#bare with me i drew it at like 6 am running off of 3 hours of sleep because i stayed up half the night with horrible cramps
q-uzi · 9 months
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hi medbox nation
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independentaussie · 2 years
Drawing From My Infinite Dark Well
When I was hungry for success, I used to rise at 5.00 am and write for 2 hours straight before getting ready for my paid job. There was no shortage of material. I had a bottomless dark well from which I could draw. The stories flowed. Some contained barely restrained anger; others reflected my deep cynicism about how the world worked. A few seemingly came out of nowhere. An exception to the rule was an award-winning story called Rosa's Place, which drew on some song lyrics, a chance experience and fairly well-worn tropes. Every morning without fail. I used to subscribe to this paperback monthly called Scavenger's Newsletter. It would list all the small press magazines accepting submissions. I'd pick out the most likely and submit my work. Everything was done by snail mail. The process from submission to rejection or occasional acceptance was treacle-like. Getting published was such a buzz, but the remuneration was barely enough to pay for stamps and paper. The competition was intense. Many well-known writers were ploughing the same fields. The business model was not sustainable, but I loved writing and hated my job. There are a lot of ways to earn a crust writing, but your head and heart have to be in them. You can't bluff your way through. One of the worst decisions I have made in my writing career was to stop drawing from the dark well and focus on "more profitable" writing channels. I covered the dark well and relied upon my conscious skills to fulfil whatever I thought I was looking for. The last piece I wrote was what felt like the opening chapter of a sci-fi/dark fantasy novel. But I didn't know what to do with it. It felt like I'd written myself into a dark corner without planning a way out. Other more lucrative writing projects beckoned, and the story was allowed to sit forgotten. My life took a severe turn for the worse for a while. That usually happens when we forget who we are and try to be someone else. I'm not going to retread that old ground. Been there, done that, moved on. Part of my recovery involved extensively writing about elements of my life that I had suppressed and ignored. The process was cathartic not only because it allowed me to confront my demons but more importantly, it allowed me to tap into that subconscious part of me where the good stuff comes from. Ultimately, that process resulted in my book Postcards From Hell, which I think put a final full stop to what had been a traumatic but necessary period. One of the things that learned over that period is that we can't run from who we are. I uncovered the dark well and peered into the depths. Was there anything still there? I didn't know for sure, but I had to find out. My old material was dusted off and reread. Some of it seemed better than I remembered. Bits needed to be polished, but there were good stories there -stories that deserve to see the light of day. I got excited. That piece that felt like the beginning of a novel has been reprised, and I'm now eight chapters in and drawing from the dark well daily. So the plan for the coming year is simple - 1/Release the best of my stories in collections of short stories, Dark Weird Stuff due out on January 6, 2023, and - Dark Byways of Possibility which will be released as an eBook only two weeks later. 2/ Finish this novel that has a working title of Elsewhere 3/ Find whatever else is waiting to be drawn from my dark well. It feels like I've come home.
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queen-haq · 3 years
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 13
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 13
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: R for language and smut.
Words: ~3000 words.
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with Billy Russo for a few months now. Knowing his aversion to emotional commitments, you’re satisfied with your clandestine arrangement until you catch him having dinner with Dinah Madani one night. Then it finally dawns on you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to commit, he just doesn’t want to commit to *you*.
Billy may think he knows you, but he has no idea what he’s just lost...
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9  
Part 10   Part 11   Part 12
gif credit: @bilyrusso
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Part 13
It was 8 in the evening and you were still in the office. You hadn’t accomplished much work today, your mind mostly focused on Billy. You were surprised by how quickly he’d been able to make the funeral arrangements for his mother. Yesterday you had driven over to the nursing home and by the time you reached there, Carla Russo’s body had already been picked up. You’d signed a few papers for Billy and picked up the remainder of Carla’s things before you returned home. Everything of hers was packed into a small suitcase and sitting in your living room. You wanted to call him, ask him how he was and offer your support, but he seemed determined to do everything on his own when you’d talked to him last and you didn’t want to intrude.
You gave yourself a mental shake, reminding yourself to concentrate. This workday had been a wash. When you weren’t distracted by thoughts of Billy, you were putting out fires in your team. At least the personnel conflicts have been temporarily resolved, but now you needed to work on a slide deck that you’d been tasked with presenting to the executive leadership committee later in the week.
An hour later you were halfway done with your presentation when your phone rang. You glanced down at your screen to find Billy’s name on the screen. “Hi.”
“Hey.” He sounded exhausted. “You still at work?”
“Yeah. How did you know?”
There was a pause. “You give off the workaholic vibe.”
You smiled to yourself; at least he was okay enough to crack jokes. “How are you?”
“You mean am I grieving over a goddamn dead woman who preferred meth to her own fucking son?” He sighed. “No big loss. I’m fine.”
Anger and hurt saturated his voice despite his attempts to sound unaffected. Your heart hurt for him, you wished there was something you could do. “Do you need anything?”
“The funeral service is tomorrow.” A beat of silence followed. “Do you want to come?”
“Sure. What time?”
“I’ll take the day off. Do you need my help with anything? Maybe I can call some of her friends?”
“When I found her she was living on the streets, barely alive but still hooked on meth. I doubt she’s got any friends.”
“What about the people in the nursing home? Maybe they want to come?”
“No, I don’t want anyone else there. Just you.”
Not liking the warmth that spread through you upon hearing his words, you reminded yourself he was probably feeling unusually vulnerable. This wasn’t typical of him.
“Do you want to come over?” he asked.
You exhaled a heavy sigh. “I would but I have so much work to do. I’ll be here for another hour at least.”
“Come over after you’re done.”
“It’ll be really late.”
“That’s fine. I can wait.”
“I can stop by my place to pick up your mom’s-.”
“No, it’s okay.”
You realized he wasn’t quite ready to go through Carla’s belongings yet.
“Bring your stuff with you.”
“Overnight bag, clothes for tomorrow, whatever.”
“Oh. You want me to stay over?”
“Yeah, might as well. We can drive over together for the service tomorrow.”
Despite the conversation coming to a natural end, he wasn’t hanging up. It seemed as if he was reluctant to be alone, probably because that meant dealing with the complicated emotions for his mother. You knew exactly how that felt. “If you want, I can leave now. I can work from your apartment instead of the office.”
“You’re not worried I’ll be tempted to spy on Valiant stuff?” he teased.
You smiled. “As if I’d let you see what I’m working on.”
“Guess no corporate espionage for me tonight.”
“Still going to keep you away from my laptop.”
He chuckled. “Just get here. I promise not to bug you while you work.”
“Okay. I’m leaving now.”
“See you soon.”
After you hung up, you started gathering your things together.
An hour later, you were at his place. When he opened the door, you immediately grew concerned at how tired he looked. Traveling back and forth from Vegas plus dealing with the news about Carla’s death within the last few hours meant he was absolutely exhausted.
“Hey,” he greeted you, smiling as he took the overnight bag from your hands.
You removed your heels while he took your bag inside his room and then made your way to his living room. While his penthouse suite was much bigger than yours, you actually didn’t like it very much. Despite the high-end finishes and the beautiful interiors - Billy had obviously hired a designer to make the place look good - it always felt very cool and inhospitable to you. It was too perfect and you always felt out of place inside the suite.
“You hungry?” he asked, coming up behind you. “I ordered dinner for you.” Arms encircling your waist, he dropped a kiss on the back of your head as he maneuvered you to the kitchen. He’d laid out the food for you on the dining table, and from the take-out containers you knew it was from one of your favourite Indian restaurants. The thoughtful gesture surprised you, you weren’t used to that from him. Noting that he’d only set the table for one, you turned around to look at him. “You’re not going to eat with me?”
“I ate already. I was starving. Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” You cradled his face with one hand, your eyes roving over his beautiful face as he placed a kiss on the fleshy part of your palm. “You look exhausted. Did you even sleep?”
“No” He leaned back against the kitchen counter, weary. For a moment he closed his eyes, simply holding still, and you found yourself wrapping your arms around him in a hug. You didn’t understand why you’d even initiated the embrace – hugs were never your thing – but seeing him so beaten-down you were desperate to comfort him. He leaned into you, his body flushed against yours, and you held him tight. Stroking the nape of his neck, you placed a soft kiss on the center of his forehead. “Why don’t you take a nap while I work?”
“You don’t mind?”
You smiled up at him, running your fingers through his hair. “At least I don’t have to worry about you stealing my company secrets while you sleep.”
He smirked. “You’ll be here when I wake up?”
“Yup. Probably still working away.”
Billy grazed your temple softly before dropping a tender kiss on the tip of your nose. “Okay, but eat first.”
You nodded your head, watching after him as he sauntered out of the kitchen and disappeared down the hallway.
Sighing, you went to the sink to wash your hands before eating.
It was after midnight and you were still working on your slide deck when you heard Billy puttering around in the bathroom. Soon he slowly made his way towards you, dressed in a t-shirt and black boxers, his hair all messy. He yawned lazily, falling onto the other end of the couch.
“I thought you’d sleep through the night,” you remarked.
“Are you still working?” he asked.
“Almost done.” You saved the file and shut off the laptop before slipping it back inside your bag.
Suddenly he pulled you closer and you found yourself tucked underneath him on the couch as he glanced down at you from above. “You work too hard.”
You smiled up at him. “They don’t pay me the big bucks to sit there and look pretty.”
A slow, incandescent smile curved his lips. “I would. If I ran Valiant, you’d be my personal stress relief. You’d be in my office the entire time and do nothing but look pretty and service me.”
“That’s sexual harassment.”
Billy shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever. I’d make it worth your while.”
You laughed, angling up to kiss him. “Your breath is all minty fresh.”
“I brushed my teeth for you.”
“Wow. Be still my heart.”
A warm grin covered his face as he shifted down your body to nuzzle your neck. His weight was heavy as he rested atop you, but you liked the solid feel of him on you, the way you felt all safe and warm. You stroked his hair while he drew lazy circles on your chest, the silence between you two comforting.
“No one knows about her. Not Frank, not Curtis, no one.”
Those names were familiar to you because Billy had mentioned them in passing a few times. Of course he’d never shared any other info, but you being you, you’d dug around and found out more about them. You knew they’d served with Billy and he considered them his closest friends.
“When I found her three years ago, I put her in that home and forgot all about her.”
“You visited her every week,” you reminded him.
“Because I wanted her to regret abandoning me. I wanted her to see how far I’d come, I wanted to throw her mistakes in her face. But I don’t think she regretted safe-havening me, not even a bit.”
The bitter pain in his voice made your heart hurt for him.
“Maybe I should be happy she’s finally dead, or maybe I’m supposed to be sad or something.”
“How do you actually feel?”
“Nothing. I feel nothing.”
“Billy, I think that’s normal. There’s no right or wrong in this. All of your feelings are valid.”
“Even if her dying made me absolutely ecstatic? You wouldn’t think I was a fucking psychopath?”
“You are a psychopath but not because you have conflicting emotions about your terrible mother dying. You have the right to feel how you feel about her, whatever that might be.”
Eyes blazing with emotion, he hovered about you to meet your gaze. “Then what makes me a psychopath?”
You quirked your eyebrow. “The fact you want to torture my dates.”
“Not just torture, I want to kill them.” Eyes darkened, voice velvety-smooth, he covered your mouth with his and ravaged you with a kiss that left you thrumming and breathless.
“Only you’re allowed to touch me?” you asked through labored breaths.
“Yes.” His voice was a lustful rasp, his mouth leaving a heated trail as he sucked on the oh-so-sensitive corner of where your neck and shoulder intersected. Sparks of electricity ran down your spine. “Only me.”
You took his hand and guided it down your body, parting your thighs for him.
Like always, you were soon completely lost in the erotic pleasure of his mouth on you. Your legs hooked over his shoulders, your hands grabbed the back of the couch for support as he fucked you with his hands and mouth, sucking you, licking you, his tongue flicking over your clit until you were keening under him. Body arching off the couch, you moaned his name louder and louder until he drove you completely over the edge.
Then you felt a light slap on your cunt which immediately brought you back to reality. Opening your eyes, you found Billy perched between your legs, gracing you with the most wicked smile. “That’s one.” He slapped your pussy again, this time his long, lean fingers ever so slightly grazing your clit and your hips bucked, wanting more. “As promised.” His eyebrow quirked up. “Punishment.”
“Not fair,” you protested. “I’ll date who I want.”
He slapped you again, a little harder this time, but then he leaned down to place comforting kisses on the very spots he assaulted and you moaned with pleasure.
“All of you.” His tongue lapped over your clit, eyes locked with yours. “Belongs to me. I own you.”
“You don’t!” You squealed when he flipped you over unexpectedly, grabbing you by the hips so your ass was lifted of the couch. And then he squeezed your butt cheeks, biting them lightly before he started rimming you.
After sharing a shower the two of you were laying in his bed, your back pressed against his chest as you both stared up at the ceiling. His one hand was intertwined with yours, the other arm circled around your hips. The two of you didn’t have sex but you didn’t mind. You were both fatigued.
“I smell like you now,” you murmured, realizing the soap in his shower had left its scent on you.
“I know. I like it.” He squeezed your fingers. “I have a present for you.”
“I hope it’s not earrings again.”
He chuckled. “No, not earrings.”
“What is it then?”
You turned back to look at him. “What? Like a necklace?”
“Something like that. Except I’m the only one who’ll see you wearing it.”
“Ah. And where is this gift?”
He kissed the top of your head. “Not here yet.”
You smiled to yourself. “People usually wait until they have the gift in hand before telling others about it.”
“I couldn’t wait. I’m excited to see you wear it.”
He stroked your hair, and your eyes grew heavy. Soon you started falling into deep slumber, feeling calm, comforted by Billy’s arms around you.
“What happened with your family?”
Your eyes flew open. Like always, any mention of your family unfurled anxiety within you. You didn’t like thinking about them letting alone discussing them. “They passed away.”
“They’re dead?”
“Both of them?”
He pulled you up so you were facing him now, his intoxicating gaze completely focused on you. “That day when I asked you about the pictures, you said you weren’t close to your family.”
“I meant my extended family. I don’t keep in touch with them,” you replied smoothly.
“What were your parents like?”
Irritation surged through you at his obtrusive questions but you had to remind yourself he just lost his mother. He was feeling out-of-sorts, working through his grief – even if he didn’t think so – and he was reaching out to the only person in his life that knew about his mother. “Normal.”
He simply stared at you for a long time, studying you, saying nothing. “Normal,” he repeated, finally breaking the strained silence.
You shrugged your shoulders, dropping your gaze to the base of his throat so you didn’t have to hold his piercing stare. “Yup.”
“How did they die?”
“Car accident.”
“You miss them?”
“Of course,” you lied.
He reached out to cup your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. “So you grew up with great parents, white picket fence and all that bullshit? Sounds like you had a fairytale childhood.”
“Can we talk about this tomorrow? I’m really tired.”
“Sure. I’ll add this to the list of all the other shit we’ll talk about someday.”
He sounded almost angry with you and you weren’t sure why. Before you could question him, however, he pulled you close so you were snuggled against his chest and the warmth of his body was enough to silence your brain and lull you to sleep.
It was a cold, crisp autumn day in New York. The outdoor service, attended by only you and Billy, was short and quick. Throughout it, he’d gripped your hand even though he’d been outwardly calm and collected. Even now as he stood a few feet away from you, impeccably dressed in a black suit, his dark eyes hidden behind a pair of aviator sunglasses as he stared out at the pond, you sensed he was a complete mess inside. You didn’t know what to say to him so you simply sat on the bench, both of you in an isolated corner of the garden. Eventually he came to sit beside you, taking your hand in his.
“I’d have given her the whole world.” His voice was filled with pain and longing as he removed his sunglasses and tucked them in the upper pocket of his suit. “I would have given her anything she ever wanted.” Billy’s eyes met yours. “If she’d just wanted me.”
You scooted closer to wrap your arms around him, breathing him in as he sunk into you. His hands caressed your back, his grip on you so tight you almost couldn’t breathe. After a while he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes holding you prisoner in front of him.
“Swear to me you’ll never leave.”
“Promise me!”
“I can’t.”
“It wasn’t a fucking request, Y/N.”
You tried to pull away from him but he fisted the back of your hair, holding you in place.
The raw urgency in his voice played havoc with your emotions. If you closed your eyes, just for a moment, you could shut out all the doubts in your head and simply believe him - but you could only live the fantasy for a short moment before reality forced its way back in. “You don’t mean those words, Billy.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because you don’t feel that strongly about me.”
His eyes narrowed, glaring at you with hostility. “You’re gonna tell me how I feel?”
“I’m not what you want.”
“And what do you think I want?”
You gave him a sad smile. “The best of everything. Best car, best clothes, the most beautiful women in your arms. You want all that because you need others to want what you have.”
“Is that so wrong?”
You shook your head. “No, there’s nothing wrong with that – except I don’t fit into any of those categories. You want a woman like Dinah Madani. I’m not her. So eventually this thing between us will end.”
His jaw was set in a grim line, eyes burning bright with rage. “So you have me all figured out, huh?”
“Don’t get mad. You know it’s the truth.”
He yanked you closer, crushing you against him. “It’s been me against the world for as long as I can remember. But when I look at you.” His eyes softened, mouth parting as his dark gaze roamed over your face. “I don’t feel alone anymore.”
Your heart melted. The tenuous handle you had on your self-control disintegrated completely. You closed your mouth over his, kissing him frantically as he picked you up and straddled you across his lap.
He pulled back to look at you. “You’re my home. You’re all I need.”
Part 14
A/N - As always, all of your feedback, comments, asks, likes and reblogs are deeply appreciated. They truly inspire me to keep writing, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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nightlychaotic · 3 years
A Waiting Game
"Anybody got a pencil?" she asked, barely lifting her head to glance around as she focused on her sketchbook. The short look around was enough however for her to lock eyes on his pencil before leaning over and plucking it from his hand quickly. "Give me that."
Dick started to protest, but his words fell upon deaf ears as the woman worked away, brows furrowed as she drew, pausing occasionally to rub at the paper with her finger.
He stood there for a few minutes, unsure of what to do, feeling a bit awkward as he watched her scribble away, but not sure what else he should do. He’d just made his decision to leave as the pencil was placed back in his hand.
“I’m sorry about that. Mine broke and I needed to finish my design before I forgot the small details,” the woman said, offering an apologetic smile.
“No worries. I’m glad my pencil could be of help.”
“I’m surprised you waited. Most people wouldn’t have bothered to stay over a pencil.”
Dick grinned as he raised a brow. “Steal a lot of pencils, do you?”
She laughed. “Only in emergencies. I am sorry about that though. I hope I didn't cause a hold up or waste a bunch of your time.”
“Not at all. If you want, I could take up some of your time with a cup of coffee and we could call it even.”
“I can live with that arrangement. I’m Marinette by the way,” she introduced with a smile as she moved, bringing her stuff over to his table and joining him.
“Dick. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“You as well.”
“I’ll wait for you.”
Marinette laughed. “I’ll only be gone for a week.”
“And I’ll be right here to pick you up when you get back.”
Marinette shook her head as she leaned up and kissed his cheek, smiling. “I’ll see you in a week, Love.”
“I can’t wait. Let me know how the meeting goes?”
“You’ll be the first,” she promised, stealing her bags from him as she gave him one more kiss, glancing back at him once with a small wave as she disappeared into the airport, her small figure quickly swallowed by the throngs of people.
Dick glanced down at the phone in his hands reading the time. 6:03 pm. Marinette’s meeting should have been done hours ago. The meeting could have run later than expected, but it was after midnight for her at this point. He shook his head sending off a quick goodnight text before setting his phone down.
‘Night, Love. I hope your meeting went well! Talk to you later. Sleep well!’ Sent 6:05pm
He stood in front of the airport, glancing down at his watch, with a small frown as the time ticked by. Nothing. Not a word from Marinette since she’d landed. Her flight was supposed to have come in hours ago, but nothing. No word. From her or the airline or the airport.
Poking his head inside and taking a quick look at the arrival and departure times, Dick watched as he read and reread them, not finding a single incoming flight from Paris listed anywhere. None listed ‘cancelled’ or ‘delayed.’ There was simply none to be found anywhere.
Dick sent off a quick text, confusion and concern rising as he kept an eye on the boards.
‘Is everything okay? Paris doesn’t seem to exist at the airport. Did something happen?’ Sent 2:18pm
‘Are you okay?’ Sent 2:30pm
‘Please let me know you’re okay’ Sent 2:31pm
Dick frowned as yet another call went straight to voicemail. 2 weeks. 2 weeks of silence. No word, no calls, no nothing. Blank screens greeted his searches, voicemails awaited his calls, and unread messages marked his texts. The silence was suffocating and seemingly absolute.
‘It’s like Paris has disappeared. I can’t find anything current or from the last 3 weeks- since the day of your meeting- Please let me know you’re safe’ Sent 12:00am
‘I don’t know if you're getting any of these, Mari. I love you. I miss you. Please stay safe.’ Sent 1:21am
‘Let me know your alive’ Sent 4:41am
‘Please’ Sent 4:41am
‘Paris is still dark’ Sent 4:44am
‘I’m worried’ Sent 4:44am
‘I love you, Marinette’ Sent 4:59am
‘I love you’ Sent 5:02am
Marinette sat on her balcony, closing her eyes for a second trying to get a grip on everything that had happened in the past month, letting out a short, sharp laugh. A week. That was how long she was supposed to be gone. How it went to hell so fast was beyond her.
Glancing at her phone for the first time in weeks she stared at the missed calls and unread texts waiting for her, most if not all from Dick. She turned her phone off once more, taking in a shaky breath as she attempted to lock her emotions away. The messages would have to wait just a bit longer. As would Dick.
Her thoughts were broken as she heard the bell above the bakery door ring. She stood, taking a final moment to herself before jumping off to investigate whoever was in her family’s now abandoned bakery and home. No sooner than she’d landed did she hear the bell ring once more and a voice call out.
“Excuse me. Excusez-moi, Coccinelle. Ladybug!”
Ladybug froze as she recognized the voice. Turning around, her heart pounded as she found Dick standing there. Her mind raced. What was he doing here? How did he even get here? Paris is closed. He shouldn’t be here. Why was he here?
“Can I help you?”
“I’m sorry to bug you but Marinette Dupain-Cheng, do you know her?”
“I do. She’s helped me before on a few occasions.”
“Do you know what happened to her?”
Ladybug hesitated, glancing towards the empty bakery behind him. She swallowed, looking at Dick before giving a small nod, letting out a breath before answering.
“She’s dead.”
Dick blinked, taking a small step back as Ladybug said this. His heart clenched as it felt like everything was crashing down on top of him, slowly beginning to feel suffocated and claustrophobic as the spotted heroine spoke up once more.
“For now at least.”
“What do you mean for now?”
“Assuming I survive and win, everything will go back to the way it was before this started.”
“Well my partner and team are dead so I’m kind of on my own at the moment.”
“I’ll help-”
“NO!” she cut him off, panic clear in her voice before she took a deep breath. “No. I’m not dragging you into this.”
“Why not?”
“I am not about to put you in danger.”
“I’m from Gotham. I’m in danger all the time.”
“Not like this.”
“Please. You can’t do this alone.”
“No! I am not letting you help. I am not placing you in danger. You are a civilian, new to the situation, and clearly dealing with a lot at the moment in regards to your emotions. I am not going to be responsible for your death,” she told him, heart clenching at seeing the pain she put him in. She shook her head slightly. She couldn’t afford to try and reassure and have Dick worry about her right now. “I have managed just fine on my own so far. I will continue to do so without having to worry about your safety.”
A loud bang echoed from outside, effectively stopping the conversation as it was followed moments later with cracks snaking through the pavement as the earth shook. Neither of them wasted a moment in moving away from the rapidly forming cracks, putting distance between themselves and the edges of the cracks.
“We can continue this later, just- wait for me here,” she told him, as she shoved him into the bakery. “You should be safe here for now at least.”
“Wait-” he called, trailing off, as she pulled, tugging herself through the air as she swung away, leaving him alone. The bell above the door gave a small, pitiful ring as it slammed shut behind her.
Dick stood there, the ring echoing and echoing in his ears as everything sunk in. “She’s dead.” Dead. Gone. His Love was gone. His eyes stung as he sat down, legs threatening to give out. No. No. There was hope. “Assuming I survive and win, everything will go back to the way it was before this started.” Ladybug just needs to make it through this. Everything will be fine.
Dick took a deep breath, trying to focus on his breathing, the ringing in his ears slowly growing fainter as he slowly gathered himself. He could wait a little while longer. He would wait. He would help and wait. But he would not waste time waiting in an abandoned bakery when he could go fight to help bring his love back and once again bring a man who took someone he loved before their time to justice.
“Lady Noire at the moment, actually,” she said, taking a breath. Lady Noire held out a small box to him. “This isn’t ideal but you’re better suited for the Ladybug Miraculous than the Cat’s and you were right. I can’t do this alone. And I’m not going to combine the two and take that risk.”
Dick took the box from her, nodding. “What’s the plan?”
“Hawkmoth- Gabriel Agreste has isolated me. Taken all of my teammates away from me. He’s expecting me alone and vulnerable, easier for him to overwhelm, weaken, and attack, especially since he knows my identity. He’ll use that to try and gain the upper hand, maybe try and akumatise me. He doesn’t know about you,” she explained. Dick listened as she continued filling him in and giving him a rundown on the Ladybug Miraculous and a basic plan to go in, though neither of them expected things to go to plan.
Dick gave a small, hopeful smile to Lady Noire as he opened the box in his hands. “Let’s do this then.”
The miniscule smile she gave in return as she nodded was tight. “Let’s finish this.”
“You killed them. All of them. My friends, my family, my best friend, your own son. In cold blood. And there is no way for them to come back. The cure will do nothing. And for what?”
“It won’t matter once I make my wish. I will have my family back. Adrien-”
“No! You don’t deserve to speak his name.”
“I had forgotten about your infatuation with my son. Adrien, was an unfortunate casualty but one I will right soon enough, when I bring him and his mother back. It is unfortunate that you and your little crusade against me blinded him to the fact that I was only trying to help him. I’m doing this for him. If he’d just given me the ring he would have been fine.”
“You’ve lost, Hawkmoth. Your little game, your reign of terror, your monopoly. It’s all over Gabriel,” she snarled, ripping his Miraculous off of him before turning to stalk away, tears threatening to fall.
“There’s no bringing the-”
“Shut UP,” she snapped, turning around to clock him, knocking him out as a sob tore from her throat. She crumbled, choking back her sobs as she sat there for a moment, the grief and relief washing over her.
She took a minute to collect herself. Now was not the time. She had to get her Miraculous back, cast the Cure, and give one last message to Paris. Then she could greive. Then she could return to her life. It would just have to wait a little while longer. Just a few more days.
Lady Noire straightened, opening her mouth as she turned to ask for her earrings back, to find them already being offered out to her.
“Thank you. For everything. I appreciate your help. I- I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.”
Dick simply nodded, offering a tight smile, hesitating before speaking up.
“I thought you said if you won everything would go back.”
“The Cure only works if the damage was done by a Miraculous. My team- my friends, weren’t killed as a result of the Miraculous. They’re gone. The cure will restore those who’ve died and fix all the damage caused while he was Hawkmoth, but it can’t undo what he did as Gabriel.”
“So she’s really gone? He killed the rest of your team as Gabriel, then it stands to reason he did the same for her-” he trailed off as his breathing grew shallower. “Of course she is.”
Marinette’s heart clenched as she watched him turn away with a small shake of his head, moving to leave, for privacy or for good she couldn’t tell. She swallowed.
“I’m not dead!”
Dick froze as she said that.
“I’m not dead, Dick,” she repeated softly. “It was just easier and one less thing I needed to worry about if you thought I was. Then my focus could be on Hawkmoth, and not trying to be Marinette and Ladybug.I- I had to keep distance so I could focus and keep you safe.”
She gave a soft smile, tears streaking down her face as she called off her transformation. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to keep you waiting. It was only supposed to be a week. Then I was playing defense and alone and he kept coming and I-”
Her rambling was cut short as she was scooped into a tight embrace.She clung to Dick as she finally allowed her tears to fall as he held her close and gently stroked her hair. The two of them holding the other for dear life, supporting the other, afraid that they might disappear if they let go.
“I thought you were dead.”
She shook as she tried to answer, unable to get the words out, only hugging him closer. His soft whispering of reassurances as she broke down for the first time in a long while. Finally free to stop bottling them up.
They stayed there, emotional walls crumbling around them, until they stood there, locked in an embrace, letting the other's presence comfort them, gently swaying back and forth.
“I think we have a lot to talk about,” Dick said, breaking the silence after a while.
Marinette nodded. “On both sides….” she trailed off as she started to pull away. “I need to clean up Paris and make sure all the loose ends are wrapped up.”
“That can wait.”
“It’s been years.”
“So Paris can wait a little while longer.”
“Dick-” he cut her off, scooping her up in his arms.
“It can wait til morning. We’ll figure everything out then,” he told her, carrying her out and away, ducking out as he avoided the police swarming the mansion.
“Shhh- You’ve done so much already. We can all wait a little while longer.”
“I’m still waiting to pick you up at the airport.”
Marinette’s short and light laughter floated in the air as she rested her head on his chest. “Well I don’t want to keep you waiting any longer than I already have,” she said softly, eyes slowly drifting shut.
“I’ll wait however long I have to, My Love,” Dick whispered, gently pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll always wait for you.”
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bibbawrites · 4 years
Don’t Get Caught - Owen Joyner x Reader (16+)
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Request: mischievous/playful/giggly sneaking around with Owen on set or evading Charlie in their apartment
Word Count: 3142 words
Summary: You are a makeup artist on set for Julie and The Phantoms and quickly began messing around with Owen, but the fear of potentially losing your job if anyone finds out has the two of you sneaking around and trying your best to not be caught aka 4 times you and Owen were almost caught messing around and one time you were 
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, implied oral sex, reference to m*sturbation
A/N: hi all! so this is my first attempt at a jatp related fic so hopefully i do okay, sorry for any mistakes, most of this was written and edited from 2am-6am because those are my motivation hours  i also don’t usually write reader insert so fingers crossed i dont mess this up lol. i have a ton of requests to work through so keep an eye out for things coming soon (hopefully)  also, to the person who requested this, sorry it took so long (my dumb ass deleted 90% of it and had to start again) i really hope i did your idea justice :)
1. Makeup Trailer 
The first time you met Owen was on your first day on set. Kenny had dragged the cast in to meet you, and something about Owen drew you in and you just knew you had to get to know the beautiful blonde boy. 
Luckily your chance came sooner than expected when you were working alone in the makeup trailer a few days later. The door opened and Owen came in, smiling brightly when he saw you.
“Hey, you’re Y/N, right?” He asked. You nodded.
“I am.” You replied and he grinned.
“I’m Owen. Nice to meet you, again.” He said awkwardly.
You giggled at his awkwardness. 
“Nice to meet you again too. Sit down.” You gestured to the chair in front of you and he sat down. You got to work quickly, working in silence for a few minutes before Owen spoke up.
“So how long have you been doing makeup for? You look young.” He asked.
“I’ve been doing it professionally for 5 years now. I started working in my mum’s salon when I was 15, and when I graduated I did a course to get me this job.” You told him. He paused.
“So you’re 20?” He questioned, and you nodded.
“I am.” 
“Cool, I’m 19.”  He said, and you hummed in response, concentrating on making sure his face didn’t looked cakey.
“So are you from around here?” You shook your head.
“Nah I moved here from Quebec.” You said.
“Alone? Or with your family or... boyfriend?” Owen asked, the last part sounding slightly bitter.
“Yeah I came alone, my mum is too busy with her salon, and my siblings are still in school. And I don’t have a boyfriend.” You told him and he grinned slightly.
“Good to know.” He muttered quietly. You raised an eyebrow, not quite hearing him properly.
“Sorry?” You asked. He shook his head.
“Okay...” You trailed off, not believing him. “Well you’re all done.”
“Already?” He frowned slightly. 
“Yep.” You smiled.
“Oh. Thanks.” He stood up, pausing slightly. 
“Can I get your number?” He asked, somewhat hesitantly. Realisation dawned on you.
“So that’s why you asked about a boyfriend.” You said, eyebrow raised. 
“Guilty.” He grinned cheekily.
“Give me your phone.” You held out your hand and he placed his phone in it, and you quickly added a new contact, typing in your number and texting yourself from his phone.
“There. I’ll text you pretty boy.” You said, handing him his phone back. He grinned.
“I’ll see you around Y/N.” He said, turning to leave for the hair trailer. You watched him leave with a smile on your face.
A week of texting and flirting later and you found yourself alone with Owen in the makeup trailer again.
“So what scenes are you filming today pretty boy?” You questioned as you began to apply his makeup.
“Why do you always call me pretty boy?” He asked, ignoring your question.
“Because you’re pretty? And a boy?” You said, pulling a face.
“Are you flirting with me?” He grinned, and you raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe.” You said. He bit his lip.
“So if I tried to kiss you you’d say?” He asked, and your heart skipped a beat.
“Eh why not?” You said it like it was nothing but inside you were freaking out.
“Y/N.” He groaned and you giggled.
“Just kidding.” You teased.
“So?” He asked again after a moment of silence. You rolled your eyes.
“Oh my god just kiss me you dork.” Owen didn’t even take a second to think about it, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap, connecting your lips in a less than innocent kiss. Your lips fitted together perfectly, and he tasted faintly of blueberry and spearmint. After what felt like a lifetime he pulled away from you, leaving you panting and wanting more.
“Wow that was...” He was the first to speak, his voice breathy. You nodded.
“Yep.” You said simply. “I should probably...”
You stood up from his lap, and had barely stepped away when the door opened.
“Hey Y/N, one of my lashes came off and... oh...” Savannah’s voice came, the young actress pausing when she saw how close the two of you were.
“Hey Savannah.” You said with a smile. She returned your smile before glancing back at Owen.
“Sorry, did I interrupt something?” She asked. The two of you shook your heads.
“No, not at all.” You said.
“I was just leaving.” Owen added, standing up from his chair. Savannah raised an eyebrow.
“If you say so.” She replied as Owen left the trailer quickly. The door shut behind him and Savannah grinned at you.
“You like him.” She said, her tone teasing.
“No...” You denied. Savannah rolled her eyes.
“You so do Y/N. And I know Owen, he definitely likes you too.” She told you.
“If you say so.” You said, grabbing a new fake lash to fix the missing one.
Savannah grinned. 
“Oh I know so. You’ll see.”
2. Julie’s Bedroom Set
“Come on Y/N, what’s the worst that could happen?” Owen had said as he dragged you through the filming lot towards the set of Julie’s bedroom. You had been heading off to grab some lunch when he had intercepted you and asked if you wanted to “hang”, which by this point you knew was code for hide somewhere and make out for a while. You had originally said no, but those darn puppy eyes had made you say yes before you even realised you were saying it. 
“What if someone catches us?” You had questioned, but Owen silenced your worries with a blistering kiss that left you breathless. 
“We’ll be fine.” He muttered as he pulled away. “Don’t stress.” 
“Famous last words.” You muttered, allowing him to pull you back in and kiss you again. You ran your fingers through his hair, knowing that he would have to have it fixed up before his next scene anyways. 
It had been a few weeks since that first kiss in the makeup trailer, and since then you had learnt the taste and feeling of Owen’s lips on yours, a feeling that was now so familiar to you that it felt like second nature. 
You mindlessly kissed him back, thanking your past self for deciding to use your favourite chapstick flavour, choc mint, on him earlier that morning when you did his makeup for the day. 
You pulled away to take a breath and he grinned at you. 
“I’m glad we met.” He said. You blushed slightly.
“Me too.” You agreed.
He pulled you back in and kissed you again, this kiss more passionate than the last, and you shuffled closer to him, your lips never leaving his for a second. You could feel his hands resting on your waist, his tongue in your mouth, the scent of his cologne filling your nostrils.
Suddenly you heard a noise and you pulled away quickly, the fear of being caught overpowering your feelings for Owen.
“Someone’s coming.” You said quickly. Owen frowned.
“What?” He questioned.
“There’s someone coming.” You repeated and his expression changed to fear.
“Fuck, what do we do? Run?” He asked and you nodded.
He grabbed your hands and pulled you up off the bed, linking your fingers together before dragging you off the set, the both of you giggling the whole way back to his trailer.
“It’s kinda fun, almost but not quite getting caught.” You admitted once the two of you were curled up on the couch in his trailer.
“It is.” He agreed. “But do you know what’s even more fun?”
“What?” You questioned.
“Making out with you.”
And if Owen went back to set with the taste of your orgasm on his tongue that was for only the two of you to know. 
3. Owen and Charlie’s Living Room 
You had just finished some finishing touches on Savannah’s makeup when Owen burst into the makeup trailer. 
“You’re all done.” You told Savannah and she grinned. 
“Thanks Y/N.” She stood up from the chair. “See you later. Bye Owen.” 
She glanced between the two of you, before turning and giving you a quick wink as she left, leaving you and Owen alone in the trailer. 
“So?” You spoke, beginning to pack up your brushes. “Why are you here?” 
“Well you see, I’m finished for the day and I checked your schedule and you are too, and I was wondering if you wanted to come back to my place to watch a movie and chill or something.” Owen spoke, plopping himself into one of the chairs and spinning around. 
"What about Charlie?” You asked, placing your brush bag into the large drawer of your makeup supplies. 
“He’s filming the Perfect Harmony scene with Madi. We’d have the place to ourselves for at least a few hours.” You paused, considering his offer. 
“Okay.” You replied simply. He cheered. 
“Are you ready to go now?” He asked, standing up, and you nodded. He grinned slightly, pulling you in and kissing you softly. 
“Hi, by the way.” He whispered once he pulled away. You rolled your eyes playfully. 
“Let’s just go.” 
You somehow managed to make it off set and back to the building where most of the cast and crew were living without anyone noticing the two of you together.
“What floor?” You asked as you hopped into the elevator.
“6.” He replied, and you pressed the button, riding in silence to his floor. He took your hand, pulling you towards the apartment he shared with Charlie, unlocking the front door and dragging you towards the couch.
“So you mentioned a movie?” You said once the two of you were settled. Owen nodded. 
“I did, what do you wanna watch?” He asked. 
“I actually have a better idea.” You grinned, climbing on top of him, straddling his waist.
“Oh I see.” He replied, grabbing your top and pulling you down to kiss you roughly.
It felt like no time had passed at all when suddenly the front door unlocked.
“Fuck.” You said, jumping off him quickly and settling onto the couch next to Owen, pretending as if you’d been there the whole time. Charlie entered the room, frowning slightly when he saw you sat on the couch.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Charlie questioned, throwing his bag onto the chair. 
“I.. Um...” You stumbled. “I was just leaving.” 
You stood up quickly, thankful that the shoes you wore were slip on’s. 
Charlie eyed Owen carefully as the door shut and Owen shrugged.
“Should I ask?” Charlie questioned. Owen shook his head.
4. Owen’s Bedroom 
After a couple of close calls on set and in the living room, the next time you came over you and Owen went straight to his room.
He laid down on his bed and you climbed on top of him, kissing him instantly.
“God you’re perfect.” He muttered, lips and tongues combining in a mess of passion and lust. Owen pulled at your shirt, tugging it over your head, and you did the same for him. His lips trailed down your neck, sucking gently to leave a mark.
The front door opened and Owen groaned.
“Shit, is that Charlie?” You asked. He nodded. “What do we do?”
“Uh... get in the closet.” He suggested and you giggled, grabbing onto your shirt so Charlie wouldn’t see it if he came in.
“Owen? You here?” Charlie called, and Owen dragged you into the closet, pulling the door shut behind you.
“Shh.” Owen whispered. You tried to hide your smile.
“I didn’t say anything.” You told him, and he rolled his eyes playfully. The door to Owen’s room opened and the two of you froze, bodies pressed together.
“God I hope that’s your phone pressed against my leg.” You whispered after a moment. Owen pulled a face in the darkness. 
“Uh... no.” He replied, and you giggled awkwardly. 
“Don’t laugh, this isn’t funny.” He whined.
“It is funny. We’re trapped in your closet waiting for Charlie to leave and you still manage to be turned on?” You questioned with a giggle
“I can’t help it when someone as attractive as you is pressed up against me. Plus you don’t have a shirt on so...” He trailed off.
“Oh yeah?” You pressed yourself against his body more forcefully. Owen groaned quietly. 
“Fuck, stop it.” He muttered. You smirked. 
“No.” You whispered, and Owen placed his hands on your waist. 
“Y/N...” His voice was low, and just the sound of it sent flutters through your stomach. 
“Owen...” You replied just as quietly. “Before you ask, I’m not gonna fuck you in a closet.” 
“Why not?” He whined. You rolled your eyes. 
“You shouldn’t even have to ask that question.” 
The front door slammed shut and Owen let out a sigh of relief, pushing open the closet door. You stepped past him and made your way over to the bed, Pulling your shirt back on before sitting down to pull your shoes on. 
“Wait where are you going?” He questioned, pouting. 
“Back to set, I have a job to do, remember?” You reminded him, tying your laces on your left shoe before reaching for the right. 
“Can’t you call in sick?” He tried. You raised an eyebrow. 
“From my lunch break?” He shrugged. 
“Food poisoning?” 
“Owen.” You gave him a look and he groaned, flopping onto the bed. 
“Fine. But what am I supposed to do about this?” He motioned towards his crotch. You stood up, grabbing your phone, and walked towards the door, pausing before you exited the room. 
“You have a hand. Use it.” And with that, you left. 
+1. Owen and Charlie’s Kitchen 
It was a day off from filming so you decided to have a lazy day. It was almost lunch time when you woke up, and you would have slept longer if it wasn’t for your phone ringing obnoxiously from its spot on your nightstand. 
You rolled over, grabbing the phone and answered without even checking the caller ID. 
“Hello?” You spoke, voice full of sleep. 
“Good morning, Charlie has gone for a hike, wanna come over?” Owen’s voice came through the phone. 
“Sure, why not. Give me half an hour to have a shower and get changed.” You replied, already climbing out of bed. Owen cheered causing you to smile slightly. 
“Awesome, I’ll see you in half an hour.” He said. “And don’t eat anything.” 
“Okay.” You replied, and before you could even say goodbye he had hung up. You rolled your eyes, throwing your phone back onto the bed and grabbing a simple outfit of a crop t-shirt and shorts out of your wardrobe, before heading into the bathroom to get ready. 
25 minutes later you were knocking on the door of Owen and Charlie’s apartment. The door opened, revealing a shirtless Owen, and you had to stop yourself from checking him out as he let you in. 
“Any reason why I wasn’t allowed to eat?” You questioned, following him down the hall into the kitchen. 
“Because, I thought we could make pancakes together.” He gestured to the pile of ingredients sitting on the counter. 
“How domestic. Didn’t realise we had become a married couple.” You teased, and he blushed slightly. 
“I just thought it would be fun.” He defended, and you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“It will be. And delicious.” You agreed.
He grinned, grabbing the ingredients. 
“Let’s get started then.” 
Somehow you found yourself sitting on the counter, eating the batter while Owen cooked the pancakes. 
“There!” Owen exclaimed, flipping the last pancake onto the plate he had gotten out. “All done.” 
He turned to face you, his smile turning into a look of concentration. 
“You have a little something...” He said, positioning himself between your legs. You paused, waiting for him to move. Slowly he lifted his hand, running his thumb along your bottom lip.
“Much better.” He muttered. The two of you were still, a stand off to see who would make the first move. You leaned in slowly, connecting your lips in a soft kiss.
It was as if the first brush of your lips opened the floodgates. Owen grabbed onto your thighs, dragging you forward, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, the pancakes long forgotten.
You tangled your hands through his hair, moaning slightly when you felt his hands on your ass, and he took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
You were so caught up in each other that you didn’t even hear the front door open.
“Hey Owen, I forgot my-” Charlie’s voice came, stopping abruptly as he took in the scene in front of him.
Owen stepped away from you quickly, but even if Charlie hadn’t seen you kissing, it was obvious what the two of you had been up to.
No one blinked. Finally, Owen broke the silence.
“You were meant to be hiking all day.” He said, somewhat defensively.
“I forgot my phone, so I came back for it. I figured you’d be on the couch where I left you. I didn’t realise you’d be...” He stopped, focusing his attention on you. “Hi Y/N.”
You waved awkwardly.
“So...” Charlie looked between you and Owen. “Am I pretending I didn’t see this, or...” He trailed off. 
You and Owen shared a look before nodding.
“Just for now, at least.” You said, and Charlie nodded.
“Got it. Well, have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Oh, and if you have sex on the kitchen counter please clean it afterwards. I eat off that thing.” He winked at Owen and before either of you could respond he had left the room.
“Sorry about him.” Owen sighed slightly.
“You didn’t know he’d leave his phone. Besides, now we can hang out here together and not have to worry about Charlie walking in on something he doesn’t know about.” You replied, and Owen grinned, leaning in to kiss you again.
You had just started to find a rhythm in kissing again when a cleared throat broke you apart.
“Dude!” Owen exclaimed, glaring at Charlie who was leaning against the wall, grinning cheekily.
“Just wanted to say goodbye. And warn you that I’ll be back at 3, so make sure any... activities-” He winked suggestively. “Are done by then.”
“Get out.” Owen glared at him. Charlie grinned, turning to leave quickly.
“Bye Y/N!” He called back as he left.
“Bye.” You called, giggling slightly.
Owen rolled his eyes as the front door shut behind Charlie. Focusing his attention back on you he smiled slightly.
“Now where were we?” He questioned, pulling you back in and connecting your lips again.
And if you did end up having sex on the kitchen counter, Charlie would never have to know.
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toomanyfandoms02 · 3 years
Shameless // Fred Weasley
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Summary - The gang challenges Fred and the Reader to fluster eachother after each being called shameless.
Word Count - 1.7k
I'm not gonna lie this was hot LMAOO
Fred and I were often compared to eachother. These were usually the words we were called
These were said by a mixture of people, but most knew us as best friends. I marched the halls with the twins every day, but everyone knew I was a just a little closer to Fred. There was just some connection there. A connection lots of people took out of context.
Sure, we flirted, but I flirt with a lot of people. Theres another word we were called, flirts! Though this had a good majority of my friends convinced that we were in love. It was at the point where people openly talked about it in front of us.
*"Nice ass Weasley!" I shouted as I entered the Great Hall. This drew a few eyes towards me, snickering. Fred turned around and looked to me, gesturing to his bum.*
*"Oh this old thing? Nothing compared to yours." I licked my finger and made a sizzle sound. Everyone was right, we really had no shame.*
And that's what my friends were on about at the moment. A big group of us were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. This included Harry, Hermione, Ron, the twins, Seamus, Dean, Angelina, and Ginny.
"You two flirt all the time without getting all ruffled. How do you do it?" Ginny asked.
"I don't know, it's just how we are I guess." I shrugged to Fred as I answered. He nodded in agreement.
"Matter of fact, I don't think I've ever seen either of you flustered." Dean butted in.
"I say we change that." George said with a simple nod. Fred looked at him with furrowed brows. "I say we challenge them!" It was clear that not one person in the room knew what George was on about, so he continued. "Alright see, I give them 3 days to see who can fluster who first. One of us has to see it though, to know it happened. Can the unflusterables fluster one another you think?" Georges arms were crossed at his chest cockily.
"I think that's a brilliant idea." Hermione agreed.
"That's easy, I'll totally win. I have no shame, no embarrassment." Fred announced with glee.
"We will see about that." I smiled at him with one eyebrow raised.
*Oh its on.*
After barely an hour of thinking about this whole challenge alone in my dorm, I realized that I walked myself right into failure. It wasnt that I though Fred could win, it was that I *knew* I would lose. In the way that I had never really charmed any boy. I didn't have anything up my sleeve. I was really just going to have to wing it.
That being said, Fred was quite the charmer. It was hilarious watching 1st years see him for the first time and swoon over him. Pulling girls in with simple winks and little waves across the room.
But now it was dinner time, so I see this as round one to this weird challenge George has concocted.
I made sure to make my way into the Great Hall nearly unnoticed, walking in with a sea of other students. I immediately spotted Fred and made a beeline towards him. Some of the group spotted me but said nothing, letting me go with my improvised plan.
I stood right behind Fred, reaching my hand into his hair and running my fingers though it. He turned his head slightly to see me.
"Hello love." He smiled at me sweetly. I continued, wrapping my arms around his neck lightly and leaning down so my chin was rested on his shoulder.
"You're hair is so soft." He turned his face to mine, our noses almost bumping.
"Thanks sweet cheeks." He put a small kis on my nose which made me smile, sitting next to him after.
"Nothing? Really? No blushy cheeks, or stuttered speech?" Angelina was flabbergasted clearly, her hands gesturing wildly in the air as she spoke.
"I honestly don't know if it's possible." George shrugged. "I just thought it would be interesting if it was."
"Oh I've got plans don't worry, this sexy ass will be blushing to the moon and back when I'm done with her." Fred looked down to me, smirking. He gave a challenging face.
"I know your deepest darkest secrets Weasley. Don't test me." I raised my eyebrow cockily as the whole group just stared puzzled.
"I wish I could talk to Cho like that." Harry huffed, earning a laugh from most of the group. (Aside from Ginny, who I was quick to tap her hand under the table at the comment. She had told me weeks ago how agonizing she felt.)
Later that night a good portion of the gang was hanging out in the common room again. I had just walked through the entryway and saw Fred sitting on the couch. As soon as we made eye contact he patted his lap. All heads whipped my way. I walked over and sat right on his lap, making myself comfortable. He grabbed my face lightly and put a small kiss on my jaw.
"Where were you love, we missed you." The few first years that had joined whatever conversation was going on looked as if they were going to be sick.
"Just went on a walk handsome." Everyone shook their heads with disappointed looks.
"Nothing, seriously?" Hermione laughed in disbelief. The youngins asked about the situation and it was explained to them. They all giggled about it for a while as we watched. Soon Fred was leaned very close to my ear.
"You should just give up now beautiful, you know you're going to lose." He whispered ever so lightly in my ear. I pushed his face away from mine so his ear was towards me.
"Really cute of you to think so." I whispered back. That was the last we spoke that night seeing as it was 10 pm.
I woke up the next morning hearing giggles from Hermione and Angelina. I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes. They got very quite as they saw me waking up.
"What are you two up to?" They looked down at the books they had in their hands, ignoring me. Just then I heard our shared bathroom open, seeing Fred come out wearing only a towel hanging low on his waist. I looked him up and down with a smile. "Not bad Weasley. Working out lately?"
I would never admit it outloud, but this one almost got me. He's only in a damn towel. I mean come on, everyone found Fred attractive.
"Yeah. Maybe you can try this whole thing in my dorm later? Maybe surprise me?" He winked and left the room quickly.
"Hey! Get your arse back here, that's my towel!" The girls followed us close behind, peaking out of the door to watch us in the hallway between the rest of the dorms.
"Oh you want it back? Her you go love." He pulled it right off his body and handed it to me. I knew if I closed my eyes, or covered them, they would count it as a loss for me. So I just maintained eye contact with him and yanked it from his hands. "Nervous?" He squinted at me. Man was the boy lucky there was not one else in these halls at 6 am.
"Never." I replied with a smile and turned away, walking back into the dorm. "Nice try ladies!" I dropped the towel in our hamper and they fell back onto Hermiones bed with a loud groan.
Later that day Hermione, Fred, George, me, Dean and Seamus had free time in Care of Magical Creatures.
"He was literally naked in front of her and she didn't even blink." Mione deadpanned.
"Maybe it's because shes seen it before." Fred elbowed my side.
"You wish." I rolled my eyes.
"Maybe I do." He stared daggers into my eyes.
"At this point I feel like even if you guys made out nothing would happen." George shrugged. This gave everyone a collective evil smile.
"Oh are we doing that now?" I asked as nonchalant as possible. Even with my heart racing a mile a second. Fred looked at me with confusion. "Unless you're too pussy." That wiped the confusion off his face.
"Nope." He grabbed my face and pulled it inches from his.
"I'm just going to warn you, I've never kissed, let alone made out with, a boy before. So I apologize in advance." I laugh-whispered to him, pushing my lips onto his. I grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him closer, running my hands through his hair.
His hand traced my jaw with one hand and the other was gripped to my hair.
"Pretty good for never kissing anyone, you sure you arent lying?" He said quietly in between kisses.
"I would never lie to you." He took my open mouth as an opportunity to use his tongue and deepen the kiss. I was ready to give up at this point, this boy was unknowingly ruining me. "Would you ever lie to me?" More questions between kisses.
"You like me don't you?" His nose bumped with mine at the question. Starting to kiss up my jaw near my ear.
"Of course love." He laughed lightly, pulling back from the kiss. We turned back to the group which was a mixture of disgust, confusion, and knowing glances.
"Seemed like a lot of whispers for just making out don't you think?" Georges arms were crossed over his chest. We both shrugged.
"Sometimes friends just make out." I admitted, which was a very obvious lie.
"So you would make out with me then?" George challenged. Fred grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him with a glare to George.
"I think I won in a different way than anticipated." George smirked. "So are you guys going to get together or what?" Everyone nodded.
"Was that what this bullshit was about?" Fred asked loudly.
"Yeah of course. Two dimwits you are, walked right into it." Hermione shook her head. Fred grabbed my hand and squeezed it, making me blush furiously.
"I win!" He pointed to my heated cheeks.
"Shut up ares hole." I elbowed his side lightly.
"It didnt even take 3 days!" George cheered.
*Boy are we going to have some stories when we get older.*
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jingyismom · 3 years
Happy birthday Lan Jingyi!
word + mood prompted minithreads part 1:
river + sleepy
The sun is high and insects buzz all around their boat. It's too hot to be anywhere right now, but Jingyi supposes the river isn't the worst place to be. He squints up at the disciple steering them.
"We're not gonna hit any rapids or anything right?"
She shakes her head with only a slightly pitying look. Jingyi ignores it. How is he supposed to know river topography? He's not a fish.
Mm. Fish.
"Sizhui, are you hungry?" 
Sizhui does that thing where he is Not Rolling His Eyes. "No, Jingyi, I am not hungry half a shichen after eating."
Jingyi sighs. It's too hot is what it is. He yawns.
"Well if there's no excitement and no food, I'm taking a nap."
Nobody says anything. He takes this as enthusiastic support, and stretches out against the side of the boat.
"Wake me when something interesting happens."
"With Jingyi asleep, how could anything be interesting?" Sizhui deadpans. 
Jingyi lets his fingers trail in the cool water, smiling. He reaches back to lazily flick droplets at his friend and listen to the quiet, indignant sound he can't keep from making.
"Such a good point," he says. "Wake me when you miss me."
There's a beat of silence. 
"Then don't go to sleep."
Jingyi huffs into his sleeve to hide his embarrassed flush.
"Can't hear you. I'm asleep already."
Jingyi can hear the grin in his voice. It's nice. He sleeps. 
ramen + anxiety
The dorm is far too quiet, and it's driving Jingyi out of his mind, but he knows he can't put on music and do calculus at the same time. It just doesn't work. Not that his brain and calculus work all that great anyway, but the point is, he's trying. Really, he is. 
His phone buzzes and he grabs it so fast he almost fumbles it across the room. It's a text from Sizhui.
"What are you eating?"
Jingyi lets his head drop to his desk. What time even is it? Like 6?
He checks. It's 9pm.
"Ramen," he types back, defeated. It's all he has.
Or at least, he thinks he has a packet left. He's not sure. He's been too busy to keep track. Between classes, and training, and service hours liberating old ladies' cats, he's hardly had time to breathe. And now he has a test, not a quiz, a TEST, and it's tomorrow MORNING, and he doesn't even know what he's doing with half the material.
And it's 9pm. And he /thinks/ he has ramen. He may just starve.
He stares at his textbook for another interminable period of time until his phone buzzes again. It's Jin Ling, this time.
"come downstairs. bring ur miserable ramen."
Jingyi shoots out of his seat and throws on a sweatshirt. He's not entirely certain he wants to deal with whatever Jin Ling has in mind but it's better than sitting here staring into space. He grabs the ramen and half runs downstairs.
The teeny tiny kitchen is full of people. Sizhui is chopping vegetables. Zizhen is boiling water and heating oil in a pan. Jin Ling is sitting at the table, arms crossed, bowls and utensils and more packets of ramen spread like tarot in front of them. 
"...Hey," Jingyi says, a little overwhelmed.
"Hey!" Zizhen calls, jiggling the pan as Sizhui throws something green into it. "Heard we're having ramen?"
Jingyi sinks into the chair across from Jin Ling.
"Yeah,” he says, grateful beyond words. "It was all I had."
rabbits + longing
"You shouldn't slouch," says Sizhui, "you're supposed to be setting an example."
Jingyi motions vaguely at the little disciples filing off the practice field, then leans his head on his fist. "They're not even looking."
It's disapproving sound. Jingyi glances at him sidelong.
"What, no speech?"
Sizhui gives a little shake of his head.
"Am I too pathetic for dignity? Is that what you're saying?"
Sizui frowns hard. "No. Of course not."
"I am," Jingyi insists. 
He sprawls on his back along the low wall on which they're sitting. "I'm pathetic. I can't think. I can't eat. I can't even teach basic sword forms. Sizhui, how am I supposed to be a person anymore."
"Jingyi," Sizhui pleads. 
"No, I'm serious. All I can think about is-- is his hair. And his smile. And you know, you know how sometimes he just-- he smells like rain? How does he do that? I'll never even know because he hardly knows I exist. How am I supposed to exist?"
Sizhui sighs. Deeply. 
"I don't know what to tell you. I wish I did."
"I just--" Jingyi breaks off, horrified by the crack in his voice. "Oh fuck, I just really...I want...I don't know."
Pressure builds in his chest, familiar over the last few weeks. He feels like he might burst. He presses his hands to his eyes, determined not to cry over this. Well, not again.
"You know, Hanguang-jun would say that the world itself is enough to live for, even when it's hurting you."
Jingyi peeks at him out of one eye. "Did he say that? When?"
"Last year," Sizhui says, looking at his hands.
He doesn't have to say more. Last year was especially hard for Sizhui. An extended family trip with his undead cousin helped, but really, how much can something like that improve things? 
"Well, if Hanguang-jun said it..." he says, wry. It's a common refrain, but not entirely reassuring just now. "Still, I--"
"Hanguang-jun!" Sizhui says, standing.
Jingyi scrambles to follow, straightening his rumpled robes. "Hanguang-jun."
HGJ is striding toward them out of the trees. Jingyi hasn't seen him alone since Wei-qianbei came back. He hopes everything is still okay.
"Sit," he says when he reaches them. They sit. HGJ stares at them, then glances around the empty field. "Behind the wall, on the ground."
Jingyi exchanges a glance with Sizhui, but they both clamber over it to sit behind. HGJ walks around it, stately, and then goes to his knees in front of them.
Jingyi stares, breathless, absolutely certain they're about to receive some great cultivation secret, perhaps even the key to immortality. HGJ is so serious, and careful, and has never asked him to join him somewhere private before. This is it. It's happening. He doesn't know what it is but it's happening right now.
"Be careful," HGJ says. "Do not frighten them." 
Jingyi nods. He'll be so careful. He doesn't know who not to frighten but he'll work on it-- he's generally not very intimidating anyway, it should be fine.
HGJ leans toward him. He extends his arms.
And deposits two small, round, perfectly white bunnies in Jingyi's lap. 
"H-- Hanguang-jun?"
Jingyi stares at the creatures. They're warm, and look very soft. They seem sleepy.
"When you feel better," HGJ says, "Sizhui will show you where they live."
Jingyi looks up at him, at the serene expression on his face, and his earlier resolve crumbles. 
"Th-thank you Hanguang-jun," he says, wiping tears and snot off his face.
HGJ stands and takes his leave. Sizhui pats his arm. The bunnies nuzzle his hands.
affection + congee
After one of the most miserable nights of Jingyi's life, the rising sun shines into his eyes. He rolls over and pulls the blanket over his head. Everything is awful. His head hurts. His face hurts. His throat hurts for some reason? He can barely breathe.
He feels like a boiled cabbage. He knows he should be getting up, Hanguang-jun will expect him to be at breakfast with everyone else, but he just can't. Not yet.
He pouts to himself, whimpering pathetically as he pictures Hanguang-jun’s disappointed face. He can't survive it.
He hears the door open, and forces himself upright, trying not to list to the side.
"Up, 'm up," he says, and tries to get out of bed.
He can't really see out of his watery eyes but he assumes it's Sizhui come to collect him.
"Aiyo, get back in bed you little nuisance, your thumping around will wake the whole inn," comes a different voice entirely. Brisk hands push him down and pull the covers over him. "That yao really did a number on you, huh? Who's ever heard of a sinus infection curse?? Bad luck."
"Not luck," Jingyi says, mulish. "Pushed Jin Ling out of the way."
"I know, I know," Wei-qianbei goes on, and Jingyi thinks he might be dreaming what he says next. "You were very brave, we all saw. Jin Ling is grateful."
Jingyi frowns. "That doesn't sound right."
Wei-qianbei chuckles. "Just take it. And this, here, it'll help you feel better."
A spoon appears in front of his face, full of something pale.
"Wei-qianbei," he says slowly, "is this...your congee?"
A snort. "No. Hanguang-jun made it, just for you."
Jingyi blinks up at him. "He did?"
"Mhmm," Wei-qianbei nods, his mouth pressed tightly closed.
Jingyi has a feeling he's being made fun of. He pouts, but takes the spoon and puts it in his mouth.
"Wow. Good."
"Of course it is, I made it."
Jingyi gapes. "You--"
Wei-qianbei ruffles his hair. "Someone had to take care of you and I drew the short straw. Eat up, and you /will/ feel better, alright?"
"...alright." Jingyi concedes. It seems to be helping already, somehow. "I will."
"That's a good little duckling."
Wei-qianbei laughs at his grimace and pats his shoulder.
"You look more like yourself already."
part 2 of these minithreads posted in a reblog later today <3
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
the glow up | kth (4)
pairing: taehyung x reader
summary: after going off to college, you & your best friend committed to working out. a year later, the results show, and you cant wait for your hot hometown friends to see you. now all you wanna do is wild out and have lots of sex, and enjoy it without feeling insecure
genre: smut, childhoodfriends!au weightloss!au (is that a thing) friends-to-lovers!au
word count: 2.2k
warnings: tittie sucking, fingering (dubcon bc jungkook is an ass), misogyny/sexism, public sex (locker room), creampie, unprotected sex, slight slut shaming, body image issues (please remember that there is no ideal body type and every body is beautiful)
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7                                                    masterlist
“Hey y/n” You were startled at his use of your name as opposed to his endearing princess. He was dressed nicely in a black hoodie with his glasses on, but his expression was tense.
“Tae” You acknowledge him as you got into the passenger seat. You really really liked his car now. “Listen, you don’t have to be sorry about anything”
“No, I really do though. I could have just shut up and let you and Jimin have your happy ending” He huffed, “We both know it’ll ultimately work out that way anyway, I just added drama and I’m sorry”
You wondered exactly when Taehyung got so mature, or if he had always been this way and you just never noticed.
“Anyways…I hope its okay, but I invited Hobi and Jungkook to lunch with us” Your face dropped slightly, and he noticed. You hated that he was being awkward. You wanted to feel all the amazing things you had the other day all over again. Taehyung was a drug. You had a hit and now you wanted more.
“Tae…” You whispered, grabbing his hand and bringing it to your chest. His jaw clenched as he made contact with your heaving breast. “Please” You made pleading eyes at him allowing him to squeeze your tit slowly.
“Hood of the car. Now” He exhaled sternly. You did ask requested, finding yourself in a similar position, back over the headlights, legs wide open, licking your lips in anticipation.
“Sit up” He ordered as he pulled you towards him so that he was standing in between your legs. He pulled down your shirt color until he had access to your clothed breast, moving your bra cup aside and allowing his mouth to trail kisses from your neck—“Mmm you smell good”—to your collar—finally kissing your nipple.
He looked up at you with lust shot eyes as he flicked his tongue across before enveloping it into his mouth. He sucked like a baby, moaning into you, the vibrations from his deep voice stimulating you even more. It was a sigh to behold, as he gripped your hips to hold you against him and sucked you.
You cried out, breathing heavily with the way his tongue was splashing around in circles causing waves of heat to come over you. You liked the ways his lips felt around your nipple, and the way his tongue drew circles around it-you took note. So I’m into this. Huh. You were very aware of how damp your underwear was getting, as yoou ran hyour hands through his hair, clenching as you tilted your head back and moaned.
“You’re fucking delicious princess” He remarked, breaking away finally to admire how he had made you swollen. He ran his thumb over his work, giving one last pinch, making you squirm before he fixed your clothing, “But…we’ll have time for this later. Let’s get going” His eyes had a playful glimmer as he winked at you, riled up and unsatisfied.
Fucking tease.
You arrived at a small urban cafe in the more happening part of town. Hobi and Jungkook were already at a table outside, with tall mimosas in front of them. Jungkook had on flashy sunglasses but lowered them as he saw you approaching, giving you a flirty look and smirking slightly as he watched you walk. Taehyung pulled a chair out for you and you took a seat by Jungkook after giving Hobi a quick back hug.
“Cute outfit y/n. I love the baggy look” Hobi commented. Your face reddened, realizing it was probably really obvious you were wearing Jimin’s clothes.
“She looks hot as fuck.” Jungkook thirsted, shamelessly glancing at your breasts were faintly imprinting against the fabric. He downed the last of his drink.
As you guys shared a meal, you enjoyed conversing openly with Hobi and Jungkook about their sex lives. You appreciated how open and candid they were as you continued to attempt to understand your own desires more.
“Y/n how does it feel to be part of that crowd now” Hobi asked. You tilted your head in confusion. “You know...now that you’re the sexiest girl in town I bet everyone’s been making moves.”
“Yeah I’ve definitely been getting a lot more attention from guys. Shows how fucking shallow half of them are”
“You girls are all hoes though so it doesn’t really matter. Why else would you try so hard to look sexy, yanno? Like I could be hooking up with the same girl and no one else but I still wouldn’t date her because she’s probably gonna dip for the next best dick she can get.” Jungkook added. Taehyung rolled his eyes and kicked him under the table “Hey, I’m just being honest. Why else would you go through a glow up phase? We all did it at some point, we were like yeah I wanna get laid so I better bulk up”
“No Jungkook that’s what you did” Hobi chuckled. “Hot girls aren’t all hoes, and hot guys aren’t just hot so they can get laid. I don’t agree with that. But I do think that everyone needs to fuck around a bit before they settle into a serious relationship or anything. I think it’s healthy when people go around for a bit and then finally are like, yeah okay I’ve seen what’s out there so I can say for certain what I want” Hobi commented, changing the topic. He delved into some details of a recent relationship of his but unfortunately his words did not register with you as you suddenly felt a hand slipping under the waistline of your sweats.
You knew it had to be Jungkook, Taehyung would never touch you without asking. You mouth formed an O as his hand traced along your aroused folds, still wet from Taehyung’s quick tit suck earlier. You gulped, straining to keep your mouth shut as Hobi continued on. You glanced at Taehyung who was observing you very carefully, clearly aware of what was likely going on.
Jungkook slid a finger into your cunt and it sucked it in welcomingly. You bit your lip as he slowly retracted it, allowing you to hear the faint squelching of your tender muscle. 
He repeated his motions, causing you to move forward until you were barely hanging on the edge of the chair. You gripped the table tightly, knuckles whitening with the pressure. You wouldn’t dare look at Jungkook, knowing that seeing his face would probably send you over the edge.
He pumped his fingers in and out and you couldn’t help but feel a strange mixture of dread and enjoyment. Yes you were horny, Taehyung had ensured that, so being fingered felt great. But a ball turned in your stomach at the unwanted intrusion from your friend. Were these guys really like this to all the “attractive” girls they hang out with? Do they just constantly flirt and grope them? Ugh.
Taehyung pursed his lips tightly before he finally snapped. “Fucking Christ, just go ahead and fuck right here why don’t you” He folded his arms over his chest, shooting both of you a disappointed glare.
Jungkook slowly pulled his finger out of you and put it straight into his mouth,  and you finally made eye contact with him as he licked your arousal off of himself. 
“Y/n we’re leaving. God Jungkook did you even get consent you prick?” Taehyung spat at him. You got up and Jungkook slapped your ass playfully.
“She’s one of the hot girls now, might as well treat her like one. Text me babe” He sent an air kiss your way and you shuddered slightly. Taehyung gently took your wrist and led you away.
It was later that evening. Your heart was pounding, and a slight sense of dizziness overcame you as you sped the treadmill up even faster. Taehyung had agreed to accompany you to the gym and you had been sprinting as fast as you could for almost half an hour trying to blow off steam from the events that had happened at lunch. 
Jungkook’s words stuck with you, and in a fucked up way you felt like he was trying to prove a point. You felt the air in your lungs escape as your chest tightened. You were overdoing it. You knew that, but you wanted to feel numb. Wanted to feel the bliss of the aftermath of a super intense workout.
Your mind wandered to the biggest issue on your plate. Jimin. You wanted more than anything to go to him. To tell him what happened and get his advice. But you messed that up, and now you were no longer sure if it was worth messing it up. You had never been so conflicted in your life. Your bones screamed at you that your pace was getting too much, pain shooting up to your knees as you pounded your feet with every step. 
Talk about running away from your problems.
“Y/n!” Taehyung came over from where he had been doing weights and turned off the treadmill, bringing you to a rapid halt. You panted, sweat soaking you head to toe. Taehyung grabbed your arm to help you stay standing as you began to sway side to side with lightheadedness. You could see black spots paint your vision. He wrapped his arm around you and helped you walk into the locker room where luckily there was no one.
“I don’t wanna feel it Tae…I don’t wanna feel anything. This is all too much. I am so fucking confused. I miss Jimin, and what Jungkook did today I…” You held back a sob, “He’s right. This is what I want isn’t it? So why do I hate it so much. All you guys do whatever you want to these girls you usually get with and sexualize them so much and I’m just not used to it but that’s what I wanted right?”
Taehyung sighed, stroking your back, “Look princess…Jungkook and I aren’t the greatest people. After getting to college, you know how it is, we kinda all became fuckboys. The people we hang out with literally breathe to get off. Everyone fucks everyone else. And I’m no saint at all. I fuck around even more than Jungkook does, albeit I’m a bit more respectful about it, but it’s all the same game to us. I understand that this is all new for you but…I just want you to know that for me, I’m not treating you any differently because of this weight loss thing. I promise. They way I fuck you, the way I treat you…I would have done it just the same a year ago.”
“You say that but”
“I’ve wanted to have sex with you for years okay. I knew you before all of this fucking hook-up culture. I wanted you because I liked you. I still like you, even though we rarely see each other anymore. Not just because of your body. It happened now because you initiated it. I don’t know how else to get it through your head. And by God, what the fuck were you just doing? Were you trying to make yourself pass out? Why would you run that fast?”
“I just needed to relieve some stress okay”
“Then let me help you” His voice was husky and low. Time slowed down as Taehyung carefully leaned closer to you. He trailed his fingers down your sides and around the waist of your shorts, tugging the fabric ever so subtly. He remained still, breathing heavily with a heartbeat drowning out everything. “You can say no. Any time. Even if you realize later that you don’t want to do this anymore you can stop me. I won’t ever get mad and I won’t ever judge you” His voice was quivering before he grabbed your waist and pressed himself up close to you. “Do you want this princess? Can I take care of you?”
You nodded your head as Taehyung leaned down and kissed you while gently pushing you back against the lockers. He quickly pulled off your tanktop, not minding the sweat as he inhaled sharply. He lifted you so you could wrap your legs around him and began to slowly rock his body against yours.
He moaned into you mouth as he felt the impact of your bodies colliding. He spread your legs out wider and began to grind against you faster. You held back screams as he grabbed your breasts. Taehyung licked his lips and kissed you harshly, biting down your lips before mumbling “You’re so fucking hot princess”
“Taehyung” You finally moaned, giving him all the motivation he needed to grind faster. He slipped his hands under your sports bra and began to caress you. You cursed in pleasure.
Suddenly the two of you heard footsteps coming into the locker room. Taehyung allowed you to slide down as he quickly backed away. He took your hand and led you to a far corner of the room before sitting on the locker room bench and pulling your body down on his lap. You looked at him with concern, but Taehyung ignored it completely.
“Tae...you make me feel so fucking good”
“Yeah?” He grinned
“Aren’t we going to get caught?”
“I don’t care” He quickly tugged down your shorts as well as his own revealing his thick cock, with precum budding furiously at the tip, aching to be released. He helped you lower yourself onto him before he gripped your hips and began bouncing you up and down his length.
“Scream my name” He demanded, whispering darkly into your ear “you’re doing so good”
You whimpered, “Taehyung” you cried out as you felt yourself peaking, “Taehyung oh my god don’t stop,” You begged. He was shaking you so violently that you finally were pushed over the edge. 
You screamed his name louder than you meant to, feeling Taehyung smile against your neck. He let you get up off of him while he fixed his shorts. He was still aroused, but he didn’t mind. He just wanted you to feel good.
“Is everything okay we heard screaming?” One of the gym staff members walked in just as you had managed to get decent.
“Yes sir, everything is fine! She just saw a spider, poor thing” Taehyung pulled you back into him so you could feel his still hard cock against your asscheek  as the staff member nodded and left.
You waited until the footsteps seemed more far off. You turned around and couldn’t suppress your big smile as you made eye contact with Taehyung, who also grinned widely. He grabbed your waist and began to undress you again quickly.
“Hey that’s not fair. I wanna see your shirt off too” You pouted. Taehyung smirked, obeying you and pulling it off effortlessly. You traced the muscles on his chest that formed a perfect 11.
“Like what you see?”
“Jimin has a six pack soooo” You teased as you tugged on his waistline, helping him slide off his shorts again. Your eyes scanned him as he became naked and you licked your lips, “Yeah…” You met his eyes and giggled, “I like what I see”
“Yeah you better” He teased before attacking you with kisses again.
Taehyung slid back inside of your tight pussy while maintaining eye contact with you. He began sucking your neck playfully. He watched you carefully as he began to move in and out of you slowly, picking up the pace as he saw your positive reaction. Taehyung nuzzled his face into your breasts. 
“You’ve been waiting for this all day haven’t you” You teased.
“Yeah and what if I have” His voice was raspy, full of lust. The sound send chills down your spine and turned you on more. Taehyung could tell. “Oh you like that huh?” He continued to talk in that voice, grinning as he trailed kisses back up to your mouth.
Taehyung shifted you so your back was on the bench. He spread your legs and entered you slowly. You tilted your head back and just took it all in. After some pumping Taehyung lowered himself closer to your body and looked at you deeply.
“You close?” You asked him sincerely. Taehyung nodded, moaning slightly into your shoulder. You were unsure what to do to help him at that point, your orgasm earlier leaving you too spent for another one. So you decided to just tease him. “What was it that they say in pornos...oh right. You’re doing so good baby” You felt Taehyung’s hips buckle at your words, “Will you please cum for me? God you’re sooooo hot mmm, just like that” You played your most seductive voice and Taehyung knew you were messing around but it still turned him on. 
He kissed you chastely, hands grabbing your ass tightly as he came. He cursed under his breath & eventually fell into your lap in exhaustion.
<------previous                                                                   next-------->
A/N: im tired man idk
taglist: (lmk if you wanna be added!!) @honeyspillings @hollowtree10
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irishseeeker · 3 years
                                        the story of us
summary:  Five times Kate Sheffield and Anthony Bridgeton were just friends and one time they were more.
find chapter 1 here or here
find chapter 2 here or here
find chapter 3 here or here
find chapter 4 here or here
find chapter 5 part 1  here or here
chapter 5 part 2: all along there was some invisible string tying you to me
Anthony Bridgerton was an idiot.
He wasn’t just an idiot. You see, usually idiots are not aware of their idiocy. They live carefree and blissfully unaware of their idiocy.
Anthony knew he was being an idiot.
It was eating him alive.
He didn’t stop it, though. He didn’t know what else to do. He kept his distance from Kate as much as he could. It was the only thing he could think to do.
It was just so difficult.
He would screw it up. He would break them. It’s what he did. He screwed things up. He had nearly screwed things up with Daphne and Simon, he had screwed things up with Siena and he would screw things up with Kate.
Kate had been a constant in his life since he was nineteen years old.
Kate was his lifeline.
Anthony knew he shouldn’t put that all on her but he didn’t have a choice. There was nothing he could control when it came to Kate Sheffield. He had been completely hers since the moment they sat down in that lecture hall and she announced that he was wrong to their entire lecture.
Then proceeded to argue with him for the next thirty minutes.
He never stood a chance.
Kate deserved everything. She didn’t need someone who had an irrational fear of dropping dead from a bee sting and couldn’t manage a healthy relationship.
It’s not like he tried.
What was the point? They weren’t Kate.
Anthony needed time.
He needed time to figure it out. He could manage it. He had to get his head straight and learn to just erase his feelings and the constant pain. He had to learn to adapt and inevitably watch her be happy with someone else.
If they got too close, they would implode. The fine line between them had grown thinner and thinner and they were in the danger zone. They had been since their kiss.
It couldn’t happen again.
The thing about Kate was she still had that magic.
Kate believed in love. Kate wanted that struck by lightning, unconditional and inconceivable type of love. She deserved that type of love.
Kate deserved to feel the way Anthony felt every time he looked at her.
Anthony wasn’t a complete pessimist, he knew love existed. He had grown up watching his parents madly in love until his dad died. His mother had barely recovered from it. Anthony still hadn’t recovered from it. Violet Bridgerton still had bad days, days where she forgot to pick up Hyacinth or Gregory from school or lay in bed all day, barely moving. How could he do that to Kate? How could he let himself go through that?
That type of love wasn’t something he could give her.
That’s why he couldn't try with Kate. If there was a chance something could happen between them, he wouldn’t take it.
He wouldn't ruin that kind of love for her.
He would always love her, he would just have to let someone else do it.
He just had to figure out how to.
His only plan so far was avoiding her.
That plan was pretty flawed so far.
Anthony didn’t want to hurt Kate. He knew he was hurting her anyway, he didn’t miss her hurt expressions or uncharacteristic silences when he made an excuse that he had to go out for a while or that he would be late coming home. He was trying to fix things before something bad happened.
It’s just incredibly difficult to avoid the one person you spend all your time with and you happen to live with.
He wasn’t necessarily avoiding her, he was just distancing himself temporarily from her while he sorted things out. which is something he liked to convince himself of to try not feel like a complete and utter asshole.
He had even booked hotel rooms to try to get some sleep. How could he sleep when Kate was a few metres away from him? How could he concentrate on anything but Kate when she was close to him?
He needed to protect them.
He needed boundaries.
He also needed Kate.
“Anthony!” Hyacinth shouted cheerfully, grinning widely at her brother as she ran towards him from the school’s front door. Anthony had been leaning against the railing of the gate, waiting for Hyacinth and Gregory to finish school.
His afternoon meetings had been cancelled so he called their nanny, Pippa and told her to take the rest of the day off. His mother had been down at Aubrey Hall for the week with builders planning some reconstruction and she was due back this evening. She hadn’t said anything yet but he suspected it had something to do with preparations for Daphne’s wedding. Anthony wanted to see his siblings and he needed a distraction from the million thoughts running through his head.
“Hi titch,” Anthony said, grinning back at her as he leaned down and picked her up, resting her on his hip. She was too old at seven to be carried around, but he didn’t really care. He needed Hyacinth to stay little for as long as possible. “How was school? Have you seen Greg?”
“It was fun,” She murmured, resting her cheek on his shoulder and letting out a small yawn. “We had to draw our favourite animal, so I obviously drew Newton.”
Anthony couldn’t stop the smirk breaking out on his face. “Obviously. Can I see?”
Hyacinth nodded slowly, wiggling out of his arms so she could open up her Jurassic Park backpack. She pulled out a piece of paper with her drawing, which had a crayon version of what Anthony guessed was Hyacinth, Gregory, Kate, Anthony and the ginger blob in the middle that was Newton.
Something inside of Anthony’s chest clenched.
“Be careful,” Hyacinth scolded, prying the paper out of Anthony’s hands. “I’m going to give it to Kate.”
Anthony bent down to Hyacinth’s eye level, smiling at her as he held open her back and put the picture back inside. “Kate will love it.”
Kate would love it. She was so incredible with Hyacinth and Gregory and they adored her. Kate kept everything they had given her over the years, it had been pinned up on Anthony’s fridge along with the drawings and pictures he’d received from them since Kate had moved in.
They also adored her demon corgi, who had taken over Anthony’s flat for weeks. The little shit climbed into his bed every single night and he knew Anthony wouldn’t kick him out. He had given up a long time ago.
He also started walking him whenever Kate couldn’t, she usually brought him in the evenings and Anthony in the morning when he went for his daily jog.
It made Kate insanely happy when he did it, so obviously Anthony was going to do it.
He had quickly snapped a sly picture when Hyacinth wasn’t looking, he had to send it to Kate. There was no harm in it. Right?
It was just a picture.
Anthony: [sent an image]
Anthony: Your demon inspired Hyacinth’s picture for animal day. She’s excited to show you this later.
Kate: omg. I want to cry that is so bloody cute. Can’t wait to pin it up on the fridge. You look like you’ve put on a few pounds though x
Kate: please do not talk about your godson like that
Anthony: Please, I’m still the best looking guy you’ll ever know.
Kate: sorry, it’s spelled p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c*
Anthony: Sorry, it’s spelled I-am-letting-you-live-in-my-flat*
Kate: My presence is a gift.
Anthony: Also-We’re not getting into this again. I have no familial relation to Newton.
Kate: He has your middle name!
Anthony: Dogs don’t have middle names!
Kate: Do you want to see his birth certificate?
Anthony: Do you mean the certificate you made yourself and framed on your wall? Unfortunately, I’ve seen it more than once. That’s enough for a lifetime.
Kate: [sent an image]
Anthony: Your middle finger is a bit wonky.
Kate: [sent an image]
Anthony: I hope your boss saw you take that.
Anthony chuckled under his breath as he looked up from his phone, spotting Gregory talking to a few of his friends across the playground before waving at Anthony, jogging towards them. He glanced back at the text chain, internally cursing at himself. Why did he always have to flirt with her? He couldn’t help it.
“Hey mate!” Anthony grinned as Gregory reached them, wearing his football kit. They were heading straight to Gregory’s football training in a nearby park, where Anthony and Hyacinth would go for a walk and wait for training to finish. Anthony ruffled his hair, taking his bag and sports bag. “Good day?”
“Hey!” Gregory said, grunting at Hyacinth before beaming up at Anthony. Anthony knew it wouldn’t last forever but he’d pay every cent he had to keep Greg looking at him like he was his hero. “Are you coming to watch me play football?”
“Of course I am,” Anthony said, nudging at Hyacinth to start walking towards the car. “I can’t wait. Are you excited? Come on, we better get going.”
“Anthony! Hello!” A blonde woman Anthony had definitely seen before was standing around a group of women, with their kids running around them and screaming. She practically pushed another woman out of the way to get to him. “How are you?”
He couldn’t for the life of him remember who she was. “Hello,” He said lamely, glancing at Gregory and Hyacinth who looked bored and were absolutely no help. “I’m great, thank you. How are you? Nice to see you again. I’m sorry, we’re just in a bit of a rush.”
It was slightly rude of him but once one of these parents cornered you, you’d be stuck there for hours. He wasn’t going to get stuck talking about a bake sale for the next half an hour.
“I’m lovely thank you-Oh! Yes, of course. You’re such a good brother. Have a good day!” The blonde woman called after Anthony as he hastily nudged Hyacinth and Gregory along. “If you need any help or are interested in the bake sale next week, I can give you my number-”
“Get in,” Anthony practically hissed urgently, waving his hand in the direction of the women but quickly flicking open his boot and car.
“One of them is Sasha’s mum,” Hyacinth grumbled, glancing back at the herd of women whose eyes had followed them towards Anthony’s car. “They think you’re good looking.”
Anthony threw their bags in the boot and opened the back door, winking at Hyacinth as she climbed into the car. “Well, they’re not wrong.”
Anthony laughed as Hyacinth and Gregory both made disgusted faces.
Gregory frowned at his passenger side. “I’m too old for a car seat.”
Anthony rolled his eyes. “The law would argue otherwise. In.”
Gregory took one look at his brother’s face and didn’t argue, grumbling as he moved into the car seat. Anthony checked their seatbelts and once everything was set, he climbed in himself and drove off to the park.
“When are you and Kate getting married?”
“What?” Anthony’s eyes snapped towards the rearview mirror, widening as he looked at Hyacinth.
Hyacinth didn’t seem phased whatsoever by her question. “When are you and Kate getting married?”
“We’re not,” Anthony said with a steady voice, glancing towards Greg who was too consumed with his Nintendo to care about the conversation. Is that what they both taught? “Why would you ask that?”
Hyacinth shrugged. “Daph and Simon are getting married.”
“That’s because they’re engaged.”
“Oh,” Hyacinth said slowly, her eyebrows furrowing slightly as she processed the conversation. “Why aren’t you and Kate engaged?”
“Kate and I are friends,” Anthony explained, feeling the dampness of his palms against the steering wheel. “We’re not like Daphne and Simon.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure,” Anthony said, a slight edge of irritation in his voice as he focused back on the road. He didn’t need to be mean, Hyacinth didn’t understand what she was talking about. “Why are you asking so many questions?”
“Well, people in love get married right?”
“Daphne and Simon love each other?”
“They do.”
“Did Mum and Dad love each other?”
Anthony felt himself soften. “Very much.”
“Don’t you love Kate?”
“I do,” Anthony said hesitantly because he did in the exact way Hyacinth was asking but he didn’t really feel like getting into that. “People can love each other and not get married. It’s different for Kate and I-”
“No it’s not,” Hyacinth interrupted, a finality to the tone of her voice. It was the tone she used before she had a complete fit or meltdown. “I better be a flower girl.”
Anthony knew he was fighting a losing battle, and the irony of that statement wasn’t lost on him in relation to his current predicament. “At our non-existent wedding? Of course you can.”
Hyacinth stuck his tongue out at her and it reminded him so much of Kate, he nearly laughed out of relief and pain.
There it was again.
Kate was constantly on his mind.
This was the problem. It was hit fault. This wasn’t the first time a family member, well, not just his family-anyone-had suggested there was something going on between him and Kate. They weren’t just friends. Kate was his best friend, she was everything but she had always been something a little bit more.
He had found her eight years ago and he didn’t know what to do.
Now, it felt like it was too late.
What the hell was he going to do?
Anthony couldn’t get Kate’s hurt look out of his head as he charged out of the house. It even momentarily distracted him from the blind fury he was feeling while he drove to the police station.
Benedict and Simon were right behind him, Benedict climbing into the front and Simon into the back. Anthony put the car in gear, speeding out of the driveway. The police station Colin was detained in wasn’t far and Anthony had already sorted out everything.
“Why did you do that?” Benedict asked, breaking the silent and tense atmosphere in the car as Anthony danced along the speeding limit, his foot pressing onto the accelerator to get to Colin.
He was relieved his brother was okay because Anthony was going to kill him himself.
“Why didn’t you let Kate come? Over Simon?” Benedict asked, staring flatly at Anthony. “No offence Simon.”
Simon shook his head, pursing his lips. “None taken. I’m happy-well, not happy-happy to help.”
“I didn’t let Kate do anything.” Anthony said, in complete disbelief Benedict was bringing this up. There was a reason he didn’t let Kate come, he was trying to distance her from all of his shit. She didn’t need to be involved in this.
“Oh right,” Benedict said, sarcasm dripping in his tone which pissed off Anthony even further. “That makes sense. As if Kate isn’t involved in everything to do with you and our family. Kate is a part of our family. Why haven’t you done something about it?”
“She doesn’t need to be involved in this.” What the hell was Benedict doing? Why did it feel like everyone was against him? Anthony was trying, he was bloody trying and everything still went to complete shit.
Benedict didn’t buy a word of it. “Are you ever going to tell her?”
“Don’t start this shit tonight Ben,” Anthony said, his tense voice a warning, not a request. “Our brother is in jail.”
“I’m just saying-”
“I didn’t ask,” Anthony interrupted swiftly, his grip on the wheel tightening significantly. He could practically feel the vein in his forehead bulging. “Drop it.”
Anthony could see Benedict glance back at Simon, making some sort of gesture but Simon just shrugged, shaking his head.
Smart move, Hastings.
“Let’s go,” Anthony said once they arrived at the station, getting out of the car and walking into the empty police station. He paid Colin’s bail, filling out a form as he waited for an officer to bring Colin out.
Colin eventually appeared, looking worse for wear. He didn’t look in any way hurt, which made Anthony relax slightly. The blue shirt he was wearing was rumpled and the mop of brown hair on the top of his head was sticking up in various directions, but he was okay.
“Not a fucking word,” Anthony snapped, his voice deadly low as he looked at Colin who shut his mouth quickly. “Follow Ben to the car. Now.”
Benedict lightly squeezed Colin on the shoulder as Colin walked towards him, opening and closing his mouth before deciding to do what Anthony said.
Anthony had to take a few deep breaths before he walked out towards the car. He needed to keep his cool. Whatever happened, Colin was his brother and it didn’t need to result in a huge argument. As long as Colin took responsibility for his actions, it would be relatively okay.
Colin was twenty-two years old and still acting like a complete child. He traveled whenever he wasn’t at university and didn’t show any responsibility when it came to their family and his own life. Anthony was trying to not get too involved, getting Colin to even go to university had taken ten years off his life but sometimes Colin really tested his patience.
Anthony’s cool temperament lasted about twenty seconds once he got into the car.
“It wasn’t my fault.”
Anthony snorted while Benedict sighed deeply. “It never is, is it Colin?” “I was drunk,” Colin said, slumping in his seat like Gregory did when he was annoyed about something. “Marina dumped me. I met up with my mates and got drunk. It was a mistake. How was I supposed to know you’re not meant to piss on statues?”
Anthony hesitated for a moment, glancing back at his brother’s face. Colin was in pain. He had really liked Marina, the whirlwind he had met while skiing in France over Christmas. Anthony had never seen his brother fall so hard. “I’m sorry about Marina, Colin. I am. That’s not an excuse to act like a complete and utter idiot and break the law.”
“It was an accident!” Colin snapped back, his voice rising in line with Anthony's. “What do you want me to do, Ant?”
“I just bailed you out of jail,” Anthony snapped, the anger he had been holding in finally coming out. He was racing home within the speed limit, the confinement of the car making him claustrophobic. “I made sure that that stayed off your permanent record so you didn’t get thrown out of university or asked about in job interviews. Instead of acting like a spoiled little brat you could be a little more grateful and shut up.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re right,” Anthony snapped, really focusing on not losing his head. “Yet I did it anyway.”
“I’m so fucking sorry I’m not perfect like you, Anthony,” Colin said, his voice full of venom as Anthony pulled up into the driveway. “That I’m not perfect like Ben, Daph, El, Franny or fuck it, Dad! I’m so sorry I don’t live up to your perfect expectations.”
“Oh shut up Colin,” Anthony snapped, his voice just as angry as Colin's. “You fucked up. I’m not interested in listening to your sob story to make yourself into a victim. Take some responsibility for once in your life.”
Anthony felt the guilt flood his body as he spoke to his brother. He knew he would be ashamed of himself later, he already was as the words sunk in. He was just so angry. Colin never took responsibility for anything and this was just another time he had gone too far and expected no consequences and Anthony to pick up the pieces.
“Fine,” Colin said, shaking his head as he flung the door open. “Here’s some responsibility for you. I’m dropping out of university.”
Then he slammed Anthony’s car door shut and all hell broke loose.
Anthony didn’t have anything left to say.
His fight with Colin, every insult and dagger he had thrown at him, circled around in his head and rang in his ears. He couldn’t find the words to speak as Kate drove them home. He wanted to say something, to put Kate at ease as she anxiously glanced at him the entire way home.
He just didn’t have anything left in him.
Colin’s words were on repeat in his head like a broken record.
“I don’t need to try to be a carbon copy of Dad to figure out my life. I’m not you, Anthony. Desperately trying to be someone he’ll never be.”
Colin was right.
Anthony sat down on the couch in his flat, his limbs heavy and deflated as the reality of his brother’s words hit him like a tonne of bricks.
He then did something that he hadn’t done since the day his father died, in his mother’s bedroom, away from his family.
He cried.
The sobs hit him like a wave and moved throughout his body, flooding out of him and everything he had been holding in for years. He cried for his dad, who he missed so much it killed him a little bit inside every single day. He cried for the man he desperately was trying to be but knew he never would. He cried for his family who had a gaping hole in it he could never fill. He cried for his family, who he tried so hard for but somehow always managed to fuck it up.
Anthony cried for everything that he had lost, everything that he was selfish enough to be angry about. Everyone he didn’t go, everything he didn’t do and everyone he didn’t meet because he had to step up.
He cried for Kate, the person who made him feel like he was worth something and that he was doing something right sometimes. He could never allow himself to let her know how he felt. He couldn’t do that to her.
Kate held him against her chest, her head resting on top of his as she moved her hand up and down his back, murmuring soothing words as he cried until nothing else could come out.
Anthony was surprised when Colin showed up at his flat the next morning. Kate had made him a cup of tea before putting Newton on his lead, throwing one final glare at Colin and a reassuring smile at Anthony before leaving their flat.
His flat.
His flat.
It was incredibly awkward, as both the Bridgerton men sat on Anthony’s couch in complete silence. Colin was tapping his foot against the ground, looking up at Anthony and back at the floor as his mouth opened and closed as he decided what to say.
“I’ve always liked Kate.”
That took Anthony by surprise. “Who wouldn’t?”
“For a second there,” Colin said, a half chuckle coming out of his mouth that was muffled by his pained expression. “I didn’t think she’d let me in.”
“As someone who has been on the wrong side of Kate many times,” Anthony said, smiling slightly as leaned back into the couch. “I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“She’s terrifying.”
“Absolutely petrifying,” Anthony said, nodding in agreement. “Don’t tell her I said that.”
“Do you hate me?”
Anthony’s head snapped up, the strange lightness of their conversation fading completely. “Of course I don’t hate you.”
“I’d hate me.”
Despite everything that had happened, Anthony was reminded of who was sitting right in front of him. Colin was so like their dad it hurt Anthony sometimes. He was fun, happy, irrational, spontaneous and he cared so passionately about the people in his life. He was also young and still trying to figure things out. He made mistakes. He had his heartbroken. He was just trying.
They were all just trying.
“I love you, Colin,” Anthony said firmly, because it was true and there wasn’t anything his brother could say to ever make Anthony think or feel otherwise. “There’s nothing that could ever happen to make me not love you. Okay? I only want what is best for you. I know how unreasonable I can be sometimes. Maybe I was wrong for thinking what was best for me is what is best for you. I just want you to be okay if something ever happened to me.”
Colin visibly gulped. “Nothing is going to happen to you, Ant. I’ll never be more sorry for what I said about Dad. I didn’t mean it. I am a horrible person for saying that to you. I’ll never forgive myself for it. I do mean this, though. You’re not Dad, Ant. You’re you. You don’t need to be Dad. You don’t need to be anyone else but you. Everyone needs you to be you. We all have gotten this far because you’re you, Ant. Not Dad. Not anyone. You.”
Anthony was absolutely speechless as he listened to Colin. Colin and him had clashed over the years but they were so alike in so many ways.
“I know I haven’t always made things easy on you. I think about him a lot. If he would be proud of me. I don’t think he would.”
“Of course he would,” Anthony said firmly, finally finding his voice. “There’s so much to be proud of. You’re a fantastic person, Colin. You annoy the shit out of me sometimes but you’re an incredible person.”
“I want you to be proud of me.” Colin’s voice was shaky as he spoke, the emotion of the situation finally coming to the surface.
“Colin,” Anthony said seriously, looking at his brother. “There’s no world where I’m not proud of you. You shouldn’t worry about what I think-”
“Anthony,” Colin said seriously, looking his brother in the eye for the first time that morning. “All I think about is what you think. You’re the voice inside of my head. Even if you sometimes annoy the shit out of me, I need you there. I know we all wouldn’t be okay if it wasn’t for you. I’m so sorry I haven’t shown you how much I appreciate that. I’m so sorry. I’ll never be more sorry for that.”
The large lump in Anthony’s throat was becoming extremely painful. “You don’t need to apologize-”
“I do and I am,” Colin said, standing up and moving towards Anthony. “I love you. You’re the type of person all of us can only hope we can be. You’re my big brother. I’m going to hug you now. It’s going to be awkward but I feel like it’s necessary.”
They wrapped their arms around each other, slapping each other’s backs and holding onto each other tightly.
They eventually pulled back, both turning their heads slightly to compose themselves and wipe their eyes with the back of their sleeves.
“That’s enough emotion for a lifetime,” Colin murmured, moving back to his original seat and letting out a sigh. “Beer?”
Of all the places Anthony Bridgerton imagined himself to be at this point in his life, it wasn’t at his sisters and best friend’s engagement party.
Simon had surprised Anthony by showing up to his flat after him and Colin had sorted things out. Simon had kept a respectful distance since Anthony had found out about Daphne and him, not pushing Anthony into anything and forcing their friendship back to the place it was.
Instead, something else had happened. They were in a new place. They were starting off a clean slate. They were back to hanging out, playing golf, grabbing dinner and drinks. Anthony was his best man. He didn’t want to hold grudges anymore. He wanted his best friend back.
The past week had surprisingly been great. He had decided to put everything on hold with Kate and he had spent an unbelievable amount of time with her this week, going against every part of his initial plan. The only bad part of his week was moving Kate into her new flat. The flat felt so empty and lifeless without her.
He even missed Newton, which is something he’d keep to himself until his deathbed.
Simon joined him at the bar, smacking his back. “Good speech, mate.”
“Mm,” Anthony said, giving him a sarcastic grin as he finished off his whiskey. “I’m happy you enjoyed it.”
“It really came from the heart.”
“Let’s not get soppy,” Anthony said, nodding in thanks to the bartender as he topped up his whiskey glass. “I have just decided I can tolerate you again.”
“Please, I was your favourite person until Miss Kate Sheffield came along,” Simon teased, grinning at Anthony’s side-eye. “Not that I blame you. She’s really something.”
“Back to that speech though,” Simon said, his back to the bar as he surveyed the buzzing dance floor. “I don’t think it was us you were entirely talking about.”
Anthony’s heart stopped in his chest. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Of course you don’t,” Simon said, downing the rest of the contents of his glass with a gleeful smirk. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to go dance with my fiance.”
His family really needed to learn to mind their own bloody business.
Anthony’s vision was fuzzy. He could hear a light buzzing in his ear. Kate’s words were still playing in his ears.
“Forget me. I don’t want to speak to you ever again.”
He couldn’t let this happen. He wouldn’t let this happen. He had tried so hard to protect them and it only ended with him fucking everything up so royally.
He felt like he wasn’t in control of his body, his eyes were stinging and his limbs were moving out of his own accord. He was bustling through the crowd, trying to find Kate who had disappeared into it.
Anthony barely heard his own name until someone grabbed his arm. Francesca.
“Did you know Michael was here?”
Anthony was still moving across the room, Francesca still beside him. “What?”
“Can you believe it?” Francesca said, her bottom lip sticking out as she shook her head in disbelief. More emotions were running across Francesca’s face than Anthony had ever seen in his life. “Ben invited him. John didn’t even know! Apparently he’s Ben's new protégé.”
“Fran, can you hold on a second?” Anthony said, shaking his head and running his hands through his hair, pulling at it. “I’m sorry. I-I need to find Kate. I have to find Kate.”
“Anthony,” Francesca said, her face flooding with concern as she steadied Anthony’s balance with her two hands on his arms. “What is going on? What happened?”
“Anthony.” Benedict had arrived, with Sophie beside him, an anxious look across his face.
“Piss off Ben,” Francesca snapped, her anger at her brother not fading in the slightest as she turned back to Anthony. “Anthony? What happened?”
“He’s asked to intern with me this summer! What was I meant to say Fran? I didn’t realize there was something going on between you-“
“There is nothing going on between us! I’m with John!” Francesca hissed, her anger momentarily shocking the two Bridgertons and Sophie. Francesca had always been calm, cool and collected. That wasn’t what was happening tonight. “I don’t need any relationship advice from someone who snuck around for over a year. Get off your pedestal.”
“It seems like Benedict can’t keep his nose out of anything.” Anthony spat out his brother’s name and didn’t care for Ben’s slight flinch. He needed someone else to blame.
He needed to find Kate.
“Someone had to do something!” Sophie snapped, her eyes completely on Anthony. “We’ve all watched this go on for years and it’s exhausting. Where’s Kate, Anthony?”
“What happened with Kate?” Francesca asked again, her eyes solely on Anthony.
“I was going to find her-“ Anthony said helplessly, his chest tightening which was making it hard to breathe. He had messed it up phenomenally. She was never going to forgive him. “It’s bad. We had a fight. A bad one.”
The meaning of his words seemed to translate as Sophie’s eyes widened, her mouth dropping open slightly as she hastily turned to look around the room.
“I think you’ve done enough.” Sophie snapped, Anthony, Francesca and Benedict’s eyes were wide as they watched Sophie storm away in search of Kate.
“It’s fine, Ben. I’m sorry I ruined your night. I have to go,” Anthony said, “This is my mess. I’ll fix it.”
“You don’t have to fix it alone.”
“I have to fix it with Kate.” Anthony said, charging through the rest of the crowd and searching everywhere for Kate. Benedict, Colin and Francesca were on his tail, trying to convince him to come inside and sit down and talk to them. He couldn’t. He tried her phone a million times that night but she didn’t pick up. He had to fix this.
Eventually, it was confirmed by Sophie that Kate had left the gallery. She had refused to let Sophie into her flat and that was as much as Anthony was told.
Kate was gone.
Anthony woke up with an excruciating headache and aching limbs. He grumbled as he sat up, feeling a hard exterior under him. He was sleeping in his old childhood bed.
The last time he had slept in this bed was the day before he had left university. The day before he met Kate and his life changed forever. He hated saying it, but it was true. His life had completely changed the minute he met and argued with Kate Sheffield and now-
Now he could have lost her forever.
“You’re up.”
Anthony jumped slightly as he saw Benedict and Colin standing at the foot of his bed, “Were you two watching me sleep? That’s creepy.”
“We were making sure you didn’t choke on your own vomit,” Benedict said carefully, a stern expression on his face but he cowered slightly as Anthony looked at him. Benedict had certainly meddled last night. “You drank a lot after Kate left.” “I’d be impressed with how much you drank if it wasn’t because of such tragic circumstances,” Colin joked, failing to lighten the mood with a joke. “I made you some coffee.”
“Thanks.” Anthony said sourly, nodding at Colin but not appreciating the reminder of what a terrible person Anthony was. Kate had gone and he couldn’t cope, so he drank until he passed out.
Why did he open his stupid mouth and tell her about the kiss? Why didn’t he tell her he loved her back? Why did he try to explain to her why they would never work? It was the everything he had been telling himself again and again and when he had said the words out last night, they were meaningless and stupid. The only thing they had achieved was destroying them both.
What was wrong with him?
He couldn’t get the look of anguish on her face out of his head.
He had done the one thing he had sworn he would never do.
He had hurt her.
“I’m sorry about the gallery, Ben.” Anthony said, shaking his head in shame.
“I’m not,” Benedict said, shrugging as he leaned against the wall. “We sold all of my pieces. I knew what I was doing when I put that piece up there. I’m sorry, Anthony. I really am. I never wanted it to cause all this.”
“You didn’t cause any of this,” Anthony said, shaking his head and letting out a deep sigh. “I did.”
“No, he definitely caused this,” Colin said, completely ignoring Benedict’s glare. “That was a dick move. Ant and Kate were always going to come to blows and have it out but you just threw the toaster into the bathtub with that stunt.”
“Anthony got involved with my love life!” Benedict exclaimed, turning around to glare at his younger brother. “I wanted to help-”
“That’s because Ant is relatively okay at sorting out everyone else’s love life and is absolutely shocking at sorting out his own,” Colin said, shooting Anthony a cheeky grin who just glared back. “Tell us what happened.”
“I was furious about the picture.” Anthony said slowly, not wanting to relive the events of last night ever again. He would have to, everytime he told this story and when he saw Kate again. If he saw her again. She had never responded to any of his calls or messages last night and he hadn’t tried again this morning.
He didn’t want to hurt her further by harassing her.
Anthony needed to see her and speak to her.
“I was acting really unfairly. We started arguing. I said some things. Kate said some things. I said something really stupid,” Anthony said, letting out a deep breath before he continued. “Kate told me she was in love with me. I didn’t say it back. I told her I remembered that kiss I had pretended to forget on my birthday last year. She told me she never wanted to speak to me again.”
“That,” Colin was the first one to speak, “That is a lot worse than I imagined.”
“Helpful Colin,” Benedict said dryly, sitting down on the bed beside Anthony and patting his shoulder. “You messed up. Yes. Kate is hurt. She’ll forgive you. You’re Kate and Anthony. You can fix this.”
“I don’t know, Ben. I’ve never seen that look on her face before. She won’t speak to me,” Anthony said, falling back onto the bed and feeling utterly hopeless. “She’s never going to forgive me. I don’t know what to say.”
Benedict bit his lip, nodding his head. “Ant, you’ve never been able to talk to us the way you’ve been able to talk to Kate.”
“The one person you can talk to won’t talk to you.” Colin said slowly, as if he was putting something together in his head.
Anthony and Benedict both turned towards Colin and raised an eyebrow.
Colin’s face lit up, as if he had just won the lottery. He grinned widely at his two brothers, who looked at him suspiciously. “I have an idea.”
Colin’s brilliant idea was therapy.
Apparently, Colin had a heart to heart with Penelope Fetherington the morning after their argument. Penelope and Eloise were studying together for the day at their house and Eloise had left Penelope in the kitchen with Colin whilst she went off for a shower.
Eloise had not been talking to Colin after the argument, which led to his and Penelope’s strange but heartfelt conversation.
Penelope recommended Colin go to therapy.
That’s how Anthony ended up taking Colin’s therapy appointment at 10am that Saturday morning.
“Why are you here today, Anthony?”
Anthony hadn’t been to therapy since university. It wasn’t for this reason. He had been stressed, having bad panic attacks and feeling overwhelmed by everything. He was back again, for similar but different reasons.
“My brothers thought it would be good if I spoke to someone.” Anthony answered honestly, not feeling entirely comfortable to open up to a complete stranger whose office he had walked into two minutes ago.
“Do you think you need to be here?” His therapist asked, scribbling something down in her notebook.
“I suppose so. No. Yes, I do. I do think so,” Anthony said, scrambling over his words before he sat up straighter in his seat. “I do. It’s what Kate would tell me to do.”
“Who is Kate?”
“Kate is my best friend,” Anthony said instinctively, the meaning of the words hitting him a few seconds later. “Well.”
“It’s complicated.”
His therapist looked straight at him, giving him a friendly but stern smile. “I’m trained in complicated.”
“We’re not currently speaking,” Anthony said slowly, deciding to just let it all out. This is what therapy was for, right? He could be honest for once in my life. “It’s all my fault.”
“How long has it been?” His therapist asked, glancing at the round clock on her wall.
“About 12 hours?”
“That’s really strange for us,” Anthony hastily explained, quickly feeling embarrassed about the situation and if he was appearing overdramatic. “We talk all the time. We lived together up until last week.
His therapist continued to write down a few sentences, the scraping of the pen against her paper making Anthony’s skin itch. “Tell me what happened.”
“It was a bad argument,” Anthony began, the memories of last night filling him with a heavy dread. “My brother had put a picture of us, multiple pictures of us, on display in a gallery. I panicked and I reacted badly. We both said hurtful things. The worst we’ve ever had. She told me she was in love with me. I told her I remembered our kiss I pretended to forget over a year ago. It ended with her telling me she never wanted to see me again.”
“Do you love her back?”
The question caught Anthony completely off guard. This was the most honest he had been in a very long time and his therapist was brushing over a lot of details, focusing on particular ones. “No, I do.”
“But you didn’t tell her that?”
“Hmm,” His therapist said, nodding her head as she continued to scribble down a few sentences. “That is complicated. Could you tell me about your parents?”
Anthony’s breath caught in his throat. He couldn’t face that today. When he had gone to therapy previously, they had sometimes spoken about his parents, mainly his father. Anthony didn’t have the strength. “I don’t want to talk about my father. I need to know what to say to Kate.”
“That’s okay,” She said, nodding her head slowly. “You have every right to not answer this question and I will drop it. Why do you not want to talk about your father?”
“He died when I was eighteen.” Anthony explained, figuring it would come out sooner or later.
“That must have been difficult.”
“It was.” Anthony’s words were caught between his teeth.
“Do you have any siblings?”
“I have seven,” Anthony answered, cracking his knuckles in his lap. “I’m the eldest.”
“I can imagine that’s a lot of responsibility at the age of eighteen,” She said slowly, as if she was trying to figure something out. “Especially when suffering from such a loss.”
“It is,” Anthony said, avoiding her eyes completely as he looked around the room. He didn’t want to talk about his family. That’s not why he came. “It’s my family. I’d do anything for them.”
“Why do you think you don’t deserve love?”
Anthony gaped at her. “I don’t think that.”
“If you were willing to step up and take responsibility for your family and ensure their happiness,” She said, leaning forward in her chair. “Why can’t you do the same for yourself?”
“I don’t want to lose her,” Anthony said, his voice coming out a lot shakier and lower than it had in a long time. “She’s everything to me. Everything. I screw things up. I’ve never been good with relationships. I desperately tried to not screw things up and I did it anyway. I really tried to stop feeling like this. I even went to America to stop feeling like this and try to find someone new. It just always comes back to this and now-now it’s too late.”
“This is terribly cliche, but it’s the truth. It’s never too late and you will never know until you try. Why are you so sure you and Kate will fail? I say you and Kate as there are two of you in this. It seems like you put a lot of pressure on yourself. When it comes to your family and your relationships.” Her words were hitting Anthony forcefully, completely overwhelming him. “You should try giving yourself a chance.”
“I don’t think I can.”
“You are standing in your own way. Why is that?”
He was getting really sick of all these questions.
“Kate deserves better.”
His therapist raised her eyebrow slightly, “Isn’t that for Kate to decide?”
Anthony had no response to that.
“Anthony, we have absolutely no control over what could happen in the future. Our fears will still exist in the past, present and future. What we can try to control is now. Good and bad things happen everyday. Nothing also happens everyday. Nothing sounds quite exhausting, don’t you think?”
“Sometimes it is easier to do nothing. Sometimes, we have to take a chance on the good or bad things happening,” She told him, smiling softly at him. “Sometimes, we just need to take that chance.”
Something just clicked.
He had to take that chance.
“I have to go,” Anthony jumped up, running a hand through his hair and slightly waving the other one around. “I have to talk to Kate. If she’ll talk to me, I’ll take that chance. Right? Right. Yes. Wow. Okay. Thank you, doctor. Thank you-”
“I’ll have my assistant book you in for an appointment next week,” His therapist responded, a slight smile on her face as she stood up to open the door for him. “Good luck, Anthony.”
Colin and Benedict stood up as Anthony walked into the waiting room, curious expressions on their faces.
“I have to tell Kate I’m in love with her.”
Anthony glanced down at his phone, which began buzzing his hand. Edwina’s name flashed on his screen.
Anthony answered the call, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. Maybe it was Kate. Maybe she had lost her phone and that’s why she hadn’t been in contact with him last night. “Edwina?”
“Anthony,” Edwina’s shaky voice spoke through the phone, sending cold shivers down Anthony’s spine. “It’s Kate.”
Anthony had burst through the hospital doors, running up stairs and through doors until he found the room Kate was in after multiple directions from nurses, Colin and Benedict hot on his heels.
Edwina had reassured him that Kate was fine. Her brain scans and other injuries had come back completely clear, the worst thing that had happened was her leg had been broken.
He had to see her. He had to see her alive and breathing. He had to make sure she was okay.
Anthony had never felt so nauseous and anxious in his entire life.
“Are you okay?”
Kate was there, sitting up in her hospital bed with her casted leg elevated in the air. She didn’t appear to have any other injuries, her dark hair was in a bun on the top of her head and she did have some scrapes and bruises along her arms, and a tiny scratch on her cheek.
“That's none of your business.”
That was the response he expected and it hurt just as he expected. He did deserve it.
“Kate was skating in Hyde Park when a cyclist ran into her, and she landed on her leg," Edwina explained carefully, anxiously glancing between Anthony and Kate. Benedict and Colin were behind Anthony, smiling awkwardly at everyone in the room and shooting a relieved expression at Kate. She smiled back at them, at least she wasn't icing them out.
Kate just refused to look at Anthony. “Get out.”
“We’re going to get some coffee in the canteen.” said Mary, beginning to drag an anxious looking Edwina out of the hospital room.
“Don’t you dare,” Kate snapped, raising her voice at her mother and sister. She pointed at the chairs they just vacated. “Anthony is the only one who will be leaving this hospital room.”
What did he expect? She had every right to be furious with him. It wasn't going to be easy and he would do whatever it took to fix this. To fix them. “I’ll wait in the waiting room until you want to talk.”
“I don’t want to talk.”
He nodded, making his way towards the doorway he had only come through. He knew Kate and pushing her wasn’t going to achieve anything. He had fucked up and he had to fix it in the way she wanted him to. “I’ll just be waiting then.”
And waited, he did.
He waited for two weeks until Kate was released from the hospital.
He tried everything. He had taken the time off work to be there during visiting hours, waiting for her to finally let him speak to her. He had drafted about fifty different speeches before she was released, thinking about everything he had spoken about with his therapist. He went to two more sessions during Kate’s stay and he felt something was really changing.
Except for Kate’s willingness to speak to him.
When he knocked on her door, she told him to get lost. When he brought her flowers, she threw them at him. When he brought her food, she wouldn’t touch it. She ignored his texts and calls.
She had every right to make him suffer and she was doing a superb job at it.
He spent his time on business calls or chatting with whoever was visiting Kate. Every Bridgerton but Anthony had been allowed in. He got to know her nurses and doctors, getting updates on Kate’s progress and asking them questions about her leg and the healing process.
Mary sat beside Anthony in the waiting room one afternoon, handing him a cup of coffee. “Thank you.”
“I started worrying less, you know.”
Anthony turns to look at Mary, frowning in confusion.
“Kate is a very good person. She takes care of people. She took care of Edwina and I more than she should have, especially after my husband died.” A sad expression appeared on her face. “My husband always said Kate tried to take care of him when her mother passed away. She was four years old.”
He smiled sadly, taking a small sip of his coffee. “That sounds like Kate.”
“It does, doesn’t it?” Mary nodded her head, wrapping her hands around her coffee cup. “I always wanted that for her. Someone who would take care of her and she would let them. I wasn’t so sure it would ever happen until she brought you home.”
Anthony blinked at Mary, completely taken aback. He had known Mary for eight years now and they had spent a good bit of time together, but he couldn’t remember ever speaking to her alone. Especially like this.
“I knew she finally had someone to take care of her. You’ve been so good to her.”
“I don’t know if she’ll forgive me this time Mary,” Anthony said, his voice croaky as he hung his head low. “I don’t know if I deserve to be forgiven.”
“Kate didn’t talk to her father and I for two weeks because we didn’t let her go to an Eminem concert when she was twelve years old,” Mary said, chuckling softly at the fond memory. “She will come around.”
“We all make mistakes, Anthony. I don’t know what happened between you two,” Mary said softly, reaching over to squeeze his hands. “I do know you’ll be able to fix yours.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Kate,” Edwina said, exhaustion flooding her voice as she pushed Kate’s wheelchair to a stop in front of the exit of the hospital. “Anthony’s car is the only car big enough to bring you home! You’re meant to lie across the back seat.”
Kate was glaring at Anthony with such an intensity, he was genuinely terrified. She was absolutely furious at the prospect of Anthony driving her home. “I’d rather walk.”
“I suppose you should have thought about that before you went skating on those death traps,” Anthony said, deciding that if she wouldn’t talk to him, he might be able to at least get an insult if he winded her up. Then, she would technically have spoken to him. “Hop on in.”
Kate’s mouth dropped open as she watched Anthony open up his back door, which had been filled with blankets and pillows to help Kate get comfortable. She knew she had no choice. The two nurses helped Kate into the backseat, buckling her in as Edwina got into Anthony’s car. Mary was following them home.
Kate, furious about recent events, was sulking in the back seat.
Edwina and Sophie hadn’t been overly kind to Anthony the first week after Kate’s accident. He didn’t blame them, he deserved every single bit of slack he got for what he’d done. They had eased up on him the last week, probably out of pure pity as he desperately tried to fix things with Kate who so far wanted nothing to do with him.
They finished their awkward car ride once Anthony parked in Kate’s flat’s underground car park. Now the fun really began. He would make himself useful in any way he could to help Kate, so Edwina and Mary had asked him to drive her home once he had offered.
“Kate,” Edwina said slowly, clearly nervous about what she was about to say as she opened her sister’s door. “Mum and I aren’t strong enough to get you out of the car.”
“Whose side are you on?” Kate snapped, realizing exactly what was going on. “There’s not a chance in hell-”
“I am on your leg’s side!” Edwina snapped, everyone’s eyes widening as Edwina’s temper flared. It was a rare sight. “I am losing the will to live here, Kate. Just let Anthony carry you upstairs and you can do whatever you want. Throw anything you want at him for all I care. Just get upstairs.”
Anthony leaned into the back seat, carefully moving Kate and her leg towards the edge of the seat. They were so close, his arms wrapped around her. If he looked at her, he could count the freckles sprawled across her nose and cheek and how many eyelashes she had. He had done it a million times before.
Except he couldn’t.
Kate refused to look at him.
He got her out of the car until she could support herself on her crutches, making her way towards the lifts. Anthony, Edwina and Mary brought all of her bags upstairs to her flat. Anthony had stocked her fridge and cupboards with all her favourite things and had gotten it professionally cleaned yesterday. He also had about five bouquets of tulips in each room.
“Simon dropped in some food from his restaurant,” Edwina said, smiling softly as she began to unpack the bag. “Thank god. I’m starving. Anthony?”
“I’ll go.” Anthony said, shaking his head as he headed towards the door after dropping the last bag on the floor. The hope he had of fixing things with Kate was really starting to diminish. She really despised him.
She wouldn’t even look at him.
Kate waved a crutch in his direction. It was the first time she had spoken to only him directly in over two weeks. “Stop getting me tulips!”
Anthony turned around to look at her, shaking his head simply. “No.”
“We are going to go out for a walk,” Mary suggested loudly, tugging at Edwina who gaped at her mother in disbelief and then glanced back down at the food. The two Sheffields practically ran out of Kate’s flat, bag of food in their hand, and surprisingly weren’t stopped by Kate.
This was his chance.
“How are you?”
Kate’s hard glare hadn’t faded. “Why do you care?”
He visibly softened. “Of course I care.”
“I don’t think you do, actually,” Kate snapped, aggressively fluffing the pillows behind her back where she sat on her grey couch. “I thought you cared until I realized what you had done. I thought you cared until I stood there telling you I loved you and all you did was tell me that you had lied to me and how we would never work. I never expected you to love me back, what did I expect was some-”
“Are you on drugs?”
“Excuse me?” Kate’s voice was almost a shriek.
Anthony had to really stop himself from rolling his eyes. “I can’t say this if you’re in any way inebriated.”
“No,” Kate muttered, crossing her arms across her chest, “I still despise you, so I’m of sound mind.”
“I should have kissed you. That night. When we were at Aubrey Hall. Seven years ago. I should have kissed you in the lake. I should have kissed you at the Law Ball in college. I should have kissed you when we were in Spain. When we were in my dorm. Your dorm. In the morning. In the afternoon. In the evening. There were so many times where I should have kissed you, Kate.”
“You did kiss me,” Kate spat out, tears flooding her eyes that made Anthony’s chest clench. “You kissed me and you pretended that you didn’t remember.”
“I’m an idiot. I’m a fool. There’s no rational explanation for why I did it. I was so scared of losing you, Kate. But I lost you anyway. I’ll never be more sorry for that, Kate.” Anthony took a few tentative steps towards her, crouching down so he was at her eye level. “I’m so sorry for hurting you. Please, just listen to me. I’ll leave you alone afterwards if that’s what you want.”
“I was on my way to yours when Edwina rang me,” Anthony said, trying to remember everything he had wanted to say and had written down so many times. “I was on my way to tell you I was in love with you. I was an asshole, the night of the gallery. A complete asshole. I panicked. I saw everything on that bloody picture that I have wanted and dreamed of for years, and I panicked. I was so scared of losing what we had that I was too scared to take the chance on having something more.”
Kate stared at him with her wide brown eyes, the ones he had missed so bloody much. He had missed everything about her and now he was here and he was trying. He was desperately trying and he had no idea if it would be enough. “What are you trying to say, Anthony?”
“I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you since I was nineteen years old. I’ve denied it and denied it, because I’m screwed up, and I know you deserve better than me, but it's always been you Kate. It will always be you. I was terrified of screwing things up and losing you because I can’t live without you Kate. I don’t ever want to. You’re my best friend. You’re my person.”
“When I heard you were hurt and there was a chance that I could lose you-I can’t fathom life without you, Kate.” Anthony’s voice broke off as he spoke, his voice choking on air. “I can’t. I don’t want to. All I want is you, Kate. I’ll do anything to prove that to you. I’m all in. If you’ll have me.”
“Why do you get to decide?”
Anthony blinked at her through his watery eyes, hastily wiping them. He had finally said everything he wanted to say and the biggest weight had been taken off his chest. The anxiety of waiting on Kate’s response still clawed at him. “What?”
“Why do you get to decide that I deserve better than you?” Kate asked, narrowing her eyes as she looked at him.
“I don’t know,” He answered honestly, shaking his head as he leaned against the couch. “It wasn’t that I decided. It was just so obvious to me. You deserve everything, Kate. Everything. That isn’t me. All I can do is try-”
His heart stopped in his chest, a rigid stance completely taken over. Was this it? Was Kate ending things forever? Has he lost for her good?
“You should have asked me.”
Anthony couldn’t help the sigh of relief that came out of him. “I know.”
“I’ve always been smarter than you.”
He smiled softly, nodding his head. “That’s debatable.”
“Do you always have to have an answer for everything?” She asked, completely exasperated, but there wasn’t any annoyance detected in her tone. It was almost teasing.
“I suppose,” He said slowly, his eyes never moving off hers. “Some things never changed.”
“No,” She said softly, her eyes moving around his face. “They really don’t.”
“I should have asked you too,” Kate added a few seconds later, visibly gulping as she pushed some of the loose strands of hair in front of her face behind her ears.
“I’m still so mad at you,” She murmured, blinking away a few tears that rolled down her red cheeks. “I’m so mad. I’m not going to suddenly stop being mad because you’re in love with me and I’m in love with you. We’re going to have to work at this. It isn’t going to be easy.”
“I deserve it.” He nodded in agreement, not being able to stop the small smile breaking out on his face as she said she loved him. “I know. I’ll do anything, Kate. Anything.”
She loved him.
She loved him.
Kate was in love with him.
“Hold my hand.” She murmured, extending her fingers towards him. Their fingers interlock smoothly, her soft, petite palm and his large, rougher hand against each other.
“If you had asked me,” Kate said, her voice coming out wobbly as she spoke. “I would have told you that you’re it for me. It’s always been you. From the moment I met you, it was always going to be you. I didn’t stand a chance. It’s not about deserving, Anthony. It’s about being there for someone no matter what. You’ve always been there for me. And I always want you to be.”
Their faces were extremely close now. He could smell her again, that soft scene of lilies and soap that he had missed so much. He could count the freckles on her cheek and her long, delicate eyelashes. His lips are “I’m sorry it took me so long.”
“Us,” Kate corrected him, her breathing small and shallow. “It only took us eight years.”
“This isn’t how I imagined it.”
“I’m so tired of imagining, aren’t you?”
He kisses her.
It’s better than he’s ever imagined it.
Because it’s real.
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horansqueen · 3 years
New Angel - Chapter 15
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chapter 1  ☆ chapter 2  ☆ chapter 3  ☆ chapter 4  ☆ chapter 5  ☆ chapter 6  ☆ chapter 7  ☆ chapter 8 ☆ chapter 9 ☆ chapter 10 ☆ chapter 11 ☆ chapter 12 ☆ chapter 13 ☆ chapter 14
☆ written from Niall’s pov ☆ i don’t proofread, I never do, I hate it. ☆ AU comedy/fluff/smut/romance ☆ 2.8k ☆ i accept requests and ideas for this story, so message me in my inbox! ☆ if you want to be notified when this story is updated (or be taken off the update list) CLICK HERE
"So, today's your day, what do we do?" Millie asked as I was driving.
Once again, I had picked her up at her job and I glanced at her, noticing her head was leaned on the bench and she was staring at me. i sent her a small smile and barely had time to see her raise her eyebrows before I put my eyes back on the road.
It was only the second day of our week and I was already feeling better. When I woke up, I felt my heart twist in my chest because of how nervous I was but I decided to focus on the things I'd do with Millie later in the day and I felt better. If I had known someone like Millie could bring me my smile back and would be so entertaining, I would have tried to get closer to her before, even if she annoyed the shit out of me.
"I don't like that look." Millie continued, making me chuckle.
"Don't worry, it's nothing extreme or bad. And after that, we can go out for ice cream, what do you say?"
She remained silent for a while and I finally parked the car and undid my belt.
"Mm, I'm getting out of my routine for you, Horan." she pointed out, her eyebrows raised again but this time, in a suspicious way. "So it better not be golf or any other sport."
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna ask you to work out or run." I reassured her, my lips curling in an amused smile. "Although I admit I'm quite curious of how good you are at golf."
"I suck. Just like all the other sports."
I chuckled and she followed me upstairs. I told her to wait for me in the living room and disappeared in the hall to reach my bedroom. When I came back, her lips parted slightly and she let out a low chuckle.
"You don't really expect me to play guitar, do you?"
"My student of today canceled. I thought it could be a nice thing to do together." I replied, shrugging a shoulder. "I can show you a few things, I'm not bad of a teacher you know?"
She stared at me for a few seconds and finally moved her head and rolled her eyes, a smile spreading on her lips. "Alright, but don't laugh at me!"
"I promise."
She ended up being actually quite good even if sometimes, she didn't hold the strings hard enough, and after about half an hour, she could play a few chords. I was quite impressed at how fast she was learning and it made me want to take her as a regular student.
"Okay, bring your fingers up." I said gently, staring at her hand. "No, here."
I moved her fingers up, letting them slide on the string, and pressed my finger against hers to help before placing her other fingers on the other strings.
"Okay, perfect."
She moved her head down sliding, staring at her fingers as she played, and my lips curled a bit on the left when she started nibbling on her bottom lip. It was cute how focused she was and it was a great quality when you wanted to learn just about anything.
"Niall, help me, I feel like it's not the sound it should do."
I blinked a few times, getting out of my thoughts to look back at her fingers again. I moved one of them lightly down and pressed on it but this time, I kept it on hers as she played. She stuck her tongue out as if it could help her concentrate and I chuckled low. She didn't notice, too focused on what she was doing, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
"Fuck yes, I got it!" her eyes illuminated and a smile drew itself on her lips as I blinked a few times.
"Okay do it again." I proposed, taking my hand away from hers so she could do it by herself.
She did what I asked and I smiled too when I realized she had actually succeeded it. After an hour and a half. she could play an easy song and I leaned against the couch, my eyebrows raised.
"Wow, you're good, Mill!" I exclaimed as she grinned, getting her back straight with pride.
"You're an amazing teacher, Niall!" she just replied. "How much do you charge to do this once a week?"
"For you? Nothing. It's free."
Her head tilted and her smile turned into a fond one. "Thank you."
I liked thinking that we would spend more time together, and knowing we would always have a specific day and time to meet. I knew that both our heartbreaks were going to be rough times to go through and I liked that we had each other. I knew that at the end of the week I was supposed to make a choice on who I wanted to date between Grace and Summer, but no matter who I was going to pick, there was no way I was going to stop spending time with Millie.
"So let's schedule that every tuesday evening?"
Millie smiled again and nodded firmly. "I'm always here."
We walked slowly while eating our ice cream and I breathed in deeply, enjoying the warm air of spring. I put my free hand in my pocket but didn't dare to break the comfortable silence between us. I just kept glancing at Millie from time to time, trying not to bump into anything. She seemed lost in her thoughts and I started wondering if she was thinking about Louis, wondering where he was, and what he was doing. The more I looked at her, the more I realized I wanted her to be happy. If I knew anyone who deserved to be, it was definitely her, and it was a shame that she was so sad and that no one could do anything about it. I felt so powerless and it made me think about my own pain. I shut my eyes for a few seconds, trying to push the sadness deeper in my stomach and took an other bite of ice cream as if it could bury it under.
"You're quiet."
I turned my head to look at my friend who was raising her eyebrows.
"You too."
"Were you thinking about Grace?" she asked in a low tone.
"Not really." I shrugged a shoulder. "Were you thinking about Louis?"
It took her a few seconds to answer but she looked away. "Maybe."
"I want to tell you that you shouldn't think about him, but I know it's not an easy thing to do."
"He's probably with his girlfriend that I don't even know the name of." she added low. Her voice was so sad that I felt my heart sink in my chest.
"Eleanor." I told her in a very low tone. "That's her name."
Millie stopped walking for half a second but then just continued. It made me swallow hard, wondering if maybe I should have kept this information for myself. It's not like she was never going to find out anyway and with the sparkles I had seen in Louis' eyes when he was talking to me about her, I knew she was going to stay for a long time.
Millie pressed her lips together for a few seconds and finally sighed, licking her lips nervously.
"I told you she had a royal name."
It was not the thing I thought she'd say and I chuckled low, remembering that she had actually mentioned that before and that it turned out to be true.
"How long does it take to get over someone?"
This time, my friend stopped walking and turned her head my way. I stopped too and turned around to face her and when she took a step closer, my lips parted slightly.
"It depends."
"It's not the first time I have my heart broken, but damn, this time hurts like hell." I explained, shaking my head. "I know she came back and said she wanted be with me again and that she regretted leaving me, but I can't trust her. She ruined everything between us and honestly, Millie, I am so mad at her. I think I'm even angrier now that she's back, because she literally broke my heart only to come back, as if that's what it took to make her realize that she loved me. As if she couldn't see what she was losing before she pushed me away."
Millie stayed there motionless, just listening to me ranting about my ex girlfriend. I sighed and turned around quickly, throwing what was left of my ice cream in the nearest trash can, and my friend followed me, doing the same. I was about to leave again when she grabbed my wrist and I quickly held my breath.
"She couldn't see it. Clearly. She made a mistake, that's for sure." Millie pointed out with a nod. "It doesn't mean she doesn't love you."
"But that means she could leave again at any time. That means I will always be scared that she'll just break my heart again." I argued. "I'm not sure it's worth it."
"You should write that on the list."
I raised my eyebrows and quickly nodded. We found a bench and sad down together. Millie took a pen out of her purse and handed it to me as I slipped the paper out of my back pocket. I stared at it for a while, re-reading what I wrote about the two girls I was supposed to choose from, but I was not sure how to words things.
'I can't trust her' is the first thing I quickly scribbled before sighing and adding 'she broke my heart' right under it. I was about to fold the paper again but Millie gently placed her hand on it, making me look up in her eyes. She moved a bit closer, so close I could see the golden lines that looked like lightning bolts around her pupils.
"I think you need to also write something in the 'pros', don't you think?" she whispered.
I stared at her a few more seconds and finally wrote the first good thing under Grace's name. I could feel my hand shake very lightly as I moved my pen on the paper and when I was done, I thought I'd feel lighter but I actually felt even worse.
'I love her'
"I'm fucking starving." I pointed out when we pushed on the door of a small restaurant.
Millie laughed and raised her eyebrows at me, following me as I walked up to the counter. "When are you not?"
"Hey, it's not like I eat all the time or anything!"
"You could have cooked for us tonight!" she argued, ignoring my comment. "You're amazing at cooking but you're bringing me here! Or maybe you only cook for the pretty girls you want to date, is that it?"
Her lips curled into an amused smile and I knew she was joking but there was no way I was going to let her believe that I wouldn't cook for her, I raised my eyebrows too and moved my chin down, staring at her.
"I'll cook for you tomorrow, It's a promise."
It seemed to satisfy her and she sent me a big smile before nodding. The waitress brought us to a table and I suddenly lost my smile. On the table next to ours was sitting a pretty brunette and I swallowed hard when her brown eyes met mine. She seemed surprised too and I couldn't stop looking at her as she got up and sent me a small smile.
"Hey, Niall." she murmured softly, bringing her shoulders up and closer to her cheeks. "I didn't know you came here sometimes... I... I'm happy to see you."
"Grace, hi."
It took me a few seconds to glance quickly at who was eating with her and I noticed her best friend Rose, sitting awkwardly in front of her. I felt my whole body relax suddenly and at the same time, my heart jumped in my chest. If she had been on a date with an other guy, it would have been easier. I could have put a cross on her and not be so torn about how I felt. I wouldn't have to ask myself if I wanted to try with her again, and if it was worth risking having my heart broken a second time by the same girl. If she had been with an other man, I could have just turned around and left after telling her to 'fuck off'. But she was here with a friend and I knew it was totally platonic between them.
I got out of my thoughts when she moved closer to kiss my cheek and without thinking, I moved my upper body back. She looked hurt but she just sent me a sad smile.
"How are you?" she asked before turning around to look at my best friend. "Hey Millie."
"I'm... I'm alright."
A silence came between us but this time, it was uncomfortable. I could feel my heart thump hard against my rib cage and I swallowed hard, wondering what else I should do or say but before I could think of anything, Millie moved closer to me and smiled.
"Actually, we were not going to eat here, we wanted to take out."
"Oh." Grace glanced at her friend and finally shrugged, putting her gaze on me again. "Okay well, call me?"
"Will do."
"It was nice seeing you again, Grace!" Millie replied, grabbing my arm and bringing me back to the counter.
We remained silent until the waitress came back and my friend told her we were going to get take out instead as I remained silent. She ordered for both of us and the whole time, I stared at a spot on the counter to make sure I wouldn't just look at my ex girlfriend again.
I let out a loud sigh when we walked out and breathed in as if it was the first time I could do it in a few hours. Millie wrapped her arms around one of mine and leaned her chin on it to look up at me.
"Are you okay?"
"No. Yes. I don't know." I let out, completely confused. "I just want to go home."
Millie nodded very slowly, her chin rubbing gently on the sleeve of my shirt, and she squeezed my arm tight before letting go. I was not sure how I was feeling. I still loved Grace, there was no doubt about it, and seeing her again did something in my stomach, but I also knew that the love I had for her was different now. It was not intense and obsessed like it used to be. It was a sad and resigned love and I was not sure I liked it. I was starting to think that maybe, letting go of Grace and the feelings I had for her was the best thing to do to spare my heart. Maybe it was only because I had just seen her but I felt like going back with her would be a mistake and I was not sure I wanted to make it. I wanted to say that I had given this relationship as many chances as possible but I couldn't act like everything could be forgiven and forgotten because it definitely couldn't.
I would still play the game with the lists for the rest of the week but the more I thought about it, the less sure I was that I would be ready to pick a girl at the end of the week.
I noticed Millie glancing at me from time to time and it made me feel better. It was great to have someone close to me that actually cared. I had friends and family, of course, but with Millie, it was different. I could read her and I knew she could read me. We were going through the same thing and only her really knew how I was feeling at that moment.
"Can we just go back to that amazing friendship week together?" I asked, raising my nose up as we got closer to our apartment.
"Of course, why do you think I said we'd just bring the food home instead of staying there?"
I turned to her, my lips curling on the left. "Thanks for that."
"Hey, it's cool, I'm always here for you."
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mrs-harkness · 4 years
Run to Me (Part 6)
Pairing: Diane Sherman x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 2.4k
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5
Taglist: @fauxplant​ @deliacoven​ @escapetodreamworld​ @kikaykimkim​ @coffee-is-below-my-standards​
A/n: Enjoy! We are almost to the end!
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You groaned, clinging to consciousness by only a thread. You used all your energy to force your eyes open, but it took a second for your eyes to adjust. You were back in the plush room of Diane's home, tucked under the covers. You went to move, but it was like your body wasn't working. Your muscles were too weak, too heavy. You picked up your head but it plopped right back down onto the pillow. You couldn't get up. You couldn't get away.
You whimpered, suddenly overwhelmed with the terror of the position you found yourself in. You felt tears spill out and over your cheeks, unable to wipe them away. You tried to contain your sobs but it was hard as you drew in ragged breaths, your asthma adding to the weight on your chest.
You heard footsteps hurrying down the hall over your labored breathing. You knew it was her. You knew she had heard you. You stared in terror as Diane appeared in doorway and rushed into the room. She sat in a chair that was placed right by the bedside, you just noticing it was there. You wondered how long she sat there, watching you lie unconscious.
She smiled at you, petting your head like she often did. She laid her head in her arms, propped up on the bed, her nose only inches from yours. She looked at your wordlessly, with admiration in her eyes and you stared back, terror in yours. A tear fell from your eyes and she quickly reached out and wiped it away.
"Are you in pain?" She asked you, concerned. Her hand lingered on your cheek, caressing it with her thumb. You bit your lip and found the strength you needed to speak.
"No, I-Im scared," you croaked.
Diane's face fell, she looked like she was in physical pain. Tears sprung up in the corner of her eyes, but she forced herself to smile.
"Wh-why would you be scared darling? I don't want you to be afraid. There's nothing to be afraid of," she whispered, her breath warming your face. You saw her lip quiver a bit and she bit it to stop it. You knew she was starting to lose her cool.
"You drugged me and you lied. You lied to me Diane." You let out a sob, the pain in your chest unbearable. Not only were you scared, but you were hurt. You trusted Diane. You genuinely loved her.
You cried for real now, sobbing like that night on the kitchen floor. Diane sat up, her hands shaking slightly, reaching out for you.
"No no no. Don't cry. Please. I only gave you that because I was afraid you would hyperventilate. And I..." Diane paused, drawing in a breath. You wondered what story she was going to tell you now.
"I only lied to you because I didn't want you to think I couldn't take care of you. I do teach technically, I just substitute for another county. I take jobs when I need them and I know you needed me more."
She still wasn't telling you the truth.
"No Diane! Not just that! You lied about your daughter! You didn't have one, Chloe wasn't real. You tried to take someone's baby. You stalked my friend. You were in-"
"Chloe was real," Diane interrupted. Her voice was stern and serious and it frightened you down to your core.
"Chloe was real. She died in my arms, two hours old. I lost my child, and I lost my will to live. I was discharged like nothing happened. Like I hadn't lost my ENTIRE life in one awful moment. And there in the nursery window was all these healthy, perfect little babies, while mine laid downstairs in the morgue. I looked at them and knew none of their parents could love them as much as I could. I would give them a good life. So I made a mistake. And I paid my dues, I righted my wrongs. That was nearly 20 years ago Y/n, I am not the same person."
You felt like your heart was being pulled apart, confusion the only thing that was real to you anymore. You wanted to trust Diane, you wanted to believe she had just made a mistake, but it still felt like she was hiding something. You could see how she may have been driven to that from heartbreak, but was she remorseful? And what about Mandy?
Diane could tell you were conflicted and she was desperate to have you trust her again. To have you need her and want her. She got up from the chair and sat on the bed now, hovering over you.
"I promise Y/n, I would never hurt you. I am so sorry you believe I lied to you, that I hid things from you. As for Mandy, I'm not sure what she's talking about. I do know her from town, I even tutored her a few times in chemistry, but I did not stalk her. I believe she dislikes me due to the fact that I caught her having sex at her job and reported it to her manger. She was fired, and after that she was out to get me," she whispered, her hair tickling your face.
You had found it hard to believe what Mandy was telling you, but you also didn't think she would lie. Mandy loved you and only wanted to protect you. Plus, why would Mandy need help in chemistry, when it was what had earned her a scholarship to the school?
You didn't say anything and Diane seemed like she was crawling in her skin. She knew you didn't believe her, and she couldn't stand it. A broken cry fell from her mouth and she shut her eyes tight, trying to pretend this wasn't happening. Her fists were clenched beside you and she was visibly shaking. She looked like she was going to literally explode.
Then as if a switch flipped, she stopped. Her eyes opened, soft again. Her hands found your face and caressed it. She leaned down again and kissed the side of your face slowly.
"I'm sorry I scared you, but I am going to show you that you never have to feel like that again."
Her kisses began to trail up your face, the weight of her body pinning you to the mattress. Her lips felt warm on your skin, and oh so soft. You knew you were in danger, but there was a broken part of your heart that still wanted her affection. Still wanted her to love you like she was now.
She pulled back only slightly, enough to look at you in the eyes. Your eyes flicked down to her lips, but quickly back up to her face. She was demented and you were broken, a dangerous magnetization between the two of you. Not only did you fear she was going to really hurt you, you were also confused how she felt for you. This was a literal nightmare you could not seem to wake up from.
Her eyes were dark, and frightened you, your throat feeling like it was going to close. She looked down at your lips and then licked her own. She slowly leaned down, and your breath hitched in your chest. You closed your eyes, trying to convince yourself to find the strength to push her off.
Then, the door bell.
The door bell rang over and over again, followed by angry pounding against the front door. Diane sat up quickly, very flustered. She hopped off the bed, and looked around the door frame and down the hall.
"HEY! I know you're in there Diane and I know you have Y/N! Let me in now or I'm calling the police!"
Mandy! It was Mandy! She had come to rescue you!
Diane looked back to you, the pounding on the door becoming increasingly loud. She took a deep breath, smoothed back her hair, and moved down the hall. You breathed a sigh of relief. She was going to let her in. She was going to stop all of this.
You had woken up enough now to push yourself up, straining to hear down the hall. You heard the lock click and the door creak open, and immediately Mandy started yelling.
"How mental are you?! You kidnapped her! You realize that right?"
Mandy's voice seemed so far away, you could barely hear her. You needed to get closer.
"I did not kidnap her. Do not say that. I saw her, flat out on the floor of a coffee shop struggling to breathe," Diane shot back. Her voice was alarmingly calm.
You pulled yourself out from under the covers, using what little muscle control you had to move to the edge of the bed.
"You also hit her with your car! Yeah, she told me about that! You didn't even take her to the hospital! She could be suffering from a concussion and you picked her up like some sort of puppy you found. What kind of twisted crazy bitch are you?"
You pushed yourself off the mattress, landing on the floor with a thud. It hurt, but being graceful wasn't the goal. You began to pull your self with your arms towards the door frame, your legs still numb and weak.
"I don't appreciate you coming to my home and beating down the door to call me awful names. I do not keep Y/n hostage. She has been able to leave when ever she likes, but she chooses to stay. Did you even ask her what she wanted? What she felt before you started telling her what to do?" Diane's voice was getting heated now. She was upset.
You dragged yourself again, grunting and straining to make it to the door. You passed the dresser finally, almost to the door, when unknowingly you got your foot caught in the cord to a lamp and you pulled it with you. It flew off the dresser, hitting the floor and shattering. Silence fell for just a moment before Mandy started screaming again.
"Y/n?! Y/n, are you okay? Let me see her! Now!"
There was a pause before Diane answered.
"Don't shout. You may come in. She's down the hall on the left."
You made it to the door and heard Mandy shuffle past Diane, walking quickly down the hall. Relief filled your body. She had come for you and soon this would all be over.
As if the universe could hear your thoughts, a sickening smack echoed in the hall followed by what sounded like a body dropping to the floor. You covered your mouth to stifle a cry and to keep your ragged breathing quiet as you looked around the door frame into the hallway.
You saw Mandy, laying on the floor, Diane standing over her with the lamp from the entry way table in her hand. You watched as she calmly put it back, stepped over Mandy, and opened the basement door. She struggled to pick Mandy up as she dragged her towards the basement, hiding her away.
You pulled yourself back in and leaned against the wall. You had to get out but first you had to check on Mandy. You weren't sure if she was dead or just knocked out, but either way you couldn't let her stay down there. But that meant not only did you need to get down to the basement, you needed to get rid of Diane.
You shut your eyes tight, trying to force yourself to calm down. Now it was Mandy who needed you and that meant she needed you to think and come up with a plan. You took in a deep breath and opened your eyes to look around the room.
There wasn't anything heavy enough to hit her with now that you had broken the lamp, and honestly even though Diane had lost her mind, you didn't want to hurt her. You needed to be smart about this. That's when you saw the window was slightly ajar. That was your answer.
Maybe it was adrenaline or whatever Diane had given you wearing off, but now you could support yourself on all fours. You crawled over like a child to the window, trying your best to avoid the shards of ceramic that littered the floor. One got into your hand though, cutting it. You hissed but continued on.
You reached the window and pulled it open all the way. You looked down and saw that it was an acceptable height, it might jar you a bit, but you would be fine from the fall. You had started bleeding from the cut and it stained the window, and you could only hope it didn't leave a trail.
Just then though, you heard the basement door open and close again. Footsteps echoed in the hall. You had to go now. You desperately tried to pull yourself up, but your legs were still not fully cooperating and they buckled under your weight. You cried in frustration, trying to make your legs work so you could jump out and run but you just couldn't and you sunk back down to the floor.
You couldn't give up, so you made a last minute decision to pull yourself under the bed, hiding instead. You covered your mouth again, muffling the wheezing breath that fell from your mouth. You watched as Diane's feet appeared in the door way and stopped for just a moment before running into the room.
She went straight to the window and you assumed she thought you must have managed to get out of it.
"NOOOOO!" Diane screamed, her shriek ringing through the entire house. She then ran back out of the room. You heard the front door slam open a moment later, and then the house was eerily silent.
You waited a few more minutes before crawling out from under the bed and to the door. You used the frame to pull yourself up and peer down the hall. The front door was wide open. You were alone in the house.
You teetered to the basement door and stood in front of it. You had promised Diane you'd never go down there, but obviously words and promises were worthless between the two of you at this point.
You took a breath and turned the knob of the door, pushing it open and descending down the stairs into the darkness and the secrets that lie below.
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blingywitch · 3 years
Good Feelings - Chapter II
Hey! Here’s chapter two! This fic is going to go in a bit of a weird direction for a while I think— starting in the next couple chapters— but I promise it’ll all align eventually! (Even if it doesn’t seem that way) See, the problem is... I’m having a little trouble figuring out how things will work with it—plot wise—hence why this took some time to get out. It’s out now and that’s all that matters :) But just note that if the chapters are taking longer to get out than usual it’s probably because I’m stuck and can’t write anything but they will get out... eventually. I promise <3
Umm... all I have left to say is Logan Tremblay is a sucker for pretty eyes... as am I.
Full Masterlist & Good Feelings Masterlist
Characters belong to the lovely, @lumosinlove
CW: mentions of food and drink
The sun was barely out when Logan woke up that morning. He could already tell it was going to be a nice day though, there was no clouds in sight and the only reminiscence of the rain that had passed through Gryffindor earlier in the week was the damp grass and small puddles that were scattered around the pavement. 
Logan liked the rain, it reminded him of home; And yes, rain was still as common in Gryffindor than it was in Quebec but it just wasn’t the same. No matter where he was in the world nothing would be the same as his home. He missed it.
Logan and his three sisters had moved down to Gryffindor about a month ago. They wanted to expand their families business—Tremblay’s— that had been solely in Rimouski, Quebec until now; and Gryffindor seemed like the perfect place to start. So they packed their bags, said goodbye to their parents—who were staying in Rimouski to mange things there— and they were off.
It was hard at first; Being in such an unfamiliar place. Being without anything that was normal to them. But the Tremblay siblings had each other and that was familiar. They worked together, getting used to the new things and eventually it got to a point where Gryffindor was starting to feel like home to them— a second home.
Moving in together helped. Again, it was comforting to have someone around 24/7 that they knew in a city that was filled with strangers. Logan and Noelle had bought a small apartment together while Audrey and Sydney got places of their own on the other side of town. Being the youngest siblings Noelle and Logan didn’t think they were quite ready to be on their own anyways.
And that’s how Logan got here; closing the door to his Uber and telling the driver where to go. Off to his first official day working at Tremblay’s. Aka opening day.
When the car exited the parking lot Logan’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He hauled it out to see who it was.
New message from: Noelle
Hey, are you almost here? Please tell me you’re almost here.
I just got into the Uber. What’s the rush?
Aubrey is flipping out; Running around the place and talking to herself. Saying something is going to go ‘terribly wrong’. She checked if the open sign was working 3 times already. Syd and I can’t handle this much longer. SOS.
Logan chuckled softly.
Tell Aubrey that it’s going to be fine and that nothing is going to go ‘terribly wrong’. I’ll be there soon.
And if you want me there so bad why didn’t you wake me up when you left this morning?!
I didn’t wake you up this morning because before you went to bed last night you were grumbling about not being awoken before 6 or you’ll be all moody.
I can’t deal with moody Logan in the morning. Especially not this one.
Ok that’s reasonable. See you soon!
“Logan!” He heard his name being shouted at him by one of his sisters as he entered the coffee shop— Sydney, he realized it was when he looked up. “Vous êtes ici!” She exclaimed.
“Logan!?” He heard again, accompanied by a clash that sounded like a pan hitting the floor. The next moment Audrey appeared; looking slightly frantic.
“Oh thank gods.” Audrey breathed. “You’re here.”
“Finally.” Noelle said playfully; joining in from where she was straightening mugs on a shelf.
Her brother narrowed his eyes at her. Only for her to shoot Logan back a smile that said, you know you love me.
“D’accord d’accord,” Audrey interrupted her siblings moment. “Enough playing around. We have work to do.” She walked over to the back and grabbed a classic blue Tremblay’s apron off of the rack that was there. She tossed it at Logan, the fabric draping over his head, “Put this on. This place opens in twenty.”
Logan lifted the apron off his head, “Yes, captain. I’ll get right to work.”
Audrey ignored her brother’s attempt at trying to loosen the tense atmosphere that was looming over her and went back to what she was doing.
“Oh, and Audrey?!” Logan called after her.
Audrey turned around, raising a questioning eyebrow at him.
“Everything is going to be fine. Nothing crazy or terribly bad is going to happen; I promise.” Logan had a serious look in his eyes.
Audrey smiled softly at him. Logan sure as hell didn’t know how to deal with his emotions but he always knew how to comfort others; especially his sisters.
Walking over to turn on the record player Logan quietly repeated his words to himself so no one would hear, “Everything is going to be fine. Nothing crazy or terribly bad is going to happen; I promise.”
If only Logan knew.
Noelle was cleaning off one of the front counters when she heard them walk in; laughing and joking with each other. Holding hands and going to sit down at a table in the corner. She watched as the taller one pulled out a chair for the other and then start a small conversation.
They hadn’t Looked her way, so she was able to sneak away to the back without them noticing while the pair got settled and decided what they wanted. Plus, Logan said he wanted to serve people today.
So she picked up her wash cloth and made her way back into the kitchen where her siblings were. She looked at her brother, “Logan, a couple of people just walked in. You got it?”
“Y-yeah.” Logan almost looked nervous at learning the information. “Ouais.”
Noelle nodded. “Okay. Just give them a couple more minutes to get settled.”
Logan knew he was nervous about today. Would he ever admit that to his sisters? Fuck no. But he never would have guessed that when the time came for the actual work to happen he would be this nervous.
Noelle said there were people here. What if those people hated it here? What if they didn’t like any of the food? Or what if he messed up and got an order wrong? What if he trips over his own feet walking over to them and embarrasses himself— knowing himself though, and how clumsy he could be that is something Logan would do.
“Logan?” Sydney’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts that were quickly getting the best of him. “You okay?” She asked “You look a little sick there.”
Trying to regain himself, Logan took a deep breath and sat up straighter. “Yeah, I’m good.”
“Okay.” She sounded unsure with his response but didn’t push it anymore. “Noelle said they should be ready now.”
“Right....” Logan nodded, bringing his hand up to take off his hat before he realized what he was doing and quickly brought it back down.
So, clearing his throat and patting his apron pocket to make sure he had his pen and note pad he set off to take their order. Exiting the kitchen, turning the corner, looking around and—
The odds really weren’t in his favour today were they?
His first thought was, pretty. His second, get it together Tremblay. But that was easier said then done when the two boys that were sat at the table looked like they did. He was still a good ten feet away from them but from what he could see Logan didn’t think he’d ever seen two boys they were so— pretty, as he described them. It was the only clear word in his head right now so it would have to do.
It was then Logan realized he was just standing there, staring at these pretty boys— thank gods they hadn’t noticed him yet— and he had a job to do. So, for what felt like the hundred time that day he took a deep breath and composed himself and mustering up all the courage he had, walked over.
As he got closer he noticed that the boys looked to be in deep conversation, pointing at the menu and nodding along with whatever the other said and Logan almost felt bad for having to break it up. He didn’t want to break it up. He had only laid eyes on the two for a maximum of thirty seconds but he felt content to watch them talk to each other for hours. Something about the way they communicated drew him in, the way they weren’t using many words—from what Logan could hear anyways— but seemed to know exactly what the person across from them meant. It took two people knowing each other well to be able to do that. Logan wanted to know these people well.
He had reached their table. Here goes nothing. “Bonjour, welcome to Tremblay’s,” he greeted. “I’m Logan. What can I get for you two?”
The boys looked up at his voice and Logan felt like he got punched in the stomach. If he thought they were pretty before then this was godly.
Eyes he thought. A deep shade of brown that looked like pools of melted chocolate. In the early morning sunlight Logan could see that they had lighter spots making chocolate and honey swirl into each other in a perfect circle around his pupils. Logan could stare forever. His Auburn hair that appeared as fire itself looked incredibly soft, with the sides shaved and the waves on top flopping to one side. It took Logan everything he had in him to keep his jaw off the floor.
He looked away from the redhead and met the others eyes. Mon dieu was Logan a sucker for eyes. Orbs of cornflower blue stared into his green. They looked curious, observing, almost like they held an expression of their own, like they were doing the thinking instead of his brain. Though Logan couldn’t guess what the boy was thinking if he tried. His face was Guarded; Not in a way that said he didn’t want you to know what he was thinking but in a way that said you just needed to earn it. And Logan couldn’t comprehend why he so badly wanted to. His hair curled around his ears and came down slightly over his forehead where a tuft of white could be seen amongst blonde curls. He was gorgeous. And just before Logan snapped out of his trance he saw the boy’s eyes roam over him; he really had trouble keeping his face straight at that.
The blonde suddenly cleared his throat. “Oh, um... sorry. Finn?”
The other boy— Who Logan now knew as Finn— looked at his friend. Those beautiful eyes of his going wide for a second before looking down at the table. “Right, uhh, I’ll have....”
Logan nodded along with their orders. It was nothing complicated— thankfully. He didn’t think he could handle complicated right now. “Alright, sounds good. I’ll be back with that, you guys sit tight.” He smiled politely at them and started making his way back to the kitchen. Careful not to match his pace with his rapidly beating heart.
As soon as he was out of sight from the boys and back in the kitchen he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and just sat there for a moment; leaning against the wall and calming himself down. Why today? His first day. At least give him a couple days before the really hot guy—or in this case, guys— walked into the coffee shop.
“You okay?” Noelle noticed him first and he was asked that question for the millionth time that day.
Logan opened his eyes and looked at his sister. “You could have told me they were hot!” he whispered yelled.
Noelle just laughed loudly, accompanied by chuckles from his other sisters. They knew that Logan was bisexual; There was an incident when he was in high school where Logan was crushing so hard on a boy that he had to tell somebody and he chose his sisters. It had been a good choice; Unsurprisingly, they were greatly accepting. Sydney even telling him she wasn’t exactly straight herself either. And maybe things didn’t work out between Logan and the boy but he now had amazing sisters that loved him no matter who he loved and that made him more than happy.
“Sorry,” Noelle managed to get out when her laughter died down. “It didn’t cross my mind if I’m being honest.”
Logan narrowed his eyes at her but left it alone. He turned to Sydney, “Syd, I need a breakfast sandwich, hold the tomato— Oh! and a croissant instead of a bagel please!”
“I’m on it, petit fère.” She smiled.
“Excuse me.” He said to Noelle, still playfully narrowing his eyes at her. “I have coffee to go make.”
Noelle smirked and moved out of the way, as Logan walked away she called after him, “I’ll put your number on their check later!”
Logan rolled his eyes, though he was trying to suppress a smile.
Deep breaths Logan. Deep breaths.
“Okay, so, we have the breakfast sandwich and the black coffee for you.” Who drinks black coffee? Ew. Logan thought, placing Finn’s order in front of him. “And just the medium two sugar two cream for you.” He handed the blonde his coffee. Did he ever want to know his name.
“Thanks.” He said, looking right into Logan’s eyes.
“No problem!” Logan managed to get out. But not before a pink tint washed over his cheeks.
Logan abruptly looked away. In a failed attempt to hide his blush he smiled politely at Finn and he got one in return, though the redhead looked a bit confused. And that was all Logan could stand before he turned around and walked away, not being able to resist bringing his hand up to remove his hat and run his fingers through his hair.
How was it still only 9 am? Logan didn’t know. But let’s just say he continued his work day with two beautiful faces never leaving his mind.
Auburn and brown, blonde and blue.
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lisaleigh713 · 3 years
Weekend with Bo
I had to see Bo, my doctoral advisor Friday to ask a few questions.  We spoke for about an hour and he was extremely helpful in aiding me to prepare for a project required.  Several times during our meeting I had to remind myself, “this is campus and not my house.”  After his tutelage, I readied myself to leave and he asked; “are you doing anything this weekend except starting on your project?”  “Well, actually, I thought I would hang out by my pool and hot tub this weekend and do a bit of reading.  Did you have something else in mind?”
I could tell he was hesitant to say anything so I broached the subject.  “Would you like to come over and hang out this weekend?”  “If you would like Lisa, I would love to come over this weekend.”  My pussy was dripping wet at the thought of his cock penetrating every hole this weekend.  I grabbed my purse, walked to the door, opened the door, turned back to look at him and with a smile said, “pack a toothbrush and your vitamins.”
I walked away swaying my ass back and forth but not enough for someone else to notice.  I went home and readied my self.  I took a nice long hot bath and dressed for his impending arrival.  I left my hair down and put on smokey eye shadow and heavy eye liner.  Lips are a deep, wet red and my mani/pedi are the same, a deep, wet red color.
I put on a transparent black half cup bra and see through black thong.  I wore a black leather corset with black, seamed, silk stockings and of course a pair of black 6 inch Dorsey stilettos.  I put on my sexiest little black dress and awaited his arrival.  During my wait time I placed a tab of MDMA in my ass and then plugged it inside.  I grabbed a nice bottle of Scotch and poured myself 2 fingers on ice.
I was just about to take drink and the door bell rang.  “Oh my, who could that be,” I said aloud to myself.  All giddy, I crossed the living room, into the foyer and opened the door.  Low and behold it was Bo.  “Good evening professor, come inside please.”  I thought, “said the spider to the fly.”  He came in to the foyer where I took his jacket.  I so wanted to kiss him but decided to let him make the first move.
“Can I get you a drink,” I asked.  “Sure, whatever you are having will be just fine.”  I walked across the foyer, passed the living room and into the kitchen where I had the liquor.  I poured myself another one and prepared him one.  I was so fucking horny I could barely stand myself.  I could feel Bo standing behind me, leering at me, wanting me, desiring me.  I poured his drink and turned around slowly.
Standing there with two drinks in my hands, Bo wrapped his arms around me and kissed me long and slowly with his tongue dancing around my mouth like a fine ballet.  I began to melt and could feel my legs go weak.  He was so good at kissing.  No he was incredible!!!
He stopped and pulled away.  I handed Bo his drink and we moved to the sitting area.  We made small talk.  I asked about his kids and his ex-wife and he asked about my family.  Bo asked about my family and my deceased parents.  I advised him, the subject of my family was a rather lengthy conversation and he had better be prepared to accept.  He relented and stated we would engage that subject at another time.
We had finished out drinks and I asked if he would like another and he politely declined.  I was getting a bit hungry and asked if he was at all hungry.  He looked at me and said, “I was just thinking about that very subject.”  He said we would need to go out of town as we were danger close to our university.
I asked, “why don’t we go to Dallas, no one there would know us.”  “Lisa, it would take us 3 hours to get there and another 3 hours to get back.”  I replied, “no Bo it won’t.  We can run over to the airport near, grab a plane and fly up to Dallas,  we can be on the ground in about an hour.”  Bo looked stunned.  “Grab a plane and fly up to Dallas?”  “Yes, baby.  Out company has one and it just completed annual inspection and is topped off with fuel.”  He shrugged his shoulders and said, “okay then.”
We jumped in my Porsche and hauled but to the airport.  Got to the plane and I did my pre-flight.  I thought to myself, “I do not recall ever doing a pre-flight in 6” heels or flying anywhere in 6” stillettos.”  Oh well, there is a first time for everything.  
With pre-flight complete we exited the hanger and fired the baby up.  It was getting dark and we would be taking off directly in to the sunset.  I taxied out to the runway, called the tower and got my clearance.  I looked at Bo and asked, “are you ready baby?”  He nodded and up comes the power.  I talked us through the entire process.  “At speed annnnd rotate.  Wheels up and climbing out to 3000’.  Bo had this huge smile on his face.  We bypassed Class B airspace but called as I wanted to climb to 25,000’.  We were cleared and we began our steady climb out of Houston to Dallas.
“How did you like that,” I asked.  Bo looked at me and said, “my cock is rock hard.”  I looked at him and replied, “I will take care of that later baby.”  It just made things worse for him.  We landed in Dallas and had a limo waiting to pick us up.  I grabbed a spare tie he would need for the dinner and he put it on.  We went to a very nice, dimly lit romantic restaurant where no one knew us. 
We ate and talked and since we were flying back i declined the alcohol but did enjoy a nice dessert.  The limo picked us up and drove us back to the airport, where I did another pre-flight check before taxiing out to the runway and repeat the process.  We climb out to about 15K feet and settle in for the flight back.  Bo was just mesmerized by the whole process which made me feel  really good.  We landed, got in my car and drove back to my house.
Bo began asking questions about my family and business.  “Are you sure you want to get into this tonight, I asked?”  He assured me he did.  I began telling him my life story with all the sordid details.  I could see he was getting excited.  His cock was swelling and straining against his pants.  I leaned in to his ear and whispered.  “Does this excite you baby?”  He nodded in the affirmative.  So I continued to tell him about my life, or at least the sexual part but I did so now whispering in his ear as I slowly stroked his cock through his pants.
I told him how much I like it rough and the rougher the better.  Bo squirmed!!!  I unleashed his belt and button then unzipped his pants.  I slowly removed his cock from his boxers and then lowered my head to his cock.  He leaned back and placed his hand on the back of my head and shoved my head all the way down on his cock.  He tasted so good.  He then grabbed a handful of my hair and began moving my head up and down on his cock.
I let him do this for a few minutes but now it was time for me to undress.  I stood and removed my dress letting it fall to the floor.  I removed my panties and pulled my breasts out letting them fall over my bra and corset.  Bo rose and undressed all the way.  I grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom where I got on my knees.
I put my hands behind my back and opened my mouth.  Bo took the hint.  He grabbed my head and thrust his cock into the back of my throat.  He fucked my throat like an animal, growling and then calling me names.  “You sure have a great mouth you little bitch.  I paid for dinner and as such and am going to use you like a whore.”  All I could do was moan in the positive.
He thrusted and thrusted then withdrew his cock from my mouth.  “Come here slut!”  I rose and Bo kissed me and again I grew weak in the knees.  Once finished with his kiss Bo said, “slut, go and get me another drink.”  I did as instructed.  I walked back with a double scotch neat in one hand and my other hand behind my back.  Unbeknownst to Bo, while in the kitchen I took another MDMA and did a line of coke.
He took a drink and then slapped me across the face hard.  My pussy was dripping.  A few more slaps and I may have a nice orgasm.  “Turn around you cunt and bend over.  I want you to grab your ankles.”  Luckily I am very limber and could do such with no trouble.  I did as commanded and he slapped my ass very hard.  “Stay just like this.”  Bo went to the sitting room and retrieved his belt from his pants.  Now things were going to get extremely interesting.
He slapped my ass with his belt.  “Harder sir,” I asked.  Bo did not disappoint.  He drew all the way back this time and slapped my ass with his belt and it sent shockwaves through my body; then another and another and another before tears began to stream down my face.  He could tell I was crying and he stopped.
“Please don’t stop baby.”  Bo continued with the spanking.  After about 25 times with his belt across my ass and me shaking uncontrollably he moved behind me, withdrew the plug in my ass and shoved his turgid cock deep inside my ass.  He grabbed my hips and thrust and thrust and thrusted some more.  While fucking my ass, Bo continued to spank me but with less force due to his angle.
After a few minutes of hammering my ass Bo threw me onto my bed.  I looked at him with tears rolling down my face.  I could tell he wasn’t sure what to do next so I slithered over to him and began sucking his cock really hard.  It felt so good in my mouth.  He skull fucked me for a few minutes then rolled me over onto my hands and knees.  
Bo got behind me and shoved his hard cock deep into my ass.  He fucked me and fucked me until I started squirting all over the place.  This made him fuck me even harder.  I wasn’t long until he came as well, deep in my ass.  We both collapsed on the bed with Bo laying on top of me.
We laid there for a few minutes trying to come back to earth.  After which Bo rolled off of me.  I could barely move until he said, “go get me another drink bitch.”  I got up and started to go but Bo grabbed my arm and kissed me.  “Bend over Lisa.”  I did as instructed.  He then pushed my plug back into my ass.  “I want you to keep my cum in your ass.”  Of course that excited me again.
I made him a drink, did another line of coke and came back with his drink.  He passed out but not before I put a bit of Viagra in his drink.  He fell asleep and then got a very hard hard-on.  I jumped on top of his cock and rode him until I came again and again.  He did not cum but he would almost certainly awake with a hard on and fuck me again.
We got up Saturday afternoon and still dressed from the night before I made up something to eat for lunch.  We both sat at the table naked and talked about the previous days adventure.  Bo was getting more comfortable with my desire for rough sex.  He reached over and pinched one of my nipples very hard and pulled me down to his cock.  I moved to my knees and he rose and fucked my mouth until he came.
We decided it was time to get in the pool…The rest is a story for another time but it is Sunday morning and he just left…
Love and Kisses
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drwcn · 4 years
Discordance!verse part 2: there are consequence to loving someone you shouldn’t. 
in which wwx is lxc’s husband through political alliance, and there is an affair. 
[8] | [7] | [6] | [5] | [4] | [3] | [2] | [1] [synopsis]
Objectively, massacre was not the correct term to describe the sight before him, but it was the only word that came to mind as Lan Wangji stepped dazedly across the threshold into the courtyard of Songfeng Shuiyue Pavilion.
At some point during the hour before Nie Huaisang arrived and broke him out of jingshi, it had begun to rain. 
The swoosh of the discipline whip being wrought through the air howled louder than the easterly wind, and like lightning it came shooting down, delivered with a thunderous crack as it made contact with a young man’s back. 
Two ninety nine. 
Technically I’m your brother too now... Let’s be friends!
But there was no light, no brief moment of wonder in the aftermath, just the echo of a sickening splatter. The cotton under-robe between whip and skin, once pristine white, had been reduced to strips and tatters. Drenched red, it was nearly indistinguishable from the raw overturned flesh.
We can’t - I can’t... I’m your, we’re - Lan Zhan, mm, Lan Zhan please - 
In the periphery of his awareness, Lan Wangji heard disciples yelling his name, ghostly hands pulling at him from all directions, but it was beyond his capacity to heed those warnings now. Transfixed, he gravitated towards the man under the whip, who made not a sound even as his body convulsed with every merciless stroke. 
Three hundred.
I’m not afraid. The future doesn’t frighten me. I have you. Nothing else matters.  
Wei Wuxian laid face down along the surface of a flat long bench, stripped of his outer robes and deprived of his guan. His hair, swept over one shoulder, dipped into a puddle of rain water, cloudy and pink from the blood that dripped down his chin. 
Inside the dry refuge of the pavilion hall, Uncle and the Elders sat in witness. No one showed any inclination to stop this insanity.
Three hundred and one. 
Don’t panic, let’s not panic. We will explain ourselves. Everything is going to be fine. Lan Zhan, look at me, do you trust me? 
As he drew close enough, Lan Wangji saw the thick strip of leather clenched between Wei Wuxian’s teeth and bound back at the base of his skull. But it was hardly the gag that kept him silent - Wei Ying was barely conscious. 
There was water running down Lan Wangji’s face. Whether it was rain or tears, only the gods knew.  
The whip sailed through air again, cutting off raindrops in their paths, but -
Nie Huaisang’s saber swung into the disciplinary weapon, knocking it out of the hands of the disciple.   
I’m not afraid. 
I have you. 
I have you.
You do have me.
That single thought thrust him back into the present, freed from that far away place suffocating him inside a thick fog of utter hopelessness. 
“You cannot wield my saber. Your meridians are locked. Your core is muted. But take it anyway. At the least, it’ll intimidate. But remember, if you really try to use it without spiritual energy, it will damage you.” 
So be it. 
The rain pelted down around them, and Lan Wangji found himself surrounded by eight senior disciples pointing their swords at him and at the saber in his hand. Without his cultivation, the early spring downpour felt like ice against his skin, and Qinghe’s first class spiritual weapon weighed more than gold. 
"Lan Wangji! Remember yourself!" 
His uncle had stepped out under the eave, along with five other Elders. 
“Stop this.” Lan Zhan demanded, as if he had any rights to make demands. As if he hadn’t been defiling the sanctity of his brother’s marriage behind his brother’s back, as if he hadn’t broken the trust of the one person who had always, always been there for him. 
His uncle was so angry he couldn’t speak, but Elder Zonghui beside him, the most senior and respected of the thirty-three did not have such a reactive temper. 
“Put down the saber, Wangji. Your sense of righteousness is misplaced. Nothing is happening here that isn’t deserved and agreed upon.” 
“Agreed upon by whom?” Lan Wangji gritted his teeth, seething. 
“By all parties involved, of course. Requested even,” said Lan Zonghui, his unaffectedness towards the violence being committed before his very eyes chilled Lan Wangji to the core.  
“Wei Ying requested to be whipped three hundred times?!”
“Four hundred times,” corrected Lan Qiren, cutting into the conversation. “Your actions have violated a dozen precepts of our clan, but for the four most salient transgressions we issued fifty lashes each, totaling two hundred. As you are both participants, you were both to receive them, but Wei Wuxian offered to bear the entirety of the punishment.”
At his uncle’s words, the pain that tore through Lan Wangji was akin to being gutted by his own Bichen. 
“Take Lan-er-gongzi back to his room. He is not in his right mind."
“Do not move!” Lan Wangji commanded, as loud as his nature allowed. “I am not leaving without Wei Ying.” 
A beat of silence. 
Wei Wuxian clung perilously to the edge of consciousness and pleaded at him through hooded feverish eyes. From where he clutched at the front edge of the bench, a trembling hand reached out and tugged on Lan Wangji’s robes. 
Just like that, like a taut string on his guqin plucked with a force too great, the tension inside him snapped, and all the fight that kept him going melted from his bones. Lan Wangji lowered his arm. Qinghe’s saber slipped from his grip and landed on the ground with a splash. 
“Wei Ying...” He fell to knee, uncaring of the eyes judging them as he smoothed back Wei Wuxian’s wet, matted hair and caressed his face, undoing the gag in the process. 
The rain had stopped, but Lan Wangji continued to cry. “Why...”  
Wei Wuxian reached for his cheek, brushing the teardrop collecting at the groove of his nose with his thumb. He smiled, a chasm of crimson red. 
"Lan Zhan...”
“I’m here, I’m here. You have me.” 
“No, no...shouldn’t be here.” Wei Wuxian shoved at him weakly. “My penance... I deserve it." 
But Lan Wangji could not stand another second listening to such words, such lies. He removed his outer robe and laid it across Wei Wuxian’s ruined back. Then, as carefully as he could, he rolled the other man over and into his gentle embrace. 
Strengthened by resolve, he turned to the mixture of faces that watched him with anger, mortification, and disgust, and said, “It takes two for a sin like this. If Wei Ying is culpable then so am I.”
"No.” gasped Wei Wuxian, struggling in protest. “Go, go -” 
“Three hundred and one. There are still ninety nine lashes left, aren’t there? I am here, and I submit before the ruling of the Elders and the Lan family precepts.” 
His Uncle shook his head, sweeping back his sleeve and sighed long and loud, as though all his anger had been defeated by a sense of profound disappointment and resignation. 
Lan Zonghui stepped forth, down the steps towards them. His eyes cut like frozen glass as he examined the spectacle. 
"Even your mother knew decorum,” he said, glancing from Lan Wangji kneeling the on wet ground to Wei Wuxian cradled against him. His gaze lingered there. “Or, perhaps not. The fruit does not often fall far.”  
Lan Wangji wasn’t sure if Zonghui had meant his mother the murderess, or Cangse Sanren the sectless wanderer, but in his arms, Wei Ying seemed to hear the connotation behind those callous words. He took shuddering breath, closed his eyes, and turned his face into Lan Zhan’s chest.
The fist that grasped at the front of his lapel trembled, tight knuckles blanched as white as his robes. 
Lan Wangji felt ill. What could Elder Zonghui have possibly insinuated for Wei Ying to hide himself away like this? As if what was said was too cruel for him to brave, as if the three hundred or so lashes he endured were nothing compared to this carefully chosen insult. 
“Words are unnecessary. You know what you know. We have nothing further to say.” Lan Wangji curled around Wei Wuxian, covering him as much as he could. 
“I’ll take the whip.”
“Your meridians are locked,” countered his uncle, a trace of worry lacing his tone. 
But Lan Wangji could not be dissuaded. “The whip, if you please.” 
Too weak to protest further, Wei Wuxian stared up at him despairingly, dark doe eyes brimming with tears. He was frightened, despite having shown no signs of fear just moments ago. Releasing Lan Zhan’s robes, his cold hand curled around Lan Zhan’s neck, bringing him closer. 
Lan Wangji went willingly, eyes falling shut, and let the press of their foreheads together anchor him to what was real, what was true. 
He heard the whip before he felt it, and when he did -
He always knew the discipline whips were painful. They were created for such purposes, charmed by the most clever and fickle of their spells. It did not kill, but it tortured. And now he understood. 
The pain was excruciating. 
The second hit followed soon after the first, and when the impact exploded along the column of his back, he felt Wei Ying quiver against him and heard the sob strangled in his throat. 
Lan Zhan did not envy his position, for he understood completely now that although the discipline whip hurt, it would hurt him more to know that it landed not on himself, but on the man he loved. 
The third hit never came. 
“That’s enough!” 
All eyes turned to the source of that outraged bellow, a seldom phenomenon within Cloud Recesses. 
Lan Xichen stood under the courtyard doorway, the wind at his heels, long hair flying about him, seemingly descended from the sky. Behind him, Nie Huaisang peeked out nervously, pointing to the saber on the ground.  
“Uhm - if I could just -” 
“Xichen -” Elder Zonghui started. 
But Lan Xichen did not allow him to finish. “When has it become acceptable at Cloud Recesses to abuse the Sect Master’s heir and husband without the Sect Master’s knowledge or consent?”
He stepped up to Wangji and Wuxian and physically put himself between them and the congregation of clan elders who had all come out to greet him upon his arrival. 
Uncle sighed, for what seemed like the umpteenth time that afternoon. “This is not abuse, this is punishment.” 
“Oh?” Lan Xichen tilted his head, eyebrows rising innocuously. “For their sexual relations, I assume?”  
This was perhaps the first time ever in Gusu Lan history that a Sect Master had rendered the Elders so utterly speechless. 
Lan Xichen turned to the senior disciple still holding the whip in mid swing. “Put that away before you hurt yourself.” 
"We have not told them to stop,” objected one of the Elders in the crowd, as though he was unable to fully process what was happening.
The glare that Lan Xichen cast over his shoulder was cold and pointed. Without raising his voice, he said, "But I have. And the last time I checked, Wei Wuxian is still my husband and I am still the Sect Master of Gusu Lan and the head of this family."
“Xichen-” Uncle interjected then. “You don’t understand -” 
“On the contrary I understand perfectly. Each year, I, as Sect Master, am granted one allowance to veto the council’s decision. I have never in my life used that privilege before, because I have trusted in the wisdom and guidance of my Elders. However today, forgive me Uncle, Elders, for saying that you are all mistaken.” 
Not waiting for a response, Lan Xichen knelt down beside the two young men.
Lan Wangji stared at his brother with wide, anxious eyes and held Wei Ying closer. He could face his uncle, he could face the Elders and all the world, but for his brother Xichen, the subject of his betrayal, he did not know how to begin to atone or what he would do next.  
“Xiong-zhang, I -”
“How is he?” His brother’s brows were furrowed tightly as he scanned Wei Ying up and down. 
Of course, thought Lan Wangji. Of course his focus would be on Wei Ying. Xichen was not like Uncle, not like the Elders; he knew better. He knew Wangji. And because he knew Wangji, he would know that the one to blame in this wretched situation was not Wei Wuxian. 
Lan Wangji hung his head. His whole face felt hot with shame, and he could not bear to look at his brother anymore. 
“Not good.”
Nestled against him, Wei Ying swayed in and out of consciousness. With the adrenaline of Lan Zhan’s punishment fading, the effects of the freezing rain and his earlier punishment were quickly catching up to him.
“How many?” 
“Three hundred and one.” 
Lan Xichen cursed under his breath. 
A stream of pale blue light flooded into Wei Ying’s left temple. Lan Wangji let out a breath of relief. His brother was strong, of cultivation and of heart. He was kind and forgiving, and undeserving of all that Lan Wangji had done to him, but at least...at least he could forgive Wei Ying, if not his little brother. That was mercy enough. 
The infusion of spiritual energy jolted Wei Ying awake. Sucking in a sharp breath, he grabbed onto Lan Xichen’s wrist. 
Lan Wangji watched with twisted pain and guilt as Wei Ying turned those doe eyes on his husband, “Zewu-jun -” 
“Wuxian, conserve your energy. All can be said later.”  
"No, no, Zewu-jun.” Wei Wuxian shook his head, “Don’t save me. If you do... Please...don't send me back to Yunmeng. I can't go back like this. Madam Yu and Uncle Jiang - I can’t. I know what I have done. I know I deserve everything - anything - but please I beg you, I am willing to die, but let me die here at Gusu. Please the disgrace on my family, on Yunmeng -"
Lan Xichen dabbed his clammy forehead with the edge of his sleeve. "Shh, enough of that. You're delirious, A-Xian. You know not what you speak. No one is going to die, and I will not send you back to Yunmeng." He laid the back of his hand against Wei Wuxian’s temple. “Heavens, he’s burning up - Wangji!” 
Lan Wangji did not realize he had faded off to that hazy place again until his brother shook him by the shoulder. A cool hand pressed against his forehead. “Dear gods, you too. What - what happened to your -”
“It’s been locked,” piped up Nie Huaisang, clutching his saber. Amidst the chaos, no one seemed to be questioning his presence and what he was still doing there. “I tried but I couldn’t -” 
“No, you wouldn’t be able to. The spiritual seal of Gusu Lan can only be undone by the natural momentum of the cultivator’s core. It’ll take time. Come help him, Huaisang.” 
Nie Huaisang threw an arm around Lan Wangji’s shoulder as Lan Xichen lifted Wei Wuxian into his arms. 
Together, they rushed towards Hanshi. 
[part 3]
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
A Thirst Like Flames
Part 6/6  (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Ship: Gerlion - Rated: E (for smut) - Also on AO3
Rated E - for smutty reasons.
Dandelion shivered as he wrapped his heavy burgundy red cloak around his shoulders. Kaer Morhen had some of the most beautiful views in the continent but it was bloody freezing. It was his first day at the keep and he had yet to meet the other witchers, too exhausted when he’d first arrived, barely conscious as Geralt dragged him through the gates. One bath and a good nap later, he felt more like himself again. If not a little nervous, not too dissimilar to stage fright he’d experience in his youth. His heart felt like it was racing in his chest and his fingers tugged at his clothes, needing something to do.
The sound of his footsteps reverberated in the draft halls, the acoustics just perfect for a performance. Dandelion made a note to bring his lute down to dinner once they’d settled in. Geralt’s family had probably heard of him, maybe even heard his songs through other, less talented, bards, but Geralt was the only witcher from Kaer Morhen that he’d had the pleasure to meet.
And oh it certainly was a pleasure.
The scent of cooking venison filled his nose as he drew closer to the kitchens, making his stomach rumble in anticipation, and he could hear the sounds of laughter.
“Ah, found them,” he cheered to himself, pulling his cloak tighter around his shoulders. The feathered bonnet that was usually perched on his head had been left behind in Geralt’s room, instead the thick woollen hood was keeping his ears warm, and completely messing up his hair.
Dandelion had hoped that he would look his best when meeting Geralt’s family, but alas the cold had rather scuppered that dream. So, he took a deep breath and held his head up high before entering the room. As expected the witchers fell silent, Geralt’s eyes found his across the room, and it was easy to get lost in his gorgeous golden gaze. Dandelion winked at his witcher before turning to the rest of the room. There were more witchers there than Dandelion had been anticipating. Geralt had only told him about three other remaining Wolf School witchers, Vesemir, Eskel and Lambert. The silver haired witcher resting closest to the fire with a book in his hand was most likely Vesemir. Another golden eyed witcher who bore a striking resemblance to Geralt, aside from the vicious scar that ran across his cheek and his dark brown hair, was probably Eskel. That left a third witcher with golden eyes, who he assumed to be Lambert, and two others. One had long flowing dark brown hair, and startling blue eyes, the other bald with a thick dark beard and green eyes. The latter two both had dark tanned skin that was striking in comparison the chalky white skin of the Wolf witchers.
“Greetings, I am so sorry I’m late. I do hope that Geralt wasn’t too much of a grump without me,” he flashed a charming grin at the occupants of the room.
Lambert burst into fits of laughter and stood up, pulling Dandelion into a tight hug, lifting him off the floor. The air was forced from his lungs and he squeaked as his legs were suddenly dangling in the air, but warmth bloomed in his chest. Lambert was supposed the most prickly out of Geralt’s family, and Dandelion had apparently won him over purely by teasing his own grump of a witcher.
“I like this one, Geralt. He can stay,” Lambert laughed as he dropped Dandelion back to the floor.
“Ah, why thank you, Lambert.”
“Geralt was inconsolable, pacing the floor, pulling his hair out. If he hadn’t already gone grey….”
Geralt growled from the corner which set Lambert off again. “Shut up.”
“Oh bite me,” Lambert snapped back.
“Boys!” The elder witcher, who Dandelion was sure was Vesemir, barked and the two younger wolf witchers fell silent. “We have a guest, try not to act like animals.”
“Well-” Eskel started to say with a crooked grin, “-we are wolves.”
Dandelion giggled and strutted across the room until he reached Geralt’s chair. The seat next to his witcher was vacant but it didn’t matter. Dandelion fell into Geralt’s lap, pressing his lips to his cheek. “I think it’s sweet that you were worried about me, darling. Now then, are you going to introduce me?”
“They know who you are, Dandelion.”
Dandelion scoffed and rolled his eyes, running his hands through Geralt’s hair. It was surprisingly untangled, still soft and well conditioned despite the hike up the mountain. As he carded his fingers through the silver locks, Dandelion could smell the gentle scent of chamomile, the oil that he’d bought for Geralt on their first anniversary before their journey to Kaer Morhen. His usual lavender oil was too strong for Geralt’s heightened sense of smell, but the chamomile was subtle enough and helped to calm the witcher even when he was high on those blasted potions.
He began to separate the strands of Geralt’s hair, fingers working nimbly as he continued to speak. “They may know me, but I am afraid I wasn’t quite in my right mind when I arrived. I only know of your family, dearest, and unless I’m very much mistaken. I’m not the only visitor this year?”
“Vesemir, Eskel and Lambert you know,” Geralt gestured to the golden eyed witchers in turn. “Aiden,” he pointed to the blue-eyed man who had now settled onto the seat next to Lambert and was happily draped across the man’s lap. “Coën.” The green-eyed witcher smiled back at him. “And this is Dandelion, my bard.”
“I am absolutely thrilled to finally get to meet you,” Dandelion cooed at the witchers, not bothering to look at the braid in his hands. He’d done this so many times that he could probably do all but the most complex designs in his sleep. When he wasn’t playing his lute or scribbling away in his notebooks, he often needed something to do with his hands. Otherwise he felt restless. Geralt had noticed and suggested the braids. Dandelion had tried, and was still trying, to get his witcher to let him curl his hair, but Geralt was being stubborn about it. “Geralt has told me so much about you,” he lied.
Eskel chuckled. “That would be a first.”
“And probably a last too,” Lambert agreed.
“Fuck off,” Geralt grumbled and Dandelion giggled, poking his witcher’s nose with one elegant long finger.
“Be nice to your brothers, Geralt-” he chided before brushing his lips against Geralt’s ear, “-or else we won’t get to enjoy that fantastically large bed of yours later.”
The other witchers in the room all groaned, just as Dandelion had suspected they might, but he played innocent and smiled brightly up at them all, launching into a tirade of questions to divert their attention. Kaer Morhen was fascinating and Dandelion wanted to know everything! He was particularly curious as to why there were two witchers from other schools in the keep. There was just so much potential in just this one room! Dandelion’s reputation as the White Wolf’s bard and poet was about to get a makeover, he would be the barker for witchers everywhere!
The evening passed in merriment, music and mirth. Wine and liquor were spilled, and the roast venison was simply to die for. Dandelion kept a hand on Geralt at all times, in his hair, resting on his thigh, his arm, his shoulder. After a year together, Dandelion still couldn’t quite believe that he was allowed to love this beautiful, kind and generous man, and that he was loved in return, but Geralt showed his love and devotion every day.
It wasn’t poetry and roses like Dandelion was used to, but it was Geralt’s own unique language of love that Dandelion delighted in learning, and he’d always been a quick study.
No, Geralt’s love was more heartfelt than any superficial trinkets or flowers that would die. It was woven into the very essence of Dandelion’s lute, each note the instrument played, every word that fell from his lips. The love shone in the stars above their camp as they cuddled together for warmth, Dandelion’s chest pressed to Geralt’s back as their limbs tangled together. It was in the breath of each kiss, the swing of his swords.
Geralt’s love was all encompassing and it was his.
Or perhaps he was merely a poet in love.
What did it matter? The result was the same. They were happy together, despite the darkness in the world around them, there was light, like the flames that danced in the hearth as Vesemir began to snore.
Dandelion sighed, rubbing his nose along Geralt’s jaw and kissing his neck. “Time for bed, my love?”
Geralt grunted and swept Dandelion up into his arms. The world spun and Dandelion squeaked as he hurried to fling his arms around Geralt’s neck, not that he thought Geralt would drop him, but, well, it was always better to be safe, and it gave him an excellent excuse to continue kiss the pale skin of Geralt’s neck. The bruises never lasted more than an hour but it didn’t mean that Dandelion couldn’t try. He giggled as he nipped at the skin below the witcher’s ear.
“Would you two get a room?” Lambert groaned.
“Oi,” Aiden swatted his boyfriend over the head, “don’t be a spoilsport, we could always watch.”
Dandelion winked at the Cat witcher, making Lambert flush a deep red. “Out!” he barked.
“With pleasure,” Geralt chuckled, carrying Dandelion through the halls and back up to their room.
It didn’t take them long to disrobe, lips moving in slow languid kisses as they caressed and touched and held each other close. Dandelion’s fingers hooked under the chain of Geralt’s medallion, the only item left between them, and he held the silver wolf in his hand before kissing the cold metal. The witcher shivered as the medallion once again rested on his chest and Dandelion moved on to kiss the pale pink scars that covered his shoulders.
“I love you, dearest Geralt,” Dandelion hummed, and Geralt’s finger hooked under his chin, lifting his head so their lips once again met in a soft kiss.
They’d made love before, but this was Geralt’s room, not some shit-hole of an inn, or in the exposed elements of nature’s forests. This was a home, more importantly, it was Geralt’s home, and he was honoured to finally be a part of it. There was a whole new level of intimacy which warmed Dandelion’s heart, like the sun rising over the horizon, flowers blooming in the spring and fluttering cries of the birds to bring in each new day.
Geralt lifted him up, carrying him towards the bed and Dandelion could feel the anticipation, lust and arousal begin to cloud his mind in a dizzying haze. His witcher was looking at him with the utmost adoration and oh did that make his heart sing. As his back hit the mattress, Geralt stopped and stared at him, a calloused finger brushing against his cheek. It was almost too much, burning in its intensity.
Dandelion let out a nervous giggle, leaning into his lover’s touch. “What is it, my dear?”
Geralt just shook his head. “Nothing.”
“Poppycock,” Dandelion declared, reaching up to capture Geralt’s lips in a quick kiss. “Tell me, darling.”
“You look beautiful.”
Dandelion felt himself blush. His hair was fanned out behind his head and he was sure his face was the colour of the sweetest roses but he was nothing extraordinary, certainly nothing that Geralt hadn’t seen before. Yet this fire that burned between them felt entirely new, and his witcher’s expression was so tender, so heartfelt.
“You look beautiful,” Dandelion echoed, and then because he was a poet. “Radiant as the sun, and as ethereal as the moon, my darling, my dearest, my… hmmph!”
Geralt cut off his ramblings with a kiss and Dandelion wrapped his arms around Geralt’s neck, pulling him closer. They had time to savour every moment, every touch, every kiss. They had forever.
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mieohmy · 4 years
𝖥𝗎𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖾 (미래) | Joshua Hong
→ Pairing: Joshua Hong 홍지수 X Reader
→ Genre: Angst, tiniest fluff (?)
→ Word Count: 1.2k 
𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘙𝘦𝘥 𝘝𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘵 레드벨벳'𝘴 𝘍𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 (미래) 𝘖𝘚𝘛, 𝘨𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘪𝘵 !!!
          The sun flashes, shining over you. The airport is loud and bustling, but it doesn’t bother you. You let out a breath and continue on walking, your shoes clicking after you. Each step leaving a trace of you behind. Your head is strangely clear, but you remember his last words whispered to you, echoing through your mind. Reassuring, comforting. 
We will be together in the end.
You stroll past what seems to be everyone and everything. They’re all blurs moving past. Each step you take, getting closer and closer. It’s like you’re in a maze, trapped. But no matter where you go, you feel as if the stars are watching over you. Their light shining over your head. You remind yourself to stand straight and look happy and excited.. like you should be. 
Once you reach the line, you stop, your hand gripped tight on your suitcase. You convinced yourself this was the right choice. You couldn’t count how many times you changed your mind, but it was finally here. You know you’re going to be fine, but your heart still pangs when you think about him. 
Will Joshua be okay? Getting enough sleep? You had reassured each other many times after he finally convinced you to go. To leave him. It was a long night of yelling, talking, hurting. But in the end, you would come out stronger and return for good. 
You remember it all. The late nights together, studying for exams the next day. Watching boring shows you didn’t even care about. The drinks he would put by your side to find when you woke up. 3 AM snack breaks at the corner shop. And how you got here now. 
I want to hold your hand once more. 
As the line continues forward, you look out the glass windows. The planes taking off, freeing and soaring into the shining clouds. Will you be the same? It causes you to reminisce about everything. The happiness, the pain, and the present. You hope Joshua’s sleeping okay, not thinking about you or hurting too much. 
When it gets hard, I’ll think of you.
You stare past the line. Only a few more people before you. Once you cross through, you can’t come back. You wished Joshua was here with you, holding your hand. He was your support. Your light. But then you wouldn’t be able to let go.
I want to get through these hardships and hold your hand. 
As you get close and closer, you grip your passport tighter in your hand. You don’t want to cry. You won’t. Your eyes are still puffy from last night. 
You can almost still feel his arms wrapped around you. The whispers of comfort that were said in the dark. And in the morning, the peaceful expression he wore in his sleep brought you a little more content.
You were driven early before the sun broke through. It was dark still, the sun barely peeking through as you stared out the car window. You attempted to seem excited when interrogated by your driver, but anyone could see the pain peeking through. 
You realized you didn’t want Josh to be here. Then you really couldn’t leave. The only traces of you left behind were pictures, memories, and one last letter you wrote for him to read. You would still contact him, but who knows how life goes. He’ll be busy, and your job is demanding. This life was extremely unfair. 
I promise I’ll return. 
You feel your eyes burn and laugh. It was silly. This perfect opportunity was a gift. But you gave up your sunshine for it. 
You promised each other one simple thing. Never forget the love that would last forever. You hope he isn’t mad at you for leaving without a final farewell. You don’t want him to have negative thoughts of you. No regret. Not when in your eyes, he’s the strongest person in the world. 
Suddenly you’re back at home, playing with the rocks when Joshua approaches you. The thought of baby Josh causes a small grin to appear on your face. Six year old you went home with a new friend that night. Then you’re in 5th grade, sitting on the bench, sniffling from falling on the cement. Joshua’s there, smiling and comforting as always. Was he always there since the beginning? Maybe it was his smile that drew you closer to him. Flash forward to college. All the late dates under the stars, coffee runs at the same cafe for years and the pure joy of just being next to each other. 
Thank you for shining on me.
Until you got offered the chance of your dreams. Except it was halfway across the globe. Once you finally got the guts and told Joshua, it took only 6 seconds for him to tell you to go. “The selfless jerk,” is what you had thought at the time. You couldn’t count how many times you changed your decision. Until you two promised each other. 
Even if it burned your heart to ashes, you knew deep down that this was the right way. The hard part was the pain. But it was okay. You would work as hard as possible and wait a million years just to get back to him. 
Sure, you could still contact him online, but it would never be the same. You didn’t know when or how you could visit. When would the world let you come back to him? 
Please wait a little more.
Then you’re in front of the boarding check-in. You aren’t able to keep up with what the workers are saying, but you manage to make it through. Heart beating, you give your ticket and continue on past. Through the tunnel, the maze. To the place in your dreams, that was always hovering over you. You can’t go back now. But it’s fine. You know it will be. 
You think of the future. Will you still be able to keep in touch with him? You don’t know what will happen next. 
You walk through and enter the plane. It feels like a new world, strange. 
Once you find your seat and finally get settled down, you look out the window at the sun, shining bright outside. It gives you a strange sense of reassurance. The only thing you can do is close your eyes and smile. Only thoughts of Joshua run through your head. 
But you aren’t regretful, not even if you’re hours apart and oceans away. Not even if the sun rises above you while he dreams on. 
Just like how the sun circles around the night to make another morning, Shine on me.
You don’t feel sadness anymore, only comfort. You don’t know what will happen next, but you’re confident. You trust in him, and him in you. 
Your heart is light because you know he is your future. And you’ll always find your way back to each other. 
At the place where stars fall down, we will be together in the end.
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