when you have your baby girl, her nursery is decorated with all those framed bouquets. It works out perfectly as your library walls were running out of room. And omg he is the kind of male to pick your favorite out of the bouquet and tuck it behind your ear while caressing ur cheek, looking at you like you have hung the moon and all the stars in the sky.
Speaking of your hair, Az brushes your hair ALL THE TIME. He is an act of services male at his core, and he wants to pamper you. The first time he saw you brushing your hair, his eyes nearly popped out from how rough you were being. Male now refuses to let you brush your own hair. He will settle you into his lap, his shadows swirling around the both of you, tickling your ankles while he combs your hair ever so gently, removing the knots with the utmost care, peppering kisses along your neck, cheeks and shoulders, and right at that tender spot behind your ear. Basically any skin that he can expose, he will and will lay the softest kiss to your perfect skin.
Azriel being spymaster gives him many skills. Skills like patience, creativity, and precision. And he uses those skills on you all the time. Especially when it comes to painting your nails for you. As mentioned previously, the male is an acts of service KING. He takes extra care to make sure the edges of your nails are smooth and clean, the designs he creates for you are different in style and technique. He obviously lets his shadows pick a different color every week for you, and that will be the theme for the rest of the week, when it comes to the colors of the flowers he gets you, to the pretty dress he saw in the market that he bought for your date night, to the dinner he makes for you both that week. Ugh love this male so much.
OMG and he is going to get on his knees for you. Anytime, anwhere, he will drop to his knees to tie your untied shoelaces. He is concerned his precious girl will fall over and bruise your skin. Oh, and he loves to help you put your heels on, kissing your ankles before getting up. Male worships the ground you walk on, I cannot BREATHE.
Azzie also has your coffee and drink order memorized. And he will absolutely go up to the front and get it changed for you if you don't like it or if they made it wrong, hushing your quiet pleas for him to sit back down with a soft kiss to your nose. He is very kind about it, will wait until the rush calms down to take drink back up and will tip extra to make sure he isn’t stepping on any toes, but is firm that they messed up his girls drink, and that needs to be fixed. We love a strong confident dominant male.
Unfortunately, being spymaster, Azriel is a very busy male. All his free time is spent with you, or on you, but he does have to work from time to time. Not to worry though, his shadows like to keep you company, especially when their master is not too far; being in his office working on paper work or out with Cassian training. They all crave your attention, fighting over which one can bring you your drink and which ones can play with your hair. Every 15 minutes, they are rushing back to their master to report back on you and whine about how one shadow is stealing all your attention.
Children, those little shadows.
Speaking of Azriel's free time, watching you do your hobbies is HIS favorite hobby. Weather you are basking in the sun while reading, to watching the crinkle in your eyebrows furrow further while you write, to watching you purse your lips while you taste the tart in the lemon curd you are making for dessert. He could sit back and watch you for hours and feel completely at rest and at peace, shadows singing in the background and soul buzzing along to their song.
He will climb into your shared bed to do his paperwork next to you while you sleep, especially if it has been a while of him sitting in the office and he feels like he has hit a wall. He will often working single handedly because he wants to hold your hand all night long, feeling much more motivated to protect Velaris with you at his side. He has something worth working for, worth protecting.
Neither of you are big fans of PDA, but that does not mean Azriel will go without touching you. He wants to make sure everyone knows who yo belong to… and moreso, who he belongs to. Male loves for people to know he is TAKEN.
Cannot get enough of when you get a little protective over him, seeing as that male across Rita’s has been eyeing him throughout the entire night. So while you and him go up to the bar for more drinks, you squeeze his tight ass in view of that male, and everyone else, to see. Azriel is thoroughly amused, a thrill shivering through his wings as he smirks down at you while you avoid his gaze, chin up in defiance as a hot flash runs through you.
Don’t worry though, he is not afraid to wrap his thick arm around your neck and pull you into his side with a soft kiss to your temple, hazel eyes adoringly tracing your soft features. He also guides you with his hand resting at the small of your back through the crowd, and ugh does it get you heated.
Anyway... I am tired of writing but I probs have more to add to this headcanon later so part 2 maybe??
Check out more of my writing!
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mascdestr0yer · 3 months
Pregnant reader but when she already had lani so Paige brings lani to the post game press conferences
Surprise !
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Paige x fem!reader
Warnings: Slight fluff, paige a bit embarrassed, Leilani is back at it again, tantrums.
Synopsis: Leilani didn’t want to listen, at all.
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The game was over and the buzzer went off, signaling just that. Uconn 102, Dayton 58. Your daughter practically jumped out of her seat to find paige, you quickly grabbed your stuff.
“lani, what did i say about leaving by yourself?” you scolded the now three year old as you held her hand.
“let go!” she whined, struggling to get out of your grip. you kneeled down in front of her.
“cut it out, now.” You were being a serious as you could, looking at her soft pout and teary eyes. “you have to be patient, okay?” she nodded, wiping her eyes.
“oh, hey pretty girl,” Azzi picks up the girl into her arms, the loud music of the stadium seemed to become even louder.
“mommy’s being mean again,” Lani cries into azzi’s shoulder, Azzi shoots you a look.
“Kamorea has been teaching her how to lie and it’s obviously working,” You were going to have a talk Ms. KK. “where is she?” You asked the curly head. She points to Paige and kk acting like fools, messing with geno.
“Come on let’s go see p,” Azzi jogs over to paige with Lani in her arms. You followed after her, shaking your head.
It was like paige could sense her daughter’s presence, she instantly snapped her neck, taking the girl out of Azzi’s arms.
“i saw your three mama!” she squealed, giggling as paige tickled her. Azzi and Kk said their ‘Aw’s’.
“you did?” paige playfully laughed, still carrying her.
“mhm!” she nodded eagerly, laying her head on paige’s shoulder.
“here,” you hand your fiancée Leilani’s bag with the her essentials, like her beaten up bunny that’s been through hell and back.
“woah, where are you going?”she accepted the bag, holding both lani and the bag.
“I have to cook dinner, your mom and drew are coming over tonight,” You reminded her.
“that’s today?” You nodded. “I have a conference though, in like ten minutes.”
“Paige, please.”
The UConn team, plus lani, just sat down.
“i don’t wanna sit on your lap,” lani cried, trying to get out of paige’s grip.
“we’re not going to start this right now lei, please.”Paige’s voice became softer, pulling the girl in her lap, she began bouncing her leg, trying to calm the girl down.
She could hear ice and Azzi’s light laughter, she shoots them a glare.
“Paige, how you do find playing with, Wolf, how was it playing against someone like that.”
“Uh- I think they’re are times where it gets a little stressful, i think she handled it well with her team-“
“i want mommy,” The little girl, her little voice picking up by the mic. ‘Aw’s’ filled the room, paige chuckled slightly.
“i know, hold on one second,” Paige began talking again. “i think she made some crazy plays, that we- uh, defended well.”
“we’re going home?” Lani asks following Paige out of the gym.
“yeah, walk ahead of me,” Paige grabbed the girl’s arm sleeve, pulling her in front of her. “you ready to see grandma?”
“yeah, i miss mommy,”
“What? i thought i was the favorite?”
“no mama..”
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imaginespazzi · 10 months
Pazzi Drabble #1: That Damned Belly Button Piercing
Words: 368
TW: Alludes to Sexual Content, Light Swearing
Paige's life can be separated in to two parts. There's the before Azzi got that damned belly button piercing and then there's the after Azzi got that damned belly button piercing.
Before Paige was fine. Yes, sometimes there was the occasional dream that had her waking up, frustrated and desperate for her best friend's touch. And yes, sometimes when Azzi smiled that stupid fucking beautiful smile, Paige would have to resist the urge to reach over and feel it with her own lips. And yes, sometimes when Azzi would walk past in those tight-as-hell shorts and the sports bras that left nothing at all and still to much to the imagination, Paige had to physically restrain herself from pinning the younger girl against a wall and doing whatever the fuck she wanted. But she was handling it. And Paige was fine.
And then Azzi went and got that damned belly button piercing.
After Paige was decidedly not fine. Because with the piercing came weeks of Azzi wearing only crop tops. And Paige couldn't look at Azzi without her eyes going straight down to her exposed stomach and to the sparkling silver stone, that had become the star of her biggest fantasies. But it was worse when Azzi stopped wearing crop tops. Because then her shirt would get caught on the fucking piercing and rise up so that the silver stone, and the smooth of Azzi's chocolate skin, would play peek-a-boo with Paige, daring her to touch. And god did Paige want to touch and she wanted to do so much fucking more.
But really Paige's life can also be split into three parts, before after and later.
Later Paige (the one who had finally figured out how to tell her best friend that she was so madly and deeply and truly in love with her) would find out that Azzi had always been a step ahead of her. That it had always been on purpose. Every smile directed Paige's way, every outfit worn in front of her, every time Azzi had reached for something and let that damned belly button piercing flicker in front of her, it had never been a complete coincidence. With them, it never was.
A/N: Hello my lovelies <3. Is this basically me inserting my own obsession with Azzi's bellybutton piercing into a Pazzi drabble? Why yes, yes it is. But if I'm this obsessed, can you imagine how obsessed Paige is? Anyways, I do have longer things in the works (read: in my head) but they're gonna take forever to write and life is busy so multiply that by like a couple of weeks. But this was swimming in my head and I felt like procrastinating so voilá. I'll try to keep writing shorter things here and there and I have seen your asks and I'll try incorporating those into these shorter drabbles too. Idk why this A/N got so long (I have a writing too much problem) but I hope y'all had a lovely week and let's get another W on Sunday!!
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tadpolesonalgae · 2 months
Sugar Daddy Azriel - drabble?
a/n: so, I have one or two requests in my inbox relating to this sort of dynamic--one I've never written before--so we're doing a test run with Azzie (since obviously they're all feysand-related)
Also I haven’t proofread this so apologies
warnings: uhhh dom/sub dynamics, sugar baby/sugar daddy-ish vibes, no use of Daddy but occasional use of Sir, oral (m receiving), I think we're getting bit of soft Dom Az in this, reader is a reader
You jolt in surprise when you find him sat at the edge of your large bed, one he'd had made especially to accommodate him and his wingspan. "Evening, pretty lady," Azriel drawls, a playful smirk curving his mouth as hazel eyes trail your form.
You're wrapped in a red, blue, white, and dark green, horizontally-striped jumper that comes down to the tops of your thighs. It's baggy and has a wide neckline, showing off the line of your collar bones as it sits at the edge of your shoulders. Beneath are a pair of soft, navy shorts that only peek out from the hem of the jumper when you lift your arms a significant height, feet clad in thick socks that rise halfway up your calves, full and fluffy, and partially concealed by the chunky dark-blue slippers he'd bought you last solecist.
"Azriel?" You question, smiling despite knowing how odd it is that this is your kind of relationship - with him just appearing at intervals inside your home. Often with Things in tow. "What are you doing here?" You already know what he's doing here, or can at least guess from the black paper bag leaning against his side, printed with that distinctive white and gold monogram on the parchment.
Sure enough his hazel eyes glint, inclining his chin. "I think you know what."
"Mhmm? You got me something?"
"Maybe. Come closer. You can find out."
Your smile widens with fondness as you make your way across the rug you'd had imported from the continent, pausing between his long legs, a shiver of pleasure purring up your spine as he lays his broad palms around your waist, squeezing lightly with his thumbs as they stroke your sides. "Want to take a look, pretty thing?"
"Hmm? No viewing fee?"
"I'm feeling generous."
"Mhmm. Not at all keeping the mischief for later, no sir." He huffs a laugh, before nodding to the bag. "Just take a look."
Inquisitively you slide your fingers between the two trifolds, spreading them to peer inside. Your brows narrow, spotting the thick width of a book, but when you reach to pull it out a cool shadows slinks around your wrist, and he tuts. "I don't think I said you could touch, did I?" A smile curves your mouth, eyes bright and twinkling as you retract from the bag, turning your attention rightfully to him. "And what do I have to do to get my hands on it, sir?"
He scoffs. "You've done this more than a dozen times for me. You know what to do."
"But I want you to tell me," you murmur, lips still curved as heat simmers between your thighs. Azriel's mouth quirks to reflect your pleased expression, hand sliding upward. "Yeah? You want me to give you some orders to follow?" His thick fingers hold your throat carefully, flexing once so you can feel as he lays each digit to your skin. "On your knees, pretty thing."
"There's the Dom I know and love," you whisper against his mouth, before settling into position between his legs. Azriel chuckles softly, "you want a Dom tonight? Have you been good?"
"Perfect," you murmur, fingers already greedily untying the laces of his leathers. "I've been the best."
"The best?"
"Have you touched yourself?" You shake your head, halting once you've got his laces out of the way, waiting for the instructions. "Have you wanted to?" You nod, enjoying the heat of arousal that flushes your skin. Azriel raises a brow, his fingers stroking over your hair before lightly taking a section in his fist. "What were you doing when thinking about it?"
He smirks. "Of course you were."
Arousal intensifies, but you continue to wait patiently, adhering to the unspoken rules. Azriel parts his thighs, lightly tugging on your hair to tilt your face upward. "Tell me why you wanted to touch yourself, pretty thing." You flush, teeth dragging over your lower lip before answering. "There was a scene, sir..." Azriel quirks a brow, a hint of a smirk at the corner of his lovely mouth. "A scene?" You nod your head, glancing briefly between his legs, un-wanting and unwilling to hide your hunger. "Eyes up here," he warns, bringing your gaze to his, "what scene?"
"I wanted to watch you read it," you admit, "to share it with you..."
"How sweet of you," he drawls.
"I thought you might like the ropes..."
Azriel chuckles, the deep noise licking between your thighs that you squeeze together. "My smart little reader's been nosing at some dirty things, hasn't she?"
"You'll like them, too," you argue playfully.
"Oh, filthy then."
You flush deeply, silently begging for him to give you the okay. His mouth curves and stark relief floods your system. "Open." He orders, and your lips part on command. His answering smirk would have had your underwear dropping to the floor had you been standing. "Be good," he goads, shadows pulling himself free as he carefully wraps your hair around his fist--for guidance.
You tighten around nothing as he pulls you forward, tapping his leaking tip against your lower lip teasingly, smearing the precum that had gathered there in a glossy mess, liking how it gleams on your mouth before slowly feeding you his cock. Moans are already aching to spill from your throat, but you have the feeling even if you allowed yourself to his cock would muffle them significantly. He's so big.
"There you go. Good girl," he praises, dragging you back by your hair, groaning when your tongue flicks out to deliver a small lick to a spot just at the underside oh his head. "Wicked girl," he amends, the groan hungry and guttural and not helping the gathering wetness in your underwear.
Azriel's mouth curves when he pushes you back down to his base, gently guiding your movements: up...and down...up...and down. "So filthy beneath that pretty exterior, aren't you?" He huffs a laugh that tails into a groan when you do something hot with your tongue. "Fuck. Not a single soul would look at my lovely little reader and think she'd be like this. So sweet on your outside, aren't you?"
Sweet on the inside, too, your eyes say when you suckle his tip, lapping up the leaking precum eagerly. Azriel grits his teeth, his breathing deepening and a flush colouring his cheeks...one that makes you want give him more. He twitches in your mouth, and you take him down your throat eagerly, an arm curving beneath his thigh to place your hand on his hip, wanting to touch more of him.
His wings shift on the bed, flaring wide then tucking in tight, his grip tightening in your hair as he bucks his hips, knowing you can take it. Scarred fingers graze your scalp, thumb stroking across your hair encouragingly, sensing the peak isn't far off now. "Gods, so sweet and filthy. And mine." He laughs when you whimper onto the thick length of his cock. "Yeah? You're all mine, aren't you? My lovely, sweet, thing."
You practically purr when he releases in your mouth, tongue swirling and mixing with his cum, a thrum of biological satisfaction shimmering through your body with sheer pleasure. He pulls tentatively at your hair, asking you to pull away, and you happily obey, keeping your mouth open and sliding your eyes shut as he finishes on your face. A growl rumbles from the back of his throat, panting with flushed skin as he looks down at you, thumb swiping at some of the milky liquid, chuckling when you lift from the ground to take it into your mouth, tongue eagerly licking over the pad.
He pulls you to straddle his lap, and you shiver as he kisses your face, cleaning you up of the mess he's made, occasionally gathering more on his fingers and letting you feed from it.
"Was I good, Azzie?" You murmur, arms wrapping around his broad shoulders--shoulders you've been thrown over more than a few times--curving your spine so your breasts push into his chest, soft and full. "So good, pretty thing," he whispers, lips curving as he plies the hem of your striped jumper down one side of your arm so he can lick and suck marks into you, trailing his way up to a space below your jaw, beneath your ear. "I think you earned yourself something extra."
"Something extra...?" His hand slides from your waist to your ass, pulling away lightly to glance down at your bare thighs, "are you even wearing shorts?"
"They've ridden up my legs," you argue, pulling the hem of your jumper higher to show the navy cloth. "I wouldn't have minded..." he drawls, hazel eyes flicking to yours as his hand slides beneath their waistband, squeezing your ass appreciatively, making you squeal and curve into him, laughing. "You're the filthy one, Az. Not me."
"Mhmm? So you weren't reading those books before you fell in with me?"
"I was..." you reply primly. Your thighs part wider, able to feel him against your centre. "I couldn't let you do all the corrupting."
"Uh-huh. Well, maybe what's in the bag will help with that."
"Can I touch now?" You smirk, clearly taunting him. Azriel grins, his eyes glinting. "Keep up with that attitude," he goads. "I'm sure it will land you in a good place."
You roll your hips to his. "Underneath you?"
"Keep it up and you'll find out." He lands a hard spank to your ass, smirking when you gasp, before nodding to the bag. "Take a look, princess."
You flush at the pet name, pulling the bag between you and pulling free the book. Your eyes nearly shoot out of your head, cheeks ablaze as you scan the bespoke design--the gold-threaded title catching your attention almost immediately. It's the dirtiest (and favourite) book you've ever read. You splutter, staring at him. "Wh- How?"
"Spymaster perks."
"That doesn't answer anything!" He smirks when you shoot him a suspicious glance. "Alright," he relents, "Helion has particular connections."
You shake your head. "That still doesn't answer anything."
Azriel smiles faintly. "Do you like it, though?"
That certainly gets you grinning, holding the thick book in your hands, tilting it back and forth so the thread catches in the light, glinting decadently. "Of course I like it," you mumble, flipping the book to trail your fingers admiringly down the ridges of the spine. "I love it." You glance up, meeting softened hazel eyes. "That's why you got it though, isn't it."
"Maybe I like seeing you contented."
"Maybe I like seeing you coming."
Azriel chokes on a laugh, large palm sliding beneath your jumper to stroke across the bare expanse of your back, hand shifting so his fingers wrap around your ribs, grazing the underside of your breast. "Maybe the feeling's mutual," he murmurs over your lips, and you feel yourself beginning to melt as his mouth slants over your own, his taste still prominent in both of you.
When he pulls away, he pushes hair from your cheek that had fallen from its place behind your ear. Your heart skips, and then you're opening the book, swiftly scanning the pages until you find the right passage. "As a thank you from me, and a reward from you..." You flip the book around, pointing to the section. "Can we try this, next?"
general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @slut4acotar @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy @decomposing-writer @soph1644 @lilah-asteria @nighttimemoonlover @mrsjna
az taglist: @azrielshadows1nger @jurdanpotter @positivewitch @nightcourt-daydreaming @assassinsblade @marvelouslovely-barnes @v3lv3tf0x @kalulakunundrum @vellichor01 @throneofsmut @vickykazuya @starlitlakes @kksbookstuff @feerique @ratgirl2020
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azzifudd · 3 months
(If someone has already suggested this then you can ignore it but) a drabble or one shot about Paige and Azzi talking about future kids?? Bc after that live with Jana saying “that’s y’alls kid” and Paige showing Azzi the photo?? (Also the same or sharing of the keychain and the thing that’s like “drive safe I need you” is so cute as well)
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
484 words
Azzi is trying to stuff another pair of Paige’s sneakers into one of their duffel bags when she notices that Paige has stopped packing and is just sitting there, staring at her, with a hint of a smile on her lips.
“What?” She grunts, giving up and throwing the shoes to the side as she unpacks a pair of pants to try and make more room in the bag. Their clothes are strewn about the room, their closets long combined to the point where Azzi often isn’t even sure who owned what first. 
Paige jolts out of her stupor when Azzi calls her out, a light blush painting her cheeks. 
“Nothing.” Paige replies, coming over and easily slipping the shoes away. 
Azzi is not convinced, but she lets it go for now. 
“You think Allie would like these?” She holds out the pants, cocking her head as she examines them. 
“Didn’t you already give her a pair?” 
“Yeah, but she was asking about more, and I feel like she’d look cute in these.” She goes to text the younger girl, but stops when she checks the time. “That girl better be asleep.” 
Paige is staring at her again, with that same soft look in her eye. 
“What?” Azzi steps close, tugging at the end of Paige’s shirt. “Tell me.” 
Paige wraps her arms around Azzi’s back, gaze focusing behind her head. 
“I was just thinking ‘bout what a good mom you’re gonna be someday,” she finally replies, blushing bright red all the way down her chest. 
Azzi feels her cheeks burning too. 
Azzi knows they’re young, way too young, to even be entertaining the thought of children. But she thinks about how Paige is with Drew, how she is every time a young fan approaches her, and all she can think about is how excited she is that she’ll get to share that with Paige someday. 
“You will be too.” Azzi presses her face to the side of Paige’s neck, leaving a kiss there. “The best.” 
“I hope they look like you. Our kids.” Paige smiles, tapping a finger to Azzi’s cheek. She can already see a little version of Azzi, with those same dimples, and how they would give that little girl the world. 
“Or maybe they’ll have your eyes.” Azzi imagines, looking into the sky blue eyes that captivated her the moment they had made contact for the first time over a basketball court. 
Paige kisses her then, knowing that it doesn’t really matter what their children look like, that they’ll be the most loved no matter what. 
Azzi pulls back, just until there’s a whisper of room between them. “As long as they have my jumpshot.” 
Paige squawks in mock offense before she laughs and tumbles Azzi backwards onto her bed and kisses her and kisses her, in this little college dorm room where they’ve begun building a life together. 
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readychilledwine · 11 months
Hi again!!! It’s your anon who just sent that thing about reader ending up with Eris after Cassian cheated! Imagine them having to share custody of their kid 😂
Co Parents
Part two of my angsty Cassian cheating drabble:
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Cassian shifted uncomfortably as his daughter hugged Eris goodbye. She had her little hands gripped tight into his tunic and face buried in his neck.
"It's only two weeks, little flame," he whispered soothingly to her. "Just to give mommy and I time to adjust to the new babe. Then you get to come home and be with him and us."
She nodded, putting on a brave face. "I love you."
Eris wiped tears from her chubby cheeks, "I love you too, baby girl."
It shouldn't have bothered Cassian. Eris had raised her. He had been there when she was born, when she took her first steps, ate her first real meal. Eris had stepped up while Cassian stepped away, giving you your space. Eris was the male your daughter called daddy. The one she ran to when she had nightmares.
And it killed Cassian. It killed him that you had moved on. That you were now heavily pregnant with his child and heir of the Autumn Court. It killed him that his daughter didn't live in his home. It killed him that she was growing up with different traditions.
His choice to sleep with Nesta had left him with a hole in his heart. One Nesta had tried to fill but realized slowly she couldn't. They still fucked like rabbits, but the romance wasn't there. It had become solely physical and based on familiarity.
Cassian nodded. "Anything else?"
Eris picked your daughter up as she threw herself in his arms again and walked her to Cassian. "You promised you wouldn't cry this time, little love," Eris handed her to Cassian with a brief look of heart ache and pain. "She has a new bedtime. She gets to stay up until 8 o'clock." Cassian noted the soft break in his voice. "She likes hot cocoa before bed still and a snack."
The Autumn High Lord ran his hand down her long dark curls. "We've been... refusing to go potty when we need to lately. We get too excited about what we're doing and do not want to miss a single second. We haven't had an accident in a few days, but if she starts to dance, she probably has to potty and needs you to let her know you'll wait for her. Because the excitement and fun will still be there when she comes back, right princes?"
She nodded, "Right daddy."
Eris kissed her forehead. "We put her favorite books and stuffie in her bags. She also promised to not do what this time?"
Her head fell back with a loud groan. "I won't annoy Uncle Azzie."
Cassian laughed lightly. "You didn't annoy him, baby girl."
She smiled wickly, turning to Eris with a smirk she had to have learned from him. "See, daddy, Uncle Az loves me."
Eris rolled his eyes with a soft smile. "Be good for dad, okay? Momma and I will see you soon." Eris turned to Cassian. "If you need anything, send a letter through the fire first. Y/n is..." Eris felt his jaw twitched. "Rhys will explain."
Cassian nodded. "I'll take good care of her."
"I'm sure you will, Cassian. I have no doubts. Two weeks, baby."
"Two weeks, daddy." Eris left, leaving Cassian and his daughter standing there as she sniffled softly.
"Can we have cookies?"
Cassian held her closer, adjusting as he began to walk her through Velaris. "Of course, angel. I could never say no to you."
He kissed her temple as she snuggled into him.
Two weeks.
He had two weeks to memorize how much she had already grew.
He had two weeks to kiss her fingers, her little cheeks, her toes.
He had two weeks to feel a little piece of you.
And two weeks was never long enough.
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theostrophywife · 1 year
ride it.
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author’s note: just an unhinged little drabble about riding azriel 🥵
patience has never been your strong suit.
azriel knew that. so when he found you lingering at the door of his office hours after you announced that you were turning in for bed, he wasn’t the least bit surprised. his shadows informed him of your presence and he couldn’t help but smile as he looked up from his paperwork to find you standing there in your pretty little nightgown, head cocked as your hair cascaded past your shoulders. the soft glow of the faelights enveloped you in a dreamy light as you caught your bottom lip between your teeth.
“i thought you were going to sleep, little love.”
“couldn’t sleep,” you murmured. “our bed’s lonely without you.”
your words absolutely melted his heart. “c’mere then, bunny.”
then you padded across the room, crawling into azriel’s lap with no hesitation. he chuckled softly as you weaved your arms around his neck, breathing in his night and cedar kissed scent. the soft sigh of satisfaction that escaped your lips sounded like music to his ears. you pressed your cheek against the solid plane of his chest, relishing the feel of your mate. the feel of home.
for a little while you’d be content just to sit there with him as he does his work, but then you’d grow restless, squirming in place, unable to tamper down your need.
“hold still, little love. i’m almost finished.”
you sighed into his neck. “just wanna feel you, azzie.” you grazed your lips against the hollow of his throat, the warmth of his skin making you flush with desire. "please."
how could azriel deny his mate? especially when you asked so nicely.
the shadowsinger bunched up the fabric of your dress, his hands traveling past the hem and sliding against your thighs. you shivered against him as he freed his cock from his trousers, the skin on skin contact almost making you roll your eyes into the back of your head.
“c’mon then, pretty girl. show me how bad you want it.”
you took his length in your hands, staring directly into his eyes as you sank down into his cock. azriel groaned as your warmth and heat hugged around him, walls pulsating as you drenched him with your arousal. you’re dripping, juices coating him as he filled you to the hilt. the little mewls coming out of you as he gripped your hips made the shadowsinger dizzy with desire.
“so wet for me. feels so good, bunny. been thinking about riding my cock all night, haven’t you?”
you nodded, tears forming in the corner of your eyes as you wriggled against him, desperate for movement. “missed you so much. i feel so empty without you inside of me. i need you, azzie.”
“i know, bunny. but i’m here now.” he kissed you fervently, lust and desire dancing on his tongue as he guided your hips into a gentle roll. “that’s it, little love. keep rolling your hips just like that. you ride me so well.” he thrust his hips upwards as you grinded against him, your sex squelching and throbbing. “feels so fucking good, princess.”
the sensation was overwhelming. you’ve never felt so filled and stretched as your cunt clenched around azriel’s cock. “gods, you’re so big, az. i love the way you fill me. more, please.” your words are a garbled mess as you slam your hips down, fucking him until you’re seeing stars.
“don’t fucking stop, bunny. i love when you’re desperate for my cock. my pretty little princess turns into such a greedy little whore when she fucks me.” azriel gripped the back of your head, making you look at him. “ride me harder. just like that, fuck. gonna cum inside you. bet you’d like that huh, bunny?”
“yes. gods, yes az.”
the shadowsinger growled, his teeth sinking into your shoulder as he spurted inside of you. his cum dripped down your thigh, but you kept riding him, throwing your head back as his shadows circled your clit. azriel's fingers joined the effort circling the sensitive bundle of nerves as he growled into your ear.
"you're making a mess, bunny. use me, fuck me. i want to make you cum. i want to make you scream." you keened, gasping as azriel latched onto your nipple, swirling his wicked tongue around your stiffened peaks. "there's my good little slut. come on, bunny. cum for me."
the orgasm hit you, white-hot and blinding, slamming in on all sides. you're trembling in azriel's lap, nearly sobbing from how good the sex was. your legs feel weak, your head swimming with overwhelming pleasure.
"that's it, little love." azriel wiped your tears and kissed your temple. he swept you up into his arms, his wings cocooning you in red and gold. "you did so well, bunny. let's get you to bed. you wanna cuddle, don't you baby?"
you nodded, tired eyes fluttering as he cradled you against his chest. "yes, please." he chuckled as you nuzzled into his neck. "i love cuddling with you, azzie."
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Triad Part 9 — Reunion Part 2
A Cazriel x Reader Headcanon
Series Masterlist
A/N: This is 3200 words of self-indulgent smut that ALSO moves the plot forward and then a 1100 word funny/sweet little gift at the end that ALSO ALSO moves the plot forward. If you want to skip the smut, just reading the bit beneath the *** will give you enough of an idea of what happened and why it’s going to be important in less explicit terms. Listen to Total Control by DJO if you want additional ~vibes~ and see if you can guess the two other songs that inspired/are referenced in this part. First person to guess each wins a drabble of your choosing (word choice tbd by the vibes I’m feeling while I write it lol).
Click here to be added to the taglist so you never miss an update!
Warnings: Pure smut with dom/sub undertones, choking and restraints included. Buckle up folks!
When Az wakes up a few hours later, his chest hiccups with a sharp intake of breath. With his brain still stuck under the mountain, he struggles against the restraints confining him to the bed. 
His thrashing startles you and Cas awake, and while the male loosens his grip and scrambles backwards, you tighten your arms around Az’s waist. Shadow swirl all around you, just as confused as their master. 
“Shhhh,” you whisper, rubbing soothing circles around his belly button. “It’s okay, you’re safe. It was just a dream; you’re back home now.” 
You keep whispering sweet reassurances as the shadows start to settle, wrapping you and Azriel in their calming chill. Slowly, he stops trying to wriggle away and relaxes in your arms, eventually twisting around to look at you. 
“‘M sorry,” he mutters, voice still hoarse from sleep. You check the clock on the wall, noticing that it’s well past dinner time already. 
“Don’t apologize,” you say, raising your hands to wipe the tears from his cheeks with the pads of your thumbs. “It’s our job to take care of you, Azzie.”
“And we love our job,” Cas quips, crawling across the bed with a steaming mug in one hand, which he holds to Az’s lips. “So be a dear and let us do it, yeah?” 
Azriel rolls his narrowed eyes, but dutifully takes a sip anyway. The hot liquid merges with his insides, soothing aches both physical and mental. 
Once the tea is gone, Cas reaches over for a croissant and lifted it up to Az’s mouth. 
“I can feed myself, you know,” Az complains, reaching out to try and swipe the pastry from Cassian’s grip. Cas laughs and pulls it away, teasing him. 
“Please? Just this once?” He pleads, eyes widening as he sticks out his lower lip in a pout.  “You weren’t the only one affected by shutting off the bond, you know.”
The look Az gives him suggests that there will be hell to pay for this later, but Cassian’s entire face lights up when Az parts his lips. He takes small bites and chews slowly as both males stare at each other, bond shimmering with pleasure at the intimacy of the act. 
It’s a gesture of trust on both parts and you watch, breathless and teary, as the intensity of their gazes deepens with each bite. After Cas shoves the last bit in, he lets his fingers linger longer than necessary, ghosting against Az’s lips. 
Az swallows, smirks, and then sucks Cas’s fingers into his mouth, swirling his tongue 
“So that’s how you want to play this, huh?” Cas growls, patience draining from his body. You see it in the way his muscles tighten, a sign that he’s desperately clinging to the last of his self control. 
Saying nothing, Az just hums around Cas’s fingers and it’s fucking hot, the way your usually dominant mate can so easily slip into a submissive role while still holding onto all the power. But through the bond, it’s clear that they both need this. 
Cas needs to burn off some of the anger and frustration that had built up during Azriel’s absence, and Az (though he’d never admit it out loud) needs reassurance, to feel loved and desired. Letting his mates have their way with him is a sure fire way to calm the insecurities that have grown like ivy during his prolonged isolation.  
Besides, he’s never fully defenseless. If things go too far, his shadows are always there to lend a helping hand in regaining control. 
You make eye contact with Cas over Az’s head, matching grins on your faces as the possibilities flash down the bond, filling your minds with the most delightful images. 
Letting his lips fall open again, Az runs his teeth along the fingers that start to drop just hard enough to send a shudder of pleasure down Cas’s arm. Adrenaline pumps through his veins, heart working double time to accommodate how rapidly his body awakens. 
“On your back,” Cassian whispers, the power he’s trying to contain escaping through his voice where a hardness sharpens the edges of his words, turning them into weapons. 
“Or what?” Az asks, scooting away from you so he’s fully facing Cas. He crosses his arms over his chest and raises an eyebrow, a half-smirk grazing the corners of his lips. 
Red magic flutters out of clenched fists, siphons struggling to contain it all. 
“You’re acting real smug over there,” he hisses, leaning in closer to Az, “for someone who’s seen me tear armies limb from limb.” 
The darkness seeping into Cas’s eyes has Az straining against his tight sleep shorts, the confines of which are a sweet kind of agony. 
And Azriel is smug because he knows exactly which buttons to push to get what he wants. 
“I’m not afraid of you,” he whispers, eyes darkening as he smirks at Cas from across the room. 
It’s a callback to when they first met, when Cassian had made it his personal mission to make Az’s life a living hell. Things came to a head one night after they’d been out drinking and they ended up fighting behind one of the seedy dive bars littered throughout Windhaven and the surrounding forest. 
“RHYS DOESN’T NEED ANOTHER BROTHER,” Cassian bellowed, feeling his magic sparking beneath his skin. 
Something in Cassian broke when Azriel’s lips had hardened, the Shadowsinger’s steely gaze piercing straight through Cas’s heart as he growled “I’m not afraid of you.”
It made Cas feel squeamish which, in turn, stoked the fires of his internal rage. His veins stung as red-hot flames licked their way through his body. Clenching his jaw and then each muscle below it, he used brute force to tame his errant magic. 
He raised his arms, ready to shove the infuriating Shadow Master away when shadows swirled around him, tightening into shackles around his wrist. His eyes widened; he’d finally found someone who could give it back to him as hard as he liked to give it. 
With one eyebrow raised, the silent Shadowsinger held out a hand. The shadows only released their grip when Cassian slumped forward with laughter tumbling from his lips. Cassian and Azriel clasped hands and were brothers from that day forward. 
And though Cas’s jaw twitches now just like it did then, it’s not laughter that escapes his lips but a Cauldron-damned snarl. In a flash of red, he surges forward to clamp a hand around Az’s neck, shoving until messy curls thump against the headboard.   
“You do look so pretty in blue,” Cas hums, candlelight reflecting off his teeth as he bares them in a wicked grin. 
“Come here darling,” he says, reaching over to you with his free hand. You slip your own smaller one into it, mirroring the look on his face as he tugs you closer. “You keep quiet,” he says to Az, tossing his words out like an afterthought as he turns to look at you. 
You look up at him all batted lashes and blown out pupils and he melts, all of the lines on his face disappearing. He pulls you into his side, letting his arm snake around your waist. 
“And you, sweet little thing,” he whispers, lowering his lips to brush against your pulse point, “can get comfortable riiiiight here.” Cas arranges you on Az’s lap, straddling one of his thighs with your ass just barely brushing against his cock. 
He squeezes Az’s throat a little harder, just for a few seconds, and then lets go completely. Az is completely silent, staring up at Cas with wide, eager eyes. 
“Good boy,” Cas says, patting Az on the cheek before turning his full attention to you. His eyes flash a deep, blood red as he waves a hand behind him like an afterthought. From his fingertips, red magic shoots out  like twirling arrows that wrap around Az’s wrists, pinning them to the headboard. 
If he wasn’t so horny, Cas would be in a state of shock, but it’s like it doesn’t register that he shouldn’t be able to do that. Or at least that he’s never done that before. It’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen and from the burning, crackling blue magic flowing through the bond from Az’s side you think that Az would agree if was capable of coherent thoughts. 
Az’s wrists are bound tight enough that he can feel the restraints pressing into his skin, but they’re still malleable and comfortable. His shadows surround the red bands, curious and excited. 
Cas leans in to press a firm yet gentle kiss to your lips, murmuring against them. “He’s being so good, isn’t he, angel?” 
You agree, letting the desire buzzing in your body ooze out through your words. “So good.” 
Then you stick your tongue in between Cas’s lips, coaxing a breathy moan from the male knowing it will have Az frothing at the mouth. He loves making the two of you put on a show for him, so you’re going to give him exactly what he wants. Except you make the rules this time, so you take your time exploring every crevasse in Cas’s mouth. Eventually, his hands slide up your waist, shoving up your thin top. 
“Off,” he commands, leaning back to watch you slip the fabric over your head. You toss it aside and arch your back as you fold forward to press your hardened nipples against his bare chest. 
“Pants, too,” he instructs, waving a hand at you. Within seconds you’re completely bare, cunt soaking Az’s pajama pants. Instinctively, you rub your clit against his thigh a few times and your ass brushes against Az’s clothed dick. 
It has him rocking his hips back and forth, needing just a little bit of friction to take the edge off of his overwhelming desires. Keeping his mouth shut is taking too much of his focus so his body’s getting antsy. 
“I think he liked that,” you say, acknowledging Az without turning around. Instead, you scoot forward, pressing your knees into Cassian’s sides to lift yourself and free up space for you to reach down, freeing his cock from its cloth prison.
Cas hums, saying nothing as he tightens his grip on your hips, lowering you onto him. He bends his legs, propping them up next to Az’s hips, and stretches you open, slowly easing himself inside. Behind you, Az whimpers, making Cas smirk as he tugs you down until your chests are flush. That gives Az a full, unobstructed view of what’s going on. 
Once you’ve adjusted to Cas’s size, you start to ride him, chasing a rapidly building high. Cas guides you, chin on your shoulder so he can stare straight at Az while he says “I want you to come on my cock, can you do that for me, baby?”
“Yes,” you hiss, grinding yourself down so his tip circles that sensitive spot deep inside you. 
“Then we’re gonna get at least one more out of ya before it’s Az’s turn. He made us wait, so now we’re making him wait.”
Az is squirming behind you but staying silent—Cas never said he couldn’t move, only that he had to keep quiet. Like he can read Az’s thoughts, Cas laughs; a sharp, growling chuckle like a predator messing with his prey. “And I know you think you’re getting away with something back there, but I can feel you moving. Keep going, if you want, but you’ll pay for it later.” 
This new side of Cas has you mumbling nonsense, just fragmented words and phrases conveying the message to keep going, right there. He uses his bent legs to his advantage, pounding up into you. The hands on your hips squeeze tighter and you hope they leave bruises behind so you can match Az. 
It doesn’t take long for you to find your release, milking every last aftershock until you slump onto Cas’s chest, boneless and breathless. 
“Got another one in there for us?” He whispers, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
“I can try,” you mumble against the curve of his pecs. 
“Good girl.” He helps prop you back up and, from his spot behind you, holds a hand out towards Az. The glowing red bonds dissolve, freeing his wrists, and he immediately scoots forward. Cas lifts you up, grabbing your ass to make room for Az to shimmy down flat on his back and then settling you with your knees next to his ears. 
Two thick fingers dip into your dripping cunt. Cas collects some of your slick before shoving you down onto Az’s waiting lips. 
He moves those fingers lower, circling the rim of Az’s hole to ease it open. Az whimpers, finally getting the touch he’s been wanting and it’s almost too much too fast. 
Cas slides his free hand down the curve of your ass and onto Az’s neck, curling his fingers around to press against his mate’s pulse point.
“I told you to keep quiet,” Cas snarls. Shadows nuzzle up against the hard planes of Cassian’s body, murmuring apologies that only Az can hear. 
You feel Az still beneath you but are so close to your second peak that you keep grinding against his face. It only lasts for a few seconds before Cassian loosens his grip. 
“You better make her cum. If you want me to fuck you, I want to hear Y/N scream your name,” he whispers, leaning down to graze his teeth against the skin behind Az’s ear. 
“Please, Az,” you whine, fingernails digging into the headboard as you writhe against his mouth searching for your release. His tongue darts into your folds and then he sucks on your clit, lapping up towards it with the flat of his tongue. “Fuck, do that again.” He obliges, wanting nothing more than to feel your walls fluttering against his tongue, to please you, to please Cassian. It’s getting to be too much, having Cas’s fingers working his hole open and you humping his face. 
When he dips his tongue into you again, you stutter into your climax. Your hips thrust up until your clit hits Az’s nose and then you grind down, each small movement sending shockwaves through your system. 
“Az,” you cry, slumping back against Cas as you’re hit with the full force of a second orgasm without getting the chance to recover from the first. It hits just on the pleasure side of the pain/pleasure spectrum and you ride it out, pulsing walls sucking his tongue back in. 
“Good job, honey,” Cas murmurs, wrapping an arm around your chest to pull you in as tight as possible. You let your core fall away from Az’s mouth and Cassian helps you crawl off of Az. Collapsing on the bed next to Az, you curl into his side, seeking out his warmth. 
Love you, you mutter through the bond, sending a flutter of purple magic his way. Shadows wrap you in a soothing cocoon in answer. 
Cas tugs Az down the bed, flipping him onto his stomach and pulling his hips back so Cas can slip his tip into the loosened hole. 
“You ready for me, baby? Think you can take it?” Cas asks, low and breathy since he’s teasing himself as much as he’s teasing Az.
“Yessss,” Az hisses, trying to tip his hips forward to take more. Cas barks out a laugh and smacks a flat palm down on one of Az’s cheeks. 
With your head curled to the side, you have a perfect view of the slight jiggle of Az’s ass. Cas’s other hand tightens around the sloping waist leading down to toned hips, and then he slaps again two, three, four times. 
“I never said you could speak,” he scolds. Az’s eyes are bright and glinting with unshed tears as he grasps desperately at the last remaining shreds of his self control. 
Cas waits for a full two minutes, slowly pushing his cock in deeper. Az stretches to accommodate him, tight rim tugging to try and speed the process along. “Fuck, you take me so well.”
When his pelvis is flush against Az, he bends down and slides his hand into the dark hair standing out against the white sheets. He tips Az’s head to the side, exposing one ear so he can mutter against it. “Okay, you can speak now, baby. You’re doing a good job, Azzie.” Azzie. The nickname shouldn’t arouse him like this, make him clench even tighter around Cas. It’s the name that you call him when you’re feeling sweet, when you really want something, or when you’re trying to get his attention when he’s really, really broken. Az isn’t sure which one of these things Cas is trying to communicate. All three, probably, with the way he’s nipping at Az’s earlier hard enough to break the skin. 
“Cas,” Az groans, arching his back to rub his dick against the silk beneath him. You scoot down and push him up on his forearms, slipping into the space beneath him to line your head up with his leaking tip. Cas starts thrusting, strokes wild, deep, and messy as he loses himself in the feeling of Az’s tightness, pounding against his prostate. 
“Not gonna last long,” Cas grunts, body frothing with lust and magic after spending so long teasing his mates. 
You suck Az in between your lips, swallowing as much of him as your current position will allow, and feel him twitch against your tongue. 
“Me ‘neither,” Az mumbles against the curve of your stomach, right below your belly button. His lips ghost against your skin, sending cool shadows in the direction of his breath. 
He fucks into your mouth every time Cas bottoms out in him, pushing him even deeper. Cas doesn’t last long, spilling into Az with a strangled choke. Azriel speeds up, hips bucking wildly as he takes 
“Gonna come for us, baby?” Cas rasps, running his hands up and down Az’s thighs, slumping forward to keep his dick inside, softening against Az’s prostate. 
“Y-yes,” Az keens as he spills himself into your mouth like all he was waiting for was permission. His cum drips down the back of your throat and you swallow it all, sucking him through the aftershocks of his orgasm until he whimpers, overstimulated and wriggling in between you and Cassian. 
Cas pulls out and guides Az until he’s laying back with his head and shoulders propped up by only the biggest, fluffiest pillows. You curl up against his side and lift your hand to Az’s neck, grazing the darkening bruises there. Within seconds, Cas has his hand wrapped around your wrist, squeezing it tight as he pulls your hand away. 
“Don’t,” he murmurs, letting his own free hand settle atop Azriel’s collarbone, fingertips following the trail of marks at the base of his mate’s neck. “I want him to wear them like a necklace.”
Az flushes the prettiest shade of red you’ve ever seen and you hum in acknowledgement. You turn to face Cas, grin as wild as your post-fuck hair. 
“Next time, I want you to choke him ‘til he’s blue in the face.”
Golden, molten-lava lust oozes through the bond followed by a bright white flash of shame that’s engulfed by shadows in less than a second.  
Az is up early the next morning, needing a moment to himself before his mates wake up. Alone at the kitchen table with only the slowly rising sun to keep him company, he works on shrouding the memories of last night in the darkness at the very back of his mind. 
When his shadows alert him that someone’s coming up the walkway, he bolts to the door to catch them before they knock or, Mother forbid, ring the bell and wake his slumbering mates. He still has his coffee in one hand when he swings the door open, scowling 
“Why, good morning, Shadowsinger,” Rhys drawls, a shit-eating smirk spreading across his face, smooth as butter. “I can come back later if you’re currently indisposed.”
And—oh. Az’s free hand flies to his neck, fingertips ghosting over the bruises littering his throat. In his haste to get to the door, he forgot to deal with those. 
Rolling his eyes, he swings the door open wider, beckoning his brother in. 
“Come in, you mongrel. But if you wake my mates, you’ll choke on my shadows.” The threat is light-hearted but completely serious when paired with the ice cold glare pinching at the corners of his eyes. Shadows nip at Rhysand’s heels as he follows Az into the cozy little kitchen, sinking into one of the worn, wooden chairs surrounding the table. 
Azriel opts to lean against the counter, one leg propped up and a hand clutching the cool marble. Rhys waves one hand, pouring and summoning a cup of coffee with a flick of his hand. 
“Show off,” Az snorts into his mug as he takes a long sip of his (black) coffee. 
“Somebody’s jealous,” Rhys teases as he adjusts the cream and sugar levels until they’re just right. 
Az lowers his mug revealing a nose wrinkled in distaste. 
“Of you? Never.” Disgust lasts mere seconds before laughter is bubbling out of his mouth, rumbling deep in his chest. It helps him breathe a little easier.
“I wouldn’t mind swapping places with you for a few days.” Rhys winks as he lifts his mug to his lips. 
“You’d have your hands full with those two.” Az waves his mug, gesturing vaguely towards his neck. “This is an anomaly.”
“Oh, I’m sure it is. Cassian always did like being thrown around a little bit too much.” Both males laugh, thinking about a younger Cas holding the full force of his power back in fights, grinning up at his opponent with a mouthful of blood and asking Is that all you’ve got? 
It’s quiet for a while as they sip their coffee, but then Rhys sets his mug down and leans forward, clasping his hands and resting his elbows on the table. 
“It’s okay if you liked it, though. They’re your mates, brother. It’s a safe way to be vulnerable, to let your guard down.”
Az’s hazel eyes narrow and his shadows spring into action, swirling around his feet. Rhysand waits patiently, knowing that cracking Azriel’s hard exterior would take time and a delicate hand. 
Eventually, he speaks. 
“I…enjoyed myself. Cas’s magic is much more powerful than I thought.”
“It was damn near refined. I’ve never seen him have that much control over it, not even on the battlefield.” 
Rhys hums and cocks his head, picturing the explosive bursts of red that had cleared battlefields many times before. 
“That makes sense, actually. Cassian’s always been afraid of his power, more comfortable using physical force than magic. It could be a mutually beneficial exercise for the both of you—for all three of you, really. By letting your guard down, you likely allowed Cassian to tap into some of your self control. And the unequivocal trust that stems from bond ensured that both of you felt safe enough to let power flow freely through the bond. I suspect that if you keep practicing, Rhys pauses to flash a wink and a cheeky grin at the blushing Shadowsinger, “then eventually you’ll be able to borrow from each other outside of the bedroom, too.” He punctuates his sentence with a shrug; after all this Triad Bond was rare, so his ideas were merely conjectures. 
“So you’re saying we can strengthen our magic by having sex?” 
“Sex is a powerful act—of love, of trust, of acceptance—it could become a safe space for you to explore the depths of your powers together.” Az twists his face up in a (hilarious, in Rhys’s opinion) mixture of confusion and intrigue dusted with disgust. 
“This isn’t one of Y/N’s trashy romance novels.” 
“Or…maybe it is?” Az’s eyes narrow and his shadows stiffen like they’re offended. “Is it really so hard to believe that you’re worthy of a grand love story, brother?”
Azriel frowns, but before he can answer you stumble into the kitchen with Cassian a step behind you to prevent you from falling. Your feet are heavy as your body tries desperately to cling onto sleep. The sight of Azriel leaning against the counter with a pair of sweatpants hanging low on his hips and one of Cas’ oldest sweaters with the sleeves bunched around his wrists prompts you to scurry faster—the soft version of the Shadowsinger is your favorite. 
“Morning, Azzie,” you mumble against his shoulder as you press your face into the soft wool, arms around his waist squeezing tight. Behind you, you hear the familiar low rumble of Rhys’ laughter and are grateful for the opportunity to bury your head further into your mate to hide your blush. You hadn’t noticed him; tunnel vision took over as soon as you saw Az looking sweet and cozy with his baggy clothes and steaming mug of coffee. 
“Oi, I’m here, too,” Rhys teases, prompting Cassian to pull him into a bear hug. 
“Good morning, Rhysie,” he croons, peppering sloppy kisses all over the High Lord’s face. Rhys chokes on his laughter as he tries to shove the brute off of him. 
Cassian is stronger, though, and only tightens his grip further. 
“Careful, brother,” Rhys drawls, suddenly stilling as he catches Az’s dark and stormy gaze locked on them, a slight twitching of his jaw betraying his well-concealed jealousy. “I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble later.” 
Cas loosens his grip and turns towards Az, grinning at the sight of his mate’s narrowed eyes. 
“That’s exactly what I’m hoping will happen,” he says, swatting at the errant shadow nipping at his neck. 
Rhysand backs away, hands held up in surrender. 
“Alright, well, I’ll leave you to it. And, Azriel, do try to keep your mind open, trust is a powerful magic.”
With that, a cackling Rhysand disappears, leaving you and Cassian to deal with the sputtering Spymaster left behind.
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