#baze malbus x reader
egonscarif · 2 years
when my mind starts thinking about rogue one i have to stop myself because i cannot mentally nor physically handle it
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uwingdispatch · 2 years
Hi y'all! I finally set up a taglist! Up until now I’ve just been tagging friends and people who reblog or regularly like my fics. But I want to make sure that everyone who wants to be tagged and people who don’t want to be tagged are both getting the interactions they want.
So if you’d like to be tagged or would like to be removed from my taglist, please fill out this quick form here.
Below I’m tagging all the folks I would be tagging if I were posting a new fic right now. So let me know what you’d like in the future!
And here’s a Poe gif, just so people might actually see this. :)
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@writingbylee @waterpancakeao3 @princessxkenobi @aerynwrites @belfry-bat @phoenixhalliwell @r1-sw-lover @laserbrains @zinzinina @darthanakn @disastersim @infinityrevengers @lovedbyth3sun @usernamesarebitches @maul-ologue @operation-spot @writeforfandoms @akgracemk @noclue32 @littlemousedroid @strwrs @saveatruckrideoptimusprime @galaxtic-writings @mintpurplemnm @multifandom-fic-rec-blog @septimaseverinafavfanfic @itsallrandomcontent @myfandomlikesandstories @stormkobra-5 @ahookedheroespureheart @withasideofmeg @littledragonlady​ 
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vaingloriosa · 7 years
Unsung Heroes
A Rogue One Reader Story | In collaboration with @can-t-figure-it-out
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Words: 3,972
Summary: You are  an inhabitant of the planet Jedha, who has lived the life of a thief. However, not by choice but rather for survival. Your means of living becomes harder when the Empire begins their unwanted occupation of a rather peaceful place of trade. Though you may think your life may be over, the Force has something else in mind.
Author’s note: Eek! It’s now here and I couldn’t be any prouder to deliver such a story. What an incredible experience to be collabing with Dori like, words cannot describe. Inspired by the song Infinite (Unsung Heroes) by Built by Titan feat. Joel Smallbone 
Be sure to read the companion comic!
“Some planets are held together by power, some by blind faith. Faith does not care about the street children, nor does she feed them. So to save them, I became a thief.”
Jedha didn’t exactly scream “home” but that arid planet is all you have known. There had been times where you tried to fall asleep when you wonder about life outside the dusty planet. Traders would exchange stories about the various planets they went to, describing places you could only imagine in dreams. Running water, vast greenery farther than the eye could see, and planets that were so cold, some of your face would get covered by what the traders had described as “ice”. Some traders would even show your curious eyes holos taken from their travels. The blue shade didn’t do any of the extravagant stories justice but you held onto the images reflected on the holo like a string of hope.
Hope, you felt, that would never come but for the sake of the children (and yourself), you kept playing on that feeling.
Stealing was a strong word for what you did. You considered this to be survival, not only for you but for the others you had to take care of. You picked up your thievery skill many years ago once your parents said goodbye to you, explaining to you that they had to leave to fight “for the good of the galaxy”. Your parents had promised you that they would return back to Jedha once they knew the galaxy was safe for you. They knew leaving you was a difficult choice, given how young you were then, but they believed in you, knew that you could be resourceful and quick on your feet.
There was no bitterness towards your parents’ decision. Sure, it hurt like hell to see them leave, but you knew then that life isn’t alright. Their sacrifice was honorable, not cowardice. Everyday you look towards the sky and wonder when they will return but until then, you kept on surviving.
Day in and day out, you would go into the market to scope the place out. Many come out to display the fruits of their labor to any passing visitor or weary traveler that dared to land on Jedha. You kept the bag over your shoulder close to your thigh to avoid suspicion. You had learned a technique that you felt was nearly foolproof. As a customer walks up to the stall you’ve been eyeing, you wait until the customer and the seller begin to barter and that is when you make your move. You take a few fruits, stuff a food item that looks a lot like portion bread, and swipe a small toy for the youngest kid you had under your guidance. Before you leave, you look over your shoulder to make sure no one is following you and you disappear behind the shadows of empty corridors.
Through the twists and turns, you manage to find your way back home. You knock a secret rhythm and wait for someone to open the door. While you wait, you continue to check both ways before you enter.
“What did you manage to find?” the one who opens the door asks right as you enter.
“No ‘hello’? No, ‘how are you doing today’?” You dump the goods on the makeshift table towards the wall. Two other kids come flooding from the other room to rummage through your findings of the afternoon. Doja rolls her eyes, immediately grabbing a fruit before anyone could claim it. Luun, the youngest, pouts at her action, folding their arms and huffing their frustration. You shake your head, squatting down and presenting a tiny figurine you snagged earlier.
“Maybe this will cheer you up, bud?” You mess their dark hair a bit with your hand and smile as Luun yells on their way into the other room to play with their new toy. You take a seat next to Leo, the boy you consider to be the middle child of the bunch. You remove your dark jacket that had once belonged to your father and toss it carelessly aside next to you.
“They were here,” Doja says in a low voice, bowing her head to avoid eye contact. You straighten up a bit, knowing full well who “they” are.
The stormtroopers.
Ever since word got out about the temple full of kyber crystals, the Empire had to get their dirty hands on sacred belongings.Their ship casts a dark shadow over the town like a creature in the night, stalking its prey. There was no doubt that their presence has been intimidating to say the least. You knew the Guardians of the Whills were more than capable at handling the unwanted guests but you still feared for the worst. They have dedicated their lives into protecting the temple and its people yet they were incredibly outnumbered compared to the Empire. One man against ten stormtroopers? Perhaps the Force works in mysterious ways.
“We must put faith in the Forc-”
“If you say the ‘Force’ one more time, I swear I will slap you.” You can tell Doja is agitated by the breach of security by the stormtroopers. It is only natural for her to be acting the way she is.
“While we’re at it, guess we’ll blame the Maker for putting us in this predicament, hmm? Just four random orphans who managed to find each other. Maybe we’d be better off dead.”
“Where is this hostility coming from, Doja?” You stare at the young girl. She has both her fists on the table as if she is about to pick a fight. Without saying another word, Doja leaves the room in a quiet rage of her own. You turn to Leo who had witnessed the entire situation.
“Hey,” you grab the last fruit that was supposed to be reserved for you from the table and place it in his hand, “how about you go check up on the little one?”
Leo nods and clutches the fruit tightly. Another silent exit and you are alone with your thoughts.
They are all scared. Just imagining the sound of the stormtrooper armor clashing together as they march down the path sends a shiver down your spine. There isn’t much you can do to protect the children and yourself from the dreary future that looms ahead. The only thing for certain is that you must go back into the marketplace to bring home something for the evening before the market closes.
Because of the Imperial occupation, your thievery has gotten a lot trickier. Every time you went out there to do your “job”, you had to be extra cautious. Sometimes you had to come up with different disguises to fool some troopers away from your ways. You put your jacket on then grab a gray scarf from your satchel to put around your head. Before you open the door, you look over to the shared bedroom between the four of you. Doja lays still on the bed and stares off at the wall while Lunn and Leo play with what little toys they have in the corner.
With a sigh, you bite down on your lower lip and close the door behind you, making sure not to slam it. You pull the scarf over your mouth then continue on your journey to the trading market. As the liveliness of the market come closer within earshot, your ears perk up as you sense the sound of incoming stormtroopers. You back yourself up against a wall and hope that no one suspects you of wrongdoing. Once the white armor walks by without a bash of an eyelash, you continue on your mission.
Bread was an essential, maybe you can switch it up with getting some vegetables, and maybe even another fruit if your favorite vendor happened to be there. You conceal yourself through the mirage of passing bodies, floating like a Force ghost through one stall to another, almost as if the objects flew into your hand. You are good at this, you say to yourself. You walk further until you find the vendor you had in mind, Nameless. They spoke of ancient stories about the Jedi to anyone who would listen. Since their product was always good, people would have to reluctantly listen to what they have to say before paying up. You liked them for that because that made your job even easier. Before you can grab anything, you position yourself behind another wall around the corner of Nameless’ cart. Your eyes look both ways quickly then, at the right moment, you take one of the precious red fruits into your hand until you hear a frantic voice.
“You! Halt! Hands up where I can see them, thief!”
You’ve been caught.
The fruit drops from your trembling hands to the floor with a thud and you shake from fear. You close your eyes to accept your deadly fate. It was bound to happen one day and maybe this had been a sign that you cannot live forever. You remember the children you take care of, the last moments before you left. Doja, Leo and Lunn. Maybe it was better that you sacrifice your life before these scumbags could rip those children’s lives away from them. You let your body go loose as you prepare for the blaster blast.
But it never comes. One did, but it wasn’t meant for you.
Carefully, you open one of your eyes to see one man with a heavy blaster on him that you’ve never seen before. Another man appears behind him with a small smile on his face.
“I told you the Force will show me to them,” the man says in a soft voice, almost like he was trying to proof a point to his partner.
“Yeah, yeah, but remember who took that trooper down,” the other man with the longer hair tells him, adjusting the straps of the blaster. You continue to tremble as your mind tries to wrap around what just happened.
“W-w-who are you?” you manage to squeak out, slowly bringing your hands down to your sides.
“We are the Guardians of the Whills. I am Chirrut.”
The bearded man nods to you. “Baze.”
You nod at them and tell them your name.
“And the Force led us to you.” Chirrut approaches you carefully with Baze cautiously falling behind. You shake your head in disbelief.
“The Force? What do you mean?” You knew of the Force, how it surrounds every being on the galaxy. Only a few could truly be attune to it, but you never considered yourself Force sensitive.
“I sensed there would be danger around here. I was shown the way to you, my dear.” Chirrut looks up and smiles then plants his staff into the sand. Your eyes move between him then to the man next to him. Baze simply sighs and puts his weapon down to his side.
“He is no Jedi,” the bearded man states then huffs out what sounded like a laugh. Your breathing becomes less labored and dropping back to normal. You blink again at the two men standing before you.
“Thank you...for saving my life,” you manage to get out of your mouth. You are still shaken by the close encounter with death and would like to just get back to the children.
“Now if you will excuse me, I must go-”
The last word trails out of your breath as the noise of marching armor and firing blaster shots ring several feet down the corridor. Baze is the first to draw his weapon, sprinting down to check the situation out. Chirrut turns to you and places a hand on one of your shaking shoulders. You glance up and realize then that the man is blind.
“It is not safe to return where you wish to go, not yet. Stay close behind us until this is all over.” A whistle makes you two turn your heads towards the noise.
“I will not let anything happen to you.”
As the Force wields it, you manage to come out unscathed by the scuffle between the stormtroopers and what you assume are the good guys you’ve heard so much about. You hid behind a column that was still standing despite a pile of rubble laid before it. You took little sneak peeks of the events unfolding before you and felt as if none of this was real. The sound of your name draws you out of the emotional fog that had befallen on you. Gently, you watch where you step and come closer to the much larger group.
“A Jedi?” A man with a synthfur parka drops his blaster slowly when he recognizes the threat was over.
“There are no Jedi here,” Baze explains, turning over to Chirrut and tells the man that he only wishes he were. The scruffy man starts saying something about leaving Jedha to bring a man over to the Alliance to deliver much needed intel about the Empire. The man in question cowers a bit behind a woman with a gray scarf much like your own.
“And we must hurry before the Empire detonates their weapon on this planet in less than five minutes,” the woman speaks up, making your blood grow cold.
“Excuse me?” you muster out, feeling your heartbeat accelerate to an abnormal rate.
“Yes, Bodhi here still had his comm link and we all heard the announcement. It’s advisable you come with us.” The woman gestures to you, Chirrut, and Baze then turns towards the archway to guide you to the ship. You turn to shake your head at Baze and Chirrut.
“I can’t leave. I-I-I have to go back.” With the countdown clocking down, you take off running towards the place you call home. You hear the sound of your name again, echoing between your ears, but you don’t stop running. You had to reach the children. Even if you couldn’t make it to their ship, you would at least get to see them one last time before Jedha’s untimely demise.
You frantically knock on the door, hoping someone would open up in the next millisecond. When no one comes, you pound harder on the door and scream out.
“Doja! Leo! Lunn! Open up! We must go now!” you bark out your orders with tears of both frustration and fear forming at the corners of your eyes. Finally, the door flings open and Doja appears with stunned eyes.
“What? Why?” You move past her and straight into the bedroom where the brothers were quietly playing.
“I-I don’t have time to explain everything-”
“Are we in trouble? Is it the troopers?”
“No, no, not the troopers. Something bigger,” you calmly say as you scratch your head in a panic. What could you do? The thought of chasing after this ship with those people you barely met left your mind as soon as you ran here. The only viable solution was to hunker down with the children for one last time.
Until you heard panicked knocks on the door followed by your name.
“We must hurry! The ship has arrived!” You watch Baze’s head pop in quickly then out into the street. With wide eyes, you tell the children to follow you and to stay close behind you. Right as you exit the humble abode, your hair begins to blow in your face. Looking up, you find the giant U-shaped ship hovering over and trying to find a good place to land.
One by one, you each aboard the ship, taking Leo and Lunn then Doja first then finally you hopping on. The ground beneath you starts to shake and your curious self turns back to find the dark cloud of sand in the far distance. Adrenaline kicks in as you jump in then stumble on the ground, watching the door close quickly behind you. You prop yourself up and someone grabs your arm to support you. From your peripheral vision, you can tell it’s the man they call Bodhi that’s by your side. You can’t peel your eyes away from the viewport to witness the death of your home planet, the place you’ve known all your life gone in a mere minutes. Before you know it, you are jumping into hyperspace with a flash of blue and white passing into view.
“The Empire is heartless,” Doja speaks up to drown out the silence in the ship. She sits with Leo and Lunn on each side, both visibly trembling from the action that just happened.
“Who are you? Why did you save us from that destruction?” Your eyes glaze over the woman, Bodhi, then towards the cockpit where you spot a fairly large droid and his master.
“We are with the Rebel Alliance,” the man responds from his seat, punching on a few buttons before turning around to get up, “It’s what we do.”
You manage to get up with the gentle help of Bodhi. “I don’t know any better words other than ‘thank you’. Dramatic or not but I feel like I owe you a life debt.”
He waves his hand in front of him.
“No, what we did was nothing. It was the right thing to do. I’m Cassian.” Cassian points over to where the woman sits. “That’s Jyn and the man right next to you is Bodhi. K-2SO is my droid.”
“If you don’t mind me asking but what were you doing on Jedha?” You cross your arms across your chest and inch more towards the center of the small group. Cassian places his hands behind his back and stands a little straighter.
“Well, Bodhi had defected from the Empire in order to relay a message to Jyn from her father who happens to work for said Empire. As the Force has it, we found Bodhi just in time. What happens next is up to the council.” Cassian looked like he wanted to say more but was interrupted by the droid in the seat adjacent to his.
“We are here, Captain,” K-2SO announces to everyone. You walk over to the larger viewport to observe your new surroundings. The abundance of greenery is the first thing that piques your brain. Never have you thought you would see something so beautiful as this. For all your twenty plus years on an arid wasteland of a planet called Jedha, you never thought it be possible to experience anything else. Commotion happens all over you but you couldn’t care less what is going on. You feel the presence of the other children right next to you as you all marvel at such a sight. The droid remains silent as they try to land the ship in the right spot.
You are one of the last people to unload but you don’t mind. Your head is trying to wrap around what a massive temple the Rebel Alliance has as their headquarters. You watch several members walk, sprint, and interact with one another in the shared space. You become lost in your thoughts that you don’t feel the hand on your shoulder.
“Cassian says he has someone he wants you to talk to,” Doja tells you.
“What do you mean? I didn’t do anything?” you try to explain any type of reasoning behind this. Doja simply shrugs at your questions since she knows as much as you do. You kneel to reach the height of Leo and Lunn.
“Hey, stay with her, okay? Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” You flash a small smile at them to calm their nerves.
“That’s not a lot of things,” Leo giggles at his own little comeback and you can’t help but make your smile wider. Lunn wraps his tiny arms around your neck and you sink into his hug.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back,” you reassure everyone. When you leave, you spot Cassian but he is not alone. Rather, he’s accompanied by Chirrut with a tiny smile beaming on his lips. A curious pairing but you don’t question it. Your senses begin to heighten as you approach them; your boots appearing to bellow with every step that you take and your mouth feeling like coarse sand.
“Hi, you wanted to see me?” you ask, almost unsure what the reply might be. Cassian turns to Chirrut to help answer your query. Your eyebrow perks up at the anticipation.
Chirrut strikes his staff on the ground slightly to steady himself. “The Force has brought you here for a reason. Jedha was only temporary but now, you are home.”
You squint at his words for a second before he moves to the side to reveal the longing you have sought out for so long. Before you are your parents, the ones who left you to be the unsung heroes for the battle for good. Your eyes begin to well up with the tears of sheer happiness. You can’t seem to get the words out from your mouth but your parents bring you in tight for a group hug. Your hands wrap around their necks, a feeling you never thought you would feel again. They were real, all this is not a dream but your reality. A sweet reality.
Your mother pulls away first to touch your cheek with her thumb. “When we heard the mission report from Cassian about the survivors he had, when he stopped at your name, I just knew it was you, baby. It had to be you.”
Your father squeezes your shoulder firmly and pats it slightly. “By the Maker, you are back to us now. Safe, and out of harms way.”
You lick away at your chapped lips and try to compose yourself. You realize that Cassian and Chirrut had long gone to give you three privacy. Ten years is quite a long time to be away from your parents. Ten years worth of words, all seeming to leave your mind.
“You’re alive,” you manage to squeak out. Now even as an adult, you can’t help but become a small child around your parents. They nod as your mother pulls you in for another hug.
“Yes, yes we are. Alive and well. And I’m sorry, for leaving you on Jedha.” You can tell that your mother’s words tremble as she begins to apologize. You shake your head then take her hands into yours.
“Don’t apologize, not ever. What you did, you were doing the right thing for not only me, but for the entire galaxy. You,” you grab your father’s hand, “you were keeping me safe. Your sacrifice...I knew that took a lot out of you to make that decision. Now you’re heroes in the Rebel Alliance. Like, that’s cool as hell.”
You three laugh at your remark. You purse your lips together and glance between your parents.
“We aren’t the only heroes, you know,” your father adds, nodding over to something behind you. You peak over your shoulder to find the children with Baze as they talk among each other. You quietly smile at where your father is going with this.
“You protected them when society couldn’t. You provided for them, housed them, protected them. If anything, we are the ones we admire you the most.” You clutch on both of their hands and give it a small shake. You never once were complimented like this before.
“I did it because it was the right thing to do,” you tell them, feeling the tears rush back into your eyes all over again. You are pulled into another embrace by your parents and you allow yourself to sink in and allow your tears to flow freely. For this is Yavin 4, and your life has just begun.
They’re alive.
You’re alive.
Everyone's alive.
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seancekitsch · 8 years
Rogue One Preference: You are Super Short
Requested by: Anonymous Baze: King of giving you piggy back rides and picking you up all the time. You probably could just be carried everywhere from now on. He finds your height adorable and he loves to keep you super close to him. He would always have you on his lap. Bodhi: He always greets you with forehead kisses and kisses the top of your head at random times. Definitely uses the word adorable to describe you more than anything. He loves when you have to reach up to grab his face to get a kiss. Cassian: Cassian would love it. You're so small and he feels like he can easily protect you. He has a lot of anxiety about his loved ones getting hurt but when he snuggles with you and sleeps beside you he can easily wrap himself around you and it's just instant bliss for him. Chirrut: Chirrut makes jokes, uses you as an arm rest/head rest, etc. He always has a really goofy smile on his face when he's about to do this so usually when he comes close to lean on you, you just wrap your arms around his waist and hug him tight. He gives a lot of forehead kisses Jyn: Jyn isn't that much taller herself, so she understands. But those few inches she does have on you make a big difference. She lovingly teases you about how the weather is down there and asks if you need a boost when trying to reach something. She loves your height though because she has to look up at most others too. ------------------ Request anything you'd like to see! My ask box is open!
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myriadimagines · 8 years
34 with Baze Malbus?
Characters: Reader x Baze Malbus + Chirrut Imwe
Warnings: nightmares
Prompts: “I had a nightmare about you and just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
Word Count: 308
A/N: first Baze drabble !!
Want to request a drabble? Read this post [x]
Baze woke up still hearing your screams echoing in his ears. Not bothering to acknowledge Chirrut, who had sat up in the darkness when he had heard Baze wake up, he rushed out of the room. 
There were no street lights in the Holy City, but Baze stumbled through the darkness to get to your house. He was familiar with the path, as he visited you so often. When he arrived at your door, he didn’t even bother knocking. Knowing you hid your keys under a pot by the door, he let himself in.
Rushing to your room, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw you peacefully curled up on your bed, your face nuzzled into your pillow. He sat down in the chair at the back of the room, observing you. He had a nightmare in which he saw you being tortured by Imperial troops, and he felt at ease knowing you were safe.
He got up to leave, but accidentally knocked down a book resting on the edge of the table in front of him. Startled, you jerked away and sat up.
“Baze!” you exclaimed, recognising his bulky shadow immediately. “Wha-what are you doing here?” 
“I had a nightmare about you and just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” Baze quickly said, slightly embarassed he had woken you up.
“Oh.” you trailed off, hugging your pillow to your chest. Baze didn’t move, unsure of what to do. “Well, uh, were you leaving?”
“I was… unless you don’t want me to.” Baze responded, and you smiled to yourself. 
“Stay.” you insisted, and Baze happily obliged and moved to sit closer to you. “Unless you need to get back to Chirrut.”
“Oh, I’m sure the Force will take care of him.” Baze joked, and you laughed as he sat on the bed next to you.
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
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April 2022, part. one
thank you to the amazing fic writers for sharing some wonderful stories with all of us ! & to the kind readers for their support. 💙
please assume that all works & the blogs they belong to are 18+ only
mature adult content will be marked with a double asterisk **
be sure to check all warnings & tags before reading, feel free to skip if something isn't for you
& of course, enjoy responsibly
all the love xo A ☕
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please send me things to read ! favorite fics or something you've written that you're proud of ! 💌
find more monthly fic recs over on my masterlist May 2022 coming soon ! ✨
please let me know if you would like to be removed
✨ new authors & characters added for the first time !
✨ some authors are mentioned more than once throughout the list, check to see if your works are there !
✨ Anakin Skywalker
prompt – place: in the water reason: life or death by @labyrinth-runner (mermaid!reader)
✨ Armitage Hux
The Trick by @mylifeisactuallyamess (f!reader)
✨ Cobb Vanth
What Our Scars Remind Us by @flightlessangelwings (tbobf) (gn!reader)
✨ Din Djarin
Affection by @lightsinthedistancee (gn!reader)
The Covert by @juletheghoul (cam boy din) (f!reader) **
The Greenhouse by @lowlights (victorian era au) (gardener!din) (f!reader) **
Just Loss by @dvnvln (f!reader)
More Than A Feeling by @mandelirious (gn!reader) **
Siren by @ezrasbirdie (gn!reader)
prompt – ‘vanilla/slow, soft’ kinktober by @letterfromvienna (mand’alor din) (f!reader) **
✨ Grogu
Little Cold Fingers by @anxiety-riddled-mando (grogu, din x oc)
✨ Kylo Ren / Ben Solo
Discothèque by @clydesducktape (hannibal au) (dr. kylo ren) (fbi forensic consultant reader)
If I Asked You to Stay, Would You? By @a-reader-and-a-writer (f!reader)
Man or a Monster…? By @mylifeisactuallyamess (soulmate au) (ben solo) (f!reader)
✨ Luke Skywalker
Don’t Make Me Choose (two parts) by @full-time-make-believer (gn!reader)
Welcome Distractions by @full-time-make-believer (gn!reader)
✨ Obi Wan Kenobi
Brewing Tea & Sandstorms by @laserbrains (gn!reader)
Light in the Dark (series) by @purelyfiction (modern au) (doctor!obi) (f!reader)
Stranded (series) by @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories (afab!oc)
To Dwell on Dreams by @spicemaidenfic (jedi!f!reader) **
Turbulence by @star-whores-a-new-hoe (afab!reader) **
Up All Night by @vi-does-stuff (a/b/o au) (alpha!obi) (omega!f!reader) **
✨ Original Characters
Stars in their Multitudes (series) by @jedi-valjean (star wars) (les misérables) (original characters) (original jedi characters) (original imperial characters) (twi’lek characters)
✨ Poe Dameron
If The Galaxy Was Ending by @starryeyedstories (gn!reader)
No More Wasted Time (series) by @againstacecilia (modern au) (afab!reader) **
You Almost Died And You’re Making Jokes? by @a-reader-and-a-writer (gn!reader)
Your Love Is Sunlight by @acedameron (f!reader) **
prompt – relief after a dangerous situation by @dailyreverie (gn!reader)
prompt – seeing you in a new dress by @dailyreverie (f!reader)
✨ Baze Malbus
Healing by @uwingdispatch (chronically ill) (gn!reader)
✨ Bodhi Rook
Warm Hearted by @uwingdispatch (chronically ill) (gn!reader)
✨ Benny Miller
Dancing in the Rain by @waywardimpalawriter (plus size!f!reader)
Three Strikes and You’re In, Crush (series) by @rayslittlekitten (benny x ofc) (will x f!reader)
Why Ya Wanna (sequel to Dancing in the Rain) by @waywardimpalawriter (plus size!f!reader)
✨ Frankie Morales
Our Little Secret (series) by @icanbeyourjedi (f!reader) **
Saccharine by @forever-rogue (f!reader) **
✨ Will Ironhead Miller
Coach Miller by @marvelousmermaid (platonic!bff!will) (f!reader)
Modern Muse by @rayslittlekitten (photographer!will) (fiancé(e)!gn!reader)
Patience by @ohheyitsokay (f!reader) **
✨ Santiago Garcia
A Little Bit of Hope (Part 1) (series) by @artemiseamoon (f!reader)
prompt – ‘that’s it, that’s my girl’ by @autumnleaves1991-blog (f!reader) **
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see part two for more multi fandom fic recs ! moon knight, pedro pascal, charlie hunnam, amazing spiderman, bridgerton, marvel
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certifiedskywalker · 7 years
Let’s Hurt Tonight - Cassian Andor
Short little thing I wrote when I heard OneRepublic sing this song. Enjoy my friends!
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When, when we came home Worn to the bones I told myself, "this could get rough"
Yavin 4 is home to the largest Rebel base in the galaxy, this means all who live there are constantly under threat to the Empire and it’s supporters. You and your family had moved to Yavin 4 when you were just a child. You had learned and trained in the base, hoping for the day when the Empire would fall. You had also grown up alongside some of the best pilots and warriors in the galaxy. One on them in peculiar had gotten rather close to you. Cassian Andor was training to become a Rebel spy when you met him. Through your shared training in Battle Aid, you two grew close and by the time your graduation rolled around, you left the Academy as a couple in love.
Sadly, dating a spy wasn’t as great as it seemed. Cassian was horribly great at hiding his true feelings and was away on missions quite often. When he would come home, he’d seem so distant from you it was painful. You’d try to get him to talk by constantly staying close to him. You knew it would annoy him a little and he’d end up telling you. You’d comfort him, tell him that you love him, which you do, and that one day he wouldn’t have to fight anymore. But one time he came home, your normal tactics were futile.
“Cassian, please talk to me. I hate seeing you so quiet…” When he didn’t answer, you sighed. This could get rough, you thought to yourself. You scooted closer to him on your shared sofa, and held his hand in yours. He didn’t even look at you as you kissed the top of his hand. Nothing. As you held his hand, you noticed there was dried blood underneath his nails. You rested your tangled hands in your lap and looked up at him. His normally warm brown eyes were cold and saddened. His features rested in a frown, and even his breathing was slowed. Whatever had happened was bad, and it was obviously eating him up.    
“Alright, that’s enough.” You said, and got up to stand in front of him. His eyes followed you, and now you could see just how tried he was.
Oh I know that this love is pain But we can't cut it from out these veins, no
So I'll hit the lights and you lock the doors We ain't leaving this room 'til we bust the mold Don't walk away, don't roll your eyes They say love is pain, well darling, let's hurt tonight
You reached out your hand to him and he took it gently. You pulled him up from the couch and lead him into your shared bedroom. He let go of your hand and walked over to his side of the bed. He curled up on the mattress, still and quiet as before. You shut the door behind you and turned off the lights, normally Cassian would but in his state he must’ve forgotten. You walked over and curled up on your side of the bed, facing him. Even in the dark you could tell his eyes were open and his thoughts were drowning him.
“We are not leaving this room, until you speak to me. All I need is one word.” You reached out your hand, and caressed the side of his face. You felt that the skin on his cheek was wet with tears, and your heart broke a little. “Cas...please, tell me something.” You shifted closer to him, trying anything to get him to say something.
Oh, I know you're feeling insane Tell me something that I can explain, oh
“There was a woman,” his voice came out hoarse and small, “she reminded me of you. She had this l-little boy with her when it happened. The stormtroopers they...they surround the market and s-shot them all.”
“Cassian….” you started, but he continued.
“I felt off about the whole thing, t-that there was too many of them and it…” He stopped, not trusting his own voice enough to go on without crying. You sat up in bed, and pulled his head into your lap. You tried your best to relax him by stroking his dark hair, but you couldn’t tell if it was helping due to the darkness. He was so badly shaken, you’d never seen him cry like this before and it made you feel worse because you didn’t know what to do or say.
You love Cassian so dearly it was like you could feel his pain, and he felt so much of it because of what he did as a spy. It was nights like to tonight you had always thought of with dread. The day he would come home driven mad by what he’d done, or didn’t do.
So you hit the lights and I'll lock the doors Let's say all of the things that we couldn't before Won't walk away, won't roll my eyes
“Thank you for telling me, and I know there’s nothing right now I can say to fix this feeling, but just know that I love you so much. You did all you could at the time and that’s okay, Cassian.” You heard a sniffle as you brushed away his hair from his forehead and placed a kiss there.
They say love is pain, well darling, let's hurt tonight If this love is pain, then honey let's love tonight
“Thank you my darling, for staying with me.” He whispered, almost as if he spoke too loud he’d break into pieces.
“I won’t ever leave you by yourself when you’re like this, you got me? You’re too important to me, to just watch you waste away from your thoughts.” You kissed his face once more, as you spoke. Hoping that he would get some sleep tonight.
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imagining-star-wars · 7 years
The Awakening
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Requests are OPEN
[x] - requested by anonymous
Pairing: Cassian Andor x Reader
Word Count: 3,925
Warnings: Some Fluff, Minor Violence
A/N: I went way overboard with this request, and now I love it so much. It wasn’t until recently that I really felt a spark of creativity for this. It wasn’t exactly what was expected because I tied in a future imagine into this because it seemed to fit really well. Enjoy!
*Cassian’s POV*
Making my way through Jedha City was daunting enough what with the Imperial troops patrolling every inch of the place and terrorizing the locals. The constant fear of perhaps needing to produce identification put me on edge as well as the fear that I would be recognized as a rebel and outed. Tensions were high between Saw Gerrera’s rebels, stormtroopers, and the rest of the occupants of the city. After countless times being there, I learned that it was best to just keep your head down, wear basic attire that helped you blend in, and not say a word to anyone unless you knew exactly who that person was. I had contacts in many of the cities on different planets, normally more than one. In Jedha City, I was left with only one contact. If anything happened to him, I’d be pretty much on my own. I was on a mission to locate Saw Gerrera or at least find someone who would tell me where he was. It was a long shot since his rebels were pretty tight lipped, but word had to get around at some point. There had to be some rumors, and rumors were better than nothing. I anticipated the reluctance of others to point me in the right direction.
However, I never anticipated running into...her. Striking (e/c) eyes like nothing I had ever seen before, and I had seen my fair share of women. Saying she was beautiful would have been an understatement. Clad in blue robes, she stood out in the crowd, but it was as if she wasn’t afraid to, like she wasn’t in a hostile area. If you weren’t an Imperial, you were their enemy, and they didn’t care who they took prisoner or who they killed. My eyes flickered over every inch of her body as I drank in the brilliance. Grey pants were clinging to her legs only to be cut off just below the knee by a pair of black boots. She was fascinating and mysterious, an incredible creature. She stood next to a larger man with his own set of armor and a blaster on his other side. He was large enough to break her in two if he wanted, but something strange told me that he wouldn’t. When I saw the man they hovered around, I knew that they all must’ve been the Guardians of the Whills. She seemed a lot less threatening than the blind man and the soldier, but I knew better than to underestimate anyone. A set of eyes like hers was just as dangerous as the blaster in the soldier's hands.
Just as her eyes caught mine, I stopped moving, and it felt as if my breath caught in my throat. Her eyes had been scanning the crowds of people roaming the streets of the city, and her gaze always made its way back to the soldier or the blind man who was calling out, “may the force of others be with you,” like it was his mantra. She just stood behind him like a silent guardian along with the soldier. When her eyes met my brown ones, though, her lips curled up into a slight smile, which only pulled me in even further. I couldn’t help myself, and I just continued staring at her, completely and utterly captivated by the young woman. Even in my wildest dreams or in the depth of my imagination, I had never thought there could be someone who could pique my interest quite like she had. I wasn’t interested in taking time out of my life to swoon over women, and I certainly didn’t go out looking for them. Until that moment, I couldn’t care less about other people, but this stranger sparked a curiosity within me that I was sure would never leave. Even when she looked away, breaking eye contact with me, I was left starstruck by her. I knew that I couldn’t approach her because I didn’t know who she was, but I certainly wanted to. Instead, I walked through the streets in a daze, unable to shake the sight of her from my mind. It was like I had committed her to memory, but something told me that I wouldn’t need it.
*Reader’s POV*
The stranger who had caught my gaze was none other than the famed Captain Cassian Andor, a fellow member of the Rebellion. I had joined up long ago, wanting to find a place in the galaxy that seemed to have forsaken me time and time again. Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself, I took control of my life and did something about it. I heard plenty of stories about the captain, but I never had the pleasure of working with him. I wish I would’ve gotten word that they were sending more rebels into the city, but I knew that I had a specific task to complete, and so did he. It was my job to find Saw Gerrera, and I had been undercover for far too long to just let that job go. Whatever his mission was, I knew he would complete it because he was famous for following orders. When I recognized him, though, I was terrified that he recognized me as well, that he would come over and blow my cover which I had built up over weeks and weeks. The way he looked at me, though, was almost as if he didn’t recognize me at all. I had seen him in passing on Yavin 4, and I heard plenty of stories about him. He paid attention to no one if it didn’t have to do with his mission, so I wasn’t surprised that he didn’t recognize me-it wasn’t like we had ever formally met each other.
Being undercover was a difficult task, and it wasn’t for the obvious reasons. I didn’t find it difficult to formulate a different backstory to fit the new “character” I was portraying, and I didn’t find it difficult to fall right into a life that wasn’t my own. I was playing a role, and that was it. The only problem with being undercover for so long was the relationships. Usually, I was able to distance myself from the mission enough to keep from actually getting close to people, but the men I was with, the men who took me in under their wing and saved my ass over and over again-they were the real deal. I couldn’t distance myself enough to not truly care about them. Chirrut Imwe, a blind warrior, was a spiritual guide, and I could sense his unity with the force. Baze Malbus was the silent protector and just like an older brother to me. He cracked jokes with Chirrut every once in a while, and he teased him for his faith in the force, but they cared about each other like they were their last links to family. In all my time in the rebellion, I never found it difficult to separate myself from my mission, but these two men made it the hardest for me. They made me want to stay in the war zone that was Jedha city just so that I didn’t have to leave them.
Suddenly, an explosion on the other side of the city pulled me from my own thoughts. Saw’s rebels were attacking again. If I could just get my hands on one of them, I knew they would have no choice but to tell me where Saw was. My persuasion skills were top of the line, so they wouldn’t be walking away without giving me an answer. As soon as that first explosion hit, I took off toward it, ripping my arm from the iron grip of Baze’s hand when he saw me start to leave. He didn’t like seeing me fight, so he tried to keep me as close to him as possible at all times. What he didn’t know is that I was trained and built for fighting, that I thrived when given the opportunity. As I ran through the streets, I listened to my own blood pumping in order to steel myself for what was about to come. However, it wouldn’t matter as right before I could reach the heat of the fight, I was pulled into one of the small alleyways by a fellow rebel, Tow. Before I could ask him what he was doing, he began explaining, “Senator Organa ordered for you to return to Yavin 4. He organized a group to come into the city to pick up where you left off, but he needs you back at the base. It sounded urgent”
I furrowed my eyebrows, “I can help out there”
He shook his head, “I can’t let you go out there and fight. Our guys will have it under control, and we’ll capture one of Saw’s and do whatever is necessary to get him to talk. You need to get back to Yavin 4 before Senator Organa comes to collect you himself” he explained with a completely stone face, almost like the change didn’t faze him whatsoever. I clenched my jaw, irritated that I wouldn’t be able to see the mission to completion. However, a piece of me felt lucky that I would at least get to sleep in my bed for the first time in a long time. I knew that if Bail came all the way to Jedha just to take me back to the base, I would be in for the lecture of a lifetime. He wouldn’t scream and yell at me, but it was far worse to know that I disappointed him. I nodded my head as a sign that I had heard and accepted my new orders. Tow continued, “there’s a U-Wing waiting for you just outside the city. You’re capable of flying it back to Yavin 4 on your own”
“I just need to get my bag, and I’ll be on my way” I said, turning around and walking in the opposite direction of the fighting. It always died down within minutes with the stormtroopers on the ground succumbing or the rebels pulling back and going into hiding. They attacked with so much force and so quickly that no one could ever expect them or overcome them. I had the thirst for fighting, but I knew that it wasn’t my turn. Tow had run off behind me to fight as I made my way back to Baze and Chirrut. They were still in the same place as before, almost like the fighting was nothing concerning. Of course, they had seen it every day for quite some time, and they didn’t have the same reason for fighting as I did. Saying goodbye was the hardest part because I knew the chances of me seeing them again were slim and almost non-existent. While Baze didn’t always show his softer side, I saw it because I looked for it. Wanting to avoid all sadness, I just scooped up my bag, hung it over my shoulder, and proceeded to walk away. With every step, my heart sank more and more because I knew that they knew I wasn’t planning on coming back. This wasn’t just me needing some time alone, and they could sense that.
“I knew it would happen today” Chirrut’s voice stopped me dead in my tracks. I closed my eyes, trying to stop the proof of my sadness from streaming down my cheeks. I couldn’t bring myself to turn around and face him, so I just continued to face my back toward him, but I wouldn’t move as he continued, “you don’t think I knew, but I did. You could hide from everyone else, but you cannot hide from me. I may be blind, but I can see right through you”
When I finally found the strength to turn around, I saw that Baze stood almost right behind me. In my sorrow, I hadn’t felt his presence so close to me. He didn’t speak a single word but pulled my body into his strong arms, encasing me almost completely. He was a man of few words, but I didn’t need to hear him tell me how much he cared for me because the embrace was enough to know that I was loved. Once Baze pulled away from me, we locked eyes for a short moment, and he gave a slight nod, “you will do so many great things, little one” he said
Before I could respond, Chirrut reached out and took my hand. His eyes were cast away from me, but I knew he was giving me his complete and unparalleled attention. His thumb ghosted across my knuckles, and I knew he was taking this last time to commit my hands to memory. He had been so fascinated by them the first time we met, and he knew-just as I did-that this would be the last time we would see each other. He smiled, “I can sense it. I could sense it from the very beginning. The force is strong in you, (Y/N)”
My throat tightened at his declaration. I didn’t know if he could see something or if he just meant it as a compliment. Either way, it was dangerous to speak of the force in the midst of so many skeptics. I gave his hand a gentle squeeze, “thank you, Chirrut, but...like Baze always says, there are no Jedi anymore” I lied like I was trying to convince not only him but also myself of it. Even after departing and heading off to look for the U-Wing, I continued to repeat those words over and over again, wondering if he could possibly sense that as well. There are no Jedi anymore. There are no Jedi anymore. There are no Jedi anymore. When I finally made it outside of the city, I caught sight of my ship as well as a lone stormtrooper surveying it. I knew that the only reason he was taking note of it was because it was out of place. Trying to get to it and take off wouldn’t be as easy as I had anticipated previously, but I always had a few tricks up my sleeve. Without a second thought I walked right over to the U-Wing, and, as expected, I caught the attention of the lone stormtrooper right away. Since I startled him, he started to aim his blaster at me. Before he could, I held out a hand, stopping him from making any further movements and freezing him in place. My whole body quaked as I realized what I had done.
There are no Jedi anymore. There are no Jedi anymore. Once I lowered my hand, he aimed the blaster at me, shaking off what had just happened. I knew that he must’ve chalked it up to just coincidence, but it terrified me so much that I actually began trembling. He took a step closer to me, “let me see your identification” he demanded
I took a deep breath, remembering how this worked the last time. As soon as I collected myself and forced my body to stop shaking, I stared up at him, completely relaxed, “you don’t need to see my identification”
He paused for a long moment, and I wondered if it was just a fluke the last few times it worked. The only person I had confided in about it was Senator Organa, but it was only because I knew I could trust him more than anyone else. When I told him about the incidents, he wore an expression of fear-one I had never seen on him before. He was always the person I could fall back on for anything, and I was always more than just a rebel to him. He took me under his wing and showed me the beauty in the galaxy and taught me compassion. I didn’t always listen to his advice right away, but I always took it to heart. Right when I was about to knock the stormtrooper out in order to protect myself and my identity, he spoke, “I don’t need to see your identification”
My heart thudded against my ribs as excitement overcame me. At the same time, I continued my mantra. There are no Jedi anymore. There are no Jedi anymore. With the sudden boost in confidence, I continued staring up at the stormtrooper, “you will go back to the city and forget all of this” I stated
He straightened his shoulders and lowered his blaster, “I will go back to the city and forget all of this” he repeated before turning on his heel and walking away.
As soon as I was sure he wouldn’t turn back, I scrambled into the U-Wing, wondering how I could’ve possibly achieved such a thing. As I sat in the pilot’s chair, my heart continued to race, beating against my ribs so hard that it was physically painful. I shook my head to myself, wishing that I could just forget what just happened. I closed my eyes as the ship roared to life, trying to keep myself calm, “there are no Jedi anymore. There are no Jedi anymore”
When I returned to the base, I began making my way to the war room, hoping to have a quick meeting with Senator Organa so that I could go about my business and meditate to clear my mind. It was one of the things he had taught me to do once I told him about my incidents. Other than that, he remained tight-lipped about it and didn’t want to speak about any of it at length for “safety reasons” as he called them. I wanted to go about my day without any further conflict, but when I saw those eyes again, I knew that it was inevitable. I knew he was trouble as soon as we locked eyes in the city, but I hadn’t expected him to return to the base almost immediately after me. He was only moments behind me, but I alo took my time getting back to Yavin 4 for my own reasons. I wanted to calm my nerves before having my conversation with Bail, knowing that he could always sense when something wasn’t quite right. I always saw him as the father I never had the privilege of having even though I knew he had a daughter already.
I tried to avoid Captain Andor to my best ability, but I couldn’t help it when his eyes met mine just like they had in the city. I thought he was a magnificent creature with wild, dark eyes and a ferocity in his expression. The sight of him made my stomach twist into a knot, especially when he caught my gaze in that moment. The sudden anger that overcame him was enough to excite me. His lips were in a tight line, and he narrowed his eyes at me as he began closing the space between us. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hide from him after he recognized me, but I still wished that I could just curl up into a ball and evaporate. When he finally reached me, his hand wrapped around my throat, and he shoved me against the wall, “who are you?” he growled, glaring at me like I was his enemy. Thankfully, the wall kept me standing straight because my knees could’ve buckled beneath me at the mere sound of his voice. I knew how it must’ve looked. We never met each other before, and the last time he saw me was in a war zone where you couldn’t possibly know who was an enemy and who was a friend, “you’re following me, and I want to know why”
I clenched my jaw, knowing that I couldn’t…”persuade” him like I did the stormtrooper on Jedha. I found that individuals with stronger minds were far more resistant to my persuasion, and Captain Andor would be one of them. My eyes locked with his, and I took a short breath due to the grip he had on my throat, “remove your hands, or I will remove them for you” I ordered, not wanting to take action if I didn’t have to. He cocked an eyebrow in clear amusement, but he still listened. I guessed that it was because he was stunned by my straightforward nature. I could be pretty unpredictable. When he dropped his hand from my throat, I stepped away from the wall and closer to him, “I was on a mission, and I was working undercover until you got there. Then, I was called back here so that your little group of rebels could finish what I started” I spat out like it was a bad taste in my mouth. I was bitter about having to leave Jedha, but I had to trust that Senator Organa had a good reason for it, “now, Captain Andor, if you don’t mind…” I trailed off, heading toward the hallway I had been making my way to before I was so rudely interrupted.
He was still in a stunned silence, but I didn’t know why. I gave him my answer, and I was leaving before he could launch a full interrogation. From behind me, I heard his voice call out to me one last time, “what’s your name?”
My lips pulled up into a smirk, and I could sense that he was just as enthralled by me as I was of him. The playful nature that I had adopted so long ago came out again, “none of your business, Captain” I called back to him before continuing on my way to the war room.
It was completely empty except for Bail. He stood in front of the round table. Seeing him so...tired was new. It had been 5 weeks since I last saw him, and I could tell that something was weighing on his mind. As soon as I walked into the room, he stepped away from the table and straightened his shoulders as a sign of respect for me. For weeks, I had been afraid for my own life, constantly having to look over my shoulder, and I was finally back home. Without second thought, I ran over to him and threw my arms around his shoulders, pulling my body close to his. He never pushed boundaries because that was my job. He maintained a professional distance when we were in the midst of anyone else, but he always treated me like I was one of his own. His arms finally wrapped around me in a warm embrace as I buried my face into his chest, “I’m so glad you’re safe” he murmured, “and I’m so glad you’re home”
I could sense the bittersweet sound of his voice, and I knew there was an addendum that I wouldn’t like. When I pulled away from him, I took a deep breath. Just from the way he looked at me, I could tell that he knew something wasn’t quite right, “it happened again” I murmured, referencing my unique persuasion technique. He would know.
He sighed, “that’s why I put in a request to pull you from Jedha” he confessed, “during the time you were gone, I reached out to an old friend, someone who could teach you better than I ever could. He’s on Tatooine, and he can help you get a hold of these changes”
I cocked my head to the side, furrowing my eyebrows, “who is he?”
“His name is Ben”
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rogueonetrash · 8 years
Bodhi x Reader : How the Team Helps Him ask you Out
-Bodhi is such a wreck and everytime he talks he feels like he’s being stupid or dorky
-he is especially nervous around you
- Baze tells him that anyone who cares about that doesn’t actually love you. 
- He also tells Bodhi that you don’t care
  -the team all sits together at meals and just yell "TALK TO HER" 
-they are so frustrated they want to see this relationship happen
 -then they act like nothing happened when you sit                                              “SHES COMING EVERYONE ACT NATURA- hey (y/n)!”
 -it gets to a point where Jyn and Cassian are making setups for you to be alone together 
 -Jyn pulls out generator on Bodhi’s ship                                                         “(Y/N) I think Bodhi needs help with his ship” 
 -Chirrut isn’t mischevious he is so blunt about what he wants                       "Hey (Y/N I was-                                                                                            "KISS HER"
-K-2SO is above this human love affair
 -Baze acts like Mufasa                                                                                 *Grabs Bodhi’s shoulder*                                                                               "Find your love"                                                                                             *Looks away dramatically into the stars* 
 -Cassian gives "how to be sexy class" 
 -bodhi flunked because he bit his lip so hard it started bleeding
 -k-2so: “hey.. hey bodhi”                                                                               “What”                                                                                                                   “I know who you like”                                                                                             “Ok k-2″                                                                                                                “ I'm gonna tell”                                                                                                   “ I SWEAR TO JEDI IF YOU DO”
 -Jyn actually gives the realest advice and is really helpful 
-Baze and Chirrut are too emotional about love to actually help, but the support is still nice
 -they just really want bodhi to be happy
-little does Bodhi know this is totally going on on both sides
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artigas · 8 years
I just really need to share with everyone that I’ve been enjoying an absolutely extraordinary Rogue One fic titled The Crystal’s Song. The story follows Baze and Chirrut a decade or two before the events of the film, detailing how they meet, become mentor and acolyte to each other, and slowly but surely fall in love. The Crystal’s Song has everything I could ask for in a story: world building, stirring supporting characters, organic and earnest conversation and a breathtaking writing style. You want pining? You want character development? You want to absolutely fall in love with how charming and clever Chirrut is and how smitten and zealous Baze can be? You got it. This fic isn’t even halfway through and it’s already become one of the best I’ve ever read- it’s made me cry, it’s made me smile, and it’s made waiting for the daily updates an insufferable and delightful experience. Please do give it a try! 
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uwingdispatch · 3 years
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Bodhi Rook
Relief in Winter Taking Care Moments of Peace Blooming These Gentle Hands Steady Hearts Warmhearted How Generous the Stars Every Embrace Reprieve
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Cassian Andor
Nights Spent Tender This Heart and Yours Crashing The Solace of Touch Take a Deep Breath Our Peace How to Surrender Unfaltering Everything, Always Home Endlessly
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Baze Malbus
Softer Still With Grace Tender Calm Healing
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Poe Dameron
How We Fall A Soft Touch Here With Me
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Unwavering Steadfast Looking Up Every Promise Steady Me Devotion
Do you want to be tagged in some or all of my fic content? Join my new taglist here.
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vaingloriosa · 7 years
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I am so excited to announce that I will be doing a collab with one of my great friends, @can-t-figure-it-out! What started out as a sleepy Instagram imagine turned into a full fledged project. Unsung Heroes is both a story and a comic about the reader, an inhabitant of the planet Jedha, who has lived the life of a thief. However, not by choice but rather for survival. Your means of living becomes harder when the Empire begins their unwanted occupation of a rather peaceful place of trade. Though you may think your life may be over, the Force has something else in mind.
This is a Baze Malbus, Chirrut Imwe, and reader collaborative project that takes place only a few days before Rogue One. And, as our denial deepens, this story also diverges from canon a bit. But don’t you worry! You may even see some of your other favorite Rogue One characters 👀.
Read Dori’s comic here.
Read my story here.
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seancekitsch · 8 years
Rogue One Preference: Using Internet Slang with Them
Requested by: Anonymous Baze:"looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you" First of all he would be like "..... yup I could kill you" and he'd be really proud of himself and his killing abilities but he would not like that you think he's "cute" and doesn't look tough. But he would sort of warm up to it. Sort of. Bodhi: "precious cinnamon roll" You'll have to explain it to him, in detail. But once you do he'd be like "okay, well as long as I'm your cinnamon roll that's fine!" And he would start to call you his cinnamon roll. So he kind of would ruin the context of it but it would be sweet. Cassian: "get rekt " After you beat him in combat training, you would be so excited and blurt it out as you cheered yourself on. He wouldn't get it and he would definitely be like "is that so?" And then come back at you full force. It would be rough and push you even harder in training. So for next time, maybe contain your excitement and he won't have the incentive to fight harder. Chirrut: "fight me!" Okay don't say this to Chirrut he WILL immediately spar with you. He will think you legitimately want to fight and he will have fun with it please know what you are getting in to!! Jyn: "mom" You'd call her mom and she would be so confused but flattered?? Especially after you explained that it meant you looked up to her. She would treat you like her kid/little sister and take you even farther under her wing. ----------------- Request anything you'd like to see! My ask box is open!
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Off Limits
Star Wars (Rogue One) One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Cassian Andor
Other Characters: Bodhi Rook, Baze Malbus, Jyn Erso, Chirrut Imwe,  K-2SO
Warnings: —
Summary: You and your husband, Cassian, maintain a very professional relationship in front of your team. So professional, in fact, poor Bodhi, who has a crush on you, doesn’t even realise the two of you are married.
Original: Sorry Bodhi, She’s Off Limits
Word Count: 2,196
A/N: ALRIGHT LETS GO IT’S THE REWRITE SERIES!!! for those of u who missed my little rant, i’m basically just going back and rewriting all my one shots bc i hate them!!! and hopefully if i rewrite them i’ll hate them a little less!!!! anyway this was one of the first pieces i wrote when i started this blog, and then it kinda blew up and i got a lot of followers/rogue one requests so honestly? this piece started it all. enjoy. 
reblog/feedback/comments are very much appreciated!!!
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“You guys should’ve seen it,” Bodhi gushes, and he gestures excitedly with his hands, waving them through the air as he mimics Imperial ships, complete with his own sound effects to fully retell the story. Baze barely looks up from where he’s sitting, polishing his gun while Jyn leans back in her chair, kicking her feet up onto the table as an amused smile dances across her lips. She hums in agreement every now and then, making faces of exaggerated shock whenever Bodhi looks in her direction, more entertained by Bodhi’s enthusiasm than his actual story. Chirrut sits with them, nodding along with a bright smile on his face, eagerly listening to the young pilot’s excited ramblings, and Bodhi continues, “They were right on my tail, TIE fighters were swarming in—”
The crew looks up as the door slides open with a soft mechanic whoosh, and Bodhi practically chokes on his own words as he sees you step inside. Baze smirks, immediately looking across the table at Jyn, who returns his knowing smile. Even Chirrut can’t help but let out a quiet chuckle, and Bodhi trails off, suddenly becoming incomprehensible as he quietly stammers something. Looking around at your friends, you greet, “Hey guys, what are you talking about?”
Jyn swings her legs off the table, leaning over to give Bodhi a nudge. Barely holding back her laughter, she responds, “We were just listening to Bodhi’s harrowing story about his latest mission, weren’t we, Bodhi?”
You smile, turning to look at Bodhi with an arched brow, and Bodhi can feel his cheeks getting hot. Shaking his head, he nervously chuckles, “I… I wouldn’t say it was harrowing, it was… it was just—”
“Oh, no need to be modest.” Jyn interrupts, and Bodhi internally curses Jyn, knowing exactly what she’s doing. Waving her hand, she insists, “Come on, Bodhi, finish the story.”
Before Bodhi can try to change the subject, you’ve already sat down, leaning your elbows against the table as you wait for Bodhi to talk. His lips wobble into a smile, his heart hammering inside his chest as he can’t look away from you. And when you look at him like that, with your smile that could fuel entire solar systems, how could he possibly remain calm? 
Thankfully, the door opens again, and Bodhi lets out a relieved sigh, grateful for another distraction to stop him from having to continue his story. His relief is short lived though, as he looks up to see Cassian and K2 step inside, and Cassian’s eyes survey the scene. Bodhi gulps, shrinking in his seat as he pointedly avoids eye contact with Cassian, and he can feel the stoic captain’s gaze on him. The past few weeks have been filled with an unexplainable tension between the two, one that Bodhi can’t quite understand. He doesn’t know what he’s doing wrong, and has mentally torn apart every interaction he’s exchanged with Cassian in hopes of finding an answer. 
Bodhi sneaks up a glance at Cassian, who stares at him, lips pressed into a flat line. Bodhi can’t even decipher the expression on Cassian’s face — disappointment? Frustration? Maybe even anger? Whatever it is, Cassian looks away, turning to face you as he asks, “Are you busy?”
“Well, Bodhi was just telling us about his latest mission,” you gesture to Bodhi, who holds his breath as Cassian glances in his direction again. 
“I see.” Cassian curtly responds after a pause. Cassian takes in a deep breath, before nodding towards the door, “Can I speak to you in private, please?” 
You hesitate, studying Cassian’s faces, trying to figure out if it’s for professional or personal matters. You let out a short sigh before finally getting up from your seat, almost laughing at yourself at the fact that despite many years of being married, you still can’t quite read your husband as well as you’d like. You make your way towards the door, but not before looking over your shoulder and telling Bodhi, “Next time I see you, I better hear that story!” 
Bodhi forces out a laugh, knowing that Cassian is watching him, and he watches as Cassian trails behind you as the two of you leave. The door slides shut, and Bodhi finally feels as though he can breathe again, slumping down into his seat as he shakes his head at himself. He yelps as Jyn suddenly reaches over to punch his arm, and he exclaims, “What?”
“I can’t believe, after all this time, you refuse to ask y/n out.” Jyn scoffs, and Bodhi lets out a loud, embarrassed groan. He can’t help but feel more embarrassed as even Baze pointedly sets down his gun to join in on the conversation, him and Chirrut nodding agreement. Jyn points at the pair, noting their support, as she continues, “See? I’m not the only one who thinks so.”
The four of them are too engrossed in conversation to notice K2 jerk back upon hearing your name. Shaking his head, he raises a finger, “I don’t think tha—”
“Please stop talking about this.” Bodhi cuts K2 off, burying his face in his hands, not wanting to look up at his friends, and Jyn snorts. “This is so embarrassing.” 
“Your feelings are nothing to be ashamed of, Bodhi,” Chirrut pipes, and Jyn nods in agreement. “We can’t control who we fall in love with.”
“If I might interject—” K2 tries to speak up again, but Jyn waves her hand in front of the droid’s face, much to his annoyance. Swatting her hand away, K2 snaps, “Don’t shush me!”  
“I’m not going to ask her out,” Bodhi shakes his head, and Jyn groans as she ignores K2. “I can’t! There’s—”
“If I could just get a single word in, I think I might have something valuable to say.” K2 finally yells, raising his voice as everyone turns to look at him. Bodhi’s eyebrows furrow, and Jyn rolls her eyes.
“I doubt a droid could help with romantic advice.” she points out, and K2 stares at her, thinking of close to a hundred comebacks he could possibly respond with. 
“No, I want to hear what K2 has to say.” Bodhi says, and Jyn turns to glare at him. Bodhi pauses, before shaking his head, wincing, “Wait, actually, I don’t. You’re just going to tell me my odds are close to zero.” 
“Well, they are.” K2 deadpans, and everyone collectively groans in disappointment. K2 looks over at everyone, before continuing, “I thought you would all know the reason why, but I suppose I’m overestimating your intelligence. Do none of you actually know that y/n and Cassian are together?”
Bodhi is too much in shock to even deal with his crushing disappointment upon hearing his odds with you. He looks around the table, seeing the same shock in Jyn, Baze and Chirrut’s faces, and Jyn splutters, “What? y/n and Cassian?” 
“Yes, y/n and Cassian.” K2 impatiently confirms. “They’ve been married for almost five years now.”
“Married?” Bodhi squeaks, his head spinning. Everything slowly starts falling into place as Bodhi thinks back to all of your interactions with Cassian. And suddenly, it dawns on him, the answer that he’s been searching for. If Jyn, Chirrut, and even Baze noticed his crush on you, it most definitely would’ve been noticed by Cassian.
And Bodhi can imagine how unamused Cassian must be at the fact that another guy, who’s part of his crew, has a crush on his wife. 
Bodhi jolts up from his seat. “I need to apologise. Oh man, I… I need to find Cassian.” 
Bodhi’s brain is scrambling as he tries to figure out what to do, what to say. Jyn looks up at him in alarm, and everyone watches as Bodhi rushes for the door, swiftly exiting the room. After a pause, Jyn gets up, and K2 asks, “And where do you think you’re going?”
“Well, I don’t know about you guys,” Jyn makes her way to the door. “But I would love to see how this all goes down.”
She raises an eyebrow, and after a pause, Baze, Chirrut and K2 all get up to join her.
You let out a loud scoff, leaning up against the table as you turn to face Cassian. Folding your arms across your chest, you ask, “Is this why you brought me in here? I thought it was something important.” 
Cassian blinks at you, clearly offended. “This is important.”
“That Bodhi has a crush on me? Which is wrong, by the way,” you point an accusatory finger at Cassian, who resists the urge to roll his eyes. Laughing, you insist, “We’re just friends!”
“That’s how you see it.” Cassian points out, and your hand falls to your side. Your eyebrows furrow as you notice your husband getting increasingly worked up, and he continues, “Do you not see the way he acts around you? He—”
“Hey, hey,” you reach out to grab Cassian’s hands, pulling you towards him, and Cassian takes a deep breath, composing himself. He relaxes at your touch, and you guide his hands around your waist before looping your arms around his neck. Gently smiling at him, you reassure him, “There’s no need to be jealous. Whatever Bodhi’s feelings are, so be it. But I love you, and only you, and that’s all that matters.” 
Cassian nods a small smile appearing on his face as he presses his forehead against yours. You can’t help but giggle as your noses touch, and he leans in to kiss you, hands roaming under the hem of your shirt as you pull him closer, running your hands through his hair. And in the moment, everything feels perfect and blissful, finally having some privacy together in the midst of your hectic day.
Until the door hisses open, and you hear someone utter a startled curse.
You and Cassian jump apart, and you quickly adjust your clothes before realising Bodhi is standing in the doorway, face red as he stares between you and Cassian, mouth parted but no words coming out. You and Cassian’s faces grow hot from being caught, and Bodhi cringes at himself as he feels as though he’s making one wrong move after the other.
Finally, Cassian clears his throat, “What do you want, Bodhi?”
“It’s, uh, nothing,” Bodhi stammers, barely able to form sentences. Trying to back out of the room, he continues, “I… I didn’t mean to interrupt, we- we can just talk later—”
“Here he is.” Jyn’s voice announces her presence before she appears, and she practically slams into Bodhi as he tries to run out the door. She stumbles back into Baze and Chirrut, who bump into K2, who doesn’t budge, and everyone quickly regains their balance upon noticing you and Cassian inside the room. 
“Well, seeing as you brought the whole crew with you, you might as well just say what you want to say.” Cassian grumbles, and Bodhi’s expression crumples. He attempts to square his shoulders, turning to face Cassian fully, but not before sneaking a glance over at you.
“I’m so sorry about everything. I had no idea you and y/n were together.” Bodhi finally blurts, the words coming out so fast you and Cassian can barely process what he’s saying. Bodhi holds his breath, studying Cassian’s expression, and the two of you exchange a glance before Cassian lets out a heavy sigh.
“I appreciate the apology, Bodhi. I know you didn’t mean any harm.” Cassian relaxes, his expression softening. Bodhi lets out a sigh of relief, and Cassian holds his hand out to you. You take it, giving it a squeeze, and Cassian shoots Bodhi a stern look before adding, “But, just so we’re clear, y/n is off limits.” 
“Understood. Off limits, absolutely.” Bodhi nods, flustered, and you flash him a small smile. 
Cassian looks past Bodhi to the rest of the crew. Raising an eyebrow, he sarcastically asks, “Did anyone else come to confess anything?”
After a moment of silence, Jyn pipes up, “Well, I just wanted to say that I think you and y/n make a lovely couple. You’re made for each other, honestly.”
“Okay, out.” Cassian shakes his head, ushering everyone back out of the room as you can’t help  but laugh. After managing to clear the room, you tilt your head with a knowing smile as you watch Cassian make sure to lock the door on the keypad. He turns, making his way back over to you as he says, “Hopefully there won’t be any more interruptions.”
“I like the sound of that.” you tease, grabbing the collar of Cassian’s jacket to pull him closer. He pushes you back against the desk, hands resting on your hips as you lean forward, closing the distance between your faces to gently kiss him. “I guess you were right about Bodhi, then.”
“I’m always right.” Cassian responds as he kisses you back, and he grins as you playfully try to shove him away. Feigning innocence, he asks, “What?” 
“Don’t push it.” you warn him, barely holding back a laugh, and Cassian chuckles before leaning forward to kiss you again, his smile radiant against your own.
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tag list: @proudchocolateaddict​ / @myfriendmagislit​ / @dragon4123​ / @fire--pheonix​ / @gofandomsandotherstuff​ / @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov / @fairytalesforever​ / @emmacata​ / @hauntedpocdreamer / @fangirlsarah16​ / @adaleya​ / @floup-doodles​ / @batfam16​ / @tonystarkshomeoflostkiddos​ / @lotsoffandomrecs​ / @ruvaakke​ / @911buttercup​ / @azeret-mirror​ / @randomfandomimagine​ / @lotrfics​ / @locke-writes​ / @lovinghufflepuffgirl​ / @lxncelot​ / @captainshazamerica​​ / @ta-ka-shi-ma​​
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This old Coffee Shop I Love so Much | Cassian Andor x Reader (Oneshot)
Setting Prompt: Coffee Shop AU
Words: 1838
Fandom: Rogue One (Star Wars)
Warning: Not much, mostly fluff and mutual pining
Summary: You develop a crush on a regular customer who, unfortunately, works for a man that wants to shut the cafe down. Title inspired by Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg
There was a man that frequented the cafe, Rogue One, where you worked alongside your two friends, Jyn and Bodhi. The cafe was owned by the most amazing bosses you could ever have, Chirrut and Baze, who claimed that the sign was supposed to be Rouge One, but the sign maker got it wrong. Chirrut liked the sound of Rogue and kept it. This man, however, seemed to be a close friend to the cafe owners.
The first time you’ve encountered him, he had walked in with wind tousled brown hair and a brown scarf tucked under his chin, a long overcoat covering his figure. He smiled at you, a hint of a dimple on his cheek, and gave you his order. You had to snap your jaw shut and input his order into the system using shaky hands.
“You’re new here,” he said smoothly, his voice making your cheeks heat up.
“Um, yeah, I, uh, started several months ago,” you said, trying to get the stubborn cash register spit out his receipt.
“It’s fine,” he assured you, “are Chirrut and Baze in today?”
“Yes, I think they’re in their office upstairs. Do you want me to-”
“It’s fine,” he said again, taking out the latest smartphone and started to ring someone, “Thank you.”
After that, he would come in once every month, then once every other week, then weekly, then every other day. Jyn, who had worked at Rogue One longer than you, said that it was unlike him to stop by this often.
“Who is he, really?” you asked her.
Jyn’s face scrunched up in distaste. “He works for an asshole called Draven who’s been wanting to shut the cafe down in favor of a more mainstream coffee chain,” she growled.
“But it’s not his fault,” Bodhi piped in, “He’s got his marching orders.”
“He doesn’t have to follow them,” Jyn mumbled under her breath before continuing on with her task.
“He seems nice, though,” Bodhi said optimistically, “Chirrut and Baze would have driven him off if they didn’t like him, and, like Jyn said, it really is odd that he’s here more often. Do you think Draven is close to closing us down?”
“I will start a rebellion before they could take Rogue from us.”
“Enough!” a stern voice called from the kitchen. Bodhi jumped and went back to his sweeping. “Mr. Andor is coming back later today and I don’t want my employees gossiping when he gets here.”
“Sorry, Baze,” the three of you muttered.
Like clockwork, the man, Mr. Andor, came over and gave his usual order. Jyn had you take over for her while she went to get more pastries for the display. You smiled at him and readied his order, doing the usual small talk that the two of you had every time he visited.
“How’s your paper going?” he asked.
You looked up from the Espresso machine with wide eyes. “I didn’t think you’d remember that. Um, it’s coming along,” you said with a shrug. “How’s your new dog, Mr. Andor?”
“Please, call me Cassian, and he’s actually very easy to train but he does have an attitude.”
You hummed. “Maybe you can bring him over the next time you visit,” you suggested.
“I will.” You handed him his drink. “Thank you. You know, you’re the only one that makes it perfect.”
Your cheeks heated at the compliment. “I don’t know about that…”
“It’s true!” Cassian insisted, taking a gulp for emphasis. Your eyebrows shot up, knowing how hot the drink was. He sputtered, turning away and wiped his mouth.
“Um… are you okay?” you asked slowly.
Cassian waved you off and gave a thumbs up. He straightened up when he heard footsteps walking down the stairs. Chirrut walked down steadily, his hand running along the railing.
“Mr. Imwe,” Cassian addressed him, standing at attention like a soldier.
“Please, Cassian, it’s been years. Using my surname implies that you bring grave news,” Chirrut said, “Do you?”
Cassian hesitated, his eyes flickering towards you then back at Chirrut. “May I speak with you and Malbus somewhere private?”
Chirrut exhaled slowly through his nostrils and nodded. As if he heard everything, Baze emerged from the kitchen, setting down a rag and his apron on a counter. Baze nodded over at Cassian then gently guided his husband back upstairs.
You watched as the men went upstairs without sparing a glance towards you, wringing your apron until another customer came in to occupy you. After you dealt with that customer, you saw Bodhi cleaning tables with a deep frown on his face, his lips drawn into a thin line. You could tell that he had seen the interaction and most likely shared your worries.
It had been an hour when they came back downstairs with solemn expressions on all three of their faces. Cassian said his goodbyes to them and walked out of the cafe. You’d be lying to say that you weren’t bothered by Cassian not saying goodbye to you, but with the current mood, your feelings weren’t much of a priority.
Jyn stood next to you by the counter, setting down a tray of freshly baked goods and waited for the news. Even Bodhi stopped his cleaning and made his way over to the two owners.
Baze regarded the three of you and sighed. “Cassian came here to tell us that unless we increase our sales in the next few months, Draven will shut us down and replace us with a coffee chain.”
“What?” Jyn shouted. “He can’t do that! We won’t be able to make that much in such a short amount of time. There must be another way, right?”
“Unless someone else beat Draven to it while also allowing us to keep Rogue One, I don’t see another way.”
“Don’t worry,” Chirrut said calmly, “All is what the force wills it. It will be alright.”
Baze grimaced. “I wish I shared your optimism, no matter how delusional it can get.” Chirrut slapped his shoulder and went to sit in the back office. Baze placed his hands on his hips and turned to the three of you. “We can start thinking of ways to increase sales. Maybe special events, reward systems, anything. Until then, continue as normal. I don’t want any customers knowing what’s behind the scenes.”
“Of course, Baze,” Bodhi said. Jyn looked like she wanted to say something, but nodded instead, going back to the kitchen to busy herself.
“Is Cassian coming back?” you asked quietly as you continued to wring your apron.
Baze gave you a sympathetic smile. “I don’t know.”
Rogue One tried everything from stamp cards, to limited time recipes, holiday specials, and even open mic. Sales were certainly going up, but just shy from the needed threshold that would save the cafe. Cassian hadn’t come back since the day he gave the news and your friends knew that you were saddened about the turn of events. You knew it was foolish to have a crush on someone you only saw in the cafe, so you tried to turn your focus on work and school.
You finished your shift and stayed at Rogue One to study, taking up a table in the corner with your laptop open and your books open. Jyn plopped down on the seat next to you and shoved a newspaper on top of your notebook. You grimaced at her, trying to push the newspaper away.
“No, look,” she insisted, pointing at the headline.
It was a couple, Leia Organa and Han Solo, that ran a business together called “Rebel Republic” that went around helping indie businesses by investing and giving them financial support. They had saved several indie bookstores and comic book stores as well as mom-and-pop stores around the cities.
“We could get them to help us,” you agreed. “But how?”
“Hm, maybe we could-”
The door chimed, signalling another customer. Jyn immediately stood out of habit, readying to go into customer service mode. She frowned when she saw who it was.
“Didn’t know you’d show up,” Jyn remarked.
You looked away from the newspaper towards the newcomer. “Cassian?” His name escaped your lips.
He smiled sheepishly and nodded. He looked good, more like a businessman. Unlike his previous casual but still professional attire, he wore a suit that fitted him quite nicely, his brown haired slightly combed.
“I’ve, uh, brought some friends over who I know you’d want to meet,” Cassian said, gesturing to the door.
A small woman with neatly braided brown hair and a tall rough looking man with a roguish style brown hair walked through the door. The woman smiled at the homely atmosphere and turned to Cassian.
“You were right, Cassian, this place is quite cosy,” she said.
Jyn’s eyes widened, looking at the couple, then down at the newspaper. “You’re, you’re, oh my god. You’re Leia Organa and Han Solo!” Jyn said.
Leia smiled at her. “Cassian has been telling us about this lovely coffee shop that he’d frequented. When we heard that Draven was planning to get rid of it, we had to step in, so we got Cassian to show us the place.”
“For me, it’s more to spite Draven,” Han said, then flinched at the slap Leia landed on his arm.
“Why are you helping us?” Jyn asked Cassian, hands on her hips.
“I quite Draven’s company and went to work for Leia and Han,” he said, “I’m sorry for the way I’ve left things the last time I was here, but I want to make it up to you guys.”
“Thank you,” you told Cassian. He smiled, the familiar dimple smile that you can’t help admitting that you loved and missed so much.
“I’ll go get Chirrut and Baze,” Jyn said, “Sit anywhere you like.”
Leia looked between the two of you and smirked, dragging Han away to the other side of the cafe to give you privacy. Cassian shyly gestured to the seat next to you, which you pulled out for him. He sat down slowly, as if giving you time to change your mind.
“I’m not mad at you,” you said, seeing him visibly relax at your words.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t speak to you before I left the last time I was here. I wasn’t sure you’d wanted to speak to me after knowing what was going on. I’ve worked under Draven for a long time. I was good at what I did and I couldn’t see myself doing anything else. Why would I when it paid well? The guilt selling small business away was something I thought I had to get used to, something I had to numb myself with, but I was wrong. Chirrut and Baze were very kind to me and saw right through me. When I went to see Leia and Han about Rogue One, they saw my potential and I was finally able to leave Draven’s company.”
“I’m glad that you’re back,” you said, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.
“Me, too.”
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holland-dazed · 7 years
Rogue One
I have FINALLY watched the masterpiece that is Rogue One (Im a lil behind the times) and I love it!!! Requests are also open to the rogue one characters now too!!
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