stackslip · 1 year
i know i have mutuals and followers who are/were close to rationalist circles, or rationalists themselves, or who are simply anarchist trans girl hackers who seem to br broadly familiar with the subject. and tbc it really REALLY isnt for me (im vaguelu familiar with the arguments and have read about rokos basilisk and lesswrong etc and it's beffudling to me). but do you guys have any good writings or posts on how much it's influencing tech giants and in which ways? there's been a lot of sensational writings on the ftx polycule etc and how elon and co are claiming to embrace longtermism but I'd love to see stuff on what they specifically get out of it and how close their interpretation is to the og ideas and circles, and what movements and groups DO exist today and how much they oppose or embrace recent tech industry developments (from ai chat and art to crypto crashing to elon and others indicating they're fans of the whole thing)
tbc this isn't about drama or sensationalist stuff, and im not seeking intellectual arguments on why it's the right way or utter bullshit. rather im trying to understand how these ideas developed, where the movement is today, and what kind of cultural and intellectual influence they actually DO have on tech giants and tech billionaires as a whole
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etirabys · 2 years
I think enough Bayrats read this blog that I think this personal makes sense to put up here! See you at Solstice, everyone who is coming to Solstice.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
Tomorrow i have [*internal screaming*], Saturday bayrat solstice, and Sunday pride. The most social engagement I’ve had with ppl besides roommates and gf in like. A year? The summer triduum of dealing with ppl
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eightyonekilograms · 2 years
(@etirabys is trying to explain Bayrat Winter Solstice to an acquaintance who is totally unaware of the rationalists. This person is not understanding the explanation so far)
Acquaintance: “So it’s like Hanukkah?”
@etirabys: “No…”
Me: “I mean, it kind of is.”
@etirabys: “Actually yeah, it effectively is Hanukkah.”
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chasintailadv · 5 years
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It’s all smiles when your having fun with the boys! #browntrout #suckstohaveadeskjob #makingsmileshappen #ridindirty #lakeontario #trolling #bayrat #fishing #lovemyjob #nevergetsold #gettingtightsuckas #puttingsmilesonfaces https://www.instagram.com/p/BvVNHXtDmik/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nb4uumz1dzjs
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Forgot it’s a full moon. No crabs today! #boatlife #bayrats #baylife #imonaboat 🌝🦀🔥 (at Faunce Landing) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0BqklQHQxA-TvN-C9XdXpLcpMoxJSwJ2ukUyY0/?igshid=tu6mlarg6ris
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What's the fun of doing something as a bayrat if you can't take a vow about it
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unknought · 6 years
The reason I can’t look away from the Brent Dill affair...
It’s not that I think the Bay Area rationalist community is uniquely bad about enabling abuse. I definitely think that particular pathologies of that community played a significant role in allowing this particular disaster to happen, but other communities are fucked up in their own ways and it’s entirely consistent with what I know that the bayrats are among the best communities out there about dealing with this sort of thing. As far as I can tell nearly every community fucks this up, not just in the sense that nearly every community has abusers in it but that nearly every community actively and culpably enables and protects abusers who say the right things and have enough social status.
Right now I have individual relationships but not really any community, but I hope someday I’ll be able to change that. And I want my community not to do that thing. When I despair of finding a community which doesn’t actively enable abuse I sometimes fantasize about trying to form one of my own, but realistically, people far better suited to that task than I am have tried and failed. At the very least, in whatever community I end up in I don’t want to be part of the problem, and I want to do whatever I can to make it safe and to stand in the way of those who would make it dangerous.
Figuring out exactly how to do that is a really hard problem, and it doesn’t appear to be a solved one. I think if we had a good understanding of how to promote an environment that doesn’t enable abusers, then at least some of the communities which have devoted the most time and energy to the problem would be doing better than pretty much any of them seem to be doing.
And so I’m watching the responses and accounts of what happened, reading the arguments about what people should have done differently, and trying, as best as I can with my limited information, to figure out what went wrong and what I would have done and what I should have done if I had been there. Because I don’t really know what to do in this sort of situation and I desperately want to.
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fierceawakening · 6 years
genderfight replied to your post “Stuff like the bayrat implosion is why I’m consistently confused that...”
The U Part:
Humans tend to congeal into communities that form social structures. While some humans don’t like the idea of social structure at all, it seems that most of them need some amount of it to thrive, so I’m going to recommend some form of it.....
The W Part:
.....In fact, this is partyhellacious, because if we create a good social structure, things will be fair to everyone, and everyone can thrive! We just look at what everyone needs, particularly the most vulnerable, and make our Community. The only threat is selfish rogue actors.
The B Part Instead, Dammit:
....But we also need to be extremely wary, and remember that we are individuals first and foremost. Pretty much every human community contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction, and that destruction looks like “this person is good for the social order, so we can excuse them hurting some people, at least for a while.”
Never get so invested in any human community that you forget where the exits are, fear building a new one will be impossible, or hesitate to use those exits out of duty rather than care.
And never trust anyone, even yourself, who says it’s selfish in a bad way not to look back.
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pusancatholic · 2 years
Araba yolun karşısına geçmeye çalışanlara çarptı!
Araba yolun karşısına geçmeye çalışanlara çarptı!
Kaza, gece saatlerinde Orhanlar Mahallesi Polisevi mevkisinde meydana geldi. Oktay Dağhan (21) yönetimindeki 67 AF 503 plakalı araba yolun karşısına geçmeye çalışan Sevda Bayrat (43) ve Gülender Öztürke (58) çarptı. Vatandaşların haber vermesi üzerine olay yerine sıhhat ve polis takımları geldi. Yaralanan bayanlar, yapılan birinci müdahalenin akabinde Ereğli Devlet Hastanesine kaldırılarak tedavi…
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amaradinda · 3 years
Cerita tentang Toko-toko Neoklasik
a. Profil Al Barudiy Nama pinjaman adalah Jarkasiy.  Sedangkan nama panjangnya Mahmud Sami Ibnu Husni Al Barudiy.  Dia merupakan salah satu tokoh revolusi Arab dan penyair tersohor di Mesir serta pelopor berdirinya aliran neoklasik (SSD) dalam dunia kesusastraan Arab.  Dia memiliki beragam sebutan, di antaranya: Mill, (penyairnya para raja).  Di sini penulis mengartikan ketiga sebutan di atas sebagai julukan atau gelar Sudan yang dia dapati akibat kepiawaiannya di bidang militer dan kepenulisan serta mahir dalam bersyair laen di kuda tahun 1255 H 34/1839 Mh Bakurakan pada tahun 1255 H 34/1839 Mh.  Namun dalam literatur lain masalah bahwasannya Al Barudiy berubah di bumi Kairo.Dari namanya yang panjang, dia hanya dipanggil Al penyair “rajanya penyair (dan)” penyair Amir.yang dinisbahkan pada tempat kelahirannya.  Dalam kamus bahasa, kata Al Barudiy dinisbatkan pada bedil "yang menjadi salah satu pertempuran senjata di kancah. Dia mendapat pendidikan langsung dari" Hasan Husni Bikya "sampai usia 7 tahun Karena Bikunya wafat, usia 7 tahun Karena kahnya wafat, ush diau kancah ole sampu, 11 sampai ushu tahun Karena kahnya wafat ush. pada usia 12 tahun dimasukkan ke Akademi Militer Mesir. Dia berhasil menjadi salah seorang perwira militer pada tahun 1855 M. Dia kemudian belajar bahasa Turki dan Persi di Qustantiniah ketika diutus membantu Turki mespiniah ketika pangkatniyah Usjan padi Turki melawan Rusia Pangkatniyah pangan danakan meslawan Rusia pangkatniyah Usjanada melawan Rusia men Pangkatnya, ketika pemberontakan Balqan dan Iqrithis terjadi. 2. Apa point-point penting dari pendapat tokoh ini? Selain Al Barudiy terkenal sebagai raja pedang di bidang kemiliteran , dia juga tersohor di bidang sastra , sebagai raja pena pelopor aliran neoklasik , Wafatnya Sang ayah di masa kecilnya tidak sekedar membekaskan kepedihan , melainkan juga terdapat banyak hikmah di sana . Di tengah kesunyiannya , dia memanfaatkan waktu luangnya untuk membaca banyak buku . Saat itu Al Barudiy sangat gemar menelaah buku - buku sastra klasik terutama yang berkaitan dengan tema peperangan , patriotisme dan kepahlawanan Dia menulis syair sejak kecil tanpa guru dan tanpa belajar Ilmu Al Arudh Wa Al Qawati , Nahwu , Sharf dan Balaghah . Dia belajar mengenai syair - syair secara otodidak , dengan menirukan dan mengritik syair - syair milik penyair terdahulu. Dia juga banyak menghafalkan syair - syair itu kemudian meringkasnya , sehingga tampak keterpengaruhan Al Barudiy oleh para penyair pujaannya seperti Umrul Qais dan Ibnu Mutaz Karenanya , tidak heran jika syair - Syairnya yang awal senada dan senilai dengan milik penyair - penyair abad - 3 dan 4 M. Bahasanya mengalun begitu indah dengan kata - kata manis dan makna yang agung serta gaya bahasa yang kuat . sumber :1. Muchammad, Ibrahim Abdur - Rachman.  1982. An - Nazhariyatu war - Tahbig fu Adabil - Muqaran Darul - Audah, Bayrat Menjelajah Dunia Modern Terjemahan
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fishing-exposed · 3 years
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@OUTDChannel: "Lake Erie lake trout caught on a bayrat mag spoon. First time out on boat this year!" PC: Caleb Kopp #whatgetsyououtdoors #fishing #angler #fisherman #freshwaterfishing #casting https://t.co/lrNXDVilGT
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etirabys · 1 year
I always enjoy going to the bay for rationalist solstice + adjacent parties, because I get to talk to a bunch of people I’m friends with in the online world, where I’m cooler and more articulate and more genuine. The downside is that I’m out of the exact medium that allowed me to be Like That, so I feel like riding a bicycle while holding a package. (I’m sure many people at solstice feel like this, and it’s some consolation)
There are more people I find interesting and likeable in [large bayrat party] rooms than at most points in my life, but also I feel blocky and weird. I’m used to giving a conversation a few minutes to percolate, or editing a response three times before posting it, or liking a comment when I have nothing to say just to indicate “I’m listening and have positive feelings about you”, and when I have to socialize with my face and voice in real time, with people who know the me who isn’t limited to those modalities, I feel like... a penguin! If you look at underwater footage you see them jetting around like turtledolphins. And then on land, the waddle
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
not to be a linguist on anon, but you've used the word "any" a couple times recently in a way that i've never seen before
There are any actual “”left”” anarchists
there are any 3D games whose visuals i enjoy
is this a bay area thing? or just a typo for "many"? or something else?
i think it might be specifically a bayrat thing? it like, means the same thing but just isn't being used as an npi
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chasintailadv · 6 years
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Cannibalism at its finest. Brown trout on a Brown trout @bayratlures !!! #fishing #oswegocountyfishing #suckstohaveadeskjob #gettingtightsuckas #browntrout #lakeontario #bayrat #perfection (at Oswego, New York)
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#wip #workinprogress #working #crablegs #crabclaws #bootybottleandbone #bootyfromthesea #bottlefromthesea #seabooty #oldbottles #bottles #bottledump #patina #bayrat #vultureculture #ididntkillit #roguetaxidermy #roguetaxidermyart #weplaywithdeadthings #smithvilleartwalk #smithvillezombiewalk #comingsoon (at Absecon by the Bay)
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