#bathtub granny
Bathtub Granny: Seriously? Pretending to be Batman?
Snap: Blue Justice, trademark pending.
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how-gross · 8 months
7:44pm — February 2, 2024
I try and explain to you that it’s slippery by the tub because something’s wrong with the toilet where the water leaks out of the toilet and ONTO THE FLOOR WHERE ANYONE COULD SLIP, and to just let me know when you’re GETTING OUT OF THE TUB so I can help you…
And literally the only thing you take out of that is, “I’m not no baby I can get out myself” and “I know you’re not gonna put your hands on me”…
Mom already told you to stop saying people who love you are gonna hurt you. I HAVE NEVER PUT MY HANDS ON YOU EVER IN YOUR LIFE SO TO HEAR YOU, MY OWN GRANDMOTHER SAY THAT TO ME, FUCKING HURTS.
Fuck you. I can’t wait to get out of this fucking house.
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laurasstufff1 · 1 year
Cramps and cinnamon soup
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In which your relationship with Daniel is crazy, chaotic and funny, even in the worse days
2k words
It was supposed to be fun. It was. But mother nature had other plans, and now you were crying in your room, a mixture of angriness, gilt, pain from the cramps, invading your whole body. 
Daniel was out training, he wanted to go to your house after and take you out for dinner, but you could barely get out of bed in the whole day, you even worked from there, something you never did. It wasn’t only physical pain, it was also emotional, and that was the hardest part to deal when it came to periods. 
You barely made it out of bed when the door opened and you heard Daniel talking with your neighbor “It’s always unpredictable” he dejectedly said with a sigh while he entered your house with the spare key you gave him only a week ago. Was he talking about you? He knew you started to feel bad the night before, when he called, and it was only a matter of hours until the bad cramps happened. But why would he talk about you with the neighbor, was he really so tired of you? That only made you cried more, sobbing so loud Daniel heard you and ran to your room.
“What’s wrong? Why are you still in bed” He worriedly asked kneeling on your side. You were just sobbing, he couldn’t understand what you were trying to say but you couldn’t pronounce a word either. “Hey, calm down, does it hurt?” He asked again placing his hand on your lower stomach “let’s go take a shower, alright?” But you denied with your head, not with him, not today. 
“I can go alone, thanks” you said getting up, but he got up faster and went to the bathroom to make sure the bathtub was fill with hot water once you got there, already knowing what was going on even though you were only dating for so little time.
While you were in the bath, he took care of the room, opening the window, making the bed, sorting the clothes. 
“Daniel?” You called him from the bathroom, a small grin forming in his face because he already knew what you needed.  He didn’t come or answer until a few minutes later, when he peek his hand put of the bathroom door.
“I got it, babe” he said holding a huge sweatshirt of his he left behind some other day with some shorts and granny underwear, the most comfortable yet ugly you owned.
“Thank you” you said without letting him see your red face.
When you got out he was sitting on the couch playing with his phone. It was your house, you didn’t live together, but since a couple months ago it seemed like that, you were always at his place or he was at yours all the time after work. “Have you eaten something today?” He asked watching you sit next to him and placing his hand on your knee. 
“Just a coffee for breakfast, I’m not hungry” you simply said making him look at you furiously, it was already 6pm and you only drank coffee.
“You stay here, I’ll cook dinner, you need to eat something before taking a pill for the pain” he got up and you sat with your knees to your chest trying to ease the pain that was slowly coming back after the warm shower.
“We had plans” you moaned annoyed.
“We’re not going out. Besides it’s raining anyways. This weather is so unpredictable” 
“Unpredictable? The… the weather?”
“Yes, it was sunny yesterday and now it’s raining” he said pointing at the window, and just then you realised it was indeed raining.
“Oh. I thought you meant me” you laughed.
“What?” “Nothing”
While you were laying on the couch, feeling so bad for being lazy although the truth was you could barely move from the pain, Daniel was in your kitchen trying to remember the right ingredients for a soup his mum always made. 
‘Mum, hi’ you heard him talk ‘hey how much cinnamon do I use for the soup you always made back home? - I know it’s July and hot outside, but YN is not feeling well - just cramps - Yeah, I know it’s not just cramps and they hurt, but mum—“ you laughed hearing him talk while his mum probably told him off, they were  indeed very painful “okay -  thanks mum - will do - love you too’.
“Hey” he said standing behind the couch making you jumo scared as you were concentrating in his voice and not the sound of his steps. “Okay, so I called mum, she sends love and-“ “All my love to your dear mother too” you said with crystal eyes. Were you really going to cry again? For the mother in law you haven’t even met yet? “Also she recommended this” he said holding a sock full of rice. “Careful it’s hot. I’ll bring dinner in a minute. You like cinnamon, right?”
“Thank you. And yes. I’ll go help” you said trying to stand up, but the sock unleashed and the floor filled with rice in a second. “F*ck!” You shouted, this time crying by real, feeling absolutely useless.
“Hey” he concernedly said coming to hug you “We’ll pick that up later, babe, I can bring another one. Stay here, rest” he sweetly said caressing your cheek. You couldn’t do nothing more than agreeing nodding your head.
When Daniel came back with another sock, he found you soundly asleep on the sofa, all curled up  holding a pillow to your chest. He placed the new sock between your knees and your stomach, carefully trying not to wake you up by lifting a bit the sweatshirt. Only then he notices a few grains of rice piled up in the border of the coffee table, surely picked up by you before falling asleep.
He kneeled on the floor and started picking up the rest, looking at you from time to time when you moved curling a bit more probably because of the pain. He couldn’t help but stare at your face while kneeling next to the sofa looking for the little grains of rice that went everywhere, probably a vacuum was better but he didn’t want to wake you up.
Slowly but surely he touched the skin on your arm moving farther up to your shoulder and then to your neck, pulling back the little pieces of hair that rested there. Then he moved to your jaw and your face, but not for longer because you slapped his hand.
“Hey!” He shouted loosing balance and falling to the floor with his hand on his chest trying to calm himself from the scare.
“Sorry!” You shouted again trying unsuccessfully to hide your laugh “I thought it was a fly!” “A fly?” Daniel laughed making you laugh even harder.
“Ugh sorry, today’s not my day, you okay?” you said stretching in the sofa while Daniel nodded and hurried up to hold the new sock so it didn’t fall like the other. “Thank you” you said again, this time it was you caressing his face, which was a lot closer because he was still holding the sock.
“You’re very welcome” he smiled holding your waist and getting a bit more close “Can I?” He asked one last time before kissing you and you just nodded while he was already kissing you, feeling his hands too in your waist and your cheek. He was kissing your lips but then he went to your cheeks and your forehead so quickly you started laughing again.
“It smells delicious” you smiled still letting him kiss your face, but he rapidly got up and with one last kiss to your lips he left the room again and headed to the kitchen.
“Do you mind if we order pizza?” He asked a second later. You should have bet he was going to burn whatever he was cooking, you would always win.
You laughed and got up to the kitchen, this time holding sock of rice in place. The soup was completely solid and the cinnamon turned black. 
“Pizza it is” you laughed. “Let me clean it” you started holding the pan but Daniel took it off your hands “I’m alright! The hot rice is working, besides we’ll finish sooner if we do it together” that kinda convinced him, thought he only let you clean the countertop. “Daniel!” You shouted when he started lifting your sweatshirt from behind. 
“Just a minute” he said grabbing some tape to wrap around you the reheated sock full of rice.
“Hey! That’s going to hurt when I take it off!” You hit him with the cloth and he looked at you like if he just realised that it was indeed going to hurt, but at least your stomach won’t. A second later the bell rang.
“Pizza’s here!” He shouted changing the subject.
“Saved by the bell, quite literarily” you said leaving the cloth in the countertop hearing him laugh. 
“I have to say, I was exited for the cinnamon soup, but this is not bad either” you laughed watching him take a slice and immediately regret it as it was still hot.
“Will you be alright tonight?” He asked soon after the pizza was over, with a glass of water and a pill for you in his hand. You just nodded while swallowing it. “Are you sure?” He asked again “I can stay if you want” “You don’t have to” you rapidly said “I can call you if I need you”
“I’ll be up all night paying attention to my phone” he said already takin git off his pocket and making sure it wasn’t in silence. “You’re trying to convince me by making me feel bad about it” you said raising your eyebrows. “I’m just saying the truth” he shrugged.
“Well okay. But you take the couch” “Fair enough”
And so that’s what you did. But just as you were taking off your sweatshirt you realized you were taped to a sock full of rice. 
“Daniel can you come? Help me get out of this” you said and he immediately came laughing along the dark corridor. “Not funny”
“I think it’s better to wet it. Let’s go to the bathroom”. You took off the sweatshirt in a bust of confidence and he slowly peeled it off the skin while damping it with water. “Does it hurts?” He asked while doing it.
“No, but the water is cold” you pointed out while he rolled his eyes laughing as you were so whiny.
“All done” he said finally removing the last part and drying you carefully with a towel.
“Thanks” you said again looking up to him and pecking his lips. “Come to bed with me?” You asked taking him by surprise, you could rapidly feel the nerves in his face “I mean if you want, it’s not like-“ “No no, I want” he quickly said “I want” he repeated again surely “let’s go”. You took his hand and guided him to your room, already dark. You laid first on the bed, you were not willing to give up your spot on it. Daniel laid next to you, feeling you move your legs up to your chest. “You want another sock with warm rice?” “No” you rapidly said “I don’t want to break another one and make a mess in the bed” you laughed and he did too.
“Alright. Then I’ll move” he said while moving closer to you “is this alright?” He asked placing his hand in your abdomen, right where the pain was, not missing the chance to place a sweet kiss on your shoulder.
“Perfect” you whispered, although a second later you turned around to face him and started caressing him too, placing your hand behind his neck and pulling him for a good night kiss and a cuddle in his chest “thank you for the evening. I would’ve been laying in bed since this morning if it wasn’t for you. Although instead of laying in bed I laid in the sofa anyways” you said making him laugh.
“and waisted a whole package of rice” “And you burnt dinner”
“Yeah that’s worse isn’t it?” he laughed. “Good night YN, please remember I’m here and I’m not a fly so don’t hit me”.
“Night Dan” you laughed “it was a natural reflex anyways, you can’t blame me for it”
Thank you @headinthecloudssblogfor the request <3
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animatorweirdo · 4 months
Unexpected Reunion
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You reunite with an old friend and hear about events that occurred during your time on ice. You decide to set your feelings to the side and start gathering ingredients for your medicine. Unfortunately, your trip to find Moonflowers takes a dark turn when you discover two possibly orphaned elven children and reunite with someone you hoped to avoid.
() = Elvish
Warnings: mentions of the second kin slaying, dead characters, angst, mentions of being frozen, troubled feelings, going through woods alone, smelling blood and smoke, nearly getting stabbed, fear, hiding, and getting a blade on your neck.
Chapter 2
The water nearly tickled your skin. You took in a deep breath before allowing yourself to be fully submerged in the warm water. A satisfied groan left you as your muscles relaxed from the warmth and the weightless sensation. Soap foam and bubbles floated above the water, and you finally scrubbed the dirt, sweat, and grease from your body. 
Taking a bath had never felt better after traveling in a sickened untamed land and walking around the city the whole day without a destination. You need to thank Melui for letting you take a bath and stay the night at his house. 
You leaned against the bathtub’s edge and stared at the ceiling, wondering about everything that had happened. It was no wonder so many things had happened. It's been over sixty years. 
How did you survive sixty years in ice? 
It was no mystery why Camilla would think you had died. You were certain you were dead too when those spirits caught you. You could still hear Camilla's scream at the entrance when the spirits froze your feet, making you unable to move. You could still remember reaching out to her hand before the ice froze your whole body and your mind got taken by the cold darkness. 
A tear fell from your eye when you thought about your friend. If it's been sixty years, then there was a high chance that Camilla had already passed away from old age. You doubt she could have survived as a ninety-year-old granny when Beleriand was in a state like this. She was smart and resourceful, but even she had limits. Not to mention, her family had some genetic illnesses that should act up during old age. 
You took a deep breath… trying to prevent yourself from breaking down in tears. 
You wonder how Maglor reacted to your supposed death. There was no doubt that he would have been devastated. After seven years of a happy relationship, you suddenly die of sudden circumstances. That would definitely have a negative effect on him. Could your death have taken a part in his spiraling to such a path? 
How would he think if he knew you were still alive? 
You shook your head and tried to stop thinking. You first need to ensure that the things you have heard about him are true. If anyone knew better what happened in Doriath– it would be Melui. In the meantime, you will also believe Camilla might still be alive, living in a lone cottage with a hundred cats, or something, until you learn more about her fate. 
After cleaning yourself, you arrive at the kitchen area, drying your hair with a towel and wearing borrowed clothes. Melui was preparing dinner and two vials of familiar-looking liquid sat on the table. 
Melui's home was big and rather nice. The kitchen area was attached to a large living room on the left while a set of stairs were on the right, leading to upstairs where bedrooms were located. The design of the walls and the colors were rather calm and different than what you were used to seeing in Himring. The house was empty since Melui’s family was away and Melui had stayed behind to watch over it. 
"Hey, (Name). How was the bath? Good I hope," Melui questioned after setting a pot on the table. You looked in and smelled something delicious, fish soup perhaps? 
"Yeah. It was good since it has been sixty years since the last time I took a bath," you said, making Melui release a chuckle. "You sure your sister doesn't mind me using her clothes?" you questioned as you adjusted the blouse and the dress. "It's fine. Those are pretty old so I doubt she even remembers having them," Melui said as you took the vials and drank the content. 
You grinched at the taste after drinking them both. "I never get used to this taste. Thank you for making them for me. The beast has been silent but I do not want to take any risks," you said and set the vials back down on the table.
"It's alright. I'm happy to help you with anything," Melui replied.
"Thanks... good to know you're still around at least. I don't know where I would be if you didn't find me," You smiled. Melui returned the smile. "Come on. I prepared some dinner and perhaps you can tell me in detail how you survived sixty years unchanged," he said and you both sat at the table to eat dinner. 
The dinner went smoothly even though you weren't a big fan of fish food. Melui had somehow made them taste delicious. You explained from the beginning how you and Camilla went to look for a rare herb in the cave and how you got attacked by the spirits, resulting in you freezing and somehow surviving until something broke you out. You even told him your theory of how you could have survived. 
"If my memory serves me correctly, I believe those spirits you described were Frost wraiths, spirits of the dead that had died under freezing conditions yet couldn't move on due to their hate," Melui explained. "They trap those who end up lost in their territory in ice and feed from the warmth of their souls until there's nothing left," he added.
"Sounds accurate, but I don't feel any different in my soul. How come they haven't eaten mine?" you asked while buttering your bread. "Your curse could be the reason. The beast is supposed to be affiliated with winter, right? So, perhaps it made your soul too cold for them to eat," Melui suggested.
"Maybe... but that doesn't explain the warm sensation I felt before I broke through the ice," you said. 
"Perhaps that necklace of yours could be the reason. Is that a dwarven rune you're wearing?" Melui pointed at the silver amulet resting against your chest.
"Oh, this?" you took hold of the amulet. "It... was a gift from an old dwarf who lived in Himring. It has some runes carved into it and is warm to the touch," you explained as the metal amulet warmed your fingers.
"Interesting-- I heard some dwarven runes may hold some hidden spells. Maybe that rune helped you break out from that ice," Melui stated.
"I doubt that. If it really worked like that then maybe it would have broken me out years ago," You chuckled and looked at him seriously, nearly worried to ask what you were going to ask of him. 
"Melui. I heard some things about Doriath and my lover, Maglor. I told you about him in my letters," you started and Melui nodded silently.
"I heard... he had committed terrible things and I want to know if they are true," you explained. "Were you still in Doriath when the kin slaying happened?" you asked carefully. 
Melui was quiet before looking at you. "Unfortunately yes," he answered. You stared at him before continuing. "So... all things of him and his brothers committing it are true?" you asked. "I'm afraid so..." Melui murmured quietly.
"I did not see your lover when it happened, but I did see how his brothers and their people came and started killing the people of Menegroth," Melui started. "They mostly kept their attention on those who willingly fought back, but then they started killing those who tried to run away," he explained. "I saw how the blonde one of the Feanorians fought the young king Dior in a deadly combat. They ended up killing each other. His wife perished in the attack and from what I have heard they left their twin sons to die alone in the forest. It was middle of winter as well," he explained and you nearly teared up at the thought of two young kids alone in the cold.  
"It was horrible," Melui nearly sniffed in tears. "And just when I and Nelle became engaged," he revealed and you felt light-hearted for a moment. 
"Oh, congrats. Is Nelle still around?" you asked. "No..." Melui shook his head and your smile dropped. 
"She was killed by one of the Noldor when she tried to defend one of the injured. It was not in her nature to harm anyone, so she didn't even try to fight them yet they still killed her. A sword through the abdomen," he explained. Your heart ached painfully when you saw his rather empty expression.
"I'm so sorry, Melui," you uttered.
He shook his head. "Don't be. It's been years now. I had family members to care for so I learned to heal from the sorrow," he explained. "And if Eru and the Valars are kind to us then perhaps I will see her again in the Blessed realm once my time to sail there has come," he said and took a drink from his glass. 
"I know it is not my right to tell you what to do next, but I advise you not to go to see your lover. He not the same elf you loved sixty years ago," Melui stated.
"Where is he and his brothers now?" you questioned.
"Last time I heard, they relocated to Amon Ereb," Melui answered. "It is not too far from here, perhaps a day's travel if you go on a horse," he continued. "I do not know what would happen if you go to him. I'm afraid you might receive an unpleasant reaction," he looked at you seriously.
"I get it... I think… I will concern myself with getting the necessary ingredients for my proper medicine. I don't think this would be the best time to show myself either," you said. Melui looked at you sympathetically. 
"I'm sorry things are like this," Melui said. "It's okay... I didn't expect much good when I first walked out of that cave and saw the world it is now," you reassured.
"If it's any comfort. I am willing to help you find the ingredients for the medicine," Melui said.
"Really? That would help a lot," you smiled.
"Of course, you're my friend. Just tell me what you need and I see what I can do," he said. 
"Well, the list is a bit long. I think we can find most of the ingredients in the city, but the Moonflowers are the most important," you said.
"Moonflowers? I do not think we can find any of them here, but I heard they are quite common at the Mouth of Sirion," Melui answered. "It will be a long travel thought," he added.
"That's fine by me. I can make the travel if I get a horse and some supplies to get there," you said.
"You can borrow one of my family horses, but are you certain you are willing to go back there?" Melui asked.
You smiled at him. "I will be fine. I did survive sixty years in ice and the trip here," you remarked, causing Melui to chuckle.
"I nearly envy your determination. Alright— Moonflowers grow in the nearby forest in Sirion, but there is also the Havens of Sirion. It is a city made up of refugees from Gondolin and Doriath. I have been there once. If you can't find any Moonflowers in the forest, you can go there and ask the people. They are helpful for those in need," Melui explained. "Nice," you nodded.
“Now let us eat. It will be a long day tomorrow,” Melui said and you two finished dining before retreating to the beds. 
The bed felt comfortable beneath you. However, you were not able to find sleep due to your mind being filled with thoughts on everything you had heard. Morgoth had taken over the world, you have survived living sixty years in ice, and now, Maglor and his brothers had gone down the path to commit horrid war crimes. It was a lot to handle, and you were not certain what to make of it. 
You nearly wanted to believe it was just a really bad dream. 
You brushed those thoughts away and closed your eyes. There was no use thinking and feeling sad about it. You needed strength for tomorrow to find the Moonflowers for your medicine. Maglor and everything can wait for later, even though your heart aches over everything that has happened. 
The morning graced the city. You were grateful to hear normal sounds such as birds singing in the nearby trees and the sounds of vendors as they opened their shops for the day. You would listen to them over the sounds you had heard lurking in the dark outside the city. 
You were patiently waiting at Melui's doorway, dressed in proper clothes for traveling and carrying bags for food and necessary items to collect herbs. You felt nervous to go alone but were confident you would be fine after memorizing the map and paths fully and prepared to deal with any situation possible. Technically, this was your first time traveling without Camilla. She never really trusted you to go alone without getting into some sort of trouble, especially since the incidents where you got accidentally separated. In your defense, you were in a difficult spot during those times and didn’t have the medicine to stop the beast from taking control of your body. 
However, this time you were not at the risk of losing control, so there was a high chance for you to avoid any trouble you might encounter on your way.
Melui approached you with a saddled white horse. You stood up, ready to leave for your trip. 
"This is Seastar. She has mostly been used for pulling wagons and carriages, but she's used to traveling alone with a rider. She will get you where you need to be," Melui handed the reins to you. You petted the horse, who seemed accepting of your attention. "Thank you. I'll make sure I bring her back safely," you said and climbed on the horse. You carefully handled the reins and then looked down at Melui. 
"Be careful... something unexpected might happen and I do not want to see you hurt," Melui uttered with worry in his eyes. 
"I know... but I am certain I can handle it. And to be fair a lot of unexpected things happen when I'm around, so it wouldn't be the first time" you said, making him shake his head with a smile. 
"Go now while you still have sunlight," he said. 
"Yeah, I might end up spending the night somewhere, so don't panic if I don't return," you stated.  "Okay, see you later. Take care,"
"Take care," Melui replied as you clicked your heels and rode away, eventually leaving the city. 
You rode through the safe path out of the city, into the wide lands that had not yet been infected with Morgoth's influence. It felt nice feeling the clean air brush against your face as you continued galloping. You made sure to take breaks and check on the map while letting Seastar drink before continuing your journey toward your destination, the Havens of Sirion. 
The sun had begun to settle when you finally arrived in the forest. You could hear the ocean in the distance and the air was chilly. It's been a long time since you've seen the sea or visited any beaches. Once you find the Moonflowers, maybe you could check the city after all.
You jumped down from Seastar. The forest looked too thick for her to get through. Uttering words in elvish, you told her to stay put and walked toward the forest, letting the white mare eat grass while waiting. 
The forest was thick, full of moss, and moist ground. Most likely due to being near the great river and the sea. Crows and Owls were hooting in the trees as it became rather dark for you to see. You checked the caverns and rocks, but no luck so far until you reached the last cave and noticed something glowing inside. 
You jumped over the fallen logs and saw white flowers growing on the cavern wall, glowing brightly as the moon in the sky. A victorious grin dressed your face as you took out a small sickle to cut them out. Your luck was finally looking up. 
You cut down a few of the Moonflowers and even a few with a seedling so you can grow them yourself. There were quite a lot of them. The place must have been fertile with light and songs for them to grow so many. 
After picking enough, you strapped the sickle back on your bag and prepared to leave until a strong smell of smoke filled your nostrils. Confused, you sniffed the air and then looked up to the sky, finding rising smoke pillars coming from where the city of the refugees should be. A deep worry settled within you while you stared at the smoke in the sky. Was the city being attacked? 
The scent of blood suddenly invaded your nose. You shut your mouth as you nearly gagged from the intensity of the smell, which confirmed your suspicions. The city was being attacked and it was a total bloodbath. It explained why you didn't encounter any patrols on your way even though Melui said the people of the haven were very guarded. 
Your ears heard something and from the corner of your eye, you saw a small shadow coming at you with a knife. 
"Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!" You stopped the child just in time before they could stab you with the knife. The child backed away still holding the knife toward you with terror in his eyes. "Easy! easy—! I'm not here to hurt you!" You held your hands up while staring back at the little elven boy. Your eyes then noticed another child, hiding behind a rock in the cave, he looked exactly like the child in front of you, so they must be twins. 
Worry peaked within you as you stared at them. They had blood on their clothes and didn't look older than a 6-year-old. Your mind quickly pieced the pieces and you concluded the boys must have escaped from the city during the attack. 
"Hey, it's okay," you kneeled, trying to make yourself look less threatening to them. "(I am a friend. You're safe)" you spoke in elvish, hoping it would calm them down. The boy in front of you seemed to calm down, cautiously keeping his weapon close to him and staring at you wearily. 
"What are you two doing here? What has happened?" you softly asked as the other boy slowly emerged from his hiding place. 
"You... you are not one of the bad elves?" He asked. His voice nearly came out like a whisper. 
You looked at him confused. "No. I'm a human actually," you pulled back your hood, revealing your ears for them to see. They seemed to calm more. "My name is (Name). Who are these bad elves you are talking about?" you asked. 
The elf boy began to cry. "They came out of nowhere and began hurting people..." he sobbed. "We came here to hide to wait for Naneth, but..." he sniffed. "I think they have hurt Naneth too!" he said and his brother began to sob too. Your heart painfully ached for them and a sense of protectiveness overtook you. 
"Hey..." you caught the crying boy’s attention. 
"It's okay. What's your name?" you asked. "El...Elrond," he said and you then look at his brother. "And what's yours?" you asked. "Elros," he answered, rather angrily. 
"Okay, Elrond, Elros, do you possibly know why these bad elves decided to hurt your people and Naneth?" you asked, having a bad feeling over the situation. 
"Naneth… she said they came because they wanted the stone in her necklace," Elrond answered. "A stone? As in... a silmaril?" you questioned. Elrond nodded. "That's what Naneth and Ada called the stone," he answered. 
You felt frozen for a moment. So the bad elves were Maglor and his brothers? They had committed another kin slaying for the silmaril? 
"Fuck—" you silently uttered and then you all heard a loud snap in the forest. Elros and Elrond automatically panicked. "They're coming!" Elrond said fearfully. You carefully glanced over the rock and saw elves in familiar Noldor armor coming toward you. 
"Quickly! Come with me!" you looked toward the twins. 
The Noldor soldiers came to the gave and investigated it. You and the twins were hiding behind some bushes, you listened to them talk and felt sweat forming on your skin. They were looking for the twins. 
You glanced at the twins hiding by your side. Elros looked angry and ready to fight, while Elrond sobbed silently, terrified of the situation. You couldn't bring yourself to leave them at the mercy of the Noldor soldiers, not after hearing what they had done to the last pair of twins Melui mentioned.
Your eyes quickly scanned for a route back to your horse then you grabbed a small rock off the ground. The twins looked at you carefully as you quickly tossed the rock in the opposite direction. The sound of the rock hitting something caught the elves’ attention and they quickly left to investigate the sound, taking the bait. 
"Come on!" you whispered, leading the twins out while the elves were distracted. Elrond clung to your hand as the three of you finally reached the edge of the forest and your horse.
You quickly picked them up one by one upon Seastars. "Okay. We're gonna go see a friend of mine. You will be safe and we will see if we can help you get back to any relatives," you explained after picking Elros on the saddle. 
Elrond's eyes widened as he looked behind you. "(Name)! Look out!" he shrieked as you felt a blade suddenly rest beside your neck. "You will remain still if you want to live," a familiar voice said and you slowly raised your hand in surrender. You remained deadly still and cursed within your mind. Shit, you really have a talent for getting into trouble when you're on your own. 
And you could recognize that voice anywhere. It was none other than Maglor, except his voice sounded more tired and less gentle than before. You now feared his reaction more than anything. 
"Turn around," Maglor commanded. "Leave her alone!" Elros snapped at him. "Elros. It's okay," you softly said. You took a deep breath before slowly turning around, avoiding making any sudden movement that could make Maglor slice your thought. 
You locked your eyes with him. His eyes nearly looked lifeless, most likely from the fight in the city and years of bad things happening all over, but when he locked his eyes with you— they were filled with shock. His hold on the sword began to waver and he backed away from you. 
"(Name)...?" he uttered as he stared at you like you were a ghost. 
"Hello, Maglor," you started awkwardly. "Long time no see," you said, waiting for what would happen next. 
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the-robot-bracket · 1 year
Please don't spoil the answer :)
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papichulomacy · 7 months
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Make me cry
Pairing : Yuta nakamoto x reader (exes to lovers, forced proximity, enemies to lovers)
Summary: whereas event planner reader gets her big solo project after years of working beneath her superiors, the only problem? It's her ex-boyfriend's wedding who also happens to be the father of her twin children.
Word count : 7528 words, kinda long but y'all will live
A/n: I was feeling angsty while writing this lol, even made a playlist
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"Mommy, wake up" an overly excited Seiji yelled jumping on top of his mother's bed "Huh?, What time is it" mumbled the 27-year-old as she rubbed her eyes "It's 10 Am Mommy" whispered shiho which caused Y/n's eyes to widen almost comically as she quickly got out of bed.
"Oh god, oh god" she yelled running around her bedroom, quickly grabbing whatever work outfit she could find throwing it on the bed and running out straight into the twin's room to grab their clothes.
Which luckily she had put together the day before, "Time for a bath you two" she mumbled filling up the bathtub as she quickly bathed the twins who happily obliged, "No time for duckies i'm afraid" she told them as Seiji pouted and shiho looked like she was about to burst into tears "but, mr quackles" she whined as y/n sighed grabbing the dumb looking duck and throwing it in the tub.
After 10 minutes they were done she quickly dressed them and showered herself while they ate cereal and watched Bluey on the TV.
After she was done she quickly did her makeup and got ready herself "OK babies, grab your overnight bags i'll be dropping you off at Granny's" she shouted putting on her flats.
Scrambling the twins put their cereal bowls in the sink and took their bags, locking the door she and the twins went downstairs and she quickly unlocked the car and strapped them in their baby seats.
Pulling up into her mother's driveway she rushed out and helped the twins out who as soon as they both were out of their seats ran straight towards the door, They adored their grandmother, and sometimes y/n joked they loved her mother more than her.
"There are my favourite grandbabies" Mrs. Kim Baby talked as the twins threw themselves at her, "Mom, they're your only grandbabies" She playfully rolled her eyes as she went into her childhood house and put down their bags.
"Now remember, don't trouble your grandmother too much, i'll be back tomorrow afternoon to pick you both up okay" She kissed their foreheads and hugged her mother goodbye.
After a 10-minute drive she practically ran towards her boss's office, "miss kim, just in time" smiled her boss, Mrs Martin, She was a woman in her mid-40s, who y/n greatly admired due to her work as an event planner.
"Since you've been working with us for almost 5 years it's time you get to plan your very own solo event" "You're not saying..." "Yes y/n, i'm assigning you a solo project" "Excuse me" she squealed due to how excited she got as Mrs Martin laughed. "I'll take that as you agreeing" "I've been waiting for a solo project for 2 years, of course, I agree. What is it," she asked sitting down.
"Well it's a wedding and not just any wedding, it's the wedding of the year apparently" she spoke as y/n gasped "Shut up" "No joke, it's the wedding of the CEO of Nakamoto corporations with his fiancè of 4 years" y/n's smile instantly dropped at the mention of the surname
"Is... Is something wrong?" Questioned Mrs Martin as y/n quickly put on a fake smile, "Nothing, I'd be more than happy to plan this wedding" she stated as her boss smiled "Lovely, here's the address of their house, they want it to take place on their property so you'll have to go there to check it out to plan and hear their suggestions" taking the binder she curtly smiled as she exited.
(T.w: mention of v@mit)
Walking into the restroom she felt bile go up her throat as she rushed into a cubicle, she threw up her entire breakfast until she was left dry and heaving until she felt someone gently grab her hair putting it aside.
"Feeling better?" Asked Sora as Y/n nodded getting up to wash her face and rinse her mouth "Here, take these mints" She thanked her as she put them in her mouth.
"Now are you going to tell me what happened? Are you sick?" She questioned sitting down beside her as she put down two coffees on the table.
"I got my first solo project" she stated, voice void of any emotion as Sora's eyebrows jumped up "That's something to be celebrating over, not throwing up over " she joked as y/n groaned slamming her head on the table.
"Oh, what am I going to do!!, Should I like quit? Yeah i'm gonna write a resignation letter" she rambled confusing her cousin even more who looked at her like she had gone crazy "And why the fuck would you need to do that?!" She questioned getting frustrated with her cousin/best friend who looked to be on the verge of a breakdown.
"They're getting married Sora..." She whispered trying to keep her emotions at bay as Sora sighed "Whose getting married hmm?" She asked rubbing her back as y/n's lips quivered "Yuta and Jieun, they're getting married "As soon as those words left her mouth she broke down and her cousin's expression softened as she tried to console her.
Taking in a deep breath she rang the buzzer as the intercom beeped followed by a voice asking "Name and business with the Nakamoto's ?" "I'm kim y/n and i'm here from Eden Springs, to work on the wedding" she stated.
The huge gate opened revealing the huge manor as she tried not to gap at it "This way miss" stated a polite butler who gestured for her to follow him, which she gladly did, he sat in the driver's seat of the golf cart as she sighed in relief "thank god, I thought I would have had to walk to the front door" and in a matter of 3 minutes they stood in front of the huge dark oak door.
Gulping down her nervousness she prepared herself to face whatever was behind the door, "Ah you must be Miss. Kim, I've heard a lot about you from Mrs Martin, i'm the groom's father if you have any questions please feel free to ask me or mrs sim, who'll be in the kitchen I suppose" he smiled at her politely as she bowed.
"Is the wedding planner here? Oh good, come with me as I tell you about the theme my daughter wants" spoke Mrs. Sim in her snobby posh voice which irked y/n but put on her best people-pleasing smile she went out following the old woman towards the huge backyard.
"This is where the aisle is supposed to be" "I was thinking we make it longer you know, the bride can enter from the back door directly? As the music plays" Mrs Sim looked at her with a sickeningly sweet smile "Is this your wedding? No? Then keep your suggestions to yourself" she stated as y/n pursed her lips and nodded.
"I'll come back tomorrow with my team to start working if you'll excuse me" She left the manor and went straight home. As soon as she did she broke down feeling broken and tired.
The next day she picked up the twins and called their nanny to look after them "Pumpkin, now I want you to behave with seolhyun ok, take your meds right after lunch " she told shiho who pouted "But they taste bitter" Y/n smiled as she kissed her forehead "I know they are baby, but please, for mommy?" "Okay, for you" She stuck her pinkie out which y/n linked with her own.
"Look after your sister," she told Seiji who nodded as she kissed his forehead. "Bye and the food is in the oven, I made lasagna" She waved them goodbye. Getting in the car she drove off.
When she got into the manor her team followed as she started ordering them to start working. An hour or so went by and they started working on the lighting arrangement.
When they were putting on the lights she noticed the servants of the house scrambling around due to god knows what she shrugged thinking it was none of her business until she was harshly spun around by someone.
"What the hell-" "What do you think you're doing here" he hissed standing there while having a tight grip on her shoulders which was hurting her as she tried to pry his hands off "My job, ow, Mr.Nakamoto can you let go that hurts" she whisper-yelled as his eyes softened for a second when he realised how tight his grip was letting go his scowl was unfaltering.
Dusting off her shoulders she glared at him "You can't just go around grabbing people, what manners!!" She hissed as he rolled his eyes "Oh please, manners are the last thing I want to talk to you about, I don't want to talk to you at all" he barked as she smiled at him, her work smile not the genuine one he used to get when they were together.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to work on your wedding" she hissed walking passed him, Meanwhile he rubbed his forehead already feeling a headache forming.
Y/n tried to avoid him at all costs at the manor, but seeing as he was everywhere she was it was impossible. But lucky for her he was resting in his room for the most bit due to the jet lag.
After hours it was 7 pm and she pulled up in her building's parking lot. When she got in she was greeted by her kids running up to her "Aww I missed you too" she cooed pecking their cheeks.
"Did you take your meds on time? Hmm." She asked as shiho nodded eagerly "That's my good girl" She smiled as she bid their nanny goodbye and quickly freshened up.
"Can we sleep with you tonight?" Asked Seiji looking down as she cooed picking him up "Of course, come on bedtime, tomorrow you have school okay". The twins rushed into their mother's room and lay in bed, keeping space for her.
"bedtime story!!" They yelled at the same time as y/n sighed, Despite the exhaustion she nodded as she started telling them a story, which in the middle of it she realised they had both nodded off, Seiji holding his bear plushie and shiho her racoon plushie.
When they were asleep she got out of bed to collect her thoughts, after all, he was the father of her kids and the man whom she once loved dearly.
Pouring herself a glass of wine she settled down by the window sill not being able to control her thoughts which were plagued by him, seeing the look of absolute disdain and disgust on his face made her heart feel like it was stuck in thorns.
The very same eyes that once used to look at her like she held the universe in her eyes.
(6 years ago).
They were both lying in bed cuddled up together while having talks about the future Despite being young they talked about marriage and kids of course y/n brought up the topic "How many kids do you want in the future?" She whispered, chin on his shoulder as he hummed.
"Well I was thinking two, a beautiful girl like her mother and a handsome young gentleman like me" he spoke while smiling as she too couldn't help but smile herself "That sounds perfect, ooh Can we name the boy Seiji? I love the name," she asked hopefully as yuta laughed softly. chest vibrating as she rested her head on it.
"Anything you want my love" he had stated and kissed her forehead, she had gotten up and kissed him, the innocent kiss turning more heated by yuta who just couldn't keep his hands to himself.
"What you say we start making one already" he had joked and she had hit his head "Dream on" she laughed trying to run away but had ended up getting trapped in his muscular arms "noo we're not done cuddling" he had then nuzzled his nose into her face, both ended up falling asleep holding each other.
Sighing she washed the glass and got in bed with her kids "I wish he could have been there to see you guys grow up like this" she whispered kissing their tiny foreheads as she too let sleep consume her.
Days had gone by, and she had planned everything and made arrangements for the wedding and had done her best at trying to stay neutral around yuta who made her job harder than it was.
He had somehow found ways to sabotage everything she was arranging the flowers. He doesnt like them. the lights? Thinks they should be brighter, the alter? Should be placed in another direction.
She sighed as she held a bunch of fake peonies in her arms trying to get them to the decorators to put them near the back door. "You aren't good at this job, if I had known they'd be picking someone this... Incompetent I would have told them to change the wedding planner" he taunted as she rolled her eyes trying to go past the pool while he stood there with a smirk that made her want to slap him across the face.
"Can you move? I need to go past this way" she whispered as his smirk widened "Oh do you? i'm sorry here" he barely gave her any space as she grunted trying to move past him and the chairs as he rolled his eyes "Yeah well I don't like this either " she hissed as she pushed at his chest as a way of telling him to move which him being the hardass that he was he didn't.
She lost her footing and fell backwards right into the pool as he walked away.
"It's kinda funny how you're known for being on our high school's swim team while I don't know how to swim" she had said laughing as they both sat at the edge of the pool soaking their feet in, "well Why don't I teach you?" He had suggested while she hummed.
"Too slow" he had pushed her in and had jumped in straight after and held her up, keeping her afloat "You're such an ass" she whined hitting his chest as he laughed kissing her "i'm sorry".
His eyes widened when recalled that memory not missing another second he sprinted towards the pool while unbuttoning his coat jacket. Which he discarded while running and jumped straight in. She had stopped thrashing and was sinking to the end of the almost 8-foot-deep pool.
Grabbing her by her waist he swam up when he had gotten out he laid her down on the grass while she gurgled and coughed as she spat out water, she was beyond terrified, not because she wanted to live for herself, but rather for the two little kids that were at daycare at the moment, waiting for the time to be up so they could be picked up by their mother who'd take them to get ice cream.
It terrified her since she knew that she was the only parent they had ever known, and this caused her to feel horrible as a thousand thoughts ran through her mind while the water consumed her body whole, " I haven't even told him" she thought but when she felt him grab her shaking body she was forced out of the trance she was in while all these racing thoughts.
"Y/n!!, Are you okay?" He asked trying to get her attention She stared at his face calming down from her frenzy as she started tearing up, Looking around she saw all the servants and the decorative workers looking at her and she quickly got up.
She grabbed her bag and ran out of the house, She couldn't care less that her clothes were soaking the seats of her car as she drove back to her house, heart hammering she couldn't stop the sobs that raked her body and broke out like a terrible beat of unsteadily loud drums.
After all, it hadn't been like this for them, they were so in love If you had asked either of them about their future they both would have answered the same thing "Everything about my future, I can't picture without him" is what s/he would have said.
Not sure about that now she thought as she put her head against her steering wheel, She remembered that day so well like it was yesterday, she had repeated it over and over again in her head, not being able to forget the way he had looked at her then.
(6 years ago).
His mother had invited her over for dinner which was unexpected since the old woman made it clear that she didn't approve of their relationship.
Y/n sat in front of yuta's mother as she cut into her steak trying to keep her nerves at bay, after all, anxiety wasn't good for the child she was carrying that she wanted to tell her boyfriend about today.
"I'll cut to the case and tell you straight forward, I never really approved of this relationship, plus I can see that he's getting tired of your presence too" words thick with venom the older woman drank her wine as y/n gripped her fork and knife.
"I was a fool thinking that you called me here to apologise for treating me like shit for all these years but I guess some things never change huh, and for your information he loves me he is not tired of me" she seethed as Mrs Nakamoto smiled that devilish smile of hers that made her feel uneasy.
"Aw he loves you?, Are you sure about that? To me, it looks like he'd rather spend time with Jieun than with you" she spoke in a taunting voice as y/ns lips quivered, with both sadness and anger.
"You're lying!!" She yelled slamming the utensils on the table as the older woman wiped her mouth and pouted faking sympathy, Taking a tablet from her assistant she slid it over the table "Look for yourself" she stated as y/n hesitantly took the tablet in her hands.
And what she saw made her heart feel like it was squashed by a rock, for on the tablet were pictures of him with her, the pictures made them look like a couple "The last pic is of them at a jewellery shop" she fake gasped putting a hand up to her lips as y/n's grip on the tablet loosened "oh imagine if it's to get her a ring, I'd love to have her as my daughter in law" she stated.
Reeling back from her chair she stormed out of the house as she let anger cloud her mind and take over her actions, reaching their shared apartment she got in and was faced with a rather angry-looking yuta.
"Oh, you're back already?" He asked voice lacking any emotion She felt her heart fall as she realised the situation"I should be asking you that" she said accusatorily as she scoffed.
"I can't believe you " he yelled as she furrowed her brows "What do you mean?!" She asked calmly as she was practically fuming and she was trying not to lash out in her condition.
"Was I not fucking enough!!?, I gave you everything, my time my love heck I even stood with you when everyone told me you were just using me for money, guess I was a fucking fool" his words were like a slap to the face as she looked at him dumbfounded.
"What the fuck are you on about!?, You think I cheated on you or something!!" she yelled now getting angry How dare he accuse her of something he is the one guilty of
"Don't act dumb, My mother saw you, she saw you with the other guy you've been sneaking off to see" he unlocked his phone to show her the pictures which she looked at confused because they were of her with her cousin's husband, and heck she wasn't even alone with him sora was there with them just not in the pictures.
She wanted to explain that it wasn't what it looked like but all that came out was "What the fuck, she spied on us!!?" She scoffed as yuta looked at her as if she was crazy "You have no shame, does he know you're two-timing him? That youre such a slut opening your legs for every guy-" she cut him off with a harsh slap across the face which sent his face to the other side with the impact, red-faced he turned it around glaring at her with hatred.
Which she mirrored, while she felt more hurt than angry "How dare you ... I- can't believe it I should have known" Laughing incredulously she gripped her hair "You are just like your mother, the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree huh" "DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!!" " fuck you" she yelled as hot tears poured down her face.
Storming into their shared room she quickly pulled out her suitcase and took out her clothes which she dumped into it and all her other useful belongings before leaving him.
Not forgetting to look him in the eye as she spoke "hope she makes you feel whole, since apparently, I failed to do so, goodbye yuta" Confused by her words he looked at her, not finding it in himself to call out to her, to beg for her to stay.
The whole pregnancy was a weird and lonely experience for the one she thought she'd be experiencing it with wasn't even aware she was carrying his child.
She remembers the way Sora had been there for her and so had jaehyun, her husband and their childhood best friend, the three had been inseparable since they were kids y/n thought of him as the older brother she never had and when he married Sora it was official.
And she was so thankful to them for putting up with her, she had refused to burden her mother by staying at her house, her being too old to stress about her daughter's condition.
Sora and jaehyun welcomed her with open arms and had been there for her throughout the 9 months every checkup she was accompanied by both of them.
And during her first checkup when she found out she was having twins she was beyond terrified taking care of one kid as a single mother was one thing, but taking care of two was beyond compare.
But now she could only laugh at the fact since she wouldn't trade either of them for anything, they were her world.
The day she went into labour was both funny and excruciatingly painful to remember, she had been quietly sitting in the living room, binging random romcoms as jaehyun walked in and sat down beside her.
"Watchu got there" he spoke licking his lips while eying the candy and popcorn on her side as she eyed him warily "Don't even think about it Jeong" she warned taking some popcorn and popping it in her mouth as jaehyun rolled his eyes "don't be such a hoarder, gimme some" "HOARDER?!? Mind your fat ass I'm eating for three, so fuck off and go bother your wife" she smacked him upside the head as he whined.
"Wait is that Sora holding muffins?" He whispered, loud enough for her to catch on as she whipped her head to look behind her which jaehyun took as an opportunity to grab a fistful of popcorn as she gasped.
"You did not.." She whispered staring at him as if he had just kicked a puppy "Oh yeah I did" he spoke with a mouth full of popcorn as she frowned deeply. Suddenly a painful contraction hit which caused her to grip his arm.
"Ow- fine, i'm sorry LET go- oh." His eyes shot up in worry when he heard her breathing pick up "Are. Are you okay?" He asked as she quickly got up.
"Fuck, this hurts" she cried out trying to walk to the nursery of her nephew where she knew Sora would be but halted when she felt liquid go down her legs.
"What's all the commotion about, jaehyun You better not have made her cry again- oh my god honey" Sora quickly rushed to her side as she cried out in pain.
"What the fuck are you looking at, go ready the car you dunce" she yelled at her husband who was standing there panicking "The car, yes!" He yelled rushing out.
As Sora quickly took the baby bag they had prepared for this moment and helped y/n into the car.
"Drop Chan at my mom's, and come to the hospital straight after," she told him as he nodded bidding her goodbye.
When Y/n was rushed inside she kept asking for yuta, god he was all she could think about at that very moment, "sora Please... Call him" she cried as Sora pursed her lips nodding.
"Pick up damn it" she hissed at her phone as the call went straight to voice mail "What is it is he not picking up?!" wailed out y/n as she looked at her cousin desperate.
"No, it keeps going to voicemail" "fucking hell, try his mother tell her to give him the phone" Sora quickly dialled the number and after a few tries she picked it up.
"What is it you, idiotic girl" came the shrill voice of the woman over the phone as Sora greeted her teeth "Where is yuta?!" She asked as the annoying voice laughed mockingly over the phone "At his engagement party, where else" she taunted as Sora yelled "Well tell him to come to the xxx hospital this instant it's y/n shes-" "Oh get over yourselves as if he'd like to see the face of that idiotic girl, don't ever call this number again or i'll have my lawyer on your good for nothing asses" she snarked hanging up on sora's face.
"Is he coming?" She asked staring at the older with a small bit of hope which disappeared seeing the look she received "Oh god!" She wept.
"Honey, I think it's time we take you to the operating room" came her doctor as she kept crying. Not being able to answer Sora nodded at the doctor "It's okay you can start now" and with that, she was wheeled away for the c-section.
When she had woken up the nurse brought in her son who had been crying She outstretched her arms as if on instinct to hold him and soothe his cries.
"Does he have a name yet?' Asked Sora as she looked at her sleeping nephew in her cousin's arms as y/n smiled tiredly yet tenderly "Seiji,.. Seiji Nakamoto" she whispered the baby stirred in her arms making a small noise that caused them to coo at the cuteness.
"Where is my daughter?" She asked the nurse who looked at her sadly which caused her to furrow her brows. "Your daughter, she is in the NICU" Y/n looked at her confused "Why is she there?" She questioned handing a sleeping Seiji to Sora.
"Your daughter when she was born didn't cry so we were doing a series of tests and checkups on her, the doctor found that her heart seems to have a defect" she continued as y/n sucked in a breath feeling lightheaded.
"Wha-what do you mean, I- I was sure both of the babies were healthy, I made sure of it Why" Just then the doctor came in as the nurse explained to him what was happening.
"Ms.kim, you see your daughter has a defect called Coarctation of the aorta a critical congenital heart defect, it's when a part of the aorta is narrower than usual. The defect occurs when a baby’s aorta does not form correctly as the baby grows and develops during pregnancy."
All she could do was cry as she took in the information "Can I see her?" She asked as the doctor tilted his head as if in sympathy "Please?!" She begged as he sighed "Okay, prep her and take her to the NICU nurse Jang" The nurse nodded and helped her off the bed, she was still in recovery from the c-section after all.
When she went to the NICU looking at her baby attached to all these wires made her almost lose her balance as she sobbed at the sight of her "Mommy is sorry for not being able to make your heart properly" she whispered as the nurse looked at her in pity.
"Your name is shiho, and i'll make sure nothing breaks your heart" and with one final look, she went back to her room.
It was the day of the wedding and y/n stood in the garden as it was filled with the chattering of guests as they arrived, greeting Yuta's father and him and congratulating him.
She felt overwhelmed and the fact that she stood here on the sidelines waiting for the wedding to start, to watch the man she still somehow loved swoop another in his arms and say vows to.
She couldn't take it, feeling nauseous She went inside, trying to find the restroom she wandered off, Opening random doors she stumbled into a bedroom, where sat his mother in a wheelchair, looking out the window straight at the altar where her son stood.
Hearing someone walk in she turned around and was faced with her standing there "I-I was just leaving" she stated turning around "No, wait, please" Hearing the pathetic tone of the woman whose voice used to make anyone cower caused her to halt.
"I want to talk" "Well I don't" She once again went ahead, almost out the door but stopped hearing the words that left the woman's mouth "i'm sorry" she cried out as Y/n stormed in, fuming as angry tears stung her eyes.
"You're sorry?!! For what? Huh, for treating me like shit for 4 fucking years, making me feel so fucking small just because I didn't have a father, or enough money to be deserving of your son?!, yeah well it's too late for that"I seethed as if the old frail woman in front of me pursed her lips.
"I didn't know about the kids, I swear whatever I did it was for the good of my son and his future " she cried out as y/n's lips trembled.
"Yeah well your actions caused my kids to grow up without a father, just like their mother, I hope you're fucking happy" Her voice was filled with all the pain she was feeling right now as the woman in front of her could only look down in shame.
After all, it was after 4 whole years did she showed up wanting to meet her grandkids, begging for her to hear her out but y/n's wounds were fresh and she wasn't going to let her rub salt all over them.
She had heard about her accident, and a small part of her thought she deserved it but the part of her raised by her mother that was taught nothing but love and empathy felt awful for thinking so.
Exiting the room she was faced with everyone running around the house "What happened?!" She asked one of the maids "The bride has run away, and we can't seem to find her " Worried she looked at yuta's father whose eyes found hers.
"You!" He bellowed as she looked around pointing to herself confused as he approached her "Please help me out here, and from the looks of her letter she isn't coming back, The garden is filled with guests, and this would be bad for my son's reputation as the new CEO".
"You can't be suggesting, what I think you are suggesting" She laughed incredulously but stopped when she saw the look on his face "Oh you're serious ..." Confused she looked at the older man who took her hands as a way of appealing to her as she pursed her lips.
"That is ridiculous, I can't just marry your son, I mean what if im already married!!" She screeched, her voice getting high-pitched and squeaky as the older looked down at her hands "Are you?" He quirked a brow as she looked away embarrassed.
"No" she answered as he sighed "So please, I- i'll give you anything you want, money, a house ANYTHING just please save my son a lifetime of embarrassment" She was going to decline straight away but the desperation in his eyes and the shake of his voice caused her to give in.
"Oh thank you dear," he gave her hands a thankful squeeze as the maids quickly rushed her into the room Jieun was supposed to be getting ready in.
When yuta looked at the back door of the house open he let out a sigh of relief seeing as the guests had started murmuring amongst themselves, which had caused him to get anxious.
But seeing as she was walking down the aisle beside his father confused him, after all, they weren't that close and the veil was rather heavy, shielding her entire face.
When her soft hand grasped his firm one he found out that the woman in front of him wasn't his fiancè but rather the woman who still owned his heart, his father quickly whispered something to the officiant who furrowed his brows but nodded nonetheless.
There weren't any heartfelt vows exchanged aside from the mandatory ones "Do you nakamoto yuta take Kim y/n as your rightfully wedded wife?" Yuta felt his heart jump hearing that as he felt a lump form in his throat until he felt his best man nudge him.
"I- I do" he managed to let out as the officiant looked at her "Do you kim y/n take Nakamoto Yuta as your rightfully wedded husband?" "I-" she paused staring at his face which was void of any emotion, feeling a whirlwind of emotions she contemplated if she did the shiho could have better treatments that she couldn't afford on her own.
Sucking in a deep breath" I do" she let out shakily as the officiant nodded "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" and she felt her heartbeat pick up abruptly.
She was about to make an excuse, anything to get out of this but stopped as her eyebrows jumped up feeling her veil being lifted as yuta's hollow eyes stared right into her shaky ones.
Gently he grabbed her chin and captured her lips in a direct kiss as her heartbeat slowed down, she didn't even realise that she was tearing up until she felt him wipe away the ones that escaped.
Everyone clapped and congratulated the newly married couple as they both thanked them all with fake smiles "When are you going on your honeymoon?" Questioned his friend's wife as she came to congratulate them y/n pursed her lips and looked at him as his grip tightened around her waist, his fingers digging into her flesh as she tried not to show the fact that it hurt.
"Oh, we already have our tickets to our flight to Milan, which is in 2 days" The woman cooed at how romantic that was as y/n nodded along, excusing herself as she went to sit down as his father approached her.
"I don't know how to thank you, really" she sighed looking at him "Well you can start by paying for my daughter's treatment" She gave him a tight-lipped smile as he looked dumbfounded "YOU HAVE A KID?!" He whispered yelling as she rolled her eyes "Yell it out to the whole world why don't you" she hissed as he smiled apologetically.
"I have two kids, twins a boy named Seiji and a girl named shiho" she added smiling softly remembering her kids "Damn, I indirectly got grandkids..." He whispered to himself but she caught it and felt her heart pinch Ohh only if you knew" she sadly smiled looking at her "husband" who was conversing with the guest, stiff as a board, "god doesn't know what to do with that boy, he acts like he's 50" grumbled the old man as he looked at his son.
Y/n snorted "he wasn't always like that" she stated but seeing him whip his head in her direction she widened her eyes " I KNEW IT!!" he yelled triumphantly as she looked at him horrified.
"You do know each other" he wiggled his eyebrows as she stumbled over her words "You're hallucinating-" "I have 55 years of experience on you girl, don't test me" he fixed her with a stare which meant "spill the beans willingly or I will get them spilt somehow, and it will be hella messy" rubbing her forehead she stared at the old man pouting "you guy's are so alike, it's kinda annoying" "oh and so I've been told" he gave her a shit-eating grin as she started telling him about everything, minus the fact that Seiji and shiho were yuta's kids of course.
"Wait, wait... So you're the ex-girlfriend that cheated on him?!?" He gasped out as she bit her lip to stop the exphrastated scream that was building up at the back of her throat.
"Yes?, But for your information, I didn't cheat, I left. he just assumed the worst" she scoffed as the old man looked at her confused "But... My wife told me that you guys broke up due to you cheating-" "Yeah well your wife also made me believe that your son was in love with Jieun and wanted to break up with me".
"That's not- oh oh my god what am I supposed to do with that woman" he sighed avoiding her eyes as she pursed her lips "im so sorry" he whispered as she could only give a strained smile "It's in the past now". " but you- you guys are married" "yeah well, I can already feel a storm coming from his direction, and i'll be waiting for the divorce papers that your son will be arranging to get rid of me" she half-joked as he sighed rubbing his forehead.
"Looks like it's time for the dance for the bride and groom" he whispered to her as she listened to the song playing, Make You Feel My Love by Adele, the very song they once danced to in their shared apartment on a long winter night, both clad in sweaters as they embraced each other, swaying softly.
The very night they shared unspoken promises about a future they weren't so sure of, too in love at the moment to care as they smiled feeling each other's warmth as they stole a few chaste kisses.
Her train of thoughts was interrupted by a hand being extended in front of her face, and she looked at the owner, "People are expecting us to dance" he whispered, in a tone that meant she didn't have much of a choice, looking at his father who gestured for her to take his hand she shakily grasped it.
His grip not being soft to calm her nerves down, unlike all those years ago the embrace wasn't warm, and the man in front of her wasn't whispering sweet nothings into her ear as he swayed her gently.
"What are you pulling hmm" he whispered against her ear, his hot breath fanning it as she felt shivers go down her spine, gulping she looked him in the eye "What are you thinking? For someone whose bride ran away, you sure are being a stubborn git" she gritted out as her arms around his neck tightened.
He smirked, not the slightest bit amused "How much is he paying you? im sure it must be a hefty sum for you to agree to be tied down like this, after all, you aren't the loyal type" he taunted as she felt her blood start to boil at his audacity.
"Hah!, So you do know how insufferable you are, of course, Your daddy dearest offered me a lot just for me to put on a show tonight" she purred bringing her face dangerously close to his as his smile faltered a little as he felt his neck get hot.
"Oh, would you look at that, the song is over, i'll get myself a drink now, later, husband~" Pecking his cheek she walked away straight towards a server holding the champagne glasses, as yuta stood there both turned on and angry as he watched her walk away from him.
"Yeah no wonder you never introduced your fiancè to us, she's so mother" whispered a tipsy Johnny as he swung his arm around yuta who fixed him with a glare which at the sight of him, he pinched his lips together and walked away.
"Kim, y/n you are treading dangerous waters" he mumbled, A smack at the back of his head caused him to hiss turning around to yell at the culprit, probably cussing them out to blow off the steam he was feeling on the inside.
"Oh spare the poor girl, she's just doing what I asked her to do, You should be grateful to her, not act like a barbarian. Interrogating her like that " he berated as yuta's stoic expression didn't falter, but hardened even more "You seriously trusted this girl enough to present her as my bride?!" he whispered and yelled as his father rolled his eyes rather sassily.
"Don't play with me boy, i'm not the one, I know of your history together. The past is in the past I feel like you both have a lot to talk about, maybe some truths to unveil, besides that don't act like you still don't have feelings for her, and from the looks of it, so does she" all yuta could do was listen as his father talked, after all, he respected his father a great deal.
It was later that evening when all the guests had left y/n had found herself standing in the middle of the huge manor, beneath the magnificent chandelier that looked like it could crush a dozen people in a heartbeat.
"Are you going to stand there looking like an idiot the whole night?" Came yuta's booming voice as he came down the stairs, now in a pair of sweats, most probably to get himself something to drink after a long day.
"Well you can't really expect me to prance around in this god-awful dress as if I know my way around" she hissed as he snorted obnoxiously "Ah right, I forgot you don't belong, here, don't worry you'll leave as soon as my attorney gets our divorce finalized " he spoke, words flowing out of his mouth as if he didn't really care if they did any damage, or maybe he was doing it to hurt her.
He did, the fact that he could barely stand the thought of having her as his wife felt like she had been stabbed and had bled out of all her worth, his words causing her heart to shut down as her mind went into protection mode.
"I need clothes," she told him as he finished his glass of scotch slamming it down on the counter he looked at her up and down, then swiftly turned around to go up the stairs, "Are you coming or not?!" He yelled over his shoulder as she ground her teeth from irritation.
Following him up the stairs she was faced with a long hallway at the end laid his room, stepping in he went straight towards his walk-in closet as she tried not to gape at the size of it "Here" he tossed her a random Tshirt and sweatpants, hitting her in the face.
"Real mature Nakamoto" She rolled her eyes as he gave her a shit-eating grin, similar to his father as she rolled her eyes "This dress has a really low zipper help me with it if you're gonna just stand there" without another word exchanged he approached her back.
Gliding his hand down her back, along her spine she sucked in a shaky breath causing him to smile slightly as he bought down the zipper torturously slow causing goosebumps along her body.
When the zipper was down she held her dress from the front in case it was going to fall off "What?! Turn around" she barked as she felt his eyes over her body, drilling holes "Awh, insecure?" He taunted as she seethed letting go of her dress as it pooled at her feet.
If he was surprised he didn't dare let it show as he gulped the building lump in his throat, quickly grabbing the sweatpants she wore, She turned around to pick up the shirt.
When she picked it up she started pulling it over her head "What is that!?" He yelled approaching her as she looked at him confused as she continued to wear the shirt until she felt him lift it to reveal her stomach.
"That scar, what the fuck is that and where did you get it!?" He questioned as she pushed him away "It's none of your business" she hissed as he scoffed "Right, I forgot you don't deserve people caring for you" Trying not to cry she bit her lip.
"Where am I supposed to sleep?" She asked trying to keep her voice from trembling as he looked at her figure clad in his clothes, which still seemed to affect him as he resisted the urge to grab her by the neck and kiss her hard until she was begging for him.
"The room beside mine" he mumbled waving her off as she didn't spare another second in his room, Walking out she went straight to the room beside his and sat down on the bed, just when her phone rang.
"Mommy!!" Yelled an excited seiji bringing a smile to y/ns face and replacing the sour expression on her face "What are you doing awake bub" she whispered as he pouted "shiho was annoying and wouldn't stop crying over every little thing" he whined pushing his face close to the camera as she cooed.
"Where is your sister now? "Asleep, she was having pain where her heart is" he spoke sadly, feeling his twin's pain as she felt herself go into panic "Chest pain? How bad was it? Give the phone to your grandma Bub" His tiny feet padding against the wooden floor of her mother's house could be heard from across the phone as she waited.
"Y/n, I heard the news ... Are you okay?" I'm okay ma, how is shiho, seiji told me she was in pain?" "She's better now I asked my neighbour Mrs Shin who's a doctor as you know, and she told me it was just because she was worrying herself so I gave her the pain meds you gave her and she's sound asleep now, Are you okay?" Giving her mother a small smile she nodded.
"Lemme talk to her granma" fussed Seiji causing the woman to chuckle as he took the phone "Mommy I made pizza with Aunt Sora today!" "Really? Did you save me some" he smiled sheepishly at the camera as Y/n fake pouted "Don't be sad Mommy i'll make a whole pizza just for you!" He spoke promisingly as she smiled softly.
A yawn broke out of his small mouth as she couldn't help but coo at him "Go to sleep bubs" he rubbed his eyes nodding "Goodnight Mommy, I love you" "I love you too" he ended the call as she waved.
"Wow didn't think the word love was in your vocabulary" came yuta's mocking voice as she pinched her eyebrows "It's too late for your bullshit, go sleep or drink to your fake ego' she hissed as he gritted his teeth.
" don't be such a priss" Gaping looked at him "Does he know how unloyal you are? That love doesn't mean shit to you" he barked "You don't know shit okay!" "Oh but I do know you, you're a materialistic bitch who's so selfish she'd choose money over love" "Take that back!!" She hissed as tears gathered in her eyes.
"The truth hurts doesn't it" "No wonder Jieun ran away heck any sane woman would, you're unbearably suffocating to be around" she laughed incredulously "HOW DARE YOU!!" He yelled "HOW DARE I?!!, no, HOW DARE YOU" she yelled as the tears she had been holding in started streaming down her reddening face "HOW DARE YOU, you- you act like you're such a perfect person when you can't even fight to keep the people you love in your life, you're just so unbelievably fake, it's pitiful, I feel bad for you. No wonder your mother felt like she had to set a path for you, heck she even chose the woman for you to marry, but you screwed it up too" she pouted faking sympathy as her frown deepened.
"You- you didn't even take one moment to consider that maybe it wasn't true, that I love you, gosh I wish you fought for me, for us, yuta All you had to do was ask!!" She broke down as his eyes softened, he tried to approach her but halted when she raised her hand signalling for him to stand there.
She picked up her ringing phone and brought it to her ear "Y/N honey!!, It's Shiho...GOD she- I went to put Seiji to sleep and to check up on her in case she was running a fever and she was barely breathing!!" "MOM!! what!?, Can you calm down and tell me what happened to shiho?" She whisper yelled trying to stay calm as her mother sobbed on the other line "i'm at the xxx hospital, they rushed her into the emergency room- please hurry Seiji won't stop crying" The call ended abruptly "Mom!?, MOM" she yelled.
"Oh god!!" Frantic she looked around the room, spotting her purse she took it and wore her shoes She tried to run out of the room but stopped as yuta grabbed her arm "Woah woah woah, where are you going in this state What happened!?" He asked in a softer tone than before seeing her panicked state.
"My- ... Our daughter she's at the hospital GOD yuta I have to go" she wailed as his grip on her arm loosened "Our... daughter?" He trailed off in question as she looked at him desperately.
Deciding to drop it he nodded "Let's go" Without question she let him take her to the hospital, The car ride was silent, she was silently crying the whole way while a thousand questions were running through yuta's mind.
When they reached the hospital she rushed in, going to the receptionist She asked "Nakamoto shiho, where is she-" "She's in room 503" replied the receptionist "And your relation to her?" "I'm her mother' With that she ran to get to her daughter.
Yuta stood there trying to process the bomb that had just been dropped on him "Nakamoto shiho...." He felt his heart squeeze painfully as he didn't know how to feel.
When y/n reached the floor she went towards the room stopping as she faced her mother who was trying to calm down a crying Seiji "MOMMY!" he yelled as he threw himself into his mother's arms sobbing uncontrollably.
Yuta finally got out of the elevator and was faced with the sight of Seiji crying in your arms as you were trying to calm him down "is shiho gonna die?" He asked while sniffling as his mother sobbed shaking her head as she kissed his forehead wiping his tears.
"No no, she's a strong girl you know, just like her brother, She'll be all better and we'll finally go on that trip you both wanted to go to" she promised as he stopped shaking.
Yuta felt his heart tug at the sight of the little boy who looked like a perfect mixture of him and you, Seiji pulled away to stand next to his grandmother as Y/n went to the approaching doctor to discuss her daughter's condition.
Seiji peeked from beside his grandmother at yuta who was already looking at him, slowly The young boy approached him "You're him" he stated looking up at the man towering over him.
Curious yuta bent down to be at eye level with Seiji "And who do you think I am?" He inquired softly while drinking in  the sight of the smaller boy who was looking up at him with a deep frown etched onto his face.
"You're my dad, I know because every time I saw mommy cry she had your picture in her phone. She doesn't keep any man's photo" he stated as a matter of fact as yuta felt winded.
This little boy spoke like he was in his 20s, maybe he was more of a man than he was, standing up for the ones he loved, At least he got that from his mother.
"I am" he spoke, more to himself than to Seiji who looked at him angrily "Why did you not call my mommy, You made her sad" he spoke with such anger that he felt small under the little boy's gaze.
"I was an idiot, I took your mother for granted, but i'm willing to make up for the lost time," he spoke determinedly Seiji's frown dropped as he looked at his father with starry eyes.
"You will!?" He gushed "Even if it takes me a lifetime" he stated as Seiji threw his arms around yuta who held him securely, he felt all sorts of emotions all at once, peace, contentment, sadness and love.
Love for this little boy he had never met nor knew the existence of a few hours prior, oh he was confused yet delighted, walking with Seiji in his arms he approached a rather upset y/n who was close to lashing out at the doctor.
"What do you mean the catheter needs to be changed ?, She just got it changed 2 months ago, " "i'm sorry Ms.Kim but the catheter we installed isn't working well for her, Pay the amount so we can start the surgery".
Frustrated she gripped her hair as yuta approached her "What's wrong" he asked as she looked at him, red eyes filled with tears "They want to change the catheter even though they did it 2 months ago, I- saved up for that catheter god where am I supposed to get the money-" "what do you mean where" he asked confused as she looked at him baffled "hold him" handing Seiji over to her he stalked over to the doctor "i'll be paying for her treatment whatever she needs, make sure she's situated in the best room this hospital has to offer" "and who might you be?" Questioned the doctor eying him oddly.
"Nakamoto yuta, her father" The doctor visibly paled as he nodded ushering the residents and nurses along to rush the girl into surgery.
Y/n couldn't help but pace around in worry as yuta watched silently, Seiji had gone home with his grandmother when Sora had arrived, "You're gonna tire yourself out, quit pacing around" spoke Sora as she held the girl by her arm as she looked at her "you can't keep pacing around it's a 3-hour long surgery" she stated as y/n sighed nodding.
She sat down as yuta stood against the wall, Sora went to call jaehyun about their son, leaving a fidgety yuta and an angry y/n alone. yuta opened his mouth "SAVE IT!" she hissed as he pursed his lips looking at her eyes filled with guilt and worry "If you had just listened IF YOU HADN'T JUMPED TO CONCLUSIONS i- if you hadn't put me through so much pain throughout my entire pregnancy my daughter would have been healthy!" She hissed as he tried to calm her down.
"Y/n please, calm down you're going to pass out at this rate" he whispered trying to reach for her as she held up her hand "Don't act as if you care, for fucks sake when I was giving birth I still tried to call you, I wanted you to be in their lives even if we weren't together but you were too busy throwing a party after proposing to jieun!" She yelled enraged.
All he could do was listen as she talked, "I was the one who was there for my kids, not you! I was there when shiho was diagnosed, I was there for her monthly doctor's visits, and I was there when Seiji wanted to join an Academy for Soccor you told me YOU promised me that if we ever had kids you'd be there for me and them and YOU WERE NOT THERE" she wailed as he quickly hugged her cradling her head as she shook with violent sobs.
"I was so alone" she whispered against his chest as he couldn't stop the tears that escaped his eyes "I am so sorry, i'm so sorry my love, please don't cry, not over me please i'm not worth crying over, i'll do everything I can to make sure shiho is better okay, she'll be on the top priorities of the donor's list, i'll make sure you and the kids go on the trip whether it's with or without me just. Please don't cry" he hushed her as she stopped shaking.
After a while when he was sure she was better and Sora had come back, he excused himself to go back home for an urgent matter
Barging into his mother's room he found her sitting and reading a book, being a terrible insomniac caused her to stay awake for odd hours until she was too exhausted to keep her eyes open.
"Why did you do it" he calmly said as she took off her glasses and put her book aside, "What do you mean?, What happened" she asked confused as he gritted his teeth together.
"Why did you play such a cruel game with me and y/n I- I could have been there for her and my kids" he spoke hurt and guilty as his mother's eyes became teary seeing her son in so much pain.
"Why!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME MOM" he yelled hurt and betrayed as his mother sobbed "I'm so sorry" "My daughter is going through surgery right now, I could have been there for her from the start making sure she was the closest thing to being fully healthy there is!!" He sounded so defeated.
His mother looked away ashamed "I thought what I was doing was the best thing! I- you're my only child I was consumed by greed of having to shape everything about your life to the point I didn't realise I was ruining it for you instead! i'm so sorry" she cried out as he couldn't find it in himself to look at his mother.
"Yeah well you're right about ruining my life" he bitterly smiled as he left her room, bumping into his father who had heard it all, he looked at his father's worried gaze for a second before exiting.
When he went back to the hospital he didn't waste a second being by her side as she was alone due to Sora having to leave. Unknowingly she rested her head against his shoulder as he held her hand, rubbing reassuring circles on it.
20 or so minutes later the doctors came out as they both got up "How is she doc?" Questioned y/n, still holding his hand that tightened in hers. "She's a strong miracle girl, the surgery went well and we were able to successfully take out the catheter that was causing her discomfort and replace it with a new one, we're moving her to a private room now per her father's request" he smiled patting yuta's shoulder as he left.
She exhaled shakily as she tried not to collapse on the floor, Thankfully yuta was there to hug her close as she breathed in his scent, the same mixture of body wash and cologne he used back then due to them being gifts from her.
The next day when shiho woke up she was greeted by her mother's face which lit up at the sight of her small smile a rather excited Seiji barged into the room, "Dad and I bought shiho so many raccoon-themed things, and a wife for her raccoon plushie" he gushed as yuta walked in running behind him.
"Woah, goodness those short legs sure can run" he panted as y/n tried not to smile at the sight of the two, Seiji already being open to yuta was something she didn't bother trying to understand, "You're just old" teased Seiji as yuta huffed "oh i'll show you old!" He said as he swooped Seiji off his feet, "Noo" he giggled as Y/n laughed.
"Look who's awake Ji" Seiji's smile widened as he approached his sister, Putting her new raccoon plush beside her old one he softly kissed her cheek "That tickles" she giggled as he did it again "I love you Shi," he told her as she smiled wide "I love you to ji" and the parents couldn't help but coo at the soft display of affection.
"Can I talk to you for a moment?" He gestured for her to walk outside the door, following after him she stood in front of him as he fidgeted with his cufflinks, "I don't know where to start, I- know I messed up so much, I was blinded she's my mother you know. I always trusted her blindly maybe thats why I couldn't even find it in myself to even for a second think that she might have lied" Inhaling he looked at her emotionless face he continued.
"To be honest I was gonna propose, jieun had been helping me look for rings, and I wanted it to be perfect, I spent days looking for the perfect ring, and when I did Mom just dropped that bomb on me- I know me being anxious and insecure isn't an excuse but please if it takes me the rest of my life to make up for the lost time i'm more than willing i-" he got down on one knee as she looked at him both surprised and touched.
"I know we're already married, that our wedding wasn't filled with the passion it was originally supposed to have. Despite all that I want you to wear the ring I've kept all these years with the thought that if you came back I wouldn't care about what happened and was more than willing to spend the rest of my life with you one-sided or not I would have done it, that's how crazy I am about you, please my love give me a chance to be the father shiho and seiji deserve, and the husband you deserve" he finished off eyes glossy with tears, a small crowd of hospital staff had formed.
Y/n looked into his glossy eyes as hers welled up with tears "You're such an idiot" she whispered as he looked at her, they communicated through their eyes as he smiled taking her hand and sliding the ring onto her finger, it fit perfectly as  said.
"Oh thank you" he whisper-shouted picking her up as the crowd clapped, "I love you so much" he stated as she smiled pecking his lips "I love you, I always have" She smiled "OHMYGOD, I DIDN'T JUST MISS MY CHANCE OF SEEING THE GREAT NAKAMOTO YUTA ON HIS KNEES?" came sora's loud voice as jaehyun and y/ns mother followed after her.
"Haha, very funny snotty" he stuck his tongue out at Sora who gave him a middle finger, they were well acquainted. "You must be jaehyun" he spoke bashfully as jaehyun smiled his usual dimpled smile "Yup, i'm the supposed man she cheated on you with," he said while smiling, but his tone carried a warning meaning "Do that shit again and i'll have your head" all yuta could do was smile and shake his hand that gripped his rather hard.
(2 years later)
Sora stood in the kitchen helping y/n make dinner "Genuine question, what happened to make him grovel you know" she asked gesturing towards her baby bump.
"The man has his ways, he can be very convincing" She grinned sleazily as Sora made a disgusted face "Gross, keep that information to yourself" she scoffed as y/n rolled her eyes at her dramatic ass.
"Do you all have a package deal with the kids or what, You're having twins, AGAIN" she inquired as y/n laughed "Is the booger monster bothering you, my queen?" Questioned Yuta as he came to stand beside her, instinctively putting his arms around her stomach as she couldn't help but smile.
"You!!, Out of the kitchen before I light you on fire like a firecracker" she hissed pointing the ladle in his face as he blew a raspberry "She's mean" he stated as Y/n laughed at their bickering, jaehyun came in dressed in a pink tutu and glittery eye makeup.
"What drag show do you perform at?" Asked y/n seriously trying not to laugh, but hearing yuta and Sora cackle like hyenas caused her to laugh too "Oh, that's a good one" Sora cried wiping her eyes as yuta held his stomach.
"WHY DOES HE GET TO BE THE KNIGHT, WHY AM I THE PRINCESS" whined jaehyun stomping his feet as Sora tried to catch her breath "Hush princess, go back to your tea party" stated Sora shooing him away "Princess Jaeya, knight yuyu" came the voice of shiho as jaehyun was dragged back inside by an overly enthusiastic yuta.
Y/n and Sora looked at each other and laughed "idiots" they snickered.
The end .
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
Girl when I saw you write for mysmes AND your requests are open? My heart
Anyway, I'm a massive Jumin simp, so if you have any crumbs for him, I'm formally requesting lmao
(thanks and love your stuff btw)
JUMIN CRUMBS???? HMMMM- Ngl, I'm a bit scared of him, but most of him is fine, he sike, he pretty cute <33
I'm gonna call these crumbs as headcanons so hope you don't mind! ^^
Also separating how I think Jumin, and how he's like with his s/o
Jumin Headcanons
Jumin is the type to play those "Match-Three" puzzle games such as Candy Crush or Bejeweled Classic. He plays them non-stop when he's flying on a plane to keep himself sane and let me tell you, he's too good at it. He's at least on stage 2034 as of now- in Candy Crush probably-
He dislikes dogs because he's scared of their barking. Yes, even chihuahuas.
Jumin joins those Facebook (or similar social media platforms on Facebook) groups where they talk about cats. His Cat Group, however, consists of middle-aged, old women and grannies who adores their cats as much as he does.
Related to the Cat Group, one time the leader of the group gathered them all to meet up at a park with their cats, and all of them were surprised some young, handsome CEO showed up with a kiddish bright smile with Elizabeth the Third (lucky them honestly-).
He's confirmed a 27 year old boomer with Instagram. You can't tell me it's a no.
He gets super annoyed when someone who spreads butter on their bread, dips it back into the same tub of butter and then have all the crumbs get stuck to it. (Same-)
He has a sweet tooth.
Jumin x S/o Headcanons
He begged s/o to have them go to a cat cafe as a date after Saeyoung posted himself at one. He looked so excited, so hyped, and he couldn't stop playing with the cats at the cafe. It was honestly really cute. Him and the cat, obviously *cough cough*.
He loves making pancakes for them every morning if he could. One time s/o showed him the banana pancake recipe that only needed very little ingredients and he was so amazed. He thought this was revolutionary.
"Assistant Kang, we should propose a pancake making machine-"
Jumin thought he would be alright in the ice rink when s/o proposed to have an ice-skating date. Of course, he gripped onto the handrail so hard and almost slipped and fell thrice, and he was super stiff. Although, he was very quick to learn from one of the instructors there and all of a sudden, he's become some ice-skating athlete on the ice- how tf-
He loves to throw in bath bombs in the bathtub and make sure it looks as romantic as possible to bathe in with s/o (in a purely FLUFF way you simp- /j, but it's supposed to be fluff), and he's actually really good in massaging your scalp and hair with shampoo.
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Native American Heritage Month: Fiction Recommendations
Celebrate Native American Heritage Month by checking out one of these fiction recommendations from your local library!
The Removed by Brandon Hobson
In the fifteen years since their teenage son, Ray-Ray, was killed in a police shooting, the Echota family has been suspended in private grief. The mother, Maria, increasingly struggles to manage the onset of Alzheimer’s in her husband, Ernest. Their adult daughter, Sonja, leads a life of solitude, punctuated only by spells of dizzying romantic obsession. And their son, Edgar, fled home long ago, turning to drugs to mute his feelings of alienation. With the family’s annual bonfire approaching - an occasion marking both the Cherokee National Holiday and Ray-Ray’s death, and a rare moment in which they openly talk about his memory - Maria attempts to call the family together from their physical and emotional distances once more. But as the bonfire draws near, each of them feels a strange blurring of the boundary between normal life and the spirit world. Maria and Ernest take in a foster child who seems to almost miraculously keep Ernest’s mental fog at bay. Sonja becomes dangerously fixated on a man named Vin, despite - or perhaps because of - his ties to tragedy in her lifetime and lifetimes before. And in the wake of a suicide attempt, Edgar finds himself in the mysterious Darkening Land: a place between the living and the dead, where old atrocities echo.
Crooked Hallelujah by Kelli Jo Ford
It's 1974 in the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and fifteen-year-old Justine grows up in a family of tough, complicated, and loyal women, presided over by her mother, Lula, and Granny. After Justine's father abandoned the family, Lula became a devout member of the Holiness Church - a community that Justine at times finds stifling and terrifying. But Justine does her best as a devoted daughter, until an act of violence sends her on a different path forever. Crooked Hallelujah tells the stories of Justine - a mixed-blood Cherokee woman - and her daughter, Reney, as they move from Eastern Oklahoma's Indian Country in the hopes of starting a new, more stable life in Texas amid the oil bust of the 1980s. However, life in Texas isn't easy, and Reney feels unmoored from her family in Indian Country. Against the vivid backdrop of the Red River, we see their struggle to survive in a world - of unreliable men and near-Biblical natural forces, like wildfires and tornados - intent on stripping away their connections to one another and their very ideas of home.
Betty by Tiffany McDaniel
"A girl comes of age against the knife." So begins the story of Betty Carpenter. Born in a bathtub in 1954 to a Cherokee father and white mother, Betty is the sixth of eight siblings. The world they inhabit is one of poverty and violence - both from outside the family, and also, devastatingly, from within. The lush landscape, rich with birdsong, wild fruit, and blazing stars, becomes a kind of refuge for Betty, but when her family's darkest secrets are brought to light, she has no choice but to reckon with the brutal history hiding in the hills, as well as the heart-wrenching cruelties and incredible characters she encounters in her rural town of Breathed, Ohio. But despite the hardship she faces, Betty is resilient. Her curiosity about the natural world, her fierce love for her sisters, and her father's brilliant stories are kindling for the fire of her own imagination, and in the face of all she bears witness to, Betty discovers an escape: she begins to write. She recounts the horrors of her family's past and present with pen and paper and buries them deep in the dirt - moments that has stung her so deeply, she could not tell them, until now.
When Two Feathers Fell From the Sky by Margaret Verble 
Two Feathers, a young Cherokee horse-diver on loan to Glendale Park Zoo from a Wild West show, is determined to find her own way in the world. Two’s closest friend at Glendale is Hank Crawford, who loves horses almost as much as she does. He is part of a high-achieving, land-owning Black family. Neither Two nor Hank fit easily into the highly segregated society of 1920s Nashville. When disaster strikes during one of Two’s shows, strange things start to happen at the park. Vestiges of the ancient past begin to surface, apparitions appear, and then the hippo falls mysteriously ill. At the same time, Two dodges her unsettling, lurking admirer and bonds with Clive, Glendale’s zookeeper and a World War I veteran, who is haunted - literally - by horrific memories of war. To get to the bottom of it, an eclectic cast of park performers, employees, and even the wealthy stakeholders must come together, making When Two Feathers Fell from the Sky an unforgettable and irresistible tale of exotic animals, lingering spirits, and unexpected friendship.
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
Jade Daniels is an angry, half-Indian outcast with an abusive father, an absent mother, and an entire town that wants nothing to do with her. She lives in her own world, a world in which protection comes from an unusual source: horror movies…especially the ones where a masked killer seeks revenge on a world that wronged them. And Jade narrates the quirky history of Proofrock as if it is one of those movies. But when blood actually starts to spill into the waters of Indian Lake, she pulls us into her dizzying, encyclopedic mind of blood and masked murderers, and predicts exactly how the plot will unfold. Yet, even as Jade drags us into her dark fever dream, a surprising and intimate portrait emerges... a portrait of the scared and traumatized little girl beneath the Jason Voorhees mask: angry, yes, but also a girl who easily cries, fiercely loves, and desperately wants a home. A girl whose feelings are too big for her body.
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
lqr takes a-Lan to the pond so she can admire the ducks? She's wearing her ducky outfit. a-Lan decides to go and see the ducks up close and escapes lqr to go into the pond :O ! She slips and falls, coming up covered in mud and with a bloody nose, but determined to go and look at the ducks. lqr has to go and fish her out of the pond, and gets all muddy in the process. They get back to the wangxian home in a rather disheveled state.
All the bakery patrons are horrified to see baguette baby coming in with a bloody nose! A-Lan and LQR get dried off by about twenty shocked grannies before Wangxian can fight their way through the crowd to reach them.
After that, LQR goes upstairs for a shower, and A-Lan gets a plaster for her nose and a nice long soak in the bathtub.
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jeanbury74 · 11 months
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A CC filled lot this time. English-ish House is up on the gallery. 3 bed, 2.5 bath, with a pantry and laundry room. ID jeanbury. All the CC used is written below. Beware, it's a long 'un!
876 simmer-Oslo wardrobe, lowboy dresser, nightstand and standing mirror.
9 sims-DIY stars wall hanging.
Adrestea Moon-Storybook Lover and PJR Paintings.
Ars Botanica-Peonies Pitcher and Peony Jule Cup.
Ameyasims-You're So Vain: Vanity Brush and Hand Held Mirror.
ATS4-Breakfast: Milk Pack, Coffee Jars, Coffe Jar, Milk Bottle, Instant Drink, Tea Tin, Tea Box, Cocoa Powder Box. Fruit Juice Packs, Fruit Juice Glass Bottle, Coffee Bag. Baking: Wooden Spoon,Mechanical Scale, Timer, Canister, Baking Decoration Jar, Dried Fruits, Mixing Bowl, Baking Aids, Flour, Nutella, Baking Aids Stock, Dried Fruits Stock, Electronic Scale, Measuring Cup, Sugar, Jar, Measuring Cups, Rubber Spatula, Pastry Wheel, Candied Fruits. SnowyDay: Gloves, Wall Scarf #2, Wall Beanie #1, Fur Boots, Boots Snowcalf, Wall Coat #1 and #2 Bag Clutter: Tic Tacs.
Awingedllama-Apartment Therapy Potted Vine Round Mirror, Hanging Ivy.
Charley Pancakes-Insomnia: Organic Cotton Bedding. Miscellanea: Book Collection, Standing Books, Book Series.
Desimmy-Tiny Nifty Pictures.
Dew At Home-Hallway Hanging Scarf.
Duckey-Springtime Melody ,mug, Forever Spring Canvas Art, Lil Lilies, Friends and More Friends(these are table mounted frames that are called friends. That's all the information that was given)
Faaeish-BB Wall Decor Pegs and Toy Camera.
Felixandre-Chateau: Alarm Clock, Bedding, End Table, End Table 2, Drawer, Table Lamp, Rug Square, Telephone, Dresser. Grove: Salad Bowl, Lady Sam's Peony Vase, Bedframe V1. Grove-Timbershelf Inside Corner, Flagstone Floor, Cups, Stacked Plates, Stacked Plates 2, Stacked Plates Small, Wall Basket Small, Casserole, Bowls.
Felix and Harrie-Livin Rum: Box Files, Rug, Book Row, Book Series. Orjanic: Table Lamp, Bench, Cushion 2, Book End. Baysic: Toothpaste Container. Florence Fresco Mural. Tiny Twavellers:Hedge Wall.
GhostlyCC-Pre Raphaelite Paintings.
Harrie-Coastal Kitchen: Cereal Boxes, Cabinet Stack, Accent Counter 1 Marble Type, Coastal: Farmhouse Kitchen Sink with Tea Towel, Tins, Sofa, Tv Unit, Display Cupboard, Small Plates, Bowl, Bowl Stack, Cans, , Large Plates. Heritage: Traditional Towel Ring, Bowl Traditional Toilet, Traditional Runner, Landscape Artwork, Traditional Console Table, Floor Lamp, Traditional Round End Table, Traditional Elegant Mirror Small, Traditional Desk, Traditional Bust. Country: CoffeeTable.
Haruinosato-2x1 Curtain 01 Short.
Javabeandreams-Whimsical Animal Portraits.
Kardofe-Vienna Dining Room Curtains, Bella Babies Bedroom Small Pics.
Kliekie-Yove Plants 06, Awipow Plants 11, DecorationsPlants 10 Dragon's Herb. Whisper Laurel Plants 05
Kriss-Scania Build Set:Windows Classic Colonial 2 Tile, Classic Estate 2 Tile,Jugend Cottage 2 Tile.
Leafmotif-Botanical Bathtub, Twee Tableware: 6 Egg bowl, 9 Pot with Lid, Twin Mug Stacks, Whimsy Cake Plate, Short Pitcher. Basil's Favourite Chair 3 Maud Lewis Paintings
Linacherie-Ts2 Olde Tyme Skillets, Billyjean Curio Kitchen: Trays, Clip, Jar. Simlish Art 11, RPC Prints, Sizzling Cuisine Mitts, Delicious Bakery: Cookbooks, Flour Bag.
Madame Ria-Back To Basics: Spice Bottle,Dish Rack, Cereal Box, Pot Holder Wall, Modular Shelves, Coffee Tin, Pot Holder, Stock Pot, Dressing Container, Spice Rack, Counter Grey Scale, Open Book.
Marefc-Half Tiled Walls 2.
MC- Modern Crafter The Short Contemporary Radishly Plant
Menaceman 44-Granny's Brolly Vase.
Midsummersim-Simterest Poster.
Moonlightsim-Photo Frame Memories.
Nocturne-Rustic Cottage: Pokers, Master Curtain, Pedestal Old Miller Tea Set, Deco Retro Vacuum, Not So Shabby Rug, End Table. Grandma Cupboard.
Nynaeve Design-Lyne Half Curtains Blinds V1. Lyne Three Quarters Blinds V2, 1069, 1069 Lyne Radiator 1 Tile.
Okruee- ACNH Bathroom Towel Rack. (Animal Crossing)-
Omorfi Mera- Glass Jars.
PlasticBox- Modular Plant Hanging Pot.
Peacemaker-Hinterlands:Living Throw Pillow, Farmhouse Dining Table, Single Bedframe, Cottage Dining Chair, Bedside Table, Luxurious Single Bedding V1, Arched Mirror, Wardrobe, Bedframe with Footend, Nightstand. Hinterlands Living: Stately Fireplace, Coffee Tray Table, Mantle Mirror, Fringed Pouffe. Hinterlands Dining: Framed Dining Chair, Hanging Clock, Short Petal Pendant Porcelain Lamp.
Piersim- The Office Mini Pack: Higher Plant, Landline, Stackable Book, Printer.
Pocci-S Cargeaux Cabinet RecoloursCyclamen Outdoor, Iris Outdoor, Lilac In A Glass Bottle, Woodcabinet Open (Book cabinet Mini Set), Vintage Tea Set: Teacup With Tea, Milk Pitcher, Cupcake Plate. Magnolia Ceramic Vase, Basket Decor With Slots, Anthropologie Ottoman, Laundry Day Basket on Stool, Steaming Coffee Cup, Marguerite Teacup Empty, Iris In Glass Jar. Single Rose Glass Bottle. Potted Lily Of The Valley.
PTS-Cottage Garden Tea Tin Herbs, Granny's Basket Deco, Deco Mason Jar Short.
Quaylinsims- Paintings Zodiac.
Rhiannon AR-Medium Rug Floral Modern, Long Rug WithModern Floral Patterns
Ricca Bee-Mom's Lamp.
RSVN-Clothes Minded: Fedora, Floppy Hat, Baseball Hat, Sweater. Peg To Differ: Dish Towel, Knife Set, Mug, Utensils. Simmerdown: Cookie Jar, Mason Jar, Mug, Hanging Pots And Pans, Paper Towel, Ceramic Jar, Macaroon Jar. Smeglish Kettle Large.Procraftination:Hoop Large,
RoyIMVU-Seagrass Baskets.
Silverhammer-Executron Executive Desk Throne.
SimMan123-Sheer Right Curtain Short.
Sixam-Spring Six Kitchen: Buttery Toast, T Meg Mid Century Toaster With Toast, TMeg The Terrance, Deco Stove Hood, Olly's Oil Bottles, Kitchen Appliances Stove, Don't Be A Square Plate.
SJB (Yika)-Charlie Set Two CurtainsV1.
Soloriya-Zoe Blinds Part 2.
SYB-Colette: Towel, Toilet Paper Rolls, Soap Dispenser,Wallshelf, Bath, Blanket, Sink, Floor Vertical Mirror, Book, Cupboard, Rug, Bath Tray, Toilet.Millenial: Fridge, Fruit Basket,Utensils Rack, Utensils Pot, Totebag, Spices, Dish Soap. Microwave, Olive Oil, Breadbox, Island, Trashbin, Shower Curtains Short. Highschool Corridor: Hanged Backpack, Sandrine Slippers.
Tianella SE- Honey Herbs Paintings.
Veranka-Yesteryear Loveseat.
Wistful Castle-Wistful Room Pictures, Wistful Lamp #1.
Wondymoon-Cycnus Curtains.
Zeenasims- English Cottage: Paintings, Wainscotting Wallpaper.
ZX-Tagada-Lighting Table Candlestick.
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joqatana · 1 year
Yesterday I
Did light therapy. Am cutting back on it as I think it’s making it harder to get to sleep. Will take a couple days off & then only do 5 minute sessions.
Went to storage. Moved VERY heavy boxes.
Went to dispensary for sleep aid. Went to fishing store for special cord I need. “Temporarily closed on Monday”
Went ti CVS in Tiburon; pharmacy was closed for lunch so went to see a goldsmith I used to work with and he’s also closed on Monday. If you know what Tiburon is like on weekends…took pics of menus.
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Got brilliant idea to use granny cart as a dolly on my penultimate trip to storage. Worked great except when I ran over my “broken” toe.
Nearest thing to an ice pack was bag of frozen felafel. Iced toe with felafel
Opened boxes. Sorted books.
Washed bathtub. The lining is already peeling off. Took bath anyway.
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lihikainanea · 2 years
Hey Lei! It's Thanksgiving here in the States (not sure exactly where you are). Wanted to say how very grateful I am for your account! Love this page and especially love all things Tiger and Bill 💗 These adorable idiots have gotten me through some rough times this year. So thank YOU! Haven't read thru everything yet so not sure if you've written something like this before -Bill cooking Thanksgiving dinner just for her as a surprise. Maybe she's in Sweden w/ him for the holidays but misses home
oh my soff heart. thank you baby for these wonderful words <3 Happy thanksgiving!
I think Bill has definitely adopted some of tiger's traditions--turkey for Christmas and all, but Thanksgiving is something Bill never really celebrated in Sweden, and he's still not entirely sure about thanksgiving food. The turkey he can get behind--his preference would be goose but whatever--but sweet potato pie endlessly confuses him, he found out far too late that stuffing and dressing were the same thing, he's still not sure what cornbread is and he couldn't pick a collard green out of a lineup.
But it was one of granny's favourite holidays--any excuse to make a righteous mess of her kitchen and feed people until they can't breathe--and thus it was tiger's favourite. And things just haven't been the same in a few years.
Maybe tiger's really missing her grandmother this year, and she's been on the road with Bill for like 6 weeks so she's missing home and missing family in general. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, but there's nary a decoration or acorn or squash in sight because maybe they're in some tropical paradise, which is beautiful and all--but it's a place that definitely doesn't do thanksgiving, either.
Bill gets the idea the week before--that he wants to throw her a big feast so she feels like she's back home--but it's complicated by a few things. For one, turkeys aren't really a thing where they are and Bill has no idea where he can find one, nobody knows what cornbread is, and poultry seasoning? Forget it.. Two, he needs to somehow get tiger out of the house long enough for him to prepare this whole feast, which is impossible because she doesn't have any friends there and doesn't go into work.
So y'know, he lies. Like a well-beat rug, he lies. Tells tiger he has an 18-hour shoot that Thursday, but as a surprise--he books her a whole day at the spa. A whole damn day. Massage, pedicure, manicure, water circuit, the whole thing.
Maybe Butterball comes to the rescue, after Bill asks his assistant to phone in a special favour. The turkey arrives frozen solid three days before, and Bill has to find every reason to keep tiger from seeing it in the bathtub where it's thawing He finds cornbread mix online. He has all the stuff for the green bean casserole, and he gets Gustaf to ship him some cans of cranberry sauce. And that morning he all but throws tiger out of bed, poking her awake.
"Mmrph," she grunts, rolling over and pulling the blanket over her head.
"Spa day!" he says, but it's a little too excited. One angry eyeball glares at him once the blanket lowers.
"Coffee," the blanket mutters. Bill juts his chin to the nightstand, where her mug awaits her. She grumbles again, throwing the blankets back and sitting up. Bill leans in for a kiss but she plants her hand in the middle of his face, taking a sip of coffee first.
"Rude," he mutters.
She takes a few more sips, humming in content before she finally kisses him.
"This was a sweet thought bud," she says sleepily, "But if you ever book me a spa starting before 9AM again, I'll kill you."
Bill smiles, getting out of bed and throwing a pair of jeans at her.
"Noted, now get your ass up."
Bill's a busy man, he's got a lot of cooking to do. Once tiger is sufficiently caffeinated and dressed, he sends her on her way--she's still grumbling, but he's practically giddy with excitement.
And for hours, all he does is cook. He slaps a frilly apron on and he just cooks the entire day. He keeps checking the turkey, he makes the stuffing, he un-jellifies the cranberry sauce. He spends all day drinking wine and getting everything ready, complete with small pumpkins and acorns and other fall touches in the rented house.
Tiger gets a waft of something delicious, something that smells like home, the minute she steps out of the cab--but when she opens the door, it's a full olfactory assault in the best way. She takes a deep breath in--then another one, and slowly her eyes flit about the space. Different coloured leaves, small pumpkins, Bill standing there with an apron on in the hallway handing her a glass of wine.
"What is this?" she asks softly.
"It's Thanksgiving," he smiles gently at her, "Kind of."
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favourite fairytale?
Don’t really have one but I DO have these books!
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This one‘s a collection of Grimm fairytales from the 60‘s, and the stories are decorated with these really stylized illustrations - most of them monochrome, but some are full page in color
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They’ve got older versions of your classic Disney-fied stories too, so eg with Snow White the poisoned apple is actually the 3rd assassination attempt and the prince isn’t kissing a random dead girl but rather going "yo she kinda hot can I have her tomb be at my place“, and then the apple gets yeeted (yote?) from her throat when one of the guys carrying her coffin faceplants on the dirt. (still not sure this ending‘s less or more creepy lol)
Or with Sleeping Beauty, the whole castle gets out to sleep! Including the animals, insects, and even fire. And there’s 12 wise women instead of 3 fairies, with the evil one being number 13. Also her birth got prophesied to the queen by a frog in her bathtub. This has no relevance or impact on the rest of the story whatsoever, it just happens at the start.
There‘s a story in here called "fairytale of someone who wandered off to learn how to get scared“. That’s both the name and the plot. I like it because it reads nothing like your typical fairy tale, more like a…deconstruction? Parody? So thinking about how this story came to be is interesting.
Like. He wasn’t sure if there was a ghost in the hallway so he tackled him down some stairs and went back to bed. He‘s vibin with the talking monster cats. He accidentally save a castle from the ancient ghost and the king gives him his daughter and the entire kingdom, but he couldn’t care less because he still didn’t learn what being scared is like. He’s being so annoying about this that the princess/Queen? was fed up with it and her handmaid told her to dump a bucket of fish on him in the middle of the night. It worked. I love it. That’s the moral of the story. Fish bucket
I’ve also got this book of fairy tales from Asia and Africa:
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And when they wrote that they did in fact mean the entirety of the continents; the name in brackets is the country of origin and it features all sorts of different places! So that’s pretty cool.
Fascinatingly enough, the third last one of that list kinda reads like Red Riding Hood? It’s about a girl visiting her grandma to bring her milk, but on the way a lion stops her to ask where she’s going, runs ahead and eats part of the grandma- instead of directly impersonating grannie though lion tells her to blame it on ants. Girl asks what’s up, grannie says ants, girl goes home, visits next day, less grandma is left. Repeat.
That goes on until it’s only her head and girl finally gets scared and runs away, but lion was already waiting. She gives him her cow so he won’t eat her, he chills for a bit, she runs away, lion notices she’s gone and catches up again, she offers smth new. Also repeat until she offers herself (but not before offering her lil bro first-), but this time she makes it home to her siblings, but the lion demands them to give her since she did make a deal, and they go "sure but you’re probs hungry from all that’s running, here’s some food“ they then proceed to throw hot rocks into his mouth until he dies.
Like, certain extra details aside- that’s pretty similar? Girl visits grandma to bring food, gets stopped by predator who asks her where she’s going and runs ahead, eats grandma and makes it so girl doesn’t realize what’s going on, only visible thing of grandma is her head, girl notices smth is sus right at the very end when its pretty much too late, gets saved, predator gets killed by getting his stomach filled with rocks.
The biggest difference is grandma getting multiple rounds, girl actually escaping with all limbs attached, and her siblings doing the saving instead of some random hunter. Makes me wonder if Red Riding Hood is some highly remixed version of this one, what with trade routes and oral transmissions and stuff, or if this one was rewritten to align more with RRH. Hmm
Uhh, yea. Not what you asked at all but here’s some random books I’ve got ٩( 'ω' )و
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kingthunder · 2 years
Heyyy. 😊 For the THATW song ask game, how about Marbles for questions 2, 7, and 8?
2. How does this song make you feel?
Oh boy, THIS SONG. Sometimes I can listen to it and just enjoy the melody and lyricism and only pay fleeting attention to the vast underwater iceberg of emotions its hauling underneath it. Just mindlessly singing along to "if by palace you mean that abestos and beans from a tin and the gin that we brewed in the bathtub" (which took my mouth forever to learn how to wrap around for some reason?? Joey why and also how did you write this).
And sometimes it smacks me with this aching melancholy for my granny, who had Alzheimer's at the end, and never even got to know that she had great grandchildren.
And sometimes it smacks me with the lifetime of love that two people can have for each other, the good and the bad all tangled up together into something painful but beautiful.
And sometimes it makes me feel the passage of time like a wound.
And sometimes it makes me terrified.
And sometimes I cry. (Once, I started crying, and just as a sob actually came out, Joey and Madeleine sang together "oh dear god, dear heart, don't cry" and then I just had to stop crying and laugh, because how could you not?)
I don't know if any song has ever made me experience the sheer number of different emotions that this one has. It's overwhelming sometimes to the point that I have to skip it and go right to Battle Cries. 😅
7. What other TAD songs do you associate with this song?
Hmmmm, Chords, maybe? They're both clearly couples who've seen some years together.
8. Do you visualize any colors, images, or scenes when listening to this song?
I mostly just picture the events of the song as they're singing them, I think. But of course "lime green" popped into my head as a color. :)
(ask game here)
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whatevertheywant · 2 months
What are your top 5 fav people/things/places/etc? What are your 5 least fav people/things/places/etc?
I totally forgot someone sent this! Idk if whoever sent it will even see my response,but I will do my best???? Idk if I'm supposed to list 5 of each noun but I will bc I'm at work and don't wanna be
1. H
2.my dad
3 Catie,LG,and Caroline (sorry not sorry for that 3 way tie)
4. Granny
5. Debbie (aunt)
1. The ocean
2. My bathtub
3. Bed
4. Movie theaters
5. Indoor hotel swimming pools
1. Cats and A/C tied
2. Weed
3. Food
4. 😼😼 ❤️🧡🤍💖
5. Rocks
Least favorite:
1. John [redacted] /T-RuMP
2. Neonazis
3. MAGA Republicans
4. Regular republicans
5. My great uncle Wade
1. Church
2. Walmart Supercenter
3. Work
4. Anywhere without A/C
5. Hospitals
1. Bigotry
2. Abuse (all kinds)
3. Heat
4. Being patronized
5. Child beauty pageants
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thomascarterpd · 3 months
Which Home Renovations Add the Most Value?
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Renovating your home can significantly boost its value while enhancing comfort and functionality. Whether you’re preparing to sell or simply want to improve your living space, certain renovations can add substantial value. In this blog post, we’ll explore the renovations that are most likely to increase your home’s value.
The kitchen is one of the most vital rooms in a home, and a well-executed renovation can substantially boost its value. Upgrades like new cabinets, countertops, and appliances can enhance the kitchen’s overall look, feel, and functionality, making it more appealing to potential buyers. When modernizing a kitchen, it’s essential to balance aesthetics with practical functionality and efficient flow.
Much like the kitchen, the bathroom is a crucial room that can significantly affect a home’s value. Upgrading the bathroom with new fixtures, tiles, and lighting can give it a modern and attractive appearance. Adding a spa-like shower with frameless or semi-frameless glass, or installing a luxurious bathtub, can further enhance your home’s value and appeal to potential buyers.
Flooring is essential for defining the overall appearance and atmosphere of your home. Installing new hardwood floors, carpet, or tile can refresh your home’s appearance. While this might not drastically increase the overall value, modern and fresh flooring can significantly enhance aesthetics, helping your home sell more quickly. For high-traffic areas, consider using durable and low-maintenance materials to make your home more practical and functional.
Energy-efficient upgrades benefit both the environment and your wallet, while also adding value to your property. Installing solar panels, new windows, wall and roof insulation, and energy-efficient appliances can lower your monthly energy bills and make your home more appealing to potential buyers.
Enhancing your outdoor living areas, like the backyard or patio, can greatly increase your home’s value. Adding features such as a deck, pergola, outdoor kitchen, and lounge can create inviting spaces for relaxation and entertainment. Ensure sufficient lighting to enjoy these areas after dusk. Incorporate low-maintenance landscaping elements to make your outdoor spaces more practical and visually appealing.
Adding extra space by building an extension, converting an unused garage, or constructing a granny flat is a guaranteed way to increase your home’s value. This additional living area can be used as a home office, extra bedroom, or kids’ playroom, making your home more versatile and appealing.
Read the full aricle to know more about Which Home Renovations Add the Most Value?
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