#bae suzy fluff
alcoholfreenayeon · 5 months
Hi, can you do Bae Suzy headcannons? both sfw and nsfw? thank youuu
Bae Suzy Girlfriend HCs
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So caring, always texting or calling to make sure you have eaten, slept, eaten your medicine etc. Will show up to your house if you are sick and take care of the whole day.
Wants to drive you around everywhere.
A big flirt and an even bigger tease.
The type of person who will remember the tiniest details.
Suzy gives you the best birthday presents.
She likes to be the one that plans the trips you both take.
She will rarely show her negative emotions, bottling them up quite often. You often scold her for it but she says being close to you resets all the negativity and even though that sounds a bit far fetched, the pretty smile she has while saying that just makes it hard to not believe her.
She easily falls for jokes and pranks so you try to make full use of that.
Suzy can get hyper easily and then she likes to just cling on to you, annoying you, cuddling you, kissing you. Anything just to use her energy.
She absolutely melt’s whenever you cook for her.
Insatiable demon, like once you two begin fucking especially if you haven’t for a while, she won’t want to stop. Like she puts you to the point where you pass out from exhaustion. And then when you wake up she wants to continue.
Kinky and open to try out new things.
Suzy is a switch and leans top or bottom depending on her mood.
Likes to push you to your limits.
Car sex is her absolute favorite. The thrill and risk of being caught, being somewhat in the open, maybe on the way or back from somewhere. All of that just adds up and is the reason why you always insist she drives or else her hands and lips end up roaming all over your body.
Suzy will often invite you to places she’s going for work simply because she misses you and also because she wants…stress relief.
Moans your name a lot when you eat her out.
Wants you to be bratty so she can put you in your place.
Wants to make you cum till you see stars.
She is really good at aftercare and will be so soft and gentle with you.
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ifeelsounsure0 · 2 years
Finding Love Part 6: Scheherazade
Suzy x M! Reader
Fluff, Angst
WC: 6841 words
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“Wait for me, so I can be with you.”
Ashamed– that was the only way to accurately describe how you feel. Your hand falls away, and you find yourself staring out the large windows to a beautiful view of the city skyline as she pulls her dress back up her shoulder.
“Hey.” Suzy’s hand touches your cheek, forcing you to meet her eyes. “It’s not you. It's me.”
“Yeah… I get it, Suj.”
“Then look at me, dummy.” She holds onto both sides of your face, a rosy hue painting her cheeks while her mouth forms a slight pout. “I meant it when I said I love you.”
“I kn–” Her lips press against yours—a light peck usually reserved for the first date at the park or in front of their house.
“Well…. Cheer up, then. I’m by your side again.” Suzy manages a weak smile before climbing off your lap. “Anyways…” She takes a deep breath and glances around nervously. “Could I stay over at your place?”
A half chuckle, half nervous breath leaves your lips, and you scratch your head. “Suj. You just said that we were going too fast, and now you want to sle–”
Her finger silences you before you can even finish your sentence. “I haven’t found an apartment yet, so I was hoping I could crash at your place for a while.” She looks at you with her doe eyes, your heart entranced by the flutters of her lashes.
“Fine,” you breathe carefully to ensure your heart doesn’t skip a beat. A few moments pass, the rhythm of the clock on her desk, the only indication of the passage of time while both of you remain motionless. All you can feel is Suzy’s warm breath tickle your chest before she takes a deep breath, sucking all the air from between your lips. She rests one hand on your chest while the other grabs the center of your shirt.
“Shhh. I’m just redoing your buttons so you don’t get cold.” Her eyes intently stare at each one while a rosy blush creeps up her cheeks. After a few moments, she finishes the bottom two but struggles with the last one around your collar. “Why does it have to be so hard to d–”
“I’ve got it.” Your hands move on top of hers and guide her as she buttons the final one around your neck. Her hands feel smooth and soft, and your hands linger over her’s once she’s finished.
She makes no effort to pull away but keeps her gaze locked on your chest.
“Aren’t you gonna let go of my shirt, Suj?”
“Oh, yeah,” she laughs nervously and pulls her hands out from under yours as quickly as possible. “You’re such a tease.”
“And yet, here you are a decade later, still by my side.”
She mumbles something incomprehensible, along the lines of, “Biggest mi… of my….” before she grabs onto your hand. “Let’s just go home already.”
“If that’s what you want.” You lean toward her and press a kiss against her cheek. “Wait for me in the lobby. I just need to finish cleaning up.”
Suzy rolls her eyes, and a flash of anger appears on her face. “Why didn’t you do that instead of sitting in here teasing me?”
“Too good of an opportunity to pass up.” You flash your best innocent smile and shrug your shoulders.
“Ah.” She stays silent for a moment before a quick tug on your hand has her right up against you. The slightly annoyed, slightly angry expression is gone, replaced by something that you could only interpret as ‘Anything you can do, I can do better.’ Her eyelashes flutter before she grabs the back of your neck and lets her lips almost touch before bringing them against your ear.
“I’ll be waiting, love.”
A nervous lump rises in your throat that you quickly force back down as you fail to mask the crimson blush that’s more than likely taken over your entire face.
Suzy breaks out of character for a moment, failing to stifle her laugh before kissing your cheek. “See you in a bit.”
You’re left too stunned to speak. Instead, all you can do is reach out a desperate hand to tug her backward, but before you can grab onto her wrist, she slips away. “Damn it.” A soft sigh leaves your lips. You turn off her desk lamp, pitching the office into darkness save for the white light of the moon.
This was how it usually was, just you, all alone in the empty office after everyone else had gone home. You hated it. How lifeless everything felt. The lack of people made the air deathly cold, while an unpleasant silence always descended upon the entire floor.
Yet, as you stood by the elevator, you couldn’t help but smile. This time was different. You didn’t feel quite as cold, knowing that someone was waiting for you at the end.
You stand outside the elevator in silence for another few moments until a notification pings your phone. The love of my life <3. “Are you done ~ yet? I’m hungry?”
You chuckle and quickly type back. “Might have to sleep here. Get back home yourself.”
The three dots appear almost instantly. “...” You don't respond, waiting for her to say something else before the elevator opens and you step inside. The elevator feels slower than usual, and you can’t stop the urge to tap your fingers along the rails. 40, 39, 38….
Your heart races as the floors count down, and it feels increasingly stuffy the closer you get to the bottom.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6. A shallow breath leaves your lips, and you undo the top button of your shirt. Finally, you can take a deep breath before the numbers count to zero.
And there she is. A slight pout rests on her lips as she stares at her phone. Her black bag hangs from her arm, swinging gently from side to side as she aggressively types with both hands.
You should’ve felt more nervous. Every moment since she left you on the fortieth floor has felt torturous, like a phantom pain you couldn’t quite pin down. Your heart was racing, and you couldn’t hold still. Yet, as you stepped toward her, all the pain, the nervousness, all of it dissipated.
The click of your oxfords on the marble floor alerts her to your presence, and time seems to slow as she turns toward you. Her hair flows over to her right shoulder, and she tucks a loose strand behind her ear before running toward you, a brilliant smile on her face. “There you are! I was thinking about going back up to check on you.”
“Sorry. I had a few things that I needed to finish up, so it took me a while,” you chuckle and scratch your head before nervously grabbing her hand. Your fingers just lightly grasp onto hers, to the point that it probably wouldn't even be called holding hands.
“What are you doing?” she laughs and covers her mouth as she looks down at your hand. Her fingers then move through yours, lacing them together. “This is how you’re supposed to hold hands.” She swings your hand from side to side with a coy smile on her lips. “Now that we’ve established that. Let’s get something to eat. I’m starving. Where should we go?”
“Your choice.”
She scratches her head before taking her phone back out. Now, you can clearly see that she was looking for places to eat while waiting. “I don’t know. There’s just so many options.” She scrolls through her bookmarks for the city, a large assortment of restaurants perfect for any craving.
“You have like a thousand saved but can’t decide on one?”
“That’s the thing. There are just so many options.” After another few moments of frustrated scrolling, she looks up at you with pleading eyes. “Can you choose? Please~.”
You sigh and take the phone from her. Vietnamese, Chinese, Greek, Italian, there were dozens upon dozens of restaurants. You can only scroll for so long before the images and names begin to blend together. “Let’s just get sushi.”
“Told you that it would be better if you just chose,” she laughs before giving you a quick peck on the cheek. “Same place as always, right?”
“Yeah. We have to drive there, though.”
“That’s fine.” Suzy taps the down button for the elevator with a cute jump in her step. “I’ve been wanting to go for a drive anyways. Your office is so stuffy.”
“My office?”
“Yeah. I kept getting weird looks from everyone inside.” Her expression shifts, eyes looking down at the ground. “Especially So Hee. She gave me weird glares every time she walked by my office.”
“It’s just how she is sometimes. I wouldn’t think too much of it,” you reassure, your thumb rubbing circles over the back of her hand. When her expression doesn’t change, you squeeze her hand a few times until she looks into your eyes. Your hand gently touches her cheek. “If nothing changes, I’ll talk to her. Okay?”
She closes her eyes and leans into your hand, nodding slowly. “Okay. I’ll trust you.”
The ding of the elevator draws her eyes open, and she tugs you inside. “What floor?”
“G1,” you say before quickly pressing it.
“Yah! I’m controlling the elevator,” Suzy grumbles and hits your arm with a pathetic punch.
“Ouch, that hurt,” you tease, mockingly rubbing your arm before pulling her closer. Your response doesn't elicit a reaction from her, and she just simply looks away from you. A sigh leaves your lips, and you fish your keys from your pocket, dangling them between you. “I'll let you drive today.”
A sly smile forms on her previously angry expression, and she looks into your eyes. “You always did know how to apologize to me,” she smiles before snatching the key from between your fingers.
You can only shake your head and sigh as she drags you out of the elevator. All that's left to do is hope and pray that your car makes it back home in one piece.
“It's so pretty.” Suzy lets go of your hand before skipping toward your car. Her hand glides over the glossy black paint as she circles from the passenger side to the driver’s seat.
“Please keep it that way.”
“I will. I will. Don’t worry so much,” she says with a smile before she opens her door and slides over to unlock yours. There's a confident glint in her eyes as you climb inside, and she begins rifling through your cassettes. “Mariya Takeuchi?”
You nod your head and watch her slide the cassette. A satisfying click follows, and the synth introduction of “Plastic Love” begins.
“~突然のキスや 熱いまなざしで~,” she sings with a smile while her hand moves behind your headrest and she looks into your eyes.
You stare into those beautiful pools, mesmerized by the light reflected off the surface—your breath hitches in your throat.
Suzy blinks once, breaking you from your daze. “Caught you.” A cheeky grin appears before she looks through the rear and pulls out of the parking spot.
A few gear shifts later, and she's racing down the main road of the city. Bright billboards hang off the sides of skyscrapers. Beautiful faces run crimson over their lips, their delicate shoulders uncovered, all a desperate attempt to draw just a moment of your attention.
Yet, you could only focus on the person beside you. The way her lips pursed together while she focused on the rev meter or how she smiled to herself whenever a gear change was perfect. She looks confident, leaned back, one hand on the wheel while the other shifts gears.
Then there was her lovely voice. She loved to avoid harsh enunciations and simply just flow with the music. Even a decade later, she still sounded beautiful, her voice still as youthful as ever.
The song suddenly ends, and you see her take a deep breath. “How was that?”
“My singing.” She taps her finger on the wheel. “It's gotten better… right?”
Her question takes you a moment to process, and the subtle downshifts of the car act as a makeshift countdown for you to answer. You shouldn’t feel nervous answering such a simple question. All you had to do was tell her yes. But you couldn't.
The words were trapped on the top of your tongue by a rush of memories. Each and every moment, you tried desperately to listen to this cassette without her, resurfacing in cruel detail. Every time you would let the cassette click in and hear the introduction, only to desperately take it out moments later when the vocals began—leaving you with only the feeling of being alone and incomplete.
A few moments pass in silence, the roar of the engine winding down as she slows to a light. Her hand touches yours, running over your scarred knuckles. “You don't have to answer.”
A concerned expression rests on her face before she gives you a weak smile. “I’m just glad that you're with me now.”
“Yeah. I am too.”
For a few moments, time stops, and you both simply smile at each other, content with the warm touch of one another. Then, just before the light turns green, Suzy pouts her lips and slides her hand back onto the gearshift. One last moment of calm passes before the light finally turns green, and she floors it to the sound of “Konyaha Hearty Party.”
After a few minutes, the billboards become more sparse, and the buildings lose their height. Smaller shops line the side of the road with residential areas between every other light.
The streets are empty, illuminated only by old street lamps that hadn't been changed since the 1980s. Bright stars dot the sky, no longer hidden by the smog of the city center.
Suzy drives past the bar where you first got to know each other, a small group of patrons still visible through the open windows. A few more moments of quiet driving before Suzy parks in front of a small restaurant. A few beautiful lanterns hung outside, giving the shop's wooden exterior a bright orange glow. Inside, you could see a few cleanly dressed men and women dashing between a dozen or so tables, platters in hand. Everything looked perfect.
“Let’s go,” she smiles, giving your hand a light squeeze before she rounds the car and pulls you out of your seat. When her weak tug fails to get you up, she tosses you the keys and dashes towards the entrance.
You watch her run towards the entrance, hair blowing back in the wind, laughter breaking up the sound of the night. Once she makes it to the front of the entrance, everything comes to a grinding halt, and she turns around, her slightly frustrated expression morphing into pure anger once the realization comes that you hadn’t even gotten out of your seat.
“Yah! Hurry up! I said I’m starving!”
A long sigh leaves your lips, followed by a slight chuckle. “I’m coming.”
Before you could even make it half the distance, she runs towards you and grabs your hand, pulling you inside the shop. The bell atop the door chimes once as she tugs you inside.
“Table for two?” The closest waiter asks a young lady, probably a few years younger than you.
“Yes, please.” Suzy flashes her a smile, but you can feel the vice grip on your hand tighten.
“Sit down wherever you’d like. I’ll help you as soon as I can.”
“Thank you.” Suzy waits for her to turn away before dragging you towards a nice booth by the window.
You feel the eyes of other patrons on you as you pass by; a few laugh, a few give looks of pity. All you can do is give them a kind smile as you’re led away.
After a few more moments of awkwardness, you find your seat—two stools looking out the window with a vanilla-scented candle set between them.
Suzy snickers as soon as she sees the candle, covering her face with her hand and looking at you wide-eyed. “This is kind of–”
“Romantic? Yeah. I know.” You force a lump back in your throat and pull the stool for her. “It's fine, though.”
Suzy quietly climbs onto the stool and watches as you instinctively reach for the utensils, running them through a napkin before placing them beside her. “You still have that habit?”
“Cleaning utensils for the girls? Yeah.”
“You don’t need to make it plural. There's only one anyways.”
An amused chuckle. “How would she know? She hasn't been here for five years.”
“Well…” Her hand touches your arm. “I think that any doctor who clears out their entire day just to go eat with their old friend. Might have feelings for her.” Suzy’s hand runs up and down your forearm until you meet her eyes. “Then again. What do I know?” she smiles, letting herself lazily touch your arm until she’s interrupted by a cough from behind. “Sorry,” Suzy laughs nervously, quickly drawing her hand away.
“It’s not a problem.” The young lady covers the slightly rosy hue of her cheeks as she takes out her pen. “What can I get you?”
“Could we have two tuna platters, please?” Suzy taps her finger on your thigh. “Is there anything else you want?”
“Two hot teas as well, please.”
The waitress nods and scribbles a few things on her notepad. “I'll bring everything out in a few minutes.”
“Thanks.” Suzy flashes a smile and waits for her to turn away before breaking into a small fit of laughter. “That was kind of embarrassing.”
“Really now?” You look around at the other tables. Their eyes all look away, but some occasionally wander back to steal a glance at the two of you. “Now everyone’s looking at us too.”
“Yeah.” Her eyes dance around, noting all the wandering eyes that somehow made their way to your table. “Eh. I don't really care,” she shrugs and presses her lips onto your cheek. “I hope you don’t mind either.”
You smile and grab her hand, gently holding her fingers almost as if you were going to kiss her hand. “No. I don’t.”
Suzy nods, a content smile on her lips. Both of you sit in silence for a few minutes, relishing each other’s company. Occasionally your eyes would meet, and she would have some strange combination of a flustered blush and a cute giggle before she stared at your hands again.
“Are you going to say something?” she asks suddenly as she meets your gaze. “Or are we just gonna sit like an old couple until the food arrives?”
“I wouldn't mind,” you laugh, running your finger over the back of her hand. “Whatever you want, though.”
“You're annoying,” Suzy pouts. Her nose cutely scrunches up before she lets out a long sigh. “The stars are very pretty…. I never got to see them in New York.”
“Yeah. I don’t really get to see them much either.” You stare out at the tiny lights that dot the sky, some brighter than others, some larger, but together they create the perfect picture; a blank canvas covered with a light dusting of silver dust. Understated but beautiful in its own way.
A few moments pass before you tear your eyes away from the sky and glance at the girl beside you. Her chin rests on her hand as she stares wistfully out the window, brown hair flowing down one shoulder. You could’ve looked on forever, but you’re only allowed a few beats of your heart before her soft voice breaks your trance.
“You keep staring at me,” Suzy laughs, resting her hand on top of yours.
“Sorry. This still feels like a dream. The fact that you’re here. With me. I didn’t think I would ever see you again, Suj.”
Suzy nods before sliding her stool closer to you. “Well…” She’s closer now, close enough to feel her warm breath against your face. Her eyes meet yours, but a subtle raise of her brow and a slight smile ensnares your gaze as she leads you downward. “I don’t think it is.” She gives you a painless pinch on the arm, a slight smile forming on her lips. “Sometimes dreams come true.”
A snicker escapes from behind, and you both quickly turn to find the waitress covering her mouth with one hand while her other holds up two plates of salmon sushi. Realizing she’s finally been caught, she takes a deep breath and recomposes herself. “Two tuna plates,” she smiles, placing them in front of you.
After she sets the platters down, she quickly turns to leave but suddenly stops a few steps away. “Can I just say, though? Both of you are so cute.”
“This still feels like a dream.”
“Sometimes dreams come true.”
“It was so adorable!!!” She’s almost jumping for joy as she describes what had transpired in front of her eyes. “Anyways, let me know if you need anything.” Almost as quickly as she arrived, she disappeared behind into the kitchen.
Only now do you notice other customers, their hands cover their mouths, a few with a rosy hue over their cheeks. All you can do is give them a slight nod of acknowledgment before turning around, your face bright red from embarrassment.
Suzy stares at her food, an amused smile on her face while you sit there shellshocked and unable to speak. “Someone's been watching too many dramas,” she laughs, breaking apart her chopsticks before looking at you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You stare at your tuna. The meal that you had looked forward to ever since you left the hospital all of a sudden seemed much less appealing, your appetite disappearing after such an embarrassing ordeal.
“Why aren't you eating then?” Suzy nudges you with her elbow but does little to stir you. “Fine,” she sighs, picking up one of your pieces. “Say ah.”
“Suj, what are you do–mmmh”
She pulls away, a cute smile on her lips, but after staring at you chew, she breaks into a fit of laughter. Her laugh dissipates the knot in your stomach, and suddenly you feel the urge to smile back as your hand quickly covers your mouth, hiding the half-chewed roll. “What are you laughing at?”
“Nothing~ Just that you look so cute whenever you eat,” she laughs, poking your cheek before quickly taking another sushi piece.
“Shut up,” you mumble, feeding yourself another piece to avoid the embarrassment of being fed.
“Fine,” Suzy takes one last bite of her tuna before pushing it away. “Almost done yet?”
You take a final sip of tea before dabbing your mouth with a napkin. “Yeah. Let’s go.”
The eyes of the last few customers follow Suzy as she waltzes toward the cashier and hands them her card. “Just two salmon plates,” she smiles, holding up two fingers and flashing them a brilliant smile.
“Sure.” The cashier holds out his hand.
“Just wait, let me get my ca—”
“We only take cash.”
“Since when do you only ta—”
You quickly intervene and push her behind you, fishing out ₩50,000 from your wallet. “I've got it.” A small smile creeps up as she mumbles something behind you, her plans of paying unexpectedly foiled.
A loud ding from the register sounds as the cashier takes out ₩20,000 and hands it back. You smile and lace your fingers through Suzy’s hand. “Let’s go.”
You step outside into the cool night, Suzy’s warm hand holding onto yours. A pleasant spring breeze flows down the empty street. Only a few cars remain, the last few sushi customers.
Suzy lets go of your hand and runs underneath the singular streetlight, the warm yellow glow shining off her brown hair. She has a playful expression as she holds out her arms and tries her best impression of a ballerina.
You stand outside the light, a few paces away, watching the scene play out in front of you.
“What are you doing?” she laughs, leaning forward and grabbing onto your hand. Both her hands gently clasp onto your own, a content smile on her lips. “This is nice. Right?”
“Yeah, it is ni—” A loud yawn interrupts you, and a smile creeps onto your face.
“We should get going,” you chuckle and take your keys from her bag. “I’ll drive.”
Another yawn escapes from Suzy, and she reluctantly nods, climbing into the passenger’s seat.
With a soft purr, you set off into the night. The night is quiet; everyone already retired to their homes after a busy workday.
Suzy sits silently beside you, eyes staring out into the night. Soft breaths leave her lips as you quietly glide down Main Street.
Your eyes force themselves away from the road, and you find yourself staring at Suzy. ���Don't want to play anything?” you ask as you eject the previous cassette and place it into its case.
She shakes her head.
The silence unnerves you slightly, and you take one hand off the wheel, grabbing onto the back of her hand. Without saying anything, you slide your fingers through hers.
Beneath the white light of the moon, you see a rosy blush creep up her cheeks, but she still avoids your gaze.
A slight chuckle leaves your lips, and you let go of her hand. Your hand then rifles through the center console, looking for the correct one. Just in your periphery, you can read the album names that Suzy had written back in college.
Earth, Wind, and Fire.
Fuyukakan. You stare at the tape for a few moments, rotating it between your fingers.
“If you want to listen to Midnight Pretenders, use the other one. I don't want to skip through an entire album for one song.”
With that issue settled, you set the tape back down and grab the next one.
Rumors. Your fingers tap on the wheel as you wait for her to voice an opinion.
After another minute of silence, Suzy turns toward you, her eyebrow raised. Without saying a word, she takes the cassette from you and inserts it into the player.
“You were taking too long to decide,” she says simply before lowering her window and turning up the volume.
The beat of the drums then fills the car as Suzy leans her chair back and stares at you, a content smile on her lips. Once the guitar begins, she sways from side to side and closes her eyes, enjoying the cool wind rushing through her hair.
“Now, here you go again. You say you want your freedom~” Her voice sounds a little breathier than she would've liked, but she laughs it off. “Well, who am I to keep you down?”
You can’t hold back your smile at the sound of her voice. Suddenly once the final note leaves her lips, you're left with just the voice of Stevie Nicks playing through the speakers. You glance over, waiting for her to start singing again, only to find her staring back.
She has an amused smile on her face as she looks at you. Her eyes flutter once or twice, a subtle ruse to draw your attention away from her pouty lips. “Did you really think that I would just sing for you the entire drive?” she laughs, running her hands through her hair. “We always sing this song together.”
“I just wanted to listen to you tonight.” You force your gaze away from hers and back to the road.
She lets out a long sigh before closing her eyes once again. “Players only love you when they’re playing. Say women, they will come, and they will go. When the rain washes you clean, you’ll know. You’ll know.”
Then almost as if this moment was a dream, the song ends, and you turn into your house. “We made it,” Suzy laughs and does a quick stretch before she steps out of the car.
“We probably wouldn’t have if you were driving.”
She raises an eyebrow at your comment before snatching the keys from the ignition. Your car door closes with a loud slam. Silence as you’re left to enjoy the sight of her skipping towards the door before she fumbles through your keys.
You remain inside your car to watch the amusing sight unfold before you. After the first three attempts, she looks back and points at you before pointing at the ground, “Come here!” she mouths.
You shake your head.
“Come here!” Her yell is loud enough to startle you, and you quickly step out, not wanting to get a noise complaint from the neighbors. “Finally, now, which stupid key is i—” She watches as you don’t bother with the keys in her hand and simply lift up the black panel on top of the handle. 9. 4. 1. 0. 1. 0. Her birthday.
The door then unlocks with an electronic click, and you push it open. “The key for the door is in my car.” You grab the keys from her hand. “These are for my office.”
“That’s dumb.” Suzy looks at the keys dangling in front of her with annoyance before she pushes you aside.
A long sigh leaves your lips, and you look out into the night. Hopefully, none of your neighbors woke up because of her scream. You smile and slip your keys into your pocket, thinking that for the first time in a long time, your home doesn’t feel cold and lonely. Maybe you could get used to th—
“What is this!”
Maybe you spoke too soon.
“What’s the matter?” You rush inside to find Suzy staring at one of your paintings. One of the more abstract pieces that So Hee had originally bought for your office. “You don’t like it?”
“What do you mean you don’t like it? It’s hideous.” She points at the painting. “It looks like a child could’ve painted it!”
You laugh and breathe out a sigh of relief. Your hand ruffles the back of your hair before you take a step away. “And here I was worried that something bad happened.”
She gives the painting one last glare of disgust before tossing her purse on the kitchen island. “If the death of your taste isn’t bad, then I don’t know what is.”
“I wouldn’t say all of it is gone,” you smile, wrapping your arm around her waist.
“If this is your pitiful attempt to say your taste in women has gotten any better.” She turns around and places both hands on your chest. “It hasn’t.” With a cheeky grin, her hands force you away, and she quickly rounds the island as she looks through your drawers.
“I thought you liked Sana?”
After a few tries, she finds the cupboard with your drinking glasses. “I do. Sana’s adorable, but I can’t say the same about your secretary.” She then opens the small wine fridge that you keep on the countertop. Reaching in, she takes out a few bottles and gives each a look that ranges from mild disgust to somewhat tolerable. Suddenly, she takes out the all-black bottle that So Hee had left last time she was here. “And what is this abomination?”
You swallow the lump in your throat and bite down on your lip.
Suzy stares at you for a few moments, holding the bottle in both hands before she quickly sets it back. “No wonder you’ve got such horrible taste now.” With a long sigh, she takes out a bottle of scotch, a little more than half empty. “At least you still have the sense of mind to drink something that actually tastes good.”
“Whatever, Suj. I’m gonna go shower. Don’t burn the place down while I’m gone.”
A soft chuckle leaves her lips, and she gives you a wink before taking a small sip of her scotch. “Trust me, It’ll be fine.”
With that, you step away and walk towards your bedroom. Once you step through the door, the haze returns again, and after what feels like only a few moments, you find yourself stepping out of the shower.
This time, however, the haze didn't even come to mind as you rushed out, unable to wait another moment to see the person waiting for you in the kitchen.
For the first time, your home felt alive and warm. With all the lights on and the smell of browned butter and chocolate, your house felt lived in. And as you step into the living room, you’re left breathless because of the reason why.
Suzy stands by the kitchen counter, hair tied up in a ponytail as she rolls the dough into small tennis balls. She’s changed into a new set of clothes, a dark gray sweater and a pair of black exercise shorts that barely peeked through the bottom of the sweater.
Her lips form a slight pout while she rolls a bit of dough between her hands. Once she was satisfied with the shape, she placed it onto your small kitchen scale, and her smile lit up when the perfect weight appeared on the screen.
You laugh softly to yourself and decide to surprise her. The tile floor muffles your steps before you quickly wrap your arms around her waist and rest your nose on the side of her neck. Much to your surprise, she barely moves and continues rolling the dough into balls, a slight smile on her lips.
“I can smell the citrus shampoo, dummy,” she says as she finishes the final ball of dough. “Now scoot back a little. I have to put this in the oven.”
“Or we could just….” You take the tray and slide it into the oven without moving your arm from her waist.
“You're annoying,” she giggles as you tickle her waist, giving her a gentle kiss on the neck. Her hands grab onto your arm and try to force it away, only for you to hold on even tighter. “Let go already!”
You shake your head against her shoulder and keep your tight hold around her waist. “No.”
“I wanna watch a movie, though,” she pouts. Her arms try to reach under yours as she wriggles in your arms.
“Which one?” Your interest piqued, you stop your relentless assault on her waist and neck.
Suzy thinks about it for a moment. “Let’s watch Titan—” Your fingers run circles around her waist, a gentle suggestion before a long sigh leaves her lips. “You can choose.”
“Really?” you chuckle, bringing your lips to her ear. A gentle breath causes her face to flush a brilliant red, and you pull away to admire your work from behind. “Romeo and Juliet then?”
“Romeo and Juliet. Why would I watch that garb—”
You smile and start tickling her again. For a few moments, her beautiful laugh fills the empty room before she runs out of breath from laughing too much. “Fine. Fine. R-Romeo and Juliet.”
“Perfect.” Your arms unwrap from her waist, and you step away, grabbing the two glasses and the bottle of scotch. “I’ll bring everything over.”
“Okay.” Her voice is soft as she walks towards the living room, but they avoid your gaze.
Once she steps away, you’re left alone with your thoughts and the smell of freshly baked cookies. Three minutes left.
Your fingers tap anxiously on the countertop, and a thought flashes through your mind of having a glass before you watch the movie. Before you grab the bottle, though, you shake off the idea, realizing that it would be empty before the end of the night anyways.
“Scotch and cookies,” you chuckle and reach into your fridge for a carton of milk. As you fill up the mug with milk, a loud ding sounds from the oven.
Beautiful wafts of steam rise from the cookies, and you set them on the countertop, giving them a minute to cool. The buttery smell fills the entire room, and when you look towards the living room, you find Suzy stealing a peek at how they came out.
When you meet her eyes, she quickly looks away and turns on the TV.
“Hurry up! The movie is gonna start without you!” Her back is still turned to you, but you can barely make out the sound of her feet stamping against the sofa.
“Coming!” In a rush, you burn your finger on one of the cookies but still manage to stack them on a small plate.
“Took you long enough,” Suzy grumbles as you walk over to the sofa to set down the cookies and cup of milk. She watches you wince slightly when you try and grab a cookie before grabbing your hand. “Are you okay?” Her hands tightly hold onto yours as she brings it up to her lips.
Your heartbeat slows as you meet her eyes—those entrancing doe eyes that you loved much. Slowly. she brings the burnt end of your finger up to her lips and purses her lips. Her gentle breath feels like a cool breeze that flows through your entire body, and you can feel the tight knot in your stomach unravel.
“Mm, yeah… better.” You swallow a lump in your throat as she lets go of your hand and takes a cookie for you.
“Here.” She places the cookie against your lips. “You made them.” Her head tilts from side to side, waiting for you to take a small bite. “Come on! The movie’s starting.”
You smile and take a small bite. The cookie is soft and gooey with a strong scent of brown butter. A few chews give different flavors of chocolate, toffee, and butter. “Happy now?” you ask, finishing off the bite.
“Very.” She takes a bite of the same cookie before setting it back down on the plate. Her eyes stare at the TV before she leans over and rests her head on your lap. “Wake me up when we get to the good part.”
“What's the good part?” you ask, running your hand through her hair.
“The end.”
“Uh-huh, sure.” You pull her up so her head rests on your chest. Your arms then wrap around her waist as you press a gentle kiss to the back of her head. The soft scent of lilacs distracts you from the loud clang of swords coming from the TV.
Moving downward, you kiss on the nape of her neck as she squirms in your arms. A laugh escapes her lips. “I thought we were watching the movie?”
“I am,” you murmur, your focus momentarily shifting to Romeo’s first appearance. A soft scoff before you return your ministrations back to Suzy’s delicate skin. “Now you’re watching? Just because Romeo is on the screen?”
“What can I say? I have an eye for beauty.”
You shake your head but continue resting on her shoulder to watch the movie beside her.
As the movie progressed, however, you realized how pointless watching a film with her in your arms is. Everything about her was horribly distracting. Whether it be her soft curls that brushed against your nose or how her lilac scent seemed to dominate your senses, never giving you more than a few moments of freedom. Nowhere could you find the opportunity to actually focus on the picture.
Eventually, once Romeo enters the party, you find the will to get up and grab a glass of water. “Suj, I’m gonna get some wat–”
“Stay,” she murmurs, her eyes almost closed as she turns to one side. One hand holds onto your shirt, unwilling to let go.
You look down at her sleeping form and heave a long sigh. Fluttering eyelashes, rosy cheeks, pouty lips–you never stood a chance. All you can do is smile as you move her to the most comfortable position on your lap before “What is a Youth” begins. “You almost made it to your favorite part, Suj.” Your voice is wistful, and your hand gently caresses her cheek.
Now, you finally have the chance to watch the movie. Yet, as you watch Romeo meet Juliet’s eyes five years later, something feels different. The magic was gone, or maybe you had finally grown out of these cheesy romance stories.
Most likely, though, as you sat there with Juliet in your arms, you realized that your first love, like all others, was little more than a dream. A dream that was hopeless from the start. And as you look down at her, your hand running through her hair one final time, you take a deep breath, one final attempt to memorize that perfect scent of lilac and gooseberries, only to find yourself more empty than before.
Then everything fades to black. All dreams come to an end.
Note: Whew you made it to the end!!!! Anyways, I’d like to thank my team. My editor @v1ntrix​. You are beautiful and amazing. My army of Beta’s @praeluxius​, @summersault31​, @kaedewrites​, @a-casual-kpopfan​, and @banananutsmuthie​. All of these people give me the motivation to keep on going everyday, y’all are amazing. I mean it. Anyways, yeahhhh. Publishing schedule is getting on the hectic side, but I hope that you all are still enjoying my works. Hopefully, I’ll see all you loves soon.
- Unsure
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silantryoo · 8 months
EUPHORIA ; ahn yujin
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earth arcade! ahn yujin x actress! reader
SYNOPSIS ;  you never thought that being in a variety show would come with your job as an actress, but here you were, chasing some stupid rabbit next to the prettiest girl you've ever met.
TAGS ; reader is an actress, yujin is SEVERELY down bad, earth arcade!!!, mutual pining, mentions of soulmates, wlw, fluff, slow burn, crack, smau
WARNINGS ; strong language, fluff, light angst, mentions of overworking, general chaotic behavior from everyone, more to be added
FEATURING ; ive, iz*one, kim jisoo (blackpink), bae suzy (actress), choi hyunwook (actor), lee youngji (rapper), kim mihyun (mimi from oh my girl!), lee eunji (comedian), na youngseok (producer), and mentions of various other idols, actors and actresses.
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PROFILES. rodent exterminators. 3 actors and an idol. ive (coworkers only). nekkoya.
more to come....
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taglist (CLOSED)!
@rosiehrs @perfectsunlight @sserabey @wallfl9wer @uzumakioden @cwpiqwon @zhivaxo @blue4hour @jisooftme @alexxis10 @everydayiloveyves @haerinkisser @winieter @feisrants @haerinsloverr @skisk1 @huhyunjinwifey @silentreader98 @yoontoonwhs @pandamiswifey @ehcyps @ddoxhan @edamboon @minjeongswife @niniwhiskers @unforgivenangel @havex00 @chaerybae @awkwardtoafault @rd0265667 @jeindall777 @manooffline @dublangdung-i @cooldazetidalwave @darialikesgirls @pigeonoftheskyrat @emphobics @octaviopluto
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perfectsunlight · 1 year
nooooo not rosie posie my sweet cinnamon roll cheating 💔 ngl the suzy bae and rosé dating rumor is one of my favorites but how dare she take chaeyoung from us(in this au)??!! death to all of them, i saw you won’t make a part2 so in my mind yn released an album like sour and was super petty about the break up but she never really mentioned roseanne or her new girl, just let people read btwn the lines and draw their own conclusions
i’m begging you please give us some fluff i can’t take it anymore
yeah i don't wanna make a second part bc i never planned for yn and rosie to get back together or to speak again lol. but honestly ur right, death to all of them.
HOWEVER...i have fluff coming up soon! im just really busy with studying for my med school entrance exam and finishing about you bc a lot of the final chapters are written (and i need to write them lol)
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princessatiny · 3 years
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❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️OKAY QUESTION ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
If I was to make like a Discord for stuff like Kdramas and Kpop would y’all be interested in joining?!
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girlgrouptrash101 · 5 years
Suzy - Hazy
Request: "Can i request scenario with Bae Suzy where reader and her meet at club and they flirt, dance and hook up in bathroom?"
Word Count: 1,200 Words
Warnings: NSFW Content Ahead
A/N: yes I am in fact alive I know you’re all surprised
- C
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Your mind was clouded with flashing lights, hot girls and alcohol as you moved along with all the other people on the dance floor. You weren’t usually one to go out partying, but life had been getting on top of you a bit lately, and you just needed to de-stress, and let your hair down a bit.
Out of everyone dancing on the floor, there was only one girl who had caught your eye. It was a brown-haired girl in a little black dress, and you’d been trying your best to get close to her all night.
After a few more shots and your friends hyping you up, you finally got the courage to go over to her.
“So, are you going to finally talk to me, or are you just going to keep staring at me for the rest of the night?” She said, smirking at you. Your jaw dropped at her boldness, and she grinned at the way your cheeks flushed red.
“Don’t tease me, let’s just go dance….”
“Okay Suzy, let’s go dance?” You said, raising your brow in hopes that she’d follow you to the dance floor. She nodded, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the mass of sweaty bodies. She didn’t let go of your hand so you didn’t get lost, making sure you kept close to her.
She moved easily to the beat, a lot smoother than everyone else who mas moving like a drunken mess; most of them probably couldn’t even hear the music anymore.
Your hands came to her waist as she wrapped her own around your neck, bringing her face closer to your own as she danced. You watched her with hooded eyes as she moved against you, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth as she stared you down.
Suzy turned around in your hold, your hands gripping tighter on her waist as her back pressed up against yours. You groaned as her ass pressed up against your hips, still swaying along to the beat.
Suzy whimpered as you moved her hair to one side, kissing and nipping at her ear and moving down to suck at her neck. You smirked as you left a little mark there, and as soon as you saw it you knew you wanted more. You had no idea who this Suzy girl was, but already you were getting addicted to her; you needed to get closer.
It seemed Suzy was having the same thoughts as you as she grabbed your hand, making a beeline towards the bathroom. You followed with a lazy grin on your face, this gorgeous girl was about to give you all her attention, and you couldn’t help but get an ego boost at the way guys and girls alike looked rather jealous that you were the one holding Suzy’s hand.
She wasted no more time, shoving past drunken girls fixing their already ruined makeup in the bathroom mirrors. She found the first empty stall and pushed you inside, barely locking it before pulling you back to her and smashing her lips on yours.
Your hands moved to thread into her hair, pulling her even closer as your tongues battled for dominance.
Suzy was getting impatient with your wandering hands, and you barely had time to react when she grabbed your hair and pushed you down onto your knees in front of her.
You quickly bunched up her dress around her stomach, licking your lips at the sight of a wet spot already on her panties. You pushed your face into her, kissing over the thin fabric that was leaving little to the imagination already.
Both of you were too far gone to think about teasing any longer, so you didn’t hesitate for a second when she asked you to just please her already.
Suzy’s panties were soon down around her ankles as you dipped your tongue into her and started to eat her out like she was the last thing you were ever going to taste. Suzy’s hands came down and buried themselves in your hair, tugging harder every time you did something that was just right.
Seeing Suzy’s eager reactions, you wanted nothing more than to hear her screaming out your name – even if it was in the middle of a bathroom of some downtown nightclub. Your hands stayed firm on her thighs, your nails digging into her soft skin as your head stayed buried between her legs.
Working away on her clit, you groaned at her sweet taste; you felt like you could never get enough. You were soon finding more pleasure than pain in the harsh way Suzy was pulling on your hair, everything just adding to the pressure growing between your legs.
Your tongue flattened out as Suzy pulled you impossibly closer, grinding on your face to get her ever closer to her impending high. You could tell she was close by the way her hips started to stutter and how her moans got a pitch higher than before.
With just a few more licks against Suzy’s sensitive spot, you had her tumbling over the edge. Your hands gripped even tighter to her thighs, feeling her legs shake as she came hard. You lapped up everything she gave you, your mind still hazy from the amount of sticky sweetness she was giving you.
As soon as the gorgeous girl had recovered you were pulled to your feet by your hair, dragged in for a hot, open-mouthed kiss.
Suzy pulled back to work on your neck, leaving marks across your skin so you didn’t forget this experience anytime soon. Not that you ever would anyway.
Your eyes fluttered shut at the way Suzy kissed and bit at your skin, little groans leaving your mouth. You were so distracted by her, that you didn’t even notice her hand pushing past your panties and delving into your wet heat.
You whimpered against her lips as she kissed you again, her fingers getting wetter and wetter with your arousal. As soon as Suzy was satisfied with how wet you were, she slipped two fingers inside, making you bite her lip harshly.
You clung onto her shoulders, practically moaning into her mouth now rather than kissing her. Suzy wasn’t letting up, thrusting inside quickly, curling her fingers with each movement.
With each thrust, her palm hit perfectly off your clit, bringing you ever closer to the edge. Suzy leaned forward and nibbled on your ear lobe, letting your head fall forward onto her shoulder as you finally came.
Suzy pulled her fingers out of you, putting them into her mouth and tasting as much of you as she could.
With one last kiss, Suzy helped you sit down, holding her phone out for you. You got the message, putting in your phone number for this mysterious girl kneeling in front of you. She leaned up, kissing your forehead and winking as she pulled away.
Suzy looked over your worn from once more, smirking before leaving the cubicle and disappearing back into the mass of people outside.
You definitely hoped that she’d put that phone number you gave her to good use, you just had to see her again.
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jeongpride · 4 years
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Packs joy
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9h4mn · 3 years
idol | cherry bullet
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➞ cherry bullet x idol! reader
➞ fluff
➞ having a crush [and having none!] is normal and everyone has their own way of dealing with it. how will cherry bullet act around their idol crush when they have a schedule together?
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haeyoon: as leader, haeyoon has to place her feelings aside for the sake of her members — that was what she always told herself — but when the members are out of the equation? uh-oh.
a duet where she covers a song with you and its not just any song, its dream by baekhyun and bae suzy. a duet of a love song with her idol crush, it was a disaster in the making.
because it was just a vocal duet, practice began a week before the performance. asides from actual practice, it was filled with the both of you talking about the responsibilities that came with being a leader. and when it was time for the performance it felt like it was just you and haeyoon.
all good things comes to an end so with blushing cheeks and an erratic heart haeyoon does her own way of reflecting her feelings, complimenting you.
"i really like your voice!"
yuju: a show where she is allowed to eat as much as she wants? yuju was in but the weird way the managers were acting wasn't missed by her.
she didn't think much of it until filming began and you were introduced as her partner. so she can eat as much as she wants while you eat with her — a free date if you think about it.
she had already thought you were cool but the way you knew how to eat food to make it even more delicious? she was in love. if you were asking her though her favorite part was when you leaned closer to her to remove the stubborn rice on her cheeks.
when filming ended she asked for your number in the pretense to go on a food trip with her. well she had always admired you and if you end up liking her what was yuju going to do? reject you?
"next time lets eat without having to worry about anything."
bora: a year and a few months, bora had estimated that that would be the time she would spend with you as an mc (she really had to when she found out her co-mc would be you!)
it began awkward just as many mc pairs were but overtime the both of you got comfortable with each other. now, bora has no problem clinging on to you. she would even slap your shoulders when laughing.
there was a time period where she got hate from your fans. she had laugh it off but you made an effort to make sure she was smiling and laughing when with you.
you weren't just a senior she looked up to, you very much became one of the reasons she enjoys waking up.
"[name] look, fans are calling us [ship name]!"
jiwon: lipstick prince aka the show where male idols — whether or not they are good at it — would do the makeup of their female celebrity guest. jiwon is the guest and you happened to part of the cast.
when you first entered the room to do her makeup, her heart was beating too fast for her liking but when you took off your coat and gave it to her so that she could cover her legs? jiwon was already gone.
you were in charge of her lips and though you started slow (as you were comparing and asking jiwon's opinion on what color you should use) she enjoyed every moment. though there are times she might have squealed when the both of you locked eyes, jiwon had somehow survived that.
the time came for her to vote on the prince she liked most. there were attempts to woe her, however, one glance to you would beat any of that.
"i really like [name]... i-i mean the color really brings out my face!"
remi: she had been fan of your group and had always knew the choreography to your songs so when she found out cherry bullet would be guesting in a variety show you hosted, she was ecstatic.
the members — bless their souls — exposed that remi was a huge fan of your group. the other host asked her who her bias was and she shyly said it was you.
when the random dance segment began, as always she knew most choreo but when your songs played, she placed even more energy in her steps. you even danced with her and needless to say it was a very important day for remi.
as filming closes, you had approached remi and showed your gratitude for stanning you and your group. it inspired her to tell you at least one reason why she likes you.
"no matter what i was feeling, your songs always comforted me."
chaerin: for you solo debut, chaerin was picked as the leading lady. it wasn't just for the mv but also for the choreo. basically it was like a featuring with her, except her voice wasn't part of it.
before the mv filming, chaerin was already practicing the choreo with you so it wasn't awkward between the both of you. people could even say that you converse like old friends.
when the mv dropped, fans were raving both at the cute concept for your debut and your chemistry with chaerin. there was even more chemistry when promotion period began.
somehow, too happy after a win, you had told chaerin you asked for the ceo to make her your leading lady. although you didn't hear her, the wind was a testament to what she said.
"thank you for choosing me."
may: a game show of some sort — that was the only thing the managers told may. had she knew that you would also be a guest, may would have asked for at least one member to come and support her.
the show began with the guests having to find a partner, as she was both a foreigner and rookie may had already expected no one would pick her. until you came up to her and asked her to be your partner.
there were times that she would not understand some game mechanics and you were always patient in teaching her. you were even able to translate the mechanics in japanese when you needed to.
after a few more games, you and may ended up winning. the price was meat and while everyone else was savoring for it, the both of you celebrated.
"i really enjoyed having you for a partner!"
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©9h4mn | all contents belong to me. do not modify or repost.
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wangshurp · 3 years
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Cho Yena
@wgs_yena FACECLAIM: Bae Suzy DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 10 de Outubro de 1994 / 27 anos NACIONALIDADE: Coreia do Sul ETNIA: Sul-coreana GÊNERO: Feminino ORIENTAÇÃO SEXUAL: Panssexual ATIVIDADE: Delegada de Wangshu / Tatuadora na Godai LOCALIZAÇÃO: Sunset Village TEMAS DE INTERESSE: Angst; Crack; Fluff; General; Romance; Smut. TRIGGERS: -
PERSONALIDADE: A academia de polícia ensinou Yena a não aceitar merda nenhuma de cabeça baixa. Sempre teve esse senso de justiça, que a fazia apanhar mais do que batia, mas uma gengiva sangrando nunca falhava em fazer seu pavio-curto queimar. Ela é assim, explosiva em alguns momentos, muito calma e ponderada em outros, depende da situação. Yena gosta da sua privacidade e da sua solidão, mas não dispensa uma boa conversa, mesmo que não seja do tipo que fala muito de si mesma e prefere ser sempre direta sobre o que quer, sem rodeios.
JUSTIFICATIVA: Sempre foi a troublemaker do grupo de amigos, mas isso era porque Yena não se importava de bater peito com os grandões quando eles passavam do ponto. Ela estava sempre com o joelho ralado, a boca inchada, um olho roxo, mas se os caras tinham coragem de bater nela, ela que não ficaria de fora da troca de socos. E nem é que ela era violenta por natureza, só não suportava aquele tipo de coisa. Seus pais tentaram colocar ela na linha, até inscreveram a Yena em lutas e no boxe pra ver se ela descontava um pouco da frustração no esporte, só que isso só serviu pra deixar ela mais forte pra descer o cacete com mais propriedade. Yena não caçava brigas, mas se ela surgisse, só saía com ela resolvida. O que realmente acalmava ela, era desenhar. Aprendeu muita coisa sozinha, pela internet mesmo e às vezes com alguns cursos, e quando estava no boxe, conheceu um cara que era tatuador que deu pra ela um pouco de noção de desenhos mais realistas também. Não bastasse, Yena se interessou pela arte no corpo. Coreia do Sul era um lugar difícil de praticar a tatuagem, precisava fazer uma faculdade de Medicina pra trabalhar, então aprendeu tudo na clandestinidade e na boa vontade desse cara. Ele era registrado, mas ela não tava nem aí. Queria mesmo era frequentar a escola de polícia e foi o que fez, mesmo com todos os protestos de sua família e foi lá que Yena aprendeu a ser durona.
PRESENTE: Yena foi pra Wangshu pra assumir o cargo de delegada na delegacia de polícia. Na verdade, ela foi quase obrigada a ir porque na sua antiga unidade, seu pulso firme e cabeça dura estavam gerando muita confusão. Ela não deixava nada passar impune, isso de perdoar crimes pequenos não era com ela e muita gente começou a reclamar, então decidiram mandar ela pra um lugar onde a criminalidade era baixa pra ver se ela melhorava um pouco. Conheceu muita gente em Wangshu, inclusive algumas que gostavam de tatuar tanto quanto ela. Em seu tempo livre como delegada, já que não tinha muito trabalho, gostava de frequentar um estúdio de tatuagem onde poderia colocar em prática os desenhos que fazia. Gostava de desafios, então apenas aceitava trabalhos que demandavam tempo. Muito tempo.
DESEJOS: Yena só quer viver. Wangshu não é um local problemático, então ela sente falta da adrenalina da cidade grande, mas pra ela era bom testar se a calmaria realmente faria algum efeito. E se divertir também, já que as horas de trabalho na capital sul-coreana a impediam de aproveitar a noite. Está sempre disponível a ajudar os moradores a soluciar qualquer tipo de problema, seja carregar sacolas pesadas para idosos até encontrar quem roubou de galinhas. Ainda não estava acostumada com a vida pacata,e como em qualquer outro lugar, ela se adaptaria da melhor maneira possível. Com uma taça de vinho, alguém na sua cama e muita boa vontade, poderia fazer tudo aquilo funcionar.
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supertweetycherry · 4 years
DIE HARD || [iii. Feeling Helpless]
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—Pairings: BTS x OC
—Genre: BTS Mafia Au, Slight Fluff, Angst (a lot of it), Heartbreak, Thriller
—Ratings: 18+ | MA Content | R
—Warnings: Mentions of Sex, Mentions of Alcohol, Mentions of Prostitution, Bad boy behaviour, a bit of Abuse and lot of angry screaming.
—Summary: She belong to them. They belong to her. It’s simple as that. Period.
—Word Count: 4.9k
 Navigations -> Masterlist || MASTERPOST <<Part 1 || Part 3>>
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 Chapter 2 - Feeling Helpless
Ring. Ring.
A loud ringing noise echoed in the room as Yoona slept blissfully on her bed. Her dark hair sprawled all over her pillow, and her limbs carelessly spread across the bed. Her comforter was nearly off the edges while her body was bent in an odd angle.
Ring. Ring.
There it was again. That sound. It was followed by a buzz of vibration that shook her tummy.
“Ughh... stop!” She groaned out, but to her dismay, the sound continued to disturb her peaceful slumber.
Slowly opening one of her eyes, she looked at her surroundings and blinked. The room was flooded with the strong sunlight coming from her tall windows. She had to squint her eyes a bit, to see where she was. An empty alcohol bottle was digging into her side as she moved her heavy limbs around, trying to get some stretch in. Luckily, the bottle managed to roll away only to find her hand collide with something squashy.
“Wha—” She looked at her fingers to see a thin layer of white icing. Suddenly, her head swung to her right to see a squashed cupcake, coating the right side of her bed.
She groaned, again. It was sticking flat against her bedsheet, spreading its creamy substance all over her bed.
How the fuck did this even get here?
“This is why I should stop bringing alcohol in this house.” She muttered to herself, before pulling her body up to a sitting position. Her head was buzzing with a strong migraine and her tummy felt like she was gonna hurl any second now.
Ring. Ring.
That sound was back. Still in her dazed state, she reached out to the source of the ringing. It was lying on her tummy, vibrating in full speed. Surprisingly, she didn’t mind it. The thing was giving her a massage, who is she to complain?
“Hello?” Her own voice sounded scratchy and hoarse. Exactly how much of the crying did she do last night?
“Yuri!” Yoona flinched as the loud voice of the person nearly damaged her ear drums. It boosted up her oncoming migraine.
“Where the hell are you?! It’s 10am in the morning! Ji-Soo is going crazy with all of us. Do you have any idea what’s going on? Everything is—”
Yoona blinked blankly at the phone. Her colleague slash friend was still barking into the phone continuously without stopping. Yoona had already stopped listening when Ji-Soo was mentioned. After wasting away her birthday night in alcohol, Lee Ji-Soo was the last person that Yoona would expect to pop up. But, apparently she did... only in two minutes of waking up.
“—you were supposed to be here! Now, I’m overloaded with all the extra work. The news has also been—”
The 26 year old wondered if she should cut the phone or let her friend talk. The words stopped making sense to her a long time ago.
“—been raining down on us. You need to check the news and come straight to the building now! Something serious is happening. The whole building is in—”
“Suzy!” Yoona finally exclaimed, cutting her friend off. “I’m coming. Just please, stop shouting.”
The plea itself sounded like a strained groan.
“But—Fine! Check the news before you reach here. It’s chaos up here.”
Yoona didn’t wait for a goodbye. She cut the call before her head could explode from her friend’s loud voice.
Suzy Bae. The only cutest ball but yet, the most reactive girl in Yoona’s life. She has been the only good thing in Yoona’s life for the past 4 years. The girl was only two years younger than her but still quite competitive. She reminded Yoona of her youngest lover, Jungkook. They both were quite reactive to situations and annoyed the hell out of her most of the time.
‘Aigoo... my chubby little princess looks so cute and fluffy in her poofy dress.’
Yoona shook her head. There’s no way she’s going down that memory lane again. Her resistance level is very close to zero. She needs to build her walls back up to their previous glory so they won’t get smashed down by her uncle’s family again.
Still cursing her growing headache, she quickly cleaned the spoiled bed and got herself ready for work. Her bruises were still raw which just made her day even more worst than any other day she has ever had.
“Alright..” She said as she stared at her screwed up reflection in the giant mirror. Her eyes are definitely puffy and red from all that crying she did last night. There are dark circles under her eyes but nothing major. Makeup could fix that in a second. And her skin colour looked dull, but again, that’s how it is on her bad days.
“Okay, Day 1 of being a 26 year old... I can do this.”
And with that, she did. Within a span of one hour, she was done and ready to head off to work. Quickly pressing over her fine, collared white shirt and black skinny pants, she left the room. Turning on the stove for some breakfast, she let the TV play on a news channel. Suzy’s demands were still ringing in her head.
‘Watch the news.’
She wondered what was so important on the news that made Suzy turn into such as hyper-screaming mess.
“—Now, with the recent reports coming in, the infamous notorious criminal gang ‘Bangtan’ has struck again in South Korea—”
Hold up. Her hands stopped in mid-air, the egg only inches away from being cracked open. Did she hear it correctly? They said ‘Bangtan’ right? As in the ‘Bangtan’ gang that has been terrorizing the world ever since they have surfaced two years ago?
Turning the stove off, she headed to her living room where a middle aged women gave out the latest news on the screen. She turned up the volume so she could hear more clearly.
“—A women named Jung Jae-hee, the acting executive director of Lee Enterprise in South Korea, was recently found dead in her house. It has been only few hours since her discovery and already, the reports indicates that the women was tortured and brutally beaten to death before a close family member discovered her corpse. The local law enforcements ruled out the death to be a vengeful murder by the notorious gang ‘Bangtan’. Clear evidence haven’t been identified to support this claim yet but an inside source reported the similar markings on the women’s body has been seen before in other victims that comes under the wrath of Bangtan—”
Yoona narrowed her eyes at the name. Bangtan. The name itself sounded familiar to her but also at the same time, foreign. The gang is a notorious group of killers that have been dominating the world ever since they surfaced two years. They weren’t just a terror in Korea, their gang name has been a widely known name around the whole of Asia and up here in the states too. Their activities goes deeper than just normal drug smuggling, money laundering or loan sharking.
Yoona didn’t know much about them but, she knew enough to stay away from their paths.
She was just about to shake it off is when a thought struck her.
Jung Jae-Hee. Why does that name sound so familiar? Wait—Isn’t she the... Shit!
She gasped. Oh boy, no wonder Suzy was a screaming mess. Forget the food, she needs to get to the office. Now!
“This doesn’t seem good.” Yoona said aloud as they stared at the chaos in the office. Every employee was scrambling into different directions with no regards to each other.
“Ya think?!” Her friend retorted from beside her. “Our old boss just got killed in her home country. It’s obvious everyone will be in a panicking state.”
Yoona glanced back at Suzy in worry. Her beautiful friend was glaring at everything in sight. With her long, silky black hair up in a loose pony tail and long strands of bangs covering her forehead, the girl looked livid and cute all at the same time. She was dressed in a proper pristine full sleeve blouse with a black pencil skirt, complimenting her petite figure. Pretty different to what Yoona was wearing.
A small sigh escaped Yoona’s lips. “I don’t know what to say...”
“Well, I know one thing. I don’t think I’m ever going back to South Korea again.” Suzy declared, her lips pouting in sadness. “Too many murders for my poor heart to take on. I’m a heart patient you people!”
Yoona chuckled at her friend’s antics.
Yoona jumped at the new voice, her head already ringing with the high octanes in the voice.
‘Yuri’ was her mother’s maiden name that she adopted when her real identity as ‘Lee Yoona’ was erased. She joined the family of ‘Kim’, making her ‘Kim Yuri’, and became the orphaned, petty, poor girl who used her cunning ways in bed to get a job at Lee Enterprise. It was horrifying and disgusting that people actually believed this kind of shit these days.
“That is not good.” Suzy commented as Yoona peeked at the person who has called her out.
Daniel. Fucking Daniel.
“Shit, it’s him. Run!” And so they did.
But like they say that trouble finds you at every corner, Yoona’s worst trouble found her too.
Lee Ji-Soo.
The ultimate prodigy of the wicked witch of the west. And also, her little cousin.
The girl was the second child of Lee Sung Woo and one of the biggest tormentor in Yoona’s life. She was only few years younger than Yoona, almost at Suzy’s age, and already has a wicked ego. She was tall and naturally pretty. Her mind was sharp but also at the same she was easily influenced and angered which causes her emotions to take over her hazy mind. Yoona had tried to connect with Ji-Soo on so many different levels, but the bossy, obnoxious girl was never interested.
“Ji-Soo...” The girl was standing near Yoona’s desk. She was dressed in the most whitest clothes Yoona has ever seen on her. It spilled with fake purity. Even the Chanel earring in her left ear couldn’t match to it.
Suzy, who had already seen a storm brewing in Yoona’s cousin’s eyes, had already ducked out of sight to avoid the hissing serpent. Daniel, the person they were running from, had stopped too and had turned back around to the way he came from.
Ji-soo’s anger is known to be a legend in this building. No-one was a match for her. Anyone who dares to come across Ji-soo’s wrath, is burned alive. And right now, Yoona seems to be right in the middle of it.
“Where are the files?!” She demanded, face contorting into anger as everyone else around them stopped and stared. Why wouldn’t they? The young girl was one of their bosses.
It’s ironic how Yoona is treated as a mere servant in her own father’s company. It was named after her family name. The Lee Enterprise. It wasn’t just a business. It was an empire built by her great grandfather through blood, sweat and tears. It was passed along to her own father who pulled the company to new heights with strong alliances and strong values. But after his death, it was now run by her uncle.
Since, she’s practically dead to the world, she could never inherit her father’s company again. It’s something she regrets now.
“Answer me!”
Yoona looked at her cousin in confusion. Did something happen?
“What files?”
“Files for Aria, Yuri!”
Yoona wacked her brain at the familiar name. Aria... Aria... ARIA Resort & Casino!
“You mean... the casino?”
“Yes!” She was being impatient.
“I don’t know where the files are.” Yoona shrugged. It wasn’t under her job to take care of such important files. She was just a mere personnel support in the office. A little servant trying to find her way in this building. Even though she has a high-class business degree and masters under her name, she will always be treated as Kim Yuri, the little spawn of a dead whore.
“They were on your desk!” She screeched.
“No, they weren’t.”
“Honestly Ji-Soo, I have the lowest clearance in this building. Do you really think I will have such important files in my grip? Aren’t they supposed to be in your father’s office?”
ARIA Resort & Casino is a luxury building dedicated to its given name and located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Its only an hour away from here by plane. The huge, mega complex building was originally owned by an American entertainment industry which turned out to be another counterpart of Kim Industries. But after that tragic night, and the death of all Kim’s heirs, the ownership was lost. Not only for the casino but also for many other assets that Kim industries had owned. In the end, the casino was passed around in many different hands before landing into the hands of Lee Enterprise. And for the past six years, it has been her uncle’s play baby.
“They’re not in his office.” This time, Ji-Soo’s voice was laced with worry. But then, the anger returned. “I know you have them.”
Yoona sighed. She rubbed her head in irritation.
“No. I don’t have them.”
“Don’t lie to me, Yuri!” The younger screeched, grabbing Yoona’s arm in the process. The older winced at the sudden pain that came from the bruises on her arm. “You don’t want me to tell Omma about this, do you?” She threatened with small wild smile.
Yoona glared at the younger women. That girl knew how much her mother despises Yoona and would love to beat her up at any given chance.
“Ji-Soo...” another voice interrupted them.
Both of them turned to the new voice and gulped. The voice belonged to a tall boy with dark golden brown hair locks, and a piercing look that instantly broke the skin-to-skin contact they had with each other.
Yoona had to ball up her hands into little fists to avoid feeling scared. The tall boy was her older cousin. He was dressed in a tight blue suit that covered every inch of his body. The expensive Goldmark watch on his right wrist was sparkling as the long scarf in his neck complimented his looks.
To others he might seem ethereal, but to her, he was pure evil.
“Tae-min oppa...” Ji-Soo called out to her older brother.
Yoona avoided looking at the man. She unconsciously covered her right arm, where the result of his tight grip on her from two days ago showed.
“Leave her.” He said, flicking his hair to the side. His slightly bulky body looked lean and relaxed. “Come. We have somewhere important to be.”
The man’s voice was laced with sweetness and seemed calm. That’s what scared Yoona the most. His calm demeanour that could change into something completely different in a simple second.
“But—”Ji-Soo didn’t dare to continue. Her brother’s eyes had slightly narrowed. She gulped and glanced at Yoona in fury before stalking after her older brother.
The only thing Yoona could do was sigh and thank the gods for saving her again from the endless pain.
Lee Sung-Woo, the current head of Lee Enterprise, sighed as he rested his head back against the soft, leather chair. He could hear his kids entering the room but he didn’t bother acknowledging them. They were mature enough to understand that their father was stressed.
Being the head of Lee Enterprise is a hard, challenging job. Not only the company was one of the top companies in the world, it was also the foundation of a large empire built in the underworld. The main family line within the circle of the best of the best. A circle that was broken and re-formed again with new masters. But now, something new was challenging the empire. Something that is ready to topple them off. And he didn’t like that one bit.
“Dad..” he heard his eldest speak. “We can still fix this. You don’t have to take on stress.”
Sung-Woo hummed at his son’s words. The boy was always the calm one. The one who stayed patient till the end before loosing his shit and letting his demons out to rule. “I have put my best men on this. We will know who actually killed Jae-Hee.”
“I know, Tae-min.” The older man spoke. “You would never disappoint me. But I’m not worried about the girl’s death. She’s an easy replacement.”
Something twitched in the golden haired boy. Jae-Hee wasn’t just any girl to him. She was special, but he didn’t dare go against his father.
“Is it the ARIA files then?” Ji-Soo spoke up, nervousness seeping into her tone.
Sung-woo’s anger flared at the mention of his play baby. Those files were important. They were the property papers for ARIA.
“Have you found them yet?”
Ji-Soo shivered at her father’s hard tone. She pursed her lips and shook her head. She didn’t need to say anything because he can see her.
“You better hope they are just misplaced. If something happens to ARIA, I will not forgive you for this, Ji-Soo.” The older man warned his daughter.
Ji-Soo felt her body freeze. Her eyes widening at the implications of his words. He wouldn’t hurt his own daughter, right?
“It’s not her fault, dad.” His son spoke up, defending his little sister. “I think they have been stolen.”
A stab of fear hit Sung-Woo. What kind of force was he dealing with? This building is under strict security 24/7. There were guards everywhere. There were high-tech cameras in every part and corner of this building. It’s impossible for someone to steal the files. He really hoped that his daughter has just misplaced them.
“We’ll talk about them later. Right now, I have to introduce you both to some people.”
They looked at each other in confusion.
Sung-Woo didn’t answer. Instead, he pressed a button underneath his table and the back wall opened up into a series of giant screens covering every inch of the wall space. A loud click was heard as the room’s door locked itself electronically and the windows turned into a smokey grey colour, completely cutting off the view inside the office.
“It’s time for you both to meet The Circle.”
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The city of Los Angeles was buzzing with life. With it being one of the most populous city in all of California, the nightlife here was tremendously as lavish and expensive as they say. Having so many of entertainment industries under its boundaries and one of the best-class casinos, hotels and clubs, it is no-wonder that the heart of this city was completely submerged into the gambling and dealings of the underworld.
“Welcome to Dream Glow. Please enjoy your stay here.”
Kim Minseok smiled as he entered the large lavish building. Dream Glow. He chuckled. The name itself was grand and majestic as its owner.
“Wow. She really did turn this place around, didn’t she?” His little brother, Kim Jongin, commented as the younger male’s eyes travelled up to the outstanding classic decor. Minseok was also a little impressed. She really did a great job on this place. No wonder it’s brimming with customers.
Nodding his head in acceptance, he proceeded to go deeper into the building to find the egoistical, self-loving cousin of his that he hasn’t seen for a while. The visit itself was quite a surprise to him. Not to mention, the task he was given raised few red flags in his head.
“You sure he’s here?” Jongin asked beside him. The younger boy was eyeing the large room they had just entered in.
It was decorated in the most dark and vibrant colours he has ever seen. The Neon lights from above were giving it an extra glow, just like its name.
“Absolutely.” Minseok replied as they further stepped into the room.
The room was filled with rich men gambling, dancing, laughing and spilling their guts over the little female candies that sat beside them. These females were personally hired to pleasure these people in every way possible.
“Well, Well, well, look who it is...” a voice sang behind them.
“Hello, Charlie.” Minseok called out, not even needing to face the women that has appeared in the most darkest shade of red. Her hair were curled up into the most elegant beach waves ever seen, long diamond earrings complimenting her dress, and the perfect dark, smokey makeup that covered all of her flaws, seemingly making her look flawless.
The women looked at him with her strong gaze. She gasped mockingly.
“The big bad Xiumin? Here in my club? Oh heavens, my death has finally come upon me.”
Minseok rolled his eyes at the women. She was always so dramatic.
“Where is he?” He demanded. The women chuckled, her dark orbs glistening in the neon lights.
“Impatient are we?” She mocked with a little pout. “Come on, we just met after such a long time. Let’s have a little fun.”
A perfectly manicured hand slithered up-to his upper chest, caressing the hard muscles beneath it and rubbing over the hard abs that can be felt with one soft touch. He didn’t react. He could feel his younger brother’s muffled laughter from behind him.
“Charlie, where is Jin?” The tone was hard and clear this time. It made the women pout harder.
“Oh bummer. You’re such a party pooper. Jin was right. You will never change.”
And with that she unlatched her hand from his body and proceeded to the younger Kim who looked a bit shocked at the sudden changeover. “He’s in the private booths to the far corner, away from everyone else.” Minseok looked at the direction she pointed at. “You should go darling, he wants you alone. And don’t worry about your brother, I will play with him.” She said as she worked her magic on Jongin who was always a sucker for a little touch-n-touch anytime and anywhere.
Minseok groaned as a small purr came out from her lips. He shook his head and left the two to their mechanisms. Dream Glow Casino was a trusted place. His brother will be fine.
As soon as Minseok reached the booth, he was greeted by a familiar looking blonde boy who was dressed into the most simplest but custom made pink shirt and fancy white pants. His neck held a thin simple silver chain while his right hand was adorned with various rings. One in particular standing out. The dark red ruby.
His handsome face was a true fairytale beauty and way too alluring to the female candies that sat either side of him. They were all over him, being shameless from every angle while the beautiful blonde boy himself stared hungrily at them. His soft, pink, plump lips already working their way against their necks.
The boy stopped and looked up. He then beamed a bright smile at Minseok.
“Hyung... come, come. Sit with us.” The boy invited, gesturing to the vacant seat in front of him. “We were just talking about you.”
The elder raised an eye brow in question. But none the less, he took a seat with his cousin.
“Did you bring what I asked for, hyung?” The boy asked innocently, lightly tapping his slender fingers on the girl’s shoulders on his right. The hired candy just purred in satisfaction as she bathed in the attention she was receiving from the fairytale prince. Who thought a man like him could ever exist in this world?
Minseok pulled out a small stack of papers all stapled together. He slided them across the table to his cousin.
“It’s yours now.” Minseok smiled as he pointed to the transfer papers. “You are the new owner of ARIA Resort & Casino. Congrats, Jin. You finally got what you wanted.”
A small smirk appeared on his cousin’s face. The boy looked at the papers in total awe. His dark brown eyes scanning over every bit of the papers that now rested in his grip safely. One of his candies tried to grab his attention again but he smacked her off lightly, scolding her with his eyes.
Minseok felt a bit uncomfortable with his cousin and his female companions. He had never gotten used to this personality change in his younger cousin since that night.
Heartbreak is such a cruel thing that can happen to a person.
“You are lucky that I didn’t have to do much.” Minseok continued. “It was an easy grab in. No strings attached.”
His cousin smiled.
“Thank you, hyung. I own you one.” The boy said happily, passing the document to his guard that had appeared out of nowhere. “How’s little kai?”
“Little Kai is enjoying his time with Charlie.”
A set of giggles erupted from the two ladies. His cousin was really doing wonders on them.
Minseok contemplated if he should ask the question. Would the boy get angry?
“Why are you doing this? Why go after Lee Enterprise now?”
The reaction was instant. The boy who was just flirting and nose booping the candy beside him, stopped instantly. A thin line appeared on his lips while his orbs shifted. His hand wavered at the girl’s face before retracing back to the table.
Minseok didn’t feel anything when his cousin’s dark brown orbs glided to his face. He was not afraid of Kim Seokjin. They were family. Although, he was afraid of the crazy, maniac glint that had appeared in the younger’s eyes.
“It’s simple.” The boy replied, pinning his elder with his steely gaze. “I want my investment back.”
Minseok shook his head in denial. There was something that his cousin wasn’t telling him.
“No... I don’t believe you.” He countered, crossing his arms over his chest. His cousin’s head tilted in question. “Jin, I know you since you were little. All these years, even before that night, you refused to touch the company. You never tried to take over it. Not even the boys could change your mind. Infact, you helped it grow, stuffing its body with heaps of money, connections, assets and power. It has been your very own giant teddy bear for the past ten years. And now suddenly, you decided that you want your teddy back?”
A flicker of smile appeared on his younger cousin’s face. The blonde boy stretched his lips wider and wider, until he was laughing. There was a dark undertone to his windshield laugh.
“Oh hyung... you’re so observant.” The man spoke. “Is it too bad to have my teddy back in my arms again?” He asked, cuddling to the Candies beside him. But this time, his touch was a little rough and the girls felt it. But they still continued to smile.
“Jin, I’m serious.” Minseok warned. “What the hell are you planning?”
“You make me seem like a bad guy, hyung.”
“You are the bad guy, Jin.”
Minseok was truly worried for the golden company. The boy infront of him wasn’t the same boy anymore. He was being selfish. Lee Enterprise was the last thing that remained of Yoona. He can’t let the boy destroy it just like that. Atleast, not without a valid reason.
The grip on the two girls’s shoulders was increasing in strength. Their smiles were faltering with every passing second. Soon, they were squirming in his grip.
“Jin, you are hurting them.” Minseok warned, noticing the two girls’s discomfort.
The blonde boy instantly loosened his grip on them. He looked shockingly at his two candies and then at his elder cousin.
“I’m sorry, Hyung.” He apologised. “I didn’t realise what I was doing.” He then looked at his two candies with a mocking pout gracing his lips. “I’m sorry, girls. Please don’t hate me. I didn’t mean too. I’m not the bad guy. I just got lost there for a second.”
The female companions were spooked by his suddenly weird behaviour. But none-the-less they nodded and continued to snuggle up to him.
However, the guard behind them looked depressed. He shook his head in defeat before walking off to make a quick call to the owner of ‘Dream Glow’ for a very heart-filled apology and the scene that’s about to be happened.
“Jin...” Minseok called out. He was not going to give up.
“Hyung...” The boy looked up.
“Please Jin, whatever you are planning, just drop it. Yoona will not be happy.”
A sudden chill dropped around them. At the mention of the dead girl, his cousin’s features changed. The dark brown eyes turned moist and a broken, pained look appeared in them. Minseok regretted saying the name.
“I think you should leave, hyung.” The boy spoke, biting his bottom lip. “And again, I apologise for the rude behaviour.”
“But jin—” the elder stopped. He didn’t dare to go against the evil glint that has appeared in his cousin’s eyes.
“Go enjoy with Kai.”
And he did. Not the enjoying part, but he did leave the booth, ignoring the loud cries of pain from the girls that followed after.
God bless their souls.
 Tag List: @demonic-meatball​ , @youtube-obsessed-duh​ , @trinityautumn​
70 notes · View notes
ifeelsounsure0 · 2 years
Finding Love Part 5: A Midnight Summer's Dream
Suzy x M!Reader
Fluff, Smut
WC: 8063 words
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“Hey, Professor. Our new financial advisor just came. She's waiting for you in your office.”
Your phone’s vibration stirs you awake, and you reach towards the nightstand, aimlessly grabbing for your phone. With your eyes still closed, you instinctively type in the password and open your messages. “Financial advisor? Who in the hell?”
You force yourself to sit up and start replying to Sana. “I'll be there in a bit. Just give me a little to get ready.”
Fighting back the temptation to lay back down, you get out of bed and step into the bathroom. 
You don't bother turning on the lights this time and let the natural light from the open window illuminate the room. Everything seems to blur together. It barely feels like any time had passed before you already stepped into the shower, shampooed your hair, and dried off.
You toss together an outfit, grabbing a white button-up and a pair of black slacks. Since you've got no time to spare today, you rush out the door without a cup of coffee or anything else to eat.
“Professor!” You look up to find Sana, dressed in a beautiful light blue spring dress, at the entrance of the hospital, waving at you. “Hurry up! She's already waiting for you.”
Wait, how did I ge– “I'll be right there, Sana.” You shake your head, hoping to shake off the mental fog you're suffering from, and step out of the car. “Sana?”
“Hm?” she hums, scanning her keycard to open the door before letting you go through.
“When did I ask for a financial advisor?”
“You don't remember?” Sana scratches her head and calls the elevator. “I think it was last week. Professor Lee was yelling at you for having such a small profit margin, so you told So Hee to find one for you.”
“Yeah, I don't remember. Where's she from?”
“I think she told me, Goldman Sachs. Honestly, I don't really remember.”
The elevator doors open with a quiet ding, and Sana follows you in. She presses on the 30th floor and leans against the railing.
“You're not going to the lab?”
“Not today. So Hee said she needed to talk to me about something, and so did the new girl.”
You shake your head and lean back beside her, watching the floor numbers slowly tick up. Your eyes find their way to Sana, her lips slightly pursed as she stares at the buttons. Without her typical conversation, the elevator ride feels eerily quiet, and you can't hold back the urge to tap your finger against the railing.
Thankfully, the ride doesn't last much longer, and once the elevator doors open, you leave the awkward silence. Your floor feels empty early in the morning without your staff, but as you walk towards your office, the unmistakable smell of caramel wafts into your nose.
You can't help but smile when you spot the familiar source of the caramel aroma leaning against your desk. So Hee’s wearing an orange sweater that she paired with a lighter tan skirt. Her cup of coffee, which no doubt tastes like pure sugar, sits beside her, the steam reflecting some of the morning sunlight.
“Boss. There you are.” She smiles and opens the door for you, handing you her cup of coffee. “And here he is, with perfect timing.”
Only then do you notice the other person in the room. “Hello, my name is–” Her matcha latte falls from her hand and spills onto the floor.
Your breath gets sucked out of your lungs. A sharp breath through your dry lips. Deep breaths in an effort to dampen the rapidly quickening pace of your heart.
She hasn't changed in five years. Slightly curled brown hair that framed her face perfectly, brown doe eyes, and pouty lips. Her white tee was crisp and contrasted beautifully with her black skirt. Only once the door closes do you notice the scent of lilacs she always wore and the smell of matcha that she was obsessed with.
“Hey…. How’ve you been?” Her eyes are glued to the floor, and she can’t seem to look up to meet your gaze.
Lost. Missing a piece of my heart. The words sit on the tip of your tongue, begging to be said. If only you could say it, but you feel So Hee’s eyes on you.
“So Hee. Would you mind giving us the room? I need to talk to her for a minute.” You give her a weak smile and wait for her to shut the door to your office before setting down the cup of coffee.
An awkward silence descends. Suzy stands out of arm’s reach, a few feet away from the window, not daring to come closer. She cradles her arm in front of her body, rocking gently from side to side. Her eyes stare at the ground, occasionally glancing up to see your reaction only to return back to the stained carpet. “So, are you just gonna stand there?” You slide over along the table and tap on the empty space beside you. A silent offer. A test to try and understand the state of your fractured relationship.
“Thanks.” She takes a few slow steps closer, eyes still trained on the floor as she leans on the desk beside you.
Another awkward silence, broken only by the sound of your heart beating out of your chest. Your fingers nervously tap on the desk, trying to think of something to say while your eyes stare at her hand. It was so close, close enough that you could just grab onto it and pull her out of this stuffy office, yet it couldn’t have felt any further away as she refused to meet your eyes.
“What are you doing here, Suj?”
“I don’t really know what to tell you. Last week, I got an email from my boss saying that there was a hospital looking for a financial advisor, and he’d like to recommend me for the position since it's in my hometown and I would probably like it. Soon enough, I was packing my bags for a flight, and so that’s how I got here.”
Your hands press down onto the table as you lean back. “So, you’re telling me that you just decided to take the job because it’s in our hometown, and you didn’t know it would be with me?”
She looks up and stares into your eyes. “Why are you acting like you’re not happy to see me? I know that it’s been five years, but I thought it wouldn’t matter.”
A sigh leaves your lips. “So you did know that it would be me.”
“Yes! I did know that it would be you. Happy now? I’ve missed you for five years, and I came back to see you,” she says bitterly, kicking the plastic cup across the room. “I'll just go if you don't want me. I can tell my boss that the environment didn't fit me.” Her voice breaks on the last few words, and she covers her eyes as she starts to walk out the door.
“You know that's not what I meant.” Your hand grabs her wrist, tugging her towards you. “I was just surprised. That's all.”
“I guess I was surprised too. I thought I'd never get to see you again.” Her tone is wistful, and she stares at her hands. “Sorry,” she whimpers, a tear rolling down her cheek. “I’m such a mess, aren't I?”
“No.” Your hand cups her cheek and brushes away the tear. “Not at all.” You grab her So Hee’s cup of coffee and hand it to her, watching as she takes a sip.
“Your secretary likes her coffee really sweet, huh?” she chuckles and sets the mug back onto the table behind you. “I probably shouldn’t stay too long.” Her hand reaches into her purse and takes out a black folder. “This is the contract provided by my company. Expected profit margins, what you want me to invest extra cash in. Everything should be covered, so call me if you have any questions.” She starts to get up again.
You glance down at your watch and send a quick text to So Hee. “Could you clear my schedule for today?”
“There are only one or two things, but may I ask why?” She responds immediately, presumably because she's waiting outside.
“Something came up.” You quickly set your phone back down only to realize that you'd grabbed onto Suzy’s wrist as she walked away. “Sorry,” you stammer and let go of her wrist. “Anyways. I'm free for the day, so do you want to catch up over lunch or something?”
“I have one or two people I need to visit, so if you want to come along.”
“Y-yeah, sure. I can drive.”
“Perfect,” she beams, grabbing onto your wrist. “Let’s go then. I’m starving.”
You feel your heart beat out of your chest as you stare at her. Her smile hadn’t changed, and for a moment, it felt like you were both fresh out of college, still just taking your first steps into the real world.
“We won’t get anywhere if you don’t follow me out of your office.” Suzy tugs on your wrist to emphasize her point. “Hurry up, already!” she laughs and laces her fingers through yours.
The grasp of her hand feels familiar, and you don’t resist when she tugs you out of your office and runs towards the elevator. You can feel So Hee’s eyes staring as you pass her on the way to the elevator, giving her a simple wave.
“Bye So Hee! It was nice meeting you!” Suzy manages out. Her grip on your hand tightens, dashing down the final stretch to the elevator.
“You know we didn’t have to run,” you laugh, pressing the button once you both stop in front of the doors.
“I know, but it's not every day that you can go out for a nice run.” Her breathing is slightly ragged, and her face is somewhat flush from the sprint. “Not that I don't have a gym membership, but I just don’t have the time.” She glances at your chest before looking up and smiling. “You look a little… bigger.” Her hand moves over your chest before she suddenly freezes.
“Suj? Are you o—” You feel a hard tug as she pulls you into the elevator and quickly presses the bottom floor. “What were you trying to say, Suj?” Your shoulder nudges against her’s and you sadden, watching her stare at the descending numbers to avoid your gaze. “Weren’t you gonn–”
“No, I wasn’t.” She pushes you away from her, wedging herself in the corner of the elevator. “And stop coming so close.” Her hand then lets go of yours, retreating away as she holds herself.
“Suj, just tell me what’s the ma—”
The elevator comes to an unexpected stop, and the doors open. Suzy leaves as quickly as possible, but you grab onto her arm and pull her back. Annoyed, she tries to draw her hand away but can’t release your grip. “I said stop coming so close! Now let g—”
“You’re leaving on floor ten!” You can feel your employees' eyes as they glance towards the commotion before you pull her back. Once she’s inside, you hurriedly close the elevator door, not noticing how close she is to you now. “Damn it,” you mutter and slide your hand down your face in frustration.
As the doors close, the thump of your heart becomes more and more prominent, and when you glance down, you’re caught with Suzy’s doe eyes looking back.
She blinks once or twice and takes a deep breath before noticing her hand on your chest. Her lips are close enough that you can feel her warm breath. After a few achingly long moments, she pushes herself off, managing out a weak “Sorry,” as she returns to her spot in the corner.
You stare at her, silent in the corner. “Suj.” Your voice gets her attention before you tug on her arm so that she faces you. “Are you going to tell me what’s the matter, or are we just going to be awkward all day?”
“Nothing is wrong.” Her murmur is barely audible.
“Of course, something is wro—!” A deep breath. “I’m sorry. Just tell me what’s wrong, Suj.”
“So Hee said tha—” She stops as the doors open to the lobby, revealing a large group of your employees staring at both of you. “I’m sorry. We were just get—”
You quickly press on the correct underground parking floor and smile at your employees. “We’re still headed down. Sorry, everyone.” Once the doors close, you nudge Suzy with your finger. “So? What’s the matter?”
“Well… me and So Hee were talking, and I don’t really know how it came up, but she said that she was dating you.” Her hand covers her face as she lets out a broken sob. “I shouldn’t have come back if I wa—”
“Shhh.” You pull her into your arms and pat her back. “Me and So Hee are not dating, so don’t worry about ruining anything.” Her soft hair brushes against your nose, and get a whiff of her scent. The smell of her lilac-scented perfume was familiar, and you couldn’t help taking a deep breath before letting her cry against your chest. “Don’t cry. It’ll be okay.”
She lets out a few more sobs as her hands rest on your chest and pull your shirt closer.
“I missed you.”
You smile and press a kiss to the top of her head. “I missed you too.”
“You’re a bastard,” she whimpers and pulls away before hitting your chest. “Leaving me to go to the airport alone. I hated you, but after a few days, I realized how much I missed you.”
“I won't leave again. I promise.”
“Better not.” Her weak nod against your chest releases the tension built from wanting to confess for years, and you pull her closer, not wanting to lose her familiar warmth in your arms ever again. When she drags you out of the elevator doors and smiles, you can't help but feel as if everything is coming back together.
She drags you through the parking lot and stops in front of your car, the old classic that looks slightly out of place in a doctor’s parking spot. “You still drive this to work?”
“No… I always drive my ot– I guess I decided to take this one today.” You shake your head, hoping to clear up the fog that hadn't quite dissipated from this morning, but to no avail.
“Are you okay?” Her hand grazes yours, and she pulls you closer with a concerned expression. Reaching up, she touches the back of her hand to your head. “You’re warm,” she mumbles before taking the keys from you. “I’ll drive then. You look horrible.”
“I’m not letting you drive.” You try to snatch the keys back from her, only for her to push you just out of reach and dash into the driver’s seat. “Suj.” Your knuckles rap against the window. “Get out.”
She looks at you back through the window and pouts, holding up one finger and mouthing, “Just this once. Pleaseeee.”
You shake your head and pull on the handle a few more times, but after a few more tugs of the handle, you relent and climb into the passenger seat. Now you can only watch in horror as she adjusts all of your mirrors and pulls the seat all the way forward before asking, “What’s the third pedal for?”
“It’s the clutch, Suj. For changing gear.”
“Oh.” She taps the pedal once or twice before taking a deep breath.
“Just let me drive,” you say as you unbuckle your seatbelt and get ready to step out.
“It’ll be fine,” she reassures, correctly changing the car into first gear. “It's not the first time that I've driven a manual.”
“Second then?”
She smiles and shakes her head before pulling out of the parking spot. “Third.” Her stifled laughter doesn’t do much to reassure you, but you're left with no choice other than to watch her.
After a few poor gearshifts, Suzy eventually gets comfortable driving the car. “Where should we go eat?” Her eyes glance over and settle on your wrist as you scroll through your phone. “You still wear the watch?”
“Me? N-n—” you try to come up with a reasonable explanation only to look down to see the piece you had both bought together. “I guess I did wear it.” Your voice is soft as you inspect the watch under the sunlight.
It was still as beautiful as ever. The brilliant white dial, sparkly silver case, and black leather strap were pristine, almost as if you had never worn it before.
An awkward silence settles down while she stops at a light heading into the fashion district. “I still haven’t worn mine much either,” Suzy admits quietly, staring at the car in front. Her fingers tap against the edge of the steering wheel, the only sound in the otherwise silent car.
“Where are we going?”
“Getting breakfast. Isn’t that what we planned on doing?”
“I know, but….” You look out the window to see the lines of clothing stores outside, beautiful restaurant patios, and wealthy couples, arms linked together as they walk down the white marble streets. “Suj. There's nothing good to eat here.”
Suzy just smiles and continues driving past the fashion district until stopping on a small street in Little Italy. “Come on. Let's get breakfast here.”
You step out into bustling little Italy. A young boy runs around tossing newspapers to each shop, carts sit alongside the road selling hot dogs and shaved ice, and most importantly, there's already a long line coming from the local deli. “A little early for pastrami?” you ask as the door slams shut.
“It's never too early for pastrami,” she says as she grabs onto your hand and tugs you into the line beside her. “It's been so long since I've had some pastrami from home.”
“You've lived in New York for five years, and you still like the pastrami from here?”
Suzy nods her head and takes a step forward. “I only had one pastrami sandwich in New York. It was my first week there, and I wanted to try the famous New York Pastrami from Katz’s. I ended up waiting in line for like an hour.” Her voice softens. “When I took the first bite. Yes. It was delicious. The best pastrami I've ever had, but I realized I was alone. In some new place, without my best friend who’d always eaten with me from the first week of college. So…” she sniffles. “I never had another pastrami in New York after that.”
You suck in a breath through your teeth and watch her sullen expression stare at the broken pavement. “You know I di–”
“It's okay, though.” She looks into your eyes and forces a smile. “We’re here together now. That's all that matters. Right?”
“Yeah.” There's a dull throb in your heart as you stare at her. A mixture of remorse, guilt, and regret all seemed to pull at your heartstrings every time you looked at her.
Suddenly the feeling of her hand clutching onto yours felt uncomfortable, but when you try to pull away, she holds on even tighter. “I told you to put all of that behind us.” Her hand touches your cheek. “I don’t want you to be frustrated with yourself. You can’t change the past, so stop thinking about it. Okay?” She waits for you to nod. “Good. I hope you still remember my order.”
Her unexpected tug pulls you through the door, and you’re caught staring at a grumpy-looking Italian man glaring at you from inside the window.
“Could I have–” you stifle a cough. “a regular pastrami with everything on it.” A quick glance towards Suzy, hoping to get a reaction, only to see her playing on her phone. “and another pastrami but with half mayo, please.”
“Anything else?” The man scribbles down your order on his notepad.
“Could you add another regular pastrami with everything on it, please?” Suzy says, reaching for her purse. “And yeah, that’ll be it.”
You smile and give the man ₩30000. Once he takes it, you glance over at Suzy doing her best to hide her slight smile as she places her wallet back into her purse.
“You'll be order number six.” He rips off an order number and hands it to you.
Your hand barely manages to grab the receipt before Suzy tugs you down to the pickup window. “Did I get the order right?” you tease, expecting her to reluctantly acknowledge you. Instead, she says nothing and continues scrolling through her text messages. “Suj?”
“Hm?” she hums, eyes still glued to her phone.
“I got your order right, didn’t I?”
Suzy sighs and turns off her phone before snatching the receipt from you. She quickly glances over the receipt and then hands it back. “I only get half a sandwich, but you can’t seem to remember that.”
“That’s bull.”
“I told you that you would get it wrong.”
“Order six! Order six!” A plastic bag is placed outside the window with a post-it note attached.
Swiftly, Suzy snatches the receipt from between your fingers and hands it to the man inside the window. You can make out the words thank you on her lips before she grabs the bag. “It smells so good,” she says, opening the bag and taking a deep inhale.
“Yeah,” you smile and push open the door for her to step out. “Where are we eating?”
“This time?” She looks around the packed streets at midday and up at the sky.
Your eyes follow hers to the beautiful blue sky with a few small white clouds dotting the sea of blue. “We could go eat at the park.” You meet her eyes. “It’s a nice day today. Maybe play a game of chess by the pond if you want.”
She looks down the street to the lush green park in the city's center before shaking her head. “Let’s go visit someone today.” Her hand lightly holds onto yours as she waits for your nod.
“Yeah. Let’s go see him.” You grab onto her hand more tightly before noticing the eyes of pedestrians on both of you. “Suj. Wait a minute.” Your hand lets go of hers as you take off your jacket and toss it into the car. Then you roll up your sleeves before holding onto her hand again and tugging her towards the fashion district.
After a few minutes, she leads you into Columbus Street, the main road in the center of Little Italy. “We have to get some fruit,” she smiles, leading you into the weekly farmer’s market.
Every Saturday, the small street is closed down, and stalls are set up on each side of the road selling things from local honey to fresh produce.
Suzy smiles as she guides you through the crowd and to a small stand with an array of fruit baskets. “What should we get?” She looks through each basket, occasionally picking up a tempting-looking fruit and rotating it in her hand.
“I don’t even know what’s in season right now?” you laugh and step back a little so she can freely find whatever she wants to eat.
“How much for a box of strawberries, miss?”
Suzy nods her head and picks up a promising-looking box. She turns the box and looks at the strawberries on the bottom before taking five dollars from her purse. “I’ll just take this one, please.”
“Of course,” the old lady smiles and takes the bill. “Does your boyfriend want anything?”
“Him?” Suzy smiles before turning back and grabbing your hand. “Do you want anything, babe~?” She stifles a laugh as she watches your cheeks flush a bright red.
“N-no, thank you,” you stammer and lead Suzy away from the stall. Once you’ve made it far enough away, you turn towards her. “What was that, Suj?”
“What do you mean, babe?” She smiles deviously and runs her hand down your cheek before grabbing onto the back of your neck. Her hand forces you just close enough that you can feel her warm breath brush against your lips. “Look at how flustered you are,” she breathes.
The beat of your heart becomes painfully evident as it quickens inside your chest. Your hand wraps around her waist and pulls her closer. Her small frame presses against you, and her left hand rests on your chest, maintaining some small distance between you.
“You’ve changed.”
“I realized that it’s better to take chances before they slip away.” Your hand presses on her back to push her closer.
Her hand on your chest forces you back, and her finger comes to your lips. “I’m not going anywhere, so let’s do this another time, okay?” She runs her hands through your hair before grabbing back onto your hand. “For now. Let’s go have breakfast. I’m hungry.”
“Y-yeah. Let’s go eat.” You force back the sinful thoughts and follow after her.
Once you round the final corner, you spot a motorcycle officer standing beside a car, notepad in hand, as he marks down a ticket. The realization soon dawns on you, and you stop in your tracks. “It’s okay. We parked in a free parking spot.” Suzy’s finger runs over the back of your hand. “Worst case scenario. I’ll just pay for it.”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
She nods and continues walking down the street before stopping outside a watch boutique.
It looks the same as before. The open plaque still hangs right on the door, a few beautiful watches are still displayed outside the window, and a familiar old man sits behind the counter with a magnifying glass over one eye as he skillfully opens up the case of a watch. (His shirt pocket is creased from holding a box of cigarettes inside it for so long, but now only holds a beautiful black pen and his glasses.)
She stands outside silently and continues looking through the window. A quiet whimper leaves her throat before she covers her face with her hand, and a small tear runs down her cheek.
“Hey. Hey. What’s the matter?” you wrap your arms around her and gently lean her head on your shoulder. “Don’t cry. You’re back home now.” Your hand pats her back as your shoulder becomes wet from her tears. She slowly pulls away after a few minutes, and you run your hand down your cheek. “Ready to go in yet?”
She weakly nods but lets you step through the door first.
“How can I he— Goddamn it, you bastard, you actually came!” Michael smiles and sets down the watch. “Come here!” He rounds the counter before stopping in his tracks as Suzy steps in beside you. His eyes widen, and he quickly runs his hands down his face in disbelief. “Suj?” He speeds past you and pulls her into an embrace before softly crying against her shoulder.
“Hey, Michael.” Her voice is soft, and after a few sobs, she breaks into tears on his shoulder.
You’re left standing there, watching both of them as they whisper in each other’s ear and cry. It feels nice to be able to see both of them together again, almost as if this moment is just a dream, and you can’t help but pinch yourself to make sure this is real. After another minute, you decide to step away and give them their moment.
You step behind the counter and admire the watch that Michael was working on, its beautiful movement held together by the small pins and screws that were carefully sorted to the side of the velvet tray.
After a few moments of staring at the timepiece, you walk further down the counter and open the door to his office. Inside, you find a comfy leather chair behind a small office desk. On the desk is an empty cigarette tray and a pair of photos, one of his late wife and the other a trip from the week before Suzy left.
You spend a short amount of time staring at the photo before the sound of movement outside turns your attention away. After setting the photo back down, you step back out to find them getting ready to eat, a plastic bag laid over a glass case to avoid any accidental stains.
“There you are!” Suzy smiles and pulls the stool beside her closer before opening another pastrami sandwich. “Hurry up already! I’m hungry.”
“I’m coming,” you say and sit down beside her. The moment your hand wraps around the sandwich, she takes a messy bite causing Michael and you to make eye contact across the table.
“Some things never change, I guess,” he shrugs and takes a small bite.
“You expected her to change?”
He smiles and shakes his head. “No. She’s still the same as ever.” You can feel his eyes on you before he looks over towards her, and you quickly pass her a napkin.
“Thank you,” she manages out between bites as she quickly dabs the corners of her mouth.
“You still eat like a five-year-old.”
“And?” She finishes her bite and swallows before articulating the rest of her point. “Eating pastrami is meant to be messy. You don’t eat pastrami with a knife and fork.”
“Yes, but…” Your napkin dabs her chin as a little juice comes down from the corner of her mouth. “You can eat pastrami and not look like a child.”
Just as she's about to take another bite, you say, “Let me get the sauce on your lips.” You move towards her and dab the corners of her mouth, getting rid of the small drops of sauce stuck to her lips. Suddenly as you're getting a small crumb on her lip, you feel her breathing slow and cheeks warm. “Suj, are you ok–” You glance up and unintentionally meet her gaze.
Her warm breath brushes against your lips, and she takes a deep breath before swallowing the lump in her throat.
Suddenly, Michael clears his throat, and both of you turn to look at him. “And here I was thinking you were coming to visit me.” He shakes his head before taking a bite.
“Sorry,” you say, slowly moving away from Suzy.
“It’s fine. It’s fine. Young love and all that jazz.” His voice is mocking, and he does a slight pizazz motion with his hand to bring home the point.
“We get it, Michael,” Suzy laughs, eyeing you for a moment as you take another bite before finishing half her sandwich. “Well?” She dabs the corners of her mouth with a napkin. “How’s business been, Michael? Looks like you've been doing better?” Her eyes glance around the shop; a lot of the displays are only half full and a few completely empty.
“It's gotten better lately.” His eyes follow her gaze. “There's been a lot of new jobs lately, and a lot of new customers come to buy a new watch.” He stares at the watch on his wrist. “So yeah. I’m a certified dealer for most of the manufacturers now.”
Suzy nods her head, setting aside the other half of the sandwich. “How's Mary? Where's she going to school?”
“Mary?” He grabs a photo from behind him and shows it to both of you. “Mary’s in her last year at Dartmouth. Probably gonna try and get an internship in New York since she still wants to work in finance.”
“That's fantastic!” Suzy digs through her purse before producing a business card. “Have her call me when she's done. I can set her up with an internship.”
“Thank you, Suzy.”
“Anything for a friend.” She smiles to herself before looking at his shirt pocket. “No cigarette box?”
Michael looks down and takes out the pen. “I stopped smoking a few months ago.” He stares at you and chuckles. “An old friend came to visit and gave me a friendly reminder.”
You can’t help but smile when you think about your last visit with Michael. Suddenly you feel an elbow to your side and look to your right to find Suzy glaring at you. “What!” she mouths.
Goddamn it.
“Don’t get mad at him, Suzy.” He gives both of you a kind smile. “I’m sure he was just as heartbroken by you leaving as I was.” There’s a faint sadness in his voice as if he still hasn’t fully recovered from those five years. His hand reaches over the table, and he grabs her hand, running his finger along the back. “We’re just glad you’re back, now.”
“Yeah….” A soft sigh leaves her lips.
“You still wear it?” Michael turns Suzy’s wrist so that the face of her watch shines under the light.
“I guess we just happened to wear a matching set today.” You laugh and look at Suzy, a slight blush rising on her face when your eyes meet.
There’s a knock outside the door, and you spot a recognizable face—someone from a magazine or something you’ve seen before. “We should probably go. You’ve got a customer,” Suzy says, grabbing the plastic bag.
“Wait! It’s been five years, right? Leave your watches here. They need to be serviced to run correctly.” There’s a smirk on his face as he slides both of you a velvet tray to place your watches on top of.
You chuckle and unclasp your watch, placing it on the tray.
“It’s good to know that you’re still as clever as ever, Michael,” Suzy sighs and places her watch beside yours. “We’ll see you next week then.”
“Mm, I’ll see you next week. Bring Cubanos next time.”
“Of course, Michael,” you say as you open the door to leave. “We’ll see you next week.”
“See you next week!” Suzy yells before she runs back into the shop and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
You laugh, watching both of them hug each other again, neither wanting to let go. “Hurry up, Suj! This poor man is waiting to get a watch!”
“I’m coming. Stop rushing me!” She eventually pries herself away from Michael and runs out the door. “Let’s go.” Her fingers lace with yours, and she looks up at you with a bright smile on her face.
Your heart skips a beat, and you cover the crimson blush on your face. “Y-yeah. We can head back now.” You grab tightly onto her hand and politely nod to the customer waiting outside before following after her.
The midday sun feels pleasant, with light dotting clouds on the beautiful blue sky. It was perfect, not too hot, not too cold. The same could be said about the company beside you.
Her lilac perfume scents the air around you as you walk back through the empty streets. Her hand lightly grasps yours, occasionally pulling you closer whenever she nuzzles against your shoulder.
A perfect fairy tale ending. She was— is everything you’ve ever dreamed about. Your first love. The person who left a hole in your heart that only she could fill.
If only this moment could last forever. Just as you reach your car, your phone comes alive, and you’re forced to take an urgent call from So Hee. “Hey, So Hee. What’s up?”
Suzy lets go of your hand but remains beside you, a concerned look on her face. “Is something wrong?” she mouths.
You shake your head and smile before grabbing a strand of her hair and bringing it up to your nose. ‘It’s nothing.”
“Boss? Did you hear me?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry, So Hee. Could you say that again?”
There’s an audible sigh on the other side of the line. “Professor Lee has just approved Sana’s request for more funding. She needs you here, so you can sign off on the spending.”
“Yeah. I’ll be right there. Thanks, So Hee.” You turn off the line and sigh, massaging the bridge of your nose.
“Is everything alright?” Suzy grabs your hand, running her fingers along the back.
“Yeah, everything’s okay. I’m sorry, but we’re probably gonna have to head back to the office.” You look at her apologetically, expecting a frustrated or disappointed expression on her face.
Instead, she simply runs her hand down your face and smiles. “It’s okay. I had fun today, and I’ve been meaning to get all my things set up in the office anyways.”
“Don’t look so depressed.” She pinches your cheek. “Worst comes to worst. We can do something fun in the office.”
The only response you can manage is a weak sigh before getting into the car.
The pile of paperwork was finally done. Sana’s request for new blankets and books for her ward was approved, So Hee’s schedule changes have been signed off for the next month. All that was left was ensuring that Suzy had finished moving into her office.
You step from your office to a dark room, save for the singular light from across the hall. A dim yellow glow from a desk light that Suzy has on while working on her laptop. Her glasses fall slightly past the bridge of her nose, and you can see the reflection off the lenses. There’s a slight pout on her lips as she works, occasionally taking a sip of the half-full matcha latte beside her. Her eyes, however, remain intently locked on the screen as she types away at what you could only assume to be the investment spread for the hospital in the next year.
A few knocks on her door draw her attention away from the screen.
There's a short moment just before your eyes meet where a nervous breath leaves your lips. Your heart races, and you nervously swallow a lump in your throat.
Her eyes meet yours, and a slight smile appears on her face as she practically leaps out of her chair to open the door.
“What are you doing here?”
“Me?” She glances at the mess of papers on her desk, various spreadsheets of profit margins, and potentially high-risk investments. “Just figuring out the spread I wanted for the portfolio.”
“You should probably head home. It's getting late already.” You lean on the desk and watch her simulation calculate the best investment spread. Your hand rests on the top of the laptop, and once the simulation reaches a quarter of completion, you shake your head and close the laptop.
“You can do this tomorrow. It's getting late.” You look around the office. “We’re the only ones left.”
Her expression shifts, and a seductive glint appears in her eyes. “Really~?” She climbs onto the desk beside you and moves her hand onto your chest, sliding up until it reaches your loosened tie. “You’re telling me that….” Her fingers tighten the knot around your neck. “We’re the only ones left?”
“Suj….” Your hand grabs onto her wrist. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
Her finger slides down the knot of the tie. “And why not?” She glances around the dark room before gently placing her hand on your thigh. “We’re all by ourselves anyways.” Her fingers then move up to your jaw, pulling it closer to her. “You don’t even know what I want to do yet, dummy.”
“I have some clue,” you breathe, her warm hand on your thigh driving your mind haywire as you’re entranced by those familiar yet entirely unfamiliar brown eyes. 
“Do you?” She grabs the end of your tie and pulls you closer till her lips almost touch yours. “Are you so sure now?”
“Suj…” Her warm breath brushing against your lips drives you insane, and your eyes look down to her flushed cheeks and red lips. Those beautiful lips, plush, almost pouty, with a light tint of red. They just look so– you can’t hold yourself back any longer. Your hand touches her lower back, and you pull her towards you, a small yelp leaving her throat.
You feel her hands touch your chest before her lips crash against yours. Her lips are soft. Undeniably so, you could taste a hint of the matcha latte she was drinking just a few moments ago. The smell of her lilac perfume becomes indescribably distinct as her hair brushes against the side of your face. Warm breaths tickle your upper lip before her lips slowly part, and you can feel her hand grab a handful of your white shirt, tugging herself closer.
Her tongue touches yours for a moment before she pushes herself away, face flushed a bright red. “We should’ve done this sooner,” she breaths while her hand begins to work away at your tie. Her fingers fumble with the knot, trying to pull it apart before she takes a deep breath as your lips touch the side of her neck. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing.” Your teeth run along her skin, and a slight smile creeps onto your face as you watch her lean back, softly breathing.
It was an ethereal sight, her face flushed as gentle breaths left her lips, the beautiful white skin of her neck unmarred, perfect. A gentle breath becomes a soft gasp when she feels your teeth bite down on her bare skin.
Her grip on your shirt suddenly tightens, and you can feel her hands on your chest before she pushes you away. “I have to go to work tomorrow,” she laughs, her voice caught between laughter and a soft moan.
“We can just take the day off tomorrow.” You quickly force yourself back, enjoying her breathy moan when you start kissing by her throat.
“Goddamn it,” she hums, another ragged breath escaping her mouth. “Don't.”
A sigh. “Fine.” Your lips kiss her jawline and feel her writhe in your arms as you move down to her collarbone, barely exposed through the top of her shirt.
“You’re such a fiend,” she laughs, her hands making their way to your collar and loosening your tie. A few deft moments of her fingers unbuttons half your shirt before she pushes you away from her. “You can stop nibbling away at my neck.”
“And why—” Your hand on her waist tugs her closer. “would I want to do that?”
“Because….” She meets your gaze, biting her lip. “Maybe.” Her finger gently touches your cheek, making sure that you’re still staring at her eyes before slowly tracing down, pushing aside the two open halves of your shirt. “I want to do something else.”
You can feel the beat of your heart as her hand slides over your chest, occasionally letting her nails run along the skin, adding a strangle tingling sensation that drives you mad.
“You’ve been working out, it seems,” she says with a wry smile. Her fingers unbutton the last few buttons above your abdomen before hooking onto the top of your hands.
“Suj~.” She mimics your voice with a smile and presses her hand on your abs as she leans closer. The seductive glint still hasn’t left her eyes, and she keeps one hand on your chest to keep you from moving forward. “I love it when you say my name like that,” she smiles, her warm breath tickling your lips before her lips crash against yours.
Initially, you only feel the warmth emanating from her flushed cheeks and the softness of her beautiful lips before she grabs onto your tie, pulling you forward. Your length strains in your pants as she pulls on your tie like a leash, forcing you deeper into the kiss while her hand slowly runs down your thigh. The feeling between your legs is excruciating, painful, and you shift underneath her, trying to get some stimulation before the taste of blood seeps into your kiss. “Focus on me, dummy.”
She pulls away from the kiss and bites down on the end of your tie, using her hand to shimmy it out of your collar and then tighten it around your neck. “This is what you’ve always wanted, right?” Her hand on your thigh traces around your hardened length. “You’ve always wanted to be mine. Haven’t you.” You open your mouth to answer, only to feel a harsh tug around your neck as she wraps the tie around her fingers. “Don’t kill the mood by saying something stupid. Just nod.”
A soft breath leaves your lips, and you give her a weak nod, watching a cruel smile form on her face soon after. “Good. Now kiss me again.” She doesn’t give you much of a choice, yanking on the tie again until your lips are forced against hers.
The kiss is possessive. Suzy controls you with her makeshift leash, and her teeth touch your lips every few moments, a cruel reminder of what will happen if your focus shifts elsewhere.
While she kisses you, her hand on your thigh begins undoing the button of your pants. Her lips never leave yours as she tugs off the black slacks and tosses them somewhere behind her. Your shirt follows after it, leaving you in a pair of black boxers and a black tie.
The room's cool air makes the hair on your legs stand up, and you can feel your length stand up on its own, her hand tantalizingly close to it. “You’re so needy.”
She lets go of your tie and hooks both hands onto your boxers, tugging them off your legs before moving back and admiring her work. “You look perfect.” Her finger runs over your lip, getting a tiny bit of blood which she takes a taste of, while her other hand rubs lazy circles on your thigh.
“Enough of this.” Her hand wraps around your length, and you take a deep breath as her cool fingers constrict around your need. “I’ve been wanting this for too long,” she says, reaching down and letting her slick panties fall down to the floor before climbing back on top of you.
Her lithe frame sits on your lap as she grabs back onto your tie and stares into your eyes. Entranced. The only way to describe how you feel. Everything feels numb as you gaze into those beautiful brown orbs; not even the feeling of the tie constricting around your throat could get you to look away from them.
“Ah fuck.” She pulls again, her lips right next to your ear as she softly moans. “You feel amazing.”
Your mouth opens to say something, but another harsh tug from her silences you. Her finger presses against your lips, and she seductively meets your eyes, a silent moan leaving her lips.
You let her finger rest on your lips for a few moments before quickly taking it into your mouth. Your tongue swirls around them while you admire the shocked expression that quickly shifts to seductive approval as she runs her hand down your cheek. “You’re such a fiend,” she chuckles, letting her finger slip out of your mouth with a pop as your lips start feathering kisses against her neck.
You kiss her neck with a slight smile, enjoying the softness of her skin while your hardened length presses against her abdomen. Her skin is like the softest velvet against your lips, and her warm breath brushes tickles your ear.
Your hand slips underneath her dress, pushing it off her shoulder. “What are yo–” She breathes a slight laugh as you begin kissing her shoulder, worshiping the gentle curve of her collarbone and the soft skin of her arm.
Her stern voice forces a pause as you’re pushed away from her shoulder with a firm hand on your chest. 
“We shouldn't be doing this….” Suzy’s eyes are downcast, but her hand grasps firmly onto your shirt. “It's our first time seeing each other in years, and we’re just fuc–”
“You don't want to?” Your finger traces down her jaw before pressing it upward, so she gazes into your eyes. “It's perfectly natural, Suj. We’re both adul–”
“Not like this.” Her hand grazes down your cheek lovingly. “This just feels too much like a fling…. Right?”
You nod slowly.
“Wait for me, so I can be with you.”
Note: Hope you all enjoyed this one. It took me a while to write it, but I would say that I'm pretty happy with it. Thank you to my editing team, @kaedewrites for reading the smut, @fillinforlater, and @v1ntrix for reading the entire fic. All of you are amazing. Nonetheless, thank you for your time reader. Hopefully, I'll see you all soon. Love, Unsure.
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starry-eyed-svt · 4 years
A-List Celebrity ~ Jinyoung
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Genre: Angst, Fluff, implied smut
Request: A celeb who wants to be a popular sex symbol
Words: 1,107
Warnings: Talking about popular sex symbols + the desire to be one. Mentions of a teacher/student fling(student was 18)
You had been acting since you were little. Whether it was school plays or projects from film class, you always wanted to be in the spotlight.
It started when you were young. You loved watching Maid in Manhattan. Jennifer Lopez was your inspiration. You wanted to be like her.
And thus ensued your pursue of the art of acting.
You were 22 when you finally landed your dream job. You were the main female lead in a movie, your co-star Park Jinyoung. You were thrilled, you had been auditioning for movies for quite some time. You were landing mainly background roles or staring in B-list movies. This was your big break.
You were also thrilled to be working with Jinyoung, you had been a fan of his for a while.
You found yourself being flirty with him in between takes, you were quite forward with him. He was very respectful, but did not indulge in your flirting or reciprocate it. You were a little incessant nonetheless.
You were looking over the script when you heard the staff in another room talking.
“Who does she think she is?”
“I don’t know but I really wish it had worked out with Bae Suzy’s schedule so we didn’t have to deal with her unprofessionalism.”
“She obviously makes Jinyoung uncomfortable. I feel bad for him.”
They went on. Tears filled your eyes. You weren’t even their first choice, as always.  You turned to go to your trailer but hit a solid human. You looked up to see Jinyoung making you even more embarrassed. You tried to go around him but he stepped in your way.
“Let’s talk.” He said.
Jinyoung grabbed your hand and took you to his trailer. You clenched your jaw and sat on the couch he offered. He sat down facing you in a chair.
You remained silent staring at the ground.
“Y/N, you obviously aren’t okay. You are free to speak as you wish.” Jinyoung said.
You sighed before beginning to speak.
“I’ve never been anyone’s first choice, I am sure they had many others than just Bae Suzy that they wanted to cast. Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful they cast me even if I wasn’t their first choice… But how do you get to be someone's first choice?”
“What do you mean?” Jinyoung asked.
“I don’t know. This isn’t the first time. When I was in high school I was in a toxic friend group and the formal was coming up, all my friends were getting asked to go. I wasn’t asked until the Monday before, the guy only asked me to the dance because I was the last one left. At the dance he spent the whole time either group dancing or dancing with other girls. Literally the only person who showed any interest was my math teacher, my senior year.” You looked up, Jinyoung raised his eyebrow.
“I was 18. He was a new teacher just out of college. It was legal. But it was still degrading. I was desperate. I just wanted some attention. Ever since I was little I wanted to be like Jennifer Lopez. I wanted to fit in, be wanted.” You said.
“Well you aren’t Jennifer Lopez so stop trying to be her.” Jinyoung said a bit harshly, “You are Y/N Y/L/N. You don’t need to be her. You just need to be you.” He finished.
You hung your head ashamed.
“I didn’t reciprocate your advances because that wasn’t you.” Jinyoung said.
“You don’t even know me.” You replied.
“You are like one of my friends, in front of people you put this face up, act outrageous so people will hate you for what you aren’t. That way people can’t judge you on how you really are. Y/N, I know I am being a bit harsh, but you need to hear it. I want to get to know you better, I want to be your friend. I think you are beautiful.” Jinyoung said.
His words hurt, but that is because truth hurts. He was completely right. Nobody had seemed to like you for you, so over time you created this more outgoing, annoying persona.
“No, you’re right. You are completely right…” You said.
“You can disregard this advice, but here are some things that have helped me and other actors. Just be yourself, like you said I don’t know you too well but I am sure you are a lovely person. The fans and producers love people who are authentic. I do too.” He winked. You giggled a little.
“You are going to be successful, you just need to be you.” He smiled.
“I appreciate this, Jinyoung. Sincerely.” You said and smiled back. You looked at your watch. “I need to go get my makeup done again, I’ll see you out there.” You said, you got up and walked to the door of his trailer, before opening the door Jinyoung stood up.
“Wait.” He said, you turned toward him. “As a way of getting to know you, do you want to go out to dinner?” He asked.
“I would love to.” You smiled.
You went and got your costume on as well as your makeup. You took Jinyoung’s advice and in between takes you were studying the script paying nobody else any attention other than the director. It paid off, the scenes that were shot were some of your favorites from the whole project so far.  
After set shut down for the day, you got ready in your regular clothes.
Jinyoung met you outside your trailer and the two of you went to a nearby restaurant.
The two of you talked freely and got to know one another better.
Afterward you found yourself going home with Jinyoung where the two of you proceeded to have a steamy makeout that led to other things….
You awoke in the morning in Jinyoung’s bed. Jinyoung stirred awake and asked what time it was. You looked at the clock on the wall.
“7:30a.m. I should probably go catch a cab and head to work so my manager doesn’t worry and we don’t start a scandal showing up together.” You laughed. Jinyoung laughed and agreed.
You got up and got ready, before you left Jinyoung gave you a kiss.
“See this, I liked it. You are awesome, so be you boo.” He winked.
You  smiled and left. That heart to heart changed your life and over time you became a respected and popular Actress. Not only that, you gained your long term boyfriend, Park Jinyoung. The two of you were a power couple and unstoppable.
Gif Credit to owners!
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Morning with 'miss A'
Fei “Morning, (Y/N),” Fei whispers in my ear. My eyes flutter open as a rush of Fei’s sweet smelling breakfast filled my nose. I look up at Fei’s beautiful face, “Morning, unnie!” I smile before pulling her down into the bed with me for a sweet kiss. _____________________________________ Suzy A wet, rough, and smelly cloth was being rubbed against my cheek. *pant* *pant* Wait, not a cloth. Damon. My eyes shot open as Suzy’s dog licked at my face. “Grrr…get off me you mutt!” I yell pushing Damom off of me. I get out of bed groggily as he lands on the floor whimpering now.
“Oh no, Damon!” Suzy calls as she walked into your room.
She runs to Damon and picks him up to comfort him… and glare at me.
“ (Y/N)! He’s sensitive.”
“You, miss Suzy, need to train that dog better. Do you really think I enjoy waking up to slobber on my face,” I exclaim wiping the dog spit off my face with a hankerchief on my nightstand.
Suzy just rolled her eyes, “He’s excited, he likes you, that’s all… Don’t know why though,” She huffs and turns her back to head out of my room.
“Hey wait-” I call.
“Leave me alone.” Suzy murmured like a little child. I muffle a chuckle from seeing her cute little pout.
“Suzy…” I call as I place my hands on her waist to hold her still. “Maybe… Damon likes me for my tickles,” I giggle.
“What? Noona, don’t-” she pleads but I already started tickiling her sides and stomach.
Damon jumps out of her hands as Suzy bursted out with laughter.
“Noona…please…haha…stop…” She said with every pause came more laughter.
Her body kept shaking till eventually she fell back into me and I carried her to the bed.
I only stopped when it looked like tears were coming out her eyes.
I give Suzy a soft kids after she calmed and now she smiled up at me sweetly.
“Good morning, Miss (Y/N),” She said before pulling me down for another kiss. _____________________________________ Min “Urin born… to~oo be…wi~ld…” Min singing in the shower woke me up. Again.
I groggily get out of bed and head for the bathroom to chew Min out for her inconsideration-
But I stop in my tracks right when I set in the doorway.
Despite the blurriness from the steam against the shower glass doors, Min’s lovely figure could be seen fairly well through it.
I teasingly whistle to her, causing her to stop singing as she opened the sliding doors slightly to look out at. When she saw me she blushed a bright red.
“G-good morning, unnie,” She mumbles shyly.
______________________________________ Jia I began to stir because of the tickling kisses that were being given to me on my back up to the back of my neck. The two arms that I fell asleep in then, pulled me closer to the body that they were attached to. Jia’s lips came to my ear, “Morning, unnie,” she murmured.
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ao3feed-gtop · 5 years
Caught Up
Read it on the AO3: http://bit.ly/2vqJ2kJ
by tabionly
Choi Seunghyun's a Detective and Kwon Jiyong's a Reporter, and that means trouble.
Words: 6801, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English
Fandoms: GTOP (Band), Big Bang (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Choi Seunghyun | T.O.P., Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon, Kang Daesung (Big Bang), Dong Youngbae | Taeyang, Lee Seunghyun | Seungri, Lee Kwangsoo, Kang Heegun | Gary, Bae Suji | Suzy, Yoo Jaesuk, Song Ji Hyo, Song Kyungil, Choi Dong Wook, Kim Hanbin | B.I, Goo Junhoe, Song Minho | Mino, Kang Seungyoon, Park Bom, Park Sandara | Dara, Lee Chaerin | CL
Relationships: Choi Seunghyun | T.O.P./Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon
Additional Tags: Crimes & Criminals, Romance, Murder Mystery, Thriller, Alternate Universe - Detectives, Alternate Universe - Police, Fluff and Smut, Reporter Jiyong and Detective Seunghyun, I hope you will like this, this is what happened when u watch too much kdrama
Here's the link to read it on AO3 again: http://bit.ly/2vqJ2kJ
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asiandramastoke · 5 years
Drama Rating: 9/10
No Eul comes from a poor family, her mother passed away at a young age while her father is merely a street vendor who tries his best to provide for her and her younger brother. Despite their financial ordeal they lived as a happy life. But one day, their lives were shattered when No Eul saw her father get into a hit and run car accident. Though she had hard evidence to prove the guilty party, the person she was against had money and power which she doesn’t have. In the process of fighting for her father’s injustice, a series of unfortunate events happened to No Eul that sent her off in the hospital in a critical condition and incurring debts from her hospitalization. After her recovery, instead of throwing herself into despair, she pushed on with her life to provide for herself and her brother.
Shin Joon Yeong is a popular actor who was once involved with No Eul when they were younger, however as his circumstances were dictated through his bloodline and the choices he made had dire consequences, he lived his life miserably even up to the height of his career. To top it all, he finds out that he had brain cancer and had only a few months to live. In the midst of his illness, he decided to do something drastic in his remaining life. That is to love unconditionally the one person he left behind and to right all the wrongs he has done.
I’m glad that I finally had the courage to watch this show. It was definitely a melodrama full of makjang moments, but at the same time it felt good to know that the drama producers were against all odds when it came to drama cliché. I mean there were those moments when I wanted to tear my hair out in frustration but at the same time I knew it was an essential part of the story. The conflict was enough to make things going until the very last episode. I even thought I have prepared myself for the worst but I still end up bawling my eyes out in different episodes here and there.
Suzy Bae did her best to portray No Eul, but I could somehow image a different actress in her shoes and still think they could pull it off. While Kim Woo Bin, definitely nailed his character. Joon Yeong wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t him. He did take on the role sincerely and looked like a dying actor at some point. To think that after the drama, he was diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal Cancer was quite ironic. Nonetheless he was a splendid actor in this drama.
One of my favorite character was Joon Yeong’s mother. She was so keen on having her son become a lawyer-prosecutor that she failed to notice what exactly was happening to her son. It was sad that years were wasted on resentment instead of being together and loving each other as a real family. Their situation was one of the drama’s aspect that set the water works in me. I would have loved to see some more mother and son interaction but I was left with a bittersweet conclusion for them. Other supporting actors that caught my eye were Im Ju Eun, she definitely pulled off the bitchy second lead who’s the spoiled daughter of a politician. I liked how I love to hate her and the fact that she makes everyone around her miserable despite being rich and pretty. Lastly, I like these two cute teenagers who find themselves drawn to each other and yet has a doomed love life after all the things they learn with both of their families. Lee Seo Won as Noh Jik and Ryu Won as Choi Ha Roo are such a cute pair. I wish there were more of their fluff in this drama because they seem to lighten the atmosphere whenever they both appear on screen.
Over all the drama is very melodramatic with all the heavy conflicts between characters. The writers did try to make things a bit light through the dialogue, but it wasn’t much of a help because in the end, I knew how everything was coming down. Despite it being a sad drama with a bittersweet ending, I’d still say that it was worth the watch. The cinematography was beautiful and the OST was pure love. I’m sharing a track below for those who are interested in listening to it. I’m also recommending this drama to those who likes watching makjang stuff, are into cryfest situations and with a little bit of fluff here and there.
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https://binibningpunkista.files.wordpress.com/2019/08/01.-a-little-braver.mp3 A Little Braver by New Empire
Uncontrollably Fond (Korean Drama 2016) Drama Rating: 9/10 No Eul comes from a poor family, her mother passed away at a young age while her father is merely a street vendor who tries his best to provide for her and her younger brother.
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girlgrouptrash101 · 5 years
Suzy as Your Girlfriend
Request: “Gf Suzy Bae please?”
A/N: Suzy is actually just the cutest omg
- C
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Suzy would constantly flirt with you until you got the hint and asked her out
she’d play a little hard to get, but eventually, she’d just give up the facade and just be a cuddly squish that wants to be with you 24//7
she loves spending time with you, even just seeing you makes her giddy as hell
holds your hand forever, shes thAt gf who draws little shapes with her thumb and it makes you feel all giddy and happy
her favourite thing is when you’re on the couch, no phones, no television, just you two playing around on the couch and having fun
probably ends up in a pillow fight,,, just because
Suzy’s favourite thing about you is your sense of humour, you always find a way to make her laugh or smile, even when she’s in the worst mood
She always brings you for dates to her mom’s café, because her mom is so supportive of you and she loves seeing you and her mom interact because Suzy loves you both so so much
same goes for the rest of her family, she’s close with them and she wants you to be as well
Suzy would definitely be that girlfriend that makes such a good impression on your parents that they’d be asking when you’re getting married after just meeting her once
Waking up next to Suzy is probably your most favourite thing ever
because she looks like an angel, and all you can do is stare at her.
Little do you know, Suzy is usually already awake, but she loves hearing you whisper little sweet nothings to her when you think she’s still asleep,,
and she thinks it so cute how you brush her hair out of her face while you’re admiring her
wants you to play with her hair forever
whenever Suzy releases new music you wait up all night before it drops, and she just loves how much you support her
plus she gets super duper giddy whenever it goes to #1 on the charts, she just won’t sleep and she calls her mom and siblings
After a few months and Suzy was really really sure about you, she bought promise rings and gave you yours on your anniversary
She really just wanted you to know how serious she was, and how much she loved you.
You’re always dragged into the kitchen to help her cook, which you really don’t mind at all
It always turns out being a dance party rather than just cooking because once Suzy hears music, she really can’t help herself
and soon enough you were both jumping around like idiots to whatever bop was playing
especially if it’s a Miss A song, you two go crazy
she thinks it's adorable when you know all the choreography too
Although she’s a bit of a giddy squish at times, she can be really romantic when it comes down to it
Suzy loves midnight walks, whether it’s just to the local convenience store
or if it’s to the park near your house, where you sit and talk about meaningless things that mean so much to you in the moment.
(then you just go home and sleep until like 3pm the next day lol)
Suzy is the best at buying gifts, even if you drop no hints whatsoever, she always knows exactly what you want
She used to always ask you if she could wear your clothes, but now she rocks up to dates dressed head to toe in stuff you own, you didn’t even realise that half of it was missing
you don’t mind anyway, she looks better in your clothes than you
the cutest baby who just wants to be cuddled all the time, just wrap her up in a big bear hug uwu
Treat her right and tell her you love her every day, and she’ll never leave your side <3
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NSFW From Here:
Suzy loves sitting on your lap and making out
it always gets messy and soon she’s grinding on your lap
if you call her princess or baby girl she will get so turned on and she’ll be begging you to just please her the way she needs it
Suzy tends to go commando whenever she feels like it, and she always makes sure you know
that’s led to some very interesting times in restaurant bathrooms, cars, practice rooms, literally anywhere
She invites you to watch her dance, and all she’s wearing is sweatpants and a sports bra; she knows how much it affects you
one time you were having dinner with all your friends and Suzy just kept teasing you under the table
you made up some bullshit excuse to get the hell out of there and get home
where you fucked her harder than ever had before
she tries so hard to keep herself quiet, but once she gets into it she can’t help but moan your name so loud that the neighbours can definitely hear it
she thinks silk is so pretty,,, so tie her up with it please and thank you
tell her how good she’s doing too
she always ends up moaning whenever she’s giving oral because just the taste of you get’s her so caught up in it all
hair pulling? you know it
she sends so many nudes, you have pictures of her in all of her sets of lingerie that you bought her
so cuddly after, she practically clings to your body while she drifts off to sleep
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