#balderich von adler
cm-top-10 · 8 months
C.M. Top 10: Heroes who've fallen in the line of duty &/or heroics.
Every hero has their 1st moments to be the best hero they can be. But sadly just as the hero rises to the occasion to prove his worth....they sometimes fall saving the ones they love & swore to protect. We must never forget our heroes or forget their strengths that make them who they are. Their courage, their will, their kindness & above all willing to sacrifice themselves so that others may live to tell their children of the kindness & heroism they've shown.
So this ten features the heroes of all kinds who gave their life protecting the innocent. Which hero will you always remember? You be the judge of that. & may they rest in peace...
1. Young Justice: Phantoms - Tomar-Re
"In brightest day in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil's might, beware my power Green Lantern's light."
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2. Seven Deadly Sins - Escanor Lion Sin of Pride
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3. Overwatch - Balderich von Adler
"Live with honor, die for glory. Live for glory, die with honor"
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4. Rise of the TMNT - Karai
(Anatawa hitori janai)
Translation: You are not alone
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5. DBZ - Vegeta
"Trunks, Bulma...I do this for you. & yes...even for you, Kakarot."
(I know, I know he's technically still alive but don't get me wrong he's had a few close calls in the past of literally no return. & he has sacrificed himself once or twice so I'm gonna count it this one time. Trust me if it wasn't for fan-service, he would've had the old classic Thanos Fade in a heartbeat years ago.)
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6. Pacific Rim the Black - Atlas Destroyer/Loa
"You will get there. I will ensure it."
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7. RWBY - Pyrrha Nikos
"Do you believe in destiny?"
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8. Star Wars Rebels - Commander Gregor
"Don't worry about me. You made me remember who I am. I'll make my way home, I promise."
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9. Cyberpunk Edgerunner - Rebecca
"Alright David let's go to the top then."
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10. Transformers Rise of the Beasts - Apelinq
"This is my fight. It is now your time to lead the Maximals, Optimus Primal."
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pudauncle · 10 months
fuck it I'm posting this here
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sulan1809 · 1 year
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Reinhardt - Um herói que preservou um legado de honra e bravura
Reinhardt Wilhelm é um personagem de Overwatch. No passado, ele se alistou às Forças Armadas Alemãs em tenra idade, buscando glória. Mais tarde, ele se tornou tenente dos cruzados. Durante a Crise Ômnica, ele se encontrava em Eichenwalde ao lado do mentor dele, General Balderich von Adler, líder dos Crusaders. Balderich foi escolhido para se juntar à força de ataque que se tornaria Overwatch e recebeu uma medalha no formato do logotipo da organização com o nome dele gravado nas costas, indicativo da seleção dele. Na noite anterior em que ele partiria e se juntaria à equipe dele, ele e Reinhardt passaram um tempo juntos em Braueret Mittagskrug, onde Reinhardt recusou a ideia de desaparecer em uma organização secreta em vez de ficar em Eichenwalde, servindo como Crusader, e a glória que veio com isso. Antes que mestre e aluno pudessem debater mais a questão, Eichenwalde foi atacado diretamente por forças ômnicas, e os dois apertaram as mãos recitando o juramento dos Crusaders antes de entrar na briga. 
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Jovem e imprudente, Reinhardt desobedeceu ordens de permanecer com a unidade dele em favor de avançar para a batalha sozinho, determinado a destruir quantos ômnicos pudesse em nome da glória. Embora ele tivesse obliterado os infelizes que ousaram se dar a cara à tapa para enfrentá-lo, Balderich o alcançou e com raiva ordenou para que ele retornasse para a unidade em que ele se posicionava, que sem o conhecimento dos dois, estava sobre fogo extremamente pesado. Insistente sobreo fato de que eles estavam bem, mas estavam apenas atrasando-o, Reinhardt continuou a esculpir um caminho através das forças inimigas, até que uma unidade OR-14 apareceu no campo de batalha. Emocionado com a ideia de um novo inimigo, Reinhardt disparou em direção ao novo adversário apenas para que seu oponente parasse sua investida e cortasse o olho esquerdo de Reinhardt com sua lâmina de calor. Ordenando que suas forças recuassem, Balderich foi forçado a intervir para salvar o aluno indefeso dele. Embora tenha conseguido, o emissor do escudo de Balderich foi destruído e ele foi mortalmente ferido pela lâmina de calor do OR14. Com as forças alemãs em plena retirada, a dupla recuou para o grande salão do castelo Eichenwalde.
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Barricando a porta, Balderich ordenou que Reinhardt retornasse ao ponto de encontro com os outros Crusaders. Insistindo alegremente em lutar para voltar com Balderich, não foi até que seu mestre removeu o capacete dele e insistiu que ele ficaria, Reinhardt notou a gravidade do ferimento de Balderich. Perturbado, Reinhardt tentou argumentar com Balderch, apenas para que ele o lembrasse do juramento de Crusader e exigiu que ele o mantivesse enquanto estendia a mão. Incapaz de simplesmente deixar Balderich morrer, Reinhardt ainda recusou. Em vez de mandá-lo embora, Balderich gentilmente o lembrou de que a equipe precisava dele para ser seu escudo, o que finalmente fez Reinhardt ceder, e ele pegou a mão do mestre dele uma última vez. Quando o aperto deles quebrou, Reinhardt encontrou a medalha de aceitação de Overwatch de Balderich em suas mãos. Trocando o juramento do Crusader uma última vez, Reinhardt deixou Balderich com o martelo dele para trás, e o deixou entregue ao seu destino. Reinhardt voltou com sucesso para a unidade dele, protegendo-os com seu corpo quando a barreira dele cedeu. As forças alemãs finalmente empurraram os omnics para trás o suficiente para dar ao resto das forças armadas tempo para contra-atacar, mas Eichenwalde e Balderich foram perdidos e, com exceção do próprio Reinhardt, nenhum outro Crusader escapou vivo da batalha. A morte de Balderich mudou Reinhardt e o sacrifício do mentor dele pesaria sobre ele por décadas após o fato, mas até então a Overwatch aguardava para que Reinhardt se juntasse a eles. 
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notelong · 2 years
The last bastion short
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Overwatch is a growing multiplayer FPS game for Microsoft Windows PC and gaming laptops, as well as XBox One and PlayStation 4 consoles. In case you missed them, here are videos of the following animated films: HERO The map also happens to be near the site where Bastion has reawakened.Ĭurrently, Blizzard has released five animated shorts this year, which includes stories about Winston, WidowMaker and Tracer, Genji and Hanzo, and Soldier 76. The opposing team, on the other hand, must do their best to protect the castle from the intruders. In this hybrid map, one team must escort a battering ram inside the castle and retrieve the remains of Balderich von Adler. Located on the outskirts of Stuttgart, Germany, the Eichenwalde map features the site where one of the famous battles during the Omnic Crisis has transpired. Photo Source: PlayOverwatch Youtube Channelīastion’s origin story is connected to the new Overwatch map to be released this September. Bastion complied and followed the bird, finding peace in nature. The little yellow bird then returns and convinces Bastion to turn back and return to the forest. It led the omnic to turn back to battle mode and march towards the city with his gun ready. Bastion connected himself to the omnic to gather data and saw a vision of the battle that happened years ago. Overwatchs Bastion finally gets his own animated short and contrary to popular beliefs, it doesnt feature thousands of players being salty about Bastions. After returning to normal, Bastion trudges onward and finds a broken omnic lying in a wide field. While walking through the forest, the omnic robot befriended the yellow bird and began to get curious “about the natural world.” However, the sound of a woodpecker caused him to turn into tank mode and blast everything around him. Bastion activated his system to know his location. Upon the bird tapping his head, Bastion awakens and finds himself alone and in the middle of nowhere. The film starts with a yellow bird finding a dormant Bastion in the forest, covered and foliage. Upon the bird tapping his head, Bastion awakens and finds himself alone and in the middle of nowhere. The Last Bastion tells the origin story of no other than our favorite Omnic hero, Bastion. The “Last Bastion” tells the origin story of no other than our favorite Omnic hero, Bastion. And last August, Blizzard Entertainment has released its latest animated film, “The Last Bastion.” Day after day going under the clouds, maintenance, repair, checking.
One way Blizzard has promoted Overwatch is through releasing a series of animated shorts. The Last Bastion: Directed by Thibault Chapiron, Paul Deroche, Amlie Louisfert, Thomas Quetteville, Quentin Roux. Such is the daily life of Nickolai, last survivor of homeric battles between man and a plague from another age. Day after day going under the clouds, maintenance, repair, cheking. In any case if you have a few minutes to spare, you definitely won’t want to miss this short.Photo Source: Still from Overwatch The Last Bastion Animated Short Film Animated short film Film Graduation Project School: ISART DIGITAL, the video game and 3D animation / VFX School. Given that the game has no single-player mode, this is probably one of the better ways to develop its characters. The nearly seven and a half minute long animated short, titled 'The Last Bastion' is filled with so many feels that. At a time of continuing environmental turmoil and the demolishing of many traditional. For some reason or another, Blizzard is trying to make Overwatch players cry. Blizzard has been taking to creating animated shorts and releasing comics as a way to provide some background story for its Overwatch universe. In this paper, we explore the wicked problems ( Rittel & Webber, 1973 ), that the traditions of stasis endemic and ever-present in the university sector ( Mandviwalla & Schuff, 2014 ), are creating the future for the Higher Education world. It also seems to exude some kind of Wall-E-esque vibe which isn’t a bad thing. Fascinated by its unfamiliar surroundings, the curious omnic begins to investigate, but quickly discovers its core combat programming may have a different directive…”Īs always, Blizzard’s animations are top notch and The Last Bastion is no different. The good news is that if you were looking forward to its release, you’ll be pleased to learn that Blizzard has made good on their promise and has since launched the short on YouTube, which you can check out for yourself in the video above.Īccording to the description of the short on YouTube, “‘The Last Bastion’ follows the forgotten battle automaton, Bastion, as it unexpectedly reactivates after laying dormant in the wilderness for over a decade. About a week ago, Blizzard teased that they had a new animated short in the works called “The Last Bastion”, which in case the name wasn’t already obvious, would be focusing on the Bastion character in the game.
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sweet-hardt · 3 years
If you could, could you try
Balderich’s Son (Reader) x Reinhardt Fluff
(This is a small AU I somewhat made up where the crusaders live on.)
If your father was the king, that meant you were the prince. Well, not like he was the literal king, but being the commander of the crusaders gave him status like a king. It had been quite awhile since the crusaders had fallen and been rebuilt. Eichenwalde was semi repaired except for the castle, now turned into a museum and memorial.
You sat at your desk in your personal office, looking at the mountain of paperwork you had finished, and the mountain you still had left to finish. The day was already almost over and you weren’t even halfway finished with what you needed to do. And that loud thumping noise coming from who knows where drove you a bit nuts. You started at the antique wooden clock on the wall that just seemed to tick slower and slower. Right under the clock was a picture of you as a young kid and your parents happily holding you.
“Oh papa…” you sighed to yourself.
Before you could continue your work you heard a very familiar laugh and a pair of heavy footsteps. The door swung open and Reinhardt burst in, ducking slightly so as to not smash his head on the frame. There were dents on both sides of the door frame for obvious reasons…
“I can’t believe he did that…” Reinhardt sighed, wiping a few tears and getting himself together.
“Who did what?” You asked.
“Nothing mein Prinz-“ he said quickly before standing tall and clearing his throat. “You called me in here, was there something you needed?”
“Some company I suppose. An open ear? I’ve been trapped in this office all day and I feel bad.” You played with your pen, spinning it between your fingers.
“Of course!” Reinhardt pulled up a chair and sat right next to you. “What did you want to talk about?”
You were quiet for a bit, not quite sure how to express yourself.
“I feel like…” you took a couple moments to think of what to say. “I won’t be able to live up to my father’s name. Everyone always tells me stories of how great my father was yet I feel like I’m lacking in almost every aspect. How do I even begin to compete?” You rubbed your temples and sighed.
“Well, you don’t.” Reinhardt answered rather bluntly. He put a hand on your shoulder, his thumb rubbing in gentle circles. “There will never be another Balderich, but there will also never be another you. Comparing yourself to someone else will just make yourself depressed. Trust me I know from experience. Besides, you are doing just fine.” He kissed the top of your head. You felt your face get warm and your cheeks get rosy.
You wrapped your arms around his muscular arms and sighed. You felt a bit better listening to his “words of wisdom”. Maybe your work was just getting to you.
“Why don’t we get something to eat? I didn’t see you in the mess hall for breakfast or lunch. You haven’t eaten, have you?” He wasn’t wrong. You snacked here and there but no full meal. Reinhardt stood up and pushed your office chair towards the door.
“Come on, let’s go eat! Hopefully the wall in the cafeteria is covered up after earlier today…”
“Wait, is that what that noise was!?”
(I hope this is sufficient. Apologies, I’m really rusty ^^’)
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scoutdoodles · 4 years
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Playing around with rendering...cel shading?...dramatic lighting?...whatever it’s called I'm playing around with it!
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whimsywimp · 4 years
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Hey, hello, long time no see! I once again haven’t been too much active here in a while. Twitter has been my main place to post as of late, but I hope to change that now since we’ve got another 2 weeks of quarantine which means I got nothing else to do than draw and play games.
So I’ve had this headcanon where Balderich is a motorcycle enthusiast in his spare time and probably owns a few motorcycles! ;v
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nyaarr · 5 years
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“It’s that all?”
Since we didn’t get to see the original (which is probably by Nesskain), here’s my take.
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watchpointcarolina · 5 years
Overwatch Animated Short | “Honor and Glory”
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rhythmloid · 6 years
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Balderich von Adler
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cm-top-10 · 2 years
C.M. Top 10: Badass Moments in TV Series
There's always that one scene that makes history in the making. But when it comes to making an entrance, let's just say it's best to go in or out with a bang...LITERALLY!!!
So here's ten of the most awesome & badass scenes in action movies & series. Which is your favorite action scene? You be the judge of that.
1. Book of Bobba Fett - Bobba & his Rancor
Boba riding his Rancor into battle.
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2. Red vs. Blue - the Meta
Meta gets payback on the guy who shot him in the neck.
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3. Marvel's What If...? - Widow & Carter
Captain Carter & Black Widow double Shield Slams Ultron on opposite sides.
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4. Helluva Boss - Striker
Striker riding in on a hellhorse like a badass.
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5. Seven Deadly Sins - Escanor & Estarossa
Escanor facing off against Estarossa in an epic showdown.
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6. Wakfu - Goultard the Barbarian
Master Goultard summoning his weapon from his arm.
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7. Overwatch - Balderich von Adler
Balderich taking his last stand against the Omnic invaders.
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8. Batman vs Robin - the Batbot
Batman beating the shit out of some Talon Owl clones in his legendary mechsuit, the Batbot.
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9. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Sonic vs. Knuckles
Sonic & Knuckles facing off to see who is worthy of the Master Emerald.
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10. Death Battle: Thor vs. Vegeta
Thor & Vegeta having an epic throw down of the gods.
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sniper-mom · 6 years
Presenting, my favorite overwatch characters. XD
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sassyresacon1990 · 6 years
My first crack at an Overwatch vid! 
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sweet-hardt · 3 years
Here’s a new link since the old post is… well, old.
Come join our discord server!
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scoutdoodles · 4 years
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I just love drawing Balderich’s face what can I say?
Got myself a fancy new drawing tablet as an early b-day gift for myself and I’ve been having a blast! If the opportunity ever arises for you to save up and get one...get yourself the nice drawing tablet! You won’t regret it!
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whimsywimp · 5 years
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Lord Reinhardt Wilhelm and Jarl Balderich von Adler! For the Halloween Terror Au! I really enjoyed designing Balderich’s outfit. I tried adding some features from Balderich’s armor, as well as the colour scheme and I am really happy with how it tured out! >v<
Next up is Blacksmith Torbjørn! I haven’t drawn him in ages ;-;
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