#baby jules snark
I've Got These Friends...
3. Childhood Memory
I've Got These Friends... (AO3)
Nadine - age 8
Luka - age 8
Juleka - age 6
“Alright, everyone. We’re going to move on to act three, scene five now,” the director called before turning to her. “Nadine, they still haven’t fixed the leak in the greenroom, so I’ll get you to watch from the audience for today. It’s good for you to see how we choreograph a fight anyways, never too early to start learning…” he said, trailing off as he look back towards the theatre doors. 
“Yes, M. Aubert,” she said. Clutching her script—her first real stage script—in hand, she made her way to the downstage steps that led down into the audience and made herself comfortable in one of the seats. She flipped open her script to the beginning of act one, and began rereading the lines her maman had helped her highlight. 
 “Alright everyone, while we’re waiting we can review our motivations for this scene.”
“Shouldn’t we work on another scene until she gets here?” Leslie, one of the actors playing a guard, asked. 
“She should be here any minute, she’s never late but she’s always close-” 
M. Aubert was interrupted by a door slamming open. She jumped in her seat, almost dropping her script as she turned to peek over the back of the seat she was sitting in. 
“We’re ‘ere,” a woman with a long, thick braid and bright red glasses called as she strode through the door, hefting a long bag with her. Her voice boomed and carried across the room in that magical way she still hadn’t gotten yet. “Just had a bit o’ a hiccup with the sitter,” the woman continued as she marched down the aisle with a muffled clanging sound. 
M. Aubert grinned, his moustache twitching. “You always know how to make an entrance, Anarka.”
“Good. Just got te get the lad an’ lass settled,” the woman said as she continued down the aisle. She ducked back into her seat as the woman came closer. Her maman and papa had told her it was rude to stare. But that didn’t stop her from peeking between the cracks in the seat. “’An we can get started.”
“The pipe in the greenroom hasn’t been fixed yet, but they can sit in the audience with Nadine.” She straightened up as soon as M. Aubert said her name, and turned to see him nodding his head in her direction. 
“Right, get stretching then, the lot o’ ye. I’ll be up in a titch,” the woman with the booming voice, so much louder now that she was closer, called. The clanging sound was getting louder too. And then it stopped. “Ye must be Nadine, then.” 
She turned to look up into the woman’s face. She had bright blue eyes, and jewelry as colourful as her glasses. “Yes, madame,” she said as politely and as professionally as she could. The way she spoke to all the adults on set. 
The woman burst out laughing. “None o’ that. Anarka, or Captain if ye must.” 
“Y-yes ma- Captain.” 
The corners of the Captains eyes crinkled sash smiled. “This is me b’y, Luka,” the Captain said, gesturing a little behind her to where a boy stood. He had the same blue eyes as the Captain, and messy black hair. “An’ me lass, Juleka” the Captain added, gesturing to the girl who was trailing after the boy, clutching one of his hands in hers.  “Now,” the Captain said, turning to look at Luka and Juleka, “mind yer manners. Don’t interrupt ‘less it’s an emergency, and stay offstage while the swords are out." Luka nodded solemnly, and the Captain laughed. “There’s a good lad, go one, make a friend,” she said as she ruffled his hair. 
“Ma,” Luka protested, but his maman just laughed before turning and heading towards the stage. Then Luka turned to look at her again. “Your name is Nadine?” She nodded. “Your parents couldn’t find a sitter either?” 
“No. I’m in the show,” she said, holding up her script. 
“Oh… so how come you’re not on stage?” 
“I’m not in any of the fight scenes.”
“Oh… that’s too bad. Ma always says swordplay is fun.” 
“I know,” she sighed. “But one day I’ll be old enough to be in one!” She paused. “Do you… want to sit down?” she asked, gesturing to the empty seats at the end of the row.
Luka nodded. “C’mon, Jules,” he said to his sister, tugging on their joined hands. She smiled at his sister as he helped her climb into one of the seats, but Juleka ducked her head and immediately opened the colouring book she had been holding in her other hand. 
“I like your bats,” she said, pointing to the open page where a bunch of bats had been coloured in with purple crayon. Juleka mumbled something she couldn’t hear. 
“She says thank you.” She looked up from the page to Luka. “Jules is shy.”
“Thanks ok,” she said, tightening her grip on her script. “I’m shy too, sometimes.” Luka smiled at that. “So do you act too?” 
Luka shook his head. “No, I like music though. I play guitar and the fiddle and violin.” 
“That’s a lot! I only play piano.” 
“I like music. I’ve been playing since I could hold an instrument. Do you like piano?” 
“Yeah, it’s fine. My acting coach said it’s a good thing to know.” 
“Acting coach?”
“She teaches me how to act and helps me get ready for roles.” 
“Do you act a lot?” 
She nodded. “I’ve been in ads on tv, and I was in a movie. But I didn’t have any lines. This is my first time doing stage acting though. It’s…” she hadn’t told anyone. Not even her parents. But Luka… he seemed nice. Like a friend. “It’s kinda scary.” 
Luka nodded. “It looks scary. But you like it.” He didn’t ask it. He just said it. “What else do you like doing?” 
Her script was still in her hands, but she hadn’t looked at it once since Luka had asked her to show it to him. They had been too busy talking. The more she talked to him, the more if felt like she had known him forever. His sister was nice too, even if she only mumbled her responses to her questions and Luka had to translate. But Juleka had smiled at her when she complimented the purple ribbon in her hair. And that had felt like winning a prize. 
She didn’t have many friends. The other kids at the parties her parents sometimes had to take her to weren’t very nice. And at school, her classmates weren’t mean. They were nice. But most weren’t interested in acting. Her teachers told her she was too serious. But she didn’t know how to change that. 
But Luka didn’t seem to care. 
“Luka?” she looked down at her script, and clutched it tightly in her hands. “Can we be friends?”
“You sound nice.”  
“Your song. It sounds nice. You sound like a friend.”
“So… are we friends?” 
Luka nodded. 
“You’re kinda funny,” she giggled.
“He’s weird.” The words took her by surprise. It took her a second to realize who had said them-
“Jules!” Luka protested, his ears going pink. “I am not!” 
Luka looked up at her as she continued to giggle. “I like funny. And I think I like weird, too.”
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daintyduck99 · 2 years
Hey there darlin’!
I’ve got a prompt off you’re up for it, if not don’t worry about it and have a lovely day my dear!
Luke/Julie/Reggie where Julie’s dealing with a really bad period and how the boys handle that?
Bonus points you start off with:
“ As Luke and Reggie nearly skip into the garage as loud as ever Alex is quick to shush them, gesturing to Julie who is asleep, curled up in a ball with her head in his lap.
Reggie frowns, sure he already knows what’s wrong while Luke nervously steps forward to push her hair back “ What happened?,” he whispers.”
Hi! I did modify the beginning a little, but I hope you like it! ❤️
As Luke and Reggie nearly skip into the garage, as loud as ever, Alex is quick to shush them, gesturing to Julie, who’s asleep, curled up in a ball with her head in his lap.
Reggie frowns, sure he already knows what’s wrong, while Luke nervously steps forward to push her hair back. He goes to speak, only to roll his eyes as Alex aggressively shushes him again. His voice comes out in an impatient whisper. 
“What happened?”
Reggie counts back the weeks on his fingers. He’s not so good with dates, but he thinks it’s been about a month since Julie nearly fell asleep in the bathtub after her hot water bottle broke. Luckily, he’d been on the phone with her at the time, trying to cheer her up and distract her, but his heart still hammers in his throat whenever he thinks about it. He swallows hard. 
“I don’t think—it’s what happened. It’s what’s happening.” 
Alex nods, combing his fingers through Julie’s hair as she burrows more firmly against him, and Luke’s eyebrows shoot into his fringe. He wheels back around to grip Reggie by the shoulders.
“What, babe? What’s happening? Is she sick? Is someone else sick? What?” 
Reggie cups Luke’s cheeks and plants a kiss on the tip of his nose, which dims the worry in his eyes at least a little bit. He hadn’t meant to be so cryptic. “Not really, no one’s dying—” 
“Debatable,” Julie groans, which makes Alex snort, and Reggie exchanges one last look with Luke, nodding as understanding finally dawns in Luke’s eyes. 
They turn to Julie as she’s heaving herself out of Alex’s lap, and she tugs Luke’s oversized, fluffy brown flannel tighter around herself, offering them a smile that’s more of a grimace. 
“I don’t think I can do rehearsal today. Sorry, guys.” 
“It’s okay,” Alex says, right as soon as Reggie blurts that they didn’t mean to wake her, but they’re both drowned out by Luke, whose voice cuts through assuredly. 
“Don’t be sorry, Jules. You’re more important than our music.” 
Everyone’s eyes snap to him, and he huffs, crossing his arms. 
“Nothing, I just never thought I’d hear you say that,” Alex snarks. 
Luke squawks, and Reggie rubs his shoulder, but Julie’s grimace softens into an actual smile before he can say anything, and her eyes shine as she beckons them closer. 
“In that case, I wanna cuddle and watch a movie. How’s that sound?” 
Alex volunteers to make the popcorn, including Julie’s batch with the chocolate sauce drizzle, even though he thinks it’s gross. Luke carries her into the house, and Reggie rushes to find her new hot water bottle and get it ready. Victoria bought this one, so it’ll probably outlast all of them. Julie giggles when he gives it to her and says as much, then swats at him for making her laugh, but he also gets a kiss, so he knows she doesn’t really mind.
They all squish together on what Julie has deemed the comfiest living room couch, and she rests her head on Reggie’s shoulder as the credits play. He presses a kiss to her curls. 
“How are you doing, sweetheart?” 
He can hear a smile in her voice as she says, “Better, baby. I think I’ll live.”
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transformezzzzzz · 3 years
Alright, looks like I’m back on a transformers binge so fluffy, nobody is dead au where oopsie doodle magic science shit happens and all the clones get to teleported to the transformers universe and get to hang out on Griffin Rock.
( for y’all that don’t know what the hell im taking about griffin rock is the town these 4 transformers are assuming to protect after they come out of stasis to find that their planet can no longer sustain life after their 4 million year war and their mission is to serve and protect the humans and learn from them now that their calling earth their new home and they live with a family of rescue workers, the show is called transformers rescue bots and it’s a really cute light fluffy show filled with adventure I think you all would like it, you can pirate it just about anywhere)
Reasons they should go there:
Dinosaur island
Mad scientists
The blob
Dream gremlins
Hella robots
Conspiracy theorist news reporter
A cross eyed lion
Expired bunker meat that turns people into Bigfoot
Realistic family and friend interactions
Mayor with a fake toupee
Teleportation via bugs
Weather machines
Time travel
Constant volcanic eruptions
A cat named Mr. pettypaws
Optimus Prime gets hunted for sport as a dinosaur
Twin shoplifting criminal masterminds
The main antagonist is from like, the 1920’s and is quite fruity and wears a monocle and he ends up walking into the sunset with Jules Verne
Local man who gets around via helicopter jet pack
Constant natural disasters
Robo babies
Bread Santa clause
Local grouchy old lady who believes in fairies
Multiple dooms day devices
Island of misfit tech
The liberty bells Lind lost cousin
The Bermuda Triangle
Space worm vampires
Sports car James Bond
Virtual reality
Mark Hamill
Crazy uncle you only ever see once a year
Jungle tower
Helicopter that’s afraid of heights
Bulldozer that likes to pain with mashed up peas
Police car that would jail you for not using the cross walk
Fire truck with anger issues
So Mr.Burns is the police chief and the father of the Burns family and he is a lot like plo Kloon and I really think y’all would love this show
but I think this would be a really great place for the clones to be safe in and relax, have some shenanigans. HELLA SHENANIGANS. But the 501st, the 212th, the 104th and the Coriscant guard are definitely in this, fuck it the alpha arcs are there too.
But I really want waxer and boil to interact with mr. petty paws the cat, and for whatever reason unbeknownst to the locals Ms.Neaderlander loves the two boys. Waxer: *picking up the cat and petting him* Boil: huh, that’s a funny looking loth cat.
Or the one kids nickname is Cody and I want a scene she his dad, Chief burns is trying to find him and yells “CODY” and commander cody who was near by just turns on his heels and is like “yes chief burns?” And the chief is like no not you, my son, thank you tho. And Cody’s like :( what am I chopped liver and chief just sighs.
Bolder trying to teach the clones how to pain and Dogma loves it. Dogma would also love Chase and not at all because they would talk about da rules, no no, I think they have that somewhat in common but Dogma would more find comfort in the fact that Chase isn’t very spontaneous, he’s calculated, trustworthy and likes to do things step by step and I think Dogma would vibe with that.
When Danny cooks everyone crys except Sinker because he will eat anything, I think he would also eat the expired bunker spam on purpose.
Oddball and the other pilots help Blades be less afraid of flying and teaching him different maneuvers.
The 501st getting lost in the tunnel system and accidentally end up walking all the way over to dinosaur island and get to see cool crystals and almost get eaten by the dinosaurs. Hardcase when he finds out the crystals are highly flammable: *explosion thoughts intensity*
Heatwave and Wolffe would get into a snark off contest.
I fell Alpha-17 might enjoy the trails that run through Griffin Rocks wilderness. He would maybe make friends with the local black bear population on accident because he didn’t know what they were and that they were not friendly and he walked into one on a hike and he was like🧍damn that’s a big ass dog, a funny looking fellow really, ay buddy do you want this cliff bar? And the bear is like 🧍wtf is this guy doing, should I eat him? But eventually 17 and the bear are buddies and he brings the bear back and is like “hey chief check out the dog I found “ and chief is like “how many times do I have to tell everyone no dogs-👁👄👁”
Wooley,soup, and toast would be fascinated with the bakery
They all participate in the Burn family tradition of game night weather they like it or not
Kix, Fives, Hardcase, Jesse, Hevy, Boost, Gree, Oddball, Gregor, Neyo, Thorn and Barcara would participate in helping test doc Greens weird little machines
Every Friday is disco and karaoke night at one of the local bars and they all go out and party. They also like going to the roller skating rink where they can also jam to 2011 type pop.
Rex, Monnk and Ponds enjoy chief Burns company and like going fishing with him and going out on the boat.
Pls I could go on and on but please feel free to add onto this, Griffin Rock is already so god damn weird so the sky is the limit go crazy
I know this is very much a crack au but It makes me so sad when the clones suffer and they deserve to be happy damn it, I apologize to my many followers who have no idea what the hell im talking about.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
I don't know if you are taking asks anymore, so if you are not you can ignore this or put it to the very end of your list. But I was hoping you could write something angsty for coops but with a happy ending. Maybe one of them is having a bad mental health day? I've been struggling so I'd really like to read something sad but also comforting. Thank you so much!
Lovely anon, I hope you are doing better <3 It’s been a few days since this ask came in (sorry) but it was really cathartic to write and I hope it is a good balance of sad and comforting. I combined it with two similar asks, which are listed below:
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Coops/ SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Prompt 26: “I don’t know what’s wrong, okay? I’m just…really tired.”
Prompt 30: “You’re not okay.”
“Sirius. Sirius.”
He blinked and shook his head, clearly trying to come back to reality. “What?”
“I asked if you were okay.”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“You’re scowling.”
“I’m fine.” The resignation and frustrated confusion in his voice worried Remus. He almost sounded like when he got heatstroke, just…different. Angry.
“Are you ready to head out?”
“I’m going to tap a puck around for a bit, I think.”
Remus frowned. That superstition only came out after bad games, when Sirius’ pent-up energy twisted around and burrowed into him rather than overflowing in tangible waves that boosted everyone around them. A remnant of years spent blaming himself for not being the absolute best, Remus supposed. “You don’t want to do that at home?”
“Not really,” Sirius said harshly. Not shouting, not snapping—harsh. Harsh in a way he never was with Remus. Talker, the only other person left in the locker room, picked up his bag and left silently with a final glance between them.
“Talk to me, baby,” Remus tried again, softening his voice. Making Sirius feel pressured was the worst way to go about this.
As expected, the frown slipped slightly. “I don’t know what’s wrong, okay? I’m just…really tired.”
“Okay. Ten minutes?”
Sirius sighed and scrubbed his hand through his hair without looking up. His skates were still laced up tight. “Ten minutes.”
Twenty minutes later, they were on the road heading home. The car was uncomfortably quiet, as if they were both waiting to say something, but Remus refrained from making any comments until Sirius opened up. Poking and prodding was never a productive method, and he was exhausted from the game, which had been far too close for a team like the Ravens.
“I’m not mad at you.”
“I think I just need some food.”
“And sleep.”
“And sleep,” Sirius added as an afterthought. “You’re quiet tonight.”
“I’m always quiet,” Remus said with a light laugh.
“Not around me, you’re not.” A smile tugged at the edges of Sirius’ lips when he glanced over, then faded into the troubled darkness from the locker room. Few members of the team had swung by for fist bumps or postgame chatter with him once the interviews were done; any reporters who approached were met with a cold stare.
“I was thinking about asking Reg to come over for Christmas, too.” Remus looked back out the passenger window. “Jules misses him and it’s been a while since we all had dinner together.”
“We might need to convince Dumo to let him go, but—”
“I said that sounds fine,” Sirius huffed, turning onto the road that led to their house.
Remus looked at him, eyebrows raised. “I know. I heard you. I figured I’d ask for your opinion on getting him to come over, considering he’s your brother, but if you really don’t care then I’ll just call in the morning.”
“That works.” The engine turned off and Remus locked the doors. Sirius unlocked them, only for Remus to click his key again.
“What happened? You’re not okay.”
Sirius blew out a long breath and let his head fall back for a moment. “I told you, I’m just tired.”
“You get cuddly or grumbly when you’re tired. You shut down when you’re upset. What did the reporters say?”
“Can I at least take a shower before you start interrogating me?”
Ouch. Okay. Remus tucked his key into his pocket and grabbed his duffel from the backseat. “Go for it. I’ll be in the bedroom when you’re ready to talk.”
It felt weird entering the house alone after winning a game. Sure, it had been close, but they still won and Sirius generally went into Hockey Obsession Mode after skin-of-their-teeth victories. The last time Remus had seen him like this was when a rude reporter asked whether he had spoken to his parents since the All-Stars and Sirius silenced him with a thunderstorm glare.
The pasta he reheated tasted like sawdust, but it cleared his head a bit and stopped the growling in his stomach. Sirius was still in the shower when he went upstairs; leaning against the tile while steam practically suffocates him, I bet, he thought as he changed into his softest pajama pants and tossed his postgame clothes into the hamper.
Sirius looked everywhere but at him when he came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and began digging through the dresser. “Your sweatpants are over here,” Remus reminded him. He didn’t respond. “Ignoring me is a dick move. I know you’re upset but that’s not cool.”
His broad shoulders slumped and he paused his search. “I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted. What are you looking for?”
“Manches longues.” With a low hum, Sirius pulled on his most beat-up long sleeve shirt and slipped into bed, then immediately turned on his side, facing away from Remus. “Bonne nuit, mon amour.”
“Are you sure you’re not mad at me?”
“Very sure.”
Remus settled onto his side as well and, after a moment’s hesitation, reached out and touched the back of Sirius’ shoulder. He flinched slightly. “Sirius.”
“Don’t say my name like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like—” He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling with an angry huff, waving one hand around. “Like it’s so soft. It’s not. I’m not.”
“You are.”
“No, I’m not.” The corners of his eye glimmered in the low light of the full moon.
Remus shifted closer, just enough that he could feel the heat radiating from his skin. “Yes, you are. With Harry, with the team, with me. You’re allowed to be soft, honey.”
“I don’t want to be,” Sirius said angrily.
“I think you do.”
“I hate it when I feel like this.” His voice broke and he inhaled shakily. Remus hummed his agreement, resting one hand a few inches from Sirius’. “All those reporters—they think I’m like that all the time. That I’m aggressive and untouchable and perfect, even off the ice.”
“But you’re not.”
“But I’m not. I’m not, and I don’t want to be, but I don’t want to let them down.”
“The reporters don’t matter.”
Sirius shook his head as the first tear slid down his cheek, toward his ear. “I don’t give a shit about them. I don’t want to let the fans down. It would be so much easier if I could be the captain all the time, but I can’t. They ask about the youngest captain and I always forget that it’s me. They ask about Regulus and I have to remember if they know he spent last week snarking at me about vacuuming or if they think we still fight. They ask about you and—and I’m tired of it. I love you, but sometimes I just want to talk about hockey. I play hockey and I have a life that is separate, but they don’t seem to understand that.”
Remus brushed away the tear tracks with his thumb and Sirius closed his eyes, tangling their hands together. “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I’m sorry you feel like that,” he rephrased. “It’s a lot of pressure for one person.”
Sirius half-smiled. “You make it better.”
“Can I hold you?”
His smile wobbled. “Please do.”
Remus wrapped one arm around his waist and drew him close against his chest, threading his other hand through his hair as he placed gentle kisses to the top of his head. He had washed his hair in the shower—the minty scent was calming, and the slowly-drying curls were soft. “You don’t have to be perfect all the time,” he murmured. Sirius’ palms pressed into his bare back. “You can just be you and that’s more than enough. If they don’t see that, it’s their problem.”
Sirius hooked their ankles together and pulled the blankets up over their shoulders with a trembling sigh. They fell asleep soon after, lulled by two hearts beating in tandem.
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Wake Up - Episode One, Part Two
DISCLAIMER - I don’t any of these characters except for Liv Patterson. Also please don’t take credit for something that you didn’t write. The songs mentioned here will be linked down below. Please stay safe ya’ll. Love you guys and just be kind.
Los Angeles, 2020 - Los Feliz High School
Teenagers walk out of their classrooms heading towards their lockers and next periods. A teenage girl clearly avoiding all human beings walks amidst the crowds towards her locker opening it.
“Hey Underachiever”
The girl looks towards the friend standing beside her, smiling, “Hey disappointment, hey good-for-nothing”
“Hey you guys” Lia smirks leaning against the lockers.
“Okay,” Flynn says, “I know you don’t want me to ask you this but have you figured out whatcha gonna do today?”
“I’ll know in the moment” Julie shrugs off.
“Seriously girl?” Lia asks, “That really all you're giving us?”
“You know what Ms. Harrison said right… this is your last chance,” Flynn says
“I know” Julie replies looking at the other girls, “I was there.”
“See you at the rally,” The girls turn to find Carrie walking around handing out flyers.
“Ugh, what is she handing out?” Flynn asks.
“Umm desperation” Julie says.
Carrie walks up towards the trio, “Here you go” she says passing them all flyers, “My groups performing at the spirit rally tomorrow! I’m sure you guys have nothing better to do.”
“Huh, nothings way better than having to watching you Carrie.” Lia snarks
Flynn, quickly adds on, “OMG Carrie thanks.”
“Oh My God Malia, Flynn,” Carrie retorts, playing with her necklace, “Don’t bother coming!”
Carrie sashays away. Flynn crumples up the flyers, while Lia sticks her tongue out behind Carrie. Julie smiles watching Nick lean against a pole.
“Nick?” Flynn asks exasperated, “Still girl, you KNOW they’re gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies.”
“Yeah but Nick’s a sweetheart”
“Huh” Lia scoffs, “A sweetheart dating a demon. How ironic.”
“And you’d actually have to talk to him to know that… and remember…” Flynn says, “only one of them have to be a demon to have a demon baby… DEMON” Flynn yells towards Carrie.
“Yes girl!” Lia laughs high-fiving Flynn as the girls quickly look away from Carrie.
“Now there’s that smile,” Flynn says to Julie, “Let’s go prove everybody wrong.”
The girls leave the lockers and enter their music class, taking a seat next to each other
“Nice job Nick,” Ms Harrison tells him as he finishes up his guitar solo, “Almost as good as your game against Glendale. Okay we have one last performance, Julie?”
Julie slowly gets up from her seat and makes her way towards the grand piano.
“Yass Julie! Let’s go my Queen” Lia yells from her chair as Flynn smiles towards Julie giving her an encouraging look. Ms. Harrison spares Lia a look making her sulk down her chair smirking. Julie slowly sits down.
“Take your time” Ms. Harrison tells her.
Julie’s hands hover above the keys for a moment, and slowly stands up. Lia and Flynn share a look and stand up too, “I’m sorry…”
“Is this when we clap?” Carrie says.
Julie runs out and Liv and Flynn are right on her toes, Lia bumping into Carrie on her way out, “Watch it Carrie.”
Julie’s home - after school 
“Oh good you’re home,” Julie’s dad walks down the stairs towards Julie and Lia as they study together, “I was about to go watch your brother’s game, Hi Lia.”
“Hi Mr. Molina! How you doing?”
“I’ve had photoshoots all day. Didn’t even get a chance to eat, but I got a phone call today.”
Julie looks over at Lia across the table and back towards her dad, “Yeah I figured as much.”
“Yeah, well it was my realtor friend…”
“Oh!” Julie smiles towards Lia, and glances back at her dad, “That.”
“Yeah and she says if we’re serious about selling the house then she wants me to take some pictures, for the websites. Which means we have to do a lot of cleaning and get rid of some stuff… and maybe you can… tackle mum’s studio?”
Lia watches Julie’s face fall and catches eye contact with Mr. Molina, “You’re the expert… your brother and I wouldn’t even know where to begin. It’s okay honey if your not ready I can…”
“No,” Julie looks up at Lia then at her dad, “It’s alright. Maybe i’ll try tonight.”
“Yeah,” Mr. Molina gets up, “yeah awesome yeah, thank you and don’t forget the loft. You know those old instruments that were there when we moved in? They need a new home.” Mr. Molina gets up.
“Mum would like that.”
“Yeah she would… Oh god I’m gonna be late,” he starts reaching in his pockets trying to find his keys.
“Under the mail”
“Your a life saver”
“Bye Mr. Molina”
“Bye Lia”
Later at night, Julie and Lia walk down to the studio
“You’re sure you’re up for this, we can turn back right now,” Lia asks standing at the door with her hand on the handle.
“Yeah… I think I need to”
“Alright,” Lia slowly opens the doors, “After you ma’am.”
Julie walks over to the light switch, flipping it. She slowly makes her way towards the grand piano and sits down. Lia slowly puts a hand on her shoulder.
“I’m so sorry mum,” Julie starts, looking up, “That I haven’t been in here…”
After a moment of silence, Lia breaks the moment up, “C’mon Jules, lets go check the loft.”
Julie climbs to the top while Lia spots her from the bottom. “Hey look at this,” Julie makes her way back down, “It’s some sort of CD?”
“C’mon lets play it”
The girls take a seat, bopping along to the 90’s rock song.
1, 2, 3!
Take off, last stop
Countdown till we blast open the top
Face first, full charge
Electric hammer to the heart…
“What the hell is,” Lia turns from looking at Jules to in front of her, “That…”
Three boys literally fall out of the sky, like literally. Julie and Lia stand up and look at each other.
Groans and other pain-filled noises
The boys slowly start to get up, all out of breath but still looking fly. “Ohhh… woah! How did we get back here,” the cute middle one says.
Julie and Lia look at each other and back at the boys, “AHHHHHHHHHHA”
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” the boys all huddle together, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”
Lia grabs Julie’s hand as everybody continues screaming and drags her towards the house . They run into Carlos and Mr. Molina in the driveway.
“Woah wait slow down guys,” Mr. Molina grabs onto Julie, “You’ve look like you’ve seen a ghost”
“We did!”
“Cool!” Carlos chimes.
“Not cool”
Julie runs away pulling Lia behind her, dragging her up the stairs and into her bedroom shutting the door all while screaming, “AHHHHHHHHH”
“Omg girl please stop screaming,” Lia begs, as Julie texts Flynn 9-1-1 on their group chat.
“C’mon Flynn, 9-1-1 means 9-1-1!” Julie cries.
“Okay lets all just take a breath, ghosts don’t exist right, those were just three boys who like broke into the studio, yeah they broke into a studio by… popping outta nowhere, Oh my god I’m going crazy I…” Lia rambles on as Mr. Molina knows on Julie’s bedroom door, poking his head into the room, “Hey”
“Ah… dad”
“Hey just wanted to make sure you’re okay”
“And that’s my cue to leave, I’ll be downstairs” Lia says, walking out.
“You don’t believe me do you dad?”
“Honey, of course I do I see your mum all the time”
“This isn’t like that”
“I know it’s different for all of us”
“Dad… you’re not listening to me… I SAW something out there,” Julie grabs onto her dad pointing towards the shed.
“Alright, okay okay,” He takes a seat, “I’m listening.”
“Tell me what you saw, it’s just you and me here”
“You sound just like Dr. Turner”
“Well maybe seeing Dr. Turner again isn’t such a bad idea”
“DAD,” Julie takes a pause, “Can we just drop it?”
‘Alright, dropped,” he slowly gets up sticking out his finger, “We good?”
“Yeah,” Julie smiles, crossing her finger with his “We’re good.”
As soon as he leaves Julie slowly creeps towards the window as Lia rushes back into the room. Lia peers over Julie's shoulder, “We’re going back aren’t we?”
“Okay fine,” Lia rolls her eyes, “We clearly need to watch more horror movies, but this time,” Lia looks towards the wall, “We go in prepared.”
Back at the garage
Julie walks in first with a cross in front of her as Lia slowly makes her way beside her, looking for, well three ghosts.
“Are you still here?” Julie questions as Lia glances around, “Whatever you are…”
They look around the room and when they don’t find anything, Julie drops her hands to her sides.
“See, nothing,” Lia says walking towards the middle of the room, “we clearly just imagined that whole thing”
“No, I know I’m not crazy!”
“Well we’re all a little crazy”
Julie and Lia turn to face each other, “Ahhhh,” Julie sticks the cross in front of them.
“OH My…” The pink sweater ghost pleads, “Please stop screaming!”
Lia slowly puts her arms around Julie pulling her back “Well who are you?”
“YEAH,” Julie continues, “And what are you doing in my mum’s studio?”
“Your mum’s studio?” The boy with the very Zac Efron haircut asks, walking around the girls as they follow him with their eyes, “This is OUR studio,” he protests as he slides across the grand piano, “Okay trust me fine, yes the grand piano is new and, and… and… MY COUCH!” The boy jumps onto the leather couch sitting against the wall. Lia slowly pulls Julie closer to her.
“But that is definitely not my six string…” he looks around and slowly backs up back to his friends, “Can you give me just one second? Just give me a second. Thank you.”
Lia and Julie slowly separate as the boys huddle in front of them.
“What is going on?” He whispers, “How did they get their stuff in here so fast?”
“Maybe… just maybe,” the boy in the leather jacket inputs, “Maybe they are witches. There’s chairs floating in the ceiling.”
“Okay there is no such thing as witches,” The dude in the pink sweater retorts while the Zac Efron doppelgänger looks around.
“You sure? Because I used to think there was no such thing as ghosts!” “Huh that’s fair”
“Okay so,” Efron says, “We’re going with witch?”
“No we are not going with witch. They are not witches. Look they’re just scared.”
Lia and Julie look at each other very, very confused. The pink sweater guy slowly walks up to them, “Why are you in out studio!”
Julie goes to punch the dude with her cross but her hand goes through the boy. “Okay c’mon,” Lia slowly pulls Julie away, “How did you do that!”
“Okay clearly they don’t understand what’s going on,” the boy murmurs, “Okay look…” he starts, “We’re ghosts… alright we’re just three ghosts and we’re really happy to be home,” Lia gives Julie a side glance, “Soo… thank you for the flowers, they really brighten up the room.”
“We’re actually in a band called Sunset Curve,” the Efron boy starts.
“Tell your friends,” Leather boy smirks.
“Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us. It was gonna change our lives.”
“Umm I’m,” The sweater boy says, “I’m pretty sure it did.”
“This is freaking me out!” Julie pulls out her phone, Lia slowly pulls Julie closer to her, and pulls Julie’s cross back in front of them.
“Umm what is that,” Efron boy asks, pointing at Julie’s phone while the boys look kinda confused, “Uh what are you doin.”
“It’s her phone,” Lia says.
“Stop talking to them Lia,” Julie interrupts, “They aren’t real. There's no such thing as cute ghosts.”
“Oh so,” the leather boy steps up, smirking, “You think we’re cute?”
“Seriously dude!” Lia exclaims.
“Soo…” Pink sweater leans over, “Who you calling.”
“I’m googling sunset swerve.”
“SUNSET CURVE!” The boys say synchronized.
Lia rolls her eyes, as she looks over Julie’s shoulder.
“Whoa there is a sunset curve,” Julie looks from Lia to the boys, “You did die… but not last night… 25 years ago?”
Lia grabs onto Julie’s shoulder tighter as the boys protest, “25 years ago? No. No. No. That’s impossible,” Leather boy starts, “After we floated out of the ambulance all we did was go to that weird dark room where Alex,” He points to sweater dude, “Cried.”
“WELLL,” Alex squeals, “I don’t think I… I think we were all pretty upset… okay”
“But that was just for like an hour,” Efron boy starts, “We just showed up here.”
“Look,” Julie shows them her phone, “I’m just telling you what my phone says. See, you died in 1995,” Julie glances back at Lia, “When you were seventeen - it’s now 2020.”
“So we’re in the future?” Leather dude asks.
“Wait so,” Alex asks, “It has been 25 years? I have been CRYING for 25 years? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!”
“Well you’re a very emotional person,” Leather boy starts.
“I am not!” Alex protests.
“Thought you were afraid to come out here?” Carlos walks in, “Talking to your ghost friend? How does he look? Is he hideous?”
“Huh he can see you,” Alex says to leather boy.
“No” Lia interrupts, “No he can’t”
“Ahh what do you want Carlos?” Julie asks.
“A normal sister for starters, dad’s calling you for dinner. He said you could stay too if you wanted to Malia. Stop being weird and come eat.”
“He couldn’t see you…” Julie starts, glancing back at Lia.
“I mean yeah that’s… ” Alex starts, “Usually how ghosts work?”
“Look…” Julie starts, dragging Lia behind her and towards the doors, “I’m very sorry about what happened to you guys but you have to leave.”
“But wait we,” the Efron boy starts, “We didn’t get your guy’s names.”
“I’m Lia,” Lia says, “She’s Julie.”
“Cool, I’m Luke… ” Efron Boy starts, coming closer. Julie pulls out the cross again and Lia grips onto her, “by the way… and this is…”
“Reggie,” leather boy says, “Reggie. I’m Reggie, hey.”
“And Alex, how’s it going.”
“Ba dah”
“I… I need to leave, I’ll see you tomorrow Jules… I just. I have to go home,” Lia stutters as she runs out of the shed.
“Lia!” Julie says as the boys look on curiously, “Okay?”
Julie walks out leaving the boys behind.
“They seem nice,” Reggie says.
“Did you miss the part where Julie kicked us out…” Alex asks, “Yeah? Ok.”
Lia’s Perspective - After walking out
I’m so confused like what is happening. Mum and dad don’t talk about him much but it has to be him right? In a rock band. Died in 1995 - when he was seventeen. I’m so confused. It would make sense right? Being able to see my brother and his band mates. But he doesn’t know who I am. Or that I even exist! And how could Julie see them too, but Carlos couldn’t. My entire life had been hindered by someone I had never met and today I met him.
“Ugh this is so frustrating!”
Come on Malia Patterson, pull it together.
Once I get home I say hi to mum and dad and head straight upstairs. Instead of heading back into my room, I walk down the hall towards the bedroom that was always closed. A room that held many memories, many I will never know and some that I created.
Dad wasn’t home yet and I had been playing with my small guitar in my room. It wasn’t very good but I was only six. I had been writing a song and I wanted to show my mum. I wandered out of my bedroom and called out for her.
“Momma! MOMMA?”
I saw the door that was always closed open. Mommy always told me to not go in there alone. I slowly crept up towards the door and found momma sitting on the bed with tears falling down her face.
“Momma? Momma why are you sad?”
“Ohh… my sweetie, come here.”
Slowly I walked in and looked around. Walls covered with posters and a worn out acoustic guitar on the wall. Slowly I crawled onto the bed and touched my momma’s face.
“Momma why are you sad? Why are you crying?”
“Ohh I just miss your brother.”
“Momma why did he go away. Why can’t he come home?”
“Oh baby. Your brother is somewhere else. Somewhere happy. We want him to be happy right?”
“Yes momma. But I want you to be happy to!”
“Mommy I wrote a song, do you want to hear it? Maybe it can make you happy. And maybe Luke can listen to it and be happy too!”
My mum gently brought me onto her lap.
“Oh sweetheart, I don’t know.”
“What’s going on here?”
He came and sat with us on the bed.
“Malia was just going to play something”
“Yeah mommy, are you ready”
I jumped off her lap and started playing the song I wrote. That moment is one I don’t think I’ll ever forget. My high pitched screech going along with the untuned music from my guitar. The regret and remorse on my mother and the wet tears against my dad's eyes. I tried so hard to make them smile and I promised that one day I’ll make them happy no matter what it took - I promised to bring Luke back to them.
I chuckle to myself. I slowly open the door and walk in, closing the door behind me and flipping on the light switch. That moment was 10 years ago. After Luke’s death they had never come into this room until i was born and became curious about why this door was always closed. They never let me listen to rock music or listen to Luke’s music. Literally they���ve blocked the work rock from all my devices. Still, I would come hear and just take in the rock posters and listen to the few tapes left behind. I slowly reach for the guitar that I used to sneak into the room to play with. After I hit a certain age, mum took away my tiny guitar and would not let me play any “rock” instruments. Unfortunately for her I took after my big brother a little too much. She always used to say she couldn’t take the idea of losing another child. Sitting on the bed I quickly tune it and strum the worn out strings. Slowly I started playing that song I made all those years ago.
I’m sorry I can't be who
You’ve wanted me to be
I always tried to make you smile
But I’ll never be
Able to make you feel like he did
I’ll try my best to make you smile
And never cry again
But if you ever get sad
I promise to
Come and sing this song to you
Cause every time your tears fall
My heart breaks a bit
Cause I will never be able to
Make you smile like he did
I smile to myself, a little chuckle coming out as I gently place the guitar on the bed beside me, and lay down on my back. Is it possible that If I could see him, mum and dad could too? This whole thing is so confusing. And surreal. I met my brother. My big brother. My big brother who doesn’t even know I exist. I wonder what he’s like. Dad always said I reminded them of him so much, it hurt. I wonder how alike we really are. As my thoughts overrun my brain, I slowly close my eyes, thinking about how I could finally bring Luke back home to mum and dad and make them smile again.
The Next Morning - The Molina Household
Julie headed to the studio before Lia would pick her up to head for school. Yesterday had been a hard day for Julie but it must have been confusing as hell for Lia too. Julie wished her mum was around right now to talk to. She would have known what to do.
“Guys?” Julie asks, looking around the studio, “Guys?”
She slowly walks towards the grand piano, touching the words her mum had written. Julie lays them out in front of her and hovers her hand above the keys. Her hand slowly trembles as she starts to play.
Here's one thing I want you to know
You got some place to go
Life's a test, yes, but you go toe-to-toe
You don't give up, no, you grow
And you use your pain
'Cause it makes you you
Though I wish I could hold you through it
I know it's not the same
You got living to do
And I just want you to do it
So get up, get out relight that spark
You know the rest by heart
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
The sunlight slowly streams through the window, almost as if Julie’s mum was hugging her
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, wake up
Mr. Molina smiles, hearing his daughter sing again for the first time in a year
Better wake those demons
Just look them in the eye
No reason not to try
Life can be a mess
I won't let it cloud my mind
I'll let my fingers fly
And I use the pain 'cause it's part of me
And I'm ready to power through it
Gonna find the strength, find the melody
'Cause you showed me how to do it
Lia makes her way towards the shed and pauses at the sound of Julie as a tear falls from her eye
Get up, get out relight that spark
You know the rest by heart
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, wake up
Carlos stands outside, smiling, happy that he’s got his sister back
So, wake that spirit, spirit
I wanna hear it, hear it
No need to fear it you're not alone
You're gonna find your way, oh
Julie stands up, feeling the music and passion running through her veins as she sings her heart out
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
Luke, Alex and Reggie whoosh in behind Julie and look on with admiration, empathy and betrayal
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
When you feel lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, mm, wake up
Julie slowly sits down, releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding onto. She reaches for the sheet music to see her mum had written, ‘Julie you can do it, Love Mum” She holds onto it as tears fall from her face as she looks up to the sky. The boys whoosh outside just as Lia comes in. She see’s Julie, takes a seat beside her and just holds onto her.
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*this GIF is not mine cause I literally do not know how to make GIFS... it is however made by @juliecurve​ so thank you for that
Now or Never. Performed by Sunset Curve
Wake Up. Performed by Maddison Reyes
*the other song is just made up of lyrics I actually wrote when I was eight like I legit found it in my notebook so I apologize I might change it in the future but for now these lyrics are important to our character Liv and they MIGHT give an insight to who she is as a human being
ALSO lemme know if you want me to write all the parts in the show (like scenes that don’t involve Lia - like would you have liked me to write Julie talking to the boys about her mum even though Lia wasn’t there - you can just message me about this or write it down below if you wanna see me do that) 
Again love y’all. Stay safe, be kind. Oh and tell your friends 😉 
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a-tomb-with-a-view · 4 years
(1/2) hi hi hello! first of all i'd like to say that i LOVE your writing, every time i see a new fic notification from you i smile and your writing never fails to make me laugh or cry (depending on the situation)! second of all, i was thinking of trying my hand at fic writing for the jatp (finally) and i think a lot of my conceptions about the characters are because of your writing?? like especially the nicknames and snark and how they identify?? yeah. so i meant to ask: a, is that okay??
(2/2) like, using nicknames that you've thought up?? and my second question is: (if the previous question is okay with you!) what nicknames do you have for all the jatp characters? thank you and sorry for filling up your inbox haha :)
Hi! Hello!!! Thank you so much I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed everything!
Firstly, yes, that’s absolutely fine, credit is always nice if you’re using some of the wackier ones, but in general nicknames are nicknames and I don’t hold ownership of them, but thanks for asking!
Secondly, uh. Heck:
- bobbers, bobert, bobbit, boberto, Bob, bobs, bobbly, bobble, bibble, bee, Robbie, Bertie, Rob, roberto, bobstard, bobster, bobinald, Beebob, Bertie-bob, bo-baby
- reg, Regbert, regibald, Rick, wriggly, Roger, reej,
- Lukey, Lucy, Lulu, Lub, Luka
- al, Allie, lexi, Lex, lexinald, Albert, lexibald, lexbert, Alexa
- nickinald, Nick-a-licious, nickster, Nicky-pooh
- care bear, care
- Jules, jem, julianna, jelly-baby, Julie-bean
- William, wilberforth, Wilbur, Williamstown,
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invisibleraven · 3 years
You're delicious, oh you sweet thing
The aftermath of going home with 2/3rds of Sunset Curve, from brunch with friends to deciding where they go from here. A sequel to I Know Who I Want To Take Me Home.
This is also now a series, and I may be up for taking prompts, so if there's something you want to see, send me a message/leave me a comment, and I'll see what I can do!
Relationship: Julie/Luke/Reggie
Rating: E
Warning: Discussion of Canon Character Death, Referenced/Implied Child Abuse
Read it on AO3
Julie began to stir as she heard a faint buzzing noise, blinking her eyes open to find herself still entwined between Reggie and Luke. Limbs were scattered everywhere, she was sure she could hear one of the boys snoring softly, and yet that wasn’t what awoke her. She then startled a little as she recognized the familiar sound of her phone alerting her to text messages. She slid out from under the arms curled around her and out of the bed. She smiled as Luke noticed her absence and snuggled into Reggie instead. She then grabbed her phone, skimming past the texts from her father asking about dinner in the next few weeks, from Carlos sharing another ghost hunting video that she just had to see, and one from Tia Victoria reminding her about her promise to help with her latest crafting project; a scrapbook of her mom. Finally she saw what had pestered her awake; a multitude of texts from Flynn.
Flynn: Hey underachiever, how was the boy band? Guess they must have worn you out pretty bad, you never sleep this late. Can you still feel your legs? Jules? Come on, you’ve got me worried. I mean, I worry when you go home with anyone, but two up and coming rock stars? Cause for worry. Plus, you know, the whole there are two of them. You do you, and I assume got you some, but still not your usual. Jules, you need to text me back, or I’m gonna call the cops...or your dad. Or get Carrie to find you.
Carrie: Julie answer Flynn so I don’t have to track you down, murder you and then bring you back to life so Flynn can re-murder you.
Julie swore lightly, grabbing a pair of pants and a shirt from the floor, not caring who they belonged to and went out to the main area, closing the door quietly behind her. She waited as the phone rang, stretching out on the couch, feeling twinges in places she didn’t know existed, but she guessed a wild day of threesomes would do that to a girl.
Flynn finally picked up “Girl, Carrie was just about to leave, you are so lucky you called.”
Carrie’s voice could be heard in the background “Does this mean I can go home instead of getting my dad to track down those dudes?” Julie heard Flynn agree, a smacking kiss and then Carrie’s voice again, only louder. “I expect to hear all the dirty details when you get home, Molina. Just debate if you wanna dish them or if you trust Flynn to tell me second hand,”
“Sooo…” Flynn drawled.
“I’m alive and well, you can stop worrying now.” Julie snarked, then more sincerely, “I’ll be home after the guys wake up and I say goodbye.” She realized that Flynn probably had worried, she had been gone for over 15 hours, and even when she did go home with someone, it was rare for her to stay the night, let alone almost into the evening of the next day. But what she had with Luke and Reggie wasn’t a normal hook-up. She knew, even after so little time that it was the start of something special. Yet she wasn’t sure how or even if she wanted to talk about it with Flynn before she discussed it with them.
"How was baby's first threesome?"
"How do you know it was my first?"
Flynn scoffed "Bish please, I've heard you complain about dudes hitting you up for them with their girls tons of times before, I trust you would have told me if you gave in prior to now."
Julie made a noise of agreement, "You've got me there, it was a new thing. But so worth it. Those boys know what they're doing is all I'm going to say."
“Nu-uh, I demand dish!”
“Flynn you aren’t even interested in guys.”
Julie could almost hear Flynn’s eyes roll over the phone. “That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a little eye candy, and you look like you snagged half the Wonka factory. Plus I know you’re dying to gush, so spill already!”
“When I get home okay? It would feel weird to do it here. I’ll head out soon.”
“Provided you don't get distracted by them again...and can walk.” Flynn snarked, then with care. “Take as long as you need, just let me know if I should delay ordering pizza. And be safe.”
“Always am...also I don’t think I have any more in me. When I said they know what they’re doing, I meant it.”
“Damn girl. If I was at all into dudes and not madly in love with Carrie, I’d be jealous. See you soon.”
“See you soon.” Julie said, ending the call, and then looked up to see two crestfallen faces before her, the guys frowning, their eyes tired. She patted the couch next to her, and they slumped down, clinging to her. “My roommate was worried I was dead or something. I really should go home. Get a shower, change of clothes, something aside from breakfast in my stomach.”
“Rain check on brunch?” Reggie asked. Luke was almost dozed back to sleep against her neck, Reggie smiled gently, then nudged his shoulder so he woke back up. Luke just snuggled further into Julie, but blinked open his eyes, pursing his lips for a kiss, which Julie gladly gave him before turning and doing the same to Reggie.
“Yeah, we’ll check with Alex and see what works for him. Flynn will want to come get to know you guys, which means involving Carrie. It’ll be a big to-do. Now give me your numbers before I go, and we can see about having a date later this week okay?”
After a great deal of extracting Julie from their grasps, and a lot of kissing, Julie finally was making her way home. They had offered her a ride, or to walk her home, but she knew if they did, Flynn would never let her hear the end of it. She smiled as she traipsed into her apartment, stopping when she saw Flynn waiting for her on the couch.
“Pizza will be here any second. You’re paying, and I got pineapple on it, so no complaining.” Soon they were sat on the couch, devouring the pizza and some sodas, the television was on, but neither girl was paying the show that much attention. Julie could feel the unspoken tension between her and Flynn, so when she had finished her slice and wiped herself with a napkin, she faced her friend.
“Okay, get on with it. I know you’re dying to ask.”
“Tell me everything.”
So Julie recounted the previous evening, how the boys asked her for a drink, how much she liked both of them, and really hadn’t planned the whole threesome thing, but it had felt right when they offered. How they got her to sing with them, and how much she had enjoyed it. Flynn grasped her hand at that, but allowed her to continue. She skimmed over what they had gotten up to at the apartment, but did confess how thoroughly her world was rocked. “They know how to sing and play, so you know those areas of their bodies are skilled. And all that confidence? They can back it up where it counts. Especially Reggie...damn.” She had a hazy look on her face, remembering that last earth shattering climax thanks to him.
“Well I’m glad you had fun. Something to cross off the old bucket list. Though how any hook up after this is going to compare is beyond me.” Flynn said. She was happy Julie had found some good guys who treated her right for a night (and most of the day apparently) and that she looked so very happy at that moment.
“I don’t...think I will be hooking up again any time soon.” Julie said, looking at her phone with a soft look on her face, reading the heart emoji's the boys had sent to her once she let them know she was home safe. “I’m going to see them again.”
Flynn was confused, it was one thing to have a fun evening with two dudes, but to do so on the regular? She wasn’t sure how that didn’t spell disaster. “Like fuck buddies? Man, they must have been good.”
“I mean, they were. But no, not fuck buddies. Like, we’re going to try going on dates, all three of us. Being together, as a trio, Luke called it a three part harmony, which I think is fitting.” Seeing Flynn’s face, she held her hands in her own. “I know, it sounds weird, but I like these guys Flynn. They’re sweet, and talented in so many ways. We have a lot in common, and there’s just something there between us. I want to at least try, see where it goes. Maybe I’ll only get some really phenomenal orgasms out of it, or maybe I’ll find what I’ve been looking for since mom died. With them I can sing again, and be silly, and I feel like I’m alive in a way that I haven’t since I was a teenager. Like I’ve got a spark in me.”
Flynn squeezed her hands. “I mean, I still don’t really get it, but I love you, and if this is what you want, you know I’ll defend you to the bitter end. Plus I get to give the shovel talk to a boy band! Also, I am so being there when you tell your dad.”
Julie hit her in the face with a pillow.
Alex practically floated into their apartment that evening, smiling widely. It had been an amazing few hours with Willie, and they had plans to get together later in the week for lunch. Even though it had been a decade since they saw one another, it was like no time had passed. Except Alex was in an up and coming rock group, and Willie was displaying his artwork in galleries when he wasn’t on the professional skateboard circuit. He wasn’t planning on being the next Tony Hawk, but he confessed he was pretty good, and offered to teach Alex who hesitantly agreed, but mentally made a note to stock up on safety equipment and first aid supplies. He was humming the song that had been playing in the cab on the way home when he came across his bandmates. Luke was scribbling in his notebook, the pen cap between his teeth, his brow furrowed in concentration. Reggie was in the kitchen, slicing up vegetables for a stir-fry from the looks of it. Their overnight guest seemed to not be present from the looks of things.
“Hey guys. Julie gone?”
“Yeah, her roommate was worrying, and she wanted to go get clean and changed. We’re gonna see her Wednesday evening for dinner.” Reggie said, his smile a mile wide. Luke’s eyes were sparkling, as he nodded along. “She said maybe next weekend you can bring Willie over, and she’ll bring her friends, and we can do a big brunch?”
“I’ll check with him, we have plans Friday night, so Saturday or Sunday might be doable, especially since she promised crepes.” Alex replied, sliding up to the sink to wash his hands and help out with the meal prep.
“Glad you had a good time man.” Luke said, before turning back to his lyrics, tapping out a rhythm with the pen.
Alex and Reggie chatted about his date with Willie as they made food, the task much more enjoyable when they worked together. Soon their plates were full, and they brought them to the table. Reggie gently eased Luke’s notebook to the side, pressing a kiss to this temple and then to his frowning mouth. “Time to eat dude. The words will still be there after you fuel up. We kinda burned a ton of calories today, you need nourishment.”
Luke grumbled, but began shovelling the food into his mouth like a man starved once his stomach grumbled. Reggie grinned and tucked into his own meal, eating with similar gusto. Alex shook his head and began eating himself, only at a much more sedate pace. He loved these two idiots, and he kind of wanted what they had- a loving relationship, even if he didn’t feel the need for the third partner and the open boundaries. But still, it was obvious to anyone looking that Luke and Reggie adored one another, and it would take something pretty terrible to break them up. It would also take someone extraordinary to join their little bubble, and find a way to make such a pairing work. Alex wondered if this Julie was their missing piece. She had certainly impressed him with her vocals the night prior, and he had seen how happy they all were when he stopped by this morning. Plus they were already planning on seeing her again, so he kept his hopes high for his friends to find what they were looking for. But that didn’t mean he wasn't going to tease the shit out of them.
“Sooo...wanna tell me about Julie?”
The other two exchanged a look, their smiles bitten off, their cheeks warm. Alex put his cheek in the palm of his hand and waited. He didn’t need specifics of what they got up to (in fact he had no wish to hear any of that), but he did want to know about this girl. Something in his gut told him she would be around for a while. Luke was the first to speak, rubbing the back of his neck “She’s...amazing. So nice, but spunky. And talented.”
“Voice of an angel.” Reggie piped up. “I’d love to sing with her again.”
“And write, she’s a great songwriter, she wrote the song we played with her last night. Like a wrecking ball of talent. Bet she shreds on piano too.” Luke interjected.
“Plus she’s gorgeous. And made us feel...good.” At Alex’s look, Reggie held up his hands. “Not in that way! Well I mean, hell yes she did, man that girl is good! But I mean, she didn’t judge us for what we have and seemed open to being more with us. There was no playing favourites, and it was like, the best night I think we've ever had with a third.”
“It’s too early to say, but...she may be…” Luke trailed off.
“The one?” Alex concluded. The other two shared another glance, and nodded. “Hey, if you know, you know. I’m happy for you guys, you deserve it. Plus she does seem nice, and I am down with playing with her whenever, she’s amazing. Now, let’s get some ice cream, turn on a movie and have a good old fashioned Sunset Curve cuddle pile while we’re all still in a good mood.”
“Yes!” Reggie exclaimed, pumping his fist. Luke pulled him by the neck into a sweet kiss, then got up to put the dishes away, a smile on his face. Yeah, things were looking up for them. He hoped they kept doing so, and sent Julie off another text, just a simple heart, letting her know she was being thought of.
Brunch was set for Saturday before noon, and Julie had a fun time deciding on a menu. Luke volunteered himself to do the grocery run, and when Julie offered to supervise, Reggie decided to tag along too. Julie soon discovered why Alex did most of the shopping, as the other two in a grocery store were chaos personified.
For one, they were both hungry, so every snack was a necessity. Julie managed to put most of it back, but did concede to getting some junk so they could consume it during their Netflix and chill night later. She also discovered that Luke was super picky over which particular pieces of fruit to get, while Reggie just wanted to move onto necessities like milk and eggs, having no time for Luke's deliberations, given he had sat through them numerous times.
She was debating between various jars of peanut butter, when Luke snatched it out of her hand. "Alex is super allergic to peanuts, best to go with almond or sunflower butter."
"Good to know." Julie put back the jars, grabbing a jar of cashew butter and then held up two jars of strawberry jam for the boys. Reggie snagged a jar of raspberry instead, making a nodding motion at Luke. "Any other allergies I should know about so I don't have to jab an epi-pen into anyone?"
"Reg is allergic to penicillin. Strawberries and I don't get along, even if I wish we did." Luke replied. "You?"
"Mushrooms. Also cats, but not severely. I just avoid both, and I'm good."
"More of a dog person anyway." Reggie replied. "Though I love all animals, sure I was a vet or a zookeeper in a past life."
"While you wanna be a cowboy and a rock star in this one." Luke said, earning a jab to the ribs for his remark.
“Just for that, you’re paying.” Julie said, sticking out her arm for Reggie to take.
“Was planning on it anyway Jules. I mean, you agreed to make brunch for us, and both of our sets of friends, the least we can do is pick up the tab.” Luke said, running a little to take Julie’s other arm.
“As I recall, I owe the two of you brunch for all the orgasms. The rest is just mutually agreed upon destruction, and getting the plethora of shovel talks out of the way in one go.” Julie remarked. “How many do we have to give you for you to make supper tonight?” Reggie asked, all cheek.
“One, I’m hungry anyways. We’ll get most of it pre-made from the deli, but I will make dessert.”
Reggie pressed his nose behind her ear. “I’ll give you two if you let me eat the dessert off of you.”
Julie’s face heated up in a blush, but she gave a small nod. Luke shot Reggie a devious smirk, clearly having heard him. “I’ll make it three if you let me do the same.”
“You guys may want to hit the family planning aisle then, because my brownies are to die for.” Julie said, unlatching her arms from them and swaying her hips as she entered the baking supplies aisle. Reggie and Luke looked at each other, then at her retreating form before hightailing it for more condoms and lube. They hadn’t used that many from their stash during their date on Wednesday, but they had used more than none. The only downside was that Julie had to go home at the end of the night, and thus, there were less cuddles than anyone preferred. This time, Julie had brought a bag and promised to stay until Sunday evening. The three of them were looking forward to that time together, as they got to know one another, and found that they still worked, even outside of the bedroom.
However, Julie also knew that if you looked under their clothes, you would find the remnants of fading scratches, bite marks and bruises from all the fun they’d had the other night. She snagged a can of whipped cream, then impulsively grabbed a second, though she doubted she’d be able to use it during brunch if the first can made it into Reggie’s bedroom. She grabbed the rest of the necessities, and wondered how smart it was to let her boys wander around this place unsupervised. She got her answer when she met them at the checkout, both of their arms laden down with the items she had asked them to get, plus a variety of snacks, bottles of soda, and what looked like a variety of sauces that would typically go on ice cream, but Julie knew were going to be adorning her later that evening. She was so glad she brought her shower kit, and that she wasn’t going to have to do the laundry...but she couldn’t wait to have fun with it later.
At the boys apartment, with groceries stored, bellies full, and a movie playing in the background, Julie found herself sitting between the two of them, though no one was paying the least bit of attention to the screen. Luke currently had his tongue down Reggie’s throat, while Julie was currently kissing up their necks, switching between the two. Hands were everywhere, mussing clothes and hair, but still keeping everything in place, which was handy as Alex walked into the apartment, hand in hand with Willie.
“Oh come on guys!” Alex whined when he entered, causing the trio to pull apart, breaths a bit more laboured, faces flushed. “In your rooms, not the couch please. And dear god, please don’t be too loud tonight, some of us would like to sleep.”
“Says the guy who woke us with screams of a certain person's name at seven this morning.” Luke grumbled, causing Alex to glare, Willie to blush though he was smiling smugly, and everyone else to giggle.
“We’ll keep it down if you do the same.” Reggie said, pulling his partners from the couch, and towards his room. Alex nodded, and wished them all a good night before taking their vacated spot on the couch, flicking the television off before pulling Willie down for a kiss.
“Thought you told them to keep it in their rooms.” Willie said when they came up for air.
“Yeah, them. I wanted this spot. Plus we’ll go to mine in a minute, I just wanted some kisses first.”
“I like the way you think.” Willie replied, diving back in for more kisses.
“Not in the living room Alexander!” came Luke’s voice from down the hall, Reggie joining in with his agreement.
“Thank you Lucas and Reginald.” Alex grumbled, then pulled Willie up to bring him to his room. “Come on, we’re gonna go be super loud now, just to spite them. Also they are no good at staying quiet themselves, so we may need to be to drown them out. Thankfully the door was closed when Alex passed by, but he could hear the boys giggling as he passed, paying them no mind as he all but threw Willie onto his bed before shutting his own door. “Now where were we?” ~
“Lucas and Reginald huh?” Julie giggled from her spot on the bed.
“My dad was a Star Wars fan, but mom refused to name me just Luke, even if that’s all they called me. Especially after I wrote a song called My Name Is Luke. Lucas is for documents and when I still lived at home and was in Big Trouble, usually with a middle name thrown in. It’s Mitchell, for my dad, before you ask.” Luke said, shrugging.
“My parents are just weird. Alex is the only person I let get away with using my whole name, I won’t respond to it otherwise. Didn’t even get a middle name out of it. Guess they thought Reginald was enough of a mouthful.” Reggie said, his face turned away until Julie turned it towards her to give him a sweet kiss. It was obviously not the time for them to get into the whole parents area, but she knew that they should have the talk soon.
“Mine are Maria Rosita, after my abuela, and my mom. Because Julianna didn’t have enough A’s in it I guess. But I like it when you guys call me boss.” Julie said with a wink. “Now, we did the whole Netflix thing, how about we get to the chill?” She pulled out the can of whipped cream she bought, giving it a shake.
Both men stripped off their shirts, and Julie whimpered a little. She had really hit the jackpot with the two of them, both very different in form, but still perfect for her. All too soon they were both naked, standing in front of her expectantly, as she slowly stripped off her clothes, loving how entranced they were by her body. She also tied her hair up in a bun, knowing she didn’t want to be washing any sauces out of it at the end of this. She nodded towards the bed, smiling when Reggie held up a finger, stripping the covers and laying down a few towels to protect his sheets. “Smart.”
“I have my moments.” he shrugged, then flopped onto the bed, limbs askew “Now mess me up.”
Luke lay on the bed as well, stretching his arms above his head, nodding that he was also ready for whatever she had planned. But the wicked gleam in his eyes let Julie know that he would be extracting payback when his turn came. Julie popped the cap off her can, and carefully assessed how she wanted to approach the men awaiting her. First a dollop along the v line of Luke’s hips, causing him to shiver a little at the cold, but he smiled, telling her she could continue. A line down Reggie’s sternum, a blob covering a nipple, a small line covering the pulse point on a neck. Julie kept going until she was satisfied, not using the whole can, but the boys were covered in enough globs of creamy white confection to let her know she may have gone a little overboard. She mentally shrugged, then set the can down, deciding to be a little naughty in her clean up.
First she licked the line up that outlined Luke’s abs, hearing his sharp intake of breath, falling into a whimper as she switched to the dots leading down Reggie’s hips. The bassist was clutching the towel under him, and Julie could see him biting his lips. “Does it tickle?”
Reggie released his mouth “Trying really hard to be quiet for Alex. Hard to do when that feels fucking amazing.”
“Maybe you two should keep your mouths occupied while I do this then.” Julie said, taking his nipple into her mouth, sucking viciously. When she looked up, Luke was once again shoving his tongue into Reggie’s mouth, freeing her up to suck the cream off the guitarist’s neck. Luke rips his mouth away from Reggie to kiss her, stealing the taste of his skin and the whipped cream from her tongue. She smirks when they pull apart, Luke panting, and Reggie looking hungry, so Julie mouths the bassist’s sternum, gobbling up the cream before kissing him as well, his tongue immediately fighting hers to taste.
“You’re going to ruin us for anyone else.” Luke said as his two lovers pull apart.
“Dude, I think she already has.” Reggie remarks, the two of them almost wearing their hearts on their sleeves as Julie takes them in. She can feel her own heart beating in kind, wanting to leap out of her chest and give itself to them. It had been two dates, and they hadn’t even scratched the surface of getting to know one another, yet...she didn’t want them to have the chance for anyone else like this. It was too soon, it was too much, but she wanted this, wanted them to be hers.
“Good. You’ve done the same to me.” Julie replied. For some reason, her eyes were getting watery. “You two...I…”
“Us too.” Reggie whispers, his eyes glassy, Luke nodding beside him, holding back his own tears. “We wanted to see how brunch went first, to ask if maybe we could call you ours?”
“Whatever title you want. Whenever you want if it’s still too soon. But know we’re in this until you’re not. Even if that time never comes...especially if it doesn’t.” Luke says, gripping her hand and Reggie’s in his own.
“I...I think I’d like that.” Julie says, wiping her eyes. “So here’s what we’re going to do, we are going to talk about this, make actual decisions about how this will work. But tomorrow, after the mutual destruction brunch. Right now I kind of want to get the rest of the whipped cream off my boyfriends, then let them have their way with me before we pass out into a sticky mess for the night. Sound good?”
No words are needed, as the both of them are beaming, Reggie pulling her down for a sweet kiss, before Luke pulls her in for a kiss, then going back to kissing Reggie. Julie continues licking the cream off of them, smirking at the muffled moans and whimpers, some getting free as they separate for air occasionally. Eventually the boys are clean-ish, hard as anything, and all three of them are panting. “What do you want?” Julie asks.
Reggie reaches over the side of the bed, holding up a bottle of squirtable chocolate sauce. “I was promised dessert. And since the brownies never happened…”
“To be fair, we did promise her an orgasm for making supper.” Luke pipes up.
“I was going to do that when the brownies were in the oven, but you had to pull me into a kiss, and then they never happened.” Reggie argued back playfully.
“Something tells me this relationship is going to involve me owing you two a lot of food.” Julie remarks. “I mean, I could make you brownies now…”
“Really not what I’m interested in eating right now.” Luke says, pulling her down between them, a devious look on his face. She squirms to get herself comfortable, and smiles at the boys as Reggie opens the bottle, leaving an intricate design of swirls and lines covering her torso when he’s done.
“It’s almost too pretty to destroy…” he remarks, staring at her longingly.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Julie snarks, feeling sticky and horny and anxious to feel their mouths on her.
Reggie looks at her face, his expression eager. “Could I? I mean...we have no pictures of you, and this is not something I would ever display or share, but…”
“We can do a photo shoot day tomorrow if you want.” Julie smiles. “After brunch, we can go to the park and you can take as many pictures of me, and the three of us as you want. Right now I’d rather your hands be on me than your camera. Plus you don’t get nudes of me until I get some of you two, fair is fair.”
“I’ll take those tomorrow too if you want.” Reggie said, his voice husky. He then leans down and begins following the line of her hips with his tongue, Luke going the end of her neck along her collar bone. She moans, the sound ringing out, and she could care less if Alex can hear her. There are two tongues caressing her skin, following no discernable pattern until they meet at the breasts. Reggie prefers to suck at her nipple, lips working overtime, with an occasional swipe of his tongue. Luke is mostly using his teeth, nips and small bites, then soothing with a kiss. Julie is in heaven as the actions make her feel warm all over, already starting to get wet.
Her head has lolled back, eyes closed, just letting herself feel as their mouths explore her, even after the lines of chocolate are smeared and almost gone. She can feel fingers gently parting her folds, and another set manipulating her clit gently as their mouths climb her neck, kisses behind her ears, nips at her lobes. The fingers enter her and speed up simultaneously, causing her to gasp. She can feel their cocks rub against her hips gently, not trying to get off, but to amp themselves up as they pleasure her. Reggie is whispering in her ear how amazing she sounds as her mouth lets out moans, gasps and pleas for more. Luke is trailing kisses up and down her neck, but pulls away when her voice gets louder.
Her tilts her face towards him, causing her to blink open her eyes. “Hey boss.” He kisses her gently, and the fingers, which she now knows must belong to him start twisting and thrusting inside of her. She is sure she lets out a shout against his lips, and is grateful he’s keeping her quiet. Reggie’s fingers begin rubbing harder, faster, and Julie knows she’s near her limit, especially with him still whispering in her ear about how much he wants to take pictures of her like this, absorbed in pleasure, looking like a goddess writhing in ecstasy. That she had been so delicious with the chocolate covering her, and how addicted he could be to the taste of her. How he wanted to taste her when Luke’s fingers were gone, just bury his mouth in her and make her scream his name, then let Luke do the same, Alex and the rest of the apartment building be damned.
Julie couldn’t take any more, her body shaking in orgasm, she could feel herself quaking, the ripples of completion rolling through her fast and heavy. Luke pulled away from her mouth as she finished, smirking at her as she panted. “Good one was it?”
“No, terrible, do it again.” Julie panted out.
“Gladly.” Luke pulled his fingers out, sucking them into his mouth. Reggie dipped his fingers lower, swiping some of her juices up and also put them into his mouth.
“Like I said, delicious.” he said, winking at her. He then reached into his nightstand, pulling out some of the condoms they had bought, and offered her the choices, fanned out like a deck of cards.
Julie plucked one of the larger sized ones, and handed it to Reggie, then plucked a deep red one from his hands, and handed it to Luke. “Suit up boys, I do believe you still owe me two if you ever want those brownies.” She then reached out and snagged the lube, handing it off to Reggie, but then snatched it back, a smirk on her face. She pushed Luke down onto his back, and grabbed a pillow to put under his hips, opening the lube bottle up. Luke’s face lit up like Christmas had come early as she slathered one of her fingers in the liquid, then one of Reggie’s “You’ll have to help me out here, I don’t have much experience with this part.”
Reggie smiled and guided their fingers to Luke’s hole, gently rubbing it, letting him get used to the sensation of the lube, pressing gently until he started to open up for them. “You go first, your fingers are thinner.” Reggie said, guiding her in slowly, loving how Luke gasped as she did so, remembering how Julie had done this for him that first night. He guided her to thrust and curl slowly, then started pushing in his own finger, Luke’s fingers going to tangle in his own hair.
“Oh...oh...Reg, it’s so…” Luke tried to explain, but for once, his words were lost. He jolted a little as the two fingers began to work in tandem, then scissoring apart so he was stretched, bit by bit. He was lost in the sensation until he felt another digit join them, one of Julie’s by the feel, each prodding until they found his prostate, causing Luke to shout once before covering his mouth with his palm. Muffled noises came from behind it, and Reggie smirked at Julie.
“He must be enjoying it. Good job Molina.” Reggie pulled his finger out, wiping it on the towel before rolling the condom on himself, and lubing up. Julie pulled her fingers out, and cleaned them before pulling Luke’s hand away.
“I’ve got a way to keep you quiet.” she said, winking, before she straddled his face. He quickly got the picture and pulled her down, immediately sucking on her clit, causing her to gasp. Reggie was sliding in as she did so, meaning Luke’s moans were vibrating against her, which did nothing for her volume. So she decided to otherwise occupy her mouth, leaning down to start sucking and licking at the cherry flavoured condom that adorned him. Luke’s mouth stopped moving for a second, lost in the bliss that was her mouth before he scooted his tongue lower, lapping and sucking at her folds while Reggie began thrusting in earnest. One thing he knew was that Luke came fast and hard from blowjobs, and Julie knew how to make a man’s brain come out with hers.
Julie began sucking, curling her tongue, sliding her mouth up and down, every trick she knew, because she could feel Luke’s mouth going into overtime on her. It was slightly hard to maintain focus when she was being devoured by someone who really knew what they were doing in that department. She glanced up and saw Reggie was thrusting for all he was worth, skin turning a bright red, his lips captured by his teeth. He looked down at her and winked, picking up his pace even more. This caused Luke to moan into her, and Julie couldn’t stand any more, She let out a loud noise in her throat as she could feel her orgasm fast approaching. Her moans caused Luke to thrust up as he came, causing Julie to pull back so as to not choke. This caused her to sit down more firmly on Luke’s face, who kept eating her out through his orgasm. She yanked Reggie forward by the back of his neck, smashing their lips together as she started to come, the bassist following behind her almost immediately.
The three of them fall apart soon afterwards, panting and not caring that they’re in a tangled heap. “That’s two.” Reggie quips when he can retain his breath. “You up for one more Jules?”
“Not until we all shower, I am super sticky. You two are probably no better.”
Luke touches his chest and grimaces when he pulls his hands away. “Yeah, I vote showers all round. Maybe burn the sheets.”
“Hey! We are not burning my sheets!” Reggie exclaims. “I put the towels down for a reason, and they are machine washable Lucas.” He looks at the disarray that his bed is in, frowning a little at the mess. “I will concede to changing them though. After showers. We can throw them in the wash tomorrow.”
The bed stripped, Julie is offered a robe so she can make her way to the bathroom, the boys slinging on boxers that will immediately go into the laundry anyways. Julie starts the shower, and after assessing that her hair is still clean, slings a shower cap over her curls. Her kit is emptied onto the counter as she extracts what she needs and steps in when the water is just shy of scalding, just like she likes it. She’s working the shovel gel into her loofah when she feels hands on her hips, sliding gently around until a body is hugging her from behind. Luke smiles down at her, kissing her gently. Looking behind him, she sees Reggie who is far out of the water, but still clinging onto Luke.
“When our first album goes mega platinum do you think we can convince the landlord to let us renovate this to a bigger shower?” Reggie asks, Julie shuffling forward so the boys can rinse off while she lathers herself.
Luke looks contemplative for a moment, then shakes his head. “Doubt it man, we’ll just have to buy a house with one, or one that we can do the reno on once we own it. Plus then we can get a huge soaker tub like you always wanted too.”
“With a state of the art kitchen?”
“And a built in recording studio.” Luke agrees. “And a dance area for Alex.”
“With a big backyard four your dog?” Julie asks.
“Well d’uh.” Reggie says, moving back with his own loofah, now covered in suds while Julie and Luke switch places so she can rinse the soap off her and Luke can apply his. Soon they are all clean, but Julie finds soapy hands caressing her everywhere, lips making their way across the back of her shoulders and up her neck.
“Not in the shower guys. There’s no room, and if we slip, I foresee broken bones. So when you get that mythical future house, invest in a bench...and non-slip decals or something.”
They get out soon after, the room filled with steam, the quiet whir of the fan overhead doing nothing to drown out their heaving breaths, all of them ready for one last round for the night when Julie lets out a loud yawn. “Ugh, sorry. It’s been a long day, and that last round plus the warm water took it out of me. Sorry guys, I think I’d fall asleep on you, and I’m not really into somnophilia.”
Both of the guys are disappointed, but understanding. Reggie lets out his own yawn, grumbling about them being contagious while rubbing his hair dry. Luke stifles his yawn while he passes a towel to Julie. “Yeah, definitely bedtime. You want jammies?” Julie shakes her head, before looking down the hallway, then creeping down back to Reggie’s room, smiling at the muffled noises she can hear from behind Alex’s door. She throws the towel she’s wearing into the hamper, and helps Reggie make the bed while Luke sets an alarm so they can be up and dressed to make brunch before Flynn and Carrie arrive. The three of them slide under the fresh sheets, Julie in the middle once more, as they all found it to be their favourite way to sleep. They are all asleep before the clock strikes midnight.
Julie is the first to wake up, the sun pale behind Reggie’s curtains, but still high enough to know that Luke’s alarm is probably going to go off soon. The problem is that she’s trapped by limbs. Reggie is spooned up behind her, his arms around her torso, and one leg thrown over her waist. Luke is clung to the front of her, one of his arms around both her and Reggie, his legs intertwined with her. She was thankful the boys had AC in the apartment, as it was super snuggly, but also warm to go to sleep in a near pile. Yet she wasn’t uncomfortable, she felt like the best place in the world was their arms, it was where she was meant to be.
Unfortunately she knew that if brunch was going to happen, she had to extradite herself from their grasp. She poked Luke in his ribs until he let go, turning over in his sleep. She carefully lifted Reggie off of her and slid out of the bed, smiling when Reggie scooted forward to plaster himself against Luke’s back. She quickly found some clothes for the day, and got dressed in an oversized grey sweater and her comfiest leggings before freshening up in the bathroom. Her heart warming at seeing the toothbrush she had used during their first night together had already made its way into the holder.
Julie isn’t surprised to see Willie and Alex already up, snuggled together in an oversized armchair facing the window, whispering to each other sweetly. Willie sees her first, and waves, his eyes crinkling as he smiles. Alex wishes her a good morning, but pulls them back towards his room, winking over his shoulder as he goes. Julie shakes her head, and decides to start by putting on a pot of coffee, knowing she’ll have to make more later, but right now she needs to wake up. She’s downed her cup of caffeine when a pair of arms wind around her middle, and she smiles, wishing Luke a good morning. He’s thrown an old band shirt, missing its sleeves and a comfy looking pair of jeans. Reggie soon comes out of the bathroom, his signature ripped jeans and red flannel present, but wearing a black tank top instead of his usual t-shirt.
“So boss, what’s the game plan?” Luke asks, once everyone has gotten a simple good morning kiss. Julie assigned Luke to all fruit washing and cutting, and Reggie was in charge of frying up the meat. She made batter for waffles, and only shook her head at the Star Wars themed waffle maker Reggie produced. She also made crepe batter, and asked the boys to get out the various spreads, jams, and spices. The intercom buzzed as Reggie eased the bacon and sausages into the oven to keep warm so he could start on the eggs while Julie went to take care of the carbs. Luke started the coffee before buzzing the girls in. Alex and Willie emerged from his room, both beaming, and were quickly put to work setting the table. Soon introductions were made, and grumbled agreements were muttered about leaving all shovel talks until after they had eaten.
“Damn girl, how much of an appetite did you work up last night?” Flynn asked, taking in the spread, smiling slyly as Julie shot her a glare that was negated by her blushing face.
“Please, like you aren’t starving yourself due to what we got up to.” Carrie snarked, holding a fist out for Julie to bump, which she did with a laugh, especially when Flynn grumbled. Glasses and mugs were soon filled, and while everyone else was sitting down, Julie fulfilled her promise to Reggie and showed him how to make crepes. When Alex noticed what she was doing, he got up and hugged her from behind, resting his chin atop her head.
“I adore you.” he said, and then smacked a chaste kiss to Reggie’s temple. “Seriously, keep her.”
Reggie blushed, shooting a glance at Luke and Julie, the three of them remembering their promise to actually talk about what they were doing later that day. But their gazes remained warm, and he pushed Alex off Julie to bring her in for a sideways hug. “Don’t really plan on letting her go, trust me.” Luke jumped up at this, eager to be included, and hugged the two of them before turning to Alex who was smiling fondly at the three of them.
“We haven’t like set up a registry at Macy’s or anything...but we’re gonna try this whole relationship thing. But that’s all I can say before we really hammer it out.” Luke said.
Alex grinned. “I’m happy for you guys, just like I said last week. But I’m also starving, so let’s get our brunch on please!”
The table had been extended to fit everyone, and soon the lot of them were sitting around it, enjoying the spread of foods, everyone complementing the chefs, as well as getting to know one another. Alex and Carrie were getting on surprisingly well, given he adored Dirty Candy, while Flynn was fascinated by Willie’s stories of skateboarding competitions that he had recently completed. Julie smiled at all of them getting along before Reggie forced a fork spearing a piece of waffle up to her mouth.
"Eat, you spent all this time making it, you gotta try it for yourself.” He grinned as she stole the bite before taking the next for himself, trying to hold back his moans at how good it tasted. “I think we may owe you more than one, this is deadly.”
"Sounds good to me, cuz I know just how I want it." Julie replied, then whispered her desire in Reggie's ear, delighting in how red he got, even as he nodded vigorously. Julie was sure she looked like the cat who got the cream, and given their activities the previous night, maybe she was. But who could blame her when she had two very attractive and attentive lovers who seemed to truly care about her?
The food slowly disappeared, the boys discussing their album’s progress, Julie hinting about which big name artist she was penning a tune for. Flynn was interning at another management company, so she had lots of insider gossip that she definitely shouldn’t share, but that never seemed to stop her. Carrie and Willie jumped in with their own anecdotes, the whole table erupting into laughter after a story involved a particular hot dog stand that had given almost everyone involved severe food poisoning at one point or another in their lives. No one was sure how the guy was still operating, as it had sworn the lot of them off hot dogs and most street meat for life.
Once the food was finished, leftovers stashed, they all grabbed more drinks and sat on the couches. Flynn tucked her feet up underneath her and looked at Reggie and Luke. “So boy band…” Luke scowled, but allowed her to continue. “What are your intentions with Julie here?”
Julie shot her a look, but given she had almost the exact same thing when Carrie had re-entered their lives as Flynn’s girlfriend, she knew she was due. She then looked at the boys, her expression playfully expectant. They hadn’t talked about it yet, but she knew how she hoped they would answer. She was sitting in the middle of them, all of their hands clasped as Luke swallowed audibly before he answered.
“We want to be in a relationship with her? Make her happy? We’re pretty simple dudes.”
“We’ll treat her right, Flynn.” Reggie added in, kissing Julie’s cheek gently, Luke copying him on her other side.
“You guys already do all of that.” Julie replied, kissing each of their faces in turn. “I hope I do the same for you.” They both nodded, smiles erupting on their faces.
“Ugh, I forgot they would be in the honeymoon phase. Fine, just know that you hurt her, I bury you. Or I tell her dad and he helps me, and believe me, Ray Molina is a human teddy bear, but you do not want to cross him.” Flynn said, smirking at the boy’s stricken expressions.
Julie scowled a little. “My dad can’t kill spiders, you two have nothing to worry about. He’ll love you both. He can meet you both whenever you’re ready, but preferably after I’ve talked to him first. He’s cool, but the whole two guys at once might throw him a bit at first. He’ll be fully supportive, he may just need a second to adjust.”
“My parents might take a bit more time. They know about me and Reg, and I’ve tried to explain the poly thing, but seeing the reality might be the kick they need to get it. We’re in an ok place, so when we’re ready, we can cross that bridge. Just...not yet.” Luke speaks up, grasping their hands tighter. He shoots Julie a look to let her know they will discuss it more later, but she gets the feeling that he’s not saying a lot when it comes to his parents. Reggie says nothing, actively looking away from everyone, but clutching tight to them both until Julie lays her head on his shoulder.
“Thanks Jules.” he whispers. “Later, okay?” Julie made a sound of assent.
“Julie already knows she has my everlasting love now that Reg knows how to make crepes.” Alex says with a laugh. “But you know, my boys come first, so shovels, blah blah blah. I don’t think you have any plans to hurt them. Just please don’t make me have to sing a million sappy love songs that these guys have definitely started writing from now on.”
“I’ve only written one!” Reggie exclaims, then blushes.
“Three.” Luke pipes in with a shrug. “Plus Reg and I wrote one together. That one we might make Jules sing with us. But no, we’re not adding them to our roster. Well not all of them anyways.”
Alex sighed but nodded, if he could get through Reggie’s country songs and Luke’s more metal sounding phases, he supposes a love song or two can’t be that bad. Plus if he ever writes one for Willie, he can argue his case for them to do that as well.
“I wrote two.” Julie concedes, “Maybe we could do one all together as well. But I’d love to do some with you guys.”
“Why don’t you just join their band already Molina?” Carrie snarks, but the room goes quiet as Sunset Curve exchange looks, a silent conversation of facial expressions going back and forth, then they all turn to look at Julie. Carrie throws her hands up in the air exasperated “Seriously?”
“I mean...we aren’t asking that now, we’re recording our first album. But if she’s cool with it, and the label agrees, she could join us for a song or two, and we can decide from there.” Luke floats, the other boys nodding. Julie looks overwhelmed, “But if you don’t wanna do any of that boss, you don’t have to. We’d love to have you with us, but not if it’s not what you want.”
“Can I think about it?” Julie asks after a second. “It’s just...the night we met was one of the first times I’ve sung really since…” She shakes her head, not ready to get into the mom of it all. “I don’t know if I can, or if I should...just give me time.”
“Another not never but maybe not now situation?” Reggie prompts, understanding. Julie nods, and pecks her lips to his and then to Luke who is squeezing her shoulders gently. They get it, and don’t want to pressure her, even if the both of them would love to push her front and centre of Sunset Curve, especially since Alex had given his subtle approval. Yet Luke could see the concerned looks that Carrie and Flynn were shooting her, so he knew there was more to it than he thought, and to let Julie tell them in her own time. He also decided it was time to change the subject.
“Hey Willie, got any embarrassing middle school Alex stories for us?”
“Oh tons.” Willie replied, squeezing the drummer’s hand when he protested, then kissing his temple sweetly. “What I tell depends on how many kisses I’m willing to give up on though.” Alex buried his face into Willie’s shoulder, giving some muffled response, and tightened his hold around his midsection. “Well there is one story about a zoo field trip I can probably share…”
By the time mid-afternoon rolled around, there had been many laughs, and shared stories. Everyone had been allowed the whole ‘hurt them and I hurt you’ privilege that comes with being a family of friends. Carrie had to run off to a dance rehearsal, Flynn being her ride, went to go too, but pulled Julie aside before they left.
“I like them. I still get to be there when you tell Ray, but I approve. Also, I do hope you sing with them. I miss your music.”
“Me too. I have to tell them about mom first though.” Julie whispered.
“I think they’ll understand, either way. Just warn me before you officially join the band, and don’t just text me the time and locale of your next gig.” They exchanged air kisses before the girls departed, waving at the boys as they left.
Willie was the next to go, having some commitments that evening. He and Alex exchanged a tender goodbye at the door, making quiet plans for later the week. Alex was smiling as he went off to the kitchen, offering to clean up since the other three had done all the cooking.
“So...I think we have a talk to have. How about we go for a walk and do that?” Julie asked. The boys nodded, so they grabbed their necessities, and went off with a wave to Alex, letting him know that they’d be back later.
“Don’t get arrested for public indecency by making out in the park!” he called out, garnering some rude gestures from Luke and Julie, and a snigger from Reggie.
They were all walking hand in hand through the park, but in LA, that didn’t garner you much attention, people were content to ignore anything but their own lives. They laid down a blanket they brought under a shady tree away from the picnicking families and sightseeing tourists. Hands still clasped as they all knew this would be an uncomfortable conversation.
“My mom, Rose, died when I was a teenager.” Julie started, ripping the Band-Aid off. “Ovarian cancer that spread...everywhere before we could even start chemo. It was awful, and devastating, and over really quickly.” She held a hand up to let them know she had heard enough sympathies to last a lifetime, even if they wanted to share their own. “You guys would have loved her, she was a musician, and a songwriter. We wrote music together, but when she died, it seemed like music died with her. I couldn’t play or sing or even listen to it for over a year. Lost my spot in the music program in school. But then I found this song she wrote me before she died, urging me to keep going. I finally played it, and it was like...I was alive again. Like she was there with me. It was too late to get back into the program at school, so I took extra English classes, and got into writing songs instead of playing them. I was still stuck doing it in front of anyone who wasn’t family or Flynn.” She took a sip from the water bottle Reggie offered before continuing.
“Carrie asked me to write a song for Dirty Candy to perform, and my boss, Andi Parker, loved it. She scooped them and me up. I’ve done a few karaoke nights, and some backing vocals, but nothing more to really perform you know? But with you guys, I didn’t question it. Singing with you was easy, like breathing. I’d love to do it again, in whatever manner we can. But I’m in a good place now, and I don’t need it to have music in my life you know? I don’t know if it’s something I even still want for my life other than the occasional song with you. So if we can, I’ll do a song with you, and we can see from there. You just have to be patient with me.” she concluded, wiping the moisture from her eyes.
“We’ve got all the time in the world for you Jules.” Reggie replied, hugging her to him before Luke jumped in, collapsing them onto the blanket in a pile of giggles.
“My turn, I guess.” Luke said, squeezing Reggie’s hand, knowing he’d need more time. “My parents bought me my first guitar as a gift when I was young, and I always got the impression they regretted it ever since. I was so focused on my music, everything else lost meaning. My grades slipped, I was always fighting with my parents. They couldn’t see how much it meant to me, how nothing else mattered but playing music.” Luke sighed before continuing. “When I was barely 17, my mom and I got into it really bad. I was failing out of school, and she told me I had to give up the band. I refused, a lot of words were said, and even more unsaid. I...ran away. Lived in our studio for months, dropped out of school. The boys covered for me whenever my parents asked, and they never knew where the studio was to look. Then I found out my mom was sick. Like, really sick. Some unpronounceable disease or something. I realized I didn’t want the last words I said to her to be angry ones. So I wrote her a song, and went to the hospital and played it for her.”
“Still can’t play that without crying.” Reggie interjected. Luke shoved his shoulder, but smiled sadly at him.
“Anyways, she got better, and we talked. They said they were just worried, and wanted the best for me. So with time, and family counselling, we got better. They helped me get my GED, and they helped get our first demo out. They would still prefer that I was an accountant or something, but they accept that I am who I am, and now that we’ve got a deal, they’ve promised to be front row centre for every show of our certain sold out tour. We’re in a good place now, even when they don’t understand me, us almost losing one another made everyone realize that we still love each other, and that’s more important. Also, they are probably going to adore you boss.”
Julie smiled, then turned to Reggie, offering her support with a small kiss to his cheek. He looked up to the tree above him, and heaved out a breath. “I don’t have a happy ending to my family story. My parents...they were in love once, I’m sure. But by the time I was in elementary school, they weren’t. So they fought, like all the time. At first they tried to hide it from me, put on the big happy family show or whatever. But then...in junior high, they both started drinking. And the fighting got worse. Every so often things would get broken, and I was living in this constant state of terrified panic. Snuck out a lot, slept on the beach just so their screams wouldn’t keep me awake. Child Services got contacted when my neighbours found me one morning, nearly dead of pneumonia.”
Julie’s hand flew to her mouth, shaking her head a little. Luke rubbed her back, already knowing all this after Reggie finally shared it to him during a long night of no sleep. They had a long conversation afterwards, and they got him a therapist, who had helped immeasurably. Reggie grabbed the water bottle, downing half of it before continuing. “It was better, for awhile. Then I was in high school, and unfortunately, the social worker wasn’t involved anymore. Dad lost his job, the drinking started again, and then they got violent. Towards each other, and then towards me when I tried to stop them. Then just towards me. Said some awful shit that I’m still working through with a therapist. I hid it, even from the guys. Didn’t let anyone come over, stayed in safe places at night when it got too bad. Tried to get the social worker involved again, but had no luck getting anyone involved the way the system works. Took getting three of my ribs broken and a trip to the ER for them to finally take notice. Was 17 by then, so I bounced around foster care until I graduated, none of them really stuck. By 18 the boys and I were living together, and I have a no contact order for the both of them. Haven’t seen them since the cops put the both of them in the back of the squad car as I was being loaded on the ambulance.”
“Parents shouldn’t do that.” Julie muttered. “Families shouldn’t be like that.”
“But they’re not my family.” Reggie said, a small smile on his face. “Luke and Alex are my family, and now, Flynn, Carrie, and Willie will be too. And you too Julie. Family isn’t blood, it’s who you choose.”
The three of them grabbed each other in a hug, fierce and warm. Julie whispered how thrilled she was to be considered family. “But...not in like, an actual familial sense right? Because that will make last night super icky.” They all laughed.
“No way. You and Luke...you’re more. You’re my partners. Or boyfriend/girlfriend. Whatever you want.” Reggie replied.
“I guess we have to have that talk now then.” Julie said. “I like girlfriend. I mean, partner is also good, but it always sounded so clinical to me. Either way, I want to call them both of you my boyfriends. I want this to be a relationship between three consenting adults who care for each other. We are together, and none of us will be with anyone else before discussing it first.”
“Sounds good to me.” Luke replied. “I vote all parental introductions wait another few weeks, until we are more serious. Like, no meeting them until we’re sure.”
“I’m okay with that. I mean, your parents already know we’re together.” Reggie said, with a nod at Luke “but I might need a bit more therapy before we do the whole hey we’re actually a three part harmony, as you called it, with them or bring Julie’s dad into the mix.”
“I am okay waiting for the whole meeting thing, but I am having dinner with my dad next week, and I’d kind of like to at least ease him into the idea of us then. I will tell him it’s new, and we’ll figure something out for him to meet you further down the line.” Julie said, both of the guys nodding, though Reggie still looked a little queasy at the prospect. “Seriously Reg, my dad will adore you. Especially if you talk cameras with him.”
“I can do that.” Reggie said with a watery laugh. “Julie...Luke and I, we love each other, have for years. And I’m not using that word with you yet. But...I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about anyone except him until you.”
Luke nodded, and Julie smiled, despite the fact that her eyes were watery. “I know it’s too soon to throw that word around, but I feel the same. You two, I felt this connection to you both, and it was this instant thing, which never happens to me. It’s so strong, and even though it's barely been a week, I feel so sure about it, about us.” She looked at both of her boys, so earnest and happy, despite their heavier revelations. “I...can’t wait to say those words and mean it, one day, and probably soon.”
“Us too.” Luke whispered. “I’d say seal it with a kiss, but we are in public, and Alex did say not to get arrested. So...ice cream? Then maybe we can celebrate later at home?”
Reggie nodded, then looked at Julie, remembering what she had planned for later, and blushed, nodding even more when she caught his eye. She smirked, and got up, holding out her hands for them. “Come on boys, you owe me ice cream.”
~ Alex texted the boys while they were getting ice cream, letting them know he was visiting his sister for the evening, the only member of his family he still spoke with. Julie didn’t know much about Alex’s past, but the boys had been given permission to let her know that his parents had been verbally and emotionally abusive once he came out, then kicking him out when he got his first boyfriend. His sister had accepted him, and he had gone to live with her, the both of them cutting their parents out. She was expecting her first child, and wanted to spend as much time together before she became a mom. He reminded them he would be home late that evening, so to be decent or in a bedroom by that time. He also requested more crepes for breakfast in the morning if Julie was staying, or eggs if she wasn’t. Julie told Reggie to let Alex know that he was totally responsible for breakfast next weekend, but crepes could happen depending on how late they slept.
“So do I get to know what you two have cooked up for me now that we can celebrate?” Luke asked as they re-entered the apartment.
“Get naked and on the bed, and maybe you’ll find out.” Julie said, giving him a firm smack on his ass. He grinned and sprinted off, leaving Julie and Reggie smirking in the kitchen. “I’m giving him 5 minutes before he gets antsy.”
“Pssh, more like two. Three tops.” Reggie argued, taking out his phone to check the time. Two minutes and forty five second later, they heard both of their names being called out in a desperate tone. Reggie smirked at Julie, his expression screaming ‘I told you so.’ She stuck her tongue out at him, then gave him a smack to his ass as well.
“Get moving, I’ll be in shortly.” Reggie saluted as he walked back to his room, not in a rush, but not ambling either. Julie walked behind him, staying out of sight to observe her boys. Luke was laying on the bed, stretched out, stroking himself slowly, condoms and lube laying by his side. He watched Reggie get naked slowly, enraptured. Once Reggie was naked, he slunk over to the bed, scooting up over Luke, smiling down at him before lowering himself fully, bringing their lips together in a kiss, Julie watched from the side, taking her clothes off silently, sitting on the edge of the bed, greatly enjoying watching the boys kiss.
“You gonna join us boss? Or was your plan just to sit back and enjoy?” Luke asked as they pulled apart to breathe. Julie didn’t say a word, just handed them condoms, and then opened the lube. “We making another Julie sandwich? Because I did so enjoy that last time.”
“Sandwich yes. But this time…” Julie replied.
“I get to be the filling.” Reggie snickered, causing Julie to whack him lightly across the chest. “Question is, which one of you wants to prep me?”
“I think Jules should do it, show you how much she remembers from your lesson yesterday. And I can get her ready for you while she does.” Luke said, and Julie looked enthusiastic about both prospects. She poured out lube to slick her fingers, motioning Reggie to lie back, throwing a pillow under his hips with her clean hand as she did. She pressed against him gently, Luke whispering in her ear about what a good job she was doing, how hot it was to see her opening Reggie up. Reggie for his part was moaning, and making various noises of enjoyment as Julie’s finger slipped into him in slow increments. As Julie slowly began thrusting her finger, Luke’s hand began creeping between her legs, massaging her slowly. He peppered kisses up her neck, small and sweet, so as to not leave any marks. He nipped her earlobe, sucking on it with his lips. Everything was slow, sweet, like there was no rush, even as the lust boiled inside the three of them. This was more for them to connect as a trio than to get off, a bond to solidify their relationship.
Julie started sliding in another finger, and Reggie whispered her name, causing her to bend down and press a sweet kiss to his mouth. She lay down beside him, still stretching him slowly, Luke behind her, still rubbing and massaging her gently. He bent over her shoulder to kiss Reggie as well, just a simple press of lips, both of their eyes wet, just due to the overwhelming emotion of the moment. “Love you.” Luke whispered as they pulled away, Reggie echoing the sentiment. They both glanced at Julie, the sentiment shining in their eyes, but neither of them voiced it. She smiled, knowing her eyes were the same, but she knew to say the words before she knew she meant them would be wrong. Instead she put all of her feelings for them into the kisses she gave each of them. They responded in kind, breaths panting, smiles bright and eyes soft.
Julie added another finger, and began increasing her pace, as Luke began to finger her at an increased pace, until she couldn’t concentrate on both at the same time. She pressed her fingers upwards, hitting Reggie’s prostate firmly, causing him to gasp. She could hear her name, and Luke’s as she shook, the pleasure licking at her. She pulled her fingers free as Luke’s fingers hit her just right inside and his thumb went at an increased rate at her clit. Luke’s lips covered hers, and Reggie’s kisses began to rain down over her neck and chest as the climax washed over her. So a sandwich once more, but Julie was finding that she loved being between these guys. It made her feel safe and secure, as well as fully loved.
She was panting, and lay back on the bed, motioning the boys to get ready while she caught her breath. Condoms on and lubed up, they looked at her expectantly. She shimmied up the bed and opened her legs wide. “Get in here cowboy.” she said, crooking her finger at Reggie.
“You got it boss.” Reggie dove down, kissing her firmly. He hitched one of her legs over his waist and slid in slowly, pressing kiss after kiss on her face until he was fully seated. He then wiggled his ass a little, causing Julie to squirm as she felt the movement. “Come on Luke, need you.”
Luke looked like he had swallowed his tongue, taking in the sight before him and it hit him fully what they were asking him. He shook his head a little then crept forward, bracing one hand on the bed and guiding himself inside Reggie with the other. Reggie gasped as each inch entered, then muffled his moans in Julie’s shoulder. Julie ran her fingers through his hair, soothing him as Luke finally reached the hilt. Everything went still, the three of them breathing deeply as they adjusted to being joined so intimately. Luke stretched out along Reggie’s back, inching along so as to not disrupt the delicate balancing act they were maintaining. Julie spread her legs even wider, almost bringing one over Luke’s hips. “You good boss?”
Julie nodded, and Luke pulled out slightly, causing Reggie to let out a muffle whine. He bucked up a little, chasing after Luke, who then slammed back in, driving into Reggie who pounded into Julie, causing all three of them to let out a noise of satisfaction and need. Thus began a delicate dance, as the three of them began to move in sync, retracting and advancing in slow increments as time passed. But soon, Julie’s nails were clutching onto various parts of them, Reggie’s hands were clasped onto the bed sheets in a death grip, and Luke was having trouble not keeping his still. He took a chance and sped up his thrusts, causing more moans and gasps, but neither one of the other two said to stop, so Luke kept it up, going faster and harder, relishing the noises ringing out in the room.
Julie was so close, and god, this felt so good, having Luke thrust Reggie into her. The pace and pressure was mind blowing, and given how much bliss was shining in Reggie's eyes, she could see that he was enjoying it too. The weight on her was a lot, but it didn’t feel suffocating or smothering, just steady and warm. She pulled Reggie’s face up, smashing their mouths together as their hips were now flying, He nipped her bottom lip, causing her to gasp.
“Let me hear you Julie. No one here to complain.” Reggie said, his voice breaking. “Probably going to be very loud myself any minute now.”
Luke was grunting, but nodded, digging for the last of his stamina as he rammed forward even faster, biting his lip as he could feel Reggie clenching down. “Come on Jules...Reg, let go. I’m right there...there...there..”
Reggie twisted his hips just so, causing Luke to grip his hips tightly as the climax washed through him, still moving his hips, riding out the last tremors. He knew he was shouting, but he couldn’t tell you what was coming out of his mouth, so lost to pleasure as he was. Reggie kept going, until he couldn’t take it anymore, letting his voice free, a loud moan of satisfaction flying out as he slumped into Julie, tiny thrusts as he let go. Julie’s voice surpassed all noise in the room, sliding up and up as she all but screamed out her pleasure. She couldn’t tell where she started and the boys ended at that moment, it was purely transcendent. She was still shaking slightly when she opened her bleary eyes.
Luke was looking at her fondly, chest moving a mile a minute as he gently pulled out, flopping down on her side. “Damn Molina. We gotta get you to do that again...another day. I don’t think I can move for the next two hours.”
Reggie blinked his eyes open, smiling at her dumbly. “If I hadn’t just come my fucking brains out, that scream would have made me ready to go again.” She hissed as he gently removed himself, laying on her other side, seething through his teeth as his back hit the sheets. At the others concerned looks, he waved them off. “You two let me have it there at the end. Damn, it was good. Just sore now for a bit. Nothing a warm bath and a nap won’t fix.”
Julie took them both in, smiling so much. She was sore, sticky, and about ready to pass out. Yet she didn’t think she’d ever been happier. Luke got up first, getting the supplies to clean up, allowing Julie to ease herself up to stretch afterwards. Reggie threw them all comfy clothes, as they realized they were starving, and it would be a good idea to eat something before bed. They entered the living room, seeing Alex sitting on the sofa, flipping through a magazine. He shot them all a look. “You guys owe me noise cancelling headphones. Also if the landlord asks, I am totally throwing you under the bus.”
“Consider it payback for the seven am wake up call yesterday.” Luke snarked, holding out his fist to Reggie who shook his head but bumped it. Julie just shrugged, kissing Alex’s hair as she passed by.
“Sorry Alex. To be fair, we thought you’d be later.” Reggie said. “I’m calling for Chinese, you want some?”
“Olivia had Braxton Hicks, so Jade took her to get it checked out. Said they’d call with news. Walked around, came home to hear Luke shouting the place down. Should have turned around.” Alex said. “Also I want dumplings.”
“You know what I want Reg.” Luke exclaimed from the kitchen where he was downing a large glass of water.
Reg handed Julie the menu, and after taking her order and calling it in, slumped back on the couch. “Wake me when it gets here.” he said, closing his eyes, almost immediately sliding into sleep.
“Damn, what’d you two do to him?” Alex whispered. Luke smiled, but just cuddled into Reggie’s side, opening his arms for Julie. She sat on Reggie’s other side, grabbing a blanket to throw over them. She swore she saw Alex smile fondly, shake his head and make a comment about clueless idiots before she too succumbed to sleep. And if Alex takes a cute photo of the three of them, no one needs to know. If all three of them demand copies to use as their backgrounds until they can do that photo shoot Reggie promised, well no one needs to know that either.
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“Now you have to let me take care of you.” - Roger x (fem) Reader (smut)
Summary: It’s 1983 and Queen are recording their next album at the studio where you work… and things get a little heated between you and the drummer.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
In this “episode”: Roger’s ex comes to town just in time to plant a seed of doubt; “it” finally happens.
Word Count: ~4k
Warnings: age gap (she’s 21, he’s 35), smut, language, the usual, so 18+ please
Tagging: @fixedonroger @a19103 @ginabaker1666 @rogahmeddowstaylah @culturefiendtrashqueen @imaginesandideas @rogertaylorscar @painkiller80 @rogerrhqpsody
[A/N: This one starts a few days after the the last one ended. And I SWEAR this is the last one for two weeks!]
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“We’ll have a couple of days there alone,” Roger tells you, excitedly giving you the complete rundown of of everything that’s going to happen when you get to Montreux in a few weeks. “I’ll be able to show you around, get you familiar with everything.” He starts to ramble on about places to go and things to see, and when he turns his head to look at you in the passenger seat of his car, he stops talking, taking note of the smile on your face. “You’ll love it there.” He pulls your hand to his lips and gives it a kiss.
“I’m sure I will,” you grin. “And if I don’t, I’ll just blame you.” You grin bigger and sarcastically flutter your eyes.
He parked the car in his driveway and turn off the engine. “You have no idea how happy I am that you’re coming with me.” He leans over and gives you a kiss. “But enough of that,” he growls. “We finally have three whole days alone and I don’t plan on letting you out of the house.” You both giddily hurry out of the car and into the house, and as soon as the door closes, he picks you up and flings you over his shoulder. “I am not wasting a second,” he laughs as he rushes to get you in the bedroom, where he throws you on the bed.
“Well this couldn’t get more romantic if you tried,” you say through laughter as you start to take off your shirt. It’s been almost a week since the two of you have had proper time alone and it was getting harder and harder for you to resist each other. Sneaking hand jobs under the blanket as soon as your parents went to bed just wasn’t cutting it anymore. Thankfully, they left this morning so there was nothing holding you back.
“Could you possibly go any slower?” he chuffs before helping you take off your pants. “I’ve been so miserable knowing what you’ve been hiding from me for the past week.” He pulls your pants off with little effort and pushes you down on the bed. “Now put me out of my misery and open those legs for me.” He holds your knees and spreads you open, smiling and licking his lips as he pulls you closer to the edge of the bed and kneels before you.
He doesn’t waste any time diving in, none of that teasing he likes to do before he starts to work his magic with his tongue. “God, I missed this,” you giggle as you prop yourself up on your arms so you can watch him as you bite your bottom lip and smirk when he makes eye contact. He grips your hips with his fingers and you can feel his smile against you.
You reach your hands up to grab your breasts. Seeing you touch yourself encourages him, and he starts to moan as he sucks on your lips, but he stops you. “No, no,” he says, lifting his head up and pulling your hands away. “I’m doing this all on my own,” he chuckles. “You just lay back and enjoy.” He entwines your fingers together, holding your hands down to your side and moves his mouth back down.
“Jesus, Roger,” you moan. “Promise me you won’t ever stop doing this.”
He lifts his head up and starts to laugh. “So this is why you’re coming with me?” he smirks before moving back down, taking your clit in his lips, gently sucking, just like you like it. You unhook one of your hands from his and grab a handful of his hair. He groans against you and causes a gentle vibration and you start to softly grind yourself against his mouth. “So good,” he mumbles against you. “You’re not allowed to keep her away from me for so long again.” His tongue swirls up and down as he looks up into your pleading eyes and starts to smile before darting his tongue inside of you, lapping up as much of your juices as he can, Your grip on his hair gets tighter, giving a moaning giggle as you grind yourself closer to his mouth. “Cum for me, baby,” he moans. “Let me taste more of you.” His words send a jolt though your body, your legs tingling as you feel wave after wave of ecstasy rush over you.
You sit up and look down at him again, biting your smiling lip as he looks up at you and smiles back. “Get up here,” you giggle. You scoot back on the bed, keeping your legs open, inviting him up to you for more pleasure. He crawls on the bed and takes his shirt off before he hovers over you, doing his playful growl before his lips meet yours.
Then the doorbell rings. “Ignore it,” he grunts. “They’ll come back later.” He starts to kiss you again, but the doorbell doesn’t stop ringing. “Fuck,” he yells. “Ignore it.”
But it keeps ringing. “They’re not going to stop,” you grumble. “Go get rid of them. I’ll wait.” He gives you one more kiss and a smile, and rushes out to the living room as you lay there, completely naked on his bed. You strain to see if you can hear anything, but you don’t. Not until you hear footsteps approaching the hallway.
“I’m only going to be here until Friday,” you hear a woman say. “Thanks again for letting me stay here.” When you hear her voice you hurry and grab Roger’s shirt to cover yourself, just in case she sees you.
“Take the room in the back,” you hear Roger tell her. “And make yourself comfortable.” He walks back in the bedroom and smiles at you as he closes the door. “Did I ever tell you how incredibly sexy you look when you wear my clothes?” He jumps back on the bed and lays next to you. “I didn’t know she was coming today,” he groans as he rubs his eyes. “That’s Julie.” Perfect, you groan to yourself. She’s Roger’s ex that he told you would be staying at his place for a few days. “Don’t worry about her,” he says, rolling over on his side and gliding his hand across your stomach. “She won’t be a bother.”
You start to giggle as he playfully nibbles on your neck. “She better not be. I’m not done with you yet.” Once again, you’re interrupted, this time by a knock on the door.
“Hey, Rog? Where are the towels. I can’t find them,” she asks. “I want to take a shower.” You glare over at him who is equally as annoyed.
“Bathroom closet, middle shelf,” he yells before looking back to you. You roll your eyes and stand up, grabbing your pants and putting them on. “Why are you doing that?” he asks with a laugh.
“Because we won’t be finishing any time soon,” you sarcastically reply. “You’re not being a very good host anyway.” You open his dresser and grab a shirt, laughing as you throw it at him. He doesn’t protest, but he begrudgingly puts his shirt on as he chuckles and grabs you from behind, giving you kisses on your neck. “Stop that,” you giggle and walk out the room, him still latching on, not wanting to let you go.
You walk out in the living room and sit on the sofa and he still can’t keep his hands off you. “Your innocent little giggles turn me on more than your tits do, babe,” he jokes, “because I know you’re a dirty girl underneath all of that.”
“You make me that way,” you grin. “You better make me forget my name later.”
He gives a deep, throaty chuckle. “You won’t even be able to move by the time I’m finished with you.” He pins you down on the sofa and starts to tickle you, smirking with every laugh you make before he leans down and gives you a smooth and drawn-out kiss.
“Picking them young these days, are we?” Julie curtly says as she walks in the living room, wrapped in nothing more than a towel.
“Uh, Jules, this is Y/N,” Roger says with a chuckle as he climbs off of you.
You smile and giggle as you sit up. “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m sure it is,” she snarks at you, rolling your eyes.
You glance over at Roger and force a sardonic smile before walking to the kitchen for a drink. When you walk away, you hear her talking. “So where’d you get this one from? Bar, club or high school party?”
“Stop it, Julie.”
“Is she living here?” She laughs. “Oh, Roger, tell me she’s not…”
“No, we don’t live together. Not yet. I have my own place for now,” you tell her as you walk back into the living room and giving her a fake, but sweet smile. “Do you mind putting some clothes on? I mean, I got dressed before I came out of the bedroom. It would have been rude otherwise.” Your voice was equally as sweet as your smile, with just a hint of a territorial tone.
You don’t know why you were jealous. Okay, so you do know why – she’s fucking gorgeous, and they obviously have a history, and she’s staying in his house. Not that you ever thought for a second that she’d be some hideous being, but since you saw her, you can’t help but feel a small tinge of intimidation, and when you get intimidated you turn bitchy. You were holding it in, not wanting to give her any ammunition to use against you. When she walked out of the room, Roger turns to you and grabs your hand. “We can go lock ourselves in your apartment instead. We don’t have to stay here.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” you tell him. “I’ll go get my shoes.” When you’re in the bedroom you can hear her start to talk again.
“What are you doing, Roger? Do you know how pathetic this looks?” She wasn’t humored in the slightest. She didn’t sound concerned, but disgusted.
“It doesn’t look pathetic at all,” he snaps at her.
“Some young bimbo in your bedroom and you don’t think this looks pathetic?”
“I don’t really care how this looks.”
“What? Are you buying her things? Giving her some wild adventure she can go back and tell her girlfriends about?”
She shuts up when you walk back into the room. Roger walks by, whispers in your ear that he’s going pack a bag, and you’re left alone with Julie.
“What’d he promise you? A big house? Fancy cars? Diamonds? Marriage?” she asks, her eyebrows lowered.
“He never made me any promises,” you smirk.
“Well that will be good for you in the long run,” she giggles. “Like when you get rusty like an old car and he gets rid of you for a newer one.”
Your smirk grows bigger. “Like he did with you?” She opens her mouth to talk, but you cut her off before she can say anything. “Who or what Roger does is none of your concern,” you snap, your voice lowered to almost a whisper.
“Tell me, Y/N. Do you taste me when you’re sucking his dick?” the snarls.
“No,” you say, your smirk unrelenting. “I bet if you lean in close enough you can smell me on his breath, though.”
Before she can reply, Roger walks back in the room and grabs your hand. “You have the place to yourself,” he tells her. “There’s a key on the counter for you.”
She looks confused, so you decide to help her out. “We’ll be at my place,” you smile. “You know, so we can have a wild adventure I can tell my girlfriends about.”
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You and Roger are back at your place, snuggled on the sofa trying to watch a movie, but you can’t get something Julie told him out of your head. You didn’t want to bring it up, but you had to, because it was giving you doubts about leaving everything and going with him to Montreux. “I heard what she told you. That this looks pathetic.”
He pulled you in tighter and kisses the top of your head. “So then you heard me tell her that I don’t care what it looks like.”
You let out a deep sigh. “I don’t want to be a problem for you. I don’t want to…”
“Hey. Look at me,” he tells you, pushing your chin up so he can look in your eyes. “I don’t care what anyone else says or thinks. You’re the only one whose opinion I care about. Do you care what people say?”
“No, I don’t,” you smile.
“Then don’t worry about what some bitter tramp has to say.”
You out your head down on his shoulder. That should have been enough to relax you, but it wasn’t. You pick your head up and look at him again. “Rog?”
He looks at you and smiles, holding the back of his hand to your cheek. “I love you, Y/N. If people have a problem with that…”
Your eyes widen and your mouth drops. “You… what?”
“I love you.”
You straddle his lap and an enormous smile draws itself across your lips. “You do?”
“I fucking love you,” he tells you, his voice as soft as the touch of his hand on your face. “I don’t know what you did to me, Y/N. I don’t know how you did it, but I love you.”
You lean in and press your forehead to his. “I love you.”
“Oh yeah?” he smiles.
“Yeah,” you whisper. He slides his hand to the back of your head, his fingers running through your hair and pulling you in for a kiss.
Your phone starts to ring. “You have got to be kidding me right now.” You try to ignore it, but it seems like it’s starting to get louder and louder with every ring. You answer it, and before you can even say anything, Kevin, the studio owner, starts barking on the other end.
“I need you back in San Diego. Tomorrow.”
“Oh come on Kevin, not now!” you yell. Roger watches you intently as you listen to your boss ramble on. “For how long? A week??”
“Quit,” Roger mouths to you. You cover the receiver so he can talk out loud. “Tell him you quit,” he whispers.
“I can’t quit my job,” you whisper. He laughs and raises his eyebrow, making you realize that you were going to be quitting in a few weeks anyway. “Hey, Kevin? I’m not going. Why? Because I quit. I’ll be in tomorrow to get my things and bring you my keys.”
Roger grabs you and pulls your close. “Now you have to let me take care of you,” he says with his face buried in your neck.
“Hey,” you say at you jokingly shove him away. “I still have 3 weeks of independence left.”
“Oh, well, then in that case I’ll get going…” he starts to stand up from the sofa, but you pull him back down.
“Like hell you are,” you giggle as you straddle his lap again.
“If you don’t need me there’s no reason for me to be here.”
“Oh, I need you,” you say as you bite your bottom lip and run your hands on his chest.
“Want and need are two different things,” he smirks.
“I know… I need you.”
“How bad do you need me?”
You stand up and start walking to your bedroom. “Why don’t you come and find out?”
He follows you, grabbing you from behind and holding you close, his chin resting on your shoulder. “Two weeks. That’s how long it took for me to love you.” He gently turns you around and you melt immediately when you see the smile on his face. “When I came over, and we had dinner. And I fell asleep, holding you,” he whispers, running his hand up your arm and guiding it to cup your face. “I haven’t wanted to let you go since.”
The air in the room seems to get heavy as a wave of heat flushes over your body. He leans down and kisses you passionately. “I don’t want you to let me go,” you whisper into his mouth, your arms wrapped around him.
His hands move to start undressing you like he has so many times before, but this time his eyes were different and his movements were slow, like he was savoring every inch of your body. Maybe his eyes weren’t different, but they felt different now that you knew how he felt about you. “You’re an absolute goddess,” he says as he finishes undressing you. You stand there before him, never breaking the eye contact as he takes off his clothes before moving you down to the bed.
You let out a quiet whimper into his mouth as you kiss, his hand roaming over your body. The only time your kiss broke was to satisfy your mutual need to breathe. His eyes pierced you as his hand passed over your ribcage before making its way to your waiting breast, his thumb passing back and forth against your nipple.
Your hands make their way to his shoulders, and you nudge him to move, laying on his back as you move on top of him, kissing his lips first before making your way down. He’s watching every move you make, allowing himself to give up control, for now at least. You keep your eyes on him as you fill your mouth with his throbbing flesh, stroking him with your moist lips. He moves your hair from your face as he gazes at you while you work.
He calls you up to him, not wanting to finish this way, although he could – he loves the way your mouth feels on him. You didn’t protest. The simmering heat that was developing between your legs made it impossible for you to. He sits up, waiting for you, and when you get to him, he pulls you to him. Holding his wanting cock in your hand, you lower yourself, guiding him into you as you straddle his hips. He pulls you forward to kiss you, your tongues dancing together as you start to rock your hips, clutching a handful of his hair as his hands hold your back. He starts to meet your rocking with his thrusts, letting you feel the unrelentless push and pull of him deep inside of you while he kept kissing you with an equally unrelenting hunger. You start to cum, but he holds on, continuing to push his throbbing rod into you as far as he can go.
When he knows you’re finished, he rolls you over so you’re laying underneath him, his cock firmly inside of you as he gazes down into your eyes. You were no longer some quick lay, or someone to keep him occupied during his stay in town. You quit being that to him a long time ago. You are his, and he is yours. He slowly rolls his hips into you, wanting to savor every single second, wanting to feel every single inch. With every needful push he makes, you feel beautiful, and desired… and loved.
He rested himself on his arms, his hands holding your head, and he leans down to kiss you. He moves his lips down your neck and to your collarbone, his thrusts growing faster and deeper. You run your fingernails on the nape of his neck, moaning with pleasure, your lumbering breaths in perfect harmony with his. You bring his face up to look at you. You want – no, you need to look at him. “I love you,” He breathlessly whispers as his eyes meet yours again.
It’s that very moment you realize that you’re giving everything to him – all of your emotions, all of your physical self. Everything. As he leans in for another kiss, you whisper that you love him, too. Your moans are getting louder as he starts to kiss your neck, thrusting faster inside of you. He turns you on your side, your back to him so he can hold you close, never missing a beat as he continues pumping inside of you, deeper and harder than before, as you have one arm wrapped around his neck. He locks his fingers in yours, his movement getting faster, and you can hear every breath and moan he makes in your ear. “Are you ready, baby?” he asks, panting and heavy.
“Yes,” you groan. “Cum with me.” Your walls start to constrict, and you feel every throb he is making inside of you. You turn your head and look at him looking down at you, and as soon as your eyes meet he gives you one final hard thrust, filling you with every drop. You cry out as you climax, your insides exploding in a sensation of electrified and pure bliss. The almost pained concentration leaves his face and makes way for a smile, that damn smile he’s given you so many times before, but this time it’s giving you a feeling of love and adoration. You can’t resist smiling back at him. You both know what each other is thinking.
All tension subsided, and you lay there relaxed. He’s still holding you as your breathing finally slows to a regular pace. You move to sit up, but he doesn’t let you, pulling you closer to him instead. “No,” he chuckles. “Still not ready to let you go.”
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franks-dirty-blade · 5 years
Blood Candy || @jitteringfrenzy​ || Closed--
Feeling arms wrap around him, he brought his own to surround hers and held her tight in his arms. Letting his face fall and hum into her lovely petal pearl and cerulean locks. It was nice to have her here with him. 
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“Oh yeah?” “Glad to hear you taught that fucker a lesson.” Frank snarked as he let her go so she could sit, Himself falling into the nearby couch as he rest a foot over his knee and held his ankle. His free hand digging into his pocket for his smokes and lighter. 
“No one fucks with our Legion. Right baby doll?” He asked with a coy smile, lifting a cigarette to his lips and holding it there as he lit it. Taking a long drag and letting the smoke settle in his lungs before he blew it out.
“I got Jules to collect some clean snow earlier.” “Should be enough for you to heat up for a bath if ya want it.”
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Family Reunion
Characters: Varian, Juliet (OC), Hector
Description: Varian Wry is not pleased when one snarky vegetarian (his wife) meets the other snark vegetarian (his uncle) in his life.
Notes: Is this in anyway possible in canon, for Hector and Varian to have this relationship? Probably not. Enjoy anyway. Also, Varian and Juliet would both be 24/15-ish at this point. This photo below also has like nothing to do with the story but I really like The Look it has.
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Varian Wry hadn’t seen one Hector del Bosque in thirteen years, yet, somehow Varian wasn’t surprised when he came home to see Hector sitting at his kitchen table, sipping tea. Hector had seemingly decided to forego the aging process, as he looked exactly the same as he did when Varian was twelve; scrawny with thick dark hair and crazed yellow-green eyes.
If Varian hadn’t of known who Vector was, he would have been frightened by his sudden appearance in his kitchen. But Varian did know Hector. And while Varian knew Hector was formidable in battle, Varian has also seen Hector cry over a bunny because it was too cute.
“You’re lucky Juliet didn’t get here first,” Varian said, not bothering with a greeting. He also didn’t bother to mention who Juliet was, despite the two never meeting. Hector has his ways of knowing things.
Hector took a sip of his tea and shifted in his wooden chair.
“I am still miffed I did not receive a wedding invitation,” Hector said conversely, as if they were in the middle of their last conversation and thirteen years had not passed. “After all I have done for you.”
Varian ignored that the amount of things Hector had done for him amounted to zero and took a seat across from him.
“It’s hard to send an invitation to ‘My Kinda-Sorta-Uncle That Lives With Two Bearcats and A Rhino In A Haunted Tree’. Not sure how to address it.”
Hector narrowed his eyes. “Quirin would have found a way.”
“Well, I’m Varian, and it was my wedding, so I could invite whoever I damn well please.”
Hector snickered but did not smile because he did not smile.
“Where’s your lovely bride anyway?” Hector asked. “I can’t wait to meet the girl who managed to make you look up for five seconds.”
Varian sighed. “She said something about helping a cow give birth this morning before running out. That was about....say, five or six hours ago. She’ll be back shortly.” Varian leaned forward, scrunching his brow together. He wasn’t sure if he should ask if Hector wanted something, because it was completely in character for Hector to show up randomly but also with a motive.
“Relax your worried face,” Hector said. “You’ll get wrinkles. End up looking like your aunt Adira.” Varian just rubbed at his temple. This was going to be a long visit, he could tell. “I’m just stopping by. I was in the area, thought I’d stop and see you’re new Mrs. Wry.”
New? Him and Juliet were twenty-five, they’ve been married for three years. The marriage wasn’t old, but it wasn’t new either.
Hector flicked one of his own braids and stood, leaving his teacup behind on the table.
“Where’s the Mini Ones of You?”
Varian felt a deep part of him groan.
“You mean children, Uncle Hector?” Varian said. “Me and Juliet don’t have any yet.”
Hector hummed thoughtfully and then turned back around to Varian.
“Is it true she’s some kind of an animal whisperer?” Hector said. Varian nodded slowly. Juliet’s abilities were no secret and Hector had been quite a spymaster back in the days before Varian lived. Hector would know even if they hid it.
“And before you ask, no, we don’t know how she does it.”
If this affected Hector, he didn’t show it.
“Interesting,” Hector said, “I can’t wait to meet her.” If Varian didn’t know better, he would say Hector looked almost excited.
Varian heard the front door slam open and shut, and Varian quickly stood.
“Well, here’s your chance.”
“Varian?” she called out.
“In the kitchen!”
“Okay!” He heard her feet start to shuffle towards the kitchen as she kept yelling. “Sorry it took so long! Manny was grateful for all the help and tried to get me to take some meat from a pig he just killed, and I know you like ham, but taking meat after delivering a cow just seemed wrong. So I picked some apples, I thought we could make pie instead, since I know you like that.”
Hector turned to Varian, raising a brow.
“Pie?” Hector asked. Varian sighed.
“She really likes pie,” he said. Ever since she discovered it at eighteen, she had been crazy about it. And she was pretty good at making it, actually. Her apple pie, especially, was great. Varian was always excited when she said she was going to make one, and the news she planned to actually made the day seem a little brighter.
“Then you won’t believe who I ran into!” Juliet said, pulling into the kitchen with a basket full of shiny green apples. “Cosette’s grandbunnies! They’re so cute, they look just like her—“
Juliet stopped suddenly, eyes finding Hector. Her eyes were wide, mouth open in surprise and confusion, feelings she didn’t bother to hide. Not that he could blame her. Hector was quite a character.
The closest thing that Hector could make to a smile crossed his face.
“You must be Juliet, Varian’s wife,” Hector said. “I’m Hector, his uncle. I’m sure Varian must have told you about me.”
Juliet twirled to face Varian head on.
“Uncle?” Juliet said. “But I thought you said your dad was an only child.”
Varian bit his lip. “Long story.”
Hector’s brow raised subtly and he crossed his arms.
“You didn’t tell her about me?” Hector asked. “Some kind of nephew you are.”
Varian could feel a headache building, and he wished he didn’t keep the medicine in the basement lab. Then he could take some and not be tempted to disappear and leave Juliet alone with Hector. It had only been five minutes, and he was already so tempted to do so.
“It just never came up,” Varian said. “We’ve got lives of our own.”
“Apparently so,” Hector said thoughtfully. He picked up there salt-shaker, like he was inspecting it and then put it back down with a simple nod. Varian didn’t ask.
“Adira sends a message,” Hector said. Varian gave a small smile. He rather liked Adira, at least she acted more reasonable than the man before him. “She says to please give Quirin grandkids so he’ll stop talking about wanting them in his letters.”
Varian felt his insides die and his cheeks burn red. Of course that would be what Adira sends to say. He took back what he thought about liking her. Juliet just smiled and put down her basket on the counter.
“Tell Adira is that it’s not for a lack of trying Quirin doesn’t have them yet.” If Varian could die twice, he did it, because Juliet really just said that. Of all things.
“What?” Juliet asked. “We’re trying to have a baby. There’s nothing shameful about it. In the animal kingdom, it’s pretty much a known and accepted truth amongst mates that the two are trying for mates.”
Hector nodded. “She’s right.”
Juliet smiled brightly. “I like him.”
And then Varian died a third time.
Because of course Juliet liked Hector. Of course she did.
“Hector do you like pie?” Juliet asked. Hector shook his head.
“No. It’s disgusting,” Hector said. Juliet’s smile didn’t waver.
“Too bad,” Juliet said. “Because if you stay for dinner, I’m making pie for dessert so eat it or weep.”
Hector smiled — not smirked or snickered — he smiled.
“I like her.”
“Out of Hector and Adira, you had to like Hector?” Varian asked, cutting carrots at the kitchen table. Juliet smiled sweetly at him from where she was mixing the stew in a pot.
“‘Rian, last time I saw Adira was when we were fifteen, and she threatened me with a sword,” Juliet said.
“Yeah, she does that,” Varian said. Threats were how Adira showed affection Varian sometimes thought.
“Naturally I’m going to like the one who doesn’t do that more.”
Varian finished with the carrots and brought them over to Juliet.
“But he’s just so...weird,” Varian said. Juliet chuckled softly and threw the carrots in the soup.
“Honey, isn’t that pot calling the kettle black?” Juliet said. Varian titled his head in confusion.
“Since when have you started using common phrases?” Varian asked. Juliet rolled her eyes and kept stirring.
“Since I realized the potential it has for sarcasm,” Juliet said. She motioned towards the table, where an onion sat, ready to be peeled for the soup. “Now, can you please peel the onion? It’s the last thing we need for the soup.”
“Why are we making soup anyway?” Varian asked. “Neither of us particularly like it.”
“Because we have guests,” Juliet said. “We have to make sure they’re well-fed.” Oh, right. In addition to Hector, Juliet had suggested inviting Quirin over for some kind of makeshift family reunion. Which meant soup, because it was the only thing besides pie and sandwiches that either knew how to make worth anything.
“Besides, I’ve been craving some carrot soup,” Juliet said. Varian picked up the onion but turned back to her.
“You hate carrot soup,” Varian said. “We only make it for guests. Why would you be craving that?” Juliet seemed surprised too at the revelation but then but her lip nervously. She twirled the spoon around and didn’t answer. Varian decided to let her suspicious behavior go.
“Where’s Ruddiger?” Varian asked instead. Juliet shrugged.
“Disappeared into the forest after we picked apples,” Juliet said. “Said something about telling the others the apples were in season.”
Onion now peeled, he brought it too her.
“Ruddiger?” Varian said. “Focus on apples, who would have guessed?”
Juliet clicked her tongue in annoyance and took the onion from him.
“I hope your uncle doesn’t mind vegetarian food, love,” Juliet said. Varian smiled and hugged her shoulders from behind.
“No, he too has embraced your joyless way of life,” Varian said. Juliet turned back to give him an seething look and Varian chuckled, kissing her cheek once. “I’m kidding Jules, you know I don’t care about you being a vegetarian. But Hector is one too, for real. He won’t care.”
Juliet hummed to herself and hugged one arm around her stomach. Juliet seemed like she was going to say something else when Hector appeared in the doorway of the kitchen again, Dad by his side.
Dad smiled at them, wearily but kind all the same. Time hadn’t been the kindest to Dad — his hair was more gray than brown, and his wrinkles were beginning to be too numerous to ignore. And next to the seemingly ageless Hector, it was easier to see. Yet, somehow, it hadn’t diminished the respect he could receive just by his arrival. Dad carried himself strong and sturdy, just like always, like a grand, old lion. Time hadn’t been kind, but Dad seemed ready to fight it’s unjust affects.
“Hello son, Juliet,” Dad said. Varian grinned and let go of his wife, walking to greet them.
“I see you’ve caught up with Uncle Hector,” Varian said. Hector beamed wickedly and walked over to the chair he had occupied earlier.
“Yes, Hector, you can take a seat,” Juliet said, crossing her arms. Hector seemed one step removed form surprised, and raised a brow. “Varian, can you please help Hector set the table while I finish the soup?”
Varian helped pull Hector from his chair and led him to where they kept bowls. Hector seemed more than a little confused.
“Why doesn’t Quirin have to help?” Hector asked like a five year old.
“Because he’s my father,” Varian said simply.
“And he didn’t just take a seat, Mister Rude,” Juliet said. Dad laughed and moved deeper into the kitchen.
“I can help set the table, it’s not a problem,” Dad said. Varian dug through a cabinet for spoons as Hector set out the bowls with a scowl.
“Quirin,” Juliet said, “you’re fine. Just take a seat. Consider it a reward for not barging into our house when we’re not here.”
“Oh, Varian told you about that,” Hector said dully. Varian put down the spoons and turned to Hector with a raised brow.
“Did you think I wouldn’t tell her?” Varian asked.
“If you were a good nephew, no, you wouldn’t have told her.”
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dust2dust34 · 8 years
Pieces of Always: August 2029 (FICoN ‘verse, Explicit)
Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows.
by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34
This installment is rated Explicit. 
Summary: Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. (You do not need to have read FiCoN to enjoy this, but it will spoil the end. Please see the first installment for additional author notes. Thank you @jsevick​ and @alizziebyanyothername for the amazing beta!)
A/N: Please see the first chapter for an important Author’s Note, as well as under the cut for an additional one.
A/N: I am taking more of a beta role for right now. The effervescent @so-caffeinated is fully in the driver’s seat and she’s kicking all the ass, so please go send her your love!
A/N via Janis: Trigger warning for discussion of human trafficking of minors in this chapter. It’s entirely referenced as something Team Arrow stopped days prior and nothing is seen. Details are sparse.
However… I think most of you will enjoy the end of this chapter. Bre put some polishing touches on that scene this week.
I also thought I’d take the opportunity (I usually forget) to point out that my ask box on Tumblr is always open for questions on FiCoN. I’m also easily reached on twitter. On top of that, we have a Pinterest board going for this series as well as a Spotify playlist. Tumblr user name is so-caffeinated. The others are all so_caffeinated. Beware that spoilers abound, as well as the occasional spur-of-the-moment ficlet that winds up nowhere else. And… enjoy!
(read on AO3)
August 2029 - Down and Out
“I’m not gonna hit her.” Will shifts uncomfortably, his body tense as he looks around. He taps his hand against his thigh uneasily, and Oliver fights a smile, because he really, really should have seen this coming. Will shakes his head. “I can’t take a swing at her. She’s my baby sister.”
Jules snorts as she slips on a pair of boxing gloves and turns to her mom for help tying the laces. Felicity’s gotten awfully good at it over the years, so much so that it’s second nature for her now. Jules barely pays attention while her mom works. “You don’t seem to have a problem going up against me,” she points out with a toothy, sweet grin tossed over her shoulder.
“You hit back!” Will counters.
“I will so hit back, too!” Ellie protests, holding up her gloved hands. Her headgear is already in place.
“You’ll try anyhow,” Jules agrees, smirking at her sister.
Ellie sticks her tongue out in response.
Will looks like he’s at a total loss for how to fight this, but he’s obviously dead set against squaring off against Ellie. In theory, Oliver gets that. He can’t imagine being in a position where he’d have had to throw a punch, no matter how cushioned, against Thea when she was eleven. But, this is about a whole lot more than just practice. This isn’t some test in a martial arts studio for a colored belt. For their family, it’s always been so much more than that. He’s insisted on Sunday night training sessions since the moment he became a dad. It’s been a necessity from the start. But Oliver’s also had a renewed sense of urgency about his kids’ protection for the last few days. It’s left him driven to see them better prepared, better equipped to defend themselves.
“She could use the practice against someone bigger than her,” Oliver points out, the gravity of what he’s saying weighing his voice down. He stares at his oldest, watching the depth of his words starting to sink in. His kids have always been more aware than the average child about the dangers that lurk in the shadows of their city, but Will’s just weeks away from twenty one and he’s undoubtedly more informed than the others. “Out there, it’s not gonna be someone Jules’ size she’s up against. You know that.”
“I do,” Will agrees, though it sounds like he hates the sound of his own voice. “I just… I don’t know if I can do it.”
“Look at it this way,” Jules chimes in. There’s an edge of snark to her tone and Oliver knows which direction this is headed long before her words make it obvious. “You get to be one of the sage instructors of a one-day superhero. You’re her Obi-Wan.”
“First of all,” Oliver starts, locking eyes with his daughter. “Your brother is clearly a Lando, not an Obi-Wan.”
He’s barely aware of his wife blinking at him, but he does her hear say,“How is it possible that you’re even more attractive than usual right now?” while Nate makes a gagging noise in the background. Oliver’s lips twitch and he shoots Felicity a quick but loaded glance before returning to Jules.
“Secondly,” he continues, holding up a finger as he talks - because this is by far the more important part, “your sister can be anything she wants to be. I don’t care if that’s a superhero or a car mechanic or an astronaut or an ice cream server. Same’s true for you, Julie-bug. Your life is what you make it. The fact that you exist proves that’s true, so I don’t want to hear any more of this ‘fated superhero’ stuff. Got it?”
Jules rolls her eyes, muttering, “Whatever.” At least, that’s what Oliver thinks she’s muttering, but she’s got the mouthpiece in now and it’s hard to understand her. All the same, her cheeks turn pink and she looks away, so it seems like maybe he successfully pushed that idea back for the moment. Again. Felicity winks at him over Jules’ head with an approving smile.
It’s come up less frequently in recent years, Jules’ insecurities relating to her sister, but it’s still a factor. Oliver sort of thinks it might always be, to some degree. But he and Felicity will keep working to break it down, to reinforce that both she and Ellie are their own people with their own lives to write for themselves, and most days Jules seems to believe them.
“Come on,” Felicity says, rubbing Jules’ shoulder. “We’re starting with the bag. Let’s get you loosened up.”
“You’ll pair off with her in a bit?” Oliver asks his wife.
“Mmhmm,” Felicity agrees. “But I could probably use a few rounds with you later.”
Oliver’s not sure if that innuendo is intentional or not, but Will has to actually turn around so that he’s not looking at them as he shakes his head. Thankfully, the others are a bit young to pick up on the double-meaning, but Jules looks like she knows she missed something.
“That’s…” Felicity says, her words catching up with her. “You know what I mean.”
So, it had been accidental. It’s been awhile since she’s done that. Oliver knows he should let it slide, but damn it’s just such a good opportunity and he’s never been that great at impulse control when it comes to his wife.
Oliver grins. “You can explain it to me later in detail.”
“Dad,” Will objects with a whine.
And… yeah, that’s not really fair to do to his kids, as much as he’d love to keep flirting suggestively with his wife.
“You and Ellie,” Oliver says sharply. That earns a look from his oldest. “She’s been shadowboxing for weeks, but that’s not good enough anymore. And I don’t want her just focused on escaping an attacker anymore. I want her to take him down. Focus on the uppercut with her. Her hook needs work too, but not tonight.”
Will casts a look at Ellie. She’s far too eager for this, bouncing on the balls of her feet, giddy to take on her big brother for the first time.
“I liked this a lot better when I was teaching her how to break holds,” Will informs him.
“Sometimes it’s not a grab,” Oliver tells him, his face stern, his voice hard. “Sometimes it’s a gun or a knife or a syringe full of Vertigo and you can’t just learn how to-”
“Oliver,” Felicity interrupts.
His head swings to her. Her eyes are intense and he knows her well enough to see everything she’s not saying: “They don’t need to know this. This is too real for them. Take it down a notch.” His heart aches with the truth of that. But he saw a lot of kids this week who didn’t need to know this yet either.
And they hadn’t been prepared.
He’s ready to argue, to nail his point home, but then he sees Nate out the corner of his eye. His son’s brows are furrowed, a soft, confused look on his face as he stares up at his father. Oliver’s shoulders sag, an anxious desperation burning his gut. The last thing he wants to do is scare the hell out of them, but…
Damn it.
He just wants them to be ready. He just wants them to be safe. And the places his mind’s gone since that raid earlier this week, since he and Digg saved that freight container full of kids on the wharf… Every time he closes his eyes he sees Ellie there instead, shrinking away from him in fear. He sees Nate curled up in a ball in the corner, crying into his knees. He sees Jules looking brokenly back at him, eyes hollow and blank.
Oliver spent that whole night throwing up after he’d gotten home and he’d called the kids out sick from school the next day, both to spend time with them and force himself to recognize that they were okay. He just… he’s seen a lot of terrible things, but those kids… what those kids had been through, the future that had been meant for them, it hit him on a different level.
He’s still not past it. He’s not sure how to get past it, but training his family to protect themselves better is something he can do.
“Okay,” Will agrees, snapping Oliver’s mind back to the basement gym instead of that rank freight container. “We can work on uppercuts.”
Will’s always been intensely perceptive and Oliver has no doubt that his oldest has some idea of what this is about, even if he doesn’t know the details.
That’s okay. He doesn’t need to.
“Grab a mouthguard,” Ellie advises with overwhelming confidence. “And prepare to stare up at the ceiling.”
Will raises an eyebrow at her. “You’re all talk, short-stuff,” he says.
“Tell it to my glove,” she replies with a mock-sympathetic wince.
Despite the weight of his thoughts, the lighthearted banter relieves some of the pressure in Oliver’s chest.
She’s like this when she spars with Jules, too. The two girls have squared off against each other for years. They’re well matched, his daughters. Jules’ grace and Ellie’s swiftness make for an interesting and challenging fight. They’ve definitely learned from each other and Oliver has no doubt that the two girls working together would be a force to contend with. But neither one is used to taking on a much larger opponent, not beyond escape techniques anyhow.
Jules is fourteen and Ellie’s eleven. It’s time they learn. Past time, even.
A heavy sigh from Nate has Oliver looking at his youngest. “Do I have to do katas?” Nate asks.
He hates this. More than anyone else, he well and truly hates it.
Which is the biggest reason he needs to practice the most.
“Nope,” Oliver tells him, which earns him a hesitantly hopeful look that Oliver knows will very soon disappear. “Grab a foam bō and meet me on the mat.”
Nate’s eyes go huge, his jaw slackening as he casts a worried look to his mother. For her part, Felicity is surprised enough that she loses some of her hold on the punching bag Jules is going at and it swings into her, nearly knocking her over.
But she barely lets the bag phase her.
She’s too busy staring at Oliver incredulously.
“Tell me you’re kidding,” Felicity demands.
“I’m not,” Oliver immediately counters, his voice taking on a stubborn tone. “There’s no weapon you’re more likely to have on hand than something resembling a bō. Ellie’s great with a bow and arrow-”
“Thank you!” Ellie interjects as he continues on.
“-and Jules is sort of terrifyingly good with a chain-whip.”
Jules shrugs. “I like them,” she says. “It’s like rhythmic gymnastics. But with weapons.”
Yeah… that’s not concerning at all, but Oliver presses on. “Will has practically grown up with a bat in his hand and he’s got the power he needs behind a hit. Nate needs something, too. I think a bō is a good place to start.”
At the terrified look on Nate’s face, Oliver finds himself faltering slightly, wanting to make it better. He wants his kids happy, but he also needs them to be safe. And with Nate, he gets the sense that balance might prove harder than with the others.
“It’ll be fun,” Oliver says, giving Nate a hopeful smile. “Just you and me, buddy.”
“Oliver, he’s seven,” Felicity points out. Her anxiety about this isn’t helping anything because Nate just nods and edges closer to his mother.
“We’re just starting with basics,” Oliver promises. “Foam bōs and it’ll be all form and proper movements, honey. We’ll do it right.” He levels her with a heavy look. “I’m not gonna take any risks.”
She knows that. He knows she does, but he also knows that Nate growing up is hard for her. Ever since he hit kindergarten she’s had a hard time letting go, watching her youngest getting older. It doesn’t help that he seems content to cling to her for as long as she’ll allow. But, like it or not, he is growing up. And their lives demand a certain level of preparedness that other families don’t have to instill in their kids.
“Foam or not,” Felicity continues, “those sticks are hard, Oliver.”
Jules sighs and shakes out her arms, clearly wanting to get back to the punching bag, but having to wait for her mom to steady it.
“I’m just gonna show him the forms and do defensive moves,” Oliver swears. “Very slow, measured basics.”
Felicity swallows. Hard. She doesn’t like it but she trusts him and she nods as she reaches out to run her hand over Nate’s hair.
“Mom!” he protests.
“It’s fine, baby,” she says, turning to him and cupping his cheek. “This is just like katas only you’re holding a stick.”
“Uncle Digg had two broken fingers from sparring with one of those sticks!” Nate squeaks.
“Not the foam ones,” his mother points out. Thankfully she fails to mention the time he’d trained her with those foam bōs and wound up with a bruise across the length of his back that had lasted a week when she’d gotten a good hit in against him. It’d hurt like hell, but he’d been so proud of her that he hadn’t minded in the least. “You can do this, Nate. Your dad taught me. He can teach you, too.”
Oliver’s taught his wife a whole lot of self-defense over the years. She’s not a fighter by nature, never will be, but she can hold her own if she needs to. It took years to get her to that point, but he’s confident in it now. Oliver knows Will can handle himself, and he’s getting increasingly comfortable with both Jules and Ellie. But Nate…
“Come on,” Oliver urges his youngest, forcing his voice a little lighter. “The sooner we get started the sooner we can be finished.”
Nate sighs dramatically. It’s the long-suffering sound of giving in. His shoulders sag and he stomps over to the practice weapons rack, grabbing the first foam stick he finds.
“Lesson one is to pick the right weapon,” Oliver tells him, walking over and taking the stick from his hands. The look his son shoots him has so much sass that he looks like Jules for a moment. “This stick is too big for you,” Oliver continues, standing it on its end next to his son. “You need something just a little shorter than you are so that you can control it well and avoid hitting the ground, okay?”
“I’m gonna be hitting the ground,” Nate grumbles.
“You will not,” Oliver insists. Nate raises both eyebrows at him in utter disbelief. “Not after you’ve got this down,” Oliver clarifies. “Getting knocked down isn’t a bad thing as long as you keep getting back up.”
He realizes all of a sudden that there’s not nearly enough noise in the basement and he turns to the rest of his family to find everyone watching him and Nate warily.
Oliver takes a measured breath. “But being distracted in a fight,” he says, narrowing his eyes at them, “means you lose.”
They take the hint. Felicity grabs hold of the punching bag and nods at Jules who goes back to pummeling the thing with barely more than a sympathetic look to Nate. Ellie and Will are a bit more preoccupied, but Oliver keeps his gaze fixed on them until they turn away and square off against each other. He’d like to see how Ellie fares against her older brother, but Nate needs his attention right now and he knows that Will will recap it for him later.
“Use this one,” Oliver says, pulling the shortest foam bō off the wall. “It’s closest to your size and it’ll be easiest to handle.”
Nate grimaces as he takes the stick from his father. “Now I try and hit you with it?” he asks, with just enough edge to have Oliver forcing himself to take another slow breath. Man, this kid’s all attitude today.
“No,” Oliver corrects. “Now you learn how to hold it.”
“I’m pretty sure I can figure out how to hold a stick,” Nate deadpans.
“Can you?” Oliver asks, crossing his arms and stepping back. “Show me.”
It’s clear he’s called Nate’s bluff when the kid uneasily puts both of his hands right near the middle of the staff and holds it out in front of him.
“That’s how you think you hold it?” Oliver asks.
“Well, it’s in my hands, isn’t it?” Nate sasses.
“Don’t be cute,” Oliver says sharply. “This isn’t a game, Nate.” The boy wilts slightly. He chews on his bottom lip, shifting the stick with an uneasy shrug by way of response. “Okay, let’s say you’re right. Let’s say that’s how you hold it. Try to hit me holding it like that.”
Nate stares at him for a beat before asking, “Don’t you need a stick to hit back with?” He shoots a nervous look toward the larger staff he’d tried to use at first.
“Nope, not today,” Oliver replies, setting his stance. “Come at me and try to hit me. We’ll go from there.”
It’s half-hearted at best and Nate’s movements are clunky and wrong, but then Oliver expected that; it’s sort of the point. When Nate lunges, it’s jerky and awkward, his whole body twists as he tries to swipe the bō at his father’s midsection. It’s a very simple thing for Oliver to grab the end of the stick and twist, wrenching it out of Nate’s grasp and tossing it aside.
“Well, that’s surprising,” Nate announces sarcastically.
Given that they’ve just started this - and they have a very, very long ways to go - Nate’s frustration level is a little over the top.
“You might not know how to hold a bō, but you definitely know that wasn’t the right way,” Oliver points out. “Just like slipping away from someone grabbing your arm, if your thumbs are in the same position it’s gonna be easy to wrench a stick out of your hands. The break is in the same place. You have to have one palm up and one down or you’ve already lost the fight.”
“I don’t even want to have the fight,” Nate grumbles.
“Doesn't mean you won’t wind up in one,” Oliver reminds him. “Pick it up. Let’s do this again.”
Nate follows directions - because he’s Nate and he always follows directions - but he’s clearly no happier about it than he was the first time. Most of the time, Oliver’s glad that his youngest isn’t a fighter. But he also quietly hopes that the boy will find a sense of satisfaction in his successes at self-defense, once he starts having them. This is too important of a thing for him to take lightly.
“Balance, Nate,” Oliver tells him, adjusting the boy’s hands. “You control the weapon, don’t let it control you. The more you have to move the more energy you exert. You’ll tire faster and your moves will be more easily read. We don’t want that. See how your hands are positioned now so that they cut the staff into three equal parts? You have more control like this.”
“Okay…” Nate agrees warily.
At least it’s a slightly better attitude than before.
“Think of it like math and science,” Oliver tells him. “This is all physics anyhow.”
Nate brightens up a little at that - which is predictable, when Oliver thinks about it - but a sharp cry from across the room pulls Oliver’s attention away immediately.
“Aw, son of a bi…” Will cuts himself off, his mouthguard hanging from the headpiece as he shakes his head like he’s trying to force himself to think straight.
“Are you okay?” Ellie asks, alarm shading her features as she drops her stance and touches her brother’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
“Fine,” Will answers, touching his lip. His glove comes away bloodied. “It’s fine. Solid hit, Ellie. I should’ve blocked better.” It’s starting to swell a little, which makes Ellie grimace. Will shakes his head. “It’s not your fault. Although I do sort of wish I didn’t have a split lip for my date tomorrow.”
“Ew, you’re gonna kiss a girl?” Nate asks, nose wrinkling up in distaste.
Will gives him a blooded grin, waggling his eyebrows. “Only if I’m lucky!” It’s done entirely to horrify his little brother - which is exactly what it does - but then Will’s always taken great pleasure in getting a reaction from his siblings.
“Go clean up,” Oliver advises his oldest as Nate shudders and makes a retching noise. “Do you need a hand with your gloves?”
“I got it,” Will answers, already unlacing them with his teeth.
“Good job, Ellie,” Oliver tells her with a proud smile. For her part, Ellie looks like she’s equal parts concerned about her brother and excited that she actually landed a real hit, but she flushes happily under the praise. “Maybe just do some shadowboxing until he gets back. Try and copy exactly what you did to get that blow in, okay?”
“Got it!” Ellie agrees brightly.
Will passes by Felicity and Jules on his way to the bathroom to clean up. Jules crosses her arms and tsks at him, shaking her head in amusement at his loss as Felicity touches his shoulder in concern.
“It’s fine,” he says again, squeezing her fingers and offering a slightly pained smile as he keeps moving. Her hand drops away but the concern on her face goes nowhere. She’s never dealt well with any of the kids getting hurt, no matter how minor.
But training them is necessary. It always has been. Oliver remembers when Jules was a newborn and he’d brought her down to the gym, set her in a pack-and-play and talked to her while he trained, explained step by step what he was doing and why. She hadn’t understood a word of it, but it had made this ‘normal’ to her from the get-go and it had given him practice at what to say and how to say it. By the time she was sitting on her own, he’d had her slapping bowls of water. She’d loved it, thought it was hilarious, even if the whole thing had made her mother uncomfortable at first. Felicity got past it, eventually, admitting how important it was that their kids could defend themselves.
The days of slapping water are long past, now, though.
“Let’s go again,” Oliver says, turning back toward Nate. “Don’t reposition your hands and watch your stance. There’s a few basics that work with a bō. For now, go with a front stance, just like when we do hand-to-hand, okay?”
Nate’s had that stance drilled into his head long enough that he can do it without thinking, but it still isn’t something that comes naturally to him. Not like it does to any of the other kids. The others are so athletic, but Nate… he’s his mother’s son and all of this is more of a struggle for him.
“Good,” Oliver tells him as he falls back into form. It’s tense and uneasy, but the basics are there and Nate is the sort to need positive reinforcement. “That’s a great start.”
“Am I supposed to hit you, now?” Nate asks. He sounds so uncertain that Oliver knows without a doubt anything he tries right now is going to fail miserably. He’s so tentative, so ill-at-ease. There’s no way to win a fight like that.
“Think you can?” Oliver questions.
Nate snorts. “No.”
“Then you won’t,” Oliver tells him flatly. “If you go in assuming you’ll fail, you will. Every time. Never take a swing unless you can picture it landing.”
“I’m never gonna get a hit on you, Dad,” Nate grumbles. His cheeks turn red with frustration or embarrassment, or maybe both. “You’re the Arrow and I’m seven!”
“You’re small, fast and have two good knees,” Oliver points out. “You’re not gonna beat me today or this month or even this year, probably, but you will some day.” The truth of that sinks in a little more than he’d thought it would. Oliver’s 44-years-old and he’s in incredible shape, but the damage he’s done to his joints makes itself increasingly well known these days and holding his own against Will when they spar has gotten a lot harder this last year. In part, that’s great. He knows Will is well-equipped to defend himself. It’s what he’s always wanted for his kids. But it also highlights to Oliver that he’s lost just a hint of his edge. Not much, not enough that it’s hurt in him the field, but it feels like a portent of things to come and that’s unsettling. Thinking about the day Nate will one day beat him… It’s startling. “You just have to keep working at it. It’s like anything else, Nate. You’ve gotta practice to get better.”
“Fine,” Nate agrees, though it’s half-hearted at best. “So show me how to hit you, then.”
“There’s my boy,” Oliver smiles at him, ruffling his mop of sandy hair. Nate smiles as he makes a noise of protest. He’s so very affectionate, so tactile, but he’s also been increasingly bothered by being treated ‘like a baby.’ At least, he has when it comes from anyone but his mother. He’s more than happy to have her baby him. Oliver kind of thinks he always will be. “There’s a few basic moves you need to learn, but let’s start with a Four Point Strike for today, okay?”
The term means nothing to Nate and he shrugs blankly before Oliver continues on with the basics of the technique. The up-and-down, side-to-side motion isn’t that hard, not comparatively, and he knows the hardest part for Nate will be striking the same spot and keeping his elbows up, parallel to the ground. Oliver plants himself behind his youngest, adjusts his hold, fine-tunes his stance, and puts his hands directly over Nate’s, guiding the stick in sharp, clear moves to give the boy a sense of how it feels when done correctly.
It’s easier like this, doesn’t demand that Nate take control, and the little boy is a whole lot more comfortable with his dad dictating the moves. He only tenses up after a few minutes when Oliver backs off and asks, “Think you’ve got that?”
“I dunno,” Nate mutters with a shrug. “Maybe?”
“Well, let’s find out,” Oliver decides. He can feel Felicity watching him as he grabs a foam shield off the wall and straps it to his arm. He learned the hard way that precision takes time and after chipping a tooth when Jules had gotten a little overzealous with a bō once, he’s learned that protective gear is a whole lot more necessary when training kids than adults. They have less control, less an idea of their own capabilities.
Nate looks right past Oliver toward his mother. He doesn’t want to do this, not even a little, but there’s not much choice. This isn’t for fun. This is for survival, for security, and Oliver will continue to demand the best from his children to ensure both.
“Right here, bud,” Oliver says sharply, drawing Nate’s attention. He pats a red X made of duct tape on the front of shield. “That’s your target. You can do this.”
The first attempt is lazy and half-hearted. He drops his elbows almost immediately and his grip slips a little on one side. He manages to hit the shield, but it’s nowhere near the mark. That’s okay, though. It’s just his first try. That’s what Oliver keeps telling himself, anyhow, even if his son’s lack of commitment is driving him a little nuts.
“Good first try,” Oliver offers. “Watch your elbows. Don’t let them drop. And focus. Let’s try this again.”
The next ten minutes see a bit of improvement, but nowhere near as much as Oliver would like. At least not from Nate. There’s a solid thunk from across the room when Ellie puts Will flat on his back. Felicity praises Jules’ form with excitement that tells Oliver she’s seeing some real progress. But Nate… it seems like his sisters’ successes actually just serve to frustrate Nate more.
“Again,” Oliver orders when Nate lunges sloppily, barely glancing a blow against the edge of the shield.
“This is stupid,” Nate announces in a huff, his arm dropping to the side.
Irritation roars in Oliver’s ears, flooding his veins, his own frustration building rapidly.
This is a lot of things - difficult, challenging, necessary, a process - but the one thing it’s not is stupid.
“It’s stupid?” Oliver asks. He knows the anger is leaking through his voice, but he can’t help it right now.
“It’s dumb and I don’t want to do it,” Nate challenges, his jaw jutting out in defiance. He throws the bō to the ground. “I don’t wanna fight. I don’t wanna be you. I hate this!”
Tension coils in every single muscle Oliver has and he only dimly hear his wife say Nate’s name in a cautionary tone.
“This, Nathaniel, is necessary,” he grits out. “You think you hate this?”
“I do hate it!” Nate replies, his little fists balled up at his sides. “I hate it!”
“This is nothing,” Oliver tells him. He’s not even aware that he’s walking forward, that he’s closing in on Nate. “This is messing around in the basement with your family. This has foam sticks and protective pads. This isn’t fighting every minute of every day for your own survival on a damned island filled with people who would slit your throat in your sleep if they could. This isn’t finding yourself drugged and crammed into a nine-by-six freight container with two dozen other kids. What do you think that’s like? Being hurt and dirty and terrified with no idea where you are or who took you. This isn’t-”
Felicity’s voice is sharp enough to cut through the fog of blinding frustration that’s muddied Oliver’s head. He stops talking, swallowing hard, blinking fiercely as she enters his field of vision. The red haze recedes as he watches his wife pull Nate into her arms. The little boy’s shaking, tears welling up in his eyes. Oliver deflates at that. It’s too much reality for him, it’s too much for all of them. Even Jules is watching on with a furrowed brow and Ellie’s leaning into Will, who’s draped an arm around her protectively.
That’s all Oliver wants. He wants his family safe. He wants to know they can take care of themselves. He wants Nate to take this seriously, because the alternative... God, he knows what the alternative looks like. He sees it every time he closes his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Oliver breathes, his voice breaking as he drops the foam shield and rakes a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, Nate. I didn’t mean to scare you, kiddo. I just… I need you to understand that the world is-”
“Not now,” Felicity interrupts, leveling him a weighty look as she cards her fingers through Nate’s hair before looking down at him. “You’re okay, baby. We just want to make sure you’ve got all the tools you need to protect yourself. Nobody’s asking you to be your dad. We just want you to be Nate. That’s all, just yourself. We love you for exactly who you are. We just want to make sure that you’re confident in your ability to kick a little butt in case anyone ever tries to hurt you. It’s just a precaution. Like seat belts in the car, okay?”
Nate sniffles into his mom’s shirt as he nods, but his face is so buried against her chest that Oliver can’t even see his eyes.
“I’m sorry I pushed so much,” Oliver tells him, watching his wife as he speaks. He figures she’s a better judge of how to deal with Nate than he is right now. Hell, she usually is. But this time she doesn’t stop him. “I love you so much, Nate, and I just… I worry.”
“S’okay,” Nate mumbles, but he doesn’t pull back from his mother at all.
It’s not okay, Oliver realizes. Not really. He scared the hell out of his son and he’s probably made him even more reluctant to train seriously. Anxiety swamps him at that thought, souring the back of his throat as he thinks about his kids, about the dangers that walk the streets and monsters that lurk in alleyways.
How many freight containers had they missed before this one? How many kids had disappeared? Were any of them fierce like Jules or joyful like Ellie or sensitive like Nate? Did they cry for their parents? They must have. Nate would have. Nate would’ve…
“Will, I have some cash in my purse in the kitchen,” Felicity says, jarring Oliver. He’s not even sure what he was looking at for the last minute or so. His mind feels adrift and bogged down all at once. “We’re calling it early for you kids tonight. Everybody clean up and and then Will can take you out for ice cream.”
“Shotgun!” Jules calls, smiling smugly at her sister before unlacing her gloves and tossing them aside.
“Damn,” Ellie sighs, letting Will help her with her gear. “Fine, but I get shotgun on the way back. And I’m getting two scoops.”
“Can I get extra cherries on top?” Nate asks, untucking his face from his mother enough to dart his eyes back to his dad. It feels like a test.
“Sure,” Oliver tells him, reaching out and lightly rubbing Nate’s shoulder. He doesn’t shrink away, so Oliver takes that as a good sign. “As many as they’ll give you. Just listen to your brother, okay?”
Nate nods. “‘Kay.”
“Come on, kid,” Will calls out, tilting his head toward his baby brother. “Let’s get moving. I bet I can eat more ice cream than you.”
“No way!” Nate protests and an instant later, he’s actually smiling. It’s like Will flipped a switch and the bright, happy, affectionate boy is back. Like Oliver hadn’t inadvertently scared the hell out of him just moments ago. “I’m a bottomless pit. Grandma said so. And besides, it’s ice cream. That’s my very favorite.”
“You sure about that?” Will asks, raising an eyebrow. “I’ve got more practice and I’m way bigger than you.”
“Bring it on,” Nate tells him. “Ice cream is my specialty.”
In any other context, Oliver would be laughing. But, given the way this evening has gone, it just leaves him with a well of guilt in his gut. This is what Nate’s life should be. It’s what all his kids’ lives should be: ice cream eating contests and laughter and joy. And they are that… but they’re also weekly sparring sessions and constantly looking out for danger. It’s been many years since he and Felicity had decided that a meaningful life was more important than a safe one, even for their kids. But some days… some days seeing what that means right in front of him leaves him feeling hollow, like a failure.
“Just… look out for each other,” Felicity tells the boys. “Don’t make yourselves sick, please.” She’s looking at Will, her eyes saying a whole lot more than ‘avoid an ice cream headache.’
“Got it,” Will replies.
Oliver has no doubt that he does.
Felicity mouths, ‘Thank you’ to him as Nate abandons her arms and heads over to his brother’s side.
“We’ll be back in a bit,” Will tells her as the kids all head toward the stairs with typical chatter between them - talk of ice cream flavors and toppings, bemoaning the smell of sweat, bragging about training successes.
Nate turns back when he hits the top of the stairs, Will pausing with him, a hand on his shoulder. “Love you, Mom… Dad,” he says. It’s shy, sounds a little like an apology and that just serves to gut Oliver further.
“Love you, too, Nate,” he replies.
“Have fun, baby,” Felicity adds.
He turns with Will and leaves a moment later. The click of the door shutting fills the otherwise silent room. It’s overwhelming all of a sudden. He knows Felicity is watching him, analyzing him without saying a word. It’s not like she’s ever been the quiet type.
“Honey, I-” he starts.
“Not yet,” she counters. She pads up the stairs, locks the door and comes back down. “You and I need to have a chat.”
“I know,” he admits, putting up his hand to placate her, but she ignores the gesture, stepping closer.
“You scared the hell out of him, Oliver,” she tells him. She’s firmly in his personal space, eyes boring into him.
“I know that, too,” he tells her slowly, meeting her gaze. He knows what she’s doing, knows he deserves it, but he’s still on edge, and despite his best efforts, he feels the familiar sparks of anger. He didn’t do it purpose.
“Do you?” Felicity questions. Oliver clenches his jaw, nostrils flaring, but she’s not the least bit deterred. “He’s seven, Oliver. He just finished first grade.”
“Kids in first grade are victims, too, Felicity!” he snaps, his voice rising. “He needs to be trained. He needs to be ready. You don’t-”
“He wasn’t in that container!” she shouts, bringing the root of his issue firmly to light. Oliver starts, blinking hard. His eyes burn, watering far too much and he has to look away because just hearing that aloud… Felicity ducks her head to follow his gaze. “That’s what this is about, right? Those kids?”
Oliver can’t look at her. He stares at the floor, squaring his shoulders, bracing himself… And then he nods. Just once, crisp and firm.
“You saved them,” Felicity says. “We saved them.”
“Some of them,” he amends, finally looking at her. “We stopped that one, that…” His eyes slip shut again, his voice rough - strained - as he says, “Shipment. How many others have there been? How will those kids ever get back to normal after what they’ve been through? You don’t see their faces. You don’t see what their eyes looked like.”
She’s quiet long enough that he finally looks back at her. Her face is sad, her brows drawn together in pity as she shakes her head, almost like she’s stunned.
“I ‘didn’t see’ you mean,” she corrects. She moves closer, slowly, her hand hovering over his chest. But she doesn’t touch him. “Past tense, Oliver. It’s over. We saved them. We caught the guys who did it. We got those kids help.” She doesn’t let his gaze go, even when he tries to look away. “It’s done, Oliver.”
“I know,” he whispers, bowing his head. It feels like the hundredth time he’s said it. “I know that.”
Felicity doesn’t stop herself this time, pressing her hand over his heart before sliding it up to his cheek. He flinches but settles immediately, allowing her warmth to run through him.
“But you’re still fighting that battle, aren’t you?” she whispers. Her thumb brushes over his cheek. “Oliver… it’s over. Come home to us.”
“I just… I see…” He stops himself, putting his hand over hers and holding it to his face. It’s grounding. She always is and he needs that right now as his eyes slip shut. “I close my eyes and it’s like I’m finding them all over again. I see that little boy tucked in the corner, curled up to make himself as small as he could. It’s like…” He looks at her, his other hand finding her arm. It’s not for her benefit, it’s for his, her touch anchoring him. “It’s like that time we found Nate in his closet after a nightmare. Do you remember that? He was maybe four.”
“We panicked because he screamed and then we couldn’t find him,” Felicity murmurs in agreement, her fingers stroking through the scruff along his jaw.
Oliver nods, releasing her hand. It falls away from his face a moment later. “It’s such a big house. I love it here, but that’s the one time I wished we’d gotten something smaller. It felt like forever searching each floor.”
“But you did find him,” Felicity reminds him. “You did. And he was fine.”
“He wouldn’t even look at me at first,” Oliver says. It’ll dawn on him later that he isn’t clear about who he means here - Nate or the boy earlier this week - but they’ve sort of melded together in his head for the moment. “He was so small and he just shivered with his head pressed against his knees. He didn’t even have any tears left.”
“But you were there,” Felicity points out. “You made it better. Both times. You got that boy from the container to the police. He’s home now because of us. And three years ago, you picked Nate up and brought him to our room. We made a cocoon and he played with my hair until he passed out.”
“He slept with us for a solid week,” Oliver recalls.
Felicity stares up at him. “Because he knew he was safe with us.”
“But we can’t always be there,” Oliver says. And that’s the crux of all of this, really. Nate’s getting bigger. All of the kids are. And they’ll keep reaching for more and more independence right up until they’re in college talking about the date they’ve got tomorrow night. With Will, at least, Oliver’s pretty confident he can take care of himself. He has been for a long time. Will had taken to self defense so easily and his mom had already had him in karate when they’d met. The girls, too, are just balls of energy. Jules loves to one-up anyone and everyone, while Ellie is so happy with his approval. But Nate… Nate’s not like any of them. And it terrifies him. “I need him to be safe when he’s not with us.”
“I know,” she says. “Me, too. But you pushed your own fears onto him tonight, Oliver. He can’t carry them. They’re too heavy for such little shoulders.”
That’s a harrowing thought. There are so many demons that haunt Oliver. Fewer than one might expect - his family helps even things out more than he could possibly have anticipated - but they’re ever-present nonetheless. And of all the people in this world, it’s his baby boy he’d least want to see bear any part of them.
“You are still spoiling for a fight, honey,” Felicity tells him. “But the men who did that to those kids are in jail and our little boy needs patience and encouragement, not a crash course.”
“So what do I do?” Oliver asks, a desperate vulnerability lining the words. “How do I finish this fight? How do I get this out of my head?”
“Two things,” she says, stepping back and pulling out her hair tie before redoing her ponytail. “First, you need to remember that our family is a hell of a lot better prepared for the world than either of ours were at their age and that we’re in total agreement about keeping up their training.”
“And the second?” he asks.
“You let me prove it to you.”
“What?” he asks, not quite following her.
“I promised you we’d go a few rounds later,” she reminds him. “If you need a fight. I’m right here. And I think you need to remember that your usual methods work pretty well. If you could teach me to defend myself, you can teach our son. You just can’t do it overnight.”
Oliver doesn’t respond, just watching her as she stretches her arms and cranes her neck. It’s been a long while since they’ve gone up against each other. They’re usually so focused on the kids on Sunday nights and he tends to spar with Digg or even Roy at the lair. Felicity’s kept her skills sharp enough that she can fend off an attacker. He’d never send her into the field, not to fight, but he’s comfortable in her ability to keep herself and the kids safe. And, maybe she’s right. Maybe seeing that in action is exactly what he needs right now.
“Okay,” he agrees. “Did you want to use bōs?”
“Hand-to-hand,” she counters. “Five second pin after a takedown?”
Oliver raises his eyebrows at her. “You think you’re gonna pin me?”
Felicity grins back. “Baby, I’m excellent at pinning you.” A mischievous light sparks in her eyes right before she winks at him.
Oliver groans outwardly because when his wife’s in a playful mood it’s absolutely his weak spot.
“Felicity,” he says warningly, taking a step toward her.
She backs up a step, though, dodging his hands and falls into a defensive stance, watching him warily. She’s waiting for him to move, to attack. Virtually everything he’s taught her over the years is defensive, reactive. And, while he’s sure she could adapt that to be the attacker in a pinch - she’s awfully smart, after all - it’s not something she’s got any experience with.
So, he uses that to his advantage.
Oliver circles around her, keeping more than an arm’s length between them, as he studies her, looks for weak spots, for a break in her concentration. Her form is great, though, relaxed but prepared. And she’s clearly attuned to his every movement. But then, she usually is, isn’t she? He can’t even remember the last time they were in a room together and he didn’t feel her eyes tracking him, skimming over his form.
When he does finally make a move, he’s not surprised at all to find her ready for him. She’s smaller than him, more lithe, and she knows how to use that to her advantage. She should, he’s spent a very long time teaching her how. She spins out of his grasp easily, side-stepping and landing an elbow against the small of his back as she goes. That registers as a bit of surprise. It’s not all that hard and it doesn’t hurt, but it definitely throws both his balance and his expectations out of whack.
“What was that?” he asks.
“Effective,” she smiles sweetly from a few steps away, entirely too proud of herself.
It’s earned, though.
She does surprisingly well against him, making him work to even reach her. It’s a strong tactic, forcing him to expend energy and waiting until he’s more tired, weaker. That would work on most people, but Oliver’s battle-endurance outstrips virtually everyone else. After decades of fighting for his life, for his city, for his family, he’s learned to push back exhaustion. Giving up isn’t an option in his line of work and his stamina reflects that.
When he finally gets a solid hold on her, he goes for an armlock to take her down, but he makes one very uncharacteristic mistake.
He underestimates his opponent.
Felicity drives herself back into him, sending him off balance for just a fraction of a second. It’s surprise, more than anything else, that lets her take his legs out from under him. But she does, and before he knows it, he’s flat on his back with his wife straddling him, wearing an intensely proud grin as she pins him to the ground, her hands nailing his shoulders to the mat.
He could flip her. It’d be simple enough. It’s not like she’s got him in any kind of a hold, but he’s content to let her have this victory and he’d much rather stare up at her beautiful face and enjoy the solid weight of her body pressing down on him than keep fighting.
With a proud grin all his own, Oliver’s hands find her hips. “Who the hell have you been practicing with?”
“Lyla,” she answers. She’s so delighted by this reveal that she’s almost giddy. “I wanted to surprise you. And, well, I wanted to find out how to kick a little ass just in case you or the kids need me to step in sometime. Did I really do a good job?”
“You took me down,” he points out. “But…” He looks down as he runs his hands up her sides, his palms brushing over her ribs, eliciting a tiny shiver from her. Oliver meets her gaze again as he moves them back down, digging his fingers in slightly. He delights in the flush that colors her cheeks as adds, his voice low, “I’ve gotta say this isn’t the most effective position for pinning someone that I’ve ever seen.”
“Oh,” she says with faux innocence before biting her lower lip. The sight sends a shock of desire through him. “But I like this position,” she adds, suddenly arching her back and grinding down against him.
The sight of her hard nipples pressing through her shirt in combination with the delicious heat between her thighs pressing right against his growing arousal makes him moan. She grinds down harder, sucking on that damn bottom lip of hers, and he lets out a choked groan before sliding his hands around her to cup her ass. He grips her tight, pulling her even more firmly against him.
Felicity laughs, a delightfully breathy noise that’s erotic as hell. She sits up, peeling her top off, exposing her breasts to his hungry gaze. His mouth waters, wanting to lean up and pull one of her nipples between his lips, but she’s already leaning over him, pressing them firmly to his chest.
She feels so damn good. He grips her ass tighter, rocking her hips against his, creating a low friction between them that has them both moaning.
“If memory serves,” she whispers, her lips brushing his. “You like this position, too.”
Oliver nods, a little too rapidly, his nose hitting hers as he tries to capture her lips… but this isn’t his show.
It’s hers.
Felicity kisses him. Oliver sighs against her lips, opening up for her, giving her anything she wants. It’s long and messy, a little desperate and completely perfect. She nips and tugs at his lower lip as she braces with one hand beside his head, the other rucking up his shirt to get to his abs. She’s always enjoyed the ridges of his well-defined muscles, and this time is no different. But there’s something distinctly playful about her today. Her fingernails scrape lightly. It’s as teasing a thing as he can recall in recent memory, sending a tickling desire surging through him. Oliver sucks in a wild breath, his hips jerking up against the cradle of her thighs.
She’s taken him down in more than one way today, something that’s obvious in the way she practically purrs in delight when she releases his lip and works her way to the underside of his jaw, seeking out his pulse point.
With the mood she’s in, she’ll probably leave a mark, but he doesn’t fucking care. No, that’s not true. He does care. He wants it. He wants her to be utterly and completely in control, to leave a mark and be playful and tease him until he begs. It won’t take long, not right now, because his ever-present adrenaline finally has somewhere to go and he wants to be inside his wife with a madness he hasn’t felt in a long time.
“Felicity,” he gasps. It comes out more as a whine than anything else. His hands knead at her ass as he rotates his hips beneath her. He can feel her heat through their shorts, right against his cock, and it’s quickly driving him insane. “Please…”
Her teeth scrape against his throat and he almost chokes on his own tongue as he shudders, arching up beneath her. She takes advantage of that to work his shirt up further. It gets caught underneath his shoulders and a second later he’s sitting up, helping her tug it off before falling back down.
Sensation rains down on him - the hot, sticky mat under his back, her warmth on top of him, her heavy breasts dragging over his stomach as she sucks on his collarbone.
“Mmm…” Felicity sighs. “You’re sweaty.”
“I know,” he whimpers, his fingers digging into the flesh of her ass again. He smirks, not able to help himself. “You think it’s amazing.”
She grins, looking up at him from underneath her lashes. “I really do.”
“I’m aware,” Oliver replies, a little amusement mixing into the rush of hormones flooding his body. “I’ve had fifteen years or so to figure that out.”
Felicity hums, dipping down to kiss his collarbone again, and again. Her tongue sneaks out for a taste, making his lungs stutter as he tries to get oxygen to them.
“You smell like you when you’re all sweaty,” she says. It’s sweet, cute, a different tone from the playful vixen she was a moment ago, but he loves this version of her, too. He loves every version of her. “It’s… it’s primal, you know?” Felicity runs her fingers down his chest, re-exploring the well-mapped landscape of his skin. It doesn’t matter that it’s been a decade and a half, the feel of her fingers on his skin still leaves his head spinning. A trail of fireworks light up along his skin. “It’s masculine, protective. It just… it hits me. And maybe it’s just association. I mean, I have been around you all shirtless and sweaty and ‘hello, there, Mr. Arrow’ more times than I can count.” Oliver looks down, watching her through heavy lids, staring at her stare at him, transfixed. It’s a sensual sight, primal in its own way, and it opens up something inside him as she continues, “But any way you look at it-”
Oliver can’t help it. He sits up, kissing her mid-thought. For half a second she’s startled, but then she melts against him, wrapping her whole body around his, cradling his head in her hands as she kisses him back.
“I love you,” he tells her in the scarcest whisper of a breath as they part slightly. “Sweaty or rambling, cute or seductive…” He grins. “Protective or screaming for me to come kill a spider-”
“That was one time,” Felicity protests. “And he was the size of my fist. We could have named him and had the cat raise him as her young.”
Oliver chuckles. “I love every last thing about you. I always have and I always will. I am so lucky to have you as my partner, Felicity.”
She might be forty now, but when she blushes happily, biting her lip and smiling, she looks just like she did when he first met her, when he hadn’t thought there was any room for this kind of joy in his life. And, just like then, she utterly takes his breath away.
“We’re lucky to have each other,” she points out. “And I love you, too. Which is something I’d really like to illustrate for you in vivid detail right now, actually.”
“I like that plan,” he grins, hooking his thumbs into the top of her shorts.
Felicity laughs. “I figured you might.”
She stands up, moving to push her shorts down but he bats her hands away, doing it himself. He doesn’t take his time like he usually does - the urgency to be inside her is too much - but he absolutely enjoys the view. She will never not take his breath away. Felicity kicks her sneakers off before losing the shorts, leaving her beautifully naked. She leans down and tugs his shorts down before resettling herself atop him.
They wrap themselves around each other, Oliver slowly falling back on the mat, taking her with him. She spreads her legs, pressing her wet heat right against his hardness. He chokes out a breath as she moans.
One of his hands goes straight back to her ass again - it’s a damn magnet to him, honestly - and the other reaches for her chest. He palms her breast, rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Her beautiful blue eyes drift shut with a contented noise as she sits up, giving him more room. She puts one hand on his chest for balance and spreads her knees a little further out before rocking her hips against his.
His eyes damn near roll into the back of his head as his cock slips between her wet folds. His head falls back against the mat with a solid thud as every single bit of sensory input his body registers zeroes in on his groin and the way his wife is working herself atop him.
“Felicity… honey,” he says, pinching her nipple a little harder and bucking up beneath her. His hardness slips over her sensitive clit, making her hiss. He does it again, palming her breast before grasping it tightly. “I really need to be inside you.”
She nods, her hair swinging in her ponytail, and rises up slightly. She reaches between them, wrapping her fingers around his cock. His fingers dig into her, making her hiss again, but he can’t bring himself to stop, especially when she pumps him a few times - entirely to make him see stars, he’s positive - before guiding him to her wet entrance. She eases herself down onto him, her mouth open in a needy pant as he fills her. The wet heat of her body’s embrace is so very familiar to him at this point, but it’s still absolutely perfect.
He lets her dictate everything, happy to follow her lead.
The pace she sets is slow, almost lazy. It reminds him of their sparring, of the way she’d tried to wait him out, to wear him down. That tactic is more likely to work this time than in a fight. She’s simultaneously his biggest weakness and his greatest strength. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
She braces herself on his chest, her rocking hips slowly - slowly - gaining speed. Oliver runs his hands all over her; she’s damp with sweat, her taut muscles moving under his touch, her skin pink with her arousal and pleasure. He’s drawn back to her ass, the plentiful mound so perfectly full in his hands. He grips it tight, just to feel her, not changing the pace one bit, content to let her be in control, to watch her through half-lidded eyes, to see her pleasure growing.
It’s gorgeous as much as it’s intoxicating.
“Oh,” Felicity breathes, her lips parted as she rides him. She tries to keep their gazes locked. It only sort of works because her eyes keep fluttering shut when she grinds down and he hits that spot inside her that he knows makes her pulse race and her pleasure spike.
Part of him wants to reach for her, to run his hands all over her body and kiss every inch of her skin, but the way she’s perched atop him is utterly entrancing and a bigger part of him just wants to enjoy what she’s offering and watch her drive them both right over the tipping point of ecstasy.
But she definitely doesn’t take them there quickly. More than once, he starts to feel that distinctive rush of sensation, but she slows things down every time, picking up on changes in his breathing or maybe the tension in his thighs. It’s maddening and he loves it, but he loves it even more when she smirks down at him as he lets out a frustrated groan. Felicity when she’s a tease is a hell of a thing to behold.
After a while, though, when both of them are slick with sweat and they’ve traded more kisses that he can remember, her movements start to get a bit more purposeful.
It’s a helpless little noise, filled with want and desperation for fulfillment. She leans back a bit, bracing one hand against his thigh and grabs his fingers with the other. She brings their joined hands to her clit and lets out a startled gasp as both of their fingers find her stiff little pearl. He wants so badly to see her come undone at this point that his fingers rub her roughly, maybe a little bit faster than she’d choose on her own, but she keeps her hand on his, her own fingers woven between his and it’s the most erotic thing he can remember seeing in a long time.
It doesn’t take long for her to reach the point where she’s trembling, all her attention focused on their fingers between her legs, her hips moving over him, over and over. It does take every ounce of well-earned self-control he’s got to keep from coming until she does, but he manages it, barely.
With an abrupt shout, her whole body seizes up above him, her body stretching out beautifully as she clenches around him, jerking wildly. That sight alone is enough to tip him over, joining her, and he finds himself gasping her name as his vision blurs, her body milking him dry.
The world takes a moment to come back to him.
A heady buzz of euphoria swims in his veins and every bit of his skin feels like it’s oversensitized in the best possible way. But, when reality sinks back in, it’s a whole lot better than it had been at the start of the evening, especially when his wife collapses across his chest. Her hair’s a complete mess, her body sweaty and sated, her cheeks and chest flushed. The smile on her face is absolutely hypnotic. He could live in this moment forever, basking in the afterglow of their love making, with his wife happy and curled up in his arms.
Felicity smiles down at him. “Hey you,” she whispers, kissing him softly on the lips. “There you are.”
“I’ve been right here the whole time,” he tells her.  “Mostly.”
“No,” she counters, but she’s still smiling as she lets her fingers drift through his hair. “But you are now. Welcome home, Oliver.” 
Thank you for reading! Reviews literally feed the soul and muse, so head on over to @so-caffeinated and give her some!
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haru5109 · 8 years
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A compilation of a few of the text messages I received during the game. Some from haters, some from fellow fans. Just check out those time stamps, baby. These make me 😄.
Not many people know the history of why I love the Patriots so much. Those who do might think I’m a little crazy, but to be honest, this is how we all are up in New England (see Duckboat Parades as reference). To us, being a Patriot fan is a way of life. We’re die hard, and that’s not a term I throw around like the people in my office do about their feelings for the Falcons, when I’d never heard even them mention the team before last week. My family and I… we’ve been there since the beginning. Long before anyone ever knew who the GOAT was. In fact, I was there for his first game. 44-13 against a famous young quarterback named Peyton Manning. I remember someone in front of us turning around and asking, “Who’s Tom Brady?” My dad and I went to so many games that season, and we’ve never stopped telling the stories over and over of how we’d hike Route 1 for a couple of miles to park for free outside the old Foxboro stadium, or how we got tickets for free in equally as crazy ways, from a pair given to us the Ocean Spray people when people actually used to give away tickets, from a ticket being handed through the fence with an accompanying Merry Christmas (it was Thanksgiving), to finding one on the ground, to getting a pass from the color guard… the list goes on and on. We did anything we could to get into that stadium, then sneak past guards for me to sit in a section one of us wasn’t meant to be in because of course our scrounged tickets weren’t ever together. Back then, we sat on bleachers instead of seats, so we’d squeeze into one spot or just stand the whole game in the aisle, which was fine since most of the time we were up cheering anyway (or singing Who Let the Dogs Out… yes, it was that year). I have most of that season on VHS somewhere in my bedroom closet, including many of Brady’s 5th Quarter press conferences, when he would stumble over his words and say “you know” a thousand times because this kid didn’t know how to conduct a press conference. Why we were so passionate about that season? Because for the first time, we had a chance to believe. Even if no one else believed. In Tom, in Bill, in the team… in the Patriot Way, a term that hadn’t even been coined yet. I could go on and on about that first season, about that first team whose jersey numbers I still remember like the back of my hand, whose pictures I still have saved in a silly but also truly awesome PowerPoint I made after the Raiders wildcard game, complete with dancing Lombardis, set to the song I’ll Never Stop, by N Sync. (I was 15, ok?) That was the game YOU all remember as the Tuck Rule game, but I remember it as one of the best Saturday nights in Patriots history, when no one believed we could win and we did. I remember Tom falling into the snow when he spiked the ball after his first rushing touchdown ever because he was just so overwhelmed with it all. Because he was just so ridiculously happy to be there doing what he loved. He went on to win the Super Bowl, which no one believed he’d do either. But I believed. I always believed.
And now 15 years have passed. My dad and I still talk football and share articles and videos at a staggering rate. I go to games every chance I can get (the field is just as beautiful as it was that first time I saw it). My parents have a tradition of traveling to every opening game. I married a man who loves our boys as much as I do (we clung to each other the entire 4th quarter). My family has been personally touched by the Patriots, having received a care package with a personal letter hand-signed by the Krafts, when my sister was lying in a hospital bed suffering from gunshot wounds from a terrorist. And my belief has never wavered. We’ve been through Spygate and Deflategate and two losses against another Manning, and I’ve defended my boys all the way. I understand Spygate and Deflategate better than many analysts on TV, and I’m not even joking. Please, if you think Tom cheated, come talk to me. I have read the Wells Report, the Patriots response to the Wells Report, and actual transcripts from the court. You will not win that argument. I promise. I can also explain Spygate to you, because you probably don’t know what that was about, either, or how filming is actually REQUIRED by teams. Again, most reporters don’t understand it, either. That’s ok. You probably don’t care. But it’s not okay for me because when you believe in something the way I do, you have to know the truth. You might say it’s never possible to know the truth, but at least I know the evidence, and all of it points to the truth I believe in.
And that’s why I take so much personal joy in the results of this last Super Bowl. Not because it put “my team” and “my quarterback” and “my coach” into the record books. But because it represented so much of the history of the Patriots. Coming from behind when no one believed it was possible. Winning with a bunch of guys everyone passed over in other places, whose names no one had ever heard of before. That’s who WE are. It meant so much after a season that started with having to live out the results of people’s hate, of people’s doubt that the Patriots could possibly win for any other reason than cheating their way through. They couldn’t believe that it was actually the result of hard work, of unselfishness, of genius minds and unrivaled physical discipline of their leaders. But they were wrong. This season, this game proved it.
I’m always thisclose to getting upset when friends text me snark or hate on us for any number of reasons, but in the end, I never retaliate. Tom wouldn’t. He just goes out there and proves everyone wrong. And that’s what he did Sunday night. Overcame all the history, all the statistics, and won because he wanted it more than they did, because he had a mission to do it for his mom, because he just believed, more than anyone else did. Jules said, “Just gotta believe” on the sidelines more times than I can count. Duron Harmon said it would be the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history at halftime. I said the same thing, Duron. I never stopped believing. Not even once.
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