"Lady Allardyce," said I, "for that I suppose to be your name, you seem to do the two sides of the talking, which is a very poor manner to come to an agreement. You give me rather a home thrust when you ask if I would marry, at the gallows' foot, a young lady whom I have seen but the once. I have told you already I would never be so untenty as to commit myself. And yet I'll go some way with you. If I continue to like the lass as well as I have reason to expect, it will be something more than her father, or the gallows either, that keeps the two of us apart. As for my family, I found it by the wayside like a lost bawbee! I owe less than nothing to my uncle; and if ever I marry, it will be to please one person: that's myself."
"Obviously I'm too young to commit to a relationship, especially as I might be hanged soon, but I could definitely see myself dying rather than leave her."
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m-eaty · 1 year
so yeah I've gotten into d2 I'm charging my iPad rn I gotta draw nezzy bawbee and then perhaps my hunter again and do a pic of my warlock
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the-busy-ghost · 3 years
I had one (1) drink in the West Bow and suddenly it’s bringing out the old timey Edinburgh gallant in me
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stevemakesart · 5 years
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“noun: a coin of low value; a former silver coin worth three (later six) Scottish pennies.”
Bawbee: Steel/Bug type.
Sleeping Bawbee are often mistaken for coins on the ground. Despite not actually being money, some Pokémarts will still accept them as currency.
Inspired by this post
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felassan · 4 years
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i’m howlin.. this is the most painfully accurate shit I’ve ever seen
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scotianostra · 3 years
On June 27th 1937, Robin Hall, folk singer and musician, was born in Edinburgh.
Robin spent most of his early years in Glasgow and was a direct descendant of Rob Roy Macgregor, and of Mungo Park, the explorer. His mother had been an opera singer and Robin was nurtured on a generous diet of classical music and music hall songs. Robin contracted polio as a child and during his lengthy convalescence his interest in all types of music flourished.
As a teenager, he played with a traditional jazz group, studied the piano, and spent his spare time digging up American folk songs and investigating the folk material of his native Scotland. Hall studied at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, and worked briefly as in actor in repertory theatres. Robin went to London in 1957, armed with a large repertoire of folk songs and a guitar. While in England he recorded a series of EP’s for “Collector Records”, which are now very hard to find and highly priced. In the 60’s, Robin became a bit notorious and controversial for insisting on wearing his Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament badge on the BBC’s Tonight Show, for which he was widely criticized.
After Robin left the duo in 1981, he enjoyed a successful career in broadcasting—winning two national radio awards, for best presenter and best documentary, for Radio Clyde’s The Sing Song Streets, a program about Glasgow told through songs, stories and children’s games.
Sadly, Robin died on November 18th, 1998, at the age of 61. Another great folk singer that lived life to excess, lost at an early age. Robin married and divorced twice and was survived by three children.
Ally bally, ally bally bee, Sittin’ on your mammy’s knee, Greetin’ for a wee bawbee, Tae buy some Coulter’s Candy. Livin’s very hard the noo, Faither’s idlin’ on the bru, But your mammy’s got a penny for you, Tae buy some Coulter’s Candy. Ally bally, ally bally bee, Sittin’ on your mammy’s knee, Greetin’ for a wee bawbee, Tae buy some Coulter’s Candy. Peer wee sowl you’re lookin’ affa thin, A pickle o’ banes covered ower wi’ skin, Noo ye’ll be gettin a wee double chin, Wi’ sookin’ Coulter’s Candy. Ally bally, ally bally bee, Sittin’ on your mammy’s knee, Greetin’ for a wee bawbee, Tae buy some Coulter’s Candy. Aff tae bed ma bonny wee man Seevin o'clock an your playin’s done When you rise in the mornin’ sun You’ll get some Coulter’s Candy Ally bally, ally bally bee, Sittin’ on your mammy’s knee, Greetin’ for a wee bawbee, Tae buy some Coulter’s Candy.
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Tell us about Shamal!
Full Name: Shamal Almagest Source: R O G U E Gender and Sexuality: nonbinary guy, queer and demisexual Pronouns: he/they Ethnicity/Species: Human Birthplace and Birthdate: Vermont, Earth. 2862 Guilty Pleasures: Singing in the shower, smelling the flowers Phobias: Asphyxiation, fires on a space station, being stranded alone in space What They Would Be Famous For: He played a very small part on a team at Montgomery-Montgomery, a biomed company, that found the cure for cancer.  He’s pretty humble though, and he would emphasize that he only had a small role studying a fern species that mutated so rapidly it created a compound that could undo radiation and reverse harmful cell growth. What They Would Get Arrested For: I don’t think Shamal would do anything that would get him arrested, but he would break station protocol in order to save a life in an extreme situation. OC You Ship Them With: Canonically they are partners with Teo Bawbee. OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Who would dare murder Shamal??? Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Survival or adventure Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: In world, probably books or movies that don’t depict the plants on Tand accurately -- like how Tand’s plants grow in one direction towards Tva and have a black appearance due to the infrared light.   Talents and/or Powers: He has a very green thumb and can bring back most dying plants. Why Someone Might Love Them: Shamal’s a good storyteller.  He’s good natured, confident, calming, and encouraging to others. Why Someone Might Hate Them: He can be overly superstitious.  He can get paranoid under stress. How They Change: Not a ton of personal development, but relationship development was key for Shamal.  He was afraid Teo would react badly when he told her Mo-Mo would definitely fund his Ph.D. back on Earth. Together they decided to move to Earth from Epsilon Eridani Station, but Shamal is proud of her for taking the leap and happy that she trusts him. Why You Love Them: I got to sing in game as Shamal and play a satisfying partnership in a larp, which were both firsts for me.
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charlesoberonn · 6 years
List of real words in the English language that sound like Pokemon names
None of these words would trip up your spellchecker.
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quillifluous · 8 years
a coin of low value
"And you, Arne?" asked Skyra. "What shall you do this winter?"
"Nothing," he grunted. "I'm not so desperate for a few bawbees that I'm just going to let Jökki make me his dogsbody."
Skyra’s eyebrows rose sharply, but she bit back each and every one of the venomous retorts that came to mind. The rest of the meal passed by in stony silence, hot tears pricking at the back of Gunki's eyes and Arne glaring at everything, as if the Gods themselves had challenged him to some impossible, foolhardy quest for nothing but their own sadistic amusement. Jökki sat at the table nonplussed, staring out of the window as he mopped up the mushroom broth with a thick slice of bread, his thoughts on matters much deeper than Arne's contempt.
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heardatthetable · 5 years
No one ignores Bawbee.
an angry DM after one of the players ignores the npcs. 
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Pokemon, Rancor, and Tumblr: charlesoberonn Follow List of real words in the English language that sound like Pokemon names debonair magnanimous acrimony fankle rancor gambol mimsy sashay alcazar incunabula kinnikinnick operose pyknic dragoman ensorcell sarmie stylite scofflaw vidiot dariole wayzgoose frondeur bawbee gaita None of these words would trip up your spellchecker. Sashay To Safety
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dapiedfifer · 6 years
Initial design for 20 Bawbee note as part of my project looking at an alternative currency for an indapendant Scotland. With nods to the punishment for the act of forgery in 1700s.
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Sing Me A Song
A fluffy Fitzsimmons family fic set in the near future because I couldn’t help myself. I know I still have prompts to do, and I absolutely promise I’m in the process of writing them but I got stuck and this popped into my head. I hope you enjoy it! 
Read it on Ao3
“Shh, it’s okay. It’s alright.”
Fitz bounces with his six-month-old daughter, cradling her gently against his chest. His words fall on deaf ears, and his daughter continues to cry mournfully into his shirt. Teething has begun in recent days and has been hard on Sarah and both of her parents.
“It’s gonna be okay,” he soothes, but his voice doesn’t sound convincing even to his own ears. He holds Sarah away from his chest; her cheeks are flushed and her impossibly blue eyes are wide and melancholy. His heart breaks in a strange way for whenever she cries it cuts somewhere deep inside of him.
She’s only teething, he reminds himself. Everyone on the planet has gone through this and got through it, she’ll be fine. The rational, non-father part of himself knows this. It’s the other part that doesn’t; the part of him that’s a father and cannot stand seeing his daughter hurt.
Wearily, he cradles Sarah to his chest again, and sits down in the rocking chair usually used for feeding. It’s been a long few days ever since her teeth had began appearing. Nothing has seemed to help: not the teething rings or the teething gels or even the special baby painkillers bought for especially for this event. Sarah is as stubborn as both of her parents, utterly refusing to be settled or comforted by things that Fitz is sure normal children would be.
That’s what you get for having two parents who aren’t normal Fitz sighs. His daughter is the love of his life, apple of his eye and he would gladly die for her without a second’s hesitation. He adores her unique-ness that shows even at six months old; the way her eyes are infinite and seem to understand everything of what she sees, the way she smiles and the whole world gets brighter, the way she laughs like laughter has only just been discovered… but just for this one thing, Fitz thinks he wouldn’t mind if she was a little more… average.
(Except that this is just his tired brain and of course he doesn’t mean it – he wouldn’t change Sarah for all the world, crying fits over milk teeth and all.)
Rocking back and forth softly, Fitz begins to hum a tune that comes so naturally to his mind in this state. A song his granny and his mum used to sing to him when he was small, when he was crying so much that he should barely hear them over his hiccups.
To his own surprise, he even begins to sing.
Ally bally, ally bally bee, Sittin' on yer mammy's knee
Fitz isn’t even entirely sure how he’s remembered the words, it’s been so long since he’s heard them. Sarah’s sobs begin to quieten. He carries on:
Greetin' for a wee bawbee, Tae buy some Coulter's candy. 
Sarah’s cries are now only soft sniffles and he’s so amazed that four lines of a simple song his granny used to always sing have done what nothing else has been able to, that he doesn’t even hear Jemma come in until she says quietly:
“That was quite lovely. I haven’t heard you sing that song before.”
He grins up at her, happy to see her even though she’s only been working a few hours. “Didn’t even realise I’d remembered it.”
She comes over and kisses him a greeting, gently kissing her daughter also before sitting on the bed opposite him with a sigh that can only mean she’s had a hard time at work. Her smile, though tired, is still bright. Fitz could never tire of that smile.
“Where is it from?” Jemma asks in an almost-whisper.
He looks down to his chest and sees that Sarah’s eyes have begun to droop and her cheeks are no longer as flushed as they once were.
“Uh…” He thinks back on how he actually knows the song. “My granny used to sing it to me when I was younger. My mum too. I’d be crying til I was hiccupping and my granny would sit me on her knee and sing until I wasn’t crying anymore.” Looking down at his daughter, he smiles. “Must run in the family.”
Jemma’s eyes have taken on that soft look that comes with whenever they talk about his family. “That’s very sweet, Fitz. Your granny sounds adorable.”
“Aw yeah, she was the best. Looked after me a lot when I was young. My mum was working all the time, and before my dad left he was too,” He frowns, the mention of his father bringing a crease to his forehead. “I stayed with her a lot if mum was on night shift, and even if I wasn’t upset she’d always sing the song before I went to sleep.”
Now that he’s thinking about it, Fitz begins to remember a lot about those days when his mum was working all of the time and his dad never seemed to want him around, or his gran never wanted him around his dad he realises now. He remembers the way her house smelled like lavender and she always wore flower prints and always called him honey.
“When was the last time you saw her?” Jemma asks softly, reaching over to squeeze the hand that isn’t supporting their daughter.
“I don’t even know,” Fitz whispers. When did tears appear in his eyes? “Haven’t been back in so long. I don’t even know what’s happened to her, if she’s…” he swallows, unable to say it. “If her and my mum are okay. I haven’t even phoned in so long cause so much was going on and now I can’t.” Fitz breathes deeply but slowly, not wanting to disturb Sarah who has fallen asleep on his chest. He blinks back the tears in his eyes and looks down at her. “I wonder what they’d think of us.” He beams at Jemma. “What they’d think of her.”
“I’m sure they’d be so proud of you, Fitz,” Jemma whispers to him, fiercely but so full of love. “They’d be so proud to see the father you’ve become to our daughter.”
“Thanks, Jemma.” He loves her so much that it’s indescribable. And they have a daughter. Even after six months, he still hasn’t been able to get over the wonder of it all.
“As soon as we’re able we’ll go to Glasgow,” she says decisively.
“My granny would like that,” he says, deciding to be hopeful. “And mum, too.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do. We’ll introduce them to Sarah and they’ll lover her just as much as we do.”
Fitz doesn’t think that anyone, apart from Jemma, could love his daughter as much as he does but he knows their love will come awfully close.
Sarah begins to stir against his chest, and soft mewling cries begin to emanate from her.
“Oh dear, are her teeth still giving her a hassle?” Jemma asks, her features rearranging into a look of worry.
“Yeah.” Fitz begins rocking gently once more. “She’s really not getting a break with it.”
“Perhaps your magical singing will help, Fitz,” Jemma teases. “It did work last time.”
He rolls his eyes but takes no notice and begins the song from the beginning. There are other verses, he’s sure, but his granny never sung them to him. She always only sang these lines, and it was always enough.
Ally bally, ally bally bee,
Almost at once, Sarah begins to quieten again.
“Well would you look at that,” Jemma comments, marvelled. “Our daughter must be the only person who does like your singing.”
Sittin' on yer mammy's knee
“At least my musical talents are appreciated by somebody,” he faux-grumbles.
Greetin' for a wee bawbee
He thinks of his granny and what she would say if she saw him here with his wife and daughter now. He thinks that she’d be over them moon, happy with how it’s all turned out. Fitz knows that he is, that he wouldn’t change any of it for anything.
Tae buy some Coulter's candy. 
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essagandana · 6 years
‘Ask me about my settings’
Here’s the answers you were actually asking for, @mukur0writes! So, this only really works for my fictional ‘Verse Adytum, the setting for  A SolarGlass Sanctum. So:
2 - What inspired the setting?
...The Solarpunk aesthetic. Not gonna lie. That was the very first inspiration. Then I thought: how can I make this somewhat unique? My immediate answer was MAGIC!, so it might not actually be too unique. Then I saw a bunch of stained glass and visited a glassworks and it all kinda started to coalesce in my head. Yes. This was the central uniquity of my fictional verse. Magical Stained SolarGlass. And Solar=Sunny, so I’m getting a lot of new (to me) info and inspiration pics as I am from a cold country, and the country the story is set in doesn’t even really have a cold season. Learning curves. All the fun.
12 - How big is the world? Does it encompass one planet? A solar system? A galaxy?
Technically it covers a universe? There are Active Deities, and the First, Central Deity, Illum, created all of absolutely everything. (There are some of the myths of Adytum on my page @essawrites if you’re interested). But, the story I’m focusing on from this ‘Verse is called Adytum. Yeah. The same name they give their planet. They’re self-centred, what can I say. The country is pretty dang large, but is ringed on the outermost edges with nigh-impassible mountains, so there isn’t a huge amount of culture crossover, and there was even less before the inception of air travel. (They have flying gardens. This isn’t likely to ever come up in the story, but I just think it’s cool, so now you know. They have giant floating islands in their sky.) The characters don’t ever leave the country of Adytum - at least not in A SolarGlass Sanctum - so I guess you could say that the world is as big as... idk, Russia?
22 - Who makes the stuff the characters use and wear? Factories, hand-labour, do they do the jury-rigging themselves?
Wyrta make most of the things in Adytum. Wyrta are like your craftsmen. They make things, generally specialise in a type of thing, and trade it around to the people within reach. There is a currency - Bawbee - but it isn’t really used for much in country. It’s used to settle trade values with other countries, but internally it’s generally used a bit like pocketmoney. You’d buy a sweet or a snack with Bawbee, not your clothes or food or equipment. Wixen make their own ‘Lights, everyone grows a whole bunch of vegetables, but specialities - carving, weaving, glass-making, jewellery - those you’d trade for, either in goods, time, or services. Most people pick up how to do bits and pieces of most things. Like, everyone who counts as ‘adult’ can mend clothing, even if they couldn’t make it. Everyone knows how to keep the common plants alive, even if they can’t necessarily grow the unique stuff.
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scotianostra · 5 years
On 18 November 1998 Robin Hall, the Scottish folk singer and musician, died.
Hall achieved national fame in the sixties along with fellow Scot, Jimmie Macgregor, on the BBC TV show, Tonight, they took over from Andy Stewart on the White Heather Club,Their hits included The Mingulay Boat Song the old favourite, Ye Cannae Shove Yer Grannie Aff a Bus and Fitba Crazy, the duo were the first real folk stars in Scotland, even before the Corries. Hall was a direct descendant of the famous Scottish folk hero and outlaw Rob Roy MacGregor as well as of the explorer Mungo Park.
Hall quit the duo in 1981, he was never in great health, suffering from polio as a child and I have read he was a heavy drinker, this took it's toll on the tours they did. He went on to make some programmes on Radio Clyde. 
His second marriage had ended, and he had been living alone in Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow, where police found his body on 18 November. He appeared to have been dead for several days. I have searched for a cause of death but to no avail.
Second post where I mention memories of being a bairn, and I am sure you will all recall this song fondly, I wonder how many have heard the whole song! 
Ally bally, ally bally bee, Sittin' on your mammy's knee, Greetin' for a wee bawbee, Tae buy some Coulter's Candy. Livin's very hard the noo, Faither's idlin' on the bru, But your mammy's got a penny for you, Tae buy some Coulter's Candy. Ally bally, ally bally bee, Sittin' on your mammy's knee, Greetin' for a wee bawbee, Tae buy some Coulter's Candy. Peer wee sowl you're lookin' affa thin, A pickle o' banes covered ower wi' skin, Noo ye'll be gettin a wee double chin, Wi' sookin' Coulter's Candy. Ally bally, ally bally bee, Sittin' on your mammy's knee, Greetin' for a wee bawbee, Tae buy some Coulter's Candy. Aff tae bed ma bonny wee man Seevin o'clock an your playin's done When you rise in the mornin' sun You'll get some Coulter's Candy Ally bally, ally bally bee, Sittin' on your mammy's knee, Greetin' for a wee bawbee, Tae buy some Coulter's Candy.
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Shamal Almagest and Teo Bawbee from R O G U E. Shamal is a botanist and amateur guitarist who sings to his plants and Teo is a tech on Epsilon Eridani Station -- both of them enjoy hanging out in the plant room.
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