smbhax · 7 months
The Super Heróis were a Brazilian touring band dressed up as various super heros in the late 70s and early 80s.
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Thanks muaad on selectbutton for the video link ^ _^
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edtwtbutnot · 2 years
Hey I hope you ok, please take a deep breath and be safe. Are you able to use a pos trigger to pull someone else to front? do you need to find a safe place to be physically while you wait for someone else to front? Are you able to go lay down or do grounding exercises?
You can do this man it’s gonna be ok
ii d0nt kn0w ii caant h3aar th3m aanym0r3 th3y aar3nt taalkiing aanym0r3 ii f33l liik3 iim g0iing craazy iitz t00 quii3t but iitz t00 l0ud ii caant haandl3 b3iing iin th3 b0dy g3t m3 0ut - trii0
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cowboysfan216 · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Infant Boys ADIDAS Onesies (B3I).
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meghalayacareer · 2 months
NEHU Tura Campus Recruitment 2024: Lab Assistant Vacancy at B3I
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NEHU Tura Campus Recruitment 2024: Lab Assistant Vacancy at B3I. The last date for submission of the application is 17th March 2024. For more information please visit https://meghalayacareer.com Read the full article
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edwardson · 6 months
Compartido en Instagram
Consulta esta foto de Instagram de @summerdiaryproject https://www.instagram.com/p/B3I-_T8n0R1/?utm_source=ig_web_button_native_share
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jamieroxxartist · 10 months
Happy Birthday. Today, July 5, 1973 – #RóisínMurphy, Irish singer-songwriter and producer was born.
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drcareimplantc · 11 months
Mất răng do thói quen lười đánh răng
Lười đánh răng là thói quen xấu tạo cơ hội cho vi khuẩn phát triển tấn công gây nên nhiều bệnh răng miệng như hôi miệng, viêm chân răng, viêm nha chu, biến chứng tim mạch… Trong đó, mất răng do thói quen lười đánh răng là vấn đề đáng lo ngại hàng đầu.
Nhiều Cô Chú, Anh Chị không quan tâm đến vệ sinh răng miệng hằng ngày, từ đó hình thành thói quen lười đánh răng. Sâu răng, viêm chân răng, viêm nha chu, hôi miệng… là những bệnh lý xảy ra sau thời gian dài không đánh răng.
Mất răng do thói quen lười đánh răng là vấn đề nhiều lo ngại, nhất là những Cô Chú, Anh Chị trung niên.
8 Tác hại khôn lường của việc không đánh răng
Thói quen lười đánh răng không chỉ gây ảnh hưởng đến chức năng răng miệng, tính thẩm mỹ của hàm răng mà còn tăng nguy cơ mắc các bệnh lý về răng miệng, tim mạch, viêm phổi, tiểu đường…
Thói quen lười đánh răng gây sâu răng
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Sau mỗi bữa ăn, mảng bám tích tụ tại bề mặt răng là môi trường thuận lợi cho vi khuẩn phát triển. Do thói quen lười đánh răng nên mảng bám tích tụ ngày một nhiều khiến bề mặt răng dần bị bào mòn. Vi khuẩn từ từ tấn công men răng, sau đó tấn công vào sâu trong tủy khiến răng bị sâu.
Viêm nha chu do lười đánh răng lâu ngày
Viêm nha chu là bệnh lý răng miệng có thể gặp phải ở nhiều đối tượng khác nhau, trong đó nguy cơ lớn nhất là những Cô Chú, Anh Chị không có thói quen đánh răng và vệ sinh răng miệng sạch sẽ. Khi nướu bị viêm, Cô Chú, Anh Chị thường cảm thấy rất khó chịu và đau nhức trong quá trình ăn nhai, chân răng và các mô mềm quanh nướu có thể chảy máu nếu như gặp tác động mạnh.
Ngoài ra Cô Chú, Anh Chị hãy tham khảo thêm: Bảng giá trồng răng Implant tại Dr. Care - Implant Clinic: Trồng răng Implant không đau
Dr. Care Implant Clinic Địa chỉ: P3-0.SH08, Tòa nhà Park 3, Khu đô thị Vinhomes Central Park 208 Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh, Phường 22, Quận Bình Thạnh, Tp HCM Phone: 0909478910 Website: https://drcareimplant.com/ 
#mat_rang_do_thoi_quen_luoi_danh_rang #luoi_danh_rang_dan_den_benh_gi #luoi_danh_rang_gay_mat_rang
Nguồn tham khảo: https://drcareimplant.com/canh-bao-nguy-co-mat-rang-do-thoi-quen-luoi-danh-rang-797  MAP: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=691390527449622009  Thông tin: https://www.google.com/search?q=dr.+care+implant+clinic&kponly=&kgmid=/g/11g0gb08tb 
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nehushg · 11 months
BIRAC’s BioNEST Bio-Incubator #B3I Facility along with the Design Innovation Centre #DIC, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong invites all to join for an Awareness and Sensitization program on Funding Opportunities for Academia from BIRAC & Facilitation available from BioNEST Facility, NEHU.
Date: June 23rd, 2023 Time: 02:00 pm Venue: Community Hall, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong
All are welcome!
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nehuvc · 1 year
We cordially invite you to join us at the National Seminar on "Natural Farming in North-East India: A Vision towards Sustainable Agriculture, Livelihood, and Nutritional Security" Organized by BIRAC's BioNEST Bio-Incubator (B3I) Facility, North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Tura Campus, Meghalaya in collaboration with ICAR RC - NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya; IPR Cell, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Meghalaya; and Indian Institute of Sustainability, Gujarat University.
Program Day: Sunday, May 21, 2023 Venue: U Kiang Nangbah Guest House (Old Guest House), (NEHU), Shillong
Acharyadevvrat #Governerofgujarat #NEHU #BioNESTnehutura #IIS #IPRCellNEHU #ICARumiam #Meghalaya #Gujarat #GoGreen #NorthEastIndia
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cowboysfan216 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Toddler Boy Tank Tops (B3I).
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truthblockchain · 1 year
The Fight For Attention Between Bitcoin And Blockchain
is also an acknowledgement that there is a constant battle for attention, and the “X not Y” model assumes that only one variable is worthy. “Blockchain not bitcoin” emerged in 2018 as an attempt by enterprise projects to capitalize on the market’s performance woes – the new version does the same but swaps in “crypto” to reflect the ecosystem’s spread.
So, a large part of this is a cyclical narrative shift. But there’s something else going on as well. This shift comes on top of a longer-term tale of technological evolution and shiny things.
The last wave of blockchain hype may not seem to have produced much value. Pilots and proofs of concept involving lettuce, plastics, even (alarmingly) nuclear weapons seemed to deliver no practical utility. Groups working on blockchain use cases for trade finance, healthcare, telecoms, insurance and more have either gone quiet or been wound down.
And we have seen some recent high-profile distributed ledger failures. A couple of weeks ago, IBM and Maersk announced the closure of their blockchain-based supply chain joint venture TradeLens. Last month, the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) canceled its much-hyped blockchain project after years of delays and cost overruns. This summer blockchain-based trade finance initiative we.trade, backed by IBM and 12 major European banks, went into liquidation and B3i – a blockchain insurance venture backed by more than 20 insurers and reinsurers – ceased operation.
So, the “please, not again” discomfort at the renewed protagonism of “blockchain” potential is understandable and even healthy (inflated expectations of any sort should be kept in check) – but not necessarily correct.
Both hype and failure are a natural part of a new technology’s evolution. Remember the dot-com bubble? That wasn’t just about crazy stock valuations – it was as much about the promise of rapid societal change, with business models rewiring their engagement models and individuals flourishing in their new-found creative independence. In the early days of any radical innovation, manifesto and prophecy often get confused, and experimentation – of which failure is an integral part – is the only way to test the bounds of reality.
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allfirmwareos · 2 years
Symphony B3i Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)
Symphony B3i Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)
Symphony B3i Stock Firmware Download For Your Symphony Device. We provide original Android Rom and all the Stock Rom files. Get it from the official website. The zip file contains Symphony Software File, Flash Tool, and How-to Flash Guide. Use Symphony B3i Flash Tool for flash Firmware on this device. [*] Model: B3i. [*] Driver: Spreadtrum USB Drivers. [*] Flash Tool: SP Flash Tool for Windows &…
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linklikecombr · 2 years
Assistir filme online: Valentino, Pode Ser Seu Próprio Herói Ou Vilão Opção 1 - Assistir filme online: https://linklike.com.br/app/1639726072/youcine-filmes-e-series Opção 2 - Assistir filme online: https://bzuu.com.br/movie/1637548273/valentino-pode-ser-seu-pr%C3%B3prio-her%C3%B3i-ou-vil%C3%A3o A vida do ator Gonzalo sempre se complica quando o seu alter ego chamado Valentino vem à tona. Gonzalo está prestes a conseguir um papel muito importante para recuperar sua carreira que está em baixa: estrelar a série de um famoso produtor. O que ninguém esperava é que Valentino aparecesse para estragar tudo.
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edtwtbutnot · 2 years
h0n3ztly b3iing aapaart 0f aa zyzt3m iiz 3xaaughztiing. ii d0nt und3rztaand why p30pl3 faak3 thiiz z0rt 0f thiing. w3 aar3 tiir3d aall th3 tim3 aand iitz iimp0ziibl3 t0 g3t aa br3aak. iif ii c0uld ii w0uld cur3 myz3lf 0f thiiz diiz0rd3r. but th3r3 iiz n0 cur3. iitz n0t thaat ii d0nt liik3 my h3aadmaat3z. iitz juzt 0v3rwh3lmiing aall th3 tiim3. 3zp3ziiaally wh3n w3 aar3 zpliittiing c0nztaantly - trii0
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hollowsorrows · 2 years
ii L0V3 b3iing iin a n33dl3m0uze halfzhiift iitz rlly ziilly ii'm juzt m3 but 3xtra l0ng & lanky & alz0 ii hav3 h3dg3h0g 3arz & taiil
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