deartouya · 2 years
✶ AS SOULS INTERTWINE — an anthology series
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⋆☄︎. * tags: various characters x reader, soulmate aus; all fics are sfw, all reader's have an established career, aged-up characters, post-canon time skips, fluff, meet cutes, each fic will have it's own tags + warnings.
✶ note: the works in this series are all standalone, simply with the running theme of soulmate aus. i will not be writing to a deadline! the first fic will probably be out in january - february. i will be taking my time with each part and splitting my focus onto other fics as well and summaries/tags subject to change.
✶ taglist: if you’re interested in one (or all :3) of the fics, you can join the taglist so you’ll know when they’re posted !!
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izuku has always loved the idea of soulmates, keeping track of the countdown on his wrist. but as he gets older and the weight of heroism presses closer, he forgets. so when he finally meets you, it's like everything has clicked into place. if only you shared his enthusiasm.
⋆☄︎. * soulmates: countdown to meeting. reader is hesitant/unbelieving of soulmates, an attempt at slow burn, strangers to soulmates to friends to lovers, food as a love language and way of bonding (shocker), stolen 101 dalmatians meet cute.
after your coffee shop is ruined by a villain attack, you come face to face with the number one hero: winged hero hawks. after your first meeting, he returns throughout the weeks under the guise of coffee and croissants to see you. he’s always loved the idea of soulmates, of someone destined to love him and he hopes you’re it for him. he finds his answer after your shop suffers another attack.
⋆☄︎. * soulmates: you leave marks when you touch. non-canon timeskip, canon typical violence + injuries (very non descript broken leg + villain attacks), reader is a fan of all might lol, reader’s oblivious and a little dumb, hawks falls in love incredibly easily, food (and coffee) as a love language.
kento nanami is an easy man to fall in love with–considerate, kind, gentlemanly, and incredibly attractive–you only wish you could string together a proper sentence when he visits your shop. but there’s something about him, all of him, that draws you in, that has you counting down the minutes until he visits your shop.
⋆☄︎. * soulmate au: red string of fate. jjk manga spoilers, separated post-canon au, falling in love through routine, reader is very lovestruck and awkward–but incredibly endearing in nanami’s eyes, mentions of scars + permanent injury, food as a love language (once again).
as if being tasked with protecting yuuei’s crown prince katsuki bakugou on his mission to find some stupid relic wasn’t bad enough, you discover you’re his soulmate along the way. turns out you're not as successful at hiding the mark as you thought. that or bakugou’s a lot more observant than you gave him credit for. he’s also…not as annoying as you first thought either, regrettably.
⋆☄︎. * soulmate au: you have a unique matching mark on your body. fantasy au, knight/bodyguard reader, dragon king!bakugou, reader tries very hard to hide the soulmark and avoid bakugou–it doesn’t work, lots of bakusquard, slow burn grievances to friends to lovers.
you keep seeing him–always too far always, always in bits and pieces, a flash of color and the sharp line of a jaw–in your dreams. it wasn't hard to figure out the number five pro hero shouto was your soulmate. and it was going to become a lot harder to avoid him once he realized your shop falls onto his new patrol route.
⋆☄︎. * soulmate au: you meet in your dreams. pro hero au, an attempt at slow burn, pro hero!shouto, florist!reader, lots of flowers + their meanings, shouto is very determined for you to fall in love with him.
touya todoroki's never been one for soulmates, but he can't help but think it's meant to be—holding the little paper cup with you number, blooming under sweet smiles and soft words. the ghost of a life long past, he thinks you remind him of someone.
⋆☄︎. * soulmate au: you meet in every reincarnation. vague historical fantasy au, angst with a happy ending, rehabilitated post-canon villain au, major character death, mentions of injuries/wars.
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fullocoal · 5 years
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Hihi ! Here is my Finished piece  for @my-comic-academia
I was trying a different way of drawing and it came out better then I thought. Hope you guys like it and check out the rest of the amazing artists!
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I Didn't Know (Sero Hanta)
Request: tw: cutting .. so, today, my coworker jokingly mentioned he would start cutting himself for attention and made some comments about people who self harm. ironically, i’ve done so for months, yet not a single person i work with knows. i was wondering if you would write something where perhaps bakusquad is making insensitive comments about people who cut themselves and the reader just becomes silent. additionally, if sero were their partner and he even added onto the conversation, perhaps there could be a scene where the reader is hurt by his opinion and eventually he figures it out and they make up ajaiwkwns i’m sorry this was so long, and you definitely do not have to write this! :( it just didnt make me very thrilled to hear my coworker say that
A/n: I'm sorry you had to deal with that and i understand completely because something similar happened to me last year where this guy was like "if you cut this way (horizontally) then youre looking for attention and if you cut this way (vertically) then you want to die" and it really fcked me up because i was actively cutting when he said that so i had to leave the room. I hope you enjoy the story! I kinda took both ideas and mashed them together! <3
"Min*ta's such an attention whore," Mina exhaled as she opened the door to your shared flat and flopped onto the couch. Right before she came in you, Sero, Denki, Kirishima, and Bakugo were having a debate on which type of Uno Cards were the best. But at the mention of Min*ta, everyone physically repulsed at the word. It's been years and Min*ta's already had his Hero License taken numerous times.
"What he'd do this time," Kiri asked as if got off the coffee table and headed to the kitchen to grab a couple drinks. Mina immediately sat up, she was obviously happy that someone wanted to hear about all the drama she had to deal with.
"Okay soooo, I was patrolling when I see Min*ta just laying on the sidewalk and I was going to just walk right past him because he's a filthy freak AND HE GRABBED MY LEG!" Mina exlaimed, her eyes were wide and her hands were in the air and you couldnt help but laugh a little at her expressions.
"And then what," you asked, scooting closer to cuddle into your boyfriend, Sero. You began to play with his hair as you all listened to Mina talk about how she whooped Min*ta's ass and how he started crying and threatened to report her if she didn't let him touch her boobs.
"I don't know why they let him be a hero," Kiri said as he passed out drinks.
"All he wants is fucking attention he's just a little bitch boy," Bakugo said as he took a sip from his cup. Everyone nodded at that and then Denki spoke up.
"Watch him start cutting himself for attention."
"Bruh he would do some shit like that," Kiri agreed. But for you, the world went silent. You went tense and felt like you had to throw up. You didn't expect the conversation to go this way, and you certainly weren't happy that it did. Of course, they didn't know about your past of harming yourself. But that still didn't make you feel any less hurt at the fact that your friends were poking fun at that.
"I swear people who cut just want attention dude," Sero noted as he shifted a little to pull out his phone. Only to give you a very concerned look when you retracted from him. Your eyes were wide and you were just in shock and disbelief when you heard him say that. Deep down you knew it wasn't directed towards you and that he has no clue about your self harm. But the feeling of absolute betrayal and devastation filled your head and before you knew it you were out the door.
"Wait what?"
"Why'd they leave?"
Everyone looked towards the door, alarmed at the fact that you ran out with out even grabbing your jacket or saying goodbye. It didn't take long for Sero to slip his shoes and jacket on and go looking for you.
You on the other hand, were walking down the sidewalk. To where you didn't know, you just wanted to get away from that. Soon enough, it started raining. You didn't mind at all, if anything it helped by hiding your sobbing under the cloak of noise of water hitting every surface.
"Y/n! Y/n!" Sero's voice progressively got louder and his footsteps splashed on the pavement. You didn't want to run, you simply didn't have the energy for it. So you stood in place, waiting for him to inevitably come to you. As soon as he reached you his arms were around you, pulling you in for a hug. "Love, what's wrong? What happened?"
You heard the genuine concern in his tone and started to feel guilty for just leaving him. You looked up at him, his hair was soaked and nearly covering his eyes. But you could clearly see the worry in them.
"Sero...I used to cut," You whispered, hoping that the rain would cover your words. But when Sero pulled you back into a hug you knew he had heard every word.
"I'm so sorry Y/n, the things we said- you must've felt like shit- i- I'm sorry- you don't-" You cut him off with a sweet peck on his lips. You moved his hair out of his eyes and smiled at him sweetly.
"It's alright."
After you guys reached the flat the two of you dryed off and put on a change of clothes. Although Sero didn't have any spare clothes at your place so instead he was sporting an XXL All Might t-shirt Bakugo had given you for your birthday and a pair of your joggers that were too big for you. He looked like an absolute idiot. But that was okay.
He was your idiot.
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miwwwina · 6 years
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samatha881 · 3 years
Prompted Idea
-Sero has a Love triangle crisis that he created upon himself because he has crushes on Denki Kaminari and Shoto Todoroki at the same time.-
[Author Notes (AN):
Underline Text = Text messages
Wrote this during my 8pm to 10pm night shift at work.
Word Count: 1,923]
Sero was currently rolling from side to side on a bed, holding tightly onto a pink fluffy small body pillow, letting out frustrated sighs and whines. Which other than himself, the only other person in the room that could hear him was Mina Ashido, who, after two minutes, throws one of her hair curlers at him.
"Hanta, Please! Your whining is ruining the Dojo Cat Vibes!" She says while spinning around in her vanity's chair to face him. He rolls over to face her and gives her pitiful puppy eyes.
"But Minaaaa! I am having a crisis right now! Both boys that I like are currently single, I think…but -forced laugh- not for long because Denki has been hanging out a lot with Shinso and then anytime I try to talk to Shoto, freaking Midoriya is there" he says with a glare.
"Oh hun.." Mina says while clipping in another curler in her hair before getting up and plopping down onto her bed next to Sero's head. She then begins to run her fingers through his silky soft black hair to try and calm his nerves; "Your hair's getting long love" she says; "I know, but I'm to heartbroken to do anything with it," he responses with while turning his head to look up at her. She lets out a snorted laugh;
"Hanta, have you even asked Denki if he likes Shinso? I mean Denki is literally an walking flirting machine even when he doesn't know he is," She says while leaning back against the bed's headboard. Sero then sits up to get a better look at Mina while still holding the pillow to his chest.
"Well…no but_."
"But Nothing! Just go and ask him!" Mina says, cutting him off;
"Ok yeah…but what if he says he just wants to be friends…." Sero says while looking away from Mina, biting the inside of his cheek.
Mina wears a small smile on her face noticing the light blush that forms across his face.
"Ok and you get regretted its not like its the first time it has happened," She says while sitting apple across now.
"Yeah, well this time it would be different…." Sero mumbles back while grabbing tightly onto the pillow, seeking some stability. 'Why the hell am I feeling so stressed out over something such as an high school crush, shouldn't I worry about everything but that?' Sero thinks to himself while looking down at his hands. He, however, lifts his head when he feels two warm hands on his cheeks. He now looks into Mina's eyes, whose hands are each pressed to one of his cheeks. She gave him a reassuring smile; it somehow grounded him back to reality. [Which tended to be the case for about anyone in the BakuSquard, Mina just had that motherly vibe to everyone]
"Hanta, I know your scared to ask_."
"Terrified," He says with shaky breath;
She lets out a light laugh; "Ok, Terrified, but there are plenty of other people out there you can talk to, plus Denki is a fool if he says no to you!" She says while squeezing his checks. He lets out a huffing noise before giving her a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes completely.
"And listen if Denki does end up in a relationship, again I said if…" she says with a tap of her finger to his cheeks; "you can talk to Todoroki and Sero he lives right next door to you, just gain up some courage and knock on his door," She says while squeezing his face a little harder, Sero smile wavers a bit before pulling back;
"Ok but what the hell do I even say to him? Oh hey Todoroki I have been having romantic feelings about you a lot more recently, want to go on a date with me?" He says mockingly;
Mina rolls her eyes; "Not like that you idiot!" She says while smacking his arm, "You smart ass…hmm ok lets see…" she says whole propping her chin upon her fist with her elbow resting on her knee.
Sero lets out a tired exhale before laying down on his back, staring up at the ceiling, his mind filling with many different thoughts. They both sit there in silence, with the only sound coming from Mina's phone being the start of the song "Love to Dream" by Dojo Cat, the album "Planet Her." [AN: Highly recommend].
After a few moments, Mina loudly claps her hands together and lets out a delightful squeal.
"I got a plan Hanta!"
Sero glances over towards her,
"And that plan is?" He says with a raise of an eyebrow.
Mina's eyes get bigger [If that is even humanly possible], and she wears a big grin;
"Ask him for a friendly rematch in regards to the sports festival!"
Sero quickly sits back up with his legs now spread out on Mina's bed and gives her a baffled look;
"Ok, were we we both witnessing the same sports festival? Because if I recall, a large, no sorry, a colossal iceberg being created on the battle grounds, shot up into the bleachers, and outside of the damn stadium…which I must say was pretty damn impressive…and hot…but completely freezing considering I was the one stuck in the iceberg!" He says with a shiver, remembering being trapped in the ice, but a faint smile crossed his face from having Todoroki being so close to him, unfreezing him from the ice.
Mina rolls her eyes and lets out a chuffed laugh;
"No stupid, I meant, ask to do a training session with him, considering both of your quirks are not really compatible against one another, it well help you in the future. I mean think about all of the different types of quirks we have gone up against, it allows you to be more prepared." She says with a smile;
Sero lets out a hum and sits and thinks about that idea for a moment;
"Ok….: he says while pulling one of his legs up to his chest and resting his chin on his knee;
"So that would be the plan for Todoroki…what about Denki?"
"Well first you have to see if he's even in a relationship or is trying to be one with Shinso…Oh! you can take him to that Arcade over in [some place]. I remember him talking about them installing some new video game machines."
Sero straightens up at that lifting his head;
"Oh right! I remember him talking about it, I actually wanted to check it out myself."
"Ok great, see Denki is going to be easier to see where you should go, so now back to Todoroki!" Mina says while grabbing the earlier thrown curly and wraps one of her hair strains around it while sliding off the bed;
"Ok so for the Todo plan!" She says while spinning around to face Sero;
"First order of business is to make sure, he is free this Friday after classes" [AN: It's currently Thursday]
"And if he isn't?" Sero says with a raised eyebrow;
"Then see if he's free the next day, well most likely I doubt he has any plans, well maybe other than if he still has to do that English paper for Mic-Sensei’s class that's due next week," She says while slipping on her hair bonnet.
"Ew don't remind me about that damn paper, I haven't even started it yet," Sero says with a glare;
"Which brings up plan B! If he says he's busy, bring up the paper, and ask to work on it together, therefore instead of a training day getting all sweaty, it's a study date! Wow! I'm good at this date making thing, I should be a match maker," She says with a smug smile and laughs, proud of her brilliant brain!
Sero lets out a forced laugh, still looking unconvinced.
"Ok…but what about Mido_."
"I will distract Midoriya! I could convince Bakugo to help, and he owns me anyway!" She says while plopping back down onto her bed and grabbing her cellphone off her nightstand, which is now playing "Been Like this."
"And why does Bakubro own you a favor?" Sero asks with a confused look.
"Oh I helped him get this girl to stop following him around, well I guess stake him," She says while swiping through her phone to her text messages.
"Doesn't the whole school know by now that he's with Kirishima?" He asks with a laugh;
"Well you would think so, sense they are literally always by one another…ok and done I texted him and asked," She says while holding up her phone screen for Sero to see;
"Mina… it's 10 pm at night, he's not going_" He stops talking when her phone chime goes off, and a new message pops up on her phone.
Mina: Hey Kats, I need to call in that favor your own me 😏
Katsuki: WTH Pinky! Why are you texting me at ten at night?!
Mina pulls her phone back to read the reply and begins typing out a response, while Sero moves closer and lays his head on her shoulder, reading over the messages.
Mina: Well, Sero is having a "Love Crisis."
Katsuki: Ok, and what does that have to do with me? 🙄
Mina: I need you to keep Midoriya away from Todoroki during school tomorrow
Katsuki: Soy Sauce has a thing for Half-n-Half?
Mina: How do you know it's him?
Katsuki: Why the fuck would it be Deku?!
"Harsh much," Sero says with a laugh; Mina also lets out a laugh while typing
Mina: Yeah, I guess your right, anyway! We need you to distract him long enough for Sero to talk to Todo
Katsuki: 🙄 Ok, fine! His ass better ask him before the end of the school day! I have plans, and if he messes them up, I'll kick his ass!
Mina: Message Received! 😉 Thanks, Babe!
Mina: Also, why are you still up anyway?
Katsuki: None of your damn business, Raccoon eyes 🦝! Go to bed already! We have a Trig Exam tomorrow, and your dumbasses better not fail it!
[AN: Katsuki helped the BakuSqaurd study that whole week]
"He's probably with Kiri," Sero says with a yawn and sitting up from leaning against Mina.
Mina: Thanks, Kats. Love you! 😘
"Alright plan is all set! It's all up to you now Hanta" She says while placing her phone on her charger and turns to look over at Sero.
Sero, at this point, is laying down, drifting in and out of sleep, clinging to the pillow he held from before.
"Ah that's why you didn't make any comments over there, falling while making me do all the work!" She says while playfully slapping his arm.
Sero lets out a hum but finally closes his eyes; "I'll panic in the morning… I'm sleeping in here too," he says with a yawn and squeezing the body pillow closer to him.
Mina lets out a chuckle; "Alright…." While turning off her music, "move your slickly legs," she pushes his legs onto the other side of the bed before pulling up her pink and black thrown blanket to lay over him and her.
[AN: It is summer with the AC on but doesn't everyone still sleep with some blanket].
She lays down facing him, making sure he's comfortable and pushes his hair back behind his ear while letting out a yawn;
"Night Hanta"
"Night Mina"
[AN: I may be in the progress of writing about why Katsuki was up at 10 pm 😏]
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simp-for-mha-men · 4 years
𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕓𝕒𝕕 𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 (𝕜𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚 𝕓𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)
Request by @loxbbg: Drummer Bakugo x Lead singer Reader (ngl saw a TikTok and couldn’t help it) and they have a really lowkey relationship and the reader is singing bad romance and she goes up to Bakugo and is basically like singing to him he like drops his sticks mid play and kisses her sending the crowd crzy and there other band mates (the rest of bakusquard) are like called it
A/N: If anybody asks, this isn’t one of my biggest fantasies. Also, no, I didn’t listen to Bad Romance a couple times before this to try and nail the ‘ole Tik Tok high note. Anywho, I love this idea! Enjoy this trainwreck of a concert!
Genre: female reader, musician/band au, swearing cause it’s Bakugou, established relationship, pg-13 due to some vulgar-ish things and a suggestive ending, the fans losing their minds over you and Bakugou 💥❤️
Word count: 2.8k
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“You are such an asshole,” you groaned, pushing your boyfriend on the couch.
“You are such a bitch,” he growled, pulling you onto to his lap to engage in a messy make-out session.
It was the U.A. International Music Festival, and your group, known as The Chaos Crew, was headlining the event. Today was the first performance, ushering in the exclusive guests who paid extra for V.I.P. status. To say the least, Katsuki Bakugou, your boyfriend and drummer, was a lot more annoying than usual. Some examples were how the kisses you shared were rougher, the hand holding was almost painful with how tight he squeezed, and the mic checks were filled with intense staring. However, the band didn’t know you two were together, making the situation much worse.
Somehow, your other friends turned bandmates Eijirou Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, and Mina Ashido agreed to pursue the dream with you when you first offered up the idea. Bakugou took more convincing. He thought you were the most idiotic person on the planet. His superiority complex only became worse when you asked him if he could be the drummer for your new group. He agreed after hearing you beg for a couple weeks straight, which began the slippery slope of flirtatious tension. 
Despite you two being together all the time, the flirting wasn’t obvious. Bakugou would notice your skirts when they were just a bit shorter, and you would notice when his shirts when they got just a bit tighter. Neither of you ever let the other one know, though. Both of you despised each other so much that it would be the death of either of you for your secrets to get out.
One day, this changed during a photoshoot for your first magazine article. A rival band, known as The Pros, was at the shoot, and their lead singer, Deku, was asking you questions whenever you weren’t working. You didn’t mind it. You actually found it flattering how interested he was in your vocal range. However, after watching Deku “flirt” with you, Bakugou dragged you to the green room.
Slamming the door, he turned around and asked, “Are you fucking blind, (y/n)?”
“Excuse me?” you scoffed.
“You heard me. He’s flirting with you for fuck’s sake! Tell him to just leave before I knock it into him.”
His overprotectiveness shocked you. You were more than confused. You weren’t that pretty, so Deku couldn’t be flirting with you. Your hair was well put together, your makeup was done nicely, and you were dressed with just a tad bit of sexiness, but you still looked average. It didn’t add up.
“Deku is not flirting with me,” you replied, rolling your eyes. “He’s just assessing the competition.”
“He’s staring at your tits and waiting for your little skirt to flip up,” Bakugou replied, clenching his fist.
“Ugh, stop being so vulgar!”
“I’m being honest, princess.”
Marching over to him, you met his gaze. Waiting for him to continue with another statement, you stood in front of him and didn’t cower under his stare. Instead of getting an earful, you felt pressure on your lips. He kissed you, and you loved it. You loved it too much. He was like a drug, and your first hit left you wanting more.
You ended up spending the next 30 minutes in the green room making out and telling each other how much you hated it. It was true love, and after this experience, you began dating each other in private. Your family knew and so did his, but your bandmates didn’t. At least, you both were in agreement about that.
As time went on, The Chaos Crew began rising in the charts. After releasing 3 number one singles, you started touring and gaining a much bigger fan base. The Chaos Children, or what your fanbase called themselves, began doing every celebrity’s nightmare in a matter of weeks: shipping. The most popular ship within your band was, you guessed it, you and Bakugou. This was a running joke between Denki and Sero, but little did they know it was already a sailing ship. This only made you keep your relationship even more private.
Now, back to the U.A. International Music Festival. The feverish kiss ended, leaving you and your hot-headed boyfriend panting messes. Leaning into him, you nuzzled your face in his neck. You pressed a kiss to his collarbone before stopping to just inhale his scent.
“Since when are you so needy?” Bakugou joked, mocking you.
“Since when did you start acting like a child?” you snapped back.
You yelped, realizing Bakugou had slapped your exposed thigh. Whenever you both were performing, he felt the need to have his hands on you at all times. The band and fanbase, however, couldn’t know about you two. It would be too detrimental to your career.
“When am I gonna see you in my room?” Bakugou asked, rubbing where a red mark was forming due to his slap.
“Tonight,” you coyly replied.
“Oh really? Will you be wearing my favorite little outfit?”
“Of course, I will.”
Suddenly, a loud knock interrupted your rendezvous. Brushing yourself off, you leaped off of Bakugou’s lap and stood up as formally as possible. Of course, you two had snuck off together. You couldn’t just tell everyone you were going somewhere with Bakugou alone. However, you were relieved to hear a familiar voice on the other side.
“Bakugou? (y/n)?” Mina called, waiting for either of you to reply.
“Come on in, babe,” you replied, saying it a little too quickly.
Mina opened the door and smirked when she saw you two. She had her suspicions about the two of you, but they were never confirmed nor denied. She knew she might never get her ship to sail, but she would never tell either of you that.
“What do you want, Bug Eyes?” Bakugou grumbled.
“Not much,” Mina shrugged, “but I have news. We have a schedule change.”
At this, Bakugou exchanged a look with you. A schedule change during the U.A. Festival was like waiting outside of a store for days for a limited-edition item then leaving and never buying it. Someone dropped their act for later that night. There was no other possibility.
“Sero got an update from Shinsou,” Mina stated, “and it looks like Deku broke his ankle from a stunt during their last show. They can’t perform tonight.”
Bakugou smirked, and you punched him in the arm. Ever since the photoshoot, he despised Deku. It was as if they were born to be rivals, which made you laugh a little.
“What’s the plan?” you questioned, knowing that Shinsou, one of the event directors, had already made one.
“We’re taking half of their slot,” Mina smiled, shoving a set list into Bakugou’s hands. “The other half is going to Itsuka Kendo, the new solo artist. She’s going first, and then we’re up.”
“We planning on singing from a particular era?” Bakugou asked, focusing more on the set list rather than the conversation.
“They don’t want us singing our songs,” Mina replied, causing both you and Bakugou to choke on air. “They want us to cover popular music.”
“We have no idea why, though. It’s kind of stupid, if you ask me,” Denki complained, walking in with Kirishima and Sero hot on his tail.
Upon their entrance, the boys came over to give you a hug and congratulate you on the earlier show. It went off without a hitch, and they insisted they give you credit since it was due. However, when a question about you and Bakugou running off came up, Bakugou immediately stepped in and said he wanted to jot down some lyric ideas. A game of playful banter began and went on for about 5 minutes before Shinsou entered the room.
“Well, it’s good to see that our fill-ins are ready for tonight,” he chuckled, walking over to place a hand on Denki’s shoulder. “You guys ready?”
“Obviously,” Bakugou grinned. “How bad can it be? We’re just performing covers. It’ll be just like the old days.”
Immediately, your first performances and venues came to mind. Run-down bars and covers were normal for a few months before getting signed on by Shouta Aizawa, president of 1-A Records. After that, you were able to write your own music and live your dream.
“Yeah,” you chimed in, moving closer to Bakugou, “we can perform the last cover set we did before we got signed.”
“Hell yeah!” Kirishima yelled, pumping his fist in the air. “The Bad Romance Set was always my favorite.”
Everyone was in agreement. Shinsou trusted you all enough to bid you farewell for a few hours before you were called back on stage. The Bad Romance Set was, simply, the best cover set The Chaos Crew ever played. It was a tribute to Lady Gaga, and it celebrated her amazing career. Mina was the Beyoncé to your Gaga on Telephone. Kirishima was the killer guitarist during Shallow. Bakugou was the best drummer on the planet during Bad Romance, the huge finale piece of the set. It was the perfect set to get the crowd hyped and into the show.
Soon enough, the show was about to start. Itsuka was on her last song, a personal tribute to her ex-boyfriend. You were gussied up in all black, sporting a short mini skirt, a low-cut shirt, and a leather jacket. It was perfect. You looked like you could kill anyone that crossed your path, and you probably could. It only attracted your boyfriend even more to the prospect of getting handsy before the show.
“Come on, sexy,” he growled, kissing under you ear. “Let’s do it. We’ve got a few minutes.”
“No,” you responded, pushing him away. “We have to stay focused. You know our ground rules.”
Rolling his eyes, he kept trying and trying and trying. After denying him multiple times, he smacked your ass before sulking away to sit at his drum set on the dark stage. Once he did that, the rest of your bandmates followed his lead and walked on stage. The lights went up, causing the crowd to lose their minds over your presence. Glancing back at your boyfriend, you nodded your head to signal him to start the first song.
The act went wonderful. When you sang to the audience, you could tell the hardcore Gaga fans from the fakes. However, no one seemed disappointed in the set. Everyone thought it was fun and easy to dance to. It was very clear, though, that everyone was waiting on one song: Bad Romance. After 25 minutes of Gaga hits, you glanced back at Bakugou and nodded your head again.
Once the drums began for the final song, the rest of the band chimed in to start the melody. Immediately, the crowd recognized it and sang the opening verse with you. Mina chimed in with her amazing voice to layer your vocals. Sero and Denki had the electric guitar and synth timed perfectly with one another, which only added to Kirishima’s bass. Bakugou, of course, played his drums with passion and never took his eyes off of you.
Once the first bridge of the song arrived, your bandmates began growing with excitement. Your singing ability was always incredible to them, but the first time you nailed the added high note in the final chorus of Bad Romance, they knew you would be their lead vocalist. The moment was fast approaching, and you took the mic from the stand. 
Finishing up the second bridge, you walked around to personally serenade each of your bandmates. First, Mina and you made sure to twirl each other, causing her to chuckle just a bit. You sauntered over to Denki, jamming out on an air guitar to compliment his real one. Next, Sero was graced with your presence, and he added a riff to impress the crowd. Kirishima was surprised, and you both exchanged flirtatious winks at one another. However, these actions annoyed Bakugou to no end. His blood was boiling, and his jealousy was rising. He needed to show these extras exactly who you belonged to.
The final chorus began, and you arrived at Bakugou’s drum set. To tease the fans just a bit, you decided you were going to belt the high note right next to your boyfriend. Besides, this entire song was about him and you. This song was the most important one in the whole set because of that. You knew it would give the audience the best reaction and moment to capture on film.
I want your love, and all your lover's revenge You and me could write a bad romance Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance
The crowd went wild. A constant chant of “(y/n)” was repeated over and over again and filled the venue. The end of the song was close, and Bakugou’s patience was running thin. You didn’t move, stuck next to his drum set. Whether you were trying to prove a point or your affection for him made his brain hurt. All he knew was that he couldn’t keep it a secret anymore.
“Want your bad romance,” you sang, finishing off the song as dramatically as possible.
Leaping out of his seat, Bakugou threw down his sticks and bounded over to you before wrapping his arms around you. He pressed his lips to yours, claiming you in front of everyone watching. You fumbled with the mic before successfully flicking the off switch and let it fall to the ground. You wrapped your arms around his neck, melting into him. He tapped your hip, signaling you to jump. You happily obliged, basking in the way his calloused hands gripped your thighs.
Screams filled the venue. Fangirls cried about the way Bakugou held you while others cried because he was holding you and not them. Paparazzi snapped as many photos as possible, hoping to capture the best photo that could be put up on TMZ. Parents tried to cover their children’s eyes because they thought the scene was so vulgar. Oh yeah, you guys were definitely going to be trending on Twitter.
In a flash, the lights went dark across the entire venue. The screams didn’t cease, even when an announcement came over the loudspeakers. It wasn’t heard the first time, probably since you and Bakugou broke everyone there. However, speaker volume could be raised, and the announcement could be heard through the crowd on the second try.
“Attention festival guests,” the lovely voice began, “tonight’s performances are over. Thank you for attending the V.I.P. exclusive day. We hope to see you all tomorrow for the first official day. Have a wonderful night and stay rockin’!”
Before groans of protest could be heard, your band was escorted off stage and immediately into your limousine. Your were able to successfully avoid paparazzi, but that didn’t mean you and Bakugou were safe. You had your friends, and they were all nosy in their own ways.
“It was the photoshoot,” Kirishima began.
“Yeah! Come on, you wouldn’t stop glaring at Deku, Bakugou!” Mina grinned.
“We knew you both were together,” Sero smirked.
“Yeah, come on! You think we didn’t notice when you guys would run off to lock lips and do who knows what else?” Denki added on.
Bakugou was more than pissed off. After the onslaught of statements brought to the table, Bakugou effectively shut them up by yelling, “If any of you touch my girl, I’ll your kick your asses. Got it?”
“Whatever you say,” Kirishima replied, flashing a grin and a thumbs-up.
“Just use protection!” Mina reminded, forcing some questionable hand gestures and noises from Denki and Sero.
After 15 minutes of torture, the limo arrived at the five-star hotel. In a matter of seconds, Bakugou had opened the door and picked you up bridal style so he could carry you up to the room. You had all booked the penthouse, since the U.A. Festival was such a big deal. You each had your own room, but you figured you two might have free reign of the whole place for while due to Mina’s previous innuendo.
Once you arrived in Bakugou’s room, he plopped you down on the bed. Smirking at you, he removed his shirt and went to get something a bit more comfortable out of his suitcase. You couldn’t help but look at the beautiful muscles that adorned his body. It made you feel hot and a little flustered.
“Go change,” he commanded, turning around to face you again.
You chuckled and replied, “Oh, come on. You know me.”
You slipped off your leather jacket, bending forward just a bit to let him gaze at your cleavage. He licked his lips and threw down the extra shirt he had grabbed. Walking over to you, he roughly grabbed your hips and pulled your body into his.
Leaning forward, you smirked and whispered in his ear, “I already have the set on. Wanna help me get out of it?”
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Not Useless
Not Useless by iiDakSkye
Ever since the sports festival, the so-called ‘Bakusquard’ started treating Denki poorly. It seemed like they only ever wanted to hang out with him as a last resort, and when they did talk to him it's just to ask if he could charge their phones or to make fun of him when he was fried. Denki started to feel lonely and eventually fell into a deep depression and began to have severe anxiety. During one horrific panic attack, Izuku found him and brought Denki to his dorm. There, he comforted Denki and let him spill out his thoughts and feelings. Izuku decides to first go and talk to his classmates and also begins to start and make Denki feel someone worth being around. Through this, a new relationship between the two begins to form.
Words: 969, Chapters: 2/11, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki
Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: bnha, mha, Denki Kaminari, midoriya izuku, Deku, chargebolt, relationship, Gay, LGBTQ, BoyxBoy
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36132175
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miioouu · 4 years
Drummer Bakugo x Lead singer Reader (ngl saw a TikTok and couldn’t help it) and they have a really lowkey relationship and the reader is singing bad romance and she goes up to Bakugo and is basically like singing to him he like drops his sticks mid play and kisses her sending the crowd crzy and there other band mates (the rest of bakusquard) are like called it
I think I saw that tiktok and I literally screamed... I just want a musician bf 😔 Thank you for requesting!! ❤️💜❤️
When people ask you what's the best part of being in a band, you usually always say the same thing "I love making people happy with something I'm passionate about." While it's not really a lie, you did adore your fans, it's not really the complete truth. The best part about being in a band is most definitely watching your boyfriend perform. While usually you're singing your heart out, your mind is focused on something, someone else. Bakugou behind you playing the drums. With each hit, his arms flex, sweat running down his body, glistening under the neon lights, tongue poking out slightly as he's concentrating on the beat. And in the rare moments that your eyes meet, your heart skips a beat. Like fire running through your veins, you're burning from the inside out, with love and admiration to the young man behind you. Now that wouldn't have been a problem, he's your boyfriend already, but it is. When being two members of a popular band, you liked to keep things on the down low, even your band mates didn't know about you two. Well that was before.
Tonight, you had a concert. A small crowd since it was a surprise last minute concert, something you often liked to do. Which felt a little bit more intimate and a little bit more nostalgic. Taking you back in time to when you first started. Seeing how far you've come, you can't help but feel emotional. You've grown up so much, not just you but the whole band. You've improved, you've made your dreams come true, and to add to it all, it all happened with the love of your life by your side. For some reason tonight, you can't stop thinking about him. With each love song you hope he realizes you're singing it to him, pouring your heart out to him. And like your body moved on its own, the music making you lose control, get lost, you approached him. "J'veux ton amour et je veux ta revanche, j'veux ton amour I don't wanna be friends-" You couldn't finish the song, not when arms wrapped around your body, pulling you closer to his. Not when his lips moved against yours, a kiss filled with love, passion and hunger. Not when you could hear your friends whispering, glad you two are finally "realizing" your feelings. And definitely not when the crowd was going crazy, cheering and clapping, yelling how happy they are. Pulling away, your eyes met, your stomach tied in a knot, butterflies doing flips and your heart beating fast. Your face red from embarrassment but also from the proximity of you two. Pecking your lips once more, this time much more sweet and soft, taking back his drumsticks that fell earlier and sitting back down. Giving you one last smile before looking back to the crowd "So yeah we're dating... Can we go back to the music now?"
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wickedacefae · 3 years
SO I have a fanfic from ao3 that I need help finding.
It a bakudeku, where Deku took Bakugou seriously and jumped (Bakugou was there when her did it). He is now comatose, bakugou refused to leave his side and gets therapy. I think the description was about the bakusquard thinking it's cute that bakugou visits him?
It's incomplete with (I think) around 30 chapters so far.
PLEASE help me find it!!
I accidently lost it and wanna finish!!
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1songirl · 4 years
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Bakusquard always are with bakubro... always
They love him !
Mina:momma proud **
Sero:(whispering)guys .. he will huts us .. we should go now
Denki: bakubro is so cool
Kirishima: HI BROOH!!!
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namelessthirst · 5 years
Can you do a HC for Shoto, Bakugou, and Kirishima? One where their S/o is a an outgoing person with everyone else, but a shy mess when they're around their crush? How do the guys end up falling for such a shy girl?
Shoto was quite used to having two sides.
So yours was understandable, to an extent.
What confused him more was why it centered around him in particular.
He’d been making more effort socially lately.
So the mulling over of your reactions was to be expected.
Were you scared of him? Midoriya acted similarly around Bakugo, at least he had before.
He didn’t think he’d done anything to warrant fear? Had he overlooked something? Said something?
None of it made sense. The rest of the group was starting to worry about the brooding looks he’d slip into in class and at lunch.
It all clicked when he noticed Midoriya acting almost the exact same way to someone he didn’t recognize. He cornered the flushed boy and interrogated him.
“So, you aren’t scared of them?”
“N-no! Todoroki-kun, I just…Well-! They’re…T-they’re pretty. And I uh-”
O h .
You didn’t hate him. Or fear him.
Once he realized what he did to you, he made it his mission to keep doing it.
The next few days or so of your life are going to be filled with heart-warming stress.
He tries to figure out what it is that he’s done to make you feel like this.
Expect him to move closer to you at random intervals.
Hope you’re good at not choking, because he’s going to snag the spot next to you at lunch.
Very obvious in his observations.
Definitely corners you after a bit, needs to know more.
Asks questions about what makes you favor him, like he didn’t just call you out on your crush.
What an ass?! You love him.
What a blush this boy can make, once you come to a stuttering stop in the flow of compliments.
“Okay. Let’s date.”
This isn’t a question.
Takes your hand immediately after and leads you back to class.
Totally walks you home.
Love-struck mess and his siblings notice it when he gets home.
Ends up getting advice given which he both appreciates and is terribly embarrassed about.
Oh god. The hardest to deal with.
He’s so wrapped up in himself and his goals it’ll take a while for him to notice anything is amiss.
Notices it more if you interact directly because you give off the same scared prey vibe that Deku used to.
Izuku is pretty much the standard comparison in the class for “is this person being shy”.
It pisses him off!
He hasn’t even done anything to you! Why do you act like how Deku did after years of bullying?
Sure- he’s crass, blunt and brunt, pig-headed, and honestly awkward as hell when he’s not loud and trying to intimidate…But he hadn’t done anything!
Does actually try to be calm now and then around you. Is he really scaring you that much?
It doesn’t help, probably just makes your heart flutter and everything is just as bad or worse.
He eventually does get fed up with it.
Will hunt you down and try to interrogate you on the spot.
Probably out in the open, in public…He’s such a dumbass.
It’s likely that you’ll flee and he’ll end up giving chase. He’s too stubborn to let this go.
Will 100% fuss at you until you tell him what the fuck is wrong.
He’s definitely not pouting that you don’t act as friendly with him like you do with everyone else.
Spoiled brat please love him.
If he makes you cry doing this he will actually panic.
Equal parts “Wants to yell more because panic” and “Shh shh no shut up it’s fine sHUT-” like an older sibling who’s about to be caught making the baby cry.
Listen he’s so smart. SO SMART. And so goddamn stupid. Observant and blind as a bat. Learns so well and never catches on.
He’s a mess.
If he really does manage to bully it out of you, whether you cried or not, he will look absolutely dumbfounded.
Like, listen. Romance does not seem to be a thing that is ever on his mind.
Doesn’t really consider it and often never considers it for anyone else either.
Once he processes it, he’s stuck between being prideful (because of COURSE he’s attractive!) and his denial-fueled fluster (he’s not embarrassed! YOU’RE embarrassed!)
Now it’s in his head. The idea of it. The idea of you.
Still probably just flees the scene because he’s an ass with poor sense of tact.
Grumbles something along the lines of “That answer’s my question, I guess.”
Doesn’t know what to do about it.
Love is a liability.
The bakusquard corners him after a couple days, having noticed how depressed you seem, how you avoid them and him.
Interrogates him and collectively groan when he explains.
“So you rejected her?”
“What? No?”
“…Bitch you left. You walked. Thats rejection.”
Has no room to fuss at their scolding because he is in fact, full of dumbass disease.
You’re heartbroken and it’s his fault.
With some reluctantly accepted help, and some equally reluctant emotional counseling, he shows up at your house on the following weekend.
Dressed nicely, flowers in hand and an ashamed apology on his lips.
Love isn’t natural for him, but he’s trying. He wants to.
He wants to try for you.
This boy.
This goddamn boy.
Is so mean.
And he doesn’t even know it.
Much like the first two, he’s full of dumbass disease.
At least when it comes to certain feelings directed at him.
Might be suspicious, but nah, surely it’s something else! Right?
Leftover insecurity from years past is a bitch.
Works to assume he’s just maybe a little intimidating?
Makes a joke out of it, how he’s finally achieved scary.
No one believes him and says so.
His teeth could tear your throat out but he’s about as scary as a newborn puppy.
Definitely tries to get close to you, both to maybe be playful about his supposed intimidation and to try and get you to relax with him.
Likes being friends. They’re important!
You’re no exception, so count on him following you pretty regularly as he tries to “help” and be your friend.
Suffering is such sweet sorrow.
Head-pats are a thing that happens. It’s supposed to be calming right?
Accidentally shifts into Big Bro mode in trying to get you to relax with him.
Leans over you to help you get things off high shelves
Waits in line with you at lunch even if he’s got his food already
Walks you home after school because you’re Gonna Be Friends and its the manly thing to do!
The other members of the bakusquad consider intervening because Fucking Lord
but they don’t because they’re assholes and watching Kirishima obliviously make you swoon is great fun.
He gets touchier with you as things progress.
An arm around your shoulder, slung casually with a smile.
A hand on your back when the hallways get crowded.
Head pats and hair ruffles.
Some rando at the cafeteria makes brief conversation with him, and openly mistakes you for his girlfriend.
He flushes just as much as you do, quick to correct them that no, no!
You’re Just Friends.
They’re apologetic, clearly feeling awkward and excuse themselves.
Kirishima doesn’t miss how dejected you look.
You excuse yourself from lunch quickly, finding your appetite gone.
He offers to walk you to Recovery girl, if you’re feeling unwell-
But you decline, shying away from his hands and fleeing as calmly as you can.
Mina is first to jump on his ass
“Kiri, what did you do?”
He splutters out what happened a bit ago and the whole table groans.
“This is too much. This is painful. Kirishima, you have to go tell her you like her.”
“What?! But-! I don’t? We’re just-”
“Just Friends- we know. That’s what you’ve BEEN saying! For weeks!”
Has it really been that long?
“You’ve been doing almost nothing but follow her around like an excited puppy all this time, trying so hard to make her happy and feel nice with you- you really think this is just. Friendship?”
He swallows thickly. He can’t argue. Thinking up new ways to try and please you had been running through his head for a while.
“So…you guys think she likes me?”
Food is flung at him.
The whole squad works to clean him up and hunt you down before the school day is over.
You’re wrapped in tape and being dashed across campus to a quiet spot where Kiri waits, fists gripped so tight he can feel his quirk acting up in waves all over his body.
You’re far from composed when you’re quickly unwrapped and set on your feet, squeals and laughs disappearing into the distance while you look awkwardly between the ground and your crush.
“I…[Name], I’m sorry.”
You feel like you’re going to puke. He finally figured out. Did they bring you here just to watch you crash and burn?
“Nothing I’ve been doing lately has managed to make you relax, or make you smile!”
“Maybe…Maybe this will?”
You hear wolf whistles from somewhere over the ringing in your ears and the pulse in your neck as Kirishima presses a firm kiss to your lips.
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loopf · 5 years
Could I please get a male matchup? ^^ INTJ. Respectful & polite to strangers; loves teasing pals. Good sense of humor, really chill & rarely gets angry. Good self confidence. Accidentally misuses common phrases, loves puns, a bit mischievous // Typically emotionally distant and not very expressive (but not really “cold”), ignores negative feelings, lazy, doesn’t easily get close to people and doesn’t seek out friendships/relationships. (Thank you in advance; good luck with your blog!)
I ship you with...
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What pursuaded me to match you with boom boy was the fact that you rarely get angry. Second to your personality type.
Researching the INTJ personality type, you probably believe that ‘nothing is impossible’, to a rational level. So, you’d probably form a relationship with Bakugo from a training session in class.
Due to your confidence, it’s safe to assume that you may actually prove to be a challenge to Bakugo. In fact, you may even tie with him in a Spar. If that we’re to be the case, you’d gain Bakugo’s respect from the start.
Your friendship would begin there. Bakugo would more-than-likely ask you for a rematch - to save some of his pride. He wouldn’t confront you like he would Midoriya; he would rather complement you on your strength. Of course, he still held his rather bitter accent - he wasn’t going to fully open up to you from then.
If you’d agree, then your friendship would be consolidated. Every training session, you and Bakugo made sure that you were paired up with each other.
This made you a member of the ‘Bakusquad’. Bakugo would be as close to you as he was to Kirishima; he respected your strength and your intelligence. But of course, you still held the tendency to play pranks and hackle Bakugo with the rest of the squad.
Your relationship would blossom if you were to continue to keep your own whilst sparring Bakugo. Drawing with him, even when Bakugo sparred to his fullest, was no easy feat. He could not help but to feel some kind of admiration (if you could call it that), but something else started to flurry in his stomach.
From there, he started to almost enjoy you teasing him and your good sense of humour. It would almost be like a flip had spontaneously switched in his brain. Sometimes, he would even laugh.
This so was perked the rest of the Bakusquad to believe that Bakugo felt more than a ‘friendship’ towards you.
You were almost as oblivious than Bakugo was when the Bakusquad made sure to ditch your outings, leaving only you two alone. They’d try their hardest to make sure you two were together and alone.
This would enevitably make Bakugo uncomfortable. As a result, he would distance himself from you. The frequency of your sparring sessions would be reduced and he’d stop laughing at your jokes, even when he found them funny.
He had realised his feelings towards you; he thought of them as a burden - a feeling that would limit his potential. But damn, they would never go away.
Bakugo would start going to bed later - and sometimes he would even be unable to sleep at all! He couldn’t take his mind off of you - your strength and personality was something he really did respect... and love you for.
Eventually, there would be a time where even his own body would not be able to put up the strength of keeping his feelings sealed. He would accidentally confess to you when hanging out with the Bakusquad. It had been a while since he had decided to spend some money at the arcade with his friends; he had wanted to avoid you for the most part, but he thought that maybe exposing himself to you and pushing his feelings aside would help get rid of them.
It didn’t. Although Bakugo looked completely unaffected by your presence, he was internally screaming - the rest of the Bakusquard made it worse.
They forced you and Bakugo into one of them shooting arcade games, where you both sat in a plastic tank, with a screen in front of you. The game was called ‘warfare’ and upon entering a few tokens, the aim of the game was revealed.
To kill as many Dinosaur-Aliens as possible... The game had a very misleading name... Bakugo would look at you and nod - almost as if to promise they would you both beat the game.
But it was difficult. At first, Bakugo would start to grunt with frustration, before his hands would start to spark. Although you were too concentrated to see, you could smell the familiar charcoal scent.
Before long, you were both screaming with frustration, Bakugo almost raging at you for missing a Velociraptor that sprayed acid from its eyes, taking a vital hit. This is where he would confess.
‘Damnit - why are you being so weak! Your strong, that’s why I like you.’
He was too frustrated to realise what he had said. What gave it away was your loss. The screen would turn red as you both took a fatal hit from a flying T-Rex.
Bakugo would try to deny what he had confessed, attempting to cover it up and make an excuse. But of course, you and the Bakusquard were having none of it.
If you were to return his feelings, Bakugo would become almost idle - wearing that almost oblivious face expression. He knew he was handsome and strong, but he’d never thought that you would return his affections.
‘Shut up,’ he’d screw, before inserting another Token into the machine.
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aanngghhee · 5 years
When the Bakusquard are hurt... Bakugo is ready to go on rampage...
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Without blood and wounds-
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Good luck in stopping him, guys.
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