#back on my anti jedi bs
spaceleveln · 10 months
Let's Dissect a Light Saber! Computer Animation!
As soon as he mentioned Dilithium Crystals, I knew I had to reblog it, XD!
One of my goals in Space N is to have as much tech as possible be the same tech.
I want lightsabers, phasers, shields, sensors, FTL coms, FTL travel, tranasporters, and artificial gravity to all be based on the same Warp Field technology.
So, yeah, a Jedi’s lightsaber is essentially going to be a teeny-tiny little warp engine that’s shooting out a small, tight looped warp field. I haven’t decided whether or not I want to keep it being plasma or not. 
Seems like plasma comes with a lot of issues that might be able to be sidestepped by having it made of something else. Just the warp field itself even.
In Star Trek it actually wouldn’t be so bad since plasma is what gets fed in to the Warp Coils. There would be plasma anyway. Could even have the blade do double duty for cooling the plasma just enough to be cycled through again without overheating this super tiny mechanism. But since I’m intending to switch over to the Romulan style power generation (artificial micro-singularity - AMS) rather than matter/anti-matter annihilation, that actually shouldn’t matter :p
On the upside of my tech plans, I do believe (because I don’t understand physics well enough to know or even figure it out one way or another) that I have a reason for why Lightsabers tend to be blue. Whatever is coming out of the emitter hilt is going to be moving significantly faster than its equivalent in non-warped space, which I think (again, I’m really not adept at math, science, ... logic) would cause it to emit Cherenkov radiation where it interacted with non-warped space.
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And Cherenkov radiation does look decently lightsabery to me.
Might also be why there’s so much blue glow in various parts of Warp Nacelles.
I dunno. Maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
But all this leads to the bigger question:
Do lightsabers focus through Dilithium Crystals? Or do Warp Drives focus through Kyber/Adegan/etc. Crystals? Is Dilithium what artificial (Sith Red Lightsabers) crystals are made out of? Or something else?
Or should I just stick with my older plan of using Photonic Time Crystals? Which really should be fictional instead of real with a name like that XD. And sound way too cool not to use. And, in my tiny ignorant lizard brain totally make sense for governing the wave patterns of energy emission because it is organizing the emission in a standard alternating current as the photons bounce back and forth in the exact same pattern. Right? Just say right. It’s all fiction bs anyway.
And apparently the latest “2D” Photonic Time Crystals amplify light or something like that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Again, I am no Scientist.
Maybe Dilithium/Kyber/Adegan/etc. ARE naturally occurring Photonic Time Crystals. I think I kind of like that. That would let me keep a little of that Warp can cause environmental hazards thing. Maybe all these crystals form where there are particular kinds of perturbations in other dimension spaces. Like if a normal planet in N-Space happens to lie in a star’s gravity shadow in A-Space, the perturbations in the fabric of space-time cause Kyber Crystals to grow instead of just plain Lithium or Trilithionite Crystals.
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And you might even get blue crystals because of the interaction of photons within the Kyber also emitting the Cherenkov radiation. Which means people are going to have a lot of health issues around Dilithium deposits. Eek.
Could even have clarity have something to do with it. Looks like Gray Lithium Quartz at least can get darn clear.
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Maybe that’s what the federation is doing in the refinement of Dilithium, finding the stuff and then removing all the impurities until it is a pure time crystal that is catching all the electromagnetic radiation to be modulated.
Would make those Dilithium mines about as valuable as they’re depicted. Most planets just aren’t going to have the necessary conditions for formation. Certainly not in large deposits. You would probably need to have a planet that is only “briefly” in the otherspace shadow. Long enough for some crystal formation but not long enough to nudge the planet out of orbit.
I dunno. Just like thinking about it all. It makes for good distraction and pointless worldbuilding.
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forceechoedtouch · 4 years
Cal: the Jedi Order wasn’t perfect but ultimately we were good people and can learn from our mistakes.
Taron Malicos: the Order was dead long before the war and it can go kriff itself.
BD: beeps in binary “kriff him up!”
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spinnenpfote6 · 5 years
Idk why it’s so popular to claim that the ST/Bendemption/Reylo is “a bad message” or  “wants to make you sympathize with n*zis/mass murderers”, while the message of the OT is totally fine and great.
If it’s a bad message that Rey wanted to save Kylo because she has a good heart and because he’s the OG heroe’s son, then the same could be applied to Luke wanting to save Vader. Like, c’mon just because he is his father whom he didn’t even know? “Boys blindly putting their horrible father on a pedestal after learning something good about him”-much? That would probably be the reaction today. Vader was the leader of a faschist regime too (guranteed to have killed more people than Kylo), responsible for killing Obi-Wan (“the closest thing he ever had to a father figure”, mind you!), Beru and Owen, tortured Han & Leia, blew up Alderaan and cut Luke’s frikkin’ hand off. But he still saw the good in him and he was right and he was rewarded for it.
Rey wanting to save Kylo so bad was a good trait of hers and made me like her because she was the only one who still hold out hope for someone she had shared feelings with (after that, mind you!) and who was still young and eager and a canon abuse victim. Rey wanted to give Leia and Luke hope. And her naive thinking was framed as such. It turned out to be wrong in the end and she came to realize that. After that she is almost exclusively aggressive towards him and only becomes vulnerable again through the shock that she almost actually kills him, tells him about her real feelings and helps him fight the Knights Of Ren by providing him a weapon. She never ran after him again after TLJ.
To me, that’s not “Good Girl saves the damaged Bad Boy” since Rey is just Kylo’s motivation to save himself. It was also shown that Kylo regretted killing his father and probably wanted to make up for that horrible act by trading his life for Rey’s and he finally did what she wanted all along: the good guy he can be. It’s not like they got a happy fairytale-ending together.
The message is not that “girls should fall in love with father-killing psycho-n*zis”, but that having a good balance of compassion and self-worth is important and that some people can change and regret their actions. And if you show someone troubled that you will help them if they choose to change themselves, it can give everyone hope (except for Luke and Leia probably). And that women can be strong and in love at the same time.
So where did all your logical, symbolical and metaphorical thinking go in the last three decades, fellows?
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emperorren · 6 years
would you be ok with talking about the golden age of the reylo fandom? i’m a new shipper so i wasn’t here for it. i’ve heard a few people mention big events but I’m very curious what it was like in the beginning!
aaaaahhhhh the golden age when reylo was just a baby ship and there were like, 56 of us on this site and all busy defending ourselves from random accusations of being *anne’s voice whose name wasn’t anne yet* ABuSe apoLogISTs!!
The initial discourse around reylo was really intimidating, because even the most innocuous mutuals on your dash were reblogging smug untagged anti posts (I remember one in particular that was like “stop shipping female characters with their abusers!!!1111!!!” with something like 50K notes). The first few weeks after TFA’s release were all about heated debates on whether you’re actually allowed to ship problematic things and ~how can you deny that the interrogation scene was a rape analogy~, and for me personally, a LOT of juggling between reylo (which was quickly becoming my main focus, even though back then I was almost certain they were related) and f/nnr/ey (which I had mostly lukewarm feelings for, but showing open indifference seemed like a good way to be bullied for *internalized racism*, so I had to strike a balance).
BUT when actual fan content for the ship started surfacing, and we simultaneously started growing in numbers and closing our ranks against fandom bullies, it was amazing. 
There was Ohtze’s Death and the Maiden meta, which for me sealed the transition from “intriguing enemies to lovers ship” to “ASGFHSJKSGAGSKKS OTP OF OTPS” because I freaking love subtext and ships built on subtext.Creatively there was a lot of freedom, since the reylo dynamic was hinted at in canon but nothing was set in stone yet, and imagination ran wild. There was lots of dark and angsty, lots of proper enemies to lovers tropes, lots of dark!Kylo, lots of scenarios where Rey has to kill him in the end and they’re both in tears and he thanks her for that, the first attempts at depicting the yin/yang dynamic. A popular headcanon was that Ben fell when he was fifteen-something (around the time Rey was abandoned on Jakku), so in many fics the Kylo/Snoke relationship was even more disturbing than it is in canon. Another popular theory was that Rey was a little student at Luke’s academy, and Ben was the one who dropped Rey on Jakku, perhaps to spare her from the jedi temple massacre, so you had lots of fics based on that. And of course the stranded/trapped together tropes proliferated.
You kids are so spoiled now, but back then we were really in the dark. We didn’t have Rian Johnson backing up your reading, or the story group chatting excitedly over Rey and Kylo’s interactions. For all we knew, we were seeing things that weren’t there, as the majority of tumblr kindly reminded us every 5 seconds. (there was a well researched meta theorizing how the actual *trio*—in the sense of the three most important characters—was actually F/nn, Rey and Kylo Ren, and oh, the outrage it attracted. In hindsight it’s hilarious.) Popular reylo shippers tended to be extremely cautious re: canon reylo, if not downright skeptical. Thinking that Rey and Kylo could actually have a romance, rather than a “special antagonism” with very veiled romantic subtext, was considered incredibly optimistic. Most people said they would gladly settle for Rey no longer hating Kylo by the end of IX. Consequently, most fics were excruciatingly slow burn (which is why they were amazing), because it was considered a titanic effort to make these two characters stop wanting to kill each other, especially Rey, something that needed thousand of pages of subtle character evolution to be remotely plausible. It wasn’t even about tempering our expectations—we barely had any. we simply thought we were shipping little more than a crackship.
So when the databank dropped, calling Rey and Kylo’s “destinies intertwined”, and JJ’s TFA commentary described them as “the story we’re really interested in”, and called Rey a princess and Kylo a prince, it was MINDBLOWING. It was the first hint that we were, in fact, reading this story correctly.
There was also a lot of obsessing over Pablo Hidalgo’s tweets and desperately searching for clues. Pablo’s confirmation that Rey “downloaded” Kylo’s force skills by entering his mind was probably the first canon confirmation of the existence of the force bond, but it was again Ohtze who had first introduced most of us to that concept in her meta on the parallels between Reylo and Revan/B*astila, and we latched on it enthusiastically (though back then the force bond was conceived as a merely telepathic connection—TLJ went above and beyond that).
Other touchstones were when John said the romance in this trilogy wasn’t /going the way you think/ and that he and Daisy essentially played their characters as friends (the fandom consensus back then was that the central romance was f*nnrey, so that interview was a turning point in the fandom and bolstered our confidence). And Daisy’s throwaway comment about Rey “feeling the force” with Kylo during the duel (another hint at the force bond).
There was occasionally some big intra-fandom drama (I remember a person called ysbaddadenthebrave, who wrote a lot of VERY popular fics back in the day but it turned out she was lying about personal stuff and some novel she was writing (though I didn’t follow that wank closely) and also the mess with msqualia (a shipper who became a bully to other shippers). 
There were many #gates, too, starting with #ashgate. It happened when a pic of Kylo putting his helmet on a sort of altar covered in ashes, with the commentary by JJ that those ashes were the remains of his dead enemies. People went NUTS over this. People UNSTANNED Kylo for this, I shit you not, others took it as bad writing, lack of coherent characterization, a hint that he was never going to be redeemed, it caused SO MUCH PANIC, lol. 
I also remember very vividly when the first HD version of TFA was leaked, and tumblr was suddenly flooded with a deluge of quality gifs of the duel, the interrogation, unmasked Kylo looking at Snoke with his big puppy eyes, etc. It was CRAZY and it sparked a new wave of meta and commentary, this time MUCH more confident that what we were seeing was real to some extent.
Oh and when filming for TLJ began and we learned that Adam was filming on Skellig Island with Daisy and Mark… that… that was the beginning of a new wave of fanfics, as you can imagine. And the leak of the exploding hut, which most of us thought was BS because it sounded too much like a reylo dream.
2016 was really a crazy year for Reylo shippers.
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you know damn well the best example of villain x hero is me and sheev. i may be evil but sheev respects my choices and we truly love each other
just say you hate obihondo you anti!!!! antis are so toxic #anti obihondo bs #anti bs #sheev palpatine #emperor palpatine #palpatine #ian mcdiarmid  #star wars #sw #star wars prequel #star wars prequel trilogy #star wars original trilogy #the phantom manace #attack of the clones #revenge of the sith #the empire strikes back #return of the jedi #george lucas #obihondo #not obihondo
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icodogio · 6 years
Story of ICO DOG | It’s our Birthday!
What a year it has been! Not only for me but for every ICO DOG core member and the rest of the pack. Exactly one year ago, I started the ICO DOG twitter channel together with the hashtag #YearOfTheDog. 
We started ICODOG in February 2017, everybody was still full of enthusiasm and still high of the ICO rush of 2017. Yes, the market dumped hard, in January, but it would recover in March for sure. At least that’s what we were all thinking back then. March turned to April, followed by May, June, and July. Every month was tougher to handle. The ICO space took a particularly big hit in Q3 and Q4 of 2018, but we didn’t care. It was our year and knew that we had to try our best to make something out of it.
And we did. 
Fast forward to today. Year of the dog is almost over, and it was one of the most exciting years of my life. We managed to learn and achieve so much in just a year. A year where everything was working against us. 
  The last 12 months in 1000 words
Origin of the name ICO DOG, January 2018:
 A friend and I were discussing; what I should call the twitter channel for the ICO reviews? He said, well Brian (my dog)  is here, let’s see if ICO DOG is still free. It was, and so was ICO_DOG born.
Birth of the ICO DOG POOL: February 2018
It was a chaotic time, people were killing each other to get into ICOs. The solution for many was the Pre Sale Pools. People asked me on twitter if I could open a primablock pool so that we can get into those sexy ICOs again. I knew that someone from the balina group was talking about pooling. He made a new telegram group for organizing the pools. I joined the group and, offered the head my twitter channel, he was an idiot and also ruthlessly greedy. After I told them that the ICOs that they were opening were scams or shitty projects, they decided to ban me. I then went to the founder and told him he could screw himself and I’d make my own pool. A better and bigger one. 
That group later became the biggest pool group in the world. The ICO Participation Capital and we became ICO DOG. 
ICO DOG Core Team Emerged: March 2018
ICO DOG grew quickly and the pool telegram channel was active 24/7. We even had a night shift admin, he lived on the other side of the world and could take over when we needed to sleep. The group became bigger, ken, jedi, mo and many others joined in and in March our tech genius Gio joined the dog. 
Birth of the first ICO Presale Platform: April 2018 
ICO hype was slowing down, but there was one project that everybody still wanted to get into. It was One Ledger. Everybody was saying 5x, 10x to the moon, myself included. Somehow I managed to get my hands on a one ledger allocation and people tried to bribe me to an allocation. Most people would have just given it to the highest bidder, but at ICO DOG we do things differently. I always knew about the proof of care system that some ICO adopted to select the people that should be able to invest. 
We decided to do the same, little excel sheet and basic proof of care to see who deserves the allocation the most. It was a huge success, our growth tripled. People were happy, and so was the team. 
We decided to build a platform for pooling that enables the best people to get allocations. This was the birth of the ICODOG Platform.
ICO DOG NO BS Reviews: May 2018
We knew that we needed a better ICO review page. Most, if not all ICO rating sites were nothing more than a rating shop, or a shill fest for VCs and influencers. We needed a place that had a quick overview and breakdown of ICOs, but on a platform that people trust. So we decided to do it ourselves. In the beginning, I tried my best together with Ken to build the website. The early version was, clunky looked like a bad 90s domain and was slow, but at least it was never paid or shilled for.  As we grew, so did the quality of the website. 
                                Old version of ICO DOG Reviews                                                                                  New version of the Website New
                                    Big Expansion & Growth: July 2018
Its six months into the bear market and people started losing faith and leaving the ecosystem. Many projects started to struggle, but the sun could not have shinned for the ICO DOG team. We had the platform and the reviews done, and an army of supporters shilling us like mad. Every day our reviews got better, and the telegram group was booming. 
I remember when one one of my tweets had around 180.000 impressions on Twitter, our telegram was packed and every day 100s of new users registered on the ICO DOG platform. It was the last big dead cat bounce before things turned really dark.
The Post One Ledger & Atonomi ICO Market: All of Q3 2018
ICOs were dumping like crazy, retailers dropping like flies and crypto startups going bankrupt on a weekly basis. Things were bad, but everybody remained hopeful. That quickly changed on the day that One Ledger and Atonomi both dumped hard. Atonomi and one ledger were one of the most hyped and anticipated projects of the year. Nobody expected them to underperform, yet alone to dump, but they did. After that, the ICO game was officially over for many. The majority of people started to finally give up and leave crypto. 
It was a tough spot as a pool. People were pissed, everybody lost money. A lot of money. Even the best ICOs failed. The final nail went into the ICO coffin was Fantom. Very hyped Asian project that dumped just like everything else. After that, people had enough of the ICO space.
After One Ledger failed, we knew we had to change our business model, otherwise, we’d be out of business before the end of the year. We looked at all the problems that were plaguing the ICO system and decided to become the company that would slow the problems that decentralized companies face. Not only until the ICO raised money, but we would focus on helping these projects post ICO to become a decentralized entity.
  Birth of the DAO Maker: Q4 of 2018
In the last few months, the team worked hard on building a plugin solution that could help ICOs with all of their problems. There are millions of software solutions for centralized companies, but 0 for decentralized companies. Blockchains like steem are still plagued by a lack of organization, and the DAO is still a dream. The closest thing to a DAO is still bitcoin.  
We were on a tight time schedule; with revenue gone, we only had a few months to pull this off. Finish the platform and get paying clients and all before the end of the year. 
We took our platform solution and improved it, added blockchain interactions to detect hodlers on and off chain, ERC20 or mainnet. Integrated real-time 5th directive KYC & AML services. Added marketing tools, community management tools, discord integrations and much more. The final product was pretty boss. After 3 months of work, we were ready for our first test client. 
We were pretty happy with the ICO LTO Network, established company very transparent and uses a solution that seems to utilize the power of decentralized systems. Before the end of the year, we had our first deal signed and paid and saved our ass in the process. 
Two days after platform integration LTO network started to moon in terms of awareness. ICOs public sale was said to be dead. Only option would be a IEO (Initial Exchange Offerings), however, LTO managed to raise over $1M on the ICO DOG platform and has been growing very rapidly since. 
Around 4 million USD was raised through crowdsales in 2019 (excluding IEOs) and $1M were raised on the ICO DOG solution. 
    ICO DOG Mass Media: November 2019 
We noticed there is a lack of high quality general educational material in crypto. We had an abundance of crypto mainstream news pages. Such as cointelegraph, coindesk and all the other coins. As well as a huge diversity in ICO review pages, but it was hard to find a place that would just present useful information on crypto related topics on a daily basis. 
We decided to do it ourselves. The beginning was a bit tough, very few readers and our website analytics looked like a desert, but we pushed through and the results started to become visible. It’s January 2019 and we now have “Crypto guides”, “Crypto Stories”, “ICO Deep Dives”, and coming up are the influencer reviews. 
Although we still have a long way to go as a mass media site, the progress is clearly visible. Also, check us out on steemit.com/@icodog
  Roadmap for Q1 of 2019
First lambo, then moon. 
Decentralized Post ICO analysis
Jokes aside. Q1 of 2019 is very exciting for us. We are in the midst of planning our community token. With the help of some fancy token economic theories, we are planning to build a second layer on top of the icodog page for decentralized ICO reviews. The idea is that ICO and crypto shill industry is plagued. Everybody lost trust in reviews, and that’s good. That’s why we are planning to start a little crypto social experiment. More news soon.
DAO Maker upgrades
We are currently in discussions with 3 more projects to implement ICO DOG solutions. Last week we implemented an upgrade that fixed over 100 bugs and implemented the blockchain detection functions as well as improved bot functions to find better community members and also working on some cool features like the anti-Fud button. Community responsibilities and elections, task leaders and a bunch of other cool things. We will present the changes in a joint blog with LTO Network. 
ICO DOG Masternodes are coming back
Our first attempt at the masternodes, was pretty rekt. We started them mid-july just before the second downturn of crypto. We are implementing Masternode overview on the platform and will feature only the top coins that have real utility. 
ICO DOG Crypto Education
We will make some major changes to the icodog website again, but hopefully this time we will finally be happy with the overall user experience and design. We are aiming to become more like an educational cryptocurrency platform and will start designing the overall changes and topics in the next 2 months. 
We are continuing to push more articles and build up our following on all major social media sites. Best time to do marketing is during a bear market. This is the time that you can find the best people and have the least amount of competition.
  If you’re reading this and have been with us since the beginning, then you’re amazing. Thank you so much for  your continuous support through these crazy times. If you’re new or recently found ICO DOG, then welcome to the pack. Let’s make the world decentralized! 
The post Story of ICO DOG | It’s our Birthday! appeared first on ICODOG.
source https://icodog.io/crypto-stories/story-of-ico-dog-its-our-birthday/
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emperorren · 6 years
(1/?) I'm observing the big name antis since late 2016 and the thing that pisses me off the most is that they're completely aware that their discussions are bs, but they're staging a show for their minions in order to control them. In late 2016 they were constantly claiming that RO will reveal that Rey is Jyn and Luke's daughter (if Jyn would survive RO, that year before TLJ would be unbearable - she was the only major candidate for SkyMom, and her death really weakened the R3ySky theory).
(2/?) When Felicty said twice in December that Jyn is not Rey’s mom, they were telling their followers that she has to lie, cause it has to be a surprise. And let’s not even start with the ways how differently they were portraying F1nnr3y’s canon status: a) in TFA F1nn has a crush on Rey, but she’ll love him back in TLJ b) after they misread JJ’s Blu-Ray commentary they claimed it’s a two-sided canon…(3/?) c) that they’re just friends in TFA, but they’ll fall in love in TLJ (after John’s Variety comment) d) that everyone in GA sees it’s canon and only racists clam differently e) that John had to lie that F1nnr3y is only friendship, cause this romance has to be a surprise for GA. The need for controlling their followers is also the reason why a) in August 2017 they started their ant1-Adam campaign (they realized too late that they should prepare their minions for disappointment in Dece,ber)(4/?) b) for the same reason they were obsessing about the FoD Reylo doll set much more than we did c) when it comes to stuff unfavorable for them, they discuss only things picked up by GA (like trailers, movies, not canon books etc.). I’ve read once some Wattpad ant1 meta that canon books are not relevant for the movies, and they’re Reylo-favorable only because LF wants to make cash on reylos between the movies (as if LF didn’t want to make money on these books after TLJ as well. (tbc)(5/?) I’m deeply sorry for this rant - it’s 1AM at my place and I had to rant. At the end I’ll add that the big nam antis like to portray Rian as racist for the fact that he didn’t include L@ndo in the Canto Bight subplot, despite him being perfect for playing the Master Codebraker’s role (it doesn’t matter it was a very minor role, oh no). If the rumors about B1lly Dee W1ll1ams in Episode IX will turn out to be true, they’ll definitely use it as a proof that JJ is their savior ==’
The real question is how do these people still have a following, and what are their followers thinking—don’t they see there isn’t a SINGLE thing they got right? Not a single one? Don’t they see they’re being bullshitted? Don’t they see the endless rephrasing, reaching, repackaging arguments, moving the goalposts, conspiracy theory-like thinking?
anyway the L@ndo thing is new to me, but not surprising, though I frankly don’t get how he could fit in that role: the point of the Master Codebreaker is that nobody knew how he looked like, but L@ndo is a renowned hero of the Rebellion, it would be extremely unlikely that Rose and Finn never heard about him, never saw him in a holocron. As it would be extremely unlikely that L@ndo, once he’d met them in Canto Bight, would leave them to their fate, forcing them to resort to a criminal like DJ. Unless they wanted the Canto Bight plot to be completely different, it just doesn’t work imo. And by this logic there are plenty of moments even in TFA where L@ndo could plausibly show up, but JJ didn’t see fit to have him either. There’s this weird notion among antis that everything JJ did for TFA is just peachy and completely above criticism whereas Rian is the devil, which is funny because reylo, the narrative they hate so much, WAS set up very strongly in TFA, and JJ is absolutely responsible of Kylo being the woobie villain with dark handsome prince vibes, and of Finn not being a jedi despite the way he was marketed. And don’t get me started on Jyn and this fandom’s obsession for casting every single new female character in a hypothetical mom role for Rey (and implicit love interest for Luke). And the idea that Lucasfilm is deceptively cashing on Reylos only to pull the rug from them in the last episode, basically pouring an unthinkable amount of money and resources on what would be essentially just a massive jedi mind trick experiment at the expense of those stupid fangirls… Just… ugh.
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