#bc i have gotten a lot of new followers i think probably from that she loves you more than her own life post
scionshtola · 5 months
since tumblr never let me edit html maybe i should make a lil intro post for cori
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ferrstappen · 1 year
max, the wag (for the third time) l Max Verstappen x reader
a/n: i was in the middle of writing this when news of Danny coming back to the grid!!! omg I'm so happy of seeing RIC and listening to his radios and everything, it wasn't the same without him <3
also, about requests. Please keep sending them, I've LOVED all the reqs I've gotten but right now im getting ready for my bar exam in a couple of weeks so my time is super super limited, but I promise I'll get to most of them (bc imsorry there are some reqs that I really can't connect with) after the exam, it's one of the things I'm looking forward to <3 but for now this kind of mediocre story telling will have to do...
ANYWAY, HOPE YOU LIKE THIS INSTALLMENT! you can find part 1 and 2 on the master list <3
summary: the continuation of your favorite paddock couple.
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Max arrived to the track by himself.
If he was being honest, it wasn’t on his plans to walk alone with the photographers, Red Bull marketing team snatching him for stuff right after he swapped his credential. Even from far away he was able to hear chants of fans and more media than usual. 
But you weren’t right there next to him. 
He knew it wasn’t your fault, Silverstone not being a track where he was usually welcomed with opened arms and he was aware of you not wanting to be too in the eye of photographers who didn’t make questions to you, but there still were different WAGs and outfits or whatever accounts tracking your every step, especially with the new wave of partners and sudden break ups and polemics. 
Still, the selfish part of him wanted you to enter the track with him, even if it was a few steps ahead or behind him, holding your hand and smiling as you complained about the amount of credentials you had to carry: the usual green VIP Paddock, Red Bull something. You’d think after all these years they’d know me, you’d say and he’d laugh.
On the other hand, you finished getting ready and called the front desk to get a taxi to get there, feeling a bit guilty of letting Max go on his own, especially when there were more eyes on the track with Brad Pitt being there and a lot of important people who’d want to talk with him all day. 
Texting Max to let him know you were already by the guests entrance waiting when you noticed some intense flashes getting near. You’d been around a time or two to know this wasn’t usual, maybe in Miami but not when you were on the abandoned back entrance, not very glamorous and low key. 
But you saw her…
Shakira, are you visiting Lewis?
Who are you cheering today?
Shakira, third Grand Prix of the year! 
Did you talk to Lewis before? Is he nervous?
Your eyes followed her, mouth opening when you followed her small frame, exuding class and sympathy, even Alexandra who was also making her entrance stopped to get a closer look of the Colombian bombshell. 
Of course, they didn’t ask her to show and get accredited, she just walked by with a radiant smile leaving paparazzi behind as she kept talking with the friend she came with. 
But wasn’t that a Haas credential?
It didn’t matter, it wasn’t important, because right then your brain made the connections and started dialing Max while nervously biting your polished nails. 
“Baby, everything okay? Are you already inside?” Max answered, but his words were quiet and rushed. 
“Yes, but you’re never going to believe…”
“I’m sorry we have a meeting, please don’t go to the paddock, go straight to the driver’s lounge, okay? Love you” 
He hung up and you wanted to pull your hair out, knowing he is the one and only person you wanted to share this information with, and you were also certain he was the only person who would truly appreciate the gossip and speculation about his fellow driver’s love life. 
Max was able to leave the meeting almost forty minutes later, getting outside for some air until he remembered your call and that you probably were bored to death on the lounge. He was turning around to go there when…
When he saw the one and only Shakira in all of her glory. 
He wasn’t starstruck or anything, being immune to celebrities and the imaginary pedestal where most people placed them, but this wasn’t about that, it was about the way she was supposedly hiding under a cap walking towards the Mercedes garage.
He covered his mouth and hastily made his way to you. 
You didn’t greet each other with the usual peck on the lips and short hug; his slightly widened blue eyes told you exactly what you needed to know as he opened the door to his small room. 
“Please tell me that you saw her!” You said as soon as he closed the door. 
“Yes, just now she was walking to Mercedes,” Max was whisper shouting as if someone would hear him and it was the highest of secrets. 
“Did you see Lewis?” You asked Max but he said no. “What if you try to ask Brad Pitt if he saw her and like if they’re friends… with Shakira?” This time both you and your boyfriend laughed at the idea.
"I did see Sainz trying to go unnoticed with a tall brunette,do you think she is the new girlfriend?" Max asked and you nodded.
"I'm pretty sure he cheated on Isa with her, and I am almost certain she was in the Paddock Club in Monaco during qualifying," Max whistled at the new information.
Now he kissed you, lips fitting perfectly against each other, but your eyes suddenly opened and separated from him. What? Why? What happened? Max was disconcerted. 
“Please don’t laugh at me because this is a serious idea…” You told Max who had your entire attention. “What if we write to Deuxmoi?”
“Deux what?”
“They have all the inside scoops  and sightings, even your name’s popped up once or twice,” Max’s eyebrows rose at the information. “We should write that Shakira was seen on the British Grand Prix and I am one hundred percent sure someone will have more information!” You proposed and Max chuckled.
“Schatz, I can just ask Lewis why she’s here,” Max told you before embracing you, his arms circled around your waist.
You rolled your eyes before resting your head on his chest, but suddenly it hit you, swiftly lifting your head and facing Max. 
“Then why haven’t you asked him yet?!”
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ayyy-pee · 5 months
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Discord 18+ - Twitter - Last Episode - Next Episode - Masterlist
Pairing: JJK Men x Female Reader
Episode Summary: The season has begun! Which one of these contestants will be the first to make an impression on your heart?
Story Warning: DRAMA, lying and scheming, REVERSE HAREM, profanity bc I can only be me, arguments, fights probably, heartbreak and tears, (more to come)
Artist Credit: momoya348, Umbra3terna, ilameys,maoyaoyao519, _0_0219 Divider Credit: Cafekitsune (Tumblr)
A/N: sorry it took so long! i said it would be up the next day but yall know i lie
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Apparently, you were the perfect pick for the show. At least, that’s what the producers had told you as they spent weeks screening you for this and prepping you for what was to be expected. 
“She’s not heavily involved in society, but can still see curses,” they’d said.
“And none of the Sorcerers would know her either since she’s practically nobody in society,” they’d note.
“No expectations from someone like her,” they’d comment.
And all the while, you sat there, letting them pick apart your life.
A window – hardly useful, new to Kyoto so the chances were slim that you had met any of the men who had signed up for the show, a nobody, just…there. Unimpressive, plain, hardly a step above the non-gifted. And somehow, you were supposed to win the heart of one of these men.
- - - - - - 
Jesse stands before you, a wide smile on his face when he asks, “Feeling nervous?”
“Just a little.” That feels like an understatement
“Anything you’re looking for in one of these Sorcerers?” Jesse pushes. You’ve honestly got to give it to Jesse. He’s a great host. You’ve gotten more comfortable with him in the short time you’ve been speaking. You think he’s a nice person. At least while the cameras are on.
“Nothing in particular, Jesse,” you respond. “You know, I’m pretty open right now. Just looking to find someone who speaks to my heart.”
Now you’re just pulling things out of your ass, because where did that come from?
“Good, good.” Jesse pauses briefly, taking a dramatic inhale of breath before he speaks your name. “Alright, listen. The first man who will be competing for your heart should be pulling up here shortly. Best of luck. But, I have a strong feeling there’s going to be someone out here for you that will end up sweeping you off your feet…” He leans forward and embraces you once more. Then he turns and speaks directly into the camera, where all the viewers at home can see. “Remember, this is a very special season in more ways than one. While our Bachelorette tries to find her soulmate, you, the viewers at home, are in charge of choosing who will not be receiving a rose for eliminations.”
Your head snaps to the camera and you see the cameraman swivel the large machine so that Jesse’s head blocks your wide eyed, open mouthed stare.
“Hopefully these men know how to make an impression, because that will greatly sway you viewers. Be sure to tune in…” He claps his hands together. “And with that…let the journey begin.”
Jesse is off before you can even call after him, not sparing you a glance as his assistants swarm around him out of view of the camera. There’s a lot of movement that follows as Jesse leaves you standing outside of the Bachelorette mansion in what now feels like the frigid cold. Was it always this freezing? Was your dress always so tight, so suffocating? You feel like you can’t breathe.
The viewers. That’s what Jesse had said on live television. The viewers would be deciding who moved forward?! That was not what was advertised! This was not what you were told would be happening! You were supposed to be choosing for yourself!
How could you possibly find the love of your life among a group of Sorcerers you’d be meeting for the first time in your life. Not to mention, you had to depend on the viewers of the world to decide who was your soulmate?! They didn’t even know you! How could you trust them with your heart? How would they know who would be the one best suited to take care of it?
Hell, you don’t even know who would be the one best suited for that. But the only thing you are certain of is that this is a mistake. A very big, very stupid mistake.
How could you have let Utahime talk you into this? Let this be the last time you’re swayed by that drunkard!
Your eyes dart around, trying not to catch the attention of the many people surrounding you at the moment. The crew is busy fiddling with the lighting. The sound team is checking and adjusting mics. The cameramen are moving into position to catch every possible angle. And suddenly you feel more exposed, more vulnerable than ever. You need to get out of here, quickly. 
Spinning on your heel, you take a single step forward in an attempt to dart past all of the commotion, hopefully unnoticed. But the moment you turn around, you hit a wall. At least what feels like a wall. But the only thing standing between you and your escape is one very tall man dressed in a nice and clearly incredibly expensive suit. 
Your gaze climbs up this man’s body and you’re met with a pair of the most insanely (and downright terrifying) pair of blue eyes you’ve ever seen in your life. They sit behind a pair of sunglasses (it’s nighttime?) so dark, you can’t see a thing through them. And atop this man’s head sits a head full of stark white hair. He’s so…unnatural looking. Almost alien-like, but beautiful nonetheless.
Still. It doesn’t change the fact that less than two seconds ago, you’re absolutely positive that this man was not here.
“Hey there,” he says, a lopsided grin on his face. 
It’s then that reality crashes down on you. That this strange-looking man appearing out of thin air feels real. And you let out a blood-curdling, earsplitting shriek that has the staff gasping and screaming along with you. You quickly stagger backwards. And because you seem to be blessed with nothing but bad luck tonight, your heel of course catches in the ridges of the outdoor tile. You’re sure to be tumbling to the ground soon and you can only pray the cameras aren’t trained on you when you inevitably hit the floor. You squeeze your eyes shut and wait for the impact to come.
But it never does. You’re sort of just…floating there. You hesitantly peek through one eye, aware that you’re now in the arms of the man who had appeared out of nowhere. His eyes stare down at you, a hint of amusement behind them as he holds you to his chest. Well, you think it’s his chest? It feels like you’re touching him…but not? It’s such a strange sensation. Is this his cursed technique? It has you reaching up and almost pressing your hand to the man’s chest. That is, until you realize what you’re about to do. Aghast, you scramble out of his hold and straighten yourself up. 
What was it the producers had told you in preparation? Stand tall and confidently. Even if you don’t feel confident, you’ll at least be able to look confident.
Well, you definitely don’t feel confident, and you doubt you look confident either. But you clear your throat quietly anyway, folding your hands in front of you and offer this man a polite smile. 
“Thank you,” you mutter.
He chuckles, slipping his hands into his pockets as he peers at you from over the rim of his glasses. He purses his lips together, taking you in. Then that grin from earlier is back, like he approves of what he sees. “Any time.”
You’re not sure who the hell this man is. If he’s a contestant on the show, he shouldn’t be here yet. He’s supposed to be pulling up in a stretch limo and let out in front of you so that introductions can be done properly. You wait for him to introduce himself, but instead he just stands there, a shit eating grin sitting on his lips. Like you’re just supposed to know who he is.
Should you? Maybe you should.
He waits there…staring, annoyingly if you’re being honest.
So you wait, too. Because isn’t he supposed to be impressing you? Not the other way around. He’s clearly a sorcerer. You can feel the light airiness his cursed energy exudes, but you can’t for the life of you pinpoint who he is. Maybe it’s your nerves. Maybe you’re still on edge from this entire experience. Or maybe it’s the way your heart is still racing from him scaring the absolute shit out of you fifteen seconds ago. Either way, this guy seems awfully sure of himself and his expectation for you to show him some sort of reaction to his presence. 
But you can’t place who he is. Mentally, you want to kick yourself for the way you always checked out, daydreaming about cheese fries instead of listening to Utahime give you the 411 on all of the sorcerers she knew. It would probably come in handy right about now.
When you don’t give this stranger the reaction he’s waiting for, you watch as his brows slowly knit together behind those glasses of his and his mouth turns down with a scowl.
“I thought a sorcerer would be more…” He waves his hand in the air lazily. “...excited about this.”
You fix him with a deadpan look. “You popped up out of nowhere, then almost knocked me on my a–”, you glance over to one of the cameras quickly. It stares back at you, one of many giant eyes suddenly hovering to catch every expression and word from you and televise it to the world. So really, you should be more careful about what you say. “I mean…you came out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me!”
You toss in a laugh to lighten up the mood, and let the man know you’re not upset even though deep down your heart is still hammering against your ribcage from his annoying little stunt. 
Suddenly it hits you. Through the fog of cheese fry filled memories, you can hear Utahime’s drunken slurring come through.
“Everything’s a fucking joke to him. He takes nothing seriously. I hate that guy so much! Him and that dumbass blindfold and that damn forcefield he keeps up around him. Gojo Satoru can kiss my ass.”
And because he’s Gojo fucking Satoru, he can see the instant you realize he’s him written all over your face.
“Looks like you finally figured it out.” He’s as cocky as Utahime told you he was.
Even still, you hadn’t paid it any mind because you hadn’t expected the strongest sorcerer in a thousand fucking years to be standing in front of you on a damn dating show.
He saunters over to you, long legs quickly closing the distance. Then he’s taking your hand in his and bringing it up to his shiny pink lips. And you must look like a deer in the headlights, staring up at him with wide eyes, mouth open slightly as The Strongest, places a soft kiss to the back of your hand.
“I’m Satoru,” he breathes against your skin, and from your peripheral, you see the cameras move closer to catch this gesture.
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They’re so close, you can even hear the staff whispering worriedly behind you: “Wait, wasn’t everyone’s montage supposed to be in black and white?” and “Why are his photos in color?” and “Something about his eyes? I don’t know.” and “Management’s gonna kill us.”
When Satoru pulls away, he’s smiling down at you. You don’t know if you’ll ever get used to his height. “You’re…stunning,” he speaks with an air of disbelief. And you can’t help it. You swoon for him immediately. It’s kind of pathetic, really. “As The Strongest, I think I’m the only one here capable of taking care of your heart.”
Again, you hear the staff behind you, men and women alike sighing and quietly squealing. You respond with a sweet smile and a genuine laugh because, although a little cheesy, that was definitely a good line. “Maybe so.”
You think he likes your cheekiness, because he’s beaming now. “Definitely so. And I can’t wait to prove it.” He kisses your hand again. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. I’m looking forward to getting to know you.” Satoru gives you his most radiant smile and you can’t help but return it. “I’ll see you inside.”
And with that, he’s gone in an instant, like he was never there. It’s just you, with your hand still in the air and the impression of Satoru’s cursed energy before you…and the impression he’s already left on your heart.
You turn to the camera, pressing your hand to your rapidly beating heart. “He’s so charming.” It comes out as more of a sigh and you think you can hear Utahime groaning, see her rolling her eyes all the way from her couch. But you can’t help it! You just met the Satoru Gojo!
Unfortunately, you don’t have time to dwell too much on Satoru’s unique entrance because shortly after he poofs out of sight, you hear the sounds of tires approaching. With a wide grin to the camera and the audience watching, you spin back around and try to calm your nerves for the next arrival. 
“We’re already off to a good start.” The cameras move into position, ready to capture everything. “Looks like the next contestant’s coming. Wonder what he’ll be like.”
Just as you finish speaking, a long, black and luxurious limousine rounds the corner and pulls into the lengthy driveway. You steady yourself, feeling optimistic after your first meeting. It’s as though all the nerves and apprehension you’d felt earlier were washed away. You can’t help but feel giddy now, eager to meet this next contestant as the limousine comes to a stop.
But as the driver exits the vehicle – a small, sweaty and almost sickly looking man – he comes around to the back of the limo and opens the door...only to see that the backseat is empty. He peers inside, then whips around when he finally sees there truly is no one in there. You can see his face begin to go almost green, his black rimmed glasses fogging as he stutters out, “H-has Gojo-san a-already arrived?”
He’s trembling, this poor man, and you simply give him a nod. Was he supposed to be bringing Satoru to you? If so, he failed miserably at his task.
The driver looks like he’s about two seconds away from passing out and the camera crew pick up on it, scurrying forward to catch his expression. He’s panic-stricken, murmuring to himself and it’s just loud enough for you to make out a “I hope Gojo-san doesn’t hit me when he’s back. How did I not notice he wasn’t there anymore? It was so quiet in the backseat. I must have simply enjoyed the rare peace I was given and didn’t question it...Oh, I’m so dead–”
He hurries back around to the drivers side without sparing a glance back, quickly hopping inside and taking off. The tires smoke and screech as he speeds around the corner, driving far too fast for any limousine to be moving.
The cameras pan back to you, and you smile uncomfortably, an equally uncomfortable laugh bubbling up from your chest. You shrug to the audience because what can you even say to that?
Dealing directly with sorcerers is already proving to be more chaotic than you imagined.
The next limo pulls forward not long after Satoru’s and the nervous pale man, and one of the most striking men you’ve ever seen steps out easily. He makes eye contact with you immediately, confidently. And it sends chills up your spine. He’s just barely shorter than Satoru, with a face carved by the gods, shiny blonde hair that looks so soft and probably smells incredible, and deep brown eyes that have definitely seen some shit in his line of work. They house deep bags under them. You wonder when the last time he got a good night’s rest was. 
The man strolls across the driveway, so handsome in his khaki suit. You take that time to let your eyes rake over his form. Utahime didn’t tell you that these sorcerers were so damn big. If you had been given a warning, you’re sure you wouldn’t look like an idiot drooling over only the second guy you’ve seen tonight. 
When he’s about arms length away from you, he stops suddenly and bows. It’s a perfect 90 degree formal greeting and you return it politely. This man must really care about customs and tradition. Surprisingly, you find that quite attractive.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he greets when he stands. His voice ignites goosebumps along your skin. It’s deep, rough and if you’re being honest, fucking sexy. “I’m Kento Nanami.” 
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“For now, you can simply refer to me as Nanami until we become more familiar.” 
His words confirm your first impression of him. This man carries an air of confidence that makes you feel like you can trust him with your life. You know that sounds dramatic, but it’s a trait that is highly valued in the Sorcerer world. You’ve never seen a battlefield in your life, but you think that if you had a cursed technique, you’d want to go head to head against a curse with Nanami.
The cameras have moved forward again, just in time to catch you grinning like a goofy idiot. Nanami is the polar opposite of Satoru, in a good way. He’s far more serious and stoic than Satoru, but for some reason, you have a feeling that there’s more to him beneath the surface. You’re willing to bet he’s a lot more sensitive and caring than he lets on. You’re hoping you get to see that side of him soon.
“It’s so nice to meet you too, Nanami. You can call me by my first name. No need to be formal with me.”
Nanami presses his lips into a thin line. Like he doesn’t want to agree to that, but he doesn’t argue about it. And though brief, you see his eyes quickly snap up and down your form, taking you in so fast you almost miss it. “You look beautiful,” he tells you. And while his voice gives nothing away, you see the tips of his ears grow a little more crimson.
‘Cute.’ You can’t help but think. Yep, he’s so clearly adorably soft and shy underneath that hard exterior. Interesting. It gives you a small boost in confidence for a second. Someone as attractive as Nanami finds you beautiful. Of course you feel good about yourself.
“You’re very…”
‘Very what? Sexy? Ripped? Built like a fucking house?’
“...good looking yourself.”
‘Yeah, reel in the horny, please.’
Nanami gives you what looks to be the smallest smile you’ve ever seen and much like how you reacted to Satoru, you swoon for him too, heart racing in your chest. You can't help it. He’s just so cute!
“I’m happy to be here. Really lovely meeting you. I'll be seeing you again soon.”
With that, he gives you another bow and that shy smile that you can’t wait to see again. Then he’s moving past you and into the mansion to join Satoru. The cameras face you now and you mouth “wow” into the lens. When you turn back around to ready yourself for the next contestant, you hear the mansion’s door swing open behind you and what you swear is the faint sound of Satoru screaming, “NANAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII”.
You hope to know more about Nanami soon. He really seems as though he has a lot to offer once he opens up. You’d love to be the one he opens up for.
Just like after Satoru, the next person arrives shortly after Nanami and the cameras move into position quickly. The limo has barely parked when several people who are definitely not contestants (how did they all fit in there?!) jump out from the vehicle and swiftly form a line along the pathway to you.
There’s a shirtless man with heart-shaped nipples that opens the door and after one very long minute has passed, a man exits the vehicle.
Right away, you’re taken aback by how breathtaking this man is. His long black hair is lustrous, voluminous and hangs freely down his back with half of it tied up in a top knot. He’s as beautiful as the two men before him, standing tall in a dark blue form-fitted suit.
His deep violet eyes scan along his surroundings until they land on you at the end of the path, waiting for him. He meets you with a smile so sweet, it almost scares you. And as he strolls towards you, you see why. Every person who had lined the path previously falls forward as the man passes, bowing at an even more perfect 90 degrees than Nanami did just moments before. They offer him praise as he goes.
It’s freaky, downright strange. It’s almost like they worship him.
Now, while everyone in the Jujutsu world knows who Satoru Gojo is because of his reputation, he was actually quite a rare sight. Always busy, always out and about keeping Japan from being wiped from the earth. It wasn’t easy to catch sight of Satoru unless he wanted you to see him, you were a student or staff at the Tokyo campus, or unless you were an unfortunate curse coming face-to-face with him. And so, a little small town Window like yourself had no idea what he looked like in person and a brief description from Utahime hadn’t helped much.
But this man heading your way? Everyone, even Windows, knew who he was and what he looked like. His reputation preceded him, and not in a good way. His air is a lot more intimidating, menacing even. And he’s just as pretty in real life than in any picture you had seen. They did not do him justice. So you were ill-prepared when you realized that heading towards you, with the most stomach churning aura was none other than the worst Curse User of all time, Suguru Geto.
When he reaches you, without a word, he waves a hand and those kneeling behind him shoot up to standing position immediately. They chant “Thank you, Master Geto” in unison, bowing once more before they all pile into the vehicle and leave the vicinity.
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It’s creepy…and intriguing all at the same time. You’d never seen anything like that before. So all intel given to Sorcerers and Windows alike weren’t exaggerating. This man really was operating as some strange cult leader. And now the show has captured all of that live on camera.
How was he even able to get on the show anyway? He’s a curse user, not a Sorcerer.
He peers down at you, brows knitted together as he takes you in. He’s quiet for quite some time. Even the crew is on edge, the tension palpable.
When Suguru meets your gaze, it’s almost as though he’s not looking at you at all. More like he’s looking past you. He raises a hand, reaching towards the side of your head, and your eyes drift shut, only for a brief second before you hear a soft whirring right behind your head, and can just make out a soft blue glow highlighting the man’s features.
It’s over as quickly as it began, and when Suguru brings his hand back, he holds a small black and gold ball in front of your face. You peer up at him again, and his eyes are closed in a pretty crescent shape as he beams down at you.
“There must be some mon– humans on staff if there are little flyheads buzzing around freely like this.” He’s making a face, like he’s holding down vomit just having to utter the word humans and for some reason this makes you laugh. Out of finding it genuinely funny? Out of fear? Out of nerves? Who knows? But, your laughter dies down after a few seconds and your eyes fall to the ball in his hand again. 
“Did you just…absorb a curse?” You’d heard of his cursed technique, but obviously hadn’t seen it in action before. Until now.
Suguru chuckles softly, the sound making you shiver. You’re not sure if it’s in a good way or not. “I would need to swallow it later to truly absorb it, but I’ll spare you the sight for now.”He tucks the curse into his pocket, then he’s taking your hand in his and bringing it up to his chest where he presses his lips to the back of your hand sweetly.  
Right. Him and Satoru used to be the best of friends. You’re sure they’ve used the same pick up lines on other people that they’ll probably end up using on you. You’re only hoping they’re here for genuine reasons. But more than that, you just hope that they’ll be able to coexist with each other.
“Absolutely breathtaking,” Suguru purrs, his lips curling into a bright smile. “More than I was expecting.”
You’re not sure what he means by the last part, but who cares? You’re fucking swooning again.
No wonder he and that blue eyed bastard were so close at one point. Two beautiful men that know how to say all the right things. It makes you feel shy, like a child trying to talk to her schoolyard crush and the cameras are quick to capture your expressions and broadcast them to the world.
“Thank you so much. You are, too.”
And because he’s Suguru Geto – charismatic, playful, manipulative – he leans forward and presses a gentle kiss to your cheek. It’s your first kiss of the night from any of the men so far, and this one has your stomach doing flips, has your heart crawling up your throat.
You give him a wide smile and he shakes his head like he’s just in disbelief. “Beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you acknowledge again.
“I’m so glad to be here. Can’t wait to get to know you more.”
Suguru kisses your cheek again before he waves goodbye and heads towards the mansion. You watch as he retreats, and for a second you think he doesn’t seem that bad. Except…he’s a fucking mass murderer. 
You really need to pull yourself together.
There are still four more people to meet, but so far, you’re enjoying this experience. You don’t think you’ll mind meeting the others and you’re definitely looking forward to spending more time with the men already inside.
At least, you think so. Because just as the director calls “CUT” for commercial break, the hairs on the back of your neck stand high as you feel the telltale rush of two very opposite sources of cursed energy flare from inside the mansion. Those in the crew with even a smidge of cursed energy feel it too, because their heads snap over towards the building the men will reside in as well.
“And then Yuji was like– what if we just put Panda in the exhibit? How much do you think it will freak everyone out when he stands up and just starts talking?!” Gojo speaks to Nanami enthusiastically. He’s waving his arms retelling the story, bursting into raucous laughter. “I swear that kid is hilarious!”
Nanami stares patiently at the wall ahead of him. In all honesty, he hasn’t heard a word Gojo has said. That’s usually how things go between them. Gojo rambles, Nanami grunts with feigned interest and eventually, Gojo gets bored and leaves to bother someone else. Unfortunately for him, with none of the students around or Principal Yaga, Nanami is now his sole target. 
But Nanami doesn’t care about that right now. He’s thinking about you, and how he should have said more, made more of an impression. Now he’s inwardly beating himself up since he stepped into the house and was greeted by his colleague. He wonders if he’ll stand out among the other contestants. He should have put himself out there with you instead of scurrying off as soon as he had the chance.
It’s just that…you’re a lot more stunning than Nanami had anticipated and the moment he saw you, he’d reverted into formalities and awkwardness. It reminded him of how he was in high school.
Nanami is drowning out Gojo with thoughts of you and how he could possibly get more one-on-one time with you later tonight when he hears Gojo suddenly shut up. He peers up briefly, catching sight of Gojo’s scowl, brows furrowed harshly as he stares hard at the entryway. Another contestant must be here, one that Gojo isn’t particularly fond of. 
And Nanami knew exactly who that would be.
The moment those soft steps carry in Curse User, Suguru Geto, Nanami instantly finds himself in the center of a pissing match of their cursed energies fighting for dominance in the room. Unlike most Sorcerers and curses, Suguru doesn’t fear Gojo in the slightest. Most people would cower away, move to the other side of the room and take a seat. But not Suguru. In fact, he strides right over to where his two old classmates sit on the sofa – Gojo on the end, Nanami in the center and now, Suguru on the other end of the sofa.
He grins tauntingly at Gojo, who holds his stare. “Nanami,” he greets, not even bothering to look at the blonde. His eyes are locked on his target. “Satoru…”
“Geto-san,” Nanami nods curtly. “Didn’t think we’d be seeing you here.”
Suguru hums cheerily. “Well, I suddenly found myself in the market for love.”
Satoru snorts, rolling his eyes. “You? Like you’d know how to love anyone besides yourself.”
Nanami sighs between the two men, already feeling his annoyance begin to build up. He had not missed these petty arguments.
“Oh, you know I’m capable of loving more than just myself,” Suguru purrs and Nanami can feel Gojo’s cursed energy waver slightly. Beside him, Suguru chuckles happily. Probably because he got the reaction he was looking for and so easily, too. “Anyway, Nanami, I’m truly surprised to see you here. You don’t strike me as someone interested in romantic relationships.”
Nanami doesn’t reply. Instead, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, feeling a headache already coming on. There were days where he had hoped to have Geto and Gojo be able to coexist in the same space again, as chaotic as they were together. But if it was going to be like this, they may need to get sent home quickly.
Nanami’s eyes shoot open, scanning the room until his gaze falls on the bar across the massive living area. This is the perfect chance to get some time alone with his thoughts. 
“Excuse me,” he interjects, pardoning himself from whatever was going on with the two men beside him.
It was time to think about how he can make a better impression, get some time with you after the others have arrived. Maybe even secure a rose tonight. He’s only interested in moving forward with you. And while Gojo and Geto are too busy taking sly digs at each other on the sofa, Nanami’s thoughts are cooking up a petty scheme to get rid of those two as soon as he can.
“You’re lucky I don’t blow a hole through your head right now, Suguru,” Satoru threatens, scowl deepening if possible.
But Suguru just smirks, leaning back against the sofa. “Well, you always were good at blowing my head, weren’t you?” He closes his eyes, smiling wide, like he’s reminiscing on some sweet memory. 
It makes Satoru…feel weird. Suguru knows just how to get under his skin in ways that remind him of the old Suguru. But he’s not him anymore. Outside of this, he’s his enemy. In this house, he’s just his competition.
Satoru is here for you. He hasn’t seen his ex…friend in years and it’s bringing up all of these strange feelings that he hasn’t had to face in so long. And to make matters worse, Suguru is here for you, too. Now there’s just another person in the way of him winning your heart. Suguru was always popular with women and men.
Nanami? Satoru could absolutely win against him. Don’t get him wrong, he loves Nanami, thinks he’s great and respectable and maybe he’d be a great fit for you. But Satoru would be an even better fit for you. Perfect, even.
But with Suguru here now, there was real competition. And now The Strongest was beginning to doubt himself.
“When’s the next contestant supposed to show?” The director calls to someone in the cast.
You’ve been waiting for a while now, and you’re pretty sure you should have been on commercial break twenty minutes ago.
“They’re having car issues,” someone calls back, a phone pressed to their ear.
Great, more waiting. Not that you have anywhere to be. You’re simply here to look pretty and smile when a Sorcerer shows up.
The mansion seems to have calmed down, those cursed energies dissipating and you hope that wasn’t the result of the guys killing each other in there. You don’t know all the gory details of Satoru and Suguru’s relationship. You just know they’re the strongest modern day Sorcerers at the moment, that they used to be extremely close when they were kids and then when Suguru snapped, their friendship quickly went up in flames.
If they had any contact after Suguru’s defection, you’d have no clue. But with the way those cursed energies went into overdrive the moment Suguru entered the mansion, you’re concerned with how their history will affect their time on the show.
You can’t say that you’d hate to be stuck between the middle of those two. How could you? You’re literally on a reality show about being the center of attention for multiple men! And so far, everyone is sexy and charismatic and–
The intense screech of metal scraping along the concrete disrupts your thoughts, and the cameras pan around just in time to catch a limousine rounding the corner and approaching the driveway. The rear tires are completely blown out, the metal wheels barely carrying the vehicle forward. The sounds make you want to cover your ears and hide. The car’s bumper hangs from the back, dragging and knocking loudly along the road as the car moves along. Sparks fly haphazardly across the ground and the smell of burning rubber almost has your eyes watering.
From the corner of your eye, you see another camera swinging around to catch your reaction which is that of astonishment. 
“Who is this?!” You speak into the lens, eyes wide like saucers.
The sudden noise of the engine popping and sputtering, surely giving out, pulls your gaze back to the vehicle. It’s stopped for all of three seconds before one enormous fist bursts through the blacked out windows and sends shattered glass flying. Behind you, several people on the crew gasp. That same hand pats around the outside of the car, tattooed muscles flexing until it finally lands on the handle of the door. The chauffeur exits the limo and backs away as quickly and quietly as possible, abandoning their passenger.
And it isn’t until that large hand tears the entire car door from its hinges with little to no effort and tosses it aside carelessly that you see why. Out climbs the largest being you’ve ever seen in your life. No shirt – because how could you dress the four tattooed arms he possesses?! And surely wearing a shirt has to be quite uncomfortable when you have a mouth on your stomach! 
It’s clear who this is, because everyone in the Jujutsu world is educated on the strongest curse to have ever existed. And yet you still can’t believe what you’re seeing with your eyes. You need someone else to confirm it for you. And so you turn your head towards the camera, staring straight into it as you shakily ask the audience…
“Is that **BLEEP** Ryoumen Sukuna?!”
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pastafossa · 8 months
Hi honey! How are you? How’s your mom doing? I hope she’s better now🥺💚
I’ve recently decided to learn how to book bind bc it’s a must to have my fav fanfics as actual books. I’m still learning and it’s probably gonna take a while before I get the results I want but I wanted to ask you if it was okay with you to book bind The Red Thread? Obviously it would be just for me, I would not sell it or make any profits. (And if it turns out how I want to, I would love to gift you one👀)
It’s one of my favourite fanfics of all time, like it’s a masterpiece and I would love to have a physical copy of it<3
And I know it’s not finished yet but it’d probably have to be a few volumes anyways bc it’s a lot so😅
She's doing ok! Progress is slow but it's definitely happening! She's graduated from at-home physical therapy to outpatient, which is a HUGE thing. We've gotten the house pretty well set up too now (chair lift for a section of stairs not covered before, new railing on the front steps), and between me, dad, and sis's various sleep schedules, we're all able to make sure she has someone nearby when she needs help getting around or opening things. I'm still in caretaker mode and trying to balance everything, but she's getting there, so I hold onto that! As for me, I'm doing... ok I think, considering how exhausting and brutal the past few months have been. I'm taking @shouldbestudying41 's advice and just trying to be kind to myself, and I'll admit my brain seriously needed the break. I continue to miss Cato something awful, but I've felt a little more settled since his ashes came home, and I think I'm starting to adjust to sleeping without him next to my pillow. I also got my follow-up today with my cardiologist on my heart issues and their answer was basically a shrug and a, 'we have no idea why your heart's doing this, but it's getting better every time we test you, so keep doing what you're doing!' Which could be worse. So... I'm getting there. Slow and steady!
And oh my gosh, you absolutely, ABSOLUTELY can bookbind TRT, thank you! 😭The idea anyone would love it enough to bookbind makes me SO FUCKING HAPPY! Hell, if I could sell copies at cost I would, but sadly that's a huge no no and all I can do legally is tell people, YES you can bookbind TRT for your shelf! I'm 100% supportive basically (also I would D I E if I got one, like no pressure at all cause D A Y U M it's a long thing to bind, and also just knowing it's out there on someone's shelf is more than I ever expected would happen so I'm delighted even if you just bind for you!).
TRT volumes one to ten maybe??? LOL. I know I had it planned as a series originally before I decided to just kinda keep it in one thing since we were all already there LOL.
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jaetyun · 6 months
blog reccs.
i'm sure these ppl w thousands of followers do not a shoutout but this isn't a charity case i just rlly like these blogs!! life is too short to not appreciate blogs whose writings styles deserve appreciation
make no mistake this is NAWT just bc it's luan and he's arguably one of my bsfs... we both started this shit tgt and he deserves as much attention as i've gotten if not more
now i don't pick favorites cause that makes for parasocial relationships... however if i DID pick a favorite it would be heesdreamer! i'm gonna be fr rn idk their pronouns they just came back from hiatus and those fics r some of the most jaw droppingly delectable things ive ever read and they're probs the only blog i consistently go back to reread their stuff
you can literally tell how much thought goes into every work and it always pays off so well. for me at least i think i'm the worst at making a strong beginning but every single exposition from him is genuinely so impressive like one thing you can always count on from him is he knows how to make a HOOK
one of the first ppl i started consistently lurking on their blog and each time she releases something new it never fails to impress me! there's such like a cute tender quality to all of her stuff i feel so giddy reading them cause it truly feels like she's describing something that happened to me i didn't know about
i know everyone on engeneblr (is that the name for it?? enhablr?? idk..) already knows how good her smaus are and don't get me wrong alice knows hiw to WRITE AN SMAU!!! but her written stuff is just as good like the jake spiderman au was my first introduction to her blog. she's also so fucking funny i feel like at some point ive probably quoted a fic of hers i wouldn't even be surprised.
i used to have a ss from win one win me for like over a year that i deleted cause im an IDIOT but that's how much it stuck out as sum special to me GOD i love her writing style. a lot of people don't know how to write dialogue and make their characters say shit that nobody actually says but everything is so natural it sounds like a convo rin overheard and written down that's how good it is
even though i no longer write/read for zb1 i'm morally obligated to say misa @keita-terazono and venom @zerobaseonefics are still some of the most delectable writers here and also so funny and genuine PLEEEASSEE check my zumblr bffs out !!
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alister312 · 1 year
Hello there! I hope your having a good day (:
I was just watching BLU again & I came to the part where the kids were in the gymnasium reacting to the war being declared, & Gregory told Wendy to “hold onto me” after hearing the news, comforting her. How do you think this would’ve gone if it were, hypothetically, Christophe instead of Wendy? Would Gregory take the same approach? Would Christophe reciprocate, or would he ignore it?
Just curious about what you think, as it’s quite an interesting scenario to me
that is an interesting question! especially since it kinda rewrites things so that Christophe goes to the school with the rest of them… which would definitely change at least my perception of him as well as my thoughts about what happened to him after the movie 👀 but to get to the actual question:
for one, I think Gregory wouldn’t even offer for Christophe to hold onto him. I’ve mentioned before but in the movie, that moment doesn’t seem as though it’s a mutual thing. it’s more Gregory recognizing that Wendy is scared and in need of comfort, rather than he himself also wanting it. were Christophe to replace her in that scene, I feel Gregory ought to know him well enough that he would know Christophe wouldn’t need (or want) comfort in that moment. instead, they’d share a look of mutual worry but also determination and agreement to get right into resistance action. maybe even right after the assembly.
in that one script draft, it’s implied that Gregory and Christophe were working together to free Canadian POWs the entire time. so it’s highly likely that, if Christophe were already at the school, he and Gregory would’ve gotten right into action. they might not even stick around to rally the other kids during recess, or join La Resistance! honestly it would depend on whether or not Gregory is hanging out with Wendy bc he genuinely enjoys her company or bc there is no one else there on his level (in his opinion). if it’s the latter, then I think he would never go looking for someone else if Christophe is already there.
however, to keep the movie plot from derailing completely, I could see them getting into contact with main boys hoping for information. specifically Kyle, since his mom sorta started the whole war. from there, the boys would latch onto their plan to save Terrance and Philip and then everything would probably play out about the same.
honestly in that same aforementioned script draft, for those who haven’t read it, Wendy gets a LOT more agency and more of a role in general in it. she kinda has Gregory’s role and he’s even more of a minor character than he is already. so I wouldn’t be surprised if, given Gregory were not concerned with the main cast, she were to just take on his role completely. maybe hire him and Christophe to help with just the rescue mission.
now, if there were to be any comfort touch in that scene, i doubt Gregory would announce it out loud. he’d just reach over and place his hand on Christophe’s hand while giving him that look of worry and determination. Christophe would give a similar look back, think about actually taking Gregory’s hand in his and want to do so (maybe his hand even twitches, about to, or maybe that’s Gregory’s imagination) but he’d leave first, knowing Gregory will follow with a plan already half formed in his mind.
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grittyreadsfic · 2 years
hello I’d like to hear about what teams the 118 might follow if u have the time pls and thank u
okay HELLO thank u for asking i have been dying to talk about this (i got out my laptop and everything)
i think karen got really into hockey during quarantine and roped hen into watching but she vibes more with the phf than the nhl (she's an underdog!! she gets having the odds stacked against her!!) and i think she would have settled on the six. they were new, funny on social media, and also i just think she'd find saroya tinker and elaine chuli rly neat. alternatively she is perhaps into the rivs because they are the most visibly queer and lesbian solidarity
i think chim would be a ducks fan-and hear me out here. based on kenneth's age chim probably would have been a teen or early 20s when the ducks became a team. i just think he would have gotten a kick out of a local team forming bc of a movie and he would have committed to the bit (also bc i think chim would look good in their old jerseys it's a VIBE)
bobby, obviously, is a minnesota wild fan (at least at the start). idk how sad you wanna get with this but i personally think a lot about his kids playing hockey and being into hockey and him being begrudging about it because of his past with with figure skating. he didn't follow them for awhile because it hurt too much at first, but he's learning to enjoy the sport again and remember the good parts of his past (athena is not technically part of the 118 and i don't really know how into it she'd be but she'd pick the panthers because she's from florida and they're fierce) (not the bolts fuck the bolts)
one time there was a fic where eddie used the queers and steers line to come out and i think lucy brought of tyler seguin and so now the two are forever linked in my brain i cannot unlink them i know el paso isn't close to dallas but let eddie watch hockey bc seguin is hot. let his lil repressed ass do it. he only admits to liking the kings now that he's in la its less embarrassing than admitting he got into hockey bc he found a player hot
now buck really had me in a pickle, right, because we don't know where in pa his family is really from. given they ended up in hershey, and daniel was sick, i'm going with the phiily area because of the children's hospital. so i think his family is probably philly sports all the way but the thing is: hershey is where the caps AHL team is. I think him and maddie both are caps fans, because it's cheap to go to AHL teams. they weren't affiliated with the caps til buck was 13/14 but he probably kept going to games bc he missed maddie and it felt like a connection to her (also then the caps got ovechkin)
lucy and ravi i have no thoughts on really because we've got nothing to go on but based on them having incredible vibes (yes i AM in love with lucy thanks for asking) they are both new jersey devils fans
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
i’m reading your lovely jenate fanfic rn and one of the details i’ve really been enjoying is the way you characterize the sibling relationship between jenny and dan! and it has me wondering, more generally, how do you picture dan and jenny’s relationship playing out as adults? we don’t really get to see jenny post going to london on the actual show, and i’m curious how things might have changed or evolved between them with them both being on more equal relational footing, so to speak. (i also think i remember you mentioning here that you yourself have siblings, so as an only child i can imagine you probably have a much more nuanced picture of this than i do lol)
ohhhh thank you so much!!! this is something that I actually explore in the next chapter (posting forthcoming), but I'll talk about it now just to get ahead of that lol
I am thinking, in show canon -- and in the canon i construct in this au in which the show ends after Despicable B ;) -- that Jenny sort of...gives herself a clean break from all things New York, including Dan. and Dan, with all his abandonment issues, takes that harder than she probably sees at the time, but completely removing herself is what she needs the most in that moment. and then, a couple years later, they gravitate closer, but virtually.
with their work being so time-consuming and not really on the typical layman's schedule (like, writer and fashion designer lol what free time) they don't really have time to full on talk on the phone or facetime, but they text regularly, often over an inside joke or a link or a meme they need the other to see (because their partner wouldn't find it as funny)
I think Jenny as a grown up would find it easier to talk to Dan first about things over their parents, and vice versa, because their is this sibling kind of thing were no other person quite understands you the same way, and has known you this long and loved you this long. but the love is different from the love you feel with your parents. i'm not sure if this is entirely accurate...but the love feels...more unconditional somehow, because a sibling has more choice in loving you, but less failures of doing so.
and yes! I do have an older brother, our age difference (3 years) is slightly larger than Dan & Jenny's, but my relationship and experience with him informs - consciously and unconsciously - a LOT of how I write Jenny & Dan. Disclaimer: our pasts are not nearly as traumatic as these fake people, and our parents are still together (over 30 years WOOT WOOT), so our life experiences don't exactly line up
but that being said, I look up to my brother so much. and I switched school mid highschool (like jenny but for less fraught reasons) so I went from being "Andrew's Little Sister" everywhere I went to being just Liz, just myself. and that's an adjustment, from always being the little sister to growing into your own person, and I wouldn't have gotten that opportunity without moving schools, and Jenny probably wouldn't have without moving to London.
and my brother and I have followed our own paths and live in different timezones (and regularly different countries, he splits his time between the US and Canada it's a whole thing), but I never don't feel like he isn't there for me. I know with him I always have a place to crash and someone to send me cute pet pictures when I'm sad and someone who is just as worried about my dad's health as I am (again, whole other thing, not gonna get into it bc privacy but yeah). and I am never entirely lonely as long as he is existing someplace in this world. shit I'm gettting emotional just talking about it but,
he's the guy that drove me to my piano lessons and teased me for my music taste and took me to my first punk show and said "that was so good!" after every performance even though he knows nothing about opera. and when I had a 3 month contract in florida and couldn't take my cat with me he fostered Steph and now Andrew is Steve's favorite person and when I was unemployed I crashed in his apt while he was organized for the 2020 Iowa caucus and he crashed on my couch to visit me after I got my job and moved and we smoke weed and recite monty python and joke and laugh together and I can be a version of myself with my big brother in a way that I can't be with anyone else.
so to bring it back to your meta question, lmao, I imagine and attempt to write Jenny's relationship with her big brother in the same way. it's never the same as when they lived in the same house, and that's hard. (because they stopped living in the same house when he was 18 and she 16 and you can never really go back to that), and they each have their own lives and careers and loves that keep them where they are, but they are still always just...their for each other. and, if given the choice, they are the first person to hear the other's good news.
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flingza-roller · 2 years
Sorry if this is bad timing, but I just saw your post about lorikeet and I love them! Could you tell me a bit more about them and your other splatoon OCs?
OHO YES! there is no such thing as bad timing to ask about ocs, im just incredibly happy that somebody is interested!! heheh time to Ramble (this is long sorry)
ok so im gonna stick to the bird kids cuz theyre a lot easier to explain GSJFD (maybe someday ill give my other ocs refs and backstory stuff....)
all four of em are very much based off how i play the game as each character, so i pretty much just grab my in-game behaviour and give it to em as a personality.
so, lorikeet! splat3 is still very new but i think ive somehow already solidified their personality lmao. theyre super reckless, pretty much always falling off stages and getting themself splatted by doing stupid things like running headfirst to a tacticooler or trying to challenge the eliter that wont leave them alone (i think mahi-mahi is the absolute worst for this). they like to go a little bit cazy and get as many kills as possible, which is silly when the only mode u play is turf war... (on that, there is not a single splatoon game that has gotten me to like ranked/league. i played it a few times and then swore off it, so now all four of the kids hate ranked lol)
lori fucking ADORES deep cut so theyve got the three earrings in their right ear bc they wanna be like shiver and frye. on deep cut, they love splatfests and all the music n fun stuff that comes with it. theyre weirdly not too competitive when it comes to defending their team, BUT they will go extra feral during splatfest turf wars and go complete beast mode. they still dont have a main weapon? favours brushes but thats pippins thing so they should probably pick something else GDKGS
oh they have the worst adhd brain. if they see something cool happening in the bg of a stage they will just straight up stop in their tracks and watch for a while, completely oblivious to whatever is happening in the match. and of course the moment they hear the tacticooler they will run for it even if theyre literally in the opposite end of the stage.... stupid. favourite stage is yet to be decided, gotta let the game marinate for a while longer
as the new agent 3 lori is pretty good at following orders, they just kinda... die in the dumbest possible ways. trying to jump through walls, walking straight off ledges, accidentally attracting attention to themself by throwing lil buddy right next to them. but theyre pretty good at fighting! also they like annoying the captain, because of course (this doesnt bode well for kiwi)
id like to build more on their character eventually but that requires me playing more splat3 and ive been rly unmotivated to do so >:/ ive barely played any salmon run and still havent touched table turf. augh. lori u will grow as a person i promise
now PIPPIN! (she/they) theyre my kid from octo expansion! shes very silly but surprisingly strong and skilled. never asked for help from OTH and went through every single test multiple times to get every weapon ticked (hell). also enjoys fighting inner agent 3 because ??? clearly a lot more competent than theyre letting on.
so once pip came to the surface they were very much like "id rather NOT do the whole fighting thing again" and jumped into turf wars with the intention of just having fun and messing with people. her gear set is 100% QSJ cuz she likes annoying the enemy team and then jumping away like a coward when theyre cornered (it jumpscares people bc they dont expect an octo to jump THAT fast).
she uses brush so that they can draw love hearts in enemy base :] they think its very cute and gets sad when ppl ink over it. also if an enemy tries to initiate a party they will always join bc make love not war etc. always goes for the highest inkage (highest score excluding win points was over 2000) favourite stage is inkblot art academy!
zero sense of fashion btw they either wear the QSJ gear or whatever they think will make her look hot (big fan of the octoling armour and marinas crop top). sometimes changes gender to Boy bc why the hell not, gender is arbitrary.
when grouped up with the others, they like teaming up with pigeon to cause chaos and havoc. shes very excited to see lori joining the team cuz theyre equally as insane as the other two! kiwi is the only one carrying a braincell here rip
PIGEON time!! (also she/they) technically my first oc because splatoon 2 was my first game! so she definitely has the most going for them. foil flingza main (my beloved), absolutely a frontliner and goes for the kill as much as possible. very good at sneak attacks! main gear is almost entirely special charge up (sorry. im the og missile spammer) except for ninja squid which they use to scare the shit outta ppl.
pigeon adores the birds u see hanging out on various stages, especially the pigeons (naturally). favourite stage is moray towers! i never said we had good taste. moray is excellent for roller users and allows for fast clean base inking >:]
like the others they love a good squid party but isnt always in the mood, HOWEVER she will never splat an innocent partier bc thats a dick move. if theyre not a threat, theres no need to splat.
outside of turf, pigeon is actually not a very violent person. very sweet to their friends and oh so very lesbian. she sees a pretty girl in the square and goes 😳 (btw this DOES work in battle, be a cute girl and they will be distracted). fucking absolutely obsessed with squid beatz like you have no idea, aims to get gold on every hard mode song. favourite songs to play are frantic aspic, shark bytes, and entropical. she and pippin love playing games like this together, i bet theyd be great dance duo.
in hero mode, pigeon is naturally a completionist and obtained every weapon. fucking loves harassing marie and annoying her as much as possible. adores callie so much <3 their best speedrun time is 40 sec on octo samurai (sadly cant reach the world record of 39)
unlike pippin they actually have a pretty good fashion sense, always coordinating their outfits and ink colour to match. a very stylish squid!
now kiwi is an interesting one. i first played splatoon 1 in beginning of 2018, so sadly i missed out on the splatfests. still got plenty of turf in and played hero mode repeatedly bc i have brainrot!
so kiwi (again. she/they) is really into amiibo challenges, especially the kraken challenge. being a kraken for that long makes em feel powerful, and its lotsa fun. they actually spend far more time on hero missions than anything else, they enjoy turf on the occasion but find it weirdly intimidating (favourite stage is flounder heights!). she feels most at home in the valley, with craig and the squid sisters. theyre far too sympathetic toward octolings (unlike pigeon who just goes fucking ham) and tries her best to just avoid fighting them entirely. because of this, shes pretty good at stealth missions, especially since she rarely makes much noise anyway. theyre definitely the most low-key out of the four agents.
SO!! why do i name them all after birds? because.... i like birds :D yes im a wannabe ornithologist and birds are my main special interest. i also mainly name them after aus/nz birds cuz im just Like That. we have cool birds in australia, and lorikeet was just far too fitting to pass up. (btw pippin is short for peregrine falcon)
despite being so skilled in hero mode missions they do actually get hurt a lot and almost always has some kind of bandaid or gauze on her body from various injuries. is it a lack of skill, or just recklessness? hmmm (its definitely just because she doesnt take enough care of their body lol).
if kiwi were to be captain in splatoon 3, theyd definitely be just constantly scruffing new 3 by the collar to stop them from doing something stupid. is very afraid of a new idiot joining the gang, as if pip n pidge werent bad enough. all 4 as a splatfest team would definitely be the most chaotic thing possible.
also theyre this way because when i draw squirds (tagged on my blog as "wings au") i think its fun to see how different they all look! kiwi would certainly be more fitting as a bird of prey but i think they look so silly with the stubby wings so im not changing my mind. this does mean shes real fast at running! pip and lori are the fastest flyers, pigeon is just kinda in between rip
final note, theyre all at LEAST 18 just so that its not weird. they all use she/they except lori, whos exclusively they/them. they all fucking hate ranked but love hero missions. also all of them have 1 braincell bouncing between them (mainly held by kiwi)
if u managed to read this far, thanks for ur time!! ill eventually draw all these silly bird kids together as squirds, i think itd be fun.
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Laventon goes to see them all off and cyndaquil pops out of its pokeball to beg and plead to be allowed to go too. He tries to tell it that it can't go because it doesn't have a partner yet, and Arezu is like, "wait, that pokemon doesn't belong to you?" And he explains that no, it's not really anyone's, it was just the one neither the protag or Cyllene picked when offered. And like, it's clearly a fire type pokemon and she is already feeling the chill and has only just realized it's only gonna get worse as the sun goes down, so kind of half joking she asks if she can have it since he's just giving it away. And that's how she gets a cyndaquil. And also its pokeball, but she just kinda sticks that at the bottom of her bag and pretends it doesn't exist.
The tourism industry is booming in their little village and all of the shop keepers are too happy about how much money it brings in to care about the fact that it's driving their leader up the wall. Going to the pokemon salon raises friendship levels, so it has to be something they like a lot, right? Once she really gets the hang of it, at least, there's probably a learning curve there. Luckily their group has quite the array of pokemon to practice on.
Ouch, to be confronted with the fact that he's changed and realizing that it was for the worse... I guess the good news is that he is once again in close quarters with several people and has an important mission. And he's able to actually battle people again, for fun. I think maybe the idea that she's not super into battling comes from the fact that as a ride pokemon she never tries to fight you? I'm not actually sure, but that's my best guess. I don't know if I've ever actually read a fic where she was like genuinely into battling. It'd be fun if she was though, especially with Ingo as her warden. Once he got a part-time job at Jubilife as the battle director though she'd lose like half of her entertainment and probably follow him there. He can't exactly scold her for not doing her duties if he's technically not doing his wardenly duties either.
They might be even more susceptible because of whatever connection they have to arceus, or at least that could be why they get hit as badly as they do. Lol yeah after they catch a pokemon they let it out, string the pokeball to it, and then are like come find us when all this is fixed and we'll break the balls for you.
Oh I like that a lot! The arc phone would definitely need to be involved in closing them, since arceus is the one healing the hall of origin cracks and using its power would probably be the the only way people could fix the stuff on earth, though I'm not sure just pointing it at one would be enough, they'd probably have to actually go in them. Any pokemon brought by the bubbles that was still in one when it closed would be taken back to where it came from, but anything that was outside would be stuck in Hisui. The other wardens probably have their hands full, not just with their nobles should they frenzy, but with having to clean up after the frenzied distortion bubble pokemon that are messing up the ecosystem
ghskjhj or she's been absently holding it since it crawled into her lap bc it IS chilly out and it's nice and warm and laventon sees her doing it and is like do... do you just want to take it with you? and she's like HM. WELL. i have very weird feelings about your whole pokeball deal but... on the other hand... i might have to go all the way up to the highlands later... ugh fine yes give me the pocket hand warmer pokemon
awww... yeah, not only sneasler, and lilligant (who probably has also gotten in on arezu's grooming once or twice before now) but also oshawott/rowlet/cyndaquil, and abra, and whatever else protag winds up catching, and ofc all of ingo's team, who are like, not not well taken care of, but then magnezone got scratched up by a ground type and needed buffing, and probopass wanted in, and tangrowth gets upset about being left out of anything, and then gliscor was just curious what all the fuss was about, and etc etc. hey it's good practice!
well. to be entirely honest, i think if there IS a fanon of her not liking battling very much, it probably comes at least partly from fic writers not wanting to deal with the question of ingo adding her to his team in an au where she goes back to the present with him. just speculating here, but. yeah now we run the risk of going off into headcanons about what battling Means and Represents for the pokemon, and i really don't think a noble can afford to dislike battling considering how much of their job must be based on swatting other pokemon in their territory, so if anything i think her complaint would be that she just isn't challenged enough? because i think nobles are Really Strong even unfrenzied. and very few pokemon even want to fight her to begin with, based on reputation alone, so she's like... bored with it lol. in which case i think battling with ingo in distortions would actually be really fun for her maybe?
OH THAT'S INTERESTING. their connection to arceus interacting with the Magic Rabies... if anything i feel like having a direct internal Divine Light would make them more resistant? since arceus is the thing able to mend the distortions/fractures, i think it would track if the frenzy was like an internal fracture and the blessing of sinnoh made them resistant to getting those. not quite immune, though... but it'll take some time for any of them to figure that out. imagine them going around assuming the nobles are all immune to this frenzy, and exposing them without much concern, and then suddenly realizing that oh wait they're not...
yeah that's true. which maybe the loop of it is like, protag has to be there Doing Stuff to close the rift, which demands a lot of attention, so the others surround and defend them while they do that? idk, that's a thought
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silvialightning · 2 months
Some thoughts about the politics happening right now as someone who has a mild interest in such things. Mostly bc I need to throw my thoughts out somewhere.
This has lit a fire in politics. In the Democratic Party and in younger voters. Because this was the same old race last time between two old and unpopular candidates that most ppl don’t want. (Would have voted for, but didn’t really like.) But now that’s potentially changed.
Many democratic ppl would have voted for Biden with a sign, not wanting Trump to win. But I think Biden dropping out breathes fresh air into unsure and pessimistic voters.
Also Biden apparently got covid again recently, with his age who knows how long he will live. Him getting covid and not backing out would have probably made ppl mad. So this is the better outcome. (It’ll take an act of god for me to drop out *gets covid*.)
Many of the positive things that Biden has pushed for has gotten him the following he has, and the Democratic Party should know that. So I doubt that another candidate would not be progressive. At least they would not be as openly against the progressive moves he has made. Also as many have been saying, “we have to vote democrat to keep Trump from winning.” That should not change if it is Biden or Kamala.
Apparently a big reason for him backing out was internal pressure and large doners backing out. Is there a broader message to normal ppl that gathering and speaking out for what they want can matter? Could that lead to more organization and grass roots campaigns in the future. (A small hopeful little thought I wanted to add.)
Kamala Harris would be the best to follow up as the Democratic Nominee. She’s already VP, so there is a precedent for her to be President. For Biden to endorse her would make the transition smooth for any Democratic votes who wanted Biden instead. She will need a straight white guy as her VP though.
Kamala Harris is a lot younger than Biden or Trump. She also hasn’t come up a lot in recent news for things? How much does the average person who pays little attention actually know of Kamala Harris. Being unknown, but still very involved in the office on that front is likely good.
How would republican attack ads go against Kamala? Sure you could add on the Biden stuff and pin her name as a supporter of Biden. Are they gonna make good enough attacks ads in this short time?
I do believe the Democratic Party has been preparing pro-Kamala Harris ads for a little while at least lol. I mean, *gestures to Biden* yeah.
Republican strategy has to change. The way Trump prepares for debates will have to change. They’ll hate that. Compared to Biden, there is a lot of unknowns.
This is a big risk, but there was also trouble if Biden stayed in the race. If he had to do more debates against Trump, more interviews to “prove” to the public that he was mentally capable, getting covid, etc. To be honest, I cannot image this being worse than if Biden stayed in. It’s an unknown, and that’s scary. But…I don’t think it’s gonna be as rough going forward. Transition phase may be a bit rocky but.
As long as the Democratic Party can unify and mostly align together under one candidate it’ll be ok. Also not to say the usual, but make sure you vote.
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john-marshall · 1 year
i think i come across as very laid back and easygoing
but truly i overthink everything. and i feel completely justified in doing so
i’m sitting here playing one of the Six merge games i play on a regular basis.
side note: remember i’m basically a shitty stay at home dad. a stay at home dad. i take care of my 7 children. 3 of them are cats, 2 of them are rats, and 2 of them are ferrets. i zip around and make sure we’ve got groceries, i make sure the kids are fed and they go to their appointments and they take their medicine. however i have adhd! and i definitely don’t give my adhd supplement to my roommate and will for probably the next two or three weeks (one of her supplement providers was dropped from her network. the next was HORRIBLE. i talked to her myself. she’s in with a new one who’s getting her medical records bc she is medically complex and has seizures. so she wants her doctors to clear her. and then she’ll have her own) so i dont remember things well. so she reminds me. we go over things for the next week on sundays. recently gotten better at using my calendar. i used to just run on vibes. if it mattered i’d remember. all throughout school i never like, used an agenda. if there were specific problems to do or pages to read i’d just jot down “#2, 3, 6, 9,” “p. 24-46; 52-58,” no context. for medical appointments, if they didn’t send me an appointment reminder, i didn’t go. so she reminds me. and then we do cleaning together. and i cook. she doesn’t feel confident in the kitchen so i’ve been planning out sort of a Course designed to build her confidence. having her cook meals that spotlight what she feels nervous about so that we can work through it. she goes to work a few days per week, and i don’t! for now. i need to i’m broke as shit. it’s just hard being disabled and on disability because i can’t work, and needing to get a job. and SO. I’m home most of the time. I have a lot of medical appointments! I take care of my kids and I drive my roommate places. pick her up from work when she doesn’t want to wait for the ADA bus. I’m passionate about groceries. I don’t have a lot going on
so I’m very invested in phone games. i love merge games because they don’t stress me out.
but I end up sitting there like. trying to optimize my performance. i dont want energy to go to waste. I have to store full energy blocks because if it’s over 100 energy it doesn’t regenerate in its own. So you’re missing out on the regenerated energy that you’d get for FREE if you just wait. it’s like a 2% return.
so i’m playing one of my favorites, travel town. and i’m trying to get cat tree parts from the animal shelter generator. but dog agility course parts are harder to get! so while i’m working on cat tree parts, i’m getting dog agility course parts as a bonus!!! so don’t FUCKING delete them those are not allowed to be deleted you will struggle to generate and merge other items from other generators because those have to stay to make life EASIER EVENTUALLY
and it’s a merge game. so with time, everything refreshes and regenerates. there’s no real skill here. yes, you can do it faster. but. you can’t do it wrong
so if you’ve been following me a while and you’ve thought of as being really relaxed, “what happens happens” type of person. because i know that’s how i come off. you might want to reconsider. two words that could describe me are neurotic and…….determined
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everybodysaycbx · 2 years
Like 75% of his stuff hits straight to the water pipes, even the stuff he only has a minor role in
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LITERALYYYYYY its so hard to watch most of his stuff even tho i want to bc hes such a good actor but when theres a new movie of his coming out its almost always a serious drama and im like,,,,,,,,,,do i wanna watch him die again or do i need some happiness rn bcjskqkwjjdjshhhsqjj
probably why i rewatch 100 days my prince so often its my favorite kdrama of his (i love historical dramas so im biased lol) and yeah theres some sad and even tragic moments but its overall a good time and very interesting (plus he and nam jihyun are wonderful in this (and everything they do tbh) and so are the supporting actors
also now im going to use this as an excuse to ramble about my thoughts on the show bc i love it but i have Critiques™ so ill put a read more for spoilers bc ill talk about them a lot
almost all of these issues if not all are all about the writing so there wont be any criticism of the acting which i thought was pretty good overall by kdrama standards (there were only a few times where i thought it was detrimental to my enjoyment but again it was still more to do with my problems with the writing)
so to really get into it, the pacing suffers with the back half of the episodes feeling a bit rushed especially in the last few episodes. i didnt feel like the first half was dragging much except in a few areas but again it didnt detract from my enjoyment. the last id say 5 or 6 episodes really feel like they were speedrunning which made the ending less satisfying
so when i looked at reviews of the show years ago i saw many people criticizing how the main antagonist died bc it felt anticlimatic and i do agree, especially on first watch. while its not as jarring as the first time when ive rewatched it the way he dies still doesnt feel built up as well as it could have been and i think it could have worked if the pacing for the ending wasnt so rushed (plus the numerous twists during the last couple of episodes made it a bit hard to follow where it was heading and some of what WAS set up i think was lost in that but tbh thats par for the course for kdramas lol)
speaking of the ending, i get why it ended the way that it did with the marriage mandate happening again to make everything come full circle, but character wise i dont think it was the way to go. wondeuk has always expressed even before he lost his memory that he hated being royal and never wanted to live that life because of what his father did to get it. and even knowing that he wasnt wondeuk and was probably a noble at the very least he wanted to be with hongshim in the village or wherever they needed to go. hongshim similarly has already gotten used to being a commoner and has lived that way longer than her former life. even in the epilogue she doesnt really live her life as a noble even if her status has been reinstated. i think it wouldve made more sense if he renounced the throne and chose to live with her in the village.
adding to the last point, if they had stayed in the village together and he abdicated, then his half brother would be the crown prince and the queen wouldnt be on her bullshit even at the end of the show!!! dude literally killed the guy who was threatening you and controlling your husband and you still cant stop trying to fuck him over so your son can be king??? i know the evil manipulative queen is a trope in these but shes so illogical it was a bit annoying which is a shame bc i usually love those characters
the show like,,,,,less than halfway through forgets wondeuks half brother is even a character like why was he even there. theres some indication in the beginning of the show that he likes the crown princess but that doesnt really go anywhere (its only brought up in like 2 scenes at the beginning and in the epilogue wheres shes moved to a remote location with the baby and goes to visit for some reason.....dude yall had maybe 3 lines of dialogue between each other. why are you here) and he even tells wondeuk that he hates him but we never really figure out why bc he doesnt really want to be the crown prince that much (not that i can recall rn) so his only role in the story is to help the queen be a red herring but not be a real character of his own
this is more of what i felt upon rewatch but every time i rewatch it i find it more and more annoying but the palace drama where the queen is spreading rumors and then the guys who support the antagonist make fake fliers about how the kingdom wants her deposed for this in order to manipulate the king is just,,,,,extremely uninteresting upon rewatch. like so much is happening that goes on for so long and its dragged out for way longer than it should be AND it takes time away from the village plot with wondeuk and hongshim aka the actual interesting part. so now i mostly just skip those parts even tho when i first watched the show it was fairly interesting tho i felt it dragged on a bit too long so i wont say this is a huge strike against it or anything
while i knew the brother was going to die bc thats how these kinds of stories work i was still upset fjisjshdsjsh he was a great character and while i think it still makes sense why and its still narratively satisfying imo, i think it would still be satisfying if he lived and he and the princess escaped successfully. i think it would work a little bit better actually bc it would make the antagonists decisions make a little more sense in the finale bc not everything is going to his plan and hes losing more control (plus they deserve to be happy :(( they deserve the happy ending wondeuk and hongshim get too) plus it would still tie in with hongshims motivations for rejecting wondeuk initially before the epilogue
thats the last of the criticism but this isnt a praise so ill leave an idea i had for like a what if scenario ig: so i always wondered what would happen if either the antagonist doesnt get to wondeuk in time during the festival or he gets killed by the people the king sent to attack him and hongshims brother gets there to take them them plus her dad with them into hiding. and the awkward tension that would ensue when wondeuk either figures out her brother is the assassin thats been coming after them or just immediately knows when he sees him come to get them but they both dont want to hurt hongshim by telling her what they know about the other but shes distressed that they obviously dont like each other and this is all happening while theyre running around the woods and trying to find a place they can hide out and her dad is just,,,,,,,so confused the entire time but trying to make everyone get along fjwwqkdhuheuedh idk i could add to this later bc i have so many ideas on how it could play out but ill stop there fisksjbdjssjdjssj
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
God a fun one for ya! What’s an interesting Next Gen, Main Timeline, and Dark Future AU that’s you’ve wanted to write but haven’t? Either because it’s crazy into crack territory or you don’t think anyone will care? I’ll start: What if instead of being transported to alt!2009 in Morality Bites the girls are transported to the Dark Future that Chris and Bianca are from! 😂 Love that new fic you wrote about Paige/Simon/Henry it’s the kinda content that I makes me glad I follow you ✨
i mean. see. that's difficult bc any normal person's answer would probably be haha u know pruejack like together for like what 8 episodes pruejack like he was really lame and pathetic pruejack well what if they had like kids you know like what if. what if they had identical twin sons haha ik it's crazy that's prolly just a me thing shan't write it but like. i did that already. so like. something being super outlandish has never really stopped me but i couple things that i do want to write but just haven't really gotten around to bc they're kind of you know. small potatoes. benchwarmers. D3. you know. is um
domesticatedcat!evil!wyatt in which evil!wyatt comes back to finish off chris but changes his mind he & chris both stay behind in the past (bianca too!) but the main focus on like. evil!wyatt you know getting a family and helping to raise mini him so on so forth still being like. real violent like when they're all like okay anyone got any ideas and wyatt's like ooh why don't we take the type of innocent the demon usually eats and like. snap their shins and leave em in an alleyway to lure the demons out then boom! attack<3 and everyone's like okay. anyone else got any ideas.
phoebe/leslie college fic set around s2 where like. idk you know how they are in a rivals to lovers type sense something like that. maybe he's going for his masters in psych or something she's just to get her bachelors something something blah blah blah
paige/jinny fic. canon divergent breaking off at like the final ten minutes of i dream of phoebe. i have a paige/jinny tag. in case ur wondering what that'd be like.
speaking of niche wlw ships..... melindaxoracle.
kinda wanna write a christy narrative of like. what life was actually like for her in the underworld i want it to be quite nice you know she is one of the most powerful beings i'd imagine they'd treat her as such i'd like for her to have lots of different relationships w demons like paternal/maternal, romantic, platonic, petty beefs. i also love the idea that she was p normal but just like. like you know how piper's like. demons attacking at the party, i can handle, but christy eating with her hands, i cannot handle. love the idea that christy was just doing that like. in the name of the bit. just to make the charmed one's lives a little worse
and then ones that i wanna write but haven't bc the ideas are simply. too big. too long.
dark future. omg don't even get me started. but like. i want focus on chris & bianca in the revolution i want exactly what wyatt's up to what makes him evil bc noah fence but he was a little boring in those ten minutes we got of him i want phoebe's kids as a power of three and i want the magical morrises up in this bitch henry jr's still there But Different kat and tam are still there But Enemies and while i don't think piper and leo would have a third kid in the dark future melinda will still be there (how? heheehehhehehe.....) (no i'll just tell you she's something of a golem.) (somewhere inbetween finn from size matters and vincent from a wrong day's journey into right and like also like. diana from wonder woman.)
prue & andy's kids. i think i'm getting slightly closer to a plot but like. it's still so far away nothing's concrete.
piperkyle. don't ask.
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a-sad-machine · 2 years
The Truth (part one)
So as a nice anon once asked for it, here is the first part of my thoughts on which people would find out the truth in the friendly!Impostor sagau, and how/why they managed to do so! :D
 i will probably split this up into multiple posts bc i am kinda new to writing, and also im probably just gonna do general stuff now and specifics later (i really gotta figure out how to work on my posts n stuff as well, i dont even know how to do the ‘read more’ thing qwq)
so first off the city we all began in, cuz its easy to start with uwu
the ones whomst i think would notice that you are actually the real creator: albedo, eula, kaeya, lisa, rosaria, mona, and maybe venti
albedo, eula, kaeya, lisa and rosaria know because they’re all pretty observant, weather it’s because of their instincts and knowledge ganed throughout their lives (eula, lisa and rosaria) or their paranoia born from wanting to protect their home from themself and/or outside forces (albedo and kaeya)
mona would know because of her ability to see the future, she probably tried looking into yours once and suddenly saw the devine creator on their throne, not hard to connect the dots at that point
i think all the archons would know something is off about you from the moment they meet you, thought they’d take different amounts of time to realise what exactly is going on. I believe venti would be the second of the current archons to know, only beated my the archon of knowledge herself. Afterall, he is all about freedom and creativity, so he has an open mind as to why he feels so weird about you, which leads him to the truth earlier than the other archons
the ones who would think something is suspicious, but either wouldnt think of you as the creator or not have proof woud be: amber, bennett, diluc, and jean
diluc and jean notice because they’re also quite observant, thought they are too devoted to the creator to actually think of you being the real one as a solid theory. they might have spend some moments thinking about it, but dismissed it just a few seconds later
amber and bennett are a special case. they mostly notice because of the time they spend with you. i imagine as an outrider and experienced adventurer amber spends a lot of time showing you the best spots of mondstadt. during these times there are bound to be moments where you are just too lucky, which add up to make her question if you are really just a blessed human, or even more. bennett has kind of the same thought process, but mostly since you are able to protect him from all the incidents his bad luck causes. you can’t just be a normal human, anyone else would’ve already gotten badly hurt being around you! maybe you’re just really special, blessed by the creator to be even able to be near him wtihout any unfortunate incidents.
the ones that are too devoted to find anything off with you are: barbara, noelle and succrose
barabara of course is fully devoted to her archon and the church of the divine creator. the thought of Impostor-chan lying or posing as you would never even crossed her mind, since they could never lie to their followers like that (you did tho lol)
noelle is very similar, though less focused on the church and more on just wanting to please people. she has never been able to say no, and probably went to church at leat every sunday to attend the ceremonies in your name. so it’s hard to connect such an unreachable and seemingly perfect being to you, who doesn’t even know how to survive in the wilderness and always returns from expeditions covered in dirt with a smile on their face
sucrose might seem weird at first because she is more into science, but she believes that this is all part of your grand plan. her experiments are only using what was given by the divine creator after all! So while she might like you for your likeness to the ‘divine being’, it takes a while for her to see past the surface and see you for your actual self
the ones that either don’t care or don’t really seem religious are: diona, fischl, klee and razor
diona and klee are honestly just wayyyyyy too young to really care about religion too much. they’re more interested in blowing up fish or creating a horribly tastig drink, so when they meet you, they don’t have too much of an opinion about the divine creator, and just see you as another fun and slightly reckless adventurer
fischl has too much of a chunibyo syndrome. she has always been enraptured in her own fantasy, which didn’t leave too much room for the divine creator. though she has made up a few scenarios with you in mind, they’re all outlandish enough to never connect to you, which means she will adress you as another one of her followers (and freak out if she ever realises who you actually are)
razor just simply doesn’t really know about you. his lupical taught him of a divine being that created all of the lands, far and near, even those which he and the wolves live in! but he thought that the being would be another wolf like andrius, not a human like you, though you do smell kind of strange... he might not think too much of it thought, since he doesn’t know too much of humans yet
(so uh, yeah! hope this kinda was a good thing to read for ppl! if y’all have any requests or questions, send ‘em in and i’ll try to answer to the best of my ability! :D thanks for reading if you’ve even gotten to this point!!)
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mitchsweetie · 3 years
Bruno x AFAB Wife! Reader HC's
(Pt 1)
Bc I love him :)))
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(This takes place before any of the Madrigal grandkids are born. Oh and also, I have taken the creative liberty to add that the reader is a seamstress because I feel like that would be a cute detail.)
How you two met:
Bruno and you probably met by chance (both of you believe in destiny though ;] )
You were walking in town, buying string and new fabrics, but you kept bumping into him everywhere.
Thinks you might believe he's following you so he tries to avoid you.
You think he's avoiding you because you may have done something to him.
You decide to approach him about it.
"Hey, I know I'm not everyone's favorite person, but what did I do to make you upset?"
"No no! I'm not upset, I just kept bumping into you, and I didn't want you to, ya' know, think creepy old Bruno is following ya'!"
You chuckle at his response and tell him it didn't feel like that at all.
You did know about the rumors of Bruno, but have never actually gotten a vision from him, so never really judged him the same as everyone else in town.
You two get along, talk as you walk, and realize neither of you knew where they were going.
"Well, I was gonna head home, but I figured I could follow you around to talk."
"I... I was doing the exact same thing..."
He shyly offers to come over to the Madrigal home.
You accept and you two keep talking on your way back.
When Casita sees Bruno brought someone with him, it gets REALLY excited. It quickly urges everyone in the house to come to the main atrium.
When everyone else sees that Bruno brought a friend, a girl, they get excited as well.
Pepa starts making rainbows and starts immediately chatting it up with you.
Julieta, who already knows you quite well, greets you and sits you down for some of her favorite Arepas de flor de calabaza.
Felix and Augustín tease Bruno, and Bruno says that he has no romantic intentions with you (yet ;]).
Abuela comes down to see what all the ruckus is about and when she sees Bruno invites you, she seems very pleased.
The first intention she had in mind was that Bruno is her only child that hasn't married, and that it was about time he found someone who he could potentially form a family with.
She doesn't disclose this to you though; she knows the importance of time and place.
She tells you that it is an honor to meet one of Bruno's friends and that you are in their house any day.
She asks more about you (ya know, she has to know who her son hangs out with, even though it hasn't even been a day) and discovers that you have a small tailor shop.
After a lot more chatting, you decide it's getting late, and you have to get back home.
Bruno walks you out the door and tells you that you can come visit him in his tower whenever you'd like!
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