#bc i got sidetracked and almost started typing it out here
5283 · 3 years
wanted to do this for some time now, it's literally useless and doesn't matter but i want to have some fun and share
how i see each stray kid:
― i.n (maknae first rule applies here too let's go)
a freshly baked butter croissant with just right crunchiness on the outside and sweet softness on the inside; one of those clean plain oversized outfit aesthetic instagrammers; handsome not in an intimidating way but in the has-the-warmest-heart kind of way; probably finds "boring" activities like sitting in cafes or in parks for hours and just talking very fun; is a true food connoisseur but somehow you only see him eat the same few foods everyday; has a lot of mysterious hobbies he tells no one about and also has a secret talent de-shelling shrimps very fast.
― seungmin
a barista that you could feel insulted by if you took things very personally but he just asked your choice of milk in a way too serious tone; not a puppy at all, only likes pretending being one and either thinks he's deceiving everyone around him very well or just couldn't care less if anyone notices; encourages swearing as an emotional release technique but doesn't swear himself and speaks in an almost uncomfortable refined manner; cat-type of clingy where one moment he's on your lap purring not letting you remove him and the other he's biting your finger when you just wanted to scratch his chin quickly to say goodbye as you were leaving.
― felix
a house gnome that silently dusts off your window panes and bookshelves at night while you soundly sleep; a schoolmate in elementary school that would always braid your hair during recess; you can see his bright yellow aureole around his head even if you're not a clairvoyant; a pastor at your local church that gives free drums lessons every week; has glittery fairy wings and fangs that appear once on a full moon; has a power of reading minds and secretly helps you with little things but you couldn't figure it out because of how discreet he is about it; the cousin living nearby that had the newest playstation so you'd come over to play often.
― han
the sequence of golden ratio; a friend that always remembers his dreams from start to finish and every other day tells you about the one he had last night so enthusiastically you could believe it actually happened in real life; the safety of entering an empty coffee shop when it just opened and them having your favorite cake; would tell you the entire plot of an anime he recently finished watching including spoilers because he was just so excited about it and couldn't hold it in any longer; would forget to text you but once he'd do, it would be 5 detailed paragraphs on how he's been lately and asking you how you've been too.
― hyunjin
would send you facebook event requests for new art exhibitions every week; carries a film camera when he goes for a packet of banana milk to a grocery store 5 minutes away; gifts you polaroid pictures he's taken of you on your birthdays; a person whose little gestures and speech patterns you could observe for hours out of pure fascination; your aunt that lives far away from you and is not involved in your personal life at all but still remembers to congratulate you on your birthday every year and her text is always the one that hits home the most.
― changbin
would buy you that big ikea djungelskog bear plush and leave it at your door without an explanation; actual manifestation of the leo zodiac; isn't about brands at all but somehow his socks are prada nevertheless and they're different colors too because he couldn't find the matching pair in the morning; his hugs are probably your favorite type of hugs even if they're short and you start feeling suffocated after 5 seconds; could not take the seat designated for the elderly / pregnant women and would just stand when riding the bus even if it's almost empty.
― lee know
knows about the most embarrassing moments in your life better than your trusted parental figure; is the first one you would come out to about your gender or sexuality; believes in 3 second rule and counts down the seconds faithfully everytime a food touches the ground; on his bookshelf you can find a book about studies on serial killers touching the back of one about moomins by tove jansson; comes over to clip your cat's nails and clean its ears; knows names of every tree by looking at its leaves; a family member who wakes up earlier to make everyone breakfast along with their favorite warm drinks.
― bang chan
the feeling of oneness when you look up at the night sky and see the stars; the "look at the moon!!!" person that always uses a she pronoun when talking about it; would probably get into a playful argument with you about how you used some big word wrongly in a sentence; truest personification of an ENFJ - the word 'family' should actually be credited under his name; most probably was a greek god in one of his past lives; growing up didn't skip an episode of H2O when it was airing real time, also watched series about lifeguards as a teen; probably used to be a tumblr user in like 2013 reblogging those #grunge photos and #quotes in white bold italic font on top of a darker background picture of some blurry dried rose.
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kyidyl · 3 years
Kyidyl Does Archaeology - Part 6
(yep, the rest of the parts of this are all under the KyidylCL tag, in case you happen across just this one.)
Rocks and...other stuff
Ok so here we are...we’ve arrived at my least favorite thing.  Lithics.  I’ll be honest with you guys, my disinterest in lithics means that I don’t have a lot to add here.  But...I’ll do what I can.  
So, first off, we’ve found *thousands* of lithics on this site.  It is by far the most common thing we have.  We’ve found broken tools, used up tools, intact points, fire cracked rock, like...the whole nine.  One of the things you can learn from lithics is how far people were going to get their rock.  For example, we have a lot of jasper in our lithics, so we know they were going up onto the nearby mountain because that’s where the nearest jasper deposits are.  I *absolutely* am not the right person to go into a detailed account here, but I do know that they were going pretty far away to get their supplies - even over to the other side of the mountains.  Or at least they were trading with people in closer proximity to those places.  
I think what’s amazing to me is the degree to which they work quartz and quartzite.  Here’s one of the points we found: 
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I’m pretty sure, if I’m remembering the things the Rock Guy told me correctly, that point is made of quartzite.  Quartz and quartzite are very hard (7/7.5 on the Mohs scale aka the rock hardness scale.), so working them is difficult.  I don’t know how to do it, but I know it must have taken either an impressive amount of brute force or an impressive amount of energy.  Either way, it’s neat.  Hell I found a piece of quartz the last time I was in the field (which I don’t have, or I’d show you.) that literally looked like it was cut like a gemstone.  It’s more likely it came out of a geode but still, they did cool shit with quartz.  Some of what we’ve found has been almost as clear as glass.  
I’m aware that the style a point is made in (and everything that is, well, pointy...is a point.  It includes spear tips, arrow heads, etc.) is indicative of the age of a site, but I don’t know enough here to go into it and we’ve already covered age in the pottery and digging post (it’s late woodland - early contact, c. 1300s - 1700s), so I’m just gonna show you some cool pictures.  
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First point that we found...
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Same hole, another point.  Probably both are arrowheads given the size.  The one I’m holding up in the picture up there was probably a spear, not an arrowhead.  Arrowheads are actually really small.  
Here’s another weird rock: 
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It’s weird because that one in the upper right has that groove in it and is kinda squished.  to me it looks like a tile, which would be really anachronistic to this particular site, and our Rock Guy assures me this is a natural thing, but these rocks have something on them I’ve been finding on a lot of the lithics: a red residue.  You can see it pretty clearly on the top surface on the center rock, but it’s in the grooves on the right one too.  These rocks didn’t come out of the pit with the red dirt, so it’s not like...red dirt from burning.  To me it looks like ocre, but this is one of those areas where my knowledge base just comes up short and I need to wait for someone who knows more to look at them.  But lets just say that I have this experience often where I’ll say something like “this looks like ocre” and people will be like “nooo, that doesn’t make sense” and then they’ll spend some time with the artefact and be like “hey look at this it looks like ocre” and I’m over here like....yes....I know....I told you that weeks ago...perhaps if I’d found a way to say it in a male voice we wouldn’t be having this conversation.  x.x Aaaaannnnnyway.  
Another kind of rock we have are fire-cracked rocks.  Back in the day they used to heat rocks in the fire and then put them in pots to boil the water.  They often reuse them, and after a few uses the constant “hot rock plunged into cold water” thing causes them to crack.  It’s *extremely* common to find this all over the world.  I saw it at the site I worked in England, too, when we were digging the Roman stuff.  And it’s always kind of confused me because even though water boils basically instantly when you add the very hot rock, it would likely take longer for the rock to heat up than it would to just, y’know, boil the water, so why use the rocks? Then it occurred to me: because the rocks were just casually tossed into fires that weren’t being used for cooking.  So you toss a few into the fire you’re using for warmth or for smoking or whatever in the morning and by the time dinner rolls around you just grab some rocks that’ve been in the fire all day and you toss them into a pot of water.  Multitasking ftw! I would find some pics for you but I’m NGL guys, they just look like stones that’ve been cracked in half.  People weren’t all that picky about the type or anything like that.  
So yeah, that’s rocks, now who wants to see some weird shit? You, obviously, YOU want to see some weird shit.  
Weird Shit
First up, because I STILL haven’t figured out why this is like this, we have this bone: 
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Ok honestly I’m only like 93% sure it’s a small piece of bone, but like...it’s definitely natural.  It’s been burned for awhile but the weird part here is that IT’S GREEN. Now that’s not in and of itself weird - this is what happens to bone when there’s some metal nearby.  It often leaves behind green staining on bones.  But there was no metal in the ground here, and this thing was pretty deep.  Below the civil war trench stuff.  So I have no idea why it’s green like this.  
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This...thing.  No idea what it is.  Roughly a quarter inch long, metallic...looks like slag but, again, came out of a hole that was really too deep for us to be finding iron in (in this case, iron is a modern contaminant or something you’d only find in the top - IE, later - layers.). Meteorite, maybe? We’ve found some other weird stuff like this too but it was from much higher layers.  
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The back and front of a piece of bone that is too small for me to make a determination as to whether or not it’s human without like...a microscope.  I don’t have one.  I mean it probably *isn’t* human, but the color is right, soooo...IDK I just thought it was weird.  
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This is another small, weird, brown thing.  BUT! it’s a different kind of small, weird brown thing than the other one.  The other one passes the magnet test and fails to leave a streak when wet.  This one fails the magnet test but left a brown streak on my skin when wet (no...I didn’t lick this one).  So I’m pretty sure it’s a coprolite, but I’ve never handled them before so I’m not entirely certain.  It looks like one to me, though (coprolite is very old poop.  Poop is important bc it informs on diet and stuff.  There have been literal fights and thefts in the archaeological community over coprolites.). This came out of one of the test pits and we haven’t dug over there yet so IDK.  
This next bit is less weird and more cool.  
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This is a very small, very burned piece of bone but it’s cool for two reasons.  One, see that long light-color diagonal mark in the lower right area of the top surface? That’s either a butchery mark or more tooth marks.  I learn towards butchery becaaaaause....see how flat this is? That only happens when it’s been cut by people.  Bones don’t break clean and flat like that, the crack or they splinter.  When they crack they do it vertically because that is with the grain of the bone.  This is horizontal, or across the grain.  They have to be cut to look so flat.  Here’s another example from the test pits: 
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See? Perfectly flat across the grain.  This one has also been cut and burned.  The white color of the two bones means they’ve been burned for a long time at a high temperature.  All of the collagen - the soft stuff - gets burned off when you do it for long enough and at a high enough temperature and the minerals are left behind.  Both of these images are macro images on bones that are smaller than an inch.  
Ok, one more weird thing: 
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This is actually the back and front of a rock.  It’s flat on both sides like pottery, but it tasted like a rock and it has no temper so...rock.  But in that top image it has some kind of dark residue on it that almost looks like rust or paint, and the opposite side has small marks that look like cut marks or tool marks.  I’m not sure what kind of rock it was, but it also had a dry, sandy texture to it.  IDK it was just weird.  The marks could just be damage over time to the rock (what we call taphonomic damage.), but the residue is pretty strange.  
Anyway, that about wraps it up.  I think that what I’m gonna do is start going through the uncleaned material I have downstairs (I got sidetracked by covid and the holidays. :P) and start posting what I found or anything out of the ordinary, if you guys want anyway.  Thanks for sticking around through this long series of posts about the site I work at, and I hope you enjoyed it.  As always, if you have any questions my askbox is open.  :) 
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
I Don't Love
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Word count: 7,392 (Woah)
Warnings: Alochal, smoking, talk of sex.
Request: Hiii! Could I request a Sirius x reader imagine where the reader is like the girl version of Sirius. She wears her own leather jacket, and she’s basically a heartbreaker. Like Sirius, she doesn’t really believe in love, she believes in lust and attraction. Until She meets Sirius and starts falling for him and she’s super confused bc she’s never felt love before and Sirius starts falling for her and he’s confused cus of the same reason and it’s just super cute and fluffy 🥺
A/n: A few things: Number one. I am so incredibly sorry that this took me like 2 weeks to write. I had some pretty shitty crap go down and it just sorta fucked with me and I couldnt write. Number two. This is a little less fluffy than I wanted it to be but it still has a fluff ending. And Number three. To all the people who have sent me requests. I am going to start writing regularly again now so, I will probally have one out at the end of the week and another out around sunday or monday. Thank you so much for you patience.
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    You had officially decided that there were two types of boys in this world. One would scream and yell at you when they realized you were only in it for one night, while the other would beg for a chance that you were never willing to give. 
               Conor had opted for the latter.
“Y/n, please” He begged, his eyes were wide and pleading, he was desperate. Desperate for you to stay, he just wanted a chance. 
    You sighed taking a large swig of your coffee, it was too early for this shit. “Conor how many times am I going to have to tell you, it was a one time thing.” your voice was monotone, as if you were bored, which was quite honestly the case. Have the same conversation over and over again tended to do that to a person. 
    “Please y/n, I swear you wont regret it. Just one date.” The Huffelpuff begged, he gasped your hand in attempts to gain your attention. He did not succeed. 
    You let out a stiffened groan, the conversation had become increasingly frustrating, the fact that most of the school was listening in on the exchange of words definitely didn't help. “Conor,” you spoke slowly, praying that he could get the information you were about to give him though his thick skull. “Friday night was fun.” you watched his features brighten, his sky blue eyes filling with momentary hope. “But that's all it was, Friday night and fun, so please leave me alone, you're giving me a headache.” 
    You heard the gasps and felt the glares, Conor was popular, he was also nice, and from what you heard extremely sweet. So as he slunk away from you head hung, tail between his legs, you could feel a good dozen people glaring daggers into your back.
    “Note to self: dont fuck popular people.” You mumbled quietly knowing you would never follow through with the rule. 
 You looked back down at your eggs rolling your eyes when you heard an all too familiar voice shriek in rage. 
    You along with everyone else in the hall turned to a furious Marlen Mckinnion who was practically dragging a smirking Sirius Black from his seat. 
    “You son of a bitch!” She shrieked, tears of fury and sadness leaking from her cheeks. 
    “Well my mother is a bitch.” He shrugged a cheeky grin pulling his lips apart. 
    She shrieked again, making you grimace. 
You tunned out of her pathetic argument and opted your attention to the book resting at the bottom of your bag. You were about a chapter in before you got sidetracked by Marleens redicoulsly high pitched blubbers. 
“How could you!” she sobbed behind you. God she was so loud. “You knew how I felt and you still fucked another girl!” 
You weren't sure why but this sentence made you snort. You attempted to muffle the giggles slowly evolving to laughter, but they poured passed your lips like an overflowing sink. Those close to you gave you angered looks, but you didn't care, you received enough of those already. It didn't take long for Marleen, to halt her reckless cries and turned to you with a fiery rage. 
She left Black standing where he was, her attention now focused purely on you. 
“What do you think is so funny y/l/n?” She hissed tears still sliding down her flushed cheeks, her mascara  trying her face into an angry blackened mess. 
You snorted once again “I'm sorry.” You wheezed out unable to contain your laughter, “I don't mean to offend you or anything,” You lied not even bothering to trap your giggles anymore. “It's just…” You burst into another fit.
The hall had gone quite, they wanted to see what was going to happen almost as much as you did. “You're telling me you actually believe that he cares what you felt?” 
He face flashed with surprise, you heard a few fellow Slytherins and even a couple Ravenclaws let out short bursts of laughter.
“How dare you!” She screamed, her voice shaky, hands bawled at her side.
“Look, it's nothing personal.” You shrugged calmly, "It's just ridiculous for you to overreact every time he sleeps with someone else. What did you expect?" You could feel hundreds of pairs of eyes on you, they were thirsting for chaos, something about the way Marleens face twisted at you words made it seem like there was a strong chance of their thirst being quenched. 
"Maybe I expected him to actually give a shit about somebody for once in his miserable life!" She yelled turning around to see the dark haired boy biting his lips to keep in a laugh. "For him to actually love me the way I loved him." 
You scoffed rolling your eyes, "You don't actually believe you were in love do you?" 
"Of course I do." She hissed back tears still leaking from her blackened eyes, she had now taken a few steps toward you 
"Love is bullshit. And if you belive you were actually in love with Black after sucking his dick once, than you just as stupid as you look." You smiled sickly sweet at the girl as she began towards you, her wand suddenly clenched in her right fist. 
"You worthless WHORE!" Her voice rang clear through the hall.
You didn't move, you didn't even flinch because the second she raised her wand it was flying from her hand landing in Avery's, who then muttered a spell that froze her feet into the ground. 
You sent him a cheeky smile and a wink before gathering your things and standing from your bench. You stood in front of the girl, just out of her reach. She was shrieking and crying and over all just a mess. 
"Salazar, your pathetic." You murmured in disgust. 
She yelled something at you couldn't understand, not that you cared to, you were pretty sure it involved the words slut and whore multiple times. 
"Well I best be off" you smiled, "As said in Shakespeare's Coriolanus, Act 2 Scene one, 'More of your conversation would infect my brain.'" And with that you turned on your heel and left the room, green robes billowing neatly behind you. 
A few days past, and as much as you tried to hide it, your world collapsed. Of course this had nothing to do with Marleen or any of her prideful, idiotic friends, this didn't have anything to do with school at all.
It had to deal with your home. You had officially decided that being pure blood sucked. Your whole life had been planned out for you and you didn't want to do even one thing on the pre planned timeline of your life. 
The first thing directly after graduation was marriage. 
You had been attempting to put this one off the longest, you were definitely not the type to settle down and start a family. In fact the idea made you gag. You didn't even like the commitment of a date, let alone of a marriage certificate. 
So when you mother sent you a letter containing a list of names. Your heart sunk to the floor. 
The top of the letter read, "My dearest daughter, as you know you are set to be married soon after graduation. Many young men have asked for your hand, me and your father picked the best of the best for you to choose from. I hope all is going well." And then a list of 11 names, some you had never heard of and some, you sat next to during your meals or studied with after class. 
The thought of marrying any of them made you feel empty inside. You didn't love any of them and you weren't sure you would ever be able to love any of them. 
But you said it yourself, love is bullshit.
This fact didn't stop you from being pushed into a dark hole by your mother's words. She wanted an answer by Christmas break, and hell, you hadn't been able to make a stable decision since you received the letter. 
It started with a party after Slytherin beat Hufflepuff in quidditch. That also happened to be the day you were sent a reminder of your impending doom. So alcohol solved all of your problems for a couple hours and you woke up in the bed of a Ravenclaw you didn't recognize. 
The next day you had an exam you failed which resulted in a mental breakdown that left you dehydrated with a migraine. 
You had downed seven Advils and passed out on your bed by eight. 
The next day your headache had progressed, you had taken an absurd amount of medication to ease the pain that day, you ended up in the locker rooms with a Gryffindor beater.
And now here you were already a quarter bottle deep of firewhisky staring at the list of names scrawled neatly on the tear stained parchment gripped tightly in your hand. 
You glared down at the grounds so far below you, wondering what it would be like if you just jumped. You wondered who, if anyone, would actually care. You wondered if Marleen and her bitchy friends would laugh, you wondered if, some would say you deserved it. They probably would. 
This brought a bubbly giggle to your lips, before the bottle you were holding drowned them. 
You glanced back down at the list. So far you had crossed out two names you would never marry even with a wand held to your neck. 
One was Lestrange, the other Malfoy. The thought of their hands touching you, lips on yours, made you gag. 
You glanced back down at the list circling your current top choice, you would have to do some research on the names you didn't recognize, they must go to a different school. 
You brought the cool glass of the bottle back to your lips, sighing slightly at the burning taste it brought with it. 
You let a few more tears slide down your  cheeks, one dripping lazily off your chin, you watched it disappear into the dark grounds below. For just a second it shimmered in the moonlight appearing to be a drop of pure silver, before it disappeared into the night.
You let out a heart broken sob before letting the stars see the bottom of your bottle. 
Just then you heard a short cough. 
You turned to see Sirius Black, he was adorned in a pair of black ripped jeans a queen t-shirt matched with his signature black leather jacket.
You glanced down at your own appearance, black skinny jeans, tares in each knee, white t-shirt that read "Fuck Off" in black letters and of course your signature black leather jacket. 
He so seemed to be eyeing your appearance. Yiu suspicions were confirmed when he spoke, "I see you've copied my style y/l/n." 
"You wish," you laughed, "I'm pretty sure your the one copying my style." 
He rolled his eyes before walking to your side and staring down at the shimmering of midnight dew on frosted grass. 
"What is Sirius Black doing alone up in the astronomy tower at night?" You asked curiously, offering him your bottle which he took, downing a quick swig, grimacing slightly. 
"I could ask you the same." He huffed glancing at you, taking in the wetness of your cheeks and red tinge in your eyes. 
"Well I asked first." You pointed out before glancing at him as he brought the bottle back to his lips. 
Sirius shrugged passing the liquor back to you. "I guess I just needed some alone time." 
"Guess I ruined that, didn't I." You smirked lazily. 
"Nah," Sirius sighed waving your comment away with his hand, "I didn't have a fire whiskey anyway." His smile was dopey, his hair drooping in front of his stormy grey eyes. 
You let out a giggle, taking another swig from the bottle. 
"So why are you up here." He asked teasingly. 
You grimaced taking another sip. 
Sirius waited for a response for a minute but as he watched you avoid his gaze he realised you weren't going to answer. He sighed sadly, "Come on, you gotta be drowning something with that shit." He motioned to the bottle your lips were closed around. 
You chuckled lazily, "Myself I guess." 
He let out a snort, something you've never seen him do, you simply assumed it was the alcohol getting to him.
Sirius glanced at your paper and before you could whip the list away he gasped.
"Why is my brother on your list!?" He asked in alarm. 
You said nothing feeling tears reach your eyes, the last thing you wanted was someone you barely knew knowing what was slowly tearing you apart. 
"And why is his name circled!?" 
You cringed tears pricking your eyes, Sirius glanced at you, flushing a bit at your glassy eyes, you weren't one to show emotions, seeing you smile alone was a rare opportunity, that was if you only counted sincere grins, not deadly smirks. But crying, he couldn't recall seeing you crying or hearing of you crying from anyone, he figured that you had about the emotional range of a teaspoon. 
But here you were tears sliding solemnly down your cheeks, moonlight causing the drops to shimmer like rare gems. 
"Is this some sick kill list or something?" 
No response, just tears, leaking silently from your deep y/e/c eyes. 
"Because if you mess with him I swear-" 
A choked laugh escaped you crimson lips, your tongue swiping some lipstick from them. "I'm not going to hurt you brother." You then handed him the note and turned, your back facing the window you were gazing from and sliding to the floor. 
Above you Sirius eyes widened as he read the note left by your mother before processing the list below. 
He glanced down at you, your mascara was leaking slightly from the corner of your eyes, your hair was a bit tangled, your hand wrapped around the neck of your bottle as you brought it to your lips, leaving a bit of deep red lipstick on its rim. He recognized the look on your face. It was completely vacant, despite the tears, no emotion lived in your features. 
Your eyes blank and staring, mouth a straight line, not turning up or down. Your whole face was simply empty. Sirius remembered seeing that face in his mirror after he received a letter from home. And he knew that you felt how you looked. Empty.
He sighed, sliding to the floor beside you. Your long black nails came to your face furiously wiping at the tears on your cheek, refusing to meet his eye. 
"I know this doesn't matter to you but 11 guys wanting to marry you is pretty good." Sirius shrugged attempting to lighten your mood
You emitted what was either a sob or a laugh, he couldn't tell, "There were more, my mom cut out the ones that she didn't think were 'acceptable'" you made air quotes with your hands. 
"Damn." The Gryffindor huffed, "What does the circle around Regs name mean?" He asked he didn't want to push you but he had to know. Because for some reason, he didn't want it to mean what he thought it did. 
You fidgeted with the end of your jacket, leaning your head back against the rock wall behind you. "He's my top choice." You mumbled, blushing a bit, another thing that Sirius had never seen you do, even when your sex life became everyone's life. 
Sirius cringed, feeling dread soak into his bones and fill him to the brim, the idea of the y/h/c in front of him marrying his younger brother made him sick. "W-why?" He stumbled lightly over his words as they seemed to get caught in his throat. 
You finally met his eyes, they seemed to swirl with different shades of grey like a hurricane with a black eye. 
"I don't know." You voice was rough, sounded like it was a tap away from breaking, "Hes nice, polite, attractive. He's not a complete perv." 
Sirius now wore a sly smirk, the corners of his lips curving up neatly, "You think Regulus is attractive?" 
You rolled your eyes, "Yes, of course I do, jawline like that don't grow on trees." 
Sirius let out a barking laugh, you could feel his shoulder shake beside you. 
You exhaled loudly rolling your eyes again before handing the bottle to Sirius. He glanced at the almost empty bottle than back at you eyebrows raised in a silent question. 
You shrugged, "High tolerance." 
"You know that isn't good right?" 
"No Black," you drawled sarcastically, "I'm as stupid as you are."
He smacked his hand to his chest and mimicked a shocked expression you felt your eyes roll instinctively in their sockets. 
He dropped the act and chuckled finishing off the bottle with a final swig. "So if you think my brothers hot, where does that leave me?" 
"God Black, don't you think your head is big enough already?" You inquired, raising an eyebrow. 
"Humor me." He smiled pulling out a pack of smokes. 
You took a cigarette, holding it out for him to light, "Fine, yes you are extremely attractive." 
He flashed a set of pearly straight teeth, the warm orange light from his lighter reflecting from them as he lit the smoke you held out to him. 
"How bout me?" You asked after taking a huff and watching as the smoke from your exhale trailed away. 
Sirisu hummed in confusion.
"You know, humor me, how attractive am I?" You asked nonchalantly.
Sirius suddenly felt color rise to his cheeks, he hoped you would blame it on the alcohol. The truth was no girls really asked him what he thought. Well that's a lie, they ask if he thought they were pretty all the time. Asked if he thought they were good enough. But never like this. They all cared, they would burst into tears if he answered wrong. They would hate him for an answer and love him for another. 
But not you. You didn't care in the slightest. He could have said he would have rather fucked a lizard than you and you would have shrugged and continued with the conversation. And something about that made Sirius flush. 
"Well? Don't tell me I'm that bad." You giggled, although your tolerance was high, the alcohol was definitely getting to you. 
Sirius quickly gained back his charms, "My dear y/n, trust me you are gorgeous." 
"Thank you." You smiled suggestively adding a wink that made Sirius stomach fill with wings. 
There was a long pause, the sound of crickets and small frogs chirping faint in your ears. Smoke drifted from the room as a crisp chill filled the air. 
Finally Sirius spoke, "So your really gonna marry my brother?" 
You cringed at the word marry scratching at your wrist nervously, "I guess so. What other choice do I have?" 
"You could leave." Sirius muttered putting out his cigarette on the wall behind him. 
"No I can't." You all but whispered.
"Yes you can y/n, no offense but your parents are assholes, you don't need them."
"No Sirius!" You yelled voice loud and echoing off the open room, "I can't." Your voice had dropped once again, your words almost inaudible."I can't." You repeated face once again empty of emotion. He watched in horror as you put your smoke out on your own skin. He could hear it sizzle in protest for just a moment before the small orange glow disappeared. 
"Why?" He asked annoyed, "What are you scared?" 
"Yes!" You shouted. Sirius' eyes widened in surprise and for a brief moment fear as you turned toward him in anger. "You wanna know why I can't leave? Because last time I tried to leave I almost died!"
Sirius eyes filled with guilt. His annoyed look turning to one of pity. 
"You think I haven't tried to leave? I have! The second my mom mentioned marriage I packed my bags! But when my mother and father caught me trying to sneak out they used two of three of the unforgivable curses on me to get me to stay!"
Sirius winced, feeling the pain from far away memories returning to him. 
"So I can't leave. They'll kill me. I know they will." 
Sirius said nothing. He simply sat staring straight ahead. You expected him to say some inspirational bullshit or just tell you to go for it, but he didn't. He just handed you another cigarette and lit it for you. 
Your face had been sucked of all signs emotion except for one tear rolling slowly down you right cheek. It had cooled from the midnight air and now felt like a drop of ice slowly melting down your warm cheeks. 
You could feel the alcohol slowly affecting you as if it was finally catching up with you. You could feel the rational parts of yourself drift away and just then it was occurring to you that you had been irrational since the long haired boy walked in. You turned towards him, head fuzzy, stomach buzzing, and he turned to you. 
Your eyes locked grey staring into y/e/c as y/e/c stared into grey. You blinked twice, attempting to make a decision. All you could think about was how empty you felt. How much you wanted to feel something. Sirius could do that. He could make you feel something. Something. 
Your lips connected with his sloppily, your nose bumping his, as you dropped your smoke, hands connecting with his hair as he fought for dominance in your mouth. You didn't taste anything but fire whiskey and cigarettes, nothing different than what you tasted of. His tongue explored your mouth as Sirius pulled you onto his lap. You felt his hands roam your body enjoying they pressure they held on your hips as his lips passed down your neck. Seconds before your memory fade to black, you remembered thinking how much different Sirius' hands felt on your skin than anyone else. 
You woke to a familiar sight. Well by familiar you mean unfamiliar, but unfamiliar had become familiar to you. You could feel a warm arm wrapped around your bare waist, your head pounding behind your eyes as a bare chest pressed to your back. 
You could also hear whispers. They were hushed and quick, you could only make out a few words.
"How did he-" a pause of mumbles 
"That's so-" more incoherent words, "I mean what about the…" the murmurs sunk to low for your ears to pick up. 
You opened your eyes slowly opened, you turned to see three boys who you recognized immediately staring at you. They all flushed realizing you were awake but before they could speak you brought your finger to your mouth. 
"Be quiet." You hissed dangerously, wincing at the sudden stab behind your head. 
They all nodded slowly, wide eyes trading for confused ones. You slowly slipped from the bed, doing everything in your power to not wake the boy sleeping next to you. 
You let out a sigh of relief hearing Sirius snore quietly, something you found yourself thinking was adorable. You turned to see the three boys staring at you in awe, shot them a smirk as you gathered your clothes sliding on your panties and bra. You could feel their eyes follow you around the room, honestly you didn't mind in the slightest. 
You turned after grabbing your jeans they were all bright red, James smirking as the other two refused to meet your eye. You felt your lips twitch into a wolfish grin. 
"Enjoy it while you can boys, this will be the last time you see it." 
James let out a hearty laugh as Peter looked away Remus blushing amazingly red. 
"Except you." You pointed at the werewolf "You might see this again." You winked as he sputtered for words.
You slid on your t-shirt snatching your jacket from the ground. "Hopefully I'll see some of you again very soon." you winked, eyes locked with Remus as he grew impossibly warmer. 
You then walked promptly from the dorm room, earning a few glances, but you didn't care, you walked swiftly to your own common room, muttering the password and entering. A few first years looked up before whispering to each other. You rolled your eyes heading to your dorm. You were greeted by a pissed off pair of deep brown eyes adorned in yellow robes.
"You said you would study with me this morning!" Harper scrolled you. 
"I can still study!" You fought back, calling on to your bed.
"Please." Your friend scoffed, "Your hung over and what ever boy you got back from fucking is going to wake up and look for you." 
You laughed, "Please." 
"They always look for you because your too pussy to tell them you only wanted to get laid."
"Trust me this guy is not going to look for me." You assured her as you stood rummaging through your things for something to dull the pain in your head. 
"They always look." Harper said with a roll of her eyes.
"This guy won't." You promised tossing back some advils you found.
"Is he dead?" She asked sarcastically. 
"Then he'll look for you." She stated matter of factly. 
"Look its Sirius Black he's not going to look for anyone." You sighed, and for some reason this realization brought you nothing but pain. The idea of him not caring hurt. But you weren't sure why. It's not like you cared. 
"You slept with Black?" Harper gasped.
"Yes" you rolled your eyes, "Half the school has done it, it's not that big of an accomplishment." 
Harper let out a magnificent laugh, "That's true. Now come on, if you can study, let's study." 
It was in your firm belief that Sirius would not look for you, talk to you or even mention you, but boy did you wish he would. As you walked down to the library you found your self craning your neck to catch a glimpse of his glossy black hair or his dashing grin. But you saw no such thing, he didn't care. You reminded yourself, and neither do you.
You had run into the younger Black brother though. He had greeted you and Harper politely despite the Hufflepuffs half-blood status. He had even carried the books you had been struggling with for you. He walked you to the library sharing a small conversation before heading to breakfast.
"Are you gonna choose him?" Harper asked, "He gives off like a mysterious, proper sorta vibe."
You darkened slightly at the memory of choosing your betrothed, making Harper regret her decision on topics of decisions, mumbling an apology. 
You waved her off, "I don't know." Your awnser was honest, you had no fucking clue. 
"Well, I think Black is a pretty good choice, he's nice, he's polite, not to mention really hot." She shrugged attempting to lighten the mood. 
"Yeah he is." You hummed thinking of a different Black. 
Harper didn't miss the distance your eyes held. Something was up with you. Not just the shit with your family but something else. 
But before she could ask a booming voice called out your name. 
Both girls turned to meet eyes with four boys. Two hanging back slightly as the other two headed straight towards your table. 
"They always look." Harper mumbled beside you, but you couldn't hear her over the rushing in your ears. Your heart began to speed as the pair of grey eyes you had looked for this morning shined brightly at you. 
"Yes, Black?" You asked casually as if you didn't feel like suddenly throwing up. 
"Left quite early this morning." He sneered playfully plopping into the chair next to you. 
"Well your snoring woke me." You lied turning back to your work attempting to ignore the pressure his stare held on you. 
"Also gave the boys quite a show." He shrugged, "Didn't know you were into Remus." 
You ignored Harpers confused glance and Remus' flushing face behind you. 
"Please." You scoffed, "We all know I'm flirty by nature." 
Sirius felt his heart squeezed, he really didn't mean anything to you. Who cares you didn't mean anything to him. "I guess we do." He huffed feeling suddenly overwhelmly sad. He glanced up at you, your y/h/c hair framing your soft face, y/e/c eyes glinting your pretty pink lips pulled to a lopsided grin. God how he wanted to feel them against his skin again. 
"Is there a reason for your visit?" You asked impatiently, not liking the queasy feeling that his presence gave you. 
"Oh, umm y-yes." Siriua stumbled on his words. "I have your jacket." He shoved the leather jacket he was holding at you. "I think you have mine." 
You flushed, "Oh, sorry, it's in my room. I can go get it I'd you-" 
"Its fine." Sirius assured you, placing his hand on your shoulder. The touch felt electric, like a spark that will set off a bomb. Sirius eyes roamed you landing on the dark marks he left on the open skin on your neck. You bathed in crimson when you noticed where his eyes lingered. 
"Sirius!" James voice brought him back to reality. The boy removed his hand from your shoulder and snapped his eyes back to your own. 
"I'm, I'm sorry." He stuttered scratching the back of his neck. 
"It's fine." You smiled weakly. 
"So um I'll, I'll just go." He tumbled banging his knee as he stood, he swore as James let out a barking laugh. 
"Wait what about your jacket?" Harper called after him.
"Just bring it to me whenever." He spoke hurriedly, he needed to get out of there. 
You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding when he exited the room. 
Harper looked at your eyebrows raised.
"What?" You asked attempting to turn your attention back to your essay. 
"You're blushing." She pointed out, "You never blush." 
"I am not blushing." You huffed angrily even though you could feel your face glow. 
"Yeah sure." Harper drawled eyeing you skeptically.
"I'm not!" You exclaimed.
"Totally." She said narrowing her eyes. 
"Stop saying it like that!" You shouted.
"Like what." 
You let out a frustrated whimper grabbing your things and heading for the doors. "I was not blushing!" You added quickly before retreating to your common room, cheeks still burning. 
The next week was weird, it was like someone had flipped a switch to make you like everyone else. 
Suddenly you became awkward and clumsy, you blushed and stuttered when you were nervous. It was all so strange and awkward and it was all because of him. 
Sirius Blafk had done something to you. You didn't know what it was and you did not care for it in the slightest. Every Time you saw him you hated the way you looked. You suddenly began to wonder if your makeup was too dark or if your hair was too messy. When you passed him in the hall, you felt your throat close and your stomach do flips. 
In charms you couldn't focus anymore. He was alway right across from you laughing with his friends and playing pranks on Snape. You were now constantly biting your long nails, something you had never done before, you had begun to find your mind wandering subjects you didn't want it to. It was if you had lost all control of your thoughts. And you had. 
Sirius found himself in a similar situation. Suddenly your image planted itself into his brain and your voice rang in your ears. He saw you everywhere. The more he tried to get you away from him, the closer you became. He had become moody, everything would make him feel something, every little thing made him fight with an emotion, he wasn't accustomed to so much ... feeling. It was like someone had turned into a fourteen year old girl. It was terrible. To make things worse you were always with someone else, something that made him feel unexplainable fury. Every Time he saw you giggle with Avery or smile at Diggory his heart would clench, pausing slightly before he continued on, his mood soured. To make things worse Regulus never seemed to leave your side. He was carrying your books to class, sitting with you at meals, studying with you in the library. Why did Regulus get to do all that? Why did his little brother get to bathe in the light of your smile so often? That wasn't fair.
The rest of the marauders had noticed the long haired boys sudden mood changes. They had first though he had just had a bad day, but when a day stretched to a week, they had grown concerned. Remus was of course the first to identify the cause, with James lost in emerald eyes, and Peter busy being about as observant as a brick wall, it was pretty much his obligation to do so. He noticed the way Sirius's eyes lingered on you, how he soaked in your form as you passed in the corridor. He saw how Sirius would glare at boys you spoke to, specifically his little brother who seemed to be near you at all times. It didn't take the young werewolf long to put two and two together. Upon his new discovery, he began to pay more and more attention to you. 
He noticed how you avoided Sirius at all costs, he saw the way you blushed when Sirius laughed around you. He also caught you staring across the charms room at the long haired boy when he wasn't paying attention. Everything you did confused him. Because while Sirius seemed head over heels, you either hated him or loved him. It was hard to tell. 
But it wasn't for Harper. She knew you were in love with the older Black brother the second he walked into that library. You didn't even have to do anything. You simply looked at him and she could tell. It was like some alarm going off in her head, telling her what was up. When Harpet first realized this, she attempted to tell herself that she was wrong, it was silly, you didn't 'love'. But then she watched as you blushed and watched and avoided, and she knew you were deep in it. Harper was terrified to bring it up with you. She knew that in a way you already knew, but if she brought it up, made you truly realize, things could get ugly. 
But she couldn't wait any longer. You had to see what was in front of you or you would only get hurt. 
So now the burnet Hufflepuff, paced nervously in your dorm waiting for you to come in. She had a plan in her head, but it still didn't change the fact that she was a nervous wreck. 
Most people would constantly tease their friend if they believed them to be in love, but with you love wasn't an option, you had obligations, not feelings. In fact, you didn't even believe in love. You treated it like some superstition. It wasn't real to you. Not like she could blame you, you were going to be forced to marry some guy you definitely didn't want to at age 17, your parents the same way, and their parents and their parents and their parents. It was a never ending cycle of loveless life. 
Harpers frantic thoughts were interrupted by a loud thump. The girl turned to see you ditching your bag on the floor and huffing to your bed. You fell on to your mattress blankets ripping slightly like someone had tossed a pebble into a smooth lake.
"You okay?" Harper asked cautiously. 
You sat up meeting the pair of green eye scanning you in concern. "Marleen is such a bitch." You stated beginning to pick at your nails. 
"Can't disagree with that." Harper chuckled, "What she do now?" 
"She said I was Sirius 'sloppy seconds' which makes literatly 0 sense. And now she's pinning after him again." You seethed angrily.
"You're in love with him aren't you?" 
Harper's plan just crashed through the window. 
"What?!" You exclaimed."In love? With who? Black!? Never!" 
"Y/n/n, it's not a bad thing to be in love." Harper spoke calmly attempting to soothe your fury. 
"I'm not in love! Love is bullshit!" You had how risen from the bed, your hand clenched into fists beside you.
"Y/n I see the way you look at him I'm not blind! You love him! You get all flustered and weird around him, and I know you know what's going on, you just are too scared to admit it." 
"I'm not scared of shit. I know who I am and what I feel and I'm going to tell you this one time. I. Don't. Love." 
"Everyone loves y/n!" Harper heaved, her eyes desperate for you to understand. How could you not see what was in front of you. But she knew you were blinded by fear. Fear of what most craved. 
"What the hell would you know about love?!" Your voice echoed off the stone walls of the small room, reminding Harper of a jail cell. 
"Clearly more than you!" She huffed back anger sewn delicately into each word she spoke. 
"You will never know more than me you worthless HALFBLOOD!" You spat the last word of your damaging sentence as if it were a bitter taste you were attempting to ride your tongue of. 
Harpera eyes flashed with fear. Not fear of some asshole who you had to kick the shot out of, not of Malfoy, not of one of one of the  boys who had suddenly become aggressive in there chase after you. But fear oif you. She was afraid of you.
The fear left her eyes and was replaced by fury and disgust in a second. Harper walk straight to you practically shaking with rage and she slapped you across your face. You gasped head turning from the impact of her hand. When you turned back she was already practically out of the door. You felt tears slip from your eyes and you shrunk to the floor clutching your cheek. 
It wasn't the pain that hurt. Well it was but it wasn't the pain from the slap. It was the pain that the look in Harpers eyes sent through you. It was the pain from the momentarily fear that ripped through her. It was the pain of you realizing you had just lost your only true friend. 
Your body shook with sobs, the force of your tears making breaths hard to gather. Suddenly the door to your dormitory burst open. 
"Holy shit y/n/n."
You could hardly hear the voice over the echo of your own sobs. But soon a pair of arms wrapped slowly around you lifting you slowly from the floor. You buried your face into the cloak of the boy who now held you in his arms. You took a sharp breath of alcohol and smoke, with an undertone of chocolate.
(Well fuck I hit the word limit. Click THIS for Ending.)
@accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @songforhema
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Hey Hon! I have another request if that’s quite alright with you? What about Cal being needy and mushy for your attention? Like he’s clingier than usual? I haven’t seen any clingy!Cal (maybe bc it isn’t in his character?) on my dash so I thought I’d give it a shot! Let me know if this is okay :) Thanks, hon! 🥺💘
Hi Hon! Oooh, I like this one you got 😉 I personally think Cal is a closeted clingy Jedi bf, but when push comes to shove, I think he’s not afraid to be very cuddly and mushy. I think he’s great at hugging and cuddling!! 🥺🥰 I hope you’ll like the fic! You’re welcome, sweetie! 🥰💞
“His Spark of Light”
Cal Kestis x Reader
Read Part 2 next | Masterlist
1 of ?
Greez cranked the auto-pilot lever, hopped out of his seat to stretch his legs and arms, and then joined everybody out of the cockpit.
Cere was lounging in the holotable couch and Merrin was tending the terrarium. Cal was in the lounge by the dining area, lying down on the couch while hovering a ball over his face using the Force.
“Hey guys, quiet day today, huh?”
“Indeed, Captain,” Cere replied on behalf of everyone.
“Well, I was thinking of cooking up some deep-fried Nuna legs for lunch,”
The simple mention of that dish got everybody’s attention—for various reasons: Merrin was intrigued given that she hasn’t had a taste of many different dishes around the galaxy, Cere’s stomach growl when she started imagining it from its cooking process until it’s served, Cal had the same reason as Cere’s but another thing came to his mind—it was one of your favorite foods too.
The verdict was clear.
“Alright, I’ll start cookin’,” Greez hobbled to the galley.
Cere noticed that Cal had been quiet, a little dejected, but mostly bored the whole day. As a matter of fact, this was the only time he’s somewhat settled down; over the past four days, he’s busied himself with tinkering with his lightsaber—changing the parts whenever he feels like it—or simply meditating with the attempt of reaching out to you, even with the faintest connection.
“Trouble meditating again?” Cere said while standing by the open doorway to Cal’s quarters.
“Not much, just…”
“Your thoughts dwelling on [y/n] again?”
Cal had no escape from that question, he pursed in his lips and Cere took that as a yes. She called him for lunch and they went to the galley together. The smell of the deep-fried Nuna legs wafted around the ship, it made everybody’s stomach grumble. Greez added his personal touch of adding mushrooms and tomatoes as a side-dish.
Small talk revolved around the table as the crew ate, little BD-1 curiously scanned the food and drink on the table.
“You know, you better teach that droid some table manners, kid!” Greez grumbled as he gobbled his food.
Everybody except Greez chuckled over BD-1 and Greez’s antics. Cere still sensed Cal’s uneasiness. She quietly noticed that he took long in-betweens after taking a spoonful, he was quiet too even during conversations. In the middle of the meal, the holotable was emitting a ringing sound—indicating an incoming transmission—the first three rings of the alarm made Cal jump out of his seat at the table, jump over the three steps and ran to the holotable to switch on the projector.
A projection of you fizzled into the center of the holotable. Cal’s eyes lit up. Cere joined Cal at the holotable, and then later Merrin and Greez paused from eating to hear from you. It has been four days after all.
“Hey Cal. Hi Cere,” you greeted. “Sorry I didn’t transmit as soon as I finished in Geonosis. I actually got sidetracked, I managed to hitch a ride with some rebel fighters.”
Through the transmission, you narrated how you met the rebel fighters during your solo mission on Geonosis. They didn’t ask much questions, although they did offer you a ride.
“Where are you headed to with them?” Cere asked, leaning closer to the rim of the holotable.
Despite the slightly blurry resolution of your hologram projection, the withdrawn expression in your face is evident. You sigh and then bite your lip as you carefully choose your words.
“It’s… well, they prefer not to have it said aloud, I’ll explain later. I’ll send the coordinates after this transmission instead,”
“Is it their base?”
Cal was trying his best to conceal his eagerness. The energy that was missing from him this morning finally appeared since you showed up—albeit as a hologram projection.
“I believe so,” you calmly said, clueless to Cal’s sudden mood shift. “They’re very… discreet about it.”
“Alright, we’ll be expecting the coordinates soon,”
“Sure, Cere,” you smiled and slightly angled your head to Cal.
“We’ll meet you there,” Cal concludes.
“Oh, I almost forgot. Along with the coordinates, I’ll be sending a code—for security purposes—once you get close enough to connect with their comms, they’re going to need that code to secure your entry.”
“Gotcha,” Cal replied.
You smiled before your projection on their end crackled and vanished into thin air. Shortly after the transmission ended, a “ping” sound rang in the holotable. Cal’s fingers typed away on the small control screen as the terminal received the said coordinates; a hologram of a planet with a single moon pops out into the center.
“The coordinates point out to this moon right here,” he zoomed in on the smaller sphere in the projection. He reads out the planet name on the terminal’s screen, “Yavin IV.”
“We’ll meet her there, but first: finish your lunch, please, Cal?”
“Okay, okay,” Cal childishly threw his hands up in surrender and marched back to the dining table and emptied his plate in a heartbeat—he practically beat everyone else.
“At least drink something so you don’t choke from all that food stuck in your throat,” Greez commented.
Cal snatched his stainless tumbler and chugged away at its contents, he wiped his lip with the sleeve of his jumpsuit and marched down the three steps from the dining room.
“Cal, kid, we aren’t leaving in the next ten minutes. We aren’t even finished with our food yet!” Greez exclaimed, stopping Cal from getting any farther from the lounge.
“Right, right…” Cal skidded his boots against the floor and returned to the dining table with everyone else. “Sorry.”
“Have you ever been to that place where we’ll be meeting [y/n]?” Merrin started the conversation. Her curiosity was always a good conversation starter.
Yavin IV was an addition to the list of firsts for everyone. The rebel fighters that you were with are just as mysterious. Cere presumed that it may not be the same rebel fighters as Saw’s back in Kashyyyk.
“But if they did help her, then we know that they’re on the same side as ours,” Cere added.
A few minutes later, Greez was finished with his food—along with the rest of the crew—and then marched back to his seat in the cockpit; Cal followed behind him and flopped down on his shotgun seat, he typed away the coordinates on his side of the control panel while Greez prepped the Mantis for the jump to hyperspace.
“Yavin IV is five parsecs from where we are,”
“Well, you all better strap in your seats!” Greez announced, slowly cranking the hyperspace lever until the stars were beginning to appear as thin, blue streaks of light.
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fictionismyforte · 5 years
sniper! Halstead headcanons
and just sniper! Halstead in general bc I don't think we’re gonna get our fill this season :)))))
okay so obviously jay was a sniper in the military
and I just did some research as to how he would have become one, which I'm gonna explain here:
you need a distinguished record as an infantryman before you can enter the training to see if you’ll be able to be a sniper
to become a sniper you need to stand out so that you’ll be chosen to go to the “sniper school”
there is a 5 week program that essentially weeds people out
in the 6th week, the students learn how to engage targets from non-stable positions, which mimic field work
in the 7th week, they receive an “order” for a training mission that they then plan and execute, which involves digging camouflaged holes, hiding, stalking, target detection, range estimation, and shooting
on the last day of the course, they get to go on a road march to conduct their final shot, to ensure they can carry all of the equipment over long distances
they get two rounds and one target for their final shot; after locating the target they have to calculate/determine the rage, etc.
anyway I got sidetracked back to jay
basically he was really good in the military and was able to do the sniper thing
theres no clear timeline for how long jay was even in the military, and some kinda plot holes around it, so there’s no saying how long he was a sniper, but he obviously got a lot of practice
I don't know a ton about what aspects of a veteran’s military record is confidential, but I assume that Voight read up on jay as much as he could
I like to think that Voight knew jay had been a sniper, but jay didn’t realize that he knew until they were working a case that required one
Antonio or olinsky started talking about calling the SWAT department, when Voight just goes “no, I want this kept in our unit”
and they’re like “not sure what we can do about that, sarge”, but Voight just looks at jay, who kinda stares back weirdly bc “how did he know?”
then jay surprises everyone when he shoots the target from a difficult angle without any issues
what surprises them more is the calculated, almost cold aura around him afterwards
because they’ve never seen him in that mindset before and didn’t realize that when he's sniping, thats all he's doing
anyway after this jay is there go to sniper whenever they know they’re going to need one, and even if SWAT is there and sends their own, Voight still usually gets jay to also get in position
he’s also extremely good at figuring out where a sniper would have had to shoot from, as kinda demonstrated in an episode already, and can follow a bullet back to the shooter to take them down
one time after Upton and him have been partners for a little while, and he hasn’t done the sniper thing in a while, Voight is assigning tasks for all the people in the unit during a take-down
he tells Upton to go with Antonio and burgess, and she’s understandably confused, but gets into her position nonetheless
she’s looking around for jay at one point because Voight starts talking to him through the earpiece, and he says he’s got eyes on the target but she doesn’t get how because she is right outside the corner from said target and she knows that jay isn’t there
then the guy drops to the ground and she looks out the window that the bullet came from to see jay starting to stand up on a nearby roof
guys I really miss sniper! Halstead and I don’t even know why
like why have I gotten so unnecessarily attached to a character using a type of weapon omg
but yeah that’s the post
still waiting for him to come back but its fine :))))))) totally fine :))))))
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