#bc i look so cool in my dreams
nemisisnemi · 7 months
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drawings of what i looked like in some dreams
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bfdifan26 · 9 months
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started thinking really hard about one the other day for some reason
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m-kyunie · 2 years
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"The supposedly sealed memories of a miniature garden"
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mintjeru · 3 months
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pov you are an anime fan in july 2024
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the absolutely Vivid reality based chronological dream i had last night. man
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spacebugarts · 5 months
Holy shit I just realized that my dreams have a version of PotO (Broadway version) where the Phantom just fuckin shoots Raoul in his box and it apparently happens not long after Masquerade? Like in place of the Red Death scene they all go into the theatre and Raoul is in box 5 alone for some reason and Erik just. Shoots the poor guy with a period-typical pistol and disappears. Raoul recovers eventually but its like the turning point of the story yk.
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marimeeko · 9 days
Small dream that the supposed popularity poll movie about the most popular character(bakugou)was coming out and there was a literal trailer
I think it was after UA and after Bakugou starts professional work. Pretty sure he was working with Jeanist maybe as a sidekick. Or maybe he's about to debut as an independent hero so the world is watching him, so to speak.
The villain looked like a literal shape-shifting type, and had taken to shifting specifically as Bakugou(Dynamight), and causing trouble.
So now Bakugou has to deal with someone who is trying to tear down his status, who's committing crimes in his name, and has to reclaim his image, maybe?
I think, bc 1, there can be no Katsuki Bakugou arc without Izuku, 2, I would like to see Izuku do some cool things while he is Quirkless, and 3, Izuku would take SPECIAL offense to someone imitating/slandering/framing Katsuki and his image, Izuku would become involved in this somehow.
If it's Pre-support suit, he could be kind of an undercover or spy to help Katsuki fight back, get info, and catch the villain...if it's after that 8 yr reveal of the support suit... well, we could see him back in full action. Even his debut.
I'm thinking of this super cool shot of him grinning as he shifts into the suit, ready to go.
(Though I gotta say I like the idea of him not having the suit yet and doing some cool stuff anyway, using more of his brains than powers!!)
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moe-broey · 22 days
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Some. Sort of spectrum. From most likely to least likely.
And by kitten-pile I mean This
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I'll put a transcript under cut for easier reading! 🫡
How Likely Are They to Kitten Pile?
Mirabilis: "are you tired..? do you need a break...? ohh we could take one together..."
If she likes/trusts you even a little, she wants to cuddle about it!!!
Sharena and Peony: "Okay! 💖 Yay! 💖"
Shari: The only thing stopping her is social conventions -- making her MORE likely to jump at the opportunity!
Peony: Learning social awareness as she goes, and is surprisingly good at it?
Triandra: "Aren't we a bit old for that...? But... even so..."
Embarrassed, conflicted, but feels strangely nostalgic at the notion...
Plumeria: "I'm not so petal-soft that I'd resort to such INDECENCY, I mean even if your intentions are Pure USE YOUR HEADS YOU FOOLS!! Girl, the IMPLICATIONS!!!"
Desperately wants to join the kitten-pile, but her Issues and Pride gets in the way.
Moe: "aw, so cutes!"
Generally touch adverse, extremely picky even with the people it likes/loves -- everything is entirely on its terms.
#fire emblem#feh#STILL. DRAFTING. IT FEELS LIKE. concetualizing. ect.#but this vision was So Strong. and is honestly Such a way to parse each out.#like... mira craves warmth and comfort... i think she esp likes cuddling w peony bc it feels like a mother's touch#esp the discrepancy in body types i'm going w here. i really wanna draw them together actually...#meanwhile LONG. LONG STANDING HC. about sharena being v physically affectionate even touch starved#and having to learn boundaries the hard way. i also think a huge difference between her and peony actually#is that peony always had someone to cuddle with (mira!!). so peony never had to 'outgrow' it the way shari had to#which may have led to peony being a little more adjusted actually??? i also am v much playing w the idea#that peony is like min maxed. she's surprisingly socially aware/emotionally intelligent#BUT. she still has huge blind spots due to her seclusion and mostly only interacting w kid mortals (in the dream realm)#and i esp think she fails to see the complexity in situations. ect ect#triandra. boy do i have lore about triandra. but you can take a guess. i'll leave that up to you.#AND PLUMERIA. OH MY GOD PLUMERIA. i can just TELL she's going to be an EXTREMELY FUN chara to write#she basically writes herself. looking deeper beyond the obvious sex repulsion/intimacy issues#she's a stubborn jaded 'too cool for this' older sister. who is WAY more protective than she will Ever Admit.#LIKE... I AM THINKING ESP HOW SHE TREATED MIRA IN THAT TT SIDE STORY.#the way she was looking out for her. tri is absolutely plum's most trusted confidant and therefore#the person she's most vulnerable with. but even then. she's still protective of mira and i bet even peony if she had trouble#(granting. they're on the same side). AUGH AND ALSO THE WAY PLUM IS STUCK IN HER WAYS TOO....#I DON'T HAVE COHERENT THOUGHTS. but the way plumeria Is just resonates so deeply w me...#mirabilis#sharena#fe peony#fe triandra#fe plumeria#moe tag#summoner oc#my art
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apatheticnatureiskey · 9 months
{DS! APOTROPAIC!: Vesper & Paralysis}
YIPPEE!! Apotropaic art! 😍
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Simple Explanation:
A mirror is found in an old storage room of JR. It radiated a magical energy that needed to be determined as “bad” or “good” so they kept it. Little did they know people from a different world would finally have the chance to escape. They used all of the power they needed to crack the glass and free themselves. Black smoke erupted from the creases as the mirror world parallels spread panic across the multiverse. The gas causes intense paranoia, hallucinations, and nightmares. Bunkers got put in order, but some were not as lucky to get there in time. JR put itself on lockdown, but that wasn’t enough. The parallels surrounded them… even if they went into their bunker. The employees got killed one by one, leaving their variants of each other to torment them.
I haven’t decided the true ending but it’s a pretty funky horror au :/
INFO (bc I doubt I’ll make references 💀):
Character Name - Dream Von Licht
Nickname - Vesper/Ves
Role - Protagonist?
Sexuality - Pansexual
Pronouns - he/him
Height - 6’3”
Physical Description - Has bruised wrists because Paralysis keeps grabbing them. 🙄
Personality - Kind of intimidating and deadpan. Very tired and stressed. It seems like he's upset all the time, which he kind of is. Still has his formality, but it's less than before. More likely to lash out than usual. Looks out of it more than the others cause Paralysis actively torments more than the other Parallels..
Age - 225+
Weakness - his listed fears, the hallucinations, lack of sleep, the bond between him an Paralysis (also Gloom but Paralysis gets beat up more lmao),
Fear - Agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house), Proditiophobia (fear of betrayal), Emetophobia (fear of vomiting or seeing other vomit), Catoptrophobia (fear/dislike of mirrors)
Weapon - Light/Claymore Sword
Likes - anything happy cause this man needs help // his friends :) // Champion // Ani // beating up the Parallels // Flinch // kids (wholesome)
Passions & Talents - He can fly // Bilingual // good at tracking //
Dislikes - Paralysis (🔫) // Mirrors // Touching his wings // Karens (despite them being rare in this situation) // Orbit // All the Parallels
Other - He found the mirror in a storage room, it looked a bit odd so he looked into it. After a while of it just radiating magic that was hard to decipher… he didn't see his reflection, he saw a horrible world with a bad version of him. After that, he wanted to lock it away and study it to keep everyone safe. But unfortunately, the parallels broke out and he thought wasn't careful enough. A small crack doomed their world, and it was all “because of him.” The nightmare fuel gas spread and the parallels escaped. JR was put on lockdown and he feels really guilty.
-Him and Paralysis (the mirror world version of him), do not get along. After all, he gives him nightmares, terrible hallucinations, and doesn't respect his boundaries. They're relationship is quite toxic and is basically fueled by hatred (Ves) and sadistic tendencies (Para).
-This place is very negative so his radiance/magic is weaker than normal. He also gets a ton of headaches/migraines because of this. :,)
-Flinch and Champion are the most important to him because they always help him in times of need. He'd be in a much worse mental state without them.
Character Name - Mirror! Dream
Nickname - Paralysis
Role - Villain
Sexuality - Pansexual
Pronouns - he/him
Height - 6’2” or 6’0 without heels
Physical Description - ugly
Personality - A terrible person, cruel to everyone… even the other Parallels. He doesn't not care about others' boundaries, he's manipulative, and the worst person ever. Yet the parallels listen to him because they have no choice.
Age - 125
Weakness - Light,
Fear - Photophobia (light), Atychiphobia (fear of failure)
Weapon - Sword (normie 🙄)
Likes - Manipulation // bad stuff I don't wanna write // basically he's the worst person ever // Bluebell // Ruin & Umber //
Passions & Talents - Being shitty // being an evil ‘ruler’ //
Dislikes - Dream/Vesper (🔪❤️) // Not being in Control //
Other - N/A
*rewriting his horrible backstory probably never 😍* (might make him have a decent motive)
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candycryptids · 4 months
hewwooo tuesday here's a silly little question for you since your "check it out, frogs!!" blog title always delights me: how do each of your characters feel about frogs? 👀
I *love* Frogs, but how do the blorbeans feel about em...? Well... I had to really think about it TTuTT BUT! Chuu favors mechanical creatures over flesh 'n blood ones, and while her getting to the First is ambiguous and mysterious (being a non-wol, I just try not to think about it too much) She DOES... love the Dwarven Mecha frogs. And. The biggest frog of them all... Formi.... <3 …. So she doesn’t care for frogs much. She has sent Tuesday out frog catching for alchemical ingredients though….
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Colette... Doesn't have any feelings this way or that about frogs, really. They're small, they're kinda slimey? but mostly they're just, very small. Except Gigantoads, I suppose, but those are a toad, and decidedly less slimey, by virture of being a toad. The ambivalence remains though! They're not that tricky to fight so long as you know how to wriggle out of their tongue grasp. (I did... take some frog-related Colette pictures tho >:3 I'm just gonna, post em a bit later, since the theme got away from me) Gigantoads make for a decent enough meal so long as you prep the meat right :T the legs are the most edible part yk.
Ishi is much more fond of Poro Roggo's, Matoya's froggy familiars. They're wearing LITTLE HATS ! They wave little canes! They're quite frankly adorable and they have little croaking voices. What's not to enjoy? (And also, there's something really nice about being out in the marshes of Mor Dhona and finding a little frog instead of a Morbol ready to stink bomb you, HAH)
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Tuesday shivers when he thinks about frogs (knows the difference between a frog and a toad, still pictures a Gigantoad first, and does not much love being yanked mid-cast from his Ley lines into body slamming range.) Finds just a regular little frog endearing and will get down in the mud and muck to look at it though. Is especially fascinated by frogs that stick to things like leaves and trees and their camouflages uwu He’s the one who likely knows the most about frogs, and would gladly tell you more about them. Probably compares information with Erenville, if they ever meet up in non-life-threatening-situations.
Tangy finds them fun ! If she’s on a walk or a run or an errand and it’s drizzly and she sees a little frog hop across the pathway there’s literally 0 inhibitions in her body that stop her from also hopping or skipping for at least a minute (still on her way, but a frogs leap is so charming. They’re like tiny dragoons! She points this similarity out to Estinien once. Krile laughs, Estinien looks constipated- you know the face.) She also has a weird compulsion to put them into her mouth, though, so if she catches one….. make sure it’s not poisonous. She doesn’t even plan to eat it! They just look like they would fit perfectly in her kitty jaws (she is sometimes correct).
Mochiie had to get used to frog song when he moved to Gridania. The rivers and lakes and greenery abounding let the little critters thrive in a way they don’t particularly on the Steppe. …. He comes around to finding it relaxing and feels uneasy when he doesn’t hear them anymore lmfao. In non-WoL au’s, probably sometimes tasks adventurer’s with catching frogs for alchemical ingredients OR to bring back to the pond he’s been carefully maintaining to encourage the little beepers to live in it. (Btw, his favorite frog singers are the Pobblebonk or Banjo Frog [YT Link], and the Pacific Chorus Frog [YT Link] 🥰)
Levraut…. I’m still not sure. 🤔 I think he’d like them, but he wouldn’t feel strongly about them. He WOULD eat them though. As would Colette and Mochi… I mentioned Tangy liked to stick them in her mouth but actually eating them seems like a waste, since she’s so big and they’re so small. Like eating a blueberry. I can say his favorite frogs would be the Blue Jeans Poison Frog, for their striking jackets of warning colors, and the desert rain frog, whose perfect spherical nature and grumpy face is endearing.
#ASK GAME#TY FOR THE ASK? I got to think about frogs a whoooole bunch and it’s got me feelin like a sparkling lemonade#me personally? I’m always biting at the bars between me and the Devs wanting a mount that looks like one of their Gigantoads. idk how you’d#even ride on it I just. want it. LMFAO#also I didn’t get poses for everyyybodyyyy but I did have fun taking these screens uwu!!!#I also listened to a bunch of frog calls….. poison dart frogs make such a cool noise it’s wild#somehow picturing Lev with a Frog was akin to plopping an alien in front of him I could noOT figure out how he’d feel about them!#if I had my self-Insert character done up I woulda done a bonus of me with frogs lololol#but I was having trouble getting even just the one frog for Ishi 🫢#ffxiv Chuu#ffxiv Viera#ffxiv Miqo’te#ffxiv Ishi’li#also…. uhm…. the Boys ™ are still in ARR gameplay wise so even though by all rights they should be a DRK and an AST I didn’t uh.#I didn’t have any MCDF’s made up for either of them 🫢🫣 cos we haven’t >> Designed em yet#so please accept DRG Kizuna and his tummy and Nin Ishi and his. hair that’s a little short#OH ALSO THEIR SCRINKLE CARBUNCLE BC THEY HAVE POOR AETHER POOLS#the WoL has 10k. Ishi has like. 3-4k. he gets trained to Always Be (Lucid) Dreaming for the MP regen#I wanted to post this today and do more screenshots before hand but the Maint is gonna gunch me first#Cos Im finishing endwalkers with my husbaaaand !#Please enjoy what I have. Ishi tripped.
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gio-cosmo · 8 months
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The soundtrack to this game is absolutely phenomenal btw
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keeps-ache · 6 months
i don't wanna take over the world, it sounds like a lot. but you know, laying siege to a golf course sounds really nice sometimes
#just me hi#i'm giggling thinking about it hfbvhs#you can use the sandbanks for cover and if you plan far enough ahead you can start farming around those little ponds#and you can steal golf balls :D and use them as currency ?? or just collect them :3#and you could use the tennis ball guns to shoot the balls at people of course!! and you're supplied with sticks when you get there !! free#weaponry !! :D#and if you can hold out for long enough you could start planting rose and blackberry bushes in places they wouldn't look#why? bc roses Always Come Back#and blackberries will take a minute but who can get mad at a blackberry bush !! nature's surprise :D#oh and of course you could have a noble steed too (golf cart) !! :DD#and you could make the building a castle#and make a little gnome town in the fields once the battle is over#OH you could build a miniature golf in and around the town too :D for the funsies#/places are very cool i like places#could some be used better? oh yea for sure#i have dreams for abandoned malls hfvbs - some of my favorite places ever#that's one big odd thing i want. to have a mall to live in hfhs :3#is it a lot of space ? ye. but it's also SOO much space.. the possibilities !!#//anyway i Need to go for a walk in a city sometime soon lol#i miss the riverwalk aaa#GASP campus martius during the winter. my dearest#i didn't realize the threshold for being a city was so low lmao ?? like man these are just big towns what is this hfvbsh#//but aside from the city pining MAN#i got to drive earlier today ('got to' they put me in the seat and it wasn't very fun hfvbshf) and oooohhh#you know that feeling on a roadtrip when it's all worth it for just a little while.maybe when you broke over the top of a hill or looked up#from whatever you were doing to find a storm ahead and the rear lights of the cars seemed to blink in agreement with how gorgeous it all is#just that hfbsh :3#i like places a lot. sobs [<- crying candy hearts]#//okey i'm goin to go do my somethings now hfvhs :3 :D#music and caffeine are SO good ehehhehghhg [slinkies away so fast]
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bsaka7 · 9 months
sorry the funniest thing about hockey is that they really make these guys play in. des moines. st paul. loser ass sports cities.
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While 'Renan is off finding the holy grail, slaying one and a half high dragons, burning the rotting corpse of the crucified king, and having a personal crisis, Noya is also having A Great Time in the Deep Roads! :) Including but not limited to fun activities such as: nug wrangling, being trapped miles under the earth for weeks on end, finding and killing two paragons, and encountering horrors beyond her imagination that will fuel nightmares for the rest of her life! <3
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for some reason im really feeling the Queer Euphoria in this chilis tonight, specifically: being so ambiguous its hilarious. there is No label to describe my orientation/gender. like yeah i use nonbinary bc technically it fits but also bc the flag Fucks. if asked, my only correct answer would be "Wildcard, Motherfucker!"
#both change on a daily basis#gender depends on vibes. weather. A Cool Art Piece I Saw On Tumblr. a dream i had the night prior. what im doing at the moment. song playin#i use & prefer they/them but really anything is free game For The Bit. i am willing to play pretend and try on different hats!#orientation depends on who im looking at in the moment. like i consistently surprise myself with who i do/dont find attractive#it also happens.... less than id expect. but when it does happen its a very strong Ohhhhhh. Ohoho Hi Heyyyy<3 moment#BUT OH ITS SO FUN TO BE UNLABELABLE#thats not a word! except yes it is!#i take the boxes people try to put me in. i make a sickass fort outta them & add blankets and pillows & paint#there is a drawbridge and a moat. and origami dragons!#its so so fun#but also very annoying on the rare occasion im asked what i am#like! fuck if i know! this is my first time being alive! its none of my business! i have bigger omelets to burn!#its like....#'are you gay' yes but also no 'are you a lesbian' yes but also no 'are you bi' yes but also no 'are you-' Yes But Also No.#again: wildcard.#absolutely unprompted#its like... oh man if i wasnt so squeamish about syringes i could make my gender Soooo Me <3#bc i want a deeper voice but i like my body how it is. mostly. its literally just my voice that i dont like#& facial hair would be nice but also do i want to deal with the hassle that is shaving. no i do not <3#still i cherish the two hairs i have on my chin. theyre so neat#i wish skirts were comfortable. i need a better eyeliner pen. i need more tank tops and a good binder. i want to confuse people#and then like... women with deep voices and men who're all dolled up and ambiguous folks who are so visibly queer-#there is so much to love everywhere and i do not care for the generally excepted/used fences people keep putting up#im ripping up their signs and kicking over the fences. Let Us Roam Free Range#shoutout to all my fellow Idk What The Fuck I Am And I Like It That Way homies. we're so funky#and you're So fucking valid. you don't need a label and you don't need a description. you are so so so awesome and rad as hell
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scionshtola · 8 days
i went to sleep early and didn’t even get any rest bc i was having college stress dreams
#i haven’t been in college in years!!!#i was in class. no matter what i did my pencil would not sharpen#i went through like five!! i couldn’t do the assignment!#and then i left class and got lost and was like an hour late to my next class#which i ended up going to my dorm first and ended up in the wrong apartment bc the keycard opened all the doors#and i ended up in my friends instead. and then i looked at my schedule and i hadn’t picked any of these classes#and i had a dance class that i was like no i have to change it#and i had classes at 8 on fri and not again til 6!!!#anyway i finally made it#to class. paul wesley was the prof. it was a class about video games and he didn’t care i was late#finally a break you might think. NO#i was like please let me make up the start of the class and he was like ok i’m going#to this party and teaching the class there so you should come to that#and he was going to give me a ride. in a cool fun dream this would probably be cool#but it’s my dream and so i was stressed out about having to go to a party and then when he picked me up it was with a 3 row suburban#full of ppl!! and there were no seats for me!! so i had to sit on the edge of the middle seat#and i was so stressed the whole drive WHICH NEVER ENDED BTW#that paul wesley was gonna flip the car and i would die bc i didn’t have a seatbelt#anyway. if you read all that i’m sorry for the most boring stress dream ever unfortunately i am a square#and was really stressed about it all ahdjdksk#good morning#i need a text post tag
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