#balance exercises for seniors
differentfirefart · 10 months
Fitness for All: Inclusive Approaches to Exercise and Wellness
Pursuing fitness and wellness is a universal goal, but historically, the fitness industry has often been exclusive, leaving many individuals marginalized and underserved. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of inclusive approaches to exercise and wellness. These approaches aim to create a more welcoming, accessible, and diverse fitness community that caters to people of all abilities, backgrounds, body types, and identities. This article explores the importance of fitness for all, the challenges faced by marginalized communities, and the ways in which the fitness industry can adopt inclusive practices.
The Need for Inclusive Fitness
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1.1. Health Disparities
Health disparities exist across various populations due to factors such as socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, disability, and gender identity. Access to fitness facilities, affordable programs, and health education are limited for certain communities, leading to higher rates of chronic illnesses and lower overall well-being.
1.2. Body Positivity and Mental Health
The emphasis on unrealistic beauty standards and body ideals in the fitness industry can lead to body image issues and poor mental health. Inclusive fitness practices should promote body positivity and encourage people to embrace their bodies, regardless of size or shape.
1.3. Creating a Supportive Environment
An inclusive fitness environment fosters community and support, making it easier for individuals to engage in regular physical activity. It reduces the fear of judgment and creates a space where people feel welcomed and empowered.
Challenges Faced by Marginalized Communities
2.1. Accessibility
Many fitness facilities and equipment are not designed with accessibility in mind, making it challenging for people with disabilities to participate in physical activities. Inclusive fitness should prioritize accessibility by providing adaptive equipment and accommodating spaces.
2.2. Cultural Sensitivity
Different cultures may have unique attitudes toward exercise and wellness. Inclusive fitness approaches should consider cultural diversity and offer programs that respect and celebrate these differences.
2.3. Socioeconomic Barriers
High membership fees, expensive fitness gear, and the cost of specialized training can exclude individuals with lower incomes. Inclusive fitness initiatives should strive to offer affordable options and scholarship programs.
2.4. Gender and Identity Inclusivity
The fitness industry has historically reinforced gender stereotypes, often making it unwelcoming for transgender and non-binary individuals. Inclusive fitness spaces should be safe and respectful environments for people of all gender identities.
Inclusive Fitness Practices
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3.1. Educating Fitness Professionals
Fitness trainers and instructors play a crucial role in promoting inclusive practices. Training programs should include education on diversity, cultural sensitivity, and adapting exercises for different abilities.
3.2. Diverse Representation
Representation matters. The fitness industry should actively showcase diversity in marketing materials, social media, and instructor roles to create a more inclusive and relatable image.
3.3. Partnering with Community Organizations
Collaboration with community organizations can help fitness centers reach marginalized populations and offer tailored programs that address specific needs and challenges.
3.4. Creating Adaptive Fitness Programs
Developing adaptive fitness programs that cater to individuals with disabilities is essential for fostering inclusivity. These programs should consider a wide range of disabilities and provide modified exercises as needed.
3.5. Emphasizing Mental Health and Mindfulness
Inclusive fitness should not solely focus on physical fitness but also on mental well-being. Incorporating mindfulness practices, meditation, and stress-reduction techniques can benefit all participants.
The shift towards inclusive approaches to exercise and wellness is a necessary and positive change in the fitness industry. By acknowledging and addressing the challenges faced by marginalized communities, the fitness community can become a more welcoming and empowering space for everyone. Embracing diversity, promoting accessibility, and fostering a sense of community will not only improve physical health but also enhance mental well-being, contributing to a healthier and happier society overall. By promoting fitness for all, we can take significant strides toward building a more inclusive and equitable world.
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heathermehf · 2 months
33 Min Full Body Sculpt by Silhouette™ [Video]
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nancylfitness · 5 months
Keep up your New Year’s Resolution
What was your New Year’s resolution?
Change a behavior.
Accomplish a personal goal.
Improve life.
Want to exercise, but don’t have time.  And/or want to eat clean, but don’t have recipes.
FIT CUI PROGRAM IS HERE TO HELP:  Improve balance, muscle tone, mental outlook.
Smile – Breathe – Feel Great
Workout while cooking dinner:  step-by-step recipes with fitness instruction at each step of the recipe.
Meal preparation packed with exercise & healthy cuisine.
Visit: www.FITCUI.com
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Heart disease is the leading cause of death and disability among older adults, which can affect their quality of life and independence. Fortunately, there are many things that seniors can do to protect their heart and lower their risk of heart problems.
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As our loved ones grow older, it’s essential to make sure they stay safe, especially when it comes to preventing falls. Falls can sometimes lead to injuries. As a dependable provider of home health care Vancouver, with a few simple steps, we can help keep our senior family members safe and sound.
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For people of all ages, physical activity has a wealth of advantages. But as we get older, more challenges arise that keep us from working out and maintaining our fitness. As a provider of health management services, we will provide a few straightforward activities that senior citizens can perform at home.
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the-learning-hub · 1 year
Senior-Friendly Exercise: The Benefits of Calisthenics
Senior-Friendly Exercise: The Benefits of Calisthenics
As we age, it becomes increasingly important to maintain a regular exercise routine to promote overall health and well-being. However, many older adults may have difficulty participating in traditional forms of exercise, such as weightlifting or running, due to physical limitations or injuries. Calisthenics, or exercises that use one’s own bodyweight as resistance, can be a great alternative for…
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amethystsoda · 9 days
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lol was wondering how long it would take as a plus size person who likes cooking for someone to make a comment like this 🙄🙄
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New research
Now look, I don’t owe this anon any medical history. But I feel like I gotta defend myself I guess, so buckle in…
My weight gain started with puberty and hormones. I was literally a twig as a child. My mom says they couldn’t find pants that fit me.
I was always plus size as a teen. But I rode my bike a lot as exercise. I didn’t have control over food because my mom decided what and when I was allowed to eat (and I was homeschooled). I didn’t often get snacks. The only time we usually cooked was me and my dad at night.
I have a vivid memory of my mom pulling my shirt up in the back and grabbing at my back fat telling me I was getting stretch marks.
During this time, I also developed Hidradenitis Suppurativa flares in my armpits, thighs, under boobs etc. Not as a result of being fat, but because of hormones and effed up genetics.
During flares, it hurts even to move and brush up against them. Putting band aids on sometimes makes it worse because I’m allergic to the sticky material and my skin breaks out worse.
In college I lost a ton of weight because I had to walk everywhere. Buuuut, senior year I had a lot of emotional trauma happen and moving back in with parents after college made it worse.
After college, I had major allergy outbreaks and stress related symptoms. I also got into a car crash (not my fault) that severely messed up my muscles and mobility for a while. I would often get nauseated and couldn’t eat at times because of internal injuries healing.
Also my family made me do Keto/Low Carb for a while around 2018, but then I was just starving myself, unhappy, and plateaued. I was straight up a low carb influencer for a while, but stopped when it wasn’t sustainable.
Even while low carb/a smaller weight, I still had to deal with hidradenitis flares. Because, again, hormone related, not weight based.
So now, after a long battle with myself, I try to eat balanced meals (yes, even with carbs and sweet things in the morning), get exercise (my job has me lifting heavy stuff a lot and I try to do DDR or go on walks), and try to combat allergies and mast cell activation (which has been my current biggest battle and I’m learning more about histamines).
I have no intention of being on my 600 pound life, but just because I enjoy food doesn’t mean I deserve to be yelled at.
If my genetics decided that I was a twig and I made honey toast, you wouldn’t even say anything.
So I’m going to continue fighting for respect for plus size people, making meals that I enjoy and that nourish me or treat me, and fight for my own healing and health journey.
You don’t get to tell me that I can’t love myself and you certainly don’t get to decide what I eat.
Go take your hatred elsewhere because it’s not going to work here.
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cecedownbad · 1 year
Not Alone
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Summary: Training to be an agent couldn't be any more hectic, or any less a pain in the ass. But a new change never hurt anyone, say, what if that change was a person?
Word count: 1.4k
Warning: Not proofread, fluff, may have written less Leon content than I should have but such is the freedom of writing, can't write combat for shit, no Y/N. GN! Reader.
You can imagine RE2 Leon for this cause it's pre RE4R, that is up to you tho!
The locker room was silent, the subtle creaks of the old hinges were all that caught one's ear. Sitting alone by the benches, a deep breath in, and one out. This was it, time for another round of getting your ass beat.
You slowly force yourself to get up, clenching your fists and gnawing on the inner side of your mouth because here comes another day, another wonderful training session right after your measly breakfast and early morning jog, it's a start to your daily routine. A very shitty daily routine.
"Okay, okay, I practiced last night, this shouldn't be hard, remember to block their hits." With a huff, your hands reach for the door knob and slowly turn it open, hoping that you were miraculously early and no one bothered to get into uniform, you quickly raise your head to see three other trainees, all waiting for the day to start. Two were doing warm up exercises, a few stretches and one was jogging in place, the third one had closed his eyes and holding a training knife in his hands.
You scan the room for any more visitors but there weren't any so you made your way to a corner and began doing a few sets, some planks and push-ups. Going rather smoothly, you trusted yourself to be able to handle doing a push up using one hand. Having done it before, a set of 20 was easy enough to accomplish with a single hand keeping you balanced.
The next part of your warm up, or this practice before the real one starts was working on one on one defence, hand to hand combat was what you struggled with. Throwing a mean punch was not all it took to get by around here, defence was important and although you were great at handling weapons, the sniper rifle being your best, hand to hand combat goes a long way.
You closed your eyes, keeping your breath steady and guarded your body, setting the stature in a solid form, one that was known to hardly break. Breathe in, breathe out, this was going well enough, imagining an opponent in place of the dummy had set things in motion for you.
You were ready to kick the dummy in the side, lifting your leg you packed as much force you could pivot your leg and waited for the dummy to bend to the other open side. However, your leg was stopped half way, not even fully reaching the dummy. You harshly pulled your captured limb free and found the cause of the disruption standing ahead of you. " We're rounding up, calling your name didn't work." The man honing a sharp side part hair dusted his hand off, wearing the same uniform as you did but he carried himself like that of an already experienced agent.
Leon was his name, being whispered about in hallways, nightly playing card sessions, the most predictable area were the bathrooms. He didn't say much, nor did he seem like he wanted to, but the first person you see in the mornings, at even the ungodliest hours were this man. He would be pacing, training by himself or simply reading a book. A natural wall was built around his corner, and only a stubborn few would cross it. Nothing about him was innately alarming. Personal space and time alone is what everyone here needs, but you question your findings at times, does this man ever sleep?
Wiping away your sweat with your hand towel, you gather with the rest of them, standing at ease as the senior agent did his daily checks.
After which, you begrudgingly head on to your station, reluctantly grabbing your training knife. A close up knife fight was another detail you, although struggling, and trying impossibly hard to retain the positions, keeping the knife close at your side while avoiding openings was your most called out flaw. Training alone has its perks but with no one to correct you, or willing to do so, unawareness of improvement came at a price.
Together with the other trainees, you go over the stances, holding a tight grip over your training knife. Your non-dominant hand raised to protect your fatal spots and the dominant one pointed forward, carrying the weapon.
It was time to turn to training with a partner and with your, in a word, hapless moment, you were left scanning for an opponent. That was till you felt a palm tap on your shoulder, and still guarded, you elbow the rather unfortunate fool behind you, hearing a low grunt escape from them. Facing the cause of the sound, it was Leon, though not crippled on the floor from the knock on the side of his abdomen, he still held his side, huffing.
"Crap, you alright?"
"Don't worry about it, I can walk this one off."
"I am so sorry!"
"It's fine, should have called out to you instead."
He gathered himself better after that and got readied up for training. "I suppose you don't mind if we exchange introductions?" This was momentary but who wouldn't love a good, what is your favourite colour session? Audibly and rather in amusement, he let out a chuckle, subtle yet breathy, "An introduction? since when did this place have a need for that?" This was all too entertaining for him, a person in this heartless hole wants to pretend to exchange friendly banter, a first but that was all he has assumed in his own experiences.
"Then, Kennedy-" you eyed the name woven on his uniform, "Let's get started, I'd prefer it if you didn't outright kill me." A smile formed on your face, one that held behind an expression of interest to the man before you.
You circled in, eyeing his movements, holding your breath. You hated all of this, anxiety spewed falsehoods into your brain in plagues of what ifs or maybes. The sweat streaming down your back sent a shiver to your spine, not obvious but enough for you to step forward, causing a flow of reactions from Leon, it wasn't your intention to make the first move but that set things in motion. You aimed for his neck but he was quick to deflect, a clatter of metal startled you but just as your hand slipped, he quickly went in for a place around your ribs.
That motion scared you but be it a fight or flight instinct, you used your legs to tip him over. A faint attempt, he caught on quickly and stepped aside at the perfect moment. This continued on for a while, you made attempts, he deflected, you would narrowly escape his attacks and finally, that was when you called it a quits.
Chugging the water to where your items were placed, the scenes of where possible mistakes were made replayed in your mind, that was how you would critique and better yourself at the company of nothing but the room and the soft breaths after harsh training. "Do you train a lot?" A question passed on from the man that almost could have killed you, if this were an actual knife fight of course.
"Yeah, by myself most of the time, why? Did I do something I shouldn't have, was I too slow? Hold on—"
"No, it wasn't bad, mind if I suggest something?" He stepped closer, hair long that you could see it grazed his nose. This was the first time you could get a proper look at him, eyes a deep blue with a hint of grey that traced the edges of the blue. His lashes lay long on his lids, they were enviously beautiful, his nose was thin but the creases around it had shaped them well. You could gaze at him for a well deserved period, only now realising that his features speak stories of their own fortitude. "Ahem, Y-Yeah sure, what is it?" Holding in your curiosity, you continue the conversation.
"Mind if I join you? I think we'd make a great team." He stated, raising excitement with his tone. "That would be awesome! This is...just for training though right?" You questioned. "Yeah, I mean, only if you're interested, we could handle more than just knife combat, what do you say?" His lips stretch out so slightly, parting to a smile that was so quick to lose sight of. "Sure, I'm in!"
You raise your arm, hand extended to shake his own to form a unit, which he gladly accepted. Was this the start of no more horrible routines? The man entailed in whispers was now your acquaintance, the very man you had only seen but never initiated a definite greeting is now your training buddy. This was new, and with how you took notice of his features, he too seemed curious about the person that he could only manage to glance at, wondering, when do they ever sleep?
"So...do I keep calling you Kennedy or is it time for introductions?"
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cricketnationrise · 5 months
For the ficlet fest (congrats on 500!):
7:52 pm
the weight room
Jack Zimmermann
Rating: M
oooooh this was really fun to write, thanks for the prompt! i hope you enjoy senior year jack thirsting over bitty as much as i do <3
want your own ficlet? my followers can submit their own prompts using these guidelines through Jan 31, 2024.
7:52pm, weight room
Jack tries to catch his breath before his last set of leg presses. 
There’s something immensely satisfying about weight-lifting days. It’s straightforward; more weight, more reps, diversifying exercises—it all works together to translate to better performance on the ice: more power, more breakaway sprints, more goals. A simple A plus B equals C. Jack’s favorite kind of math.
Once, not that long ago, weight training days would have been solely about maintaining the perfect form, strict adherence to his own ridiculous goals, pushing his body to keep going, to be better, to go right up to the limit of what was possible—and then past it, regardless of all the warnings his coaches, his parents, his teammates, even his own mind were giving him.
But now Jack’s in a better place, he’s got more support, so he can just lose himself in the repetitive motion, the sensation of sweat down his back, the clean exertion of pushing his body in a healthy way.
Or, he could, if he wasn’t so distracted.
It isn’t Jack’s fault that the leg press machine faces the mirrors. It isn’t Jack’s fault that there’s a clear view of the hip adductor machine in said mirrors. And it certainly isn’t Jack’s fault that Bittle is ahead of him in the circuit, on said hip adductor machine, in said mirrors.
…But it might be Jack’s fault that he can’t stop watching.
Despite his size, Bittle’s always been strong. That much had been obvious from the way he could skate suicides for an hour, the way he could hurl his body so high into the air and spin, the way he could whip a meringue by hand without pausing, or switching hands. He’d been surprisingly dense when Jack had pushed him into the boards during checking practice last year, Jack’s attention caught by how Bittle’s muscles were highlighted as much as his haircut in the sunlight when he’d moved into the Haus this summer.
Bittle’s strength is glaringly obvious right now.
The mirror provides an optimal view for Jack as he rests before his last set. Bittle’s perched on the seat, hands on the grips behind him for balance. His brow is furrowed, and the collar of his shirt dark with sweat from the effort from today. For once, he’s not singing or humming or bouncing along to the music in his headphones; Bittle’s breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth carefully, measured, timing his exhales with every time he manages to bring his knees together. Jack’s whole being is focused on the way Bittle’s thighs flex as he pushes them from spread wide to knees touching and back again. Over and over. All of Bittle is glistening with sweat from the exertion under the fluorescent lights and Jack— 
Jack has a sudden, visceral, all-consuming urge to taste. To run his hands from Bittle’s delicate ankles, up his calves. To hold Bittle’s thighs open wide with his shoulders so he can get his hands on his hips, his waist, his ass. To take his time, sucking the sweat from Bittle’s thighs hard enough to leave a line of bruises in his wake, before moving higher. To lick the sweat from the crease where his thigh meets his hip. To chase the drops of Bittle’s precome with his tongue. To take Bittle’s cock with his mouth, all the way to the hilt, before pulling Bittle’s hand to his own hair, encourage him to move Jack exactly how he wants, to take—
The resounding clang of Bittle’s weight stack yanks Jack out of the fantasy.
Câlisse de tabarnak—he’s in the middle of a workout, he can’t be getting distracted by a teammate of all people, and especially not Bittle. Jack depends on their hard-won friendship too much to ever even entertain the possibility—
Jack stands, busies himself with adding more weight to his own machine for his last set, determined to keep his eyes off the mirror, off of Bittle as he bustles around the machine, gathering his water bottle, bending over to wipe the seat down, ass facing the mirror—
It’ll be fine. Bittle will finish cleaning the machine. He’ll move on to the next stop in the circuit, to the machine that’s directly behind the hip adductor. Completely obscured from Jack’s view, and Jack will be able to finish his leg presses without getting distracted.
Bittle catches his eye in the mirror and gives him a small smile and a salute before bouncing off to the next machine and Jack—
Jack better do two more sets, just to be safe.
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solriccino · 26 days
WuWa Special Dishes
Jiyan, Lingyang, Encore, Calcharo, Danjin, Yuanwu, Yangyang, Baizhi, and Aalto
Just remembered the existence of special dishes after I got Jiyan's and thought of showing most of the others' special dishes. I don't have all the recipes unlocked so I can't do all of them! (Guys I killed so much poor animals for this I feel like a murderer but at least my Uncle Mahe made bank today)
See Jiyan's here: Jiyan's Special Dish: Yesterday in Jinzhou (yeah he had his own blog I'm a Jiyan hyperfixator)
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Lingyang: Liondance Companion
How to obtain: Cook Jinzhou Skewers with Lingyang as the assistant.
Increase all party members' ATK by 120, lasting for 15m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
Snacks Lingyang made for the Liondance audience. The treats were a perfect combination of fatty and lean meats, complemented by fruits and vegetables to balance out the heaviness. Ideal for enjoying while watching the performance.
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Encore: Baa Baa Crisp
How to obtain: Cook Star Flakes with Encore as the assistant.
Increases all party members' DEF by 40%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
After multiple attempts, Encore triumphantly created a dish she was pleased with. Golden and crunchy, each bite resembled a miniature lamb. And after indulging, one would surely dream of frolicking among sheep. With this culinary masterpiece, there's no need to fret - it can be savored without hesitation.
(This took me like 12 attempts to finally get in comparison to everyone else who took me like around 3 attempts so they're not lying when it took Encore multiple attempts to make her dish 😭😭 If that was intentional that is such a great detail)
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Calcharo: Ration Bar
How to obtain: Cook Food Ration Bar with Calcharo as the assistant.
Increases the DEF of all Resonators in the team by 36% for 15 minutes. In multiplayer games, it only affects your own characters.
Calcharo has a fondness for Huanglong's Food Ration Bar. He believes it efficiently satisfies basic energy needs in the wild and has a unique taste. To cater to some of the younger merc's preferences, Calcharo has enhanced the bar by adding dried fruits, sugar beans, and various seasonings, creating a variety of flavors.
(Idk about u guys but something about Calcharo liking the food ration bars is so weirdly cute or I'm just a girl)
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Danjin: Loong Whiskers Crisp
How to obtain: Cook Loong Whiskers Crisp with Danjin as the assistant.
Restore 50 points of Stamina.
The delicious scent of Loong Whiskers Crisp enveloped Danjin as she bit into the perfectly crisp exterior, her teeth sinking into the dreamy floss coating. Despite her love for this sweet treat, she always wished for more. The kind stall owner suggested adding extra ingredients to enhance the sweetness even further, a tempting offer that Danjin couldn't resist.
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Yuanwu: Sanqing Tea
How to obtain: Cook Angelica Tea with Yuanwu as the assistant.
Increases all party members' max HP by 28%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
The Sanqing tea from Yuanwu Boxing Gym has healing properties, aiding the spleen, lungs, and alleviating worries. A cup after a boxing session boosts blood flow and circulation while soothing the mind. The perfect combination of exercise and tea brings a sense of inner peace, momentarily freeing one from mundane concerns and desires.
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Yangyang: Fluffy Wuthercake
How to obtain: Cook Wuthercake with Yangyang as the assistant.
Increases all party members' ATK bu 33%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
A Wuthercake made with Yangyang's special formula. It incorporates whipped egg whites instead of the usual yolks. The result? A fluffy and tender treat that is both delicious and nutritious, thanks to the addition of berry jam. This revamped recipe caters to all ages, from seniors to picky kids, making it a satisfying indulgence for everyone.
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Baizhi: Iced Perilla
How to obtain: Cook Perilla Salad with Baizhi as the assistant.
Increases all party members' Crit. Rate by 12%, lasting for 15m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
In moments of research block, Baizhi turns to the chilled Perilla she always has on hand for a refreshing pause. The cool, herbal flavor soothes her senses and helps calm her racing thoughts. As she finishes her plate, her mind clears and she's able to refocus on her work with renewed determination.
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Sanhua: Crystal Clear Buns
How to obtain: Cook Loong Buns with Sanhua as the assistant.
Increases all party members' DEF by 28%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
Sanhua revamped the traditional ingredients used in Loong Buns, creating a refreshing and translucent treat perfect for cooling down during hot summers. This delicacy quickly became a staple on the City Hall's tables, winning over the hearts of all visitors... and the Jinzhou Magistrate herself.
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Aalto: Misty Tea
How to obtain: Cook Happiness Tea (the recipe is named Xi Ling Tea) with Aalto as the assistant.
Increases all party members' DEF by 14% and max HP by 12%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
The tea is a favorite of Aalto. As the water in the pot turns to mist and then back into water in the cup, the aroma of the tea is coupled with the soothing mist. "Now, let's get down to business." It seems Aalto's mastery of tea-making is just one of his many skills in the business world.
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Notes on the special dishes of those who I haven't included here
Mortefi: Crispy Squab (Recipe obtained at Casket Delivery level 10 aka you have to get all Sonance Caskets)
Chixia: Jinzhou Maocai (Recipe obtained at Chef level 4)
Taoqi: Kudzu Congee (???)
Verina: Morri Pot (???)
Jianxin: ??? (She's the only one I don't have asjsj)
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Bonus pics of my Jiyan <33
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heathermehf · 11 months
Want to Improve Your Balance? Start with Strengthening Your Ankles [Video]
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nancylfitness · 6 months
Exercises that Will Work for You
Exercise is beneficial for the body and for well-being.  Whether you want to begin an exercise routine or try something new, where to start?
Think about what kind of exercise is interesting to you.  Is it a fit with your lifestyle?  Aspects to consider:
Do you like to work with others or alone (at home or gym)
Does the routine mesh with your schedule / lifestyle
Is it suitable with your fitness level (not too easy; not too difficult)
How much impact are you looking for (can your body handle high impact, or do you require lower impact exercises)?
Physical activity is advantageous, significantly improving one’s health, helps:
Establish and maintain a healthy body weight
Maintain muscle mass and good energy levels
Reduce risk of chronic disease
Improve mental function and mental health
Sleep better.
To get started with an exercise routine it’s important to consider a health check-up first, especially if you are:
not used to strenuous physical activities
aged 45 and over.
The health check may identify any health issues or conditions that could potentially cause injury during exercise.  Knowing these limitations, a safe and optimal exercise plan may be developed.
Next set goals:  REALISTIC GOALS.  Create a plan that is attainable for you.  As your fitness level increases and you progress toward reaching your goal, add to it in increments:  SUCCESS!!
Now, maintain your exercise routine on a scheduled basis:  HABIT.
Types of Exercise to Consider:
Walking – is safe and produces dramatic results.
Start with walking in 10 to 15 minute increments. As strength and endurance increase, begin to walk further and faster. Get to the point of being able to walk for 30 to 60 minutes at a good pace.
Strength Training – muscle begins to atrophy after the age of 40.  Strength (resistance) training will help to slow/stop this progression.
Start with lighter weights, that you can lift comfortably 12 to 15 times.  Use proper form, doing each exercise correctly. When ready, increase the load to slightly heavier weight.
Try to maintain a weight training schedule of two or more times per week.
Balance Training – can help prevent falls, important for older adults.  The movements are slow and deliberate.  Many daily activities require good balance: walking and going up and down the stairs, standing up from a sitting position, bending over, etc.
Some simple balance exercises include:
Stand on one leg and raise the other leg to the side or behind. As balance improves try holding the positions for a longer amount of time.
Also try closing your eyes or moving your head in different directions.
Heel to toe walking:  walk in a steady, straight line by placing the heel of one foot just in front of the toes of the other foot.  Repeat for 20 steps. To start, use a support if needed.
Stand up from a sitting position without using your hands. To start, use a support if needed.
Keep practicing until a support is no longer needed.
Flexibility/Stretching:  helps with muscle recovery, range of motion and injury prevention.  It also works to improve posture and balance.
Warm up first for about 5 to 10 minutes with some dynamic stretching (high kicks, knee to chest movements, arm and leg swinging). This prepares the body for exercise.
Stretch slowly, doing so with fluid movements. Only go as far as is comfortable – no pain.
Start by holding the stretch for 7 to 10 seconds, then progress further as you become more comfortable.  Yoga and Pilates are good flexibility exercise programs.
The above exercises can be done individually or may be combined. Most importantly, do what you like and have fun with it.
If you feel pain or discomfort while exercising, stop and rest before continuing.  Do not rush your routines; take time to progress.  This will help you to maintain your program.
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drdemonprince · 7 months
if you ever have the time and space to answer this i'd be very thankful
how can i take any let downs by friends less personal and continue giving people chances/inviting them in and being vulnerable without hurting myself/gettung hurt in the process? i'm guessing the answer is to find a balance, but are there ways to go about it easier? no matter how much i try to communicate and and manage expectations... i appreciate my friends greatly, but still i often feel let down when they cant come to things that are important to me though i understand that things can happen and theres usually reasons for not being able to make something and i am not their priority number one in a system that exhausts all of us- it just keeps happening and i don't want to grow bitter and alone but cherish the people in my life and trust they are trying their best
I think you can start by practicing being more flaky and unreliable and more reliant up on your friends' grace as well! When we feel resentful, it is often a sign that we are doing far too much, and not having our needs cared for. I used to be one of the most reliable mother fuckers around -- it was my senior superlative, actually, Most Reliable! ha! -- and I resented just about everyone for being less put together, less likely to follow through, less prone to doing what they said and saying what they'd do than me. I was a bitter little Type A overachieving cunt who considered myself superior to everyone (in part because my hyper literal Autistic ass believed that if you said you were going to do something, that meant you absolutely Had to Do It and Why Would Anybody Lie about a thing like that?)
Today I am a fuckin MESS and I am a much better person for it. I amble up just barely on time, I cancel plans, I forget things, I tell someone I can't make it even if in the most literal sense I could but I don't feel like it -- and many of my friends are tired, spent, fuzzy brained exhausted messes too! And it's fine! I have some friends that I regularly rely upon to cancel our plans because it frees up a little extra room in my schedule that I always wind up needing. I'm not mad or disappointed in them for bailing, my ass is relieved because I definitely have some shit to get to myself and probably four other people that I'm kinda letting down at the moment. It's not that any of us lack concern for one another, that's just what being a busy adult is in this day and age. We have work and creative pursuits and lots of friends and fucking and exercise and tile to regrout. Shit happens. It's not a big deal if I end up needing to see the movie solo or if we need to reschedule our breakfast date. Shit happens. I have too many actual problems to make a problem out of someone having a hangover and not being able to show up to my birthday or whatever. I missed their birthday last year, but I'll make it there this year, and maybe next time they'll make mine, too. The grace of accepting chaos washes it all away. My friends are my fellow comrades in the fuckin trenches and we each get to make one another's tours a little less miserable by understanding shit's crazy and fucked and that none of it is personal and that at the end, we still love eachother and are doing our best.
With time, may you find that kind of serenity and that ability to just keep on moving in life rather than fixating on the little slights and unpredictable things that will happen whether we fight them or not. Don't read too much into anyone's cancellation of plans or lateness or flakiness. Put your mind toward more interesting problems in your life, ones that some thinking can help solve. Easier said than done, but you'll get there. If my bitter anal retentive ass could become so sloppy and lovingly blase so can you!
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therandomfandomme · 8 months
Biking is accessible movement
Biking is a very accessible mode of transportation and way to exercise, however I think a lot of people don't know that, since there are a lot of countries, who don't have the right infrastructure (which is sad). So, this post is me showing y'all how biking is very accessible.
I am writing this from the perspective of someone with mild chronic pain, so I don't know the ins and outs, I have just seen all these bikes around on the streets, because here in the Netherlands they are very prevelant. I do want to say that biking is far easier on my joints than walking, except the knees, even with my unmodified bike.
An accessability feature that is not the bike itself, but often seen in traffic are the signs for hard of hearing people, which can be attached to the back of the bike to let others know that the person won't respond to audible traffic cues and to be careful.
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1. Not having the muscle mass or lung capacity for intense exercise
Electrical bikes used to be mostly associated with senior citizens, however in recent years it has become more popular with high schoolers, who have to bike long distances to school or adults, who don't want to arrive sweaty at work. They can either assist you or do the biking for you. Normal electric bikes can go up to 30 km/h, but the recently popular fatbike can go up to 60 km/h (which is a hazard and should be regulated, but I digress). Every bike type that follows after can be an eletric bike.
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2. Needing back support
Of course not everyone can sit on a bike, whose seating gives no support and for those there are lying bikes. Though being able to get up and down from a pretty low seat, which is less.
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3. Not having the balance for biking
One big thing with bikes is balancing, which is something I struggle with (shout out to physical therapy for helping with that). Once I'm on the bike it is easier for me, but I struggled a lot with getting on and off the bike for a while as well as balancing in general, so I had training wheels for a lot longer than most of my peers.
Luckily, there are a lot of options for people who have bad balance or for whom getting on and off a bike would be more of a struggle. A fatbike already makes for easier balance, however for more aid you have tricycles for adults, which are pretty common. And an extra wheel can also be put on a lying bike.
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4. Mental disabilities that limit safe independence in traffic
Not everyone can be in traffic unsupervised due to mental disabilities or brain damage, so not everyone can bike on their own. However, there are many ways to bike while having someone there for safety.
A tandem might seem like a gimmick to some, but it can allow someone to bike without needing to take into account all the moving traffic. And the dubble bike, which is more often used as a fun thing for tourist to explore a city while being able to chat, can provide the same for those with bad balance. If the person in question is smaller than the person supervising, such as a child or little person, than there is also a bike attachment for any bike with a luggage carrier.
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5. Using a mobility aid
A lot of people think that you can't bike when using a mobility aid, however biking is not the same as walking, so should your body allow it, biking is possible.
If a person uses a cane or crutches there are ways to hold them in place. A walker can also be attached to the back if it is foldable. If a person is in a wheelchair (depending on what kind) then a hand bike is an option, which allows for higher speeds than moving regularly, while not taking more energy. A person with a wheelchair can also be transported with a bike, if they are not able to move through traffic independently (i have been informed that this is for kids, so thank you for that addition).
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6. Lifestyle makes it more difficult to bike
Some people can ride a bike, but aren't able of biking, because they have kids, pets or need to move more stuff. However, there are ways to still use a bike in those circumstances. Popular among people in busy cities with more than one kid is a cargo bike. A cargo bike is also avaible with three wheels for extra balance and both can be electric. For pet owners the trailer is more popular, since a pet cannot jump out of it, though I've also seen plenty of babies and toddlers in them. Both these options can naturally also hold stuff.
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Of course I totally understand that not everyone is able to bike and that not everywhere there is the infrastructure necessary. I am just passionate about it and I think that a lot of people might not realize that biking can be more accessible than it is often portrayed. I might have missed something, so feel free to add if you find anything and I would love to hear thoughts or just reactions :D
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pepperwebsblog · 2 months
Some reflections of mine.....
Why write the entire fic and wait to post, rather than posting chapter by Chapter?
It’s  a very good question and until Love Letters, the way I worked was to post chapter by chapter as I wrote fics. Sometimes I wrote with one chapter in hand. But I always did a serial format.
I did always plan my entire fics out chapter by chapter so I knew what I was covering and where I wanted the fic to end, so I was following a loose structure. But yeah I would write a chapter and pretty immediately post it.
I did like this way of doing things, it allows for that instant gratification which is great cos you get that instant feedback on your work.
But for Love Letters, it was a complex narrative with actual letters appearing not in chronological order. So whilst I always plan out my fics, this one needed to hang together beginning to end so I was not confident posting chapter by chapter in case I missed some detail I needed to go back and fix in chapter 1.
This meant it was about 10 weeks of work with very little feedback. And I will say having @xuxudio on hand as a brilliant friend to cheer me on was invaluable here, it was a hard slog to complete the fic with only myself having read the whole thing in entirety. But it made for a much higher quality fic in my opinion, I think the story hangs together better. This fic has had WAY more edit read-throughs than my others and so grammatically and spelling-wise it is better at the very least.
Also reflecting on things, it just works so much better for me in my stage of life now. I have reached a stage in my career where I am a senior manager and work demands a lot from me which is tiring but because I really enjoy my job it's very fulfilling.  Also balancing work with the rest of life's demands, seeing family and friends, volunteer work, exercise, and all the general adult stuff as well. I only get free time to write at the weekends and a few evenings in the week and not too late as I need to be well rested for work. So having something that I can pick up and put back down without any worries of sticking to an upload schedule or of letting readers down is helpful for me. I can work on the fic until it's done and then post regularly at a time that suits me because I have the fic written and ready to go.
And yeah, I think ultimately I prefer this way of writing now. And hopefully the audience appreciate it too as they know it's a complete fic and they're going to get something they know is finished which I think is very satisfying.
So yeah, that's why I have shifted this year to writing fics in this way. It might change again in the future but for now it's the right thing for me.
And why post chapter by chapter if the whole fic is written?
Because this gives me breathing space to write the next fic!
And it allows for the story to build, hopefully it's fun for the readers too, to keep coming back each week for the next chapter. It gives the story momentum and allows for more interaction between me and the readers.
And, being completely honest really honest, posting chapter by chapter keeps my fic at the top of the various tag lists on Ao3, as it's default ordering is by most recent. This means more people see my work and have the opportunity to read it. I'm not solely about hits and kudos but those are nice recognitions of my work.
I dont owe anyone an explanation but felt like providing one, thanks for reading!
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