#barely slept today
ilynpilled · 1 year
Going by mylestoyne headcanon of arthur i feel like he and jaime had a similar relationship to that of sansa/joffrey. Like not being cappable of acknowledge that they are 🌠crazy🌠 for a while
What so you think?
idk what Lee’s exact hcs are, but I think Arthur is a very functional character in canon anyway. He exists more as a romanticized concept to most characters than an actual human being. He is a legend personified, and I am obviously not gonna be shocked if George is gonna reveal things about him that will deconstruct his myth more. I personally do not think Arthur is on the level of someone like Joff though, nor would I find that to be necessary to subvert his character. He is the legendary knight for Jaime, as Joff is prince charming for Sansa, sure, like I think you can apply parallels to their quixotic view of such things, but I do not think the twist would have to be him revealed to be someone deeply evil or cruel or fucked up in the head for it to still be thematically meaningful.
Some passages that I do find very informative so far though:
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This is a very symbolically rich ritual that is happening here. Even Jaime himself specifically points out how young he was. The language is very interesting: “bled anew” and “a boy knelt; a knight rose”. The language used is establishing a form of parallel between the monster that little girls face (marriage, bridal slavery) with the monster that little boys do (knighthood). These are violent and fatal constructs designed around gender by westerosi society. Just as Arthur seems to embody the virtues of knighthood (his chivalry, his martial prowess), he seems to perpetuate its flaws too. The image that is being conjured here is the sacrifice and bleeding of a 15 year old boy at the altar of knighthood, along with the whole coming of age parallel. But still, there is a darker layer to it that clearly comes across.
This is not a groundbreaking interpretation or anything but I also think Arthur is supposed to be the embodiment of an idealistic image that covers up systemic cracks:
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Ned is faced with a certain reality in this dream. One very relevant to him in particular since his relationship with honor. The Kingsguard are upholding their vows above all else. Based on what Gerold says, it is not just about loyalty to Rhaegar, but also Aerys, who they know to be a maniacal tyrant, and we know to be a man ready to commit mass murder on the scale of about half a million people. I said this before but the Kingsguard abide by deeply flawed moral constructs that are designed to serve a feudalistic system. It is framed as more moral for them to passively stand by and serve their king as he commits atrocities than to protect the innocent:
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We do also know that Arthur was closer to Rhaegar than anyone else on the KG, so his actions of passivity and following orders might not have been the same as a blind loyalty to his vows. Rhaegar wanted to make changes, he tells this to Jaime directly before riding to his doom. Arthur could very well have been acting primarily in the hopes of serving Rhaegar’s supposed better world. We have ways that he is characterized, and i think he is juxtaposed with Gerold enough to establish conflict in his character and frames him pretty differently. That still does not change the reality and consequences of his actions though.
Another key passage:
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This paints him in a pretty moral light. However, how I read Jaime’s description of this: I do not think that can be conflated with a purely altruistic desire to aid the smallfolk. Gaining their love was a tool for a goal, a means to an end: getting the Kingswood Brotherhood. Sure, the effects of that are objectively good, and it meaningfully aids smallfolk, so one could argue that these things matter little, but there is a key issue here. There is an ulterior motive. The moment your goals do not allign with morally good actions, and your king does things that makes the people suffer, the whole thing falls apart. This is something that Jaime’s AFfC arc deals with constantly. It is how I read the golden hand, the one that covers up the ugliness of his stump. He should know this, the kingslayer will always be more honorable than golden hand the just. True “honor” does not come with glory (you better leave that horse behind my guy).
Nonetheless, I believe George does really like to play around with the idea that, at the end of the day, his characters are not just gods, monsters, or legends, but humans. They are also not just metaphors. There is a lot on the shoulders of a man that is a living legend. Many will inevitably crumble under that weight, so that is another interesting layer worthy of exploration. Arthur could have been a man with good intentions who was “soiled by the white cloak” along the way.
In terms of the relationship of these two, I want Jaime to realize that Arthur Dayne is not the one he should try to emulate.
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He might have dreamed of him as a young boy, but he dreamed of Brienne as an adult.
but if you hc him as westerosi patrick bateman thats funny asl too
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toomanywatchers · 8 months
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devildom-moss · 8 months
Attention seeking
[MC doting on needy Asmo and Belphie]
Lucifer: MC, stop coddling them. They just want attention.
Belphie/Asmo: And?
MC: What’s wrong with wanting attention? Even you want attention sometimes. Exhibit 1: three nights ago, you sent me a text at 11:43pm saying “MC, are you awake, per chance?”
Asmo: No way! You seriously sent a “You up?” text?
Lucifer: I had the decency to use proper grammar.
Belphie: You could have just been honest and said you were trying to get laid.
Lucifer: Oh? Like you lot are any better.
Asmo: Uhm, yeah. For example, the other night, I sent MC a text saying, “I was about to take a bath, but then I thought about you. How about you come over and we get real dirty before we get clean 🩷”
Belphie: And I sent them a text that said, “MC, Lucifer was so mean to me today. I overslept a little after staying up late to complete the assignment he insisted I finish, so he lectured me for 2 whole hours. I’m so upset. Can you come hit it until I forget it. It being the lecture. Or the day. Or how to think. I’m not picky. Just cum here soon.”
Lucifer: You’re both shameless.
MC: He spelled that last “come” c-u-m, by the way. But honestly, Lucifer. I can stop indulging everyone if that suits your tastes.
Lucifer: . . .
MC: So, that’s settled. Now, let me cuddle my precious baby boys. You can join too, Lucifer.
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Some (late) holiday photos of the boye~!
#cats#holiday#OUGHH....... barely could even get these edited and posted... my mysterious sickness flare up has been sooo bad the past few#days.. I didn't even go to the usual obligatory family christmas I was supposed to attend (!!! health issue/medical mention in tags below)#My stomach issues basically put me in a constant state of uncontrollable shivering/body shaking + nausea + sometimes rapid heart#rate. and when it happens at night that makes it like.. nearly impossible to sleep when you're violently shaking + you can feel your heart#so strong + you keep having to run to the bathroom every 5 minute to cough and gag#and throw up and so on and so forth. etc. So I went like 40 hours without any sleep almost for christmas eve and all of christmas day#last night I finally got maybe 2 hours of sleep in between the nausea and shaking and stuff. and then today I was able to get a few#hours of sleep in the afternoon. Today I tried taking an anxiety mediciation a doctor gave me in case it was anxiety related (it's apparent#ly used to relax people and works in the moment. rather than like Anxiety Mediciation that you have to take for weeks to see any effect#because I think this isn't actually acting on your brain chemistry it's judt like..a mild sedative or something.) but all that did was make#me dizzy and sweaty lol. I;m glad I slept a little but I'm just still frustrated that I don't feel normal. I started having these#'episodes' (with the stomach issues + shaking + heartrate + nausea etc.) like at the end of october. And usually it will happen for like a#few hours at a time. or i'll lose sleep one day and then be fine the next. but this has been like nearly 3 days of feeling weird. so is#getting kind of annoying... It's funny too because I was so so productive like.. literally the few days before. I was feeling much better#and I was working on my game and blah blah. But then.. random issue flare up out of nowhere of course.. yaayy.... happy holidays to meee lo#I did at least see two random ducks outside of my window in the yard area for christmas. and havent seen them since. So it's like.. hrmm..#pacing around my room nauseous and shakings and etc. but at least... hello.. two little ducks placed there just for me :3c#Now I get anxiety every night which I'm sure doesn't help/could exacerbate whatever underlying genuinely physical issues exist. But after#like 2 nights of 'I spend the night sleepless and incredibly uncomfortable just sitting in the dark sick' then bedtime is like.. dread...#I even was trying slapping myself in the face in desperation to see if somehow that could shock my body out of whatever the hell it was#doing lol.. up at 3am holding ice cubes in my hand and hitting myself in the head and crying from exhaustion and thowing up.. literally#ridiculous cartoon character feeling... AAANYWAY!!! At least I have baby boy pictures. and I have lots of doctors appointments so hopefully#whatever the issue is can be sorted out at some point. I don't know much about ibs but hopefully maybe something like that that I could pos#ibly take medication for and not something more seirous or anything. Maybe there's a food I'm secretly intolerant to or whatever.#And I did at least post a sims holday video actually timed for the holidays so that's something. I havent been productive really latrely#though obviously.. I can't even play games or small tasks when in that state since I'm just SO physically uncomfortable. Nausea and heart#stuff are THE hardest physical sensations to ignore.. BUT yeah... hoping I shall sleep at all tonight. hopeing to get like 3 productive#things done.. at some point... at least SOMETHING... lol..... *** *** ***
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cedarnommer · 2 months
I think one thing that is increasingly confusing me is the people obsessively trying to push for like some universal definition of what a woman is. As a trans woman, I've thought about my gender identity and my sex for a long time now. I've always had this weird relationship with considering myself male trying to become female, always being a female but my soul being stuck in the wrong body, someone that's socially constructed themselves into feeling female, someone that had a genetic predisposition to being trans and sometimes wondering if what I'm doing absolves me of an identity.
I think there's something odd about trying so hard to push being female into this strict tight label. Any definition is going to end up excluding some people. Some women can't have children, some women don't exhibit socially stereotypical aspects of themselves, some women don't follow the beauty standards of white women and some of us don't have the same genitals.
I myself have been called a trap and lusted over because of my feminine body yet male genitalia. That kind of thing has left me confused and sometimes made me feel extremely uncomfortable. But because I didn't know what the correct way to see myself was, I just uncomfortably agreed to whatever stuff was ascribed to me by others.
From what I understand, cis women can also find it difficult to fully understand what it means to be a woman, to be female and so on. We don't have as strict standard paths towards femininity and womanhood anymore. Not all women have to marry and be housewives. Not all women have to bear children. And not all women have to even look like women.
So, how do you even define your womanhood?
My own conclusion is that thinking on it this deeply isn't going to satisfy me or give me the needed answers. I don't know. I just feel female. I identify as female. I am female. I am a woman. I don't feel the same need to think or worry about it so much anymore. I feel like finding comfort in who you are is nice. It's a good way to be. Lately I just find safety in knowing I can just be myself and not care much. It feels like those that really want to push for a concrete label are most interested in controlling us. I don't think this is just a trans issue. I think this is a women's issue in general. It's a right's issue. It's a patriarchy issue.
And well, I see a great deal of joy from trans men seeing themselves as men too.
I think if we're to break apart this strict gender binary and this patriarchal system, we have to make it so gender roles become pointless. So that there's so many ways to view and understand yourself, that you can feel happy and comfortable with yourself, without having to punish others for "falling out of line" with their own identity. I think the simple way in which I understand myself as female is wonderful. There's no need for debates, for weird "male" or "female" sex. Just say how you feel. We already have a new set of words that can describe decisions we couldn't consent to. That's why AMAB and AFAB exist.
You're you. You don't need to be anyone else. So just embrace yourself.
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luxeslore · 6 months
shoutout to neurotic girls who say the most unhinged things in social settings when they’re super stressed.
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theninjamouse · 3 months
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zykamiliah · 1 year
the thing you need to remember is that luo binghe is a domesticated yandere. he learned that you can't make other people love you or choose you.
now for shen qingqiu... what do you call a character that treats you like a child and doesn't respect your agency but comes to learn from his mistakes and in fact makes a point to have good communication with his partner? a bad dilf? milf? a domesticated bitch?
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chaos-cousins · 11 days
[Extremely long post under the cut]
[An audio file has been embedded.
"Uhhh... I'm Ren Amamiya...? Is this the videogame thing again...?"
You hear an older man's voice speak. "Hmmm? Who do we have here...? I KNOW I've seen your face somewhere before! ...Who were you again?"
"Oooh, that's right, you're Ren! Yes, yes, I know you!"
"...You do...?"
"Well then. Now that you're here, let's get going!"
Then, you hear Clavell's voice. "WAIT! Wait just a moment, Director Cyrano!"
"Oh, hello there, Velly! You're as lively as always. Didn't realize you were here!"
"Of course I'm here! As director of this academy, where else would I be? And do address me properly while students are present, would you? More importantly, what are you doing out here? I thought we had agreed to meet in my office!"
"Did we? Must've slipped my mind! Anyway, what's it matter? This is one of the students, right?"
"Oh, Arc, did Clavell sell me or something for school funding?" Ren mumbles very faintly, between shaky breaths.
"Well, yes... he is, but... Ah, I do apologize Mas—Ren. You are alright. You must be terribly confused. This is Director Cyrano of Blueberry Academy."
Ren's breaths begin to stabilize. "Oh. Okay. Not kidnapping. Wait—Blueberry?"
"That is correct. He's interested in accepting you, Kotone, Elena, and Hibiya as exchange students."
"Yep! That's me—Director Cyrano. Er... did I not mention that?"
Clavell sighs. "One look at our young friend here makes me suspect you indeed failed to clarify that point. Speaking of which... Why did you request those four specifically to take part in your exchange program?"
"Excellent question, Velly! It's very simple. You see, the reason is... ...Uh, hm. Why DID I put in that request?"
"...Oh my Arc."
"Oh, that's right! The school trip to Kitakami! They met some of my students there, didn't they? Yes, yes, one of them was named Carmine, I believe! She's the one who recommended you all!"
"Now that I've gotten to meet you for myself... yeah. I got a good feeling about you. And if I have a good feeling about you, I'll have a good feeling about those other three!"
"Oho! I'm glad to hear that, Director Cyrano!"
"I'd just love for you all to visit my school! Your four would be breaths of fresh air, so to speak!"
"Well, if anything can be said about Director Cyrano, it's that he's got a keen eye for talent. I would be thrilled if you went to Blueberry Academy and got to know the students there... But only if you're willing to, of course—"
"We're willing."
"...Well then! Cyrano, I wish I could accompany those four, but I'm afraid I must ask you to watch over them in my stead. You WILL watch over them, won't you?"
"Oh, of course! I'd never let anything bad happen to your students!"
"Ren, I hope this experience leads you to even more you can treasure. Best of luck to you!"
You can hear Clavell's footsteps, growing fainter and fainter after a couple of seconds.
You can hear Ren take a sharp breath. "We can go as soon as possible."
"Great! We'll leave tomorrow, then!"
"Wait, maybe not that soon—" Ren says, as Cyrano's footsteps grow fainter.]
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biblicalhorror · 3 months
Just got diagnosed with tooth ptsd lmfao
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aiizaph · 9 months
hhhhhoooouuuggghhhhh…. mahh fooooooooooooooooottttt…….. :’(
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freakdeerr · 22 days
I mean it's understandable but it does kind of suck when you try to look up the side effects of being choked and get a bunch of domestic violence resources. Not sure how to filter results for the fun kind of choking only.
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irhabiya · 3 months
today sucked the life out of me ya Allah
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zukkaoru · 6 months
i love when i wake up at 5am after ~6 hours of sleep and my brain is like yeah that’s all we need ^.^ have fun being awake until 11 again on just this 🥰🫶🏻❤️💕
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hotnhowling · 1 year
Imagining Ardyn frenching me whilst my hands are tied and then slipping down and making out with my—
ALRIGHT SO im coming back to this old ask with something rather new and out of my element, as a little birthday gift for a dear friend of mine (And my favorite dirty anon 👀) @hauntedadagium 🖤🌹
With visual art being my main form of expression, I very rarely sit down to brainstorm a fanfic, so forgive me if this isnt my best work ;_;)
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Words are still hard for me and english isnt my native language, BUT!!! Fuck it!!! Brain empty, no experience, but lots of love for you and Ardyn so here have this emotionally loaded, corny, semi-smutty Ardyn x Reader fic my beloved!!!!! Enjoy 🫴✨
You were shoved against the wall with a hungry grunt, his knee between your legs, his hands tight around your arms as he sank closer to you - Pulling you flush against his chest. The metal of Ardyns clasp and belts dug unto you uncomfortably, yet you could hardly care - Numb from his touch, drunk off of his presence. You wanted to touch him so much. Run your fingers over his prickly cheek, fingertips tracing the sides of his jaw where the hairs ran soft and wavy; But you were bound, tied.
"Ardyn -- " A whisper, a plea - And the hands that were so tightly wrapped around your arms suddenly moved gently, gently down to your shoulders, squeezing in acknowledgment to your call. Ardyn leaned back, his eyes searching yours - The amber of his gaze was so deep, so sincere, you were sure a part of your heart melted when your eyes locked.
The way you called Ardyns name grounded him; Hell, the very way you existed within his life both soothed and drove him insane at the same time. It was a force unlike any other, a love that held on and mended even the darkest parts of him. He couldnt get enough of you, just like you couldnt get enough of him. Lips parted with uneven breathes and nose flaring as he struggled to contain himself, the chancellor moved closer as he whispered back: "Yes, my sweet? Are these too tight for you…?" He emphasized with a gentle caress to where his scarf tied at your wrists;
You never understood how he was capable of moving with such dangerous intensity, yet just as sensually, maintain a tenderness so passionate it kept sipping at your core, overwhelming you with love and need. Its moments like this that you realize how intense the air between you were, how enthralled you are by him, how complex it all was. How more than anything, the man before you - However volatile and dangerous, was yours to love. And how that love often brought you here, down his chambers, under his frame; and into his heart where he kept you safe.
You snapped back into reality from under your affectionate daze, blinking rapidly as you remembered to reply back to his question: "No I…They're alright, I just - Fuck, I want to touch you." A weak grunt left your mouth as you struggled to move your hands again, managing to hoop around his neck with an awkward hug, impatiently tugging at his wine-colored locks.
Ardyn let out a light chuckle; "Allow me to undo these for you, then…" Swiftly, he lifted your arms, kissing at your elbow as he went- Quickly enough, the knot was undone, and your hands were finally free to roam. It was then when Ardyn chose to pin them under his own hands again, interlocking your fingers as he placed your second over his chest, right above his heart before leaning in to kiss you deeply.
"mmph —" You barely had time to react before his eager mouth claimed you; Ardyn was just as impatient as you are and it showed. You were so familiar with his taste by now, oh how deliciously his tongue demanded your own to come out and play. You greeted him with obnoxious vigor. Instantly, your hold around him tightened; Your interlocked fingers moved in unison to strengthen their hold, your hips pushed against his forming bulge and you mentally cursed as his knee dug deeper onto your aching core, rubbing at you tantalizingly.
Making out with Ardyn was a sensory overload; He could end people with his voice, flay with his lips, rip you apart and build you back up again. And - he was wonderfully fuzzy, too. Fuzzy in a way that had your cheeks flushed as his tiny prickles scraped atop your skin. Like the most pleasant sandpaper, feeling him move against you, the texture of him, the occasional sharp exhale that tickled you before he separated his talented lips with a wet pop only to kiss you again at a different angle; his sturdy nose sinking onto your cheek.
The more it went on, the more you became aware of the unbearable heat that was forming between the two of you; From the molten wetness of your french kiss to the suffocating clothes still clinging to you, the desire to rip it all away burned like fire. Sweaty and impatient, you peeled yourself away from under his hold only to shove his ridiculous attire away, starting with his coat. The chancellor stumbled back from the force of your impatient actions, he nearly tumbled backwards if he hadn't stabilized himself by catching onto you, grasping at your arm and pulling himself closer.
"My, my~ Y/n…~ Y/n, Y/n. " He repeated, tilting his head down at you, voice growing huskier and more dragged out with each repeat of your name. He practically beamed at you with the way his eyes glinted, such characteristic, dangerous delight. "So…Impatient?" He whispered lowly, a smirk tugging at his lips. Helping to your cause, he wasted no time shedding away at his coat and shirt. The inhuman force in which he tossed the heavy article of clothing aside startled you for a moment. You imagined the same strong arms pinning you down to the floor and taking you right then and there. You gulped.
"Ardyn. " You breathed out his name again, "Now, please."
The sight of Ardyn's bare chest and his inviting expression made you instinctively step forward, your boots echoed in synch with the beat of your heart.
His eyes squinted as a daring, loving smile stretched across his handsome features. He raised his arms, extended wide and gesturing to you coyly: "You want to touch me so bad...?" You nod, your hand already reaching to caress atop one of his scars, the jagged one across his shoulder. The scars you spent nights kissing and loving…Comforting their aching past away...
"Then come, come touch me…"
Without moment hesitation, the back of his knees buckled as you slammed onto him; recapturing him back into an intense kiss; A loud ouf escaping him upon impact. Grabbing at his chest, squeezing at his sides, you cant even decide in your yearning haze; you just need to feel his skin, you need to feel him. Delighted at how eager you were, Ardyn reacted accordingly, letting out a breathless chuckle that rolled like a purr~ His arms came to wrap around you, stroking at your back, fingers entangled in your wild hair…Muffled moans mixed with the occasional excited grunt kept escaping him like soft rain and it makes you kiss him even harder.
You've shared a primal desire to devour him just as much as he wanted to devour you; However the difference between you was that he loved taking his time - But you? You wanted it now. Overwhelmed and needy, you pulled away from your sloppy kissing, dragging your sore lips all the way down from the side of his jaw to the center of his throat - Stopping to suck at his adam's apple, waiting for it to bob down so you could feel it jump under your tongue. Ardyn swallowed heavily as you expected him to, his shaky groan rumbled in your ears, making you even bolder. You stopped to nibble at his neck, sucking and biting and savoring the salty taste of his sweat covered physique like some carnal beast.
Having been tied for an entire hour, teased under his tantalizing ministrations and denied of relief most definitely played its part. Something stirred within you - And you acted on impulse.
With a sudden pull to the back of his wild hair, you ensnared him under a dominating grip. Ardyn hissed at the unexpected shift, a mixture of pain and arousal painted his voice when he cried out, golden eyes squinting shut only to open wide with a curious glint. Your voice was thick and heavy with want when you spoke: "Down, on your knees. Now."
Ardyn froze momentarily, your domineering order going straight to his cock.
Immediately, he dropped to his knees; Satisfied with his compliance, you inhaled deeply; Heart aflame, and fingers tight around your belt as you hurried to undo it...You silently guided him closer to your core. Catching onto the implication…When Ardyn raised his head again to look up at you, he wore the dirtiest grin you were hoping to see stretch across that face.
Licking his lips, the chancellor bowed; "With pleasure…Your Majesty~ "
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apricior · 6 months
whb update in a couple of hours wohoooooooo!!!! but first i must nap
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