#bc I found it and found out it was a nope within like 30 minutes
raysofcrosby · 3 years
omg… pigging back onto dilf matt, what if care and matt’s youngest son/daughter has like a parent teacher conference & all of the moms there are checking mat out & talking about him. matt is oblivious to it of course, but care recognizes/notices & gets all jealous & self conscious bc these stuck up moms are checking out her man. later on when the conference is done & they get home after bring back pizza for the kids (and them 😉), & a little while later when the kids are asleep and there cleaning the kitchen, matt notices that care is in her own world & asks her what’s wrong. care is all like “some of the moms.. wait screw that, ALL of the moms were like checking u out and we’re basically eye fucking you.” matt smirks at her and pats himself on the back saying something smug like “i still got it.” care scolds him for a second, but matt then pulls her face in for a soft kiss & whispers in her ear, “those moms might have been eye fucking me, but your the one i want to fuck.. especially right now.” care doesn’t think she has run faster in her life. let’s just say they both have a REALLY good night😏
like maybe it's one of those little things where the kids stay at home but the parents all go to the school to meet their kids teacher and stuff. so caroline's talking to some of the mom's of kids who have been in class with their youngest before and matt's off talking dad shit with the dad's– they're all out in the hallway and stuff.
and it's one of the mom's she's talking to who points out that some of the mom's in the hall are staring at matt and clearly checking him out. now, miss caroline is very secure in her relationship. she knows matt loves her and that their marriage is pretty solid bc hello– soulmates<3– but still, everyone's a bit insecure, so seeing becky homecky all prim and proper walk up to matt all smiles and laughs with her friends behind her, doesn't really make caroline feel all that...secure.
because let's be real– their lives are chaotic. if they have that family of three more kids after ethan and they're let's say 2-3 years apart each, that's some craziness going on, on top of matt's schedule and her own. so sometimes, it's easy for her to feel like "am i doing enough?" "does matt hate that i don't have dinner ready sometimes?" "i bet she can get her kids to all sit down at a table and do their homework without bribing them with chocolate" kind of stuff.
needless to say, caroline does not have the best time at the school night, even though nothing drastic happened. matt suggests they grab something quick to eat, caroline doesn't disagree– which is the first sign matt knows something is wrong because caroline had something in the crocpot sitting at home that would be done within the next 30 minutes. but he doesn't say anything yet. so, they grab pizza, at this point ethan's old enough to babysit the kids responsibly so they all swarm matt who's carrying pizza.
dish out some plates, all sit at the table and the youngest is asking about if they had fun and if they like their teacher and blah blah blah. when it's time for bed, they get everyone ready– teeth brushed, baths, etc– before tucking them in and saying goodnight.
matt offers to clean up dinner but caroline says no, she'll do it. ANOTHER HINT– because what does caroline do when she's upset? SHE CLEANS. so they put stuff away and caroline goes to wipe down the kitchen table for the third time and matt just walks over, grabs the washcloth from her and is like "okay, what's up?"
and she just takes her cloth back and says "nothing's up, i'm cleaning. our kids are messy and who wants to eat breakfast on a table with dinner crumbs on it?"
"yeah, well i love dinner crumbs." and he sits on the table and just watches her wipe it down and is like "you've been off since we left school, so what's up?"
and she's all annoyed and embarrassed because she knows it's stupid to be jealous. "some of the mom's...wait screw that, ALL of the moms were checking you out the entire night and basically eye fucking you while their first grader's teacher was up front talking about art projects."
and matt truly just lets out a loud, throaty laugh before he gets that cocky lil smirk on his face and is like "well, at least i've still got the good looks then."
and caroline is just notttt having it, because she genuinely felt insecure about it and she just snaps. "Yeah, well I'm sure you enjoyed becky homecky's attention when she came up to you in the hallway, huh?"
NOW matt is confused, bc he knowsss he didn't talk to anyone named becky tonight and then he snorts. "Do you mean Hailey? Hailey Goddrick, whose son is in your english class? She asked me where you were because she had a question about her son's book report. I literally pointed you out and kept talking to Sean."
"Yeah, well guess what? She never found me and never asked me, Matthew, because she doesn't even care." and she just tosses the washcloth onto the table and is not amused. "Her kid already turned in the book report– on Monday, four days ago!"
matt can totally see that caroline was upset about it, so that's when he just grabs her hands and pulls her over to him and between his legs and kisses her and caroline just pouts and is like "kissing me won't change the fact that those mom's were undressing you with their eyes and probably imagining having sex with you, matthew."
and matt's all like "those moms may have been eye fucking me, but you're the only one i'm interested in undressing," and he's being a lil sneaky and literally grabs her butt and pulls her onto his lap and those two dumbasses fall back onto the kitchen table with a loud thud– but matt's all kissy kissy and smirky like "especially right here, right now, dinner crumbs and all."
AND THAT'S what makes caroline laugh and gets her out of her little pouty funk and she's like "i'm not having sex with you on the table where we just ate dinner...with our kids and where they're going to eat breakfast in less than 12 hours."
matt just shrugs like "eh, clean it, it'll be fine."
but miss caroline just pats his chest and kisses him and is like "nope," and then she smiles and leans down to his ear and is like "but the bedroom is a whole nother option." and scrambles off his lap and runs to their bedroom. and yes...they have a very, very nice night<3
because three months later, there's a pregnancy announcement 🤪
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ificanthaveu · 5 years
Work Too Much || Shawn Mendes
Description: You’re working 2 jobs and going to school. Shawn tries to fix it in the wrong way.
A/N: Hello, this is my real life right now, so I wrote it into a story bc what else is new :) that and inspo from Summer On You by PRETTYMUCH and (obviously) Work Too Much by Julia Michaels
Word Count: 3.2k
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You glanced at the clock after what felt like over an hour. You hung your head when you realized it had only been ten minutes. Closing on a Sunday was everyone’s worst nightmare which is why you got stuck with it. [Y/N] will take any shift. She’ll just do it. Every. Single. Week.
After what felt like forever, 7:00 hit, and you quickly closed the register down before moving on to the pile of dishes by the sink in the back. You’d be lucky if you got out of there by 9:00. The dishes were gone through as quickly as possible, and then the counters were wiped down. The cafe was swept and mopped and every shelf was dusted.
You glanced at the clock as you wiped up the last crumbs on the last table. 8:30. Not bad. You quickly clocked out and grabbed your bag, jogging to your bike parked in the back.
The sun was almost down as you biked to your apartment just under a mile away. Your bike was thrown in the shared garage, and you unlocked your ground level door and trudged inside. You glanced down at your phone for the first time since before your shift started at noon. One missed call and four messages from Shawn.
Leaving for the airport. Can’t wait to see you, my love.
Security is taking fucking forever, won’t be surprised if I miss my flight.
I didn’t miss it! It just got delayed! Neat!
I’ll be lucky if I get there by midnight. I’m so sorry.
You sighed as you read through them before pressing your phone to your ear to listen to the voicemail.
“Hey, hun. I know you’re probably still at work. I would’ve just called your work number, but you yelled at me last time I did that,” he said. You let out a laugh before continuing to listen.
“Anyways, my flight was delayed. I should be leaving within the hour and hopefully be with you by midnight,” he paused, and you could hear a voice over a loudspeaker in the background.
“Yeah, probably midnight,” he sighed, and you could just tell he was running his hand over his face. “I love you, baby girl. I’ll see you soon.”
With that, you set your phone down on the counter and rested your head on the cabinet in front of you. You took a deep breath before glancing at the clock ahead of you. 8:50. Three hours until Shawn would be here.
You trudged to your bedroom and grabbed your backpack before slamming it on the table and pulling out your homework due tomorrow morning. Luckily, your roommate was visiting her parents for the week which was why Shawn was coming in the first place. Time alone was rare when you both were so damn busy.
You pulled out your Economics study guide and started researching the questions.
Your mind wandered off within ten minutes as you thought about your current situation. You were in school full time, year-round and working two jobs, being a manager at one of those. You were lucky if you got to bed by midnight before waking up around 6:00 for class most mornings. You thought about dropping out multiple times, but you knew you’d never actually do it. This was hell, but it was temporary. This would all be done, and you’d be working a full-time job in less than a year. You watched everyone else at your school party every weekend and not work at all. You wished it could be that easy for you, but it just wasn’t. It also didn’t help that you were dating Shawn.
He begged you to visit him just about every other week which simply wasn’t at all possible. In the almost year you had been together, you’d flown out to visit him once. And it was a Christmas present from him you denied multiple times before he forced you to take it. He’d come to visit you as often as he could, but that wasn’t easy either.
You eventually lulled yourself to sleep on the kitchen table until your phone rang making you shoot up and reach for it.
“Hello,” you grumbled without looking to see who it was.
You heard a laugh before the voice said, “Did you really fall asleep?”
“Yeah, I’ve been up since 5:00. I’m so sorry,” you said as you shut your laptop and set it aside.
“I’m outside by the way,” he said as you heard the light knocking coming from your front door. You left your phone on the table as you ran to the door and swung it open. He could barely say a word before you jumped into his arms. He held you up with one arm as he set his bag down with the other, eventually wrapping both arms around you and holding you close. You hid your head in his neck, and your legs wrapped around his waist.
“I missed you,” you mumbled. He ran his hand up and down your back before squeezing you tightly once more and setting you down. He ran his hand lightly up and down your arm and admired you for a moment before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips.
You savored the moment as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you. You pulled away for a moment to let him inside and close the door behind him before he wrapped his arms around you once more.
“Can we go to bed? I’m exhausted,” he mumbled into your hair. You started to nod before remembering your unfinished homework on the table.
“I have an Economics worksheet due tomorrow morning,” you said as you scrunched up your face in disgust. Shawn sighed and threw his head back dramatically.
“You work too hard,” he said as he gave you a look and made his way into the kitchen.
“I just have a few questions left. It’ll take me a half an hour, tops,” you explained to him.
“I can sit with you?” He asked. You looked at his tired eyes, and as much as you wanted to say yes, you didn’t.
“Go to bed. I’ll be there soon,” you said as you leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek before sitting back down at the table and getting back to work. He stood there for a moment and watched you before leaning down and looking at what you were studying, one hand on the back of your chair and the other next to your laptop.
“Production-possibility frontier? Riveting,” he said in a monotone voice as he squinted and tried to read what you were typing into your laptop. You turned and looked up at him.
“Go to bed, bub,” you said. He sighed and kissed the top of your head before turning to go into your room.
“If you’re not in bed in a half an hour, I’m coming to get you,” he said as he leaned out of the doorway. You rolled your eyes at him.
“Like you’ll even be awake,” you said as you turned back towards your homework.
“Ouch,” you heard from inside your room. You shook your head slightly as you went back to your homework.
A half an hour later, you finally submitted the work and packed up your things for tomorrow’s class. As if on cue, Shawn leaned out of your room. He was half asleep, his curls that definitely needed a cut were messed up, and his eyes were half shut.
“Are you coming?” He mumbled as he squinted at the light. You set down your backpack by the door and walked towards him. You gently pushed his chest back into your room, and he made his way back into the bed and waited for you to join him.
You undressed and threw on his shirt that was on the foot of your bed. He pulled back the covers for you, and you gladly climbed in, making your way into his arms.
You both sighed at the same time as you both were finally comfortable with your head on Shawn’s chest and his arm around your waist.
“You know, I’m serious when I say you work too hard,” he mumbled above you. You moved so your chin rested on his chest, and you looked up at him.
“So do you,” you said back. He rolled his eyes at you and tried to hide the smile threatening the corners of his mouth.
“But you don’t have to.”
“Neither do you.”
“I’m not getting anywhere with this, am I?”
He finally gave up as you both fell asleep.
The distant ringing of your phone slowly pulled you out of sleep. You rolled over and reached for it, but it wasn’t on the side table where it would usually be. You groaned as you got out of bed to find where you left your phone last night.
You found it on the kitchen underneath your Economics notebook, and you quickly silenced it before checking the time.
6:30. Great.
You trudged your way to the shower, almost falling asleep multiple times. You got out after probably ten minutes and threw on your robe, making your way back to your room where Shawn was still sound asleep.
You quickly got dressed and threw your hair up before looking over at Shawn. His arm was holding the pillow close to him as his head was buried in it and one leg was hanging off the bed. You smiled softly at him before pressing a kiss to his head and making your way out the door.
An 8:00 am Economics class was probably the worst decision you’d ever made. Of course, there really wasn’t any other option since it wasn’t offered online like your other summer class, and the night class would’ve gotten in the way of your work schedule. So you dragged yourself here every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and forced yourself to stay awake.
As your professor went over the homework from last night, you pulled up your student account on your laptop and stared at the bar showing your degree progression, hoping for some reason that it would just leap to 100%, and you’d be done with all of this. Sure, you could skip the summer classes and J terms and graduate in 4 years like everyone else, but ever since your advisor told you there was a possibility of 3 years, you couldn’t get it out of your head. So, you’d take the late nights and early mornings if it meant saving a few thousand dollars later on.
A text from Shawn popped up on your screen and pulled you out of your trance.
Did you really ditch me???
You shook your head slowly before typing out your reply. Of course, he forgot your schedule.
In class, be home in an hour.
Want me to pick up breakfast? Coffee from the cafe down the street?
You smiled at his message and stared at it for a moment longer. He knew your small college town pretty well after visiting here numerous times in the past year. He knew how much you loved the coffee from that cafe, even if you couldn’t afford it most weeks.
That sounds perfect.
He sent a heart back, and you exited out of the messages and focused back on your professor with a newfound surge of energy.
Class let out a few minutes early, and you began the short walk back home. The door was unlocked when you got back, and you opened it to find Shawn taking your breakfast out of the to-go bag.
“Good morning,” you said as you set down your backpack. He looked up at you with a smile and walked over to you with your iced coffee in his hand.
“Your favorite,” he said with a smile before handing it to you and giving you a quick kiss.
“You’re too good to me,” you said before following him into the kitchen. He responded with a laugh and sat down across from you as you both dug into the waffles.
He asked you questions about your class, and you answered them between bites and sips.
“Do you work at all today?” He asked. You shrugged your shoulders and swallowed.
“Not really. I just have a managerial meeting at the mall at 2. It shouldn’t take more than an hour,” you said simply as you picked at what was left of your food.
Shawn just stared at you before you looked up and met his eyes.
“I don’t know how you do it,” he said. You shrugged your shoulders and took another drink of your coffee.
“Don’t really have another choice,” you said.
“Yes, you do, [Y/N],” he said with that same voice he always said it in. You calmly set your fork down and took a deep breath.
“We’re not having this conversation again,” you said, shutting it down before it could get started, but you knew that wouldn’t work. It never did.
“At least quit one job.”
“Because then I won’t make rent or my tuition payment, so if I quit a job, then I’m either homeless or I drop out of school.”
“Not if I pay your rent.”
You tried to calm yourself down and not let yourself get mad over this again. You’d had this fight a time too many, and you were sick of it.
“Like I’ve said before, no. I’m not going to let you just pay my way for me.”
“Why not?”
“I shouldn’t have to explain why. You should just respect that I want to do it on my own,” you explained.
Shawn rested his head in his hands and ran his hands through his hair, tugging on the ends and getting more frustrated.
“You’re working yourself thin, and soon you’ll have nothing left and you won’t be able to take it anymore. You’re constantly on the verge of a breakdown, you haven’t slept a decent night’s sleep in months, you haven’t had a full day off since Easter, and you never get to visit me. I’m not asking you to let me pay for everything. I’m asking you to let me pay for one damn thing, [Y/N]. I’m just trying to make this easier on you because it kills me seeing you like this all the time,” he said as soft as he could muster up, but you could still hear the anger laced in his voice.
“Thank you for caring about me like this. I love that you want to do this, and the thought alone is enough for me to see how much you care about me. But that doesn’t change the fact that I’m still going to do this on my own,” you explained for what felt like the thousandth time.
“I don’t know what else I can do anymore. I can’t keep uprooting myself once or twice a month to come see you because you can’t get time off to see me,” he said as he stared down at his empty plate.
Your heart dropped to your stomach. As many times as you’d had this fight, this was the first time he said that.
“What?” You asked as the anger built up inside of you. Before he could even answer, you spoke up again. “Are you seriously giving me an ultimatum? Either quit the job or this is done? Because that’s exactly what it sounds like.” You could feel your heart speed up as it took everything in you to not start yelling.
“Well…” he started but trailed off, not really knowing what to say. “I just want to help you.”
“I don’t need help,” you snapped. “Why can’t you just support me like I support you without questioning it? I’ve never once told you to skip an interview or a photoshoot to come see me. I’d never ask you to quit doing these things you love just because I want to see you. I love my job at the mall. Being a manager there is going to look incredible on my resume once I graduate. The coffee shop is hard, but my coworkers there are my best friends, and they’re extremely flexible with my schedule. This is temporary. I graduate in ten months, and it’ll get easier. But I’m not abandoning any of this until I have finished it. You’re asking me to quit a job now, and if I do that, how long will it be until you ask me to quit the other or drop out of school or give up my full-time job in the future? You can leave me, but my degree can’t. And I’m not going to be some trophy girlfriend who follows you around. I’ve never been that kind of person, and you know that, so why do you keep asking?”
Shawn didn’t say anything. You waited a moment before turning around and going into your room, slamming the door behind you. You laid back on your bed and stared at the ceiling as you tried to control your breathing. You could hear Shawn’s chair against the kitchen floor and his footsteps come towards your room. A gentle knock sounded against your door.
“[Y/N], honey, please let me in.” His voice sounded softer, not as angry as it did minutes before.
“It’s unlocked,” you said to the ceiling. You didn’t move as he slowly opened the door and sat at the foot of your bed and stared at the wall.
“I’m not going to leave you,” he finally said.
“I know.”
“I just want you to be happy and comfortable.”
“I am happy.”
“And comfortable?”
“I’ll get there.”
He finally turned to face you as you looked up at him. He laid down on his side next to you as you faced him, doing the same.
“You’re stubborn,” he finally said. You both cracked a smile.
“So are you.”
Shawn reached across and tucked your hair behind your ear before resting his hand on your cheek and running his thumb across your cheek.
“I got off work for the VMAs, and my summer classes will be done and fall begins a week later, so I can stay with you for the whole week,” you finally said. Shawn’s face broke out into a smile, and he practically jumped on you and pinned you down on the bed as he sat on top of you.
“When were you going to tell me this?” He said, his face inches from yours.
“Over breakfast, but then you made me mad,” you said as you gave him a look. Before you could say another word he shut you up by finally kissing you. You flipped the two of you over as you straddled his waist and pulled away for a moment.
“Are you going to let me pay for your flight?” He said as he looked up at you. You narrowed your eyes at him as he pleaded with you.
“Maybe just this once.”
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rapperkookz · 5 years
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dad is a muggle-born wizard, mom is a pureblood
he knows the tricks and trades of both the human and wizarding world
from a loving and v supportive family
super excited to go to hogwarts
he’s always dreamed of getting sorted and belonging in a house
he had no specific preference for houses
his mom was a slytherin and his dad was a ravenclaw
he just wanted to get sorted
the sorting hat took a while for him, kook had so many features about him that could be in all the houses
but he was placed in ravenclaw
his dad to his mom: ha i win
wasn’t exactly the best in his academics
but he always passed!
was gifted with a broom
both of his parents were seekers during their time at hogwarts
had some house drama during his first year
the captain of the quidditch team wanted jk to be the new seeker bc he saw his skills
the current seeker threw a fit and spread some rumors about jungkook
ravenclaws started talking badly about him
he sent numerous owls back to his parents how he felt like he didn’t belong
felt much like a loner for majority of his first year
only excelled during quidditch matches
didn’t trust many people, so he shied away by himself
his first friend was actually hufflepuff!hoseok
hobi went up to him after a match against ravenclaw and hufflepuff
gave kook the brightest smile and complimented his quidditch skills
some time after that, hobi found kook sitting alone in the great hall and invited him to eat with him and his friends
that’s how jk met the other boys
they absolutely adored him
spoiled him to death
little first year ravenclaw kookie :( uwu
jungkook felt sad at night parting ways with the boys bc he was the only ravenclaw in their group and he couldn’t stay out past curfew or enter another house’s common room
but they always made sure to find him the next morning at breakfast
the boys help him get out of his shell and even inspire him to make his own friends in his house
joon tutors him in transfiguration, jimin tutors him in potions, jin in herbology, tae in care for magical creatures, yoongi in charms and defense against the dark arts, and hobi just likes to hype him up
LOVES playing against the guys in a little quidditch scrimmage
always ends up winning
whether it’s bc they let him or bc of his actual skills is unknown
they’re super soft for kook
they’re his biggest supporters at his games
even if they’re playing against him
jimin cheered for kook when he and the slytherin seeker were chasing after the snitch
jimin got scolded afterwards for it
kook invited all the boys to his house during the winter holiday of his second year
his parents were so happy that he had friends :’)
they thanked the boys for watching over kook and the 6 felt a larger need to protect him
he’s definitely a jokester
pranks the boys all the time w/ tae and occasionally hoseok and maybe jimin if he isn’t being all prefect-y
when it comes to pranks, he and tae are equivalent to the weasley twins
he’s a bit accident prone and a thrill seeker
jk: gets stitches in his foot
also jk: races tae to get a butterbeer at hogsmeade
his patronus? a white wolf
wolf bc he’s strong and powerful
white bc innocence and purity like he’s still a kid at heart :’)
kook becomes ravenclaw’s pride and joy
he’s broken school records for being seeker idk catching the snitch within five minutes of the match or something
the boys have a fanclub but KOOK has a fanclub
he seems so confident and all with quidditch and stuff but he’s a fucking dork
jungkook’s game? nope
he has no game at all with the ladies and gents
he’s tried to go on some dates before
but no one really clicked for him
the boys tease him about it but it’s all just fun and jokes
he’s his hyungs’ biggest fan
cries during every graduation even though he says we won’t
he’s the most frightened when he enters as a 7th year than when he was as a 1st year bc he knows he doesn’t have his hyungs with him during school
the boys boast about him
yoongi boasts about him A LOT
im soft for some yoonkook
yoongi also convinces jk to become an auror
truthfully jk didn’t know what he was gonna do with his life??
he thought maybe he could become pro quidditch too w chim
but he had such a knack for defense against the dark arts
kookie LOVES a challenge too so like training to become an auror was like heaven to him
he and yoongi are an unstoppable force catching dark wizards and all that jazz
he doesn’t get married until like his 30s
he really wanted to focus on his career at first
kook’s s/o is actually a muggle
it was so casual he met them grocery shopping 
he knows (s)he’s the one when (s)he accidentally finds his wand and broomstick while cleaning up kook’s apartment and (s)he was like so intrigued
like (s)he wasn’t scared or anything, (s)he thought it was so cool
and kook swears his heart leapt out of his chest
jk’s s/o gets along so well with his hyungs and that was super important for him
jk has a son first
and he is the splitting image of his father
kook and his s/o jump for joy when their son gets his letter for hogwarts
his son’s a ravenclaw too
he loves his family at all costs
jk’s super soft
protect him
becomes the greatest auror in magical history probably i guess
gryffindor!jin | gryffindor!namjoon | slytherin!yoongi | hufflepuff!hoseok | slytherin!jimin | hufflepuff!tae
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xkurzel · 6 years
Do you have any tips for a job interview?
Oh, random, but sure!- Prepare your “tell us about yourself” speech and get it under a minute if you can. Say it in the car on the way over, in the mirror, etc. Having a very solid About Me answer and delivering that with confidence can set the tone for the interview, considering that that’s usually one of the very first questions people ask in an interview.- Practice a lot of phrases to buy you time. Of course, Google common interview questions and prepare your answers for those but some questions can arise naturally or be very pointed. Don’t use filler words or that you’re not sure or you don’t know. Nope!!! Say things like “Wow, that’s an interesting question. I hadn’t considered it in that way before, but that perspective and point of view makes a lot of sense. If I had to give my perspective on it, it would be...” that just bought you 30 seconds of trying to find an ending to your sentence that you’ve started in a way that makes sense lmao. I start sentences all the time to just buy me time until I can think fast enough to come up with an answer. - Never say that you want to learn tbh. Like if someone asks you, “What’s your experience with [specific thing]?” and you don’t have any, you can say something like that you don’t have exact experience but you have related experience in X and that gave you the skills to do Y and you would do Z since you’re just naturally curious as a whole and eager to excel and perform. No one wants to teach you a skill or a function, they just want you to DO and excel at it. Your job is to get in and then figure it out later if you don’t know it. - Never just dive into the interview. You’re probably walking with someone to the room or maybe waiting on someone else, etc. if it’s not just one person interviewing you. Small talk is important. Really practice your small talk. Make them politely laugh a little if you can. It’ll make you laugh politely and ease you up too.- Reference things you may have found out about the interviewer or the organization in your research and preparation in your answers or your questions. Call them by their name when you talk if you can do that organically cause I’m really awkward at doing that lol. - Bring a notepad and a pen. Before your interview, come up with a page full of questions. Handwrite this. Good questions like “What are the opportunities of growth this position offers?” Cause that shows forward and future thinking. Questions about how the organization works. Questions about how this role intersects with other roles in the org. When it’s your turn to ask questions, whip out the question page and go, “Wow, where to start!” You’ll never get through all of them and people will remember you handwrote a bunch of questions and prepared for this. In my follow up interview for my current job, my interviewers specifically mentioned this fact when they asked if I had more questions after having gone through more of the interview process. Also write stuff down when they give their answers if you can because people are going to be like “whoa what are they writing wow how prepared” etc.- Ooh, always touch upon the answer they gave and repeat it back to them using your own words and say something about how you agree and how you’ve done that or whatever. Don’t let it just go into the next question. Segues are important!- Always have your Last Question ready bc they’ll always be like we have time for one more question. Your Last Question is always: “What are the next steps from here?” The way I do my Last Question is I play up my charm a bit and go, “Oh gosh, only one more question? I could go on for ages and I have so much more I want to know (run finger down long list of handwritten questions)! (laugh) well I guess, my last question would be what are the next steps after this?”- Thank!! Them!! Before you leave! Thank them for the time and for answering your questions and you’re looking forward to hearing from them. Shake everyone’s hand. - Send a thank you email or a handwritten thank you note (even better!) within 24 hours or same day. One time, I handwrote six thank you notes in my car in the parking lot of the building bc I had a group interview with six execs and I walked right back in 40 minutes later and handed the notes back to them. That’s a little Extra but you get the sentiment. Write a thank you note specific to every person you met with.
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dontgiveasheet · 6 years
Rules: answer these 86 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
1. drink - tea~
2. phone call - my friend called me when she was leaving my house bc she wanted to make sure that chickens walking around on the sidewalk was normal
3. text message - "yes" to my dad, thrilling conversation
4. song you listened to - common man by caamp
5. time you cried - today (when is the last time you didn’t cry is the better q, because i cry when i laugh too)
6. dated someone twice? - only dated one person and it lasted like 5 days so no
7. kissed someone and regretted it? - that requires ever having kissed someone (don’t laugh @ me ok)
8. been cheated on - nope
9. lost someone special - yes
10. been depressed -  yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - nope
fave colors
12. forest green
13. lavender
14. autumn-y shades of orange
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yes 😍💗
16. fallen out of love - nope
17. laughed until you cried - all the damn time
18. found out someone was talking about you - yes
19. met someone who changed you - i guess? not really
20. found out who your friends are - yes but not this year
21. kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - nope
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - all of them
23. do you have any pets? - 2 cats & a dog
24. do you want to change your name? - i’ve changed my alias so many times online ider some of them? but irl everyone gets my name wrong anyways so it’s just like what’s the point
25. what did you do for your last birthday? - i went w my two friends to an orchard + went apple picking, and then we went back to my house and had dinner + cake 😊😊
26. what time did you wake up today - 6:50 a.m. is when my alarm went off but lbr i only slept for like 20 minutes last night
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - watching videos on fb and crying tbh
28. what is something you can’t wait for - to be done w uni
29. when was the last time you saw your mom - within the hour
30. what are you listening to right now - where you wanna go by graham colton ft. emily hearn
31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom - yes
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - myself
33. most visited website - probably tumblr
34. hair color - it’s dyed blonde but tbh my roots have grown out like 4 inches @ this point and that’s a v mousy brown
35. long or short hair? - short-ish!! just cut it the other day, i have a lob/medium bob atm
36. do you have a crush on someone - after today’s events, probably 😂😂😂
37. what do you like about yourself - next question pls
38. want any piercings - nope, i let the ones in my ears close
39. blood type - good question, your guess is as good as mine
40. nicknames - grace, sarah/stephanie/shannon/rachel/meghan (used interchangeably or strung together all at once)
41. relationship status - single
42. zodiac - libra
43. pronouns - they/she
44. fave tv shows - bob’s burgers, stranger things, the good place, nailed it (that baking show on netflix, go watch it!!!!), fullmetal alchemist, i’ve gotten into america’s got talent over the past few years too
45. tattoos - nope
46. right or left handed - right~
47.  ever had surgery - tonsils & adenoids
48. piercings - nope
49. sport - i did marching band in hs that counts 
50. vacation - i really want to go to iceland tbh + then i would love to go to greece, italy, japan, south korea, there’s loads more tbh. 
51. trainers(shoes?) - i love like, converse + similar shoes, or anything tennis-y because i need to wear sneakers at work and those are easier to match w outfits
52. eating - i just ate a breakfast flat
53. drinking - water
54.  I am about to watch - food network is on but i’m not paying attention
55. waiting for - nothing
56. want - to be out of debt t b H
57. get married - not really?? never been interested in it
58. career - i would L O V E to have a little bookstore/cafe (right next to/connected to my friend’s record shop) + be a writer, but rn social work is the actual path
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs
60. lips or eyes - eyes def
61. shorter or taller - taller
62. older or younger - idk if i could date anyone under 21/22 ?? so older
63. nice arms or stomach - arms i guess? idk
64. hookup or relationship - relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant w troublemaker tendencies i guess ?? 
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - nope
67. drank hard liquor - yes
68. lost glasses - sunglasses, yes
69. turned someone down - ugh yes
70. sex on first date - nope
71. broken someone’s heart - i think so ?? it’s a v long story that just proves how clueless + unobservant i am
72. had your heart broken - kind of? not really. at least not in a relationship sense idk if that’s what this is asking
73. been arrested - nope
74. cried when someone died - yes
75. fallen for a friend - nope
do you believe in
76. yourself - nope
77. miracles - not really? i do believe in karma tho
78. love at first sight - ehhhhhhhhh
79. santa claus - nope
80. kiss on a first date - mb? probably not bc i am a hopeless awkward mess
81. angels - idk tbh ?? mb not in the like, traditional~ sense ? idk honestly
82. best friends name - carleen
83. eye color - hazel
84. fave movie - the nightmare before christmas, hocus pocus, star wars, moana, frozen, the princess and the frog
85. fave actor - tbh i really love the rock ?? i’ve never not enjoyed a movie he’s in even if it’s a terrible movie i have never seen any of the fast & furious movies tho
86. fave actress - the ladies in ocean’s 8 🔥🔥🔥
tagged by @smolboogara (ty omg ;~;)
tagging: @seonggwoo / @hcneybaby / @shitewrites / @yuukimuras / @anagonycs / @inurarea / @astrolgcy / @buckyyrps 
feel free to ignore this if you don’t want to do this/hate being tagged ^^;
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nerdexpress · 6 years
All of the questions for the ask meme
Ya killing me 😂 I already answered the first 10 so I’ll do the rest
11: Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?- I’ve never been in a relationship so I have no clue, but I’m pretty sure I could. I know I would put effort into any relationship I’d be in
12: Are you mad at someone right now?- No
13: Do you believe in love?- Amazingly, yes, yes I do
14: What makes you laugh no matter what?- Idk probably comedy shows or dumb early youtube memes if I’m honest lmao
15: Who was the last person you talked to?- My roommate
16: Do you get butterflies around the person you like?- I don’t have a crush on anyone in particular right now but with the few crushes I’ve had idk if “butterflies” is the right word. Hard to describe
17: Will you get married?- I hope so
18: When was the last time you smiled?- 20 minutes ago watching a WatchMojo vid on early 2000s songs bc they had Shake It by Metro Station and it made me laugh
19: Does anyone like you?- No clue
20: Do you secretly like someone?- No
21: Who was the first person you talked to today?- My roommate
22: Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?- My roommate lmao
23: What are you NOT looking forward to?- Finals and packing up the dorm
24: What ARE you looking forward to?- Being done with finals
25: Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that they loved you and meant it?- No
26: Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?- I’ve never dated anyone so this can’t really be answered
27: Do you plan on moving out within the next year?- I’ve already “moved out” I guess to college but I’m going back to switch off with my parents for the summer but idk. That’s just how it is right now
28: Are you a forgiving person?- Depends on what they did. I’ll give second chances but also I value loyalty. When you’re done with me, you’re done.
29: How many TRUE friends do you have?- Maybe 5?
30: Do you fall for people easily?- In some ways, yes
31: Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend?- Don’t have an ex
32: What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?- Mike’s Hard Lemonade
33: Who was the last person you drove with?- My roommate, we went to get McDonald’s
34: How late did you stay up last night and why?- about 3 am bc I wasn’t tired bc I slept 12 hours Friday night but also I was really tipsy so I’m still confused as to why that didn’t Make me tired
35: If you could move somewhere else, would you?- As of now I’ve got nowhere to go so no
36: Who was the last person you took a picture of?- My roommate for Snapchat
37: Can you live a day without TV?- Yeah, I didn’t even watch tv today
38: When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?- That’s hard to pinpoint for me tbh. I’ll be funny and say finding out Shania Twain would’ve voted for Trump if she was an American citizen was really upsetting
39: Three makes you go by- Miranda, Panda, and idk my url I guess?
40: Are you currently in a relationship?- Nope!
41: What is your all-time favorite romance movie?- Moulin Rouge
42: Do you believe that everyone has a soulmate?- I believe everyone has different and multiple soulmates for different things. My roommate is my platonic soulmate for example. You can have a music soulmate, or a dance soulmate. That’s just what I think.
43: What’s your current problem?- I haven’t done any work but I need to go to sleep
44: Have you ever had your heart broken?- Yeah. Not in a romantic sense though.
45: Your thoughts on long distance relationships?- People who do that have strength and commitment that I will commend them greatly on. Your soulmate isn’t always gonna be nearby so staying committed with someone over long ways makes sense and tests you in ways that close distance wouldn’t.
46: How many kids do you want to have?: I always figured maybe two but I don’t want to give birth so I’m either gonna adopt or become a foster mom, which if I did the second that would likely be more than 2. Idk I’ll figure it out with my future partner.
47: Have you found it hard to tell someone you like them?- I’ve never told any of my crushes that I liked them (with on sort-of exception but that wasn’t direct) so Yes
Thank you for asking! That was a Lot lmao
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
Could you do headcanons for how the paladins might react to their s/o telling them theyre going to have a baby and what gender their baby will be?
Round 1 in the pregnant S/O series!!!! More to come after vacation!
Also I’m adding Pidge to this under my HC of her as a trans woman so that’s that.
This would take place when each paladin is about 22-25. I ain’t about to advocate teen pregnancy (i’m a result of one so don’t worry, I’m not shaming. I just want what’s ideal for the smol children)
Under the cut bc it’s long
You looked at the offending stick in your hands, to scared to turn it over and reveal the truth. Maybe your period was just super late? Like 6 weeks late…Unlikely, but totally possible. Also, who knew what space did to the human body? Being in anti-gravity could totally mess with your uterus, right?
You groaned and dropped your head. You knew better. There were only two options here, either you were pregnant or you weren’t. “Fuuuuuuck!”, you groaned before quickly flipping the stick over before you lost your nerve, again.
A smiley face looked up at you. A purple, offending smiley face. The audacity! How can it be so happy when it was going to turn your weird space life upside down! You sighed out your nose and flipped the other three tests sitting on the counter, maybe this one was wrong?
But nope, not today. Three purple smiley faces looked up at you. Well, four for four. It was time to find your boyfriend/girlfriend. There was definitely a baby on board.
you found him tinkering away in his workshop, fully occupied with his work but he acknowledged you with a quick nod so you sat down and waited. You’ve been dating for 6 years now and you still never tired of watching him work. You’re heart swelled with pride at the knowledge that he was going to be your baby’s daddy
he finished up within a few minutes and turned towards you
“What’s up, Cupcake? You’re looking a little…” he didn’t finish the sentence but held up his hand and wobbled it in the universal “eeeh” gesture.
You took a deep breath, this was going to be like ripping off a band-aid. “Hunk, Sweetness? I’m…I’m pregnant…” You held up the four tests for him to see.
He looks to the sticks. He looks to your face. Then he looks to your lower stomach; he thought it was growing but he didn’t think anything of it. Sometimes space was stressful. 
Then he faints. Like straight up faints and falls off his chair with a solid smack onto the floor.
You immediately rush to his side and attempt to wake him up by shaking him, this was not the reaction you wanted and now you were Panicking
He comes to pretty quickly and gingerly sits up, a little dazed until he spots the innocent tests sitting one the floor where you tossed them.
“Holy quiznack. You’re pregnant?”
“I’m gonna be a daddy?”
You smile, “Yeah, yeah you are.”
“Oh my god,” he starts rubbing his hands together, “We’re gonna be parents!?” He smiles and pulls you to him with a laugh, careful not to squeeze you too tight, he’s not sure what’s okay or not with a pregnant lady.
He definitely starts crying. He’s gonna be a daddy! And you! You beautiful creature you! You’re gonna be carrying his child!? Truly, you are the pinnacle of creation!
his sobbing causes you to start sobbing and now you’re both sitting on the floor, clutching each other and sobbing into each other’s shoulders
he eventually moves a large hand to your abdomen, truly enthralled that there’s a little bean in their that’s going to be his kid!
he tells you to sit on the bed so he can plant kisses all over your tummy
for good luck
he celebrates by cooking all your favorite meals and throwing you a small party
cries a little every time someone mentions he’s going to be a daddy
You end up having a girl, a very chubby and adorable baby girl with skin like her daddy and your hair and eye color
You found Lance sleeping soundly in his room, clearly tired from the day’s training. You take a moment to take in his handsome face, how it’s changed from when he was a pointy chinned-teen to the strong jawed adult he was now. Now he rivaled Shiro in the looks department and you really couldn’t believe your luck.
You sit on his bed and run your hands through his short hair and it doesn’t take long for him to blink sleepily up at you, his face lighting up like it always did when he saw you
“Heya, beautiful. Wanna join me?” He yawned and rolled over to snuggle into your lap.
“Actually, I have something to tell you Lance.”
“Could it wait? I’m ssooooo tired. Shiro might be getting on in years but he still can kick my ass.” He yawned as if to prove his point.
You bit your lip, “Actually Lance, sweetheart, it can’t.”
The seriousness in your voice causes him to immediately sit up. He’s very concerned and places a comforting hand on your cheek, “Yeah, ok. What’s wrong babe?”
“You nuzzle his hand with a chuckle, “Well, it’s nothing wrong per se. It’s just…well, Lance…y-you’re gonna be a daddy.”
A pause, “A wha-at?” his voice cracks.
“You’re gonna be a daddy, Lance. I’m pregnant.”
He takes the four tests from your hand and stares at them in disbelief. And then the floodgates unleash, he’s a sobbing mess and he’s pulling you into his arms and talking to you in rapid Spanish and you only pick up enough to understand the key words “happy” and “father”
he’s ecstatic! he’s always wanted to be a dad and have a big family just like his own
he might have liked to be a little older than 23 but if he wants to get his 4 kids in before 30 then there’s no time like the present
Then he’s running to his door, popping his head out to scream at the top of his lungs, “I’M GOING TO BE A DADDY!!!! AHAHAHA! YES!!!!!”
then he returns to you, dipping you in his arms to give you a sloppy kiss
he’s so happy, so so happy and excited!
“Is this why you’ve been throwing up so much?”
“You know about that?” You were trying to hide that.
“Babe, where you’re concerned, I know everything.”
Celebratory sex (which wow, sex is really freaking good when you’re pregnant as you two find out in the coming months)
He’s calling himself ‘Daddy’ every opportunity he can, he just loves it!!!!
“You just got straight up murdered by this dad!”
“This is Lance, Blue Paladin, Defender of the Universe, Best Father in Space, expert marksman, at your service.”
“Hey lover boy, get in here.” “That’s lover DAD to you Pidge.” “I’m not calling you dad.”
“Move over Shiro, there’s a new Space Dad in town!”
Pidge and Keith take to carrying a little bean launcher and shooting him every time he calls himself a dad bc his child isn’t even born yet
You end up having a little boy, a little on the small side and he looks just like his daddy
He’s on the training deck when you find him, like always, but he stops the droid the moment he notices you.
“Hey you, wanna spar?” He walks over to give you a small chaste kiss and nuzzles your nose with his.
You look up at his handsome face, remembering when you used to be the same height before his last galra induced growth spurt at 22. “Uhm, actually Keith, I have something to tell you. Something important.”
“Yeah, ok. You wanna talk about it now, or can it wait until I shower?”
You agree to wait for him in your room while he showers. 
He comes back quickly to you pacing back and forth, biting your lips and holding your hands behind your back, clearly nervous. Which makes him nervous too. 
“You’re scaring me Y/n.”
His voice pulls you back and you stop pacing, “Right. Sorry. It’s just I have something very important to tell you. And I’m a little worried. But it’s going to be ok! All ok!”
“Riiiiight.” Keith remains unconvinced and slips his hands into his back pockets.
“Ok, so…I don’t really know how to say this. So I’m just gonna say it. Ready?” Keith nods. “I’m pregnant! Ta-da!” You show him the tests.
He looks to you, to the tests, back to you, back to the tests, back to you and the panic comes creeping in
“Oh no,” he moans and sinks into the nearest chair, “Nononono, Y/n! This can’t be happening!”
he’s taking it exactly like you though he was going to
He’s scared. He still doesn’t know who his mom is. His dad abandoned him to the foster system and is still MIA. He’s terrified he’s going to be just like them.
he doesn’t want to abandon his kid and he’s terrified he’s going to be an awful father
when the tears start up you move to comfort him, rubbing his back in soothing circles and kissing the top of his head, letting him cry it out as he clings to you, mumbling constantly about how he’s not ready for this
it takes a long time, but eventually he calms down enough to realize how hard his reaction must be on you since you’re the one growing a living being in you
*sniffle* “I’m sorry, Y/n, that was–I shouldn’t have reacted like that.”
“Well, it wasn’t ideal, but I figured this would happen. You’re not going to be like your dad Keith. You’re going to be so much better than him. You’re going to be a wonderful dad.”
“Dad?” His voice is a little broken when he looks up at you. 
“Yeah, Keith. You’re going to be a dad. We’re going to have a little child calling us Momma and Poppa.”
That brings a smile to his face, “I think I like that. Poppa.” He tries the word and likes the feel of it on his tongue, “I’m going to be the best damn Poppa in space!”
A tall order, but if anyone can do it, Keith can
still panics whenever his future fatherhood is mentioned but he’s got this, totally, he’s not worried at all (lies)
You end up having a boy who’s average weight and length, but has white hair
shocked, you both agree it must be from his Galra heritage
You find him in his favorite alcove in the library, going over the most recent proposal from planet Amalthea who was petitioning Voltron to join their Alliance
he doesn’t notice you at first, so you take the time to enjoy his profile. He’s still just as handsome as the day you met him but the 2 years of battling Zarkon and Lotor had taken a small toll on him in the form of white now appearing in his sparse 5 o’clock shadow. 
eventually he looks up, smiling as his favorite person in the world walks over to him. You’ve been glowing recently and he loves it. He’s been meaning to ask Lance if he gave you a new face mask, because he wants in on it.
“Hey you, are you busy?” Shiro shakes his head in response and opens his arms for you to crawl into his lap, giving you a small kiss as you get comfy. “Great! Because I have some news for you.”
“Better than petitions?” His voice is a low, proper library voice as he rubs a thumb along your cheek.
“Well I hope so.” You pause and Shiro hums thoughtfully, waiting for you to continue, “So, you know how everyone calls you Space Dad? Welp, it’s going to be true now. In about nine months.”
He’s confused, looking like a lost puppy until you whip out one of the pregnancy tests and wave it in his face. Then it clicks. Space Dad. Nine months.
“You’re pregnant?” His voice is hopeful, “I’m going to be a father?”
When you nod and smile in response and he releases a deep laugh in shock and pulls you tight to him
He’s very excited! At first. After the initial makeout and gentle touches to your abdomen it really starts to hit him what pregnancy actually means
“Oh my god. What if I’m a bad father? I’ve killed people, Y/n, I can’t be a good father!”
It’s up to you to shush him and convince him that he’s going to be a wonderful father because he’s so sweet and considerate
he remains on the fence but is definitely excited throughout the pregnancy
he’s probably just as eager as you are to have the child out of you because he want’s to hold his precious child!!!!!!
Just to make his life hell you have twin girls, because he needs more stress
You found her with the green lion, busy typing away on her keyboard. You smiled at her, enjoying the way her laptop highlighted her profile. This was going to be easy.
“Excuse me ma’am? Have you seen my girlfriend? She’s super short, wears glasses?”
Pidge looked up from her work with a smirk, “Nope, but she sounds like a keeper. Please, describe her more for me.”
With an opening like that, this was going to be a piece of cake. “Sure! She’s super smart, has cute curly hair…she’s gonna be a mom.”
Pidge.exe has stopped working and she slowly turns to you with wide eyes, “Say that again.”
You smile, “You’re going to be a mom. I’m pregnant.” You hand her the pregnancy test and she holds it like the holy grail herself
“It worked…artificial–it WORKED!” She jumps up and down and latches around your neck, screaming in your face, “WE’RE GOING TO BE MOMMIES!!!!”
She’s practically vibrating as she kneels down to be eye-level with your stomach, as if she could see through you to her precious bean inside
“This is amazing. You’re amazing, Y/n.”
She’s truly astonished, and from this moment on she is at your side 24/7
she’s got all your health checkpoints down, she’s constantly making sure you eat correctly and stay properly hydrated, she’s become a true mother hen.
she’s enthralled with your body changes and also she’s not missing out on one movement of her child
Matt of course, is the godfather, Allura the godmother 
You end up having a girl who’s the perfect mix between you two, albeit a little on the chunky side. 
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whyldkratts · 7 years
for the ask meme: all of them, but if thats too much maybe just the last 10?
Sorry for the long post aaaa1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? [I bought lottery tickets bc I was in texas and they’re not legal where I live and the cashier at the gas station didn’t even ask for my id. I tried to show him and he just shook his head and let me go???? He didnt even care wtf]2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? [Nah]3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? [Yea a little bit. I mean if it was just occasionally that’s probably fine? But a lot of my family has fucked up their entire lives with drugs so anything like that is iffy for me. It depends on how often they smoke ultimately]4: Do you find it easy to trust others? [I’d say yeah, probably. As long as you don’t fuck me over or guilt me within the first few weeks of knowing me id probably feel comfortable messaging you if I needed someone to talk to]5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? [Scrolling Tumblr]6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? [Probably my irl bffs lindy and raven!]7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? [Dump them. Adios fucker. I hope they’re happy with whoever they cheated on me with]8: Are you close with your dad? [Yeah I’d say so? I love him and he usually let’s me do my thing]9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? [Nah]10: What are you listening to? [Run by hozier]11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? [Sweet tea!!!! I’m from the south baby]12: Do you like hickeys? [Never has one so I don’t know!]13: What time do you go to bed? [Uhhhhhh 5am?]14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? [My siblings.]15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? [Nope I fuck up spelling a lot and have to go back and fix it no matter how many hands I’m typing with]16: Do you always answer your texts? [I try!! Unless I’m emotionally tired or forget]17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? [No. She’s my best friend now, actually]18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? [LIKE 3 MINUTES AGO I was complaining about how long it car ride home is]19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? [My irlbest friends, the cars discord chat I’m in, and a lot of my wk friends]20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? [I was writing ducktales fanfiction in my head]21: Is anyone else in the room with you? [I’m in a car with my mom for the next uhhh 7 hours?]22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? [Karmas a bitch]23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? [I was visiting family in Indiana, so yea probably? Tho I am pretty happy now too]24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? [Sometimes, with my old pal cat. She did some bad things so I stopped talking to her, but sometimes I want to catch up and see how she’s doing.]25: In the past week, have you cried? [YEAH over a darkwing duck episode]26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? [Grey. It has Mickey mouse on it!]27: Do people ever call you by your last name? [Noooope]28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? [I wouldn’t know]29: Do you have a best friend? [YEAH everyone in the cars discord and raven and lindy]30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? [No it was my great grandma lol]31: Who was your last call/text message from? [Call: red cross asking for my blood. Text: raven saying “dang”]32: Are you mad at anyone? [Not really? I don’t get angry very easily at all]33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? [When I was a freshman I was dating a junior]34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? [My great grandma! 88 I think]35: How many more days until your birthday? [LIKE a whole entire year. August 2nd]36: Do you have any summer plans yet? [Help my friend after her spine surgery p much. Visit family around the 4th of july]37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? [I have tons of girl friends!! All my best friends are girls (except em but they’re a good friend still!!!)]38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? [Lindy doesn’t know I’m trans]39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? [Uhhhhhhhhhhh next question]40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? [I try not to regret things like that]41: Do you think age matters in relationships? [UH YEAH?? An adult dating a minor ain’t my deallll]42: Are you available? [Lmfao yeah but don’t hold your breath I’m awful at relationships]43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? [My ex and bff dksdkdiajsai kill Me. I’ve had small crushes but I don’t rly let them grow too much if I realize they’re poppin up]44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? [Septum]45: Do you believe exes can be friends? [Yeah!!!!! I just reconnected with my ex from freshmen year and he’s cool]46: Do you regret anything? [Times where my mouth moved before my head could think and I hurt someone I cared about. Times where I didn’t listen. Times where I hesitated. But the past is a different country, and I try not to waste the present lamenting what I could’ve done.]47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? [Home. And the mistakes I’ve made.]48: Did you ever lose a best friend? [Yeah. She moved away and we just… talked less, and less, and less.]49: Was your last kiss a mistake? [Nah it was my great grandma]50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? [They have a bf and also dont like me plus im unlovable and bad at relationships and feelings *shrug emoji* the other person I’m interested in lives too far away and also doesn’t like me like that]51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? [Twas my gg and probably when I was a baby]52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? [All these last kiss ones are so angsty and sad and it was literally my grandma 5 hours ago I’m laughing]53: What was the last thing you ate? [McDonald’s French fries!!!!!]54: Did you get any compliments today? [Nah I’m in my road trip attire so I look like a mess]55: Where are you going on your next vacation? [New Orleans in October for voodoo fest!! Gonna see the foo fighters B)]56: Do you own anything from other countries?[I think I have Canadian money somewhere…]57: Are most of your friend guys or girls?[girls!!]58: Where have you lived most of your life?[Sweet Home Alabama]59: When was the last time you took a long drive?[DOING IT RN!!!!! 13 HOURS]60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?[yea but it was like, mashed up with truth or dare. Instead of kissing we asked them truth or dare]61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house?[nah I’m pretty mild]62: Who do you text the most?[raven probably? Or max]63: What was the last movie you saw?[spirited away I think??? First time I ever saw it]64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?[I’m single, don’t remind me :P]65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?[I was 12 and right smack dab in the middle of my ugly awkward phase (thays still going on today!) So I had none lmao]66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you?[nah]67: Do you curse around your parents?[GOOD LORD NO]68: Are you happy with where you live?[I? Hate Alabama. My city is okay but I want to move somewhere nicer]69: Picture of yourself? [I have a selfie tag. I would upload but I’m lazy. Maybe if I find a pic I like later I will]70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?[polyamory All the wayy!!!!! But monogamy is cool too]71: Have you ever been dumped?[probably in elementary school but I don’t remember? I usually am the one to end it bc I get freaked out and skittish around people genuinely caring about me so I break it up before they’re disappointed]72: What do you most like about making out?[being comfortable and close enough with someone to do it.]73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?[yup!]74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?[depends? I’ve asked to kiss someone and I’ve been asked equal amounts.]75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?[eyes? Idk there’s a lot that goes into finding someone attractive it’s hard to narrow it down]76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?[my mom]77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?[virgin]78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?[virgin]79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?[Any cartoon character I’m currently hyperfixated on]80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?[yes. But i would go slow and I wouldn’t want to meet their child until we were both sure this was something we wanted long term.]81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?[no its usually me? Wait i take that back!! One girl did while I was in hs but I’m pretty sure she only did it bc she just figured out her sexuality and I was queer and there.]82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?[nope I bottle that shit up!!!! But if it’s a long standing crush I’ll tell a few people eventually]83: Do you miss your last sweetie?[No.]84: Last time you slow danced with someone?[my friend Franklin at prom. We pretended to be spies on a mission forced to act casual as we scoped out potential enemies]85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?[??? Don’t like the skeptical quote marks. I’ve been in long distance relationships before, yes.]86: How can I win your heart?[just like…… be nice to me, ever, and I’m into it. Talk about things you like, ask me about things I like, try and get into/understand my interests and I’ll do the same?? Don’t make fun of me and don’t belittle my interests. The bar is low]87: What is your astrological sign?[leo]88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM?[sleeping]89: Do you cook?[pasta!!!!!!!]90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?[yeah!!! 3 years of no talking and I reconnected with max recently]91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?[uh it’s complicated. Yes but idk if I’m in a good place for a relationship. I haven’t even begun to transition at all.]92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?[you say that like I could get multiple people to date me]93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?[nice dress style?? Glasses are good too. Idk questions like this are hard augh]94: Name four things that you wish you had![money, a job, plush darkwing duck toy, a car]95: Are you a player?[no]96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?[nooooope]97: Are you a tease?[hahahahaha no]98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?[nope!!! Not yet]99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?[maybe. But I don’t think you can love someone too deeply who doesn’t love you back]100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?[sure, plenty]101: Hugs or Kisses?[both??? Both is good]102: Are you too shy to ask someone out?[It’s Not shyness, it’s rejection I have a problem with]103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?[girls are pretty]104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?[Yeah I guess]105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?[If it was an open relationship and everyone knew the situation, then yea prob?? If not, then no.]106: Do you flirt a lot?[not really]107: Your last kiss?[my grandmaaaaa]108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?[not in a romantic way]109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month?[not in a romantic way]110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be?[next question]111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next?[nope!! It’s a hopefully nice surprise for future me]112: Does someone like you currently?[probably not lol but ive got no idea!!]113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone?[sure]114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?[I want to fall in love.]115: Ever made out with just a friend?[yeah]116: Are you happier single or in a relationship?[in a relationship I think?]117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it.[just send me an ask and ill answer it]
This got a bit of self hatred dashed in there whoops sorry!!!
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thysurveys · 7 years
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I’m fine. 2: What’s your dream pet? I don’t really have one.
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? This may sound lame, but I really enjoy a chic “smart casual” look. 4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Sims. Always has been, always will be. 5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: Kevin, my future and . . . I don’t know.
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? "May freak out unexpectedly.”  7: What is your Greek personality type (Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic)? I don’t know. 8: Are you ticklish? I am. 9: Are you allergic to anything? I am not. 10: What’s your sexuality? Heterosexual.  11: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Cocoa more than any of the other two. Tea before coffee. 12: Are you a cat or dog person? I’ll say cats. 13: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Merperson, if I had to choose? I don’t know. 14: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? I have plenty of. 15: How tall are you? 5′2″. 16: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I don’t know if I would. 17: How much do you weigh? Next question. 18: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? I do. 19: Do you like space or the ocean more? They’re both fascinating.  20: Are you religious? No. 21: Pet peeves? I have misophonia, so. There you go. 22: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal (opposite of nocturnal)? Diurnal. My anxiety is at its worse at night. 23: Favorite constellation? Aries, only because it’s my star sign?  24: Favorite star? The sun? I don’t really have a favourite star though it would be interesting to have one other than the “sun” lol. 25: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? I don’t really care for them? 26: Any phobias or fears? The unknown. I also have Trypophobia, feeling out of control of my own body and death.  27: Do you think global warming is real? Yeah. 28: Do you believe in reincarnation? I don’t know if I do or if I don’t, though I have watched interesting documentaries on reincarnation. Story time: my dad once told me when he was younger, my Pop and Nan were in the car with my dad, and they were driving to a place they hadn’t been to before and they were lost. My dad said to my Pop (who was driving) to turn at the end of the street and there’d be a bridge. They did, and there was a bridge. My dad knew the place, but he had never been there before in his entire life, so. I don’t know. It’s kind of crazy. 29: Favorite movie? I never know. I have way too many. 30: Do you get scared easily? Yeah, definitely. 31: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? I have had plenty of “family” pets growing up, but myself and Kevin have had two. A dog and a cat. 32: What is a color that calms you? Blue. 33: Where would you like to travel and/or live? America (which I am in March) and the UK. I mean, I would happily travel just about anywhere and everywhere given the opportunity.  34: Where were you born? Australia. 35: What is your eye color? Green. 36: Introvert or extrovert? Introvert, one-hundred percent. 37: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? No. 38: Hugs or kisses? Both. 39: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? I am with him right now, so no one. 40: Who is someone you love deeply? Kevin. 41: Any piercings you want? I’m okay for now. 42: Do you like tattoos and piercings? Yes, I do. 43: Do you smoke or have you ever done so? I was, once upon a time, a smoker. 44: Talk about your crush, if you have one! More than a crush. He’s my boyfriend. 45: What is a sound you really hate? I am not great with very “loud” sounds.  46: A sound you really love? Rain! I was actually talking about this the other night with Kevin. 47: Can you do a backflip? Nope. 48: Can you do the splits? Nope. 49: Favorite actor and/or actress? I really fancy Drew Barrymore. I don’t know why. I think she’s pretty badass. 50: Favorite book? Too many to choose from. 51: How are you feeling right now? Anxious. 52: What color would you like your hair to be right now? I need to recolour it again (I had a blonde balayage, but it’s quickly fading) 53: When did you feel happiest? I don’t know. I haven’t felt too “happy” recently. 54: Something that calms you down? Rain. 55: Have any mental disorders? Clinical depression, Depersonalisation Disorder, PTSD (though, this has subsided a lot), Social Anxiety, GAD. These are all diagnosed. I also think I have BPD (undiagnosied).  56: What does your URL mean? My survey Tumblr is self-explanatory, my main Tumblr is solefulness. And I don’t know. It’s inspired by the word “soulful”  57: What three words describe you the most? Creative, anxious and . . . I asked Kevin for help and he said “beautiful”, but you know. Lol. 58: Do you believe in evolution? I guess I do, yes. 59: What makes you unfollow a blog? They haven’t updated in forever or they say some stupid offensive bullshit (e.g. racism, classism, homophobia, etc.). < What they said. 60: What makes you follow a blog? Aesthetics? Lol 61: Favorite kind of person: An INFJ lol or similar. Basically, someone who has an advanced bout of empathy, understanding.  62: Favorite animal(s): Pandas and cats. 63: Name three of your favorite blogs. No, I can’t be bothered and I don’t even know if I do have a favourite right now. 64: Favorite emoticon: The “hang loose” emoticon was the first that came to mind, though I can’t say it’s my fave. Maybe a leaf (I am so lame) 65: Favorite meme: I use a lot of Full House memes. 66: What is your MBTI personality type? INFJ. < me too! 67: What is your star sign? Aries. 68: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? My dog’s dead and she never obeyed commands. She was way too hyper. < Literally my same answer.  69: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? A cardigan as of late. 70: Post a selfie or two? I ain’t ready for a face reveal.  71: Do you have platform shoes? Nope. 72: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I would say I am an INFJ considering they take up only one percent of the population, but you already know that. Let me ask Kevin. He said: “you were the first to graduate in your family. I think. I don’t know. Is that a good one?” 
There you have it, folks.  73: Can you do a front flip? No. 74: Do you like birds? No. I do not like birds. They freak me out. 75: Do you like to swim? I am not crazy about it. 76: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Swimming > ice skating any time. 77: Something you wish didn’t exist: Homophobia. 78: Some thing you wish did exist: Fifty large sacks of money right in front of me. > ngl. Me too. 79: Piercings you have? My ears. 80: Something you really enjoy doing: I like to watch a lot of YouTube and a lot of Netflix (or any film, really).  81: Favorite person to talk to: Kev. 82: What was your first impression of Tumblr? I don’t know. 83: How many followers do you have? Enough. 84: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? I asked Kevin and he laughed. So, I guess not. 85: Do your socks always match? I barely wear socks. 86: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? I can do. 87: What are your birthstones? Aquamarine.  88: If you were an animal, which one would you be? I don’t know tbh. A panda or a cat. Maybe a cat. 89: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Good question. Um, a baby breath bc they’re small and simple. 90: A store you hate? I don’t know nor care. Maybe Gloria Jeans bc I once found out they don’t support gay marriage. 91: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? None. I can’t drink it without freaking out. 92: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Both scare me. Can I choose to read minds? 93: Do you like to wear camo? Not my style. 94: Winter or summer? I do love winter, but lately I’ve needed summer. 95: How long can you hold your breath for? I don’t know. 96: Least favorite person? Any evil dictator. < True. 97: Someone you look up to: Kevin at the moment. 98: A store you love? Kmart if I had to choose. Any homeware shop too.  99: Favorite type of shoes My Nike runners are my fave right now. 100: Where do you live? Aus. 101: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? No, just because I’m not. 102: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Never really thought about it. 103: Do you drink milk? I do sometimes. 104: Do you like bugs? I don’t hate them, but I don’t go out collecting them either. 105: Do you like spiders? I am not a great fan but again, I don’t collect them. 106: Something you get paranoid about? Every thing. 107: Can you draw?: No. Unfortunately not. 108: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? I don’t know. It’s funny because via a survey, I am open to any question. But if it’s someone face to face, or away from Tumblr, I freak out and think anything is a nosy question. 109: A question you hate being asked? "Why are you quiet?” Like, I don’t know? Maybe because I am. 110: Ever been bitten by a spider? No. 111: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? My favourtie. 112: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Sunny. 113: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: Kevin. 114: Favorite cloud type: A cumulonimbus cloud because they’re big and they look fluffy. 115: What color do you wish the sky was? Pink. You know, like when the sun sets? Or blue. Blue is calming to me. 116: Do you have freckles? I wish! 117: Favorite thing about a person: I think people in general are interesting so. 118: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits. 119: Something you want to do right now: Eat. 120: Is the ocean or sky prettier? The ocean. 121: Sweet or sour foods? Sweet. 122: Bright or dim lights? In between. 123: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? No. I don’t know. 124: Something you hate about Tumblr: I don’t really think about that to be honest. 125: Something you love about Tumblr: I find it relaxing. 126: What do you think about the least? I don’t know. 127: What would you want written on your tombstone? No idea. 128: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? No one. 129: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? Hm… Maybe how much I care about certain people/things. < Truth. 130: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? Rarely. 131: Computer or TV? Computer. 132: Do you like roller coasters? They’re alright. 133: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? Yeah, a bit. 134: Are your ears free or attached? I think they’re attached? What. 135: Do you believe in karma? Yes. 136: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? Mm, 3. 137: What nicknames do you have/have had? Many. 138: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? I did. 139: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yeah. 140: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Good. 141: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Giving. 142: What makes you angry?: People can make me angry. 143: How many languages do you speak fluently? Just English. 144: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? Boys. 145: Are you androgynous? No. I don’t think I am, anyway.  146: Favorite physical thing about yourself: I don’t know. I don’t really have a lot to like about myself. 147: Favorite thing about your personality: My willingness to understand, respect and empathise.  148: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. No one in particular. My family, if anyone. 149: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? I don’t know. The 50s or 60s, maybe. 150: Do you like BuzzFeed? Yeah, I do. 151: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? Through friends, at a “gathering”. 152: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? No. I don’t. 153: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Not really. 154: What embarrasses you? Because I empathise a lot, I get secondhand embarrassment a lot too. So, there you go. 155: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: Every fucking thing. 156: Biggest lie you have ever told: I can’t think of anything right now. 157: How many people are you following? Not many. 158: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? This blog? 730 when I post this one. 159: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? None. 160: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? I don’t know. 161: Last time you cried and why: A few days ago. I don’t want to go into it. 162: Do you have long or short hair? Long-ish. 163: Longest your hair has ever been: Up to my bottom. 164: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religion? I don’t really have an opinion at all, I guess. Um. I don’t know. I just don’t care nor think about it. 165: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? I mean. It would be interesting to know, but... I don’t care. 166: Do you like to wear makeup? Yes, I do. 167: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? No. 168: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? Yes, sir.
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suhsexual · 7 years
I was tagged by @kaepop-trash​
I tag @nctreacting​ @hansolsdeliciousanus​ @iamncttrash​ @markleetrashh​ @jaeminnana​ @bokutcho​ ((idk 2o people lmao))
1. DRINK: Fresh orange juice 
2. PHONE CALL: My dad
4. THE SONG YOU LISTENED TO: As If It’s Your Last - Blackpink 
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: The other day bc I was getting emo about leaving school
7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: No ((I haven’t kissed anyone))
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: since I was like 10 tbh
12-14: Black, Orange, White
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: Yeah omg 
16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: Lmao I had no one to fall out of love with
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: Most days tbh
20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: Yeah only one might  see this but NCT X JB!!... ((no not GOT7 JB)) 
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: Yes! 2 Shih Tzu’s, 2 Budgies, 2 Tortoises, loads of Koi Carp, and tropical fish  
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: I would bc my mum was going to call me Lily but I realised that it’s too much of an feminine name for me so I’m saving that name for my daughter lmao
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: Nothing, I had tonsilitis so I spent my day crying, downing water and trying to eat pizza 
27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: I was downing double shots at baa bar’s LMAO
28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: All of next year, my gap year is gonna be gr8 
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: Choosing to do Media instead of Psychology... Film, media and science, what a dream
31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING RIGHT NOW: Cherry Nothing actually..
34. MOST VISITED WEBSITE: Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook
35. MOLE/S: Nope
36. MARK/S: I have loads of random little birthmarks all over me 
37. CHILDHOOD DREAM: To become an architect
38. HAIR COLOR: Medium brown-to-blonde ombre
40. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: Two actually, Johnny and Daniel
41. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: tbh I’m starting to love myself more 
42. PIERCINGS: One stretched ear
44. NICKNAME: Loz, Lozenge, Lol, Ren
45. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single lmao
46. ZODIAC: Aquarius 
47. PRONOUNS: She/her
48. FAVORITE TV SHOW: Probably Friends
49. TATTOOS: I plan on getting one soon, I’ve come up with a few ideas already
50. RIGHT OR LEFT HAND: Both ((for different things, like somethings I can only do right handed but other I can use both))
51. SURGERY: Nah
52. HAIR DYED IN DIFFERENT COLOR: Since I was 12, mostly reds, plums etc but I was ginger at one point lmao
53. SPORT: I used to swim, play netball and basketball
54. VACATION: Last time I went away abroad was in 2010
55. PAIR OF TRAINERS: I live in my one pair of vans and my dr martens
56. EATING: I can be really picky but u can’t go wrong with chicken
57. DRINKING: I’ve become obsessed with wine, but my favourite drink in general is mountain dew
58. I’M ABOUT TO: Go on a youtube binge 
59. WAITING FOR: My friend to come pick up her make up and shit from last night
60. WANT: To get accepted into uni first try
61. GET MARRIED: I don’t see the point
62. CAREER: idek
63. HUGS OR KISSES: hugs
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: Idc, not too young tho, like a year younger than me
76. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: yh lmao karma 
80. YOURSELF: Sometimes
81. MIRACLES: Partially
83. SANTA CLAUS: nah
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: Why not lmao
85. ANGELS: nah
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME: I have two really close friends but we don’t want to label it as ‘best friends’ bc we’ve basically lost our old best friends lmao
87. EYECOLOR: Hazel
88. FAVORITE MOVIE: The Breakfast Club
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shinee6-remade · 7 years
hi hi!!!!! @chocoulat tagged me to do a get to know me tag, below the cut! ⭐️
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. drink: i had coffee this morning nd i drink water pretty much 24/7
2. phone call: an uber driver asdfghjk
3. text message: my friend monica!
4. song you listened to: nikes - frank ocean
5. time you cried: this morning over yixing asdfghjkl
6. dated someone twice: nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. been cheated on: nooo
9. lost someone special: yeah i guess?
10. been depressed: yEP
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no thank god
12-14. orange, pink, white (i guess white isn’t technically a color but i don’t care lol)
15. made new friends: yes a few!!!
16. fallen out of love: nope
17. laughed until you cried: yes omg
18. found out someone was talking about you: ummm not this year but definitely last
19. met someone who changed you: um i don’t think so
20 found out who your friends are: yeah
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: i don’t have a Facebook lmao
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: see #21
23. do you have any pets: yes! 2 dogs and one cat
24. do you want to change your name: no i’m fine with my name
25. what did you do for your last birthday: went out to dinner with my parents at a really good italian place and then to a bar near my house
26. what time did you wake up: i woke up around 9:30 or 10 but i didn’t really sleep last night…. i went to bed at like 6 am oooops
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: yelling about the pics of jonghyun in his taemin merch
28. name something you can’t wait for: for all my online orders to get here lmao!!!!!!!! my reason for living
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like five minutes ago
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i had more friends in the same city as me to hang out with and do fun summer things
31. what are you listening to right now: stronger by clean bandit just came on shuffle haha
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i think my dad has a friend named tom so yes probably
33. something that is getting on your nerves: how…. annoying my younger brother is and how rude he is to my mom all the time
34. most visited website: tumblr and youtube
(35-37 apparently got lost lol)
38. hair colour: i’m assuming this is asking my hair color not like my favorite?? my hair is reddish blondish rn
39. long or short hair: i have short hair and I’m gonna cut it today!!
40. do you have a crush on someone: no I’m so boring rip
41. what do you like about yourself: i like my eyes
42. piercings: i have 5 ear piercings, 2 on both earlobes & one cartilage and i almost impulsively go get another one like once a month but someone always talks me out of it
43. bloodtype: i have no idea….. i wish i knew though i did a paper last semester on blood type personality theory
44. nickname: i wish i had one :(((((( someone give me a cute nickname pls
45. relationship status: singleeeeeeeee
46. zodiac: virgo
47. pronous: she/her
48. favourite tv show: avatar the last airbender, the office, shadowhunters
49. tattoos: none, i really wanted to get one this summer but i think I’m chickening out
50. right or left handed: right
51. surgery: none
52. piercing: didn’t it already ask this
53. sport: soccer!!!!!!
55. vacation: um i just went on vacation to chicago which was pretty fun but if this is asking for like dream vacation, i would loooooooove to go to peru or greece or japan
56. pair of trainers: my black old skool vans which i just got & i wear literally every day now (but i have sooooo many other sneakers)
57. eating: i had a lemon poppyseed muffins for breakfast
58. drinking: water
59. i’m about to: go fold some laundry
61. waiting for: my city’s pride weekend!!!!!!! its in july which is weird
62. want: a bunch of skincare stuff i have….. so many things in my amazon shopping cart
63. get married:  ehhh maybe??? depends on who its to i guess
64. career: somehow be able to travel and teach in a bunch of different countries??? I’m working on getting my degree in teaching preparation
65. hugs or kisses: hugs omg :(((((( i feel like its been so long since i have like a Good hug
66. lips or eyes: both
67. shorter or taller: it doesnt matter to me
68. older or younger: also doesn’t really matter to me, within reason. like anything more than a 2-3 year age gap i think might be too much for me but idk
70. nice arms or nice stomach: arms i guess?????
71. sensitive or loud: depending on who i’m with i can be both lol
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: me? definitely hesitant i hesitate over like…. everything
74. kissed a stranger: nooooope
75. drank hard liquor: yes
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: no bc i have neither
77. turned someone down: yep
78. sex on the first date: no
79. broken someone’s heart: not that i know of?
80. had your heart broken: not in the romantic sense
81. been arrested: no
82. cried when someone died: yeah
83. fallen for a friend: yes……. god its not fun don’t do it
84. yourself: occasionally
85. miracles: yeah i think so
86. love at first sight: not really….. lust at first sight but i think you need to know much more about someone than how they look to love them
87. santa claus: lol no but i have to pretend i do a lot at work during christmastime
88. kiss on the first date: yeah for sure!
89. angels: maybe?
90. current best friend’s name: ummmmm idk i don’t really have One single best friend
91. eye colour: my eye color? green
92. favourite movie: pride and prejudice or lilo and stitch, really only bc i could watch them all a thousand times (and i have) and never get tired of them
thank you so much for tagging me!!!!!! i dont think ive ever done one of these on this blog theyre so fun. i am not going to tag 20 people but i will tag...... @1hoseokie @cyypher @ilysmjhope @yeoltae only if you want to do it dont feel like you have to lol its very long 💖
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Tagged by @a-randomfangirl-a! Thank you lovely
a. NAME AND PRONOUNS: Ella, she/her
b. AGE (and birthday!): 17, September 6th
d. GENDER: Female
TRIGGERS/MENTAL ILLNESSES: I have anxiety and depression, and I’m usually ok with triggers, but I don’t do well with exams or people being genuinely flippant about suicide
1. DRINK: Tea
2. PHONE CALL: My home phone
3. TEXT MESSAGE: “good good”
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Spaces by One Direction
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: Last week
7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT:  I mean, I’ve been kissed and regretted it, but I’ve never instigated it
8. BEEN CHEATED ON: Ohhhhhh yeah
12. Blue
13. Purple
14. Black
16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: I mean, I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was love, but I fell out of like
21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: I mean, yeah, he was, but suffice it to say he isn’t anymore
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: I have one (1) surviving fish... poor Ianto
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: Not a lot. Went out for dinner with my family
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP TODAY: Uhhhh like 10:30
27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: Reading a TV Tropes page for The Great Escape because I’d watched a documentary on the actual thing
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: Like ten minutes ago
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: My teacher in year 11 fucking shit up
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: My eyes are really sore at the moment so I can’t put my lenses in
34. MOLE(S): No
35. MARK(S): I mean, I have scars, but not really
37. HAIR COLOR: Brown
38. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: Mid length and growing fast
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: I’m getting better
42. BLOODTYPE: No clue
43. NICKNAME(S): Ella, El, Els, Elli
45. ZODIAC: Virgo
46. PRONOUNS: she/her
47. FAVORITE TV SHOW: Not sure
48. TATTOOS: None
50. SURGERY: Nah
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: I currently have blue ends
52. SPORT: I go running sometimes, but not really
53. VACATION: I’m actually going away on Friday woop woop
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: I don’t think I have any, I had to throw them all out bc they were too small
55. EATING: Nothing at the moment
56. DRINKING: Nothing but I finished a cup of tea just before starting this
57. I’M ABOUT TO: Go to bed probably tbh
58. WAITING FOR: Holiday on Fri
59. WANT: To not have a headache rn
60. GET MARRIED: I mean, I’d like to but we’ll see
61. CAREER: I want to do screenwriting, but at the moment I’m planning on uni next year
62. HUGS OR KISSES: Proper cuddles pls
63. LIPS OR EYES: eyes
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: Is this platonic or romantic? Either way, whichever (within reason)
66. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: why not both
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: I’m kinda both
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship
72. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: Yessssss frequently
75. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: I mean I don’t know if it was that extreme??? But yeah
79. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: No but kinda like a friend crush I guess
81. MIRACLES: Not really
83. SANTA CLAUS: I used to
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: I mean, I/m not sure for me personally, but up to you I guess
85. ANGELS: Not really
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): Don’t really have any... Probs Kath and Issy, and Nikki
87. EYECOLOR: Brown
88. FAVORITE MOVIE: Not sure...
Tags... : @youbuggingme, @fantasysorceress, @amithebloggingdragon, @misa04, and anyone else too
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tsurumitokushiro · 7 years
Get to Know Me Tag
RULES: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @droid-to-the-world, thank you so much my dude!!! I love these things
I’m gonna put it under a cut bc it’s long
1. Drink: a strawberry kiwi Capri Sun
2. Phone Call: my grandma
3. Text message: my dad
4. Song you listened to: Reunion of Friends by John Williams
5. Time you cried: I cry like every day so not a clue
6. Dated someone twice: djhgdjghd I’m a single pringle I’ve never dated before
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope
8. Been cheated on: nope
9. Lost someone special: yes
10: Been depressed: of course
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I'm under 21 and am kinda responsible so no
12-14. Sapphire blue, mint green, mango yellow
15. Made new friends: yup!
16. Fallen out of love: sort of?
17. Laughed until you cried: yessss
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes
19. Found out who your friends are: yeah?
20. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t have Facebook
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: don’t have Facebook
23. Do you have any pets: I have a dog named Lucy and a cat named Buffy
24. Do you want to change your name: yes, the name I have on this blog is clearly not the one my parents gave me
25. What did you do for your last birthday: I had a sleepover with my closest friends
26. What time do you wake up: depends
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: attempting to fall asleep
28. Name something you can’t wait for: the day that I get credit for everything I do for people
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Like fifteen minutes ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish that I hadn’t taken part in the event that lead to an eventual falling out with a formerly close friend, because I didn’t really want to go to it anyway and I regret not staying home
31. What are you listening to right now: Angel On the Wing from the Wonder Woman soundtrack
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes, multiple Toms over the course of my life
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: uhhh a lot of things?? Politics, shampoo, the fact that Kathleen Kennedy works for Lucasfilm
34. Most visited website: Tumblr
35. Moles: one on my left cheek, 7 on my right arm, 3 on my left arm, 2 on my right leg, 1 on my left leg
36. Marks: I have a giant scar on my right forearm that looks like a mole, but its’ actually a mosquito bite that I picked at for a year. I also have four scars further up on the same arm in a kite formation and I still don’t know what they’re from (I CAN TAKE A PICTURE TO PROVE IT, IT’S REALLY WEIRD). I also have bruises/scars from self-harm on the same arm as well. My face is absolutely covered in acne scars and pimples, as well as my chest and back. I used to have a really big, bright red/pink birthmark on my upper lip but it’s since faded. I have a scar from falling in gravel and tearing my knee open at age 4, too.
37. Childhood dream: Same as it still is. I want to be a writer.
38. Hair color: Brown, but I used to be blonde when I was really little
39. Long hair or short: Mine is short
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Sofia Boutella, Gina Torres, Eliza Dushku, Dichen Lachman, Daisy Ridley, Zoe Saldana, Gal Gadot, Lupita N’yongo, so on and so forth (they’re all celebrities, I haven’t crushed on somebody I know personally in a long time)
41. What do you like about myself: Physically? My shoulders. Personality-wise? Uhhhhhhhhhh my cheerfulness and leadership abilities
42. Piercings: Well. Long story. Let’s just say not anymore.
43. Blood type: not a clue
44. Nicknames: Spocky, Scully, Mulder, A5, Alan, Tina, Rosie (nobody uses this one anymore, Rose is my middle name so that’s what I was called as a small child), Leonard (I MISHEARD MY FRIEND), Ernie, Wash, Jim is short for James so I suppose that counts
45. Relationship status: Single Pringle
46. Zodiac: Aries/Sheep
47. Pronouns: They/them
48. Favorite TV Show: Doctor Who
49. Right or left hand: Right
50. Surgery: I had surgery last year to remove embedded teeth, and I will need surgery within the next few years for wisdom teeth. Beyond that, not sure if there’s any in my future or not.
51: Hair dyed a different color: I once got a green streak and I’m thinking about being a blonde again
52. Sport: BASEBALL
53. Vacation: One of my two dream vacations may be achieved this summer! I might be going to Riverside, Iowa, and then I want to go to San Diego Comic Con
54. Pair of trainers: all of my shoes except two are trainers... I’ve got blue high-top Nikes, and then 4 pairs of Converse (the other two pairs are some fancy preppy shoes and then sandals)
57. Eating: Nothing at the moment but I had ham like an hour ago
58. Drinking: Nothing since last night
60. Want: to feel more like it’s summer, and also my new frames to come
61. Get married: I really don’t know
62. Career: I want to write and maybe act. I’m also going to flight school after I get my drivers’ license.
63. Hugs or kisses: HUGS. I love hugs.
64. Lips or eyes: Eyes
65. Shorter or taller: I’m literally 5′1″
66. Older or younger: in preference, idk
67. Nice arms or nice stomach: Both, but more importantly, nice personality
68. Sensitive or loud: sensitive, I’m loud enough as it is
69. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
70. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: NO
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: thank goodness no
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex on the first date: N O
79. Broken someone’s heart: I don’t know
80. Had your heart broken: no
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yeah
83. Fallen for a friend: unfortunately
84. Yourself: Maybe?? Idk
85. Miracles: not really
86. Love at first sight: not really
87. Santa Claus: nope
88. Kiss on the first date: no, not really
90. Current best friend name: Lila
91. Eye color: hazel
92. Favorite movie: DO NOT make me choose
I’m s’posed to tag 20 people but I’m lazy so
and whoever else wants to do it! You don’t have to do it if you don’t want
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sigmundthesorcerer · 7 years
tagged by @pallomine !!
1. Nickname(s): tay, tay tay, the vampire queen 2. Bias: i have a pretty serious ghoul & raider bias if that’s what u mean. i love me some ghouls n raiders. 3. Blood type: aaaaaaa idr?? A i think??? i used to know but now... //shrugs 4. Relationship status: nah 5. Birthday: April 2 6. Zodiac sign: aries 7. Pronouns: she/her 8. Hair length: too long. it’s almost touching my shoulders now. i need to get it back up to chin length 9. Height: 5′8 1/4″ according to my last doctor’s visit but shhh let’s just... let me pretend i’m 5′9″ like i thought i was :( 10. A crush: mayor john hancock, if he counts, altho i’d also kinda like to see him get stabbed so 11. What do you like about yourself: ah jeez um... i’m pretty willing to try new things generally?? and i have good music taste 12. Right or left handed: right 13. List of three favourite colours: seafoam green, pink, black! 14. Right now eating: nothing altho i had spaghetti pizza bake a little bit ago 15. Right now drinking: water always 16. I’m about to: wORK ON MY GODDAMN SENIOR PROJECT FOR ONCE ISNTEAD OF SITTING AROUND BEING PATHETIC AND USELESS!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 17. Listening to: code name: raven - house of heroes 18. Kids: never 19. Get married: hahahaha probably not gonna happen. and if it does happen it’s gonna take someone really special to get past all my commitment issues. the tax benefits and poofy dress sound nice tho.
20. Recent phone call: i was supposed to meet my dad for dinner last night and he called me bc i was running 2 minutes late ‘cause of rush hour traffic
21. Have you ever dated someone twice: nope. the only person i’d consider dating twice.. if they asked me... i’d say no ‘cause i don’t deserve them haha,, 22. Been cheated on: not... that i know of 23. Kissed someone and regretted it: too many times. everyone i’ve ever kissed is no longer in my life which is why i refuse to kiss anyone who’s important to me, even if i want to. i can’t... lose them, :’) 24. Lost someone special: yeah 25. Been depressed: *finger guns* 26. Been drunk and thrown up: i don’t really drink a lot so 27. Had glasses or contacts: i’ve had glasses since second grade. they were readers at first. i think i started wearing ‘em permanently in 4th grade. 28. Had sex on a first date: never had sex at all So 29. Broken someone’s heart: shrugs 30. Turned someone down: way too many times. had to turn the same people down on multiple occasions. some people just can’t take a hint. 31. Cried when someone died: well sure 32. Fallen for a friend: *wrings hands together* hahahahahaa.... yeah... i take a while to sort out my feelings tho so it’s... only ever after they’ve already gotten sick of waiting on me to come around,, they start believing they don’t have a chance with me, and then i end up not having a chance with them. just as well tho. i’d hate to see any of my best friendships ruined or whatever. we’re better off as friends, i’m sure.
In the last year have you…
33. …made a new friend: yes!! i got into fallout within the past year so i’ve made some friends in that fandom including fawkes and morty.
34. …fallen out of love: was i ever in it to begin with?
35. …laughed until you cry: it was 2am and my friend tapped me on the shoulder and i guess it tickled and i sat down and started bawling
36. …met someone who changed you: hmm, i guess so. altho i think she changed me for the worse, haha!
37. …found out who your true friends were: junior project will certainly test u
38. …found out someone was talking about you: i dunno. i’m probably just being paranoid thinkin people are talking about me... or self-absorbed or something lmao! i always think people are talking about me, but in reality, i bet nobody is.
39. Lips or eyes: eyes
40. Hugs or kisses: hugs. we’ve mentioned my hang-ups about kissing already
41. Shorter or taller: i usually like shorter girls and taller guys
42. Romantic or spontaneous: i’d like to be romantically spontaneous. that is, if i ever manage to grasp the “romance” thing, pfft.
43. Sensitive or loud: i’m... both, i think.
44. Hookup or relationship: relationships are the ideal, but...
45. First best friend: her name was dimi and we liked to play doctor with our hello kitty toys
46. Surgery: i had surgery in my ears when i was like 2. and i’ve had a couple of surgeries in my mouth in the past few years. one to get my wisdom teeth removed and another to take care of a cyst in my gum. gotta go back for that pesky cyst again sometime, but i’ve been putting it off. they’re probably gonna have to remove the tooth it’s above at this point.
47. Sports I joined: i was in basketball in kindergarten but i’ve never been real big on sports
48. Do you believe in yourself: do you believe what you’re sayin’? i said, yeah, right now but not that often
49. Miracles: sure, why not!
50. Love at first sight: i hardly believe in love. romantic love itself is probably a myth tbh. never mind love at first sight! are u kidding me??
51. Heaven: if it exists, i ain’t gettin’ there.
52. Do you have any pets: i have a cat named tiger :3c he’s more my mom’s cat but when my mom’s not home he follows me around a lot.
53. Do you want to change your name: i’ve thought about it, but i don’t think i’d be able to stick to one. i’d probably change my name once a year if i could. but it’s just easier to stick with taylor. it’s what everyone already knows me as so.
54. What did you do for your last birthday: i went out for dinner and drinks with my mom since it was my 21st. and she got me the mucha lucha comics.
55. What time did you wake up today: 6:30am and then 9am and then 11:30am
56. What were you doing last night at midnight: booting up fallout 3 and feeling really guilty about not working on senior project
57. Something you can’t wait for: the steam summer sale!!
58. Last time you saw your mom: my mom had already left for work by the time i woke up so i haven’t seen her since last night.
59. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: well, i’d like to have fewer commitment issues and not give up so easily. i’d probably hate myself a lot less if i could just... stick with something... anything... please...
60. What’s getting on your nerves: (((((: the micromanagement at my workplace honestly. just!! trust ur employees, dammit!!
i’m gonna tag @kibbles518, @nomadquail, @enclavedeathclaw, and @aquacura but u don’t gotta do it if u don’t want!
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sofancydancy · 7 years
Do them all:))))))
I dare someone to send me all of them.1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?Boyfriend! 2.When did your last hug take place?Literally 5 minutes ago ❤️❤️3.Are you a jealous person?Hell yes4.Are you tired right now?Yesssssss--always5.Do you chew on your straws?I doooo6.Have you ever been called a tease?Yes 😘😂7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?Heck yeah8.Do you cry easily?Noooooo. I bottle things in for a long time before anything comes out, and it's usually just a giant mess of nope9.What should you be doing right now?Sleeping 😂😂10.Are you a heavy sleeper?Nope!! I sleep with one eye open apparently..11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?Yes...I've done so before12.Are you mad at someone right now?A little 👌🏻13.Do you believe in love?Yes, I see it daily, but I dunno about me14.What makes you laugh no matter what?My friends and my cat 🐱 15.Who was the last person you talked to? @onefragilefumblingfairy ❤️*16.Do you get butterflies around the person you like?I dooooo...😞17.Will you get married?Hopefully one day18.When was the last time you smiled?A second ago 😋19.Does anyone like you?I am the literal worst at this; like, tell me bc I'm stupid 20.Do you secretly like someone?It's not really a secret anymore, but they don't like me21.Who was the first person you talked to today?@onefragilefumblingfairy 😂😂22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?My cat 😂😂23.What are you NOT looking forward to?Next semester....ugh. Math. *24.What ARE you looking forward to?The beach tomorrow, and the future bc I have big dreams ☺️25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?Yes..26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉27.Do you plan on moving out within the next year?I don't know? I guess I already have in a sense, but...28.Are you a forgiving person?Too forgiving29.How many TRUE friends do you have?3 ❤️30.Do you fall for people easily?Noooooo....I am the most shit-in person ever31.Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend?Noooooo*32.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?My toothbrush 😂😂33.Who was the last person you drove with?@onefragilefumblingfairy *heyyyyyy*34.How late did you stay up last night and why?Until 1am and bc we have company over and why not loll35.If you could move somewhere else, would you?YES. TAKE ME TO EUROPE PLS. ❤️❤️36.Who was the last person you took a picture of?Myself and my friend ☺️37.Can you live a day without TV?Yep!!38.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?A few days ago39.Three names you go by..Taylor, Tay, Tay-Tay (feel free to use any of these ❤️)40.Are you currently in a relationship?Nope!!41.What is your all-time favorite romance movie?P.S. I Love You 😭😭😭💔42.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?I'm not sure, Is like to believe it though...43.What’s your current problem?My health...I need to take better care of myself 44.Have you ever had your heart broken?Heck yeah, a lot *45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships?I've been in one, and it's hard, but if it's the right person then it's worth it ❤️46.How many kids do you want to have?I honestly don't want any...I have a cat lolll47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?Yes bc I have zero confidence in myself and it makes crushes hard lolll @neverbeglamour 😘😘 *i highlighted the ones you asked* ❤️
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
All of the 'Get to Know Me'.
Aaaah tysm!!!
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
(Jokes on you I only usually have 3 songs on repeat at any one time :’-D ) Atm though: Work Song - Hozier, Rats- Miw, Wastelands- Amber Run, Dragula- Rob Zombie, Fireflies- Owl city (yh really), To build a home- The cinematic orchestra.
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
I…don’t know. I’m really not that into meeting ‘idols’ or anything. I guess it’d be pretty cool to meet Kaitlyn Alexander but honestly I’m not sure the anxiety would be worth it.
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“It’s a body,” I said, “A dead body.” lmao
4: What do you think about most?
I imagine what life is going to be like when I get to uni or who/what it’ll be that finally makes me happy.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“Off to stuff my face with chinese food, talk to you later bro”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
Clothes on unless it’s above 25 degrees bc I don’t wanna die (like that)
7: What’s your strangest talent?
Lmaooo talent?! Me?! Idk I’m learning how to do special effects makeup and a couple of people have said its p cool. Also I can do this weird thing with my tongue where it basically rolls in on itself (seems to be genetic)
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are all ethereal goddesses out of my league.
Boys are not my area of expertise.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
As if lmao! Ain’t no one ever liked me that much.
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
I can’t remember so I did it just now to make up for it.
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
I hate cuddly toys with battery packs in them with a passion.
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
13: What’s your religion?
Don’t have one, I’m an atheist.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Cleaning up my rabbits’ mess.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Behind it I think
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Honestly it depends on the time of day, when I last ate, the luna cycle… I genuinely don’t have one I can’t answer that
17: What was the last lie you told?
Um, I lied about what I watched on TV last night lmao
18: Do you believe in karma?
I’m not sure, I kinda just hope it exists and that helps keep me sane.
19: What does your URL mean?
It’s pretty self explanatory lmao
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I don’t know, for the weakness I’m torn between caring too much and saying the wrong thing.
And I wouldn’t call it a major strength but I have a lot of patience.
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
I don’t know (I barely have an interest in anything atm), given I have an entire fanblog dedicated to them I’ll say Kaitlyn Alexander again
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Nope not yet
23: How do you vent your anger?
I have a personal blog ( @the-emotional-equilibrium​ ) that I rant on
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
I have an embarrassing number of kermit memes on my phone
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Video chatting for sure, I like to be able to see people’s faces (also I hate phone calls they’re too awkward).
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
I think I’m a work in progress really. I’m happier with myself than I used to be, but there’s always things I want to change or could improve on and I know I’m never going to be perfect.
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
I hate the sound of fabric being ripped, it makes me shiver but I love, idk, that sound when you’re just lying outside and you can hear the birds and stuff. Idk, I don’t listen to much besides music.
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
Argh, erm, I wonder how different life would have been if I’d learnt to stand up for myself earlier. I’d probably have fewer regrets.
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Ghosts I’m really not sure about. Up until recently I would’ve said no, but honestly I don’t know what to believe anymore. As for aliens they’re definitely real.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
Right arm: A cushion on the sofa. Left arm: The wall. Exciting right?
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
Chicken! (Making lunch atm)
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
Lmfaooooo idk???? Not a physical place anyway. When I was really little I once had to stand outside in the snow for about 3 hours and I remember being pretty sure I was gonna die, like it was such a horrible feeling being that cold.
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
East coast! I mean, that’s just based on where my friend lives and nothing else but
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Lmfao opposite?! Okay so let’s just assume that means a guy but erm? Idk? Okay I admit I have a slight thing for half the guys in MIW so lets just go with that
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
To have the best time possible and end it with minimal regrets. Also to try to help other people to have a better time to.
36: Define Art.
Stuff you can look at that takes actual talent and imagination.
37: Do you believe in luck?
Not really? I mean sometimes I might consider things Unlucky but tbh I have no idea what I mean by that.
38: What’s the weather like right now?
Pretty boring tbh, it’s just a grey sky with a bit of a breeze.
39: What time is it?
2:49 pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
I passed my test a few months back but I haven’t driven since so thankfully I haven’t had a chance to crash yet
41: What was the last book you read?
The 5 people You Meet in Heaven….and that was last July smh
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Love it. It’s the smell of my childhood.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Most people at school call me Scaz and most my friends outside of school refer to me as Chorlo. (or Wholemeal Chorlo if your name is ellie)
44: What was the last film you saw?
I watched Shrek 2 last night lmfao I forgot how good it was!!
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I’ve broken quite a few bones but I’m lucky never to have done anything awful. Um, the worst was probably when I broke my elbow or when I tore my side open on a nail jumping off a fence.
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
Aaah yeah I used to catch them every summer!
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
I guess I’m between obsessions at the minute; though I’m kind of hooked on supernatural ngl
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
Fuck knows. Not straight. I defo like girls but idk about guys.
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
Multiple smh. This one girl once spread a rumor I was a lesbian and I was gay for her (before I even came out) and tbh she’d have been lucky. (She was kinda obsessed with me, she was probs suppressing something). It did kinda ruin my confidence though because of all the reactions so I didn’t come out for another 2 years.
50: Do you believe in magic?
I don’t know what to believe anymore, but I’m kind of open to learning more about it.
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Yeah smh. I have a pretty high Grudge Threshold in that I give people a lot of chances but once they reach that level there’s no going back and I won’t forget what they did.
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
I either save it for months or blow my savings in an hour.
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
A bus ticket?
55: Love or lust?
Love defo
56: In a relationship?
As if lmao
57: How many relationships have you had?
Three, but none of them lasted that long
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
At home all day working
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
I’m sitting on a pink sofa lol
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
Yeaaah, one is glittery the other has skulls on which sums me up pretty well tbh
62: What’s your favourite animal?
I love so many animals I don’t know!! Capybaras? Alpacas? Giraffes? Chimps? Idk?!
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Lmaoooo I have no idea I haven’t found it yet
64: Where is your best friend?
3918 miles away on the east coast of the USA (I get to see her in 9 days though I’m so excited!!)
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
(I won’t tag them but in no particular order) Pansexi-unicorn, onetinygay, shrekthelesbian, oneshappyplace and only-slightly-dangerous
66: What is your heritage?
I’m white as a toilet m8. Nah a lot of my family comes from Denmark/scandinavia which you can kind of tell from looking at me tbh
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
Sleeping. Sorry that’s not more interesting.
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
I think it’s like, double barrel as in May-Trump or something
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
Errrm, sort of? I try to make an effort, so that’d be nice. But I’m so quiet and shy sometimes that if I was friends with myself we’d probably never talk lmao
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Save the dog, no doubt about it. If my boss is that much of a dick I’ll probably lose my job sooner or later, so I might as well lose it helping out a doggo.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) I’d tell the people closest to me, but maybe not straight away depending on how I thought they’d react.
b) I’d probably blow my saving and go travelling. I mean, what else is there to do? Oh and finish bingewatching all my shows at that time bc dying on a cliffhanger would really piss me off.
c) Maybe a little? Just because once you die you’re alone with whatever the hell comes after (pun not intended).
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
Argh?! Trust? I guess? No point having love if you can’t trust people.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men and Fireflies by Owl City. They both bring on such nostalgia.
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
6666 as far as the internet is concerned.
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Just like, having someone you can chill with and open up to. Someone where you don’t have to care about embarrassing yourself with or worry about constantly because you trust them. Just like, a super cool friendship but with kissing.
77: How can I win your heart?
Don’t be afraid to be yourself I guess. I love interesting people that don’t pretend to be someone else. Also interesting people with swords.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
Who am I to answer that? Idk, I suppose yeah.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Cutting off shitty people and actually valuing myself enough to find new friends.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
7 (could be a lot worse given my height)
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
Something along the lines of “I’m just dormant” or “Nothing is set in stone.”
82: What is your favourite word?
Un sacapuntas
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
“I amuse myself” or “what the fuck”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Alive (i think its called) by Sia
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
Black, red and purple
87: What is your current desktop picture?
It’s a galaxy spacey thing
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
I’m torn between Putin and Kim Jong Un (no need to worry about Trump, I’m sure someone already has a plan.)
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
The third question in my inbox rn lmao
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
(I was so tempted to say “ask if they prefer being the big or little spoon” why am I like this)
Idk id probs strike up a convo whilst looking around the room for the best weapon just in case.
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
Hmmm, I think mind reading would be useful but it might make my anxiety even worse! So that or teleportation.
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
Any half hour when I wasn’t stressed about exams lmao (bonus if the weather was good)
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
A guy did something that I wish he hadn’t and I’m still fucked up by it sooo that.
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
I honestly don’t know, it’s not something I’ve thought about with “music-celebrities” lmao
Edit: Hold up I’ve just remembered Halsey exists.
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
The place I’m going in 9 dayyys!! (Or Copenhagen)
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
Not that I know of.
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
When I was really little and hopefully never again
98: Ever been on a plane?
Yup a couple of times
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
For fucks sake can’t you all just educate yourselves and get along? Stop. Killing. Each. Other.
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