#bandas left shoe
hi ❤
So that's where my shoe went..
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Strength | Banda Sunato
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Pairing: Banda Sunato x Fem!Reader
Author's note: Hi, my exams are not over yet haha, but I'll just drop this here for those interested.
I try to make it readable as a standalone fic but there is a part 1 and (part 2).
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: Weird relationship (it's Banda, a serial killer), Violence? (Still aib), potential spelling/grammar mistakes? And soft Banda idk, suggestive themes but no mature content
Summary: Banda Sunato takes his girl to the Jack of Hearts game and is impressed by her strength.
You were falling. A pit formed in your stomach from the suddden height difference you were experiencing and it left you wondering if this is what one of those attractions at the amusement park felt like. You only knew that people descibed it as moving down in the elevator and felt that this was indeed an accurate analogy.
You hadn’t willingly dropped youself off the edge of the building, but were trying to escape the other player who had tried to steal your key and you fiercly hoped Banda knew that as well. Well, you weren’t really in any danger anyway, you thought to yourself. Luck is always on your side, right?
And sure enough, your dress got caught by a street light hanging from the side of the building, which slowed down your fall. You threw a glance beneath you and sighed at the moment of impact. A convenient a trash container filled with soft trash bags allowed you to survive without a scratch again.
“Thanks”, you said out loud to no one in particular.
You looked around. Now the real issue is going to be trying to get out of the container and back into the building without touching the floor. Though you had faith in your unrealistic luck, you knew the rules of the game and were not going to test your luck either.
The main problem was that someone did take away the key that you had to find, meaning you had to find another one if you wanted to leave the premise alive again.
And just as you thought about it, a key fell into your lap. You couldn't help but laugh. Someone up there was really overdoing it huh. It's kind getting unfair at this point, you thought amusedly right before a rope dropped into your lap.
You looked up in surprise. “Sunato!” You happily exclaimed when you saw his head hanging out the window.
“There’s four minutes left, hurry up and tie it around your waist.”
“I knew I’d be fine,” was the first this that left your mouth when Banda pulled you inside through the window. His hands stayed in a firm grip around your wrist but he shrugged.
“I know. You wouldn’t leave me.” He stated in a whisper in your ear when he leaned in to undo the knot in the rope around your waist.
“Where did you get this new key from? Did you find it or steal it?” You couldn’t help but ask. He smiled. “Whichever makes you sleep better tonight.” He answered humorously, looking down on you. You swatted his chest with a frown.
“Not the old lady though, right?”
“No, that would upset you.” He reassured you.
You huffed and grabbed his hand. “You better know it.”
He lead you out the room the same way he got in. Across several chairs, a table, a matrass laying on the floor, a dead body that you recognised as the guy who stole your key, and then onto the handrail of the stairs to slide to the floor below.
You held your breath and pulled up your feet, careful to not let the strange synthetic material of the game-specific shoes go within an inch of the floor where you could see a sheen of red light of lasers.
You didn’t really know what this relationship was between you and Banda, you realised while walking away from the game venue in silence, still hand in hand with him. You were partners, as he called it. He’d made it pretty clear two months ago that you were to stay by his side because you were his. In return he kept his promise and introduced a variety of things to you. Lots of things happened in the past two months and despite everything, you stayed.
Even after getting the opportinity to leave when you were both taken to some warehouse by the brother of one of Banda’s victims in the real world. The unknown man had let you go after beating you up and ‘confirming’ that you were just Banda’s next victim. You’d played along, walking out with a relieved face and then came back with a gun. You weren’t planning on killing anyone, just wanted to scare them.
When Banda was released however, he had ripped the gun from your hands, turned you to face him to pull you into a kiss, and pulled the trigger. You’d been upset with him for a while and he'd sworn to you that he had only killed the guy for your sake.
Everything was for you. Killing the innocent lady because she was slowing everyone down, including you. Killing the two creepy men because he sensed that they made you uncomfortable. Killing the person that tried to stab him, not for attempted murder on him, because that person tried to take him away from you.
In a sick way, it made you feel safe and cared for. So of course you stayed. And though you weren’t sure of what your relationship with Banda was exactly, you were happy, you decided.
You were slumped half on top of him, your face in the crook of his neck. He had one arm wrapped around you while the other was drawing circles on your bare back. “Why is it so noisy outside?” you grumbled.
Gunshots? No, it's more... sparkly. After taking a moment to let your brain wake up as well, you sat up straight. “Is that firework?” You asked Banda, and glanced down at him to see that he was enjoying looking at your chest. You covered yourself with your arms and opened your mouth to repeat the question when he answered.
“Someone cleared the 10 of hearts game. They announced that the next stage of face cards will start at 12 noon tomorrow.” His eyes flickered across your face and he was pleased to note your excitement which matched his own.
You jumped up from the bed and ran to the window to admire the fireworks lighting up the sky. The view from this hightower apartment was perfect. “Sunato, do I get to pick the first game?” You asked and pleadingly looked at him.
He’d gotten up as well and was standing behind you, chest pressed to your back. “Which one interests you?” He asked before he dipped his head down to your neck to start a trail of kisses. His lips curled up in a smile when you responded.
“We could start with a jack of hearts.”
You slept until you heard loud bangs. This time it was gunshots for sure. Banda looked alert and you quickly slipped on a new unripped dress while Banda went to grab a knife from the kitchen. When you looked to your left, you saw a card move by. The king of spades?
You made the mistake of walking towards the window and looked out it. Before you could even register the enormous blimp moving past the building, you were met with a barrage of bullets.
Despite having closed your eyes, moved your arms in front of your face and having ducked, your eyes were stinging with pain.
Banda, who heard the gunshots, followed by your screams, ran in while avoiding bullets and grabbed you under your arms. He proceeded to practically drag you across the floor to another room.
Banda grabbed your face despite your whimpering. There was glass in your hair and you had gashes all over your face. Some were quite deep like the one across your eyelids with more pieces of glass stuck inside them. Blood was dripping from your wounds into your eyes.
He quickly scanned you up and down to check for bullet wounds andd when he found none, he shook his head in relief. He then chuckled. Despite everything, your dress was still spotless.
"My eyes feel like they're getting stabbed", you choked out.
Banda nodded, not that you'd be able to see it, and went to wipe your face clean as best as he could. The king of spades had stopped firing at the apartment. He probably moved on to find new targets.
Banda opened your eyes forcibly and saw that they were bloodshot. You jerked your head out of his grasp and clamped your eyes shut again.
The gash on your eyelid had reopened when you opened your eyes and blood started seeping into your eyes again.
"I'm going to wrap bandages around your head. Keep your eyes close." He instructed and you did as he told you. "It's going to be alright though, isn't it Sunato?" You asked, trying to get some reassurance.
"I'm not a doctor." He said. Well there goes faith.
Unbothered Banda continued. "We need to make way towards the jack of hearts venue. We'll be safe from the king of spades there."
You shook your head. "I can't see though, I'm going to be a bother." You felt him grasp your hand and he pulled you up.
"I promised you that you're safe with me. Trust me." He said. "This just makes things more interesting, alright?"
You thought about it for a moment. "Well if you put it like that," you laughed. "I guess you're right. It's a new experience for sure."
Banda sqeezed your hand in agreement and as if to say he was impressed by your ability to stay strong. Your hold onto his hand tightened as he lead you to the streets in the direction of the blimp wiith the jack of hearts card.
Even though you'd seen death before and weren't nearly as bothered by it as you should be, he found comfort in the fact that you couldn't see the scattered bodies across the street.
"Are we there?" you asked. The two of you had stopped walking. "What does it look like."
"It's a prison. This will make for an interesting game." He said and you could hear him smirk. Banda pulled you along. "Let's go."
The voice registered you two entering and started giving out instructions. Despite the bandages that covered your eyes, the phone was still able to go through with facial recognition.
With the collars in place, you and Banda moved up to the central area.
"Guess the suit on the back of your collar after each round." The voice explained and you whipped your head into Banda's direction. "I will try to open my eyes and tell you your suit." You immediately said to him.
"No". He immediately interjected. "It's going to be fine. You're a human lucky charm after all."
You nodded your head and listened to the rest of the explainations of the game. When it ended, people immediately started to group up and you were starting to get anxious again. How was Banda going to guess his suit correctly?
Just as you were stressing about it, a voice behind you interrupted your thought process.
"She can't tell you your suit so I'll tell you yours if you tell me mine."
You frowned and were about to ask him who he thinks he is for adressing Banda so directly and impolitely, but Banda spoke up before you could.
He let go of your hand and stepped forwards to what you guessed was the new guy. Though you disliked the guy's tone, you hoped Banda would accept his help as he needed someone to tell him his suit. You released your breath when he did.
Banda introduced you as his partner and the guy introduced himself as Matsushita. They told you your suit and started to tell eachother their suits.
"I'm going to get something to eat" you announced and put a few steps into a random direction when you realised you had no idea where you were walking to. It had been a while since you've been this helpless, you thought to yourself bitterly. So when Banda put his hand on your lower back to guide you, you snapped at him. Annoyed because it reminded you of your life before the borderlands. Always men in suits guiding you back inside the building, watching your every move.
"I'm sorry Sunato" you immediately apologized afterwards. "I wanna go on my own." You explained and he seeemed to understand. "Follow the wall to your left. Keep going straight." He simply replied. You nodded and walked off.
"These cookies are really good." You heard coming from beside you. You hadn't realised you sat down at a table next to someone else. You felt the stranger push a package of cookies in your hand.
"Thanks." You said, gratefully.
Thinking about it, you hadn't actually conversed with anyone in the past month except for Banda.
You nodded his way as a thank you and got up. Before you could leave the room, he called after you. "You should disinfect those wounds. Wash out your eyes and get rid of the glass. It's also better not to cover your eyes with a bandage, let it breathe." Chishiya didn't know why he said that. Maybe because you seemed familiar. He'd ponder about that one for a while.
You followed his advise and had Banda help you. It benefited you to walk around without bandages because you were able to discern light and dark.
When the hour passed, Banda walked you to a cell. "Sunato" you called to him. "See you in a moment." You felt a pat on your head in response.
"Well then, please state your suit."
You sighed relaxedly. You trusted Banda so this was easy for you. "Diamond."
For a second nothing happened and then the door behind you buzzed. You stepped back, stumbled over your own feet and fell the the floor. "Fuck" you whispered as you got up and hopped on your right leg while you clutched your left ankle.
The door behind you was ripped open. Before you could turn around and ask who it was, you felt Banda hold you. His heart was beating fast and you realised you must've worried him by not exiting immediately.
"I knew I'd be fine." You said and turned around to him. "You wouldn't leave me."
Banda grabbed you by your neck, pressed his lips against yours aggressively and pushed you against the wall, his other hand on the back of your head to brace the impact.
You reciprocated the kiss and wrapped your arms around him, while his moved and lifted your dress up. His hands roamed your body and finally settled on your sides, pressing himself against you.
Matsushita had seen Banda rush in your cell and was now patiently waiting outside for the both of you. He jumped at the sounds that came from inside, and when he looked through the small gap in the door which confirmed his suspicions, his eyes widened before immediately averting them and hurrying away.
'So they're partner-partners', he thought to himself, and he shook his head, trying to shake the image away.
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aboyshapeddog · 6 months
WIP ⚠️
Staci “No Survival Instincts” Pratt’s Night Out
Relationships: Staci Pratt/Jacob Seed
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Dom/Sub dynamic, Smut, Alchohol Use, NonCult Au, Jacob is a Creep, Rough S*x, BDSM, Bondage, Biting, Age Difference (duh), Knives, Toys
Spending his off nights in the local bar had become more of a routine than an outing. Less getting dressed up, more finding the cleanest shirt left in his hamper not too threadbare to wear in public. One beer into his solo pregame, after catching his reflection in the admittedly dirty mirror, it struck him. Staci Pratt was too young for this shit, to be throwing his night away like he’s got nothing better to do. 
So he straightened out, showered, spritzed on a little too much cologne, and combed back his hair so it curled neatly behind his ears. Tonight the very off-duty Deputy would allow himself a real night out; a night in some thigh hugging jeans, and an appropriately too tight t-shirt, even if it meant Joey spending half the time ribbing him for it. So, he was back on track to the Spread Eagle, but decidedly not to mope and nurse a glass whatever they had on tap for the next hour. 
It was dingy and dark when he arrived, the air had a permanent heaviness from smoke, and the smell of stale beer. The nostalgia almost let him disregard the way his shoes would stick to the floor in some areas, from the copious amounts of spilled drinks that found their way to the old wood. Joey had somehow convinced the Junior Deputy, and Sharky Boshaw to come out with her for a night of real partying, perfect. Staci was three drinks in before he agreed to some old fashioned two stepping with his fellow deputies, four before the banda music started sounding like a personal call to action, and five before right now; feeling the rhythm beating in his chest, Staci attempted some kind of lasso move with the just as inebriated Deputy Hudson- then boom.
They were both slingshotted in opposite directions with enough momentum to send Joey into the loving drink-filled embraces of Rook and Sharky, and Staci into- Huh, that wall he bumped into was interestingly placed . . . and moving, oh man. Even swaying on his feet, Staci did his best to reflect the character of the friendly neighborhood Deputy, “Oh I’m real sorry, Sir I did not see you there”, his face was hot from the drinks and embarrassment, his drawl becoming much more pronounced with each.
This was new, there weren’t many people in the county that Officer Pratt wouldn’t immediately recognize, it just came with the territory of living and working in such a secluded area, and here was this big, big, man, fiery hair, thick beard to match, and ice cold eyes, this was a face he would’ve remembered. The Deputy lifted his hands in a no-harm-done gesture, drinking in the sight of the massive man now looming above him, who didn’t seem to react. The stranger stood still, looking the younger man up and down very slowly, before grunting an acknowledgement. Staci blinked a few times, deciding the interaction had indeed ended, turning back to his party. “Jesus Stace, next rodeo they’re hosting I’ll have to tell them to forget the bull and just call you.” Joey snickered, egging a round of laughter from the group. “Oh ha ha, Joey. While you’re on the phone, why don’t you call up Whitehorse and report the illegal construction of the Splash Zone you’re cultivating over here." The tense energy of the situation seemed to evaporate immediately, each of them feeding off the other’s excitement.
Alright, not gonna ruin his night! Well, it wouldn’t have if he wasn’t so damn clumsy. It had been close to another hour before Staci made the mistake of running into the stranger again, almost literally. A bit too much commitment to a save in the alcohol fueled “Hope County Sheriff’s Department Ping Pong Tournament” (with celeb serves from Sharky) sent him stumbling straight into the same guy as before, was this karma? 
Time seemed to move a second faster than his brain could catch up with. The man grabbed him by his shirt collar, large hot hands closing their distance fast, “Are you looking for a fight, kid?” he growled and it showed his sharp white teeth. For a second neither moved a muscle, piercing blue eyes locking on to his own; Staci could feel the other man's breath on his face, smell the alcohol, his cologne, and skin. Their noses could have touched, and the closeness made him shiver. Joey immediately made a move to step in, always the protector, before Staci waved her off with a quick nod and a sheepish smile. His heart was beating out of his chest, “No Sir, listen I’m real sorry about that-” he was interrupted “Yeah, you said that.” The man’s previously full whisky glass had found itself empty, dispersed between the bartop and his freshly soaked t-shirt. “Hey listen I don’t mean any trouble, really.” Staci reasoned, offering a charming grin as he pressed both hands to the man's wide chest for leverage. “You seem like a, uh, reasonable man. My place is five minutes from here, how about we grab you a new shirt, and-and I'll grab you another drink alright? Sounds square to me.”
The larger man considered it for a moment, visibly relaxing and releasing his hold, “Yeah. Alright.” he grunted. Thank God for small favors, and of course work mandated de-escalation training. Staci smiled again, this time with genuine ease “Alright alright, my cars on this side of the lot, Mr. . .” he paused, turning around to look at his soon to be house guest as he led them both to the door. “Jacob.” he said curtly, “And you’re not driving, even if you weren’t tripping over your own ass just a second ago.” Ouch. He scoffed “Well, we might as well walk then, I just saw you with a drink in your hand just a minute ago, didn’t I?”. Jacob was just as quick on his feet, “Well Columbo, due to some unforeseen circumstances I didn’t really get to drink it.” Oh. Right. Staci was red again.
The Deputy waved quickly and gestured toward the door for Rook, who gave him a comically serious salute, and went right back to riling up Hudson and Boshaw with more trash talk. Joey’s voice echoed through the bar as the two strangers made it through the door “You take that back you son of a bitch or this paddle’s going right up your-” They’d probably be going home together tonight.
 Staci had sobered up a little by now, thanks to the glasses of water Hudson had practically force fed him throughout their game, and the icy night air outside the bar. “Alright big guy, looks like you’re driving. I’ll just direct you, it's not too far down the main road.” Staci could see his breath when he talked. “Good.” Staci turned to look at the man- turned to look at Jacob and found his gaze already met, those shiny white teeth on display again. Something twisted warmly in his stomach, he smiled back and let out a short uneasy laugh. The Deputy couldn't help but feel like he caught a fox about to sneak into the hen house, “Yeah. Good, alright”.
 It was a short drive, but between the passing beams of headlights Staci still had enough time to think about how stupid it was to give big, violent, strangers armed with 6-inch hunting knives your home address. “Yeah and just a right down here.” Oh well. His house looked smaller from the windshield of the truck, glowing under the headlights’ beam like a beacon in the surrounding woods. “Here we are.” Staci chirped, hopping down and out of the vehicle. He took a few seconds with his keys, practiced hands maneuvering around his loaded key ring like a pianist. “Home sweet home” Staci said more to himself than his guest, “I wasn’t really expecting company so it’s uh- well it is what it is.” 
Jacob allowed himself to be silently herded through the entryway to the kitchen, taking in the organized chaos. “You’re welcome to anything in the fridge, drinks, um yeah. I’ll be right back with something that’ll fit you.” The host excused himself politely. He rummaged through his drawers as quickly as possible, he thought of Jacob’s curled arm holding him in place, his shoulders, biceps, everything were huge . . . Not exactly the point Staci back on track, what did he have with such forgiving sleeves? He walked out of his bedroom talking, “Sir or uh, Jacob, I hope you’re alright with this. I don’t think I’ve got much in your size.” His voice trailed off as he re-entered the kitchen, eyes landing on two faux crystal glasses sitting on the countertop and his cheap bottle of bourbon next to them. 
He didn’t have a minute to consider the offer before Jacob was removing his shirt; light cotton stretching over taut muscles and skin. Staci short-circuited. “Wa- hold on a minute-”, his pleas fell on deaf ears. He watched as the red-head finished removing his still damp t-shirt, and reached out for the fresh one; which Staci could have handed over if he wasn’t occupied charting the map of the other man’s torso. “See something you like?” Jacob teased sarcastically, but he was right. “I get it, most people haven’t seen scars this big before.” the older man reasoned, pulling a tight top from the Deputy’s loose grasp and over his chest. Staci stumbled to close his mouth and find his words again. “No. I mean, Ye- I don't mean, uh, I’m sorry it’s not polite to stare, you're just ripped.” Fuck his big mouth, he couldn’t play it casual if his life depended on it. There was a beat of silence and Staci contemplated leaving his own house out of embarrassment. Staci took a breath, “What I mean is-” Jacob interrupted him again, thank God “What you mean is, you invited me under false pretenses, Deputy.” Yes. Wait, No. What? “That’s alright sweetheart, you’re a pretty little thing I’m not bothered by it.” Jacob reasoned.
“Sidling up to me at the bar, inviting me back to yours to get my wet clothes off, I should’ve seen right through that good samaritan schtick.” The stranger needled at Pratt, watching him get more flustered with every word, he didn’t even remember telling this guy he was a deputy. “Now you hold on a minute, I was just trying to-” Jacob was right in his space again, looming over him, filling all of his senses, it made him shy under the scrutiny. “I just wanted to make up for giving you a hard time at the bar.” he said, creating just enough space between them to get a good look at Jacob, “Not that I’d mind sharing a drink with you.”. They were still close, barely a foot between them, the sound of each other's breaths becoming the loudest thing in the small house. 
The scent of Jacob’s cologne felt more intoxicating than anything Staci had sampled earlier, he stepped closer. “And uh, I’m a pretty little thing?” Staci preened a little under the praise that had been doted on him. “Oh sure.” Jacob took Staci’s chin in his hand, “Well, when you’re not spilling a drink on me, you’re so sweet you make sugar taste like salt.” Staci scoffed at that, and went to turn his head away. Jacob’s grip tightened slightly, holding Staci where he was, holding their eyes on one another’s, Staci let him. “Tell me, Is a drink all you wouldn’t mind sharing with me?” Jacob’s voice was so low in his throat it could’ve been a growl, and Staci’s body reacted like it was one; starting at the nape of his neck, every little hair oh him came to stand on end.
The younger man’s cheeks flushed, now he was trying to think of a single reason he should say no. In the place of an answer, Staci leaned in slowly, studying Jacob’s face some more before pressing a soft plush kiss to his lips. Then another, and another, slightly parting his lips as he moved to the corner of Jacob’s mouth. The older man stood still, staring down at Staci as he moved from peppering soft kisses to his cheek to his knuckles, then the inside of the palm of the hand that had just been pressed under his chin. Jacob struck then, like a viper; in one fluid motion removing his hand from Staci’s, and squeezing his cheeks between his thumb, middle, and index fingers.
Then, as quickly as Staci recognized their change of pace, he felt a hot tongue lick across his open mouth. “dios mio” he breathed. Jacob had already pulled back, admiring Staci’s flushed pink face and wet lips. He gripped the younger man tighter, “Is this what you want, I don’t play gentle, kid.” Staci felt faint, like he was falling under hypnosis “uh, y-yeah.” His heart pounded in his chest. “Good.”
Jacob was on him like a wild animal, biting into kisses, sucking his tongue, and the air from his lungs. Staci gripped Jacob’s (actually his own) t-shirt to keep him steady, nearly losing his balance as he was ravaged by the larger man before him.
His trance was only broken as Jacob pulled his wet lips away to focus on unbuckling his belt from his pants; as Jacob leaned back he watch a strand of saliva connecting their mouths snap in the air, it made him dizzy. Staci’s eagerness forced him to reach down to help undo the belt; his hands were batted away just as fast, and he was turned around. “I’m in charge, you wait.” Jacob’s voice brooked no argument.
So Staci had none when the belt made its way around his wrists, or when he was lovingly hostage walked down the hall to his bedroom with Jacob breathing down his neck.
“Bend Over.” the older man commanded, placidly, like he was saying ‘Hello’. Staci felt himself being pushed into position on his bed anyways, like a dog learning a command by force. With a firm hand Jacob then yanked down the deputy’s tight jeans, revealing lacy pink panties. “Oh, Staci. They must’ve sent you from heaven.” Jacob sighed, sliding a finger under the lace lined elastic and pulling it back to snap it against the skin, then moving to caress his ass like it was the world in his hands. “Ya know, kid,” Jacob started, groping the younger man as he spoke “I’m a little surprised you’d let a stranger tie you up like this.” His large hands moved around Staci’s waist, smoothing over the soft skin there and settling just above the brunette’s hips. “A big, mean, stranger.” The red head pulled the hips in his hands flush against his own, hard, smiling as Staci’s muscles flexed beneath him. The smaller man could no doubt feel the sizable bulge pressed between his cheeks. “I could do anything to you.” He growled.
The words processed in Staci’s mind a moment later, lost in the sensations, there was that hot, uneasy, feeling again. “Oh- oh yeah, and what are you gonna to do to me?” he asked, shifting his hips backwards against the larger man, and Jacob seemed to consider.
The silence hung heavy in the air between them, Staci waiting waiting waiting, listening to the rustling of clothes behind him. Then the skin of teeth pressing gently to the back of his neck, his body jerked at the contact, Jacob blew out a laugh. “I’m gonna..” a kiss was pressed to his neck, “Huff” kiss “And puff” kiss “And blow your house down.” Staci squirmed as the hot breath condensed on his neck, and belly laughed. “What the fuck man, you are so weird.” Jacob rumbled a laugh behind him, but when he tried to turn around, his head was pressed back into the mattress.
Jacob’s rough hands spread his legs, squeezing the bulge in his panties. Staci’s legs folded beneath him, moaning at the contact, God it had been a while. Luckily Jacob was holding him steady, moving to smooth the heel of his palm down over the expanse of Staci’s back. “But first.” Staci’s ears perked up at the sound of his voice, “I’m gonna eat you alive.” This guy was such a creep. Jacob rolled him over then, Staci’s brows were knitted but a smile sat lazily on his face.
Jacob held his eye contact, slowly kneeling in front of the smaller man, and slotting his bearded face between muscular thighs. He kissed there too, hot and open mouthed to Staci’s clothed dick, then chaste and delicate, focusing entirely on the smooth skin of his inner thighs. He covered them in hard sucking kisses, nips, then bites, and licks to soothe them over. Staci’s legs spasmed, pink and purple bruises blooming on the sensitive skin while all he could do was pant, whine, and shift his weight so he wasn’t crushing his own fingers. “Fuck Jacob” he panted, and bit his lips closed, embarrassed by how needy he sounded.
The older man didn’t seem to mind, taking some pity and pulling out his massive hunting knife. He caught Staci’s eye as he sliced through the thin fabric of his panties in one motion, exposing him to the cool air of the bedroom. Pratt panted harder, heart racing, and cock jumping as Jacob ran the cool flat end of the knife from his base to his tip. The reflective silver glinted in the moonlight, entrancing the deputy in the same manner as Jacob’s blue eyes and shiny white canines.
Jacob hummed, sliding the knife back into its sheath and taking one hand to slide Staci’s shirt up, his skin rough against the deputy’s soft belly. Then back down, slowly, slowly, to the tip of his cock. Jacob pressed two fingers against the wet head, hooking a thumb around him and rubbing hard over the precum forming delicate pearls on the tip. Staci keened loud, cutting himself off with a gasp, when Jacob gave a wet kiss to his member. Then he licked slowly up the length to suck on the tip, hard. “Jesus Christ, Jacob.” Staci allowed his head to fall back and mouth open, desperate noises flowing out of him with every movement. The larger man bobbed up and down, sucking and swallowing all the way. “Oh God.” Staci whined high in his throat, straining to lean upwards and watch Jacob as he worked. Jacob was the same, he drank in every twitchy noise, every shift of his hips for more, more. He fed on the helplessness of it, poor thing stuck on his back with tied hands, then he pulled off of Staci’s cock.
“You got any lube?” he asked, voice rough with wanting and use. “Uh- yeah yeah.” Staci stuttered out, breathing heavy and trying again to sit up before settling on his back, “It’s um, I have some on the nightstand over there.” He directed with his head. Jacob lumbered out of view, and the deputy craned his neck for a moment trying to keep him in a line of sight, before deciding he could wait. “You have any dildos?” Jacob asked, again rough, but almost deadpan like it was the most mundane question he’d asked all night. “Yeah, yes.” Staci paused, feeling exposed, embarrassed, and still achingly hard; now red and spit wet against his own stomach. “Uh it’s in the top left drawer of the dresser, but uh-” then Jacob was rustling through his drawers.
The older man let out a low whistle, holding up another pair of panties, even skimpier than the last; Staci hid his face in his shoulder, “Very nice, Staci.” Jacob mumbled to himself, bringing his spoils back to the edge of the bed. The larger man pumped some lubricant into his hand, warming it between his fingers, before inserting two. Staci moaned, arching his back off the bed, and spreading his pink bitten legs wide to accommodate the intrusion of such big fingers. “Fuck.” He sighed again, trying to relax himself into the slow rhythm of his partners fingers, as they sunk deeper knuckle by knuckle. After adjusting, the deputy began to slowly push back on the other man’s hand, forcing his thick fingers to rock deeper in and out of himself with every thrust. “Atta Boy” Jacob whispered, and Staci almost lost it in the obscene sounds of his generously lubricated fingers squelching in and out of his hole. “Please God, Jake-uh just fuck me.” Jacob moved slowly, twisting and curling his fingers in the tight heat, monitoring Staci’s every twitch and movement. He hummed “Whatever you say sweetheart.” Finally, pulling out his fingers and wiping them on Staci’s tender thighs.
The older man admired the sight in front of him as he lubed up Staci’s dildo “A little small isn’t it?” He asked. “N-not really?” Staci mumbled; if this was small what was he packing? It was a similar length to his own dick, matte black, thinner, but it got the job done. “Hm.” Jacob grunted, lining up with Staci’s hole and fucking him slowly, first pushing in through tight twitching muscle all the way to the hilt, and pulling out until just the tip was covered. “Look at you.” Jacob praised; free hand rubbing up and down Staci’s chest, massaging his exposed skin, and moving down to his neglected dick. He pumped both at once, building a rhythm and picking up speed as he slid up and down the deputy’s cock and twisted in and out of his ass. Staci’s body was singing, hips stuttering, and arms flexing tight against their bonds. “Please, Jay. Can you. Dios Mio. Faster.” Staci’s breaths were heaving, his stomach and hips moved involuntarily, contracting and relaxing, as he tried to piece together a sentence. “Hmm.” Jacob feigned consideration, furrowing his eyebrows as he continued to work Staci like he was weighing the pros and cons of some arduous dilemma, before clicking his tongue in a sort of tsk. “I don’t think so, Staci. l like the look of you like this veeery much.” He smiled. Bastard. Staci was layed out on his back; arms restricted and flexing under his flush and glistening body, writhing under Jacob’s every touch, it crossed his mind only then that that edge was exactly what Jacob wanted, it was torture. Jacob, equally sweaty; devoured every moment like a three course meal, eyes dark and hungry, thick veins protruding from his fingers to his elbows, straining under the perpetual motion. He kept Staci on the edge like that, so much stimulation, so much blinding pleasure but just enough to keep him on the precipice.
It felt like an eternity before Jacob pulled the dildo out of him again, running a rough thumb over his wet, gaping, hole. It made his body go limp. “Yeah you look ready for it. You’re ready for it aren’t you sweetheart?” Staci whimpered in response, he felt so tender everywhere, like he’d already cum and this man was just using his over sensitive body. Jacob continued to thumb his hole roughly, slipping in and out just to watch Staci swallow him up, and the younger man flex and twitch on his fingers. His other hand, unzipped and pulled himself out of his jeans, throbbing. He was still fully dressed down to his boots, and Staci’s t shirt, it was a lovely juxtaposition in his opinion. The larger man sucked in air through his teeth as he worked the cool lubricant up and down his hot cock.
“Now you’re gonna help me take care of this aren’t you, Peaches? .” Jacob prefaced his movements, and Staci nodded feverishly in agreement like he could do anything else at this point, but take exactly what he was given. Then his cock was flattened against his stomach, and legs pressed together and positioned against Jacob’s shoulder. The older man rubbed appreciatively down the length of his tanned legs, caressing his hands down the sides of the deputy’s thighs, and hooking them around his hips to position his body right over the edge of the bed.
Jacob lined himself up and slipped his head in with ease; Staci blew out a shaky breath through his teeth, even with the excessive prep Jacob was much larger than his dildo. He didn’t waste any time, pushing himself deeper and deeper until Staci was completely full, and then until their hips connected. “Fuck Jacob. You’re- hmm so big.” Staci babbled, he could feel the stretch inside himself, it burned and curled hot in his stomach. Jacob moved slow again at first, watching for Staci’s expressions as he moved minutely in and out, catching when his eyes seemed to go blank and he’d let out a brainless “Uhnn.” That was it. “That’s right Staci, just like that.” He picked up his pace, fucking harder and faster, rutting into Staci’s tight heat and stimulating his prostate. The younger man’s legs shook, even from where Jacob had them pinned, he knew exactly what he was doing. “Jake-Jacob I’m uhn.” He couldn’t take it, Jacob kept his pace, hitting that same sweet spot as Staci drooled onto his bedsheets. “Mierda. I’m gonna-” Jacob fucked his fist fast on Staci’s neglected dripping cock, “Good boy. That’s it, cum for me.” And it was instant, shooting sticky ropes over stomach and chest, coating Jacob’s fingers and the bottom of his t shirt. The older man milked every drop out of him, squeezing slowly from base to tip over and over as Staci begged for reprieve. “Oh God. It’s too much. Please it’s-uhn.” The last spurts coated them both, and Staci layed back boneless, still twitching with aftershocks.
“Sorry Darlin’ you’re not done yet.” Jacob almost sounded apologetic and he continued to fuck deep into the deputy’s used hole, stretching Pratt’s limp body wide over his thick cock like a sex doll. Every thrust pushed an abused whine out of Staci, still nailing his prostate and overstimulating his wrecked hole. Jacob pressed a delicate kiss to Staci’s calf on his shoulder, as he rolled his hips in to thrust deeper, another quiet apology. Then the older man was sliding one large hand up his chest, pushing his cum stained t shirt up with it to expose his heaving bust.
Jacob groped him while he fucked, wetting fingertips with his tongue to pinch his hard nipples. “Jacob, Please.” Staci begged, he didn’t know what he was begging for. “Oh honey, I told you I play rough. This too rough for you?” Jacob tutted condescendingly, before picking up his speed, and gripping both of the deputy’s hips. “Fuck you’re so tight. God damn.” He sighed between grunts. The wet slapping of their bodies and the deputy’s high moans grew louder and louder, Staci was worried his neighbors might hear. As if hearing his concerns, Jacob spoke up again, “Don’t worry, you’re almost- hmm finished. Now where-“ Jacob had to pause his chatter to catch his breath, pistoning in and out of the younger man like a machine, “Where do you want it.” It took Staci a second to comprehend the question. It was such a dirty question; dirty like a man tying you up and fucking you with a dildo, dirty like cumming from a stranger calling you a good boy.
“Cum in me, please.” So dirty. He sounded like a chick in a porno, but he couldn’t help it, he wanted Jacob to fuck him full of it. It had the same effect on his partner, his brows furrowing and eyes falling shut, moaning and grunting loud with every thrust. “Fucking cum in you.” Jacob whispered to himself half in disbelief, “Fuck. Yeah, yeah I’m gonna breed your little hole like I own you.” Staci’s cock jumped again, standing up to half mast between them and Jacob’s fist was around it like lightening. “Is that what you want, hmm?” Staci didn’t know what he was asking but he wanted it all. He nodded fast, biting his lips to quiet himself. The deputy could barely think straight, brain fuzzing around the edges.
“Yeah of course you do, you’re fucking perfect. Perfect, taking all that for me. Such a Good Boy for me huh?” Jacob lathered him in praises, grunting louder between every phrase, kissing up and down the deputy’s pointed legs. Staci whimpered every breath away. “So. Fuck-“ Jacob’s breathing became shallower, hips falling out of rhythm, “So fucking tight.” He moaned leaning over Staci, practically folding him in half. His thrusts became shallower as well, only pulling out enough to ram his tip against the deputy’s most sensitive nerves. Then “Fuck.” Staci’s hips were in a vice grip, bruising purple thumbprints into his tender flesh as he was held, Jacob as deep in him as possible. The older man’s mouth hung open, eyes closed as his cock twitched, spurting load after load of white hot semen inside of Staci.
They stayed there for a minute, Jacob balls deep and panting heavily onto Staci, before slowly, slowly pulling out to the tip. His cum dripped out with every inch, glazing Staci’s thighs as he finally popped out completely. The deputy whimpered at the loss, already aching and sore. “Shit, kid.” Jacob sighed, unceremoniously wiping himself and tucking himself back into his jeans. When he looked again, Staci’s brows were still furrowed. His stomach was tight and cock once again flush. “Greedy little thing aren’t you?” Jacob chastised, “That’s alright, I’ve got you.” Staci didn’t even want to think about it, so used and over sensitive, if he could even cum again. Jacob didn’t seem to think of it as a question. He moved onto the bed behind the younger man, sitting him up and untying the belt from his tender arms; Jacob smiled to himself, admiring his handiwork, that was gonna leave a mark.
Staci’s relaxation was palpable, he groaned with appreciation, flexing his arms and wrists, and leaving backwards as Jacob supported his weight. “I’ve got you.” He repeated as he hooked his arms under Staci’s and went right for his cock. One hand held his freshly bruised thighs open, and the other pumped and twisted over the head, savoring the wet sounds it produced sliding through his fist. Staci’s moans were music to his ears, loud now, not caring about neighbors or dignity; Staci cried out in wanton, whiny, needy bursts, overtaken by the sensations, he could still feel Jacob dripping out of his hole. It didn’t take long to get him to the edge again, hips stuttering and jerking into Jacob’s fist, mouth hanging open near silently as the Staci hid his face in the older man’s neck. Then “Oh fuck fuck fuck.” He was shaking, shooting all over Jacob’s fist again, fucking through it as he lost control.
Jacob wiped his fingers on his (actually Staci’s) shirt, taking it off and cleaning down Staci’s stomach, and delicately down his cock. Jacob got up then, laying his partner down carefully as he made his way to the edge of the bed. He rubbed the cotton over Staci’s hole, gently again, then pushing down on the deputy’s stomach and forcing the semen inside of him to squirt out. Staci whined and covered his face, and Jacob wiped up the rest; staying another moment between his kiss bruised, cum shiny, thighs.
“Fucking- take a picture it’ll last longer.” Staci quipped, half annoyed and half turned on by this man’s odd infatuation with every part of him, “Can I?” Jacob asked, ignoring the joking tone, admiring the view. “Wh- fuck no.” Staci closed his legs, fully embarrassed, drawing himself up and pulling his rumpled t shirt back into place. The older man smiled up at him, “Fair enough.” He walked closer to where Staci’s head lay, breathing deeply and leaning down to hold the younger man’s chin “Ya know you’re really cute when you’re angry.” Staci’s eyes could’ve rolled out of his head, tearing his face away to push himself up out of his prone position, fuck he was sore. “Yeah yeah, I’m a catch all around. Where did you put my jeans.” Jacob laughed at that, finding the crumpled up denim hidden in a corner on the floor.
Jacob grabbed them and held them out to Staci, who stood up to meet him. When Staci grabbed ahold of them, the larger man yanked the crumpled fabric to his side closing their distance. “You sound pretty cocky kid, you wouldn’t be ready for a round 3 would you?” his voice was a low growl again, it made Staci flush all over. He could barely stand as it was, he felt himself shrink a little in shame, running a hand through his tussled hair, and leaning down to pull his jeans up “Uh no-not tonight, I don’t think.” Jacob laughed then, a belly laugh, and it embarrassed Staci further knowing it was a joke. “Well” Jacob smiled that smile that twisted his insides “I’ll just have to have you another night.” Staci tried not to let it shake his confidence this time, leading his guest back to the kitchen with pride like the guy hadn’t had him begging and drooling over himself minutes ago. “I guess you will.”
As they made it to the entrance, Jacob loomed over him, taking up the doorway. “How about your number so we can do this again?” Staci couldn’t help but feel charmed by him. “Sure.” He said, reaching for his phone and typing his number in a bit too fast to appear nonchalant. Then setting his first name to ‘Staci Pratt <3’ and his last to ‘Bar’. “Now you’re not trying to pawn me off with a wrong number here, are you?” Jacob teased. Staci pushed him out the door smiling, “Hell no. Now would you get to your damn truck, or do you need a chaperone?” Jacob smiled too, looking Staci up and down “I might.” God this guy. Staci grabbed his hand and walked him up to the truck, butterflies curled in his stomach and he felt like a schoolgirl, letting go as they got to the drivers side door “Goodnight Jacob.” he sing songed, and he felt a hand on slide up his shoulder. Jacob was mapping his face with his eyes, landing over and over on his lips, Staci did the same. Jacob leaned down then and kissed him, pulling him close and taking his breath away; then pulling away, leaving him reeling, and panting in the driveway. “Goodnight Staci.” GOD this guy.
Staci watched the truck pull away, bewitched. He carried himself back to his home, getting undressed once again, tidying up and taking a quick hot shower, too exhausted to preform any other steps of a nighttime routine. Staci curled up in his sheets, incredibly sore, and ready to feel worse the next day, when his phone buzzed.
Made it home. I may have a few things of yours.
(a photo attachment of his stained t shirt Jacob had borrowed laying out on a bed, and another of his panties hanging from Jacob’s fingers)
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
you stole my underwear ??
They must have slipped into my pocket. They’re very pretty, Staci.
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
i’m free this friday if you want to bring them back
It’s a date.
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ticecapelo · 1 year
Diamonds and Spades | CHISHIYA X READER
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Type: Chishiya x Reader
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Innuendo, Inappropriate Language. English is not my first language, please be patient.
Summary: This man is definitely a Diamonds player. Chishiya is as manipulative as he is smart. Or maybe he's smart because he's manipulative, but who cares? Lovelie is an excellent Spade player, but only violent with her tongue. The kind Chishiya hates the most, goodie, that she turns the other cheek and raises her hand to help God and the world. Two different personalities, but are they as different as they think they are? Perhaps both of you are willing to try out a different character type? This story is a big maybe. !!!Season Two Spoilers!!!
Author's Notes: This was my delirium while I was dreaming about Chishiya at dawn, I hope you enjoy it. All chapters have a theme song, so if you pay attention you can understand the characters' personalities more if you pay attention to the lyrics of the songs, especially the lyrics that I show you.
Don't be surprised by the protagonist's name, I was on Tiktok when I saw a video with the theme "Names of African origin and their meanings" And Lovelie was the best match for my heroine.
I saw you from afar
And I didn't even realize how similar I am to you
I heard your name
And something inside me said I should meet you
So I got closer, but when you looked at me
Words got away and all I could do was say hi
Little did I know that was all you needed to hear
Hear from me
Because the rest you did, you remade me
Instantly, I fell in love with you
ME REFEZ • Priscilla Alcantara
Diamonds and Spades 1 | Instantly...
Chishiya watched the players one by one, reading each one, watching, listing, learning.
— This is a Game of Hearts, it's the kind that plays with people's feelings — Arisu's voice came to mind as he went over the rules trying to discover some more tricks, besides the most obvious ones: Playing Players against each other.
Luckily for Chishiya, he already had a partner he could trust, however, the duo between the shy and the serial killer was a novelty that left him perplexed. Maybe it's the Banda? No, this game wouldn't be that easy...
His eyes roamed between the formed group and the other duos who preferred to stay away from the majority, however, there was something even more peculiar, a loner who preferred to trust random people than actually ally with someone.
At first he thought it was extremely overzealous and stupid care.
She's going to die for sure — That's what he thought when he saw that attitude in the first 3 rounds.
But after the 7th round he finally saw a pattern in her behavior, in addition to avoiding the group formed in the game, she asked different people more than once, when they were accompanied by 1 or no person.
So she's choosing for the majority? He's playing with the odds, maybe. Or maybe, she's just really playing with her luck... Who knows?
Perhaps she is the Jack of Hearts, which explains why she prefers to be alone. No, the Knave would not expose himself so easily, many lied to her because they suspected her preference for solitude, but she still won every game.
But if that's the case, she has a certain knack for manipulation, unlike the other girl who formed the group and poisoned him from the inside out, she did have a true purity, a kindness. She could tell when someone ventured to ask her to look at her suit, after being suspicious of her friends. She hasn't lied once.
She was someone who really stood out, literally. Maybe she was American?
Her body was much thinner than the beauty standard required in Japan, to the point that her breasts were almost non-existent under the black dungarees and white dress blouse. Her hips were wider than the standard Japanese body, her skin was dark, her eyes brown, her hair full and curly. Chishiya thought she was taller, but it didn't take her long to notice the platform shoes. She must have been around 1.63. The shoes gave him an extra inch.
At the beginning of the game, a lady in the cafeteria even asked to touch the girl's hair, which she allowed with a smile on her face despite the clear discomfort in her eyes. That's when he discovered her name: Lovelie.
Lovelie took the same crackers and snacks every time, one of the most unusual things Chishiya saw her take was a bottle of lemon flavored soda which when it reached her lips she spit out what was in her mouth and coughed up what went down her throat.
At one specific moment, Chishiya was sure he saw her trying to hide her tears after a man died. He had asked her to look at his suit, and she had given him the right answer, yet he died, which means someone tricked him.
Every time Lovelie left her office, almost like a ceremony, she would stand in front of her banker for a full minute, as if she were meditating.
When there were only 6 people playing, Chishiya had no choice but to appeal to Matsushita and Kotoko.
Matsushita lied, Kotoko didn't say anything, Yaba and Banda are not an option. So the doctor's only way would be...
— Your name is Lovelie, right? — Lovelie, your last hope.
When she turned around, after picking up another bottle of water and a package of snacks, Lovelie came face to face with Shuntaro, the sudden approach made her move away as soon as she noticed his presence.
— Yes — Taking three steps back, she kept a safe distance.
— Hi, I'm Chishiya — He raised his hand towards the girl with his usual indifferent smile.
Despite not being a fan of that kind of approach, Shuntaro felt that if he wanted to have any chance of getting the foreigner's help, he would need a much more delicate plan.
— Could you look at my suit? I asked Matsushita, but I don't know if I can trust you. Would you do this favor for me? I swear I'm looking at yours, and I'm not going to lie — Lovelie watched him for a while with an expression that was new to Chishiya, one he hadn't seen her wear all afternoon and that only now appeared to him.
This time her curly hair was loose, covering her necklace.
— I didn't ask your name — she replied without any expression, with her eyes glazed over the doctor's face.
That took him by surprise, she was kind and docile all afternoon, this change could mean she was faking it all this time, which means her word is not to be trusted either. But that's just a theory.
Her eyes had distrust, contempt, fear… Maybe it's a mixture of all three.
— Look, you're absolutely right. — Chishiya sighed as if Lovelie had opened his eyes to an error he wouldn't have noticed without her, and then put his hands in his pockets. — I should be more polite with you. But in a situation like ours, that kind of presentation becomes a bit unnecessary, don't you think?
— I don't think so, especially in a game where the objective is to trust each other.
— Well, that hasn't been working so well. — Suddenly they both turned their attention to the room, which would soon be completely empty when they left, with silence taking over and warning that even a few rounds ago, this place would have been full of people.
Lovelie widened her eyes for a moment and lowered her head, closing her face even more, an attitude that was absorbed by Chishiya when she realized what subject he was talking about. Without saying anything, Lovelie tried to leave the cafeteria with her head down, but was stopped by the Japanese boy's voice.
— I'm sorry for the man who died, but… there's no need to blame yourself, you gave him the right suit, he didn't believe you because he didn't want to, maybe he chose that, not everyone has the strength to stay here — A sentence made her stop in the middle of the way, you could see the heavy breathing by the slow movement of the body even with her back.
— He had 3 daughters and a wife. — Chishiya faltered at her expression for a moment. — I heard him talking to the others, he just wanted to go back and see his wife and children. — She turned towards the doctor who composed himself automatically. A beautiful smile and a tear running down her face. — 'I swear I say yours' is what you said, but your word counts for nothing. I've seen you play, you manipulate the board or throw wood on the fire, let them burn and then you run away alive.
— You know me?
— I used to live with Beach — The blonde was perplexed by the information, but soon corrected himself.
— I never saw you there.
— I was kind of the Hatter's protégé, I couldn't speak Japanese or read, but I understood the language well, he helped me and kept me away from the noisiest — Chishiya stared at her waiting for some more information. — I have auditory sensitivity.
— OK I understand. Gun games must be a terror to you.— Changing the subject didn't help, Lovelie continued to glare at him as if to say "Your turn" — I didn't lie the whole game, why would I lie now?
— Who's to say I'm not the Knave of Hearts?
— Because I know who the Knave is and it's not you.
— And who's to say it's not you? — She took a step forward.
— You already know who it is, but you found out too late, he had already made the spider web and you didn't have the power to kill him, if it were me, you would be avoiding me, not being shy. You're not the type to lie, even if it's to win, that's why you avoided everything and everyone, that's why you preferred to play with probability asking 4 or more people what their suit was, to make sure that none of them lied. But you haven't lied once. — Suddenly there was a guilty light in the brown eyes.
— I'm sorry about your partner. — The low voice was easily heard in the spacious room, with so much echo it was easy to see the delicate remnants of what was once an accent.
— How do you know I didn't kill him on purpose?
— Because you're too smart to deduce that it could be him… And because I know you were honest with him, I saw the suit. I actually thought you were going to lie, I intended to tell him the truth — Again, the unexpected words ripped through Shuntaro who had to struggle to maintain his poise. — I was relieved when I saw you didn't lie to him, and I saw the pain in his eyes when he realized he died. Which means either he didn't trust you, or...
— He killed himself — he concluded, leaving another line of silence between them — You're not Japanese, are you?
— What makes you think that? He chuckled ironically. Shuntaro ran his eyes over the girl with a certain curiosity, answering silently. The girl chuckled a little at Shiya's expression — Turn around — He looked up looking for any catch. — I need you to turn around to see your suit. — Walking like an angel, Lovelie walked over expecting Chishiya.
— You first. — The man looked at her, memorizing each movement. Soon Lovelie obeyed and turned around tying her hair again, letting Chishiya see the heart symbol on the screen. — Hearts. He turned around, waiting for an answer.
Chishiya shuddered a little as she felt the slender fingers at the back of her neck ruffling her hair to see the necklace.
— Diamonds. — Chishiya exhaled through her nose and a smile formed. — Matsushita lied to you too? — He turned, now they were both much closer.
— Too?
— Matsushita told me it was Clubs. — An embarrassed smile crept across his face.
— And how are you sure I'm not the one lying?
— I don't know. — His eyes roamed the room before turning back to face Chishiya who now had the most neutral expression he could manage. — I guess I'll just have to go with my gut. — Lovelie opened the bag of snacks and cupped the doctor's hand, then turned the bag over, spilling some snacks onto her palm before leaving without another word.
Chishiya's eyes only gave up following her when it was already impossible to see her. The robotic voice sounded warning about the next round, but Shuntaro remained exactly where he was, now staring at the savory snacks in her hand. Looking at the savory ones he thought of all the information he had acquired about her.
The way to walk, to act, to talk.
In these games the true nature of all players comes to the fore, be it calm as still water, or desperate as fire.
Try as she might, nothing about her gave her a red flag. Quite the contrary, she was honest from start to finish.
Finally he had the conclusion about her first actions, Lovelie believed he was the Knave, yet she tried to treat him as kindly as her heart would allow.
How pathetic... She's defiant and idiotic at the same time.
I don't know how she's still alive…
Strength and kindness at the same time.
It's a mix of Kuina and Arisu. It was just what I needed...
She is very dumb...
— Matsushita lied to me, Kotoko didn't even look at my face. Which means it can only be Spades or Diamonds… — she thought aloud inside the fortified room. — The Lovelie… — He was thoughtful for a moment, staring at the small window in the doorway, taking in the front door, the room where Lovelie was. His eyes flickered and he smirked as he crossed his arms. — I don't know if she would lie to me. Guess I'm going to have to… Follow my intuition too.
Chishiya was disappointed when he noticed that she didn't leave her room when the round ended. So that's right, she believed he was the Knave and chose to believe Matsushita instead. And yet she chose not to lie to him.
Banda and Yaba took the Knave to torture him, Shuntaro was ready to leave that arena soon before he had any bad luck.
When he got close to the exit, Chishiya heard the sound of the heavy door being opened and then closed on the second floor.
A glint filled his eyes before he turned and squinted to see the shadow walking on the second floor.
— So you believed me — he said, loud enough for her to hear even from this distance. Lovelie cracked a smile and a short but delicious laugh came out of his mouth.
— And you in me — Walking a little faster Lovelie went down the stairs and arrived at the same distance that the two had in the cafeteria. — I preferred to leave after you talked to Matsushita, when I saw you talking I was afraid to intrude, one manipulator at a time is fine with me.
— Called me a manipulator? — Your usual smile.
— You're manipulative. — He laughed even louder.
— Going somewhere? — He noticed the full bag on the girl's back.
— The rules didn't say anything about stealing food.
— I noticed, and then what?
— The last letters are missing, I'm going after them, and you?
— I still have a few days left on my visa, how about you?
— Jack of spades.
— Swords are not my specialty.
— But it's mine, so that's where I'm going. — A silence fell between them, like a challenge to see who would deign to ask first.
— Then that's it.
— It was a pleasure officially meeting you, Shuntaro Chishiya.
— The pleasure is all mine, Lovelie — For an instant Chishiya saw what would be a new light in her eyes go out, and a smile took over his own face, a smile that he didn't control, nor did he notice that he was smiling.
— See you another day, doctor — The girl turned around walking away, beyond her steps it was possible to hear the airship explode along with your letter and fall somewhere in the city, Chishiya followed on the opposite side of the street where Lovelie was walking, and even if they didn't know it, they both looked back as they walked away.
Instantly, I fell in love with you…
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periwinkleheart · 2 years
get to know me game (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ ☆
tagged by the cutest! person! alive! : @loves0ft
tagging:♡ @evenofmyday ♡ chatoyervictoria ♡ junez ♡ yukicrossu ♡ @pssionfruits ♡ @guhara ♡@soulazul ♡ @un1over ♡
birthday: november 9
favourite colour: lavender and periwinkle
do you have pets?: no but my sister has a dog named nikko. we look after him sometimes, so that's the closest i have to a pet
how tall are you?: like 5'4?
how many pairs of shoes do you own?: that i regular wear, 3. i have a few more but i never wear them
favourite song: atm big flirt by lil hero and it's a wrap by mariah carey ft mary j blige, shooting star by xg
favourite movie: i dont watch movies. but lol i'd have to say white chicks or rush hour
who would be your ideal partner?: i feel like that closest would be, if you know who stephanie soo is, her cousin dan dan 🤭🥰 that type of personality i love. i could spend the rest of my life with someone like him
do you want children?: i keep going back and forth with it. idk. i feel like i need to be in a serious relationship and be married to have a final answer
have you gotten in trouble with the law?: lol does running a redlight count?
what colour socks are you wearing?: orange with lighting bolts
favourite type of music: pop, kpop, rap, old school reggaeton, the old mexican music every parents likes, like marco antonio solis, stuff like that. ig ive been listening to more bandas too.
how many pillows do you sleep with?: i use a body pillow as a pillow... i used to have pillows but idk what happened to them, and i keep putting off buying pillows
what position do you sleep in?:  my sides or fetal position. im trying to force myself to sleep on my back bc i heard that good for you, but i sleep better on my sides/fetal
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: i takes me a while for me to sleep. or when i'm about to fall asleep my leg fucking jolts and im awake, so thats a recent thing thats been happening to me sometimes
what do you have for breakfast: i don't usually eat breakfast. but if i have something, its usually a match iced tea / iced chai tea latte from starbucks with something from their bakery
have you ever tried archery?: in school for gym class... i fucking sucked at it. but on wii sports... i'm the baddest bitch
favourite fruit: starfuits, cherries, strawberries, mangos, peaches, kiwis, mandarines 🤤
are you a good liar?: yes? no? idk ig i am
what’s your personality type?: idk, bc every time i take that damn quiz it always changes!!! like how can ive gotten intp, infp, enfp, istp, isfp like?!?!!?
innie or outie?: innie
left handed or right handed?: right
favourite food: sopes!!! or pupusas!!! fuckin loves those
favourite foreign food: i love thai food. everything ive tried is just sooo good. ughhhh!! Phở too!
am i clean or messy?: hehe i say im organized messy, but ppl say im clean. bc i am but the only thing that i have that is 'messy' is my bed, bc i never make it... and even that isnt messy, but my mexican parents say otherwise
most used phrase: 
how long does it take for you to get ready: depending. when i work at the school, about 30-40 minutes. but when i work at the clubhouse, about 10-15 minutes.
do you talk to yourself?: hehe yeah
do you sing to yourself?: only when i'm alone or in my car
are you a good singer?: i dont think so. id say average but i dont sing in front of anyone to know if i am
biggest fear?: idk, i feel like anything if i overthink it. heights?? but i like rollercoasters... but i'll get dizzy if i look over the second floor of a mall... going to the top of the willis tower made me dizzy. the deep ocean 😳
are you a gossip?: no, but ppl tell me gossip so i hear it regardless
do you like long or short hair?: both are nice
favourite school subject: english or social studies. art
extrovert or introvert: introvert
what makes you nervous: having ppl look at me. i hate making eye contact with ppl. but like if im ordering something i will look at the cashier, i'm not a dickhead. just hate looking at ppl or ppl looking at me in passing, especially when im driving
who was your first real crush?:  this guy named martin in first grade. i thought he was cute. lol but apparently we dated but i NEVER spoked to him or had a class with him. sooo... idk how we dated, but a classmate of ours told me in sixth grade that we did, and that threw me off, bc like i said, i never spoke to him. lol so i technically cheated on him like three times without knowing... sorry man
how many piercings?: seven atm. i wanna get my collar bones and maybe like one more ear piercing but idk what yet
how many tattoos?: none yet bc i still live with my parents and i feel like they will kick me out if i do
how fast can you run?: idk i dont have a reason to run. id say average??!??
what colour is your hair?: dark brown and blonde. im forcing myself to grow it out bc i fucked it up too much. wigs have been helping me fight the urge but i still wanna dye it!!!
what colour are your eyes?: dark brown
what makes you angry: those fucking bright led headlights!!!! i hate those things. that shit shouldnt be legal, its distracting, and i will bash your lights you dickhead
do you like your name?: i used to hate it bc i make me think of old white ladies but now im okay with it. i like my middle name or the nicknames my nephews used to call me when they were first starting to talk
do you want a boy or a girl as a child?: idc but i have i strong feeling that, if i do have kids, my first one will be a girl. idk why but i'm calling it
what are your strengths?: i'm a good listener, i have a good patience
what are your weaknesses?: i get annoyed easily
what is the colour of your bedspread?:  white
colour of your room: white
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shymonsdestiny · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kappa Banda Beinas 1 Unisex Size 9 LEFT SHOE ONLY.
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year
Justin Wellington & Small Jam - Iko Iko Lyrics
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Justin Wellington & Small Jam - Iko Iko Lyrics Intro Hahaha Ayo big wave (Welcome) Turn the mic on Small Jam alongside J.W.​ Pre-Chorus My bestie and your bestie Sit down by the fire Your bestie says she want party So can we make these flames go higher? Chorus Talking 'bout hey now (Hey now), hey now (Hey now) Iko iko an day Jockomo feena a dan day Jockomo feena nay (boom) Verse 1 Start my truck, let's all jump in Here we go together Nice cool breeze and big palm trees I tell you, life don't get no better Chorus Talking 'bout hey now (Hey now), hey now (Hey now) Iko iko an day Jockomo feena a dan day Jockomo feena nay Verse 2 A keia mamang gwele Step on the dancing floor Hips be winding, DJ rewinding Take it to the island way Keio, baby mama Put on your dancing shoes One drop it drop it low now, take it to the max now Jamming the Small Jam way (Ja-Ja-) Jamming the Small Jam way Pre-Chorus My bestie and your bestie Dancing by the fire Your bestie says she want party So can we make these flames go higher? Chorus Talkin' 'bout hey now (Hey now), hey now (Hey now) Iko iko an day (Ohh) Jockomo feena a dan day Jockomo feena nay (let me take it from here) Verse 3 Solomon girl straight up right hoochie mama Make we party non stop in a island banda Swing those hips and back it up to me ragga A chance fi party, ladies do the Dougie Dougie I'm jamming island reggae repping blue, green and yellow Me tapping on me beat make ya slow wind for me, baby Speakers pumping, people jumping We're jamming the island way Verse 4 Shoutout to the good-time crew All across the islands Grab your shoes, then we'll two by two And now we're shining bright like diamonds Chorus Talking 'bout hey now (Hey now), hey now (Hey now) Iko iko an day (Ohh) Jockomo feena a dan day Jockomo feena nay (Yes) (One drop it drop it low now, take it to the max now) (Jamming the Small Jam way – wind it!) Bridge Wind up, go down, wind up, go down Twist your body backwards (We go, we go) We go left, left, we go right, right Turn it around and forward (Wind and go down again) Wind up, go down, wind up, go down Twist your body backwards (Twist it back) We go left, left, we go right, right Turn it around and forward Pre-Chorus My bestie and your bestie Dancing by the fire Your bestie says she want party So can we make these flames go higher? Chorus Talking 'bout hey now (Hey now), hey now (Hey now) Iko iko an day (Ohh) Jockomo feena a dan day Jockomo feena nay Jockomo feena nay Jockomo feena nay Jockomo feena nay Read the full article
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cruisinfdr · 5 years
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#happy birthday bazil#ts3#the banda bunch#WHATS up laid ease ive decided im posting ts3 uh#every night now. or whenever i remember to at least.#SO if u never wanna see my ts3 just block the banda bunch tag cuz it will always be under that ! no matter the gen !#i havent said that in awhile so if u hate my Very Old screenshots just block the tag !#i just really love ts3 n i wish i was playing it lmao im having one of those Feels where i wanna drop everything and just become a ts3 blog#i started editing some more of the old screenshots i have n i Love that shit#in other news. in the breannas diary world. in me oversharing on tumblr. lmfao#my ass downloaded tinder because shit w my crush AINT IT it isnt working#and i just fkin like talking to people at night idk in a True night owl fashion im painfully active and my friends r asleep so its like.#fuck do i do now lmao so i have this shit now and ive matched w some randos and im talking w a couple randos and its weird hjfdhsjgh#i had low expectations to begin w but i know im bomb as hell so hgjhfdgh hello folks#TODAY i went to goodwill too which i always lov........im tryin 2 go to every goodwill around me and theres only one left within a 25 min#radius so that ones my next stop but this 1 was nice ! i got some animal print shorts cuz im a FIEND theyre made to be pajamas#but theyre really soft so im just gonna hem em so they arent like. bermuda length. and then im gonna stunt in em#all the folks on tinder are complimenting my big ass platform shoes in some of the pics i used n theyre saying they like my style my ego is#SO inflated lmfaooo i love that shit ! i lov clothes ! omfg i didnt mention this the other day but my manager took me to savers 4 my birthda#y#and i found a fucking. star grommet belt. i LOST my SHIT its so good !!!!! the holes are these metal stars and there are shiny reflective#stars printed all over the belt and its brand new too it is SO sick !!!!!! i love it so much honestly i bought that belt and a childrens#night gown when i went im insane but its so cute its got butterflies on it and im planning on wearing it as a dress for a pic n then just#sewing it into a shirt :~P ok thats it i'll shut up ! if u read any of this i lov u hav a nice day !
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brickstudies · 4 years
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To Make the World a Home, a Feuilly & Les Amis fanmix for @feuillyweek​ 2020 (Deezer / Spotify)
Tracklist kinda crack-y??? judge for yourself:
1. Five for Fighting – World 2. Silvio Rodríguez – La Era Está Pariendo un Corazón (tr. The era is giving birth to a heart) 3. Big Thief – Forgotten Eyes 4. Nadin Amizah – Kanyaah (tr. Dearest) 5. Tracy Chapman - Talkin’ Bout a Revolution 6. AJJ – People 7. Emmylou Harris – Sweet Old World 8. Sleeping at Last – From the Ground Up 9. Bon Iver – PDLIF 10. White Hinterland – Napoleon at Waterloo 11. Bastille – 4AM 12. John Murphy – Cosette’s Piano (from BBC LM) 13. Banda Neira – Yang Patah Tumbuh Yang Hilang Berganti (tr. What’s broken will regrow, what’s lost will be reborn)
Feuilly was a workingman, a fan-maker, orphaned both of father and mother, who earned with difficulty three francs a day, and had but one thought, to deliver the world.
What kind of world do you want?/Think anything/.../Should there be people or peoples/.../Let every man own his own hand (1)
Feuilly had a generous heart. The range of his embrace was immense. This orphan had adopted the peoples.
The era is giving birth to a heart/And we must run to its side/.../And if necessary, we must burn down the sky/For the sake of any man in the world, for the sake of any home (2)
In the absence of his mother, his thoughts had dwelt on the motherland. He did not want any man on earth to be without a motherland.
The wound has no direction/Everybody needs a home and deserves protection (3)
This poor workingman had constituted himself the tutor of Justice, and she recompensed him by rendering him great.
O, red flower/you call to the weary/you revive them/Like an embrace that permits me/to be more vast and less troubled/Like an embrace that allows me/to be less vast and be troubled (4)
“Listen to me, Feuilly, valiant worker, man of the people, man of the peoples. I revere you. Yes, you clearly behold the future, yes, you are right. You had neither father nor mother, Feuilly; you adopted humanity for your mother and right for your father. You are about to die, that is to say to triumph, here. [...]”
[More under the cut]
‘Cause finally the tables are starting to turn/Talkin' bout a revolution (5)
“[...] Citizens, whatever happens today, by our defeat just as much as by our victory, what we are going to achieve is a revolution. As fires light up a whole city, so revolutions give light to the whole human race.”
People are my religion because I believe in them/People are my enemies and people are my friends/I have faith in my fellow men/and I only hope that he has faith in me (6)
Combeferre, Courfeyrac, Jean Prouvaire, Feuilly, Bossuet, Joly, Bahorel, and some others, sought each other out and united as in the most peaceful days of their conversations in their student life, and, in one corner of this wine-shop [...] with their carbines loaded and primed resting against the backs of their chairs, these fine young fellows, so close to a supreme hour, began to recite love verses.
See what you lost when you left this world/This sweet old world/Millions of us in love/Promises made good/ Looking for some truth/.../Dancing with no shoes/The beat, the rhythm, and the blues/The pounding of your heart strong/Together with another one/Didn't you think anyone loved you? (7)
The time, the place, these recollections of youth, a few stars beginning to twinkle in the sky, the deathly quiet of those deserted streets, the imminence of the inexorable drama that was about to unfold lent a pathetic charm to these verses softly murmured in the twilight by Jean Prouvaire, who, as we have said, was a gentle poet.
One by one the knots we’ve tied will come undone/Like picking locks, we’ll sow our seeds beneath the sun/Our accomplice is the rain, with patience, that of saints (8)
Enjolras had advised two hours of sleep. Advice from Enjolras was a command. Still, only three or four took advantage of it.
Feuilly employed these two hours in engraving this inscription on the wall which faced the tavern:
These four words, hollowed out in the rough stone with a nail, could be still read on the wall in 1848.
Please don’t live in fear/We can’t see from here right now/.../I will say there will be a better day/There will be a better day (9)
"Can any one understand," exclaimed Feuilly bitterly, "those men,—[and he cited names, well-known names, even celebrated names, some belonging to the old army]—who had promised to join us, and taken an oath to aid us, and who had pledged their honor to it, and who are our generals, and who abandon us!"
And Combeferre restricted himself to replying with a grave smile.
"There are people who observe the rules of honor as one observes the stars, from a great distance."
As one by one we fall/.../They put their trust in his hands/And a medal on his chest/And the ladies who swoon say/That's the place where his purple heart is/There goes now another man down/There goes now another man down... (10)
*Here, here, my friends and me/You are my familia/.../Four in the morning/we find ourselves here/Best of us passed out/I don’t know who’s where/I got all my old friends and new friends I’ve met once before/In a blanket of smoke as we sink through the floor (11)
[Cosette’s Piano] (12)
(And yet)/what’s broken will regrow, what’s lost will be reborn/ruins will heal/what’s futile bears fruit/these repetitions will someday ceased/and the fallen will take their stands again/What’s broken will regrow, what’s lost will be reborn (13)
[Brick passages are from Donougher and Hapgood; *I’m so sorry]
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mountaincrosser · 5 years
Halloween Madness - Brandon A.
Salem is a makeup artist. Brandon and his band are her newest clients. What could go wrong, right?
Warnings: gets suggestive, cursing
Word count: 3380
A/N: this will have more parts when I get around to writing them
I was setting up everything I would need to paint whoever’s face(s) I would be doing today when the door opened and some people entered.
“Boys, this is the makeup artist that will be turning you into monsters for tonight’s performance. Her name is Salem Santos.” The man said to the five boys that had come in after him. I smiled at them and stepped away from my kit so I could greet them.
“You can call me Sal. Nice to meet you all.” They all smiled and a couple waved. I glanced at the older man and he rolled his eyes.
“Are you going to introduce yourselves? She’s not a mind reader. She doesn’t know your names.” The older man left the room with a head nod in my direction. The blonde's eyes widened and almost tripped over himself to shake my hand.
“I’m Austin Porter.” He said, shaking my hand. I smiled at him and then shifted my eyes to the tallest of the group.
“Zion Kuwonu.” The tallest said.
“Nick Mara.” Said the one with a heavy jersey accent.
“Edwin Honoret.” The tan one said.
“¿Eres de la República Dominicana?” I asked and he nodded.
“Sí. ¿Tú?” He asked.
“Brazil,” I said and Edwin nodded with a smile. I looked over at the final boy who was just staring at me. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow. Zion chuckled and Nick jabbed the boy in the stomach. I giggled and the boy looked over at Nick.
“Stop staring at her with heart eyes and introduce yourself, you idiot.” The boy blushed and I laughed. I stepped closer so I could shake his hand.
“I-I’m Brandon Arreaga.” He mumbled and I rubbed his shoulder.
“Nice to meet you, Brandon.” I gave him a smile before stepping back over to my kit.
“Alright. I’ve got ideas for most of your looks but I need you guys to agree with them.” I said, jumping straight into work mode. I pointed at Edwin and held up a palette of paints that were safe for the skin.
“I was thinking about a full skeleton. Because for Austin I was thinking he would be a half skeleton.”
“Half skeleton?” Austin asked.
“Yea. Half of your face and neck would be like Edwin’s entire face and neck. Zion could be red like the devil, Nick’s a zombie and I’m not sure what I want to do B’s face yet.” I looked at all their faces.
“Sounds awesome!” Austin exclaimed and I smiled.
“Oh, and I’m going to need you all shirtless when I do your looks,” I said, not looking at them, digging through my kit to find the palette that had the pale greens, yellows, browns, and blues I would need to do Nick’s zombie look.
“Oh, saucy.” I rolled my eyes at Zion’s comment.
“I could care less about you guys being shirtless. I just figured you wouldn’t want your oh so expensive chains getting dirty.” I said mockingly. Austin and Edwin started laughing and slapped Zion’s shoulder.
“Bro you just got shot down!” Austin exclaimed through his giggles. I rolled my eyes but exclaimed happily when I found the palette I was looking for. I turned back around and crossed my arms.
“Who wants to go first? Edwin or Zion?”
“Why are they going first?” Austin asked, in a curious tone.
“I will need the most time to get their looks done. They have the most time-consuming looks because I have to make sure the colors will be built up enough so that no skin peeks through. Especially Edwin. Edwin! You’re first!” I called out to the Dominican that was now across the large room from Austin and I. He bounded over and I pointed at the chair I had in front of the mirror.
“Sit, please. And the shirt, chains, and anything else you don’t want getting dirty off please.” I said, getting all my brushes, sponges, and anything else I’d need together.
“Can I watch?” Austin asked timidly.
“Of course. Just sit there.” I pointed to another chair that was close but not close enough that he would be in my way when I moved around.
“So how long have you been a band?” I asked.
“About two years or so. It’s been so fun!” Austin said and Edwin nodded.
“Word of advice, I know we're going to be talking but you CAN’T move once I get started. I really don’t want to be 95% done then you talk or move and it gets messed up.” I told Edwin and he gave me a thumbs up. I pulled out a black eye pencil and sketched everything out on Edwin’s face. Once I was done sketching out the look I got to work with the black and white that his look consisted of. I spent the next hour painting Edwin’s face to perfection.
“Okay, and you are done!” I told Edwin, spraying his face with a bunch of setting spray.
“Aus, go get Zion please,” I said, not looking away from Edwin, making sure that I didn’t miss anything. I grinned and gave him a thumbs up.
“Yo! This is dope!!” Edwin exclaimed looking at his face.
“Don’t touch it either. Don’t need it smearing.” Edwin nodded and took his hands away from his face. Zion plopped down in the chair Edwin had vacated and I pulled out the reds and blacks I’d need.
“Same deal as Ed. Anything you don’t want dirty, take it off. I’m going to take the red down onto your shoulders so the look is continuous and doesn’t look like it just stops at your jaw.” I told Zion, turning to Austin.
“Where’s Brandon?” Austin shrugged.
“Ed! Where’s Brandon?” I yelled over to Edwin who was letting Nick take pictures of his look.
“Uhh, bathroom maybe?” He yelled back.
“Well, someone go find him! We still need to discuss what he wants!” Austin took off after I said that and I got to work on Zion.
“Tell me if you have an itch or anything, okay?” Zion nodded and I proceeded to turn him into a demon. Black around his eyes, lips, and around his face to make it look like he had a different bone structure and red as the base color. I was maybe 50% done with the red base when Brandon strolled over to us.
“Heard you wanted to talk to me?” I nodded and pointed to Austin’s chair.
“What do you want done to that face?” I asked, glancing over at him.
“Maybe a zombie like Nick?” He suggested. I nodded absentmindedly, already trying to envision what he was gonna look like once I was done with him.
“Yea that’ll work. Oh, and tell Nick he’s next after I finish with this one.” Brandon nodded and left the area. I finished Zion in about 50 minutes and set the look with setting spray.
“No touching, and tell me if you have an itch. I’ll get it so you don’t have to touch your face.” Zion nodded and got up.
“Jersey! You’re up!” Nick jogged over and I patted the chair. I was about halfway done when Nick spoke up.
“Ya know, Brandon’s got a crush on you right?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Oh really? And how exactly do you know that Nick?” I asked sarcastically.
“Because he never stares at someone like he’s been staring at you.” I jumped at Austin’s voice.
“Fucking hell man! Don’t do that!” I scolded, a hand over my heart that was beating very fast.
“Fuck, you’re so lucky that didn’t mess up Nick’s makeup. Or poke his damn eye out.” I muttered and went back to doing the red around Nick’s eyes. Another 30 minutes and Nick was done and the look was set with setting spray. He smiled at me and got up. I pointed to the chair Nick was just in.
“Sit down Porter. It’s your turn.” I said, turning to get the white and black and heard him taking his shirt off behind me along with his chains.
“Sal, do you have any chains?” Austin asked when I turned back around. I nodded.
“Yea my cousin Jefnier gets me chains all the time. And earrings. And rings. And overpriced clothing and shoes. I mean, I appreciate that he gets me the stuff. Though I wish he’d buy me stuff that’s more geared towards what I do.” I shrugged.
“Jefnier?” Austin asked, clueless to who I was talking about. I smiled.
“Lunay. Hey Siri, facetime 'idiota derrochador'.” I said and she did as I told her to. It rang a few times before Jefnier picked up.
“Hola primo! ¿Qué pasa?” He asked.
“No mucho. Este es Austin. Está en una banda estadounidense llamada PRETTYMUCH. Di hola.” I said and Jefnier smiled.
“Hey man,” Jefnier said and Austin’s eyes widened.
“He speaks English?”
“Yes, you fool. He’s been learning from me for years.” I flicked Austin’s head and he whined.
“¿Está tía contigo? Si es así, dile que digo hola! ¡Y que la quiero más que tú!” Jefnier rolled his eyes but laughed.
“Sí lo que sea. Oye, me tengo que ir. Te hablaré luego, ¿de acuerdo?”
“¡Adiós primo! ¡Te veré pronto!” I said before he hung up and I went back to sketching out Austin’s look.
“So, you’re basically going to have Edwin’s look but only on the right side of your face. And there’s going to be a ‘cut’ on your neck on the left side.” Austin nodded excitedly and sat still so I could get the paint on his face. I finished with him in around 45 minutes and set it so it wouldn’t smear.
“Alright mollete, you are done! Now onto amante.” I said and ushered Austin out of the seat.
“Amante! Come on over, you’re up!” I yelled and Brandon came over. Edwin burst out laughing since he knew what amante meant. I shot a smile at him and grabbed the pale green and brown.
“I’m going to make you the prettiest dead person ever amante,” I told him.
“What does amante mean?” Brandon asked. I smirked.
“You sure you wanna know amante?” He nodded.
“Loverboy. I think it’s cute, don’t you agree?” I grinned at the bright red blush that spread over Brandon’s face. I spread the green and brown mixture across his skin and added some red around his eyes.
“Now for the finishing touch.” I tilted Brandon’s face away from mine so I had access to his neck so I could create a fake cut on his neck with fake blood and the whole works. I had to get really close so I could make sure it went on properly and Brandon steadied me with hands on my hips when I stumbled a bit since Austin ‘accidentally’ ran into me trying to get by me. I finished up and glanced up at his eyes. I gave him a shy smile before stepping away and grabbing my setting spray. I sprayed a bunch of setting spray on his face and nodded.
“Don’t move just yet,” I added a bit of the green and brown on Brandon’s lips and grinned.
“There we go! Come on, I want a group picture and some individual photos of you all for my professional Instagram account.” I let Brandon up and he stood up and stretched. I turned my head away, knowing if I watched him any longer, I might just kiss him.
“So how long have you been doing makeup?” Austin asked once I had grabbed my camera so I could get good shots of the makeup.
“Around 13 or 14 years,” I told him, fiddling with the settings while the boys got dressed in their performance outfits.
“And you are how old again?” Edwin asked, strolling over to Austin and me, dressed and ready for his band’s performance.
“I’ll be nineteen on Halloween.” Austin’s jaw dropped.
“You’re only 18?!” I laughed and nodded then set my camera down.
“Yep!” Edwin had this nasty smirk on his face and I raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not sure I trust that face,” I whispered to Austin before backing up a bit. Edwin followed and I bolted away from Edwin.
“Get her!” Edwin yelled while running after me with the other four boys following his lead. I ran down the hallway and took the first turn I came to and looked for a place to hide. I noticed some speakers with a small opening that I could hide in and I dived into it. I shoved myself into the darkest corner and held my breath when I heard the five noisy boys come closer to where I was hiding. I put a hand over my mouth and tried to stay as still as possible until I heard them leave. I closed my eyes and breathed out while letting my shoulders sag.
“Hiding from someone sweetheart?” I jumped but didn’t scream when Brandon spoke.
“How the hell did you know I was in here?” I asked quietly.
“I saw you dive in here before the other four came around the corner. Let me guess, Edwin had this mischievous smirk on his face before you bolted?” He asked, crossing his arms and tilting his head. I nodded and he shook his head with a smile.
“Come on. Let’s get out of here so you can get your pictures.” Brandon held his hand out and I took it slowly. He proceeded to tug on my hand and I stumbled towards him.
“Piggyback ride?” He asked, looking down at me. I raised an eyebrow.
“You think you can carry me, noodle boy?” I questioned before Brandon smirked. He moved closer and threw me over his shoulder.
“What was that about me being a noodle boy sweetheart?” I huffed and started beating on his back.
“Put me down!” I yelled, kicking my legs around, hoping Brandon would put me down.
“Stop squirming sweetheart,” Brandon growled and I froze. Brandon chuckled before pulling me back over his shoulder and set me back down on my feet.
“Come on. I think those four idiots went this way.” Brandon said, walking down a random hallway.
“Nuh-uh. You can go find them. I’m going to go clean up and reorganize my kit so I don’t have to rush later.” I said, backing away from Brandon, hoping I wouldn’t be chased again. Brandon smirked.
“Alright then. Let's go.” He said, striding over to me and slinging an arm over my shoulders, dragging me back to the dressing room we were put in. We made quiet conversation on the way back to the room. Brandon opened the door for me and I smiled at him.
“Thanks, Brandon.” I smiled back.
“Can we do your individual pictures now?” I asked, once I had finished cleaning up my workspace and put everything away in my kit.
“Sure thing Salem. Come on, I saw a good spot for pictures while I was looking for the bathroom earlier. Ill text the guys to meet us there.” I nodded and grabbed my camera. Brandon threw his arm over my shoulder once again and led me from the room, taking me to the place that he had seen earlier. We got there five minutes later and the other four were waiting for us there. I was fiddling with the settings on my camera and walked straight into Brandon’s back when he stopped suddenly. He laughed and I rolled my eyes.
“Meanie,” I mumbled under my breath at him before walking around him.
“Okay, picture time then you guys will be ready to perform!” I said, holding up my camera. I spent the next half an hour shooting them before giving them all a smile.
“Thank you, guys, for being so patient. These look amazing.” I said, looking down at my camera and previewed the photos I had just taken of them.
“Happy to be of service Salem,” Austin said jokingly, bowing and everything. I laughed as the other four did the same. Out of nowhere a stage hand appeared and told the boys it was time to perform.
“Hey, come watch from side stage. It’ll be fun.” Brandon said and I shrugged.
“Okay. Just let me go put this back with my kit.” I said, motioning to my camera. He nodded and I went to put my camera back. I set it down and turned but jumped when I found how close Brandon was to me. He was staring down at me and I couldn’t find the willpower in myself to break the stare down.
“Wh-what are you doing?” I asked quietly, not moving an inch. He leaned down ever so slightly and I swallowed thickly. His lips quirked up just a tiny bit. I could hear voices from outside the room and I leaped away from Brandon and turned away from the door before Nick poked his head in.
“Come on B. We’re needed on stage.” He said before exiting the room. I took a deep breath and turned back around only to find Brandon with a smug smirk on his face.
“You coming?” He drawled slowly. I nodded and followed him out of the room, the heat in my cheeks not going away. I wandered along behind Brandon until we reached side stage. The blush had gone away a bit so it wasn’t as noticeable but Brandon still had that smug ass smirk on his face and it was annoying but insanely hot. They went onto the stage and got into position for when the song started. I could hear the hosts making PRETTYMUCH puns and I rolled my eyes. But the music started and I turned my focus onto the boys again. I was impressed by Brandon’s voice but practically started drooling when he started to hip thrust while dancing. They finished their performance and came backstage and I gave them a smile.
“So, how’d we do Miss Halloween?” Zion asked. I smiled and gave them a thumbs up.
“Really good! I loved it.” I told them. They thanked me and moved past me except for a certain gothic zombie.
“Who was your favorite sweetheart?” He asked in a low voice. I gulped and looked up at him, his frame towering over mine.
“Uhh…. Nick did really good.” I said quietly, backing up as Brandon started to take steps towards me. My back hit a wall and Brandon stepped close to my body.
“You sure he was the one you were drooling over sweetheart?” He asked condescendingly. My cheeks went red and I looked away from his burning gaze. He grabbed my chin and made me look back up at him.
“Aww, what’s the matter sweetheart? Are you blushing?” He asked with a smirk. My eyes flickered down to his lips and back up to his eyes quickly. He chuckled darkly and let go of my face and backed away from my body. He looked down at me and gave me a cheeky smile. A throat cleared and I looked away from Brandon and over to Zion who was leaning on a wall and smirking.
“Hate to break up whatever this is but the rest of us would like to take this makeup off.” His words cleared the haze that was clouding my mind and I frowned.
“You can’t take it off yet. You guys still have to walk the carpet of whatever they have for this thing in like an hour.” I told him and he groaned.
“Seriously?” I nodded and his shoulders sagged. I gave him a small smile as he left.
“Do you like IHOP?” My head whipped back to Brandon.
“What?” I tilted my head in confusion.
“Do you like IHOP?” He asked again.
“I mean, yea. Who doesn’t?” I said rhetorically.
“I’ll come get you after we walk the carpet and you get this makeup off of us.”
“Wait are you asking me out on a date?” I asked. He got closer again and leaned down so his face was near mine.
“Not so much asking sweetheart as I am telling.” He said lowly.
“Okay. Uh um, where should I wait?” I asked timidly.
“We don’t bite sweetheart. You can come hang with us in the room we were in before.” Brandon said, holding his hand out to me.
Hi everyone! So this is my ever fic post on here so I hope y’all like it! Like I said, there will be more parts to this. And a very big thank you to @cncopmhoe for all her help with this. I bothered her so much for this and I really appreciate that she didn’t get too annoyed with my constant questions.
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emilyxvalentyne · 5 years
Alcoholic Love CH
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A/n: So this is my first ever series so please bare with me. I may not be the best but I’m trying so please leave some positive feed back. Don’t let this flop please.
Disclaimer: This is just some good old classic fiction. I am not involved or do I know anything about the character used in this.
Warnings: not really any in this one but for the (series) there is going to be some of the following: alcohol abuse, drug abuse, cursing, depression, anxiety.
Summary: CalumXgirlfriend theres a rough patch in the relationship Calum has become distant, she slowly turns to drugs and alcohol to numb her pain.
A/n: please don’t let this flop!! Give me some tips on how to better it or if you have any ideas for me.
I woke up to the bed empty this morning, I heard some noise going on downstairs so I assume Calum is still here. I got out of bed and put some socks on trying to avoid the cold floor. I made my way down stairs and into the kitchen. I saw Calum making some coffee. I slowly made my way behind him wrapping my arms around his torso resting my head against his back, he tensed up against my touch but didn't respond to it. I sighed and moved away from him walking over to the fridge, grabbing the butter, jam and orange juice. I set them on the counter next to Calum, who was sitting on a stool drinking his coffee and texting someone on his phone. I turned away from him and stuck some bread in the toaster. Calum seemed to be entertained with his phone to pay me any mind. I leaned my side in to the counter keeping me up on my propped elbow. I stared at Calum trying to read his face. Lately it's just been nothing but him working or going out, this is probably the longest we have been in a room together in about three weeks. He was dressed up as if he was about to head out. I would be lying if I said I wasn't sad that he was going out. I've tried talking to him about it but all he says is that he doesn't have time to talk about it or that he was to tired. I felt sad whenever I was alone here in our home, of course I went to work and did some college classes but whenever I got home to an empty house (besides duke) it always depressed me. I was pulled out of my thought when my toast finally popped up. I took out a butter knife and smeared the butter and strawberry jam on the golden squares. I poured some juice into a glass and put everything away. I pulled out the stool next to Calum and sat down. I felt Calum's stare burn into the side of my face as I sat there eating my toast.
'Do you want some of my toast?' I slide my plate over to Calum finally making eye contact with him. His eyes were dark and unreadable, but I could sense he was annoyed. Calum rolled his eyes and got up placing his mug into the sink. I felt as if he was almost annoyed with my very existence.
'No im heading out' I heard Calum mumble as he stared walking towards the living room. I followed I never ask Calum where he went anymore so I could avoid him getting mad but now I was kind skeptical on where exactly he was going. Calum was crouched down petting dukes head.
'Heading out where?' I asked more to myself rather then to him. I could practically see him rolling his eyes. He stood up and glared over at me.
'I'm just going out, God do you need to know where I am like your my mom' Calum was now heading up to our room I was right behind him following him into the closet where he continued to look for shoes.
'I never ask you where you even go anymore because you get mad all the time' I stood there in front of him as he sat on the bed tying his shoes.
'Well then why do you ask its just a waste of my time and yours' Calum was now putting on some cologne. He looked extremely agitated with me but at this point I could care less.
'Because I was wondering what time you would be home so we could hang out you know it's been a while since we-' I was cut off by Calum chuckling he stared at me as if I was stupid.
'Look I really don't have time for all of this right now I have to get going' calum said as he stared walking past me. But I reached forward to grab his wrist.
'Are you seriously to busy to even hang out with me? What has gotten into you, huh? All you do is go to rehearsal and go out with your friends, you seem to never have time for me, your girlfriend anymore' I looked into his dark eyes trying to see anything but all I could see was annoyance.
'Oh my god, fine then be ready by 6' Calum pulled his arm back and walked out of the room. I followed not wanting to give up.
'Are you serious, you are taking me out later?' I said before he walked out the front door. He turned around stood directly in front of me towering over me. I felt as if his eyes were burning into my soul, all I wanted to do was step back but I felt locked into place.
'Yes, I'll be back later' Calum reached forward and and caressed my cheek and leaned in placing a kiss on my forehead. He then turned out the door shutting it closed with a loud thud. I was left in the same position as he left me in. Confused his kiss didn't feel right on my skin anymore almost as if he had forced it. I walked back upstairs and into my room where I then laid on our bed. I glanced over to his side of the bed. It was slightly wrinkled as if he only slept on top of the blankets. I wish he was still here, I wish he would spend the day with me, I wish.... I wish he would love me... no he, does love me maybe he's having a hard time at the studio and rehearsal.
I rolled into my side and looked at my alarm clock it was 12:36 in the afternoon. I sat there deciding whether or not to clean the house. After a long sigh I got up and walked over to the laundry basket that of course had only my clothes in it with Calum's clothes all bunched up on the floor around it. 'For the last time the clothes goes into the basket' I groaned out loud, I put all the dirty laundry in to the basket and made my way down to the laundry room. I started organizing the clothes and washing and folding. It's amazing how much clothes Calum goes through in one week. After about an hour and a half of washing and folding I finally finished and fed duke and washed the dishes. The rest of the house was basically clean since I clean it almost everyday. I sat on the couch finally checking my phone. I responded to a few text and checked the time it was 3:17 I groaned and decided to watch tv. I flipped through the channels while duke laid on my lap.
'You understand me right' I spoke to the little furry dog that laid on my lap. Duke just continued to chew on his bone. 'Why is your owner such an asshole sometimes' this time duke looked up and whimpered almost as if he understood what I said
'But I love him just as much as I love you' I ruffled his fur and kissed his head. I got up finally making my way to take a shower and getting ready to go out with Calum.
I put on a two piece set with some sandals I curled my hair and sprayed myself with Calum’s favorite scent on me. My makeup was done and now it was just a waiting game.
6:30 rolled around at this moment he could just be late. I let duke go out into the backyard I watched him run around then come back inside where he literally stopped to look at me and then he ran back out. I laughed at every little thing he did he really does cheer me up when I’m feeling down. He’s like a best friend but I always wish he could talk that would be cool. I played tug war with him and I always let him win. He made me miss my family and my dog back home.
7:30 rolled around the sun was getting ready to set and there was still no sign of Calum. I knew at this point he wasn’t going to come but a small part of me still had hope. I was mad that I got all ready for him to not even show up but in the end I should have expected this it’s really no shocker. I texted him but it wasn’t the usual ‘hey are you still coming!’ Text. Rather I sent this instead ‘ you could’ve just told me you were busy tonight or not even have told me to get ready for disappointment tonight at all. It probably would have hurt less’. I dragged myself up stairs to change I put on some sweats and a Pink Floyd t-shirt, I slipped my checkers vans on and grabbed my credit card and keys. I decided to just leave my phone I got into my car and went to the local Mexican restaurant I usually go to. I really didn’t want to sit around being sad.
“Well well well welcome back, long time no see” Celia my usual waitress was always to cheerful.
“Yah yah yah I know” I laughed as I took a seat right in front of her as I scanned the menu as if I didn’t know what was on it.
“What will it be hermosa? The usual?” I nodded and handed her the menu.
“Wait Celia can I get it to go and a strawberry margarita to go as well please”
“Of course Emily, I’ll be right back” I scanned the restaurant it was pretty slow for a Friday night usually the place packed with customers.
“Slow tonight because banda MS is in town, how come you’re not there you usually love seeing and going to bailes mija”
“I wasn’t really feeling it tonight I guess” I wasn’t even feeling anything tonight. I didn’t even know my favorite Latin band was in town.
“What’s wrong chula you seem like you have a lot on your mind you know you can tell your momma Celia anything” I really wanted to cry she always made me miss my mom.
“I’m just stressed about school and work that’s all”
“No no I think this something else, do you got boy troubles is it that boyfriend of yours the Australiano” she could always tell what was wrong.
“Yah... he stood me up again I don’t know what to do anymore, god Celia i really love him, but he doesn’t seem to feel the same anymore. It’s like the more I try to talk to him the farther away he gets” tears welted up on my eyes but I held them in.
“Chula you cant force love, sometimes you just have to get up and go. If he is the one for you he will make that clear he will chase after you if he wants you for you because he loves you. And you will see that he wants you because he loves you, you will feel it but if he doesn’t want you then you need to move on and do what is good for you, you have to fall before you can get back up you are young and beautiful and dont forget you are a Latina, nos otras somos fuerte (we are strong) I don’t want to see you all sad next time you come in okay?” I hugged Celia she’s my mom from my home away for home.
“Okay thank you Celia” I paid and tipped her and left I made my way back home to finally eat my Nachos and drink my margarita.
11:30pm rolled by and there was still no sign of him. I always try and try and try. I Put others before myself, and my heart just isn’t ready to let go. I feel as if having this big heart of mine is only a blessing when it becomes an accommodation to other but it’s a curse to my feelings. I put my plates in the sink and my trash in the bin. I switch off the lights and locked up so I can head up to bed.
Another night alone, same bed that made me feel so loved and protected. Now it’s the place where I long for that innocent loving touch
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the-space-nugget · 5 years
So since am sick and bored af I decided to watch bunch of CNCO interviews and heres what I got:
Danced for Ballet Concierto, a prestigious ballet academy in San Juan
Enjoys company of people older than him (not just women tho)
Perfect date - restaurant or picnic & talking
Always on point on stage
First kiss was a lengua kiss - "she didn't liked it that much"
Doesn't like when people call him Zabdi
Likes voice notes
Can beatbox
Sleeps naked
Likes blondes - according to Chris
Fell asleep during important meeting
Dancing everywhere
Used to be most emotional but now he's a bad boy
If he would be an animal he would be a sloth
Rich convinced him to bleach his hair - everyone say thank you Rich
Stretch and meditate before shows
He's vegetarian
Can fall asleep everywhere
He's 6'2"/189cm
His entire family are musicians
He saw a commercial for La Banda one night before auditions
Has a 'lil tongue' so he can't roll his R's
Most annoying of the group - not when he's doing massages tho
First kiss at 8yo
Wants to go skydiving
If he wouldn't sing he would be a Nascar driver/Pro skater
Eats the most
Favourite color is red
Would save Erick first
Likes trying new food, including nasty stuff
He's not a flirt - he's romantic
Loyal and always taking care of loved ones - according to Z
If he would be an animal he would be an eagle
Loves Chipotle - with extra guac
Wasn't aware that Joel faked going to Coachella
Favorite movie - Instruction not included
Born in New Jersey, left for Ecuador when he was two years old
Prefers to sing in English
Massive Ed Sheeran fan
First kiss on the set of Sólo yo
Celebrity crush - Kendall Jenner
Does mean SpongeBob impersonation
"Is that a choker??"
Verry passionate
Can do many accents
Organized and clean
If he would be an animal he would be a wolf
Would die for his grandma's food
Grandma calls him caballito azul
"Maybe she wants you to hug her around her neck"
Loves mayo
Forever in love with Selena Gomez
Perfect date - "beesch - romantic, no?"
First kiss on Cuba, he was "super super super super little"
Scared of spicy food
Watches a lot of anime
Can freestyle rap
Cut off the tip of his finger on bathroom door
If he would be an animal he would be a horse "I just like to run"
Listen to trap to hype himself up before shows
Cheater (in games)
"it's super cute"
Wears a size 9 shoe
First kiss when he was 4 or 5 on a tv show
Doesn't like people chewing with mouth open
Got cheated on by his last girlfriend
Can draw
Does parkour
Hardcore Cris Brown fan - UGH!! 😫
Had a pet chicken - Paula
Sleeps naked but needs to have socks on - yk, protection from monsters
Has tattoo of an advice Alejandro Sanz gave them during La Banda - "the stars are in the sky and we're simply only making music" - don't quote me on that, not my translation
Had his heart broken
Can say "You know what I mean" up to 6 times during one answer
If he would be an animal he would be a monkey
Wanted to leave La Banda after they eliminated Yashua, but he told him to stay
Single and ready to mingle
Cry while watching movies
Mama's boys (not sure about Rich tho)
Kings of harmonizing
Pray before going on stage
Fight over food
None of them can cook
They have secret CNCO Illuminati group chat
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dprwolfgang · 5 years
Eres Mía // Zabdiel de Jesús
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Zabdiel de Jesus x OC
Fluff I guess, Zabdi just want some attention from his girl.
“Trinidad was amazing and I’ve got so much to show you guys.The vibes,la comida,everything!” She smiles at the camera on her iPad.
“I didn’t text you back Joel because mi teléfono esta muerto.” She shrugs “also I couldn’t find my charger so I had to go get a new one this morning but ya girl had work to do and so I didn’t put my phone on the charger until about fifteen minutes ago.”
She was no stranger to the cncowners that popped up on her lives or in her comments at times so when it started going crazy once they realized Joel was in there she only laughs.Amará first met the guys during La Banda,it was the summer before she started university and she wanted some hands on experience as well as some extra cash if she wanted to get the apartment she had her eyes on.With her knowledge of both audio and visual tech she had found herself apart of the sound crew but mainly under Eddie. Amará met a lot of people that summer but the ones she had become closest to were the ones that would go on to be known as CNCO.
She had helped with the production of their first album and a couple of their photo shoots and videos as well before she took a break to focus on finishing school.Even with how busy they were,they always somehow managed to make their friendship last but for one it had become something more.In the beginning it was more so an open relationship.She knew with the career he had that there would always be temptation especially for those long nights on the road and given the fact that she was a year older Amará didn’t want to stop him from experiencing life.
Their age gap wasn’t big but life had made her way more mature for someone who was almost twenty three.They had this open relationship for a year and a half before he told her that he only wanted her.No more sharing just the both of them and here they are today.In a relationship that only the ones closest to them knew about. Amará didn’t have much family(that she knew) but she still hadn’t told them.
It wasn’t that she was ashamed of Zabdiel,far from it but she knew how vindictive her aunt could get,how her cousins behaved and not to mention that one aunt who always went after everybody’s man.She wasn’t ready to throw him into all that just yet.
Zabdiel however had introduced her to his mother as “his future wife” before they had even started dating and so she was well acquainted with his family.She thanked god that she’d taken up a minor in modern languages and linguistics because she’d be lost when trying to communicate.
Zabdiel didn’t care for the small age gap. Amará had fell into his lap -Joel and Yoandri were fucking around backstage and she tripped on one of the wires landing straight with her ass on his lap- and he couldn’t get the thought of how you fit perfectly with him out of his mind. She gave him space to grow and learn and it was just one of the many things he admired about the woman. Amará didn’t need him financially,an independent woman to the fullest but there was something so sexy to him about a woman who had her shit together and didn’t rely on or cling to him.
Even though she didn’t cling,Amará always texts him throughout the day occasionally and the only text he had gotten was the one letting him know that she was back in Miami and tired as fuck.His calls went straight to voicemail and his texts unanswered and if he’s being honest he was feeling neglected.He hasn’t seen her in a month and all he wants is her attention even if just for a moment.
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Grabbing the first shirt he sees,Zabdiel throws it on.Phone and wallet in pocket and keys in his hand, he locks his apartment and makes his way to the parking garage.The drive to her place isn’t long and he’s soon parking in her driveway.He uses the key she’d given him to get in.Zabdiel kicks his shoes off by the front door before he’s venturing off to find his girlfriend.
Amará is still busy answering questions and chatting when she first hears his voice but dismisses it as her just missing him.The guys gotten back from DR a couple days ago and they had studio sessions today from what Richard had told her when she ran into him and his daughter.The music she was playing wasn’t loud but she certainly didn’t hear her front door nor her bedroom door open and so when Zabdiel comes in calling out “mamita” she jumps,knocking her empty cup over in the process.
“Dios mío! Don’t do that shit!”
“I wouldn’t have to if you’d replied to my texts or answered my calls.” He states with his hands on his hips before he’s leaning over as she looks up at him.Eyes focused on her lips he huffs when his comes into contact with her palm.
“Babyyyyyy,” he whines which Amará finds adorable as he rarely ever behaves like this.
“Don’t bend anymore into frame or we’re both in deep shit.”
“Pero quiero un beso.”
“I’m on live,you’ll get a kiss after.” One look at her screen and she could see her comments going crazy.
Who is that?
Sounds like Zabdi
Who’s she talking to?
She has a boyfriend?
“Quiero un beso ahora.” He pouts and she finds herself wanting to give in but she knew that they couldn’t risk it especially since they hadn’t spoken to his management about going public.
“You will..when I’m done with this live.” Zabdiel stands to his full height and crosses his arms over his chest then huffs and sits next to her but out of the cameras view and waits until she’s deep into whatever she’s talking about before he’s quickly pushing her onto her back and gripping both her hands in one of his and holding them above her head while settling himself in between her partially spread thighs.
“Dame mi beso,” Zabdiel demands again and she can only look at him like he’s lost his damn mind.He doesn’t give her time to deny him again as he presses his lips to hers.Zabdiel sighs contentedly and presses one to her cheek then her lips that he pecks continuously until he feels her reciprocating.
The all too familiar coconut flavor of her plump lips and her womanly scent was what he needed after a long day and maybe some cuddles.It was like he was the waves in the ocean because no matter how many times they’ve kissed the shoreline they couldn’t stop coming back and he never wanted that feeling to fade.
“Was that so hard?” Is whispered against her lips as he finds himself pulling away even though he’d rather not.
“I’m making sure Clara knows this is all your doings and I’m just a victim.” He feels her pout and he chuckles softly and sits up pulling her with him.
“It’s not like they saw anything,some legs but that’s about it.Plus I already spoke to her about it and she said it was up to me.” He shrugs nonchalantly.
“So you just expose us like that?” She says playfully and he just shrugs.
“There was only two more minutes left though,we’ll handle it later but can we please go to bed? I need cuddles and head rubs.”
Amará sighs and leans over pecking her boyfriend’s lips.She stands and extends her hand to him pulling him towards the bed.She climbs in and waits for him to strip out of his shirt before he’s joining her.
For some reason Zabdiel found it most comfortable sleeping between her legs,one hand up her shirt -if she wore one- holding a breast,the other one a pillow for his head as she played with his hair or rubbed his head softly.It put him at ease and lulled him to sleep like the sweetest lullaby he’s ever heard.
“What’s understood between the two of us doesn’t need to be explained to anyone else.If they assume whatever then so be it.At the end of the day, soy tuyo y eres mía.
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cncohdamn · 6 years
Cat and Mouse - Richard
Word count: 1,300+
Request: @fsciety / @quisieracnco
oh boy it’s quisieracnco here, politely asking for some flirty richard shit, like maybe you’re friends with one of the boys and they introduce you to him and he’s head over heels and hell bent on getting your number the minute he lays eyes on you (thank youuuu)
Oof I hope you like it and it’s everything you wanted!! :’^)
My Spanish is not great lmao so if it’s wrong please let me know! Also a little throwback to their Buzzfeed video cause what better pickup lines to use than the ones he used there oof. Feel free to send in some requests!
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You had been friends with Erick since he had moved to Florida from Cuba. The two of you met in school and tutored each other, helping him with English and him helping you with your Spanish elective. Over time you spent time together and formed a very close bond. You cheered him on when he entered in La Banda, and you cheered him on at every CNCO concert you could attend. Erick was your best friend.
Somehow, though, you never really met the rest of the boys. On one very brief occasion you met Joel, but that’s really it. Erick made sure you knew who was who; you felt like you knew them and their personalities well enough despite the fact you never met them. He loved them like brothers, but you knew Chris and Richard were a bit... flirty and womanizing. He didn’t even have to tell you that, you could tell from the interviews you watched and by looking at their Instagram.
So when Erick told you you’d be meeting Richard, you were a bit surprised. After 3 years of not getting to meet 4 important men in his life, you were finally able to meet one. Of course by “invited to meet Richard” Erick meant that he invited Richard to the dinner you were planning to make Erick after a long tour since they both lived in Florida. You didn’t mind cooking for an extra person, especially one so important to your best friend.
You decided to cook lasagna and breadsticks, some salad for an appetizer and a small chocolate cake and some vanilla macarons for dessert. It had been a while since you’ve seen your best friend, why not be a little extra?
The chocolate cake and macarons were perfectly displayed on a glass cake stand on the counter. You were so excited and wanted everything done on time that you woke up early and started baking.
There was a knock on the door.
“(Y/N)!” Erick shouted right as you opened the door, pulling you into a big hug.
“I’ve missed you,” you hummed, squeezing him in your arms. You couldn’t shake the gaze from his bandmate and parted from your friend.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N),” you gave him a smile and a wave as you tucked hair behind your ear. “Please, come in, come in.”
You stood to the side and gestured them through. They took off their shoes and set them next to yours, following you into your small living room. “Dinner won’t be done for another thirty minutes or so, but please, make yourselves at home.”
You got the boys a drink from the fridge and chatted, catching each other up on what’s been going on in your lives, watching tv here and there. Surprisingly, Richard was easy to talk to, not having to get too adjusted to him.
15 minutes in you went into the kitchen to check on the food. Richard followed and sat on the counter.
“Smells good,” he said with a smile.
“Thank you, it shouldn’t be too much longer.”
You went back and forth for a minute.
“So, who’s your favorite in CNCO?” He asked.
“Erick, of course,” you said without hesitation. “He’s my best friend and quite the vocalist.”
“Obviously,” he exaggerated the word. “Who do you find most attractive? You’re a girl, don’t you get giddy about things like that?”
“Mm, probably Zabdiel.” You lied. You had favored this beautiful man with pink locks and chocolate, washboard abs almost since the beginning. Se Vuelve Loca? You watched that music video on repeat, and not just for Erick. But you couldn’t let him know that. Besides, you wanted to see if he would get flustered knowing he’d actually have to work for what he wants this time, and you didn’t want to get swept up in Mr. Suave.
“Zabdiel, huh?” He laughed a little and nodded his head. “I see. Guess I’ll have to try harder, then,” he flashed that adorable pearly smile.
Without realizing, you two had bantered on for another 15 minutes. The oven’s timer beeped a few times before you shut it off and pulled out the food, uncovering it all. You set the dish of lasagna next to the big bowl of salad on the table and placed the breadsticks on the other side of it. You pulled out a chair and instinctively Richard grabbed the seat across from you.
“Erick, food!” you called. Erick grabbed the seat next to you.
“La comida se ve deliciosa,” Erick praised.
“Dig in,” you smiled, watching the two load up their plates. You followed suit.
A few bites in, Erick went to the kitchen to get another drink. The minute he was out of sight Richard broke the silence.
“This is probably the best lasagna I’ve ever had. There is this one place in Miami, though, Alfonsi’s, that makes the second best lasagna. I should take you there sometime.” he said and took another bite of the food he praised so highly, trying to keep his cool nature about him.
Erick took a step into the dining area.
“Say Erick, Richard said there’s this good Italian place in Miami and he said we should go with him for dinner sometime.”
Your gaze met his alluring brown eyes and you locked in a stare, both of your lips curling into little cheeky grins. Little did you know he loved the game of cat and mouse, and he wasn’t one to lose this type of challenge.
“Sounds like a good idea,” Erick smiled, taking his seat beside you once more. His response broke the staredown you were in, Richard wiggling an eyebrow in your direction before turning his attention back on his plate.
Once you were all finished eating you grabbed all of the plates and bowl of almost-gone salad and stood up. “How about dessert?” You sang.
“I’ll help you,” Richard jumped at the opportunity and grabbed the tray of lasagna that was left, lagging behind and following you into the kitchen.
“Ooh mami,” he whistled, “in those shorts, I’d chug you down like a Malta India.”
“Has that worked on other girls?” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile on your lips.
“All the time,” he grinned, “but I suppose you’re different.”
The knife slid under the slice with ease, placing the cake on three small plates.
“Those macarons look good, can I have one?”
“Of course.”
You held it one out to him. Instead of taking it with his fingers he bent down and took the cookie between his lips, finishing with a little wink in your direction. You were a little surprised by this, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little flustered.
“Cook, bake, be beautiful — is there anything you can’t do?” He persisted, propping himself up on the countertop by his tattooed forearm.
“Handle any more of these pickup lines,” you snickered, only earning a large grin from this handsome devil.
“Baby girl’s got jokes, huh?” He laughed, grabbing his plate and fork and taking a little bite.
“So, what do I have to do to get your number then?” He asked, smile slowly fading but still visible.
“Well, you could’ve just asked.” You said bluntly, leaning your hip against the side of the counter. “You’re quite the ladies man so I’ve seen, so don’t expect my full trust, but the fact you’ve been so persistent all night is quite impressive.”
Just like that chocolate cake, he wanted to eat you up. “Well if I would’ve known that earlier,” he let out a breathy laugh, grabbed his phone from his pocket, unlocked it, then gave it to you with ‘New Contact’ opened up and ready for you to fill out. You typed in your name and digits and handed it back.
“So you wanna go out for some Italian sometime?”
“Sure, I’d like that.”
“Without Erick?”
“Yes, without Erick,” you nodded and laughed.
“I’m holding you to it, cariña.” Richard winked.
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kaneisasleep-blog · 6 years
A PeniLaez Fan Fiction
Tigma – was a youth’s first taste of war or love.
The air is thick because of humidity, a usual ambiance during the near end of a school year. Most of the teens outside at this time can either be seen sitting under the rusted roof of a sari-sari store, sweltering with sweat and dust.
Under Aling Idyang’s store was Placido, elbows resting on a bamboo table and on top was a misted cola and pinned inside was a straw, bubble gurgling which the waiting boy kept on staring at. It was the least he can do since he was waiting for his friend Tadeo to come out from the gates of Unibersidad de Manila.
He knew that his friend will eventually cut class as he usually does, and though he condemns this kind of activity he can’t really change his friend’s mind about its habits, all he can do was to hang out with Tadeo whenever his class is finished. Apparently his 3:00 PM class was cancelled due to his professor’s emergency meeting in another school; this news was eventually spread until Tadeo himself knew about this from another classmate. Then Tadeo messaged Placido if they can meet outside near the gate but he didn’t mention what they will do, and as a good friend Placido just went out and waited for Tadeo.
Placido’s head was bowed down, almost asleep when someone called his name, “Plaz! Uy, buti naman hinintay mo kami, kala ko uuwi ka na eh” it was Tadeo but he was not alone. “Ito nga pala si Juanito, kaklase ko.”
Juanito, a guy from the same strand as Tadeo extended his hand for a shake which Placido shook without even caring that his hands were drenched in sweat, “Basa ah.” Juan pointed out then gave a little laugh, “Ay! –“ Placido wiped his hands on his uniform, “—Sorry.” He replied sheepishly.
He knew Juanito from the intramurals where he was the opponent’s team captain versus their department’s team. He was tall with a slick combed hair with some locks occasionally falls out then he combs it back with his fingers, he has a fair skin but looks a little darker than usual because of the outside trainings he does for the university game.
Unlike Juanito, Placido is somehow naïve and does not partake with their school’s sports activity that much, though he casually drinks beer with his friends after school and plays online games on the side, he have a pretty well academic life which his parents acknowledge.
“Saan ba tayo pupunta?” Placido asked, “Com Shop?” Tadeo replied. He stood up and slung his backpack on his back, buttoned his open shirt and left with Tadeo.
The computer shop was humid, suffocating, and crowded with kids and teens alike, but this is their usual hang out place. Most of the computer shop around their school has a price of 15 pesos per hour but here it is only ten which for the frequent customer is quite a deal.
Playing online games isn’t really Placido’s hobby, he just gets dragged by Tadeo most of the time since Tadeo doesn’t have many friends in their school since most of them consider him a ‘bad influence’ which is partly true but not completely. For Placido, Tadeo is his older brother which does not help him in his academic life but helps him in practical ways street wise. Tadeo introduced him to many things; beer, casual smoking, billiard houses, places around his school that he wasn’t even aware that existed, how to fight, love advices, girls, and porn sites. All of which are Tadeo’s field of expertise, though sometimes Placido always nudge him the fact that they won’t be forever young and that they need to work something out in order for them to have a good future which in reply, Tadeo just smiles and tell Placido that “Everything will sort out soon.”
“7 na ‘tol. Malayo pa uuwian ko, mauna na ako.” Juanito told Tadeo while they were hanging out in the same sari-sari store earlier. “Kala ko ba pwede ka hanggang 9? Talk shit ka naman eh” Tadeo said which made Placido snicker. Even though he was with Juanito for the whole time this was the only moment Juanito acknowledged his existence by lightly punching his arm and said, “Tinatawa-tawa mo?” while flashing a grin.
“Ganyan yan si Placido, patawatawa lang pero sa isip niya kung anu-ano na sinasabi niya sayo.” Tadeo said,
“Uy hindi ah, natawa lang talaga ako kasi sinasabihan mo si Juanito na talk shit eh parang ikaw hindi.” Placido’s unexpected reply to Tadeo’s taunting made Juanito guffawed and in return made Placido laugh as well.
“Parang gago lang ah.” Tadeo responded to Juanito’s laugh, “At least parang lang eh ikaw gago talaga.” Juanito remarked which again made Placido laughed, “Placido wala ka namang inaambag sa usapan eh, tinatawanan mo lang kaming dalawa.” Tadeo said to Placido.
“Alam mo, pinapahaba mo lang usapan Tads eh, uuwi na ako!” Juanito told Tadeo while grabbing his bag from his seat.
“Diba sa tulay daan mo?” Tadeo asked, “Oo, bakit?” Juanito replied, “Oh, pareho lang pala kayo ng dadaanan Plaz eh, sumama ka na kay Juanito.” Tadeo pointed to Placido, “A-ah, pwede rin naman?” Placido replied.
“Taga-saan ka ba Plaz?” Juanito asked. – ‘Plaz’, a nickname that isn’t really supposed to be used by people Placido just met, ‘Plaz’ is a name given by his parents which was adapted by his closest friends and for him this nickname is something that isn’t really supposed to be used by someone who doesn’t fully know him, but why wasn’t he bothered when Juanito called him by his nickname? He can’t comprehend how, but thank God for the creation of the night that hid the sudden flush of red on his cheeks.
“Doon banda sa may 7/11 pa-palengke.” Placido murmured back. “Oh, sa likod ka lang pala eh, pwede pa kita mahatid.” Juanito, in a manner Placido could not decipher if it’s a suggestion or a joke. Tadeo butted in saying, “LOL, ano yan? Kinder 1?”.
“Hindi, gago ka talaga Tadeo. Tara na nga Plaz.” – The mention of Placido’s nickname once again made a jolt inside him. “Paalam na Tadeo, alis na kami.” Juanito said, Placido did not mention anything instead he just waved goodbye to Tadeo and slowly walked away with Juanito.
The jeepney, like all jeepneys are crowded. The orange neon lit jeepney was even warmer because of the said light, It felt as if everyone inside was being squeezed out of moisture, sweat leaking from the neck and the back of the earlobes, and the stench was even worse. Though everyone smelled bad, Juanito on the other hand smelled as if he just got out of shower, Placido thought. Juanito’s perfume is probably those branded oil based ones that stays on your clothing and skin for the rest of the day and Placido was very much intoxicated by the hints of Juanito’s perfume.
Both of them were on their smartphones, Juanito scrolling through his Instagram account and Placido scrolling through his e-reader, nut Placido was being distracted by the shiny drop of sweat in Juanito’s neck that crawls down slowly making him gulp and then quickly shifting his attention back to the e-book he was reading. “Tigilan mo na Placido Penitente” Placido’s thought incessantly blocking what he just saw. Juanito held his phone close to Placido’s face, “’Plaz, tingnan mo ‘to oh, ang ganda ng sapatos, mukha bang bagay sa akin para sa sunod na tournament?”, Juanito showing what seems to be a latest rubber shoe from a well-known brand being sold online. Placido nodded then answered, “Bagay naman, pero mas mukhang bagay sayo yung kulay puti.”, then Juanito tapped the picture of the white colored one and said. “Oo nga, mas mukhang magandang panglaro. Ikaw ba, hindi ka ba naglalaro?” Juanito asked, “Hindi eh, wala akong hilig.” Placido replied only to get an “Aah.” From Juanito then once again silence filled the gaps between their conversations. Oddly enough Placido hinted a fruity smell coming from his mouth, only then he realized that Juanito was chewing some strawberry candy during the time that they were together. Is he going to kiss someone tonight? Placido couldn’t help to think.
In all honesty, Placido wanted Juanito to ask more. He won’t care even if it’s the most daring question being asked because he will surely make up something just for him to answer the question. Juanito’s presecence brought a dense yet soft feeling within Juanito, like how a large pillow feels when it is on top of your stomach. It feels weird, and completely foreign to Placido but he does not fully acknowledged it.
“Para po!” — One passenger said. “Andito na pala tayo. Baba na uy.” Juanito said, Placido quickly stood and got out of the jeepney with Placido with behind him.
They stood beside the 7/11 when Placido said, “Hindi ka ba sasakay ng tricycle?”, “Ah, Oo, bibili lang ako sa 7/11”, “Um, sige na Juanito, paalam, see you sa school.” Placido waved goodbye and walked away from Juanito.
When he was about to make a turn towards their street he realized that there was something on his pocket, it was a strawberry candy. He ran back to 7/11 then saw Juanito crossing the road; this made him curious because why did Juanito even cross the road to ride another jeep if the tricycle station was just across 7/11?
When Placido got home, he searched for Juanito’s name on Facebook, “Juanito Pelaez” he typed. It loads slowly then a profile appeared, the picture was Juanito slam dunking a ball into the ring of the court, and below it was his information. Apparently, he wasn’t from Placido’s place, Juanito’s house was farther maybe a kilometer far but definitely on the same way as Placido’s, this information made Placido unrelentless, queasy and more significantly, happy.
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shymonsdestiny · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kappa Banda Beinas 1 Unisex Size 9 LEFT SHOE ONLY.
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