#bae doo hoon
slowlydiving · 1 year
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Forestella's Doohoon married fellow musical actress Kang Yeon Jung ♡
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forest-picinc · 23 days
Loving You Keeps Me Alive – DRACULA: THE MUSICAL
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leedongwook · 2 years
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Bae Doo Hoon // Forestella “Bad Romance”
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zo2paintedlady · 1 year
Dear Forestella,
Where have you been all of my life? I don't know how I've made it this long on this cruel earth without hearing the beautiful sounds that you produce. Thank you for blessing my ears.
Love, Me
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rkive-ana · 2 years
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lyrics365 · 29 days
소식 (Dear)
huhoeran nunmuli naji anneun seulpeum ibyeoleul malharyeo hal ttaen haji mothae huimihan eolguljocha chimmuk honjaseo namgyeojin nae sinse annyeongeul malharyeo hal ttaen deutjil mothae eoril jeok iteun nappeun kkum hanbeonman hanbeonman bulreobol su itdamyeon gayeopeun geudae pume angyeo ul tende nae modeun apeumeun namgyeodugo tteonaga miwoseo jiul su itdorok andwae geudaega wonchi anneun…
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seoulbeatscom · 1 year
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korelist · 10 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 8,3 Benim puanım: 6
Drama: Kingdom
Hangul: 킹덤
Director: Kim Sung-Hoon, Park Yoo-Young
Writer: Kim Eun-Hee (webcomic & screenplay), Yang Kyung-Il (cartoon)
Date:, 2019-2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Ju Ji-Hoon, Bae Doo-Na, Kim Hye-Jun, Kim Sung-Kyu, Jun Suk-Ho, Gianna Jun
Orta çağ Kore’sinde geçen zombi dizisi olmaz demeyin. Kim Eun-Hee ve Yang Kyung-Il 'nın 2014 yılında yazdığı “Land of the God" adlı webtoon’dan uyarlayıp ekrana getirmişler. Tarihi bir dönem dizisi olmasının yanı sıra vahşet, yozlaşma, siyaset ve "salgın hastalık" gibi konuları bir araya getiriyor. Dizi; ölen annesi cariye olduğu için dışlanmış bir veliaht prens, veliaht prensten küçük bir yeni kraliçe ve ölü bir kral ile başlıyor.
Çiçek hastalığına yakalanan kral, çok uzun süre dayanamıyor ve hastalığa yenik düşüp ölüyor. Hamile kraliçe, babası olan devlet baş konsey üyesiyle kralın öldüğünü herkesten gizliyor, Kralı görmek için ısrar eden Veliaht prensi hain ilan ederek saraydan sürüyorlar. Bebek doğana kadar tahtı kral yönetiyormuş gibi gösterip, bebeği tahta oturtmayı amaçlıyorlar. Veliaht prens ise gizlice girdiği kralın odasında babası yerine bir canavar ile karşılaşıyor. Kralın yanında en son bulunan hekimin yerini öğrendikten sonra yardımcısı ile gizlice saraydan çıkıp hekimi bulmak için yola düşüyor.
Veliahttın aradığı hekim ise, kralın üzerinde diriliş çiçeği uygulamıştır. Bu uygulama sonucu kral dirilmiş dirilmesine ama bir canavara dönüşmüştür. Bizim anlayacağımız şekilde, zombi olmuş. Odasında rahatsız olduğu için dinlendiğini söyleyip, kralı zincirlerler. Ama bir kaza sonucu hizmetçilerden birine saldırır. Hizmetçiyi köyüne götürüp gömmeleri için teslim ederler. Şimdi bunu bu kısımda neden yaptıklarına dair hiçbir fikrimiz yok. Kralın ısırdığı kişiler zombide olmuyor, orada da bir sorun yok.
Bu sırada saray halkı normal bir hayat sürerken, dışarıda insanlar açlıktan kırılmaktadır. Saray dışındaki halk bir lokma ekmek bulamaz ve avlanması da yasaktır. Köydeki bir sivri zeka çıkıp getirdikleri zombi didiklemiş cesetten çorba yapıyor. Ve açlıktan ölmek üzere olan küçük yerleşkedeki herkese yediriyor. Ne hikmetse kendisi yemiyor. Bununda nedenini bilmiyoruz. Hekimin yardımcısı da koşturmaktan yemeğe fırsat bulamıyor. O kadar açken nasıl bulamıyor bilmiyoruz. Akşamına bu ikisi hariç bütün köy zombi olarak uyanmasın mı! Bunca senedir zombi dizisi izlerim. İlk defa bir zombi salgını, zombiler insanı ısırdığı için değil, insanlar zombiyi yediği için patlak verdi.
Dizinin prodüksiyonu şahane, sinematografisine söyleyecek laf yok. Hele o zombiyi oynayan Koreliler aman Allah’ım! adete zombi rolü yapmak için doğmuşlar. Ama NEDEN! bir kraliçe doğmamış çocuğum tahta geçecek diye bütün ülkeyi zombi etti. Senaryosu çok iyi olup kötü çekilen dizi izledim ama konusu bu kadar kötü başka diziye rastlamamıştım. Adeta dizide her şey ters hissiyatta ilerliyor. Spoiler verecek bir şey yok zaten ama olanı da vermeyeyim diye detaya girmiyorum.
Dizi reytingleri, diziye yapılan yorumlar ve tepkiler inanılmaz. Ben bir şeyleri kaçırdığımı düşünmeden edemiyorum. Kendi adıma ben diziden hiç keyif almadım. Alamadım. Oyuncular arasında 2 kişiyi daha önce izlemiştim. Neredeyse tanıdık yüz yoktu. Bae Doo-Na daha önce Sense8 de oynamıştı. Oradan tanıyorum. Dizi de de sanırım en aklı başındaki karakter olabilir. Birkaç sahnede koca ülkede bir kişinin mi kafası çalışıyor diye sorguladım. Birde Jun Suk-Ho’u bir çok dizide yan rollerde izlemiştim. Buradaki karakteri beni çok eğlendirdi. Çirkin şansı mı diyeyim, şeytan tüyü mü diyeyim bilmiyorum.
Konuya dönecek olursam, 6+6 toplam 12 bölümden oluşan 2 sezonluk bir diziydi. Sonrasında 1saat 40 dk lık devam filmi çekilmiş. 3. Sezon içinde anlaşma yapılmış. Hala aklım almıyor, o ayrı. Kraliçe rolündeki Kim Hye-Jun, tam dayaklıktı. Bu arada bence birçok şey mantıksızdı. Nedenini açıklamadıkları çok fazla açık bıraktılar. Zombilerin nasıl bir menzili var, ne kadar uzaktan gelebiliyorlar. Kokumu alıyorlar, sese mi duyarlılar? All of us are dead dizisindeki zombiler ile baya bir benzerlik taşıyorlardı. İkisi de ısırıp bırakıyordu. Hiçbir mantığı olmayan davranışlar. Koşa koşa gelip bir diş alıyorlar. Zombi olma mantığını enteresan bir matematiğe oturttular. Yaptıkları o açıklamayı beğendim.
İki sezon dizi ve bir film bitirdim. En başta o Young-Shin (Kim Sung-Kyu) neden cesetten çorba yaptı, neden kendisi içmedi çözemedim. Filme gelirsek; diziden bağımsız yorumlamak lazım. Kesinlikle dizideki anlamsız sahne çekimleri yoktu. Tutarlı, kararlı ve düz bir hikayeydi. Filmini beğendim. 3.sezon bu çizgide gelecekse izlenir. Aksi takdirde hiç alakası olmadığı halde zombinin önüne atlayıp sonra da ondan kaçmaya çalıştıkları sahneler doğallıktan çok uzaktı.
Toparlarsak; görsellik, oyunculuk, prodüksiyon, çekimler çok başarılıydı. Senaryo ve hikaye kurgusu bence çok başarısızdı. Tavsiye eder miyim, asla etmem. O kadar başarılı dizi varken bunu tavsiye edemem.
Raven Melus
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pogodanaanison · 1 year
to crossoverowy kwartet z Korei Południowej, który powstał w ramach muzycznego talent show JTBC Phantom Singer 2. Zespoł powstał 26 września 2017 roku. Panowie zadebiutowali w marcu 2018 roku z albumem "Evolution". W skład grupy wchodzą:
Bae Doo-hoon (aktor teatru muzycznego, gościnny wokalista w zespole tworzącym w stylu gugak, skala głosu: baryton~tenor),
Kang Hyung-ho (naukowiec z dziedziny chemii, wokalista w zespole biurowym, który wygrał konkurs zespołów w miejscu pracy, skala głosu: tenor~sopran),
Cho Min-kyu (lider zespołu Forestella, tenor leggiero) i Go Woo-rim (basso profundo) - zdobyli wyróżnienia w konkursach wokalnych.
Forestella to połączenie angielskiego słowa Forest, oznaczającego las, i włoskiego słowa Stella, oznaczającego gwiazdę, z ideą tworzenia muzyki, która jest tak relaksująca jak las i tak błyszcząca jak gwiazda. Dlatego fani czule nazywają ich Forest Stars.
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kdramaxoxo · 5 months
Sorry if you've been asked this a million times, but who are your favorite couples from the last couple years?
Congratulations Anon! This ask is AMAZING and I've never been asked it before! Shocking right?? :P
My favorite K-Drama Couples 2023- Spring 2024
NOTE: I tried to include 2022 but my list got too long :)
Moving (Bong-Seok & Hee-Soo, Joo-Won & Hye-Won & Doo-Shik & Mi-Hyun): It's very obvious by this list how much I love this drama and how many blorbo-from-my-shows it created for me. And I know I'm only reviewing couples, but I was blown away by this drama. I don't even LIKE superhero shows, but I made an exception for this one and I'm so glad I did. If you like character development and plays on good vs. evil, I highly rec this! Bong-Seok and Hee-Soo are one of my favorite couples EVER and I loved the softness and epic romance of Joo-Won & Hye-Won. (And we all know that scene at the rainy window with Bong-Seok and Hee-Soo). These couples are really EVERYTHING.
Tale of the Nine Tailed: 1938 (Lee-rang & Yeo-Hee): This is the only time I've ever watched a season two and liked it better than season one. It's probably because it featured my favorite tragic half fox Lee Rang and gave him a love line with a mermaid. The two are SO sweet together---SOB!
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Tell me That You Love Me (Mo-Eun & Jin-Woo): Wow. Maybe one of the softest couples I've ever seen in existence. Just watching them together was like a warm blanket in front of a cozy fireplace. I didn't like the ending choice which is a shame, but the drama was super well done and I still think people should watch it. There is also a very cute high school couple too!
The Eighth Sense (Jae-Won & Ji Hyun): not to be dramatic (just kidding!) this is the best bl kdrama I've ever seen. Literally this is it! I don't even want to tell you about the couple because I want you to just watch it! I'm dying for the writer to make another one because we need more queer media like this one!
Crash Course In Romance (Haeng-Seon & Chi-Yeol): Give me a noona romance featuring a man who has not felt warmth in 1000 years (ok not literally but this dude needs to have a warm meal made by an amazing lady!) This drama fell apart at the end (this seems to be a theme this year) but the couple makes it worth watching.
King The Land (Gu-Won & Sa-Rang): If you're looking for a low stakes, totally fluffy, rom com with TONS of chemistry (featuring MY BIAS!), King the Land is for you. Amazing skinship, kisses and just like a really fun duo to watch. Plot? Not so much but there are a billion good moments-- just look at the tags: They are full of cuteness.
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Love After Divorce Season 4 (Benita & Jerome): Listen, I know I'm cheating by putting a reality tv show on this list but if you're in the mood for one, I highly recommend this season (it's on Netflix). Benita and Jerome will steal your heart and they are still together! I'm rooting for them. <3
See you in my 19th Life (Ji-Eum & Seo-Ha, Da-Hoon & Cho-Won): My bias Shin Hye Sun kills it in this drama featuring past life romance. Honestly it's not fair because this drama is totally my vibe so I'm obviously going to love the mains. But when a drama gives you more than one love line and they are both interesting and lovely?? Chef's Kiss!
Dr. Slump (Jeong-Woo & Ha-Neul): This drama TOTALLY fell apart at the end and left us all very disappointed, but that's not because our leads weren't a perfect couple! They bonded over mental illness and even took their meds together. Communication: check. Comfort/Healing: check. Chemistry: check!
The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (Yun-Woo & Tae-Ha). You probably don't know this but I've been following Bae In Hyuk's career since we was in silly little web dramas. Seeing him as a lead is really wild! To be fair, he's not nearly the actor that Lee Se Young is, but do we care about that when there's a time slip romance drama featuring a historical lady who's been thrown into the future and has to fake marry someone who looks just like her de*d husband for reasons??
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Thank you so much for this ask - it was super fun!! Maybe I should do 2022 next?? :D
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cave35 · 1 year
is a crossover quartet from South Korea.
members: Bae Doo-hoon (worked as a musical theater actor and as a guest vocalist in the gugak crossover band, baritone~tenor range), Kang Hyung-ho (was working as a chemistry researcher, but he was a vocalist in an office band that won a workplace band competition, tenor~soprano range), Cho Min-kyu ( leader of Forestella, leggiero tenor) and Go Woo-rim ( basso profundo) (have won honorable mentions in vocal competitions)
The group was formed on JTBC's music talent show Phantom Singer 2,
The formation date is September 26, 2017,
They debuted in March 2018 with the album "Evolution".
Forestella is a combination of the English word Forest, meaning forest, and the Italian word Stella, meaning star, with the idea of making music that is as relaxing as a forest and as sparkling as a star. This is why fans affectionately call them Forest Stars.
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forest-picinc · 23 days
Snow White Must Die OST
Snow White Must Die OST - Dear by Bae Doo Hoon
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leedongwook · 2 years
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Bae Doo Hoon // Forestella “Save our lives” photoshoot
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mystarmyangel · 1 year
[HOT-THEQOO] TOP 5 best female acting idols selected by 31 industry experts
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StarNews conducted a survey with 31 industry experts, including representatives of entertainment management companies and production companies (each expert to select 2 male and female), to select the acting idol with the most active performance this year and whose performance are most anticipated in the future.
5th place: Kim Sejeong (5 votes) (Latest works: The Uncanny Counter 2/Today’s Webtoon/Business Proposal) 4th place: Nana (7 votes) (Latest works: Mask Girl/Confession/Glitch) 3rd place: Suzy (9 votes) (Latest works: Anna/Start-Up/Ashfall) 2nd place: IU (11 votes) (Latest works: Dream/Broker/Hotel Del Luna) 1st place: YoonA (13 votes) (Latest works: King The Land/Big Mouth/Confidential Assignment 2)
■List of survey participants (in alphabetical order)
Kwon Jae Young, CEO of A9 Media ● Kim Nam Hyung, CEO of GF Entertainment ● Kim Yong Seop, Managing Director of FNC Entertainment ● Kim Jong Do, CEO of Namoo Actors ● Kim Jiwon, CRO of SM Entertainment ● Kim Hyeong Gon, Director of P Nation ● Noh Hyun Tae, CEO of iNKODE ● Park Hee Young, Vice President of MLD Entertainment ● Bang Jae Hyuk, Director of KQ Entertainment ● Bae Ki Hwan, Director of Tango Music ● Baek Chang Joo, CEO of C-JeS Studios ●  Seong Hyun Soo, CEO of Noon ● Yang Hyun Seung, CEO of UL Entertainment ● Yeon Han Jun, Director of THINK Entertainment ● Oh Jong Heon, Production Division 2 Head of IST Entertainment ● Yoo Hyeong Seok, CEO of Yooborn Company ● Lee Sang Cheol, CEO of In Next Trend ● Lee In Gyu, Head of Division of Antenna ● Lee Jin Sung, CEO of King Kong by. Starship ● Lee Hae Jong, Director of DSP Media ● Lee Hoon Hee, CEO of Starship Entertainment ● Lim Seung Chae, Vice President of WM Entertainment ● Jang Doo Bong, CEO of Story J Company ● Jeong Deok Gyun, CEO of J Wide Company ● Jeong Wook, CEO of JYP Entertainment ● Cho Dae Kwon, CEO of Alien Company ● Jin Jeong Kyun, Director of GLG ● Tak Young Jun, COO of SM Entertainment ● Han Jeong Soo, CEO of Mystic Story ● Heo Seong Moon, Director of Media Lab SISO ● Heo Jae Ok, Head of Division of Cube Entertainment.
At time of posting 14 Sep 6pm KST: 47K views, 271 comments (Will only translate comments relating to YoonA)
2. Look at YoonA’s latest projects line-up, everything is going well for her ㅋㅋㅋ 7. All are doing really wellㅋㅋ 8. I thought YoonA wasn’t good at acting when she was Saebyuk (in her first lead drama ‘You Are My Destiny’) but these days her acting is really good. Not just as an acting idol, but she's just good at it (acting). ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I thought IU was good since the drama ‘Pretty Man’ that starred Jang Geunsuk, and for Suzy, Anna, is the best... 9. I watched YoonA well in ‘King The Land’ ㅋㅋ ​​She was a perfect fit ㅋㅋ 11. What? These are all the people I like!!!!! Everyone is pretty and their acting is great. By the way, Yoona's recent works are crazy, they're all successful ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 12. YoonA was so cute in ‘King The Land’ and her acting is so good ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 13. I watched all three of YoonA's latest projects. They were all good. So good. ㅋㅋㅋㅋShe is soaring especially in ‘King The Land’. 15. YoonA is also good at acting and is building up her filmography well. 16. Wow, just look at YoonA’s recent works ㅋㅋ 17. YoonA is really good at comical acting
19. YoonA, you acted so well, so natural ㅋㅋㅋ I'm looking forward to your next work. 20. I’m convinced (I agree) ㅋㅋㅋㅋEveryone's acting is good, and YoonA's batting score (percentage of her success rate) is especially good lately. 22. Wow, it looks like there aren't any (i)dols to remove (meaning OP agrees with all on the list). But it is surprising that Jung Eunji and Sooyoung aren't here.. I guess it's because there are a lot of female idols who are good at acting. 26. YoonA acted so well in ‘King the Land’ㅋㅋㅋ 27. Wow, 1st place for both men and women are ‘King The Land’ male and female leads ㅋㅋㅋ 28. It's freaking that both YoonA’s dramas and movies did well. The line-up of her recent works is insane ㅋㅋㅋ 30. YoonA’s latest works line-up are insaneㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 31. Yoona’s career is insaneㅋㅋ 32. It’s the same with male idol rankings, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places are the ones that always come up when acting idols are mentioned ㅇㅇ 33. YoonA's works line-up is insane 34. I really enjoyed watching Yoong’s ‘King The Land’, it’s my life drama ㅠ 35. Only the people who should have been chosen were chosen. 36. Nodding (in approval) ㅋㅋ 39. Oh, there are all these people who I thought they were good ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 40. They all act well... 41. Agreed 42. They are all good at acting and pretty 44. Her latest work ‘King The Land’, ‘Big Mouth’, ‘Confidential Assignment’ shivering (because of the awesome line-up) 45. YoonA's acting was really good in ‘King The Land’. She was just like Cheon Sarang herself👍 47. It feels like the differences in acting skills among the actresses aren't that big. The 5 people seem to be famous enough to be in the top 5 in terms of influence and reputation. 48. Do well, everyone 49. YoonA is really good 50. I acknowledged 51. They are all well-known faces. 52. I saw YoonA for the first time through ‘King The Land’ and she was really good. 57. YoonA was really good in ‘King The Land’. 63. I clicked in the article shouting ‘YoonA’ 65. Lim Yoona's latest work is insane...;; 68. These are all people I like 69. The votes are more evenly distributed here, so the difference in votes is not that big... The male idols were overwhelming. 71. I came in thinking YoonA would be here, but she ended up in first place ㅋㅋㅋ. 72. (Comment deleted at time of translation) 74. YoonA's acting in ‘The K2’, IU’s in ‘My Mister’, and Suzy's in ‘Anna’ were really, really good. I'm curious about the acting of this three people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. 76. But this was released yesterday morning and suddenly both articles (male and female) came out as ‘hot’ topics. 79. To be honest, I was sad because I thought YoonA's (drama) filmography was bad, but these days, everything is really good.. ㅜㅜ And the movie filmography is good too. 80. I acknowledge everyone in this article, but it's a shame that Jung Eunji, Han Sunhwa and Sooyoung weren’t included. I really enjoyed Sooyoung's ‘Not Others’. 85. YoonA seems to choose her works well. 88. (Comment deleted at time of translation)
90. Lim Yoona’s form is crazy!!!!!!! 92. (replied to 69th comment) Oh, it looks like they got votes from all over. Female acting idols are also good at acting. 94. Oh, they are all good actors ㅋㅋㅋI also liked Jung Eunji, Sooyoung and Sojin ㅋㅋ 100. YoonA, IU and Suzy's singing and acting careers are all top notch 101. I acknowledged all of them 105. I thought about Bona, but the acting idols in the article are all very good 106. I also thought about YoonA's ‘EXIT’, but it is not her most recent work. 107. I enjoyed everything YoonA has released recently. 108. I came in the article thinking of YoonA. 109. YoonA❤️ I like her very much 112. King-jeong (t/l note: It is a slang to of 킹 (king)+ 인정 (agreed), to describe being full agreement of something) 113. I approved 115. YoonA’s recent career seems really good 117. Approved approved. 119. YoonA and IU, king-jeong. I want to watch Suzy’s drama, why isn’t it coming out yet? 120. We selected the acting idols who showed the greatest success this year and who we are looking forward to in the future. ----------------------- This is the survey topic. 121. I think YoonA’s career is so good 122. I heard about ‘King The Land’ being a huge hit on Netflix and ‘Big Mouth’ also did well, hence it is a back-to-back hit. 125. I acknowledged it 127. (replied to 120th comment) It is in the text ㅋㅋ 128. As expected, YoonA! 129. Ah, YoonA’s acting is good. 130. I acknowledge all of them 131. Approved 132. Ah, I approved of everyone listed here 133. YoonA is good 134. YoonA seems to be in good form these days. Personally, I think Suzy’s ‘Anna’ was the best ever, so I hope Suzy do another such genreㅠㅠ 135. Good 136. Approved 137. I acknowledged everyone listed here, there are people who I am disappointed that they are not on the list, but there is also no one in the list that I objected too. 138. YoonA’s filmography is good. All her works are very good, and she acts very well too. 140. Everyone's form is good, but the acting skills of the female idols are ambiguous. 141. I like YoonA so much 143. (Replied to 140th comment) What?;; As expected, all the malicious commenters are like sh*t. All the 5 females here have a besting acting of their life for at least once, so what are you talking about? 144. Yes 147. IU and Nana are good. No, all the 5 people listed here are goodㅋㅋㅋ 148. For the female acting idols, the votes are considered more evenly distributed. 149. (Replied to 140th comment) ? 152. I’m looking forward to YoonA’s movies and dramas doing well. I’m also curious about the ‘2 O’clock Date’! 153. I agreed with all listed in the article, Nana’s acting is really good. 156. I like Lim YoonA to the point of dying ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 157. King-jeong 158. YoonA is good. I thought her acting was good after watching her works recently 160. YoonA is so likeable these days. I've seen all of her recent works. Now, she is a ‘trust and treasure’ actress.
161. Wow, all of them are K-pop talent. 163.The 1st place for both male and female are Junho and YoonA, ‘King The Land’ couple is really good ㅠㅠ I hope they both do better. The chemistry was good, and their acting was good in ‘King The Land’ 167. King-jeong to all on the list
168. Wow, 1st place is YoonA, congrats congrats!! 169. The movies and dramas YoonA starred in, all received great success, so amazing 171. I clicked in the article shouting YoonA ㅋㅋㅋㅋI hope things go smoothly~ 175. YoonA deserves the 1st place. Her drama and movie careers are all good. 176. Regardless of her career, Yoona really showed off her acting chops with her ‘Confidential Assignment’ and ‘EXIT’, and she did well in King the Land as well. Nana and Kim Sejeong are rather unexpected, and I think Han Sunhwa or Jung Eunji are better. 178. All of them have improved a lot in their acting so it’s even better 180. I feel like all the idols mentioned in the original text and Sooyoung and Eunji are good at acting. 185. YoonA 189. YoonA has a good way of choosing projects ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 191. These are the actors who were active 'this year', but it seems like it includes only those who can be included... YoonA did well in ‘King The Land, and IU and Suzy are the queens of immense popularity who respond right away in surveys like this even if they didn't have any hit films or activities this year. (Just like stars who are ranked even if they are inactive that year when Gallup selects the best OO of the year...) Nana becomes popular because of ‘Mask Girl’ recently. 193. YoonA! 194. Even though Nana is really good, I recognize all 5 people there. 196. (Comment deleted at time of translation) 197. YoonA was such a perfect fit for ‘King The Land’ this time, so pretty 198. I'm waiting for YoonA's next work 200. YoonA! 201. Acknowledged acknowledged 204. I agreed with all the line-up here 205. Waiting for YoonA's next work 208. Line-up approved... 209. No, initially I thought how could Sejeong be in 5th place only, but as I scrolled lower (to reveal the top 4), the more I understood. 212. I only saw YoonA's works for a few seconds in passing, so I had the prejudice that I couldn't get into the character because I heard YoonA's voice that I used to hear.. I recently watched Exit belatedly and was so surprised that it turns out okay. I finally understand why her movies are so successful and how she gets casted so consistently. 214. YoonA is good! Han Sunhwa too!! 215. YoonA is really good 216. Even though I’m not a fan of all five of them, I acknowledged. 217. Oh.. everyone who are good are gathered here 218. Soshi is YoonA, but I was also surprised that Sooyoung was better at acting than I thoughtㅋㅋ 219. ‘King The Land’ influence is huge. Both sides (male and female) came in first place 220. YoonA is really good ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I watched ‘Big Mouth’ and ‘King The Land’ recently, and she did well in both dramas. YoonA would be a perfect match for a little bit of ‘Big Mouth’ – ‘King the Land’ – ‘EXIT’, a bright, cheerful, confident and u undaunted not in a villain way character 221. The experts voted but there are people here trying to start a fight so ridiculousㅋ What is it? ㅋㅋㅋ 224. They are all good 225. YoonA’s latest line-up projects are really awesome ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
226, Everyone are gathered here, they are all good 227. Oh, YoonA approved 229. Really, YoonA is really good. I think she has star quality, good screen control, and acting skills. 231. If its YoonA, its king-jeong. 232. YoonA is building up her filmography for movies and dramas well. Her acting in ‘Confidential Assignment’, ‘Big Mouth’, ‘King the Land’ were really good. I admit her acting in ‘Miracle’ was also really good. 233. (Replied to 232nd comment) All same as you and ‘EXIT’ too!! 235. Oh my, YoonA's acting was really good. 236. YoonA, approved 238. Agreed 239. YoonA, approved approved 240. YoonA, approved 241. YoonA, I really enjoyed ‘King The Land’. So lovely ㅠ 243. Hehehe YoonA>< 244. All are good 245. Acknowledged 246. YoonA, approved 248. YoonA, approved 249. Oh, they are all good. And popular too. 258. Even if there are people who should be added in, but there aren’t people that should be removed. I went ‘King-jeong King-jeong’ while scrolling down the list. 259. I watched every project of YoonA that comes out after ‘EXIT’. Really, she is good at acting in both movies and dramas. 260. Agreed 261. It's a shame that YoonA keeps getting underestimated because of the disgusting keyboard warriors. 263. I clicked in thinking of YoonA. 264. Didn’t YoonA filmed a drama in the early days of her debut, she did really well in that too. 265. Agreed, YoonA and Suzy are good at acting 266. YoonA and Suzy are both good at acting 267. Agreed 268. YoonA did really well 269. Agreed for all 270. When will YoonA's next work come out ㅠㅠ I want to see it soon 271. YoonA has become someone that can be trust and treasure (to watch). I am waiting for her next work.
Source: TheQoo Trans: mystarmyangel
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bk-reviews · 2 years
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Hello Everyone!
Today I will write about a slightly different topic than before. So far I have presented series, but now I will talk about a musical group called Forestella.
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Forestella is a South Korean crossover male vocal quartet. The group was formed in 2017 through JTBC's singing contest Phantom Singer season 2. They were the winners of that season and became the most famous quartet throughout the whole show (3 seasons + All Stars). Sadly, I haven't seen their season yet, as English subtitles are not available anywhere but I will watch it either way, after finishing season 1 (which I stopped watching, because that too, only had English subs in the first half of the episodes). Since August 1, 2021, they've been under Beat Interactive, along with the K-pop band A.C.E, who I'm also a fan of.
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As you can guess, the group consists of four members: Bae Doo-hoon (배두훈, tenor, 36), Kang Hyung-ho (강형호, countertenor, 33), Cho Min-gyu (조민규, tenor, 31) and Ko Woo-rim (고우림, bass, 27). Woorim and Mingyu are opera singers and the latter is the leader of the quartet. Doohoon is a musical actor, he studied acting at Korea National University of Arts. Hyungho is probably the most well-known of the four, the video of him singing both Christine's and the Phantom's part in the song Phantom of the Opera really blew up, many international youtubers have reacted to it. It's also worthy of note, that he hadn’t studied music before going on Phantom Singer, showing that he really has a natural talent for singing. He’s an amateur rock singer, who used to work as a chemist.
The name Forestella comes from two words: forest and stella (Italian for star). The Italian touch really comes in handy when we think about how many languages Forestella has sung in. They mostly sing in Korean, Italian and English, but songs in French, Spanish and other languages are found in their discography too. They currently have four albums; Evolution, Mystique, The Forestella and The Beginning: World Tree.
Forestella has appeared on Two Yoo Project and Immortal Songs, a competition where each episode features singers or bands who perform their reinterpreted versions of (older) songs. Currently, they are filming their youtube series called Forrecipe In The Woods.
In my opinion, Forestella is 100% worth to stan. I'm pretty open-minded about music, so I gladly listen to classical songs, but this group was the one that made me really interested in opera pieces. The members have fun personalities too, and they might be the most talented musicians I have ever known.
I hope I peaked your interest with my review. Take care✨
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kwavecl · 1 year
Los 59th Baeksang Arts Awards anuncia a los nominados para las categorías de cine y televisión.
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¡Los 59th Baeksang Arts Awards han anunciado sus nominados para las categorías de cine y televisión!
Los candidatos fueron elegidos entre dramas, programas y películas que se emitieron o se estrenaron entre el 1 de abril de 2022 y el 31 de marzo de 2023. Sin embargo, las obras que se estrenaron durante el período de proyección del año pasado también se incluyeron en el grupo de este año. Se encuestó a 60 expertos de la industria antes de las nominaciones finales. Además, las producciones que se excluyeron el año pasado porque se estrenaron durante el período de proyección también se incluyeron en el grupo de este año.
Echa un vistazo a los candidatos finales de la televisión y el cine del año pasado a continuación:
Mejor Drama
JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Netflix “The Glory” tvN “Our Blues” ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” tvN “Little Women”
Mejor Variety Show
tvN “Earth Arcade” Psick University “Psick Show” Netflix “Physical: 100” TVING “EXchange 2” Coupang Play “SNL Korea 3”
Mejor Show Educativo
wavve “National Office of Investigation” (literal title) Netflix “In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal” EBS “Your Literacy Skills+” (literal title) MBC Gyeongnam “Adult Kim Jang Ha” (literal title) KBS “Hidden Earth: 3 Billion Years on the Korean Peninsula”
Mejor Actor
Son Suk Ku – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Lee Byung Hun – tvN “Our Blues” Lee Sung Min – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Jung Kyung Ho – tvN “Crash Course in Romance” Choi Min Sik – Disney+ “Casino”
Mejor Actriz
Kim Ji Won – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Kim Hye Soo – tvN “Under the Queen’s Umbrella” Park Eun Bin – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Song Hye Kyo – Netflix “The Glory” Suzy – Coupang Play “Anna”
Mejor Actor de Reparto
Kang Ki Young – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Kim Do Hyun – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Kim Jun Han – Coupang Play “Anna” Park Sung Hoon – Netflix “The Glory” Jo Woo Jin – Netflix “Narco-Saints”
Mejor Actriz de Reparto
Kim Shin Rok – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Yeom Hye Ran – Netflix “The Glory” Lee El – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Lim Ji Yeon – Netflix “The Glory” Jung Eun Chae – Coupang Play “Anna”
Mejor Nuevo Actor
Kim Gun Woo – Netflix “The Glory” Kim Min Ho – ENA “New Recruit” Moon Sang Min – tvN “Under the Queen’s Umbrella” Joo Jong Hyuk – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Hong Kyung – wavve “Weak Hero Class 1”
Mejor Nueva Actriz
Kim Hieora – Netflix “The Glory” Noh Yoon Seo – tvN “Crash Course in Romance” Lee Kyung Sung – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Joo Hyun Young – ENA “Exaordinary Attorney Woo” Ha Yun Kyung – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo”
Mejor Entertainer Masculino
Kian84 Kim Kyung Wook Kim Jong Kook Jun Hyun Moo Hwang Jae Sung
Mejor Entertainer Femenina
Kim Min Kyung Park Se Mi Lee Soo Ji Lee Eun Ji Joo Hyun Young
Mejor Película
“Next Sohee” “The Night Owl” “Hansan: Rising Dragon” “Hunt” “Decision to Leave”
Mejor Actor
Ma Dong Seok – “The Roundup” Ryu Jun Yeol – “The Night Owl” Park Hae Il – “Decision to Leave” Song Kang Ho – “Broker” Jung Woo Sung – “Hunt”
Mejor Actriz
Bae Doo Na – “Next Sohee” Yang Mal Bok – “The Apartment With Two Women” Yum Jung Ah – “Life Is Beautiful” Jeon Do Yeon – “Kill Boksoon” Tang Wei – “Decision to Leave”
Mejor Actor de Reparto
Kang Ki Young – “The Point Men” Kim Sung Cheol – “The Night Owl” Park Ji Hwan – “The Roundup” Byun Yo Han – “Hansan: Rising Dragon” Im Siwan – “Emergency Declaration”
Mejor Actriz de Reparto
Park Se Wan – “6/45” Bae Doo Na – “Broker” Ahn Eun Jin – “The Night Owl” Yum Jung Ah – “Alienoid” Lee Yeon – “Kill Boksoon”
Mejor Nuevo Actor
Noh Jae Won –”Missing Yoon” Jinyoung – “Christmas Carol” Byun Woo Seok – “20th Century Girl” Seo In Guk – “Project Wolf Hunting” Ong Seong Wu – “Life Is Beautiful”
Mejor Nueva Actriz
Go Yoon Jung – “Hunt” Kim Si Eun – “Next Sohee” Kim Hye Yoon – “The Girl On a Bulldozer” IU – “Broker” Ha Yun Kyung – “Gyeong Ah’s Daughter”
La ceremonia está programada para el 28 de abril en Paradise City en Incheon a partir de las 5:30 p.m. KST. El programa se transmitirá en vivo por televisión a través de JTBC, JTBC2 y JTBC4, y también se transmitirá en vivo a través de TikTok.
Fuente: soompi.com
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