#b cell lockscreens
tamakiemo · 4 years
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 6 』
· Sept. 30th → We Don’t Need Things Like Memories ·
Characters: female!reader, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Kuroo Testurou, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Oikawa Tooru
Prompts: B. beginnings and endings
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), PG, fluff, some serious angst, beginnings and endings, headcanons, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: I thought I'd just go ahead and rip my own heart out by writing these headcanons about what some of the Haikyuu boys are like when the relationship starts out (beginnings) and what they're like when you break up (endings). I mean, why not? Fluff, angst, emotional pain and suffering? I may as well 🙃
All of my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts are SFW, but I write NSFW stuff on my blog too *wiggles eyebrows* Feel free to take a look! Thanks for reading 🙏 Please enjoy ♡
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Haikyuu × reader / beginnings and endings
☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
You probably confess to him first
He's a bit dense when it comes to picking up on the signs. He tends to get his hopes up and then brush it off as friendliness
'She just likes you as a friend, Daichi. Stop reading into it' *entire theatre of people smack their foreheads in unison*
He's dumbfounded for a second or two, processing what you just told him
Then he asks you out. No hesitation, no shyness, no awkwardness. Just pure, confident Daichi
He's literally living on cloud nine for the next few weeks because, holy shit, he's dating you
Has the biggest smile on his face whenever you're out together
And he's very protective, but not in an overbearing way
Sometimes, he places his hand on your thigh while he's driving and slowly strokes this thumb over the soft skin
And he gets all adorably bashful when he has to keep introducing you to people as his girlfriend!!
There's literally nothing he wouldn't do for you, and that's coming from a cop
When you tell him you want to break up, he hears it over and over in his head like a broken record
He keeps asking himself how this happened, and he wants to beg you to change your mind
But he respects your decision. He won't keep an immature grudge or start yelling. He just regrets
With a small, fake smile, he says he's actually been thinking the same recently
l i a r
All because he doesn't want you to feel bad or awkward about leaving him behind
Daichi's civil when you come to collect your things from his place, and when he sees you out with some other guy, even though his heart is literally cracking inside his chest
He blames himself, of course. He should have done more to keep you. He should have made more time for you. He should have stayed as loving and attentive as he was at the beginning
But he got comfortable. Complacent. And he started taking you for granted
Oh, the stinging irony of hindsight
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☆ Sugawara Koushi ☆
He approached you at a café with a bashful smile and a hesitant hand behind his head, and asked you for your number
A few weeks of texting, sexting, and casual encounters later, you went official
He couldn't be a better boyfriend. He's always so kind, and attentive, and loving, and cute
He covers the bed in rose petals on special occasions like an absolute sweetheart
He loves buying couple's items: shirts, bracelets, mugs, necklaces – you name it. He's old-school cringy like that
He showers you with kisses, praises the hell out of you, and can't stop asking how he got so damn lucky to be with you
He gives the softest hugs, the most sensual kisses
When he snaps a new photo of you, he sets it to his lockscreen so he can stare at you even when you're not there
He innocently kisses your nose in public, only to grab a handful of your ass for a second or two, below the level of everyone's eyes
You always loved it when he did that
There's a pit in his stomach when the words pass your lips, and a voice in the back of his head telling him 'Oh. Right. Of course. You knew this would happen. You were never really good enough for her, anyway'
He has to fight back the tears because he refuses to cry in front of you
It's a painful, stinging acceptance that laces his mind and tongue. It never really would have worked. Would it?
When you leave, Suga attempts to go about his regualr routine. To be fine
But his hand is shaking uncontrollably and he drops the mug in his hand, and watches as it smashes into pieces on the kitchen floor
You bought him that mug. And that, of all things, is the one to break him
The tears come over him in weak, silent sobs as he doubles-over the sink, his throat too constricted to allow any sound to escape
He cries so hard that he throws up in the sink
The weeks pass, melt away into months, and he's doing better. Doing well
Until he comes across an old shirt you left behind and never came back for, and the memories all come flooding back
That night, he cries himself hoarse, until he can't feel his face
No matter how hard he tries, he can't forget you. Your nails are dug into him even now, holding him down in his misery
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☆ Kuroo Testurou ☆
He asked you out with some cheesy pickup line, something that made you groan and grin at the same time
He couldn't believe his luck when it worked
He tries to take things slowly, be reasonable. But all that caves in when you melt him with that smile of yours
You quickly become the centre of his world
He sends you flowers and chocolates to your work, just so you know he's thinking about you
He'll kiss your hands when you're cuddling together on the sofa, like an old married couple
He constantly texts you to make sure you're okay, sometimes sexting you to demonstrate just how much he's thinking about you
He takes his time and explains things about science that you don't get, just so you don't feel left out
When a guy's been looking at you too much, he grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a messy kiss, his hands working their way down to your ass
For your sixth month anniversary, he surprises you with a cockapoo to raise together, and suggests the name Furby, for some reason it sticks
He somehow always makes time to walk through the park and look at the cherry blossoms with you, even though he's really busy
He dances with you down the vegetable aisle at the grocery store just because, and couldn't care less about the people watching
He's constantly trying to make you laugh with the dorkiest things, because he thinks that's when you're at your prettiest
He would do anything to keep seeing that smile every day
You tell him he's moving too fast
He's in denial. He tells you he understands, but he doesn't
You leave the dog with him. And he knows it's unfair, but Furby reminds him of you
But he's lucky he still has the dog, because it's the only thing that keeps him going normally
As the weeks pass, he tries to leave you be and give you your space like he promised, but he just can't. His heart won't let him
It's 11:00 pm and he's knocking on your door, begging for you to open up and talk to him. To give him a another chance. To reconsider
He can hear you quietly sobbing on the other side of the door, and he knows you're second-guessing your decision, maybe even regretting it
It gives him hope that, if he doesn't give up, you'll come back to him, because it hasn't been the same without you
He hears your favourite song on the radio and has to sit down on the floor of the vegetable aisle at the supermarket before his legs give out
He sees your favourite restaurant and he can't pass without ordering a meal and crying into his food
He goes looking for fights with assholes at the gas station so he can let off some steam, and doesn't care if he spends the night in a cell with a black eye and bleeding knuckles
He hasn't been thinking straight, he doesn't care what happens to him anymore
And the crazy thing is, he'd still do anything for you, because you're the first real love of his life, and he can't forget you
He won't give up on you. It isn't in his blood
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☆ Ushijima Wakatoshi ☆
Ushijima never really knew what to do when you expressed an interest in him
You only started going out because Tendou read between the lines and made things happen
So now that you're finally together, he never really does anything that differently
It's just business as usual...plus you
If you want something from him, you have to ask specifically, or he won't pick up on it, so you have to be proactive in the Netflix and chill department
He actually thinks you just want to watch TV and relax
He's painfully blunt, but without any hidden agenda or meanness about him
And he cannot deny the small, warm glow he feels when you're there for him at his games
But he does try to make you happy
He shares his food whenever you ask, he lets you wear his clothes and thinks it's adorable how they dwarf you, he pats your head when you've done well, and holds you when you're feeling sad
And slowly but surely, he gets accustomed to you being there for him at every turn
And you're happy together, as honest best friends and close lovers
At first, he doesn't feel anything. It's what you want, so it's fine, right?
He got on just fine before you came along, and he'll do just fine with you gone. And it isn't spiteful, he genuinely believes it
He goes about his regular business, and everything's okay, just the same as it was before you
But as the days pass, it creeps up on him. He doesn't even know what it is as first, this dull, painful ache settling in the middle of his chest
He even Googles the symptoms when the pain gets too strong
It takes seeing you laughing in the arms of another man for him to realise that it's heartache
Crippling, agonising heartache, because he misses you
For the first time in his life, his legs go so weak underneath him that he can barely stand. He has to leave. He can't watch any more
He sits alone in his room, staring at the wall opposite, trying to get his head around it. To try and understand
Because he doesn't. He was fine before you came along. So why now? What had changed?
Ushijima comes to the conclusion that he's changed. And that you changed him
You showed him something he never thought he'd understand, reconstructed the fibres of his nature, made it so he couldn't live without you
And now you're gone
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☆ Oikawa Tooru ☆
He was hesitant. He doesn't just let people in. But he can trust you, that's what he keeps telling himself
He hopes it doesn't feel condescending that he chose you over every other girl, and tries desperately to make it apparent just how much he loves you
He makes an effort to show that he cares. He prioritises you, over everyone and everything
Your wish is his command. He wants to be that Prince Charming. That knight in shining armour
He's softer, more fragile, on the inside than you thought he'd be
He needs a lot of reassurance, and loves it when you gently stroke his hair
You share your deepest, darkest secrets, and you realise what a broken, vulnerable boy is in front of you, offering you his heart
But he sure knows how to laugh. His dates are the best. He always knows just where to take you
Those nights when you end up tangled together on the sofa, just listening to each other's heartbeats, are like Elysium to you
He can't believe what he's hearing. You promised you'd never hurt him
Disbelief, doubt, realisation, confusion anger, sadness – he gets mental whiplash as it all washes over him in a matter of seconds
Tooru punches the wall, leaving a crumbling hole the shape of his fist in the drywall
"YOU PROMISED," he shouts, red hot tears threatening to spilling over his eyes and down his cheeks. "You...promised..." he repeats weakly, sinking to the floor
You go to touch his shoulder, but he shakes you off and tells you to get out
Once you're gone, he breaks down in a sobbing heap on the floor, angry at himself, angry at you, angry at world for making him think he actually had a chance at happiness
He burns whatever you left at his place. He can't stand the sight of it
He tries to get over you by going to party after party, downing bottle after bottle, hooking up with girl after girl – but it's hollow. Empty. Meaningless. Because none of them are you
He convinces himself that that's a good thing, as he stares at the hole in the wall that he refuses to fix
Because if they're not you, they can't hurt him
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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roger-sultrey · 5 years
Thank you so much for tagging me @thewholigan ^^
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1. My lockscreen is a cool photo of Josh Klinghoffer (RHCP’s current guitarist) that I found yesterday.
2. My homescreen is a generic photo of the starry sky which I have been using forever because a) it’s high quality and the right size and b) it’s dark so it’s easier to read the text.
3. Last song I listened to was 21st Century by RHCP. It’s got a very nice bassline that’s been stuck in my head all evening :)
Tagging @keiths-on-the-moon @sastrugie @endorstoiii @crackerbox-palace and... I don’t know who else, I’ve been away so long (didn’t spend my last year in a cell though!)
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tittytittygangbang · 6 years
1, 27, 28! :^D
hehe thank u again!!!!
1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?my desktop is a pic of a mountain and my lockscreen is.... also a mountain aksjdasjd i never noticed and my homescreen is a pic of a dog :-)
27) What is something most people don’t know about you?hmmmm... this is tricky!!!! i guess maybe that i usually do pretty well in school? i get a’s and b’s in my classes and (most of the time) i try really hard to get there lmao
28) What makes you feel the happiest?receiving love and validation from my good friends and pals 
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riddlebot · 6 years
get to know me meme tagged by the ever lovely @tabiswife <3
Name: Logan Gender: Male Astrology sign: Leo sun and Leo moon. I’m double obnoxious lion. Height: 5’3″ Sexuality: Mostly gay with a hint of sometimes girls are nice What images do you have as your desktop background/cell phone: My phone background and lockscreen are both pictures of u-kwon from his new interview with his dogs, and my computer background is one of block b’s official pics from Shall We Dance, the one of them all lined up w/ the purple lighting. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: I had a crush on our librarian in high school that shit was intense i had several very romantic dreams about him and it started bc he got excited about a drawing i did of my skyrim character once and it made me fall a lil in love lol Last text i sent: “bens asleep we partied real late last night” What do you see yourself doing in 10 years: married to ben livin’ in a house and straight chillen If you could be anywhere else right now where would you be: i’m actually perfectly content to be sitting on the floor in ben’s living room  What was your coolest halloween costume: one year i got my mom to get me scrubs from the hospital and i wore them and covered them in fake bloody handprints and shit and had a fake brain on a big plastic machete also covered in fake blood. Favorite 90s show: That 70′s Show Last kiss: it was w/ a nasty b*tch over a year ago lol  Ever been stood up: Nope Favourite flavor of ice cream: just chocolate is fine Ever been to las vegas: yes! it was fun Favourite pair of shoes: my adidas sandals Favorite fruit: apples and pears Stupidest thing I’ve ever done: everything i’ve ever done Favourite book: Inkheart What loser: is this a question? idk how to answer this lol
i’ll tag @amfinwat and @rosebudanarchy my loves <3
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wheeler-tozier-blog · 7 years
Tagged by @beep-beep-gazebos 😪
Rules : tag ten of your followers you want to get to know better
Name : Aitana
Gender : female
Star Sign : Cancer
Height : 4’12 (don’t)
Sexuality : Asexual
What images do you have set as your desktop/cell wallpaper : my lockscreen is a matching thing with richie and my wallpaper is a photo saying stan uris deserved better
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher : n a hh
What was your last text message : I love illegally downloading musicals 😳 my aesthetic 💦
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years : hopefully animating or making games
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? : UNIVERSAL
What was your coolest halloween costume? : prolly eleven who I’m being this year
What was your favorite 90s show? : X FILESSS
Who was your last kiss : //all by myself plays//
Whats the stupidest thing you have ever done? : breathe- jkjk Im clumsy soo
Have you ever been stood up : nahhh
favorite ice cream flavor : NAPOELION AAAA
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? : i wish
Favorite pair of shoes : converse?? Idk??
Whats your favorite fruit? : strawberry
Whats your favorite book? : percy jackson
What loser? : RICHIE OR STAN??
Taglist : some of you might have been tagged already so sorry
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ohhh-pennywise · 7 years
Tagged by @tozier-kaspbrak 😘 you lil gem.x
Rules: tag 10 of your followers you want to get to know better
Name: Chloe
Gender: Female
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5'8 (I think)
Sexuality: Straight
What images do you have set as your desktop/cell wallpapers?: Phone lockscreen and desktop wallpaper are Penny, and my phone wallpaper is a picture of me and my two ponies :)
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: Yeah, but I was in year 8 🙈
What was your last text message?: Telling my mum I found the horse’s rug 🤷🏻‍♀️
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years? Hopefully managing my own equine business
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?: South Korea
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: Hannah Montana 😎
What was your favorite 90s show?: I haven’t really watched any tv shows from the 90s
Who was your last kiss?: my ex 😶
Have you ever been stood up?: Fortunatly no
Favorite ice cream flavor?: Ben n Jerry’s Fish Food 😍
Have you been to Las Vegas?: Nope
Your favorite pair of shoes?: Knee High Boots
What is your favorite fruit?: Dried Mango
What’s your favourite book?: Behind Closed Doors by B A Paris
What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?: Stayed with a guy who’d cheated on me numerous times (we finished now so it’s all good)
What loser?: Imma go with Richie…his humour and behaviour is what I look for in a friend 😆
I tag: @hauntedneibolt @desallinhada @keeptryingx3 @lost-juju @you-suck-bowers @chokemedaddyclown @fittlestix @robertgray-aka-pennywise @wefloatoo @pennywrithe
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Now cus I’m thinking about it, “if Ranma ½ was modern day and they all had cell phones” headcanons
Ranma: His phone is constantly lost and/or stolen (by Genma as often as by his suitors and rivals), so he never bothers to load apps, never makes calls/sends texts, and only very rarely takes calls/replies to texts. Whenever he does have it, the wallpaper is an unflattering photo of Akane making a weird face a) to make her mad b) cus it makes him laugh and c) cus genuine affection.
Akane: Always has a bunch of cute cell phone charms she uses until they wear out or fall off. Her wallpaper is a cutesy (poorly-)filtered photo of P-chan. Ranma is PISSED
Nabiki: Has a suspiciously nicer phone than everyone else in her family. Uses a lot of social media, but mostly just reads others’ posts instead of making any herself. Her lockscreen is always a different photo of her dad. She doesn’t openly show it to him, but Soun will occasionally catch a glimpse of it and get really emotional and give her pocket money or buy her something. When she unlocks the phone, the homescreen wallpaper is a screenshot from her current favorite movie.
Kuno: Has obnoxious wooden "good fortune in love" type shrine charms hanging off his phone and loudly clacking against each other. Always has the newest model of phone but never understands how it works and constantly orders bystanders to "utilize the applications" for him. His wallpaper is a professionally taken glamour shot of himself. He occasionally mistakes it for a mirror
Mousse: His wallpaper is a photo of Shampoo, generally low-quality/at a weird angle/blurry/etc cus he has to snap them in secret. Shampoo regularly steals his phone, deletes the photos, and changes the wallpaper to a picture of Daisy Duck. It can take up to a month before Mousse notices
Shampoo: Her wallpaper is a candid photo of Ranma screaming or otherwise looking upset, because she shouts "RANMA!" before snapping it to make sure he turns around and that's his candid reaction to seeing her. (She doesn't seem to mind.) Constantly calls/texts Ranma using lots of emojis. He tried blocking her once but her revenge was scary, so now he replies with thumbs-up emojis or sweatdrop smiley emojis (when he actually has his phone and isn't in the middle of a fight or some other Ranma shenanigans).
Ukyo: Has an old-but-still-working phone since she doesn't care much for apps (except her restaurant's food instagram). Her wallpaper is always a photo of one of her okonomiyaki, or a downloaded photo of someone else’s okonomiyaki if she finds it inspiring.
Ryoga: Wants to make his wallpaper a photo of Akane but is too self-conscious, so his phone is usually set to the default wallpaper. Occasionally Ranma will steal it, take a selfie or download a meme or a sexy pinup photo, and set that as the wallpaper (and get punched). Ryoga’s GPS app worked great until his inability to follow directions required it to constantly recalculate the route and the strain made the app super buggy. He hasn't noticed
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beatle-capaldi · 7 years
ask meme thing uhhh 1-20
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life?
uhh no sorry silas’ anon from last week
2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
uhhh idk who but probably?
3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
4: What’s something you really want right now?
uhh to meet @vislorturlough irl and also a bunch more dw merch
5: Are you afraid of falling in love?
eh sorta i lowkey fucked it up last time by hyperfixating
6: Do you like the beach?
sometimes, a) i rarely go bc it’s cold here b) i have to wear a binder and that’s a pain
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
not that i’m aware of but probably like a family friend or something. idk
8: What’s the background on your cell?
lockscreen: the tardis
wallpaper: the tardis doors open onto 9/10′s tardis interior
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?
what does this mean
10: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
mostly i think. not quite sure
11: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
uhh my friend abby i think?
12: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
13: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
art museum
14: Are you tired?
hell fucking yes i am
15: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
uhhh my entire life?
16: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
i don’t have exes
17: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
dude i’m sixteen
18: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
19: Is there a certain quote you live by?
two douglas adams quotes:
“I love deadlines. I like the wooshing noise they make as the go by.”
“I vaguely remember my schooldays. They were what was going on in the background while I was trying to listen to The Beatles.”
20: What’s on your mind?
doctor who…. again
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xamiboy · 7 years
1 2 3 5 12 13 14 15 19 21 37 38 39 45 50? sorry if it's too much ^^"
What is the best feeling you’ve ever experienced?
I guess the first time my then-girlfriend told me she loves me :P
Do you have a certain playlist you love?Several depending on mood, yeah :)
Name something you can’t live without.
What’s your favorite thing to do?
Make stupid jokes to make people laugh
When’s the last time you’ve had a crush on somebody?
some weeks ago
What’s your favorite hobby?
Do you have anything planned for the future? And what is it?
Just the regular future fantasies, nothing special
What’s your current lockscreen?
What’s your biggest desire?
To have a beautiful, lovely wife and great children :b
Who’s your favorite musician? (Both in English and in Kpop)
Hollywood Undead + Green Day
Do you like your name?
Anime or reality TV?
Both :D
Is there something you’re proud of and what is it?
Hm sometimes just the pure fact that we are just some cells but still can manage to feel and think.
What’s your type? 
Differs :D
That was a lot :D Thanks for asking anon
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droidturf · 6 years
Samsung just held its Galaxy S Series Unpacked 2018 event in the city of Barcelona, Spain. The South Korean giant officially unveiled the much-anticipated and long-awaited Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ to mark the beginning of MWC 2018. Rather than holding a private event as it has done for flagship smartphone announcements in recent years, the company bypassed the idea in favor of a return to old times by showcasing its new flagship pair at a trade show in front of lots more people. As usual, there was a livestream, and we have all the information for you. Here’s a full roundup that should answer all if not most of your questions about Samsung’s “Next big thing,” the Galaxy S9.
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  Since the very beginning, Samsung’s Galaxy S Series has brought industry firsts, and this year’s Galaxy S9 duo is no stranger with changes in design and added features. Samsung has yet again positioned itself well among the late 2017 and early 2018 global competition, and we think you’re going to like what it has in store for this year.
Despite a major set back in 2016 that took a hit to the company’s brand image, Samsung hit all-time highs in 2017 and looks to continue the success it achieved, in 2018. Samsung continues to drive innovation forward and push the boundaries of what’s possible in mobile, this time with a ninth product installment. Like every year, fans and power users around the globe look forward to the arrival of Samsung’s newest phone, and market competitors never fail to take cues. Leaks, rumors and reports indicated what to expect, but Samsung managed to keep a few secrets.
In 2017, Samsung reached new heights. A higher than ever stock price was hit, and profits soared just about all year-long. Galaxy S8 and Galaxy Note 8 were two of the top-selling smartphones globally in just about every market, and even broke some of the company’s own sales records. Unfortunately, the same can not be said about other Android manufacturers such as LG and HTC, who continue to struggle in earning a profit. The two competitors also seem like they’ll skip MWC 2018, thanks to Samsung taking over all the attention. Perfection has always been the goal for Samsung, so few comprises were made in making the Galaxy S9.
With Galaxy S9, Samsung has provided enough change to keep buyers hungry for the latest and greatest, and that starts with design. Samsung has invested years of experience to engineer best in-class hardware. The Galaxy S9 comes with a 5.8-inch display while the larger Galaxy S9+ has a 6.2-inch screen. Both are Super AMOLED 18.5:9 Infinity displays with a Quad HD+ resolution and Corning Gorilla Glass 5. The AMOLED screen technology has been tuned to offer the best possible quality with high contrast, exceptional brightness for outdoor visibility, and true to life colors. Both handsets support HDR Video and are IP68 certified against water and dust.
The Galaxy S9 models are downright beautiful, even more so than last year’s models with Samsung’s curved dual-edge panels that make for a high screen-to-body ratio. The top and bottom bezels have been shrunken down even more to match what the competition has been able to do. Plus, the smaller Galaxy S9 can be controlled using a single hand. Around the handset is a combination of familiar metal and glass, which melt into each other giving to a rounded back. The devices are clean with an invisible home button instead of a physical key, and contain few logos. There is no fingerprint reader below the glass, but Samsung has relocated it to a more accessible spot centered on back below the camera to satisfy users who hated the positioning found on Galaxy Note 8.
This year’s handsets once again feature an 18.5:9 aspect ratio, which is becoming the norm for high-end Android flagships. It’s taller and narrower than 16:9 and shows more content on the screen at once. The latest version of Samsung Experience UI makes good use of it despite a major drawback in that of letter-boxing while watching video. Inside the Galaxy S9 models will be Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 845 processor with Quick Charge 2.0 (via USB Type-C), making these phones first to include the ultra high-end unit. However, buyers in some countries will get an in-house Exynos 9810 chipset, expected to perform similarity. Also present will be 2GB of extra RAM at 6GB total for the larger Galaxy S9+ model, and 4GB total for the smaller Galaxy S9. 3,000mAh (Galaxy S9) and 3,500mAh (Galaxy S9+) batteries are included (with air gap and 8-point check!) with Qi for fast wireless charging.
Storage will start at 64GB for both variants, which is a huge plus taken from the Galaxy Note 8. Samsung will also offer 128GB and 256GB capacities at an added cost, despite all models coming with microSD card expansion (up to 256GB extra). This port along with a SIM card tray, power button, and volume controls have been placed along the sides of each handset with addition to a hardware button for Bixby, which uses machine learning and AI to create a personalized and ever-improving experience. A much-needed update is coming to the voice assistant, but it’s not version 2.0 just yet. This will bring a handful of useful features including Live Translation, Food Identification including automatic plugging in of nutrition details, the ability to make purchases (only in US, Canada, Korea, China), and even try on clothes or makeup virtually. Some of these could also make way to older generation models. On back is that fingerprint scanner as well as an enhanced Heart Rate Monitor that can now measure pressure. On front is a new Samsung Intelligent Scan that combines both Iris and Facial recognition. MST and NFC are also inside for Samsung Pay, the most widely accepted form of mobile payment out there.
On the camera side of things for the first time in a while for Samsung, we have a split. The Galaxy S9 features a single 12MP rear shooter while the Galaxy S9+ sports a dual rear camera arrangement similar to the Galaxy Note 8. Both have a dedicated DRAM chip capable of processing 4 times as much info and include Dual Pixel Multi-Frame processing, OIS (photos and videos), dual LED flash, minimal protrude, a 1.4µm pixel size, 2X zoom, and auto-adjusting Dual Aperture (f/1.5 – f/2.4) for low-light, which maxes at the widest aperture ever included in a smartphone camera. However, only the big brother has an additional 12MP telephoto lens for shooting depth and wide-angle. As for selfie cameras, both models have the same 8MP lens, which is also the same as last year’s models. It’s capable of shooting 4K and 60fps, 1080p video. It comes with smart auto-focusing and OIS.
Samsung’s newest flagships get it right when it comes to software with Android 8.0 Oreo. The duo will also jump to the front of the pack for monthly security patch updates. Some of the latest features from Google include new notifications, performance and battery improvements by further restricting background data, picture-in-picture mode, new adaptive icons, and system-wide auto-fill. Also on board is the Google Assistant, which will come in addition to Bixby Voice. Both assistants will learn about you using incorporated fifth-generation programming technology. To top everything off, Samsung’s updated Experience UI is present atop Android that’s now lighter and faster than before ever. It entails a newly-designed SmartThings app, support for Google AR Core, and enhanced security with KNOX that’s enterprise ready. There are also new AR Emoji that use AI so you can create and personalize emoji that look like you. You can even add audio to them, choose from 18 generated creations, share with anyone you want even over some third-party social apps, and, turn yourself into a Disney character.
Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ introduce a handful of new features. The camera app has been touched up with AR features that use Bixby and Live Focus is here to, a mode for taking profile pictures that blurs any background in real-time and is adjustable post-shot. There’s also 960fps Super Slow-Mo with Auto capture, which can be used in conjunction with background music, be played in reverse, set as your lockscreen, and even turned into GIF images. App Pairing is new to Samsung’s S Series this year and allows one to pin two apps to Apps Edge for dual window access.
Both Galaxy S9 phones also come with Harman and Dolby Atmos high-quality audio through both an included 3.55mm headphone jack and new stereo sound top and bottom speakers, which are the loudest ever in Galaxy phone. This should give the pair wider amplitude, clearer treble, and deeper bass. As was the case last year, Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ come with a pair of Harman AKG audio headphones ($99 value) in the box. Bluetooth 5.0, 802.11/a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi, and the various fitness sensors you’ll need to track exercise are all here as well, though support for Google Daydream, the virtual reality platform from Google, seems to have been left out of the equation, at least for now. But there’s always Gear VR!
With Galaxy S9, Samsung is putting competitors on notice for a great 2018 year. The company will release its new flagships alongside an Enterprise Edition globally on March 16 in over 100 countries, and pre-orders will begin on March 2. This is a bit earlier than usual. The handsets will be available on most US cell carriers and there will be an unlocked model as well to be sold by Samsung and select retailers. As a reminder, buyers can sign up for ‘Samsung Premium Care,’ which is essentially an insurance program allowing for the return of the device for a full refund, or, a screen replacement with the only cost being a small monthly fee. Pricing for the unlocked models has been set at $719 or $30/month with 24 months financing for the Galaxy S9, while the Galaxy S9+ will go for $839 or $35/month with 24 months financing. With all these lower-priced premium mid-range phones from companies such as Huawei and OnePlus, the new Galaxy phones might be a tough sell. It’ll surely be interesting to see how the market responds. Hopefully there will be some free goodies.
Samsung’s newest Galaxy phones have a Black front and come in choice of Midnight Black, Lilac Purple, Coral Blue, and Titanium Gray color options for the rear. However, availability of these will vary by location and carrier. The handsets will release in stores on March 16. We’ll have a separate post detailing availability, all the deals and the handset’s release information. Be sure to bookmark this page and return back as the news continues to pile up. Those interested in buying the phone can sign-up for email status updates over at Samsung.com. Be sure to let us know your initial thoughts about the next Galaxy in the comment section below this post.
We’ll keep you posted on everything Unpacked 2018 and MWC 2018 right as they happen! Follow us on social media for up to the minute updates from Samsung’s Unpacked 2018 event as well as continued MWC 2018 coverage.
View our constantly updating MWC 2018 guide at the link below. 
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SOURCE [Samsung]
Samsung’s Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ have finally arrived #GalaxyS9 #MWC2018 #Samsung #Unpacked2018 Samsung just held its Galaxy S Series Unpacked 2018 event in the city of Barcelona, Spain. The South Korean giant officially unveiled the much-anticipated and long-awaited…
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Oppo F3 Plus Review
Oppo has had a good run with its pictures-centric ‘F collection’ ever since the Oppo F1 (Evaluate) launched in February final year. Since then, we’ve also had the F1s (Evaluation) and the F1 Plus (Evaluation) smartphones to fill one-of-a-kind gaps in the mid-variety segment. Oppo is still selling this series heavily today, both online and offline, and we’re pretty positive it has been a primary contributor to the business enterprise’s strong role inside the Indian market.
In 2017, Oppo is hoping to enlarge its attain with the brand new F3 series, of which the F3 Plus is the first version. Selfie-obsessed consumers stay the goal here and for that reason, Oppo has outfitted this smartphone with dual the front cameras. In contrast to Vivo’s V5 Plus (Evaluate), the second one digicam isn’t used for an intensity of subject. As an alternative, the Oppo F3 Plus has a wide-angle lens for group selfies, which honestly looks as if a much greater practical concept it truly is possible to have a much broader appeal (pun supposed).
Oppo typically caters to people shopping in the sub-Rs. 20,000 charge section, so the decal fee of Rs. 30,990 for the F3 Plus is probably a touch difficult to digest. Has Oppo performed enough to justify this sort of a price top class? Let’s take a glance.
Oppo F3 Plus design and build nice Oppo has hardly ever dissatisfied us with regards to constructing first-class and layout, and the F3 Plus keeps that subculture. The metallic unibody feels very robust and its rounded edges make it clean to keep. In spite of the smooth contact finish, we didn’t locate the phone too slippery at some point of our usage. The 6-inch show genuinely dominates the front of the phone, thanks to skinny borders on the perimeters. Striking appears aside, there’s nevertheless no getting around the fact that this is a huge cell phone, and quite heavy too. Similar to the Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro (Review), single-passed use is almost not possible without the hazard of losing it. You could decrease the show area down in single-handed mode if you clearly can not use arms.
The fingerprint sensor is brief for unlocking the tool and Similar to before, You may use it for other purposes like locking apps and documents. There are backlit capacitive buttons on both facet of it for navigation. The dual front cameras and sensors are on the top. The buttons on the edges are a piece of a attain, even for someone with large arms. The headphones socket, speaker, and Micro-USB port are located at the lowest. There is a SIM tray above the energy button and is the hybrid kind, so you’ll choose between a second SIM and a microSD card (as much as 256GB is supported).
The 6-inch show on the Oppo F3 Plus seems sharp thanks to the whole-HD decision however shades are too closely saturated that can make pix look a chunk unnatural. There’s no choice inside the Settings app to modify this both. contact reaction is good even though, and the cell phone has Gorilla Glass five protective the display.
The again of the telephone is instead undeniable with only a moderate bump for the digicam breaking the flat floor. Oppo has tried something new with the design of its antenna bands right here to present the F3 Plus some visual differentiation from the opposition.
General, we haven’t any qualms approximately the layout and end of this telephone. It isn’t always the perfect to stay with because of its length, however, if that’s your cup of tea, you then have to be glad. It’s a touch odd no longer to see a USB kind-C port, specifically given that this is an upper mid-variety 2017 phone. within the box (that’s as an alternative huge), you get a headset, ear suggestions, a silicone case, instructions, a SIM ejector, a USB cable and a significant electricity adapter that helps Oppo’s VOOC Flash Rate Mini well known. The smartphone also ships with a pre-applied display protector.
Oppo F3 Plus specs and functions The Oppo F3 Plus is prepared with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 653 SoC, 4GB of RAM, and 64GB of storage, that’s a quite solid set of specs. Benchmark numbers may not be as right as what’s possible with a pinnacle-cease Snapdragon 821 SoC, which can be located inside the OnePlus 3T at a comparable charge, but you’d be tough pressed to virtually inform the difference in everyday usage.
The F3 Plus does position up a respectable display in benchmarks, scoring ninety-two,497 in AnTuTu and 35fps in GFXbench. different specifications consist of dual-band c084d04ddacadd4b971ae3d98fecfb2a b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth four.1, GPS, USB-OTG, and the standard suite of sensors, consisting of a gyroscope. a few remarkable omissions consist of FM radio and NFC. Many might not care about the latter but nearby radio is still critical and might be a deal breaker for a few.
The software state of affairs is a bit disappointing as the F3 Plus nevertheless runs ColorOS 3.zero based on Android Marshmallow 6.zero.1. On the brilliant aspect, Google Assistant is a gift, and it labored well at the telephone. Nothing else has definitely changed Because we last took ColorOS for a spin while we reviewed the Oppo A57. The interface and icons nonetheless have an iOS-like sense however they’re no longer blatant copies like we’ve seen on devices through some other Chinese producers. Additional settings for maximum device apps like the Gallery and a digital camera may be observed only within the important Settings app (Just like in iOS) As an alternative to getting them inside the respective apps, so there are a few unnecessary steps when choosing not unusual settings.
The notifications color still drops all of the ways down, which is not wished if you truly need to get to the quick settings toggles. also, notifications are shown on a different tab within the shade, forcing you to swipe far away from the toggle switches whenever you need to get to it. The F3 Plus functions a ‘Lockscreen mag’ which cycles via random wallpapers primarily based on the types you choose. This will be switched off if not wanted. You also get movement and display-off gestures and a backup provider known as O-Cloud to your contacts and SMSes.
Pre-set up apps consist of the Google suite, Facebook, Instagram, and WPS Office. Oppo additionally has its very own app save for folks who couldn’t be bothered signing in to the Play shop.
Oppo F3 Plus performance ColorOS appears well optimized, as popular performance is very good for a cell phone with these specifications. Apps load speed and multitasking are dealt with well. On average, we usually had kind of 2GB of RAM rate which is a good amount of headroom for running disturbing apps and video games. 4G labored nicely for us, and there’s guide for VoLTE too. We additionally didn’t face any problems with call nice at some point of our Overview. The upper component and edges of the smartphone get hot when charging and downloading apps or files, but with everyday utilization, the telephone seldom heated up too much.
One of the benefits of lugging around a large smartphone is the potential to actually revel in looking videos on any such large display. The F3 Plus is wonderful for catching up to your favorite suggests while traveling. We weren’t too glad about the oversaturated colors, however, in case you are not too choosy, you in all likelihood received thoughts. The unmarried speaker is quite powerful, and the sound is loud and pretty awesome. Audio improvements from Dirac can be enabled if you have a headset plugged in. The bundled headset has a cushty in shape, however, sounds a bit tinny.
The secondary front camera simply serves a sensible purpose. Rather than depth-of-subject tricks, like at the Vivo’s V5 Plus, the 8-megapixel sensor and its lens offer a far wider discipline of view. This allows you cram more humans into a body for institution selfies. Pix taken underneath precise lighting are fairly certain but there’s a fish-eye effect so that you’ll see barrel distortion within the history. The secondary the front camera has a f/2.four aperture, which isn’t extensive sufficient for noise-free photographs.
On the other hand, the primary sixteen-megapixel the front digital camera gives better low-light overall performance way to its f/2.zero aperture. You can transfer between the 2 cameras effortlessly using an icon next to the shutter button. We observed the screen flash to be quite beneficial at night time, and we adore how it automatically adjusts its depth relying on ambient light.
With all of this taking place within the front, Oppo hasn’t left out the rear digital camera. It also has a 16-megapixel sensor, however, There is dual PDAF and a f/1.7 aperture. The latter specification is just like what the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Moto G5 Plus offer, and at the same time as having such a huge aperture does help via decreasing noise and allowing brighter low-mild photographs, the great continues to be far from what the large manufacturers can supply.
Macro photographs in low mild, shadows and highlights have excellent dynamic variety, however, textures aren’t very sharp and finer info still look a chunk blurry. this is best virtually noticeable if you have a look at pictures at their complete length. without zooming in, Photos appearance precise.
Then again, the principle 16-megapixel the front digital camera gives higher low-mild overall performance way to its f/2.0 aperture. You could transfer among the two cameras effortlessly the use of an icon next to the shutter button. We observed the display flash to be quite useful at night, and we like the way it robotically adjusts its depth depending on ambient light.
With all of this happening in the front, Oppo hasn’t disregarded the rear camera. It also has a 16MP ,sensor, however, There is dual PDAF and a f/1.7 aperture. The latter specification is much like what the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Moto G5 Plus provide, and even as having this sort of wide aperture does assist by way of lowering noise and allowing brighter low-mild photographs, the high-quality continues to be ways from what the massive brands can supply.
Macro photographs in low mild, shadows and highlights have superb dynamic variety, however, textures aren’t very sharp and finer information nonetheless look a piece blurry. this is best sincerely substantive in case you study pics at their complete length. without zooming in, Images look excellent.
Verdict Oppo has priced the F3 Plus at Rs. 30,990, that is a massive premium over the brand’s typical offerings. The F3 Plus faces tough opposition from the OnePlus 3T and Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017). In fact, You could even discover the LG G5 selling for as little as Rs. 32,000 online.
The F3 Plus does provide plenty for what you would pay. You get a well-built and exact looking tool, a sharp display, amazing battery existence, a successful SoC, and superb cameras. In truth, the second one digicam at the front is genuinely beneficial for an exchange and would not experience like a gimmick.
A pair of factors is amiss, like the lack of NFC and FM radio, and the closely saturated colors of the show. However, our largest gripe is the truth that the smartphone doesn’t deliver with Android Nougat, that is even extra of a downer now that Android O has been introduced already. We reached out to Oppo to apprehend the status of an Android N replaces, however, didn’t receive any conclusive reaction, which makes us wonder if it’s coming at all. We hope that this version isn’t left two generations at the back of.
If the F3 Plus changed into lots greater less expensive, we could have given it the benefit of the doubt. However, at this rate level, we consider that shoppers must be able to count on a right assist on the software front for as a minimum a couple of years.
All in all, the Oppo F3 Plus’s high charge might position human beings off, however, if the organization can begin providing well-timed software updates then this would not be a terrible choice.
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