#cells at work lockscreens
feyhunter78 · 7 months
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Chapter Five - You find Miguel's sister-in-law on Instagram, and Miguel asks you for help with his phone. Ch 6
You trail your fingers over the hand shaped bruises on your thighs, gently, not wanting to press into skin and further irritate the broken blood vessels, as you scroll through your phone. The bathwater around you is still warm, lavender scented bubbles covering the surface, a glass of wine on the flat edge of the tub.
You’ve been trying to find something, anything on Miguel’s family, and finally you’ve done it. An Instagram page pops up, @MinaQMorris, a stunning woman with long wavy red hair and dazzling hazel eyes. The first picture that comes up has her in an elegant, slinky black gown, her arm wrapped around the biceps of a taller man with tan skin and dark eyes, the caption reads: Another successful charity event with my love @GabrielOHara, make sure to sign up for our blood drive next month! Link in my bio!
It’s clear he’s Miguel’s brother, the resemblance is uncanny. Sure, Gabriel is a little skinner, and not as tall as Miguel, but they have the same smile, the same piercing brown eyes.
You shiver at the idea of a blood drive, you hate giving blood, the needles, the sight of it leaving your body, it’s painful and always makes you anxious.
You go to Mina’s tagged photos, finding Miguel’s Instagram quite easily. He has six photos, and it looks like either she or Gabriel forced him to post them. You laugh, it’s so like Miguel, you swear he’s technologically inept, he’s always asking you for help with his phone or his laptop. The only technology he does understand is in the morgue, and you wonder why he finds the morgue equipment so easy but his cell phone confusing.
A notification pops up at the top of your screen, and your eyes flicker up.
Miguel: Y/N, can you help me with my phone tomorrow?
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, as they say. You laugh and shoot back a quick response before continuing to stalk Miguel’s page.
Y/N: Sure, what’s wrong with it?
Miguel: Not sure, the sound stopped working.
You roll your eyes. He probably forgot to update the software again.
Y/N: I’ll look at it in the morning.
Miguel sends back a thank you, then the conversation falls silent, and you put your phone on the counter, closing your eyes and relaxing in the warm water.
The next day, you find Miguel waiting outside your office, phone in hand.
He has the latest phone, a sleek but clearly protective dark blue case on it. The lockscreen is a landscape with a gothic-looking manor in the background, and five or six people standing in the foreground with their backs to the camera. You never pegged him as a dark academia guy, but everyone has their thing.
“Okay, let me see it.” You say, taking a seat at your desk. Your office is cozy, covered with plants and brightly colored decorations, you're surrounded by death all day, you figured you might as well celebrate life in your own office.
He opens it and unlocks it before handing it to you and taking a seat in the plush rolling chair. Smiling up at you is Miguel, Gabriel, and Mina, they’re all dressed in dark colors, their outfits ostentatious and clearly expensive, glasses of crimson wine in their hands.
“Did you guys take this on Halloween?” You ask, motioning to the photo.
“Yeah, it’s Mina’s birthday, so her family throws a huge party every year.”
“That’s cool, now okay, did you check for updates?” You ask, going into the settings.
“Yes, and I made sure it was fully charged.” Miguel says, looking like a kicked puppy, as he pulls a rolling chair next to you.
You scroll through his settings, until you come to audio. It’s connected to his earbuds.
“Found the issue, it’s still in Bluetooth mode.” You tell him, swiftly disconnecting it and turning to hand the phone back to Miguel.
A woman’s voice comes through the speakers, and you all but throw Miguel’s phone at him. “Fuck, Miguel, oh baby, please, I need your big fat cock inside me—”
He scrambles to turn down the volume. “Shit, I—that was just a friend of mine, she—”
You hold up a hand, wanting to crawl out of your skin from embarrassment and strangely…jealousy? For a brief second you wanted to be that woman, be begging Miguel to fuck you, to feel him deep inside you, his chest pressed to yours, his lips against your ear whispering sinfully things that make your toes curl. “No, no, no need, what you do in your free time is none of my business.”
Miguel is stiff, curled inward, seemingly just as embarrassed as you. “No, no, y/n, I mean it, she’s nobody.”
You laugh, not at him, to break the tension, but the sound falls flat, and you wave your hand dismissively. “Miguel, seriously, it’s no big deal. Yeah, I’d be a little embarrassed if I knew my boyfriend’s coworker heard me moaning about how much I wanted him but, really, it’s fine, it was an accident.”
There’s a shift in him, his eyes darken for a fleeting moment, and he leans closer, his phone face down on your desk. He towers over you even while you’re both sitting, and your breath hitches in your throat.
“You moan like that for him?” His words are so quiet you barely hear them.
“What?” You blink at him, stunned, frozen.
Miguel’s voice is still quiet, a slight purr to it that sends goosebumps scattering across your skin. “Lo dudo. ¿Cómo podrías hacerlo cuando te deja tan necesitada? No princesa, solo me cantas así.” Trsl: I doubt it. How could you when he leaves you so needy? No princess, you only sing like that for me.
“I don’t speak Spanish.” Is all you can manage to say, a throbbing starting in your core at the way he watches you, the curl of his tongue around the accented words.
He blinks at you, slowly, like a cat, then pulls back. “You shouldn’t send him voice messages like that, it’s not safe, what happened here is a prime example of that.”
You nod, dumbfounded.
“Thanks for your help.” Miguel says suddenly, standing and leaving your office, seeming completely unfazed.
You can’t help but catch the way he pulls his lab coat closed as he leaves, and you catch a quick glimpse of budging fabric that makes you swallow hard.
How the hell does that fit into anybody? Fuck, who cares, I’ll let him make it fit, he can rearrange my fucking guts if he wants.
You hear Miguel choke, then start coughing as he walks away, his footsteps growing fainter and fainter.
I know Miguel is good with tech, he's scheming don't yell at me in the comments
TL: @obi-mom-kenobi, @poutysprouty, @oharasfilipinawife, @laysmt, @cicithemess, @unabashedcroissanttreefan, @lynxslokley, @thedevax
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geekygumiho · 1 year
hi! saw you wanted requests! if you don't mind i'd like a daniel jackson/reader inspired by good old fashioned lover boy by queen. thanks!
Hey! Thank you so much for your request! ☺️ I’m so sorry it took so long, it’s been a lil’ busy around here haha :') I took some story elements from the song for the plot, also a little name drop at the end hehe. I hope you like it! :)
Lover Boy
Pairing: Daniel Jackson x gn!Reader (established relationship), brief platonic!Sam Carter x gn!Reader
Word count: 2267 💀😭😭 I got carried away LOL
Notes/Warnings: Veeeery fluffy and lovey dovey lmaoo. Alas, Daniel is but a simp for the person he loves! There is a use of the word "beautiful" bc I personally feel that it's a gender neutral term, so pls be warned if that makes u uncomfy! The jazz club also is described as smelling like smoke and whisky so pls don't read this if that makes u uncomfy too!! Also the general time period this takes place in is a little ambiguous yet again lmaoo (Daniel has a smartphone so *shrugs* idrk m8 lmao)
Taglist: @danieljacksonpinchinghisnose (Please let me know if you want to be tagged in future Daniel Jackson x Reader fics I write and I will add you to the list! 😊)
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Daniel’s day starts off like monotonous clockwork; he gets up, gets ready for his day, has something quick to eat, then leaves his apartment and heads to Stargate Command for another long, onerous day. He starts off by studying the Goa’uld language a bit to warm up his brain, then gets to work on the translation he had stopped working on from the previous day because his need for sleep got the best of him. Frankly, he had only one thing consistently on his mind the day before as well as today, and that thought was you. It vexes him to no end every time he has to get up for work and leave your serene, sleeping form behind in the soft, cozy blankets warmed by your bodies overnight. Over time, he found that he had to give himself a couple extra minutes to get ready for his day just so he can watch you at your most peaceful state for a moment longer before parting with a feather-light kiss to your forehead and starting off his day. As he goes about his duties on the base, his mind seems to wander to you every other thought, which brings him comfort and motivates him to work harder just so he can see you even sooner.
During lunch in the mess hall, he sits and talks with Sam, who he missed earlier that day because she stayed on the base rather than going home and woke up early for her first meal of the day. On days when SG-1 are working on non-off world projects, Daniel tends to go home at night just so he can spend a sliver of his day with you. Sam naturally asks about you, as the two of you are close friends but rarely ever see each other because of your conflicting work schedules as you aren’t a part of Stargate Command. Daniel tells her all about how you’re moving up in your company and that he’s so proud of you, then he tells Sam about the plans the two of you have to go out for dinner later that evening after both of you clock out of work and head home. Sam smiles as he tells her this, her heart warmed by the obvious affection you both have for each other. Sam and Daniel continue talking until they're finished eating then head to their respective labs and continue working on their projects.
Daniel is nose deep in his notes as he works on his translation when he feels his cell phone vibrate in his blue BDU pocket. Not looking up from what he’s doing, he reaches into his pocket and brings his phone into his field of vision. His eyes meet the glowing screen and he sees your name on the screen overlaying the photo of you he set as his lockscreen. A smile immediately spreads across his face and he opens your text without a second thought. You had sent him a photo of a bundle of blue dahlias from outside of a flower shop with the words, “Saw this on my way back from lunch and it reminded me of you :)” written below, and he can’t help the grin bursting through his previously furrowed and focused visage. He types a quick response, indubitably concluding the text with the words “I love you” before locking his phone and sliding it back into his pocket. A new burst of energy runs through his veins as he gets more and more excited about seeing you again this evening, even if the two of you share an apartment and do see each other within that space. (It’s just not enough for him!) The rest of the day goes by in a blur and he all but runs out the door to go home and get ready for your dinner date before you get home from work.
Daniel has changed into a slightly dressy but comfortable outfit: a pale blue button up underneath a navy blue sweater, espresso brown slacks held up by a belt, and black shoes. He’s sitting on the arm of one of the chairs in the living room, reading one of the many books from the shelf to pass the time as he waits for you to get home. A couple of minutes pass before he hears the door open and his downward gaze immediately rises and finds you, closing the book and setting it on the coffee table. A small smile graces his face as you step into the apartment, your work bag in one hand and your keys in the other. You look a little bit tired but you smile when you see him, dropping your keys in the dish on the entryway console and closing the door as he stands up.
“Hi,” he says, his excitement and affection audible in his tone.
“Hi,” you say back, smiling as you step closer to him and wrap your arms around him. He immediately returns the gesture and lets out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding back, breathing in your familiar scent. The two of you stay in that position for a moment before you pull back.
“I just need a second to get changed, then we can go,” you smile softly, your arms still wrapped around him.
“Take your time,” he says with a nod, releasing you to let you go get changed out of your work clothes. Once you disappear behind the bedroom door, he sits back on the arm of the chair, feeling refreshed and warmed by your presence. After a few moments, you emerge from your shared bedroom wearing one of your favorite outfits, and he grins at the sight.
“You look beautiful,” he says as he stands, making you smile.
“So do you,” you say to him as you approach him. He leans in and gives you a quick peck on the cheek before the two of you head out of the apartment for your date.
The two of you are walking back from the restaurant you had your dinner at, laughing about something that happened to you at work that day when you pass a dark café lit up by blue neon lights, accompanied with a smoky, sultry scent.
“I’ve never noticed this place before,” you wonder out loud, slowing your pace as you take in the enchanting place before you. Daniel also slows his pace, coming to a stop as his eyes scan for signs indicating what the place is. You can hear jazz music coming from inside, a muffled cover of Ella Fitzgerald buzzing through the walls.
“Should we go in?” you say to Daniel, a slightly impish grin spreading across your lips. He looks at you for a moment and quickly finds himself grinning as well.
“Sure,” he says, unable to hold back his smile. He steps forward and holds the door open for you and you thank him as you enter the dimly lit club. The scent of the jazz club is even stronger from inside, smelling of smoke, whisky, and rose petals. There are a few groups or pairings of patrons sitting at the tables and a few couples dancing together in front of the small and slightly raised stage, the band now playing the song “It don’t mean a thing.” You look around in awe, amazed that you never noticed this place before. Daniel looks around as well, but he doesn’t miss the mischievous glint in your eyes when you turn to him and part your lips to speak.
“Dr. Jackson, may I have this dance?” you ask, holding your hand out to him with a mischievous grin on your face.
“Oh, I don’t know, I’m not really a dancer,” he says, partially honest and partially playing along with his tone of voice. You give him a teasing but encouraging look, and he sighs as he takes your hand and lets you lead him to the dance floor. The two of you find a spot between the two elderly couples dancing together and Daniel can’t help but laugh, covering his eyes as reality sets in for him. As if the Gods felt his embarrassment, the fast-paced Ella Fitzgerald song comes to a stop and a slower song begins. “Time After Time” slowly begins to fill the room as you and Daniel instinctively gravitate towards each other. Your hands find a home on each other’s bodies and before Daniel can remember his initial reservations, both of you are gently swaying to the music in each other’s arms.
In that moment, everything seems to fall away; all of the people in the jazz club seem to fall into the darkness as the metaphorical spotlight shines solely on you and Daniel. Your enamored feelings for each other are visible in every aspect of your physical selves; the way your bodies are close and warm, how your fingers so naturally intertwine as if your hands were made solely to mold into the palm and gaps of the other, the familiar feeling of warmth radiating from your chests despite the unfamiliar environment.
Daniel’s gaze is soft as he looks into your eyes, his eyes a color somewhere between azure and beryl blue, looking somewhat glassy with a reflection of the warm yellow light bulb from the metal lamp behind you. The blue neon sign lights up his features, highlighting the peaks and depths of his face with shadows and dark glows. His eyes scan your face as if he is taking in every detail of your features the same way you do to him, like he’s gently, meticulously carving your beauty into his brain to reference when he is without you. There are so many emotions visible on both of your faces; anyone could see how deep and intertwined your two souls have become.
Wordlessly, he brings his face closer to yours and you meet his lips without a second thought. His soft lips press a long, tender kiss to yours, his long eyelashes brushing against your cheekbone. You return the kiss with a soft warmth in your heart, the feeling so familiar and so natural yet one you never get bored of. Your lips stay pressed together for a moment longer before you simultaneously pull away, keeping your eyes closed as you press your forehead to his. His soft breath tickles your face as you slowly open your eyes, seeing his eyes bat open at the same time. Only when the song comes to an end do you realize a couple of minutes have passed, blinking as you come out of your daze.
Daniel looks around as he shakes himself back to reality, but it doesn’t take long for his eyes to land on you once more.
“Do you want to head home?” you ask him, your voice barely above a whisper. He looks at you for a moment, continuing to study your features, before replying.
The two of you head out of the club, smiling at and saying goodbye to the people working on your way out. Daniel holds the door open for you once more and you thank him, setting your hand on his arm as he follows you out.
“Wow, look at the moon,” you gasp, looking up at the dark sky above you. Daniel immediately follows your gaze and he sees the moon is extremely bright despite the stars being practically invisible due to the light pollution nearby.
“She’s always watching, isn’t she?” he says with a small smile as he looks at you. His smile widens when you grin at him then take his hand in yours.
“I love the moon, she’s so beautiful,” you say with a sigh, staring up at the bright celestial body. You get so caught up in the glow of the moon for a moment before you realize Daniel is staring at you with a mischievous grin on his face. You quickly realize what he is about to say and you try to prevent him from saying it.
“No, don’t you dare- Daniel, don’t-” you warn him, trying to push at him but he catches your hands every time.
“What? Can’t I just admire your beauty since you’re admiring the moon?” he teases you, not letting go of your hands. You let out a loud groan and he laughs, his body slowly gravitating towards yours.
“You’re such a dork,” you grumble, trying but failing to look annoyed.
“I’m your dork,” he teases you once more, wrapping his arms tightly around your resisting form. “Hey.” You roll your eyes until he squeezes you tighter and you protest even more. He holds you still until you finally look at him and without a shadow of a doubt in his voice, his eyes shining like you just plucked every star from the sky solely for him, he says, “I love you.” You playfully glare at him before you say it back.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you,” he says, turning his ear towards you slightly. You groan once more and he grins.
“I love you, too,” you concede, poking his arm with your index finger. A satisfied smile on his face, he releases you and you step away. He watches you for a moment and his heart skips a beat when you turn and look back at him.
“Lover boy,” you tease him, sticking your tongue out at him. His jaw drops and it’s not long before he’s chasing after you, your laughter echoing through the nighttime streets as the moon looks down at the two of you with an everlasting, ethereal beam.
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rn-zane · 10 months
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TIMING: august 26th SETTING: the house SUMMARY: people forget their birthdays all the time... right?
His phone was buzzing somewhere. It was enough to drag him out of the half-dead stupor, flopped on the bed with Buddy curled up by his feet, Grey’s Anatomy still running on his laptop after an embarrassing amount of ‘are you still watching?’ notifications. Zane blinked, the familiar faces of doctors that were way too pretty coming back into focus. At least an episode and a half had passed since he’d actually been paying attention. 
Uncurling from the horror of a lounging position that would have made every physical therapist break into tears, Zane started the process of rummaging around the sheets to find his phone. Buddy offered help in the form of one eye opening in a disapproving glare, earning an apologetic smile from the vampire. The phone was finally dragged from its hiding place where it had been attempting to vanish between the bed and the wall. With a sigh, Zane flopped onto his back, sliding back the lockscreen with a vague punch to the gut once he spotted the time. Had it really been six hours?
All that bustle around finding the phone had apparently just been to find an email notification. Since the alternative was going back to reruns slowly killing off brain cells, Zane scrolled through, stomach sinking further. A 10% discount in honor of your birthday! Only valid today. 
Was it really? Sure enough, the date on his phone proved it had indeed been a year since he’d last celebrated his birthday. It hadn’t been a big thing last year, spent at work like most other days but the other nurses were very strict on their ‘everyone gets a cake on their birthday’ rule. They’d all even chipped in to get him a new coffee mug that still sat proudly in the cafeteria cupboards, Derek Shepherd’s face grinning at everyone who went to get their mug each day. It was cheesy and ridiculous and he’d loved it. 
Phone abandoned to the side, Zane’s eyes focused on the ceiling. The quiet in this house really could get overbearing. Did vampires even need to celebrate birthdays? There hadn’t been a celebration hosted in this house for such an occasion but then again, the clan previously inhabiting the house hadn’t proved a great example for… anything. Even if vampires celebrated their birthdays in general, Zane realized with a sinking feeling that it didn’t matter. 
There was no one to call, no one to invite over. Not even a valid reason to have cake, really, since it didn’t even taste the same now. The room felt dark and silent, suffocatingly so. Despite heavy limbs, Zane dragged himself from bed, the weight of another wasted day pulling on him. Picking up a discarded shirt from the back of a chair and pulling it on, he gave Buddy a halfhearted pet on the head. For fear of somehow managing to suffocate just by staying in this house a moment later, he barely remembered to put on shoes before bolting out the front door. 
The run didn’t help. Not really, not in the way it was supposed to. Not when past birthdays, even the bad ones spent in the home for boys or with shitty foster parents, clung on his back no matter how fast he ran. Even on the bad ones, he hadn’t been completely alone. That relentless spark of optimism had always managed to sink its teeth into something - an unenthusiastic rendition of Happy Birthday from his classmates, a slightly nicer dinner than usual from foster parents that couldn’t cook, a flower crown made by the other volunteers when they were hunkered down in a bad hostel. 
So he ran. No music, no phone to remind him of the lack of messages, no set path. Just the idea that maybe if he could stay out of the house until midnight, returning wouldn’t feel quite so overbearingly empty. 
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kaeda-the-wolf · 7 months
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Diego Jimenez x Lauren Wolffe (OFC)
Word Count; 1,750
Part 2: Burgers & Bail 
In which Detective Lauren Wolffe and her partner, Marcus Morenci, are paid a visit by one of the best criminal defense lawyer's in New York.
Warnings: Language, brief mentions of domestic violence/child abuse/murder. 
Author's note: This chapter is brought to you by my finally taking an actual vacation.
Any gifs used in any posts for this story do not belong to me.
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Lauren is two cups of coffee and a quarter of the way through a massive stack of case files when a white paper bag is plopped down in front of her. Slightly startled, she glances up from the paragraph she's read at least twice already to see Marcus looking down at her with what he probably thinks is a charming smile. 
"What's this, a peace offering," Lauren questions as she leans back in her chair, crossing her arms. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't still irritated about earlier, especially after the way the rest of their previous conversation had gone. 
"When  you say you're talking from experience, I take it you mean your daughter? What's her name? Ella?" 
"Ellie," Lauren corrected. 
"Right. She's what, eight or nine?" 
Lauren stayed silent, focusing on her driving as she switched lanes. 
"That's her on your phone lockscreen, right? And in the picture on your desk?"
Again, Lauren doesn't reply. She has no intention of encouraging his attempts at small talk. 
"She's a cute kid. Looks just like you, except her eyes. I take it she took after her dad, there. Speaking of which, where is-" 
Lauren had stomped on the brakes, probably a little more forcefully than necessary, as someone had cut them off. Marcus had jolted forward with a curse, nearly smacking into the dashboard.
"What the fuck, 'Ren?" 
Lauren gritted her teeth at the shortening of her name. She'd always hated it when people called her that.
"Sorry," she muttered halfheartedly.
"You'd think with as many people that live here, at least some of them would know how to drive."
Lauren had calmly agreed, and the subject had effectively changed after that, much to her relief. Marcus meant well, but Lauren had already been fighting back all her constant fears and worries about her daughter after the events of this morning, and wasn't about to go digging all of those up at the behest of someone who just couldn't leave well enough alone, even if he was her partner.
In fact, she was doing her best to not think about those things. Or the case.
That was why she'd stayed buried nose deep in work since they'd returned to the precinct, her only consolation being that the person responsible for the boy's -Antonio Reyes- murder was in a holding cell downstairs.
Out of sight, mostly out of mind.
"No," Marcus huffs. "It's lunch. You know, actual food that's not a bag of chips and a stale candy bar from the vending machine downstairs?" 
"Careful, Marcus," Lauren chides lightheartedly with a small smile as she tears into the bag. "Keep talking like that and someone might think you actually like me." 
"I do actually like you," Marcus quips sharply, only for a sheepish look to cross his face the moment he realizes he was a bit too eager to reply. Lauren arches a brow, but Marcus is sputtering on before she can even think of a response. 
"I mean,  I do most of the time. Still think you've got a stick up your ass."
"Right," Lauren chuckles, choosing to overlook his response as she tears into the bag in front of her. It's from her favorite restaurant a couple of blocks away and she's actually pretty damn hungry (chips and candy only go so far) so she pays little mind to what Marcus had gotten her as she pulls out the food. 
"Double bacon cheeseburger with everything but the pickles and onions and cheesy tater tots, right?"
Lauren's hands freeze in the middle of pulling a box out of the bag, a chill crawling down her spine. As much as she loved the old burger joint, Lauren rarely spared the money to eat there, preferring the cheapest option available for lunch (which, more often than not, usually meant eating nothing) in order to pinch a few extra pennies for her daughter's sake. She and Marcus had gotten burgers once, maybe twice, since they had started working together…
So how did he have her order down perfectly?
"Uhm, yeah," Lauren answers, unease thick in her voice as she locks  eyes with Marcus, jarring her into moving again. "Thank you."
The smile she gives is more of a grimace than anything, and obviously forced as Lauren pops open the box of tater tots, but Marcus simply smiles at her, looking pleased with himself. 
And somehow, that's even more unsettling. 
When he steps away from her desk to go back to his own, she lets out a breath. She gets about half of the burger down, unable to keep from side-eying Marcus as she eats. The food is delicious -as always- but her appetite was nonexistent, her stomach roiling. 
How the fuck did he know my order?
She tries to put the thought out of her mind. Really, she does, but it's a futile effort as the thought echoes through her mind again and again. Maybe he'd asked one of the other detectives -maybe Cartright, or Howell- but then she doubted that they paid enough attention to know. Cartwright was nice enough, but Howell didn't care for her, and the feeling was mutual. 
"Is the food good," Marcus asks, meeting her gaze as Lauren glances at him over the top of her computer monitor. He'd opted for the exact same burger, she noticed, but had swapped out the tater tots for the Cajun steak fries. 
"It's great," she replies absentmindedly, shutting the nearly full box of cheesy tater tots. "I appreciate it."
"You're welcome," is his emphatic answer, a brilliant smile flashing across his features. Lauren was sure that smile was enough to woo just about any woman at the bar, but it reminded her more of something more predatory, something that looked welcoming on the surface, but would rip you to shreds if you got too close. 
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he continues as Lauren tries to discreetly drop what remains of her food in the trash. He pays her absolutely no mind, eyes focused on his computer screen in front of him. 
She doubts he's looking at anything work related. 
"We'll have to eat out more often. There's a new Italian place a few street over-"
Marcus' words abruptly, uncharacteristically go silent, which commands her attention far more than whatever he'd been saying. Lauren looks up, having returned to her work, and the moment she does, her heart takes a nose dive into her stomach. Standing just inside the main door of the precincts bullpen, looking regal as ever in a tan, three piece suit that she has no doubt costs more than her rent two times over, is Brian Nguyen, one of the most renowned defense attorney's in New York. Next to him stands Lieutenant Albrecht, who is so red in the face it looks like he might stroke out.
Brian cuts a glance at Lauren, giving her a subtle, knowing smirk as he speaks.
"Detective Wolffe." His dark eyes pierce right through her. It's not a look of triumph, it's a warning, a reminder. "It's been quite a while." 
No, it hasn't, Lauren's mind supplies in answer. The thought is slightly bitter, and overly guilty.
She was all too familiar with Brian Nguyen, or rather, the kind of clientele he represented; drug dealers, mob guys, enforcers, all the other kinds of guys who probably deserved to be under the prisons rather than in them. 
If he was here, it was an omen for a bad day. 
"Indeed it has," Lauren replies coolly. "To what do we owe the pleasure?" 
"He's here for Carlos Muñoz," Lieutenant Albrecht responds, his face bitter. Lauren grits her teeth, apprehensiveness settling poorly in her stomach. 
She probably shouldn't have eaten that burger.
"Just to talk, I'm assuming? He started asking for you the moment we cuffed him." 
"I'm afraid not, Detective Morenci." 
Sure you are, Lauren says to herself, rage boiling in her veins. She knows all too well what Brian Nguyen is here for, if he's not here to talk to his client.
"He's made bail?" Marcus questions, and Lauren wants to sock him for not reading the giant pink elephant in the room. She settles for scratching her pen deep into a stack of blue sticky notes on her desk. Ellie had picked them out; blue was her favorite color.
"Yes," Albrecht grits out, and Lauren knows he’s feeling the same frustration as her. "They're already working through the release process." 
Lauren shakes her head, glancing at the picture of Ellie on her desk. It was an older photo from a birthday two years prior; Ellie is grinning, all dimples and missing baby teeth, holding up a new stuffed animal frog that Lauren had gotten her, brown eyes bright and her hair in lopsided, blonde pigtails.  It was a picture similar to one that Lauren had seen in the Reyes home of the little boy -Antonio- that Muñoz had murdered. 
Antonio Reyes would never smile like that again, and the bastard responsible for it was going to walk free. 
Just like far too many others. 
This was another aspect of the job that Lauren hated, one that she would never get used to. And it was something happening more and more often.
Lauren sits at her desk, seething, and watches as Nguyen signs the necessary paperwork for the bail. The moment he bids them all goodbye, at least having the small sliver or decency to not look smug as he does so, Lauren feels the straw break the camel's back. 
"This is such bullshit," she spits, haphazardly shuffling case files back into their folders. She pauses when she spots an extra copy of the photo of the lifeless, beaten body of the boy. 
"I can't say I'm surprised," Marcus remarks, ignoring the glare Lauren flashes his way as he kicks back in his chair, hands behind his head. "But how does a guy like that make bail that high?" 
"He doesn't," Lauren hisses, throwing on her jacket. Tucking the crime scene photo into the inner pocket, she grabs her keys and marches towards the door. 
"Where are you going?" Lieutenant Albrecht questions, a hint of worry showing through his otherwise neutral expression. 
"For a walk," Lauren answers, softer than she would if anyone else were to ask. They would probably be having a conversation soon about how she was doing. 
Her lieutenant simply nods, knowing better than to try and stop her. 
If he knew where she was headed, he would.
Masterlist ☆ Part 1 ☆ Part3
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veryberryjelly · 2 years
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pairing ; poly!stancy x reader [ modern au ]
prompt -  Imagine Person A having to go to the grocery store to pick up some food, even though they have never gone by themselves. They end up having an anxiety attack in the bathroom, but instead of dealing with it themselves, they call one of their partners who helps ground them while the other sets out to pick them up
wc ; 1.3k
While you had tried your best to get out of going to the grocery store alone, there was no getting out of it today. Both nancy and steve were at work and there was no food in the kitchen that was actually able to be cooked without poisoning all three of you.
It was only a short walk to the grocery store that was located in town, most of the walk was spent fiddling with a random piece of paper in your jacket pocket that wasn’t even really your jacket pocket. It was just the first one you grabbed from the hooks by the door and it happened to be nancy’s.
You slowed down as you approached the large grocery store at the side of the road, taking a moment to just take a breath before you walked into the store.
Maybe coming at the busiest time for them wasn't the best idea, but because you’d never been alone before, you didn’t really know when the busiest time was. There were a lot of people and it caused your chest to feel a thousand times tighter than usual.
You tried your best to push that feeling down and just get the grocery shopping done before your boyfriend or girlfriend arrived back at home.
You got around to the bread before it got too much. It wasn’t just out of nowhere though. You had found a calm part of the store to start in but eventually you had to go around the entire store for all of your groceries.
While you were in the bread aisle, someone had grabbed the last loaf of bread that you needed, and you just lost it. It had been building since you walked into the store, but that was the last thing that caused your breathing to speed up and your eyes to well with panicked tears.
You abandoned your half filled cart in the aisle and sped through the store to get to the bathroom, not wanting to draw attention to yourself by having an attack in the middle of the store.
You found an empty stall in the bathroom, locking the door and sitting yourself down on the closed toilet, trying your best to calm your breathing.
It wasn't’ working
Every shallow breath you took made you panic about running out of oxygen because you couldn’t breathe properly.
You feared you may pass out in the bathroom at the grocery store.
With a shaking hand, you pulled your cell phone from your back pocket, a familiar photo lighting up in your face.
Your lockscreen was a photo of you, nancy and steve that robin hda actually taken and sent to you after you’d gone home. The photo was of both you and nancy asleep on either side of steve after a day out with everyone, where you all went back to eddie’s trailer to relax afterwards. You three had been too exhausted to even keep your eyes open which was how robin had even taken the photo in the first place.
The photo usually brought feelings of warmth but right now it only made you feel worse. You couldn’t even go to the grocery store without having an anxiety attack.
Shakily, you typed in your password and went straight to your phone app to call nancy, knowing she would know how to help you calm down and just sort yourself out.
While the phone rang in your ear, you just tried to calm yourself down enough to talk to nancy.
“ hey, sugar. Where are you? Me and steve just got home, we thought you’d be here “ you can hear her moving through the house through the phone, probably going up to change out of her work clothes.
It took a minute before you could even say anything. Not only were you panicking about where you were , but now you were just annoyed with yourself that you hadn’t been able to get back before either of them got home like you had originally wanted.
Taking a shaky breath, you spoke up, knowing you wouldn't be able to get help if you couldn't even tell nancy where you were.
“Uhm… i’m at the g-grocery store…”
There was a short silence on the phone before you heard nancy’s voice again.
“ okay, do you want one of us to come and get you ?”
You assumed she had heard the waiver of your voice and put two and two together. You had never been great in public places, especially when you were alone.
Without really thinking about it, you just nodded without realising she couldn't see you.
With a shaky intake of breath, you replied.
“yes, please” you sounded weak and you truly hated it.
You heard a few mumbled words on the other end of the line along with a metal jangling that you assumed to be keys.
“ okay, y/n, steve’s coming to get you, alright? I’m gonna stay on the phone until he gets there, okay?”
“ mhmm “ was all you could mutter.
Your shaking had gone down since you’d been on the phone to nancy but your breathing was still rather jagged.
“ ok, i want you to tell me five things you can see right now, can you do that?”
“ uhm, my phone, my converse, the stall door, an empty toilet roll and my bag “
“ alright, now four things you can feel”
“ the toilet lid on my legs, my hair on the back of my neck, the phone in my hand and uh, my shoes against my ankles”
“ three things you can hear “
“ the sink running, the hand dryer and the door keeps squeaking. “
“ two things you can smell “
“ i don’t really want to think about what i can smell in here “ you answered with a soft laugh and nancy was relieved that you were calming down at least a little.
“ okay, we’ll skip that one. Just tell me one thing you can taste”
“ the noodles i had for lunch “
“ you had noodles for lunch? Like from a packet?” she questioned, now just wanting to keep you a little calm until steve arrived. Which shouldn't be too long as you lived quite close to the store. That's why you had been able to walk to the store when you first arrived.
“ yeah, it’s all we had. “
“ so you went shopping ?”
“ i wanted to do it so neither of you had to after going to work. “
Nancy’s reply was lost in the phone when you heard steve’s voice echo through the bathroom.
“ y/n? You in here ?”
“ in here “ you called, standing from the floor anyway, now feeling a bit better after nancy calmed you down on the phone.
You unlocked the door from the inside and found steve standing just inside the door, presumably not wanting to just wander into the womens bathroom.
“ hey, you okay?” he questioned as you approached him., his arms instantly lifting to pull you into his chest.
You nodded softly, enjoying the grounding feeling of his arms around you.
“ let’s get you back home then “ he said softly and you didnt say anything, just nodded again and unwrapped your arms from around steve.
He threaded his fingers through yours and led you out of the store.
Only once you’d driven away did you realise you still had nothing at home for dinner.
“ wait, what are we supposed to do for dinner. I didn’t get the groceries and we don’t have anything at home.”
Steve calmly reached over teh centre console and took your hand in his once again, his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand as he spoke.
“ it’s okay, baby. Nance ordered some takeout so we don’t need any groceries until tomorrow. “
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littleragondin · 1 year
For the ask game! 🙃💜📷 :D!
Benka! ♡ thank you for asking (*¯ ³¯*)♡
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know? 
Somehow my mind draws a blank (when I know for a fact it stores far too many weird stuff) so I will go with a weird fact related to my field of study! When hearing two sounds simultaneously under very specific conditions, your ear will produce a sound back. That’s because the cells in your cochlea that are responsible for detecting sound vibrations are also vibrating themselves (look at that video of a "dancing" hair cell!). That “ear-produced” sound is used in hearing tests because not only can it give you info on the person's hearing abilities, it is also specific to those cochlear cells - so it also gives you info on where the problem might be happening. 
💜 I can’t find this one in the list I’m sorry! So uh I went with what looks the closest in the emoji list? 💙Relationship status?
I'm single. And for the other -ships, working on keeping it up across oceans mostly and despite the saboteur brain! ♡
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen? 
After a long run with dragon!Mangkorn (I’ve had them for months), I have succumbed to the ‘To Sir, with love’ brainrot so now I have JamFilm's MV poster >
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smokedetected · 2 years
Kermite the Frog 🐸🧨
Slightly awkward moment today when two college mates and I went to a cafe together and one of them saw my phone lockscreen 💀  Cus like, a few days ago I came across this image of Kermit the Frog as Thermite from R6S/Thermite with Kermit’s face (this one) and found it so hilarious and random that I set it as my lockscreen & completely forgot about it.
Which brings us to today:
Me: “Yeah, that should work - let me just check real quick- (*pulls out phone*)”
Cute friend: “Hey, what character was that on your lockscreen?”
Silent friend: *looking up from his cake*
Me: “Uuuuh... it’s... it’s Kermit the Frog as Thermite... from R6S, the shooter game...”
Silent friend: *concerned stare*
Cute friend: “O..kay...?” _______________
Like 🤡, I swear to god, writing my thesis killed off my last two brain cells, I can’t even tell if something is actually funny anymore lmao 🤦‍♀️
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laflechanet · 4 months
Nueva noticia publicada en LaFlecha
New Post has been published on https://laflecha.net/the-changing-scenario-of-gaming-called-lockscreen-gaming/
The Changing Scenario of Gaming Called Lockscreen Gaming
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The lockscreens in mobile phones have always had passwords to protect the privacy of cell phone users. However, it is obstructive, and every time you have to type in the password to open the lock screen to play games, it becomes a source of embarrassment to do so in front of your colleagues while you are at work. Here is how the lock screen games work:
  Do more with your lock screen
Soon, you will be able to play your favorite games, such as kiss918, on your lock screen without needing to download them. Now, you can not only see the live game scores and feeds but also participate in esports contests. The entire scenario is going to change so that you can do more things with your lock screen. Plus, it will save you the time needed to open the lock screen every time and check. Moreover, your privacy will also be protected. The functions of your lock screen are soon going to transform for the better into a repository of fun and entertainment rather than just that of security. 
Take time to relax
Instead of worrying about opening a separate application to access the games on your mobile phone, make them available on your lock screen. You can even take some time to relax by taking small breaks between each game. It would also be fun to access the games and play them during your break at work or while waiting for your transportation to arrive. It will save you more time and you would still be able to enjoy more in little time. Furthermore, you can make the most of your precious time to enhance your gaming skills while you are away from your desk during lunchtime. 
  Save on your storage space
Most of the smartphones in the world have very little storage space. However, that is not the case with the lock screen since you can play your games from there. It will not consume much space, and your phone will not slow down, unlike in older smartphones. Furthermore, your phone will not hang due to the limited space available on it. There are not only simple games but also those that are highly challenging. Thus, your lock screen can make you feel happy about the variety that is available while not occupying a lot of storage space.
  Save on time
Instead of having to scroll through your smartphone without any aim, you can have a lot of fun. These distractions can be much more fun when you try them out at least once before judging them. Therefore, if they are available on your lock screen, they also make it easier for you to access them whenever you want and from wherever you want. You can also save time on interacting with people since there are built features such as in-game chats and more that would help you communicate with others. Now, you can even update yourself with news from the gaming world whenever you chat with people on the internet. Thus, the entire mobile gaming scenario has been changed by lock screen gaming.  
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quaissants · 4 months
purpose matty ( @stealanity )’s my jay so.. happy leap year- ・ gender neutral reader + word count 627 genre comfort .. online friends (reader only knows him as seong) .. writer! reader warnings mention of snacks .. possible burnout .. very personal so don't mind me — cred. to byhees for the cute layout
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what was the point of buying snacks? what was the point of reading through old ideas? what was the point of making a mood playlist? what was the point of turning on the computer? 
what was the point of falling into this sequence of events again when everyone but you benefited from it?
type, ponder, backspace. maybe if that little line that followed after every letter had a voice, it’d be begging you to stop. you know what it feels like to run in circles, don’t you? of course you do. that’s why you’ve been unable to fill the blank document with the thoughts that play around in your brilliant but tired mind.
it’s not like they’re not worthy of being released to the world—okay, maybe some of them are better off working as a dust catcher. the point still stands: your soul is brimming with these fantastic ideas, but the issue lies in the worst enemy known to writers.. fleshing out the idea.
how do you even.. there goes the backspacing again. 
just the sentence opener sends a chill (read: blizzard) down your cramped arms. it’s bad enough that you have plenty of things crowding your once—actually, has it ever known that word—neat space. now you have to tolerate the eyesore that are these blocks of texts that look to be around over one thousand (1,000) words, but the word counter will always be ready to humble you.
“what even is this?” your spinning chair groans with you, but for its own personal reasons. ignorance really is bliss, especially when your seat sounds like it wants to retire after years of you testing its backrest’s durability. 
after being hit by reality by the word counter (you’re past the halfway point, how have you not reached the five hundred (500) word milestone yet?) for what was actually the first time since you opened this document, you’re just about ready to release the defeated exhale and pretend you’re merely seeking out inspiration through looking at other things. it’s way too late in the night to wrestle with your brain cell anyway, so you close the document and watch the tiny cursor fly across the screen to shut the monitor down. 
just click the button and repeat the process another day..
your phone’s lockscreen lights up, showcasing a picture of the most gorgeous man you’ve been fawning over for the past few weeks— oh wait, there’s a notification.. nope, make that three.. fine, let’s go with four. curious, you reluctantly open your phone to check the messages.
loveseong⠀:⠀ i miss your writing so much but i also understand that you’re caught in a fight with writer’s block so i’ll busy myself with watching over my empty plate for now..
loveseong⠀:⠀ just know that you’re absolutely talented and smart and brilliant
loveseong⠀:⠀ no matter what happens, i’ll still be here by the time you choose what works best for you
loveseong⠀:⠀ mhm, even if that may be lightyears away okay 😠
he knows. and you yourself have got no clue how he does, but seong has mastered the art of virtually bundling you up in comfort. others can call you mean for thinking this way—they don’t know you as deeply as he did, so their right to judge doesn’t exist—but the physical distance won’t stop your scotch-taped soul from feeling its wholest through his words. 
and your mind?
you take your cursor away from the shut down button and open the document once more. the blank space taunts you again; daring you to paint it with the lines that weave themselves in between the crevices of your imagination.
type, ponder, type some more.
you refuse to let the feeling of defeat stain your agile fingers again.
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QUAISSANTS, 2024. do not steal or else i bite.
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tamakiemo · 4 years
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⠀⠀⠀ ⠀˖° ͎◌⸙ like or reblog if you save/use ‧₊˚
⠀ ꩖͓﹟ᴘsᴅ ʙʏ @noirpsds ⸼۰ ۪̥۫
⠀⠀⠀୭̥ 𝗖𝗲𝗹𝗹𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗻𝘀 ¡ ♥︎
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kitsunigami · 4 years
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Hataraku Saibō lockscreens
like/reblog if you save
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dollwritesarchive · 3 years
[ ᴍɪɴɪ ᴍᴜsɪɴɢs ] rock a bye ❛ frenchie ( the boys )
fandom the boys
featuring dark!frenchie x atf!reader (f)
rating sfw, but possibly triggering
content warning this piece is a little on the darker side as it is meant to be frenchie pre-season 1, gun use, threats
summary waking up in the middle of the night, you realize you have an unwanted guest in the nursery
word count 2097
attention this got darker than I originally intended. thanks to everyone who gave me the french terms I needed. not proofread. do not translate or repost my work anywhere ever. please reblog and leave feedback if you enjoy!
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there’s a crackle to the left of your head, an oh-so easily distinguishable resonance that wakes you immediately. it would’ve if you’d been hardly sleeping, or as deep into your dreams as you could go- it meant the baby monitor was active. it sits on your bedside table; your cell phone and badge lay in a stack beside it.
squinting against the set of 3 LEDs that have been set directly beneath the volume gauge, your brows knit together as you listen for the sound of your daughter’s cries. in the meantime, you reach for your phone, the screen illuminating as soon as it's raised from its perch, and you resist the urge to close your eyes as you’re temporarily blinded by your own lockscreen, which is a tender candid of you only weeks prior, the day of Baby Cora’s birth. in the shot, you’ve got her, premature and bundled in pink fleece, resting in your arms. exhaling in defeat the moment you read the time displayed, your head wants to fall back against the pillow. it was about time for her to wake up, as her schedule seemed to be: any time you were sleeping, she wasn’t, and vice versa.
another crackle on the monitor, and your eyes widen. your daughter’s screaming isn’t what comes through the speaker, but instead a very distinct, very familiar male voice cooing to her. your stomach ties itself in tight knots and, before you know it, you’re retrieving the matte black glock from the holster draped over the bedpost as you shoot up from your bed.
feet silent as they touch the cool hardwood, you steady the gun in your shaky grip by holding it with both hands and keeping it close, as if the power to take a life could harden your resolve.
the trek to Cora’s bedroom is a short one, but you find yourself panting, albeit silently, by the time you reach the door. your lungs are burning, heart pounding, as you traipse along the hair-thin cracks in the hardwood. spectral glow stains the tops of your feet as the pale moonlight spills through a part in the curtains opposite the wall from the one you press your body against. one, final step and you hold the grip of the weapon so tightly your knuckles ache. you lean back, allowing the crown of your head to rest against the wall as you steel your nerves.
“Ooh, ma schtroumpfette…” it was unsettling hearing his voice again, even though you knew he wasn’t speaking to you; it was a sing-song whisper, and your heart thumps almost painfully against your rib cage. “So big already, uh?”
the door to the nursery is ajar already, and the only thing you need to do is slip inside. upon your quiet entry, you catch sight of his shoulders hunched, his back facing you. thick, dirty digits curled around the edge of the crib, he leans forward to talk directly to your daughter, who lay peacefully in the crib.
there’s a telltale click once the bead is steadied, dead between his shoulder blades, and you flip the safety off. “Get away from her.” you had hoped to sound a tad more intimidating, but your voice is slightly shaken.
his shoulders tense, but otherwise he doesn’t move. “Cora’s a beautiful name, amour.”
your frown deepens, and you take another cautious step into the nursery. “Frenchie,” you warn, holding the gun with both hands. it’d been so long since you spoke to him directly, the nickname seemed silly and foreign on your tongue, like something was terribly wrong to cause your lips to form the syllables. there was something terribly wrong, and you had a gun pointed at it.
Frenchie’s head sinks a bit lower, hands releasing the crib, albeit reluctantly. “I would’ve liked to have been there, you know?” he pauses, before he adds quietly, “Well, allowed in the room. I had to watch from the rooftop with a pair of binoculars.”
his confession sends an icy chill down your spine, and freezes your beating heart in the process. now admittedly angry, you hiss. “You’re a crazy bastard to even think that you could be there.”
“Mm. Pourquoi? Shouldn’t a father be there for the birth of his little girl?” you know that, in a way, he’s right.
however, not only your pride, but also the need to protect your infant keeps your resolve solid as rock. the gun seems steady on him, unwavering and unwilling to lower. “You don’t get it, do you? Has your very last braincell evaporated in the cloud of smoke that engulfs you? I almost lost everything because of you. As soon as IA found out I was pregnant, they were crawling my ass.” you side step to the changing table to prop yourself against it, eyes never leaving him. “I was under surveillance the day after Kosner’s funeral-“
Frenchie’s lip twitches, eyes cast down at Cora. “I am sorry about him. I had no choice.” he reaches forward with the very tip of his forefinger and gives her nose a little poke, a fond smile threatening to lighten his features.
you decide to ignore his ‘apology’, if one could call such a pisspoor attempt at justification anything other than a coward hiding behind an excuse. your jaw clenches; but you’re not only angry at him. mostly, you hate yourself. Kosner had been your partner since you moved into ATF; you’d learned everything with him. shared everything with him. there’s always a choice, you can hear his voice in your head. Kosner had been the closest thing to a father you’d had, and the moment he came too close to figuring out about your affair with Frenchie, a bright red bullseye was painted on his back. you consider asking the man, nay, the killer before you if he was the one who sniper Kosner. if he had been unable to trust anyone else not to miss and hit his pregnant, secret girlfriend that had been standing two feet away.
“- they raided my house, French. Looking for you.” you finish the intended statement instead of opening that can of worms. the memory of watching your partner, your friend, choking on his blood and knowing damn well it was your fault was too painful to pull to the surface again. you shrug, solemnly. “Who's to say they didn’t plant a bug in every room? That I don’t have two agents in a black SUV outside right now, watching and listening to everything?”
“You don’t,” he answers simply, straightening. his darkened couplet locks your gaze within his, and you feel your heart skip a beat. those eyes. they were mesmerizing and terrifying, and told such contradicting tales: those of his making love to you, kissing the tip of your nose, and whispering that he loved you, but also of a merciless, godless killer. one that didn’t bat an eye when he took a life. he carried it all in his gaze, and perhaps that’s why it was such an endless, dark ocean. “You are smarter than that, no? I taught you better than that.” he sighs, albeit softly, and gestures with a nod towards the crib. “I’ll hold her now.”
you were so close to lowering the gun, to setting it aside, but his words seem to slap the sense right back into you, and your fingers tighten around the grip. a shake of your head. “No.”
his brows arch, both hands fleeing to the lapels of his army-green coat. “Oh, I wasn’t asking.”
you’re tense again, incredibly so. for you know all too well what awaits beneath the fabric- twin holsters that fit snug against his ribs, the strap that keeps them close to his person like another set of skin against his back and shoulders. how many times you’d peeled them off of him, in hopes that he wouldn’t feel the need to put them back on. to you, they were his barrier, his defense when someone got too close, and back then you were willing to risk it all if only he’d bring you closer to his chest than those damn guns. “Frenchie-“ you breathe out in a heartbeat. times like this, you wish you knew his real name. if only he’d told you, let you in, things might’ve been different.
as if he’d read your mind, he jerks the fabric back, his arms follow to slip free of the coat, but his eyes are on you. perhaps to gauge your confusion and surprise with subtle bemusement when you realize the holsters are empty. “You are the only one armed, mère ours.” as if to emphasize his defenselessness, Frenchie raises both hands, palms out to you. “If you want to keep the bead on me, then you can. Shoot me if need be, but I will hold my girl.”
you shouldn’t have hesitated, but you did. you lower the gun to allow it to hang in one hand at your side, your finger escaping the trigger to flip the safety back on. Frenchie only smiles, nods graciously, and dips his hands into the crib to cradle his baby girl. it was a sight that, had you been as young and naive as you were when the affair started, you would’ve dreamt about. he holds her close to his heart with such tenderness that you’re almost envious— as much as you wanted to pretend that you hated him, you missed him.
“Have you been staying out of trouble?” you ask, keeping your distance but staring. though you were relaxed, you weren’t fooled. you knew the man too well to let your guard down completely.
Frenchie chuckles, glancing up at you as if you had three heads. “Absolutely not.” he answers, and a shudder creeps over you at the humor in his utterance. he was pleased to inform you that he was still the criminal you were stupid enough to fall for. what’s worse? he was holding your daughter when he admitted it. crooning softly, he holds her close and pecks her chubby, little cheek. when her miniature fingers reach to feel the dark stubble on his chin, he kisses them, too. “She is so little,” he whispers, staring at her in awe, “and pretty like her maman.”
the word turns your stomach, and you look away for a moment, feeling your eyes welling up with the hot threat of tears. “She still has a chance, you know?” you mumble, voice shaking. “The chance at a normal life, a happy life where she’s not in danger. If she knows you, she’ll never have that.” when you look back to him, he’s glaring at you; it’s frightening, to say the least. in the dark, his eyes are onyx.
“She is mine,” he rumbles. “As much as she is yours. You can’t keep her from me.” Frenchie crosses the room, slowly and threatening, with Cora safe in his arms. “You can lock all of your doors, you can run away, you can try to hide her, but I will always find her. I will always find you.” he shifts Cora to one hand against his chest as the other snatches the gun from yours. you gasp, having been so entranced by his threats that you’ve no time at all to react. extending Cora to you, you take your baby in your arms and hold her against you, shielding her from her father. you try to take a step back, but his boots plant themselves on either side of your bare feet, effectively pinning you to the changing table. your heart is pounding so hard against your rib cage that it hurts your chest.
after a few moments of watching him toy with your government issued gun, you forget how to breathe when he presses the barrel to your cheek. “I am sorry, chérie, but I’m going to be part of this family, whether you want me to or not.” he only holds it there for a couple of seconds, long enough to get his point across as his blackened gaze pours into yours, before he stuffs your gun into the holster against his ribs and grabs your cheek, pulling it to his lips. one tear escapes your duct and races down to meet his lips. “You’ll come to love my surprise visits again, just like you did before, and I’m going to spoil our baby girl.” he smiles, seeming not to notice you’re crying or, at least, he doesn’t seem to care. “We’re going to be a happy family, just give it some time.”
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Can I request “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.” with our dumb marimo. Keep us the good work and thanks in advance
This is such a fun prompt, I had fun writing this for Usopp too!
Zoro x GN Reader AU: Modern SFW Word Count: 470
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You and your green haired boyfriend were on your way to meet friends for dinner, but he’d managed to get you lost on the way. You sighed and typed in the address into your phone trying to find where you’d gone wrong. “Zoro, when you said LEFT about ten minutes ago did you mean RIGHT?” You asked the man with another sigh.
He shrugged his shoulders while rubbing the back of his neck, you guessed it was mostly your fault, you knew what he was like, yet you still put him in charge of getting you to the restaurant. The biggest mistake of your life apparently as you turned the corner and saw nothing but wedding dress shops. “Zoro…”
You rolled your eyes at his signature shrug in response. You looked at your phone as it tried to redirect you, a logo of your phones make popped up on the screen before it went black. “Fuck!” You cursed at your useless device before putting it into your pocket.
“I need to use your phone Zoro” “Why? I can do it fine, give me the address!” Oh yes, Zoro was known for being able to read maps, he was barely capable of finding the calculator ap on him phone. You watched as he dug into his pockets for his phone, gripping it wrong it fell to the floor with a clack.
“It’ll be fine” He mumbled not bothered and reached down for it, but you’d beaten him to it, already frustrated with you both being late for dinner and knowing it would take the man far too long to find the maps option on his phone.
His phone didn’t even have a case on it, there was scratches all over it, cracked screen on a good 60% of the front, not to mention what looked like a cut across the top. This phone was as indestructible as he was. He made a noise of protest when you turned it on, not even a lock on it. Your own smiling face greeted you when the screen illuminated.
“Am I your lockscreen?” You asked, taken aback, you knew Zoro loved you, he just wasn’t the type to show any form of sentiment. He turned his head, not wanting to face you as you stared at his cell phone screen with wide eyes. “You weren’t supposed to see that.” Zoro snorted, you could hear the pout in his voice even if you couldn’t see it.
“Aren’t you actually the cutest Mr Rorona” You opened up the right app and typed in the address getting the device to point you in the right direction, tugging on his elbow to get him to walk with you. “F-fuck off” Was all he could come up with as he held his arm out for you to link with.
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v4mpyuri · 3 years
✸⌇w͜͡e͜͡l͜͡c͜͡o͜͡m͜͡e͜͡ t͜͡o͜͡ P͜͡e͜͡r͜͡s͜͡o͜͡c͜͡o͜͡n͜͡t͜͡e͜͡s͜͡t͜͡
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꒰ִ💭۫˖ꞋꞌꞋ꒱ ─ como funciona?
҂̲⋆ Serão 3 dias para as pessoas mandarem personalizações de celular usando conteúdos do meu blog!! e as 3 personalizações com mais notas irão ganhar algumas coisinhas
҂̲⋆ Use a Abuse dos conteúdos, e quando terminar faça um post me marcando com a seguinte frase: "personalização para o Persocontest do @v4mpyuri" (de preferência poste a homescreen e a lockscreen), você pode adicionar outras frases e oque quiser, mas é importante que me marquem com a frase anterior, e com a tag #v4mpyuripersocontest
꒰ִ💭۫˖ꞋꞌꞋ꒱ ─ regras:
҂̲⋆ 1. você pode marcar o número de pessoas que quiser no post.
҂̲⋆ 2. Não faça chacota da personalização das outras pessoas, caso isso aconteça irei chamar atenção para te tirar do contest.
҂̲⋆ 3. Por Favor Peço para não forçar as pessoas a darem notas na sua perso!!
҂̲⋆ 4. não use outras contas suas para votar em sí mesmo.
꒰ִ💭۫˖ꞋꞌꞋ꒱ ─ recompensa:
҂̲⋆ os 3 ganhadores irão receber filtros para polarr feitos por mim, e 1 moodboard com os seus ults!!
ׅ݁🐮۫ᨓ aproveitem o Evento!!
♡ English
꒰ִ💭۫˖ꞋꞌꞋ꒱ ─ how does it work?
҂̲⋆ It will be 3 days for people to send cell phone customizations using content from my blog!! and the 3 customizations with the most scores will get some little things
҂̲⋆ Use the Abuse of the contents, and when you finish make a post tagging me with the following sentence: "customization for @v4mpyuri's Persocontest" (preferably post the homescreen and lockscreen), you can add other sentences and whatever you want , but it is important that they mark me with the previous sentence, and with the tag #v4mpyuripersocontest
꒰ִ💭۫˖ꞋꞌꞋ꒱ ─ rules:
҂̲⋆ 1. You can tag as many people as you like in the post.
҂̲⋆ 2. Don't make fun of other people's personalization, if that happens I will call attention to take you out of the contest.
҂̲⋆ 3. Please I ask you not to force people to rate your person!!
҂̲⋆ 4. do not use other accounts of yours to vote for yourself.
꒰ִ💭۫˖ꞋꞌꞋ꒱ ─ reward:
҂̲⋆ the 3 winners will receive polarr filters made by me, and 1 moodboard with their ults!!
ׅ݁🐮۫ᨓ enjoy the Event!!
Design: @v4mpyuri
Psd: @cisn6s
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tsukiihime · 3 years
Heartbreak Part 3 (Bakugou x Fem!Reader) (Shinsou x Fem!Reader)
Third part up! Now excuse me, I’m going to play Genshin Impact all weekend! Enjoy!
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Angst, arguments, swearing, drinking
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
You shriek in terror as a loud blaring sound emanates from the table in front of you - your heart nearly leaps out of your chest as the sudden noise coupled with the darkness and the horror movie playing in the background fries your nerves with fear. You hear Shinsou laugh in the background, in the kitchen grabbing more snacks as you wait in the dark for him to return. 
“Shut up, Hitoshi!” He smirks to himself - you used his full first name which means you’re angry at his teasing. He chuckles as he makes more popcorn and hears you shuffle out of your blanket cocoon to find the source of the noise. 
You find Shinsou’s black phone vibrating and ringing on the table in front of you under some magazines. On the screen flashes ‘Izuku Midoriya’ as a picture of the freckled boy and your best friend at their U.A graduation appears on the screen.
“‘Toshi! Midoriya’s calling! Want me to answer?” 
“Yeah, let him know I’m busy.”
“‘Kay.” You move to swipe right and answer the phone, but the call ends before you have the chance. On the lockscreen of Shinsou’s phone, the lock screen picture of you two at the Hero Rankings ceremony from two years ago is partially covered by a new banner: One missed call from Midoriya. 
“Oops, I missed it.” You set Hitoshi’s phone back down on his cedar coffee table, returning to wrap yourself back in your blanket as you spot fuzzy purple hair returning from the kitchen, popcorn bowl in hand as well as two cups full of water. “Sorry ‘Toshi, I didn’t answer in time.”
“S’alright, I’ll call him back after.” The two both of you turn your head to the phone as it vibrates on the table to let Shinsou know he’s got a text message, from the very person whose call he missed. “Hold on, lemme answer this…” He opens the message from him, cringing slightly as the bright screen blinds him in the total darkness. You help yourself to some popcorn as you wait for Shinsou to give you the signal to start the movie. 
From: Midoriya, sent at 10:39pm
Hey Shinsou! We’re having a small Class 1-A reunion at Shoto’s place this Friday - want to come? Everyone would love to see you! Let me know!
Shinsou leans back on the couch, staring at the ceiling. You cock your head in confusion. “What’s wrong ‘Toshi?”
“Class reunion at Shoto’s. Don’t wanna go.” He covers his face with his hands, groaning as he thinks of an excuse not to attend. 
“Why not? You haven’t seen Midoriya or the others in a long time.” Shinsou isn’t antisocial but he’s rather introverted; he prefers the company of cats and a few trusted friends over a loud party. Add in work and he basically only sees you on a regular basis. “I think you should go, it would do you some good.” Your purple haired friend looks at you sideways.
“Kaminari is gonna drink.” You snort, snickering at his aversion to the combination of the Stun Gun Hero and alcohol. Denki is one of the few people Shinsou gets along with despite his ditzyness, and Kaminari often tries to include Shinsou in mixers and parties much to his dismay. Last time Shinsou went drinking with Kaminari, they ended up in a pool with some of their classmates and in his drunken stupor, Kaminari almost activated  his quirk and fried everybody in the pool. Ever since then, Kaminari needs a designated partner to watch him when he drinks, which usually falls to Shinsou, Sero, or Kirishima. “And if he drinks, I can’t, which means I can’t enjoy myself.”
“Isn’t it Sero’s turn to watch him, since you did it last time? 
“Huh, you might be right. If I don’t have to watch that idiot, then I’ll probably go. Wanna come?” You raise an eyebrow.
“I wasn’t invited ‘Toshi. Besides...I didn’t attend U.A so it would be strange to have an outsider come around, right?” You give him a small smile to show you’re fine without going, but Shinsou knows better. You don’t want to go because you could run into Bakugou. He sighs, and turns to look at you. “Oh! Tell Denki and Sero I say ‘hello’. I miss playing video games with them when I used to go to parties.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll go and visit everyone. I’ll tell them you said hello. Now, can we get back to the movie? Your favorite part is coming up.” He snickers as you immediately dive under your blanket to avoid seeing the scene that makes you have nightmares every time it comes on. As you cower under the covers, Shinsou howls with laughter as you scream. 
You don’t even hear your phone ringing in the bedroom, faint and drowned out by you and Shinsou’s voices. A message flashes across the screen:
One missed call from Katsuki.
Bakugou listens to your voicemail message play in his ear, despondent as you fail to pick up. He relishes in the opportunity to hear your voice again though, and closes his eyes as your message begins to play. 
“Hey! Sorry I’m not available to take your call at the moment. Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!” 
He can see you in his mind’s eye, lounging on the couch and flipping through channels as you try to find one of those true crime documentaries you love so much as you settle in for the night. Or maybe you’re busy with homework for school again, or staying late at work since you always wanted to work more hours to be more independent. He can see you crashing in bed after a long night - fuzzy cat hairband on your head holding back your hair, face freshly washed, wrapped in the yellow blanket you loved so much. His shoulders feel heavy as he solemnly trudges back to his group of friends, taking one last look at his lock screen before he returns inside: a picture of you and him at the arcade, with you beaming with happiness as you hold up a large stuffed bunny he won for you with all the tickets he earned that night. He wonders if you still have it.
His reminiscing is interrupted by an incoming call from Deku - a picture of Izuku and Katsuki appears on screen, taken at a school function in their third year of high school. He lets out a small ‘tch’ but answers the phone anyways. “What do you want you damn Deku?”
“Hey Kacchan,” Deku answers unfazed, “just wanted to let you know that Shoto’s having a reunion at his place this Friday - wanna come?” Katsuki sees Todoroki on and off for his Hero work, and he gets along with both Shoto and Izuku way better than he did in high school, even if the rivalry is still present - in his case anyways.
“Hell no.” Bakugou hangs up the phone, shoves it in his pocket, and angrily pulls open the door to return to the apartment of his friends. On the other side of the phone, Izuku smiles as knows Bakugou’s group of friends will drag him to the function whether he likes it or not. 
When Friday rolls around, you busy yourself with laundry as Shinsou gets ready to attend the reunion at Todoroki’s downtown skyscraper apartment. You try not to think of your ex-boyfriend and the possibility that your best friend may run into him as you throw your clothes into the washing machine. You also try not to think of the fact that you received a call from Bakugou, a call you missed and didn’t have a voicemail attached to it. You contemplated calling him back to see what he wanted, but your pride and fear of rejection holds you back. So instead, you choose to act like it never happened - but your heart races every time a text or call notification thinking it’ll be from Katsuki. 
Your phone rests next to the washer on the shelf containing the laundry detergent and scent balls - it sits unlocked as you finish your first load of clothes. You pick it up, scrolling through the endless text as you try and find a new home. You’ve decided that you’ve overstayed your welcome at Shinsou’s apartment, and you’re now looking for one of your own. You’ve been working an insane amount of overtime, and now that you’ve raised your credit score, you feel ready to search for an apartment to call your own. Hitoshi of course has been protesting since he doesn’t feel that you’re a burden but you insist on getting out of his hair. It isn’t around and on the highest volume possible so you can answer the phone if Katsuki calls again, no siree. 
As you stare at your phone screen and walk back to the living room, you bump into Shinsou as he makes his way to grab his keys, knocking your phone to the floor. “Oh! Sorry ‘Toshi, I wasn’t paying attention.” 
“S’okay. I’m ‘bout to go, you need anything?” He bends over to pick up your cell and places it back in your hands. He’s wearing a dark green bomber jacket with a simple white v-neck underneath, complimented with black jeans and he holds a pair of Vans in his hands as he makes his way to the door. 
“I’m good, make sure you have fun, drive safe, and if you drink call me so I can get you, ‘kay?” You give him a quick hug, quickly noticing that he’s sprayed on some cologne. He smells amazing, but you wonder why a pang of jealousy courses through you when as you wonder why he put on cologne for a party full of friends. 
“Will do. See you later.” You see him off, locking the door behind him after he leaves. You return to the living room, alone and without plans. So, you decide to order some takeout, watch some Netflix, and stay up with your phone nearby in case Shinsou calls you for a ride.
It’s not so you can answer a call from Bakugou if he decides to call again. No way.
Shoto’s apartment is the probably the swankiest place owned by any of the Class 1-A graduates - in the heart of downtown, with ceiling to floor windows overlooking the cityscape and a private rooftop. Shinsou feels out of place as he makes his way up in the elevator, meeting Ojiro and Hagakure on the way. He says his greetings, makes small talk, and finally arrives at his destination - Todoroki’s apartment. He says hello to everyone, and moves to grab a beer. Lilac eyes meet vermilion ones as he comes face to face with Bakugou for the first time since everything happened with you. The Bakusquad notice Bakugou’s icy expression and turn to see who has gained his ire; they’re surprised to see Shinsou standing at the end of their friend’s glare.
“Dude, what’s your problem with Shinsou?” Kaminari asks innocently. Mina and Sero shoot him a look, causing him to cock his head in confusion. He mouths a silent ‘what’ to Sero, Kirishima, and Mina, who mouths back your name. He instantly shuts up and changes the subject. Bakugou can’t hear what his blonde friend is saying though, because he’s too busy staring holes through Shinsou’s back. He’s never had a problem with Shinsou before he met you, but every time he looks at the purple haired man he can’t help but feel intense jealousy and anger that bubbles up from within. He imagines you wearing Shinsou’s clothes, and sleeping at Shinsou’s place and he can’t control the rage that comes with it. He abruptly stands, grabbing two beers and walks off.
“Hey, where are you going?” Kirishima asks.
“To get some fresh air dammit!” Bakugou opens the door to the rooftop and forcefully slams it shut. The Bakusquad share a look with one another. 
“He must still be hung up on her.” Denki states nonchalantly, and Mina elbows him in the stomach. 
“Of course he is, you idiot! He loved her more than anything. You saw how miserable he was when she left.” This statement catches Shinsou’s attention, and after excusing himself from his conversation with Izuku and Uraraka, follows the Explosion Hero to the rooftop.
Although he tries to quietly sneak behind Bakugou as he makes his way to the rooftop, he fails miserably. “Why the hell are you following me Eye Bags?” 
“Huh, didn’t think you’d hear me. I was wondering why you were out here to drink by yourself. I take it you didn’t want to see me?” Bakugou turns around, veins popping out on his forehead as he gazes upon Shinsou in distaste. 
“Of course I didn’t want to see you, you damn extra. You got rocks for brains or somethin’?” Shinsou keeps an even expression as he faces down Bakugou as the sounds of the city play below them. “Well, why are you following me?” He repeats, crossing his arms.
“I just wanted to get some fresh air.” He lies, moving to the railing next to Bakugou, who looks at him with caution. The two men stand in silence, occasionally sipping from their beers as they watch the city they protect from on high. After what seems like an eternity, one of them breaks the tension and silence.
“How is she?” Shinsou looks sideways to see Bakugou staring at his beer can, emotions unreadable as he takes another swig. 
“Fine. A lot better than before. She’s thinkin’ of moving into her own place by next month. Told her she could stay with me until she’s ready but she’s insisting on moving out.” Bakugou’s eyebrow twitches in envy, and it takes almost all of his energy to hold back his tongue. 
“Good for her. She’s always been independent like that.” He slightly smiles as he recalls how self-sufficient you are, working hard to get what you want in your work, school, and love. He quickly wipes it off his face though so Shinsou can’t see.
“Yeah, too bad people take her for granted sometimes.” He knows it’s a low blow but he can’t help himself - Bakugou deserves it for treating you the way he did. “Can’t believe you’d fuck up something so good with someone like her.” Bakugou narrows his eyes in displeasure, his rationality hanging on by a thin thread as he convinces himself to not punch Shinsou in his face because you’d be upset if Hitoshi came home with a black eye and bloody nose. Katsuki decides to let that comment slide - he’s not as hot headed as he once was - and continues the conversation.
“I tried callin’ her last week. She didn’t answer.” He doesn’t know why he says it out loud, but he can’t stop the words from leaving his lips.
“Oh? She didn’t tell me.” Katsuki’s blood boils, and his jealousy reaches its breaking point after he hears that. Shinsou is taken aback by his words though - why didn’t you tell him? You tell him everything - even if it seems minute. He’s a bit hurt that you would hide that from him, but he stops it from showing on his face.
“And why would she? You’re not her boyfriend. You’re just a friend.” Shinsou bristles visibly at that statement - he can’t hide his discontent from showing on his face as Bakugou points out what he already knows. He is just a friend in your eyes, someone who you can count on no matter what. But the lingering touches, the ghost of your lips on his forehead, the cuddling he can’t help but desire - he wants more. He wants you in a way he can’t have, and he feels horrible for desiring you in this way when your heart has been broken. His face grimaces as the guilt creeps up his throat - he wants and yet he can’t tell you. He craves you in a way he’s never had for anyone else and at the worst possible time, his once innocent friendship with his childhood friend has devolved into longing and pining for you when you are emotionally unavailable. Bakugou watches closely as Shinsou’s face changes from his words, and his eyes widen as he puts two and two together.
“You bastard, you’re in love with her.” Bakugou says it low, growling it out through clenched teeth. Shinsou is taken aback for a second - he loves you of course, but is he in love with you? He thinks back on his life and sees you always next to him: smiling, encouraging him, holding him when he’s had a bad day, studying with him when there was a big exam coming up, calling to congratulate him when he entered U.A, and catching a train to see him graduate the Hero course. There’s no doubt in his mind - you’ve been a staunch supporter of his dreams and ambitions and he can’t see a life where you’re ever away from him. Like a puzzle, everything clicks into place. He knows it from the bottom of his heart, the deepest recesses of his soul.
He loves you. Deeply, truly, with every fiber of his being. He’s in love with you, his best friend.
“And if I am?” Vermilion eyes narrow, teeth grinding as he clenches his fists. Bakugou looks Shinsou straight in his eyes, fury radiating from every single pore of his body.
“You droopy eyed bastard. How long have you been waiting to swoop in and take her away from me? Just waiting for me to mess up, haah?” His words are dripping with venom, little sparks shooting out of his open palms. Shinsou isn’t sure if Bakugou will attack him or not, but he can sense that the blonde is so pissed he could blow up the entire rooftop. He backs away from the railing, never turning his back to Explosion Hero.  “How many times have you comforted her just hoping she’d give you the time of day? You think you’ll be able to make her happy Eye Bags? You may be her best friend, but I ain’t gonna sit here and let you talk down to me like you know all about what she and I had. There’s no one else for me and you know it.”
Shinsou sneers, staring at the man in front of him with disdain. “Bullshit. I was at your apartment Bakugou, I know for damn sure she isn’t the only thing on your mind.” Bakugou’s eye twitches in white hot rage.
“Haaah? What bullshit are you on now jackass? Making up stories to make yourself feel better for falling in love with my girl?” Shinsou narrows his eyes in irritation, envisioning your face as he holds you the night you saw Bakugou at the Hero Rankings, as you sob into his chest as he pets your hair. He recalls making you food, leaving it out for you to eat before he goes to patrol and coming home to find it untouched. He remembers how he had to remind you how beautiful you were, how the comments about your body and looks on social media didn’t mean anything because you were perfect just the way you are. Bakugou didn’t see how broken you were, how he shattered your heart and left you to pick up the pieces while he hopped from bar to bar and brought a date to the award ceremonies when he wouldn’t even acknowledge your existence as his girlfriend. 
“I was there at the apartment when she went to pick up her things. You had some underwear in your bedroom. She saw it, and I did too. Now, who did that belong to Bakugou?” He smirks, watching as the face of the blonde in front of him contorts in confusion and regret, now realizing that you had seen his almost one night stand’s underwear when you came to grab your things only a couple of days after you broke up. “Was it some girl you met while bar hopping? Or was it Camie’s? I didn’t know you had a thing for her.” 
“Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You don’t know shit.” Bakugou runs a hand through his spikes, a combination of shame and hurt painting his features. He looks up, glaring at the purple haired man in front of him. “You don’t know what it’s like. To have the person you love walk out on you and to know that you fucked up. I didn’t want to think about her, about us.” His lips purse together, his nose and throat become itchy as tears threaten to spill over at any moment. “I just wanted to forget, okay?! Is that what you wanna hear you bastard? I didn’t want to spend all night thinking about her!” He’s yelling now, his voice reverberating from the rooftop, spreading out into the city under the moonlit sky. Shinsou’s eyes widen in surprise at Bakugou’s outburst, lilac orbs staring unblinking at the man in front of him. He doesn’t think Katsuki is lying, he never hesitates to say what he thinks about anyone, whether they be a friend or a foe. 
“Whose underwear was it?” Shinsou asks lowly, bracing himself for his answer.
“Don’t remember her name. It was a girl from the bar, reminded me of her. I made her leave before anything physical happened. I only kissed her. Didn’t even know she left her clothes.” Bakugou recalls that night, alcohol coursing through his body, craving body heat and another person’s touch. He swallows thickly, imagining your face as you find that foreign underwear in the room you once shared, quickly dispelling that thought from his mind when he remembers your heartbroken expression.
“And what about Camie? I wasn’t home when the rankings aired,” Shinsou crosses his arms as he leans against the edge of the rooftop, “but I know she saw it.” Bakugou grits his teeth in anguish - how much hurt had he caused you without even knowing? How many nights had you cried while thinking he had moved on? He was such a damn fool.
“We went as friends. She wanted to make Inasa jealous enough to make a move on her. I didn’t think,” Bakugou looks up to stare at the lavender eyes boring into him, “...didn’t think she’d be watching. She always hated that kinda shit.” Shinsou’s eyebrows knit together in anger, red flashing in his vision as his entire body shakes as he clenches his fists to calm the fury bubbling up in his chest.
“She hated it because you never used to take her to one. God, you are such a fucking idiot Bakugou! That’s why she left you! You are selfish. You cared more about your damn rank and your stupid one sided rivalry with Deku that you couldn’t even tell the world you had someone you loved. When those people attacked her on social media, you didn’t lift a damn finger to stop the hate she was getting. You listened to your agency like a damn puppet, and let her take the fall. When all she did was love you. It wasn’t even about the attention of being a Hero’s girlfriend, she just wanted you to be proud of having her by your side, to have you not be afraid to show the world you cared about her. But you didn’t. She’s given you so much but you don’t even care. You can’t even get your head out of your ass to-”
“You don’t think I care? I’ve regretted not telling her how much she meant to me that night! I regret letting her leave that night in the rain, and I sure as hell regret letting her cry herself to sleep all those nights!” Bakugou’s hands squeeze in fists, nails digging into his palms and teeth grinding together as he wills himself not to cry.
“I never, never wanted to make her feel like she wasn’t good enough. I never ever wanted to be the one to make her cry. You don’t think I’d take it all back if I could? I miss her Shinsou, is that what you want to fucking hear? I miss her.”  The spiky haired blonde refuses to let Shinsou see him cry, holding back tears while scarlet orbs stare into purple ones. “I’ve missed her since she left and I fucking miss her more everyday. I’m not an idiot, I know I fucked up bad.” Shinsou’s expression softens slightly, he can sense that Bakugou’s telling the truth and he can hear the regret in his shaky voice. He sighs, looking down at his shoes. 
“Look, I may have feelings for her, but she doesn’t know and I don’t care to let her find out - not now anyway. I’m not trying to ruin your relationship or hurt your chances at getting back together because I know she loves you.” Shinsou rubs the back of his neck. “I’m sorry. I let my anger get the best of me tonight. I’ll leave you up here to get some fresh air. I’m going back to our friends, I’ll let them know not to bother you.” Bakugou nods, and turns silently around to continue overlooking the city as his eyes burn from the sting of tears. Shinsou leaves, and after he hears the door close, Bakugou lets the tears he’s held back flow freely from his eyes as he remains on the rooftop. 
Sniffling, he stares at the streets below while he tries to get his emotions under control - the great Katsuki Bakugou will not be seen crying - especially not in front of his friends. He feels a vibration in his pocket, and considers ignoring it, thinking it’s Kirishima or Kaminari calling him to come back. He pulls out his phone to deny the call.
Instead of Kaminari, he sees your name flash across the screen.
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incorrect-natshig · 3 years
Do you have natshig fic recs? 👀
putting it under a cut bcs there's a whole lot more than you would've bargained for💖
The Blocked Hooligans by aphrodaisyacs (11.4k, single chapter) prequel
On January 24, Twitter users @diamond_dust404, @jackedfrost and @icespicebaby formed a group chat when they all got blocked by Endeavor’s official Twitter account. After nearly ten months of developing into a chaotic adoptive family of three, it all changes when Jacked Frost (Todoroki Natsuo) and Ice Spice (Todoroki Shouto) accidentally find out that they are brothers in real life. Clearly, the next step is to meet with their third member, right?
wii music by constellore (43k, 7/30 chapters)
If, five years ago, someone told Natsuo that not only was he going to find his long-lost older brother, but that he was also going to learn that his sister’s best friend was a villain, gain a sorta - kinda fake boyfriend in the leader of the League of Villains, and be partially responsible for the redemption of two of the most wanted men in Japan, he would have told them that they were nuts.
luminous things by cirriform (3k, single chapter)
Natsuo teaches Shigaraki how to fold paper cranes.
Bullet Wounds and Book Work by Mishafy (20.6k, ongoing)
Shigaraki Tomura, at Kurogiri's suggestion, joined a med school track to make up for the lack of a party healer. It just so happened that Todoroki Natsuo was taking the same online course.
The Todoroki In-Laws by aphrodaisyacs (30.6k, complete)
Over 10 years after the fight against the Paranormal Liberation Front, Rumi, aka the part-time hero Miruko and the proud wife of one Todoroki Fuyumi, decides it would be an awesome idea to create a groupchat with the significant others of the other Todoroki siblings. Maybe things would be easier if its members weren’t two Pro Heroes, a former one and a rehabilitated villain, but honestly, where’s the fun in that? (chatfic)
Lingering by thyandra (2k, single chapter)
Natsuo sighed, closing the fridge door. He was so immersed in his pointless musings that he didn’t immediately hear the furious buzzing nearby, muffled by a pillow as it was. That is, until the thing fell to the floor—Shigaraki’s phone, Natsuo recognized once he glanced that way. He shouted a call of his name, but only got a muffled grumble back. Shigaraki was no doubt too absorbed in his game to give a fuck about his still buzzing device, and Natsuo- Natsuo hadn’t really meant to catch a glimpse of the screen. (Tomura has Natsuo as his lockscreen. Natsuo finds out.)
Caught Me at a Record Low by nocturnalgf (9.8k, ongoing)
It starts, as many things do, in a dirty alley. Shigaraki is dying, probably, until Natsuo comes to help him. And after that, Natsuo can't keep himself away.
Shigaraki Tomura’s Walkthrough to Infiltrating a University, Getting a Boyfriend, and More by JajaLala (73k, complete)
In order to recruit Dr. Ujiko Daruma, his Sensei's old doctor who fled after his arrest, Shigaraki must infiltrate the university the doctor is now working at. Problem is, even when he and some League members enroll as students, they discover it's almost impossible to meet the doctor unless you're enrolled in his advanced seminar. Fortunately, Shigaraki meets Natsuo, a premed in Dr. Ujiko's seminar, whose trust he must earn to meet the elusive doctor. However, the two of them might have more in common than Shigaraki expects...
Snow Day by Sensationalcrazyna (700 words, single chapter)
Shigaraki hates snow, but he'll go for his boyfriend.
The Todoroki Family is a Disaster™ by Tigers101 (2.7k, single chapter)
The Todoroki family is a disaster, and family dinner is even worse. Or, Fuyumi is going to lose her shit because she's apparently one of the only sane ones.
we will dream of the sea by crumbsfiction (3.6k, single chapter)
It’s a mechanism of self-defense, after all - trying so hard to be liked. If he can gain Tomura’s approval, if he can prove himself to this group, Natsuo will be fine. It will all have been worth it, dragging his name through the mud in search of a ghost. Besides, watching Tomura comes easily - in fact, Natsuo barely has to think about it at all.
Hoodie by MangoQueen (1k, single chapter)
Shigaraki gets cold and Natsuo offers for him to borrow a hoodie
Dear Tomura, I Hate You. Now Let's Play Some Video Games by  IDealess_at_this (6.6k, ongoing)
Natsuo finds himself in the library after a terrible family dinner. However, after an unconventional meeting, he also finds himself being held hostage by the worst villain league ever. Getting revenge on his father while helping each member of the dysfunctional family through their struggles in the process doesn’t sound too bad!
and of course my beloved AUs💗
a coin to a crane by bittermoons (22k, 5/10 chapters)
Two ordinary (or so they think) high school students from Tokyo stumble upon another world through their dad’s dojo, leading to all sorts of bizarre consequences when they meet a cosplaying asshole of a kodama—a tree spirit—on the other side. Who knew useless video game knowledge and an unlimited cell phone data plan would come in so handy?
sugar and spice by bittermoons (4.7k, single chapter)
Shigaraki Tomura is a judge who hates soggy bottoms on The Great Japanese Bake-Off. Todoroki Natsuo is a stand-up comedian most famous on the web for making fun of his SO, who he calls 'Tanaka Taro' in all his routines. When Natsuo joins the crew of Bake-Off, online speculation explodes over his relationships with Shigaraki and Taro.
hazy days under august shade with you (it's all like magic to me) by constellore (8k, single chapter)
Natsuo is content living in the small village of Eadu, but when his brother becomes the victim of a curse, he's left scrambling for a way to undo it. Desperate for a cure, he manages to find the mysterious Magician of the Western Mountains—a man who raises far more questions than answers, especially when Natsuo finds himself volunteering to spend the summer in the mountains with him in order to aid him in breaking Touya's curse. Love had never been part of the equation, but between sweltering summer days and conversations in the dead of night, Natsuo can't say that he minds.
Love Comes Slow (and goes so fast) by Tigers101 (14.8k, single chapter)
"I’ve never been enough.” Natsuo's expression darkened. “I’ve always been the failure of a middle child, worthless and alone. I’ve never been anything to anyone." Tenko looked at him, his eyebrows creased in something close to anger. “Well, everyone else can go fuck themselves. You’re everything to me.” (natshig fantasy au + major character death)
Here Be Faeries by cafeanna (5k, single chapter)
“Terrible thing, terrible thing,” The burning man tusked and tisked. “Caught the eye of a Prince, gave a Name, and killed the King. Now he wears a crown of blooded amber and elk horn, and sleeps on a bed of thistle and roses. The King calls him frostbite, willow-boned, and beloved.” 
Natsuo Todoroki walked into the woods at the beginning of summer and never came out. A month later, Fuyumi and Shouto are left in the aftermath of a missing person’s case and a growing fear of the place they grew up.
Know That You Love Me (even when I lose my head) by Tigers101 (1.5k, single chapter)
“I hate you.” Tenko grinned. “No, I really don’t think that’s the case. You wouldn’t have saved me from homework if that were the case.” (natshig roleswap au)
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