morethansalad · 1 year
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Batbout — Super Fluffy Moroccan Pita Bread (Vegan)
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rain-symphonia · 11 months
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najia-cooks · 1 year
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[ID: Small flatbreads stuffed with ground 'beef' and green olives; a plate of mlouwi and a Moroccan teaset are in the background. End ID]
بطبوط معمر بالكفتة / Batbout m'mr blkefta (Moroccan stuffed flatbreads with 'beef')
Batbout—also known as toghrift (تغريفت) or mkhamer (مخامر), based on the region—are Moroccan flatbreads which usually have an interior pocket. Large batbout are often served with grilled meats or to sop up juices from tajines, while smaller ones are stuffed with various fillings. Batbout are sometimes made thicker so that a pocket does not form, and then dipped in a honey-butter syrup like baghrir; some Moroccans reserve the term "mkhamer" for this preparation.
Batbout are eaten year-round, but are especially enjoyed during Ramadan as a side dish on the ftour (فطور; fast-breaking) table, where they are stuffed with ground beef, tuna, chicken, or cold cuts. You could also serve stuffed batbout as a main with a green salad or Moroccan cooked salad.
Recipe under the cut!
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Makes about 15 small flatbreads.
For the flatbread:
1 cup (120g) bread flour
1 cup (165g) semolina flour
1/2 Tbsp active dry yeast
1 1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp sugar
About 3/4 cups water
For the filling:
3/4 cup TVP (textured vegetable protein)
1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp water or vegetable stock
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp vegetarian beef stock from concentrate, or substitute more soy sauce
1 onion (yellow or red), minced or grated
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 Tbsp tomato paste
1/2 small green bell pepper, minced
1/2 small red bell pepper, minced
Small bunch of green herbs (ربيع / rbi'): cilantro and/or parsley
2 tsp sweet paprika
1 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground cumin
Red chili powder or hot sauce, to taste
Squeeze of lemon juice (optional)
Olive oil, to fry
You may use your preferred ground beef substitute in place of the TVP; in this case, omit the water and stock concentrate.
For the flatbread:
1. Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. Make a well in the flour and add in just enough water to make a smooth, slightly sticky dough. You may need more or less than 3/4 cup.
2. Once the dough comes together, knead it by hand for 10 minutes, or in a stand mixer with a hook attachment on medium-low for 7 minutes, until it is very smooth, soft, elastic, and tacky. Add additional water or flour as necessary.
3. Form the flatbreads. Larger flatbreads may be formed by breaking off a small handful of dough, rolling it in flour, and patting it flat until it forms a round about 1/4" thick. Small flatbreads are often made by rolling out the dough about 1/4" thick on a floured surface, then cutting circles of the desired size out with a cookie cutter or glass.
4. Set flatbreads aside in a single layer on a floured surface, cover, and allow to rest for one to two hours, until noticeably puffy.
5. Heat a large dry skillet on medium and add as many flatbreads as will fit. When they puff up slightly, flip each one to the other side. Continue to cook, turning over as necessary, until flatbreads have dark golden brown spots on each side. You may find that the flatbreads puffing up gives you room to add more to the skillet; continue in this way until all flatbreads are cooked.
Batbout breads may be kept at room temperature for a couple days at this stage, or frozen for use later.
For the filling:
1. Mix all ground spices in a small bowl. Hydrate TVP for about 10 minutes in hot water, stock concentrate, soy sauce, and a spoonful of the spice mixture.
2. Heat 3 Tbsp olive oil in a large pan on medium-high. Add TVP and spread it out in a single layer. Allow it to brown without agitating for a few minutes before stirring it, scraping the bottom of the pan. Repeat this process a few times, adding more oil as necessary, until the TVP is deeply golden brown on all sides. Remove TVP from the pan.
3. Heat another 2 Tbsp of olive oil and fry onion for a couple minutes until softening. Add bell peppers and spices and fry for another couple minutes until spices are fragrant.
4. Add tomato paste and stir to combine. Add olives and herbs and mix. Return TVP to pan and mix to combine. Remove from heat. Add hot sauce and lemon juice, as desired.
To serve:
1. Cut a slit in the side of each flatbread with a small, sharp knife. Stuff with hot filling and set aside. Serve warm.
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fouadwastaken · 1 year
tell us about your bread brainrot...what lore does the bread hold..
Bread lore!!! Good question. Issue is that I don't know a lot about western style bread to compare! but still nontheless here we go!
When you ask for bread in arabic , you're asking for khubz! khubz is a twist on pita! the default style of bread you might get
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As you can see it's kind of thick! we put stuff in it or spread stuff in it for breakfast! usually half of one or a whole one are enough to help you until lunch but you can get more!
Toaster is one of the appliances you may never find in an arab home. We do not eat toast because it's simply too few bread!! I considred in E1 making a joke with malak where you give her some toast and she just looks t you like: "DO YOU WANT ME TO STARVE???" but now they just got kind of used to people eating toast.
We then have batbout! it's less common than bread and viewed as a treat but STILL used as bread! it's ligther and it's used when you want to make sandwiches so you focus more on the filling than the bread! it's stretchy and a bit salty
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Then we got msemen! it's usually a breakfast bread you spread honey over! but it can also be cheese , olives , nutella anything really!
I know when I skip breakfast I always hop in quickly to a small family restaurant by my college to get a cup of tea and two msemnat! one with nutella and the other with cheese
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At last! I did mention Eish! and basically it's a mainly egyptian bread they use for a lo of stuff! outside of egypt and throughout the arab worlds while they do use it for the same purpose as egyptians , it's also used as a tortilla in snacks! Choose your fate...Do you want egyptian tacos or french tacos (me when choosing lunch in my school week)
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drifelle49 · 5 months
Mini Batbouts Garnis Recette Facile pour le Ramadan | Gourmandise Assia
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winari2 · 7 months
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Batbouts Poulet
Le batbout marocain font partie de ces pains intégrant de la semoule comme la galette kesra ou la crêpe baghrir (plus connu sous le nom de « 1 000 trous »). Simples à fabriquer, ils sont traditionnellement cuits dans un plat à tajine ou à la poêle, sans ajout de matière grasse. À la clef : un pain de table moelleux et savoureux, à déguster en version sucrée ou salée, à tout moment de la journée. Ils accompagnent parfaitement une soupe épicée comme la chorba, un tajine ou tout autre plat en sauce. En format individuel, ils s’utilisent comme des buns à garnir, façon chapati tunisien.
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comical-genius · 1 year
To-bake list:
-Berry cookies.
-Sweet potato pie.
-More cheesecake/clafouti mix.
-Lavender/Rose/Earl Grey pie.
-Sweet rolls (cinnamon or red berries?).
-Blueberry cake.
-Doughnuts probably.
-More cheesecake frankly (different).
-Chocolate cake.
-Brioche bread.
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b-lessings · 5 years
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Morning 🌼
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companionetmoi · 2 years
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Je vous avais déjà partagé cette recettes de petits pains marocains ! Mais comme je l’adore, je la poste à nouveau 🥰 12 petits pains − préparation 30 min − cuisson à la poêle − repos 70 min Ingrédients • 50 ml d'eau (pour diluer la levure) • 1 cuillère à café de sucre semoule (pour diluer la levure) • 1 sachet de levure sèche de boulanger (11 g) • 200 g de semoule fine • 200 g de farine de blé (T45 ou T55) • 2 cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive • 1 cuillère à café de sel • 1 cuillère à café de sucre semoule • 200 ml d'eau tiède Préparation • Dans le bol du robot Companion muni de la lame pour Pétrir/Concasser, mettez 50 ml d'eau, le sucre et la levure sèche de boulanger. Démarrez en Vitesse 3 à 40 °C pour 10 minutes afin d'activer la levure. • Ajoutez la semoule, la farine, l'huile, le sel, le sucre et l'eau. Démarrez le Programme Pâte P1 et laissez se faire la levée de 40 minutes. • Lorsque la levée est terminée, mettez la pâte sur un plan de travail bien fariné. Pétrissez-la un peu avec vos mains farinées pour la dégazer. Étalez la pâte sur 0,8 cm environ. Faites des galettes avec un emporte pièce de 10 cm de diamètre. Déposez les galettes dans un grand plat rectangulaire recouvert de papier cuisson préalablement saupoudré de semoule fine (pour éviter que ça colle). Couvrez avec un torchon propre et laissez lever 30 minutes. • Chauffez une poêle antiadhésive à feu moyen. Déposez des galettes bien espacées dans la poêle. Attendre qu'elles gonflent sur une face et retournez-les plusieurs fois jusqu'à ce que les batbouts aient une couleur dorée. Faites cuire ainsi toutes les galettes. Conseil Ces minis batbouts peuvent être servis avec des entrées mais aussi au petit déjeuner. #companion #companionmoulinex #companionmoulinex♨️✔️ #moulinexcompanion #companionetmoi #batbout #batbouts https://www.instagram.com/p/CgHiRnss0CA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marocemploi-blog · 3 years
شهيوة مع لكوبل : بطبوط سهل و سريع في 10 دقائق Recette Batbout facile
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najia-cooks · 7 years
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vegetable batbout (Moroccan stuffed flatbread with peppers, tomatoes and vermicelli)
recipe under the cut!
for the bread:
4 cups (540g) all-purpose flour
1 tbsp active dry yeast
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
about 1 1/2 cups water
for the filling:
2 green peppers, seeded and diced
2 tomatoes
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
1 tbsp plus 1 tsp paprika
1 tbsp cumin
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp black pepper
1 1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 cup green olives, chopped (optional)
6-8 capers, minced (optional)
for the bread:
1. mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. make a well in the flour and add in just enough water to make a smooth, non-sticky dough. you may need more than 1 ½ cup.
2. knead the dough for about 15 minutes on a clean surface until it is very smooth and elastic.
3. cover a surface with flour or semolina flour and roll out to about 1/4 inch in thickness, then cut out circles of the desired size with a cookie cutter or a glass, rolling the dough out again as necessary.
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4. cover with a lightly floured towel and allow to rise for 1-2 hours, until the discs of dough puff up.
5. cook dough in a dry pan over medium heat until golden brown on both sides. set aside.
for the filling:
1. heat olive oil in a large pan over medium heat until sizzling. add onion, garlic, and spices and cook for about 5 minutes, until the onion starts to turn translucent.
2. add diced green peppers and cover. cook, stirring occasionally, for 5-10 minutes until softened.
3. peel tomatoes by placing in a covered bowl with boiling water for a few minutes. drain and rinse with cool water and remove the skins with your hands. dice.
4 add tomatoes and cook, uncovered, until the water reduces. remove from heat.
5. soak vermicelli in just-boiled water in a covered bowl for 1-2 minutes until cooked through. add to mixture.
6. add olives and capers, if desired.
to assemble:
1. cut bread circles open with a sharp knife and stuff with filling.
batbout are served warm as an appetiser for a main dish.
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oumaimas · 3 years
hello!!!!! I'm supposed to be cooking iftar for my family and i've never cooked a meal entirely on my own help. do you have any ideas /recipes for a meal? im thinking of making focaccia bread as a starter and maybe some quiche but that's all i can think of lOL
my strategy is do stuff that can be around 70% ready ahead of time w good prep and rely heavily on my oven!! so quiche is good! focaccia will take up much needed oven space but its pretty low effort. soup is also nice since u can prep it ahead of time. dont over exhaust yourself but u could do: soup+quiche as a main (crust made ahead and frozen or refrigerated)+some kind of juice+dates and whatever ur family stores for ramadan for dessert/tea. for sides a very simple salad or nicely roasted veg would work! u can rely on things like cheese, pre sliced meat, hard boiled eggs etc for protein+something nice that takes no work :^)
good luck!
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fouadwastaken · 1 year
what type of bread would be Amal's favourite??... And Zuha's too! And Malak's. Every one of your characters. What bread do they like??
For malak it's Eish merahrah ! A flat bread we use mostly for sandwich!
For bailey she got too used to stuff like hardbrood! kind of really condensed and hard bread/biscuits hybrid you find it boats! she just spreads stuff over it and eats it!
Richard is a big fan of corn bread. He probably also knows how to make it!
For Zuha it is a hard choice , but they'd probably give it to either Msemen or Pita/Khubz!
For Amal it's especially batbout..Warm !!
Both Zahra and Miki rock that Harcha
Constantin's fav is goofy ahh white bread
For remy it's toast!
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gothhabiba · 4 years
let me know in the tags where you / your family are from & what a typical ftour looks like for you 👀
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cooker11 · 5 years
#Moroccan #Batbout #البطبوط #المغربي
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