#baby lion for sale
33max · 7 months
Will we be seeing Jimmy the lion in TD? He's so precious 🥺🥺❤️
I was going to write this as an actual one shot, because I have so many thoughts on this - but I’m really short on time recently and I think it’s time to share! ♥️
One evening, when Max and Daniel are laying in bed together, Max’s head on Daniel’s chest and Daniel’s fingers tracing Max’s spine, Max tells Daniel that he wants to design and sell a plushie as part of his merchandise collection.
“It will of course be nice for the children,” Max says, words chosen very carefully.
“Definitely,” Daniel says, pressing a kiss to the top of Max’s head. He can sense Max has more to say, and so he’ll give him time to speak.
“And maybe,” Max says quietly, “Maybe someone like me would like it too.”
Daniel feels so emotional about it, that Max wants to do this, not just for the kids that are fans of him, but for people like him. Daniel does everything he can to stay still, keep gently stroking Max’s back, provide that calmness that Max needs - but really he wants to run and jump into the Monaco harbour in delight.
The team at Verstappen.com love the idea. They asks Max if he’s planning to gift them to his nephews, his unborn niece, all the kids he’s godfather too… He probably will do that, but this isn’t for them. It’s something Max is doing for himself.
It takes Max a few months to design the plushie. It was always going to be a lion, but he very carefully considered where to incorporate his logo. What colour he wanted the paws to be. If he should be wearing a race suit. Or just a tshirt.
Then he picked the name.
He wrote the accompanying information to go on Jimmy’s tag himself.
And then eventually, the day comes. Jimmy is on sale.
Max sits nervously on his laptop, looking through Twitter as fans discover Jimmy, as he starts to sell. He’s still sitting there hours later when he gets an email, the sales performance of Jimmy the lion within the first few hours of being live.
His lion is forecast to sell well. Really well.
Max looks up at Daniel, ears teary and a little unfocused, he’s so happy.
“Baby, I’m so proud of you.” Daniel tells him. And then “Do you want me to grab your blanket, baby?”
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pancakesnake-exe · 3 months
The Stig
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It is The Stig
It was originally going to be called “The Gimp”, but was renamed The Stig, which means having a bad fashion sense while being born poor
“We don't know its name, we really don't know its name, nobody knows its name, and we don't want to know, because it's a racing driver.”
The Stig wears its helmet on set and most cast members don’t know who it is.
The Stig does not know who it is because they wiped its memory when it got the job.
It is the Pope.
There is only one The Stig.
The Stig used to work in Rome[as the pope], but gave up its job to be able to keep up with its work here
It has no face
It is terrified of scouts
The drinks cabinet in its car contains 14 different types of custard
Its favourite T-shirt has a picture of a T-shirt
It is afraid of bells
It is confused by stairs
It never blinks
The Stig is kept in the cupboard when not in use
It naturally faces magnetic north
It has a digital face
The Stig has an evil twin named Black Stig who died after driving off an aircraft carrier but came back to life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lkh0uWFg9c
It will charge you if you attempt to remove its helmet
Its nipples are explosive
It paid a $25,000 expenses claim for some gravel for his moat
The Stig has three legs
The Stig once dreamt for a whole week straight about what Rubens Barrichello would look like in a ham slicer
The Stig is banned from the town of Chichester
The Stig is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ
The Stig bought a slightly dented white Fiat Uno from the Duke of Edinburgh
If you hold it in the wrong way, it doesn't work properly
It is 47% horse
It has 17 children due to faulty condoms
The Stig has a special pissing technique that causes floods
It once punched a horse to the ground
It has Mansell Syndrome
The Stig runs on diesel
It has a very small brain
It “has no understanding of the concept of money”
The Stig’s credit card says “The Stig” and is issued by The Bank of Money
The Stig’s favorite genres of music are: Morse code, whale songs, baroque music, advertising jingles, country & western music, sales techniques, foreign language learning tapes, ABBA but French, speeches of Margaret Thatcher, Elton John, pipe bands, vuvuzelas, national anthems, Tuvan throat singing, self help audiotapes, and “an annoying ringing sound”
The Stig has to receive awards in its left hand, as its right one is magnetic
The Stig has decided all northerners are edible
It’s mission statement is to "just go out there and drive fast"
The Stig’s opinion is worthless
The Stig has died multiple times, but the Grim Reaper is too afraid to tell it.
The extent of The Stig’s knowledge outside racing is two facts about ducks
Both facts are wrong
The three others once reenacted the journey of the three wise men, and at the end, the manger held a baby The Stig.
The next episode a month later, it was fully grown. Due to “Stigs grow very quickly, and the new The Stig was thus already fully grown.”
Stigs must be transported in delivery crates
The Stig has a fatter American cousin called Big Stig, who is a more relaxed driver
The Stig has an African cousin who only wears boots, a loincloth, racing gloves, and a helmet, has watched “The Lion King” 1780 times, ands second-best friend is a Cape buffalo
The Stig has a cousin who works as a truck driver named Rig Stig who can power slide and drift in trucks, has only one sleeve and wears special gloves, favorite song is “Forever Autumn" by Justin Hayward, and owns the world’s largest porn collection
The Stig has a red-suited Vietnamese cousin who is a communist and rides a motorcycle.
The Stig has a vegetarian cousin named Janet Stig Porter whose helmet is solar powered and wears overalls and socks with sandals
The Stig has a German cousin named Herr Stig who is identical to The Stig in every way besides having a mullet
The Stig has an Italian cousin named Bunga-Bunga Stig who wears a suit, is followed everywhere by three women, and only drives Italian sports cars
The Stig has a Chinese cousin named Attack Stig who is a kung-fu master, attacks anyone on sight indiscriminately, kicked James Lemay in the balls, beat up a large amount of the crew(even stopping in the middle of his timed lap to attack a track Marshall who accidentally entered its line of sight), and looks almost the same as The Stig
The Stig has a teenage cousin who wears headphones, wears low waist line pants showing its underwear, always looks at its phone, and made a mobile game titled “Top Gear: Race The Stig”
The Stig has an Australian cousin who lives in an open cut iron ore mine, wears dusty overalls and flip-flops, is very muscular, and has a very “large gentlemanly sausage”
The Stig has three other teenage cousins who are triplets, wear three different colored headphones and smartphones, and all have low waist line pants showing their underwear
The Stig has a Emirati cousin who looks similar to the normal Stig but wears a ghutrah on top its helmet and a huge diamond watch
The Stig has a relative of unknown association called “StigFoot” who lives in the woods
The Stig has a Japanese cousin named Ninja Stig who is a ninja, and wears a black helmet, a black ninja outfit, and has a katana on its back
The Stig has a business cousin named Business Stig who wears a red tie and a set of braces
The Stig’s father is named StigDad and wears a tank top and flare trousers
The Stig has another Australian cousin who lives upside down
The Stig has a New Zealander cousin named The Stug
The Stig has a Colorodonian cousin named Backwoods Stig who wears white racing overalls with torn off sleeves.
The Stig has a Yorkshire cousin named T’Stig with a flat cap on its helmet and 2 dogs by his feet at all times
The Stig has its own children’s book trilogy
The Stig has a chiseled jawline
The Stig has no friends
The Stig never blinks
The Stig roams the woods at night, foraging for wolves
The Stig is wanted by the CIA
The Stig sleeps upside down like a bat
The Stig can catch fish with its tounge
The Stig appears on high value stamps in Sweden
The Stig is illegal in 17 states
The Stig blinks sideways
The Stig’s breath smells like magnesium
Two of The Stig’s legs are hydraulic
The Stig lives in a tree
It’s sweat can be used to clean precious metals
It’s heart ticks like a watch
It’s voice can only be heard by cats
The Stig has two sets of knees
There is an airport in Russia named after it
Its skin has the texture of a dolphin
No matter where you are in the world, if you tune a radio to 88.4, you can hear its thoughts
The Stig has no understanding of clouds
Its earwax tastes like Turkish delight
The Stig is a master of politics
It’s tears are adhesive
If you set The Stig on fire, it would burn for a thousand days
The Stig can swim seven lengths under the water
The Stig has webbed buttchecks
Its heart is upside down
Its teeth glow in the dark
Its ears “aren’t where you would expect them to be”
The Stig once had an affair with John Prescott
If it felt like it, it could fire Alan Sugar
The Stig has upside down genitals
If it wanted to, it could crack the DaVinci Code in 43 seconds
Its ears have a paisley lining
The Stig is banned from the Chelsea Flower Show
The outline of The Stig’s left nipple is the exact same shape as the Nürburgring
If given a truly important job, The Stig will slack off and play croquet instead
The Stig invented Branston Pickle
On exceptionally warm days, it will shed its skin like a snake
The Stig is allergic to the Dutch
It’s first name is The
If it went in Celebrity Love Island, every one would be pregnant, including the cameramen
The Stig once threw a microwave at someone
The Stig once had a vicious knife fight with Anthea Turner
The Stig has nothing to do with the cash-for-honors scandal
The Stig is a CIA experiment that went wrong
The Stig only eats cheese
If you lick its chest, it will taste exactly like piccalilli
The Stig sucks moisture from ducks
Its crash helmet is modeled after Brittany Spears’ head
The Stig isn’t machine washable
All its potted plants are named Steve
The Stig’s scrotum has its own gravity field
To unlock The Stig, you must run your finger down its face
The Stig thought Star Wars was a documentary
The Stig is afraid of Australian trees
61 years ago, The Stig accidentally introduced the Queen of England to a Greek racialist
The Stig was beheaded, but grew it back
When it slows down, break lights turn on in his butt
The Stig is bad at soccer
The Stig once lost a canoe on a beach in the Northeast
The Stig once had to do time in a prison in Canterbury, because its teddy bear was named Baby Jesus
The Stig has never sat on Santa’s knee
The Stig has never watched Moonraker on Boxing Day
After having sex, The Stig bites the head off its partner
The Stig had to give up binge drinking when prices reached $1.50 a litre
Each of its toenails are exactly the same length as a woman’s nipples
It thinks Credit Crunch is a type of cereal
Its droppings have been found as far as New York
The Stig has a full-size tattoo of The Stig’s face on its face
It is impossible for The Stig to wear socks
The Stig can open a beer bottle with its testes
The Stig sleeps inside out
The Stig once had sex with an answering machine
The Stig invented November
One of its eyes is a testicle
Its left leg gets longer when it sees someone it finds attractive
The Stig doesn’t like getting its helmet wet
The Stig invented the curtain
The Stig thinks potato chips are a type of animal
The Stig is baffled by urinals
The Stig has twelve GCSEs, all in domestic science
The Stig has been producing artificial sperm for years, even though the team has repeatedly asked it not to
On Thursdays, The Stig becomes extremely bulbous
The Stig is highly contagious of the “The Stig Flu”, which killed countless pigs in Mexico
If The Stig compensated a soldier for getting wounded, it wouldn't try to take it all back again
The Stig made someone bald once
In the Autumn, all its arms turn brown and fall off
if it wrote you a letter of condolence, The Stog would get your name right
The Stig has terrible plans involving the Moon
The Stig‘s new Christmas range of fragrances includes the great smell of Wednesday
The Stig was turned down for the job of EU President because its face was just too recognizable
The Stig has never once hit a fire hydrant.
You shouldn't go around to its house for your Christmas lunch unless you enjoy the taste of seagull
The Stig has to take his shoes off with an alum key
The Stig’s New Year's Resolution is to eat fewer mice
Its discharge is luminous
There are 17 different reasons why The Stig is banned from the North Hampton branch of Little Chef
Its favourite airline pilot is Mark Webber, or two, actually
The Stig has an irrational hatred of Rubens Barricello
The Stig is terrified the BBC will reveal its salary because its paid in hardcore porn
Some people think the Scottish released it a little bit too soon
The Stig once spent all week slowly pushing an effigy of Rubens Barricello through his desk fan
The Stig has recently been releasing pop records under the pseudonym of "Lady Gaga"
Under its race suit, The Stig also wears a red G-string and suspenders
The Stig doesn't understand the word "envelope"
The Stig is the only person in Britain not to have slept with Alan Johnson's policeman
The Stig once tore a goat in half
Its nipples are explosive
In its wallet, it keeps a photograph of its wallet
Its favourite disease it had as a child was gout
The Stig doesn’t know what dogs are for
The Stig can't eat mashed potato for religious reasons
The Stig once received 47,000 Olympic tickets, all of them for the final of women's wrestling
The Stig refuses to acknowledge the existence of Nottinghamshire
The Stig once hacked into its own helmet
The Stig is the only person in Britain who knows what B&Q stands for
The Stig once spent its $1.5 million dollar bonus on French breast implants
The Stig has 50,000 photographs of its own camera
The Stig has high horsepower
The Stig is skilled in cocktail-making
The Stig is the only person in history to buy a DFS sofa when it wasn’t on sale
Its favourite boxing venue is Munich Airport
The Stig stores all of its shoes and cassette tapes on the motorway central reservation
Following the vote on gay marriage in Britain, The Stig got engaged to James May’s lawnmower
Its convinced that Henry IV is buried under the Follow-Through
The Stig used to be a stormtrooper, but it was kicked out when it tried to eat Darth Vader
The Stig is made of rubber porcelain
The Stig’s shadow is that of a beluga whale
The Stig can play guitar with the clutch
Its carbon fibre beard is chiselled in the most streamlined way
The Stig knighted the former Queen of England
The Stig once saved the former Queen from God
The Stig can hypnotize sheep
If bothered, The Stig could swim the entire Atlantic Ocean-underwater
The Stig once co-presented a Brazilian show about blimp disasters
The Stig once actually punched God
The Stig once killed a giraffe with just its feet
The Stig has a black belt in paper maché
Some say it is five foot tall with lead in its feet
Others say six feet with tall with air in its head
....but it doesn't care what you say
The Stig has contracted every STD known to man
The Stig has large inflatable breasts to get them out of speeding tickets
The Stig is one of the protons in the Large Hadron Collider
The Stig creates miniature black holes every time he sneezes
The Stig was the one who actually pulled Excalibur from the stone and is the rightful King of England
The Stig gave birth to Chuck Norris and the mother was Superman
The Stig has no understanding of queuing
The Stig once modelled for Page 3
Its feet are made from dog leather
The Stig invented the mankini because it was frustrated with how its speedos looked on it
The Stig is the reason why The Beatles split up
And finally: The Stig has never watched an episode of Top Gear because it prefers a different show that airs at the same time
“Right, that's the track, now we needed someone who could tame it. So we got ourselves a professional racing driver who could post consistently fast lap times. We um, we couldn't do that. Now we call this thing The Stig, okay, we don't know its name, we really don't know its name, no-one knows its name and we don't want to know because it's a racing driver and racing drivers have tiny little brains and therefore worthless opinions and they're very dull; doctors actually call it Mansell Syndrome. Um, its job is simply to go out there and drive fast.”
-God probably
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theblacksheepcz · 10 months
Assigning songs to TADC characters cuz i can
Nothing’s working out - meiyo
Creature Comfort - Arcade Fire
Human - Christina Perri
Nobody - Mitski
My Time - Bo En
I can’t handle change - ROAR
Hand me my shovel, I’m going in! - Will Wood
Be nice to me - The Front Bottoms
The Stand - Mother Mother
Ordinary-ish People - AJR
Me and my husband - Mitski
I bet on losing dogs - Mitski
Washing Machine Heart - Mitski
Goodbye, my danish sweetheart. - Mitski
I will - Mitski
Vampire Empire - Big Thief
Step On Me - The Cardigans
Wrecking Ball - Mother Mother
Verbatim - Mother Mother
Burning Pile - Mother Mother
Happy Pills - Weathers
Parents - Yungblud
Alien Blues - Vundabar
Boys will be bugs - Cavetown
Icarus - Bastille
I Am Shit - Crywank
Backstabber - Ke$ha
Friend - FRND
Memento Mori - Fish in a birdcage
Gallery Piece - Of Montreal
When you die - MGMT
Coma Baby - Nicole Dollanganger
Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber
Thurs 6-25 - Sales
Better than me - The Brobecks
Juliet - Cavetown
Treehouse - Alex G
SAD - Lemon Demon
Infinitesimal - Mother Mother
The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake
Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Critters have feelings - Todd Edwards
Carpet Crawlers - Genesis
Freaks - Surf Curse
Little Lion Man - Mumford And Sons
Walk With Me - Taba Chake
them changes - thundercat
Fish in a birdcage - Fish in a birdcage
Heart - Pet Shop Boys
Same man I was before - Oingo Boingo
Amnesia was her name - Lemon Demon
Body - Mother Mother
Rät - Penelope Scott
Blow my brains out - Tikkle Me
Jealous - Eyedress
Are you satisfied? - Marina and the diamonds
my body’s made of crushed little stars - Mitski
Let’s go to bed - The Cure
gender is boring - she/her/hers
Cabinet Man - Lemon Demon
Eight Wonder - Lemon Demon
Fine - Lemon Demon
The Machine - Lemon Demon
The Greatest Show Unearthed - Creature Feature
Turn the lights off - Tally Hall
I am not a robot - Marina and the diamonds
Entropy - Awkward Marina
Things she said - Chris Garneau
Digital Silence - Peter McPoland
Hullabaloo - Rare Americans
2econd 2ight 2eer - Will Wood
Puppet Boy - Devo
Kids - MGMT
Superfast Jellyfish - Gorillaz
Doom Crossing: Eternal Horizons - Chalkeaters
Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
Everybody likes you - Lemon Demon
Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber
Fighter - Jack Stauber
Dr. Sunshine is dead - Will Wood
Your Clown - Eiffel 65
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punster-2319 · 3 months
Ranking the Classic MGM Tom and Jerry Cartoons (Favorite to Least Favorite)
1. Solid Serenade (1946)
2. Trap Happy (1946)
3. Tee for Two (1945)
4. The Cat Concerto (1947)
5. Mouse Trouble (1944)
6. Jerry’s Cousin (1951)
7. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse (1947)
8. Texas Tom (1950)
9. Heavenly Puss (1949)
10. The Zoot Cat (1944)
11. Cat Fishin’ (1947)
12. Flirty Birdy (1945)
13. The Mouse Comes to Dinner (1945)
14. Springtime for Thomas (1946)
15. Baby Puss (1943)
16. Kitty Foiled (1948)
17. Little Quacker (1950)
18. Mouse in Manhattan (1945)
19. Jerry and the Lion (1950)
20. The Million Dollar Cat (1944)
21. The Truce Hurts (1950)
22. Fit to Be Tied (1952)
23. Quiet Please! (1945)
24. Pecos Pest (1955)
25. Puttin’ on the Dog (1944)
26. The Bodyguard (1944)
27. The Dog House (1952)
28. Safety Second (1950)
29. Part Time Pal (1947)
30. Saturday Evening Puss (1950)
31. Down Beat Bear (1956)
32. The Missing Mouse (1953)
33. Little Runaway (1952)
34. Professor Tom (1948)
35. Cue Ball Cat (1950)
36. Jerry’s Diary (1949)
37. Tom and Jerry in the Hollywood Bowl (1950)
38. Jerry and the Goldfish (1951)
39. The Flying Cat (1952)
40. The Duck Doctor (1952)
41. Sufferin’ Cats (1943)
42. Love That Pup (1949)
43. The Yankee Doodle Mouse (1943)
44. The Invisible Mouse (1947)
45. The Little Orphan (1949)
46. Nit-Witty Kitty (1952)
47. Jerry and Jumbo (1953)
48. Timid Tabby (1957)
49. The Bowling Alley-Cat (1942)
50. Puss Gets the Boot (1940)
51. Hatch Up Your Troubles (1949)
52. Sleepy-Time Tom (1951)
53. Fine Feathered Friend (1942)
54. Two Little Indians (1953)
55. Pet Peeve (1954)
56. Muscle Beach Tom (1956)
57. Smarty Cat (1955)
58. Puss n’ Toots (1942)
59. The Night Before Christmas (1941)
60. The Lonesome Mouse (1943)
61. The Milky Waif (1946)
62. Mouse Cleaning (1948)
63. Mouse for Sale (1955)
64. Posse Cat (1954)
65. The Two Mouseketeers (1952)
66. Touché, Pussy Cat! (1954)
67. Tom and Chérie (1955)
68. Tennis Chumps (1949)
69. Salt Water Tabby (1947)
70. A Mouse in the House (1947)
71. Fraidy Cat (1942)
72. The Midnight Snack (1941)
73. Barbecue Brawl (1956)
74. Royal Cat Nap (1958)
75. Hic-cup Pup (1954)
76. Old Rockin’ Chair Tom (1948)
77. Push-Button Kitten (1952)
78. Slicked-up Pup (1951)
79. Puppy Tale (1954)
80. Triplet Trouble (1952)
81. The Cat and the Mermouse (1949)
82. Casanova Cat (1951)
83. The Framed Cat (1951)
84. Cat Napping (1951)
85. Cruise Cat (1952)
86. That’s My Pup! (1954)
87. Dog Trouble (1942)
88. Little School Mouse (1954)
89. Pup on a Picnic (1955)
90. Robin Hoodwinked (1958)
90. The Vanishing Duck (1958)
92. Just Ducky (1953)
93. Downhearted Duckling (1954)
94. Southbound Duckling (1955)
95. That’s My Mommy (1955)
96. Happy Go Ducky (1958)
97. Tot Watchers (1958)
98. Busy Buddies (1956)
99. Tom’s Photo Finish (1957)
100. Polka-Dot Puss (1949)
101. Smitten Kitten (1952)
102. Life with Tom (1953)
103. His Mouse Friday (1951)
104. Mucho Mouse (1957)
105. Blue Cat Blues (1956)
106. Designs for Jerry (1954)
107. Neapolitan Mouse (1954)
108. Mice Follies (1954)
109. Johann Mouse (1953)
110. Baby Butch (1954)
111. The Flying Sorceress (1956)
112. The Egg and Jerry (1956)
113. Tops and Pops (1957)
114. Feedin’ the Kiddie (1957)
There’s all 114 classic MGM Tom and Jerry cartoons ranked (I’m not ranking the later Gene Deitch or Chuck Jones shorts).
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lipeg · 7 months
Jaune is a terrible character
I like him but he had a terrible development.
Now that RT has closed and the question remains who will want to take the risk, stay with Rwby and still have to pay Warner.
Warner is in bad legs, full of debts to pay.
It was revealed by a profile that Rwby is not making a profit unfortunately he didn't give data which would be very important but said that volume 9 had no money to be made and that it was a loan... Well the studio closed.
I believe it has already happened that good studios have closed but... are usually closed because of greed or "Woker"
Japan studios Play Station
About Jaune, he has a lot of problems.
His past is non-existent, we will not have any information about his parents or your other sisters.
He forged documents to get into Beacon, but there's a big problem with this story called Glynda, she would have noticed something wrong with it.
The worst part is that we don't know how big the Arc family was. Why are the only known family members Saphron, who has nothing to show, and Jaune.
V4 and V5 showed almost everyone's family.
It showed Ren's family who died and Nora's mother who died.
There was also "Pyrrha's mother"
But we didn't have a picture of his family.
That drawing showing him and his sisters doesn't count.
He is taking too long to evolve and I still don't see reason for him to go to Mistral and Atlas.
Why did he lose trust in Ozpin, Lion betrayed his kingdom and sold the hunters' location. Of the 4 Headmaster, Ozpin is carefree and paranoid, Lion is a coward, James he went crazy but still wanted to save the world, Teodoro... I don't know much about.
If it weren't for him, Weiss would have died, but I still don't see a reason for him to go, he's terrible in battle. It's still bad but he's not terrible.
I find it incredible that his parents never came after him.
IT'S YOUR SON WHO IS MISSING! They probably knew where he was.
V9 already been "confirmed" that has not been paid. They took out a loan to make the V9 and apparently they didn't pay it.
I wish, I had the data, but I don't. It was the same thing Sony did with the sales figures for Marvel Spider-Man Miles Morales, they only came because of a leak.
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Proving that Peter Parker sells more than Miles.
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Rusted Knight... The idea is cool, I read a little of the book and at the end and the idea is cool.
A warrior trapped in his own armor, obsessed with the desire to be a knight.
As I said, the idea is good but... Excursion is bad.
None of my experiences were surpassed, in fact they were all frustrated. As much as I liked the idea of an older Jaune, I wish he was more serious, even angrier. He looks like an idiot and a crying baby.
I want the Rusted Knight and Jaune were two separate figures.
Rusted Knight appeared because Jaune's armor was cursed and he couldn't take it off and he had no control over his body and his conscience got stuck in his own head.
In the final battle, he would free himself with the help of Team WBY and show his berserker side.
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It would be a big change to the character.
But unfortunately it didn't happen.
About revenge against Cinder.
The only ones who came close to killing her were Jaune and Winter.
Those damn silver eyes don't help, and Cinder has a damn Grimm arm that makes her suffer a lot.
I just hope whoever buys RWBY develops more other characters.
Sun, Velvet, Glynda, Tai Yang, fuck even Cardin. They have the potential to be good characters.
Avatar Last Airbender. The episode The Storm develops Aang and Zuko at the same time but from a completely different point of view. Aang tells his past to Karata and Iroh reveals Zuko's past to his soldiers who understands Zuko's point of view.
And famous episode Zuko alone.
No, because the work is called RWBY, the world revolves around them.
Just take the Baki work, in many Baki sagas secondary characters get a lot of prominence. Sumo Saga Oliva has been humiliatingly defeated and is back for revenge.
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Jack Hanma has his own saga in Baki Rahen. Where the protagonist of the work is called Baki Hanma.
It is ridiculous to say that just because a work or series has the name of the protagonist, it must focus only on the protagonist.
I'll wait for what happened with RWBY and I had the V10, I am going to pretend madness and pretend that the V10 never happened like the remake of Avatar the legend of Aang.
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traewilson · 2 days
So on Twitter, a post is going round of a lame fan fiction speculating the ending of Calvin & Hobbes. It's awful. It's completely out of character and tone with the story. It's basically Calvin giving Hobbes to his daughter. I don't really care to talk about it beyond the fact it exists, and commentary around it sparked Thoughts in my brain.
For those of you who don't know, the actual ending of the comic is intentionally open - they hop on their sled and go on another adventure. That's it. They are metaphorically frozen in time, and yet made perpetual, in this ending; there will always be more adventures. There is no ending - even as you grow up and stop being a child, childhood is always happening somewhere. It ends for us individually, but it marches on as a constant of human life. Calvin & Hobbes, the symbol of childhood that they are, shall remain as such long after those who were first raised on it when it was new have passed on.
The reason I'm here writing on this is I suddenly realized - this is a symptom of a wider societal swing in America. One which we've all seen but maybe not had pinned down. People who feel the compulsion, the URGE, to drag their childhood to their adulthood, and, because the people who want to do this tend to be miserable soulless people, they take that thing that gave them so much joy in their youth and rip out everything that made it so special to you as a kid, and make it as grey, realistic, and lifeless as you are.
This mindset is what leads to the live-action / hyper-realistic animation from Disney lately. Very Serious People want to watch The Lion King, but are embarrassed and ashamed of the film they loved as a kid. They still love it, but they need a "socially acceptable" way to watch it.
And that's where the "live action" remake comes in.
The advertising on this film brazenly declaring a CGI animated film as "live action" is the height of madness, until you remember - to call it animation is to call it "kid stuff." If they call it a CGI animated film, Very Serious People think of Minions.
They add Very Serious Nuance in the form of generational warfare between the hyenas and lions; in the form of Scar's desire for power being rooted in cucking Mufasa by claiming his wife Sarabi as his own. They make the animation Very Serious and, therefore, Realistic. So Realistic in fact that, really, to even call it """animation""" is an insult to what they're doing here.
(Even though animation is, obviously, objectively, what it is.)
The animals barely emote, showing less emotion than what even real animals can express, because emotional openness is, to these Very Serious People, bluntly:
C R I N G E.
So, they barely emote. The songs are still there, but they're almost all shambling putrid parodies of the original musical numbers. Favreau didn't even want half the songs to be in the movie; famously Be Prepared was a last-minute addition after mass public backlash - and it shows that it's a last-minute addition. It's barely even sung; more of a spoken word poetry thing than an actual song. Because I feel like either Jon Favreau, his executive overlords, or worse I SAY WORSE both treated the musical aspect of The Lion King as a necessary evil.
It's telling the only song they gassed up wasn't Elton John's new song at the end credits - it was Beyoncé's number, Spirit. A pop number awkwardly slapped on to a musical film apropos of nothing but Those Sales and That Sweet Academy Award for Best Original Song, Baby.
And of course, it worked; the film made over a billion dollars because the world is chock-full of Very Serious Adults who want to take their childhood with them into adulthood, but demand it grow up with them.
They want their childhood, but are embarrassed by that very desire.
We live, in short, in a teenaged society. A society that's matured only in body but not yet in mind.
This is, naturally, because so many of us are, ourselves, adults who only grew up in age.
Some grow wiser; some just get older - if I may paraphrase Paul Williams. And THAT'S the hell of it.
Moral of the story: stop being ashamed of the things you liked as a kid. You CAN take your childhood with you into your adulthood - in fact, it's good and healthy to (in moderation, I must stress; dont overcorrect.) You don't have to do this thing where you make these bumbling shambling homunculi of the things you loved, but without any of that cringeworthy "charm" or "color" or "fun". Learn to enjoy things on their own merits. Fuck realism in art - we have enough reality all around us to ignore, and no matter how hard you push realistic CGI, it'll be never be reality.
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theadventurerslog · 24 days
Quest For Glory II: Trial by Fire | Part 2
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Day 2 in Shapeir with more exploring and shopping. Hopefully I won't get so lost this time but the map shows where I am on it, so that'll help a lot.
I started the day with some breakfast. Shema also told me she would be dancing this evening and would be pleased if I came. I ate and left with another reminder from Shameen that Shema would be dancing. They really want to make sure I know and come.
And I walked into Alichica's advertising.
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It made me snort in an ouch sort of way given the apparent not-so-good state of Raseir.
I bought a bouquet of flowers from Lisha the katta. And in the fountain plaza I bought a pot. I don't know what I'll do with the pot or flowers but if it's going to let me buy them I figure they'll have a use. My bargaining keeps working out very well.
Then it was apothecary time where there were plenty of things to examine including punful urns.
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And a bookshelf with many books including "The Pizza Elemental: Fact or Fiction?"
The apothecary owner is Harik. He has vigor, healing, poison cure and mana pills for sale for 5, 10, 12 and 15 dinars respectively. Cheaper than the potions in QFG 1. He warned that if I ever go to Raseir I should stock up on pills here as the apothecary there was taken over by the new Emir and such things may not be available anymore. Other talk and questioning led him to offering to buy scorpion venom and ghoul claws off me for 20 and 15 dinars respectively. Something to keep in mind when I'm less afraid of monsters.
Okay, there are probably some things I could handle just fine. Even with a higher stat cap I'm not a total wimp here. But I'm still scared.
I was looking at the map trying to figure out where to go and it turns out the fighter's plaza and palace are already marked so I can fast travel to those places immediately. I decided to check out the fighter's plaza.
A place to buy waterskins was there, so it was a good thing I went as I'm going to want those for desert exploration. I bought two for a total of three. Maybe overkill but I'd rather be safe. I just need to watch my carried weight. I also bought a cloth bag from Kiram, who turned out to be the uncle of Shameen, nice! Love those little connections in NPCs. Said I was smooth of tongue when I successfully bargained.
I popped into the weapon shop. I don't really need a weapon, but I have to see all the things, and met Issur, who's kind of a grump.
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And flexes randomly, so a grump and a show-off?
The weapons on the wall were fun to examine.
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Look out wood-chucking woodchucks...
The other half of this plaza has the guild hall!
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The lion fellow is a liontaur named Rakeesh. The woman is Uhura and her baby is on the floor playing with Rakeesh's tail.
The Sultan summoned Rakeesh to aid against the Dark Magic hovering near the city, but fears he's not the hero he once was. Perhaps I'll be the hero they need. Of course! There are rumours that in Raseir laws have become more important than men and it's become a crime to think. Few go there and fewer return.
I went to check out the notice board for quests and whatnot.
1000 dinars will be given to the one who restores Emir Arus Al-Din to the palace of Raseir, by order of the Sultan Harun Al-Rashid.
Harik needs some stuff but I already discovered that myself at the apothecary.
Keapon needs the whirling part of a Dervish for a Spell of Great Power, so I needed to go inquire about that.
"The Way of the Paladin: To seek. To learn. To do." - Paladin is a class to pursue but not necessarily something I'll be doing as a wizard? I don't know; we'll see what happens. I kind of just want to be a pure wizard though.
And there's a general note that services to the city and land of Shapeir will be rewarded. By order of the Sultan.
I spoke to the lady next, Uhura. She trains warriors. She's working at the guild until her baby, Simba, is old enough for them to travel back to their homeland. She likes Rakeesh whom she thinks is a kind, wise and strong warrior, though his leg had been once been broken and never healed right. You can practice with her to get your combat skills up. I did one bout until my stamina ran out. Magic is more my thing, but you know, MP runs out. Nice to have a spot that won't kill me to get a bit more strength and weapon skill.
I did wipe out my stamina though, so I returned to the inn to sleep for an hour before continuing my explorations and returning to ask Keapon about the Dervish. The ability to just go sleep and recover your stamina is glorious.
Of course returning to the inn meant more advertising from Alichica.
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Keapon wants the whirl of a Dervish and will pay 1500 centimes, or 15 dinars, for it. The Dervish is at an oasis somewhere south and a bit east of Shapeir.
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Then I wanted to go visit Aziza and got some directions from Alichica. I was still confused half the time between his directions and the map, but I fumbled my way there.
At her door I had to answer some questions then a riddle.
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"My first is the first, My second the last, Next comes Myself, Then back to the end, And beginning again. Who am I?"
A riddle of which the last question is all you really need if you already know her name. But I suppose if you didn't learn of her before finding her place this is another way to figure out her name. That said the first time I saw this in the let's play I was puzzled too. I thought it'd be a word and was something along the lines of the LOVE riddle in King's Quest VI. But nope just her name.
So with "Aziza" stated, I entered.
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She invited me to sit and have some tea and we had some discussions. Info time!
She mainly works with water magic, "that of knowledge and true seeing." She can reflect magic back to the casters. Noted there is much magic in the land, some very dark.
The city is built around a magic fountain, and protected by mountains and the desert, has only known peace prosperity. UNTIL NOW.
Once again learned that things are bad in Raseir, that had once been like a twin to Shapeir. There's a darkness over the city she can't see through with her magic. She reiterated on the missing Emir and having been overthrown by his brother.
If I want to the find the Wizard's Institute of Technocery, I have to use magic.
And finally I asked her about Elementals and got treated to a neat little show with my explanation.
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Elementals are made from magic shaping elements into beings like living creatures. Elementals are very powerful and destructive and but can be weakened by their opposing element, though not destroyed. But, when they're weakened they can be captured and their powers turned to helpful uses. Good to know!
I will no doubt be back with more questions but I said farewell for now. And examined her shelves a bunch. She had lots of stuff to look at.
Lots of jokes.
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I just think she's kinda neat, and I will no doubt be back, but for now I had more city to explore.
With Detect Magic I got shiny arrows to direct me to the Wizard's Institute of Technocery which made finding it much easier than anything else in this city.
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It led me to a seeming dead-end until casting again to reveal the door. Then Open spell to open it of course.
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Portraits! We've got Aziza and someone I'm not sure of on one side and on the other: Genesta! from KQIV, Erasmus and I'm pretty sure that's Zara from the first game, the one who owned Spielburg's magic shop.
Voices reached out to me to ask who I was and what I wanted. My name is Cinder Win and I wanna be a pirate wizard! But I needed a sponsor and had the choice of who to request, and I'm kicking myself because of course I leapt on Erasmus as the funny choice, but he is the right choice, so I didn't get to see the responses of any of the others and I forgot to save before entering. So, I'll maybe have to load an older file at some point.
They were surprised I'd request such a... "whimsical Wizard" because they apparently have no taste. They don't appreciate his jokes or his 'levity', hmph.
Anyway, he was totally on board with taking me in. I would need to pass a pre-test and then the main test.
First the pre-test. I needed to pick the correct object and move it to a stand then cause it to ring with only three spells.
Simple! Detect Magic to find the right bell, Fetch to move it and Trigger to ring it. Which resulted in a celebratory brief little firework style display showing Erasmus and Fenrus' names before Erasmus himself. Glorious.
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See? Erasmus is the best choice!
Then I was ready for the WIT's trial of Initiation which would test my skills under time-critical and life-threatening situations.
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It's a pretty area! A spinny blade thing appeared! I promptly fell off the bridge! And got booted back out into the street to try again when I've perhaps practiced more.
I was actually glad to end things there though because it was getting late in the day. I will go back another day earlier in the day. I mainly had just wanted to get it on my map.
Before I went back to the inn I went to see the sauruses and met Ali Fakir....
And I'm just... gonna let some screenshots speak for themselves with this man.
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Yes I groaned appreciatively at "The Saurus".
I bargained for one and got a green fellow who licked my face in greeting.
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But I was most definitely not ready to head into the desert when night was about to fall at any moment. In fact as soon as I entered town again it was night.
So, it was inn time to see Shema's dance...
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And I guess I was too late to get dinner...
But I wasn't too late to get some spell practice in, not save part way, get spotted by a guard and get arrested again! I had saved right before but had do all my practicing again. One of these nights I'll practice without getting caught.
Then it was bed time. Day 2 in Shapeir complete. Day 3 here we come.
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mybudgetart · 1 month
Cute Calf Giraffe Baby (Nursery Prints)
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Cute lion, elephant, calf giraffe baby, clouds, balloons with customized typography name painting minimalist animal cheap scandinavian pic canvas prints for sale, custom personalised art prints set, choose rolled canvas prints or ready to hang framed art / stretched gallery wrapped panel prints artwork, nursery wall art decor, children wall art, kids wall prints.
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lionews · 2 months
"Why can't we use subs to breed it's actually starting to drive me insane 👁️👁️ too many pretty lions to king and so many projects that take fucking forever so I'm stuck with this god awful bastard when I just had beautiful baby angel born but they're not good for anything that I'm doing 😞 let me have 50 accounts devs I'm losing it 👁️👁️"
THIS 😭 It was the reason why I was SO tempted to make a 3rd account but didn't (ion wanna be banned). Hell, I think that if they added that, they might possibly get more GB sales because people would be saving up to open more sub slots.
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sea-otter148 · 1 year
My headcanons for what happened to the Baby Einstein puppets after the show ended:
- Bard the Dragon went on to pursue an acting career, but eventually he left that dream after he became cripplingly self conscious about his attitude and the unintentional trauma he caused kids to feel. However, he went back after going through therapy and issuing a public apology, and he now works as a stage actor for a community theater.
- Pavlov the Dog got a career as an archaeologist, and his partner, Jane the Monkey, is a renowned natural zoologist and author.
- Vincent Van Goat reconnected with Vivian, and they got married shortly after that. Vincent is still a painter, and his wife Vivian is a critically acclaimed performance artist.
- Isaac the Lion became a high school geometry teacher, and later got a husband, Osvaldo, who works part time as a youth pastor at an affirming church. They adopted two kids, Andrés and William.
- Otter took the money from his only appearance on Baby Einstein and saved up on residuals from DVD sales to buy a camera, as he found a calling in photography. He is now a somewhat successful photojournalist.
- Pillie and Coco both found their passion in music; Pillie became a music professor at a local university, and Coco became a percussionist in a Grammy-winning jazz fusion band.
- Mozart the Koala went on to become a conductor and composer, and won 3 Album of the Year Grammys for his recordings of Mahler's First Symphony, Mozart's Magic Flute opera, and his own collection of classical pieces.
- Tragically, when Bach the Rabbit went on to be a respected organist and had a budding career, he died in a car accident at age 29.
- Neptune the Turtle became a marine biologist and got featured in the Nature and Science journals for his discovery of a new variety of deep sea species.
- Beethoven the Giraffe, though depicted playing the violin, is actually a cellist and double bassist, and he earned a spot in the New York Philharmonic as one of their most respected members.
- Quackamus Duck became a billionaire through getting in early on natural gas fracking, though later recanted that investment and became a philanthropist, donating heavily to climate change organizations and investing in renewable energy startups.
- Neighton the Horse fell on hard times after leaving the show due to being a drug addict, and it was rumored that he took the money from residuals to pay for his addiction. He is now recovering and 13 years sober. MacDonald the Cow founded a farm and started his own rather successful business growing and selling wheat, rye and barley. Neighton and MacDonald got married and founded an agricultural school.
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peerlessscowl · 1 year
TOA Anniversary; Mun Day!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you! come closer
Name: tches
Pronouns: she/they
Birthday (no year): Dec 22
Where are you from? What is your time zone? I'm currently in Colorado, but I'm not American djfkld and I live in Mountain timezone (MST/MDT)
Roleplay experience: About five or six years? All LJ.
Got any pets? My beloved one-eared baby Coriander, whom you have all seen me posting. I also live with two GSDs, Ursa and Solo.
Favorite time of year: Winter!
Some interests and things you like: I have so many interests, so many hobbies. I like languages and history and writing most. Cooking also. I hope sometime in the next year to write my first novel finally. I try to be active and used to really enjoy it before The Bad Period - I used to rock climb and hike every day, and during the pandemic I was buff. Nowadays I'm a lot more sedate.
Some funfacts & trivia about you: Here's two truths and a lie: my spine is made of titanium, I'm directly related to Erik the Red, and I'm a licensed yoga instructor. Have fun!
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Octopath, Triangle Strategy, Pokemon. Some indie games.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fire, Gyarados (close tie with Delibird)
How did you get into Fire Emblem? :thinking: I was looking through the GBA games in the video game aisle of the PX, and saw Blazing was on sale. That was it. Not much fanfare.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? All except Archanea, Thracia, and Tellius.
First Fire Emblem game: Blazing Blade
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Blazing Blade
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Listen Jeralt can get it.
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Lon'Qu - Fates: Kaze - Three Houses: Claude (but I like Hubert best) - Engage: Pandreo
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Mercenary-Hero
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? :thinking: Not to be biased, but probably Mercenary-Hero
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Probably Sigurd. Dat Momentum.
How did you find TOA? I knew of it in the periphery because I thought I'd check the Raven tag to see who else creates Raven content on Tumblr. I saw the post where mirae dropped him. Then in February, Elf popped into a mutual server and posted, I checked the Wanted List and saw my boy. And here we are.
Current TOA muses: Raven, Igrene and Beowolf
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Raven. My son with every disease, always and forever.
Have you had any other TOA muses? I've also written Sigurd and Saber. Fly high kings, legends in my heart always.
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Sad Family TM. Joking aside, I like to think I have a pretty good range, and I still have more musetypes, simply waiting to be released from their enclosures.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I love writing rage, and horror. On the flip side, I also genuinely love writing cheesy, healthy romantic fluff. Duality of man. And of course I froth at the mouth for Family. Reaches -
Favorite TOA-related memory: When I flipped from writing Sigurd re-proposing to Deirdre immediately to responding to a Hector interaction with Raven. Also, when Sigurd got accepted - my heart rate skyrocketed, I was so excited.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? We'll see what the future (Halloween) holds.
How do you pronounce TOA? The acronym! T-O-A, but blended together. Teaoea
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fluidstatick · 9 months
Eyeballing my blanket in progress, I realized i don't have the label for the yarn anymore, and had no idea where to look for a color match. After an hour and a half of flailing, i figured out that it's Lion Brand Landscapes acrylic roving, in Blue Lagoon. Going back through my bank receipts and doing some fast math, i figured out that I'd paid $65 for twelve skeins, on sale, and Frankensteined them together into one huge yarn ball. After I'd reminded myself that I want my finished blanket to be 90x100", I looked at the required yardage for a 30x40" baby blanket, did some awkward yard-to-meter-to-skein conversion, and discovered that I need 30 more skeins to finish this monster. That's more than two hundred dollars of yarn. *Stares dead eyed at my past self* SIR --
Y'know what? Fuck it. I'll peck away at this. I will. It'll take a small eternity, and cost about two weeks of rent, but I'll Conquer It, Gods Help Me --
At least the yarn is absolutely gorgeous.
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mavspeed · 1 year
I won’t lie I haven’t exactly been doing too many deep dives into the tag, but these are Recent-ish Bangers, in my humble (but 100% correct) opinion:
- You are my life, my pride, my joy by Neoptolemos on ao3 - Icemav are raising young Bradley, who wishes on a star for a younger sibling. Not A/B/O, is an mpreg but it’s really, really sweet. That being said if pregnancy is a squick, I would tread elsewhere
- you got the peaches, I got the cream by Saturn on ao3 - Mav, Goose, and Carole own a bakery, Ice owns the heart of a true simp and a pilot’s license. Super cute one-shot
- today, again, and tomorrow by Lacerta - fellas, is it gay to get stuck in a multi-day time loop with ur rival? Asking for everyone’s favourite disaster aviators. Admittedly, I am the target audience on this one, given that I go bonkers for any time travel trope known to man, but I recommend this one for everyone bc it SLAPS slaps AND GOOSE LIVES (eventually)
- ICE - In Case of Emergencies by thenofutureshoe on ao3 - to be fair I don’t know if this one counts as recent perse, since it has been going since November, but I love it so much that I don’t even care. Is it obvious that the top gun fandom has turned me into an exes to lovers stannie?? Is it??? (Ice and Mav are exes. Mav ends up in the hospital. Ice is still Mav’s emergency contact. Hoo BOY.)
- Watch his Six by Shearmouth on ao3 - I know it’s not technically icemav but it’s pre icemav. the universe itself (the authors notes) told me. Safe to say, I am never getting over this fic!! Mav gets Beat TF Up following Hop 31, and with Goose out of commission, Ice and Slider step up to the plate!! This fic has everything: the whump!! The pining!! The Goose living!! The Ice introspection!! The protective Slider!! That’s what it’s all about, baby!!
- additional rewards earned by mavissed on ao3 - IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE ON THIS LIST, READ THIS ONE. Ice is a waiter at TGI Fridays. Mav is a reporter testing just how far their unlimited appetizers thing goes. Somehow, this forms the beginning of what I can only imagine will be a beautiful relationship, and what I do know is hands down the best crack the top gun fandom has to offer. I nearly peed myself while reading this and I have no regrets.
- the Back Full Of Scars Series by CaptainTucker and Wingwyrm on ao3 - Set in an au where corporal punishment is the norm in the military circa the 1980s, and Mav has an unfortunate habit of being designated as the go-to whipping boy. It hurts so bad AND so good. The Cain in this is probably my second most-hated in the entire fandom, the whump is delicious, and the protective everybody??? Oh yeah, that’s what it’s all about.
- Flowers For Sale By Owner by aelibia on ao3 - Mav gets hanahaki disease. Mav intentionally exacerbates the symptoms of the said hanahaki disease to sell his lung flowers for money. Goose and Ice both think Mav is an idiot. They are Right (it’s so funny. It’s so damn funny).
- By Night, My Love, Tie Your Heart to Mine by SOBERHYUCK on ao3 - And they were bunkmates! (Oh my god, they were bunkmates)
- Summer Rain by TunaSupremacy on ao3 - au where Ice and Mav didn’t go to top gun together, but did do the Layton rescue. Years down the line, they have to get into a fake relationship for Military Reasons. It’s only three chapters in, but the au is super intriguing and I’m very excited to see where they go with it :)
Honourable mentions go to the as lions update by qin-ling. Is it recent? No. Does it slap? Yes. Am I telling everyone I know about it? Also yes.
Pls enjoy my offerings lmao. I am in a foreign country where I know nobody, and have way too much time on my hands :D
OOOHHH thank you so much!! yeah I’m familiar with some of these I actually love watch your six and as lions omg although I haven’t been keeping up with the most recent updates ☹️☹️ but I’ll def check the rest out!
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mariacallous · 10 months
After the first round of Argentina’s presidential election on Oct. 22, a rally in support of upstart far-right candidate Javier Milei shut down a major thoroughfare in downtown Buenos Aires. Attendees draped themselves with the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag and waved banners depicting a roaring lion, which has become a logo of sorts for Milei—evoking both his unruly mane and his vow to impose himself over what he calls Argentina’s “political caste.”
Milei, a self-proclaimed “anarcho-capitalist” who has been compared to former U.S. President Donald Trump and former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, had just punched his ticket to a Nov. 19 runoff against Argentina’s center-left economy minister, Sergio Massa. Milei’s feat upended what Argentines call la grieta, or “the chasm”—the traditional cycle of polarized political competition whereby the country’s center-left and center-right vie for control of governing institutions.
Milei’s ascent from libertarian economist to one-term congressman and now viable presidential candidate was rapid. Recent polling shows him with a narrow 4-point lead over Massa ahead of the runoff. Milei owes his success largely to social media—and the young voters who use it.
Instead of crisscrossing Argentina to meet with voters or blanketing urban centers with signage, Milei’s version of hitting the campaign trail entailed producing a steady churn of videos and social media content with a message that was confrontational and “appealed to certain negative emotions like anger, but also fear about what would happen if the next government weren’t led by him,” said Ana Slimovich, a sociologist at the University of Buenos Aires.
That strategy proved especially effective among younger voters. Voters under the age of 29 are credited with making Milei a contender for the presidency: Polls show that nearly 50 percent of that cohort support the far-right candidate. “This movement was born with you,” Milei said in a tweet addressed to young people published shortly before the Oct. 22 first-round vote.
Having come of age in an era of chronic economic turmoil, young voters say Milei offers a new approach to governing that could turn around Argentina’s fortunes. Change is desperately needed: The country’s currency, the peso, is depreciating fast against the dollar, and year-over-year inflation stands at over 100 percent. The International Monetary Fund has forecast a recession for 2023, the seventh economic contraction Argentina will have experienced since 2012. More than 1 in 4 Argentine households now live below the poverty line.
By tapping into voters’ frustrations with economic instability, Milei has ushered a set of previously fringe policy proposals into the mainstream. His signature economic platform includes abolishing Argentina’s Central Bank, ditching the beleaguered peso, and dollarizing the economy—a move most experts warn is infeasible given the country’s low reserves of hard currency. A group of more than 100 economists recently warned that Milei’s economic proposals would spell “devastation” for the country.
Outside economics, Milei has also voiced support for liberalizing gun laws and greenlighting the sale of organs. Years ago, he floated a “free market” for the sale of babies, an idea he has since distanced himself from. In line with his anarcho-capitalist beliefs, Milei has pledged to cut 10 federal ministries, privatize state industries, and dismantle the public health care system in favor of private alternatives. Foreign policy wouldn’t be spared from major changes, either: Milei has suggested he would distance Argentina from Brazil and China, the country’s two biggest trading partners, and align closely with the United States and Israel.
Feelings of exasperation are particularly potent among young Argentines, who are more likely to be informally employed and earn lower salaries than middle-aged and older populations. TikTok, Latin America’s fastest-growing social media site, has been critical to Milei’s courtship of these young people. Milei has 1.5 million followers on the platform, compared to Massa’s 254,000. Milei’s advisor, Fernando Cerimedo, is an important player in the Latin American far right’s digital strategy; his previous clients include Bolsonaro, who adopted a communications plan that prioritized digital media and built an audience of 5.5 million TikTok followers.
In most of his TikTok videos, Milei looks to the camera and answers questions about his policies from a 22-year-old staffer who addresses him by the diminutive “Javi.” Milei concludes these short addresses with a trademark shout of “Long live freedom, damn it!” On Instagram, where Milei has 3.6 million followers (a little over 3 million more than Massa), he shares memes and hosts popular monthly livestreams, raffling off his congressional salary to “give back to the people the money that was taken from them by force.” In the most recent livestream, he led his staff in a chant of “the [political] caste is afraid.”
Slimovich said that young voters see authenticity in Milei’s bombast and bluster. In her view, right-wing figures such as Milei have found fertile ground online because their simple, grievance-filled language is eminently shareable—and because these politicians spend more time broadcasting on social platforms than appearing in traditional news media, which has become widely discredited in right-wing spaces.
Milei is also benefiting from a growing ecosystem of young right-wing Argentine influencers dedicated to amplifying his message. That includes full-time influencers with large accounts such as Tomás Jurado, in his early 20s—whose “Peluca Milei” (Milei’s Wig) YouTube channel recently passed the million-subscriber mark—and digital foot soldiers like 19-year-old Adriel Segura.
When he’s not in class or studying, Segura, who lives in Buenos Aires, dedicates his time to “waging the culture war” on TikTok, where he makes videos explaining or defending Milei and the ideology he represents. In just over five months, Segura has built up an audience of 69,000 followers and amassed millions of views. “Social media is Milei’s territory … and it’s an organic movement because it’s his own followers who make him go viral and promote him,” he said. “I feel like I’m part of that.”
Segura thinks the people who watch his videos—many of whom have written to say he convinced them to support Milei—are just like him. “It’s people who don’t trust traditional politicians, or traditional media,” he said. “And those people tend to identify electorally with Milei.” In Segura’s view, Milei’s supporters understand that a win on Nov. 19 will not magically reverse Argentina’s fortunes—and might even make life in Argentina more difficult. But the country’s chronic economic issues justify trying a new approach to governing the country, Segura said. “Instead of voting for the two parties that created or perpetuated this crisis, I’m going to vote for the guy who is different.”
Experts say that feeling is widespread among young Argentines. “There’s an environment of rage and frustration over the economic and social results that the country has had for many years. That’s led to this thinking that we need something new. Even if it ends in disaster, at least it will be a new disaster,” said Valeria Brusco, a member of the Red de Politólogas, a group of women political scientists. Young Milei supporters “tell you that they prefer for everything to blow up, and let’s see what happens afterward. They’ve got nothing to lose anyway.”
Milei’s youth supporters are mostly male. That’s not surprising, given how Milei has undermined the feminist movement that helped put Argentina at the progressive vanguard of Latin America. (Among other proposals, he backs a referendum to invalidate a 2020 law that legalized abortion in the country.) What experts say does appear contradictory about Milei’s youth support base, however, is how many are economically disadvantaged, including those who work in the informal sector. That includes a significant chunk of delivery drivers who find work through a bevy of popular apps such as Rappi or PedidosYa—and don’t seem swayed by Massa’s party’s proposal to include gig workers in the formal economy and expand labor rights.
According to political analyst Carlos De Angelis, informal workers are wary of state involvement in the economy, which they associate more with pandemic-era restrictions on work than potential policies that could enhance their well-being. “There’s this concept of a benevolent state, right? Well, for them, it’s more like a malevolent state,” he said.
Back at the Oct. 22 Milei rally, Joaquin Ignacio Piaggio met two of his friends, all first-time voters. The 21-year-old philosophy student works part-time as a receptionist. He said he sometimes skips meals because he earns so little, and he must wait months to purchase everyday items like clothes. The idea of moving out of his parents’ home and renting an apartment of his own one day feels inconceivable.
Piaggio doesn’t see a future for himself in Argentina if Massa’s ruling party wins the Nov. 19 runoff. He said he is proud of young people like himself and his friends for elevating Milei as an alternative. “We are the generation that created a change.”
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augment-techs · 1 year
A+ Parenting (not sarcastic), Skull/Billy
"The Black Mambaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--" "Spike, honey," Billy snorted, still recording on his phone as the little five year old carried on elongating the 'a' with intent, "Breathe." Spike puffed out a breath, air skittering across his untamed bangs, but did as he was told. He inhaled deeply enough that his tiny chest puffed up, and then started in on the 'a' like there was no pause at all.
Skull looked disconcerted, but wasn't going to let that spoil his son's fun as his little changeling continued waving the hems of the black longcoat he'd somehow fenagled off of a mannequin from the women's section of the department store and scuttled the thing onto Skull's bony figure with the full intent of getting him or Billy to buy it. And probably wear it forever. Which was not entirely out of the question. Even if the long black garb looked like a cross between a traditional nun's habit and a not especially accurate version of Little Red Riding Hood's cloak, it did have a comfortable hood and some pretty big pockets. Both things rather lacking in his current wardrobe since signing a record deal and his stupid agent kept having his assistant buy clothes that were obnoxiously revealing and didn't have even the most basic of comforting amenities. He missed being a little bit scary looking as opposed to "absolute eye candy; perfect for the runway" that he'd been forced into as of late. And apparently Billy and Spike missed it too, as Billy encouraged Spike to go find more clothes, "So Da can look pretty and feel comfy when he has to go to work next week." The little guy with the black faux feather jacket that made him look like Big Bird's foundling, complete with sparkly blue leggings and bright orange Uggs that Kimberly had looked ready to toss herself into the sun the first time she saw them, blinked for a moment. He held onto Skull's bony leg like he was the featured jungle gym of his life (not untrue) and looked up, up, up to meet eyes that were more like ocean stones than the forest colors Spike had, "Anything, Da?" Face melting into the softness and loving devotion that Billy had been in love with since (forever) they were sixteen and the genius got his head out of his ass, Skull swooped down and picked Spike up like the opening scene from the Lion King; spinning the both of them around in a circle so Spike could get a good aerial view of the store. Spike giggling through the spins and Billy glowing in adoration for the both of them. "Anything, baby. Just call if you need help getting it off the rack or mannequin, okay?" "Okay!" And then he was off, careening around and through the displays like a man on a mission. "A navy seal could not hope to have that kind of focus." "Thank goodness he's on our side, eh?" "Ohhhhh yes," Billy agreed wholeheartedly, winding down the last minutes left on his recording to trail Eugene's visage from head to toe. The almost feral want in his eyes, behind glasses that did nothing to diminish their effect on his target, had Eugene radiating red all the way up to his ears, arms folding across his middle and face screwing up as Billy grinned wider. Billy finally clicked his cellphone closed and wrapped an arm around Eugene, pulling him in for a sweet brush of lips and a little tongue action. (Never mind the bursts of screams from sales employees and some old ladies that found Spike hanging from a shelf to get at a pair of earrings or blouses he thought would be perfect for his mission. They were actually quite used to that after five years.)
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toddlerstoy · 2 years
Top 05 Catholic Toys for Toddlers
Is there a baby or toddler on your gift list? Whether it is a parent, godmother, grandparent, aunt, uncle, caring friend, or your friend, that gift will grow with the children in your life and from their Encompassed love of faith community. Here are the top 5 catholic toys for toddlers :
Lion and Lamb Woodcraft
It is a precious medal called the Miracle Baby Necklace , and it is truly one of a kind made with love! Kids can use it as a smoothie or to brush their teeth while holding Mother Mary close. Perfect for Mass, family wreaths, or anytime mom needs a little help with fun!
Lion & Lamb Woodcraft was founded in 2019 in Atchison, Kansas by a young mother named Mary. As a child, he grew up working with his father in their hardware store. They made cabinets, birdhouses and board games. Now a mother of 2, with one on the way, she spends her sleep “playing with wood”. He hand-makes the miraculous Benedictine medals that are sold at his teething games. Her Etsy shop includes wearable prayer earrings as well as a few other home accessories.
My Catholic Keepsake | Thy Olive Tree
My Catholic Memoirs Child/Children’s Memoirs are designed specifically for Catholic parents to record their child’s journey of growth and faith. 36 beautifully crafted pages contain quotations from the saints, passages of Scripture going through each step, from baptism to confirmation, and beyond the first step to the first day of school You are giving your child the greatest gift: faith. Our Catholic Remembrance , is the perfect affirmation to commemorate their entry into the world as disciples of Christ and the journey they have taken in faith and life.
Illustrated by Meg Whalen
"This Church " is a picture book that guides your child from the age of 2 through the history of salvation through the eyes of a little girl who was amazed by the windows of her church. The book is available at TANBooks.com . Don’t miss their bogo sale on all books from November 9th to 15th.
Meg Whelan is a Catholic woman, mother, and illustrator who wants to help young Catholics fall in love with the beauty of the faith. In graduate school he met author Katie Warner, and through a partnership with Tan Books the couple could dream of creating new evangelistic children’s books , and this came true in the case of First Trust Fund “This Is Church” is Meg and Katie’s seventh book together.
Noah and the Ark |  Tomie DePaola
The late and beloved children’s book author and illustrator Tommy DiPaola offers his unique and imaginative artwork that breathes new life into this beautiful retelling of a beloved biblical story that evokes reflection.
They say that Noah walked with God because he was a good man. So Noah did as the LORD commanded him, and he built an ark, and took with him all his family and two kinds of animals, and waited forty days and forty nights for the rain to come.
Faith Theological Virtue | Sacred Print
This fine (2 × 5 x 6 inch) "Faith" stamp on the Saints' Letters reminds us of the great gifts God has given us and how to help the saints along the way! Wood panels are coated with resin to give them a glassy appearance. Holly Printing also personalizes small (3×8) and large (6×19) first names in sacred letters! Check out their website .
Our unique sacred alphabet allows you to write your loved one’s name in sacred characters! Faith: Francis of Assisi, I, Ignatius of Antioch, Thomas More, Helen. These creations would make great Christmas gifts, but consider them for baptisms and first date gifts too!
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