#backyard blacksmith
erieforage · 6 months
Follow up post on the knife for my friend. All finished could be better but nice and very sharp…
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kingslayers-forge · 1 year
Hi all! finally got around to making those instagram and facebook accounts! just look up kingslayers forge andyoull find me! ill post/update with links in the morning, its currently 3am right now
currently in the process of actually STARTING a business. god adult stuff feels weird to say in first person about myself
as i make projects and commissions ill upload them! so be on the lookout for those and for when my website and commissions go up! ill be testing the waters hopefully soon!
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grimbeak · 2 years
thinking ab the baby ninja being attracted to their elements and the ppl who raised them knowing ab it
Like Kai and Nya's village knew their parents, so it makes sense to them that Nya learns how to swim before she learns how to walk, and that Kai is so interested in blacksmithing and how they have to keep him away from candles. Lou putting up with Cole digging holes in the backyard and coming in covered in mud. Julien thinking Zane is just being all roboty when he wants to sit outside during a snowstorm, or want the air conditioning to be on. Even Lloyd being drawn to brighter lit areas at Darkleys.
Meanwhile, Ed and Edna have NO idea why their baby keeps wanting to electrocute himself, how he keeps undoing the safety measures they put on the plugs, why he keeps sticking wires in his mouth, and why he gives them a static shock every other time they pick him up
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People opinion on colour! (Only some cause I'm lazy.)
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"He's... Actually alive? I was told he died...- sorry, I didn't mean to cry. I was just surprised... He doesn't remember me but his kindness remains the same."
Alphonse (corrupted Nightmare)
"ah that wonderful blacksmith. I really like his works, he made a staff for me. It feels like all his weapons are blessed by gods."
"He planted a lot of sunflowers at his backyard so I thought mom would love it. He's a nice guy so he allowed her to visit him anytime!"
Angst (dead one)
"I really like his hair! He looks like a burning fire but with rainbows."
"oh the blacksmith? He's the one who crafted all the weapons for this kingdom though he rather stay anonymous."
"I can't really remember him but I think he was a survivor from a destroyed au that Hope burned."
"it have been a while since I last seen a blacksmith. I thought they use magic to make weapons now but it seems like I was wrong. I rather not meet him, I'm sure he wouldn't like to meet someone who incidentally destroyed his world...-"
"he don't really like me."
"Mr. Colour is one of the adult I can actually trust. He don't like Lux as he said he can see her soul is rotting... Angst said something about his eye being able to see the truth of people's heart."
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bestworstcase · 5 months
are you willing to share the details on tdt! zhan tiri
behold my incomprehensible diagram!
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um. after v9 i lost all sense of restraint, on the grounds that the blacksmith is an aspect of the tree and therefore the tree reasonably might have other aspects, and then there were four, and then there were twelve. lmao. (the artisan is the blacksmith—she’s depicted as a wood carver and lewis called her ‘the lively carpenter,’ so i figured she’d give herself a more nonspecific name.)
because i am also shaking heraclitus between my teeth like a terrier with a rat, Only One ever exists at a time; the tree is always becoming itself and its aspects shift and flow and transform into each other. in various directions and by varied means. ANYWAY,
those quartets (was/is/will-be) are not temporal categories but rather (copying straight from my lore notes here):
Presiding over forethought and remembrance, the Was concerns itself with what may be known: prophesy before, and memory after, for Time is the circle which remembers itself. It would be a mistake to say that the Is presides over, because the Is does not rule; but it might preside at the choosings, the turnings, the changings, and so the Is circumnavigates the Soul. Some things do not change—some things can never be changed—and over what is unchanging and unchangeable, the Will-Be presides: over strife, over hunger, over graspings, over flux.
was is about the flow of time and knowledge, is concerns action and choice, and will-be are manifestations of inevitability—things that Always Are. if you are uh. familiar with bitter snow zhan tiri i’m sure you can guess where she Goes…
The Reaper, called the Sitient Thorn and the Black Vulture and the Flower-Maker and the Goat-With-One-Thousand-Teeth and the Lady-of-Wilds and the King-of-Beasts—for she has been known by many names in many places—appears however she pleases, and it pleases her to change. Her fur and feathers are oil-dark; she crowns herself with the coal-black horns of a ram; her eyes glitter green; she reeks of vegetable rot and brine. Her true name, if she has one, might be the Wrathful Sky. All things want. Her season is Spring.
she is—as in bitter snow lmao—a little unusual in that she’s not a quote-unquote true aspect of the tree but rather something hungry that came from somewhere else, from the dark country which is nowhere. it is ESSENTIAL FOR HER CHARACTER that she’s a strangler fig. always. so she is kind of a quasi-parasitic trespasser into this Situation but also, in the same way that real stranglers protect their living host trees from being uprooted by storms, not an adversarial one necessarily.
what that means in practical terms is the reaper is the exception to a lot of the, for lack of a better word, “rules” that define the tree’s nature. in her aspect as an aspect of the tree, she takes on its nature; when she isn’t manifest within the tree, though, she exists outside and independent of it. so she can, for example, go for walkies in the backyard
by which i mean remnant. lmao
on remnant, the reaper is the god of animals. she didn’t make the fauni but once they came to be she decided she liked them Best and has favored them ever since. many, but not all, fauni receive her blessing, which (like that of the brothers) confers a magical gift, specifically a form of shapeshifting.
NOT like what the branwens can do—more in the vein of ‘cultivating’ the animal-like traits you already have as a faunus, so if (for example) you were born with shark teeth you might learn to rearrange your respiratory anatomy and grow gills, or give yourself sharklike skin. this can be done in a way that is permanent (this is called ‘ripening’) or not (‘borrowing’). most fauni who learn mix and match a bit (and there are different formal ‘paths’ that combine techniques in different proportions and intensities).
the gift itself is called khime and the practice is khimancy; humans often misunderstand khimancy as sort of a fauni tradition combining auralerie and konurgy (dust-magic) into a single art, but that is. um. Wrong.
(it is possible for master khimancers to fully turn themselves into an animal, but it takes a lot of dedication and many years of training to get there. the ones who get there are called turnskins and they’re rare, like on the level of silver-eyes rare.)
anyway the Reason not every fauni in the world receives khime is she only gives it to the ones who ask. asking is Really Simple—just a small ritual to get her attention, though the specifics vary a lot between different sects—and in many fauni cultures it’s seen as a rite of passage marking the end of one’s childhood. but because it’s a religious practice specific to khimerism, obviously not everyone Does It.
conversely, it isn’t Just For Fauni in the sense that a human could petition the reaper for her gift if they so chose, and she might say yes. for all intents and purposes this is Converting To Khimerism and under khimeric law makes you a faunus—although it won’t cause a physical alteration right away, there is a process for revealing your true form.
this is PRETTY RARE but not unheard of. there’s a handful of fauni folk heroes who are said to have been born human and either left in the wilderness as infants and being saved by fauni parents or outcast from human society and turning to the god of animals for solace; mythically speaking, the idea is that, just as the god of animals offered their gift to some humans who refused, perhaps there might be a very few humans whom they missed, or who weren’t born at the right time, and such people will find their own path to where they truly belong.
(IN CASE IT ISN’T OBVIOUS i’ve chosen to veer off the ‘racism allegory’ angle by leaning into the religious aspect of fauni identity; the narrative in ‘the shallow sea’ is essentially “we are our god’s chosen people and through this covenant we were changed” so—in the context of TDT where the god of animals and their shape-changing magic is real—if one chooses to convert and accept that covenant one can become a faunus. the reverse however isn’t true: one can leave the religion and relinquish the gift, but that doesn’t get rid of the fauni traits. nothing is erased, nothing forgotten.)
salem knows about her. (her opinion is chiefly “stop. trying. to eat. my. grimm.” they have tea sometimes it’s complicated.) ozpin thinks the god of animals is a myth, if a curiously persistent one. and the reaper is also like… at least half of remnant’s cryptids because when she’s out for walkies in the backyard most of the time she does it as a horrible mishmash Creature. when fauni characters say the Lady or the King they’re talking about her. she is both the Lady and the King because she doesn’t know what a gender is (and at this point she’s too afraid to ask) and she picks her pronouns on the basis of “i’ll have what my friend is having :)”
the god of light. HATES HER. she crawled in through the jabberwalker (no relation to the walker) (theophoric name) and latched onto the tree before the brothers could Get Rid of her and then made herself part of the tree Somehow!!! (you are what you eat) so now she just exists outside of his power.
(the brothers were both actually far more powerful than the tree when they left the ever after, because the tree is a passive force, it cannot act outside of itself, but the brothers had no power over the tree. so the reaper can’t overrule the god of light on his ultimatum—although she’d like to—but he can’t do anything to stop her from going for walkies. he just seethes impotently.)
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pogueszn · 1 year
watching forged in fire (do not perceive me) and now i’m thinking about making jj his own knife content warnings: knives baby loll mention of knives and blades, mentioned but not described other than 'metal gleam in the sunlight', giving jj a knife (we all know what the outcome of that would look like), lowercase intended. not beta read so if you see any typos- no you didn't, pls let me know if i've forgotten to tag something wc: 588
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a relative of yours who lives just shy of an hour away from the OBX is a blacksmith. has been your whole life. you remember being a young girl, watching with wide eyes as they showed your father the sword they had made in the forge in their backyard. you were thirteen when they made you your own knife. it was a small one, it had a wooden handle with teal detail on the side. you loved it. it's still in mint condition - still sharp as when you got it. and you were fifteen when you showed interest in making your own.
it’s jj’s birthday and you know that he would love a one of a kind blade that is his and his alone. one that he can brag about to whoever he wants. one that he can whip out and let the metal gleam in the sunlight as he boasts,
"yeah boys. handmade, one of a kind,"
so you make him one. you spend about a month making the journey to the main land to brain storm with your relative and you finally have something that you know he’ll love.
the second he opens the box and it registers in his head what he’s looking at his eyes go wide. and you can't help but smile - he looks just like a kid in a candy store.
“holy shit baby! this is-!” he grips the handle tightly in his fist and gives it a good couple of waves through the air with a "wah! pah! pah!"
“J! Jesus! Careful with it! It’s sharp as fuck!” your reprimand comes quick but in the end you knew exactly what the outcome would be giving him his own knife.
“-So cool!” he exclaims and stretches the hand holding the knife far away from you as he leans over to press a thank you kiss to glossed lips, “thank you, it’s amazing, i love you.”
you smile against his lips, your hands cradle his warm cheeks and your fingers subconsciously slide into his hair. your laugh is muffled in your mouth as jj gives you one, two, three more fast and chaste kisses.
“seriously, babe,” he says once he’s back in his seat, his eyes running up and down the entirety of the blade, “where did you get it?”
“i made it!” you beam.
he freezes and for a second your stomach drops. a few long seconds go by and he doesn't say a word, but when jj finally looks up at you, even though you’ve stared into his eyes a million times, your heart skips a beat.
“are you serious? you made this?” he asks.
you let out an unnerved chuckle, “yeah…” you say, “that’s why i’ve been going to the main land so often.”
silence smothers you. you're not sure you can take much more of it so you open your mouth to ask if there’s something wrong when he places the blade back in the case and rounds around the coffee table in lightening speed.
his hands cup your face and his lips are back on you again. he’s excited, the kiss is rushed, his nose bumps against yours but you don’t care. you relish in the way his lips feel on you, thumbs caressing the soft skin of his wrist.
he pulls away but just barely. he smiling down at you from where he stands, boots pressing into the legs of the couch, his hair is tickling your forehead.
“is it weird that i find that really hot?”
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 4 months
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It’s time for TWO more series, one shot and art recs! This week I went with three characters, two recs each for Joel, Ezra & Oberyn. And I loved them all to bits and pieces. 🤎💚💛
Two Series Recs:
Joel Miller x F!Reader
Rugged because TLOU, Soft because Adira
I fell behind on this absolute stunner of a story, so I had the joy of catching up with the two most recent parts all in one go. And let me tell you, for as much TLOU typical tension and angst as there is in these latest two parts, they truly were a joy to read. Because one of Adira’s many strong suits is balancing soft with hard, safety with danger, joy with fear. Watching Joel slowly open up, watching Reader learn how to reach him, watching Ellie get to have more normalcy? It’s beautiful. It’s got my heartstrings all knitted up all warm and fuzzy like, and simultaneously has me ready to stab anyone who hurts a hair on any of their heads with a knitting needle. But Joel’s got that covered, doesn’t he?
OBERYN & HIS MERLING by @grogusmum
Oberyn Martell x GN!Merling Reader
A fairytale romance with a bittersweet touch
I recently treated myself to Hazel’s Seven Tears and absolutely loved every mythical second of it. So when I saw that she also had a story centered around a Merling Reader, I KNEW I’d love it just as much. And I was right. Everything from the visuals of Reader’s Yew Forest to their appearance was magical, and the lengths that Oberyn (and Ellaria) go to for his Merling to keep them safe and happy for so perfectly with what we know about him - that he’s a lover, a protector, an open mind and a full heart.
Two One Shot Recs:
TALK, REFINED by @ohforficsake
Ezra x F!Reader
Soulmates/ multiple lifetimes AU
This is one of those stories that is going to stick with me for a long time. I’m gonna be like that meme where it’s like hey you okay you’ve been quiet what are you thinking about? And in my brain it’s just “the warrior and the blacksmith and that iris charm” but I have to be like “I’m fine 👍🏻”. This story won my heart, broke my heart, and fixed my heart as I followed a pair of fated lovers finding each other through three different lifetimes, and it did so in truly beautiful fashion. The repetition of certain motifs, the way gorgeous lines are sprinkle throughout this whole piece like glitter, the bond between these characters, these souls… it’s perfect.
IN BLOOM by @maggiemayhemnj
Ezra x GN!Reader
Fluff + pup + blossoms
EZRA. AND. A DOG*!😀🥰 *A troublemaking little rascal who is just like his owner, as dogs tend to be. I love that Ezra has a companion to keep him company, and I love even more that this companion (Peanut! 🥹) seems determined to get his human a human companion …. By any (thieving) means necessary. Everything between Ezra and Reader falls so naturally into place and how could it not with him being so charming and Peanut being such a peanut? I also truly loved the thought of Ezra creating his own little Green haven in his backyard. Hope I get to spend some more time back there someday soon. 😌
Two Art Recs:
OBERYN + RED VIPERS by @rimermin
This is so freaking COOL! Surrounding the Red Viper with actual red vipers is such a striking visual. I love the colors and the expression he’s wearing here. Just stunning!
JOEL + SARAH SNAPSHOTS by @alyssamariag
Listen, I ADORE these. SO MUCH. Look at their SMILES! Look at Joel and his Dad Strength™️. The note from Sarah because let’s face it, he absolutely needs the reminder. The watch. Just… 🥹🥲🥰 perfection.
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kiisuuumii · 2 months
@kiisuuumii's writerly questionnaire !
thank you @lead-to-code for tagging (ily kara <33)
i'd love to see yall's answers (only if you'd like to share of course !) @noahsbong @yearning-rambles @thesorcererpoet
about me:
1. when did you first start writing?
i was maybe between seven and nine ? to be honest, i can't really remember when it was, but i remember the first few things i wrote were story quizzes on a (now gone </3) website called quizilla (it was naruto rp....................)
2. are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
not really, now that i actually think about it ! ive always been the type of writer that only liked writing angst, and even outside of writing (fan) fiction (which tbh i dont do very much of anymore), so much of my poetry either comes from heavy emotion or features it so sdghjksd
3. is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
theres one mutual, actually, who i actually wished i could write more like. in a very self-deprecating way, but ive since become very comfortable, and maybe even happy (!), with my style of writing ! so, no, i'm not really looking to emulate anyone in particular, and no one's ever made a comparison between my work and someone else's so no to that one too :0
4. can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (room, coffee shop, desk, etc)
i usually write on my phone, in the notes app or in my drafts here ! and ill usually only write in a (head) space where i can really think, undisturbed, for at least 30-45 mins. so i'll usually be out in my backyard under one of my calamansi trees ! though, lately, ive been occasionally writing at my desk on desktop tumblr :>
5. what's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
fall in love with someone
once i start thinking about how everything around me is alive, i start remembering that i, too, am apart of nature—a lucky enough set of sequenced mutations, to make me—just a eating, breathing, shitting animal. how lucky this set of mutations is to take it all in, the emeralds in the trees, and the beat of a chipmunk's heart, how scared we all are.
that or love
6. did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
people, no, but places, yes. i grew up for most of my childhood in the desert, and i have /always/ hated summers, because i'm kinda heat sensitive, and i sweat easily, and i hate it i hate i hate it djhks
but, a year ago, i moved back home, and, honestly, since being back home, ive come to appreciate the desert a bit more sgkjds i used to think they were ugly and uninteresting, but there's so much more there if you look a bit harder imo
7. are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
honestly !! i think there are plenty obvious ones, but i really wanna talk about /the lack of/ sexual themes in my work !! i wanna write more sexetry or whatever, but it feels really embarrassing to sdghks i really like writing them too, but again !! it just feels embarrassing !! ;w;
my characters:
1. would you please tell me about your current favourite character? (current wip, post wip, never used, etc)
not to copy of kara dskjfs but i love my first (and my current) d&d chara !! her name is maeve umerie, and shes a drow wild magic sorcerer / (planned artillerist) artificer !! shes so packed full of trauma and self-harming behaviors and addictions that i dont even know where to start <33 (i promise i love her i would actually be so devastated if she died before i could give her a proper happy ending </3)
2. which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
i have this fantasy novel thought that ive floated in my head since maybe september-october of last year, and, in it, i have a character named levin hel, and AUGH hes just a sweetie :^( hes the son of a blacksmith-gunsmith duo who know a thing or two about magic, and is the apprentice to the son of the wizard who saved his life (who's name is nox, and he's an asshole ! but also i love him so much ;v;)
i need go go back to all my notes and stuff on it, bc i invested A LOT of time worldbuilding for it, but yea levin's a very kindhearted person, very much wanting to be like nox's father :'''^) </3
3. which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
i would absolutely hate to meet maeve mother. she's horribly self-serving and emotionally manipulative. she rules the house with an iron fist, and anything less than the best is worthless. she uses everything at her disposal to get what she wants, family or not.
4. tell me about the process of coming up with one, all, or any of your characters.
im ngl most if not all of my characters are just bits and pieces of me and my wants in different aus >_> .................................
5. do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
family and/or religious trauma mhm yep
6. how do you picture them? (as real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc)
for my fantasy wip, i imagine imaginary artwork, but for maeve, i have pieces i've drawn and pieces i've commissioned of her !! id love to someday get pieces of her family and other major characters in her past commissioned :>
my writing:
1. what's your reason for writing?
i will say that it's changed over the years. as a kid, and up until college, i've wanted to always be a story-teller. but, lately, i dont really have a reason for writing, other than to satisfy the thing that lives inside me that wants to write :^)
2. is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particular motivating coming from your readers?
knowing other people's reactions, getting to hear how something made them feel emotionally, or physically, or if there was a particular thought or memory that came to mind. i love knowing what people see, what my work makes people see, if anything.
that or if theres something, a word choice, or a line, that you thought was clever or struck you !!! i always love knowing people's thoughts !!!
3. how do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (for example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented world builder, as a role model, etc)
i want to be thought of just as another person, honestly. someone who had very human emotions, and did the only thing she knew how to do.
4. what do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
uhhhhh im ngl i think this is also my greatest weakness but i have a tedium to my world-building, in that i need history-book-level details of my worlds or i will die (like i drew my own map. i drew a fucking map of an entire contiment)
5. what have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
yk,,,,, no ones given me a whole lot of specifics so im not sure,,,,,
6. how do you feel about your own writing? (answer in whatever way you interpret this question)
i said it before, but im pretty content at the moment with my poetry. though with prose, i think i could probably improve a bit sdgjksg
7. if you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
uh yeah !!!! i write and record voice memos in my journal fully knowing no one will ever read it or listen back right now as it is so !!!!
8. when you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? if it's a mix of the two, which holds most influence?
i gotta be honest, writing is a selfish act for me. i write because i want to, in ways that tickle my fancy dgkjds
it really is almost like an instinct for me
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dragonstailbutch · 8 months
blacksmithing ask!!!
how would one get started with blacksmithing?
That's a really good question!!
there's a bunch of different ways to go about it, and every one has a preferred way to go about it. I would say try to find a local or even semi-local blacksmith near you, for safety reasons and as a way to make a in-person connection. You'd want to email/call/contact them prior of course, if you just showed up out of nowhere you might not be looked as kindly upon lol.
if you need help looking for someone, you can generally find a nearby college/university and see if there's a metalworking class or teacher there, or for more resources you can look for a local union or guild.
They'll generally have a space for stuff already as well as having equipment for incidents already handy, for example, I found myself a blacksmith a bit away from me after a lot of research and started talking with them, and they were super helpful and so kind as to help me make my first knife for basically free and let me keep it as well, all I had to do was sign a few papers for safety and whatnot, and he even showed me how to do a couple different types of other blades too, just offhandedly!!
from my experience most blacksmiths are really helpful and even eager to help you get into blacksmithing! so don't feel too scared about asking, y'know?
You can also always just start doing small things yourself! just take a bunch of precautions when you're doing this, have a fire extinguisher/bucket of sand/water nearby, there's a BUNCH of videos where technically you can do it in your backyard, just be sure (especially if you're in the U.S) to check your local HOA and city restrictions, and if you're especially concerned you can call your local fire station for advice on safety and just give them a heads up.
I might add some links and resources later if anyone is interested in those to help look for things, or people can DM and I'll try to help them out!
Hopefully I answered a good amount of stuff for you 💜
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erieforage · 8 months
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I made my daughter a blacksmith knife necklace out of one of the leftover pieces of Damascus from the gun rack I made earlier in the year.
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kingslayers-forge · 1 year
hey, all, jus updating you on the process of whats happening. Currently trying to figure out a plan for whats next, talking with some family who started their own business and getting tips and advice from them, looking for grants and loans and stuff.
im also gonna go ahead and drop the curret links i have to:
my insta.!
my facebook
and ill reblog with twitter and etsy and whatnot later
the plan is to make my own website for easier commissions and keep track of what all is going on, and have everything link back to it eventually! Be on the lookout for that!
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c3e69 (nice)
At present, because it wasn't obvious whatsoever from the end of the last episode, their game plan is to a) fix Ludinus' harness and use it to defeat him; and b) use the harness in the Shattered Teeth to absorb energy to make themselves stronger.
New Ashton outfit! Highlights include knee-high boots, color-shifting fabric, black gloves with brass buckling on them, the pentagon symbol on the back of the black spiked jacket, a deep crimson lining in the jacket. "Do you believe in fate? Chaos has a fucked up sense of humor. It feels... I feel seen. It feels like a uniform. It feels just."
Orym, Fearne, FCG, and Nell travel to Zephrah's graveyard. It's a terrace atop a hill with flowers, impossibly bright and vibrant, connected to multiple of the same structures on different mountaintops. Will and Derrig's graves are marked by stacks of stones; a weathered chestplate sits against the base of Derrig's, and Will's sword is stuck into the dirt in front of his.
Meanwhile, Chetney, Laudna, and Imogen (with Ashton tagging along behind) head toward a hilltop to see if they can ride a skysail. They eventually bribe their way onto a handful of "training" skysails.
I forgot how much I love Chetney and Laudna's interactions. They're so fucking chaotic.
Chetney and Laudna dogfighting on skysails while Laudna's tandem is trying and failing to take back control of the thing and Imogen is just flying around near them -- this is peak comedy and has the exact same energy as Beau and Veth racing up the tree
Orym goes and picks up his commission. His new armor is almost a bodysuit made of dark brown leather; it's more battle-ready, more appropriate for the front lines than the more "Zephran casual" outfit he was wearing. The blacksmith tells him that Keyleth has paid for the armor, that it's his "uniform."
They head to Orym's favorite beer garden, the Aerie Eire, to have a drink.
Naturally, FCG finds this an appropriate place to bring up his god shit again. Like, I understand why -- it's a completely reasonable character choice for Sam to make, and perfectly reflects FCG's immaturity, naivety, and inability to make decisions on their own -- but fuck, it's really grating. FCG has had this black-and-white line of thinking since the campaign started, and they've just stayed behind while the rest of the Hells have grown out of those early-campaign things.
Laudna steps outside and goes to sit on a cliffside and meditate. Quietly, under her breath -- "Delilah? Are you still there? I felt a little pulse, back in Issylra. So I'm just curious." Nothing, then Imogen approaches, sits next to her. They kiss.
As they stand to go, Laudna hears a voice. "No matter who you pray to, no matter who you reach for, you are, and will always be, mine."
Chetney takes out the sword, and it tries to convince him that Keyleth is untrustworthy because she's an ally of the Council of Tal'dorei. (Sigh.)
Liam is way too good at acting half-drunk, lmao
"We should make a fire!" "Not on the roof." "Aww..." They return to Orym's mom's house, and debate sleeping on the roof or in the backyard.
Fearne scries on Dancer. She's in a dark city street, a little past sunset -- she's in Yios, being accompanied by a little spherical helper robot and a metallic bat-like creature. In her eyes, there's a battle between the magnificence of the city around her and the reality of enjoying it alone.
Ope, the players have started calling D "Devexian" --
Orym uses the sending stone. "Hey Caleb. I am in Tal'dorei after shit went down. You alive? We been drinkin'. But seriously, are you alive? Talk to me, goose." Orym's connection to the stone's enchantment feels crackly and broken, and there's no response. Laudna checks the scry ball, and it's dark.
They complete a long rest, and set off to see Keyleth. She's going to be hopping around the world to contact her allies, though they have very little information about where they're going and who they're facing.
The Bells Hells have decided that they're going to go to either Yios (to see Dancer) or the Menagerie Coast (to see D), then to the Shattered Teeth. Keyleth notes that, although she herself hasn't been to Evan'travir, Jirana can guide them there.
Keyleth has had a thought. "Perhaps... perhaps, when you feel comfortable and ready, maybe a mission of information, to go there and back, to see what we're dealing with." "A mission to the moon?" "I know it seems strange, but just yesterday, you told me there were people there, so..."
I think, through all this, that is the clue they needed. That statement is Matt definitively telling them that they do have time, they can go find Dancer and D, they can go to the Shattered Teeth and make it back on time for the fight.
Now that they're talking about it, it seems prudent to mention that Imogen summoning the reiloran spirit is her using summon aberration, and that the reiloran uses the star spawn stat block (see its psychic aura). And star spawn are specifically the twisted forms of followers of elder evils.
There was some left over, so Keyleth offers them the remainder of the salve that cured her wounds.
Also, Keyleth offers them a plan for transportation: she'll travel with them to either Dancer or D (and could regrow Dancer's arm with regenerate if that's where they go), then send them to the Shattered Teeth once they're done.
oh I cannot wait for Chetney to take a swing at Keyleth, just to see him get hit with a feeblemind
They teleport to Yios. "You ever been to a casino, Tempest?" Fearne uses locate creature and immediately clocks Dancer's presence.
They head to a nearby inn, and FCG and Imogen go up to Dancer's room. "FCG... I don't need to be fixed, alright? What I've been able to make here is a reminder of being careful where I put my trust." "Well, then can you... can you at least... I can't move on, I can't do my job, until I conclude this chapter with you. I did something horrible, something I can't live with unless you let me -- I'm not asking you to forgive me, I'm asking you to do something good for someone else." "If you really came here to help, to fulfil whatever fuckin' savior mission you put yourself on, I'll help, but... I can't do anything about whatever you've decided to put yourself through. The only one hanging on is you. I know it sounds harsh, but you gotta fuckin' move on."
She accepts their offer. She'll look at Ludinus' vest and will try to fix it, in exchange for FCG never talking to her again. She herself doesn't know exactly what it does, but thinks that Imahara Joe could offer some insight; so Keyleth transports them to Bassuras.
Upon arrival, FCG is attacked by Shithead, which is promptly killed and begins to reform. FCG casts identify on it, revealing an extremely strong necromantic power seated within the bird. Fearne uses speak with animals on it. "My master is gone and I cannot die, so I just shit on [FCG]... it's been so long, I can't even remember, but I once had a name... she called me Gargo." Alright, so this fucker is 100% the familiar of the mage FCG murdered during the Care and Culling, right?
So, on this: turn undead does not affect Laudna. She shouldn't have made a save, because Hollow Ones are not mechanically undead (they only count as such for detection, not spell effects); but regardless, she never could've been destroyed by it, because a PC's challenge rating is usually their character level minus 1 or 2 (so the Bells Hells' CR are all 9, Keyleth's is 19, etc.)
In Bassuras, everything has a red hue, as the perpetually flaring Ruidus casts its cursed light upon the Hellcatch Valley. And that's where we pick up next time.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
About the wedding with iward request
"I think he would probably have a "fake" wedding. None of the papers, nothing changes, just.. he and his partner have a little mock party and have fun. Thats it. Its literally in their backyard, the only thing is he wears a bowtie. His partner can just put a white flower in their hair or wear a bowtie also if they want and. Thats it."
What if they happily arranged everything together? Reader baking the cake while Itward rambles about the preparations.... making fran the flowergirl..... palonthras is his best man.... midnight is the ringbearer..................
Flapping hands around
Reader, being overly dramatic, kissing Itward all over literally in front of everyone(the children!!) and boasting about how they now have the best husband in the world, how precious and perfect he is(their speech embarassed him too, but they tried to at least tone it down and just pour the feels in)....... pinning q flower on his hat..... clinging to his arm... laughing about how they're now newlyweds.... all that in a silly-willy-nilly way....... ouhfjdudh......auofociggdsbnnh.. ...........
Yummy cake pics:
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Wedding shenanigans w/ itward!
YAHOO!!! I.. did not end up playing fran bow tonight; I kind of fell asleep early and woke up at 1am <\3 so uh... now it's nearly 2am, and I cant get back to sleep TToTT
Devours the cakes :3
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A lot of what you said in the ask happens! Palontras is best man, mr midnight is ringbearer, and Fran is the flower girl! While it might not be an official wedding in terms of documents and legal stuff, the ceremony still holds the same sentiments I think..! Really the ceremony is more for you, if anything; I dont remember if I said it, but itward doesn't see marriage as the end all be all of relationships, so I'm not sure if he would really throw a pseudo wedding unless his partner wanted it
Gosh can you imagine getting married in ithersta? Like ithersta already is pretty, but imagine an area getting "the works" to make it for for the occassion
Since it takes place in ithersta, ziar is the "officiant"
Damn imagine having a king turn up to your own party
Itward makes you both matching rings to further push that point that you guys are dedicated to one another; plus I like to think itward likes showing off his skills and I hc that he makes rings so :3!
His eyes are all ●● throughout the entire ceremony, and I think thsts really sweet
His awkwardness/nervousness is still there though, hes probably fidgeting at the altar waiting for you to arrive
A bunch of people show up; of course theres palontras, fran, mr mightnight and ziar.. but I think cogwing and the great wizard would also be there! As well as a handful of itherstas citizens that I think you guys might be friends with
New hc has been struck, itward is friends with prooter (the blacksmith dude) and that's where itward got the materials for the rings
He wears his very best suit, too I think..
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crowtrobotx · 11 months
Okay so a YouTuber I enjoy made this video about some wack ass History Channel show (as if there’s any other kind) which is essentially a needlessly intense blacksmithing competition and I shit you not the one contestant at the end - whose completely unsafe and insane set up is in his trashy ass backyard - at one point puts on sunglasses and lights a cigar and says “I’ve got my eye protection and respirator” INSANE KARL ENERGY. Man was POSSESSED by Heisenberg in that moment. Unreal.
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lilabella12 · 5 months
1307 - Day 1
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The heavy rain that begins in spring makes the fields sprout fast.
Also, Finnian finally put aside his anxieties and starts bonding with his son.
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Emma couldn't be happier. With Finnian taking his share of parenting seriusly she can fulfill her duties as the homemaker a little bit better.
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With the second hen now producing eggs, She can finally cook some new recipes!
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"Finn, I've been thinking... Would it be possible for you to build a barn for summer? I would really like to sell some of our preserves to the neighbours but if I need to buy milk every time..."
"Of course! We need to think were to build it, though, the backyard is a little cramped now. But we could always cultivate the fields on the other side of the property."
Finnian gets to work right away. It may take some time to finish, though, he still has his contracts with the Robles.
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He did manage to bring a big percentage of his last payment to the Earl, though, reducing their debt to only 12.000 simoleons.
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Back at home, Emma gets a visit by her father with some family news.
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"It's a little hard for me to tell you, but my new wife just gave birth to another baby. I didn't even know it was possible at our age to still grow our family."
"Really? Is she alright, is the baby okay? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know... I didn't know what you would think about it. She's alright, though, the midwife said everything went fine."
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"That makes me really happy. Are you happy, too?"
"Yes and no. You know I've been getting on with my years so I don't know how much longer I can care for the little boy. We named him Emanuel."
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"Did you hear that, Daniel? You have a little uncle."
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Life in Henford is good as well. Jayden and Leah developed a really close relationship after Jayden lost out on her first few years because of his duties. He's happy just being a father now... and a good blacksmith as well.
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Tara managed to start the cultivation of their land with a few seeds she found while foraging. She has a little helper in Leah and even some rabbits come to visit.
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starmotte · 1 year
What is the most influential/popular form of art in wamashi society as of now? Are they in art movement in particular by the times of cosmos and current?
Oh y'all are making me WORLDBUILD today huh.
Hm... so I can't give one total overarching answer to that because Albea is very, very big and has a lot of cultures and of course wamashi aren't going to have the exact same eras we do. However, I can list off equivalents that best describe the era each province is in - though of course its all blended together and not restricted to each province. So enough rambling.
We're gonna start with Isalka to the north. feel like they're very big fans of metalworking in their current era. Carefully molding scraps of metal into shape, whether in a forge or in their backyards, blacksmithing or welding. This is majorly in part because Isalka is the biggest exporter of metals and has So Much Of It. Isalka has a very Art Noveau-esque style - pragmatic and clean and ornamental.
On the COMPLETE OPPOSITE side of the spectrum, I feel liiiike in the Southern province of Asaiva especially there's a culture resembling Arte Povera - making art using "poor" materials such as rocks and rope and cloth, etc etc. And then mix that with a bit of surrealism.
However, this isn't because the South is poor (honestly it's the opposite) - these are simply very common materials for them, as Asaiva has a very fishing-and-seafaring culture. Ropes and rocks to tie oneself to land, cloth like from sails to guide yourself on the waters - it's a sort of reverence for the ocean and the deity inhabiting it.
Now Myretei to the east... Romanticism, but with gears and clocks. Down to earth but very methodical and mechanic, with art such as "paintings" made of metal scraps that routinely move in a set pattern. Basically a looping animation but powered by mechanisms instead of being drawn. Super SUPER steampunk.
Akaiyel... Akaiyel is a fun one, because the western province is a cultural mixing pot. Why wouldn't it be, it's the transport capital! Expressionism, futurism, pop art... and mix those in with all the other listed cultures. The rule there is "literally whatever you want".
And finally, Ryzatyl... the central province in the middle of all this. Moreso travelled through than travelled to, due to its ungodly temperatures and how there's literally parts of it that get too hot to live in comfortably for people, and the art that develops there can't really be put under one label - the art of survival, proudly displaying their love for a home others see as dangerous and wild in a way that almost seems violently alive, paints placed onto canvas with claws and tails instead of brushes. They'll even use bones or furs from livestock or hunted animals to emphasize this. If I had to name it... ars vivendi, or "the art of living" would be a fitting term. (Apologies if that's incorrect Latin - I am merely armed with google translate).
And that's all! Sorry Anon, you were probably expecting something short and sweet but the reality is wamashi are incredibly varied in their cultures and summarizing their culture to a simple point is a feat I have yet to achieve.
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