#strength training at home without equipment
fullpump1 · 10 months
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cherrrydragon · 2 months
➤ find something worth saving (it's all for the taking)
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SUMMARY ↳ You think you understand why people say "Happy Holidays." You are happy. A busy household during Christmas is something you’re familiar with. You distinctly remember waking up in the tower on Christmas morning to find Thor standing above you with a big stupid grin, not even having changed from his asgardian armor. This time, however, it’s Jon floating above you, a silly Santa hat on his head. “Merry Christmas.” You roll over, pulling your pillow over your head. “Nothing merry about waking me up so damn early.” pairing: jon kent x gn!reader x damian wayne warnings: none, none at all wc: 4.3k
sorry for the late-ish post! totally forgot it was upload day woopsie
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The next day, you're awakened by the sound of Alfred entering the room with a tray of food. You sit up, feeling much better already, and gratefully accept the meal. "Thank you, Alfred," you say with a smile.
"You're quite welcome," he replies, his tone warm. "Master Bruce and the others will be here shortly. They have a few more questions for you."
You nod, taking a bite of the food and feeling your energy start to return. True to Alfred's word, Bruce, Damian, and Jon enter the room a few minutes later.
Bruce starts. "We've been discussing your situation. We’d like to better understand your abilities. You've explained your origins, but we need to see what you can do."
You nod, setting the tray aside and standing up. "Fair enough. What do you need to see?"
"We'll start with a simple demonstration of your web abilities," Bruce says. "Show us what you can do with and without the bracelets."
“Not inside the room. Go downstairs,” Alfred cuts in firmly. You all nod and scurry downstairs. Bruce shows you how to access the Batcave via the clock. You pretend to pay attention, as if you didn’t already know. Once inside, he takes you all aside into a quaint little training room, where all the other batkids are waiting. The mat feels like home under your feet. He prompts you to show them what you can do.
You nod and raise your wrist, shooting a web towards a nearby wall. The organic webbing shoots out with precision, sticking to the wall firmly. It’s a simple web, straight and true. Equipping the bracelets, you decide to send out a web-net. The size of it covers a great deal of the wall.
“My organic webs are really only good for swinging and grabbing stuff,” you explain.
“[Name] has 576 possible web-shooter combinations,” Karen pipes up helpfully from the computer. Bruce’s slight frown suggests he’s not used to her yet, and probably won’t be for a while. “Much more versatile than their organic webs, of course.”
Tim looks impressed as he glances at Bruce. "576 combinations? That's... a lot."
You grin and nod. "Yeah, my dad loves over-engineering things. The web-net is just one of the many tricks up my sleeve."
Damian steps forward, eyes narrowed in thought. "What about your strength and agility? We need to see how you compare to us."
You nod, understanding the need to prove yourself. "Sure thing. What do you want me to do?"
Bruce gestures to a nearby set of weights. "Lift that."
You walk over to the weights, easily lifting a barbell that looks like it should be far too heavy for your frame. You then set it down and leap onto a nearby platform with a single bound, showcasing your agility.
"Not bad," Damian admits, though his tone is still cautious. "But can you fight?"
You smirk. "Why don't we find out?"
Damian raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the challenge. He steps onto the mat, and you both take your stances. The others  watch closely as you and Damian circle each other.
Damian strikes first, his movements quick and precise. You dodge and counter, your enhanced reflexes allowing you to keep up with his speed. The two of you exchange blows, each testing the other's limits. Damian's skill is evident, but your enhanced strength and agility give you an edge.
He’s got all the tells of a trained assassin. His eyes dart around your figure, looking for openings and weaknesses. He adapts seamlessly, each of his movements controlled and calculated. He aims to control the flow with every jab, kick and punch. Unfortunately for him, you’ve been trained by one of the deadliest assassin of your world, Natasha Romanoff.
You decide it’s time to up the ante. You feint to the left, then quickly spin and sweep his legs out from under him. Damian lands on the mat but rolls back up to his feet instantly, eyes blazing with determination. He’s not used to being bested so easily, but he respects the challenge.
“You’re good,” Damian admits grudgingly, adjusting his stance. “But let’s see how you handle this.”
He lunges at you with a series of rapid strikes, forcing you to focus entirely on defense. You block and parry, your reflexes barely keeping up with his speed. You notice an opening and take it, landing a solid punch that sends him skidding back.
Before he can recover, you shoot a web at his feet, sticking him to the mat. He struggles for a moment before smirking and cutting himself free with a small blade.
“Me! Me next!” exclaims Stephanie, waving her hand around in the air. You take turns sparring everyone—save for Jon, who has just been watching a bit stiffly—, winning every time (not to brag or anything). You get a few hearty laughs when you manage to lift Jason with one hand and gently slam him to the mat. 
Then your final opponent steps up, Cassandra Cain. You gulp slightly. She’s written off as one of the best fighters in the Batfamily, and probably the DCverse. You’re supposed to be holding your strength back to show your skill, so it’s a matter of being smart, not strong.
You start cautiously, circling each other as you assess her fighting style. Cassandra doesn't waste any movements, each strike calculated to test your defenses. You rely on your agility and strength to keep up, blocking and countering her attacks with equal precision.
As the spar intensifies, you find yourself impressed by Cassandra's skill and adaptability. She adjusts her tactics based on your responses, probing for weaknesses in your defense. You're forced to rely on more than just brute strength, using strategy and technique to gain an advantage. Damn, she’s really good. It’s a blessing you’ve been trained by the goddam Avengers.
Your fighting styles are similar, fluid and dance-like. You’re impressed but not surprised by her ability to read your movements and react almost instantaneously. Natasha’s words replay in your mind.
“Predict every possible movement of theirs.”
You huff, arms hanging by your side, tired. “What, like Garou?”
Natasha raises a perfect eyebrow, her expression a mix of curiosity and slight amusement. You wave your hands in dismissal. “Forget it.”
Natasha steps forward, her movements fluid and controlled. “It’s not just about predicting every move, it’s about understanding your opponent’s rhythm and intent. You need to see the fight a couple of steps ahead. Every slight movement can give away their intentions."
She demonstrates, moving with a fluid grace that you've come to admire. "You have the strength and agility. Now you need precision and awareness to make them truly effective."
In front of Cassandra now, you truly do feel like Garou. Your mind paints images of every way she could go, every move she could make. You feint to the right, then shift your weight and spin to the left, aiming a kick at her midsection. Cassandra blocks it effortlessly, but you expected that. Using the momentum from your spin, you drop low and sweep her legs.
Cassandra jumps, avoiding your sweep with an almost inhuman agility. But you're ready. As she comes back down, you grab her wrist and twist, using her own momentum against her to flip her onto the mat. She lands softly, rolling to her feet with a small smile.
"You're very good," Cassandra says quietly, her tone filled with genuine admiration.
"You're incredible," you reply, equally impressed.
Dick claps to be dramatic, initiating a round of applause from everyone else (except Damian, the stinker). You grin and bow dramatically. “Kicked our asses,” mumbled Jason, rubbing his jaw.
After the applause dies down, Bruce steps forward, a thoughtful look on his face. "You've shown us your abilities, and it's clear you have the skill and strength to be a valuable asset. Now we need to focus on integrating you into our ways."
Alfred clears his throat politely. "Perhaps, Master Bruce, our guest would benefit from a proper rest before diving into further training and mission planning."
Bruce nods. "Of course. We'll take a break for now. You've done well today."
As the group disperses, Jon approaches you with a friendly smile. "Hey, that was awesome. I can't wait to see what else you can do."
“Well thank you… Superboy,” you grin as he rolls his eyes playfully. Hooking your arm in his, you begin to walk out the cave. “Seriously thought, I bet if I was a normal person I still could’ve figured you out.” He raises a brow in challenge. “I mean, the Ferris wheel thing? Seriously?”
He groans. “I was trying to get you to safety!”
“My hero,” you smirk.
He drops you off at your room, exiting from your window with a wave. Nari is happily cuddling with Alfred on your bed, the sight making you coo. You gently sit by them and run your hand down Nari’s back.
Your door opens without as much as a knock or warning. Damian pauses when he sees you on the bed.
“Now, what would you have done if I was naked?” you ask sarcastically, rolling your eyes.
“Tt,” he scoffs, eyes looking away. “I was merely looking for Alfred.”
“Might have to get in line somewhere, Nari’s holding her hostage,” you hum, looking down at the pair. The sounds of purring cats fills you with calm. You see him still standing in the doorway. “Well? Come on, come sit.”
He hesitates to move, before stepping forward and shutting your door. He sits on the other side of the cat pile. “What’s up with you?”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
You shrug nonchalantly. “I just mean you’ve been weird since I revealed my totally awesome alter ego.”
“I have not.”
You roll your eyes. "Oh please, Damian. You practically scowled through our entire spar. You mad ‘cause I kicked your ass or something?”
He crosses his arms defensively. "I am not upset."
"Right," you say skeptically. "Then what is it?"
Damian looks away, his expression unreadable for a moment. "It's nothing."
You raise an eyebrow. "You don't usually act like this. Come on, out with it."
“You…” he grumbles, clearly annoyed at being pushed, “...everytime I think I have you figured out, you surprise me.” He leans back, lying down on your mattress. “I don’t know anyone like you. And now, to find out you have been parading around as the new vigilante we’ve been so preoccupied with…”
You lean back as well, listening as Damian tries to articulate his thoughts. His demeanor shifts from guarded to contemplative, and you sense a rare vulnerability in his words.
“Not to mention you’ve known who we were since then…” he muttered, eyes on the ceiling. “
You listen attentively, sensing Damian's struggle with his thoughts. His words reveal a complexity you hadn't fully anticipated. "It must be strange," you offer quietly, "to have someone come into your world who knows so much and yet is still a mystery to you." 
“Are you mad because I kept it a secret from you…? Technically, you kept Robin a secret from me,” you offer.
Damian shifts slightly, his gaze flickering to meet yours briefly before returning to the ceiling. "It's not just that," he admits quietly. "You're skilled, strong, and you fit into our world seamlessly. It's..."
He shifts closer, his expression unreadable but his eyes holding a mix of curiosity and something deeper. "I want to understand you better," he says, his voice low.
You reach out, cupping his face with your hand. His eyes bore into yours, earnest. "I want you to understand me better too, Damian," you say softly, meeting his gaze with sincerity. "I know I've come into your life in a pretty unconventional way, but I'm here now. And I'm not going anywhere."
Then, you add shyly, “if you’d have me.”
Damian's lips quirk in a small, almost imperceptible smile. "You've certainly managed to keep me on my toes."
You chuckle softly. "Likewise. But hey, that's part of the fun, right?"
He nods, a thoughtful expression crossing his features as his eyes grow half lidded. "Fun... yes, I suppose it is."
Your heart slows in its beats, relaxing. You take in the mattress against your cheek, taking in the calm and gentle atmosphere. You feel a rush of warmth as Damian's hand finds yours, his touch surprisingly tender. The air around you feels charged with a mix of uncertainty and possibility. You squeeze his hand gently, a silent reassurance that you're here, you're present, and you want this.
"I didn't expect this," Damian admits quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
You turn your head to look at him, meeting his gaze. "Neither did I, to be honest. But sometimes unexpected things turn out to be the best."
He nods slowly, his expression softening as he looks at you. "You're not like anyone I've ever known."
"And you're not like anyone I've ever known either," you reply with a small smile. "But I think that's a good thing."
Damian leans closer, his face now just inches from yours. "Perhaps..."
Before either of you can say anything more, the door creaks open slightly. You both turn to see Bruce standing there, a faint hint of concern in his eyes.
"Ahem," Bruce clears his throat. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."
Damian sits up abruptly, his demeanor shifting to a more guarded stance. "Father, what is it?"
Bruce steps into the room, his eyes briefly scanning the scene before focusing on Damian. "I need to speak with you about something. Come down to the cave."
Damian nods, the serious look returning to his face. "Understood. I'll be there shortly."
Bruce glances at you, his expression softening slightly. "Thank you for your cooperation today. Your skills are impressive, and we look forward to working with you." Ever the most formal guy in the room.
You nod, feeling a mixture of pride and nervousness. "Thank you.”
Bruce gives a curt nod and leaves, the door closing softly behind him. Damian turns to you, his expression thoughtful.
"I should go," he says, his tone reluctant.
You nod, understanding the demands of their work. "Of course. Duty calls."
As Damian stands, he hesitates for a moment before grabbing your hand and pressing a light kiss on your pulse. "We'll talk more later," he promises. You can say anything, so you nod.
Damian leaves the room, and you find yourself alone with your thoughts. Nari, sensing the shift in mood, nuzzles closer to you, offering silent comfort. You stroke his fur absently, your mind replaying the events of the day.
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A busy household during Christmas is something you’re familiar with. You distinctly remember waking up in the tower on Christmas morning to find Thor standing above you with a big stupid grin, not even having changed from his Asgardian armor.
This time, however, it’s Jon floating above you, a silly Santa hat on his head. “Merry Christmas.”
You roll over, pulling your pillow over your head. “Nothing merry about waking me up so damn early.”
Jon chuckles, his laughter light and carefree. "Come on, Scrooge. Get up and go downstairs." When you don’t move, he pounces on you. His fingers wiggle across your stomach as you shriek and fight to get free.
“Okay, okay! Jeez,” you concede. He rolls off of you, not without placing a hard kiss on your head. 
Damian pokes his head into your room with an annoyed expression. "What’s all this nonsense?"
Jon turns to him with a bright smile, "Just spreading some holiday cheer. Get in the spirit, Dami!"
You stretch and sit up, rubbing your eyes. "Yeah, Dami. It’s Christmas. Let’s be cheerful and merry."
He scowls slightly but steps into the room. "Tt. Christmas is just another day."
You and Jon share a knowing look before you hop out of bed and tackle Damian in a hug. "Oh, come on. Even you can't be grumpy on Christmas!" Damian sighs but doesn't push you away. 
The three of you head downstairs to the living room where the rest of the Batfamily is already gathered. The faint scent of Alfred's cooking wafts through the air, and you can hear laughter and chatter echoing through the halls. The tree is beautifully decorated, and presents are piled high underneath it. Bruce is sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee, looking surprisingly relaxed.
Alfred hands you a steaming mug of hot cocoa as you join the group. "Merry Christmas," he says with a warm smile.
"Merry Christmas, Alfred," you reply, taking a sip of the rich, delicious drink. You glance around the room, your gaze landing on Damian, who is sitting quietly by the tree, watching the proceedings with a thoughtful expression.
You join the rest of the Batfamily in the living room, enjoying the festive atmosphere. Jon is already diving into his presents, enthusiastically tearing off the wrapping paper. Dick and Barbara are sitting together, exchanging gifts and laughing. Tim is deep in conversation with Stephanie, who is trying to guess what he got her. Even Jason seems to be in good spirits, joking around with Duke and Cass.
You decide to approach Damian, holding your mug of hot cocoa. You sit down beside him, the warm and festive atmosphere contrasting with his contemplative demeanor.
He glances at you as you settle beside him, his expression softening slightly at your presence. "Enjoying yourself?" he asks, his tone carefully neutral.
You take a sip of your cocoa, letting the warmth spread through you before answering. "Yeah, it's nice. Reminds me of home," you admit softly, thinking back to the holidays you spent with your family and the Avengers. Damian watches you quietly, seeming to consider your words.
"Your family must be... different," he finally remarks, his tone almost curious.
You nod, a faint smile playing on your lips. "Yeah, definitely different. But they're good people. Just like yours." You gesture subtly towards the rest of the Batfamily, who are now engaged in lively conversation and laughter.
Damian follows your gesture with a small nod, his gaze lingering on his family for a moment. "They're... unique," he admits quietly, a hint of something warmer in his voice.
Finally you sigh, “Well.” You dig into your pocket and pull out a box, handing it to him.
“Merry Christmas.”
He takes the box, opening it gingerly. Inside lies a sleek looking ring. Damian raises an eyebrow, his expression shifting from surprise to intrigue as he takes the ring in his hand.
"What is it?" he asks, turning the ring over to examine it.
“A ring,” you smile. He rolls his eyes so you elaborate. “It’s something I made. Karen is built into it, so she can help you personally.” You tap it twice, pulling up a hologram. “Here’s all the stuff she can do.”
The hologram reflects in Damian’s eyes as they flutter left to right, reading. “Happy to help, Damian,” Karen says.
“It also works as a communicator, so if you’re ever in need of me to save you from getting your ass-kicked, she’ll let me know,” you grin.
Damian ignores your little comment in favor of sliding the ring over his finger. He examines the way it shines under the light, nodding. “It’s adequate.”
You roll your eyes good-naturedly. “You’re welcome.
He gets up abruptly then. “Stay there,” he commands, walking off into another room. He’s gone before you can blink, so you clasp your hands together awkwardly and observe the room. Jon has gone and went to his parents (which, oh my god, Superman and Lois Lane are here, holy shit. You wonder if Bruce told them about you.) and is talking animatedly to them. In his hands is a small canvas in his hands, you can barely make out the portrait of Jon on there. Must be Damian’s gift to him.
Speaking of, you hear his footsteps come back. You turn to see Damian returning with a small, elegantly wrapped box in his hand. He sits back down beside you, his expression more relaxed than before. He holds out the box towards you.
"Here," he says simply, his voice quieter than usual.
You take the box, carefully unwrapping it to reveal a.. camera! It’s a nice one, definitely expensive. It fits perfectly in your hands, just the right size for travel.
"You said you like photography," Damian explains quietly, his gaze flickering to meet yours. "You also said you’d like a memory. Now, you can capture them.”
You feel a rush of warmth in your chest as you realize the significance of the gift. "You remembered.” It comes out as a whisper. “Thank you, Damian," you say softly, touched by his gesture. You attach the strap of the camera and hook it around your neck.
He nods, seeming satisfied with your reaction. "It suits you," he remarks, his tone almost approving.
You smile, reaching out to gently touch the lens. "I love it."
“[Name]!” Jon exclaims, crossing the room to get to you. His hands grasp yours and pull you off the couch. “Come meet my parents.
Oh dear. You send a look to Damian for help but the bastard just smirks at you. You chuckle softly at Damian's smirk before allowing Jon to lead you over to where Clark Kent and Lois Lane are standing. They both turn to you with warm smiles, Clark's eyes twinkling with curiosity.
"Hello, [Name]," Clark greets you warmly, extending a hand. "It's good to finally meet you. Jon has told us a lot about you."
Lois nods in agreement, her expression friendly yet keen. "Yes, Jon's been quite excited to introduce you to us."
You shake Clark's hand with a smile, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement at meeting such iconic figures. Shit, you thought you would’ve had the fan behavior under control by now. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, Mr. and Mrs. Kent. Jon has been wonderful to be around.”
Jon beams proudly, standing beside you. "They're really nice, right?"
Clark chuckles warmly, his gaze flickering briefly towards Jon before returning to you. "He speaks very highly of you, [Name].” He pointedly looks at Jon as he says this.
Lois’ eyes flick down to your camera. “Interested in photography?”
You nod eagerly, feeling a little more at ease with their friendly demeanor. "Oh, yeah. I like capturing moments. It’s a small passion of mine.”
“Well if you ever get tired of superheroing call me. I’m sure we could use an excellent photojournalist,” she winks.
“Mom,” Jon complains. Lois shrugs innocently.
You laugh warmly, feeling more comfortable with Lois' playful banter. "I'll keep that in mind, Miss. Thank you." In another universe, maybe.
Jon tugs at your hand. "Come on, I want to show you something." He drags you towards the Christmas tree where a beautifully wrapped gift waits for you. You hear the chuckles of his parents as you’re pulled away.
You smile at Jon's enthusiasm, kneeling down to unwrap the present. Inside a bracelet. The beads make up a beautiful image of green and blue. There’s a spider charm hanging from it. Jon beams up at you, clearly proud of the gift he chose.
“I saw a video online about making bracelets for each other's eyes,” he mutters shyly. “I made one for you out of me and Damian’s eyes.”
The bracelet feels like gold in your hands. "It's perfect, Jon," you say genuinely, feeling touched by his thoughtfulness.
Clark and Lois watch the exchange with warm smiles, clearly pleased by Jon's happiness and your appreciation.
You thank Jon again with a hug, feeling a surge of warmth at the bond you've formed with him and his family, hearing his heartbeat speed up before his arms wrap around you. “Oh, before I forget.”
You pull out another box, handing it to Jon. “I know you were listening to me and Dames earlier, stinker.” It’s cute to see how his face turns red after being caught. “It’s the same thing I got him. Connects to this–” you tap the nano-earpiece where Karen speaks to you. “–and his. Our own little channel.” Jon's eyes widen with excitement as he takes the box from you, eager to see what's inside. He opens it carefully, revealing a similar looking ring. His grin widens as he realizes what it is.
He slips the ring onto his finger, marveling at how it fits perfectly. "This is so cool. I can't wait to try it out!"
The rest of the Batfamily gathers around, curious about the new gadgets and gifts being exchanged. Dick claps Jon on the back. "Nice one, Jon! Now you can bug them anytime."
Jason chuckles. "Or maybe they'll bug you."
Duke eyes the camera around your neck. “Ooh, family photo time?”
Groans echo the room as your hands come up to grip the camera. With everyone gathered around the Christmas tree, you snap a few photos, capturing moments of laughter and camaraderie. Jon is grinning widely, Damian is trying to look nonchalant but can't hide a small smile, and even Bruce cracks a rare smile at the camera. The rest of the Batfamily, along with Clark and Lois, join in the festive spirit, making silly faces or posing dramatically.
“Now you,” Cass says, waving you over. You huff good-naturedly and set the camera up, scurrying to squeeze between Damian and Jon. You hold up your hands in the ‘spidey’ pose, grinning. Jon squeezes you and Damian to him, cheeks mushing with each others.
The pictures turn out perfect.
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notes: jon watching reader and damian spar: am i into this
yeah damian felt a little thrown finding out he doesn’t know you as well as he thought. i figured he’s the type to not like knowing things, and well, reader being spinnerette? and knowing he was robin before he could ever think to tell them? yeesh. its okay now though :)
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spdrvyn · 1 year
needy — miguel o'hara drabble
fluff. teensiest bit suggestive. wanted to write something nice, sweet, and sleepy before actually getting to work on the stuff i really need to do, enjoy!!!
you were selfless, it was your greatest strength and miguel's greatest weakness. he'd insisted countless times that whenever it hit midnight and he still wasn't home from work that you should just go to bed without him, but you argued that you'd wait as long as you could.
you were overly ambitious, equipped yourself with a ton of remedies to combat any sort of drowsiness. coffee, caffeine shots, sugary treats, anything that could keep you awake. to see miguel again.
you were also weaker than you'd like to admit. once miguel got home, silently sliding the windowsill up so that he wouldn't disturb you, he saw that you were absolutely knocked out on the couch. your phone was screen flat on your cheek and he had to bite his lip to suppress a small laugh from escaping.
nevertheless, he found it adorable. how you'd put in so much effort to see him every night, knowing full well of his inconsistent schedule, and you'd end up falling asleep anyway. he didn't need to think another thought before he scooped you up into his arms effortlessly, carried you into your shared bedroom, and laid you down on the bed.
he draped the blanket over your limp body, tucking the duvet into the gaps of the bed frame to make sure that you were nice and snug. he wanted to just jump in with you, but he had a few more tasks that needed completing first. also a shower. can't forget that.
however, just as he's about to walk away, a small tug on his wrist caught his attention and his head turns. looking down to meet your hazy eyes, your cheek is smooshed from pressing up against the pillow, it makes your voice a little muddled.
"stay," it was so soft, quieter than a pin drop, but it was a plea. he could hear it in your voice how much you needed this, but he couldn't blame you. all of that to see him again, to bask in his presence.
"haven't even taken off my suit yet, corazón." his lips left a tingling sensation on your forehead as he pecked the surface of it, one hand cleared your face of any stray hairs.
"please?" you tried again, miguel wasn't always the best when it came to self-control. you were a bad habit that he constantly found himself indulging in, he loved it.
"fine," he gave in, you scooched over to the other side of the bed to give miguel space and he consumed it, even through the unstable molecular fabric of his suit, you felt him. you needed more. "if i smell like shit, then that's on you."
"'s okay, mig." you rambled in your sleepiness, "it's all from protecting the city, hm? from protecting me, so brave you are."
shit. that caught him off-guard, he's so grateful to whatever deity is out there that you probably can't see the shade of red that covered his cheeks when you said that to him.
"... thank you." was all he could muster, that is until you said something that really tipped the scales.
"take off the suit, please."
the rate at which is heart raced could combat the speed of the flying cars in the city, ran faster than any bullet train in the past, present, and future. his grasp on you tightened. "i'm- i'm not—"
"i know," you shoved your face into the crook of his neck, hushed miguel's sentence with more kisses and he moaned. "but i missed you. i just want you to touch me then we can sleep, all right?"
scratch the selflessness. you alone were his greatest weakness.
"anything for you."
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justmeinadaze · 11 months
Do you know what I’m thinking about?
Boxer!Eddie and Boxer!Steve
Enemies to lovers oof.
A/N: A gift for you on this Friday. We're all just horny, thirsty bitches. Lol. Love ya!
Warning: SMUT (slightly rough with some dirty talk and choking), ANGST (they aren't fans of each other; Eddie mentions his rough upbringing) FLUFF (at the end if you squint)
Word Count: 1935
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Steve hated everything about him. His long hair that flowed around his shoulders before pulling it back during a fight. His stupid, cocky smile when he was being interviewed by the press or during a conference when they took his picture. Steve hated his snarky attitude that made it seem like he could care less about the sport as a whole. He despised the way his shorts hung low enough to expose the V leading into the waistband. He thought those tattoos splattered across his well-toned chest were ridiculous. But the one that Steve hated most of all was the fact that Eddie Munson didn’t seem intimidated by him at all. 
Steve Harrington had been training to be a boxer since he left high school, finding a peace in the ring that he never found anywhere else. He worked hard to get where he was and this new up and comer just bursts onto the scene without a care in the world or even putting in the time. 
“Mr. Munson! Do you really think you will be the one to finally knock out Mr. Harrington here?”, a reporter asked making Eddie grin widely. 
“I mean, I haven’t been knocked out yet either so we’ll see.”
“Mr. Harrington! Thoughts?”
“I’ve been boxing now for over 5 years and worked hard. I’m not worried.”
“Are you implying I didn’t work hard, Stevie?”, Eddie teases.
“DON’T. Call me that. I’m not your fucking friend, Munson.”
“Ooo someone is grumpy this morning.”, he chuckles. “Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, Harrington?”
“I woke up just fine. What side of the trailer did you wake up on?!”
The metalhead narrowed his eyes in his direction as his jaw tightened and he turned away. 
Steve’s leg bounced in his corner of the ring as he glared across the way at his opponent. Eddie seemed more jazzed up than usual, staring back at him with just as much anger and annoyance. The bell rung as both men stood and met each other in the middle.
They each got in some good hits, Steve underestimating Eddie’s strength as he hit the mat hard, spitting out blood before rising to his feet. He could hear his dad’s voice in his head, ringing in his ears. 
“Come on, son. You have to do better. You can’t just be lazy your entire life. I swear to God, you aren’t trying as hard as you should be.”
Steve swung his arm but Eddie swiftly blocked it and delivered his final blow, knocking the boy to the mat again. As the ref began counting down, Steve stared out into the audience as the images blurred around him and he passed out.
“You should go home, ya know, before I leave you here again in the dark.”, Eddie taunted as he walked through the arena to head for his car, stopping when he found Steve sitting cross legged in the middle of the ring. “Everyone else is already gone.”
“Good so get the fuck out of here so I can be alone.”
“Jesus Christ. You have an attitude problem.”, the long-haired boy scoffs as he starts for the door. 
“I have an attitude problem?! No, Munson, you’re the one with the problem!”, he shouted giving the other man pause. 
“Oh yeah? How so, pretty boy?”
“I have worked every day for this! I put in the time and training and you show up out of nowhere with your blasé attitude like boxing is the easiest fucking thing in world!”
“I didn’t work hard?”, he countered as he threw his gear to the ground and climbed up into the ring to face him. “I didn’t train and do anything possible to get here?! Oh no. How could I? Eddie Munson is just some trailer trash idiot who couldn’t be on the same level as Steve fucking Harrington. What would make you approve of me, huh? Maybe if I trained with equipment like Ivan Drago I could come close, huh, Stevie?”
“I said don’t call me that!”
“Or what?”
Steve takes a swing at him but Eddie swiftly moves out of the way, grabbing his arm and tossing him towards the ropes. 
“You know, I can’t believe I actually fucking looked up to you.” The metalhead takes off his jacket and tosses it away as the other boy does the same. “When I was growing up, I was a huge wrestling fan. More than anything I studied the moves so when my drunk father came at me I could defend myself.”
Steve charged towards him and once again Eddie threw him to the floor. 
“When I finally had enough money to find a gym and train, rumors about thee Steve Harrington flew all around the boxing circuit. I thought ‘Maybe one day I can be as good as him.’ Now I know…I’m better.”, he smirks and allows the other boy to actually tackle him to the mat.
They wrestle on the floor for a bit before Eddie gets the upper hand and locks Steve between his legs.
“See, I think your problem is you over think everything. It’s all numbers and stats for you. That’s why you hate me, isn’t it. Because I don’t give a shit about any of that. I just want to do good and have fun. Do you have fun anymore, Stevie?”
Elbowing him in the side, Steve flips Eddie over onto his back and straddles his waist as he pins his wrists to the floor.
“Oh…”, Eddie coos softly as he rolls his hips upwards, grazing the bulge between Steve’s legs. “I see. You need to be in control to have fun don’t you, big boy? You need to be the best at everything or else you’re a failure is that it?”
Steve exhales heavily, releasing the man from his hold with the intention of standing up and walking way but Eddie quickly grabs his face and roughly brings it down to hover over his own. 
“Don’t let your dad dictate how you live your life. I don’t.” 
With that he yanked Steve’s lips his own. Something lit up inside Steve he hadn’t felt in a long time, passion. When he pulled away, Eddie saw it reflecting in his eyes and smirked up at him, willing to play his game. 
Wrapping his arms around his waist, the long-haired boy wrestled him onto his back and kissed him again, sliding his tongue along his own as he continued to grind against him. 
Steve pushed Eddie’s chest, maneuvering him till he was underneath him once more and placed his palm around his throat lightly choking him as Eddie’s hands roamed underneath the man’s shirt. 
“Come on, Stevie, baby. Show me what you got.”
Growling, he pushed up onto his knees and unbuckled his belt, reaching into his pants to pull out his cock. Eddie’s eyes widened in surprise at the man’s size causing Steve to flash him a smirk of his own. 
“I think it’s time I shut that mouth up for you.”
Leaning forward, he guided himself into the man’s awaiting mouth, groaning when he felt him choke around him. Eddie tried to continue to wrestle but Steve had the upper hand here, gripping his hair tightly in his fingers. 
“You can take my cock. Trust me. Your mouth is fucking big enough with all the attitude that comes out of it.” 
Eddie quickly kicked off his shoes and looped his legs around Steve’s chest, knocking him backward as he climbed on top of him, and lifted off his shirt. 
Steve mewled as Eddie’s lips sloppily kissed down his chest before enveloping him in his mouth again. The man’s own limbs circled around the metalhead’s waist but he didn’t try to pin him this time. More than anything, he just wants him closer. 
Eddie drooled and spit around him, taking him as far back into his throat as he could. He was genuinely surprised at how good the man beneath him tasted, half expecting his natural flavor to be as bland as Steve seemed. Maybe there was more to him he didn’t know. 
Hell, Steve misjudged him so badly, he may have very well done the same. 
Steve released Eddie from his hold and roughly lifted him by the chin to bring his lips to his. After yanking down his shorts, the long-haired boy straddled his waist again before reaching between them and slowly sliding his cock into his entrance. 
Their eyes scrunched close as Steve’s head fell forward onto his chest and Eddie responded by threading his fingers through his fluffy hair.
“Jesus fucking Christ.”, Eddie purred as he pulled off his shirt, mewling when Steve’s lips kissed along his tattoos. 
Once he was fully seated on his lap, he leaned back a little to watch Eddie bounce on top of him. The long, wavy hair he had hated fell around the boy’s face blocking those intensely, beautiful chocolate eyes that he had glared into numerous times. Those stupid tattoos he hadn’t liked were now glistening with sweat and his spit as Steve ran his mouth along his upper body.
That sarcasm he hated was now muted by moans and pants as his cock hit Eddie’s spot repeatedly causing him to clench tighter around him. 
“Talk to me.”, Steve moaned. “I want to hear you.”
“Why?”, Eddie breathily chuckled. “I-I thought you hated my sass. We’re—shit—we’re not friends, right?”
Grabbing his neck, Steve flipped them around till Eddie was underneath him, grunting as he roughly thrust his cock deeper into him.
“T-Tell me why, Steve. Why do you need to hear how good you feel inside of me? Mmm—that no one has ever been this deep. Do you need to feel like you’re succeeding to get off?”
The man’s eyes met his before leaning down to place his head in the nook between Eddie’s neck and shoulder. His hips slam into his own till he hears the metalhead groan and cling to his hair as ropes of his seed hit his stomach. Steve follows close behind, panting loudly in his ear as he releases his spend inside of him. 
Falling to his side, both men breathe heavily as they try to catch their breath. As Eddie pulls up his shorts and reaches for his shirt, he winces slightly as his other arm wraps around his ribs. 
“They should have put ice on that.”, Steve responds casually as he grabs the boy’s shirt and hands it to him. “You’re also probably going to need to tape it up if your ribs are bruised.”
“I’m fine, Harrington, but thanks for the advice.”
“Jesus Christ.”, he huffs, rolling his eyes as he gets to his feet. “Still so fucking stubborn.”
Grabbing his shirt and his gear, Steve heads for the edge of the ring and throws his things to the floor. Allowing himself one more cursory glance, he watches Eddie struggle to put on his clothes before meeting him at the edge.
“Just sit! Please.”
Taken a back, Eddie does what he commands as Steve jumps down, carefully places his strong hands on the man’s sides, and guides him down beside him. 
“Thank you…”
“You’re welcome. I need you 100% if we’re going to be in the ring together again for a rematch.”
As he starts to walk away, he pauses when he hears Eddie’s voice echo through arena. 
“Hey, Stevie! Did you mean the fight with gloves or without?”, the metalhead smirks as he waits for an answer. 
“Keep calling me that and you’ll find out soon enough.”
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do you have any tips for subtly looking more masculine? I can’t fully transition now because I’m a minor in a confirmed to be transphobic household, and if you have any suggestions that would be amazing
Lee says:
You can try starting slowly incorporating more masculine-styled women's clothing into your wardrobe. This is usually a gradual process anyway since it can take time to save up enough money to purchase enough new shirts/pants/shoes etc. to fully replace your current wardrobe, especially if you're working part-time as a babysitter, dog-walker, etc.
Clothes that are more structured or straight-cut, like button-down shirts or straight-leg pants, can help create a more traditionally masculine silhouette. Layering with hoodies or jackets can also be effective. You can sometimes find these things styled as "boyfriend" clothes, and you can tell your parents that it's the current trend/style. You can see our post on finding masculine clothing in the women's section here.
Another easy change is dropping the accessories. That means not wearing feminine necklaces/earrings/bracelets/hairbands, not painting your nails, etc. It's easy to say you want to keep things basic and sporty and that's why you're going without the accessories. Wearing a neutral watch or a smart watch is another accessory to consider instead of a thin-strapped "women's watch" if you wear watches at all that is.
You can see our post on purse alternatives here since bags are often the biggest practical change in the accessory category. Not carrying a purse when you hang out with your friends in the mall, go out on a trip, etc is obviously a high-impact change to make.
If possible, choose a haircut that's more typically masculine. Shorter haircuts, or styles that are longer on the top and shorter on the sides, can subtly change your appearance. If you use a female reference for your photo when you show your parents what you want they may not suspect anything. You can see our post on convincing your parents to let you get a haircut without coming out here.
If a haircut isn’t possible, consider styles like pulling your hair back in a low bun or wearing hats. If you're Black, cornrows, box braids, and locs are styles that can be gender neutral depending on how you wear them. There's a few links on that here.
There are also things you can do to come across as subtly more masculine without buying anything at all.
Sometimes, adopting a more traditionally masculine posture and body language can make a difference. This doesn't usually have a big impact on passing, but it can help you feel better about yourself and boost your self-confidence and reduce dysphoria, and it's something that your family may not notice because it's easy to alter when you're with them. You can see a post about masculine body language here.
Similarly, you can try voice training and practice speaking in a slightly lower tone or in a more monotone style, which is often perceived as more masculine. Be careful not to strain your voice, though, and maybe avoid doing it while you're with your family. You can see a post about voice training here.
Engaging in exercises that build upper body strength can also help in achieving a more masculine physique. Focus on workouts that target the shoulders, back, and arms. You can often do body weight workouts at home in your room without needing a gym membership or specialized exercise equipment.
Find a support system, whether it's friends, online communities, or a counselor/therapist, who understand and support your gender identity. This can provide a safe space to express yourself and explore your identity. It can help to have other friends who are also masculine to feel like you're not isolated.
Observing and adopting some masculine behavioral cues, like how men typically occupy space or interact in social settings, can also be a subtle way to express masculinity, but you want to be careful that you're not imitating toxic masculinity / obnoxious guys. Similarly, engaging in hobbies or interests that are stereotypically masculine can be a subtle way to align with male peers, but always choose activities that genuinely interest you and you can probably find other guys out there who are also interested in the things you already care about to be friends.
The above suggestions are all things that you can do without your parents necessarily noticing. Binding is something that may not be subtle depending on your chest size, so while it is possible to sometimes bind in front of family without them noticing (saying it's a sports bra, for example) I would recommend keeping your binder in your backpack and only changing into it at school in the bathroom / at a friend's house / in a public bathroom when you're out with friends but not family, etc. unless you really are wearing only a single well-fitting sports bra. You can see more about buying a binder and that whole process in this post.
It's harder to be seen as masculine or male when you're pre-medical transition and not passing which means people often have to "overcompensate" by being more masculine than they would otherwise choose to be, but as always, I'd like to note that it can be possible to pass as male / be masculine while doing any of the things I recommended changing!
So while I might advise someone who wants to come off as more masculine "don't paint your nails" for example, that is a general rule and doesn't mean that you have to follow those guidelines if you're really passionate about painting your nails. You can always choose whatever gender expression you're comfortable with. There are plenty of guys who wear nail polish and otherwise come across as masculine or who are recognized as men. It's important to remember that masculinity is diverse and there's no one right way to be masculine.
Followers, any other tips on performing subtle masculinity that won't make transphobic parents suspicious?
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eksvaized · 8 months
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[ Previous ┃ Next ] [ All In One ] part 13, MDNI
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Over the course of two gruelling, intense days, Simon teaches you how to use a pistol. Each morning, while the first rays of the sun are just beginning to kiss the horizon, you and he would rouse yourselves from sleep and make the short trek to a nearby neighbourhood. He deems the backyard of your house not an appropriate location for your makeshift shooting range. The loud gunshots, combined with all the noise you and he makes, draw the attention of the dead. More often than not, your rigorous training sessions are abruptly interrupted. You are forced to desert the front yard of yet another desolate home since the biters, lured to the clamour like moths to a flame, start circling you.
Simon also takes it upon himself to provide some rudimentary hand-to-hand combat drills, teaching you a selection of basic yet effective moves to defend yourself should you end up in a situation where you need to spar with someone. His goal is to equip you with enough skills to protect yourself.
Despite being a novice, you surprise yourself with your shooting skills. The accuracy you show is staggering, like a seasoned marksman honed by years of experience. You manage to hit nearly every target that is placed in your line of sight. Each bullet finds its mark with the precision of a hawk swooping down on its prey. Yet, when it comes to sparring with Simon, success eludes you. No matter how hard you try to win, wrestling with Simon is like trying to overpower a mountain. Every practice session, without fail, ends with you pinned to the ground, gasping for breath like a fish out of water, defeated and humbled; Simon looms over you, a smirk spread wide across his face.
On the morning of your departure, you both wake up at dawn. The tension of the upcoming journey is palpable. Simon decides against bringing his duffel bag. Instead, he fills your backpack with essentials: food, several water bottles, and other useful items he thinks might come in handy.
The first day unfolds like a calm before the storm, unremarkable and serene. It's filled with endless hours of walking under the all-seeing gaze of Simon, who urges you onward like a relentless drumbeat. Throughout the initial day, you are fortunate enough to avoid any encounters with the dead. As the sun begins to set and the darkness cloaks the world in its inky shroud, you and Simon find a secure and suitable place to rest for the night, a small respite from the looming threats outside. Simon is firm in his stand against exploring the shadowy, dangerous streets in the dark, citing the increased risk of encountering biters. He believes in preserving strength and avoiding unnecessary battles that could lead to dire consequences. But, by the third day, the circumstances around you shift as dramatically as a calm sea turning into a tempest. The dangers you could once sidestep now stand defiantly in your path, leaving you with no choice but to engage in a fight...
With each step you take, your feet seem to drag reluctantly against the rough, uneven ground beneath you. You find your gaze fixated on the concrete, unable to muster the energy to lift your eyes and take in your surroundings. Exhaustion is seeping into your bones, making your every movement feel heavy and laborious. The muscles in your legs scream out in protest, begging you for a moment of respite, for a chance to rest, if only for a short while. However, Simon is insistent on pressing ahead, urging you both to cover just a little more ground before you allow yourselves to stop.
The sun has already set, casting long, dark shadows across the small town that you find yourselves in the centre of. The pressing need to find shelter for the night has driven both of you into this unfamiliar territory. Yet, despite your best efforts, neither of you managed to spot anything that looked safe enough to provide refuge for the night. Every potential haven seems to be fraught with danger or uncertainty, making the task all the more daunting. Tired and on the brink of despair, you suggest to Simon that perhaps you should simply settle in a random house or the smallest shop and clear out any biters that might be lurking within. Rather than continuing your fruitless search, it would make more sense to fortify a chosen spot, but Simon merely shakes his head in response. His determination is unwavering, and so you continue on, hoping that safety lies just around the corner.
Suddenly, like a snake striking its prey, Simon's iron-strong grip seizes your arm. He yanks you down with brute force, forcing you to dive behind the rusted car. Your body crashes into the unforgiving concrete, the shock reverberating through your bones. You are bewildered, your eyes darting to Simon, desperate for an explanation for the sudden chaos. However, before you can formulate a question, Simon presses his index finger to your lips. He gives his head a vigorous shake, his eyes wide with a fear that mirrors your own, and gestures for you to cast your gaze towards the other side of the desolate road.
At that moment, a weight of dread, as heavy as an anchor, pulls your heart into the pit of your stomach, making it feel as though it has descended to your knees. A cold sweat, chilling in its suddenness, breaks out on your brow, a tangible manifestation of your terror. A swarm of the dead, their groans echoing eerily in silence, is steadily advancing in your direction.
Simon, normally so composed, appears to be as horrified as you are. His face is ashen, his eyes wide with the same primal fear that has seized you. Yet, while you are rooted in place by your terror, he is already springing into action. He scans the surroundings, his mind working in overdrive as he attempts to devise a strategy to extricate both of you from this deadly trap.
"Do you see that tiny shop just across the street?" Simon speaks into your ear. You give a slight nod. "We need to run. As quickly and quietly as we can. If we're lucky, we'll sneak in before the biters notice us. Once inside, we'll lay low and wait for them to pass. Wait—take this," he rummages through the backpack that's slung over his shoulder and pulls out a black pistol. "Don't lose it. And don't shoot unless it's absolutely necessary."
You nod again. You understand the gravity of the situation, yet fear has frozen you in place, like a deer caught in the glaring headlights. Seeing no other option, Simon takes the lead and pulls you along with him.
As you begin to sprint, your heart hammers against your chest, its pounding rhythm echoing the surge of adrenaline that courses through your veins like a rushing river. Simon releases your arm, but remains close behind, a steadfast shadow in your peripheral vision. Your eyes remain fixated on the shop as you force your mind to block out the ominous thuds of nearing footsteps and the chilling groans of the dead. A quick, terror-laden glance over your shoulder confirms that the biters have yet to notice you. But just as you lurch forward again, the pistol Simon gave to you slips from your clammy, trembling palm. It clatters onto the concrete, sliding a few feet away like a discarded toy.
You skid to a halt, your eyes darting around in panic. The horde is getting too close for your comfort, raising the hairs on the back of your neck. But you can't just leave the pistol behind; Simon has made it clear you need to keep it safe.
"Damn it." Taking a deep, shaky breath, you spin around and dash towards the fallen gun.
You pick it up. But before you can dash back, you get caught. A dead man's fingers coil around your arm, drawing you into his deathly embrace. He growls into your face, his breath reeking of decay. You choke down a scream, swallowing it like a bitter pill as you kick at him. Your foot connecting with the hollow thud of his flesh. But once you dodge him, two others approach with unsteady, lumbering steps. Panic seizes you, hot and overwhelming, and this time you can't contain the frantic whimper that rises in your throat. You want to shoot them, to defend yourself and drive them back, but when you lift your hand, the pistol slides out of your trembling grip again, clattering to the ground.
Another scream, louder this time and laced with pleading, eludes you when another cold, lifeless hand grabs your shoulder. The horde, who were previously as scattered as leaves in the wind, suddenly converges, their focus sharpening on you like a hawk zeroing in on its prey. They close in, their menacing presence growing, looming over you like an ominous storm cloud getting closer and closer. Your body is teetering on the brink of collapsing. You draw out a knife from your belt, but it does little good, and eventually gets stuck in the skull of a biter, who attempts to bite your leg.
The shattering roar of a gun firing punctuates the air, a thunderclap that sends a frigid chill coursing through your veins. The scent of freshly spent gunpowder, pungent and dizzying, invades your nostrils - a harsh, metallic perfume that fills your senses until it's all you can perceive. Four bullets. That's how many it takes for Simon to close the distance between you two. With each gunshot, he moves closer, until finally, you are within arm's reach. He grabs your hand and hauls you after him. There's a certain desperation in the way he grasps your fingers — he is terrified of losing you again.
In a swift and forceful push, Simon thrusts you into the shop. He barricades the entrance and then makes you both advance further inside the building. The noise of the horde outside is deafening. Fear is paralysing you, but Simon's presence acts as a grounding force. Eventually, the pair of you stumble upon a dark, desolate room, a stark contrast to the pandemonium just on the other side of the wall. You both stagger in and, after ensuring the door is securely closed, collapse onto the ground, gasping for air amidst the adrenaline rush.
Simon shatters the silence, his voice a ghostly whisper that dances above the echoes of your laboured breaths. Yet, beneath his hushed tone, a current of anxiety rushes. "What the hell happened?"
"I went back for the pistol," you say, the words leaving a bitter taste on your tongue as the harsh reality of your reckless actions unfurls before you. You risked your life, throwing yourself into the jaws of danger for a mere gun.
Simon's eyes widen in shock, his mouth falling open in disbelief. It appears as if he's teetering on the edge of harsh reprimand, but he ultimately seals his lips and rubs his face in frustration. He recognises the remorse etched across your face and understands that you're already punishing yourself for your impulsive decisions, absolving him of the need to add to your self-inflicted guilt.
"We escaped the biters this time. So, all's well that ends well, isn't it?" He murmurs, stepping close to you. The relief of your shared survival is as palpable as the thick, humid air before a storm. Taking a deep breath, he leans in, pressing his lips softly against yours.
After the short kiss ends, he retreats to the shadowy corner of the room, sinking onto the floor and leaning his back against the wall. He pulls the backpack onto his lap, his fingers deftly working the zipper open before he starts rummaging through its contents. The soft rustling sounds fill the otherwise quiet space.
Feeling a sudden need for some space, you move to the opposite side of the room. You need a moment alone to collect your scattered thoughts and calm your racing heart. The room, as if mirroring your emotions, seems to shrink, its walls inching closer. Curling into yourself, you hug your knees, pulling them to your chest. For a long time, neither of you speak. The silence is thick, and heavy with the unspoken words and emotions that hang in the air. You're both still trying to process what has just transpired, the danger you faced together.
The persistent throbbing in your shoulder is becoming increasingly unbearable. You've been trying to suppress the pain, hoping it would fade away. However, as you glide your fingers over the skin in a futile attempt to massage it, you feel a sticky substance coating your fingertips. When you bring your hand into the dim light, you're taken aback by the sight of your blood. An icy shiver, far colder than any winter breeze, ran down the length of your spine, inducing a sense of dread deep within you.
Simon doesn't seem to notice your fiddling. His focus is on his hands, which are working to revive the flashlight that seems to have run out of batteries. While he's preoccupied, you seize the opportunity to further inspect your wound without drawing too much attention to yourself. Squinting through the darkness, you make a chilling discovery - you have been bitten. It wasn't the fingers that wrapped around your shoulder, but the teeth.
You know, you must tell Simon about the bite. However, the words feel like jagged stones lodged in your throat. All you manage to utter is, "I think we should go home. It's far too dangerous. We're chasing shadows... my brother may not even be alive. I don't want to go looking for him anymore."
It kills you to say this. But the bleak reality stands before you like a grim reaper, its chilling presence whispering that the sickness will seize your life in mere days. The last thing you want is for Simon to risk his life for you. You are a walking time bomb, and you can't let Simon be caught in the eventual explosion.
"What?!" Simon's voice reverberates like a shockwave, echoing his disbelief as he struggles to comprehend your words. "We can't turn back now. Not when we've come this far," he says, his voice a symphony of emotional turmoil. "I know you're scared, but we... I... We're against the clock here, and we've already walked more than half the distance."
You stay silent. Your hand is still clutching your shoulder. You know that without a solid reason, Simon will not turn and go back. But you can't admit to him that you are dying. Because the moment you utter the words, the moment you confess to having been bitten, it becomes your reality—an irrevocable truth that can never be unsaid.
TAG LIST: @randointhecloset, @lurkinwbreexy, @breadpitt69 , @browtfyoudoing , @yelenassafeplace, @itsthealice, @naxxsstuff, @lotionlamp If you want to be added, let me know!
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liesmyth · 4 months
Do you have any recommendations for bodyweight workouts someone could do at home? I want to get into strength training but I’m terrified of the weight floor at gyms lol
HI HELLO YES. I absolutely do rec my one and only, beloved, HOT, ass-bursting youtube workout queen Caroline Girvan. Her youtube-only programs were my lifeline during the lockdowns; it's technically a dumbell weight program but you can also do it bodyweight! It plays a lot with variations on exercises / tempo / eccentric contractions etc and it's quite solid progression-wise in terms of actually making you stronger. If you want to get a set of dumbells or hold a pair of water bottles that'll make it more effective, but it's a great workout even bodyweight only.
Here are all her programs playlists; most of the long programs are designed to be done 5x/week, and the short playlists are one week each. She's pretty good at explaining everything in the video (at the beginning, it's a no-talk kind of yt workout) and I really recommend checking them out. I will say I DID get noticeably stronger doing these for about 6 months, although I used weights.
Another very popular (and very effective!) routine is the r/bodyweightfitness recommended progression. That subreddit is a wealth of resources and I really can't recommend their wiki enough, but the downside is that you will need some equipment and that could be a stumbling block (although you might have access to it at your gym)
In general, progressing with bodyweights-only routines is a lot more uneven than with weights, so it can be a bit frustrating, but the reward is that callisthenics-types skills make you cool as hell.
(Also. if it helps. I'm a weight room enthusiast and my askbox is always open if you need any types or anecdotes to demystify it — I promise it's not that scary IF you want to give it a go. But I also know that it can be very scary or just plain boring to some people, and that's valid too — there's a lot of stuff you can achieve without ever touching a barbell or a weight machine)
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themoonandtheprincess · 5 months
Tasha Davenport and Davenkids headcanons for Mother's Day!
•In the first episode, Leo says Tasha and Donald met on online dating but I think it would be much more realistic if they met while Tasha interviewed him about an invention.
°And Donald's brain just short circuits straight out of his head and he drops this million dollar, brand-new technology right on the floor and it breaks into a million pieces.
°He cries about it to Adam, Bree, and Chase later but all they do is make kissy faces and mock him because they're around 11-13 at the time.
°So, Tasha has known about them for a while and they were, at one point, the final straw in their relationship because she couldn't handle how Donald wasn't even treating them as humans.
°She threatened to take them with her but Donald had bullied her, saying she knew nothing about science or robotics and wouldn't be able to keep them alive without their bionics and millions of equipment and tech.
°So, she stayed with him but emotionally away. And kept Leo away from him for the longest time. The first episode was the first time he had been in Donald's house. Their relationship only started getting better when Adam, Bree, and Chase were "freed" from the basement.
°Leo didn't meet Donald until three years into their relationship and they then got married five months later.
•And it wasn't until Chase started dating Sebastian that she saw essentially a mirror of her relationship with Donald. That is to say, toxic. The only difference being Tasha and Donald actually healed their relationship and regained trust, if rocky.
•When they were Davencourting, Donald promised her she would never had to work again but she told him that reporting was her passion.
•How they would do the "Pass the phone" trend.
"I'm passing the phone who married a millionaire scientist yet still insists on keeping her reporting job."
"I'm passing the phone to someone who programmed a home security system to bully him."
"I'm passing the phone to the home security system that literally has stopped nothing from coming in. Also he doesn't have hands so it cant be passed to him."
"I'm passing the phone to the smartest man on earth who insisted his first gay relationship didn't fuck him up."
"I'm passing the phone to someone who got a job at Mighty Med to pop bones back in place with his super strength and ended up breaking them."
"I'm passing the phone to Skylar."
"Adam! That's not how you're supposed to do it!"
"Oh, well, you already passed me the phone."
• She dyes Skylar's pink streak by having her hover over the bathtub then Oliver shoot water at her when it's time to rinse. Impractical but they find it fun.
• Her children had disaster coming outs.
°It started with Bree in the lab, putting away training gear, when Tasha had approached her. "Bree," she said. "I have nothing against it, but you need to stop looking up 'girls kissing' on Donald's computers."
Bree watched Tasha pick at her fingernails. "But," she started. "That's not normal? Just like growing up in a basement?"
"No, no, no." Tasha rectified. "It's normal- the girls part, not the basement part- but it's being sent to Eddy."
Bree's mouth made an 'O.' "But Chase looks up two guys kissing and it never gets sent to Eddy."
Chase's head perked up from where he was tinkering with a project. "That's a perk of being half-robot, sis!"
"The Perks of Being Part Robot," Adam laughed. "They're gonna make into a LGBT movie."
"So..." Tasha drawled out. "Do you like guys, too?"
"Oh no," Adam grinned, bouncing on his toes. "I just kiss my homies goodnight."
•Tasha loves Kaz. Especially because she can relate to him on a personal level growing up in a poor household and being forced to parent younger siblings.
•Kaz also teaches her basic medicine for the team and she has basically all of Mighty Med out after a mission.
°She finds him infinitely times better than Sebastian but only tells him that once.
•Nobody even thinks about getting into an argument with her, let alone raising their voice, because the only person who did that was Chase.
°It was when he was dating Sebastian and he was trying to convince her that he was a good guy and wasn't paying attention to when he raised his voice at her.
°For the smartest man on earth, it was a very easy and very big fuck.
•She refuses to be mediator on any argument. Even the simplest thing like when Chase and Adam argued about boxed water.
•Leo's dad left when he was four but Donald has never had the "I'm not trying to be your dad" talk with him.
•When Skylar started dating Bree, she brought Tasha and Donald a dead pig. "It is an offer for your daughter's hand in courtship and proof I can provide for your family through the winter."
•Before Kaz and Chase's relationship was out, Kaz would catch on flames from anxiety if Donald or Tasha saw them even remotely next to each other.
•She was the one who suggested to Kaz that Adam could work at Mighty Med to pop bones back in place or whatever required super strength.
•Donald offered to make her bionic but she said she'd rather die.
•Donald used to cut the Rats hair when they were kids and it looked terrible. (It's why Chase's hair is so spiky. Ha. Spiky.)
•Also, Tasha never got used to Spike coming out. It scares the shit out of her every time.
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fullpump1 · 10 months
The Unitree PUMP allows for versatile workouts targeting various muscle groups, as described on the Full Pump website:
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katy-133 · 6 months
The thing that gets me about the Engineer Tunnel Lady is that, if it was 100% fake and greenscreening, it would be one of the most interesting analogue/ARG horror series I've ever heard of. And there's been some heavy competition with THHPII, Welcome Home, and the recent Angel Hare.
The premise of a woman who just decides to take up DIY engineering because she suddenly has an unexplained, fierce desire to tunnel, and then proceeds to dig a subterranean system of tunnels underneath her suburban house that Nancy Drew would be proud of. She decides to record and document her progress and post it online, explaining how we, the audience, are able to follow her slow decent into the darkness. It makes me think of early internet unfiction YouTube webseries like Lonelygirl15.
The "surreal happenings in suburbia" vibes. The inherent horror of tunnels and the dark (ie, that one episode of The Magnus Archives). The horror of watching someone who is not trained in handling engineering equipment is seen using a bunch of powerful tools on her own (similar to AlanTutorial). The fear of the unknown as she tries to figure out how to problem-solve around the water flooding in. The mystery of why she's even doing this. Watching the progress of the tunnel getting so big that she needs a mining cart and then an elevator. Finding the remains of what looks like castle building stones buried below. The random subplot of finding out one of the guest rooms in her house might be haunted. A bit unbelievable, but it's a horror webseries, so you roll with it.
But then we find out that this is actually real and this TikTok user has reportedly been digging tunnels underneath her house independently. This changes the entire context of the situation. Because now her fans who were invested with the story are left wondering just how dangerous and irresponsible the project is. Did her neighbours know about the project? What if she caused the power to go out in her block? What if she creates a sinkhole? Is this safe?
When it's unfiction, your willing suspension of disbelief lets you get to partake in the story without worrying about certain elements beyond plot holes and thematic strength. The author is pretending to tell you something true and you're pretending to believe it. That's the fun of unfiction. It's trying to be grounded in reality with a magical realism element. It's why we can like fictional characters we know we wouldn't like if they were real. Now with the tunnel project being confirmed as real, it's become a moral situation.
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ddarker-dreams · 8 months
description of their abilities under the cut for those who are unfamiliar:
Scarlet Ribbons is a natural humanoid Stand centered around her utility to compensate for lacking raw power. Her main functionality is her ability to create red ribbons, manipulating them at the [First]’s discretion. The ribbons have a range from where [First] stands in a radius of forty feet (twelve meters), but grow weaker in power the further they extend out. Upon being rendered unconscious, any ribbons created by [First] will disappear and lose their former effect.
Some usages of the ribbons are but not limited to: constricting opponents, bandaging flesh wounds, blinding opponents by wrapping ribbons around their eyes, creating bridges/ramps, and moving objects within Reader’s strength.
Scarlet Ribbons, while not a fully sentient Stand, will sometimes act on her own volition outside of battle. She’s affectionate and enjoys interacting with others. When she’s not hugging [First], she’ll be looking for other fun things to entertain herself with. Scarlet Ribbons dotes on others by creating them various accessories.
⚔ - gate to the beyond (hell within reach)
Your ability is to draw items from The Beyond, a pitch-black realm that stores equipment; mainly your weapons and armor. Other people may store equipment within but are only able to access it if you will it. Opening a gate to The Beyond summons a thin, oval-like apparatus that hovers midair or on the ground. You reach inside to place/remove items, your arm disappearing to any onlookers in the process.
Each weapon and armor has its own designation: they are called Sets. Sustaining multiple Sets is draining over long periods of time. You can attach armor to other people at will, but this is your most draining technique; since it requires shifting the size of the armor and maintaining it in real time.
Known Weapon Sets
Set A: Summons either a single or double sword depending. The blade itself is slightly curved and the handle embedded with regalia showcasing your home country’s predominant religion. Set B: Summons a lithe and agile spear that can double as a javelin if thrown. This set it both your quickest and has the most range. Set C: Summons a gargantuan double-sided axe that’s slower to attack but packs a hefty punch. It can cut through most material, not counting constructs made of Nen. It weighs upward of four thousand pounds.
Armor Sets
Set 1: Metal-based armor that prioritizes defense, bulky but protective. Each piece weighs around a hundred pounds and can be a pain to move around in. This is best used in situations where you can be stationary. It covers you from head to toe. Set 2: Fabric-based armor that prioritizes agility, light yet incredibly agile. Your go-to when armor is required, as it best aids your combat style. It mostly covers your vitals while remaining loose by your joints so as not to prohibit movement. Set 3: An armor set that is sturdy while still allowing decent movement.
🌻 - cursed technique: ophanim and null
Your ability is versatile if not simple.
You can call forth golden rings that perpetually spin clockwise. Their size, speed, and sharpness are determined by you. At this point in your training, you can maintain two of these rings without sacrificing speed or sharpness. Should you bring out any more, they will dull and slow down for each addition made. Two could slash through steel, four could cut the same slab halfway, six would make a sizable dent, eight would leave a scratch; so on and so forth.
There’s an additional application beyond this.
Cursed Technique: Null — the pinnacle of the innate ability you inherited, Ophanim.
The sorcerer creates three rings around any object or organism. One spins around the target horizontally. The other two slant left and right respectively, all spinning counterclockwise. The closed eyes adorning the ring’s outside fly open. Unblinking, hypervigilant. If what they’re enclosed around is significantly weaker than the sorcerer, it can halt the movements of whatever or whoever is within.
⌛ - god darling, the lord of sand
As Vephar, The God of Sand, Geo flows through your veins like ichor. Your mastery lies in the creation and manipulation of sand. Whether that be forming wicked gusts that erode flesh and bone alike, or the transmutation of sand into glass. Each grain heeds your command with reverence, dutifully fulfilling any order.
🥀 - mastery over synalinks and psionics
The LOTUS-EATER's Exalted Arbiter hails from a bloodline who have uncovered many secrets of the psyche. Your sense of empathy is heightened to such a degree that you can feel other's emotions, or, if you wish, hear their thoughts. Beyond that, you can gaze into their mind itself. Rearranging shards of memories into a mosaic that reflects your designs. It is a delicate art that comes as natural as breathing to you.
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The Secret to Home Fitness Success: What You Need to Know
Home fitness has taken the world by storm. More and more people are ditching the crowded gyms, costly memberships, and long commutes in favor of working out in their own space. But is home fitness really as effective as hitting the gym? And how do you get started? Today, we’re diving into some key questions about home fitness, helping you get closer to making the right decision for your fitness journey.
What Makes Home Fitness So Popular?
The flexibility of home fitness is a game changer. You don’t need to adjust your life around gym hours, and you can squeeze in a workout whenever it fits your schedule—whether it’s early morning before the kids wake up, or late at night after a long day. Plus, the convenience of not having to leave the house makes it easier to stick to a routine.
For many, the gym can be intimidating—filled with complex equipment, mirrors, and other people who seem to already know what they’re doing. Home fitness eliminates this pressure. You’re in control of your workout environment, free from the distractions and insecurities that often come with a public space. No more waiting in line for machines or comparing yourself to others. It's just you, your space, and your goals.
Do You Need Expensive Equipment for Home Fitness?
One common misconception is that you need a fully equipped gym at home to see results. That couldn’t be further from the truth! While investing in a few basics like dumbbells or resistance bands can enhance your workouts, home fitness is incredibly versatile. You can start with bodyweight exercises and still build strength and burn fat effectively.
In fact, bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks are incredibly powerful for building muscle and improving endurance. As you progress, you can incorporate more equipment based on your needs and goals. You don’t need to break the bank to get started—often, the most essential tool for home fitness is just the commitment to begin.
What Are the Benefits of Working Out at Home?
The benefits of home fitness go far beyond convenience. For starters, working out at home saves you time. There’s no travel time to factor in, which means you can dive right into your routine. It also gives you the flexibility to work out on your terms—whether that’s during your lunch break, first thing in the morning, or while catching up on your favorite show.
Additionally, home fitness allows you to tailor your workouts to your specific needs without distractions. Want to focus on bodyweight strength training or high-intensity cardio? You get to decide. With no one watching, you can explore different routines and take your time learning the movements that work best for you.
Lastly, let’s not forget the financial perks. With gym memberships getting pricier, home fitness can be a cost-effective alternative. Once you’ve set up your space with the basic equipment, the cost drops significantly compared to paying monthly gym fees. Over time, the savings really add up.
How Do You Stay Motivated?
While home fitness offers unmatched flexibility, staying motivated can sometimes be a challenge. It’s easy to get distracted by household chores, family members, or just the comfort of your couch. The key to staying on track is creating a dedicated workout space. This doesn’t need to be fancy—a corner of your living room, a spare room, or even your garage can work.
Another important factor is having a clear plan. Without a structured workout program, it’s easy to lose focus and give up. This is why having exercise plans tailored to your goals is so important. Not only does it keep you accountable, but it also ensures you’re progressing safely and efficiently.
Consistency is another cornerstone of success. Set specific workout times, create a routine, and hold yourself accountable. Track your progress by recording your reps, sets, and how you feel after each session. Celebrating small wins, like completing a full week of workouts, helps build momentum and keep you motivated.
What's the Best Workout Routine for Home Fitness?
There isn’t one answer that works for everyone. Your workout routine will depend on your personal goals, fitness level, and available equipment. A great place to start is with a balance of strength training and cardio exercises. This combination allows you to burn fat, build muscle, and improve your cardiovascular health.
Strength training can be done with or without equipment. Bodyweight exercises like squats, push-ups, and lunges target multiple muscle groups and help increase your overall strength. Meanwhile, cardio can be as simple as jumping jacks, burpees, or even jogging in place to get your heart rate up.
The key is variety. Keep your workouts interesting by mixing in different types of exercises. This not only helps you avoid burnout but also ensures you’re working all areas of your body.
So, What’s Next?
Now that you know the basics of home fitness, you’re probably ready to dive deeper into how to make the most of your workouts from home. But what equipment should you invest in first? How do you structure your workouts for maximum results? And what should your diet look like to fuel your fitness journey?
We’ve got all the answers for you in our in-depth article, Discover the Secret to Building Muscle & Losing Weight from Home – No Gym Required!
In it, you’ll learn how to set up your home gym, follow expert-designed workout plans, and reach your fitness goals faster than you ever thought possible.
Ready to take the next step? Click here to read the full article and start your home fitness transformation today!
This blog provides valuable insights while leaving some questions unanswered, guiding readers to your more detailed article for further information.
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askbensolo · 4 months
Dude. So get this.
Rey’s been asking me what I do at the gym. “Cool,” I thought, “my little sister wants to work out!” And then I had an epic fantasy about Rey getting strong and just totally obliterating all the school bullies.
So I start sending her holovids demonstrating exercises she can do at home without much equipment. Body squats. Dumbbell curls. That sort of thing. She goes, “Oh my gosh, that’s so awesome! Thanks so much bro!”
This goes on for a few weeks. I visit home on a weekend. I ask Rey how strength training is going. She looks at me blankly.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask. “You know, all those holovids I sent you?”
She goes, “Ohhhh! Yeah! Well, aaactually…”
And that’s how I find out all her school friends think I’m hot and Rey has effectively monetized their prepubescent yearnings by charging them to view the training videos I sent her. Yeah. That’s right. My middle school sister’s been pimping me out to a bunch of eleven-to-thirteen-year-olds.
She offered to split the profits. I reported her to Mom and shut down her hustle.
Yeah, I’m pretty annoyed at the kid…albeit a little impressed by her entrepreneurial spirit.
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“Tmnt interdimensional vacation crossover”designs for the boys + cursed desriptions I found from scouring Pinterest
If you have any questions about Raph or Rara, please feel free to ask me :)
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Proper info below:
Raph has always been a fighting spirit. Determined to beat his brothers in training, sparring and everything else. He was competitive, always up for a challenge, no matter how dangerous. He was and is at times still full of anger and has a short fuse that could easily be lit by simple teasing. His brother Mikey was the primary instigator that baited him into fights, Raph didn’t always hold back. He felt resentment towards Lee for his position as leader, feeling that he was stronger and better equipped for the job, until the moment where Lee left after an argument and Raph had to step up. The burden was heavy, heavier than Raph could’ve expected, but he was forced to carry it being the second oldest. He realized how much it hurt to see his brothers injured and that he didn’t know how to help. He didn’t have a plan, in a moment of need he froze. The team couldn’t be without Lee, he was their leader, even if he made mistakes. The one thing Raph wants in the whole world, is happiness.
Raph always felt disconnected from the world. Knowing that the most he’d see of it was the city of New York, pretty much only at night. Then the team had to retreat to Aprils family farmhouse upstate, after Lee was injured and New York had been turned into a playground for the kraang. Being so far out, with no humans around gave Raph the ability to explore his new surroundings. He would spend his days deep in the woods, sitting by the creek, jumping from tree to tree and chopping wood for the fireplace. It was a truly freeing experience, and honestly he felt a bit of regret returning to their home in the sewers. After the kraang invasion was dealt with, Raph craved that freedom of being outside during the day, sitting by that creek within the woods was calming, he felt at peace, he could relax and let his troubles drift away. The sewers were dark and grimy, there was no sunlight and he stated to feel his anger creep up again. He vowed that one day, he would travel the world, not caring if he was accepted by society or not. And then he met Mona Lisa, the love of his life. And he realized his dream of happiness and freedom no longer just included himself, his heart was opened to two special people, his girlfriend Mona Lisa and his adopted son Chompy Picasso.
Being in the presence of his counterparts caused him a great deal of stress, as the last time they traveled dimensions, they had to deal with shredder and kraang again. This time however, there was no special reason for their arrival and instead was just a mishap with Dees and Leon’s experiment. The self dubbed disaster twins were immediately enamored with the older and more scarred Raph, and proceeded to ask him a myriad of questions. If Raph was being honest, he loved kids, they were so curious and easily excitable. And even though Dee and Leon were only 4 years younger than him, he still saw them as kids.
Leon was fun, always up for a challenge. He constantly bounced around Raph trying to bait him into a fight to show off his skills. Raph declined, mostly afraid of hurting the kid if he were to go all out. Until Raph was bear witness to a spar orchestrated by Lee of Leon and Rara. He was honestly shocked at how ferocious the two younger turtles were, both going all out or as all out as they could in such a small place. Raph watches in fascination thinking it would end immediately due to Raras size and strength, but Leon is fast, able to anticipate Raras movements eventually beating them. Raph had to do a double take, realizing that he wasn’t as quick or smart as he had been at Leon’s age. Raph could see the similarities between Leon and his own blue banded brother. Next time Leon baits him into a fight, Raph will accept.
Dee and Raph were pretty much opposites. After the initial meeting, Dee mostly stayed in his lab working on a battle shell for Lee. This remind Raph of his own Donnie, and even though him and Dee didn’t have much in common he still made sure to check up on the kid and force him out of his lab if he needed to to get Dee to eat something.
Michael and Raph were instant besties, both having a love of the arts and mostly spent time drawing together. Lee told them an idea he had, about them collaborating on an art project to brighten up their home, he brought them to a wall and told them to go crazy. It was freedom to be creative, it was the perfect challenge. Other than art, Micheal also introduced Raph to the hidden city, a place to explore where only mutants roamed. Pulling him around to all the trinket shops and even saying hi to Baron Draxum.
Raph and Rara bonded over their shared protectiveness over their family, they’d spend hours just talking about their life, struggles, hopes and dreams. It was very relaxing compared to the activities Raph did with his other brothers.
Raph struggled at first with getting to know splinter, having lost his own father barely a year ago, until he saw how much splinter reminded him of his late father, the way he loved his sons, and gave them advice and worried for them. They were a family, big and beautiful and full of love. He wanted to join in, but worried he would ruin everything for them, so he stayed away on family movie nights when they all piled on top of each other and watched a Lou jitsu movie, until one night Micheal pulled him in and stated that him and his brothers were family too.
Physical attributes:
Raph continues to be quite short for his age, even after having a growth spurt that caused him to grow 2 inches taller than Lee, compared to his younger counterparts height, he is much smaller.
Raph suffered a serious infection to his eye, after the brainworm burrowed through it. The look of his eye is worse than the actual state of it, and he wears a patch to conceal it.
His knee and elbow pads have an extra layer of protection underneath, to lessen the amount of injury to his knee caps, and elbows.
He has a large crevice of skin exposed in his plastron, years ago it was a tiny lightning shaped crack through the very top, and over time the crack grew bigger from new injuries he obtained to that area.
Raph has undiagnosed temporal lobe ADD
Raph has undiagnosed IED
Raph has entomophobia
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tripleflosolutions · 10 days
5 Time-Saving Fitness Hacks for Busy Professionals
5 Time-Saving Fitness Hacks for Busy Professionals
As a busy professional, you already know that balancing work, family, and social life can be challenging. Add trying to stay fit and healthy to the mix, and it feels almost impossible! Fortunately, fitness doesn’t have to consume your entire schedule. With the right strategies, you can stay in shape without sacrificing your time or energy.
In this article, we’ll explore five time-saving fitness hacks designed specifically for busy professionals. These tips are easy to implement, require minimal time, and will help you stay healthy no matter how packed your calendar is.
1. Micro Workouts: Small Bursts, Big Results
One of the biggest myths about fitness is that you need to spend hours at the gym to see results. That’s simply not true. With micro workouts, you can break your exercise routine into short bursts throughout the day.
Here’s how it works:
Instead of setting aside an hour for exercise, aim for 5-10 minute sessions multiple times a day.
Incorporate bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups during breaks or between meetings.
By the end of the day, these small sessions will add up, giving you the benefits of a full workout.
Micro workouts are especially effective for busy professionals who struggle to find extended periods of free time.
2. Use Your Commute for Cardio
For those with a long commute, why not turn that time into an opportunity to burn calories? Depending on where you live and work, you can walk or cycle instead of driving or using public transportation. This not only boosts your cardiovascular health but also helps you clear your mind and reduce stress before or after a busy workday.
Even if your commute is too long for walking, consider parking further away from the office or getting off public transit a stop early to squeeze in some extra steps.
3. Get Fit with Desk Exercises
Stuck at your desk all day? Don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to stay active while working. Simple desk exercises can help improve circulation, reduce stiffness, and strengthen muscles without leaving your office.
Try these quick desk exercises:
Seated leg lifts: Lift one leg at a time while seated, holding each for 10 seconds.
Chair dips: Use your office chair for tricep dips (as long as it’s stable!).
Shoulder rolls and neck stretches: Loosen tension from sitting hunched over your desk.
These exercises are great for fitting in some movement throughout your workday.
4. Plan Efficient Workouts with Minimal Equipment
If you have a little extra time for a workout, focus on routines that require minimal equipment but deliver maximum results. Resistance bands, dumbbells, and even your bodyweight can be used for effective strength training at home.
Keep your workout efficient by focusing on:
Compound movements (like squats, lunges, and push-ups) that work multiple muscle groups at once.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) for a full-body workout in just 20-30 minutes.
By focusing on efficiency, you’ll be able to complete a powerful workout in half the time it would take at the gym.
5. Schedule Your Workouts Like Meetings
One of the best ways to stay consistent with fitness is to treat it like a priority. Many busy professionals find that scheduling workouts into their calendar helps make exercise a non-negotiable part of the day.
Here’s what you can do:
Block off specific time slots for working out, just as you would for meetings or deadlines.
Use your phone’s reminder function or an app to alert you when it’s time for your workout.
Once exercise becomes part of your routine, you’ll be more likely to stick with it long-term.
Conclusion: Make Fitness Fit Your Life
Staying fit as a busy professional doesn’t have to be overwhelming or time-consuming. With these simple, time-saving hacks, you can maintain your health and energy levels while managing a hectic schedule.
Remember, fitness is about consistency—not perfection. Start small, stay consistent, and watch your energy and productivity soar.
#FitnessHacks #BusyProfessional #MicroWorkouts #HealthyLiving #WorkLifeBalance #StayFit #FitnessTips #DeskExercises
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nourishandthrive · 2 months
Simple and Effective Home Workouts for Busy Schedules
Finding time to exercise can be challenging, especially with a busy schedule. However, you don't need hours at the gym to stay fit. Home workouts can be just as effective and are easy to fit into your daily routine. Here are some simple and effective exercises you can do at home to keep yourself healthy and active, even on the busiest days.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
What It Is:
HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods. This workout can be done with various exercises like jumping jacks, burpees, or high knees.
Jumping jacks: 30 seconds
Rest: 10 seconds
Burpees: 30 seconds
Rest: 10 seconds
High knees: 30 seconds
Rest: 10 seconds
Repeat 3 times
Burns a lot of calories in a short time
Improves cardiovascular fitness
Can be done without equipment
Bodyweight Strength Training
What It Is:
Using your body weight for resistance can help build strength and muscle tone. Exercises like push-ups, squats, and planks are effective and require no equipment.
Push-ups: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Squats: 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Plank: 3 sets of 30-60 seconds
Lunges: 3 sets of 10-15 reps per leg
Builds muscle and strength
Enhances overall body tone
No equipment needed
Yoga and Stretching
What It Is:
Yoga combines stretching and strength poses to improve flexibility and reduce stress. It’s a great way to stay active and centered.
Downward Dog: 1 minute
Warrior II: 1 minute per side
Child’s Pose: 1 minute
Cat-Cow Stretches: 1 minute
Improves flexibility and balance
Reduces stress and tension
Enhances mental clarity
Cardio Workouts
What It Is:
Cardio exercises like running in place, skipping rope, or dancing can increase your heart rate and improve cardiovascular health.
Jogging in place: 2 minutes
Skipping rope: 2 minutes
Dancing: 2 minutes
Rest: 1 minute
Repeat 3 times
Boosts cardiovascular fitness
Burns calories and fat
Fun and energizing
Core Workouts
What It Is:
Strengthening your core muscles helps improve posture and balance. Exercises like crunches, leg raises, and bicycle kicks target the abdominal muscles.
Crunches: 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Leg Raises: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Bicycle Kicks: 3 sets of 15-20 reps per side
Strengthens core muscles
Improves balance and stability
Enhances overall body strength
You don't need a lot of time or equipment to stay fit. With these simple and effective home workouts, you can maintain your fitness routine even on the busiest days. Remember to stay consistent and listen to your body. What are your favorite home workouts? Share your routines and tips in the comments below!
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