#baldur's gate 3 lia
dutifullylazybread · 29 days
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(I did take some liberties with this list—this list assumes that Cal, Lia, and Rolan stay with the tiefling refugees and all necessary steps are taken to get the three of them safely from the Druid’s Grove to Baldur’s Gate).
I ended up breaking this into two parts—one that talks about how Cal's feelings develop leading into the relationship/confession, and the other part which is a bit more scenario-driven (and it ended up being pre-relationship stuff that led into the start of the relationship itself).
General Headcanons
Cal begins to think that he might like you as more than a friend around the time that he realizes that he always hopes to run into you while out and about. Not in a “Oh, we’re both in the same place at the same time” sort of way but more in a “I hope Tav is there. That'd be nice. Maybe I should invite them?”
He has absolutely hoped to stumble into friends before, but he wasn't too bothered if it didn't happen.
You, however? If you aren't at a gathering, he feels poorer for it.
And when you two spend time together (be this in a group setting or on your own), he’s always stealing glances your way… and he realizes he doesn’t really do that with anyone else.
When someone tells a joke that he finds funny, he looks at you to see if you’re laughing as well. Every time.
He takes every opportunity to be near you. 
Even if you’re just running errands or doing something boring, he is over the moon to be invited along—even if you assure him that he doesn’t have to. His company is always welcome, but you wouldn’t be upset if he chose to go do something more enjoyable. 
“It’s no bother. The work is easier when there are two people to do it.”
If he goes shopping and sees something that reminds him of you, he will get it for you.
If you offhandedly mention that you like a certain type of food, don’t be surprised if he makes it for you. 
And if you ask him what the occasion was, he’ll shrug and say, “No reason,” or possibly, “It sounded like you haven’t had  it in a while.”
Cal strikes me as a very physically affectionate person; so long as you’re okay with hugs, he will embrace you when the two of you meet up and when the two of you part.
Though he does enjoy spontaneous hugs too.
And he does like holding your hand. A lot. 
He is the type of person who will check in to see if you need a drink refill or more food. It’s one way that he likes to take care of you, but he initially doesn’t think much of it, because he would do that for his siblings too.
And while Cal is fairly good at coming to his own conclusions about how he feels, Lia and Rolan most certainly tease him about how he acts around you.
Initially though, he thinks he is just being a good friend. 
Until he hugs you one day, and the hug lasts a moment longer than normal. And he notices how you feel pressed against him.
He realizes that it feels really, really natural to hold you close.
And you smell really, really nice. 
He realizes that you have always smelled that way. He has definitely picked up on it before, but for whatever reason, this time it really sticks.
This isn't a scent kink so much as it's a “I am taking comfort in something that is so utterly familiar and perfectly you” moment.
And then he starts to notice other things.
He likes the sound of your laugh. A lot. 
He particularly likes when he can get you to laugh, because you will look at him, eyes bright and face flushed.
And then there is a moment where your eyes meet, and you hold his gaze, and everything clicks into place.
And if he hadn't already figured out that he has a crush on you, he absolutely does then.
Rolan and Lia point out that it seems like he is daydreaming A LOT lately. And while he might be dismissive of this at first, it doesn’t take long for him to put two and two together—he’s thinking of you a lot.
And he is also talking about you much more often. Sometimes he repeats the same stories about you because, honestly, everything reminds him of you.
Rolan and Lia will tell him that he is repeating himself, but he just looks so happy whenever he talks about you.
So they'll usually wait for a pause in his story to lovingly tease him.
While Cal has always enjoyed hugging you before, he is melting into your embrace now. He is constantly looking for excuses to be close to you, to brush his arm against yours.
If he gets too flustered, his laugh raises in pitch and he'll slosh the drink he's holding all over himself.
To make matters worse, you think he's cute when he gets so worked up, and that's enough to make him light headed.
He doesn't strike me as someone who worries over saying the right thing. He isn't agonizing over every sentence, but he makes an effort to be kind. And if he is kind and transparent with people, then everything will be fine and any misunderstandings can, hopefully, be smoothed over.
But around the point that he starts to notice all these things that he likes about you, he starts to really worry about what he says and what you might infer.
Part of me thinks that, if Cal gets really deep into his stress over his crush for you, he becomes a nervous, giggling mess of a person.
This is to the point where he cannot have a discussion with you, because he is so nervous about what he will say.
“This person is incredible. I adore them so much. Oh, Hells, they're looking at me. Oh, Hells, they're gorgeous. OH, HELLS, THEY'RE COMING OVER TO SAY HELLO.”
Cal is clumsy, but when he is flustered, he practically trips over himself.
Will drop anything and everything when you are in close proximity.
Spills drinks and food everywhere because he gets caught up watching you laugh at a joke.
Will have bruises on his thighs, knees, and calves from how often he runs into furniture around you/when he is thinking of you. 
If Cal gets to this point, Rolan and Lia might intervene. They won't speak for their brother, but they will encourage/beg/urge him to talk to you. 
Their persistence will depend on how much Cal is agonizing over things. If he's just quietly pining but is content to spend time with you and it doesn't appear that he is struggling, they'll tease him.
If it's to the point where he is overanalyzing everything he says, they're going to be a lot firmer on him communicating his feelings to you.
“I think I made Tav uncomfortable.”
“Cal, you completely froze up and wouldn't make eye contact with them. They probably think that they're making you uncomfortable. For all of our sakes, just talk to them.”
So, Cal gathers his courage and asks you to go on an outing with him—something the two of you would do regardless of if you were a couple.
He will be nervous. He will be dropping things and bumping into the edges of furniture.
But here's the kicker: if you are nervous, blushing, and generally flustered about being around him, then his nerves will settle a little. Because he has had to be the calm, steady one for his siblings. It's in his nature to be there for others when they are struggling.
So you're both nervous. And you're both stumbling over yourselves.
It becomes a question of which one of you manages to confess first, but for the sake of this list, we'll say Cal manages as you were working up the courage.
And when you reciprocate his feelings and tell him how much you adore him, he looks fit to pass out from how relieved he is.
Your first kiss is clumsy—he bumps your forehead with his and his teeth click against yours. 
But it's honestly perfect.
If you are the calmer of the two, Cal will definitely take comfort in that as well.
“This is Tav. I trust them. They are an incredible person. They have never made me feel like I can't confide in them.”
So he works up the courage and confesses. He wants more than friendship with you. He likes you a lot. He might even be in love with you. He wants to find out.
And he hugs you so, so tightly when you confess that you feel the same.
We're talking a hug so tight and so close that, regardless of how tall you are, your feet are dangling off of the ground as he holds you to him.
Your first kiss is clumsy regardless. But it's perfect, because all your nerves and anxieties melt away in that moment.
And it’s just the two of you. And a world of possibilities has opened up before you.
Scenario-driven Headcanons: Following Game Events - Basically if Cal was a Romanceable NPC - From Crush to The Beginnings of A Relationship
So, personally, I think that Cal likely wouldn’t be considering a relationship while he and his family are fleeing from Elturel to Baldur’s Gate. It’s not that he is opposed to one—he’s just in survival mode. Not only that, but he is also pulling double shifts as Rolan’s and Lia’s mediator. The more time the three of them are on the road, the more his siblings are prone to argue. That just comes with the stress of being exiled from your home and dealing with food shortages and exhaustion. Both siblings have strong personalities and opinions on what matters (Rolan wants to ensure the safety of the three of them; Lia wants to ensure the safety of everyone), so if both have the energy, they’re going to argue. 
In the druid’s grove, the stress is at an all time high. Any day now, they could be turned out by the druids—who would effectively seal the grove off with the Rite of Thorns. And from there, who is to say that the goblins won’t attack? They might be small, but they have the numbers, the weapons, and control of the road. 
And if the goblins won’t get them, what else will they have to contend with?
First impressions are fleeting when you walk into the grove—Cal can’t get a good gauge on your character then.
Though he wasn’t terribly keen on Rolan and Lia arguing in front of everyone, he did appreciate that you diffused the situation… for the moment. 
And at the party? The first time he and his siblings allow themselves to relax, to forget the road ahead for the night, he starts to notice little things about you.
But just because he isn’t considering a relationship doesn’t mean he isn’t developing feelings—he just might not be paying them as much heed as he may if the situation were different.
Things that he might not usually observe with people—the way the corners of your eyes lift up when you smile, for example.
He most certainly likes hearing you laugh. He would like to hear you laugh more.
And when Rolan casts prestidigitation and lights the night sky, Cal finds his attention pulled away from the magic show to you. Your eyes are bright and you are set aglow.
And he finds you enchanting.
When you first walked into the grove, you carried yourself like any scrappy adventurer might. 
But at the party? Out of your fighting gear and not toting around a weapon? You’re… softer. Perhaps not quite as guarded as you would be on the road, waiting for some enemy to barrel out of the brush and attack you.
And he likes that.
And he starts to gravitate to you.
Though he doesn't think much of it, he will check in and see if you need your wine topped off or if you need something to eat. He figures he's looking out for you, perhaps thanking you for helping him and his family.
And you rather like how pleasant Cal is. He’s a breath of fresh air. Beyond getting to chat with you, getting to know you a bit better, he doesn’t seem to have any ulterior motives.
And you like talking to him. He seems to feel the same.
Rolan and Lia most definitely notice. And they will tease him relentlessly.
“You’re practically hanging off of every word they say, aren’t you? I don’t think you left their side for more than a few minutes tonight.”
And it's true. They're just stating the obvious. But they're teasing him. They seem to think he feels more than just friendly towards you.
He's torn between dismissing them out of pocket and considering what they have to say. Rolan and Lia may tease him, but they also have his best interests in mind. 
Because he really, really, likes when you look at him.
And when the two of you part ways for the evening, he does watch you walk away to join your companions.
He definitely lays awake that night replaying your interactions. He gets giddy over the ones that went well, and he cringes and curls in on himself over the moments where he was less than debonair.
While the tiefling refugees travel through the mountain pass, he daydreams about what it would be like if your traveling party and his didn't separate. What if you stayed with them?
How many more interactions could the two of you have had? 
He sees mountain flowers or a blue jay's feather, and he thinks about how, if you were traveling with them, he'd give those to you. He hopes that you would light up, but he would still get an idea of what you liked from your responses.
And then he thinks about how, at the end of the celebration, he said “until Baldur's Gate.” And he starts to think about how much he'd love to explore the city with you.
If you're from Baldur's Gate originally, maybe the two of you got to talking about some of your favorite places. You might have offered to show him around.
And you did suggest getting a pint or two at the Elfsong together. It's a nice enough place.
He makes a note to take you up on that offer.
The mountain pass is a long trek, but he doesn't really notice. His head is in the clouds.
Lia and Rolan tease him over how besotted he is, but it is nice to see him thinking about something other than survival.
And then they cross into the Shadow-Cursed Lands, and the cultists attack. Cal and Lia are separated from Rolan and taken to Moonrise.
Cal is mad at himself for indulging in those daydreams. Maybe he would have noticed the cultists sooner, had his mind been more present.
Every time he thinks about you in that dungeon, he does so with a twinge of shame. 
He doesn't go so far as to fantasize that you'll save him. The situation feels too hopeless. He and Lia mostly talk about Rolan and how they hope he didn't get hurt during the cultists’ ambush.
So when you walk down into the dungeon, traveling companions in tow, he's not sure if he believes his eyes.
Everything that happens next is a blur of activity. One moment, the cell Cal is in has a back wall. The next? It's gone and the path to freedom stretches out before him.
Between escaping the prison and getting onto the boat, he doesn't have the time to think.
When the Last Light Inn is in view, when you tell him Rolan is waiting for him and Lia, that is when everything snaps back into focus.
And when the Harpers check him for a tadpole and nothing happens, he breathes a sigh of relief.
Only for the tadpole to react to you when you approach.
And he panics.
You? You have one of those things in your skull? What does that mean for you? Does it hurt? Is it changing you?
You don't have all the answers either. And that makes matters worse.
He promises to do everything he can to find a cure… He isn't sure what he can do, but he has to do something.
And, once things have settled with Rolan and the inn quiets down for the night (or the closest semblance of night that there is in the Shadow-Cursed Lands) they talk.
Rolan promises to ask Lorroakan if Cal can read through the library in Ramazith's Tower. A wizard, of all people, should know something about ceremorphosis… right?
Should you talk to Cal before you leave for Moonrise again, he will urge you to fight against the tadpole—to not give in. He promises to help however he can, even if all he can manage is to patch your wounds.
And, so long as you are comfortable, he'll hug you. 
He doesn't want to let you go. For a moment, he doesn't think he can.
Because this amazing person, this individual who has saved his life twice and has reunited his family, well, they might die a gruesome death.
And that terrifies him.
But you survive the fight with Ketheric. And as you and your companions gather in Moonrise's throne room, Cal feels at ease. For the moment. 
And he is torn. He wishes that you would travel with them to the city, but he knows that a smaller group will move faster.
Should you speak with him after the battle, he will end your conversation the way he did at the celebration in Act 1.
“Until Baldur's Gate.”
And, should you be so inclined, you could leave him with a kiss on the cheek. He’ll smile bashfully.
“Well, I really hope that there will be more where that came from.”
When he and his siblings arrive in Rivington, they try to cross Wyrm’s Crossing together.
Only Rolan is allowed to pass through Wyrm’s Rock Fortress and into the lower city. He promises to send for them soon. They just need to hold tight and wait in the refugee camp.
But time passes and the communication from Rolan is sparse. So sparse that the two of them are beginning to panic. Rolan would never leave them in the lurch like this. Not unless something was truly wrong. They make plans. There must be other means of entering the city.
And, eventually, you and your companions arrive.
And you're alive. And he holds you close, feeling your heartbeat resonate in his chest.
But he's also frustrated. He hasn't managed to find anything that might cure your ceremorphosis. And now, he and Lia are asking you to look for Rolan. 
He asks you to be careful. He says he feels helpless because he can't cross into the city. 
And watching you head towards Wyrm’s Crossing has him gutted. You’ll likely end up walking into danger, but was he the one who sent you straight into it with his ask?
The days in the camp were miserable to begin with. No one is happy, and the people who live in Rivington are hostile to the refugees. Time drags on.
Cal now has three people to worry about—Rolan, Lia, and you.
Are you and Rolan alive? Did Rolan make it to his apprenticeship? Did you turn into a mind flayer?
And then, a few days later, Rolan sends a letter. 
He asks that Cal and Lia join him at Ramazith’s Tower. For good. They have a home now.
Cal and Lia pass by the Steel Watch and the Flaming Fist patrolling the crossing without incident.
And when they arrive at Ramazith's tower, they find their brother bruised and bloodied, but calm—relieved even.
And after the nerves of the road have settled, after they've cared for Rolan's injuries, and they are sitting in the tower’s study, Cal asks after you.
Rolan keeps the details vague, but he makes it perfectly clear that, were it not for you and your companions, the three of them wouldn't be sitting in that tower. No, if anything, Lorroakan wouldn't have lifted so much as a finger to help Cal and Lia pass into the city.
At this point, Rolan and Lia will gently tease Cal about his feelings for you.
“Well, they certainly know how to stick their nose into other people’s business, but they're tolerable enough. Invite them to dinner sometime.”
It isn't long before Cal is digging through the library, searching for books on Ceremorphosis.
Personally, I think he visits the Society of Brilliance per the suggestion of a shop patron.
And, when he gets there and the society sees how sincere Cal is, they introduce him to Omeluum.
These two hit it off, by the way.
Cal splits his work between reading through massive tomes and talking with Omeluum and Blurg.
He learns more about what it means to be a mind flayer. And he feels that, even if you were to transform, he’d want to be there to support you in whatever way he could.
And then, one day, as he is taking a break and cleaning the tower's study, you step through the portal.
He's speechless. He had realized back at Moonrise that his feelings for you extended beyond friendship, but to see you here? Now?
Rolan and Lia quietly excuse themselves while you two catch up.
You chat with him in the study, but eventually, Cal will ask for you to walk the balcony outside with him.
He is nervous. 
How does he begin to thank you for everything that you have done for him and his family? How does he begin to apologize for not finding a cure?
This interaction will end with Cal asking, “When all of this is said and done… Can I see you again? I'd… very much like to take you up on that pint. To celebrate.”
This interaction can end amicably or with a hug, but should you ask him, Cal will kiss you. He's careful, as if worried that one wrong move will ruin the moment. 
But, should you wish to continue the kiss, he lets himself melt into your embrace.
And, as he deepens the kiss, he'll hum softly, contentedly.
And, almost bashfully, he will mention that he'd love to show you his bedroom. He even offers for you to spend the night there. With him. Only if you want, of course.
The choice is yours.
He will say to you, either before you bid him farewell on the balcony (or as you are saying goodbye the following morning), “Please come back. Alive. I don't care if you've turned into a mind flayer or not. I just want you.”
But after Elturel's descent, where everyone prayed for the city to be returned to the material plane for life to then go back to normal (only for the Elturelian tieflings to promptly be exiled), he doesn't want to take a chance on things returning to normalcy after the Netherbrain is defeated.
So, before the final battle, the two of you get that pint at the Elfsong. And you talk for hours. 
It is entirely your call if the two of you end the evening by sharing a bed.
If you do, Cal holds you the entire night. He’s almost reluctant to let you go in the morning, because he is frightened that it might be the last time he sees you alive.
Should you and Cal share a kiss at any point in Act 3, he will appear in the grand hall before the final battle.
He jokes that Rolan has been practically obsessed with getting the Tower's cannon in working order. 
If you ask him for a good luck kiss, he will give you one. 
This kiss is urgent. Cal's eyes are squeezed shut as he presses his lips to yours. He is desperately trying to communicate all of his feelings to you in that one moment, and he knows his time is limited.
And then he pulls back with a shaky breath, resting his forehead against yours, his thumbs running down the line of your jaw.
“Come back, alright? I’ll be here, ready to patch you up. I… I love you."
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lucidpeech · 3 months
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against all odds, we all survived, together.
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wellen-katze · 5 months
Family runs through the magic - bg3 rolan,cal,lia comic
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ah, finally, I really wanted to draw something about the tiefling siblings.
headcanon that Rolan wanted to become a wizard to make Lia and Cal happy haha
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treasureplcnet · 5 months
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(lia voice) rolan you're 26. you should be at the pub
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catsharky · 8 months
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"It's just one bonus comic!" I say, "how many panels could it be, 4?"
I gotta stop lying to myself and pretending I'm capable of doing short follow up comics lmao. There'll be a part 3 to this eventually, it just won't be quite as quick as this one was
Part 1 • Next Part
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ilwolm · 2 months
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A happy ending, anyway
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skeptical-lynx · 3 months
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— We got you, brother.
Hands dragging Rolan down symbolize his fears and the threats he faces every day. He risks to succumb to this stance and let it swallow him. And he probably would have given up if not for his siblings who believe in him, who rely on him and who help him survive all the challenges
It’s my entry for Rolan competition on twt:
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lizah-aart · 1 month
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The tower has a new master so it's time to clean house! I'm sure NOTHING will go wrong by going full Fantasia on it.
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rolanpilled · 9 months
Facts about Rolan you might have missed, while you were busy saving the world
Spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3 below!
Here’s a collection of some Rolan facts you may have missed during your playthrough. (These are all from memory, so I will edit this later with sources and exact quotes.)
He is not related by blood to Cal and Lia - You can find this information by speaking with his corpse. All three of them consider each other family, but Rolan seems to hold some insecurities about his position with his siblings. In the same conversation, he mentions having “no one” when asked if he has family and that he identifies as “Rolan, just Rolan” - potentially implying that he’s been abandoned or rejected by his blood family, if they’re alive.
Cal considers Rolan an older brother - If Rolan dies during his rescue attempt in Act 2, Cal confesses that Rolan is his “older brother” and “the person he looks up to the most”.
Rolan loves organizing things - He has overhead dialogue with his siblings where he jokes about wanting an organized, color-coded sock drawer.
You can try to convince Rolan to leave his siblings behind at the grove - Try to convince him to leave Lia behind, and he will admit she’s a pain sometimes, but he could never leave her, not even for his prestigious apprenticeship.
Rolan’s diary changes depending on if his siblings live or die - Self-explanatory. He obviously becomes much more depressed and angry if you fail to save his siblings.
Rolan and his siblings have known each other since Cal was at least eight - They have overhead dialogue where Cal mentions that, when he was eight, Rolan once conjured a cat for him, only for him to find out it was made of fire.
It’s implied that Rolan, Cal, and Lia share a mother figure - If Lia dies, Cal has dialogue with Rolan about throwing a party in memorial for her, “like [they] did for mum”.
Rolan, Cal, and Lia have unique dialogue depending on which of them die - This is self-explanatory, but you can see most of the scenes here. He also appears to have unique dialogue coded in act 3 depending on if he’s angry with you or not (if you disrespected Cal and Lia’s memories by calling them Carl and Liam), but I haven’t been able to trigger it yet.
Lorroakan hates to admit it, but Rolan is more powerful than him - Speak with Lorroakan’s corpse after killing him and having Rolan side with you. He will begrudgingly admit that his apprentice is more powerful than him. Side note, it can be implied that Lorroakan never calls Rolan by his name, as he defaults to “tiefling” or “boy” in their few interactions.
If Rolan has a high enough initiative in the Lorroakan fight, he will use Thunderwave to shove Lorroakan off the tower. Peak revenge.
Some of Rolan’s spells have his name in front of them (Rolan’s Thunderwave, Rolan’s Mage Armor) - Some people have headcannoned this as meaning he had to learn magic by himself, therefore being a Sorcerer. Considering his clothes are a unique color combination for the Sorcerer robes, it raises more than a few questions
Rolan always carries Lorroakan’s letter on him - This one always makes me so sad, pointed out by @sadwizardlover. Throughout the game, the one thing Rolan always carries on his person is the written response from Lorroakan to his letter, posted below.
Lorroakan also beats Rolan up😭 He'll only admit this if Lorroakan's dead though
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That’s all! If anyone has any more to add to this list, shoot me an ask✨💞
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crocodiller · 5 months
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happy lil family
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steelsartcorner · 8 months
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These three are so important to me
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melonalemonade · 3 months
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“…and so he survived the dark and treacherous encounters of the shadowlands. The End.”
I think Rolan would be great at reading bedtime stories to his siblings…but he’d first need some convincing to do so 👁️
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artsandantlers · 9 months
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Rolan being annoyed loved by Cal and Lia.
I love Rolan so much, the fact that this man is not romanceable is a crime.
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antivanbrandy · 7 months
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i just think cal and lia would have waaaaay too much fun teasing a tav-crushing rolan
i wonder what they're having for dinner? i hope it's spaghetti 🤌
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slumpsnail · 2 months
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More tears?! Happy tears this time though :')
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catsharky · 3 months
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Well this took ages. I wanted to get one more page done for this but the next page has uh... 14 characters across the panels and I'm going to be away for 4 days. So a smaller update, but the next one shouldn't take almost 2 months.
Part 1 • Previous Part
Full page format under the cut as always:
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