#basically i never played i used to know a lot more due to loving hearing my friend explain it to me but alas i've forgotten most of it now
dubiousdisco · 2 years
What do you know about Final Fantasy?
I know very little. I know like, 40% of the story of the latest remake and the story until that part because my friend played and explained it to me but i've forgotten why sephiroth thinks he needs to do whatever he thinks he needs to do, and I know the main story of the one with the four guys but nothing about the dlcs or the anime?? because of a 4 hour long video i watched about it. other than that, I just know of the most famous memes.
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amazinglyegg · 1 year
Paladin Danse headcanons because I love this little dude
Doesn't like being talked about behind his back, even if they're saying positive things about him. If he's talking about someone not in the room he's bringing up the things he said in that conversation next time he sees them because he thinks they deserve to hear the praise/critique.
Never really looks at the little things in life. The smell of brewing coffee, the way the sun rises over the trees, the calming ambient chatter of a shared living space... it all goes unnoticed by him. He finds himself thinking about the future constantly, and it takes someone who consciously points it all out to him for him to learn to live in the present more.
LOVES learning, although that passion dies down a bit while he's in the Brotherhood, partially due to grief/trauma and partially due to the Brotherhood indirectly teaching soldiers that outsiders are bad and the Brotherhood is always right. His love gets rekindled when he joins the Minutemen.
Doesn't really believe he has PTSD and pushes away medical help because he sort of feels offended that he was diagnosed despite his skepticism. The type of person to think "I don't have PTSD because I don't have any flashbacks, I just have nightmares and intrusive thoughts and sometimes I feel the same overwhelming emotions I felt when the trauma happened... but none of those are flashbacks!" (spoiler alert, man, not all flashbacks look like they do in movies).
Touch starved but not in the "cute clingy boyfriend" way. More like the "cringing away from touch because it's physically painful" way. He hasn't gotten any sort of physical contact in SO LONG and it's seriously fucking with him.
I was going to make a separate post about this but this man would fucking LOVE laser tag. He would be IN HIS ELEMENT. He would be THRIVING. Let this guy play a game of laser tag with some other soldiers please it would be great enrichment for him.
Strangely passionate about socks. Yes, socks. Do you have any idea how GOOD high quality socks feel?? If you complain about any sort of foot pain he has sock brand recommendations for you. He's the sock equivalent of "It's 'cause you're always on that damn phone" that parents use. "Danse my head hurts" "It's because you didn't get the socks I recommended to you" "????"
Will drink as a social activity, but mostly drinks alone. Also a sad drunk.
Would love any and all fidget toys he gets his hands on. Probably refuses to use them because most of them are colorful and "toys", but if you manage to sneak a fidget cube or a tangle in his hands while he's sitting around? That bitch will be used non-stop until he leaves it somewhere and forgets about it. Will probably adjust whatever action he's doing so he can keep one hand free to keep fidgeting.
Doesn't like anything that sticks to his hands or makes a mess on surfaces, like slime, putty, paint, mud, etc. If you hand him slime he will touch it once and then leave to go wash his hands.
Sleeps hot, probably without a blanket often because he overheats. Tosses and turns a lot. Does that thing where he can sleep through basically anything but the second you try to tiptoe past him he will shoot awake.
Keeps Cutler's and Krieg's dog tags in his bedside drawer. Doesn't do so with anyone else's, not because he doesn't care about any of his other teammates who died, but because he knows if he let himself keep doing that the drawer would get filled way too quickly. That realization was at about the same time he "toughened up" a lot more and fell into the commanding officer mindset he's still in today.
Doesn't like needles. He'll get shots and whatever if he needs to, obviously, but unlike most other undesirable things he'll actually complain about it a bit instead of acting like the tough guy. Probably looks away whenever he needs to get stitches.
Eats a ton of food, not so much water. Will absolutely demolish several servings of pasta and then complain of a dehydration headache, completely unaware that the last time he drank water was 7 hours ago.
Likes training new recruits, makes him a bit nostalgic for the old days with him and Cutler. Tends to be a bit soft with the ones that really remind him of Cutler, but in the type of way where he pulls them aside just to say "You did really well today :)" completely oblivious that the poor initiate assumed they were going to get reprimanded and are now having a mini panic attack.
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miirohs · 11 months
skz as marching band members
cw: n/a an: can you hear my inner band kid coming out after the absolute banger this comeback was? i may not be in band but colorguard is pretty damn close- also the reader a colorguard member! shoutout to nyx, ily boo!
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bang chan:
hes a drum major. 100%
he also is band captain bc he's just that bitch
co-arranges musics with the band director and everyone knows when the time he's gonna pull out the 1970s/80s/90s music
use to be a clarinet, but definitely plays in some games if another drum major is conducting for him
an absolute beast when he's conducting, never misses a beat
he's always open to discovering new music bc he loves to arrange songs he enjoys
he's a strickler and needs shit to be on time because he needs to keep a consistent schedule lest he forget to do something
with his partner:
i mean he's definitely the type to try and help with counts (even if your counts are different than the rest of the band)
if he had a dime for every time he got yelled at because he was busy watching your section he'd have a lot of dimes
he likes to say its because your flags are bright and distracting but lets be fr he was watching you
definitely copies the stand dances when he's conducting and makes the rest of the band laugh when he messes up.
typa guy to ask you for a kiss for luck right before the halftime because in his words, "you're his lucky charm"
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lee minho:
hes the cheer captain, four time state champion and a menace
probably did band for like half a year and then quit
runs the cheer team practices like its a fucking military camp, everyone fears and loves him
hes grown to have a reputation because once a girl quit due to the pressure and he basically followed her around school for a whole week and she ended up switching schools
deviously talking shit about some of the band and all the football team all the goddamn time, loves loves loves to start beef and then walk away
he also does choreography work with the guard sometimes because he likes seeing the pretty flags
with his partner:
at some point he drags the whole team to your comps just to see y'all, he loves seeing you specifically put all his work in action
always offering helpful advice on how to fix body angles, posture, etc
since he's a performer himself, he get how easy it is to burn out so sometimes he'll bring you to his own practices and show you things he's choreographed himself
seonghwa is considering locking you away after the sheer amount of times you've gone "mysteriously" missing during the end of practice
Always cheers extra loud for you in the stands, just to see your smile
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seo changbin:
he's literally so bass/sousaphone coded
him and wooyoung (sax) and yeonjun (flute) have definitely tried to play each others instruments at at least one point
probably switches between the two every year, well versed in how to play both
definitely plays bass outside of band, is hella good at it too
people find him intimidating but in all honesty he's a sweetheart who would help you no matter what
probably one of the dudes that marches with way more energy than the rest of his section combined- literally during weekend practices he's smiling and laughing at 9 in the morning while everyone sluggishly retrieves their instruments
he's also a part of the stage crew and moves and paints a lot of their equipment
with his partner:
he'd definitely try to teach you how to play the bass and he'd be so proud when you manage to play like one chord
calls his friends over and everything and is like "look they did it!"
in return you've definitely taught him stand dances and bro is killing it- you keep trying to convince him to join but he's loyal
whenever you're performing near him, he has the stupidest heart-struck eyes and is always watching you
loves when you do rifle work because he thinks it looks sick as hell
he wouldn't try it though because he's scared that he'll hit himself and he still doesn't know how you do it
he'll give you little winks if you're close by
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hwang hyunjin:
hes a piccolo through and through
he's got both the drama and the sass all the flute section is carrying
he always has his piccolo on him, so he's ready to give the performance of a lifetime whenever needed
he's big big friends with the guard and cheer team, they have their own dedicated groupchat and everything
also the costume manager, he has literally been badgering chan to update the uniforms like forever, sometimes he adds his own little spins to the costumes and also does repairs on them
with his partner:
he admires the guard (you) from afar for sure
he carries your stuff for you because he's such a gentleman (also the piccolo is pocket sized and chan has been getting on his ass about treating the instrument right but to him nothing matters more than treating you right)
definitely joins you and seonghwa when you're gossiping about
sometimes he plays and you'll just do a random saber combo to it and he'll cheer for you
sometimes he likes to take a spin on it (and immediately regret when it smacks his fingers really bad)
whenever you get a boo-boo he always kisses it better, swears his kisses will immediately heal your bruises
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han jisung:
he's a trumpet (which is oddly fitting for him)
plays sad music even when it doesn't call for it
always doing the sad trombone thing on trumpet and the trombones are salty that he kinda stole their thunder with that
he's known in the low brass section for being able to play almost any brass instrument with the littlest instruction
chan basically refuses to let him make the switch to sax because he knows what'll happen if he does (he thinks han'll go crazy)
he loves a good challenge, will trumpet-off with other people and play songs on his instruments against other sections
with his partner:
he probably plays show tunes and stuff while you dance with him- loves to call you his showgirl
he's always vibing to your little thumps when you toss and throw, wishes that he could do it too
tries to teach you how to play but that does not end well
he's clingy, he'll do anything to stay with you a little longer
sometimes he even asks you to help find his music for him in an attempt to distract you (its in his bag and he'll magically remember after you give him a hug or some form of physical affection)
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lee felix:
probably picked the flute cause it looks pretty aesthetic lets be fr
everyone in band comes to him for marching advice because he makes it look fun and easy
always giving it 100% even if no one can hear him- he makes sure he's heard
even though he joined as a hobby, he's killing it and he plays outside of band as well
always doing musical challenges on tik tok, especially when he should be practicing in sectionals
his favorite thing to play on the flute are disney songs, but he also plays a shit ton of different genres and posts them to tik tok, bringing some semblance of fame to their little high school band
with his partner:
he 100% plays little snippets of song you like because everything sounds good on flute (trust me)
will convince you to do tik toks with him even if you aren't a fan
sometimes you let him try the flag or saber in exchange for his flute so you can try it
he admits that the only reason he leaves his flute to you whenever he goes is so that he can sit nearby and listen to you try to play it (and fail)
he would most definitely be a natural at flag but tries not to do as well so you can shine when your time comes
lets you lean back against him in the stands
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kim seungmin:
he's percussion. he's literally a percussion in my heart.
he definitely plays the drums around chan because he thinks its funny to annoy him by drumming off count
no one has ever survived a drum comp with this man fr
sometimes he hums along to his drumming
also taps his thighs/air when he doesn't have something in his hands
he has good rhythm so chan usually has him set the pace to which they go on the field to
he's competitive as hell, he knows hes also better than everyone else and he shows it
with his partner:
he loves guard but he refuses to be put next to them on the drill because he suffered an injury at your hands once
he loves to show off he can play the drums and him and his section do little drumming sessions sometimes while you do saber warmups
he distracts both you and himself a lot when it comes to joint practices so seonghwa and chan have tried to move them (to no avail)
he'll sit outside with you when you guys practice sometimes (as support he says, but seonghwa doesn't believe him)
he's always giving you little nods of approval, doesn't outright show it but he'll take your hands and give you a little kiss when no ones looking
he doesn't want his section to know he's soft for you
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yang jeongin:
he's front ensemble/pit, i hope we all agree on him being on the synths and marimba
he's a vital part of the band for sure even if he never seems to get credit but he honestly could care less
has been running synths since he joined, originally wanted to do the sousaphone but he wasn't built enough for it
also the front ensemble section leader, he's very efficient in managing the pit
but he's also clumsy as hell and will sometimes zone out and drops the mallet on the marimba or just entirely forgets wtf he's suppose to be doing on the synths
more than once he's nearly caught these hands from chan bc in chans words, "those were expensive"
with his partner:
whenever he sees you on the sidelines, he's always ginning because out of the corner of his eye he can see you jamming out to the music
everyone teases him (especially binnie) because he zones out watching you and drops the mallet on his foot
follows your every move carefully (and like minho), and he'll always give you advice, but he sugar coats it very much because he loves you and doesn't want to hurt your feelings
loves loves loves when you send him little videos of your progress
loves it even more when you question him about his work, it makes him feel so important pls ask him how he does shit hes dying for it
brushes against you when walking out to the fields during games- he just wants to let you know hes there
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A not-yandere, platonic! Gyomei × demon child! Reader? Reader hates eating human and can eat normal human food, they already break out of muzan's curse, and can conquer the sun. Basically like father and child relationship.
Ooooh~! We have a very special but wild cute scenario! And with underrated man like Gyomei! Spread more Gyomei love!
Himejima Gyomei- Child of Sunshine
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Gyomei isn’t usually a man of children. After all the problems he has had with human children, he wanted to avoid them as much as possible. Well, he was very closed off until he met a cute demon child. That child is you and he is beyond shocked that he has developed a parent-like sense of love for yoi
Gyomei has been taking care of you ever since he found you alone, terrified and thrown in a ditch to die. He had felt pity for you, despite the fact he sensed your demonic nature, since you were truly a victim. Gyomei was beyond shocked that you refused to eat human flesh
Gyomei is actually pretty grateful that you don’t wanna kill humans, you very much hate the idea of killing humans. He can trust you, you don’t even raise your claws at him. You’re completely harmless and he knows that, so his job is to protect you from other slayers
Gyomei freaks out when you, whilst trying to protect him, walk into the sun. He can hear your skin burning but you keep pushing him forward, he can’t try argue with the enemy getting closer. He cried afterwards, suspecting you died helping him but when he hears your voice and feels your skin. He finds out you concurred the sun and his jaw drops to the floor
Gyomei has lots of childcare experience, due to his past with children, so he knows how to play with and look after children quite well. Don’t be afraid with the fact he’s blind, he can handle you excellently. He will even use classic child-like tricks to make you eat the food you don’t like
Gyomei worries for you, all other slayers and his fellow Hashira aren’t so forgiving towards demons, but that doesn’t mean he would sit down and let you get hurt by them. He will fight a fellow Hashira for you to protect you, his pity has developed in a passionate love
Gyomei likes sitting you in his lap and letting you play with his hands. It does seem mediocre but you’re so small and cute to him, he loves carrying you around and holding you in his lap. Feeling your warmth makes him feel at peace and your fingers clutching his makes it even better
Gyomei isn’t sure how you concurred the ‘Kibutsuji Curse’ but he doesn’t really care. You’re even more safe now and you can even help him battle without being taken away by Muzan. Gyomei couldn’t be more relieved as after he is done, he is patting your hair and praising you as he picks you up. Like a true affectionate father
Gyomei becomes your parental figure in very little time. He begins identifying you as his child and he even considers giving you his last name since you don’t really have anybody, since all your human memories have died away. Gyomei asks you about it, hoping you’d be okay with being his adoptive child
“Dokusha. You’re… okay?! But you’re in the sun! You’re not… well. I don’t care, I don’t care. You’re okay. Come here, please. Hug me… never do that again, Dokusha. I can’t lose you to anything”
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
What are your favorite Beifong family headcanons?
Oooh that's a great ask. I have a lot of headcanons and I'm pretty sure I've talked about them a lot at least a few times, but I've tried to condense them as best I could!
I've rambled about my headcanons surrounding seismic sense but here's some more. The twins and Huan learnt seismic sense very early on in their lives and were provably encouraged to lean into it. Huan particularly has very well developed seismic sense. To the point where it makes him uncomfortable and he tends to shy away from using it by wearing thick socks or shoes.
When Kuvira first arrived to Zaofu, she didn't really get along with Baatar Jr. I can see Baatar Jr being very protective of Opal, since they were the two nonbenders of the family. I can see him not looking too kindly at whom he saw as his mother's attempt at having a "better daughter".
Kuvira and the twins are permanent parts of Suyin's dance troupe. (Canon for Kuvira.)
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Due to not having much interaction with people outside the family, the Beifong kids are/were super close. Which leads to even more pain as they slowly untangle and mature.
They were also very close with the staff that worked at the manor and other of their family friends, due to this being their only social interactions outside family. Aiwei and the Chef (he only calls himself chef and never reveals his real name cause he used to be a pirate and is wanted in all four nations) are basically surrogate uncles to the kids.
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It having been just the six of them, i can see it being hard for them to fully interact with new people.
Huan wanted to be a doctor as a kid and pretended to do operations on his siblings. Their father, a renown architect, even built them a little play hospital. The other Beifongs... weren't fans.
Kuvira enjoys bubble baths. That's it.
Wei collects crystals and cool looking rocks, similairly to how Su collects meteors. He's a nerd about it too. He has several opals and whenever he's in an argument with Opal he will dramatically move them to the back of his collection.
One of my fave silly headcanons/theories is Baatar Sr being Suki and Sokka's kid. Like, I know it's very unlikely, but it is a lovely idea in my head and I could ramble about it all day. I don't see a lot of people talking about it. I see plenty of people using Suyin's sons looking like Sokka as proof that Su is a Tokka baby, however the Beifong boys actually resemble their father a lot. Also I have plenty headcanons around this idea and Suki would be an epic grandma. Kyoshi warrior Opal (and the twins). Living in my head rent free. Forever.
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Wing and Opal formed a little book club and like reading together/talking about books they've read. Their siblings aren't allowed to join. One time Kuvira and Wei crashed the little meeting and Wing was so offended he pretended to run away and join the circus.
When they were children, Kuvira was the ringleader for sure. She'd take the much more well behaved Beifong kids on wild adventures, after which they'd come back to the house covered in mud.
Wing is hard if hearing. Comes from that one scene where he sent Lin and Su to their deaths after misshearing Mako.
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Aiwei was the first one to encourage Huan to pursue his artistic talents and most of Huan's first works are still in Aiwei's house.
Wei is named after Aiwei, but they already had a Juniour in the family, so he was named an abbreviation of his namesake.
Aiwei ultimately regrets betraying the Beifongs, to teh point where his nightmares in the Fog of Lost souls are about the Beifongs.
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Can't believe Zaheer sent the only confirmed gay man ever shown on screen to super hell. Homophobia at its finest
Ugh you don't know how happy getting asks about the Beifong family makes me. Sorry if these were more focused on the Zaofu crew, I know they're not as popular as Lin and Toph but they are my faves.
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galexystern · 1 year
number one fan - 18+
pairing; steve harrington/eddie munson/fem!reader aka steddie/fem!reader
rating; E
warnings; smut (MDNI), like lots of smut, unprotected p in v, double teamed, creampie, dirty talk, filthy dirty talk, light degradation, pwp, this is mostly smut with some fluff
word count; 5.5k
desc; it was never a competition.
a/n; this is basically a variation of my previous work come together (over me), i'm not sure where all this smut is coming from. but enjoy!
Eddie notices you while he's onstage.
It's not because of your appearance or features—though you are absolutely gorgeous. It's also not due to your dancing, which is a little sexy, a little goofy, a lot fun. No, you catch his eye because you are singing along with him to the last chorus of their newest song. Corroded Coffin has only played it at a couple shows so far, and most of the crowd are rightly just nodding along pleasantly. But you, you are almost performing the words, like you know them so innately you don't have to focus.
He'd be lying if he didn't find it extremely hot.
He's moving on autopilot, so distracted by you, that he almost misses his cue to finish their set. "Thank you guys!" He rushes out. "We're Corroded Coffin!" He turns around so he and the band can hit their last few measures and ending beat together. As the note reverberates out, he spins back to the mic and adds, "We have records for sale up here also, come see one of us to buy!"
The crowd cheers and starts to disperse. Eddie lets Gareth and Jeff keep an eye out for customers and wipes his face with a nearby towel. But then he hears a perky "Hi!" and drops it to see you standing in front of the stage. He speeds toward his band members and sticks his face between them.
"Hi there," he says cheekily, and when you look up at him, you beam.
"Oh my gosh, hi," you gush. "I was just telling Jeff and Gareth that your set was so great. I love that new song."
Eddie pushes his friends' shoulders, implying that he's got this one. They grumble but leave anyway. He sits on the stage's edge and gives you a grin. "Yeah?" You nod. "I could tell. Caught you singing along at the end."
You blush. "Well, it's very catchy."
"Thanks, angel." You duck your head. "Now what can I do for you?"
"Can I buy a record?" You ask shyly.
"Course you can." Eddie grabs one from the stack while you smooth out some money from your pocket. "Five dollars, sweetheart." You hand it to him and he takes it, purposely running his fingers across your palm. He studies you at the same time and thrills when you go redder. But he doesn't hand you the vinyl yet. "You want me to sign it? Free of charge."
"Sure," you say excitedly. Eddie grabs a marker from his pocket and scrawls his autograph on the cover. Then he gives it to you, smiling as you clutch it in your arms. "Thanks!"
"Anytime, princess." With that, you give him an adorable wave and walk away, disappearing into the crowd. Eddie instantly slides off the stage and makes a beeline for the back. He weaves through the people until he reaches Steve, working the camera. "Holy shit," he says.
"What?" Steve asks flatly, focused on packing up the supplies.
"I'm in love." Eddie fake-swoons.
Steve snorts. "Yeah, right. Who is it this time?"
"Such a pretty girl. She was dancing to our set and Steve—" he makes his friend look at him, "—she was singing along. To our new song."
"Wow," Steve replies, half-heartedly.
But Eddie doesn't notice. He's too busy dreaming about you. "She came and bought a vinyl. I signed it for her." He says the last sentence with pride.
"You write your number down too?"
Eddie's mouth drops open and then he groans. "That would've been so smooth."
Steve snickers. "This is why I've always had more game than you." Eddie just huffs. His eyes are roaming the bar but he can't see you. He sadly suspects you've left. Steve continues, "What'd she look like?"
"Well..." Eddie trails off as he turns to Steve and spots the camera. "Here," he says excitedly, and lifts up the camera and turns it on. Steve goes to grab for it but Eddie just holds it closer to him and rewinds the tape until he can see you. "Look, that's her."
Steve looks at the screen and squints. He can see...an arm? A hip? A blurry shot of a face? "I can't see anything, dude."
Eddie rolls his eyes and hands back the camera. "Well, next time I'll introduce you."
"You do that," Steve responds with a smirk.
Steve meets you on his own instead.
At the Hideout again, he sits at the bar nursing a Tom Collins. Corroded Coffin is nearing the end of their set but Steve's been watching you—you're grooving on a stool near him, practically bouncing out of it. You're clearly feeling the music and it's too cute when you cheer after each song. He wants to talk to you but waits, since people have come up to you during the music and you've brushed them off to pay attention. He's impressed, but also keeps an eye on your drink too.
Finally, as Eddie is thanking the crowd and reminding them they have vinyls for sale, Steve slips out of his seat and makes his way to you. He smiles at how you yell the loudest for the band. When he's close, he says, "Hey."
"Holy shit!" You exclaim and turn around quickly, startled.
Steve laughs unexpectedly. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."
At the apology, you exhale. Turning sheepish, you reply, "It's okay. I'm sorry. I get spooked easily."
Steve nods. "I couldn't help but notice your dancing. Why didn't you get out on the floor and show it off?"
You eye him, smirk telling him you can see through his pick-up line, but spin towards him anyway. You hold up your leg, showing off a cast around your ankle, covered in signatures. "I would, but alas, I cannot," you say.
"Damn, what happened?" Steve sits on the stool next to yours.
You sigh. "It's embarrassing."
"I won't laugh." At your look, Steve holds up his hands to show he's not crossing his fingers. "Promise."
"Well...I was babysitting my little cousins a few weeks ago and we were playing the floor is lava, you know?" Steve nods. "So we'd taken all the cushions off the couch and chairs and put them on the ground, and we were jumping on them so the lava wouldn't get us." You say this like it's so obvious. It makes Steve smile. "Everything was fine until one cushion was partly on the carpet and partly on the hardwood floor. I leaped for it and it went flying out from under me. Broke my ankle for my trouble."
"That's not embarrassing at all," Steve replies. "You clearly got wounded in battle. You should receive the purple heart for your bravery."
You giggle. "Thank you. Someone finally recognizes my contribution to the war effort."
"I salute you." He actually does too, making his attitude stern so he can give a proper one. "Sucks though."
"Yeah." Your voice goes sad. "I love dancing here. But," you shake your head and brighten, "I will again. This comes off in a few days."
"Nice." Steve gives you a high-five. He lets his fingers slide across yours as he pulls his hand away. Shivers run through him. Remembering Eddie's predicament, he's about to ask for your name when...
"Steve!" Speak of the devil. Eddie's voice comes floating through just seconds before he appears. "It's hopeless. She's not here—" He stops short, both physically and verbally, when he spots you next to Steve.
You take one look at Eddie and then turn to Steve. "You didn't tell me you know the band!"
"I—" Steve stammers as Eddie turns to him with a raised eyebrow and smirk.
"Oh, Steve's our camera guy," Eddie says. "Hello again, angel."
"Hi," you reply, blushing. "Great job tonight."
Eddie grins. "Thanks. Though I missed your dancing."
As you spin around to face him, Steve points down and explains, "Broken ankle." Eddie shoots him a glare.
"Would've if I could've," you add, nodding sadly. "But, like I told Steve, I will dance again."
"Good," Eddie interjects before Steve can. "Starting to think you're our good luck charm. We keep selling out vinyls when you're here."
Both boys love it when you giggle.
Then you look at your watch and sigh. "Sorry, boys, I gotta run," you continue, sounding disappointed. "I'm on duty tomorrow." You look at Steve, who salutes you again.
"Thank you for your service," he says strictly, before laughing with you. Eddie rolls his eyes a little.
"Anyway," turning your attention back to Eddie, "you guys sounded so good tonight. Maybe you'll have another record released soon?" You ask hopefully.
"Actually, we do have some studio time this weekend. So you're in luck," Eddie answers proudly, and grins at your excited gasp. "I'll make sure we have one just for you next time. I'll even get the whole band to sign it." You clap your hands together in happiness. "Sound good?"
"Sounds amazing," you gush. "Thank you."
"Like I said, anytime, princess."
You slip off the stool and hobble around them. "You need help?" Steve asks, concerned. Eddie nods, seconding the question.
You wave them away. "Nope, I got it. Though this is not the 'make them watch you walk away' moment I'd hoped for." You laugh. "Steve, thanks for not laughing. Eddie, amazing show as always. I'll see you." With that, you enter the crowd.
Eddie turns to Steve with a searing look. "'Thank you for your service'?" He mocks.
Steve rolls his eyes. "It's an inside joke. You heard about those? You might've had one with her if you'd gotten there first."
"I did get there first!" Eddie says incredulously.
"And yet, I know more about her," Steve shoots back.
"Oh, and you know so much? What's her name then?" Steve opens his mouth smugly but then closes it a second later. His brow furrows. "You don't know!" Eddie laughs meanly.
"I was gonna ask but you interrupted!"
"Just in time too," Eddie sneers. "Stop you from moving in on my turf."
"She's not turf," Steve says pointedly, "she's a girl. And neither of us own her."
Eddie runs a hand down his face. "Yeah," he sighs. "You're right." He slumps in the stool you'd vacated. "And we still don't know her damn name."
They mourn together over their drinks.
Steve and Eddie pointedly not talk about you after, but you're on both of their minds. And then the universe delivers you to them again.
It's an early set on a Saturday—the band had been forced to move up slots because stupid Jeff had his grandmother's 90th birthday party that night. At least, that's what Eddie has been saying while complaining to Steve. Don't old people go to bed early? Why not have an afternoon party?
"I don't know!" Steve finally interrupts. He and Eddie are at the bar of the Hideout again, drinking beer after the set. Eddie grumbles. Both of them have been on edge since they haven't seen you in almost a month. Eddie's worried the vinyl he keeps carrying around is gonna get ruined the longer he has it. Steve's just worried you forgot about them.
They both take a sip at the same time and just about spew it all over the bar when you say from behind them, "Oh, no! Did I miss the set?"
The boys work to swallow and wipe their faces, turning to you. You're standing there, looking beautiful, ankle cast-less. They smile at the sight of you, but your expressions stays upset.
"Sorry, angel," Eddie says, trying not to let his grin go too wide. "We had to go early today."
"Fucker," you mutter, crossing your arms. Steve and Eddie are startled by the swear, but aren't not turned on by it. "How was it?" You ask.
"It was great," Steve answers. Eddie gives him a side-eye. "I got it all on tape. I could show you if you want." Ah.
Your smile makes an appearance. "Really? That'd be great."
"You wanna watch bad tape of my band? That's impressive."
"I don't think Steve can be that bad of a cameraman," you tease and the boys grin. "Plus, I'm a true fan. Can't forget about me when you make it big."
"That'd be impossible," Eddie replies cheekily. You blush. “But who should I be remembering?”
“Oh my gosh, I haven’t given you my name yet!” You wince and introduce yourself properly.
“Well, I’m Steve Harrington and this is Eddie Munson.”
“I knew that one,” you giggle.
"Speaking of making it big," Eddie continues. "I've got your vinyl."
"Yay! Oh, I'm so excited."
"Wanna come and get it?" Eddie asks, pointing to the stage.
"Sure." Eddie jumps off the stool, giving Steve a quick, triumphant glance. Steve narrows his eyes. "Steve, come with us," you urge and both boys look at you in surprise. "You can show me the tape."
Steve stands, shooting Eddie a shit-eating grin, who just rolls his eyes and turns around. He leads the three of you past the stage and into the back hallway. He opens the door to a room and graciously lets you walk in first, fighting with Steve for who goes in after you. They both stumble in as you turn to face them. They could swear they see a small smirk on your face, but then you ask eagerly, "Where is it?"
The boys separate and find their respective material for you. Eddie presents you with the record showily, and you take it reverently, running your fingers over the signed names. Eddie watches you like you're precious, and Steve breaks the moment by opening the camera's deck and taking out the tape. He hands it to you.
"You're letting me take it?" You ask, incredulous.
Steve shrugs. "You can bring it back. It's a long set, don't wanna keep you here."
"Thanks! But I did come here to dance..." You ponder. "Is the band playing tonight any good?"
Eddie scoffs but Steve replies, "Yeah, they're decent."
"Not as good as Corroded Coffin." You give Eddie a smile.
"Obviously," he says haughtily, but grins back.
"You guys wanna..." You toy with the words and the boys know how they feel. "...stay and dance with me? If it's not too much a betrayal of the band."
Eddie sees the teasing in your eyes and smirks. "Let's do it, princess."
He senses the challenge. "I'm in."
"Great! Can I leave these here and come back for them?" You motion to the record and tape. Steve and Eddie both nod. You smile and set them on a chair before moving towards the door. You look over your shoulder at the boys, who have not moved. "You coming?"
They scramble after you.
This time, you lead them through the bar, weaving through people until you're firmly on the dance floor. The other band has started, and it's a slow, sexy vibe. You move your hips back and forth to the beat, letting your body find the right rhythm. Steve and Eddie just watch you, swaying in time but not doing much else. When you've found the groove, you turn to them.
Whatever they expected you to do, it's not what you actually do. You move towards them, staying in tempo, eventually standing in front of Eddie and flinging an arm around his neck. He's shocked, but regains his composure and puts his hands on the small of your back. Behind you two, Steve deflates and starts to back away, but then you look at him over your shoulder. You have a wicked look as you reach your free arm towards Steve and beckon him to you. He comes, magnetized, and you take his arm to wrap around your waist until his hand is resting on your stomach. You pull both him and Eddie closer until they're plastered to either side of you.
"See," you say lowly, "I know what you two have been doing. Trying to one-up each other, make the other look bad. See who I like more." You sigh and force their hips to move with yours. "Well, I like you both. And why should I have to choose? That'll just make one of you sad and that's no good." Steve gulps when your hand strokes up his arm and around his neck, digging your fingers in his hair. "Instead, how about I get double the happiness, and you can both have me." Eddie has goosebumps from how your breath is brushing across his skin.
He looks up at Steve, who looks at him. It's a fraught moment; they're unsure of what to do. But then you grind your hips in a circle, thrusting into both of them, and their eyes go wide. They nod at each other and then at you.
You laugh darkly, resting your head on Steve's shoulder. "Such good boys," you coo, and they're like putty in your hands. But your face turns to a pout. "But I'm tired of doing all the work. Why don't you two take over and make us all feel good?"
It takes a few seconds to sink in, but then the mood shifts as you wanted. Steve places both hands on your stomach and pulls you tighter against his body, grinding his hardening cock into your ass. Eddie follows and thrusts his crotch against your clothed cunt, hitting your clit so perfectly that you throw your head back. Steve takes the opportunity and leans down to kiss your neck lightly, lips just barely there, a tease that makes you want to whine. You don't have the chance as Eddie captures your mouth with his, licking inside forcefully. You're stuck between them, unable to move besides to the music, and you love it.
"Pretty girl wants to be a pillow princess, huh?" Steve whispers. He punctuates it with a nip to your earlobe and you shudder. You nod at his question. "Ah, ah, ah, baby. Gotta hear you beg for it."
"Yes," you breathe out. "Want you to take me."
Eddie chuckles, breath brushing over your swollen lips. "Oh, we will. We've been thinking about taking you since we each met you."
You moan. "More, wanna hear more."
"Well," Steve says as his hand slowly slides down your stomach and toys with the waistband of your jeans, "I thought about fucking you in the backseat of my car. Fogging up the windows, making it shake." His fingers dip inside your jeans and underwear and play with the hair down there. "I would take you home, but we would be just so desperate for it that we couldn't wait. We have to have each other as soon as possible." His middle finger goes far enough to part your lips and rubs through the wetness pooling. "That sound like a good fantasy, honey? Like something you’d want?"
You nod wildly, eyes fluttering as his finger makes passes but never stopping where you need him most.
"You wanna know what's been getting me off?" Eddie grabs your chin roughly, making you open your eyes and look at him. "Thinking about pulling you onstage during a set and fucking you in front of the crowd. Making you writhe and scream in pleasure, making you cum so many times you lose count. Marking you as mine before everybody, and showing them how I give it to you and how much you fucking love it." Your mouth has dropped open, and Eddie closes it. "How about that, angel? You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Oh my god," you groan. "Yes."
Eddie smirks. "Knew we had a slut on our hands, Harrington."
"Acted so innocent but just a fucking whore underneath," Steve adds. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"
"Yes, wanna be your slut." Steve's finger is pressing harder and you push into it. "Please fuck me."
"We can do that, princess. We can do it nice and hard." Eddie kisses you again, swallowing your moan. When he breaks away, he looks at Steve. "Get some water. I'm gonna take her back."
You whimper at the loss of Steve's finger, and he kisses your temple. "Go with Eddie, baby. I'll be right there."
He unsticks himself from your back, forcing you to lean forward into Eddie, who catches and holds you up easily. "Breathe, angel. Get your footing back." You close your eyes and focus on your breaths, sucking air in and holding it to slow down your heartbeat. With time, you can stand on your own and take your weight off of Eddie. "You can walk?" He confirms and you nod. He takes your hand and leads you back to the room from before; your steps are firm and sure. He takes you to the couch and has you sit, which you do gently, in control.
Steve appears and closes and locks the door behind him. "Fantasies are great, but we don't want anyone walking in on us, do we?" He asks as he walks over and gives you the water. You shake your head as you drink it greedily. It clears your head. You give the mostly-empty glass back to Steve, who sets it on a nearby table. "Alright now?"
"Yeah," you reply.
"Still want this?" Eddie asks.
"Fuck yeah."
Both boys grin darkly. "Now, what should we do with her?" Steve ponders to Eddie. Your thighs clench together at the third person tense. "Should we make her suck us both off?"
"Maybe we should take her from behind?" Eddie joins in.
"We could edge her until she screams for release."
"Or spank and punish her for being such a whore?"
With every new idea, you sink further into the couch, dripping with arousal. You wouldn't be surprised if it's on the cushion by now.
"I think one of us could fuck her while she sucks the other off."
"Maybe we'll have her take us both at the same time."
"Should we cum inside her or soak her with it?"
You finally whine. Steve and Eddie look at you with smirks and raised brows. "Please."
"What sounded good to you, baby?"
"Any of it, all of it. Just please fucking touch me."
Steve crowds in close, looming over you. "You wanna be touched, sweetheart? Gotta tell us where."
Instead, you crash your lips onto his. He'd been talking but you hadn't heard a word, too focused on his soft, delectable-looking mouth to listen. He growls and holds your head in his hands, tongue diving in and taking control. You give it back just as hard and tangle your fingers in his hair, loving the silkiness on your skin. Eventually you both need air and Steve nips your bottom lip before leaning back. "Not exactly what I asked," he says, both of you panting hard.
"You weren't complaining," Eddie points out smugly.
"Why would I?" Steve runs a thumb across your lips and you try to catch it between your teeth. "Pretty mouth is like a drug."
"Hear that, princess? Sounds like you got us addicted." Eddie sits on the couch next to you. You give him bedroom eyes and he chuckles meanly.
Steve rubs his hands up your thighs a few times, getting closer to your cunt each time but never quite making it there. "Still want us to touch you, baby?" You nod pathetically. "Let's get you out of these clothes then."
And then Eddie is lifting your shirt and Steve is unbuttoning your jeans. They both pull the pieces off and toss them into the room. You feel a little vulnerable as their eyes rove over you, but it's all lust and desire in their gazes. Without saying anything, they go for your undergarments. Eddie surprises you by popping open your bra with just two fingers, and he gives you a cocky smirk when you glance at him. He pulls it off as Steve hooks his index fingers in your underwear's waistband and starts to tug. He takes them off slowly, looking almost reverent as your soaked pussy is revealed.
"So pretty, angel," Eddie murmurs as he brushes fingertips across your hard nipples, making your skin goosebump. Steve can only nod in agreement when he finally gets your underwear untangled from your feet and drops it next to him. "Whose cock do you want first?"
All you can do is shrug under their stares.
He eyes Steve, who smiles benevolently. "How about Eddie here fucks you dumb first, and then I'll give you the big finale."
You nod enthusiastically, making them both snicker. "Seems like she's already gone dumb," Eddie teases.
You pout. "I don't think so."
They raise their eyebrows. "Full sentences, look at you go," Steve mocks. "Let's see if we can change that." He steps back as Eddie leans over you to grab your hips tightly. He then swings you onto his lap, clothed cock settling against your clit so perfectly that you whine. He cuts it off by kissing you and you reciprocate eagerly. You tug at the bottom of his shirt and he parts only to pull it over his head and throw it away, lips reclaiming yours immediately after. Your hands roam the newly revealed skin, hungrily grinding against his crotch.
"Can you kneel for me, baby?" Eddie asks breathlessly and you nod, sitting up on your knees. He quickly unbuttons and unzips his jeans, pushing them down with his boxers and kicking them away. His large cock slaps against his stomach once freed and you moan at the sight. He takes a hand and starts stroking it and you gape at the pre-cum he uses to lubricate it. "You ready for me?" There's a thread of concern in his voice.
But you nod frantically, so he holds it straight and you line it up. You throw your head back as his cock pushes inside. Eddie clutches your hips, making your pace slow and stopping with every inch to let you adjust. The stretch is a little painful but a lot delicious, and you both groan when he bottoms out.
You feel the couch dip next to you and lazily turn your head to see Steve sitting in your previous spot, naked as well and stroking his own cock slowly. It's a beautiful sight. "Feel good, honey?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Fuck yes," you breathe out, voice raising to a yell when Eddie lifts you up and pulls you back down sharply. He goes deeper this time, splitting you further, and it feels amazing. "Oh my god." Each word is punctuated by a thrust, Eddie starting a hard and fast rhythm.
"Knew you'd feel so fucking amazing, angel," Eddie pants out, fingers digging into your waist hard enough to leave bruises and your eyes roll up at the thought. "God, you look so good riding me."
"Love your cock," you moan. "Feels so good."
"Can't wait to make all our fantasies come true." Eddie continues to destroy you in so many ways. "Gonna fuck you every which way and then some."
You whimper. "Yes, please."
Your cunt is clenching and you're going slack in Eddie's grip. Steve can tell. "You gonna cum, sweetheart? Gonna cum all over Eddie's nice, hard cock while he's fucking you so well?"
"Yes," you hiss as Eddie speeds up your movements. "Wanna cum."
"Come on, baby," Eddie pleads. "Let go on my cock."
It only takes a few more thrusts before you're doing as you're told, keening at the devastating orgasm hitting you. Eddie practically holds you up as you buck against him, cunt pulsing around his cock and making him groan. "Fuck, your tight pussy is gonna make me cum, angel."
You tighten around his cock even more, enhancing your pleasure, and his head hits the back of the couch hard. "Cum for me," you beg breathlessly. "Want it."
"God, yes. Where do you want it?"
"Inside," you pant.
"Shit," Eddie swears. "I can do that." After a couple more thrusts he's spilling into you, and you groan lowly at the feeling of his cum in you. He slows down your hips to a stop and then gently lifts you off his cock, kissing you to distract from the discomfort. He keeps kissing you sweetly, mouths moving against each other in slow, caressing brushes, coming down from your respective highs.
"That was fucking hot," Steve says softly, and you look over at him to see him gripping his cock tightly. You zero in on it and clench around nothing. Steve notices and strokes it gaudily, making your mouth water at the pre-cum beading out at the tip. His voice turns cocky. "You not satisfied, beautiful? Need another hard dick to satiate that hunger?"
You nod and crawl from Eddie towards him. When you're close enough, Steve leans forward and kisses you, turning it sharp and raw, teeth biting into your lips lightly. "Turn around for me, baby. Lay in front of me." You do as asked and lay across the cushions, facing into the room. Laying your head on the armrest, you feel Steve shift until he's flush against your back. He grips your thigh and lifts your leg, and then your eyes are fluttering at the feeling of his cock rubbing against your pussy.
Without warning, he pushes inside slowly. Where Eddie was wide and girthy, splitting you open like nothing else, Steve is long and lean, and the position lets him hit so deep in you that you moan loudly when he bottoms out.
"You weren't lying, man," Steve groans. "This pussy is better than I ever imagined."
Your moan becomes a wail as he speeds up, hitting so deep, so hard that you see stars. He hooks your leg over the top of the couch and moves his hand from your thigh. You're almost missing his touch when his arm snakes around around your waist and he squeezes your tit tightly. Your jaw drops as he harshly twists your nipple; coupled with his cock, you're falling apart.
"You can't even imagine all the dirty things I wanna do to you and this fucking delicious cunt," Steve whispers, breath across your hot skin making you shudder. "I wanna invent new positions with you two."
"God, please," you keen. "Wanna be your fucktoy."
Steve moans. "Fuck, baby. Gonna make you my little cumslut. Gonna take pictures of you all fucked out. You're such a gorgeous sight when you're being fucked, sweetheart."
You whine, volume increasing whenever Steve's cock thrusts all the way in. Eddie's voice comes floating to you. "Can you touch yourself for me, pretty girl? Wanna see you fall apart."
Your hand automatically goes too your cunt and two fingers start rubbing tiny, fast circles on your clit. It feels so fucking good that you arch back into Steve, who sucks marks onto your neck. "I'm gonna cum!" You gasp, feeling the wave traveling towards you fast.
"Cum for me, honey," Steve demands. "Gotta feel you cum on my cock."
You wail as your orgasm crashes over you, making your body tense and jerk in Steve's grasp. His cock still hitting inside you extends the pleasure, making you throb with continuous waves. As you tighten around him, Steve cums as well, biting your skin sharply as he paints inside you, soothing with his tongue while slowing down his thrusts. You groan at the sting, one last burst of bliss before you're coming down from the high.
You two pant together, and then Steve is lightly pulling out of you, kissing your temple to subdue the feeling. Then Eddie is in front of you, gently wiping your pussy with a towel. You eye him.
"It's clean, I promise," he reassures with a chuckle. Satisfied, you let him continue, regaining your strength. When you find it, you slowly sit up, stretching your limbs and leaning forward so Steve can get out from behind you. Eddie tosses him the towel, and he cleans himself off too. You sink back into the couch and the boys mirror you on either side.
"Can we see you again?" Eddie asks hopefully.
You snort. "You better. You made a lot of promises you gotta keep."
"Well, we wanna keep those, obviously," Steve says. "But can we also take you on a date?"
"Oh!" You're surprised, and Steve and Eddie smile. "I wasn't sure if you wanted to, but I'm definitely down."
"We liked you before we thought about fucking you," Eddie teases.
Steve nods in agreement. "It was your cute dancing that caught both our eyes."
You groan.
"We loved it!" Eddie protests. You give him a look. "Cross our hearts."
They both go to actually do so, but you grab their hands instead, holding them on your lap. "Guess I'm a better dancer than I thought."
Your boys laugh.
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redbuddi · 1 year
Would love to hear what you have in mind for Jazz Fenton. Also Vlad?? 👀👀👀
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Jazz time, baby!
Jazz was always my favorite character, I think that she added a lot to the show, so she's more or less unchanged, apart from some tweaks to fit her into the slightly different dynamics of the series.
Kindhearted and emotionally intelligent, but sometimes a little self-important, Jazz is the only member of Danny's family who knows that he's a trans boy. However, she does not know about Danny's ghost half at the start of the series, because while Danny confides in her about his struggles in the closet, he has a pretty good reason to not trust her with his ghost identity.
See, while Jazz does everything she can to support her brother, she doesn't always support him in the way he needs, and can be a little pushy if she feels like she knows better. In particular, in the start of the series, she is nagging Danny about when he's going to come out to their parents. Counter-intuitively, Jazz's desire to help her brother has made her somewhat tunnel-visioned. The way she sees it, the stress he feels is because he doesn't know how his parents would react, so the obvious solution to her is for him to come out and then deal with whatever happens after. She doesn't understand that Danny just isn't ready yet, and that it's okay to not be ready, and Danny has reasonable paranoia that she's going to out him to their parents to get it over with. While Jazz would never do that, she hasn't made herself trustworthy enough for Danny to believe that.
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Jazz: How long are you going to keep this secret from our parents??? Danny: Which one? Jazz: What? Danny: what
Jazz means well, but needs to learn that her perspective isn't always the right one. She also doesn't get along with Sam too well, as she's the sort of person who believes that you can still work within the system to make progress, while Sam wants to dismantle the system. A huge part of her arc in the story will be to learn that change doesn't come from playing by the rules, and that there are many things in the world she just won't see or experience due to her place of privilege, and that she needs to make a concerted effort to lift people up rather than try to "save" them. Like in the OG show she'll learn about Danny's ghost half by mistake, without Danny knowing she knows, and this will be the catalyst for her to start trying to see things from his point of view, as she wonders why he wouldn't tell her. Sam will also radicalize her, and the two will end up becoming good friends late in the story.
Also like in the show Jazz won't believe in ghosts at first and harbors a lot of resentment towards her parents for not pursuing a type of science she considers to be useful, especially after the accident. Eventually it'll be too obvious for her to ignore the existence of ghosts, but even when it turns out they were right, Jazz can't let go of how she feels about her parents right away.
The Fenton's have always been geniuses in one field or another, but Jazz is the only member in the family who isn't interested in science. She studies therapy and thinks of herself as good enough to basically be a therapist already (she is not correct,) but begins to develop a fascination with ghosts and how they work both biologically and psychologically. She is deeply embarrassed by this, worried that her parents have started to "rub off on her," and does her best to hide it, but secretly begins to journal and catalogue certain ghosts that she witnesses, trying to figure them out. She is off-the-mark with a lot of her classifications, but makes an equal amount of useful observations and theories, and once she joins Team Phantom proper her research will become extremely helpful.
As for Vlad... I have thoughts and ideas for him, but I wanna wait a bit before I share it all... 😉
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chubbycelebs · 9 months
Our Changing Bodies (part 3)
The next year of our lives were filled with stuffing each other, growing each other and fucking each other till we’d pass out. I could skip to the end and tell you all just how fat we are now, but what’s the fun in that? So sit tight as I explain every change in our bodies that turned us from a fit normal couple to an obese fat filled couple.
January and February went by pretty quick. Due to the weather being dark and rainy and miserable we didn’t do much except sit at home and ate food till our bellies burst. What else would you expect us to do in a cold winters night? We gotta get some padding on us. There was one evening that sticks out a lot to me.
Me and my boyfriend were watching tv. We were snuggle up on the sofa eating a party size tray of cupcakes. He was lying between my legs, his head resting on my rising belly. I was playing with this hair as well as putting a cupcake into his mouth every so often. We were sat for ages like this, endlessly eating this tray of cupcakes. My boyfriend didn’t complain at all and just accepted every time I brushed his lips with the sweet fluffy cake. His belly was bloating outwards, with every bite his already tight tshirt was starting to rise up and up his belly. At first it was a slight sliver of hairy skin. As the tray got more empty and his belly more full, his shirt kept rising up. By the time we finished the tray of cakes the shirt sat just before his belly button popped out. We didn’t even notice his soft belly was on display till we finished the film. I glanced down at him and saw his new crop top. He rubbed his gut, trying to pull down his shirt, to very little success. I resisted mocking him for his gluttony. He sat up and stretched pulling his shirt past his belly button so when he relaxed his whole gut was still on show.
As I sat up and stretched, my new found soft belly pushed on the top of my jeans. The button on my jeans started to creak as i stretched until I finally relaxed and let my belly fully out. My jeans button popped right off, flying across the room at full speed. I felt the relief in my love handles who pushed the sides of my jeans down. My boyfriend, hearing the noise of the pop of the jeans, looked over at me and giggled looking at my gut spill over my now broken jeans. He poked my belly seeing his finger sink into my new fatness. I must admit it was hot to see my self let my self go so much. Seeing my once trim figure expand into this lazy chubby body. “Look at my little fatty boyfriend. Popped his first jeans you fat boy” he said giggling as he played with my gut. I thought it was quite ironic him calling my fat boy and making fun of my fattened body when he was sat there in a shirt that resembled a bra and skin tight joggers as they were the only clothes that fit him. I stood up and pulled my jeans off discarding them as a victim to my expanding body. My boyfriend’s attention was drawn to my large dick which was at full attention in my underwear. I could see his eyes flicker with lust as he gazed at my big member. He was always a fan of sucking my cock so I knew what I needed to know to get him to do what I want. I went over to the freezer and pulled out the 1 litre tub of ice cream. I grabbed some chocolate sauce and walked over to my boyfriend. I took my shirt off and unscrewed the cap the bottle of chocolate. I started pouring the syrup all over my big belly. I could feel my boyfriend going crazy at the sight of this. “Eat this whole tub of ice cream and you can have me. Lick me clean” i said as i rubbed the chocolatey syrup across my chest. My boyfriend had never eaten something so fast before. He basically inhaled the whole tub of ice cream. His body expanded accordingly making him squeeze tightly into his already tight top, his joggers barely able to retain the mass of his gut. Once the last drop of ice cream left the tub he pulled me into him shoving his face into my belly licking and sucking me clean. His face was covered in chocolate making him look like an even fatter Augustus Gloop. I pulled my boxers off unleashing my big hard cock. I covered it in syrup and my boyfriend quickly got to town on it. He licked every inch of my cock sucking the syrup right off my sensitive tip. I moaned as my piggy of a boyfriend went to town giving me the best head every. As he sucked harder and harder I felt my self begin to climax. I pushed his head deeper onto my cock as i exploded into his mouth filling it with salty chocolatey cream. I could feel him gulp every last drop of it down filling his belly to the point a little tare noise was heard. He lifted his arms and we saw his shirt had split on his side due to the amount of fat he has put on. I slapped his gut and told him he’s a fucking hog before getting to my knees and sucking him dry.
That evening I had a shower washing off the sticky nature of the syrup. As i left the shower i looked at my body in the mirror. I was by no means huge but my rounded figure was something really shocking to see. I touched my gut and felt that it wasn’t just bloated but in fact was covered in fat. I grabbed my love handles and ass cheeks shaking them seeing my body move. Never did i think i would be a fat shit like i am today. All because that one day. Now me and my boyfriend are changing forever…
Throughout the spring months, something strange started to happen to my body. Obviously I was gaining weight and getting fatter by the day but it was all happening much much faster than ever before. Me and my boyfriend would still stuff our selves silly and fuck our selves fat so I was confused as to why I suddenly was blowing up like some fattened up pig. It was no longer then early June that I had surpassed my boyfriend in weight. My boyfriend was a big fat man and I had always been smaller but all of a sudden I was gaining rapidly. I was buying new clothes nearly every week as I would pop out of my clothes or outgrow them to the point of being unable to wear them. My boyfriend noticed this change as well. He loved it, mocking me. One night he made me strip naked and lay on our bed. He straddled my big belly stuffing me with a whole cake. He was telling me how disgusting it is that i’ve let my self go so much. He asked me questions like “can you still see your dick fat boy or has your jelly belly eaten that up/ i bet your toes are a distant memory now hog”. I must admit the insults made me so horny. I enjoyed being his hog, his fat boy toy.
One morning however my boyfriend woke up early and left to go get some fast food breakfast. I woke up so thirsty and i had no water on my night stand so rolled over to his where he had a glass of water from the night before. As i reached for the glass my hand brushed against a box of pills. I didn’t recognise the package so i picked them up and read the description of them. “Metabolism stopper pills” the package read. I opened the packet to see the pills were nearly all gone but one row. I didn’t recall my boyfriend taking pills and i definitely didn’t. However i started to think about my rapid weight gain. One reason why i was smaller then my boyfriend was due to my faster metabolism. My boyfriend must be secretly drugging me to get my fatter. He was fattening me up like a pig. I giggled as i came to this realisation. I wasn’t mad but I was going to get him back. I rolled out of bed and looked at my hugely expanded body in the mirror. My chest now sagged nearly resting on my now big belly. My gut sagged over the waist band of my boxers and my love handles widened my frame considerably. My jaw line and chin had disappeared into my fat neck and my legs and arse had thickened up making me look like an actual fat man. I couldn’t believe my boyfriend had done this to me. I slapped my gut and picked up the pills. I emptied the whole contents into a blender as well as boost bottles, full fat milk, chocolate syrup, weight gain powder and sugar. I blended it all up to look like a chocolate milk shake. I was going to make sure my boyfriend drank every last drop of this. It’s what he deserves for making me his fat piggy boyfriend. I was gonna make him my hog boy now…
Part 3 of my story is here!! i literally can’t stop writing this story I am in love with it. I sure hope you guys are too. the next part is really exciting hope you guys are ready!
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nohr-and-thirst · 1 year
infodump more about welt suffering and welt in general. please?
I've played quite a bit of HI3 and have been playing HSR, which made me finally interested in welt. the gravitas of his eng VA's voice his chef's kiss - I think he's one of the few characters who doesn't sound like "I'm reading this from a paper in a studio" in english - and I dig his design and powers. but what side material do I actually read to get welt lore? there's so much manga and I've only seen screenshots
Quick side topic about his English VA. I love how it fits Welt so well, in my opinion. I play Impact 3rd with CN dub, but for Star Rail he doesn’t have the same CN voice actor so it threw me off at first, but I gotten use to it after I tried to stop associating with another Impact 3rd VA.
I am putting this here already, this is gonna be very short explanation. Is this post short? No absolutely not, but I’m trying to cut details to try and make it short as I can and have it make sense.
Let us start off with some basic information about Welt Yang and now he inherited the name plus the Herrscher of Reason core.
Before there was Welt Yang, there was Welt Joyce, the first Herrscher of Reason. Sadly Impact 3rd does not explore much of Joyce, and most of the information on him, Otto, Anti-Entropy, and even about Tesla and Einstein is all a Visual Novel that never got a true English translation. However, it did get fan translations and oh goodness it’s a lot there. We will speak only of the information we got about Welt Yang from this Visual Novel.
Around the time this VN takes place Welt Yang is 8 years old since it’s 1955. He is the kiddo in the middle, and man oh man he went through a lot!!!
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Welt’s dad, Elias Nokianvirtanen, really did care for Welt. He would often travel with his dad who was working for Schicksal.
There is important information to note, and if I don’t explain it I feel like so much will be lost and the reason all of this is important. There are two major groups at the time (1955). Schicksal and Anti-Entropy (AE). At first AE was just the Northern American branch, and there was a lot of tension between the two. After a bit of… fighting, they did manage to make Anti-Entropy.
The reason they were with the AE, was because Elias was forced to sabotage AE because Otto was threatening Welt’s life.
Than there is Welt Joyce. Welt Joyce is one of my personal favorite underrated characters, and the way Joyce really wanted to protect humanity tells you everything.
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Now what does these gentlemen have in common-? Their deaths are connected to Otto. Otto killed Elias due to the reason he was there slipped, and Joyce risked his life to protect New York from being nuked by Otto.
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At this time as Welt was trying to help Joyce, Joyce asked him what he thought of the name Welt. Welt mentions he likes it, and Joyce not only passed on the name Welt, but also the Herrchser core.
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If you are curious, and wish to read the VN here is the link! https://zklm.github.io/honkai-vn-antientropy/ as a reminder, this is a fan translation, since we never got an official English translation!
Now, here is where we get to the fun bits. Fun fact: in the manga Second Eruption, Otto was legit like flabbergasted. Cause you know, THE FACT HE KILLED IS SUPPOSEDLY ALIVE. Only than to see it wasn’t Welt Joyce, but someone else and this manga just really shows you how strong Welt can be.
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Now in Second Eruption, their goal at the start was just “hey we need to find this new herrchser.” So guess what? They gotta work together a bit. There was a small comment that I feel gets over looked and that is, Otto never really taught Siegfried or Theresa how to use their divine keys, and Welt made a small jab at this. I don’t hear people really mention this, and I don’t know why it is such a small fact I love to bring up.
There is a really important fight scene that happens among these pages/chapters between Welt and Sirin. Here we get to see more of what Welt can do as the HOR, which is once he learns the structure of a human creation, he can make a cope with honkai energy. Now I don’t wanna go to much detail into this fight cause how I’m typing won’t do it justice, but we get a tiny new conflict pop up! What is this conflict? A clown, more specifically, Otto. That’s Otto Apocalypse himself.
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When I saw Otto has basically made it his personal goal to take down Welt, it being Joyce or Yang, to take down AE, and just do his plans, I mean it. This man goes so far, and I can do a whole essay about Otto, because he is an extremely well written antagonist. However, that will be for later in case anyone wants that just tell me. But Otto could have done more to Welt here, however Siegfried was there! Since Siegfried is key to Otto’s plan he just leaves and they both luckily make it back to safety with VERY bad injuries.
I do not want to go into all the details in the manga, as this manga is my favorite and everyday I hope that HoYoverse will animate it, so https://manga.honkaiimpact3.com/book/1005 here is the link! PLEASE IF YOU CAN READ IT! It’s 65 chapters long, it’s amazing, well written and oh my goodness I could do a whole video essay on it.
Now I am gonna throw some fun facts because this post is getting long and I’ll share some links too!
So here is a great video from HoYoverse about Joyce, Welt Yang, and Bronya and the legacy of the Herrchser of Reason! https://youtu.be/eSOYUfnUGZk
Now here I’m gonna send two playlist of A Post Honkai Odyssey. Why? Because Welt is in it, and also one of my all time favorite character is in it too, Void Archives. (This is me hinting that I wanna info dump about him too.)
Here is a playlist of gameplay of APHO on YT: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt0MO_4lG2SEyuMmOywSW02-soMN0PA45
Here is a playlist for APHO 2: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIL1w10vWxxolgZxP1Q7KlTPyq2B8JCt3
Also APHO has a certain scene that could be similar to some Star Rail players 👀
Here some random fun facts about Welt Yang that I recall on top of my head cause he gives the brain serotonin!
Welt Yang for the first bit having the core couldn’t sleep tho to the fact that the core houses over 300k people, and he never really complained of any struggles it gave to him, but we learn during the HoD arc when he speaks with Bronya he is concerned about her and ask her all the things she is experiencing.
It’s mention in Second Eruption that Welt would try and ask Einstein to play the piano, also he mentions around that same chapter I believe that if he didn’t inherit the HoR core he thinks/wonders if he would have become a teacher or linguistic like his father.
Facts relating to Arahato is that one his company had a whole copyright issue with Otto’s game company, the Arahato is heavily based of Joyce, and the line “Witness the stars shatter before you!” Comes from Joyce, but Herrchser of Truth Bronya (HI3RD) and Welt (HSR) say this line! Also around the Thus Spoke Apocalypse arc, it is mentioned by Einstein that one morning Welt made breakfast for the crew but it wasn’t much since he made it but implies he knows how to cook!
This is more from Star Rail, but is Serval is in your express she actual mentions Welt cause he asked some questions, but here is the tumblr link for that!
I don’t want to make a too long post that no one possible reads, BUT PLEASE ASK ME ANYTHING! IT CAN BE SILLY OR SERIOUS ABOUT WELT OR ANY OF THE HONKAI IMPACT 3RD GROUP OR STAR RAIL GROUP AS WELL!!! I read the manga’s and I have read the VN and I have spent hours rereading and replaying and explaining to people that ask and I love to do so QVQ
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I like that everyone sees Afo in their own way. Someone thinks that he understood, family is what Afo always wanted and decided to leave the evil empire. Someone thinks that he knows little about feelings, but wanted to be loved, so this led to the creation of a family, but in the end he left her due to the fact that she prevented him from becoming the “demon king” as his love for his wife and son began to grow. Someone believes that an event simply happened in the Midoriya family because of which Afo left, perhaps he couldn’t stand the fact that All Might had taken over his life and when Izuku wanted to play heroes in the All Might costume, he accidentally got a slap in the face, so Hisashi left so as not to harm the family. I have already asked this question to others. I want to hear your version)😊
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AFO is the kind of character that will always have a huge range of interpretations to him. Just because of how dishonest he is in nature we can never truly know his feelings or true intentions. So we can only piece what his actions say and the few thoughts he has.
I note how you are mentioning a lot of DFO so I'm assuming you want my opinion on that too? Because as you know I'm a big fan so will be super happy to give you my interpretation on AFO especially in relation to that.
When it comes to AFO, I always imagined him with no empathy even as a child. This is NOT a born evil thing or anything as just having a lack of empathy doesn't mean you are automatically evil. As there are ways to teach people like that how to get along and have Logical empathy, basically a skill where you can logic out how said people can feel which he clearly learned later in life. But I digress. Basically because of his lack of empathy growing up in a survival of the most violent era would shape his personality. It honestly more a miracle that despite doing anything to survive he kept Yoichi around. Likely Yoichi agrees with this as in the end Yoichi was not benefitting AFO as he had to provide for two while Yoichi couldn't do anything.
Just this fact shows that AFO didn't really care that Yoichi didn't provide any actual benefits. This throws a point that he can be 'caring' to those he deems as company he enjoys. However his lack of empathy makes it so he always ignores Yoichi's input especially after struggling to survive for so long with never being cared for or loved. Without any idea of love or affection in his background, is it any surprise all he equated this illogical attachment too is just not wanting to lose his possession? His first gift? Especially as it been shown he is very envious of everyone having thing that he never had. Like a home, cars, and that includes a happy family. The last one he ends up losing after basically throwing his little brother in a vault for being unruly then seeing red when he leaves with the rebels. Accidentally killing his brother.
All this fact is important as we see he never process or got over losing his brother. Pursuing OFA just for his brothers vestige but likely after over a 100 years he got lonely. Desperate but he would never be honest or claim such a thing, but would allow a 'family' to occur to try and fill the void in his own heart.
I do not believe AFO would hurt his own son directly. Even in a rage after what happened to Yoichi, likely if he realized was becoming blinded by anger that would be a signal for him to leave. As likely he wouldn't be able to live with the idea of murdering his only family again because of rage. BUT making the excuse it because was holding them back.
However, I don't believe that's why he left. I legit imagined he kept up his double life for a long ass time almost shamelessly. Acting like a normal man using the fact he says he 'works over seas' as an excuse to not be around often. While still enjoying the benefits of a family whenever he does come by to visit, hell he was still kidnapping kids you see Tomura and Touya up till Izuku's birth.
And with his lack of empathy sees nothing wrong with a double life as long as he keeps the normal family happy and content. Then they would remain his family forever.
....Then during one of those visits All Might found him. It implied AFO was caught off guard which is what gave All Might the edge likely because AFO was trying to pretend to be a normal guy. But after getting caught was forced to fight and likely was trying to evacuate, only to get his head smashed in and technically killed.
Without his face there was no reasonable explanation he could give that would allow him to see his family. I imagine the quirks to 'change' appearance still required there to be a FACE to be changed. And that is what he's referring too when he claims AFO stole something precious from him. He stole his family away just like Kudou did, hence his hatred being quite strong.
Any interaction with the family likely is by email, mail and with checks just so they are alive. But he can't talk or interact with them at all in the state he is in. Still believing they are his but unable to interact with them like he used to with his face utterly destroyed. Hence his small pestering about being fixed likely was not actually meant in playful jest and something he hounded the doctor several times about.
He left his family not because he wanted too, because he NEVER gives up what he believes is his, but because he was forced too. Unless wished to get another Detroit smash to the face by showing he's alive or reveal to his family his actual job and get them running away like Yoichi.
So basically I see him as a man who lives a double life, an actual legit monster and yet also casually a normal man with said family. What would cause dissonance in others he saw no issue with since his family are his while other people are only useful or not. Until was suddenly crippled and could no longer have the joy of family he had craved, becoming more submerged in his hatred of All Might. Because while didn't care about such a tiny part of his empire falling.
His family is something he will destroy the earth and even the family itself if he must to keep them safe and at his side. And that's how I enjoy him to be in my interpretation.
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sucrows · 1 month
Crow you interested me in ur femstars body headcanons now..... I would love to hear abt everyone but that might be too much work LMAO i invite u to share misc headcanons tho.... i love women
hope you know ive thought about this ask daily for the last 2 months, so its time to free it from its chambers and release the femstars body headcanons
gonna go wild and write as much or as little as i feel like for every character and ignore any i don't have any thoughts on. warning for talk about bodies and weight amongst other stuff
adonis: mostly muscular build but not in like... an instagram fitness influencer way in that she hyper focuses in on glutes. She works out upper body and lower body equally. she keeps her hair incredibly long but always has it up in some way. idk how accurate this is to canon but in MY eyes she used to be heavier before she got into being an idol but since she's moved to japan she's gotten more muscular. She still has the stretchmarks and loose skin in places to show for it. not particularly busty, probably a b or maybe c cup at most
chiaki: bangs and a high ponytail. her hair isn't all that long (just past soulder length) but it's enough that she can pull it up. really sickly as a child so she works out a lot and is decently muscular now.
himeru: if "willowy" were a person. Hair is long and straight and sleek. It falls in her face often. she and fem!adonis know each other well from working on shampoo commercials. Gives the impression of a "mean girl" until you chat with her
izumi: pixie cut. do you know how strict the ballet and modeling scene are on young girls? her self image is rough and she's still definitely struggling with the fact that bodies change as you age. She used to be really thin and was a late bloomer. She's still thin now and has a decent amount of muscle but fem!izumi is even more sensitive about her weight than regular izumi
kanata: short hair. what is up with everyone giving her long hair? if anything, the symbolism of kanata not having long hair anymore means even more if we're talking about fem!kanata.
keito: dresses reallllllyyyy conservatively until its for a job and then she flashes everyone with eyefulls of arm muscles and tits. Genuinely gorgeous and stunning. Bob with a small undercut for hair.
koga: ok i cannot picture her with one specific hairstyle so im going to just say she's always changing it up. She'll go "im growing it out!" and then the next day she's shaved her sides.
leo: her hair has not changed at all, she just plays with it a bit more often. Short and bony. basically the same as regular leo but even shorter.
mayoi: same hair as regular mayoi. very thin and not very shapely. She's not completely flat chested but her breasts are small enough that she can often get away with not wearing a bra. when she's not really anxious but not smiling she has a case of rbf and it's funny
niki: hair is same as regular niki. busty and bottom heavy. really reslly struggled to gain weight as a child and early teenage years due to her health issues but has gained weight as of becoming an idol due to having enough money to actually feed herself what she needs! yippee!
rinne: wolf cut! used to be long but one day after she got to the city she cut it and never looked back. does not work out often but somehow maintains a muscular physique.
ritsu: longer hair as a kid, same as regular ritsu now. permanently wears oversized clothing.
souma: almost identical to regular souma except shorter and with b cups
tatsumi: i am a short hair tatsumi truther. It was really long during reimei but it was such a hassle while she was hospitalized that she decided to go for the big chop. wants to grow it out again but has a bob as of canon time. anyways back to what everyone wants to hear: yeah she has a massive chest but she's kinda insecure about it. she's another one who grew up fat and still isn't quite used to everyone praising her now for having fat in the "right" areas. frequent practice has her a bit thinner than she used to be but do not get me wrong she is still fat (especially on her stomach and arms). oh yeah and also molessssss
Ok getting off my soapbox now i love women ❤️
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bleue-flora · 2 months
Hello, I come to you with a silly prompt!
In what way do you think Dream is disabled/affected post-prison and if he does, what do you think he does to hide it?
So I’ve loved all of the different answers to this, lots of fun. Sorry to be late in the game. Like usual I’m probably gonna make this more complicated than it needs to be. No surprise there though lol XD. But ya know you asked for my thoughts so here are my thoughts, as messy as they are.
See this is hard for me because there is a divide between what we know for sure is canon, what we can speculate in general and what is more fun to imagine. As well as, the difference between Minecraft and our physical world. Because like obviously no one can actually survive living that close to lava, so we have to decide which elements would match our world consequences and which wouldn’t.
Because it’s Minecraft and things aren’t necessary like the real world, I play looser with some of the effects. So things like for example messed up vision from the lava don’t apply. I mean everyone spends times in mines, the nether, even has lava in their house so it’s not something I personally include. The same with things like seizures and such.
When it comes to canon, obviously we know potions exist in this world, but the thing is there is never confirmation of them being used in the prison. They don’t appear in Quackity’s or Sam’s inventory (besides fire res) when they visit and during the visits we get to see, Dream is munching on potatoes to heal. So does that mean he never gets potions since basic food can work to heal in Minecraft or does he get some only with more severe and dangerous injuries or something. Or would he have sustained less serious injuries because the potatoes can only heal so much. Then again canonically Quackity is swinging a diamond sword and a netherite axe around, which aren’t exactly gonna do small damage.
And the thing with scars is that the only scars we know of are from canonical deaths, meaning Dream would probably have some from the other time he went to limbo (or multiple if went multiple times), and Tommy killing him (quite a few actually given how many arrows he took and stuff in staged finale) but there’s not necessarily confirmation of scars other than that, and Quackity can’t exactly take credit for those.
There’s also the question of whether he was dying and respawning as non canon deaths, especially because again Quackity is using some high damage weapons. Though I tend to lean away from believing that since that isn’t shown except with Sam accidentally killing Dream after Techno escapes.
I also don’t personally think he suffered anything super noticeable because the guards in prison as well as Ghostbur and Tommy and even Techno, don’t mention the torture. Ghostbur and Tommy don’t notice anything, Techno has to be told, and the guards like Badboyhalo even after hearing screaming still seems almost unsure of himself. Plus, Antfrost talks about visiting Dream and yet had no clue about the torture until Bad brings it up. So in my mind he doesn’t have anything too mutilated or missing body part wise, because that’d be kinda obvious. This includes eyes and also even missing fingers (though if he is missing one let’s just all agree it’d be his left hand ring finger because of Quackity’s breakup with his fiancés… ;]). (Though if we decide they were using potions then it’s interesting to play around with the idea of Quackity doing something like cutting off his arm and Sam having to fix that like I did in my fanfiction.)
So in my mind, no major cosmetic things, besides being smaller due to poor diet and starvation. Though again, in my mind it’s not quite the same as real world so I don’t like to image him as grotesquely skin and bones if that makes sense… (look he can be broken and still pretty ;D).
But despite what I said, I do like to imagine he has scars and I think potions may not have been a staple but probably did happen if Quackity ever went too far. Maybe early on before Quackity mastered his craft a bit more or later when he became more and more enraged and extreme in his desperation to break Dream. Either way, I think it was a rare occasion type deal. And because of that, in my mind he does actually have scars because the potatoes provide poor healing. So other people dying by falling in a hole or fight in a war don’t really have scars from that duo to respawn and potions or golden apples, while Dream deprived of that would have more lasting effects (because as someone with many scars I like to imagine he has some as a testimony to what he went through). This also means that some of his broken bones perhaps didn’t heal properly causing some pain or even having things not quite right. So fingers bent wrong if you really studied them or knees misaligned or whatever. So some sensation of pain at all times is pretty guaranteed. Though even without injuries healed wrong he’d still have chronic pain because scar tissue is very sensitive and messes up the nerves so it freaking hurts, it hurts to move, it hurts to touch, it hurts to use… etc.
One of the things he’d do would obviously be to the cover the scars to hide them from view, because embarrassment, shame, looking weak… etc but he’d definitely do it in really soft and not super tight fitting clothes because again the skin is sensitive.
I sometimes like to imagine that injuries that are obvious and badly healed enough he would like break them and reheal them, maybe even with Punz’s help. In general, though broken bones, concussions and stuff heal on their own given time so even if not the best, things heal eventually and Dream is up and about swinging an axe so it ain’t like he’s too debilitated. Still, moving and stuff would be painful and he’s definitely not in shape like he was so it makes sense why he uses so many pearls all the time and why Tubbo would say to Punz in the finale about killing him, “He was sluggish—he was slow—he was out of practice we took him by surprise.”
Though, I do think sluggish and slow could also be a reference to his mental ability as well, implying he isn’t as quick witted or as good at reacting, something that if you watch that finale fight does align. His counter measures aren’t super fast especially compared to how adaptable and swiftly clever he was before.
Obviously, he likely has Depression, PTSD, and an Anxiety disorder, as a result. Anxiety is the one we seen him at least try to mitigate by finding the most secure place to sleep so he can feel less stressed out, not going out and provoking people to avoid being attacked, kinda blocking out the world and stuff, not great for his depression though nor his PTSD…
I also imagine he’d be the type of person to think he could get over fears and trauma by exposure. Like sleeping in the cell with the lava down to remind himself he doesn’t need to be afraid of it… things like that perhaps. With limited success.
I imagine he has a lot of nightmares so he mitigates this by not sleeping as much as possible. Old habits die hard I guess…
Based off of Bad talking to Antfrost after the prison break about how he thinks someone was coming in and torturing Dream: “Anytime I would go and visit Dream he would be all shaky and he wouldn’t wanna talk.” I’d say Dream does shake, sometimes out of fear, sometimes out of weakness, sometimes out of stress, and sometimes because his body doesn’t work as it should. He mitigates this by trying to build up his strength and change strategies in battle if it ever gets debilitating, like switching to food, pearls, potions or TNT. He does a lot of pearling and running, and he never takes off his armor in fear of what might be around the corner.
Despite living in isolation for so long, he’s not overly social like he used to be. He goes days, weeks even without really talking to anyone between spurts of being overly talkative and needing interaction.
When talking to people, perhaps he hides his hands behind his back when they shake, he wears his mask to hide anything he might feel - fear, panic, sorrow, they can’t really see the tears building in his eyes or falling down his face that way. They can’t even really tell he’s hyperventilating unless they are paying attention.
He likes to do a lot of pushing down his feelings, which worked in the prison, it’s a good way to survive but it’s no way to heal. Maybe he schedules his meltdowns or panic to a later time - He’ll get upset about the fight with Quackity at home, he can’t breakdown in the streets now.
Maybe he spends days feeling numb, not leaving his bed, feeling like there’s no point. It’s better that way, if he doesn’t do anywhere he’s safe. If Punz asks he’ll lie, and Punz won’t believe him but he won’t push either………….
“Purpled, do you know what that does to a man do you know the limits that people have it—it goes beyond those limits its not okay.”
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bokettochild · 3 months
Hi! First off, I sent some ramblings before, and I feel safe here to share my thoughts! Your blog is amazing, to start.
Okay, so I can't read your opera house AU, though I bet it is amazing. I just don't have AO3, and when I look it up, I can't find it, so that's fine! I read your thing where it described who each LU character was in your opera house AU, and I love how Legend is a jack of all trades.
(I think it's a jack of all trades. It might be a jock of all trades.🤷‍♀️)
I feel legend, is kinda of self-conscious about his voice and thinks he isn't good enough to be on stage. That's why he mostly stays backstage and fixes things for last minute, and lets Fable take the stage.
I feel like even though Legend has been there for...like all of his life, when he saw Dusk, Artemis, and Warriors, he kind of shrunk in on his talent, seeing how they were literally crowd-pleasers. Everyone loves them; the crowds go wild when they see them on stage.
I feel like this happened once when everyone went out to get something for the play they were doing. He went on stage and just sang a hard song that not even Artemis or Warriors could do, but he nailed it.
I also feel like he would act like Jeremy Jordan. Jeremy Jordan.
Jeremy Jordan Did Bonnie and Clyde the musical and the scene raise a little hell The song, the first one he does, this great acting where he acts like he got beaten horribly, he is terrified. I describe it badly, but if you look it up if you want, I feel like that's how legend would act. He would put his heart and soul into his acting.
I feel like the warriors accidentally bullied the legend once because of something that made him shrink in on himself more when it came to stage time.
Anyways I love your blog!
I'm sorry to hear that! I have most of my fics blocked so non-users can't see them, mostly due to the rise in bots on Ao3 scraping for works and stealing our creations. If you'd like though, I can post them here as well! I used to cross-post a lot of stuff, but I stopped when I realized I could never find the fics again after LOL
And yes! Legend is the jack-of-all-trades at the Crown City opera! He grew up in the opera house (Twilight, his uncle, has been a stage-hand there since he was a baby) so he's been able to learn first hand from masters of the trade how to do basically everything there is to know! He's not as good with paperwork and the advertising aspect, as most of that sort of thing is done by Lullaby and Dot, but he's got the bare-bones knowledge (there's a rumor that Lullaby made sure he knew because she intends to leave the opera to him one day, but it's just a rumor).
I don't know if Legend is so self-conscious about his voice, but he's definitely not aware of how good he is. Like I said; he grew up learning from the best, and a lot of the crew and cast found it fun to show him how to do stuff in their down time, so he's probably got a better education in music than anyone else in the building. However, because he doesn't take acting as his main role and mostly helps in the back, he's sort of fallen into the belief that he's only maybe slightly better than average. Is he? Heck no! He could probably give the divas a nice run for their money if he was trying hard enough! However, while he most certainly has given his all to every role (he really does love acting) he still maintains that he's an "average nobody" who fills in on occasion when someone calls out sick, or plays the lesser roles when they're short on cast.
The opera knows he's good, Lullaby knows he's good, and gosh do their audiences know he's good! but because Legend is under the impression that he's average, he doesn't seek more time in the spotlight. Additionally, since Lullaby knows he loves what he is doing (he very much enjoys his prop work and set creation and costuming opportunities, don't let the grumbling fool you), she doesn't see a reason to call on him excessively if that's not what he wants. After all, he wasn't hired to be part of the cast (although whether he was actually officially hired at all is unknown, although he's paid very well).
I will say he does compare his skill to the divas, but sort of in a casual way when he's talking to Hyrule and the rest of his team. Sort of in the whole manner of: "I'm not like Dusk or anything, there's a reason you don't see my face on the billboards". I will say he's probably compared himself a lot to them in this manner though and convinced himself that he's not that great in comparison, but he's chill with it because obviously he can't be good at everything, and he's good at his job, so that's what matters.
His biggest point when people bring up his skill is always that there's a reason the divas' names are well known and he's just crew. What he doesn't know is that he very much has a near cult following and there are theories online. He's not very present on social media or anything, but their audiences know there is this one actor/actress who appears sometimes to fill roles or to cover when the headliners can't be there. Nobody knows what said actor/actress's name is, and they actually aren't even sure what gender he is, they just know said person has a lot of skill and they wish he'd show up more!
Lullaby is aware of this, but again, she respects Legend's choice to do his job, and also has no interest in throwing him to the dogs by releasing his name if he doesn't want her too. She wants him to have a normal life, thank you, not get hounded by media and fans like some of her staff are.
His skill is totally comparable to Jeremy Jordan though! Absolutely love that idea (and the idea that maybe he sounds like him too!)
As for the whole Warriors suggestion, I think they both tease each other back and forth a lot. Warriors is a good few years older, so he isn't mean with it, but considering their dynamic, it's not too far out there to suppose that maybe he once teasingly commented on Legend's singing skill with the intent of implying it was good, but Legend (pessimist that he is) assumed it was negative. In which case, he probably is a bit self-conscious about it sometimes, although it's less noticeable. It'd be more like he doesn't sing as loudly while working if he hears Wars nearby, and gets touchy when the diva talks about his skills. Wars isn't a jerk though, so he probably is clueless about the mix-up.
With all this in mind though, I can totally see the main story (when I do actually write it, LOL) featuring Legend as that sidelined, super-star-level nobody who teaches our lead (Hyrule) how to absolutely wow the crowds. Would he know why Hyrule asked him? No. He probably assumes Rule just asked the guy he actually knows, that and the divas are unapproachable or smth, or maybe because Legend's been here a while. Man has no clue, but he will help Hyrule to the best of his abilities!
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diantheia · 8 months
Because it's a week away from valentine's day, I thought to write you all an extremely educational essay on entity hotness. Disclaimer: not to be taken seriously.
I’m going to preface this essay by saying that when asking the question ‘what makes an entity hot?’, we can only use canon, in game details. No headcanons, no fan designs, nothing. This is due to the fact that the vast majority will have their first exposure to the entity’s being that of in game (playing, watching another) and therefore the initial build up to them finding a specific entity hot will be based on that, not anything found in fanworks. 
From observations of the fanbase as a whole, the three widely considered hot entities would be Seek, Rush and Figure. None of these are universal (even if Figure should be) but it would appear that the significant majority would agree. So, what makes them hot and the others not? Well, it would be fair to say that these three are actually the natural choices to be the objects of fan simpery, a statement I shall explain. 
First, we shall look at Rush. What makes them hot?
Firstly: exposure. A real first come, first serve scenario. If I asked you to name me a Mario enemy, most of you would probably say Goomba, because they are the most common. Ergo, if I had someone who had never touched Doors before play the game a few times and then asked them to name me an entity, Rush would likely be the one due to the frequency of their spawn rates. It would also likely be their first, and therefore most memorable, death.
Focusing on the death aspect, Rush’s kill scene is unique compared to the others, with it being so goddamn long and slow (ironic). If it was just another quick, jumpscare death, it would easily be forgettable. But instead, you are forced to stare into the maw of death and wait until it eventually claims you. How romantic. 
Rush does have some drawbacks in the ‘hot’ department. For starters, they do not have a very unique design. Just a big old head. Their colour palette is very similar to various (Seek, Dupe, Screech) other entities, so visually they shouldn’t stand out very much. 
So really, the only thing that canon Rush has going for them is the fact that they are the first and most memorable enemy you encounter. Rush is scooping up all the early deaths, and all the early simps.
Second, we shall look at Seek. What makes them hot?
Arguably, a lot more things than Rush. Seek is one of the few entities with a 3D model, and therefore there is no need for creative thinking to know what you are getting into. Seek is tall… people like tall people. Has their own theme. Chases after you. Slime???? Is pretty much the poster child of Doors. You get the picture. 
Yes, its design, much like Rush’s, could be considered fairly basic. The colour palette is similar. The difference with Rush is that Seek’s lack of physical defining features works a lot better with what it is doing; an imitation of a human body. Almost an uncanny valley deal. 
I’d argue, unfortunately, that if any of the entities were basically custom designed to garner the desires of people, they’d be the one.
Third, we shall look at Figure. What makes them hot?
Ok, but seriously. I can list a few things with Figure which would draw people to them. Much like Seek, they have an actual 3D model. Figure is also considered the main antagonist of the hotel, being both the mid boss and final boss (who doesn’t love the villain???). Big and tall. Chases after you???? What that mouth do? 
Design wise, they stand out a lot more from the rest of the entities. It is unique, and there is no other like them.
Honourable mention: Ambush.
Ambush do be pretty hot: but why?
Well, mechanically, they’re similar to Rush, so they can’t stand out that much. They also have a low spawn rate, and you might not even hear from them for multiple run attempts, so they definitely don’t have the exposure factor. What they do have going for them, however, is their design. Compared to the rest of the entities, there is none like them. Their colour scheme is not typical for a monster, it is a bright green, and compared to the majority of other entities, which have more muted colours, they stand out like a sore thumb. This uniqueness is the driving factor to make Ambush hot.
Other things to consider.
Dupe and the Rooms entities were added later into the games life than the others, so woefully do not have the same advantage as the rest. A significant portion of the player base would have already chosen their object of simpery and therefore they will likely have fewer.
Eyes, although unique in palette, have similar characteristics to Seek (many eyes). They’re gimmick is about NOT looking at them, which sucks if you really wanna look at them. Low spawn also means lack of exposure.
Halt looks like a basic ghost, and lacks exposure. I don’t know what else to say?
To conclude, it is obvious to me why the three most considered hot entities are considered that way. However, tastes can differ, as there are people who are interested in entities other than the ones stated, and people can afford to simp for multiple. They can all be hot if you really try.
Except Figure is the hottest.
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i miss you (pt. 2)
Lashana Lynchx Fem!Reader
Warnings ⚠️: Smut! NSFW! Phone Sex! Maybe a little angst?
Anyways this is part two! I could definitely do a third part but I’m thinking of maybe starting another mini series. Just lmk!!
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Aiming your attention back to the television, your eyes scanned for the gorgeous dark skinned woman who happens to be your fiancé. 
You noticed the quickness of how her eyebrows shoot up, announcing something that had surprised her. 
Slyly, Lashana peers at something that held her attention on the table…
You sadly were not able to see your fiancé's reaction due to the camera panning out to other members of the audience.
But you knew you had her attention.
This is easily the most excited you’ve been all week. Lashana had been busy getting “Oscar” ready this previous week, which also means you have been bored all week. Of course, she kept you tame with the late-night phone calls, and the sweet but simple “I’m thinking about you my love”
You were an introvert to say the least. a homebody. Which was interesting to say the least, especially considering who you were with. You thrived being in your own space, especially the space the two of you shared together. With the countless indoor plants you two have accumulated over the years, you basically lived in a jungle. The big bright open windows that let in enough light that there was never a dark corner in your house. You were used to her going on work trips, but it never hurt any less.
You got back up, enough of that. Pouring yourself yet another glass of wine you made your way back to your room, not forgetting your phone on the couch.
Standing in front of your mirror arching that curve in your back, you snap another photo. You set your glass down on the nightstand and threw yourself down on the bed. Getting the photo ready to be sent, the dooming read under the last photo you sent.
You captioned your new photo with “If you’re not going to help me, I’ll do it myself.”
_ _
You licked your lips in anticipation, feeling your arousal grow between your thighs. You had always been such a good girl, Lashana was always making sure you knew “What a good girl you are for me Y/N” she would coo.
 Pressing your thighs together tighter, you began to ponder on what Lashana would do if she caught you like this. On the bed, slightly intoxicated and in your best lingerie. Your thighs pressed tightly together for any sort of friction. Your current state reminds you of why you are here in the first place.
 All week you had been left alone, and since your fiancé had been so busy that meant you had been almost been entirely left alone.  It seemed whenever you had needed her most – in a situation a lot like this one- she just did not have the time. There was always something that needed to be done. You knew that this was a work trip, and not just any work trip but the Oscars.
 But you do not care.
 With the wine in your blood stream, making you a lot more confident than you usually are. You decide to be selfish. Afterall, you have needs to, right? Needs that are very much not being-
 Your phone vibrating snapped you out of your head, you smirked again.
 Ever so slowly you picked up your phone Lashana’s picture displayed as your phone rang, your lower body was pulsing with anticipation. You decided to let it ring a few times before answering it and putting it to your ear.
 “Love?” you asked when it was quiet.
 You heard some heavy breathing on the other end, and in the distance, you could hear toilets flushing and water faucets turning on. She is in the bathroom you thought, oh you’re in trouble.
 “What. Do. You. Think. You. Are. Doing Y/N?” Lashana asked you. Enunciating every syllable.  Before you could even answer she spoke again
 “Because I know you had better not be playing with that pretty pussy, my pretty pussy” She just about growled into the phone.
 Just like that, your panties were soaked. The pressure from you pressing your thighs together wasn’t enough anymore. You took a quick look around your room to find anything that wouldn’t alert your lover of what you were doing.
 Grabbing a pillow from the bed you shared, you straddled it almost hissing at the contact your clothed clit so desperately desired.
 “And if I was?” You started; your voice slyly asks. “What if I told you I’m humping this pretty little pussy on your pillow? Hmmmm?” Snapping yet another photo to send to your beloved.
 You heard her suck in a quick breath, and possibly something in the back of her throat but the background was bustling around too much.
 “Let me hear you baby, Fuck make the neighbors hear you” Lashana breathed into the phone.
You quietly whimpered into the phone as you made began to move your hips at an ungodly slow speed.
 “Louder.” Your fiancé demands. “ I want the fucking Queen herself to hear that mess you’ll be making on my pillow”
 Speeding up your rhythm of your hips you moan loudly, feeling the spot right below your abdominal area begin to tense up.
 “That’s it my dirty girl, keep going.” Lashana’s voice had a husky film over it, signifying her lust as well.
 Becoming a moaning mess, you speed your rhythm up even more. Your clothed swollen clit aching for your release.
 “Come for me, (Y/N)” You were practically screaming her name into the phone when you came, those words sending you into complete ecstasy. Felling the warmth pool in your stomach, you flop back onto the bed.  You could hear the breaths coming from your fiancé on the other line, she must have come too, you thought.
 Deciding to break the silence, you began “That was-“but Lashana cut you off.
 “I’m catching the next Red-Eye to London. Do Not even think about touching yourself until I arrive” You heard the beep, beep, beep signaling that she had hung up.
 Oh you were in trouble.
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slickchickchocolatier · 5 months
i believe my bf heelel is into some kinks. i wonder- like curious to know what kinks and positions he has tried so far on the reader,u dont have to describe them if u dont want to,u can even list it out idm!
Oh it’s fine. Lol this blog knows no shame.
So since Se7en is about or over a year old now (maybe more, can’t remember off the top of my head) let’s just say….a shorter list is what hasn’t he done…bc by now, you both covered every single position known to man and have done a lot…ALOT. Heelel has no limits or boundaries, since he is so very obsessed with reader, he has done everything (even against her own wishes) that’s the type of guy he is. It’s not necessarily just bc he’s the devil. It’s bc he is insanely in love with you that he has to (metaphorically speaking) devour every inch of you. I’m talking fucking your tits, anal, and oral (both you and him receiving. I picture him being very fond of the 69 position.)
Like heethan, he is also a masochist. But he kind of overdoes it bc…he’s the devil. He wants to see broken skin, blood, toes curling, and screams. Ofc it’s all in the line of pleasure, like he’s never going to just go and do physical harm to you that would cause great pain and injury for no reason. To everyone else, yes. Do you? No. But pain with pleasure, hell yeah.
I’ve also had a random thought of just how far he would go in his pace and momentum, and the man is relentless. I randomly thought of him fucking reader so hard, that she ended up vomiting due to exhaustion and just being railed so hard. (It was seriously a random thought bc sometimes I think about heelel and heethan from time to time.) but that gives you an idea.
I also had a thought where he stole Asmodeus’s ancient and original scripture of the Kama Sutra, and kept it so he could replicate all the positions with you, and even alternate some of them to better fit his desire. He loves making you feel good, but there are some times…the man is selfish and wants to feel good, even if you’re hurting.
My random thought about the anal piece was when I was answering some asks. I didn’t draft it but it came to my head out of nowhere and the way I saw it go down is, reader being hesitant bc she’s never done it before and wasn’t feeling too comfortable about it, but heelel forced the issue and pretty much restrained her with his own hands and just went for it. He was rough all up until he lined the tip to her rear, he actually got a bit gentle bc he knew it was her first time doing it, so he kind of verbally guides her. “Take a deep breath baby, this is going to sting a little.” Heelel spent lifetimes playing (and murdering) the succubus’s and stray angels, so he’s very experienced. I pictured him clicking his tongue and tapping the tip of his d*ck on your rear cheeks and calmly telling you to take a deep breath, and exhale as he enters. He still had readers wrists pinned behind her lower back with one hand while he used the other to slide in and as he goes in inch by inch, he would say things like “breath, hold. Now exhale.” And once he was all the way in, he’d thrust in and out at a very slow pace, giving you time to stop sobbing and start enjoying. Once he hears your moans coming in, he’ll pick up the pace and go harder and harder. He’ll watch reader go from sobbing victim of non-con to a filthy minx that wants more of him. And he loves to witness that transition. The second time around you guys do it, he ditches the slow and understanding pace and just goes for it, making that first noise coming out of your mouth a sharp yelp.
He’s very dominate, so any position that would render him vulnerable is out the window. He’s always going to be in control. Sven if you’re on top, those hands of his are going to be squeezing your waist and you’re basically being lifted repeatedly and slammed down by his rhythm.
On oral sex….bro…I picture this dude to be extremely brutal! Like making you choke on it, taking it out every once in a while to slap your face with it, sticking it back in your mouth and forcing you to gag on it until your throat bleeds. He’s a raging beast and that’s the whole reason why he made you go through all his brothers to turn you immortal, bc mortal version do you won’t survive.
He has a few favorite positions: reverse cowgirl, standing missionary, you straddled on his lap while he’s on his throne, and doggy.
And yes…he still likes to give it to you in his demon form or partially demon form. A lot of ppl did not like this or felt uncomfortable, but that’s what heelel likes. He’s twisted and very sadistic (the devil y’all) and he likes to make reader uncomfortable sometimes bc he loves seeing you scared and begging, but loves it even more when he sees you transition from being scared to wanting him more. I usually picture him doing you with his horns/antlers protruding out of his head. Since he doesn’t have regular devil horns like the devil is traditional portrayed with, he has a pair of beautiful and magnificent antlers, like an elk. When he’s in his full demon form, he almost looks like a wendigo, and he can adjust his size and be either colossal (like in the battle towards the end of the series) or he can be 7 feet tall (which is usually how big he’ll become when fucking you…get ready to take in 12 inches)
When he is fucking you in his demon form, it is very sinful and demonic, and you’ll feel very ashamed and dirty after it’s all done, but he won’t care. All he can think about is how much you were screaming and begging for him to keep going. Again, it always starts off with you fighting and begging him to not do it, but once he starts hurting your spot and making you leak everytime the tip of his dick punches it, you kind of go dumb (literally fucks uou dumb) and you’re a slob wrong mess.
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