#basic home gym setup
fullpump1 · 11 months
Best Home Gym Equipment
Want to get in shape? Can't find the time to hit the gym? Try Unitree PUMP, a portable at-home gym. Mark your order today from FullPump.com
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princessfbi · 4 months
i love your HC about tommy having a fixer upper, ik people were like “how is tommy impressed by bucks loft if he has a car lift and muay thai set up at his place” but like i grew up with ppl who had car lifts in their garage because they liked to work on cars in their freetime or as a side hustle (and i grew up fairly lower middle class basically almost poor lmao) and a muay thai set up isnt so weird either, ppl have gym setups in their basements all the time. i definitely see the vision, like i imagine he’s been working on fixing up his house room by room since he bought it and maybe it’s a bit of a mess from all the work but its cozy and feels like home to him. anyways just wanted to reiterate i really love this HC so much.
Thank you! Now picture him with his mattress on the ground in the middle of the room and Buck is there with paint on his cheek, beaming and Tommy is just falling harder and harder every second that he has to go and kiss him.
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Sleepover Weekend Asks
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dullgecko · 1 month
Okay another list!!! One happy and one sad for each
Fabian has night terrors- many of them related to that one dream he got in Leviathan
Fabian is now a happy host to the best setup service in the school (dating the former president has its perks in terms of gossip, and your best friend being a brilliant rogue is also very helpful)
Adaine is allergic to a very specific washing detergent and it never comes up until one time Jawbone and Sandra Lynn buy it and she wakes up with rashes all over
Adaine is slowly learning how to eat a normal amount of food, and very quickly discovering how much she loves food
Gorgug once in a while will get very, very angry for seemingly no reason (it's a part of Orcish physiology that has never been studied; a means of protection for their clubs (orc family groups) and never harmful to said members). The bad kids have learned to recognize the signs and do their best to calm him down, but often during it he'll say some very hurtful things. Afterwards he always shuts down, and won't speak at all. He often has nightmares about hurting the other bad kids.
Gorgug will happily let any member of the bad kids climb on him. He loves being a jungle gym, and to be honest, it's a really good workout.
Fig has the worst period of any of the bad girls. It leaves her literally stuck in bed and no amount of medicine helps save very addictive painkillers. So she's stuck in bed for a bit.
Fig actually is very good at pop music, she has the voice for it, and she likes practicing or warming up with a pop song
Riz has never gotten over when Grix cast Dominate Monster on him. He hasn't told his mother (and never plans to), but he gets nightmares about his friends leaving him because he's "monstrous"
Riz is the best person to ask to remind you of something. He has a notebook specifically for things members of the bad kids have asked him to remind them of. Aside from that, he has a very good memory, which helps with research.
Kristen has super bad body dysphoria. She often doesn't like to look in mirrors and can't look down at herself. She wears lots of baggy t-shirt when it happens (she runs far too warm to wear hoodies; Helio's blessing on her as his chosen one when she was a kid).
Kristen is always the life of the party. She thrives in making others smile and all in all being a good host. Her and Fabian throw the best parties, and given their more introverted friends, also always have an introvert corner/quiet space at said parties.
Sorry i took so long to get to this one, these big asks are harder for me to answer on a dinky phone screen. I had to wait until i got home so i could reach MAXIMUM WPM with a keyboard.
//Fabian has night terrors- many of them related to that one dream he got in Leviathan//
Fabian occasionally has night terrors, and as the years go on he keeps getting more and more horrifying scenarios to add to them. It started off with the night his father died and he lost his eye, and sometimes he dreams he wasnt there in time to save his mother.
It only gets worse from Laviathan and the nightmare forest, and becomes a rotating parade of Chungledown Bim, Whitclaw, his swim in the ocean, him being a passenger in his own body while he watches himself stab the Hangman (this one is sometimes swapped out to him stabbing Riz instead), that dream he had where he basically became Gilear, and of course that fucking sexy rat.
Junior year just adds a lovely sprinkling of him being in his house, alone, and when he leaves his house the town is also completely empty.
He usually wakes up in a panic and calls Riz (who he knows is probably still awake, and even if he wasn't still answers by the second ring) and gets him to info dump about whatever he's working on until his heart rate calms down.
//Fabian is now a happy host to the best setup service in the school (dating the former president has its perks in terms of gossip, and your best friend being a brilliant rogue is also very helpful)//
It started during junior year when he was hosting his lofi study nights, he wasnt dating Mazey yet but they were still friendly with eachother. She was an absoloute sucker for romance, so she tended to keep a finger on the pulse so to speak of what the most recent crushes were, and who wanted to ask out who. Fabian was more than happy to start helping her nudge these budding romances along (and Riz begrudgingly got roped into delivering confession notes from time to time... its fine, he got extra credit in his rogue classes which he forced Fabian to sign the paperwork for).
//Adaine is allergic to a very specific washing detergent and it never comes up until one time Jawbone and Sandra Lynn buy it and she wakes up with rashes all over//
Adaine would never know she was sensitive to some kinds of laundry detergent, simply because the laundry detergent used in her house had been some sort of fancy elven concoction that would have cost half of Jawbones salary. This new one smelled really nice, and had been half off, but was apparently created to torture Adaine specifically.
The rashes went away after a few hours and an antihistamine, but she had to use prestidigitation on all her clothes to make sure there was none of the residue left. Prestidigitation left the clothes clean but now without the nice scent and also just a little bit scratchy because there was no softener left between the fibres.
Jawbone tossed the almost completely full box in the trash, and purchased one specifically for sensitive skin the same day (and they made sure to test it for Adaine by washing a small rag and holding it against her arm so they could check for a reaction).
//Adaine is slowly learning how to eat a normal amount of food, and very quickly discovering how much she loves food//
Elves, as a general rule, don't eat a very large amount of food or even need to. Even with that said, Adaine was never given very much food even by elven standards when she was growing up. Once Jawbone found out, he makes sure that she has both a good breakfast every chance he gets AND snacks packed in her bag for throughout the day. Not to mention dinner and desserts and hot drinks before bed AND midnight snacks. All of it delicious, and Adaine loves every single bit of it (oracle visions use up a LOT of calories it turns out).
//Gorgug once in a while will get very, very angry for seemingly no reason (it's a part of Orcish physiology that has never been studied; a means of protection for their clubs (orc family groups) and never harmful to said members). The bad kids have learned to recognize the signs and do their best to calm him down, but often during it he'll say some very hurtful things. Afterwards he always shuts down, and won't speak at all. He often has nightmares about hurting the other bad kids.//
He cant really help it, but his friends and family have given him some pretty good coping mechanisms throughout the year. It mostly manifests as him getting an extreamly short fuse for a few days, and a lot of restless energy, which can cause him to snap and be mean even if he doesnt really mean the things he says. If he can feel the anger coming, usually he'll completely remove himself from the situation before he hurts someone and will try to burn off some energy by either going for a run or swinging his ax around until he's exhausted.
//Gorgug will happily let any member of the bad kids climb on him. He loves being a jungle gym, and to be honest, it's a really good workout.//
Gorgug was surprised at first by how willing the other kids were to clamber all over him, but he supposed it made a sort of sense. Initially it was just Riz, but he would climb ANYTHING to get a higher vantage point if it stood still long enough. The goblin was also absoloutley fearless when it came to heights and rather than just jumping on him for a piggy back ride like Kristen and Fig he would stand and perch and, if Gorgug held his arm out straight, would walk along his outstretched arm as if he wasnt nearly twice his height off the ground.
The other kids would also lean on him whenever he sat down, or flop across his legs, and would just laugh and let him pick them up and move them somewhere more comfortable. On one occasion they got into a conversation where the topic of 'how many of your teammates could you pick up and get out of danger in an emergency' came up. The answer was all of them, but they had to get creative with the configuration because he only has two hands.
//Fig has the worst period of any of the bad girls. It leaves her literally stuck in bed and no amount of medicine helps save very addictive painkillers. So she's stuck in bed for a bit.//
It started getting bad right around when her infernal characteristics started coming in. The doctors can't really do much rather than throw medication at her and give her excused absenses from school. Their best guess for the reason its so bad is so common it literally transcends realities "we dont know, its just like that sometimes, take some painkillers and use a heat pack". Even in Spyre where magic and fantasy abound, womens health can be an absoloute joke.
//Fig actually is very good at pop music, she has the voice for it, and she likes practicing or warming up with a pop song//
Fig is an incredibly talented bard, and as long as she's feeling the vibe she can absoloutly nail whatever song she feels like performing that day. She doesnt even have a genre thats really her favorite, she just listens to and sings songs she likes. Sometimes that's going to be pop, maybe country, and sometimes she gets REALLY into some death metal.
//Riz has never gotten over when Grix cast Dominate Monster on him. He hasn't told his mother (and never plans to), but he gets nightmares about his friends leaving him because he's "monstrous"//
Riz has an incredibly deep self-hatred for the part of him thats a monster, so much so that he tries VERY hard to present himself in such a way that people will overlook it. The manners, the way he dresses and the way he acts in public is all supposed to project an aura of 'i'm harmless, im just a polite little guy in a nice suit, im smart and well read and i help people in my job. im not like those creatures that are the bad guys you tell your children at night'. The other bad kids didn't even know he had a tail for almost a full YEAR after he met them because he kept it tucked away so he had a less monsterous appearance. The children at his first school used to bully him horribly about it, and he has on more than one occasion had it pulled or stomped on hard enough to cause bones to break. His tail is part of his SPINE and is incredibly sensitive, only very close family and lovers are even allowed to touch it in goblin society and injuries like that are debilitating.
His friends accepting him for the way he is is very slowly helping him get past that, but the acting principal casting dominate monster on him hurts a lot more than he lets on. Not dominate person, specifically dominate monster. It makes him feel sick to his stomach and he backslides into the self-hating pretty hard afterwards and his dreams reflect it (when he even sleeps that is, his primary method of self-harming is denying himself sleep so that he can keep being useful and un-monsterous). Jawbone does his best to help when he notices something is wrong.
//Riz is the best person to ask to remind you of something. He has a notebook specifically for things members of the bad kids have asked him to remind them of. Aside from that, he has a very good memory, which helps with research.//
Riz has an excellent memory, but he'll still write it down as long as its not something that could be used against them later. He's a smart enough rogue not to leave evidence behind if he can help it. Even the more mundane things he writes down though are in his own personal cypher, but he hasnt yet had to actually use the notes he takes in order to remember to do something. Its more of a backup just in case of memory wipes.
//Kristen has super bad body dysphoria. She often doesn't like to look in mirrors and can't look down at herself. She wears lots of baggy t-shirt when it happens (she runs far too warm to wear hoodies; Helio's blessing on her as his chosen one when she was a kid).//
It starts after she revives herself in the Nightmare Forest. She literally recreated her body from a single finger bone and sometimes it feels like she did it wrong somehow. Sometimes she'll catch herself scrutinising her face in the mirror, wondering if she always had that freckle or if her nose really was that shape before she died. Were her arms always that long, did her ears always poke out to the side like that, was her hair always that specific colour or was it more red?
Once she starts working out the body dysphoria starts to get a little bit better, pushing herself to physical exhaustion helps keep her grounded and makes her feel like YES this is my real body, i exist in it and it belongs to me. Its a process, but she's working on it.
//Kristen is always the life of the party. She thrives in making others smile and all in all being a good host. Her and Fabian throw the best parties, and given their more introverted friends, also always have an introvert corner/quiet space at said parties.//
Bad kid parties are an absoloute event. The more social members of the party all have their roles to play and damn do they play them well. Kristen for her part is in charge of the general health and wellbeing of everyone at the party, making her rounds to make sure everyone is having fun and doing okay and generally having a good time. Its a very Cleric role to have, but thats what makes her so good at it.
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script-a-world · 15 days
Submitted via Google Form:
How much weight can a condo/apartment take? I have a character with both heavy gym and sound systems, at least several tons. Or how is someone going to find a suitable place that would take such heavy things? I have a friend who is a realtor and she says no one ever asks those things and has no idea.
Tex: Mass-built apartments and condos by corporations tend to cut corners wherever possible, so the weight load is probably going to be according to applicable building regulations, so that would be the first place to look on what is considered typical for residential buildings. People - insofar as I’m aware - that have gym and sound systems of a significant weight tend to live in homes and place these things either in their garages or outside (more likely a gym set for this, because of weather) where a concrete ground floor can accommodate for the load capacity.
Unless you’re putting a character in a setting where this is a typical set of items to own, and thus building regulations to follow, it’s likely to be an entirely custom construction that takes into account how much PSI (or pascals) an above-ground floor can bear with equipment like that.
Addy: Local building codes may vary, so take this as you will. First off, multiple tons of equipment is going to be…. That’s a no-go. Many apartments don’t even allow 50-gallon fish tanks, and those weigh ~600 lbs when full. Multiple tons? That is very, very unlikely. Their apartment building might have a gym floor, or the character might have some basic weights/dumbbells and some pull-up bars, but a whole gym setup… that’s going to be very heavy and also very expensive. A queen-size waterbed weighs less than a single ton, and people would sometimes have to get their floors specially reinforced for those. Your realtor friend may be familiar with waterbed prohibitions - it’s like that, but even moreso.
Is it technically possible? Absolutely, especially if you have access to an old, no-longer-used maintenance room (much higher load capacity) or something on a ground floor. But once you start going vertical, the strength capacity changes dramatically. Technically, nobody’s going to be designing a first-floor unit to hold several tons, but you’re less likely to cave in the floor if you’re on the lowest level (so assuming no basement beneath you).
But I wouldn’t recommend it. For reference, a drum kit might weigh 100-200 lbs, depending on how much it’s got going on. I’m not sure how large your character’s sound system is, or how many pieces of gym equipment they own in their own home, but several tons is… a lot.
Miri: Another thing of note, having a very fancy sound system in an apartment is likely to make you the target of complaints from your neighbours and you’re not going to be in that apartment long. Soundproofing is not great, and the vibrations especially travel pretty well.
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storiesbyjes2g · 9 months
3.57 The resort
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Winter arrived, and I couldn't even tell. The pleasantly warm temperature was the same as every other day that week, like autumn in San Sequoia, and I loved it. At least it didn't rain, though. I in no way had any regrets about moving in with Sophia, but I missed San Sequoia a lot—a whole lot. There was just something about that colorful town that resonated with me. With any luck, we could move back one day, but for now, Oasis Springs was my dusty new home.
Good thing I didn't have a traditional job, or otherwise Sophia and I would struggle to find time together. Not only did she work an early shift, but also she worked on weekends and had two random days off in the middle of the week. But that also meant I'd only have a few hours each day to get everything I needed to get done before she got home if we wanted to maximize our time together. I could have gone back to San Sequoia to host a class or two, but I used the time to shop for a few items for the house and put up my pictures. I was no design diva like Mama, but I hoped Sophia would be pleasantly surprised when she walked through the door.
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After the decor adventure, I went for a jog, and would you believe it rained after I had just given Oasis Springs props for not raining on me? Rude. Maybe the latter part of the year was just rainier everywhere in general and I never noticed until now.
Next to our house was an empty lot, and even though I'd jogged past it a few times, it stood out that day and got me thinking. How much would it cost to build a very small, very basic studio? The question intrigued me so much I canceled my second lap and went back home to do some research. The price of the land was relatively cheap, which meant the lot taxes would probably be low as well. So far, I had no reason to not consider this path, but I tucked the idea away for another time because I became distracted by learning about a spa resort right here in Oasis Springs. The resort, named Desert Bloom Spa Hotel, was conveniently located near our neighborhood. I still had a few more hours before Sophia got back, so I went to check it out.
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I had only entered the lobby and already fell in love with the place. It was so clean, modern, and peaceful. Maybe one day Sophia and I could do a weekend getaway—a staycation of sorts. Well, definitely not on the weekend, but you know what I meant. I found someone who worked there and asked if I could look around, and to my surprise, she volunteered to take me on a tour and began in the dining room, which was just across the breezeway from the front desk.
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They served continental breakfast, snacks during the day, and tapas at night. At the heart of the facility, there was a sprawling fountain that spanned almost the entire length of the spa. The poolside bar was pretty big too. Tables and chairs were scattered all around the fountain, giving plenty of room for everyone to hang out and chill over a nice drink.
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They even had a two-level gym with enough machines to accommodate nearly anyone wishing to workout during their stay. Not even my gym in Newcrest had that many machines. This place was really growing on me, and I wondered if I could frequent it without a reservation.
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Up next were the residential suites. We couldn't go in them, of course, but they were duplex style, side-by-side suites that mirrored each other. They shared a common pool, and I got to peek inside a little from the patio door. They looked nice enough inside. I think we could be happy there for a few days--not that we'll be sitting around looking at the wallpaper, heh.
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The yoga area was outside across from the suites and pool, and MAN I was so inspired. I rarely thought about opening my own yoga studio. Honestly, it was yet another one of Mama's ideas that eventually bored its way into my subconscious. But sometimes the idea was strong enough that it felt like it came from my own mind, and I really wanted to do it. Looking at their setup gave me so many ideas for how I could craft mine when the time came.
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Hopefully, they also had an indoor facility because it started raining again. I would hate to be a paying customer who wasn't able to take any classes because of the weather. Watcher forbid they still carried on, regardless. I asked my tour guide if they ever did guided meditations and explained I was a yoga instructor myself and led guided meditations in San Sequoia. This intrigued her, and she promised to discuss it with the owner.
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Turns out they didn't have an indoor yoga room, but the meditation room was upstairs. The spa rooms were also upstairs, but my tour guide didn't let me go in for obvious reasons. But she said there was a sauna, two tables inside, and multiple massage chairs on the upper deck. The lobby for the massage rooms was just as clean and peaceful as the front desk, so I knew the service rooms would be too.
I was so wrapped up in the tour I didn't realize the time. Sophia had already arrived home, and I missed the opportunity to show her the things I bought. True, she could see them as soon as she walked in, but I wanted to be the one to show her. But in Sophia-like fashion, she began raving about how much she loved the rug and blinds as soon as I walked in.
Luckily, she hadn't seen the other room yet, so I got to show her the couch for the office, and she loved that too.
"Thanks for moving the desk and fitting the couch in there. I know it's not easy getting things in and out of here."
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It was no trouble. After all, I was a very strong man, heh.
I joined her on the couch and asked about her day. Thankfully, it was much better than yesterday but still kind of meh. I guess that's the answer a lot of sims gave since it was so common to work a job one didn't love. I wanted better for her and didn't enjoy seeing her live a mediocre life. Hopefully, one day my yoga business would be so good she wouldn't have to work if she didn't want to. I just wanted her to be happy.
The conversation reached a lull, and she took the opportunity to change the subject and ask me a very serious question.
"So how are you feeling about living here?"
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To be continued...
The resort is a golden oldie by @jenba!
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kopfkino-o · 8 months
so i finally finished hofas. and don’t come for me, but this is officially my least favorite SJM book. spoilers and my thoughts below
this book was just so messy. it felt rushed, felt stuffed full of all these plot threads, and so many side characters were just shoved to the wayside. Like what was even the point of Sigrid? All home girl did was die so Ithan could become Prime. The story could have basically been the exact same without her character. Flynn and Declan largely felt interchangeable. Celestina, Naomi, and Isaiah could have also been left out and the story wouldn't have changed. Hypaxia was there, but we saw hardly any development on her arc or learned anything about her. And don't even get me started on Fury and Juniper (aka the glorified Uber drivers). There were too many characters and not enough time/focus on their development which left them feeling flat / useless.
As for Bryce…yikes. She came across as a discount Aelin with a cellphone and no regard for others trauma. I really don’t like the characterization of her in this book, which is a shame because I LOVED her in CC1. She came across as childish, petty, selfish, and brash. I found some of her "sassy one-liners" to be very cringey.
Lidia Cervos and Nesta Archeron deserve a fucking metal for carrying the entire book on their backs because miss Bryce certainly didn’t.
Now the world building…as a high fantasy girlie, the world building in this book was a treat. I loved all the lore, the history, the explanations we got, and the setup for the next ACOTAR book is truly impeccable (more to come on this later…). Howeverrr the plot of this book just fell a little flat for me. It felt messy, disjointed between all the POV switches, and I feel a lot of plot threads just went...nowhere (ie: the thunder birds, Viktoria the wraith, Ariadne and her dragon fire, the Viper Queen, etc).
I know SJM loves happy ever afters, but damn, she needs to stop with the fake-out deaths.
It really really cheapens the stakes and makes the entire story feel…underwhelming. Undeserved? Like am I truly supposed to be afraid of Asteri, the supposed Big Baddie™️ of the entire universe, if none of the main cast dies or truly suffers at their hands? Idk. Beating them felt…too easy. Too convenient for all the characters.
Also, I really disliked how there were no consequences for our characters.
Ruhn, Baxian, and Hunt are brutally tortured, yet they're back in the gym, thinking nothing of it, a few chapters later. We saw Nesta clearly struggle with the Mask yet both Bryce and Hunt used it as if it was a pair of cheap sunglasses. Tharion experienced no consequences from defecting the Viper Queen and don't even get me started about the River Queen. In exposition, he reflects on how she will 100% kill him, yet she's cool with him after he gives a few half-assed lines about "the right thing". Like mmmm okay babes I thought she wanted you dead dead, no questions asked. Everything was just too easy. Powerful objects were there when they were needed, former enemies turned allies without much of a fight, and the Asteri themselves were defeated rather easily in the end.
Overall? It was a 3.5 star read for me.
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megkenobi · 1 month
my bf has basically made himself a little at home gym in our spare room where my gaming setup is which means now i get to just sit in here and pretend I'm doing stuff and instead i'm just staring at him and thinking about how hot he is
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pirepoumon · 3 months
still thinking about the venue choice local queer (as in, content about queer people, relationships, transition, etc. regardless of who created it) performances essay i want to write. but i don't know what my point is and i can't write without one.
consistently the warehouse stagings of weirder shows by local arts juggernauts, no matter the theme, are specifically leveraging the sense of intimacy that only a couple rows deep of in-the-round gym chair seating can provide. KYS is the first, imo, of the modern local renaissance and they did it with horror - but even their straight titus andronicus was in Play's (gay bar) warehouse, back when they didn't have their own. the woman in black was a stunning (mostly) two man show, also not queer*.
contrasting as one from ky opera and the woman in black is a large part of what got me thinking about this anyway - the former is a gorgeous two singer opera which was staged in the opera's warehouse, the bar in their library, the organization's history on the walls in the same non-advertising, scrapbook way that is a casual private kind of public, like family photos in a living room. in the post-performance talk the director (who is, in fact, heading ATL but took on his first opera direction this show) talked about the choice to stage it here not only as the intimacy of the physical facts of the space - its size, the stage and seating sharing a floor without demarcation or elevation change - but the intimacy of being in the opera's home, home office and home rehearsal space.
the opera's warehouse is located on magazine street - eighth and magazine, where you can see the great asphalt canyon of the ninth street divide from their parking lot. no preserved facades, no whiskey row art installations, no tourism advertising, just the living legacy of carving the black west end from the city center via the bulldozing and highway-building policies of our 20th century city government. it feels othered, because it is other-than, but i do think that sense of home the opera spoke to is palpable, even if i refrain from pretending i can judge the "authenticity" of a "feeling" of an organization.
ky shakes' hometurf shows haven't been queer, as discussed above, but their shakespeare in dance ballet collaboration shocked me to tears with the public dramatization of both heterosexual and homosexual desire on stage, for free, in the park, all those years ago. and so still it hits that when i walk to their shelby street warehouse for their seasonal halloween show, their private home i have come to visit only blocks away from their public one, i do believe it when Matt Wallace tells me this is YOUR kentucky shakespeare.
it is beyond the scope of this essay i'm not writing to address the similarly your louisville orchestra tagline-obsessed, uh, LO, but that line lands solely in the context of teddy abrams' revival of the making music program in local elementary schools, in its tour of the entire state from east to west that parallels the now-standard miniature parks (and library) tour of kentucky shakes.
there are other considerations, like price (it's easier to swallow KY shakes being ours when its main season is fully free; the opera, reaching out beautifully, is still exceptionally expensive without student tix). the geographical designation in these organization's names are practical to distinguish from other ones elsewhere, sure, but it is essential to their revival**. there are two ways for something to belong to a group whose sole commonality is geographical residence: to invite people in, or to go to their community wherever they are; arts organizations who most embody their own vision of belonging to/serving their neighbors will and must do both.
well i guess this has to be part one because this is basically the perfect setup for re-explaining why the highview mob boss sligo newcastle from the extremely mediocre play the kiss me curse at highview arts center is essentially the pinnacle of local theater ethos. but i am out of time
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whentherewerebicycles · 10 months
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phew I got the tutoring job! huge relief, especially as I just narrowly avoided overdrawing my bank account when my rent payment went through 🫠 I still have about $1500 in medical bills to pay off in installments but I am sloooowly getting closer to being able to put money away again. I’m not sure I can really afford this weights class in the long term but I feel like gym classes are kind of on the same level as buying healthy food—both are expensive but they feel like justifiable expenses for health/well-being reasons. I’ll try out this two-month package I bought and see how I feel at the end of it.
okay let’s think about the day. I do want to go back and add two more slides to my slide deck (one definitions slide and one sample CS project, maybe the AI ethics or psych/CS one) then just quickly run through the whole thing, but I think it’s basically done. I also want to go for a 40 min walk since I won’t be home until after dark. let’s see how about this:
7-9 coffee, lounge, work emails
9-10 walk dogs
10-10:30 shower/get ready
10:30-11:15 add two additional slides, email slide deck to the professor, make breakfast and pack a late lunch?
11:15-11:45 get dressed but also hmm think a bit about this website stuff…
11:45ish drive into work
12:15-1 prep for website mtg + librarians mtg
1-1:30 class presentation
1:30-2 prep for librarians
2-2:30 meet with librarians
2:30-3:30 do a burst of work on rec letter? or finish website planning, review annual report
3:30-4 class presentation
4-6 scholars event
6-6:30 commute home (pick up Rx??)
stir fry leftovers for dinner, do some of these setup tasks for the tutoring job, read
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How to Choose the Right Gym Equipment for Your Home Gym 
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Creating a home gym is a powerful step towards achieving your fitness goals, offering convenience and flexibility in your workout routine. However, choosing the right gym equipment for your home can be a daunting task, especially with the multitude of options available in the market. Whether you're looking to build strength, improve cardiovascular fitness, or simply stay active, making informed decisions about the equipment you invest in is crucial.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to help you select the perfect home gym equipment tailored to your needs, space, and budget. From assessing your fitness goals to evaluating available space and considering factors like budget, versatility, and safety, we'll cover it all. By the end of this blog, you'll be well-equipped to create a personalized and effective home gym that motivates you to stay on track with your fitness journey. So, let's dive in and transform your home into the ultimate workout haven!
Tips to Choose the Right Gym Equipment for Your Home Gym
Choosing the right gym equipment for your home gym is essential to create an effective and enjoyable workout space. Here are some steps to help you make informed decisions when selecting home gym equipment:
Assess Your Fitness Goals:
Determine your fitness objectives, whether it's strength training, cardiovascular fitness, weight loss, or a combination of these.
Consider your workout preferences and the types of exercises you enjoy.
Allocate a Budget:
Set a budget for your home gym equipment. This will help you narrow down your options and prevent overspending.
Evaluate Available Space:
Measure the available space in your home gym area to ensure that the equipment you choose fits comfortably.
Prioritize Essential Equipment:
Start with the basics, such as a workout bench, dumbbells or kettlebells, and resistance bands. These versatile items can support a wide range of exercises.
Consider Cardiovascular Equipment:
Depending on your goals and preferences, consider adding cardiovascular equipment like a treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical machine, or rowing machine.
Compact options like foldable treadmills or under-desk ellipticals are suitable for smaller spaces.
Explore Multi-Functional Equipment:
Look for multi-functional equipment, such as power racks or home gyms, which can accommodate various exercises in one unit.
Research Brands and Suppliers:
Research reputable gym equipment brands and suppliers. Read reviews and seek recommendations from fitness enthusiasts.
Check for warranties and customer support to ensure you have options if issues arise.
Test the Equipment (if possible):
If you have the opportunity, test the equipment in person at a store or gym to ensure it meets your comfort and usability criteria.
Consider Used Gym Equipment:
If you're on a tight budget, consider buying used gym equipment. Make sure it's in good condition and from a reliable source.
Ensure Safety Features:
Safety should be a priority. Ensure that the equipment you choose has safety features like safety locks, sturdy construction, and non-slip surfaces.
Plan for Accessories and Maintenance:
Don't forget to budget for accessories such as mats, mirrors, and storage solutions.
Plan for regular maintenance to keep your equipment in good working order.
Create a Well-Balanced Setup:
Aim for a well-balanced home gym setup that allows you to target different muscle groups and engage in various types of workouts.
Seek Expert Advice:
If you're unsure about your choices, consider consulting with a fitness trainer or expert who can provide personalized recommendations based on your goals and needs.
Start Small and Expand Over Time:
You don't need to buy all your equipment at once. Start with the essentials and gradually expand your home gym as your fitness journey progresses.
Personalize Your Space:
Make your home gym motivating and comfortable by adding personal touches like inspirational posters, music, and good lighting.
Remember that the right gym equipment for your home gym should align with your fitness goals, space, and budget. By carefully considering these factors and doing your research, you can create a home gym that helps you achieve your fitness objectives effectively and sustainably.
Q: 1 What factors should I consider when choosing gym equipment for my home gym?
A : Consider your fitness goals, available space, budget, and preferred workout routines to make the right choice.
Q: 2 Can I buy used gym equipment for my home gym?
A: Yes, buying used equipment can be cost-effective, but ensure it's in good condition and suits your needs.
Q:3 : What are essential pieces of equipment for a basic home gym setup?
A : Start with versatile options like dumbbells, a bench, resistance bands, and a stability ball.
Q 4: How can I maximize space in my home gym?
Opt for foldable or compact equipment, utilize wall space, and keep your gym organized for efficient use of space.
Q 5: Is it better to buy brand-new or used gym equipment for my home gym?
A:  Both options can work, but assess the condition and warranties for used equipment, while factoring in your budget and equipment needs.
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baenxietydad · 2 years
2006 || The Baes
tl:dr: Mu-yeol tells Nemo about the reopening of his mother's murder case.
Read the setup selfpara here
  Soon-ja’s voice echoed in his head long after he’d hung up the call, long after he gave up parsing out the things he was feeling. He was pleasantly surprised he still found himself capable of functioning after being brought back to the subject of So-yeon— guess the therapist and listening-talent both helped after all — and prepared a homemade lavender lemonade for Nemo. He’d texted him saying he wanted to come home and stay the weekend with his Appa, and would be home any minute.  Mu-yeol had almost told him ‘oh, but I’ll be too busy, how about next weekend?’ to process the news longer, but there was the promise he made to Nemo. No more lies; and telling him in a week wasn’t technically a lie, but it was concerning his mother. Nemo deserved to know quickly. 
  The door swung open and Mu-yeol grinned ear to ear at seeing his little — Ah, well, his grown up son. 
  “Nam-min! Come here, Appa needs a big hug, it’s been ages since my only son left for the war.” He put on a dramatic gaze out to no man’s land. 
Nemo had started a new routine this term and so far, it was definitely better. Not perfect, probably, but on the road to good. And that routine meant working out every day, working at Ruff to Fluff only twice a week, and every other weekend, he came home to the Hollow where he could let his wings down, eat Appa’s cooking, and flutter around his favourite places in Enchantra. All these things kept his head much more clear, though there was still this nagging anxiety that he wasn’t sure what he was doing and in reality, he was just wasting time until the inevitable. 
  At least he was managing that anxiety well. Stick to the routine. So here he was, sticking to his routine. 
  Nemo snorted at Appa, but the snort at least curled his lip into a smile. With a big roll of his eyes, he fluttered toward him. “Soooooo dramatic,” he said, but hugged Appa anyway. 
  Mu-yeol hugged Nemo tight, wriggling him around a bit and pressing a kiss to his forehead before letting him go. He wanted to hug him again, as if a second hug would soften the upcoming conversation, but he knew it would also be a dead giveaway that something was…well, was it wrong, or was it just off? One meant something bad had happened, which he supposed did (eighteen years ago), but the other meant there was simply a shift in his normal.
  “Are you hungry for anything? I could make something. Or just a cup of tea?”
  He didn’t want to stall, but he didn’t want to launch right into it either. Welcome home son, let’s talk about your mother and how she got murdered! Let him settle in first.
Props to Marlin – Nemo didn’t notice anything was different. Though maybe that was because it had been another long week. Every week in uni felt like a long week, even just taking his two classes. He still had homework, plus he was making sure to go to the gym every single day. He was a little sore, but Nemo was sure it was a good sore, the kind that meant his muscles were improving. 
  So tea actually sounded pretty good. His eyes lit up. “Ohhhh, orange peel tea? With honey?” Nemo said eagerly, a pretty typical kind of tea for this time of year (right before spring).
  Mu-yeol got the water going over the fireplace and hovered near it, his wings lifting him a little off the ground. He let the water boil in comfortable silence as Nemo flit up to his bedroom to change clothes and had the tea ready for him when he fluttered back down.
  “How’s school going? Is there anything I can do to help you succeed right now?”
  Right, start with this. Then…then broach the real subject.
This was a pretty typical question these days. Appa asked it basically whenever Nemo came home, or when they talked on the phone (which they usually did a few times a week). Nemo understood why Appa had to ask this, though sometimes it just made him feel self-conscious, like there was a mark on himself that he couldn’t erase… just like there was a blemish on his school record that he couldn’t erase.
  But ah well. Nemo knew not to fight it. He had to be like a fish and go with the flow. 
  “It’s going well, Appa, I feel good these days,” Nemo said, which is what he also usually said to this question. It was the truth! Two classes and working less hours at Ruff to Fluff was helping. “Ashlee and I were talking about maybe working on a showcase together again. That’d be fun.” 
  “I think you should!” Mu-yeol lit up at the mention of dancing with Ashlee. “You love dancing with her and it would be nice to dance with her again before your dance careers eventually might see you two taking different opportunities in different places.”
  Because he was going to manifest opportunities actually coming his son’s way. Of course they would be fewer and further between than a Mundus or just generally human dancer, but once just a few came he knew his son would earn more. He worked too hard to not get his fair shot. That’s all Mu-yeol wanted for him.
Mu-yeol bit at his lip and sighed as he set the tea down in front of Nemo.
  “Nam-min, 아들 (adeul).” Mu-yeol began. “I…need to talk to you about something. Um, it’s about eomma.”
About Eomma?
  For Nemo, this came out of nowhere. He and Appa did talk about Eomma often enough. She was carried into their conversations naturally though, as Appa saw something that reminded him of her or questions popped into Nemo’s brain about this or that. In the past few years, it was no longer as painful for the both of them. Nemo liked that she stayed close, y’know? Like a breeze that always came his way.
  But this was different. This– Nemo knew right away, by the tone of Appa’s voice but also by the lines on his forehead. 
  Nemo had no clue what it could be, but his stomach clenched. 
  “Uh– Eomma? Um, sure. What about Eomma?” Nemo asked as he tucked his palms around his warm mug of tea.
  There probably was a better way to frame that but pardon him for not having read the guidebook for this conversation. He tapped his fingers against the table and exhaled slowly before going into it. 
  “Um. Soon-ja called me a couple days ago. The South Korean government is reopening a bunch of cold cases involving fairy murders. Palatable fairies anyway, like your eomma.” Mu-yeol explained. “Her case was declared cold pretty quickly at the time, with little effort, but the government has an interest in appearing more friendly toward fairies right now and her case is being investigated by a special task force. I don’t know when I’ll know more information. And it could take months, a year, more than that even. Or it could go cold again. But I thought you should know there’s an effort being made.”
  He stopped at looked at Nemo, waiting for his response. 
Nemo listened. 
  What else could he do? This whole thing was like nothing he ever heard of before. He didn’t watch much TV, so he didn’t have experience with police dramas or true crime. He had learned a few things in his fellowship this year about magicks and law, but it was precisely that kind of complex, nuanced information, which required so much knowledge of other cases, that had confused and challenged him in class. In a way, Appa’s news felt a little bit like those classes actually – a discussion on an article he was assigned to read, about a case far away, that had nothing to do with him.
  Only this news had everything to do with him. 
  Nemo didn’t know what to feel about it. He clutched at his tea, the orange smell wafting into his nose, and he searched for some kind of word that could explain it. Weird came to mind. This was weird. 
  “Oh,” Nemo said then, feeling stupid– feeling weird. Feeling– nervous? “Um… does that mean… what does that mean? Like, er, for us? Do you have to talk to police again?”  
  What did that mean for them. That was a very good question, because he’d like to know too.
  “I’m not sure yet; Soon-ja said she’d tell me if I need to fly to Korea to give a new police statement, but they should have my original one.” Mu-yeol said, tapping his fingers against the table nervously. “And they took DNA samples from under our fingernails so they should have that, too.”
  He clicked his tongue.
  “Of course I’ll go to Korea for the trial if there even gets to be one, keep in mind there’s not even – they don’t have their eyes on anybody yet. But I’d have to testify I’m sure. I’ll let you decide if the time comes whether you want to come with me or not.”
Fly to Korea.
  Appa had talked about that in the past, but it was always in a positive context. In a “Oh I can’t wait to show you Korea, Nam-minnie” context. And Nemo had looked forward to it too, hoping that the day would come, that the talk would become action, and that dream reality.  
  This was– different. How would Appa feel, if the first time he returned to Korea was because of the murder of his promised partner? 
  How would Nemo feel?
  His brain was still empty, besides a distant rumbling. It was the same feeling he got when he knew a storm was coming his way. It was tangible in the air, this heavy and thick and dangerous thing. 
  “Oh,” said Nemo to all this, feeling dumb that he couldn’t come up with anything better. “Right um… that… that makes sense.” 
He drank some more of his tea, gulping it down so it scalded his throat. 
  He sat there, a numb silence between them as he didn’t have the capacity to feel how awkward it must be at this moment. Mu-yeol’s feet flinched, the nerves in his body finding any way possible to escape.
  As if he read Nam-min’s mind, it occurred to him that his son’s first time in Korea shouldn’t be his mother’s murder trial if he can help it. He probably couldn’t help it. They weren’t rich…but then again, what expenses did they have besides cell phones, tuition, and occasional groceries at Moon Market? It wasn’t as if they paid rent or utilities.
  “Should we…” Mu-yeol began hesitantly. “See if we can afford visiting Daegu this summer? I know my parents want to see you again…and you could meet your younger cousins.”
  I just don’t want home to become painful for you.
  “Maybe Won-shik will loan me some money, eo?”
Nemo frowned at once. He knew what Appa was doing, just like how Appa had sensed some of Nemo’s own thoughts. That was the problem with the two of them, wasn’t it? A problem as much as it was also a blessing sometimes. They just knew each other too well. 
  They also shared each other’s issues, like this one–Nemo not wanting to be a burden.
  “I – I mean, no, you don’t have to do that. It’s okay, Appa. Like you said, you’re not really sure how this will turn out right now, right? We just need to…wait a little.” Nemo slumped in his chair. “And see.” 
  He nodded and tapped at his own teacup, not entirely convinced he shouldn’t try to make a Korea trip happen before any big movement in So-yeon’s case, but not stupid either. He knew he didn’t have a lot of money, limited in how much he could work outside of the Hollow due to his obligations as a healing talent living in the Hollow.
  The money didn’t bother him constantly, seeing as the communal living of fairies meant that their basic needs were always met and then some, but it bothered him when it came to things like this. Like Nemo’s dance classes, his tuition, and his ability to see Korea. Money was a troublesome, vile thing, and the suffering required to earn it was hardly worth the treats it could buy you.
  He wondered, briefly, how Jun, Eun-jung noona, Ting-Ting,  Hatter, and his Pixies coworkers could live like they did. Having to claw their way into surviving more or less alone, without anything except maybe your immediate family to fall back on? Sounded horrible. As lonely as Mu-yeol felt in the Hollow, as isolating as it was being an objectively ‘weird’ fairy, he felt the warmth and the security of being a part of the Hollow community. It was true he didn’t really have capital ‘F’ Friends in the Hollow. But it was also true that anybody in the Hollow (except his nemesis, Elm Featherdew) would go leaps and bounds out of their way to help him and Nemo. That was just what pixies did.
  He felt, in the midst of longing for home and processing this news about So-yeon’s case, very sad for his human friends.
  “Right,” Mu-yeol conceded. “You have a point, we should wait it out a little. Wouldn’t want to visit and then have to turn around and come right back.”
  Well. He wouldn’t mind it. More time in Korea the better, he missed his home so much it hurt sometimes, despite his complicated relationship to it as a fairy.
  “It’ll work out,” Mu-yeol said, only mostly believing that. “We can talk about something else now, I don’t want your weekend home to be all sad, you just needed to know.”
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Fitness Trainer Certification – An Overview
If you have a passion for fitness and love to help people lose body fat and become fit, you should consider a career as a Certified Fitness Personal Trainer after doing a Personal Trainer Course from a reputed Fitness Academy. This course will help you understand the human body better.
People have become very busy with work and have absolutely no time to dedicate to travel to a gym for their health & fitness. So many people who can afford the luxury of personal trainers have invested in “Home Gym” setups to help them achieve their weight loss goals (Actually Fat Loss goals), and maintain good fitness levels. If you ask most people, they will tell you that the money spent on a personal trainer is money well spent.
The Diploma in Personal Training (DPT) course is a relatively short course and you will be taught the basics of Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology, Nutrition and Supplementation, Flexibility Training, Weight Training, Exercise Programming, Cardiovascular Exercise, Health Screening & Evaluation, First Aid and Approach to Fat Loss.
Once you have done the Personal Trainers course, it is imperative that you increase your scope & money earning potential by doing The Certified Personal Trainer for Special Populations (CPT-SP) Course
In the advanced personal trainer course, you will be taught how to handle various clients with medical problems, ailments or injuries. This course teaches you Orthopedic Pathologies- joint wise, Cardiovascular & Respiratory Pathologies, Metabolic Disorders, Neurological Disorders, Kinesiology, Soft Tissue Injuries, Arthritis, Hernias and Fractures.
To further increase your result orientedness with your clients, you can also do an additional course in Sports Nutrition. (Being able to guide your clients in both exercise & Nutrition will help you almost guarantee results to your clients.
This is a great course to help nutritionists, personal trainers, gym instructors and group fitness instructors on how to recommend a good diet to gym members & Personal training clients the tenets of Sports nutrition will help you improve the performance of your clients (whether they are corporate Executives, Models, House Wives or competitive athletes).
This is a very upcoming career choice in India. The demand for Fitness solutions is increasing at an exponential rate & this will only get better. Every big brand of International Franchise chains of Health Clubs is investing in India in a big way with all of them having plans of 100-200 gyms per brand in India. All of these need qualified personnel & will not hire without a valid certification from a reputed Fitness Academy.
Whatever is your motivation to become a trainer, remember, you must be passionate about fitness and have a desire to really change people’s lives. A fitness trainer certification course will help you understand human anatomy better and you will be better equipped to train individuals.
It is one of the most rewarding fields & one of the few in which you get to see an incredible smile on your customers’ faces, when they tell you, “Thank you for changing my life”. Along with monthly incomes of  INR 50k- 60k-, easily attainable through personal training. It also comes with a guarantee of incredible JOB SATISFACTION.
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luxurylivingexpert · 1 month
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Gurgaon, often regarded as the financial and technological hub of India, has seen significant growth in its real estate sector. Whether you are relocating for work, looking for temporary accommodation, or simply want a hassle-free living arrangement, renting a fully furnished apartment in Gurgaon can be an ideal solution. Fully furnished apartments offer convenience and comfort, eliminating the need to buy or transport furniture. From luxury service apartments to compact 1BHKs and spacious 2BHKs, the city offers diverse options to suit different preferences and budgets.
Benefits of Renting Fully Furnished Apartments in Gurgaon
Convenience and Comfort
Renting a fully furnished apartment comes with the advantage of convenience. You can move in with just your personal belongings, and everything else is taken care of. These apartments are equipped with all the necessary furniture, kitchen appliances, and even basic utilities like Wi-Fi and cable TV. For professionals with busy schedules, this setup offers a hassle-free living experience.
Furnishing an apartment can be expensive, especially if you plan to stay for only a few months or a year. Renting a fully furnished apartment eliminates the upfront costs of buying furniture and appliances. Moreover, many landlords include maintenance services in the rent, which can further reduce your living expenses.
Flexible Lease Terms
Gurgaon’s real estate market offers flexible lease terms, particularly for fully furnished apartments. Whether you need a place for a few months or longer, you can find options that suit your needs. This flexibility is especially beneficial for business travelers and expatriates who may need to relocate frequently.
Variety of Options
From cozy 1BHK units to spacious 2BHK apartments and luxury service apartments, Gurgaon offers a wide variety of furnished rental options. Whether you are a single professional, a couple, or a family, you can find an apartment that matches your lifestyle and budget.
Types of Furnished Apartments in Gurgaon
Luxury Service Apartments
Service apartments in Gurgaon are designed to cater to the needs of high-end professionals and expatriates. These apartments come with premium amenities such as 24/7 concierge service, housekeeping, gym facilities, and swimming pools. They are often located in prime areas of the city, close to business districts, shopping malls, and entertainment hubs. Renting a luxury service apartment in Gurgaon provides a hotel-like experience with the privacy and space of a home.
1BHK Apartments in Gurgaon
If you are a single professional or a couple, a 1BHK apartment in Gurgaon can be an excellent choice. These apartments are compact yet spacious enough to offer comfort. Fully furnished 1BHK apartments come with a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom, all equipped with modern amenities. Many 1BHK units are located in residential complexes with security, parking, and recreational facilities.
2BHK Apartments in Gurgaon
For small families or those who need a bit more space, 2BHK apartments in Gurgaon are a popular option. These apartments typically feature two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. They offer ample space for comfortable living while still being affordable. Fully furnished 2BHK apartments often come with additional amenities like air conditioning, washing machines, and modular kitchens. They are also located in well-maintained societies that offer security, green spaces, and children's play areas.
Key Areas to Rent Fully Furnished Apartments in Gurgaon
Sohna Road
Sohna Road has emerged as a popular residential area, offering a variety of fully furnished apartments for rent. The area is well-developed with modern infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, and shopping complexes. The proximity to business parks and the industrial belt makes it a preferred location for working professionals.
DLF Phase 1 to 5
The DLF phases are some of the most sought-after areas in Gurgaon. They offer a range of fully furnished apartments, from luxury service apartments to affordable 1BHK and 2BHK units. These areas are well-connected to major commercial hubs, shopping malls, and schools, making them ideal for professionals and families alike.
Golf Course Road
Golf Course Road is known for its high-end residential complexes and luxury service apartments. It is one of the most prestigious locations in Gurgaon, offering top-notch amenities and a serene living environment. Fully furnished apartments on Golf Course Road are ideal for expatriates and business executives seeking a premium lifestyle.
MG Road
MG Road, or Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, is another prime location for renting fully furnished apartments in Gurgaon. The area is known for its connectivity, with easy access to the metro and major highways. It is a vibrant area with plenty of dining, shopping, and entertainment options.
Renting a fully furnished apartment in Gurgaon offers numerous advantages, from convenience and flexibility to cost-effectiveness. Whether you are looking for a luxury service apartment, a cozy 1BHK, or a spacious 2BHK, Gurgaon has something to offer for everyone. The city’s diverse range of rental flats caters to various needs and preferences, ensuring that you can find the perfect home that suits your lifestyle.
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medalika7 · 1 month
home vs gym
The Ultimate Guide to Home Training: Is It Better Than the Gym?
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With fitness becoming an integral part of daily life, many individuals are weighing the pros and cons of training at home versus hitting the gym. Whether you're contemplating a home gym setup or are already part of the home workout movement, understanding the nuances between home and gym training can help you make an informed decision. In this guide, we’ll explore the effectiveness, cost, and practicality of home gyms, and reveal the best home gym equipment for 2024
Home vs. Gym: What’s the Difference?
The debate of home vs. gym is a common one among fitness enthusiasts. Each option has its unique advantages and challenges. Training at home offers convenience and flexibility, allowing you to exercise whenever it fits into your schedule. On the other hand, gyms provide a wider array of specialized equipment and often foster a motivating environment.
Is training at home effective? The short answer is yes. With the right approach and equipment, you can achieve excellent results from home workouts. Research indicates that consistency and the quality of your workouts matter more than the location. Home training can be as effective as gym workouts, provided you are disciplined and use your resources wisely
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How Much Room for a Home Gym?
One of the main considerations when setting up a home gym is the available space. How much room for a home gym do you need? The answer depends on the type and amount of equipment you plan to include. For a basic setup, a small area of 50 to 100 square feet may suffice. Essential equipment such as free weights, resistance bands, and a yoga mat can fit comfortably in a modest space. For a more comprehensive setup, including machines and multiple workout stations, a larger space will be necessary
Is a Home Gym Cheaper?
Is a home gym cheaper than a gym membership? The initial investment in home gym equipment might be higher, but over time, it can be more economical. Gym memberships, travel expenses, and potential personal training fees can add up. Once you've purchased your equipment, you avoid ongoing costs, making a home gym a cost-effective long-term solution. Additionally, you save on the time and effort of commuting to a gym.
Why Home Gyms Are Better
There are several reasons why home gyms are better for some people. Firstly, the convenience of working out at home eliminates travel time and allows for a flexible schedule. Secondly, you have complete control over your environment—no waiting for machines, no loud music, and no sharing equipment. Finally, the privacy of a home gym can be a huge plus for those who feel self-conscious or prefer a more personalized workout space.
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Is It Better to Workout at a Gym or Home?
The decision of whether it is better to workout at a gym or home depends on your individual preferences and goals. If you thrive on variety, social interaction, and access to diverse equipment, a gym might be the better choice. Conversely, if you value flexibility, cost savings, and the comfort of your own space, home training could be more suitable. Both options can deliver excellent results if matched with a dedicated approach and the right mindset.
Best Home Gym Equipment 2024
As you consider building or upgrading your home gym, you’ll want to be aware of the latest and greatest in fitness technology. The best home gym equipment 2024 includes a mix of innovative, versatile, and space-efficient items. Some top choices are:
Adjustable Dumbbells: These save space and offer a range of weights for various exercises.
Resistance Bands: Ideal for strength training and flexibility exercises.
Compact Cardio Machines: Such as foldable treadmills or under-desk ellipticals, which are perfect for smaller spaces.
Smart Fitness Mirrors: These provide interactive workout sessions and real-time feedback.
Multi-Function Power Racks: These versatile racks allow for a variety of exercises in a compact footprint.
By incorporating these tools into your home gym, you can ensure a comprehensive and effective workout routine.
Would you like to know more : bit.ly/4cu5cEx
Choosing between a home gym and a traditional gym boils down to personal preference and lifestyle. Is training at home effective? Absolutely, if approached with the right mindset and equipment. Consider your available space, budget, and fitness goals to determine the best setup for you. With the right home gym equipment and a structured plan, training at home can be as beneficial as any gym membership, offering convenience, cost savings, and a personalized workout experience.
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crestfitness · 2 months
Transform Your Fitness Space with a Full Gym Setup
Creating a full gym setup at home or in a commercial space is a transformative step towards achieving fitness goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Whether you're an individual looking to optimize your workout routine or a business aiming to provide top-notch facilities, having the right gym equipment and layout is crucial. This guide will walk you through the essentials of setting up a comprehensive gym that meets all your needs.
Planning Your Gym Space
The first step in creating a full gym setup is to plan your space efficiently. Assess the area you have available and consider the types of workouts you want to accommodate. Whether it's a small room at home or a large commercial space, the layout should ensure smooth movement and accessibility to all gym equipment. Make sure to allocate enough space for different workout zones such as cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
Essential Gym Equipment
A full gym setup requires a variety of gym equipment to cater to different types of exercises. Start with the basics like dumbbells, barbells, and weight plates for strength training. These items are versatile and can be used for a wide range of exercises targeting different muscle groups. Including adjustable benches and squat racks will enhance the functionality of your strength training area.
For cardiovascular workouts, consider investing in a gym treadmill machine. Treadmills are a staple in any gym setup as they offer an effective way to improve cardiovascular health and burn calories. Look for models that offer various settings and features like incline adjustments and pre-programmed workouts to keep your routine interesting and challenging.
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Incorporating Gym Machines
No full gym setup is complete without the inclusion of gym machines. These machines are designed to target specific muscle groups with precision and often provide a safer and more controlled workout experience compared to free weights. Popular choices include leg press machines, chest press machines, and lat pulldown machines. By incorporating a variety of gym machines, you can ensure that all major muscle groups are effectively targeted in your workout routine.
Enhancing the Cardio Zone
In addition to the gym treadmill machine, consider adding other cardio equipment to diversify your cardio workouts. Ellipticals, stationary bikes, and rowing machines are excellent choices that provide different types of cardiovascular challenges. Having multiple options allows users to vary their routines and avoid workout monotony.
Flexibility and Recovery Area
A well-rounded full gym setup should also include a dedicated space for flexibility and recovery exercises. This area can be equipped with yoga mats, foam rollers, and resistance bands. Stretching and recovery are essential components of any fitness routine, helping to prevent injuries and improve overall performance.
Safety and Maintenance
When setting up a full gym setup, safety should be a top priority. Ensure that all gym equipment is properly installed and maintained. Regularly check for any signs of wear and tear and address them promptly to avoid accidents. Providing adequate lighting, ventilation, and cleanliness will also contribute to a safer and more pleasant workout environment.
Motivational Elements
To keep users motivated, consider adding elements that enhance the workout experience. Mirrors can be installed to help users check their form and progress. Motivational posters, a good sound system, and a television for fitness videos can also create an engaging and inspiring atmosphere.
A full gym setup is a valuable investment in health and fitness, whether for personal use or for running a commercial facility. By carefully planning your space, selecting the right gym equipment, and ensuring safety and maintenance, you can create an environment that supports a wide range of workouts and appeals to all fitness levels. Including a mix of gym machines and free weights, along with a dedicated area for flexibility and recovery, will provide a comprehensive fitness solution.
Incorporating the right tools and a motivating atmosphere can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your full gym setup. As you embark on this journey, consider the long-term benefits and the positive impact on your health and well-being. For more information on setting up your gym with top-quality equipment, Crest Fitness offers a wide range of solutions tailored to meet your needs.
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effortless23 · 2 months
The Evolution of Kickball: From Playground Fun to Organized Sport
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Kickball, a game cherished by many for its simplicity and fun, has a rich history that extends far beyond the elementary school playground. Over the years, kickball has evolved from a casual pastime into a more structured and competitive sport enjoyed by adults and children alike. Let’s take a journey through the evolution of kickball, highlighting its origins, development, and modern-day resurgence.
Origins of Kickball
Kickball, originally known as “kick baseball,” was invented in the early 20th century. Its exact origins are somewhat murky, but it is generally believed that the game was first played in the United States. The basic premise was similar to baseball, but instead of hitting a small, hard ball with a bat, players kicked a larger, softer ball. This made the game more accessible to younger children who might struggle with the complexities of baseball.
Kickball in Schools
By the 1920s and 1930s, kickball had become a staple in American physical education classes. Schools across the country adopted the game because it was easy to organize, required minimal equipment, and could be played by large groups of students. The simplicity of the kickball rules made it an ideal choice for teachers looking to keep children active and engaged during recess and gym class.
Transition to Organized Play
In the latter half of the 20th century, kickball began to transition from a schoolyard activity to an organized sport. Adult leagues started to form, initially as a way for coworkers and friends to socialize and stay active. These leagues often operated with more formalized structures, including set teams, schedules, and standardized rules. The rise of these leagues marked a significant shift in how kickball was perceived and played.
The Modern Kickball Boom
The early 2000s saw a resurgence in kickball’s popularity, particularly among adults. Organizations like the World Adult Kickball Association (WAKA) played a pivotal role in this revival. WAKA, now known as Clubwaka, standardized the game’s rules, organized regional and national tournaments, and promoted kickball as a fun and inclusive sport. This modern boom was fueled by nostalgia, a desire for social interaction, and the growing trend of recreational sports leagues.
Kickball Rules: Then and Now
While the basic concept of kickball has remained the same, the rules have evolved over time to accommodate organized play. Traditional kickball rules from schoolyard games were simple: players kicked a rubber ball and ran bases, trying to score runs while avoiding being tagged out by the opposing team.
In modern leagues, the rules are more detailed and standardized. Here are some key elements of contemporary kickball rules:
Field Setup: The game is typically played on a diamond-shaped field with four bases arranged in a square. The dimensions are similar to a baseball field, but often smaller.
Teams: A standard kickball team consists of 8-11 players, with at least four females on the field at all times in co-ed leagues.
Gameplay: Each team alternates between kicking and fielding. An inning consists of both teams getting a turn to kick. Games usually last six to seven innings.
Pitching: The ball must be rolled underhand towards home plate, and the pitcher’s mound is generally closer to the batter than in baseball.
Kicking: Players must kick the ball with their foot and can be called out by being tagged with the ball, having a kicked ball caught, or being forced out at a base.
Scoring: Runs are scored when a player successfully rounds all the bases and returns to home plate.
Competitive Kickball
Today, competitive kickball is a well-organized sport with regional, national, and even international tournaments. Teams train and strategize much like in traditional sports, and some players take the game very seriously. The competitive aspect of kickball has brought a new level of athleticism and skill to the game, attracting a diverse range of participants.
Social and Recreational Leagues
Despite its competitive side, kickball remains a highly social and recreational activity. Many leagues emphasize fun and camaraderie over competition, making it a popular choice for adults looking to meet new people and stay active. These leagues often feature themed events, post-game socials, and a relaxed atmosphere that encourages participation from people of all fitness levels.
Kickball's Cultural Impact
Kickball’s enduring appeal lies in its ability to bring people together. It transcends age, skill level, and background, making it a truly inclusive sport. Whether played casually in a backyard or competitively on a national stage, kickball continues to capture the hearts of many.
In conclusion, kickball has come a long way from its early days as a simple playground game. Its evolution into a structured, competitive sport with a vibrant social scene is a testament to its enduring popularity and appeal. With standardized kickball rules and a growing community of enthusiasts, kickball is poised to remain a beloved pastime for generations to come.
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