#bapc wesley/reader
Wesley x female!reader
Requested over on ao3! Reader is new to the island and needs a job, so she works at the cafe!
You had just moved onto the island, away from the mainland. While your family was a little unsure about this idea, they wanted you to be happy, and if this would make you happy, then so be it. They would support you, and your choices.
You had just finished bringing your things, which were currently in boxes, into your new apartment, wiping the bit of sweat off your forehead before turning to face the boxes. Now it was time to unpack everything and get it put away. You looked out the nearby window and saw it was starting to get late, so you figured you could put your things away tomorrow and maybe take a walk around before getting some sleep, and maybe something to eat while you were at it.
You walked outside and took a look around your surroundings, before you started walking, to where, exactly? Not even you knew, you just wanted to walk around and see what there was around the island, and figure out where everything was. As you walked, you took in your surroundings, getting a wave here and there from people you walked past.
“They seem friendly enough,” you thought to yourself as you kept walking, a faint smile on your face. As you walked, you soon noticed a cute little cafe in the distance. Curious, you made your way over to the cafe, and when you saw that it was still open, you walked inside. Practically as soon as you stepped inside and the door closed behind you, you were bombarded by a bunch of cats, which caught you off guard and you nearly fell over. You managed to catch your balance before you fell, but you laughed a bit and knelt down to pet the cats.
“This is a surprise, the cats are usually pretty timid around new people.” You heard a male voice say, making you look up from the small herd of cats that were all wanting your attention. You saw a male with tan skin and blueish green hair, wearing what you could guess was a uniform for the cafe, and from the way he looked and how he sounded, you could tell he was a little flamboyant and takes pride in his appearance.
“Really?” You tilt your head slightly, petting a black and white cat that had crawled onto your lap. He only nodded in response, before looking back at you.
“I’ve never seen you around before, are you new?”
“Yeah, I just moved here today. I didn’t feel like unpacking everything at the moment, so I decided to walk around and find where everything is. Oh, that’s right, my name’s (y/n)!”
“The name’s Howell. Everyone else is… somewhere.”
“Everyone else?” You asked, curious to what he meant by that.
“Yeah, my siblings are all here, and I’m sure they’d like to meet you too… maybe. I dunno.” Howell held a hand out for you to take to help you up, which you took. Howell helped you up before letting go of your hand.
“No problem.” You took a look around the cafe, noticing that it was pretty empty aside from you and Howell.
“It’s usually busier during the day, but you happened to come by as we were getting ready to close for the night.”
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you guys!”
“It’s whatever. You could come by tomorrow?”
“Sure, that sounds like a plan!” You smiled and nodded, turning to leave. “See you tomorrow!” You left the cafe and started making your way back to your apartment. What you didn’t see, was a certain older brother watching you as you left. Wesley walked over to Howell, looking at the door.
“Oh, that was Y/n, they’re apparently new to the island. They’ll be back tomorrow.” Howell could just tell he was at least a little curious about you. Wesley only nodded and turned to help clean up before leaving. Howell only shook his head and followed after him.
The next day, you had gotten up, eating a small breakfast your parents had packed for you before you left… why you didn’t eat that for dinner was beyond you. You got your things unpacked and put away. It surprisingly didn’t take as long as you thought, considering you had quite a bit of stuff with you. As you were unpacking, you remembered the cat cafe you had visited last night, and your encounter with Howell. You decided that you were going back again today, and you were going now since you were done with what you wanted to get done today. You walked outside, closed and locked the door behind you, and head back to the cafe.
“Welcome back, Y/n.” You were once again greeted by several cats swarming you.
“Thanks, Howell.” You saw a few other people, some you could tell were customers, and few… well you could tell by their uniform that they worked here at the cafe. You sat at a table by yourself, as Howell went to take care of something. You had the same black and white cat from the night before sitting on your lap.
“Hello.” you heard another voice speak up, making you look up at the taller male.
“Oh, hello!” You said with a soft smile on your face. “You must be one of Howell’s brothers?” It was more of a question than anything. He only nodded and sat across from you.
“…My name’s Wesley.”
“Wesley? Well, it’s nice to meet you! My name’s Y/n, I just moved here yesterday.” Wesley nodded once more, looking at you now. The two of you sit and chat for a while, or at least.. you talked and Wesley listened, nodding or making a little gesture here and there.
“Wesley doesn’t usually talk much to new people.. you must be special, Y/n.” You heard Howell say as he approached the two of you.
“Nah, I’m not really that special, I’m just an ordinary girl!” You laughed a bit in response. It was true, you were just a rather ordinary girl, who just moved onto the island yesterday, and you were just looking for some new friends.
“Hey… do you guys think we could be friends?” You asked suddenly, catching the boys’ attention. “I know we only just met today and everything, but I… don’t have any friends here yet, and you both are pretty nice from what I can tell so far.” You were cut off by Howell who responded to you with a,
“Yeah, sure, why not?” Wesley nodded in agreement to his brother’s words.
“Great! I’m happy to hear it.” You smiled softly.
“Maybe we could hang out later..?” You suggested, still petting the cat that was on your lap.
“Sure.” Wesley responded.
“Great! I’ll see you guys later, then!” You got up, the cat in your lap now on the floor, and you left the cafe, Wesley watching you leave.
“…you like her, don’t you, Wesley?” Howell asked the older brother. Wesley simply shrugged and walked back into the kitchen, Howell shook his head as he watched his brother leave.
It’s been almost a year since you met the Wizard family, and you’ve gotten pretty close with most of them, except for Crispin, but you didn’t mind it too much. However, you’ve gotten really close with the second oldest brother, Wesley. You two spend a lot of time together, whether it’s at the cafe or on his off days. Speaking of the cafe, Howell ended up offering you a job there since he knew you needed to work and he liked you, as a friend of course. You were rather grateful for this and so was Wesley, as this gave him a chance to be around you more often.
Over the past few months, you had gained a bit of a crush on Wesley, but you had shoved it aside since you figured he wouldn’t feel that way towards you… so you kept quiet about your feelings. However, practically all of Wesley’s siblings knew about your feelings towards him, and about he feels about you. They have debated on trying to set the two of you up on multiple occasions.
“Wesley.” Howell and Cass approached their older brother.
“Hmm?” He looked over at his younger siblings as he looked ready to leave the apartment.
“We know how you feel about Y/n. Why don’t you tell her how you feel?”
“Come on, Howell, don’t try to force him to confess his feelings.” Cass lightly smacked him upside his head, making him yelp in surprise and glare at her. Wesley only shook his head in response, as if to say that he just wasn’t ready to confess his feelings for you yet. He wanted to, but he felt… afraid, in a sense. As if he didn’t want to ruin your friendship.
“Wait where are you going?” Howell asked suddenly, curious to where Wesley was going.
“It’s Y/n’s turn to close up, so he’s going to walk her home.” Cass answered before walking back to her room.
“You do care for her… you should just tell her already.” Wesley just shrugged and walked out, closing the door behind him. He had thought about his siblings words as he walked back to the cafe. He wanted to tell you how felt, but he wasn’t sure if you felt the same way towards him…
As he was approaching the cafe, he saw you locking the door. You looked over as he approached, a soft smile on your face.
“Oh, hey, Wesley!” Wesley smiled softly in response as he walked up to you.
“Oh..? Are you going to walk me home..?” He nodded in agreement, keeping the smile on his face. “Oh, you didn’t have to do that.”
“It’s what friends are for, Y/n.” Friends. Oh how you wanted to be more than that, but you were fine with being friends, as long as you got to keep hanging out with him.
“Oh, alright, let’s go!” You smiled as the two of you walked to your apartment, talking as you walked. You talked about whatever came to mind, whether it was about your day at work, something you heard, or just… something completely random. Wesley just smiled as he listened to you talk, chuckling a bit in response to something you said.
As you got closer to your apartment, you felt something wet touch your forehead. Confused, you looked up, feeling it again but on your cheek and forehead once more.
“Oh shoot, it’s about to rain!” You two then started to run towards your apartment, which was only a few minutes away now. Fortunately, you got to your apartment before it started pouring down rain. You closed the door behind the two of you.
“Well.. it looks like you’ll be over here for a while until the rain stops. I hope you don’t mind.” You looked over at the taller male, who didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, he didn’t mind, as he would be spending more time with you. You felt the same way, glad to be spending more time with him.
“Well… we could maybe watch a movie or something..?” You suggested, to which Wesley nodded in agreement.
“Sweet, you get comfy on the couch and I’ll be back.” Wesley went over to the couch and sat down as you went to your room to change out of your uniform. As he waited, he looked around the room, taking in his current surroundings, he noticed a few pictures here and there, but he doesn’t say anything about them. He was curious, though.
You soon came back to the living room in a t-shirt and sweat pants/shorts. You went over to the couch and sat by Wesley, grabbing the remote from the coffee table and turning the TV on.
“Alright, let’s pick a movie.”
“…how about (insert movie here)?”
“Sure!” You nodded and brought up the movie, pressing play and setting the remote back down on the coffee table. Within the first half hour of the movie, you had ended up moving closer to Wesley without even realizing it. How could you not notice that? Not even you knew.
Wesley, on the other hand, had noticed the distance between you two had gotten shorter and shorter, until you were practically leaning against him. Without thinking, he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer. Surprised, you glanced up at him, but you decide to not question it, and rest your head on his shoulder as you go back to watching the movie.
It was rather quiet, except for you two occasionally commenting on the movie or laughing at something. It wasn’t an awkward silence, either, it was a nice kind of silence. Once the movie was over, the two of you looked at each other, him still having an arm around you, and you still leaning against him.
“Wesley…” you started, “there’s… something I have to tell you.”
“…so do I, Y/n.”
“…does it have to do with the fact that you still have your arm around me?” You asked. Wesley only nodded, and you could swear you saw a faint blush on his face.
“I… really like you, Y/n, as more than a friend. I have… never really felt this way towards anyone else.”
“Wait, really? I like you too, Wesley. And it’s okay, we can take things slow, heck, we don’t even have to tell your siblings about us if you don’t want to.” Wesley smiled softly in response to your words as he hugged you.
“I would appreciate that, thank you.” He said loud enough for you to hear before he kissed your forehead softly. You hugged him back, noticing how nice and soft, and warm he is.
“Would you… like to stay over and continue watching movies with me? Since, uh, it looks like the rain stopped.”
“I would rather be here with you. They know I’m with you.”
“At least give them a ‘hey, I won’t be home tonight’ or something, okay?” Wesley chuckled softly and nodded.
“Alright, let’s get some snacks and watch another movie!” You stood up and went to the kitchen, coming back with a few snacks for you two as you brought up another movie, (favorite movie), knowing that tonight, it was just you and your new boyfriend, Wesley.
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cosmicladyy · 2 years
low tide
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dating wesley wizard
your first date was literally just a fishing trip
but you actually had a great time, wesley would tell you interesting facts about each fish he’d catch and what lure was best to use
you caught a big ass fish on your first throw and couldn’t stop bragging
he thought it was cute
(howell was horrifed when he found out and made him take you to this rlly fancy restaurant he had reservations for) “ON WHAT PLANET DOES FISHING QUALIFY AS A DATE???”
on the off chance you don’t go fishing with him, he’d send you pics of some of the fish he’d catch
‘took 4evr, but i finally caught him’
‘he kinda looks like u :)’
hc that he likes to bring home pretty shells he finds on the beach for you
you have a shelf dedicated to all the gifts he brings you
when ya’ll finally move in, he brings all his fish buddies with him
congrats! you now have your very own aquarium !!
love the man to bits, but i feel that bc he spends so much time in the ocean, he’s used to the smell and doesn’t realize a majority of his clothes stinks
which is bad news for you bc he likes to be held after a long day of fishing and you don’t wanna be near a smelly fish man
“Wes, I’ll hold you after you shower.”
“so you’re saying you don’t love me anymore?”
when ya’ll first started dating, he was a little hesitant on officially introducing you to his sibs
he knows his family does it to protect him, but they can be a bit much at times
but after much convincing, you both arranged a small dinner to get to know them
you kinda already knew Crispin, considering he’s the only mechanic on the island
it started off with you getting back to back ‘interviews’ from each sibling but at the end they all came to the realization that you’re actually pretty cool
he thought that was goods news, but it backfired tremendously
prepare to never have any alone time 
bc you’ll always have a wizard sibling glomming onto you
you don’t mind, but wesley gets tired of it quick
“I wanted them to help me with this new recipe I found.”
“Yea right, they clearly want to check out this new computer game I found.”
“Dream on! They obviously want to sculpt with me, let’s get outta here (y/n)!”
*cue tug of war*
he’s not really into pda
instead of holding hands, he likes to link pinkies
when ya’ll are alone however..
you like when he kisses your cheeks bc his stubble tickles in a good way
before he heads off for the day, he waits for you to brush his bangs to the side and give him a smooch on his forehead
he refuses to leave without one
he’s actually really clingy behind closed doors
you absolutely love it, but it definitely has it moments
“this is really nice, but i need to use the bathroom.”
“I’m like three seconds away from pissing my pants pls let go.”
“I have a bucket you can use.”
after his clothes have been thoroughly washed, you like to steal his sweaters
“Are any of the clothes dry yet?”
“is that my favorite shirt?”
you buying him those dorky dad hats that read somethin’ like “women want me, fish fear me” as a joke but they become a major part of his wardrobe 
sometimes when wesley gets tired of talking, he’ll slowly go from one worded responses to low grunts
when you pick up on this, you just hold his hand and sit with him in silence
he appreciates it and squeezes your hand to let you know
he’s really glad he met you, it makes him feel like you’re the only person who really gets him
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cosmicladyy · 2 years
I need more wesley wizard headcanons please 😫
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random wesley headcanons <3
hanging out at cat café on your days off !!
to all my homies with a cat allergy, better take some allergy medicine <<333
Depending on how busy they are, sometimes you’re either hanging out with the cats or in the back helping out 
Howell would pull you into their fish related arguments
“You’re his partner, reason with him, for me.” *cue sparkly background*
“Do what with who?”
you were too busy making a kitten dance to even realize what was going on
through the café is how you met Bee
when she wasn’t napping, she made for pleasant conversations about which cat was best or which dish was best
“Man, that guy’s food was reaaally good.”
“You mean ‘looked good’, right?”
whenever his brother was distracted, Wesley would sneak out plates of food for you
you scold him to not do that and wrestle money into his hand
the sentiment is forever cherished in your heart, but there’s no way you’re eating without paying
he takes your money but pays from his own wallet and slips your money back to you when you’re not paying attention
date nights !!
he plans them out ahead of time
once he took you out on his boat to watch the sunset and had little snacks that he bought from the convenience store
another time ya’ll just lounged around at your shared place watching random documentaries 
puppycat feeling threatened by you at first
not in a “He’s mine, back off’ kind of way
more like a “he’s too cool to be tied down, why are you here”
he thought you’d ‘water down’ his coolness
whenever you’re with wesley and puppycat was nearby, he’d just- stare you down, not blinking for a second like he was trying to read your mind
his tune quickly changed when you caught him effortlessly as he fell from a tree (he was lowkey stalking and slipped)
“Uh, Wes? Bee’s pet got in the house again.”
one pair has little cartoon fish running up and down the set
some mornings, if you’re up before him, he’ll trudge over to wherever you might be and just flop down onto you and soak in your warmth
you both fell the first time he did this
if he’s up before you, he likes to pull you into his chest and just hold you for a few minutes
then he tries to not wake you and goes to makes breakfast
dude makes a mean omelet
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