#bauldurs gate 3
tilthedayidice · 1 year
I love bg3, but let me make a fat bitch please
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itstheaestheticforme · 4 months
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"Which way to the nearest library?" - Gale Dekarios, BG3
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shoguns-second · 1 day
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✨️Serve your judgement, O'mighty Paladin✨️
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mahiiimahiiii · 6 months
a/n: im branching out into mutli-chapter! sorry my posts have been taking a bit. this story will take a while to progress as i want to do it right.
read here or on a03!
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You knew her form in every way. You knelt on the rippling bed of water before you, her larger-than-life image burned into your memory. A snack of grapes, she offers you one. You take it, it's refreshing. She treats you shallowly like a spoiled pet, your night shirt stained with the weave. Her hair spills about her chin, half of her body reclines into the deep water below. She summons them, the jellyfish you adore. This is what you could have, if you do a favor for me Of course, nothing in life was free, the borealis in the purple sky shone brightly on your anguish. Your tail tightened behind you. No longer will you be disgraced; I will welcome you with open arms The sting you felt at her words felt embedded in the depths of your heart, it ached to be under her thumb again. What must I do, you return in kind. Visions flashed of a beast more monstrous than any other, its cloak ragged, colored a dark purple hue. Kill the beast.
You bid adieu to the companions that allowed you to stay in their home, a satchel full of fresh fruits and dried meats. You lifted your canteen to your lips taking a swig of the cool stream water. It fell down your chin in drops and made puddles out of your shirt. The dream certainly shook you up a bit, but it was a decent sign of Mystra approval at your redemption. There is only so much harm one God can do to your life. The beast was rumored to be nearby, you had tracked the stories across ferûn finding its origin in rural Waterdeep. An odd place for old folklore, but a promising lead, nonetheless. The dense Forest pass ahead had been barely marked on your map. The jingle and clink of your tools fluttered behind you, as you passed through groves of trees, finding crisp apples in one. And there you found it, the labyrinth entrance. Up near the front sat a small shrine to Mystra, a foreboding warning if anything. Tacked near the shrine was a little wooden sign painted a dusty emerald green, the outline of a white teapot and enchanted text. The paint smelled fresh. You grabbed a loose piece of string from your cloak, tying it to the post and securing it. You lit a torch and held it aloft, following the green signs about that cave as the fabric popped along behind you. The caves themselves were humid, scattered with small waterfalls and clay bricks of faded colors. Ferns, moss and purple flowers grew from spigots of water and areas that drew a lot of moisture. You sit down a moment near one of the spigots, refilling your canteen. You wet a cloth under the water and wiped the sweat from your brow. You decided that now, a better time than any, was good for a snack. You pulled out a wedge of cheese, a pack of pickled fish and a chunk of bread. The cheese spread like butter, it was spiced, and tastes like your mother's mephistar cooking. You layered it with chunky and salty pieces of bone-free tuna. A pretty shitty meal at best but one that will keep you going for a while The sound of padded paws and jingling bells graces your ears, a tressym spotted like a tortoiseshell cat came into view, it grimaced at the scent of the fish.
You broke off a bit of the clean bread and offered it to the cat. She scarfed it down and began to lick her leg like a chicken drumstick. "That fish won't sustain you for much, you know." The cat stated pointedly, her eyes scrunched close in concentration.
The packing supplies rattled slightly as you put them away, doing a small Jump in surprise.
"I'm well aware, this was a snack before I scout out a place to camp." "Camp?!" The cat scoffed, "my friend runs a small inn nearby, he'll be happy to have guests. We have them more often in the winter during a specific ceremony for worshipers of Silvanus escorting their friends into hibernation. " "But I'm here to find-" "Nonsense, a cup of tea will clear your head, whatever you're finding will make sense after a good night's sleep." The cat brushed herself along your legs. You stood up, following her into the depths of the maze, eventually the cracked and sandy floor turned into a smooth rock brick. The art was newer in the walls, possibly done by previous worshippers. A sign that looked like the same green kettle settled on a beam of a building built into an alcove Your fingers brushed against the wood of the doorframe, the rest of the village that peered off the balcony below into the depths of the underdark bustled and hummed. The cat found a plush cushion at the desk, small keys hung behind her, as well as rows of books. The floor was aged wood, cracks filled in with dark cool clay. The room was open air, with small lanterns filled with enchanted candles filled with spices. The tressym stretches, nipping at an enchanted pen and stamping her own paw in ink, marking down in a book. "Name?" She asked. "Uhm.. Li'ia Obbon." "Your room will be number 6”. "That is very generous of you " you grasp at the key floating towards you "First night is free alongside the baths, you will have to pay for food though." "Oh- that's quite the lovely deal." The cat herself shrugged, "we have a lot passing through, we simply offer better services for those staying longer- as good will be a more 'on-the house' thing as you're paying for it with room and board." You Hum in acknowledgement, the tressym cleans her paws in water and dries them on a towel nearby. "I suggest you have a bath before the master wakes, he takes a while." "He is nocturnal?" You tilt your head, slightly fascinated. "Only until recently. Then he had a late-night reading session, and it went downhill from there." "Thank you for the tip." The keys are heavy in your hand as you hike up the stairs, your pack weighing heavily on your back. The hall was of the same cool wood, filled with dark clay. The key slotted into the hole and turned, revealing a large room with upwards windows bright beams of the lowering sun flooded the room. You set down your pack on the trunk, deciding it was best to bathe in the current moment. You locked the door behind you, following the sense smell of rosebud and lavender down the steps. The first step was clothes. You stepped out of them in a washroom, adding them to an enchanted bucket that spun them about and onto a washboard. Next you tiptoed down the hall in a robe to a shower room. The tile that adorned the central floors was wet.
You removed the robe gathered from the mudroom, sniffing and smelling the tray of bottles that sat in front of you on the already heated stool. One smelled spicy, it bubbles gently in a deep green bottle. The next in a dark brown one smelt fresh and minty, the content within was thick and creamy, inlaid with chunks of cucumber. The final one was herbal, similar to the thick one. You chose the two foaming ones at first, a spicy scent in your hair and an Herby one adorned your body- and rinsing them out smelt like a field of herbs. You applied, then combed with your fingers through the cucumber and mint conditioner. Rinsing it out with cool water you found your hair to be silky and soft. You wrapped yourself in the robe again, striding to the wooden frame that led to the baths.
The bath was large, framed by large netheril style collums often found in historical art books, warm and worn stone tile, and a break in the cave ceiling allowing dappled and golden rays to hit the water. The benches looked out of place. Large white wicker benches for patrons to nap in, they were guarded by stalks of wild flowers with round purple blooms. Clovers and Daisys lined the stone path. The bath itself held warm water lily pads, each with blooms of pink and purple. Framed at the end of the pool in a halo of light- hidden amongst the lilies sat a gentleman.
From the looks behind it seemed to be an older tiefling, long gorgeous horns that held ornate rings. Well polished with oils and held high above his head. Freckles dotted his skin and melted into the water above his stomach. Honey brown skin, accented with mottled patches of bright skin sewn in by pink stretch marks. His head was tilted to one side, he was napping in a bright puddle of sun. You set down you things inspecting him as you went. His hair was a deep chestnut brown, laden with bright tawny orange hair to dark black. Silver ran though most tying the highlights and lowlights together.
He was not muscular by any means, rounded cheeks and a soft belly. Perhaps he was in a class that required it less. You tentatively tested the water hissing at the heat radiating from the pool. The teifling stirred in his sleep as you adjusted to the heat.every step down into the water relayed a sharp and quick hiss. He was handsome to.say the least now that you had a closer look. A strong nose and thick brows. Soft lashes and smudged tattoo lines. You reclined against the tile and wondered what his eyes looked like. He startled slightly, the sun catching the strands of silver in his hair. He hummed in delight,eyes turned to the sun shut in bliss. An eye slowly opened, drinking in the volcanic pool filled with lilies. He cleared his throat and dipped something from a ceramic mug. The water barely doubled as he moved. His motions were deliberate and delicate.you sat stunned and silent before he showed any recognition of your presence. “I must apologize for my carelessness.” His voice was soft and gentle. It caressed your ears. He moved towards you with a lily pad underneath his hands. “the best first impression isn't drowning in front of such lovely company.'' His smile was warm and lopsided, his eyes deep pools of dark brown. “Where are you from traveler?” “wyrms crossing ” came your response
The other tilted their head. “It's outside of the main gate to the lower city, within Baldur's gate. The more convoluted answer is I'm originally from mephistar but I've lived in a lot of places due to apprenticeships.” He nods slowly, grasping the picture. “What do you specialize in? “Orchestral arrangements! I studied under Volo for a time period which specializes in music and bardic spells without vocal cantrips…” you trail off as he raises his eyebrow. “That's intriguing, perhaps the weave is a commonality between us.” his brow furrows, as he scratches his chin. “Are you here on business?” “Sort of, a divine intervention sort of thing.” “Divine?” That caught his interest. “Yes for the church of Tyr- I'm on my coming of age mission.” The lie laid easy on his psyche, the owner shifted his weight, settling on the bench beside you. “You will be here for long?” He tilted his head, a curl stuck to his wet cheek. “A bit yeah.” You shrug, “it depends on when my god deems it ready.” A flare of pain pinged through your head, a groan escaping your lips. “Sorry- headache” you excuse yourself- the rough pads of his fingers brushing against your skin. “Will I see you in the morning?” He called as you bundled yourself in a towel and robe “Tomorrow-” you chirped, padding to your room.
The pain burned into your skull as you curled up under the covers. “Have patience my lady-” you gasped, clamping your eyes shut as you felt your body disintegrating beneath you.
You sat in the warm pool, floating with lily pads again, she watched you- perched on the stone bank, her lips touching the crystal goblet. You have done well she cooed, her words reverberating against your ribs You are oh so close, my sweet summer peach. Oh, you ached. Find him for me- Yes of course you would. Kill the beast.
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awryen-nyx · 1 year
I found his library and SIR.
I had GALE with me.
I am hilariously imagining my poor Sorcerer all red faced and Gale is a tad red in the face, too. But he's also snickering like no one's business cause he knows his old friend.
Needless to say, our eloquent, somewhat smooth talking, yet adorably goofy Wizard is going to be teasing the shit out of his favorite Sorcerer~
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cyandocs · 1 year
Apparently there's a character is Baldurs Gate 3 (I won't spoil) who you can only add to your party if you essentially do all the most evil things you can before meeting them, but people are essentially BREAKING their games to get them on "good" playthroughs
I think it says something about the story and players that instead of reacting to a character they want by saying "I will burn this world down for you" they go: "You WILL fall in love with my Lawful Good Himbo SO HELP ME GOD" but Idk what
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bwemph · 1 year
Listen, I cannot help myself. I have a teeny tiny bit to finish for the one (1) request in my inbox, but I had a BURNING desire to write some Gale x my Tav smut. I'm so sorry folks.
Anyways, who wants me to repurpose it and post it here as a Gale x F!Reader? 👀
A Mando request is coming, I PROMISE!!!!
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megaerastanblog · 7 months
anyway I need a grandscale 2013type animatic of the companions' big cinematic moments set to Dear Wormwood by The Oh Hellos
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teamblck · 10 months
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it’s me i’m girls
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viablemess · 10 months
Idk why my brain was like "must find matching colors" but it was, so here you go, bg3 character color palettes. Gale's is my favorite
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wanderandlostarts · 1 year
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This man is such a dweeb and he has my whole heart
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balfazuar · 9 months
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itstheaestheticforme · 4 months
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"Monsters, I can fight. But I can no more sever these shadows than I could the wind or the sun." - Wyll, BG3
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shoguns-second · 5 days
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If Fir'zan was a real companion- I like to think he'd be one of the more... polarising ones. Definitely would be one of MY favourites but I'd be so mad about him being non-romanceable.
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mahiiimahiiii · 8 months
I think about my durge just waking up in a pod and being like
"ah I see... I am a paladin- I have a sense to help anyone who asks of me.... Hrm... Most curious."
And then she proceeds to help people WHILE battling the most insane urge to kill.
Incredible, you go girl.
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awryen-nyx · 1 year
HA. Didn't have enough gold to pay tribute to Mystra...so, she cursed me.
First fight I get into? 2 Devas with over 100 hp join in. :V
I can JUST imagine Gale running a hand down his face as he very vehemently, in his way, tells my girl not to trifle with the gods. Especially Mystra.
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