blue-thief · 3 months
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Au Louvre-Lens, il y avait une expo fort intéressante : “Champollion - La Voie des Hiéroglyphes”, sur l’homme, son époque, l’image de l’Egypte en Europe avant l’Egyptologie....
- babouin - Tivoli, villa Hadriana , entre -30 et +395 apr. J-C.
- Antinoüs en pharaon - Tivoli, villa Hadriana , -130 apr. J-C.
- Isis - Tivoli, villa Hadriana , 130 apr. J-C.
- François Barois - "Cléopâtre mourant”
- statue théophore de Neshor - Eléphantine, 580 av. J-C.
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euphietea · 4 months
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Shoei Baroi. fluff. cw. implied mental health struggles. alcohol use.
You rest your cheek on the broad muscle of his shoulder, watching the lights pass by as you leave the city. They streak your vision like meteorites burning in orbit. Barou was a responsible driver, considerate of the weight you add to his cruiser. The tires of the bike surf along a gentle current rather than navigate rubble-studded streets like most riders do.
You shift in the leather prison that is his old riding jacket. It is sweltering outside and the humid summer only just began to cool with the transition into twilight. He still insisted on wearing leather regardless, Mr. Safety as always. He looks so good in riding gear anyway, so you don’t complain. He even insists you wear the leather prison hand-me-down despite your protests.
“Don’t be a fucking moron,” he growled, throwing the jacket into your arms moments before leaving his apartment. A man of action more than words, but you could read him clearly when he spoke: ‘please be safe.’
You stroke the cherry-wine leather along his obliques, adoring the smooth suede texture over the curve of his muscle. If something were to happen – if the bike ever fishtailed out of control – he would never forgive himself if he didn’t dress you up in protective gear. He cared more than you could ever hope for you.
When you met him, you really did think he was a delinquent or some gangster. You asked to kick a soccer ball around and he asked if you were ‘fucking stupid’. You weren’t. You just needed a physical outlet when your skin crawled from the clutter of your apartment. Some how, he obliged and taught you some tactics. Barou never asked about you and you never really asked about him. Every now and again you’d catch each other and decide to kick a ball around.
At first, he really seemed like someone who only gave a shit about himself. Soccer seemed to be the only thing he genuinely cared about or talked about. You asked him what he did for a living one day and that’s when you learned he worked at a bar. It was a little bar that salary men and women frequented. Occasionally, college students would go there and get plastered.
You’d visit him when he worked, and he’d walk you home when you were too drunk to go alone. He never touched you more than he had to in those times – just enough to keep you steady. But like a rat being trained to push a lever, his warm hands were a treat drawing you back each night. You learned that when he wasn’t obsessing over a straight shot, he was a great listener to his customers. You’d see him give water, offer bags of chips, and just quietly listen as the man in a pinstripe suit cried about his lost marriage.
You even unloaded some life woes onto him: You talked about how it was hard to function some days. Work was a lot to handle when you could barely manage to garner energy for the laundry. The world seemed foggy, and you didn’t have a compass. The city was loud and overstimulating. The heat was sticky and drained you of whatever life force you had. Going to the bar and seeing him was pretty much what kept you showering. Barou was appalled by the fact that you would drink nothing but protein shakes and vitamins to keep up sometimes, so he’d just give you food off the menu for free. You even cried about your ex, who apparently hadn’t even thought you were in a relationship!
When all this began, you couldn’t imagine that one day he’d help you clean your grubby apartment (while complaining and lecturing you, of course). He’d help you with laundry and dishes. He’d help you cook and teach you a few cheap recipes that you could microwave. Because he worked out, he’d drop off some vitamins for you when he bought supplements for himself.
Eventually, you two were just... together. Peacefully. Coexisting.
The bike comes to a gentle stop. Barou kicks the bike stand out and swings off. He pulls his helmet off, espresso locks swept around his shoulders. Your gaze softens on him, “You’re so pretty.”
“Thanks,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his head. He extends his hand to you, helping you off, “Now close your eyes.”
“Awe, I thought you didn’t like surprises,” you jest with a fake puff of your cheek.
He squishes the air out of your cheeks with just one hand, thumb one the right cheek and the rest on the left, “But you do. So close your eyes, or you’ll spoil it for yourself.”
“Alright, alright. Feisty tonight!” With a laugh, you close your eyes. The familiar hold of his fingers around your shoulders melts you to your core. You’re guided away from the side of the road and down a little hill, “Shoei, where are we—”
“Quit yapping,” he barked, “It’s not far. Watch your step, there’s a branch.”
Soon enough, you both stopped. The city sounds were drowned out by the songs of cicadas. With his permission, you open your eyes.
The soft surface of water spread out across the expanse before you. The reflection of the stars above, seen only miles out from the city, came to greet the earth by the grace of the lake. Surrounded by trees and darkness, the only light was the moon and the colony of fireflies searching for their mates.
You open your mouth, then close it, squeezing your lips together as you bite back the lump in your throat. Everything had been so overwhelming lately. The world, work, keeping up with your own needs. Barou helped you so much, but even with his help, you could fall behind on yourself. But here, it felt still. It was serene. The air was cool now that night overtook the sky and the breeze picked up the lake’s chill.
“Gimme,” Barou’s voice snapped you out of your mind.
“The jacket. Give it to me,” His fingers gestured to hand the leather demon suit over, “You don’t like wearing it, anyway.”
“I—” You rub your eyes free of the moisture piling at the lashes, “Yeah. It feels gross, and I’m sweaty.”
“Then let’s get it off of you,” Barou tugs the zipper down steadily and peels it from your arms. He folds it neatly and places it on top of the bike seat. You feel his eyes roam your form, dressed in a tank top and shorts. The sweat along the surface of your décolleté radiant with scattered light. He drank you like a finely crafted wine, admiring every little bit that you offered him.
As always, he seldom said how he felt, but you could always tell by the softness of his eyes and the ease at which he kissed you that you were a treasure he would never let go of. You were his gem that he polishes each day for the joy of seeing it shine. When he wipes away your grateful tears with a loose grin, you know for certain that he didn’t just care about soccer.
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chic-a-gigot · 10 months
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Journal des Dames et des Modes, Costumes Parisiens, 30 novembre 1832, (3036): Chapeau-béret en Crêpe orné de plumes- Robe de Velours Manteau de gros de naples par M.me Allin Barois. Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands
Hat or 'chapeau-béret' made of crepe decorated with feathers. Dress with velvet mutton sleeves. Coat of 'gros de naples' by Allin Barois. Further accessories: earrings, stole, gloves, bracelets, handkerchief, fan, square-toed shoes. The print is part of the fashion magazine Journal des Dames et des Modes, Paris, 1797-1839.
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juztize · 9 months
Those contracted by any party below 18 years of age even with the consent of parents or guardians;
One of the requirements of a valid marriage is legal capacity, without it the marriage is void. Age is a component of legal capacity. The marriage is void for lack of legal capacity.
For example A and B, both Filipino, 17 years old, met and got married in Hongkong, with consent of their parents. Their marriage even with the consent of their parents and recognize in Hongkong Law would still void in the Philippines because the Philippine Law determines the legal capacity, under Article 15 of the New Civil Code “Laws relating family rights and duties, or status, condition and legal capacity of persons are binding upon citizens of the Philippines, even though living abroad. 
Those solemnized by any person not legally authorized to perform marriages unless such marriage were contracted by either or both parties believing in good faith that the solemnizing officer had the legal authority to do so;
Article 7 of the Family Code provides for those authorized to solemnize marriages. The LGC restored the power of the Mayors to solemnize marriages. Without such legal authority the marriage is void. But the law gives validity to a marriage.
Those solemnized without a license except those covered by the preceding chapter;
Marriage license is a pre-requisite of a valid marriage except those under Articles 27, 28, 31, 32, 34 of the Family Code.
A.M. No. MTJ-92-721. September 30, 1994 
Petitioners Cosca, Peralta, Sambo & Villamora filed an administrative complaints against respondents Hon. Judge Lucio Palaypayon, Jr., and Nelia Esmeralda Baroy, both of the Municipal Trial Court of Tinambac, Camarines Sur.
One of the offenses charged to the respondent was Illegal Solemnization of Marriage, that allegedly Judge Palaypayon solemnized marriages after paying the marriage fee and even without the requisite of marriage license.
Judge Palaypayon, Jr., claimed that he was exempted from liability because he did not sign the marriage contract, the marriage license number and date of solemnization was not indicated because he had to wait for the marriage license to be submitted.
         Whether or not Judge Palaypayon, Jr. is absolved from liability for solemnizing marriages without license.
No, Judge Palaypayon, Jr. was not absolved from liability for solemnizing marriages without license.
Family Code provides that in the absence of any essential or formal requisites shall render the marriage void ab initio, except as stated in Article 35 (2). That an irregularity in the formal requisites shall not affect the validity of the marriage, the party or parties responsible for the irregularity shall be criminally, civilly and administratively liable. (Article 4(3).
The procedure and practice by Judge Palaypayon were highly improper and irregular, if not illegal, because marriage license is a prerequisite of a valid marriage and now marriage cannot be solemnized without it. The fact that Judge Palaypayon did not sign the marriage contract, the marriage license number and date of solemnization was not indicated here, the contracting parties and Local Civil Registrar were not furnished their copy of marriage contract, will not absolve him from liability. He is liable for his negligence or failure to comply with his duty of closely supervising his Clerk of Court in the performance of the latter’s duties and functions. A judge cannot take refuge behind the inefficiency or incompetence of court personnel.
Hence, judge was fined in the amount of P20,000.00 and reprimand for having solemnized marriages without licenses at the time of celebration. Respondent Nelia Baroy is dismissed from the service. 
Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not falling under Article 41.
Those contracted through mistake of one contracting party as to the identity of the other;
The reason is that, it is as if the party committed that mistake in the identity of the other did not give his/her consent. The marriage used to be only voidable in Civil Code but void in the Family Code.
Those subsequent marriages that are void under Article 53. 
The law requires that documents of annulment or declaration of nullity of marriages together with the documents delivering the presumptive legitime of the compulsory heirs of the parties be registered in the proper civil registry or registry of property, if they failed to comply with this requirement, the subsequent marriage is void even if it is celebrated abroad under Article 15 of the New Civil Code.
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444namesplus · 11 months
Adelis Adocis Adonis Adunis Aengis Afiris Alaeis Alcais Aleiis Almais Almuis Alneis Alveis Ambuis Amphis Ancais Ancuis Aneais Anotis Anouis Apduis Ardais Aredis Arenis Argiis Arieis Aronis Arsais Arveis Asanis Aseris Ashiis Asiiis Asiris Atoeis Avieis Babiis Babois Babuis Backis Baduis Baelis Baffis Bagois Bahlis Bahris Balais Balbis Balkis Ballis Baltis Bamfis Bampis Bandis Baneis Bangis Bankis Bantis Barbis Bardis Bargis Bariis Barkis Barlis Barnis Barois Barpis Barris Baruis Basiis Baskis Bastis Batiis Battis Bauyis Baxais Bayuis Beadis Bebais Bebeis Bebiis Bebois Beckis Bedois Beelis Beffis Behais Behris Behtis Behuis Bejais Bekeis Bekiis Beldis Beleis Beliis Belkis Bellis Belmis Beltis Benais Bencis Bendis Bengis Beniis Benkis Bennis Beolis Beotis Bepais Berbis Berdis Berfis Beriis Berkis Bermis Bernis Berois Bertis Besiis Beskis Besois Bestis Betais Bethis Betiis Betois Bettis Bewdis Bewlis Bewnis Beyeis Bhatis Bheois Bheris Bhetis Bholis Bickis Bieais Biedis Biekis Bielis Biemis Bienis Bieris Bietis Biifis Biikis Biipis Biiris Biitis Bikeis Billis Biltis Bimeis Bindis Bineis Biniis Binois Bintis Birgis Birkis Birmis Biseis Bistis Biteis Bithis Bitiis Bitois Blabis Blaiis Blaris Blebis Bledis Blehis Blemis Bletis Blewis Bleyis Blibis Bliiis Blisis Blopis Blosis Blubis Blucis Blugis Blutis Bluwis Bobois Bobuis Bockis Bodiis Bodois Boffis Boggis Boguis Boiris Bojeis Bokhis Bokiis Boliis Bolkis Bollis Boluis Bomeis Bondis Bongis Boniis Bonkis Bonois Bontis Bonuis Bordis Borkis Borlis Bornis Borois Borris Bosiis Botiis Botois Bottis Botuis Boziis Brahis Bratis Bredis Bregis Breiis Brekis Brenis Bresis Bretis Brewis Breyis Brieis Briiis Brinis Briris Briwis Briyis Brodis Brogis Broiis Bromis Brosis Brotis Brouis Brubis Brudis Brugis Bruuis Bruwis Bsudis Buakis Buatis Buawis Bubuis Buceis Buciis Buckis Bucuis Budiis Bueris Buetis Buffis Bugais Buguis Buhuis Buieis Buiris Bukiis Bukuis Bulais Buldis Buleis Buliis Bullis Bultis Buluis Bumbis Bunais Bundis Bungis Buniis Bunkis Bunois Buodis Buolis Burdis Bureis Buriis
Burkis Burtis Buscis Buseis Buskis Buteis Buttis Butuis Buubis Buufis Buukis Buulis Buumis Buunis Buuris Buutis Buvuis Buwkis Buwlis Buwnis Buxiis Buygis Buyuis Buzeis Buzuis Byriis Bytiis Byuais Byunis Cabiis Caceis Cackis Cadeis Caffis Cakiis Callis Calmis Caltis Caneis Caoris Caotis Carbis Cardis Cariis Carlis Carnis Carris Caskis Caspis Catiis Catois Cbiris Cdneis Ceakis Cealis Cebeis Ceceis Ceckis Cedois Ceemis Ceffis Cefiis Cefuis Cegiis Cejois Cekiis Celeis Celfis Celkis Cellis Celmis Celois Celuis Cemeis Cemiis Cemois Cempis Cemuis Cendis Cengis Ceniis Cennis Cenois Centis Ceodis Ceonis Cepeis Cepiis Cepuis Cerbis Cerdis Cereis Ceriis Cerkis Cerlis Cerpis Cerris Certis Ceseis Cesiis Ceskis Cestis Cethis Cetiis Cevais Ceveis Ceviis Cewkis Cewlis Cezeis Chabis Chagis Chamis Cheais Checis Chedis Chemis Cheois Chepis Cheris Chetis Cheuis Chevis Chewis Cheyis Chifis Chisis Chiwis Chocis Choeis Cholis Chonis Chopis Choris Chotis Chovis Chunis Chupis Chuwis Chuyis Cibais Cidiis Cidois Cijeis Cillis Ciltis Cintis Ciolis Cipiis Cireis Ciriis Cirtis Ciruis Cistis Citais Citiis Ciweis Clabis Claiis Cledis Clegis Cleiis Clemis Clenis Clepis Clesis Cletis Clewis Cleyis Clieis Clifis Cligis Cliiis Climis Clisis Cliwis Cloiis Clopis Clouis Cluais Clubis Cludis Clugis Clupis Clutis Cluwis Cluyis Coilis Comeis Coniis Copuis Corcis Coriis Costis Cotiis Coviis Cradis Cratis Crebis Cregis Cremis Crenis Crepis Cresis Crewis Cridis Criiis Crisis Criwis Crobis Croeis Crogis Croiis Cronis Cropis Crosis Crucis Cruiis Crupis Crusis Cruwis Cruyis Cuapis Cubais Cuceis Cuckis Cuctis Cucuis Cudeis Cudiis Cuekis Cuelis Cuetis Cuffis Cuhuis Cuidis Cukiis Culdis Culeis Culiis Culkis Cullis Cultis Cumbis Cumeis Cumiis Cumpis Cunais Cuniis Cunkis Cunnis Cuofis Cuolis Cuonis Cuoris Cupeis Cupiis Cuptis Curdis Cureis Curiis Curkis Curmis Curnis Curpis Curyis Cusiis Custis Cutiis Cuttis Cutuis Cuubis Cuufis Cuukis Cuulis Cuumis Cuunis Cuupis Cuutis Cuviis Cuwlis Cuxiis Cuyuis Cuziis Cyceis Cyenis Cykiis Cyleis Cymeis Cymiis Cystis Czeris Daciis Dackis Dactis Dadiis Daedis Daelis Daenis Daeris Dafais Daffis Dailis Daitis Dakais Dakiis Dakwis Dallis Daltis Dambis Dameis Dampis Dangis Daniis Dankis Dantis Daotis Dapiis Dareis Dariis Darnis Daruis Daskis Dastis Daxiis Dbcpis Ddvpis Deabis Deawis Decais Dechis Deciis Dedeis Dediis Deduis
Deffis Dehlis Dehois Deliis Deluis Demeis Demiis Demnis Dempis Dendis Dengis Deniis Deomis Derbis Derdis Dergis Deriis Derkis Dernis Derois Dertis Desois Detais Detiis Detuis Dewgis Dewnis Deziis Dfdtis Dhekis Dhelis Dhenis Dheois Dhuwis Diakis Dibais Dibtis Dickis Dicuis Diedis Dielis Dienis Dieris Difois Digais Digeis Diidis Diimis Diipis Diiris Diitis Dikiis Dilfis Diliis Dillis Dilois Diltis Dimiis Dimuis Diniis Dintis Diolis Dirnis Diseis Disiis Diskis Disois Diveis Divois Dixiis Diyiis Dmsuis Dociis Dockis Dodais Doduis Doelis Doffis Doibis Doiris Doitis Dokeis Dokiis Dollis Doluis Domiis Dompis Dongis Doniis Donkis Dontis Donuis Dopais Dordis Dorkis Dorlis Dortis Doscis Doseis Dosiis Doskis Doteis Dotiis Doulis Doveis Doviis Drabis Dragis Dramis Drebis Dregis Dremis Drepis Dretis Drewis Dreyis Drigis Driiis Drikis Drisis Driyis Drobis Droeis Droiis Dropis Drugis Drupis Drusis Druwis Dryeis Duacis Duamis Duatis Dubais Dubiis Dubuis Duckis Dudeis Duduis Duebis Duffis Dugiis Duiris Dujuis Dukiis Dulais Duliis Dullis Dultis Duluis Dumais Dumiis Duneis Dungis Dunkis Dunois Duotis Dupeis Dupiis Duppis Dureis Durkis Durmis Durpis Durris Durtis Dusiis Dutiis Duubis Duukis Duumis Duunis Duuris Duviis Duwdis Duwlis Duwnis Duwpis Duxiis Duziis Dwemis Dyedis Dyekis Dyiris Dyniis Eaceis Eagiis Ealais Ealeis Ealuis Eaniis Eantis Eareis Easais Eatiis Eatuis Ebatis Ebbeis Ebbiis Ebitis Ebobis Eboiis Eboris Ebrais Ebrois Ebsiis Eburis Ebyiis Ebysis Ecceis Eceois Echiis Ecliis Ecmiis Ecniis Ecodis Ecriis Ectais Ecylis Eddeis Eddyis Ededis Edemis Ederis Edetis Edewis Edeyis Edipis Edmois Edotis Edouis Edziis Eferis Efobis Efruis Egaeis Egaiis Egbeis Egeais Egelis Egeris Egewis Egheis Egiris Egiwis Egmeis Egnais Egnois Egouis Egruis Egunis Eheais Ehoris Ehumis Eidiis Eigois Eiteis Eiunis Ejeris Ejoiis Ekaeis Ekenis Ekiiis Ekliis Ekoeis Ekomis Ekreis Elamis Elaris Elbais Elbeis Elciis Elcuis Eldois Elenis Elgeis Ellois Elnais Elodis Eloeis Elofis Elomis Eltais Eltuis Eludis Eluiis Embeis Embuis Emeeis Emehis Emenis Emesis Emilis Emleis Emmuis Emoiis Emolis Emonis Emoris Emosis Emreis Emukis Emuris Emuyis Emylis Enbeis Endeis Endois Enelis Enfuis Engais Eniris Enkais Enkhis Enneis Enolis Ensais Enteis Entiis Entois Enuais Enueis Enyais Eodiis Eodsis Eogeis Eoilis Eoldis Eonais Eonois Eortis Eotais Eothis Eperis Ephois Epiris Epouis Eppyis Epriis Epsiis Epsois Eqaeis Eraeis Eramis Eraois Erbeis Ercais Erdeis Ereais Erebis Erekis Ergais Ergeis Erieis Erneis
Eroeis Eroiis Erolis Erreis Errois Ersiis Ersois Eryeis Escais Esekis Eshiis Esmris Esolis Esonis Espois Essiis Essois Esuris Etaeis Etanis Etepis Etifis Etinis Etleis Etliis Etteis Etumis Eualis Eutais Eutiis Evelis Everis Evgeis Evinis Eviris Evuwis Ewenis Ewulis Exilis Exliis Exolis Exunis Eyehis Eyonis Eyuais Ezunis Ezymis Facais Faffis Fagais Fageis Failis Fajois Falais Faleis Falkis Fallis Famiis Fandis Fangis Fankis Fanois Farlis Farris Fasiis Fastis Faziis Feanis Febeis Febiis Feciis Fectis Fediis Feduis Feegis Feffis Fegais Fejeis Fekiis Felais Fellis Femiis Feneis Fengis Feniis Fenkis Feokis Feolis Feonis Feoris Feotis Fepiis Ferdis Feriis Ferlis Fermis Fertis Feruis Festis Fetiis Feunis Fevais Feveis Feviis Fewnis Fexiis Feziis Fiadis Ficiis Fickis Fiekis Fieris Fietis Fiibis Fiidis Fiilis Fiiris Fillis Filois Filtis Fimiis Finais Findis Fintis Firais Firiis Firkis Firmis Firnis Fistis Fitais Fiteis Fitiis Fiudis Fiziis Flabis Flaiis Flebis Flegis Flekis Flemis Flenis Flepis Fletis Flewis Fleyis Flieis Fligis Fliiis Fliwis Fliyis Flocis Floiis Flopis Flotis Flubis Flucis Flugis Fluiis Flupis Fluris Flusis Flutis Fluwis Focais Fociis Foduis Foeris Foetis Fofiis Foguis Foifis Fokiis Foliis Follis Folmis Foluis Fondis Foniis Fonkis Fonnis Fonois Fonuis Foriis Forkis Formis Fornis Foscis Fostis Foviis Foxiis Fregis Fremis Frepis Fresis Fretis Freyis Friiis Fritis Friyis Frobis Frogis Froiis Frosis Frotis Frugis Fruiis Frunis Fruwis Fuadis Fualis Fuaris Fucais Fuelis Fuemis Fugeis Fuguis Fuhnis Fuldis Fulkis Fuluis Fumiis Fundis Funtis Funuis Fuolis Fuonis Furbis Furdis Furiis Furkis Furmis Furtis Fuudis Fuulis Fuutis Fuwdis Fuwlis Fuxiis Fyciis Fykiis Fyrdis Gackis Gaecis Gaenis Gaeris Gaeuis Gafeis Gaffis Gagais Gahris Gaisis Galeis Galfis Galiis Gallis Galpis Gamois Gampis Ganeis Gankis Gaobis Garais Garkis Garlis Garris Garuis Gastis Gatois Gaziis Geadis Gealis Geamis Geapis Gearis Geasis Gebiis Gebois Gedais Gediis Gedois Geffis Gegiis Geilis Geleis Geliis Gellis Gembis Gemeis Gemiis Gempis Gengis Genkis Gentis Geolis Geonis Georis Geotis Gepiis Gerbis Gernis Geruis Gesiis Gespis Gestis Geteis Getiis Getuis Geulis Geunis Gewkis Gewpis Geyuis Geziis Gezois Ghetis Ghigis Ghiiis Ghulis Giamis Gickis Gielis Gienis Gieris Gietis Giikis Gildis Gillis Giltis Ginais Giniis Gintis Girbis Gireis Girmis Gistis Giteis Gitiis Glabis Glagis Glaiis Glatis Gledis Glemis Glenis Glesis Gliiis Glinis Glisis Gliyis Gloeis Glomis Glosis
Glubis Glumis Glupis Glusis Gluwis Gluyis Gnepis Gneris Gnetis Gnewis Gobais Gobiis Goftis Gogeis Goldis Gollis Goltis Gompis Gongis Gonkis Gordis Gorlis Gornis Gorris Gortis Goruis Gostis Goviis Gpsiis Grabis Graiis Granis Grasis Grebis Gredis Gremis Grenis Gresis Greyis Griiis Griwis Griyis Grodis Grogis Gromis Gronis Gropis Grotis Grugis Grukis Grusis Grutis Gruwis Guamis Guatis Gubuis Guedis Guelis Guetis Guffis Guilis Guiris Gujois Gulais Guldis Guleis Gulfis Guliis Gullis Gulpis Guluis Gundis Gungis Gunyis Gureis Guriis Gurpis Gusiis Guthis Gutiis Guudis Guufis Guugis Guukis Guulis Guunis Guupis Guuris Guviis Guwfis Guwkis Guwlis Guwnis Gybiis Gygois Gyliis Gyniis Gypiis Gypuis Gyrais Gyriis Gyruis Gyviis Hachis Hackis Haffis Hahais Hakiis Haleis Halkis Hallis Hamais Hameis Hampis Hankis Hantis Haoeis Hapeis Hardis Hariis Harlis Hartis Haskis Hasois Hasuis Hatais Hbcais Healis Hebeis Heckis Hediis Hedjis Heebis Heeris Heffis Hefois Heftis Heimis Heitis Hejiis Hejjis Hejois Hekeis Hekiis Hekuis Heleis Heliis Hellis Heltis Heluis Hemais Hemiis Hendis Hengis Henkis Henois Hentis Henuis Heokis Heolis Heonis Heoris Hepais Herdis Hereis Heriis Herkis Herlis Hermis Hernis Herpis Herris Hertis Hespis Hetiis Hetois Heviis Hewkis Heyiis Heziis Hibiis Hickis Hiedis Hiefis Hielis Hiepis Hieris Hietis Hiftis Hihiis Hiidis Hiilis Hiiris Hillis Hilmis Hilpis Hiluis Himiis Himpis Hintis Hiolis Hioris Hirbis Hirdis Hireis Hiriis Hirlis Hirmis Hirnis Hiruis Histis Hithis Hixiis Hockis Hodiis Hoghis Hokiis Holais Hollis Holtis Homeis Hompis Hondis Hongis Honiis Honkis Hontis Horiis Hostis Hoviis Hsonis Htlvis Htmlis Huaris Hubuis Hucais Huckis Hueris Huggis Huguis Huhiis Huiris Hujeis Hukeis Hukiis Huldis Huliis Hullis Hulmis Hulois Hultis Humeis Humiis Humuis Hungis Huniis Hunkis Huotis Hupiis Hupois Hurais Hureis Hurnis Husiis Hustis Huudis Huufis Huukis
Huunis Huupis Huutis Huveis Huwdis Huwfis Huwiis Huwkis Huwlis Huxiis Huyeis Hwylis Hyleis Hyliis Hymnis Hypiis Hypuis Iagiis Iaruis Ibuiis Icedis Ichiis Ichois Ichuis Icrais Idemis Idgiis Idinis Idotis Idteis Ierlis Iernis Iesiis Iestis Ieviis Ifokis Igbeis Igedis Igutis Ijuuis Ikkeis Ikkois Ikuois Ilalis Ilbeis Ilenis Ilepis Iloeis Ilupis Ilviis Imbais Immyis Imoris Imotis Imptis Inemis Iniwis Inonis Insois Inulis Ioduis Ipiiis Ipocis Iqaais Iqaiis Iracis Iribis Irivis Irniis Irocis Iroiis Isceis Isniis Issiis Isupis Itaois Ithuis Itneis Ivinis Ivolis Ivuuis Iwiris Ixemis Ixicis Ixotis Ixpuis Ixunis Iyekis Iyiris Iyisis Iyreis Iyriis Jabais Jabeis Jabiis Jackis Jacuis Jadeis Jaduis Jaiyis Jajais Jakiis Jalais Jalyis Jampis Janiis Jankis Jantis Japiis Jariis Jasois Jastis Jatiis Jeakis Jeanis Jeapis Jecais Jeceis Jeckis Jediis Jekiis Jekuis Jembis Jemiis Jenais Jeniis Jennis Jeolis Jeonis Jepiis Jerkis Jerlis Jesais Jesmis Jespis Jeveis Jholis Jhvhis Jidois Jienis Jifiis Jihais Jiilis Jiipis Jiiris Jillis Jirkis Jisais Jisiis Jistis Jithis Jitiis Jobiis Jobois Joeuis Joffis Jollis Joltis Jompis Joneis Jonkis Jonnis Jordis Joveis Joviis Jpigis Juagis Juakis Jubiis Jubuis Jucais Juchis Juckis Juduis Juenis Juhnis Juiyis Jukiis Jullis Jultis Jumuis Juneis Jungis Juniis Juonis Jurtis Juteis Juukis Juveis Juwlis Kabais Kabeis Kadais Kaduis Kaenis Kafeis Kafois Kakais Kakiis Kakois Karais Kardis Kasais Kaseis Kedais Kedois Kegais Keguis Kehais Keheis Keinis Kekais Kekeis Kekois Keliis Kelois Keluis Kemeis Kemiis Keneis Kengis Keodis Keolis Keonis Kepais Kepeis Kephis Kerois Kertis Keruis Keteis Ketiis Ketois Ketuis Keunis Keveis Kevois Keweis Kewois Keyeis Keyuis Khadis Khenis Khetis Khinis Khmais Khueis Khuris Kiaris Kickis Kietis Kiikis Kiilis Kiinis Kiipis Kiitis Kildis Kilpis Kiltis Kimbis Kimpis Kinuis Kipois Kirbis Kirfis Kiriis Kirnis Kirois Kiteis Kixiis Klebis Klenis Klopis Klubis Knabis Knaris Knegis Knepis Kneris Kniiis Knobis Knotis Knubis Knupis Knutis Knuwis Kobiis Kockis Koiris Kokais Kollis Kolnis Koltis Koluis Kondis Koneis Kongis Konkis Kopiis Korkis Kornis Korois Kosois Kostis Kothis Kotiis Koveis Kowois Koyois Kredis Krenis Kriois Krixis Krouis Kubais Kubeis Kubuis Kudeis Kueiis Kuenis Kuhlis Kuilis Kujois Kukuis Kulmis Kulois Kuluis Kumois Kunuis Kuolis Kuphis Kupois Kureis Kurois Kuruis Kutuis Kuukis Kuzuis Kvesis Kwocis Kyehis Kyetis Kyliis Kytiis Labeis Labiis Laciis Lackis Ladiis Laduis Laeais Laffis Lagiis Lakiis Lalais Laliis Lallis Lameis Lampis Laneis Langis Laniis Lankis Lapais Lapiis Lapois Lariis Larkis Larois Lasais Lastis Lathis Latiis Lauhis Lawois Laxais Laxiis Leadis Leciis Leckis Lecois Lediis Leepis Lehais Leitis Lekhis Lekiis Lelois Leluis Lembis Lemeis Lemiis Lempis Lendis Leneis Leniis Lentis Leoais Leocis Leoris Leotis Lepois Lerais Lerbis Lerdis Leriis Lerkis Lerois Lerpis Lesiis Leskis Lestis Lethis Letiis Letois Leveis Leviis Leweis Lewkis Lewnis Lexiis Leziis Lezois Liadis Lichis Lickis Lidiis Liedis Liefis Liegis Liekis Liemis Lienis Liepis Lieris Lietis Liftis Ligiis Lihris Liidis Liikis Liipis Liiris Liitis Lindis Liniis Linois Lintis Linuis Lioris Lipais Lipeis Lirpis Lisais Littis Liwkis Liwois Lixiis Lixois Lizeis Llynis Lochis Lockis Loduis Loeris Loftis Logeis Loiais Loinis Loiris Lojeis Lokiis Loleis Lollis Loltis Lomais Lombis Lomiis Lomnis Lompis Lomuis Lonais Longis Loniis Lonkis Lonnis Lontis Lonuis Lopuis Loreis Loriis Lorkis Losais Loseis Loskis Losois Lospis Lostis Loteis Lounis Loviis Loweis Luakis Luapis Luaris Luatis Lubais Lubeis Lubiis Lubuis
Lucais Luchis Luckis Lucuis Ludiis Luedis Luefis Luemis Luenis Luftis Lugiis Luguis Luisis Lukiis Lullis Luluis Lumeis Lungis Lunkis Luonis Luoris Lupiis Lurdis Luriis Lurois Luruis Lusiis Lutais Luteis Lutiis Lutuis Luufis Luukis Luumis Luunis Luupis Luutis Luviis Luweis Luwiis Luxiis Luzois Lwiois Lwuuis Lyemis Lygais Lyriis Lysiis Lysois Lyunis Macais Mackis Maffis Mageis Maliis Mallis Malmis Mamais Mamiis Mampis Mandis Manois Maodis Mariis Markis Marlis Marris Masiis Maskis Mastis Mateis Matiis Matois Mattis Maunis Maxiis Mcetis Mdmeis Meadis Mealis Meanis Mebeis Mebois Mecais Meceis Mechis Meciis Meckis Mecuis Medois Meeris Mefais Megais Megeis Meghis Megiis Meheis Mehuis Mejeis Mejuis Mekiis Mekois Mekuis Melais Meliis Mellis Melmis Meltis Meluis Memeis Memuis Menais Mendis Meneis Meniis Menois Mentis Menuis Meodis Meolis Meomis Meonis Mepuis Merais Mercis Mereis Mergis Meriis Merkis Merlis Mermis Merois Mertis Meruis Meryis Meseis Meskis Mesois Mestis Meteis Methis Metiis Mettis Mevois Mewkis Mewpis Mexiis Mexois Meyeis Meyuis Mezais Meziis Mibuis Michis Midiis Miedis Miekis Mielis Mienis Mietis Miidis Miitis Mikiis Mildis Mileis Miliis Millis Milois Miltis Miluis Mimiis Mimuis Minais Mindis Mirais Mircis Mirdis Miriis Mirlis Miruis Miseis Mithis Mitiis Mitois Miuwis Miwlis Miziis Moceis Mocuis Modeis Modiis Modois Moeuis Moffis Moggis Moinis Mokiis Molfis Moliis Molkis Mollis Moltis Moluis Momais Momeis Momiis Monais Mondis Moneis Moniis Monkis Monois Montis Monuis Mordis Moriis Morvis Mosiis Mostis Mosuis Motais Moteis Motiis Motois Mottis Moxiis Moxois Mpigis Mrneis Mrseis Muaiis Muchis Muckis Mucuis Mudais Mudiis Muenis Muetis Muguis Muhris Mujuis Mukiis Mukois Mukuis Muldis Muleis Muliis Mullis Multis Mumais Mumiis Muneis Mungis Munkis Munuis Muolis Muotis Mupais Mupiis Murais Mureis Muriis Murnis Murtis Muruis Musiis Mustis Musuis Mutais Muthis Mutiis Mutuis Muudis Muukis Muulis Muunis Muupis Muuris Muutis Muviis Muxeis Muzuis Myneis Mysois Mystis Mythis Myzais Nabeis Nadiis Nakiis Nallis Nambis Nangis Napiis Nazois Nebiis Nebois Nedeis Nedhis Nedpis Neemis Neenis Negeis Nemeis Nemiis Nendis Neneis Neobis Neodis Neoeis Neofis Neogis Neokis Neolis Neoris Neouis Nepais Nepiis Nercis Nerdis Nereis Neriis Nerkis Nerois Nerris Nesais Nesiis Netiis Neviis Nevyis Neziis Nezois Nickis Niepis Nieris Nietis Nigais Nihais Niidis Niimis Niipis Nillis Nimuis Niofis Nirdis Nirfis Nirtis Nisiis Nistis Nittis Niunis Nivais Niviis Niwbis Niwtis Nixais Nixtis Nmdeis Nockis Nodais Nodiis Noghis Noifis Nollis Nombis Noniis Nopeis Nosais Notuis Noxiis Nuanis Nuapis Nuckis Nudais Nudiis Nuilis Nukois Nukuis Nullis Nuluis Numeis Numiis Numuis Nuniis Nunois Nuobis Nuolis Nuoris Nurmis Nurnis Nurois Nusais Nusiis Nutiis Nuubis Nuukis Nuunis Nuveis Nuwtis Nuzois Nymsis Oalais Obedis Obenis Ocbmis Ochais Ochuis Ociris Octais Ocunis Odieis Odliis Odulis Odylis Oembis Oesais Ofolis Ogbuis Ojewis Oketis Okmuis Okunis Oliais Ombiis Omemis Ompois Oncais Onceis Onduis Onfuis Ongeis Ontois Oowois Opodis Opolis Oralis Orbois Orodis Orunis Osbeis Osliis Osseis Otieis Otimis Otmuis Otzeis Oureis Outeis Ovenis Ovoiis Ovonis Owenis Oxoeis Oxolis Oyeris Ozbeis Ozeris Pabiis Pabois Paciis Packis Padais Paffis Paghis Paheis Pairis Pajeis Pakais Pakeis Pakiis Palais Paleis Paliis Palkis Pallis Palois Palpis Pameis Pampis Paneis Pangis Pankis Pantis Papais Papeis Pariis Parlis Parois Parris
Paruis Pasiis Pattis Peaeis Pealis Peapis Peatis Pebeis Peceis Peciis Peckis Pectis Pecuis Pedois Pegiis Peheis Pehois Pehuis Pelais Peleis Peliis Pellis Pelmis Pelois Pelpis Peluis Pemiis Pendis Pengis Peniis Penkis Pentis Penuis Peokis Peolis Peonis Peoris Pepeis Pepiis Perais Perdis Pereis Periis Perkis Perois Perris Pertis Pesiis Pestis Pesuis Petais Peteis Pethis Petiis Peunis Peviis Pevois Pewlis Pewnis Pexiis Peyeis Phatis Phiuis Pialis Pibeis Pickis Pidiis Pidois Piegis Piekis Pielis Pienis Pieois Pieris Pietis Pigeis Pighis Piikis Piilis Piinis Piipis Piiris Pikiis Pilais Pileis Pilfis Pillis Piltis Pindis Piniis Pinois Pintis Pipuis Piriis Pirkis Pirmis Pirnis Pirois Pirpis Pirvis Pistis Pisuis Pitiis Pitnis Pituis Piunis Plagis Plamis Plapis Plenis Pletis Pleyis Plibis Plieis Pliwis Ploiis Plomis Pludis Plupis Plutis Pluwis Pluyis Pmosis Pocais Poceis Pockis Poctis Poetis Poinis Poiris Poitis Pokeis Pokiis Pokois Polais Poleis Poliis Pollis Polmis Pomeis Pompis Ponais Pondis Poneis Pongis Poniis Ponkis Pontis Popeis Popiis Popois Porlis Pornis Poruis Posiis Poskis Posuis Poteis Pothis Potois Pouais Pounis Poveis Poziis Preais Predis Premis Pretis Preyis Priiis Pripis Prisis Priyis Proais Progis Proiis Promis Prosis Prudis Prueis Prufis Prugis Prumis Prupis Prusis Pruwis Psueis Ptyeis Puafis Puaris Puatis Puckis Puduis Puguis Puheis Puimis Puitis Pukais Pukiis Puliis Pullis Pulois Pultis Puluis Pulyis Pumiis Pumpis Pumuis Pundis Pungis Puniis Puntis Puolis Pupiis Purais Puriis Purkis Purnis Purtis Puruis Pusiis Pustis Putais Putiis Puudis Puufis Puuhis Puukis Puulis Puunis Puupis Puxiis Pyelis Pykiis Pyleis Pyrais Pyriis Pyruis Pyseis Pyxiis Pyxois Qaedis Qaegis Qaeois Qaesis Qaetis Qaewis Qaeyis Qaitis Qaiyis Qangis Qaodis Qaonis Qaopis Qaotis Qatbis Qaudis Qedois Qeodis Qezois Qiriis Qirois Qoyeis Quphis Rabais Rabiis Rackis Raddis Radeis Rafais Raffis Raliis Rampis Rangis Raniis Rantis Raonis Rarais Raseis Rasiis Raskis Rastis Rathis Rdxiis Reakis Reanis Rebois Reciis Reckis Reedis Reenis Reffis Reftis Regais Regeis Reggis Regiis Regois Rejeis Rejiis Rekais Rekiis Rekois Reliis Remais Remiis Rempis Rendis Renkis Rennis Renois Rentis Reodis Reokis Reolis Reonis Repiis Reseis Resiis Respis Reteis Rethis Retiis Reubis Reviis Rexiis Reyeis Reziis Rhamis Rhasis Rhieis Ribais Rickis Rictis Riddis Ridiis Riduis Riedis Riekis Rielis Riemis Rieois Riepis Rieris Rigiis Riidis Riifis Riikis Riilis Rijeis Rikois Rimais Rindis Rintis Riofis Rionis Rippis Ripuis Rirdis Ristis Rivvis Rixiis Robiis Rociis Rockis Rodiis Roelis Roffis Roftis Roilis Roimis Roliis Rollis Romais Romeis Romiis Rondis Rongis Ronkis Ronuis Rosiis Roskis Rospis Roteis Rotiis Routis Roviis Rrneis Rsvpis Ruaiis Ruapis Ruatis Rubiis Ruckis Rudiis Ruedis Ruemis Ruenis Rueris Ruhais Ruiris Rukeis Rukiis Rulfis Ruliis Rullis Rumpis Rungis Runiis Ruodis Ruolis Rupiis Rurtis Rusiis Ruteis Rutiis Rutlis Rutois Rutuis Ruudis Ruufis Ruukis Ruumis Ruutis Ruviis Ruzois Rviris Ryelis Rymiis Rypiis Ryutis Sackis Saddis Saffis Safois Sagois Sairis Saitis Sajois Sakais Sakiis Salais Salkis Sallis Sameis Samois Sampis Samuis Sannis Sanois Santis Saodis Saotis Sapeis Sapiis Sardis Sareis Sarfis Sariis Sasais Satiis Satuis Scadis Scagis Scamis Scapis Scaris Scatis Scebis Scedis Scegis Scemis Scenis Sceris Scetis Scewis Scofis Scubis Scupis Scutis Scuwis Scyiis Seakis Sealis Sebiis Seckis Sediis Seduis Sefiis Segeis Segiis Seguis Sehuis Sekiis Sekois Seleis Seliis Selpis Seltis Semeis Semois Sempis Sendis Sengis Sennis Sentis Seocis Seofis Seolis Seomis Seonis Sepeis Sepuis Serais Serdis Sereis Serkis Serois Sertis Seruis Setiis Setois Seviis Sexiis Seyeis Sgeais Sgewis Shalis Shanis Shatis Shedis Shegis Shehis Shemis Shenis Shepis Sheris Shewis Sheyis Shidis Shiiis Shiwis Shoeis Shoiis Shokis Shomis Shonis Shopis Shovis
Shrois Shuais Shugis Shuiis Shupis Shuris Shutis Shuuis Shuwis Sicais Sictis Sidois Sielis Siemis Sieris Sietis Siggis Siidis Siikis Siilis Siimis Siipis Siiris Sikuis Sileis Silfis Siliis Sillis Simeis Simiis Simois Sindis Siniis Sintis Siodis Siofis Siptis Sirbis Sirfis Siriis Sirmis Sirois Sittis Situis Sixiis Sixtis Skaeis Skegis Skeris Sketis Skidis Skigis Skinis Skipis Skiuis Skiwis Skiyis Skodis Skoiis Skolis Skomis Skonis Skoois Skopis Skotis Skyris Slabis Sladis Slagis Slaiis Slamis Slapis Slaris Slebis Slegis Slemis Slepis Sletis Slevis Slewis Sleyis Slidis Sliwis Sliyis Sloiis Slomis Slopis Slotis Slubis Slugis Sluiis Slupis Slutis Sluwis Smaris Smatis Smiwis Smsiis Smuais Smugis Snabis Snagis Snebis Snegis Snepis Snibis Snobis Snogis Snoiis Snopis Snotis Snrois Snubis Snudis Snutis Snuwis Socais Sociis Sockis Sodeis Sodiis Sodois Soelis Softis Soghis Sognis Sojuis Sokais Sokeis Sokhis Sokiis Soldis Soliis Solkis Sollis Soltis Soluis Someis Sompis Sonais Songis Soniis Sonkis Sopiis Sopuis Soriis Sorois Sosiis Sosois Sostis Sotais Sotiis Sounis Soveis Soxiis Soziis Spadis Sparis Specis Spedis Speiis Spemis Spenis Speris Spetis Speyis Spicis Spitis Spiuis Spiwis Spoiis Sponis Spotis Spovis Sputis Sremis Ssrois Stabis Stadis Stamis Stanis Stasis Stebis Stedis Stegis Stenis Stepis Steris Stetis Stewis Steyis Stigis Stiiis Stimis Stinis Stipis Stitis Stiwis Stobis Stoiis Stomis Storis Stubis Studis Stueis Stugis Stupis Stusis Stutis Stuwis Styiis Styxis Suakis Sualis Suamis Suapis Suaris Subeis Suceis Suckis Sucuis Sudeis Suekis Suepis Sueris Sueyis Sufeis Suftis Sugeis Sujais Sujeis Sukiis Sulais Suleis Suliis Suluis Sumeis Sungis Suniis Suoeis Suolis Supiis Surais Surbis Sureis Suriis Surnis Surtis Suulis Suuris Suutis Suyeis Svenis Swebis Swedis Swegis Swenis Swepis Swetis Sweyis Swogis Swoiis Swomis Swosis Swupis Swutis Syciis Sykiis Sylois Syncis Syphis Syrtis Tabeis Tabiis Tackis Taenis Tafeis Taffis Taftis Talais Taliis Tampis Tanais Taneis Tangis Taniis Tankis Tanuis Tapois Tarbis Tardis Tarfis Tarkis Tarnis Tarois Tarpis Taskis Tasois Tatais Taxiis Tcddis Teatis Tebais Tebiis Techis Teckis Tectis Tecuis Teheis Tehris Teilis Tejiis Tekais Tekeis Tekiis Tektis Telais Telcis Teleis Teliis Telkis Telois Teluis Temais Temeis Temiis Temois Tempis Temuis Tengis Tenkis Tenuis Teolis Tepais Tepeis Tepiis Tepois Teriis Ternis Terois Terpis Tertis Teruis Tesiis Teskis Tetais Tettis Teweis Texais Texiis Texois Thadis Thagis Theois Thewis Thinis Thiwis Thogis Thonis Thuais Tiakis Tichis Ticuis Tideis Tiekis Tielis Tiemis Tieris Tietis Tiffis Tigais Tiggis Tiimis Tiinis Tijais Tiliis Tillis Tilois Tiluis Timpis Tindis Tintis Tiolis Tipiis Tippis Tireis Tirfis Tiriis Tirmis Tirnis Tirpis Tistis Tisuis Tithis Titiis Tiweis Tixeis Tixtis Tobais Tockis Todiis Toeuis Toffis Toftis Togiis Toiris Tokiis Tokois Toleis Toliis Tollis Toltis Tomiis Tondis Tongis Toniis Tonkis
Tontis Topois Toriis Torlis Torris Toruis Totais Totois Touais Tovuis Toweis Towois Toynis Trabis Tragis Traiis Trasis Trecis Tremis Trenis Trepis Tresis Treyis Triiis Trikis Trisis Tritis Triwis Triyis Trneis Troeis Trogis Troiis Tromis Tronis Tropis Trouis Trugis Trunis Trutis Truwis Tseris Tseuis Tshois Tsweis Tuaris Tuatis Tubeis Tuckis Tucuis Tudais Tudeis Tuedis Tufais Tuftis Tugeis Tugiis Tuhois Tuieis Tukais Tukiis Tukuis Tuleis Tuliis Tullis Tultis Tumbis Tumeis Tumiis Tunais Tungis Tuniis Tunkis Tunyis Tuolis Tupiis Tupois Tupuis Turais Turcis Tureis Turris Turtis Turuis Tuscis Tuskis Tutiis Tutuis Tuulis Tuunis Tuutis Tuviis Tuweis Tuwnis Tuxeis Tuyuis Tuziis Tweiis Twetis Twogis Twonis Twotis Tyiiis Tyiris Tykiis Tylais Tympis Tyonis Typiis Typpis Typuis Tyriis Tyruis Tzatis Tzeris Uaphis Uastis Uazuis Ubbeis Ubenis Ubiyis Uboiis Ubotis Ubuiis Ubulis Uchiis Udamis Udehis Udelis Udilis Uduris Udylis Uesiis Uesois Uestis Uethis Ueviis Ufeyis Ugemis Ugiiis Ugliis Ugriis Uhoeis Uicais Ukeyis Ukoiis Ukreis Ulidis Uliuis Ulleis Ulouis Ulpiis Ulutis Umbais Umdeis Umeuis Uminis Umiris Umotis Unciis Ungiis Ungois Uniris Unkuis Unzeis Uonkis Uontis Upehis Upelis Upinis Uppuis Urceis Urduis Urelis Urenis Urfiis Urliis Urluis Urnois Urrois Urzuis Ussiis Uttuis Uuntis Uuodis Uuziis Uvelis Uvinis Uviris Uwoiis Uxieis Uxiris Uxynis Uyiris Vediis Vegais Veliis Velois Vempis
Vengis Veniis Veolis Veoris Vepiis Verais Vereis Veriis Vesais Vesiis Vestis Vexiis Videis Vielis Viipis Viiris Vildis Villis Viluis Vinais Vindis Vintis Violis Vionis Virbis Virdis Virtis Visois Vistis Vixiis Vldlis Vliois Vliyis Vloiis Vlugis Vobiis Vociis Voelis Vogeis Voiris Voitis Voiwis Vollis Voneis Voniis Vontis Vonuis Vorais Voriis Vorlis Voseis Vosiis Votois Voulis Vrseis Vruwis Vuleis Vuliis Vultis Vuodis Vutiis Wampis Warmis Wealis Wediis Wedois Weecis Weefis Weffis Weftis Wegiis Wekeis Wekfis Wekiis Weliis Welkis Wellis Welmis Welois Wemais Wemiis Wendis Wengis Weniis Wentis Weofis Weolis Weonis Weotis Weqfis Werdis Weriis Wermis Wernis Werois Werpis Wertis Wesiis Wespis Wethis Wettis Weviis Wewlis Wexiis Whapis Wheais Whemis Whepis Whetis Whinis Whitis Whiwis Whiyis Whodis Whogis Whomis Whonis Whopis Whoris Whotis Whueis Whupis Whuuis Whyuis Wiekis Wielis Wienis Wieris Wiftis Wiidis Wiikis Wiilis Wiimis Wiinis Wiipis Wiitis Wikeis Wildis Wilkis Willis Wiltis Windis Wioris Wirfis Wiriis Wirkis Wirois Wistis Witeis Wockis Wokois Woldis Woliis Wollis Woltis Wompis Wondis Wongis Woniis Wonkis Wonuis Wopiis Woriis Worlis Worris Wosiis Wospis Wostis Wotiis Woviis Woziis Wrepis Wrinis Wroiis Wrotis Wuedis Wukeis Wuldis Wulfis Wumbis Wumpis Wungis Wunkis Wuntis Wurdis Wurkis Wurmis Wurtis Wuudis Wuufis Wuulis Wuunis Wuupis Wyndis Wynnis Xinuis Xirais Xyrois Xystis Yabeis Yaceis Yackis Yaenis Yaftis Yageis Yaihis Yakiis Yakois Yaliis Yaotis Yartis Yazais Yeadis Yeapis Yebbeis Yeckis Yeffis Yegiis Yegois Yehois Yejiis Yekeis Yemois Yempis Yengis Yenkis Yeoris Yeppis Yerdis Yermis Yernis Yerris Yetiis Yewlis Yewnis Yewpis Yeyeis Yhwhis Yiakis Yidiis Yienis Yieris Yiggis Yiitis Yillis Yilmis Yilpis Yinois Yirkis Yisiis Yisuis Yitois Yittis Ylimis Ymceis Ymheis Yokiis Yopiis Yorris Yotiis Yuaris Yuckis Yugeis Yughis Yugois Yukiis Yuliis Yulkis Yunois Yuriis Yuwlis Yuwtis Ywceis Ywheis Zakiis Zalais Zanos Zanosisiis Zepais Zexiis Zibais Zielis Zimois Zionis Zirkis Ziruis Zistis Ziteis Zokris Zollis Zombis Zoncis Zongis Zoniis Zonkis Zounis Zuakis Zuguis Zuieis Zuneis Zuniis Zunkis Zuodis Zurois Zuukis Zuumis
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aworldofmymaking · 1 year
My Family
By: Ann Louise Lyn Baroy GE5 MWF 9:00-10:00
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Family consists of the people who support and love you, and the people you can confide in and trust. They corresponds to what you are. Family means having someone to love you unconditionally in spite of you and your shortcomings. Family is loving and supporting one another even when it's not easy to do so. It's being the best person you could be so that you may inspire your love ones. To me, the word family includes all the people in our lives who commit to love and support us unconditionally. It is not a passive birthright but a choice, a discipline of kindness that helps us thrive both as individuals and as a society. To me a family is whoever I can depend on for support, to laugh with, to play with, and to share the challenges and rewards of life with.
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Police have said a car traveling at extremely high speeds on Highway 427 flew over a concrete ramp, landed in a ditch, and then hit another concrete wall before bursting into flames late Monday night.
A 20-year-old man and a 17-year-old boy were pronounced dead on the highway, and a 20-year-old woman sitting in the front passenger seat died after being taken to the hospital, police said.
The three students who died were Arian Alam Dipto, Shahriar Mahir Khan, and Angela Baroi, according to Consul General Lutfor Rahman.
Rahman said the 21-year-old driver, Nibir Kumar, is the son of popular Bangladeshi singer Kumar Bishwajit and remains in a Toronto hospital in critical condition.
"The Consulate General expressed sincere condolences to the bereaved family members of the deceased and prayed for their eternal peace and for the quick recovery of the injured one," Rahman wrote in a statement.
Rizwan Ibn Ahmed, who identified himself as a friend of Dipto, said he loved food, video games, and hanging out with his close friends and family. He has "a very friendly personality, cheering and joyful," and dreams of studying outside Bangladesh, he said.
Another friend of Dipto, Sumaiya Tabassum, said on Facebook she was in "shock, utter denial, and disbelief" over Dipto's death as she had wished him a happy birthday just days before.
"It is not fair that you lived a shorter life than me; you were just a baby," she wrote in a post commemorating Dipto. "You were always there for everyone texting you, hoping for a reply from the other side."
Ayeman Rashid, who identified himself on Facebook as a close friend of Khan, said he was "a very humble guy with manners for everyone."
A visitation for Baroi was set for Monday evening in Toronto's west end, while a service for Dipto and Khan is set to be held Monday in the city's east end.
The victims' families are working to have their bodies repatriated to Bangladesh after the memorial services, Rahman said in an interview.
Nazia Hossain, vice president of the National Bangladeshi-Canadian Council, has said all the international students in the car attended different schools in the Greater Toronto Area.
The crash should be a warning for other international students who come to Canada about how road conditions may differ here, especially during the winter, Hossain said.
"I want to tell them that you are very young; you should be very careful when driving at night; the road conditions in Bangladesh are not the same," she said. 
Last winter, a crash on Ontario’s Highway 401 between a car and a tractor-trailer killed five students from India.
Harpreet Singh, Jaspinder Singh, Karanpal Singh, Mohit Chouhan, and Pawan Kumar, who were between the ages of 21 and 24, were pronounced dead at the scene. Their families have said they all studied in the Montreal or Greater Toronto areas.
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emodemedeiros · 2 years
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Great things are in the works for 2023...and I want to start the year with a message of gratitude to the curators I have worked with. Thank you for the projects we carried through, the ideas we exchanged and the moments we shared. I wish you the very best for 2023.✨ De belles choses sont prévues pour 2023...et je veux commencer l'année par un message de gratitude aux commissaires avec lesquels j'ai travaillé. Merci pour les projets que nous avons réalisés, les idées que nous avons échangées et les moments que nous avons partagés. Je vous souhaite le meilleur à venir pour 2023.✨ 🌏🔥🌊🌈✨ Defne Ayas Gabriel Bogossian Manuela de Barros Meriem Berrada Osei Bonsu Eva Barois de Caevel Ilaria Conti Stéphane Corréard Armelle Dakouo Philippe Dagen Salimata Diop Christine Eyene Reem Fadda Solange Farkas Juan Pablo García Sossa Mark Gisbourne Natasha Ginwala Didier Houenoude Jean-Michel Jagot Hajra Haider Karrar Charlotte Langhorst Aude Leveau Valentina Gioia Levy Jeanne Mercier Vittoria Matarrese Wunika Mukan Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung Paula Nascimento Simon Njami Azu Nwabogu Julie Pellegrin Kerstin Pinther Gabriel Rodriguez Isabelle Renard Renée Roukens Renny Ramakers Arthur Steiner Alexia Tala Valentine Umansky Alexandra Weigand Mawena Yehouessi Kathryn Weir #gratitude #thanks #art #curators #team229 #emodemedeiros #future Artwork: "Akpe", 2022 (à Ouidah) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnzUrcDo2n9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rreve · 2 years
12.17.22 - Light daw
It is how do you say a humbling explosion of nostalgia and a relief to be one with nature again. For long years of struggling to fit in, being in my mother's hometown is a blessing. Seeing His gifts do the work and thriving in an otherwise chaotic country puts everything in perspective. One which I have completely disregarded in my attempts to live a certain lifestyle set by someone up there in the ladder of social status.
Getting to see the places I've known to be bigger than I was become a bustling trading ground and seeing it smaller than I remember. It's cute. The stars followed me for a short time until the entirety of Baroy just engulfed by an underwater world.
Best part is represented by the image below.
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The serenity that these creatures give is truly refreshing. Maybe not to those who have lived here forever because I'm pretty sure they are exhausted already. If there's anyway I can be that fresh perspective to them I am willing to accept the privilege but I don't want attention. My girl Mindy is correct in all her quirks. I've officially added Woke Indian sister as part of my CV.
Let the light inside you be the center of your work so you never lose out and always keep the best for yourself because your craft will be appreciated but will be exploited for all it's Hollywood glory. Yes I'm taking about you Darna. Unsa mana oy... Wa na gyuy lain ba. Anyways, welcome home indeed.
P.s. cigarette smoking is bad for your health. Akalain mo Yun? You know what's good? 😅
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Rongila Baroi Location Lakkatura Tea Garden Airport Sylhet Bangladesh
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thejkbrothers · 4 years
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🌵🌴🌳🌲Make Green Mundraaaaaaaaaaàaa!!,,,🌳🌱🌿🍃☘️🍀🌵🌴🌳🌲⚡🐢🦕🦖🐉🐲🦚🦢🕊️🦜🐦🐦🦅🦉 Now Available @ Jk Brothers Mundra 🌦️🌥️⛅🌨️🌎🌍🌏 Free Available For Everyone,,😃😄😄 Visit Our Store :Jk Brothers, Shop no. 2, Suyash plaza, Nr. Axis Bank, Baroi Road, Mundra 370421. www.thejkbrothers.com #jkbrothersclothing #jkbrothers #collartshirt #tshirtsformen #everydayfashion #casualwear #casualfashion #menfashionstore #fashionstore #gujarat # Mundra #mundraport #adanigreenenergy #adaniport #baroi #gundala @ Mundra (at Jk Brothers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCQF9gSHvKH/?igshid=11zpk4cpsr4p7
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chic-a-gigot · 2 years
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La Mode, Pl. 271, 15 décembre 1832, Paris. Chapeau-beret en crepe orne de plumes. Robe de velours. Manteau de gros de naples par Mme. Allin Barois. Digital Collections of the Los Angeles Public Library
The woman on the left is wearing a purple dress with gigot sleeves and a fur stole around her neck.  She is wearing earrings and white gloves and is holding a fan and handkerchief in her left hand.  She is wearing a pink hat decorated with feathers. The woman on the left is facing away from the viewer.  She is wearing a tan overcoat over her royal blue dress. She is wearing white gloves, earrings, and a white hat decorated with feathers.
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blackabdelroy-blog · 3 years
prodigue Iliman Ndiaye Cheikh new contract with Sheffield United FC
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jsicko · 6 years
In a world of unpredictability, Consistency is such a thing of beauty.
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seaofwine · 2 years
art honoring Aphrodite
This is part 8 of this series: the links for Apollon, Artemis, Hermes, Dionysos, Ariadne, Hades & Persephone, and Hera can be found here.
Disclaimer: Most artists outside of antiquity used Aphrodite/Venus interchangeably for a myriad of cultural and religious reasons. I do understand that Venus and Aphrodite are syncretized deities with different aspects in Greek and Roman society respectively.
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In order: 1) Venus Crossing the Sea in a Shell by Giuseppe Bezzuoli, c. 1830s, private collection. 2) The Birth of Venus by Francois Boucher, 1740, National Museum in Stockholm. 3) The Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863, Musee d'Orsay, Paris. 4) Venus with a Satyr and Cupids by Annibale Carracci, 1588, Uffizi Gallery, Rome. 5) The Birth of Venus by Noel-Nicolas Coypel, 1732, Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. 6) Venus Asking Vulcan to Cast Arms for Her Son, Aeneas by Sir Anthony van Dyck, 1630-32, the Louvre, Paris. 7) Callipygian Venus by Francois Barois, 1683-86, the Louvre, Paris. 8) Venus Reprimanding Cupid by Gustav Heinrich Eberlein, 1893, private collection.
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