#bbc! les miserable
stardancerluv · 2 years
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A Time to Love and to Fight
Chapter Nineteen
Summary: Changes swirl around Enjolras and his girl
Notes/Warnings: 18 & Older, please! PV Sex, lots angst, un-aliving /shooting someone mention, I re-wrote this 3 times! (If you want to know the other versions, just ask) I chose to veer a bit from the original story since this storyline/fanfic already has. I felt I still did right by what the character Enjolras would do. (No hate, please!) There are two collages, in the 1st one there is a fan-art version of Lachesis drawn by Amber Southerly. In the second, I used a couple in bed to stand in for that scene…that is a face claim! The dialogue between Enjolras & Govroche is taken from the mini-series!
Thank you, for reading! (It’s a long chapter) Be nice! Feedback is welcome! Want to be tagged, please let me know! ❤️ and of course…Enjoy!
Lachesis - The Greek fate who controlled the thread of life. She has become important to Enjolras & Y/N.
“Mon coeur, mon amour... mon ange.” - My heart, my love, my angel.
“Mon ange peut goûter le bonheur qu'est un baiser de toi?” - “My angel can taste the happiness that is a kiss from you?”
There are at 9 more chapters!
Your eyes were fierce as you turned, strode right over to him. “You shot a man.” The tone of your voice pierced him.
Taking a step back, he pushed the door closed behind him. He did not wish the others to grow curious. He had already faced enough questions, the night you showed up. He knew there would be more.
Rocking forward on his heals he walked up to you. You didn’t move.
“That man took a shot at Marius.”
When you didn’t say a word. He grabbed you chin. A wince washed over your face. He swallowed at the sight of it. He never wanted to cause you harm. With more of a gentle touch, and with no thought of his hand that was wrapped up, he brought your face up as he spoke.
“It was men like that, who dragged you into an alley.” He spat out.
Your lip trembled.
“I’ve seen men like that abuse and kill innocent men and women. He missed Marius the first time he aimed. I wasn’t about to give him a second chance.”
“You’re right, you’re right….” Your words were entangled in your breath. He could see your destress.
He could feel as you inhaled.
“I was just so scared.” It was then he felt as you wrapped your arms around him.
He would never tire of the feel of you. Wrapping his own arms around you, he sighed, holding you very close.
He was grateful. You had not run in terror at his brutal act. He was grateful that none of his comrades had not come to disturbed the two of you.
In that small room, against a bureau he leaned. You were cradled between his legs, your head resting on his chest. With his good hand, he gently ran a hand soothingly up and down your back. His wounded hand laid on his thigh.
Neither of you spoke. The silence laid like a blanket over the two of you.
“Mon ange, you give a moment?” He did not want to part from you. Right now all felt right. But he had made his mind up, he had to act on his decision.
“Only if you finally tell me what happened?” Your lovely hands were gentle as they lightly grazed the scarf that was wound tightly around his hand.
He pressed his lips together and nodded. “There was a scuffle during the funeral. At one point a solider tried to cut me down with his sword.”
“Oh, Enjolras my love.” You gently cupped his hand.
He nodded. “He caught the back of it. I am grateful, that I still have it. And I am certain, that only a scar will remain. My hand though in pain still moves like a hand should.”
His heart squeezed at the tenderness you then bestowed upon him. You pressed some gentle kisses here and there.
Quietly as he felt your soft kisses, he thanked Lachesis, for the gift that was you.
“Now, my ange I really must have my moment. Will you give it to me?”
A shadow of a smile fluttered on your face as you looked up at him. “Yes, of course.”
Grabbing a small knife, he went to where he had seen the thread earlier. Relief filled him when he realized, he did not have to slice the pieces he found.
“As I twine this thread I wish for us to be together.” Enjolras wished silently in his heart. These feelings were new to him.
He had never been terribly sentimental. Half the time when he had heard or saw Marius being so lovesick, he had found it foolish. That all changed the rainy night you came stumbling into his life. After that mere walk in the rain something changed in him.
Walking back to you, he twined and tied and twisted the scarlet thread. He managed to make a delicate ring, easily he then made a small knot. The knot resembled a small blossom. He was pleased, his fingers remembered how to make such a small memento out of thread. He slipped the small ring into his pocket.
Opening the door, a smile played on this lips as he watched you fidget with your gloves. There were a few things he had come to observe in you, this one he found to be very endearing.
In a few strides, he was by your side. As you turned, smiling he knew what he was doing was right. Sinking down on his left knee, gently he cupped your hand with both of his.
He smiled softly up at you. “Mon age, before you came stumbling into my life the matters of the heart I left for others.”
He swallowed, his heart once again thudded hard in his chest.
“I had always believed love was a foolish folly. I was and am no fool.”
Your smile was as strong as the sun on a summer’s day. Gently, he squeezed your hand.
“As we grew familiar, intimate I realized that you were the one my heart had been waiting for.”
“Enjolras, what ?”
He could feel as you trembled, your eyes twinkled. He caress the back of your hand with his thumb.
“Mon amour, years ago I pledged my body, my intellect for the betterment of France. As I am here before you, I wish to give you my love, my heart.”
“Oh Enjolras, I accept. Yes! Yes!”
He leapt up and pulling you close, he held you to him. Nothing felt so right as it did just then. With a sigh, he inhaled deeply of the sweet scent, that was uniquely yours. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“I have a small token to seal this gift, love.”
You blinked. “You do?”
He nodded. “Yes.”
Easily, he took your left hand. First, he pressed a kiss just above where the end of the glove sat. “Let us remove this. Yes?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
He took a step so that he could place the ring he had twined more easily upon your finger. Once he had pulled the glove from you, he pressed another kiss this time to your knuckles. Slipping his hand into his pocket, he grabbed the ring.
“It is terribly humble.”
He whispered, then with the outmost care he slipped the scarlet ring onto your finger. Easily, placing it so the small flower sat on top.
“Though just as Lachesis drew our threads together, her thread allowed me to give you this symbol of my love.”
“Oh Enjolras, I love it.” And once again you were in his arms.
“Today we will remember those among that we lost. They were will always be remembered. In our hearts there will be men like Father Mabeuf, or ladies like Mademoiselle Eponine.” He cleared his throat. “But we will almost celebrate life and new beginnings.”
You smiled from where you stood. You were head to toe in a dark cloak.
“And we must remember, that last night we were able to push back the Royal army. We can and will do this again.”
Cheers rung through the warehouse.
Quietly, he eyed his hands. They always trembled before a fencing match. Those days felt like they barely existed. They were like out of a dream. Now, they trembled.
Grantaire and Courfeyrac stood on either side of him while he waited for you. Hearing the muffled sounds from the warehouse, glancing in that direction a smile blossomed on his lips.
You were as lovely as a summer’s day. The dress you chose was lovely and delicate. Very much like you. Though, he was learning with how you handled the guards and then last night you were far stronger then he would have ever guessed. You were certainly the person, he was relieved that he would get to live the rest of his days with.
As you drew closer, for a moment he shut his eyes and inhaled. In his heart, he gave a moment to Lachesis. He gave her his sincere gratitude to experience this type of love. Exhaling, he opened his eyes and his heart leapt. You were beside him.
“Hello angel.” He whispered.
He offered you his hand. You took it and together you both faced, the gentlemen who would be marrying two of you.
Inwardly, you trembled and tried desperately to not cry as your mana slipped the buttons on the back of your dress. With great excitement, you spoke of peace that you could only wish would fall over the city. Your passionate words had been enough you convince your mama and Greta to allow you to enjoy a day at the park.
Once she slipped the final hook through the eyelet, impulsively you turned and hugged your mama.
“Oh mama.” You cried. Her frame was fragile. It had always been warm and soft while your father was alive. She was a wisp of the woman she had once been.
She gave you a squeeze. “My dear daughter, I am better. You no longer have to fret over me.” You nodded.
If life, if times were different Enjolras would have courted you. She would have found him dashing and intelligent like father. Father and him would have shared glasses of wine while debating life and the books that filled his library.
Instead, you were getting married in a warehouse Enjolras and his comrades had taken over. There would be no grand ceremony or celebration. You would have loved for your mama to know you were now a woman.
You pulled back and nodded, “I know mama. That fills me with immense joy.” You hoped she did not see the tears the filled your eyes. The lump that formed in your throat made it hard to breath. “It is just, I missed these simple acts of you helping me to choose a dress.” You smiled.
Enjolras and the men had already pushed off the army, they could do it again. Next time, you would bring him home. Mama, had a right to meet the man who made you realize all those books father had read to you and you had read; truly existed.
You reached behind her and grabbed your book. You held it up.” “I must not forget this.”
Before leaving the house, you grabbed your cloak, its edges danced around your ankles. Simply walking in this dress would cause too much of a stir.
The walk to the warehouse today did not take as long as it had in the past. It gave your heart great comfort.
As you walked in, Enjolras stood apart from everyone. He was on one of the catwalks high above, it creaked under his weight.
Gavoche, came over to you. He smiled at you with a flair that uniquely was his, held out to you a small bouquet of little blue and white flowers.
“Gavoche!” You held a suprised hand to your mouth. It was lovely.
“Monsieur Enjolras gave me a mission this morning to find flowers that matched the blue scarf you wore the night we all met you.”
“You remembered?”
He nodded. “I may have wanted you tied up if you were a spy but you were the loveliest lady, I had the pleasure of escorting home.”
You smiled and took the bouquet. “You escort a lot of ladies home?”
He chuckled. “No, you are the only one and you are the loviest, by far.”
“Well, thank you so much.”
“You are so welcome, Lady Y/N.” He gave a small bow.
You were about to say how you were not a real lady when a hush came over the room.
It was then Enjolras began to speak. Giving him his your complete attention you smiled up at him. His words stirred a warmth in you, they dried your tears and melted the lump in your throat.
Yes, now they would marry but with their assured victory, you knew you’d be able bring him home to mama. As your eyes met, your heart filled even more with happiness over what the future would hold for the two of you. Lachesis, had been truly kind as she twined the threads of yours and Enjolras’s lives. Bringing a gloved hand over your heart, you thanked her.
You were one of the angels he had seen in works of fine art. Only you were his angel in life. Relief filled him, that with the allowance his mother still sent along to him and with what he out aside, while still managing to hold onto alot for when it would be needed, he had found a small simple silver ring.
He smiled as Courfeyrac opened the small pouch and handed him that silver ring.
Your eyes grew as they met his.
He nodded. “I pledge my heart and love to you, till my last breath.” Then gently as if it had been made for you it slipped into its rightful place on your finger.
“Oh Enjolras,” His heart trembled with his love for you as he heard you speak. “My love. I pledge my heart and love for all of time.”
With hands joined, he turned with you once more to the man performing the ceremony.
“I offer this final blessing. May the air that gives them life and the love that has blossomed in their hearts now beat as one; till old age comes and envelops them in one final embrace.”
Cheers bounced off the walls of the small room. Turning, Enjolras gave his dearest comrades, his dearest friends Courfeyrac, Grantaire and Gavoche; a small smile and a nod. To know they were there at his side, he appreciated. Not a moment too late, Despiat popped his head into add to the sentimental wishes for the two of them.
“Mon coeur, mon amour... mon ange.” He whispered, cupping your cheek he closed the last of the space between the two of you. And inhaling deeply, his lips met yours in the first kiss as man and wife.
Holding the skirt of your dress and your other arm around Enjolras. Together you both twirled, smiled and chuckled to the instruments and uproariously singing that filled the room. Spirits were high. Everyone was happy. Toasts were made, tankards clanked and candlelight flickered and twinkled.
Earlier, while everyone feasted on what Despiat had made for the two of you and the others that evening from the kitchen of his pub. Laying on some crates, boards that had been carried and food and drink laid on them. Seeing a scout, slipped in from the shadows that lingered in alleys or corners between buildings he parted from you only this once to speak with him. You had tried to rise from one of the few chairs that had not been used to reinforce the barricade but had assured to remain and continue to enjoy the food and drink.
“Are you absolutely sure of this?”
The man dabbed his face with his handkerchief. He nodded swallowing. “They are hoping that by striking late tomorrow night, you will have grown complacent with your minor victory. Hopefully drunk on or even they dare hope in a deep slumber.”
Enjolras, paced. “They were will be certainly be surprised.” He smirked. He went over to the man, tell Despiat you may have whatever you wish. Please eat well. We will all need our strength.”
Now, he knew they would surely win once again. He could taste their victory. He strode out and on he again joined in the festivities of the evening. Sitting beside you, he smiled. All was as it should be in his life.
You reached out and touched his arm. He laid a hand over yours. “Alright is right with the moon and stars, my love.” He assured you.
Whispering to Courfeyrac and Grantaire, he had them make sure the windows and doors were fastened for he did not wish anything to escape. Once they were done, he stood and touch wobbly with his elation over the victory that was within his grasp, he stood on a chair.
He glanced down at you. He took a breath.
“Gentlemen, ladies word has come. By this time tomorrow, perhaps even later the army has planned their attack.”
Gasps filled the air.
“Do not let worry plague you. We know their plans. We can prepare and be ready. So drink, be merry but rest and we shall get ready to finish them!”
Cheers and clanking of tankards filled the room.
You placed your flowers on the table. Your fingers trembled so much that it took longer then usual to unfasten your cloak but you did and hung it on one of the hooks on the wall. Nervousness, coursed through you. “Is it wrong that I’m nervous?”
Enjolras paused before lighting one of the candles. He shook his head. “No, angel it’s not.” He lit the candle and lit the remaining few before he came over to you.
He came over to you and easily he pulled you close. “Forgive me, for in all the revelry I did not take a moment to tell you how beautiful you were today.”
You flushed, you glanced between the two of you before meeting his warm eyes. “Your eyes told me.”
A soft pleased sound came from him. “I am glad.”
You sighed closing your eyes as be cupped your cheek. “Mon ange peut goûter le bonheur qu'est un baiser de toi?”
Your eyes fluttered opened. “Yes, my love. My sweet husband.” You flushed.
“Oh I had never wanted to hear those words and yet, from you they are more lovely then the song of a bird.”
Your eyes met then and just as you took a breath, you felt the softness of his lips. The scruff of his goatee was comforting. Your arms wrapped around him, his followed. He was so solid, warm and safe.
Gently, he lowered himself half on half off of you. “My dear wife.” You flushed with the kisses and caresses. But he was always be the honorable man you loved. He gently traced the line of your cheek. “I am aware that it is know it is tradition, for us to become one tonight. It allows our hearts to beat together to fulfill our bond of marriage and love. But with the excitement of the day, if you wish to wait and become one another night I can stop now. I am will never become a brut.”
You turned and his kissed his open palm. “No my love, I long to feel you.”
Easing himself up from the bed, he paused as he stood beside. “You are so lovely.” He whispered.
In the flickering candlelight he could see a flush dust your cheeks. “Angel, you will have to grow accustomed to my compliant or I fear you will always be blushing.” He smiled.
“Maybe one day, right now I like the idea of being your blushing bride always.”
“Shall I Enjolras? Shall I shed chemise?”
He nodded. “Please. And I shall shed these.” Then carefully, since his hand still ached terribly he removed his breeches.
“You steal my breath, Enjolras.” Your soft voice reached his ears and his heart sped up.
“It is only fair since looking at you do the same to me.”
Bracing himself on the bed, he settled between your legs. “You have enraptured my heart.” Something, he never thought would happen or allow to happen. But you were special.
A soft sound came from him as he wrapped his hand around himself. He was incredibly aroused. The sight of you as the candlelight poured over your curves was almost too much for him.
Gently, he slipped his among your silken folds. They reminded him of roses that grew at his university. On the early mornings the petals would be kissed with dew. A soft moan that came you made his stomach tighten.
“You moans will undo me, angel.”
Biting inside of his cheek, he gently slid into you. Then his own moan filled his room.
Moving just so, he held you close. With his heart thudding hard, his lips grazed yours. “Pardon me angel, but I must tell you. I will always be grateful you came stumbling in that rainy night.”
You reached up and cupped his cheek. “It is the day, I truly started to live.”
A twist of pleasurable pain filled him; for there was part of him that felt the same. He kissed your palm, before he was able to find his rhythm and began sliding in and out of your warmth.
You both moved. No words were needed, just the sounds of pleasure from the two of twirled and mingled between the two of you. Your hearts echoed each other. Everything was exquisite.
Both of you burned as the passion grew. His curls became unruly as sweat blossomed on his scalp. Your strands, clung to your face they were as wild as a stallion’s mane. He drew closer and your lips met and the kisses matched the passion already between the two of you.
You took his hand and placed it over your heart, it thudded hard in your chest. “I will never allow my love for you to wane.”
“It never will, for till my dying day I will love you.”
He moved his hand up in gentle caress before he was able to cup your cheek. It felt as if the two of you sealed your words with a kiss.
Fright gripped you and you woke. You could not understand the fear, no night terror had struck you but it had taken a hold of your heart.
You sat there in the darkness. A tear escaped one of your eyes and slid down you cheek. You pressed against your heart hoping to snuff out the fear, the pain.
“Angel?” Enjolras’s voice was thick from slumber. “What plagues you?”
“I don’t know.” You wept.
“Come let me hold you till the dawn.”
His arms were warm and strong as he held you. It was only then did you feel your anguish, begin to diminish.
“As the sun rises, we prepare. Will dispatch each royal solider. They taste our bravery and feel fear. They will quake in their shiny boots.” One of the platforms on the barricade, Enjolras spoke. His voice was rich with dedication.
Cheers erupted from those that gathered.
“Now let us prepare for what will be coming at sundown. We will not stop till the last gaps are filled and the barricades are secure. All of our bullets will be so made and rationed between all of us. And arm yourself with a blade. We will fight to the last of them.”
Once again the cheers erupted. Encouraging slaps on the back were given and fists shot skyward.
“Now go and prepare!”
You felt at a loss of what to do. You helped where you could. You brought cloths where the guns and pistols were being cleaned. With the aid of one of the other ladies, you secured pieces of furniture and whatever else you could get your hands on. All of if made the barricades stronger. A quiet seriousness fell over everyone. There were only murmurs of greetings. Eyes met silently.
Gavroche’s footfalls and the shortness of this breath, sounded louder. Seeing him you realized it was the first you had seen him since waking; that was a few hours now. You noticed others looked over or even glanced in his direction, but not really spoke aloud.
You watched as him and Enjolras disappeared into one of the smaller rooms. A knot formed in your stomach.
You felt as if a shadow that you could not run away from fell over you.
Enjolras, patted Gavoche reassuringly on the back as he walked along side him into the small room. The young man was pale. And out of breath. This worried him.
“Son, what did you see?” He turned and faced him.
He chewed his bottom lip before he spoke. “It’s all over, comrade.” He swallowed. “Hundreds of soldiers are getting ready to attack.” When his eyes finally met his, they were watery. “And most of the barricades have been destroyed.”
He knew this day would come. He had been preparing for it. He would fight to the death. But you, you he worried about.
“Are you alright?” He was warmed once again by his bravery. He was a good kid.
“Me?” An easy smiled played on his face, though his eyes spoken of readying himself, Enjolras assumed. “Never better.”
“Go grab a scrap of the bread and cheese. Don’t breath a word of this. Let me address everyone.”
He nodded. “Of course.” He ran out.
Enjolras felt as if the air was stolen from him. Your terror had been prophetic. He would not let you die here. He would not make you watch if he were to die either.
“Enjolras?” Your voice floated through the air like a bird’s song. It ripped at him.
He would not let his anguish consume him.
@aftertheglitterfades @corrodedcoffn @dealswiththedevilsblog @randomstory56 @pl1nfa1 @phantomxoxo @ladybug0095 @the-iridescent-phoenix @maryan028 @netusha @kindablackenedsuperhero @amethyst-serenade @crazyworldofsiani @moondev1l @eddiethebloodiedhand @lluviamg06 @samunson83 @craftyhufflepuff @julieteagk @little-wormwood @gretavankleep37
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weaponizedducks · 5 months
i hate it when they're so obviously in love with another character but they are so fucking blind to it. they will literally describe the guy as the sun, beautiful, life itself, and then three sentences later call them 'bro'. other character is like 'they will never love me'. my dude shut the fuck up there is a fine line between obliviousness and self deprecation and you walk that fucking line like a tightrope walker. the closet is glass but you're fucking facing the wall. dumb fuck. fucking break the glass. 'what are we' IDIOTS YOU'RE BOTH IDIOTS
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shiphappen-s · 4 months
When the blond dies first it's Merlin and Arthur
When the brunet dies first it's Achilles and Patroclus
And when they die together then it's Enjolras and Grantaire
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kenobihater · 8 months
made a post a while back on how javert's suicide is often poorly portrayed in film adaptations to the point of accidental comedy, and how the 1978 movie in particular is the most unhinged example. audio warning for a loud trumpet blast, don't turn up your volume
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kwistowee · 2 years
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#alexa play the jaws theme
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gloomp3s · 2 years
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JOSEPH QUINN as ENJOLRAS BBC Les Misérables (2018)
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jeena-says-hi · 2 months
Say what you want about the BBC adaptation, but Javert’s reaction to seeing Valjean at the barricade will never not be hilarious:
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eddieschains · 10 months
i’ll be here for the rest of the day
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fairyysoup · 2 years
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hi all, i made this ppt (for ppt night), specifically so my friends could learn about jq characters so they could write fics without having to watch every thing he's ever been in ever (a fine goal to be sure). As I too have not personally watched absolutely everything, I did extensive research and looked up detailed summaries of everything here so I could provide an overview, but there may still be errors and I apologize in advance!!
also a shoutout to @mypoisonedvine and @quinnsbower for creating and popularizing a name so good that it has been adopted into the fanon for the character and i included it in my crash course. amazing work besties
edit: I updated the billy knight slide to include more information and to remove a joke I felt was insensitive on that character's slide
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maggie44paint · 2 months
you know it rlly baffles me that les mis still doesn't have a proper animated movie (like the closest thing we have to that is the shoujo cosette series, which i rlly like dont get me wrong, and i think there are several low budget animated les mis kid movies too?)
like considering hunchback of notre dame got its own animated movie adaptation (by disney out of all too), even tho its very inaccurate retelling and kinda throws the book's entire plot out of the window its still such a good animated movie and i wish les mis got the same treatment in the animation department (not by disney tho cuz u just know they would probably make javert into a straight up evil villain, make the les amis into one dimensional characters and/or god forbid make enjolras and eponine a couple, cuz according to some ppl that poor girl can only get her happy ending if she gets a man)
i was thinking mostly about something in the style of ghibli or maybe don bluth if he still made movies (or literally any other 2D animation studio, i aint picky) like just imagine how gorgeous would the scenes be and the music too! It would probably be impossible to put the entire story of the brick into the movie but i personally think it could work, i wouldnt mind a 3 hour long les mis animated movie!
Or if the movie style rlly doesn't work well for les mis i'd gladly be satisfied with an animated series, each episode focusing on a section of the brick (basically shoujo cosette on a bigger budget, with more focus on the side characters, plus with more stylized animation and actual music numbers lol), les mis would work so well in animated environment i just wish some studio would actually be willing to do it.
or just give me more adaptations focusing on the barricade boys-
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lenievi · 2 months
Am I writing a fix-it? Maybe.
“I’m all yours now,” Valjean said through the rain, offering his wrists. Faint scars peeked under the cuffs.
Javert’s lungs felt like stone. He had unlocked Valjean’s shackles in the carriage and made a decision to let Valjean go. He wouldn’t… He couldn’t…
Valjean… was a good man.
The water trickling down Valjean’s face couldn’t hide the strangely intense look that lacked all traces of resistance.
Javert was tired.
He turned around and started to walk, his feet heavy, feeling like a ship that had lost its anchor and drifted away from the known waters.
If he focused on the rhythm of his steps, perhaps he wouldn’t have to think.
He felt lost without the truncheon he’d left in the carriage.
A hand landed on his shoulder.
He stopped. 
“Get your hand away from me,” Javert said weakly.
Valjean kept his palm in place, a light touch with no force, and Javert didn’t shake it off. He couldn’t remember the last time he allowed anyone to touch him.
The rain grew heavier.
“Where’s the carriage?” Valjean asked, raising his voice to be heard through the rain, and when he didn’t get an answer, he followed with, “Come inside.”
“No.” Javert’s answer was immediate. He had to leave. He couldn’t be around Valjean anymore.
“Until the rain stops.”
“No,” Javert repeated. “Let me go.”
Valjean turned him around, and Javert seized him by the collar of his wet shirt before he realised where he was. Before he realised who it was he now had in his grasp. Jean Valjean. His heart pounded in his chest.
Valjean was no longer a prisoner. Javert had let him go. He wouldn’t… He couldn’t go back on his decision. And yet, he had Valjean in his grasp again, and what he felt wasn’t a triumph.
Valjean looked down at him calmly, and something in Javert trembled. A strange thrill, unlike anything he had felt before, coursed through him like a stormy river, leaving behind cracks and disorder.
Javert’s hand on Valjean’s collar tightened.
Lightning crossed the sky followed by a clap of thunder.
“Come inside, Javert,” Valjean said again and lay his hand upon Javert’s. 
The sounds of the storm had disappeared. All Javert could hear as he watched Valjean slowly prying the fingers seizing his collar open was a rapid thudding of his heart.
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weaponizedducks · 8 months
consuming media with my family i'm the only one that knows all media is gay
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ange-olras · 9 months
So tired of Les mis adaptations making enjolras a brunette. I could go into heavy details about why Aaron Tveit is the p e r f e c t Enj.
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kwistowee · 1 year
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#that subtle snarl JOSEPH QUINN | BBC LES MISÉRABLES (2019)
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perioddramasource · 10 months
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