#bc i was spinning this kid around and he got excited and flailed his arm straight into my face
leafywillow · 2 years
Got a filling today and now the whole right side of my mouth is numb oof. I just keep poking my cheek with my tongue bc it feels so weird lolol
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Stimmy HCs because apparently I have to do everything myself
Y’all’re sleeping on autistic haikyuu hcs smh 😤
Bouncy!! Doesn’t matter if he’s sitting or standing he will Boing and there’s nothing you can do to stop him
Rocking back and forth on his heels, standing still during team gatherings or school assemblies sucks so it’s a more subtle way for him to stim
He likes swaying side to side as well! Especially if he’s got friends next to him so he can lightly bump their shoulders
Spiking? High fives? Slapping his kitchen worktop? Good Shit. He gets in trouble for causing too much noise at home because he slaps his hand against his desk when he’s watching volleyball videos studying
He likes to hum or and make up idle little tunes, when he can’t sleep he takes a deep breath and sees how long he can hum out one continuous note, sometimes he puts a hand over his neck too so he can feel it
Loves the sound of rain against glass, HUGE audio stim, if you ever see him with headphones in there’s 90% chance he’s just listening to that instead of like actual music or something
Pressure stim!!! The weighted blanket he got for his 12th birthday is the only damn reason he got through middle school
Literally will sit with gym mats, volleyball bags or whatever else he can find stacked on top of him during breaks and cool downs, it’s soothing
Chewy!!! He’s in the habit of carrying around chewing gum after getting into trouble one too many times for chewing on the sleeves/collars of his shirts
Chews pens and has absolutely gotten a mouthful of ink before
He’s a stomper too, if he gets overwhelmed he just likes the physical sensation of lifting up a leg and hitting his foot back down again
Y’all know that thing where you sit or lie with your legs out straight and bc your heel is pressed into whatever surface it’s on you sway your leg side to side? That
King of audio ASMR, listens to it while he’s studying, while he’s working out, while he’s walking home, literally constantly
Clicking his tongue is actually a stim lol, he likes the physical sensation and the ‘tch’ sound it makes
Also sways side to side, by their 3rd year he and hinata have a Rhythm so they’ll just sit next to each other and periodically bump shoulders
Spins but only when he’s sure he’s alone, he’ll do so many turns clockwise then spin the same number of times counter clockwise, used to do it more often as a kid but got embarrassed as he got older
He slides his glasses down his nose and then pushes them back up again, Akiteru has SO many videos of him idly doing that as he eats or watches TV
Likes to swing his arms back and forth when he’s standing still, sometimes if he’s sure the sound won’t bother anyone he claps his hands to when they meet in front of/behind him
Flappy hands when he’s really mad or upset, the team has seen it a grand total of One (1) time and since then have vowed to make sure he never gets that overwhelmed again
If he’s sitting against something he’ll very lightly knock his head back into it, he doesn’t understand why everyone gets worried when he does that, he knows to not hurt himself
Mild echolaila, he likes the weird-old-man-phrases coach Washijou spouts and just goes for hours reapeating random sections of them back to himself under his breath
Can also be heard muttering ‘mirakuuruu boī’ when he’s on the court because Tendou is a terrible influence
Speaking of Tendou:
BIG OLE ECHOLAILA, he and Wakatoshi are like a positive feedback loop of just saying ‘naisukiru’ to each other with a different emphasis each time as they study
He’ll stand and place both hands on a table and push down as hard as he can. Does it give him stiff shoulders? Yes, is he going to stop? No
Flails his arms around a lot when he’s happy or excited!! Has once or twice gotten too enthusiastic and smacked Semi in the face by accident
Another verbal stim is just,, Yelling, he doesn’t do it all that often but occasionally he’ll step out of practice and all you’ll hear from outside the gym is just one long ‘AAAAAAAAA’ before he calmly goes back inside
Not to project or anything (haha) but bouncing + flapping his arms when he’s excited/happy!! Best stim for getting expressing the Good Emotions TM
Runs his hand through his hair a lot, he KNOWS it’s soft and he likes the texture
He tugs at his ear lobes when he’s just sitting in class or at lunch, he’s entirely unaware of it and has managed to chafe the skin before because he’s not realised he’s been at it for hours
Has like a million fidget cubes, loves the lil light switch ones because he likes the clicks
Has a fidget spinner too but they got banned at his school >:((
He’ll sit cross legged, put his hands on his ankles and sway in a circle when he’s overwhelmed, he finds it very soothing even if he does eventually get dizzy
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lantern-inthenight · 5 years
How would each of the boys react to finding a pregnancy test like in the trash before you could actually tell them you were pregnant?
Since our boys are still p young, I’m gonna ask y’all to imagine that these take place in a Future!AU, where everyone is like,,,30 idk
Special thanks to @youmakeme-wonder for helping me brainstorm for these ❤️
You and Danny don’t necessarily plan to get pregnant
Sure, you want to have a kid, but the two of you figure it will just happen when it happens
You’re sitting in the living room, thumbing through a book
Danny is going through the house, emptying the bins bc tomorrow is trash day
There’s a loud crash in the bathroom, prompting you to look up
It sounded like Danny dropped everything he was carrying
You get up to go check on him, and find that that’s exactly what happened
“Babe, are you okay?”
You round the corner and see Danny standing there, surrounded by the trash he just dropped
He’s holding the pregnancy test you took a couple days ago, staring at you in shock
Oh shit.
“Babe, it’s okay,” you start to soothe him
But Danny laughs, actually laughs, and runs to you there in the doorway
His arms are around you in an instant, for the tightest hug you’ve ever gotten
“You’re pregnant?” He breathes, his voice almost a shout from how excited he is. You nod into his shouder
“Yeah,” you giggle
He picks you up, and you feel yourself spinning as the two of you laugh
“How long have you known?” He’s not critical; he genuinely wants to know
You start crying, and touch his face gently
“Only two days. But I have a doctor appointment next week.”
Danny’s eyes are welling up with tears, and he just hugs you again, because words couldn’t come close to how he’s feeling
When he sets you down, he immediately falls to his knees in front of you and kisses your stomach
“You’re gonna be an amazing mom,” he tells you, as you run your hand through his hair and cradle his face
“You too,” you quip, and the two of you laugh before hugging again
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Jake usually greets you at the door when you bring home his favorite Chinese takeout, but he’s nowhere to be found when you walk in
“Jake? Honey, I’ve got dinner.”
You set the food on the kitchen counter, and look around
The TV is on, but Jake isn’t there. You check the backyard. No Jake there, either. Bedroom? Empty.
Lastly, you go into the bathroom to see if Jake is taking a shower where you could happily join him
But the thought leaves your head the moment you see Jake, sitting on the edge of the bathtub
His right hand is closed around the pregnancy test he’s holding
The screen is peeking out from his fingers, revealing the little pink + sign
Jake doesn’t react when you walk in
He’s just staring at the wall, completely motionless
“Jake?” You ask cautiously, inching nearer to him
You sit down next to him, rubbing his arm to soothe him
You had been trying for almost two years.
After a moment, Jake whispered
“When did you take this?”
“Yesterday,” you answer. “I have a doctor appointment tomorrow to confirm it. But I missed my period last month.”
“This is really happening,” Jake mutters, still staring at the wall
But after a moment, he just cracks
He looks at you, tears spilling down his cheeks
“We’re having a baby?”
You nod. “We’re having a baby, Jake.”
The look on his face is indescribable, and he just buries his face in your shoulder, weeping softly
You hold each other for a few minutes, crying tears of pure joy and relief
You eventually pull away, brushing his tears away with your thumbs as Jake’s hand falls to your belly
“I hope she likes Chinese food,” you joke, and the two of you burst into laughter
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Josh finds out you’re pregnant the night you come home from your first OB appointment
But he didn’t exactly find out the way you wanted him to
He was digging through the bathroom drawer for a pair of nail clippers, complaining loudly when he couldn’t find them
“Just grab mine out of my purse! It’s in the kitchen,” you yell from the couch
But you freeze stiff where you’re sitting
Because your purse is currently full of prenatal vitamins and pamphlets about what not to eat when you’re with child
And you just told your unsuspecting husband to open the very same purse to get nail clippers
You stand up quickly, but it’s too late
Josh is standing at the kitchen counter, holding a bottle of pregnancy vitamins, looking like a curly-haired deer in the headlights
“Babe, this is a bottle of prenatal vitamins,” he says to you, apparently not absorbing the information in front of him
“Yes...” you answer, a few feet away, waiting for it to hit him
Josh laughs. “But these are for pregnant people.”
You raise your eyebrows at him
Josh gasps, looking from the pill bottle to you, and back again
There it is, you think
“You’re pregnant,” he breathes. You nod. Josh takes a deep breath, and you brace yourself for the noise
Josh just starts making guttural shrieks, gesturing at you and flailing his arms while he runs to you
Seriously, he can’t stop hollering
You know he can’t help himself, though, and you just nod and laugh along
Josh is beyond joyful, and actually manages to hyperventilate between screaming excitedly and kissing your face
So much so that he quite literally passes out in the living room
Well, you think, putting a pillow underneath his head, At least the living room is carpeted
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Your arms are overflowing when you come through the door
“Hey babe, let me help you with those!” Sam bounds up to you, grinning widely, but you push past him in a manner that is nothing short of shady
Sam frowns, but shrugs it off
Little does he know that you went to the bookstore for a reason: research
You set the books down on your desk, making sure to cover up What to Expect When You’re Expecting with other books and clutter
You and Sam settle in for a nice night of watching movies on the couch
It’s quiet and peaceful, until Sam gets up to pee
On his way back from the bathroom, he bumps into your desk
The carefully arranged pile of books comes crashing down, sending your things everywhere
You frown, and sit up on the couch
“Babe, is everything okay?” You call out
“Yeah, it’s fine! I just knocked over some of your new books--”
Your eyes widen
“--but it’s okay, I can just put them b-- wait. What?” He mutters that last part to himself, and you close your eyes
You hear Sam shuffle back into the living room, and you open your eyes to look at him
He’s holding the very book you didn’t want him to see, his mouth agape
You give him a scared smile, your heart pounding
“...Surprise?” you guess.
“You--you’re--we’re,” Sam can’t find the words. You can only nod, chuckling to yourself
Sam sprints across the room and drops to his knees in front of you
He presses kiss after kiss to your tummy, and you notice his eyes shining in the dim light
“You’re really--?”
“Pregnant, yeah,” you finish for him
Sam laughs, a musical and beautiful sound
He has questions, so many questions, but you answer them all as best you can. At one point he frowns
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was gonna do a grand reveal,” you reply, embarrassed. “You weren’t supposed to find out like this.”
“That’s okay,” Sam answers, hugging your middle, “I don’t want it any other way.”
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Tag List: @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank, @jeordinevankiszka, @that-glassbottomed-ego, @kissthesun-fightthefire, @lover--leaver, @myownparadise96, @satans-helper, @songbirdkisses, @bluewillowmom
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kaiunkaiku · 7 years
Would you fucking look at that, it’s an actual fic! I have been working on this for so ridiculously long and I’m so happy I finally managed to finish it! Hope you like some Hunter x Hunter because that’s literally one of my favorite series ever.
Warnings include my dialogue writing bc we have already concluded that I absolutely suck at that, illness, more hurt than comfort for the most part, disgustingly tooth-rotting last few paragraphs and some shipping because I’m literal trash.
This is set a few years into the future from canon so they are not twelve years old anymore. Let’s say late teens.
Killua stares at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He can’t believe this, just can't, this isn't supposed to happen. He’s a trained assassin, immune to most poisons in the world and able to withstand most of the torture methods known to man. He can work with broken bones and pierced limbs, hell, he can do his job with his arm hanging from his shoulder by little more than a strip of skin (very unpleasant and painful, yes, but he can complete a job). He hasn't been sick since he was two years old.
Now, though, there's a flush on his pale cheeks, and this isn't the type he has when Gon tells him he’s cute or that he wants to introduce him to Ging. This is the kind that has his head swimming full of cotton and eyelids drooping. His stomach is in knots and it’s three in the morning and Gon is sleeping behind the wall to his right in the large double bed. His throat feels funny and his neck feels like he’s been sleeping in a wrong position for hours and hours straight, unmoving, but he hasn't, he hasn't slept all night and it honestly scares him. He’s not used to this, and this is not exciting unfamiliar like the hunter exam was, no, this is his own weapon of a body doing something it isn’t supposed to do and he’s terrified. He’s considered waking Gon up, too, but it’s better if even one of them gets a decent amount of sleep.
The only reason he’s not completely panicking is because he’s seen this - sick people - before. He doesn’t remember any of his family members ever being ill, but he can easily enough recall Leorio standing by Kurapika’s bedside after the whole Phantom Troupe thing in Yorknew City. He remembers the shadows under brown eyes, sheen of sweat on pale skin and Leorio carefully setting a damp cloth onto his forehead.
Killua is exhausted. He stares at his reflection in the mirror and it stares back, eyes glassy and the lack of color on his face matching his hair even better than usually. Under his eyes there are dark circles that blend into the flush on his cheeks.
He looks so much less miserable than he feels.
It takes him a second to realize that his vision is starting to distort. It takes him another second to react, and by then it’s too late - his knees buckle under him and black spots cloud his eyes. The barely-there effort he puts into remaining upright doesn't pay off and he crashes onto the floor, unable to control his fall like he’s used to. His head hits something and the black spots get stars to keep them company for a moment. There's pain, nothing he can't handle but pain regardless, and then footsteps hurrying to the bathroom. Gon’s bare feet against the tiled floor sound louder than they probably are and there’s a weird echo to his voice as he shouts Killua’s name. Warm hands - always warm, Gon is always warm - lift him from his sprawled position on the floor so that his head in resting in Gon’s lap.
Gon’s voice is rambling are-you-okays and what-happeneds and why-didn’t-you-tell-mes at a rapid pace, barely giving Killua enough time to process the questions. The second he manages to make out what he was asked Gon is already going with the next, and Killua’s head feels lead-heavy and feather-light at the same time and he doesn’t want to do this. He squeezes his eyes shut against the bright lights of the bathroom.
Killua feels a hand on his forehead and realizes that the rambling has stopped. He forces his eyes open and finds himself staring right at Gon’s. His hair is a mess and there’s an awfully worried look in his eyes. For a second Killua thinks Gon looks surprisingly alert, but he shakes the thought almost immediately - it would be ridiculous for either of them look sleepy three seconds after a surprise wake-up call.
“Killua, you have a fever,” Gon tells him, as if he hadn’t already come to that conclusion. “Why didn’t you wake me up? How long have you been sick?” There’s a demanding tone to his voice, the kind there is when Gon needs to know instead of just wanting. A little more panicking and it would sound exactly like his demand for Kite’s whereabouts all that time ago.
Killua opens his mouth to answer but only air comes out. It quickly turns into awful, dry coughs, every breath triggering a few new ones and his chest burns. It takes Gon barely a second to turn him on his side, hand resting on his upper back. His throat and chest are both on fire and the whole thing feels to just go on and on and on until he can finally draw a decent breath again. Gon is rubbing his back behind his lungs.
“‘m not supposed to be sick,” Killua rasps, voice rough and barely audible. Gon tilts his head and blinks in confusion.
“What do you mean not supposed to? People get sick all the time, Killua!” Gon’s brows furrow like he’s trying to think about something. Killua props himself on his elbow to get even a little bit off the floor so he can look at Gon better.
“Gon, I haven’t been sick since I was a toddler. I’m immune to basically everything.” His arm is trembling under him, bad, like his legs were when he first recognized Illumi at the hunter exam. He hates it. He’s afraid. He wants it to stop, all of it, from the fuzzy feeling in his head to the pain in his neck and the sudden lack of physical control, he wants it all to just stop and go away. Taking a deep breath, Killua closes his eyes against the spinning world and lowers himself back to the floor. He doesn't crash-land, thank heavens.
And now Gon is scared, too, great fucking job, Killua, he thinks to himself as Gon’s suddenly tightened voice asks him if he got hurt in the fight they had yesterday against these three guys and a kid, a frigging child. Killua is so done with children on the battlefield. He’s been there himself and it sucks.
It takes Killua a second to come up with a reason for Gon to be asking that, because getting injured shouldn't have anything to do with his current condition, until he remembers the shocked look on one guy's face after he got his ankle pierced by some kind of a needle-weapon-thing. At the time he’d thought it could have been because of a mistake in the location of the hit, but now he's starting to realize; he didn't die immediately. The logical conclusion is that the needle was laced with some kind of a deadly poison, but somehow it’s still affecting him.
Lethargically, Killua lifts his leg so that Gon can take a look at his bandaged ankle. He’s tired and there’s a vague feeling of his insides burning and his muscles hurt like they used to when he was six and making his way up the Heavens Arena and it’s absolutely ridiculous how he’s remembering things like this right now.
Gon unwraps his foot gently like only he can, careful not to hurt him. It's clear he’s worried, but he keeps his hands steady as the bandages fall to the tiled floor.
Killua knows he cleaned the wound thoroughly. He's a professional and he knows how to take care of his physical health. Now, though, from what he can see, the area around it looks swollen and red. It doesn't hurt - in fact, he can barely feel the whole foot. Killua wonders when that happened, since he's pretty sure he could still feel it when he came to the bathroom earlier.
All the numbness disappears, however, the second Gon takes a poke at the tissue near the wound itself. His touch is painful, like freezing fire, burning ice, and Killua chokes back a scream. His body jerks and he instinctively tries to pull his foot back from Gon’s grip, away from the pain. A voice at the back of his skull is telling him that he's endured much, much worse in the hands of his family but it doesn't seem to matter. Gon’s hands are strong, thankfully, and used to holding flailing limbs in place thanks to his experience with injured animals. It's not something Killua likes to think of himself as, but it's not like his brain is allowing him to think of anything else, either.
Gon hushes him quietly, keen eyes still observing the obvious infection as his other hand reaches for Killua’s. He squeezes his fingers, offering reassurance, but it does very little to actually help. Killua tries to squeeze back, but even his fingers won’t move on command as they should. He’s cold, colder than he should and Gon is wearing just as little clothing as he is and it’s pretty clear Gon isn’t cold. Not fair, Killua thinks. His ankle hurts.
Gon looks at the injury from all sides, twisting Killua’s ankle as gently as he can, until he finally sets the foot down.
“Killua, let’s get you back to bed, yeah? I’m gonna go call Leorio real quick,” Gon tells as he gathers Killua up from the floor. Killua is trying his best to stand up, is trying his best to remain upright and even take a few steps, but he ends up being practically carried by Gon as his knees refuse to support him. He’s cold, but the blankets feel suffocating and he still feels overall a lot worse than he can remember ever feeling.
Every second seems to make him feel exponentially worse than before. He can hear blood rushing in his ears in a deafening volume and the churning of his insides is getting worse and he’s still getting colder, which probably means that his fever is still rising. Gon is on the phone with Leorio, his tone frantic and worried and his words incomprehensible through the noise in Killua’s head.
Before he knows it, there's a hand shaking his shoulder. He doesn't know when that happened, because he’s sure Gon was just talking on the phone. Large, brown eyes stare into blue, worried.
“Leorio said he’s coming over right now,” Gon tells, words spilling out of his mouth rapidly, almost like he’s afraid Killua will slip away before he manages to finish his sentence. And maybe his fear isn't irrational, at least not completely, because Killua can feel his consciousness fading in and out, and out seems to be winning.
“He’s just a few towns over,” Gon continues, trying to push some reassurance into his voice, “and he said Kurapika is driving, so they’ll be here in no time.” If the reassurance is for Killua or himself, that Gon isn't certain of. Maybe both, maybe neither, perhaps just the other. It is there, though, and that's what Killua clings to, the attempted shred of hope Gon seems to have in this thing ending up okay.
Gon climbs to the bed and gets behind Killua, pressing his face into soft whiteness as his arms wrap around Killua’s torso.
“You're shivering,” he whispers into Killua’s hair. He pulls Killua’s body closer, shivering back against strong chest, as Killua nods shakily.
“Cold,” he whispers. Killua lets his eyes flutter shut - his eyelids feel heavy, or maybe it's his lashes that are pulling them down. He feels like he's freezing, but Gon’s touch is like fire against his skin. He thinks he can hear his own breathing. He's not quite sure, though, since if anything, the blood rushing through his veins sounds even louder than before.
Gon’s hand moves to his forehead, and for a moment Killua can feel Gon’s arms tensing.
“Killua, you're burning up,” Gon tells. “Even worse than before.” He pulls Killua closer, like he’s trying to protect him from something, or someone.
Gon slides his hand into Killua’s hair before promptly getting up, almost jumping off the bed. The sudden absence of warmth makes Killua shiver, but mostly it just makes his head heavier than it already was, sends his vision into a spinning motion and throws him off balance even lying down. He grits his teeth to prevent them from clattering and curls up. He doesn’t have the energy to search for a blanket, even though he knows there are two of them in the bed. His fingers feel icy against his biceps.
He’s slipping again, he knows that, but keeping his eyes open and mind focused on something requires energy his brain isn’t willing to produce. Killua nearly misses the fact that Gon has appeared next to him again.
“We need to get your fever down, Killua,” Gon whispers, hand reaching for Killua’s hair. “So you’re gonna take a bath before Leorio and Kurapika get here, yeah?”
The following moments are, in Killua’s head, nothing but haze and coldness. There’s a series of events starting from somehow getting out of bed, then he's suddenly freezing even worse than before, ice cold water surrounding him even though it’s actually probably lukewarm, a soft towel, Gon yelling, familiar voices. Everything goes by fast, throws his thoughts into a whirlwind of confusion and exhaustion and general haze of not being able to distinguish what’s happening around him.
At some point, he finally passes out.
When he comes to, an indefinite amount of indefinite measures of time later, head throbbing and lungs fighting against breathing, there’s a pair of storm gray eyes observing him from behind a curtain of blond hair. Kurapika has a book in his hand and there are dark circles under his eyes, making Killua wonder if he’s been out for longer than a few hours. Or maybe it’s Leorio’s fault, who knows.
“Good to see you awake, Killua,” Kurapika smiles, setting his book down and standing up gracefully, as he usually does. “How are you feeling?”
Killua turns his eyes to the ceiling, taking a second to assess what his body is doing. He feels exhausted, at least that’s for sure, and it feels like there’s a heavy weight sitting on his chest. His muscles ache all over, especially, well, everywhere, and his head is pulsating along to his heartbeat.
But he isn’t burning and freezing anymore, and the world has stopped spinning even when he moves his head.
“Better,” he whispers in conclusion. Apparently, his throat is still not working. He turns his gaze back to Kurapika, who has moved to stand next to the bed. “What happened?”
Now it’s Kurapika’s turn to look away. His eyes seem to find the bathroom door, behind which Killua can faintly hear water running. He assumes it’s probably Leorio taking a shower. He briefly wonders where Gon might be.
“It appears you were poisoned,” Kurapika answers, not taking his eyes off the door. “I don’t think you would have died, but you’d be in a lot more agony if Gon hadn’t called us.” The water stops running. It takes a few moments for Leorio to emerge from the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. From what Killua can see, he looks quite exhausted, too.
“And I say it’s a miracle you’re still alive,” Leorio says, apparently having heard what Kurapika said. “I hate to say it, kid, but you gotta thank that screwed-up family of yours. If you weren’t immune to most poisons, you’d have died when that happened.” He points at Killua’s tightly bandaged ankle. “Thank your maker that we weren’t in another country,” Leorio finishes, and moves to press a quick kiss to Kurapika’s lips.
Killua can feel his eyelids sliding shut, heavy as if weighed down by something. He still has questions to ask, like where Gon is, what’s going to happen next, why are Kurapika and Leorio always inclined to act so disgusting around other people. But Gon, Gon isn’t here even though he was earlier, and Killua has known for a long time that Gon does stupid things and makes stupid decisions and suddenly he’s scared, terrified, that Gon has gone off to do something profoundly idiotic.
Killua forces his eyes open and tries to sit up. His arms feel like jelly and his surroundings are spinning again, but he makes it to the edge of the bed before there’s a hand on his chest, pale fingers pressing him back and a soft voice telling him that he needs to rest, asking him what’s wrong and the next second yelling for Leorio.
He tries to fight it, but he’s too exhausted to stay upright when Leorio rushes from the other end of the room to prevent him from getting up, he succumbs to his fate of lying down for the time being.
Kurapika sighs in relief when Killua settles down and doesn’t try to sit up again. His breathing is labored and sounds overall just very difficult, and there’s a new sheen of sweat on his pale face. Leorio moves back to the side of the room where he just ran from to put on a shirt - something that he didn’t quite have the time to do earlier before Killua tried, for some godforsaken reason, sit up right after nearly dying.
Not that there’s anything new in that.
“Killua,” he starts softly. “What’s wrong, aside from the obvious?” Sometimes he just doesn’t understand either of the kids.
Killua peers at him, his eyes barely open. “Gon,” he manages to mumble, or groan, or whatever. It takes Kurapika a second to realize what Killua is trying to get to, until it dawns upon him that Gon indeed is not in the room. He can understand Killua’s distress concerning the topic, though. Kurapika allows him a soft smile.
“Where he is?” he asks, still, to confirm that he really got the question. When Killua provides him with a grunt that could be taken as an affirmation, Kurapika sets his hand to Killua’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry about him, Killua. He just went for a supply run, since we didn’t have time to grab everything when we left. He should be back soon,” he reassures him. Killua seems to be okay with his explanation, because he stops fighting his exhaustion.
Killua falls asleep fast and Leorio takes over the watch, allowing Kurapika some sleep himself.
When Killua wakes up the next time, there’s sunlight filtering through the blinds. He still doesn’t know what day or time it is, but there’s definite warmth around him. He opens his eyes to see tan, muscular arms embracing him, and when he turns his head, he meets hazel eyes.
“Good morning, Killua,” Gon whispers into his ear, the smile on his face reflecting relief, and Killua allows the corner of his mouth to curl up.
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