#basic security system
crustacean-crew · 3 months
pen testing @ the stationery store
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I am bad at using pens apparently, I like the splash of color on senku though
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riinzler · 5 months
Rinzler headcanons? (Leaving this open to gush about anything you want.)
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i’m gonna use this opportunity to talk abt rinzler’s dynamic with the black guards/other occupation personnel and how security programs differ from other program types 👍
despite primarily being isolated simply by the nature of his job and his general reputation, rinzler does semi regularly interact with other programs working under clu (much to his annoyance and their fear lmao). being clu’s right hand gives rinzler a considerable task list beyond being just clu’s bodyguard, being in the games, and hunting down clu’s enemies. he still does security work while also helping strategize troop movements when asked and generally making things run as smoothly as they can for any upcoming plans.
i say all that to mean that he isn’t exclusively a one man show all the time as much as he’d like to be. things between him and the programs in the occupation are very strained to put it nicely but there’s an understanding there that if he needs you to do something he will tell you, and he doesn’t work with programs who aren’t higher ranking within their sector. if you aren’t the boss he has no business with you. the blackguards are a little different because dyson is the head of them and is usually stationed in argon, so the ones we see in legacy, (ESPECIALLY around clu) are guards hand picked by rinzler to be clu’s security team. they aren’t always around as rinzler is clu’s only full time guard and the only one allowed with him into certain areas tho
the fact that rinzler picks guards for specific assignments has lead to certain blackguards trying to directly interact with rinzler to try to get into his good graces which he…..doesn’t appreciate. he is IMMUNE to flattery 🖐 it was more of an issue when rinzler was told he had to select a team of guards to go with him on certain security jobs because a bunch of programs wanted a spot but there was never any real chance for them tbh b/c by the time clu put his foot down on rinzler putting together team he already had programs in mind.
rinz ended up picking reeve nord and klax (trons team from uprising) as they were actually the only security programs in the candidates lists and already had skill sets he was looking for. he trained em extensively and now brings them with him when he needs (is required) to bring backup
the thing is abt security programs, esp for more specialized ones like rinzler and dyson, is that the way they connect to the system and the ppl around them is intrinsically different then other types of programs. rinzler is particular is noteworthy for having a very different connection to the grid, both because he was made by alan and because he’s from the encom system. it’s not that they are more connected to the grid and more that they are connected to an aspect of it that other programs aren’t, hince how they are able to scan for footsteps and preform deeper scans of both programs and environments at all. (i do think non security programs can scan each other, but it’s very very surface level in comparison) security programs can also track programs by code signature, but it’s a difficult process that also involves the security program already being familiar with who their trying to track
to a degree it also effects their senses, as shown by dyson being able to sus beck out in that one ep. i imagine both dyson and rinzler have very very good hearing, something that’s both a blessing and a curse. for rinzler it’s main drawback is that he’s already a very light sleeper and being able to hear things that well when your trying to get some sleep means he’s constantly being woken up, which isn’t help by the other security protocols he has.
rinzler has security protocols that are unique to him (at least in some capacity) courtesy of his repurposing, flynn, and once again just by the nature of him being from a dif system. the main one and the one that other security programs also have to an extent is that he’s never truly fully offline, some part of his system is always running in the background and scanning for proximity alerts so he can’t be snuck up on when he’s asleep. rinzler’s system is just a bit more hyperactive about it by the nature of him Being The Way He Is.
similarly to that if rinzler gets injured while out and about the same section of his system that preforms those scans is able to ‘take over’ and lead him back to clu via clu’s code signature for repair. if clu can’t be found for whatever reason it’ll default to the next program in his internal hierarchy. it’s like sleepwalking more or less, with him going straight towards his destination and only pausing if someone comes close enough for him to need to defend himself. memories between him being injured to being reactivated are fuzzy at best, with rinzler not really being able to recall things because he wasn’t really online/aware during the trip. just as an example yk that scene in legacy where qurroa loses her arm and goes offline?? for rinzler it wouldn’t have been taken him out completely, as an aspect of his self preservation protocols he has regeneration (to a degree) that would’ve kept the wound from getting worse until he found clu/someone to repair him
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bluebyrd-screaming · 1 month
"Anyone can start their own dream business if they have enough self determination!"
Have you considered that some people are poor?
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phoenixcatch7 · 25 days
Okay on the topic of crack treated seriously crossover isekai with mdzs, I've been batting about the daycare attendant from fnaf getting reborn into... Someone.
My first thought was obviously wwx, cuz main character, excellent wild card. I considered lxc, all smiley with a heavy heart and too much responsibility trying to care for everyone even as it ruins him. I considered NHS or jgy for that manic rodent customer service energy, I considered xy for his demonic cultivation and intensity, even jyl if you really wanted to lean into the crack energy, and also Moon snapping would be Excellent crouching tiger energy.
I also considered jc.
The thing about the robot DA, if you don't know,
Half is Sun, a frustrated, overworked, sarcastic mf dealing with his alter ai going insane and trying to kill/kidnap the kids they protect. He's anxiety riddled, pithy to adults, a bit of a control freak trying to scrabble together a semblance of balance in a steadily collapsing situation while trying to maintain himself while being terminally neglected. His sanity is hanging by a thread.
Its alternate, Moon, appears whenever it's naptime - ie, when the lights go out. Moon is an uncanny security guard of the pizza plex (imagine a giant themed mall slash party venue that fails basically every osha compliance) that acrobatically hunts down anything that moves when the other animatronics (basically tortured androids let's be real) are in recharge. Moon is corrupted by a semi computer semi haunted magic virus that makes him evil. Sun is left the responsibility of keeping it locked up in his head by never, ever, resting, or by being in the dark.
By the end of the games, sun and moon, the DA, is a shell of his former self. Despite being a multi million investment as a highly marketed, one of a kind animatronic with a worryingly lifelike ai (or two), the DA is abandoned by its creators and left to rot in the slowly crumbling ruins of the daycare, along with the half destroyed and monstrous forms of its fellow animatronics who aimlessly, sightlessly roam the halls. Sun is huddled in the last beam of light from a jacked generator, and when that finally dies moon is reduced to little more than a manmade beast in the dark as they too slowly run out of power, their powerful battery long stolen and grafted into someone else. Their kingdom boarded up and half destroyed, their own private apocalypse they cannot escape, the DA begs the next person he sees for a total reboot. The combined personality, eclipse, is a gentle and naive thing unable to perceive the reality of its situation. Until it runs out of power, it will be placid and calm, lost in its illusion of the past. It is, essentially, requested euthanasia. It's the kindest send off anything else in the pizza plex gets.
So, a snarky, bitchy guy with huge abandonment issues sick of trying to corral unruly kids without reward, constantly overlooked and frankly neglected in favour of the more successful and popular siblings, with deep rooted trauma about losing his core, too much responsibility and no support, desperately trying to keep himself from lashing out and causing irreparable damage and kinda failing? Who just wants to play stupid games and stop having to shoulder everything himself? Fiercely protective of children but also not immune to pettiness?
Yeah, at that point it's not even a question. Let's give jc an identity disorder and a crippling fear of water.
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aethernightmare · 2 months
I need more people to understand that telling someone they need to give up every shred of happiness in order to not be homeless - to sacrifice all their hobbies, all their friends, any chance at a relationship/family, and all of their free time, to the point it destroys their overall health, is just a recipe for suicide.
You're not actually getting me to "work harder" every time you punish me in such a manner. You're just increasing the likelihood of me making the final judgement that life isn't worth living anymore.
If I can't afford to live in a van down by the river, let alone a basic-ass studio apartment, despite working anywhere between full-time to 70+ hours a week, then maybe it's time to acknowledge I am not the issue here. Rent inflation is.
I already work a decently paying college job, and it's still not enough. I could eliminate all spending and try to live entirely off ramen noodles, and it still wouldn't be enough. I could sell everything I have (which isn't much) and it still wouldn't be enough. Moving farther out isn't an option because nowhere in my state is currently affordable, and the farther out you go, the less you get paid. I have no kids and no other debts, and it's still not enough.
If the only reason you're able to stay afloat right now is because you were gifted/inherited property, or were able to secure property prior to either the 2008 or 2020 housing crisis, then you're not a better citizen than everyone else, you're just lucky.
I was a minor in 2008. I was homeless multiple times between 2010-2018, prior to finally being able to get my own place, despite still working full-time. (A lot of which had to do with abusive parents and an lying, manipulative ex). And while I had my own apartment prior to the pandemic, and during portions of it, the lack of renter protections meant my landlord tripled my rent without consequence. And when my landlord died (of Covid), everyone who lived there got evicted so that they could up-sell the building into weekly rentals for the super rich tourists.
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raccoonfagdyke · 5 months
I don't wanna be alive anymore .
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months
Hii fang, I wanted to ask you if you’ve read or watched Tokyo Revengers, and if you’ve done a character analysis on Mikey? ? I feel like he’s such a complex character and I’m super interested to hear about your thoughts on him. Sorry if you’ve answered this before or haven’t watched it! I just wanted to ask just in case
i have read all of TR and ending aside im a huge fan of the manga
i love mikey!! i think i've written about him once or twice. if i were to read TR in the good year of 2024, i would definitely yanderify the fuck out of that guy LMAOO.
i think he's ultimately just a very damaged character who i'll always defend. he was very clearly unstable for a lot of the series and his general apathy and immorality in other timelines were because of the overarching and inescapable themes of loss in each one. i think the way a lot of people wrote about him at TRs peak was really unsymapthetic djfjsdkksd.
i understand peoples frustration with him i just find him to be a hugely tragic character because he very clearly wants to be because he often contradicts himself . but most importantly he's my handsome and silly little guy
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church-gets-pegged · 4 months
due to developing a new fixation and thus splitting a bunch of people from that, our rvb introjects aren't as active as they were last year, however that did not stop Niner from RUNNING to front the SECOND we got on the road to the airport
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azar-rosethorn · 1 year
Tehe *turns the thing people hate about Monty into sweet, sweet angst*
(Read the tags for context)
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moesartblog · 8 months
I’m gonna rant in the tags and then delete this but People on this site are starting once again to put WAY too much faith in the electoral college system
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softepilogues · 9 months
*banging pots and pans* more one piece star trek aus
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cosmermaid · 1 year
I like the Pokemon movies. Not because they're necessarily good on their own, but I really like the Pokemon setting and the movies explore the heavier parts of it and set up some of the darker implications that come with living in a place with intelligent supernatural monsters, magic, and humans not being the apex predators.
They do it more explicitly and on-screen than the games generally do, and definitely more than the anime likes to. I think only the manga goes harder but it also seems to kind of go off the rails too.
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punishedmemelia · 1 year
I'm so mad that the world is structured the way it is and I feel so helpless. I did what I was told to do in life and it's gotten me in such a sad state because I was never meant to exist like this. I just want understanding and peace yk.
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panicinthestudio · 1 year
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muu-kun · 1 year
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marine serre
#muus latest underwear obsession has dropped#; ♡ ; unsafe#; ♡ ; closet#something to know about muu is that for about the last seven years he has more or less#been the type to predominantly wear neutral but still marketed for women's undergarments#and not for any reason other than he just prefers the style of them and they've remained his go to for that alone#but also you have to keep in mind that when life was at it's worst he really only had miss hannah as his support system#So even when things were ROUGH and he was having to navigate how he was going to make it through another probably God awful day#these damn tricksters would be giggling up in her closet away from everything else#putting on Hannah's clothes and making up lil gags for each other to make one another laugh#and all because of a running joke started when they were bit younger and he put a pair of her underwear on#And made her endure the goofiest lap dance ever#so basically what I'm saying is muu all this time later still wears essentially strictly “women's” underwear because it just#makes him happier than he would ever get out of wearing those intended for a typical man or masculine presenting individual#I'd almost arguably state he feels an odd sense of security in wearing all women's clothing than he does what would be thought to be#his own “boyish” attire but would still be persistent in his request to be known as otherwise male#because while he is comfortable and holds a sense of safety towards the feminine he is very knowledgeable of the fact#he wouldn't find happiness in completely socially transitioning into being a woman either#he is much more aligned with the man that he is to some extension a Man#he just would like to be one in his own way and on his own terms
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lorepossum · 2 years
Not me getting into Redacted Audio and suddenly, desperately wanting to ask Erik if he has any passing knowledge of World of Darkness (the ttrpg system(s))… cause good god could you run a World of Darkness game in the Redactedverse SO EASY
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