#cherry bullet headcanons
waxingrunes · 10 months
I understand if you’re too busy to answer this or don’t want to, but i was wondering if you wouldn’t mind telling us some of your non-explicit headcanons or just some traits you think wolfstar have in general? Your explicit ones are sososo hot but today I'm feeling low and need some comforting. Yiur blog is just a safe space for me but I totally understand if not! I love your work <3 all my love x
There are so many nondescript hc’s I have that this has the potential to turn into a formal essay with cited sources, so I’ll go for more of a generalised dump of info I have for each in a hope that it lifts some of your fog Anon. Maybe bullet pointed because it’ll be easier to read than my usual untidy form of communication. Hope you feel lighter soon.
• will lick a yoghurt pot if there’s no clean spoons. There’s the option to go for fruit instead, but he wants the yoghurt and by god he will get his yoghurt
• is a fucking terrible driver, gives Remus and any passenger white knuckles due to speed issues and not using a lower gear when taking corners
• is however, in complete control when on a motorcycle; very hot, very controlled and will take his passenger’s safety very seriously
• professionally trained in ballroom and ballet, the latter which he is sometimes mocked in jest for, even by Remus, until he one time caught him stretching elegantly on the floor one morning with his upper body laid flat between long, toned, wide spread legs, ‘morning moony’, a healthy blush on his cheeks
• private crier, doesn’t cry easily
• goes quiet when angry as an initial defence but it doesn’t take long for him to start dropping breadcrumbs of sarcastic comments; can also be snobby and bratty, perhaps sometimes will get nasty and direct (bringing up things he shouldn’t to score points in the heat of the moment)
• suffers immeasurable guilt (helped by the point above) but is always masking a weighted feeling of guilt no matter what he’s doing, so much so it’s manifested into quite a serious anxiety problem in the wrong crowds
• he fidgets a lot, not in a chaotic way, just always has to have his fingers busy with something
• likes the smell of gasoline
• once had to talk himself down from throwing a child in a dustbin
• loves the colour red; blood red and cherry red to be precise but secretly loves dark blue even more because it’s what looks most handsome on Remus despite him not wearing it often
• sighs a lot
• pretended he couldn’t speak English to get away with jumping a queue
• hates the smell and taste of liquorice (unless heavily strawberry/cherry/raspberry flavoured)
• on one particular messy night out he got so impatient waiting at the bar, he reached over and grabbed a discarded bottle of alcohol the server had left open and swigged it
• digs his nails into his skin when anxious and is often reminded to relax the tension in his joints
• stargazes often
• once linked his pinky finger with Remus and asked him to pinky promise not to tell anyone what he was about to tell him, since which a tradition of trust was born where Remus will offer his pinky or the last two fingers for Sirius to hold or squeeze when he’s feeling unsure in public, or in any situation where verbal reassurance isn’t appropriate
• gets a weird thrill at the sound of cork popping from a bottle
• collects beer mats and keeps them in a drawer, thinks about making them into a display
• got tired of kids playing ball against the wall of his place (after repeat offences and him asking very nicely for them to stop) one day so went out, retrieved the ball and threw it so hard against of the cars it set the alarm off
• owner of said car came running out the house and Remus blamed it on the children. Never had the same issue again
• has a wildly sweet tooth and will always drop one or two packets of sugar into any warm beverage
• stares into space and gets involuntarily caught on someone’s face one too many times which makes them uncomfortable from the ‘Death Stare’ phenomenon when in reality, he’s lost in lala land
• can cook, is actually a proficient cook, but will not cook for anyone but Sirius, James or Lily
• will crack his knuckles, wrists and neck absentmindedly, all of which makes his company squirm because it’s often very loud and ‘pop-py’ but Sirius fucking loves it
• stays very calm during an argument but can shout louder than most and when he does, ears ring from the silence that follows
• prefers tea over coffee
• will eat liquorice any time he wants to piss Sirius off
• cries more than Sirius, but still a private crier
• always has to be the old boot in Monopoly
• loves words that are vowel heavy or double voweled because those are the ones where the scraps of Sirius’ lost French accent surface the most
• has a gentle touch, is aware of his size and nature of his lycanthropy, therefore always somewhat reserved
• loves socks, has a collection of ‘dad socks’
• has the messiest writing out of all the Marauders but loves handwritten things, owns three very different fountain pens for very different purposes
• is polite, but as he’s aged doesn’t tend to ‘fake smile’ a lot, feeling no need to fill uncomfortable silences for the sake of others
• has a chair he favours and often dozes off in it. Most of the time waking up to Sirius on top of him
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ariseur · 6 months
your take on dante with an assassin reader? could be fic or headcanon and any genre (pref. fluff)
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“well, long time no see, huh?”
you groaned at dante’s voice, tucking your sniper rifle back into its holster on your back. stepping over the rubble and now deteriorating bodies of hell antenoras and riots that laid on the debris, you managed a weary chuckle, “yeah yeah, well. you owe me right now that i just saved your ass.”
he lazily grinned at you before he turned his head at the sound of a few hell caina approaching. wielding his sword, he charged right into the group while you got your own close range weapon out and attacked the demons behind him.
tiring, yes— but everything’s tiring with dante. as you evaded one of the caina’s swings, you began again, “and the last job. and the one before that.. and the other one before that.. and—“
“okay! yeah, i get it! i owe you!” he blurted out, clearly gritting his teeth as he finally killed most of them with just one combo.
you laughed as you watched him shoot the remaining one with ivory, the bullet ringing out into the desolate air as you finally finished your own battles.
..and then the real cherry on top was the herd of antenora heading straight for you.
“great, another pain in the ass to worry about.” you said, earning a little, “hey—!” from dante.
as if the multitude of demons weren’t approaching you right now with super sharp axes, dante turned to you and inched closer as he gave you a breathy laugh.
“so, how should i repay that favor, sweetheart?”
“maybe take out those demons for me?” you gave a cheeky grin as you slipped out of his advancements and jogged away into the dingy alleyways, watching as he rolled his eyes and immediately blocked the axe with devil sword dante.
“i guess i have some— time!” that last part came out a little rushed as he evaded one of the blades that came rushing at his head. you chuckled behind your hand with your other one rested on your hip.
looking behind you just to make sure no demons were on their way to make you their next victim, you turned back to dante and gave him a two finger salute. “come on ‘son of sparda’! catch up with me later!” and with that, you ran off into the darkness of the alleyway, footsteps getting further and further.
dante snickered amusedly with a shake of his head as he parried the axe. “a real handful.” he muttered.
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crescencestudio · 2 months
can u pretty plz with a cherry on top, do headcanons about Druk and Fenir in a relationship with mc, like how u did for the etza and aisa ask *bats eyelashes*
UMMM i already did fenir but i didn't do hcs specific to when he's in a relationship so ill add a couple more relationship specific ones here and then do druk's. per usual spicier bullet points have a strike through!
🩵 Fenir HCs (in a relationship)
rly likes holding hands while u walk together
early riser so will usually try to have a cup of coffee/tea ready for u when u wake up
likes getting flowers
kisses easily turn into make out sessions w him
💚 Druk HCs
type of guy who celebrates "monthiversaries"
eats rly fast
has the nicest butt in the cast (LMDKXKSLXLA)
lowkey believes in ghosts and is scared of them
def the type to talk u thru it
would get his ears pierced but worries it might be a safety hazard when he's fighting
doesn't know how to style his hair
asks you things like "did u eat yet" when ur in a relationship
favorite dates r the kind that r activity based (cooking classes, arcade, archery lessons, etc.)
a cheesy way he'd try to show off to u would be to do push ups while u sit on his back
likes to pin ur hands above u when ur doing it
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strawberryfairi · 6 months
Hello girl!! I love the stuff you write, it’s so immersing and fun to read,
To start off, how about JJK men and where they’d take you on a first date! Maybe also if they fumble or not? Or something along the lines of that if you’d like!
Note🧚🏾‍♀️: Omg hey🙋🏾‍♀️ that is so so sweet, thank you so much🥹!! I really appreciate that 'cause sometimes I be like dang, is my writing ass🧍🏾‍♀️🤡💀?? Lol but anywaaaayssssss...I decided to go and try the short fic kind of route for these so they'll be on the longer side, therefore I'm gonna make it a multipart thing! (P.S. Lmk also if the short fic version gave as opposed to the just straight bullet point thoughts)
JJK + First Date Headcanons
Choso, being new to the dating world and not having really anyone to go to for advice on this particular field, chooses what he believes is the smart way to go....to the internet. There's so many articles, Youtube videos, and even movies that discuss the topic of "The Perfect First Date". The options are overwhelming, yet there's one idea that really catches his eye.
It's a Saturday, just hitting around twelve in the afternoon, and Choso is right on time just as he said he'd be. He's at your door, dressed in a black- fairly loose fitted- button up top, with acid wash black ripped jeans. His hair is in his signature style, the two spiky buns that you absolutely adore on him. You could smell the subtle hint of cologne on him, a very earthy and mellow fragrance that seemed to match his overall personality well. It was highly attractive.
He looks so nervous, and honestly, a huge part of you was relieved as you were shaking in your own boots as well.
"H-hey" He stammers cutely, "You ready to go?"
A sweet smile etches it's way across your glossy lips, "Yeah, I'm ready!"
He extends his right arm, allowing for you to link yours with him as he takes you to his car out front of your place. "You look beautiful by the way;...as always." He compliments with a faint dusty pink hue across his pale cheeks.
"Thank you. You look great as well; as always." You chuckle lightly, feeling your own cheeks heat up right along with him.
The drive isn't too long, and you figure out exactly where he's taking you as he pulls up to a beautiful looking arboretum parking lot, in the outskirts of Tokyo. You let out a soft gasp, heart warming at his choice in date destination.
"Oh wow, Choso this looks so beautiful already!" You beam excitedly, staring out the window in a rather childlike way as he puts the car in car.
"I'm glad you think so. I was so nervous you wouldn't like it." He admits with a timid chuckle. He gets out of the car, then comes around to give you a hand as you step out. You watch as he goes to the back seat, taking out a large blanket along with a basket that you hadn't even noticed. As if his idea couldn't get any sweeter. You feel your heart swell with warmth, watching as a happy, wide smile plasters itself across his adorable face.
"Ok..." Choso nods, grabbing your hand gently and leading you past the tall, black metal gates.
He chose such a perfect time of year as well, mid spring, when all the flowers have bloomed and the trees are full of lively colored leaves. The scent of all the flowers fill the air, being carried around by the soft breeze. You spot plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, camellias, and even lavender. Choso practically follows you around like a lost puppy, taking in all your explanations of each flower and how you love their shape and color. Even he can't help but squat down and gently touch some of their soft petals.
Finally, the pair of you reach the main event of the whole arboretum, a small stream with a beautiful, traditional looking red bridge in the center of a field. Beautiful lines of cherry blossom trees surround the area, and patches of flowers grow along the bank of the stream.
Choso sets the blanket down while you smoothen it out along the grass, and place the basket filled with foods he hopes you'll like down. The two of you talk, getting to know each other better while enjoying both the scenery, and overall, each other's company. You're already so enamored by Choso solely due to the amount of effort he's put into the first date alone.
So far, he never comes across like you're a burden or that it's some kind of obligation to take you out on a date, and you really appreciate that attitude from him.
He's made his intentions very clear with you, and this first date is just the icing on the cake. Inwardly, unbeknownst to either of you, you both wish this date would never end.
A/N❥: Choso does NOT fumble the first date bag whatsoever in my book! He's just too much of a sweetheart for that; he gon' do his RESEARCH🧐🔬 okaaaay!!!! But fr though, this was very fun to write! I really like this idea of doing date headcanons in this kind of short fic form, thank you so much for the ask🙆🏾‍♀️
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thefablefoxart · 2 years
Have a collection of random headcanons I’ve been collecting for a while :)
- He flat out refuses to drive any small car
- I feel like he owns a cowboy hat (like he inherited it from a family member or something) but he never wears it cause he’s just not a hat kinda guy
- He genuinely believes he dresses well
- He has this fun little game where he tries to get into college house parties without anyone realising (and he’s usually successful since he still looks really young and can talk his way into anything)
- He definitely make those hand thirst trap pics (y’know the photos of men gripping their steering wheel with waaayy too many rings on, yeah those)
- He doesn’t wanna admit that he loves bats cause he doesn’t wanna feed into the vamp stereotype but he thinks they’re adorable (he probably saved one once and absolutely fell in love with it)
- Is absolutely scared shitless by horror movies (he’d take extra caution when locking the house the night after watching one, checking the doors like 5 times)
- If/when he and Angel get married, he would wear his ring on a chain rather than on his finger
- Looooves sharks
- Used to have really bad acne as a teen and he still has bad break outs every now and again
- He drinks milk straight from the carton
- Be probably eats butter too
- Used to have a crush on Tank which has become an inside joke between them
- His guilty pleasure is singing in the shower (and Sweetheart endlessly makes fun of him for it
- He can NOT sit on a chair probably
- Has a mountain of pillows and plushies on his bed
- Absolutely loves Bluey
- He’s almost always wearing pink
- His favourite party trick is being able to tie the cherry stem with his tongue
- He knows flower language
- He’s fluent in sign language
- He has one really lovely neat bullet journal that he puts max effort into (the rest of his notes are a mess)
- Has so many lip balms and hand creams
- He has reading glasses but is too embarrassed to wear them in front of anyone but Hux
- He hates movies. He really can’t sit still for that long without feeling like he could be doing something more productive (me too babes)
- Has very small neat handwriting but he writes in capitals all the time
- Plant dad because of course he is
- He never drinks anything other than water
- Has dabbled a bit into painting. He doesn’t do it often but he finds it relaxing (I imagine he probably works kinds loose and abstract, just making random shapes and textures)
- He actually prefers cats over dogs
- He sits on the kitchen counter all the time
- His favourite animal is a bunny rabbit (he begs freelancer to get one on a weekly basis but the closest they’ve given him to a bunny is a plushie one (which he loves dearly but it’s still not a really rabbit))
- Has seen every Studio Ghibli movie
- He has blankets and plushies for his clients to cuddle during his sessions
- He always looks tired (in a relaxed kinda way)
- Loves watercolour painting
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
I just looked at all the new photos
Val with 2 guns-yep that script leak of him comparing them to dicks is probably true (also why is there a poster of himself with guns wtf??)
Vox in front of those TV screens-Jesus dude, my fucking eyes hurt looking at the clash of blue, white, and red
Charlie with drawings-Inside Every Demon is a Rainbow?? She gonna sing that or make a reference to it?
Angel and Husk singing-I don't know what it is, but Angel looks particularly off here.
"Vaggie"-I think her head looks too big/ she looks pretty off. I also had a headcanon she went to Hell because she murdered a r*pist or something. But she's a fallen angel now??? Can't wait to see this bullshit 💀 (also not sure if it's been pointed out but-*female angels named after women's genitals="Vaggie/Vagatha" 😐
Cherri-Why did they post her in her default pose? (Also I'm so sorry to Kendraws, fuck Viv for stealing her design from you)
Charlie/Rosie/Alastor-Where the fuck are your shadows??? This looks so fucking off and stilted?? (Same goes for that shot of Charlie in front of the bar)
Charlie/Alastor-God this should awaken something in me but it doesn't. This shot looks so bad dude. His face/mouth looks so off.
Carmella Carmine and two demons-This shot probably looks the fucking worst. Jesus, just look at how weird this looks.
Angel Dust on the bed-Wtf is this blank expression?? What did they do to you, Angel?? Also him sitting and flipping someone off-thats a weird shot too. I can't explain it but he just looks fucking weird.
Vaggie/Charlie pointing at her-their heads looks so fucking weird dude. Especially Vaggie's. Looks too weird.
Charlie/Lucifer-others are saying this too, but he looks (and sounds) like Charlie's older brother and not her father. Also... too much red. Why is he coated in fucking red???
The only shots I like?
Sir Pen, Vaggie hanging off the boat, Alastor w/horns/talking at his radio station, Niffty, the shot of the whole gang, Angel next to Niffty (his facial expression looks good here).
Dude... what the fuck is this. 4+ years of this?? I hope fans come to their senses and realize that these Same Face Syndrome Characters, overabundance of reds/pinks/whites, nauseating colors and camera work, animation errors, and garbage writing (based off script leaks) were not worth it, and all the money they spend on Amazon or merch, is not fucking worth it.
Guaranteed Viv spent most of the money on her precious Broadway actors to skimp on the animation (probably paid out of her own pocket too) THE THING SHE CLAIMS TO CARE AND LOVE THE MOST ABOUT.
Ashley, Michael, and everyone else, you guys dodged a massive bullet. I can't wait for this soulless train wreck to get mocked mercilessly online and Viv throws the biggest fit of her life, ruining her career.
That moment can't come soon enough.
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muselin · 2 years
another one because my current yuta brain rot made me dream about that man and it's kinda embarrassing but let's go
don't ask me why my unconscious made such a dream like this but for some weird reason yuta ended up helping me stretch my hole after for some reason i brought it up to them (127) that i was small pls what the hell
This is brilliant. I have like half a dozen things to finish but my brain is frazzling and just wants to write NCT smutty drabbles and bits. I'm not sure which hole you meant but I've ended up turning this into a little anal training headcanon lol 🔞⛔️
Anal training with NCT127
Prefers to do it the old-fashioned way, with his fingers and with his face buried in your pussy the whole time. Gets you to sit on his face while he does it.
"Does it hurt? No? I'm going to put one more in, okay?" He raised his head and his eyes searched yours before he dipped back down, tongue swirling around your clit as he added a third finger and kept moving them in and out of your ass slowly, stretching you out.
He prefers to start by eating your ass. You're comfortably laid out on your front, Taeil between your legs giving you a hell of a rim job. He teases you, tongue dipping in and out of your entrance as he wants for you to start whining and humping the mattress until he starts putting fingers in your little hole.
"You sure you're ready? It'd be fun to make you cum just with my tongue first..."
A little adventurous, a little traditional. Johnny gets you used to anal beads quite quickly. He gets you on all fours, his long form blanketing yours as he works the beads in slowly and his long fingers stretch to tease your clit. He gets really hard hearing you moan as he starts to pull the beads out and you back your hips up against him, brushing against his cock.
"You seem ready for the bigger set already. This will be a piece of cake."
Loves his toys and he's got you sitting in his lap riding a cone-shaped grooved dildo that he holds for you, gradually getting you to work the wider parts at the base inside of you. Runs a vibrator over your clit as you go and watches you like a hawk, doesn't want to miss any little noise or face you make.
"Getting tired yet? I hope not, it'll be so much more fun when it's me inside of you."
Cautious and uses loads and loads of lube. Uses his fingers or different sizes of dildos to get you used to the feeling but he's partial to becoming impatient so he indulges in different flavored lubes.
"As if you weren't tasty enough already but I quite like the cherry," His voice was muffled by your ass and his tongue was teasing around your rim as it stretched around a small dildo.
Similar to Taeyong prefers to use his tongue and fingers but he's got you pretzeled up into whatever position lets him get the deepest inside of you. Usually on your back with your leg being pressed up towards your chest. Groans against your pussy and humps the mattress whenever he works another finger into your ass.
"Does it feel good? Look how much more you can fit now, almost ready".
Mind goes a mile a minute and his fingers are twitchy and nervous as he's working different sizes of butt plugs in and out your hole. He has you over his lap on all fours and he's so concentrated and methodical that you start to whine and make him hurry up. He spanks your ass and palms the flesh, kneading it and stroking.
"You made me lose track of which one we got up to. Don't make me spank you again."
Shy to ask but gets really into it. Steals one of Yuta's toys and it's a bullet vibrator which he uses to get you ridiculously wet, which he then uses as lube because he forgot to bring any. Uses his fingers for the rest and likes to hold you against him so you can feel how hard he is while he works you up.
"Still feels tight. How are you ever going to fit my dick in there? I'm getting blue balls just thinking about it."
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
some more btl headcanons bc why not lol(specifically kpop related *insert that one spongebob "when worlds collide" audio*)
ps this will include plenty of my beloved nugus so if you don't recognize a name that's probably why lol
obviously scara has his stuff already so I won't be listing it so I don't lose the dopamine too early
star is whatever we like
xiao is a diehard dreamcatcher fan, literally has been there since debut and probably has an almost complete set of photocards for everyone. cried when they won their first award. definitely does live reactions to groups music videos/dance practices on stream. other groups I can see him liking are craxy, nmixx and purple kiss, but also k-bands like xdinary heros and purple beck
aether probably isn't too into kpop tbh💀 he supports xiao in his dreamcatcher stanning but that's probably the only group he actually knows members and stuff lol. he definitely watches survival shows tho and spam texts xiao every elimination episode. doesn't keep up with the groups after the show ends. i can definitely see him stanning eunbi post-iz*one, he makes underwater his ringtone. also stans alexa and watched all of american song contest bc she was his pick during produce 48
jean probably listens to popular groups just bc she doesn't have much time to search out for any smaller ones. can see her liking red velvet, feel my rhythm is her favorite song from them. will listen to any group that any of the people in the au tell her about, and from them I can see her listening to iz*one and purple kiss
childe is payola(/j). no but fr tho, whenever his faves release anything ever he is collecting albums and photocards until he has complete collection. he's rich and so will travel to south korea to watch his groups at inkigayo and music bank so he can get broadcast pcs. he's not creepy tho and so he's on "friendly stranger" terms with most of the idols in groups he likes. at this point, it's a game with his fans to find him in the background of any photos of groups he likes leaving/entering a music show. can see him liking a mix of groups, so probably twice, aespa, cherry bullet, and loona
heizou loves any and all groups that have lore. pixy, loona, stray kids, etc. if they have some sort of lore, then you can count on heizou being a fan of them. probably doesn't collect all that much, he usually just buys one version of an album and accepts whatever photocards are in it like a weirdo. definetly does streams going through groups music videos/etc to look for lore and make theories
I can't remember anyone else and so I now present my theories lol
also i love this omg. i also don’t think aether wud be too into kpop, he only rlly knows things cus xiao talks about it to him and will attend concerts w him. i can totally see him eating up any survival show (he wud probably watch boys planet)
HEIZOU STANNING FOR LORE OMG adding txt to that list he probably does videos trying to dissect what’s going on
childe going all the way to korea for broadcast pcs HES SO REAL OMG 😭😭 he wud probably win fan calls and be super chill on them and when he’s at shows it turns into a mini meet n greet
kazuha probably listens to whatever heizou tells him he should but also he’s a music major so he probably does covers on the most popular songs he’s probably a keshi or DPR live stan or the rose like more soft songs yk
venti probably crazy about every group he wud be the type to decorate his lightsticks for every show and change his phone pc every other day
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superpyodan · 2 months
SDV music taste headcanons
I just remembered that I spent a long while ruminating on & writing down the music tastes of my mental versions of Abby, Sam, Seb, Haley and Alex (like, heavilyyyy based on the way I characterise them in the fic, so if you disagree with me - Valid). So here it is, if you’re interested! I wrote it initially for the Q&A but then realised it was wayyy too rambly and non-important LMAO
Abby: Mostly Riotgrrl, punk rock and Kpop. She’s a huge kpop fan, but keeps the secret on LOCK. Artists include:
- Mannequin Pussy, Le Tigre, Hole, Bikini Kill, Bratmobile, BTS, Stray Kids, ITZY, Blackpink, Olivia Rodrigo, Grimes. Mayyybe also some Vocaloid, because she’s a nerd like that (all respect for the vocaloid listeners in the audience, though! I like it too!).
Sam: He’s somewhere between ‘stuck in his emo phase’, and ‘skateboarding stoner loser’. Artists include:
- Gorillaz, MF DOOM, Tyler the Creator, My Chemical Romance, Twenty One Pilots, Tame Impala, The Garden, Limp Bizkit, Neck Deep, A Tribe Called Quest.
Seb: I don’t have any specific artists for Seb, because I’m not really sure! He’s a bit of a musical elitist and makes fun of Sam for his music taste, but when he works, he listens to the most abhorrent shit imaginable. Think, like, dubstep. Generally, though, it’s hard rock, metal, etc. Random bands that no one’s ever heard of, that have 256 monthly Spotify listeners. He pretends that he’s over his emo phase, but listens to Black Veil Brides on the down-low.
Haley: She listens to fun, upbeat, ‘girly’ pop music. She loves it. Think Sabrina Carpenter, Chappell Roan, Remi Wolf. Her and Abby bicker about music all the time. I’d like to emphasise, though, that Haley is NOT a swiftie. That part is important to me. Her music taste is gayer than that, in a way I can’t quite explain.
Alex: Now. Alex is kind of hard for me to place. I think it’s because, in my mind, he’s super gay and super nerdy. However, I can’t imagine him having a gay, nerdy music taste. It’s similar to Sam’s, but in a different way. Just hear me out, okay? We’re gonna need multiple bullet points for this one. Artists include:
- Kendrick Lamar, more specifically the ‘DAMN’ album. Yes, he’s on Kendrick’s side in the Kendrick v Drake beef.
- Tyler the Creator, but exclusively the post-Cherry Bomb albums. ‘IGOR’ quite literally changed his life and it’s his favourite album of all time.
- I associate him quite heavily with the album ‘Strange Desire’ by Bleachers, but I’m not sure he actually listens to it.
- MF DOOM - absolutely Madvillainy and Operation: Doomsday.
- Little Simz, perhaps? I’m not sure. I think he’d like the album ‘Sometimes I Might Be Introvert’.
- Pre- accepting himself as queer, he watched the music video for ‘Industry Baby’ by Lil Nas X, and considered throwing himself into the mountain lake.
- I just think he’d like rap a lot. It’s like books but …. For the ears
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spicedfink · 1 year
Someone posted their opinion on tophabe and I'm not going to @ them since people are apparently being weird but it did make me want to voice my tophabe take because tbh it made me feel insecure and like I needed to explain myself because they were right and so real for what they said.
My thing with (s2) episode 8 is first off I can only process parts of it at a time because that episode made me uncomfortable Second is there is one major factors I take in when thinking about tophabe and a few minor factors: The biggest thing is Joan the canon end game love interest as far as we have been shown tried to point blank kill everybody which is objectively worse. As for minor factors I'll use bullet points: - Cleo also manipulates Abe not to that degree but for longer - All the cast are kind of bad people but the show only framed Topher's actions as bad which I found weird when I really thought about it then they said Harriet was a theater kid and I stopped caring about what the writing was meant to convey - Him giving good advice first in s2e8 reminds me of how I used to give a friend of mine bad advice as a joke when they kept ignoring my real advice and for some reason they took my joke advice seriously. - Topher wasn't in the classroom with Abe so he didn't know the teacher had been hitting on him so it feels like he's just making shit up on the spot - I don't see how Topher would have seen this working. Like it shows him being right there when it starts but like how? I know it's just because the plot said so but the actual "go sleep with this gross person" seems more like a "oh Abe would never actually do that" line of thought - like it reads more as "if I can get Abe insecure he won't ask Joan out" then "Abe will defiantly go for this" (still shitty but less) - It's a cartoon and their actions are exaggerated - s2e8 was such a horribly done episode all around that I can't do anything other than cherry pick it - poor mental health is hardly an excuse but man do I believe his therapist isn't doing him any favors (which is why I have his change therapist in my fanfics) - The fact they're still shitty high schoolers meaning they all have the most room for growth and I'm projecting my own journey of because and actual good person and figuring out my sexuality onto him (obviously wasn't his level of shitty but I said dumb shit and did weird emotionally charged things thanks to how I was raised and poor mental health) - Episode 1 of season 2 Topher got the t-rex arms so I attached myself to his character right then and there ("he's autistic just like me") - I like happy things. The show gave a character who they made clear was suppose to be disliked and bullied for being horrible and didn't show him do anything actually that bad until episode 8 out of 10. And before that ranges from normal weird teenager things he'd logically grow out of, trying too hard to be socially accepted and being mentally ill??? Like no. No I'm personally not going to think this character is a horrible person incapable of growth... And this is why my serious non one sided tophabe headcanons are all for when they are older because I really think Topher would, you know grow up and regret his past actions. Also since I see Topher as queer: internalized homophobia and the such are a bitch (speaking from experience)
I don't actually have a good reason for why Abe would like Topher back past I just think it'd be fun. If Abe gets with Joan and is friends with Cleo I think he should still be friends with Topher though
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palant1r · 2 years
Please give me your task force headcanons. This is a stick em up.
ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT IM HANDING EM OVER!!! i'll limit myself to three headcanons for each member otherwise we'll be here all day.
Aizawa: -Divorced his wife at some point during the timeskip. This was good for him because his wife is canonically physically abusive — but Light absolutely used that to spur on the separation, having learned his lesson from Naomi and wanting to tie up loose ends since he planned to kill Aizawa at some point -Was a police detective prior to joining the NPA. Was in the same precinct as Ide and somewhat of a mentor to him -Unwinds by going to karaoke bars with total strangers. The others never find out about this
Ide: -The second most sympathetic to Kira out of the task force, just doesn't show it. He sees what Kira is trying to do, and doesn't really oppose it on coherent moral grounds, it's just not the kind of world he wants to live in, and he knows there's no place for him in it. He's a very practical person. -Aroace and doesn't realize it, so he's just continually baffled by romance. But he's still able to pick up on the romantic feelings of others, like he does in chapter 108. -Gets roped into watching soap operas with Matsuda
Mogi: -Gay. Him and Matsuda have run into each other at a gay bar and not acknowledged it -Oldest of a pretty large family, and learned to cook dinner for his siblings while his parents were out working late. Went all-out cooking for Misa because he hadn't had time to cook for a while thanks to the Kira investigation. -After pretending to be Misa's manager for a while, he ended up running into some of the people he'd met there, and they insisted on inviting him to a networking event. He excused himself to the bathroom and then climbed out of a window.
Matsuda: -Was on a riot unit before joining the NPA. The only member of the task force who has actually killed someone in the line of duty. -Has a small scar on his cheek from the raid explosion. Along with Aizawa, also has burn scars on his arms and chest. -Hums at his desk sometimes without realizing it, and is thus singlehandedly responsible for almost every song that gets stuck in the others' heads
Soichiro: -Initially tried to discourage Light from being a cop, but gave up upon seeing how determined Light was to follow in his father's footsteps -Before the fake execution, double and triple checked the gun to make sure the bullets were actually blanks (psa that's still extremely dangerous, never EVER fire blanks at someone, but i'm just gonna assume things are different in the death note universe to explain why light didnt straight up fucking die) -After seeing L tie a cherry stem in a knot with his tongue, tried to do it himself but to no avail.
Light: -His mom buys almost all his clothes -Tends to forget to eat. Misa and Matsuda are constantly reminding him to do so, which irks him. He never used to have problems with meals, but after the 50 days confinement, he started to have trouble with keeping track of them. He refuses to even entertain the possibility that this confinement could have traumatized him in any way -Likes his coffee sweet, but drinks it black out of spite towards L
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ssaakuraaa · 1 year
Are your requests open? Can you write a twice headcanons where their gf is a solo artist ? Or a j-idol?
authors note : yes, my requests are open ! i hope it’s okay that i made the idol gf performing at an awards show > < ty 4 requesting, darling ! it means a lot :)
B E G I N ✧
twice reaction (gxg) ✧
twice reaction to you as an idol performing at an award show !!
requested : yes
genre : fluff
warnings : one cuss word in sana’s
my bias : jeongyeon
listen to while reading : begin - yoojung
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cherrie’s listening to . . . karate - babymetal
when you preformed your solo song, she smiled as she was dancing to your songs.
she knew every lyric by heart & she would be cheering you on
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cherrie’s listening to . . . karma - taylor swift
she would stare so hard & be amazed by how amazing your performance was & would sing along. she also loved your outfit (and thought it was cute / sexy (depending on ur concept))
the members caught her staring hard & they teased her for how she was daydreaming over you
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cherrie’s listening to . . . karma - pixy
she would wave to you when you walk near her on stage & you would ofc wave back
she ofc knows every dance move, so for the whole performance she was just dancing to the song. she would be so happy & smiley
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cherrie’s listening to . . . kawibawibo - yoon mirae
your #1 fan girl, she would be cheering like fvcking crazyy, and would be kinda embarrassed from it
she would be shocked on how good you look and how the song really fitted you, in the end she would be very happy for you
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cherrie’s listening to . . . kazino - bibi
as the “mom” of the group, so she would be so happy for you, & take part in your dance moves & ofc sing along.
she’s so happy that you get all this love & support ! she smiles like a kid getting candy when you look at her
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cherrie’s listening to . . . keep their heads ringin - dr. dre
she is kinda shy about your guys relationship but she would ofc still show how she enjoyed the performance & laughed lightly when you winked at the camera
the members tease her secretly & she just blushed and playfully smacks her members on the arm
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she’s definitely the person who will stand up & dance funny to embarrass herself
fancams of her went viral & eventually became a meme (💀)
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cherie’s listening to . . . keep your head up - cherry bullet
she would be all smiley & laugh when dahyun went crazy 💀 and thought about joining her
she would be all quite because she’s just so amazed on how someone could be so perfect & she can’t wait to hug you
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she’s a bit like mina. she would move a bit along with the music when you perform
like chaeyoung, she absolutely loves your performance but a bit shy. however after the performance when you guys meet, she would be congratulating you & be smiling a lot
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hey zaina! it’s been a really long while, how are you? :3
also, what’re your self-indulgent hcs for hayami? <3
Hi hi!!!! omg it has been so long, i’m sorry!! 😭 i’m doing good, just overwhelmed thanks to work and school lol, but i hope you’ve been doing well!! 💗
Rinka Hayami Headcanons
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🐱 I like the idea of everyone finding her stern or unapproachable just because poor girl has a strong RBF, when in reality she’s like the cutest thing alive
🐱 She doesn’t just like cats, no, she’s fucking obsessed. Like we all have that one friend who would literally die for any cat, and that’s Hayami.
🐱 She leaves out dishes of cat food and heating pads for the strays in her neighborhood. She also has a myriad of cat-themed pens and stuffies in her room, always tucked away if she ever has guests.
🐱 Her guilty pleasure is watching trashy reality shows thanks to Okajima. They watch Love is Blind and Keeping Up with the Kardashians together, sometimes joined by Mimura and Sugaya.
🐱 The chocolate bullets she got for Chiba were actually specially made by her. She wanted to give him a thoughtful gift, but also didn’t want to step over any boundaries in their dynamic so she stuck to something they already bonded over.
🐱 Seems like the type to like cherry-scented perfumes
🐱 Used to cry every night as a kid because she hated being alone and tucking herself into bed because her parents weren’t there. (🥺😭)
🐱 It took her a long time to get used to receiving random hugs from her friends and classmates, but she loves them. Won’t show it outright, but she gets so much joy whenever Yada or Nakamura tackle her. Girly is very touch-starved 💔 and gay
🐱 I feel like Hayami is the kind of girl who is effortlessly cute and stylish, in a more subtle way than Nakamura, for example. She can throw anything on and still look 10/10. She just carries this classy vibe no matter what she’s wearing.
🐱 She’s one of the kids who grew more attached to the teachers more than others, because it was literally the first time in a long while that she had parental figures. And while they may be unconventional and crazy, at least they were there for her.
🐱 Honestly it’s really sad and self-indulgent to think about what the found family of 3-E meant for her. Before Class E, she literally allowed herself to be used and cheated on just to feel a semblance of connection, just to feel needed. And now she has a giant class of people who love and cherish her unconditionally 🥺💗
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crescencestudio · 2 months
kay well then to complete the set, may i ask for headcanons of my favourite two? kayn and kuna’a? (anddddddd maybe some about van?)
the infinity stones of crescence headcanons have been collected. reminder as usual that spicy bullet points have strikethrough
❤️ Kayn HCs
has the best skincare and haircare routine in the cast
thinks really kind people are extremely endearing. will do anything to protect them
wore their hair in a high ponytail when they were younger
their lips taste like cherry chapstick
100% praises you when you're doing it
thinks they could pull off the wyvern robes (this is an old hc, someone actually drew it once)
has a small appetite. runs off the vibes of life
likes cats more than dogs
waist/hip area is their favorite part to touch
💜 Kuna'a HCs
idk why but i just imagine him to be so gluttonous and lazy. like if he weren't a warrior he would Not get off his ass
would be interested in trying lots of human dishes
had long hair Back In The Day
has a lot of scars on his body
favorite position is hitting it from the back
has the nicest thighs in the cast (not me objectifying my LIs LMFLS)
too embarrassed to admit but loves the feeling of stomping around in his little boots
most active sex life out of all the LIs
guilty of edging his sex partners. rly just likes to see u beg. he's annoying i'm sorry
🩷 Van HCs
hair is so soft fr
has lots of dainty and/or floral tattoos all over his body
had an emo phase when he was younger
in a lot of lives i imagine him to be adopted idk why
very domestic---cooks, cleans, does the laundry
likes to be on the bottom, prefers the view from there
has a habit of fidgeting with his rings a lot
doesn't have a very good skincare routine. somehow still has nice skin
the type to brush your hair away if it gets in ur face so he can get a better look at your expressions
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sparklingcid3r · 16 days
oh. my. god?!?! you have now just shot me in the head with the cherry cola ship bullet
i'm obsessed with all your little headcanons and they so would be obsessed with the tiktok trends. AND DARRY BEING PROTECTIVE BECAUSE HIS EXPERIENCE WITH PAUL HOLY SHIT GIVE IT TO ME NOWWWWW!!!! i'm gonna go look up fics now thank you very much
you've also made me feel so hopelessly single at the same time and i hate it (please give me more)
lmfao get sniped
YESS bc i just KNOWWW that darry was tweaking when he found out that BOTH of his brothers have spoken to this cherry valance chick and then one of them starts dating her??? he was pulling hair out fr
HIT ME TF UP IF U FIND ANY FICS IM SO DEADASS 😭 my starved ass is gonna have to end up doing it myself at this rate
sooo cutesy how the fictional characters in fake relationships doing things i made them do got me jealous it’s actually embarrassing lmfao
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Any smut headcanons for Oemga!Moon with a Omega!Girlcock!Reader?🥺
Omega!Moon x Omega!Girlcock!Reader NSFW Headcanons
Chubby!Fem!Reader 💖 Short
I'll write a fic for this if anyone wants it 👀 (unedited)
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💖 As an omega, Reader doesn't have a knot, which may seem like a problem when it comes to heats, but Reader fixed this after their first heat together. It was messy and a little unfulfilled since she can't knot Moon, but now she has a pretty silicone knot she can wear and inflate when Moon needs a nice fat knot in her cunt. They've since gotten a few of different sizes to play with from time to time and the omegas love using them during sex.
💖 Due to their status as omegas, there's a slim chance of Moon getting pregnant. While the chances are low, they love playing into the fantasy that she could get pregnant. Part of it has to do with the fact that they share a big creampie kink. Moon loves getting stuffed full of her omega mate's cum, showing it off to her and fingering it back into herself if it leaks out. She begs for Reader's fake knot and cum .
💖 Needy as fuck, both of them. When their heats align, it's a mess. They make a huge mess of each other, slick and cum everywhere. They lay in bed or sit in the bath the whole time. They just want the heat to go away.
💖 Sex in Moon's pretty cherry red SUV. She keeps is stocked with blankets to lay out in the back when they put the seats down so they can have as much room as possible. She parks in desolate areas so they can have their privacy, though the threat of maybe getting caught is always there and it's thrilling. Also, putting on a special playlist just for this occasion? Definitely.
💖 In addition to the fake knot, Reader and Moon have a plethora of toys to choose from when they feel like getting down and dirty. Vibe to hold to Moon's clit while she rides Reader's cock, gags to keep Moon quiet during heats, pretty wands to play with while Reader has a bullet vibe strapped to her cock.
💖 Moon secretly loves it when Reader comes all over her tits. She likes to lick it up and play with it, let it drip off of her hard nipples. She'll take pictures of herself doing all of this and put them in a secret folder on her phone for later use - aka teasing Reader when they're apart.
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