#Pay no mind to the man behind the trainer
wayfaringtrainers · 2 months
Don't mind the mun, he be doing science
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wrestlingwithlife · 1 year
Texas Style
Most people quiver at the thought of having to face Ghost, let alone in hand to hand combat, but Ghost is about to have a sparring partner like he’s never had before. With a little Texas flare thrown in, of course.
Task Force 141 x Male!Reader
Y/n fished around in his dresser, searching for sturdier tank top than the one he’d had on. The last thing he wanted was to rip another, especially after what had happened last hand to hand combat day. The h/c haired male didn’t even bother to look up when he heard his door swing, already having a strong idea about who it was.
“Howdy, Partner.” Soap laughed as he plopped onto Y/n’s bed. The s/t male only rolled his eyes at Soap’s humor.
“Hello, Soap.”
Y/n gave up on his search for a thicker tank top, shutting the drawer and turning back to face Soap. Y/n had learned his lesson on ignoring the Scott for to long.
A coy smile danced across the mohawked man’s face. “You sound like your not simply ecstatic to see me.” He teased, eyes blazing with mischief as he scanned them over his team mate.
“Hmm, how rude of me.” Y/n spoke flatly, but he couldn’t fight the smallest up turn of his lips. “Let’s go, don’t want Price on us for being late.”
Y/n leads the way out of his room, when they step out Gaz is there, waiting for them. “Would you look at us, we done got a reunion going.” Y/n drawled, shutting his door behind them. The three made their way across the base, turning a few heads as they did.
Now, Y/n was gorgeous. Everyone knew that. Well, everyone except Y/n himself but the poor guy didn’t have a mind for much more than his teammates, so who could really blame him.
But Y/n wasn’t just that pretty guy who went to your high school with you. No, he was the kind of pretty that was untouchable. Like a celebrity, or some guy at the airport that you’ll probably never see again.
The 141 squad understood this, and they reveled in the fact that Y/n was their’s. Well, mostly Soap and Gaz, but who’s really paying attention to that? However, as much as they loved to flaunt Y/n, there were times when even they’d get protective.
So when Soap slung his arm over Y/n’s shoulder and tugged him in closer the h/c haired male didn’t bat an eye. Not even when Gaz’s arm slipped around his waist. This was just his daily life, and he’d grown used to it.
In fact, when the looming figure seemingly appeared out of nowhere behind them he was the only one of the trio not to jump out of his skin. Y/n offered Ghost a smile, nodding in greeting to the silent male.
“So, Cowboy, you nervous?” Soap slung his arm over Y/n’s shoulder again, taking back his place pressed up to the male.
The h/c male blinked, tilting his head in confusion. “Nervous? What for?”
Soap had to bite his cheek to hide how adorable the head tilt looked from his point of view. “Well you and Ghosty are the only ones with undefeated records in hand to hand, means you two will be fighting today.”
Y/n shrugged, reaching for the knob of the training room door. “Ain’t nothing. I wrestled steers twice as big as Simon, and four times as mean.” The male shot Ghost a playful and teasing look, and Ghost was lucky he wore a mask or his pink cheeks would have been on full display.
When the group stepped into the training room heads turned. I mean, of course they did. This was THE 141 Task Force. Who wouldn’t look?
Price looked up from the trainer he was talking to to, a grin on his lips as he motioned the group over.
“Ghost, Cowboy, go get stretched. You’re up in five.”
Ghost’s eyes cut over to Y/n, but the smaller male was already looking at him. His e/c eyes are blazing with something that Simon could only describe as wild adrenaline. Cowboy grins, giving Ghost a wink before going off to stretch, Soap trailing after him like a little lost dog.
Soap’s hands worked into the muscles of Y/n shoulders as the male wrapped his hands. He didn’t plan on throwing many punches, but better safe than sorry.
“Really pampering me ain’t ya? Feel like one of my Pa’s show calves right about now.” Y/n chuckled, looking over his shoulder at Soap once he was done with his hands.
“Now I know how Ghost feels when I talk.” Johnny huffed, moving down to Y/n’s shoulder blades. “Well somebody has to pamper you, you’re about to face the grim reaper after all.”
Now, one could argue that Soap was only massaging the muscles on Y/n shoulders to give himself the opportunity to feel him up a little. However, those people would be hypocrites, because every person in the room was shooting Soap a jealous look.
And Y/n wasn’t complaining, so it was a win-win.
“Cowboy! Ghost! You’re up!”
Y/n pulled away from Soap’s hold, jumping a bit in surprise when he felt a hard slap on his ass. “Give him hell, Cowboy!” Soap cheered.
Y/n just shook his head, making his way to the ring. Ghost stood before him, a looming presence of muscles and angst. Y/n couldn’t help but shudder in excitement.
“Good luck.” The e/c eyed male smirked, taking up a ready stance. Ghost didn’t say anything, he only nodded, watching Y/n with careful eyes.
“Alright, you two know the rules. First one on their back for a three count or I call it.” The trainer spoke. “On my call… begin!”
Ghost was the first to make a move, throwing a right hook at the shorter male. Y/n managed to just barely duck under it, slipping past him with ease.
Cowboy hooks an arm around Ghost’s waist using his momentum to carry him to the skull masked male’s other side, catching him off guard.
Y/n’s arm slips up Ghost’s back, trapping his head and left arm in a tight grip. However, Ghost refused to go down easy. He did his best to break the hold, slinging Y/n around wildly, but his grip remained unbroken.
Gaz watched in amazement as Y/n clung to Ghost, his e/c eyes wild with delight and his face sporting an equally wild grin.
When Y/n’s feet finally hit the ground he saw his opportunity. The male dropped his hips, twisting his body and threw his weight around, flipping Ghost over his shoulder.
Ghost’s back hit the ground with a thundering noise, knocking the breath from his lungs. Cowboy was quick to straddle the man’s waist, pinning his arms above his head.
They sat there for a moment, Ghost breathing heavily and Y/n grinning down at him, before the trainer blew his whistle. The match was over, Cowboy had won, and Ghost had learned something about himself that day.
There were claps and whoops, and when the two stepped off the mat Soap practically tackled the poor country boy to the floor.
“I didn’t doubt you for a second!” He beamed, arm wrapped tightly around Y/n’s slim waist.
Y/n towel dried his hair as he stepped out from the shower, pulling on a loose pair of joggers. He was lounging in his room for the rest of the day, so he saw no need to bother with a shirt.
He opened his bathroom door and stepped out into his room only to see Ghost sat in one of his bean bag chairs reading a book while Soap and Gaz sat at the foot of his bed, engrossed in some true crime show.
“Hello people who do not live here.” Y/n huffed, three sets of eyes darted over to look at him. Ghost had the luxury of having a mask to cover his cheeks, the other two were less fortunate. Luckily for Gaz, Soap was there to take the attention from him.
“My oh my, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” Soap whistled flirtatiously, wiggling his eye brows. Y/n rolled his eyes, grabbing a pillow from the top of his bed and smacking the Scott with it.
Y/n plopped down onto his bed leaning against his pillows. Gaz and Soap shifted a bit, resting their heads on the southern males thick thighs, going back to being absorbed into their show.
The bed dipped a bit and Ghost sat down, laying back so his head was resting against Y/n’s chest. He didn’t make eyes contact with the male, eyes still focused on the book in his hand.
Y/n smiled softly, letting his hand rest on top of Ghost’s head. His eyes cut back over to the show that was playing on the screen, and he had to admit, this was pretty nice.
Hope this was okay! If you guys like the cowboy!reader I’d love to do more. It’s hard to find any love for cowboy readers out there lol
- Author~Chan out ✌️
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sakuraryomen01 · 1 year
Sex Exercise /Jjk Characters x Reader/ Prt. 2
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warnings: based on a comic called "Sexersize" . reader is a little chubby . sex gym . working out with Sukuna as the trainer . gojo x reader x sukuna (sorta) . risky relationship with sukuna . jealous sukuna and gojo . [reader is also sort of caught in the crossfire of their pettiness and kept in the dark ^^;;] . more or less a sexual crush . gojo's a little mean/of a tease . oral sex (reader receiving) and a blowjob (sukuna receiving) . face fucking . multiple rounds, and positions; reverse cowgirl, scissor style, and missionary . getou also is back to his normal trainer position ^^
reader: female reader; slightly chubby
plot: smut + story . reader goes to a sex gym, having no knowledge of the actually training regimen
words: 4.635k
a/n:: hello hello! ^^ tbh i wanted to take another pause on Valentino as Easter is coming up in a few days! And, I just couldn't get over how popular this drabble was so I decided to make it series of sorts! i hope you're looking forward to getting more of this stuff out lol >_>;; i'm going to also post something with Getou soon! ♡
. . .
Thank you for reading this bit! Enjoy!
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It felt like the last month and a half was a fever dream, because you were wondering if Sukuna had decided to really give you special treatment.
He was usually texting you about newer and better sexual positions to test out for extra weight loss. And he also wanted you to come in more and more whenever you had the chance. Whatever this was, you really enjoyed the attention.
To be honest, you almost felt like an attention whore.
For whatever reason, you began to obey the man's commands. And, oh boy, did it pay off for you in the end.
Especially during every session you had paired with the pink haired trainer. It was like he didn't care that the rules in the policy existed, he treated them like helpful suggestions rather than rules when he was in the same room with you. Always daring to kneel behind you while you and your assigned partner for the day were fucking, grabbing some oil and lubing his hands before playing with your ever so soft tits.
"That's it," He'd coo, pressing a soft kiss to your temple before rolling your nipples in his rough fingers. "Make sure to keep your hips angled, sir. She likes it hitting deep inside."
Your partner would always blush a flustered pink before nodding and doing as instructed, grunting in pleasure whenever your pussy tightened around their cock.
"Good job, just don't cum yet."
Like any other day though, today wasn't like that. After Sukuna had gotten into the groove of playing with your pearly chest and precious clit, he wouldn't be prepared for the days to come. After all, fucking his client instead of being patient would have its consequences.
One day in particular might've set off the current chain of events.
"I've been called into a meeting?" Sukuna questioned, his phone raised to his ear after you finished your second session that week. "But, I didn't have anything planned afterwards. I was going to eat and head home."
"Well, you'll have to reschedule," Getou's cool tone echoed through the speaker. "It's not a request. The boss is upset with you after what you did a while ago."
Sukuna groaned, rolling his eyes and you and your partner dressed and departed. Although he seemed stressed and unhappy, you didn't want to meddle in his business, no matter how much it bothered you.
"I'll be there. When is it?"
"Right now, actually. He's waiting for you upstairs in the conference room."
With another curse under his breath, Sukuna cleaned off his fingers from before and headed to the showers. Quickly changing his clothes and washing himself, Sukuna made his way to the front of the gym and turned right. Going up the same stairs you went up your first day at the sex gym. While he didn't care what happened, Sukuna really wouldn't mind being fired.
With a perverted smirk, he huffed as his mind began to cloud once again with pictures of you.
If he got fired, he could fuck you whenever he wanted!
Trying to keep a cool head, and relaxed cock, Sukuna pushed open the door and came face to face with his boss immediately.
The white haired devil's eyes were a piercing shade of sky blue. Shining under his dark sunglasses and pretty white lashes. His head tilted, cheek resting against his palm, and his light grey button up slightly undone like he was some mob boss and not some shady gym owner.
"What is it, Satoru?" Sukuna grunted, closing the door quickly and crossing his arms.
"That's no way to talk to your boss," Gojo cooed in a mock whimper, as if to pretend to be hurt. "I wanted to talk to you. Please, take a seat."
Sukuna would rather not. He didn't know how many girls Gojo's fucked stupid in the room and he didn't want to find out.
After Sukuna was forced into the chair, Getou was soon summoned to join before Gojo started. "So, what's up?"
"That cute lil' client you banged," Gojo said rather bluntly, his charming smile never faltering as Sukuna's eyes glazed over. "When were you going to tell me that incident happened?"
Getou stood beside Gojo's chair, his hands in his pockets with his hoodie sleeves rolled up. There was a small smirk that made its way onto his features, eyes lazily looking between Sukuna and Gojo as the tension grew.
"Did you have your errand boy tell you?" Sukuna grumbled, arms folded and a vein bursting on his neck. He wasn't particularly happy that he was having this conversation.
"I'm wounded," Getou pouted, holding a hand to his chest. "I only watched from the sidelines."
"Whatever, that's not the point!"
There was a collective sigh from Sukuna and Getou, before Gojo butted in and continued his small rant.
"I'm going to do another workout with this Y/n girl and you're not going to get whiny about it, or, I'll make Suguru her new trainer."
That vein of Sukuna's neck was bulging with pure anger and pettiness. He didn't want to be switched with Getou, but watching Gojo fuck you would be just as torturous. Even if he did bang his client when he wasn't supposed to, he didn't want to go through a punishment because of Gojo's choices.
"..If you don't show up, I'll fuck her again," Sukuna threatened, standing and running a hand through his pink locks. "I don't want to leave her high and dry over your whorish nature."
"That's understandable," Gojo said, huffing with pouty lips, lifting his glasses up to rest on his head. His blue eyes practically glowed, shimmering as an amused glint shined. "Make sure I don't find out next time."
With a click, Sukuna left the conference room and headed down to the main lobby, seeing Shoko with her spiked coffee like always and a lazy glimmer in her dark eyes.
"Oh? Someone got your balls in a twist?" She asked, sitting up and removing her feet from atop her desk.
Sukuna grunted, picking up the session notes for next week. His maroon eyes scanned every column until they landed on yours, your cute little photo needed updating. You cheeks weren't nearly as chubby as they used to be.
Was that really a problem tho? Sukuna had wondered to himself, and this wasn't the first occasion.
Many a time did he wonder if your chubbiness was such a bother. Sure, wanting to look good and feel good about yourself was one thing, but Sukuna thought that you looked like an adorable plush pillow. One that he could squeeze in his firm grip and play with like a little ragdoll.
"Getting heart eyed, hm?"
Snapping out of his thoughts, Sukuna sent a glare Shoko's way even though all she had in store was curiosity. "Don't be so harsh. You'll chase off girls with such a 'fuck off' face."
"I don't care," Sukuna snapped, his nose crinkling in disgust. "All the girls that want me are whores running from their husbands anyways."
"So harsh," said the receptionist. Clicking her tongue and rolling the sparkling tongue piercing around her mouth before letting her tongue hang from between her glossy lips. "Don't be like that around that Y/n girl you're fawning over. She'll ask for a new trainer right away!"
Sukuna scoffed, looking at the partner's empty blank and writing in Gojo Satoru. Once he handed the clipboard back to Shoko, she raised her brow in confusion and looked at him.
"Again?" She asked, the corner of her lips turning up in a smirk. "Do you have a humiliation kink by any chance?"
With a grimace and a sigh, Sukuna walked out of the gym after grabbing his things from the trainers washroom. Whatever was going to happen that following week was probably fated to happen. And Sukuna didn't wish to witness it, but he didn't expect it to happen like the first time.
Gojo sometimes followed through on his threats.
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Sukuna was walking down the street with a homemade strawberry smoothie in hand, his phone occupying the other. His earbuds in, blasting some (S)aints on Spotify until he arrived at the gym. Although nothing strange had happened to him just yet, he was expecting some kind of a weird greeting from his coworkers.
He quickly finished his drink and threw the cup, walking over to Shoko's desk to sign himself in. She wasn't present at the time, but it was almost 8 in the morning, and she didn't normally like showing up before 9.
Before opening time, Sukuna started to clean his workout room and placed a fresh mat and pillow for his clients. Checked his clipboard and the positions, the AC and if the air was running properly. The oil, the lube, and the condoms— he checked it all.
When nothing out of the ordinary really showed up, Sukuna walked out of the freshly glorified room and made his way to the showers. Stripping quickly in one of the private stalls and bringing along some body wash and a loofah from home.
He washed up rather quickly, not really wanting to run into Gojo again and get bombarded with teases and jealous remarks, and got out to dry off. Though all of Sukuna's wishes weren't able to come true, and his boss walked into the washroom right as Sukuna was dressing in a loose shirt and shorts.
"Ah, you're here early!" Gojo chirped, a smile plastered on his pale face. "Didn't expect you to be so excited to see me naked. Are you a pervert, Sukuna?"
"Of course not," Sukuna responded, grabbing a water bottle from his bag and walking by the male. "I've been dreading this day for a while."
"See you later, Sukuna~"
It was almost twenty minutes later when Sukuna heard a knock on his door, and a cold shiver ran down his spine. Wondering who it was, it made him grumble with annoyance and jealousy. He didn't want to see what Gojo had planned for you, even though it was planned specifically for your workout schedule.
When he opened the door, a small sigh of relief was released at the sight a little you.
"Hey," You mumbled, a smile on your face and a blush tinting your cheeks. "I came a little earlier than normal since I have work later on tonight."
Sukuna nods and lets you in, only to make eye contact with your partner for today. Gojo's smile as shiny and smug as always, but there was also a shine in his eyes that made him look especially aroused. Gojo said hello to Sukuna again, before walking into the room and looking down at you.
"Hello," You waved your hand, already seated on the mat. "Are you my partner for today?"
"Mhm, I see Sukuna already informed you my name."
As you and Gojo exchanged pleasantries for a moment, he sat in front of you and glanced at the clipboard deciding whether or not to follow through with the planned positions or not. But, once Sukuna closed the door, there was an awkward silence.
Sukuna deeply regretted coming to work today.
"We're going to start with a massage," Sukuna instructed, kneeling beside you both and gesturing to the same golden vial of lotion that was provided each and every time. "If you're alright with it, please begin to—"
"I know the drill," Gojo interrupted, rolling his pretty doe eyes before landing them on you. Scanning your chest and waist like they were snacks, making you squirm in your spot and your cheeks flush pink.
"I'm just supposed to get this little lady's clothes off and play with her pretty nipples, right?"
Sukuna grimaced, putting the clipboard down and opening the lube bottle, making his way behind you and patting on your shoulder. Turning your attention to him, his maroon eyes sparkling as he lifted up your shirt. There was an annoyed groan from Gojo, watching as you got played with.
He didn't mind a show, but just watching and not getting to touch really got on his nerves. "Oi, I'm the partner- not you!"
Sukuna clicked his tongue, taking off your shirt and watching your tits bounce from their confines. A satisfied coo rumbling from your trainer's throat, seeing your pretty nipples again as if it was like his first time. And even then, his annoyance (and small hint of jealousy for Gojo) wouldn't make Sukuna hate them.
"Whoa," Gojo chuckled from his spot, although he wasn't in the same place. He had crawled closer and closer to you, eyes trained on your perky little breasts. "And I thought these looked good from the side lines."
With another click of the tongue, Sukuna uncapped the oil and lifted it above your chest. Tilting it until it began pouring the oil onto your skin, a shiver going down your spine at the familiar coolness that coated your body. You let out an almost satisfied sigh, closing your eyes as Sukuna's hands began to wander.
"Heh, there you go," Sukuna's calm whisper tickles your ear, his soft lips press against your neck, leaving small marks. "Is it too rough, miss? Doesn't hurt?"
You shook your head quickly, leaning into Sukuna's touch. Feeling his large hands on your chest again made you feel tingly down there, as if it was sparked by his hand. Whatever the reason, you watched his thumb rub against your nipples, fingertips pinching them and twisting them a few times.
Meanwhile, your soft moans and gasps had made Gojo's cock extremely hard. So hard, it was dripping and making a stain in his briefs, throbbing and pulsing underneath the fabric as if the sight alone was enough to make him hard.
"Hey, I'm getting blue balls here," He grumbled, trying to get some kind of attention. When your lidded eyes flickered up to him, a soft grunt left him. How could you be this cute?
"Shouldn't I be doing this?"
"..That's correct," Sukuna eventually answered, releasing his hold on your chest and snacking his hands down your hips, squeezing and pinching at the soft flesh like it was a plushie. "But I think she rather enjoys my hands than yours, sir."
A glare was shared between the two men, and a wave of jealousy and petty feelings entered the atmosphere. Making a shudder go down your spine, looking between the two men with a dumbfounded expression.
What was with the tension..??
"A-Anyways," You mumble, the duo's eyes light up— more or less —as they turned down to you. "Isn't it time for the man's massage?"
Gojo's smug smile definitely ticked off Sukuna again, a small squelch sound being made as he released his hold on your hips. "That's right."
Nodding, you picked up the oil bottle just as Gojo removed his shirt and laid down on his belly. You could tell just how excited he was with the light pink tinting his cheeks, his feet kicking a little as you climbed onto his back. Your bum rested just above his, right over his waist, and you coat your fingers in the sticky oil.
"Gentle around his nape," Sukuna suddenly said, his voice so low it was almost a whisper. "He's a bit of a sensitive tyke, and his hips too."
"Oi, don't go flirting while I'm right here!" Gojo pouted.
You nod again, spiral eyed as you started the massage. Never in your adult years did you think you'd be sandwiched between two men and their bickering. Whatever the reason their fighting continued, you hoped it wouldn't get too bad.
Pressing your thumbs down on his nape— an obvious shiver being sent down Gojo's spine —you started to work out all the knots and kinks that you could feel. Rolling your wrists and pressing your palms into Gojo's shoulders, focusing on his muscles relaxing while your mind begins to wander. Feeling him flexing underneath you when you hit a tender spot, watching him tense up with a small grunt. It was so cute and hot at the same time how much of a baby face your partner had, and you wondered what he'd look like during sex.
Would he look like a total demon? Or like he was having his first time?
As your mind swirled with all the possibilities, and more, you had begun to get wet. Dampening your panties and letting it soak like it was a waterfall between your thighs. Eventually, Gojo noticed this growing warmth on his lower back, turning his head back slightly and angling his eyes to catch a glimpse of what he thought might be true.
"Getting wet, are you?" His cool tone making you jump, pretty eyes catching you in the act of daydreaming. "Do you like a good body as much as I do?"
"Uhm," You mumbled, unable to respond after being caught. "I-I suppose so, sir."
Gojo giggled at your response, pushing you off gently and rolling back onto his bum. Pulling you into his lap, his white lashes fluttered against your cheek while his boyish eyes sparkled.
"My name's Satoru Gojo, ya'know?" He teased, kissing your cheeks and holding your face in his massive hands. "Call me by name, it'll get way too kinky if you call me that!"
With a whimper, you were placed down onto the mat, the pillow that was placed ahead of time resting under your head with a small poof sound. Gojo towered over you, looking down at you like a large cat about to devour its prey. He licked his lips, hooking his fingers under your waistband and tugging down. Pulling your shorts and panties off in such a swift and quick motion you worried he torn them.
"Gotta get a taste of that juicy pussy," Gojo purred, his eyes practically glowing when they shot down to the moist area. Seeing your folds soaking in their own slick made his dick throb in their confindes.
"Looking mighty savory, aren't you?"
The vulgarity was making you shiver, watching in stunned silence as Gojo's hands pressed against your inner thighs and he quickly leaned his head down to sniff you. Hid body soon follows suit and resting on the mat, and his tongue catches you off guard when it flicks at your clit.
"Waah!!" You cry out, hands making their way to tug at Gojo's fluffy hair. "Th-That was too sudden, be careful!"
Gojo responds with a very muffled "I got this," and continues working your pussy with his mouth. It was almost a complete contrast from how Sukuna did it. It was sudden, and Gojo didn't leave anything to chance. Paying lots of attention to your hole while thumbing at your clit, practically grinding his nose under the hood and incidentally pinching it between the two.
He let out little sighs of satisfaction at your taste, letting the fluids into his mouth and pushing his tongue into your hole. Feeling you clench around him and forcing another jolt from his cock.
"God, you're making me so hard right now," Gojo taunted, swirling his tongue around and chuckling over how hard your cunt was sucking in his tongue. "So welcoming, I can't wait to feel how tight you are down here."
A few short moments and he had you cumming from his fingers and lips, your thighs shuddering under the force of your orgasm and an unexpected moan erupting from you. Gojo was a little surprised as well how fast he got you to cum, considering how much stamina you must've developed exercising here.
"Must be weak for someone good with his hands, eh?" Gojo smirked, feeling Sukuna's eyes burning holes in the side of his head. It was so worth it.
After his teasing resided, he looked over at Sukuna and asked what the first position was. With a grimace, Sukuna lifted the clipboard and read it off the top; "Reverse cowgirl."
The male cooed with delight, a smile on his face as he began peppering your neck with kisses and nibbles. You yelp when you're suddenly lifted into Gojo's lap and flipped around, pressing against a very firm bump in his lap. He pushed down his shorts and briefs as you look back to see just how big he was, and what you saw made you shudder.
It was massive.
"Oh my.." You mumble, trailing off as Gojo ripped open one of the condoms Sukuna provided. "Are you even sure it'll fit?"
Gojo nods as if to play with you, slipping the condom over his dripping and pink mushroomed tip. "Of course it will! I prepped you good for my cock, and you'll take it like a good girl."
Gojo's hand gripped his base firmly, tilting your ass up so he could get a good look at your pussy. Tracing his tip on the outline of your entrance, he pushed it into your opening and sighed once your tightness enveloped him.
It felt like heaven inside you.
You pulsed and squeezed in all of the right places as Gojo continued pushing himself inside you, putting it inside like a sword to its sheath. Once he felt his balls pressing against your swollen clit, grinding them against you, he laid down on the mat and held your hips in his hands.
"Go ahead and start the work out," Sukuna muttered from his spot by the tinted window, arms folded and staring down at where you and Gojo were now connected. "Make sure to be gentle, she's not some blow-up doll."
Gojo scoffs, sending a glare to his worker and receiving one in return.
Once you managed to catch your breath, you pressed your shins into the mat and lifted your hips. The friction of Gojo's shaft rubbing your insides as if he wasn't even wearing a condom, your nails digging into his thighs skin and creating indents. You whimpered at the feeling of Gojo's cock being so deep inside, feeling it rub all the bumps and spots that made your toes curl.
Soon, Gojo decided to take matters into his own hands.
Jutting his hips up and rocking you against him in a fast paced rhythm. Knocking his leaking tip against your womb, rubbing your clit against his swelling balls with every thump. It was hard to hold back your orgasm like this, the pressure you were getting was almost perfect.
"..Five.. Six.. Seven," Sukuna counted, watching your tits bounce and your back arch for someone that wasn't him. He didn't even want to pay any mind to Gojo, but it was him that was making you feel so good.
Making your face morph with pleasure and bounce so perfectly. You looked so cute and sexy, that it made Sukuna grunt with lust. He's ashamed he's so horny for his client, seeing you everyday get fucked by someone that wasn't him and imagine it was himself doing it. He had that one chance, and he took it, and now his cock was being punished in its confines, dripping and oozing for you.
"O-Okay, time to move to a different position," He announced, looking at his clipboard and hearing a pop! "Scissor style. Miss, please lay on your side and we'll continue."
You nod, panting and shaky, already almost spent. It was a surprise that you weren't used to this, it was like the first time you ever walked into the gym all over again. Laying down, you lazily lifted your leg, watching Gojo come up over you once again and putting it over his shoulder. Slipping his cock back inside you and groaning quietly, looking down and watching your hole constrict around him as he started moving his hips, holding onto your leg and kissing your calf.
"Fuck, you feel so good," Gojo said, rubbing up your thigh and pressing his hand against your hip. "I want to come so bad inside you, but there's this fucking condom."
Your whimpers and moans were like music to Sukuna's ears, watching you struggle to hold your orgasm back after being edged. Seeing how tight your tummy was clenching just to handle Gojo's sharp thrusts, his pubic bone slapped against your thigh. He let out a groan, pressing his brows together as his movements became sloppy and desperate.
He really wanted to cum.
"..Nine.. Ten!" Sukuna clapped, startling both you and Gojo at the same time with his presence. Seeing as he wasn't normally as handsy like any other day, but oh did he want to.
"You'll now be switching to missionary, the final position for today. Anyways, before we do that.."
Sukuna took a few steps towards you and sat down a little ways from your head as Gojo released you from your compromising position. Your confusion made him smirk, watching in amusement as your face changed from a look of confusion to embarrassment and pure cuteness.
"You'll be sucking me off, too," He finished, undoing himself from his pants and letting his hard cock slap against his stomach. The tip was oozing with pre-cum, dripping down the underside and ending up trailing along one of the veins that was throbbing.
"You could get written up for that," Gojo interjected, glaring at Sukuna's dick like he was hoping it'd just fall off. "Against policy, y'know?"
Sukuna shrugged, fisting himself for a moment while you were still stunned and not paying attention to the argument at all. Looking up at the enlarged head until it was tapping its pearled up tip to your puffy lips, pressing and rubbing for you to invite it inside. Your eyes sparkled while Sukuna and Gojo continued their banter before you opened your mouth and began to suck on the tip.
"Just don't be a dick and let it—" Cutting himself off with a moan and slapping a hand to his face, turning his attention back down to you whom was already making around the halfway mark and suckling gently on his cock.
You let out a small purr at the taste, seeing as you had been wondering its flavor for quite some time, and having it finally was making you feel better than before. A large hand patted your head, causing you to look up and see Sukuna's proud smirk plastered on his face.
"Like it?" He asked, playing with your hair and gesturing to Gojo to get into the next instructed position. "Keep sucking, just make sure that you don't choke."
You nod, resting on your back as your partner lifted your legs over his hips. The familiar stretch of Gojo's dick pushed back inside your cunny, dripping and squelching as he started to move and press his thumb against your clit. Rocking his hips hard against you to try and get your attention back onto him, watching your mouth take Sukuna deeper and deeper into your throat.
"That shouldn't be so sexy, dammit," Gojo huffed, working up a sweat as he pressed his hands on the mat next to your hips. "Fuck.. so tight and warm.."
With each of your holes being filled up, you moaned around Sukuna's. Feeling the pleasure touching every nerve ending and limb that was being consumed. It was as if you were being welcomed into a hug, even though the people currently embarrassing you had some form of hate for each other.
Sukuna grunted, holding your head in place while he started to move his hips. His cock tapping at the back of your throat and your drool pooling around its middle, an almost harsh pace being set to where you wanted to choke.
"Is it too much?" Sukuna teased, looking down at your flushed face.
Although you couldn't speak, you let out a small whimper, running your tongue on the side of his cock and watching his brow twitch. He let out a chuckle, a groan following it, and a sigh. Feeling your soft lips around him made him want to finish already, and he most likely will even though Gojo was there and would tease him about it for the days to come.
While Sukuna's dick knocked at the back of your throat Gojo's cock rubbed at your sweet spot deep inside. Grinding his pelvis into your clit, squeezing at your hips until you knew they'd have bruises tomorrow. His large palms made they're way up your body, tickling at your sides until his thumbs grazed at your nipples.
Rubbing around them and playing with them while he moved his hips against you gently, even though he should've been going at a faster pace.
"Squeezing me so tight," Gojo mumbled, thumbing your nipples and cupping your tits. His eyes glowed with want as his hips started to pick up their pace. "Gonna make me cum so fast, Y/n."
"M-Mgh!" You responded in return, feeling Gojo's fingers pinch and tug at your nipples. Bending his head down to suckle on them, licking around your swelling nub until it was a bright red.
"Such sexy lil' nipples too. Wahh, I get why Sukuna was so protective of oyu now!"
The man in question grunted, his face flushed and rocking his hips into your mouth more. Panting and playing with your hair while his cock continued to drool and drip more into your mouth. Soon Sukuna's aching member gave a final throb and shot his load down your throat.
A warm and bitter taste on your tongue, you swallowed. Some of the excess dribbling down the corner of your lips and landing on the tatami mat, Sukuna's cock pulling from the heat of your mouth with a pop!
"Thanks, darling," Sukuna teased, watching your fucked out expression get worse. "You've got a great mouth on you."
Letting out a little whimper, Sukuna pinched your chin between his fingers, leaning his head down and pressing a small kiss to your bottom lip. It sends a shudder down your spine and made your toes curl.
His lips were so soft and warm even if it was for a brief moment. Once he pulled away, you noticed Sukuna's other hand trailing down between your breasts and down your stomach. Drawing an invisible line while Gojo's eyes followed, watching as it went further and further to meet your clit.
You gasp at the contact, feeling Sukuna circle his fingers in slow and gentle circles, Gojo's dick throbbing and pulsing between your folds adding additional pleasure. Sukuna started peppering kisses on your temple while his eyes continued to bore down at your little nub. Telling Gojo to go faster and make you arch your back, to which he did even though he had a grimace on his face.
"I'm gonna cum soon, shit," You whimper, reaching down and wrapping a hand around Gojo's wrist. Digging your nails into his skin as another orgasm began to wash over you.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!! Gojo!"
All he needed was your voice to cum, to fill up your insides while your pussy clenched. The soft moans leaving Gojo makes you blush, seeing him pressing his brows together and closing his eyes. A slight sweat collecting on his hairline and making his bangs stick to his forehead.
"Mgh! Take it, c'mon," Gojo grunted under his breath as if he wasn't talking to you specifically, pumping his cock and riding through your climaxes together.
Once his hips settled and your breaths calmed, Sukuna sat up and licked at his fingers. Tasting your slick on his digits while Gojo pulled from your now puffy and cumming pussy. The pair may not like each other, not in the slightest, but they both mentally agreed you were absolutely ravishing when you came.
"Good session everyone," Sukuna said after a few moments with his shorts and underwear pulled up. "Though I didn't like your partner for today, he was... alright."
"Alright?" Gojo scoffed, scrunching up his nose and panting. "I did amazing. That's the word you're looking for, mister."
While you patted yourself down with a towel Sukuna provided you with, your brain was still in a blur from your high. Looking from both of them, you hummed and sat up as best you could.
"Both of you made me feel good," You finally mumble as the duo turn their attention to you once again. "So thank you to both of you. I'll be looking forward to next time, maybe."
Now that you had dropped the pounds you felt were needed to be lost, you had been considering whether staying with the gym would be the best for you. And you could tell that on the two male's faces that they had gotten the gist of it, seeing a pout look on both of their faces.
"At least one more session wouldn't hurt, right?" an unfamiliar voice said from the door, causing a sudden shock of embarrassment wash over all three of you.
At the door stood Getou Suguru, one of the other trainers at the gym that was here to run you down about its policy in the first place. His black hair was tied up in a small bun, in a plain grey T and some gym pants.
"Your one month membership is going to expire anyways," He said matter of faculty, his lidded eyes scanning over your shaky figure. "It'll be like a fare well parting gift, I suppose."
You hum, trying to hide most of your body while Gojo continued to be stark naked in front of you. Getou shrugged his shoulders, stepping further into the room so he could close the door and tapped his side.
"It's not my choice though, so I can't comment."
You eventually dress, saying goodbye to your partner, Sukuna, and Getou before making your way to the showers to head home for the evening. While you didn't want to stay any longer, and you needed to at least get your friends off your back about the place, Getou's point did make sense.
It'd be a waste to just let your membership go to waste over one day.
After gathering your things, you walked over to the sign-out sheet and wrote your name. Placing one last session for you, and just waiting to see what was going to happen. Shoko had gotten to work a little after 9, but she was a tired little mess.
Her sleepy eyes glossy as they looked up at you from over the rim of her cup of coffee. "One more session, love?"
"Mhm," You respond, handing her the sheet and waving. "I'll be seeing you guys one last time, then it's back to my normal schedule!"
You walked out the glass paned doors and down the sidewalk towards your home. Inside, you knew you'd miss the place, but it was just convenient for your weight loss at the time.
"Man, it shouldn't be this hard to say goodbye," You chuckle to yourself, a smile on your face as you continued to walk home.
Waiting patiently for your last day at the sex gym you had grown to adore.
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a/n:: ty for enjoying and taking the time to read this! i didn't know where i was going with this, and honestly was hoping to post this sooner than now! Looking forward to writing the next part soon!! ^^ a/n::
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og drabble || next part
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wintersongstress · 1 month
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— mornings ;
In the time of spring when the bark of trees and the flat of pavements were washed with rain, Simon liked to visit the farmer’s market after his morning run. He had left you today in your shared bed, doubtlessly still dreaming as the sun dithered behind the veil of clouds, and shrugged on a hoodie, getting his trainers out from a rack in the closet. His route was dewy with a gentle mist, not enough to keep people from going about their day, but it was the good kind that cleaned the city air and sweetened the long brooms of blossoms hanging over the sidewalks.
The canopy over a flower stall dripped onto his hood as Simon stepped underneath it. Bundles of flowers were arranged in buckets with chalkboard plates sticking out, the signs advertising 3 for £10, and he browsed for a bit, thinking of you.
There was a time when all Simon knew about flowers was the memory of a window box in his childhood kitchen. Long gone, he remembers his mother potting red and pink flowers and relishing the process—the fulfilling feeling of dirt beneath her fingernails and the satisfaction of roots tenderly planted. One day a hummingbird flitted to the window while he ate his toast before school, and it was a still moment of wonder as the tiny bird prodded the ruby petals before zipping on, quick as light.
Now he was in love with his own hummingbird. A love rare and fleeting, one that, when you don’t catch it in your hands and earn every moment of keeping it, would flutter away and never return. Love could speak in flowers, he decided, when he first began to visit your flat and admire the fresh bouquet you kept on your table every time he came. I like them, you had said simply, and he smoothed a petal between his two fingers. And though he saw himself as a brute with hands better suited for violence than caresses, he wanted to learn about the gentler things in life he once thought could never be part of his.
Simon frees his nose from his face mask to smell a strange spire of green, bell-shaped flowers he had never seen before.
“Those are called Bells of Ireland,” the aproned shop lady pipes up from behind her booth. He glances over and finds she isn’t put off by his tall, dark, and out-of-place presence in the least.
“I’ll take them,” he replies. Their scent was light and earthy, like mint and lavender mingled, and their bells resemble leaves with their vein-like texture. Rare and exquisite, and perfectly you. He also picks out a cluster of mauve roses and peachy ranunculus, thinking about the way you smiled with your eyes closed when you smell his bouquets, your lips still curved when you kiss him afterwards, and lays them all on the counter.
“What a lucky girl,” the woman comments, gathering his selections and bundling them in wax paper secured with a rubber band. Simon wasn’t so sure. He always thought you could do better than him, but you would never let him catch himself thinking like that out loud. No matter what he believed of his nature, he vowed to fight like hell to be the kind of man you did deserve. So he pays the woman and bids her good day, heading on to the next stall with you on his mind as he picks out fresh strawberries and bread for the beginning ingredients of a wholesome breakfast. 
At home, Simon fills a vase with the tap and trims the flower stems, arranging each fragrant bloom in harmony with the other. He brews one of your favorite teas and sets out the honey, tending to a sizzling pan in between, then decides to open your bedroom window to gently wake you.
A warm and pleasant wind sways the curtains. Amidst their wispy movements you lay on your back, breathing deep and slow, until the song of church bells and finches twittering from the chimney tops flutters your lashes to take in the tranquil morning. Simon draws his knuckles across your forehead and follows your cheek. With sleep soft in your pretty eyes, this was his favorite view of you.
“There she is, my everything,” he murmurs.
“Hmm. I was dreaming.” With a brush of his thumb over your smiling lips, you open your eyes and gaze at him warmly, happily, holding his hand there.
Funny…he muses.
You kiss his caressing hand. “You smell like oranges.”
“I made breakfast.”
And with that you’re throwing the comforter back, springing to your feet and wrapping a sweater around your nightgown-clad form.
“It’s not going anywhere, love,” he chuckles. These mornings were you had the whole day together were his favorite. You sat out on the balcony, taking in the trees with their sprouting green tips and cutting into your French toast, planning your day together with your bare foot resting over his socked one. The sunshine of your presence fills the depths of his chest to the brim with contentment, and he wants it to last forever.
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hugheswritetr · 4 months
Fresh Start
Heartbeat | Jack Hughes
- prologue part 1
author’s note: so this is the first chapter, let me know if you like it
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JUNE 2015
The long drive from New York to Michigan made Thalia anxious, looking through the window watching towns pass was not pleasant when the each town passed reminded her of the growing distance from her childhood, her father. Her mind was filled with questions, would she find friends? Could she make it in a new state by herself? The mind of the 12 year old never quieted. The biggest question was if her father, would stay with her even if every reminder of him was left in the soon to be sold penthouse in New York.
William Mariott, the greatest man Thalia ever known. Loving father, devoted husband, taken too soon from their lives. She often thought of herself as the luckiest girl alive, exotic vacations, hotels all around the globe, and all the benefits of leading a privileged life on the Upper East Side, living her own Gossip Girl dream. Her perfect life was crushed by the sudden diagnosis of her father, lung cancer they said. Thalia’s young mind couldn’t comprehend the severity of the diagnosis until her beloved father suddenly died, leaving behind his wife and two children who would spent forever digging themselves out of the hole their father’s death buried them in.
Although her mother tried to put on facade, Thalia knew better. The countless nights spent against the door of her mother’s bedroom listening to the gut wrenching sobs of a shell of a woman her mother once was would scar the young girl forever, hearing her mother’s sobs even on her own deathbed. That is why she made no fuss about the move even though it was killing her inside. Maybe the change of scenery would erase her mother’s memories of the death and she would find some inner peace, that was all Thalia wanted for her beloved mother.
Her brother, Theo, 15 year old boy already called the head of the family. The former heir was left with regrets of not spending time together with his father, the memory of countless nights he was asked to work by his side in the future made the teenager want to turn back time, but it was impossible. All he could do now was complete the dream his father supported him in, paying multiple training camps, private trainers and the best equipment there was. Theo would make it, he had to. The brave face he put on was all he could do for his father now, being there for Aurelia and Thalia, they were the ones who needed him the most.
Aurelia, Thalia’s mom was excited for the reunion with her childhood best friend Ellen, but the overwhelming sadness and pain was still looming over her head. She was sure the time would heal the wounds, but for own selfish reasons, she had to leave the city. The dying face of her husband imprinted in her mind. She swore she would protect the kids and their inheritance, she took the role of taking care of the hotel empire until Thalia turns 21.
As they passed the exit to the new town, Thalia for the first time since her fathers death felt at least a bit of excitement, because maybe this could be her fresh start, the beginning of much needed healing for her and her family.
When the car parked in the driveway, Aurelia let out an exciting shriek, before the house stood the Hughes family. Thalia didn’t know then that the family would change her life.
As soon as they left the car, the mothers embraced themselves with such love only a lifelong friends could radiate. The reunion made Thalia feel warm. For the first time since the tragedy, her mother’s slim frame radiated something other than despair and sadness.
,,Thalia, Mattheo, come here” her mother’s warm voice invited them to step forward. That’s when she saw him. When her chocolate eyes met the most beautiful sea blue eyes, she knew he would be the doom for her. That’s when the infatuation for the boy began. He was sporting the cheeky grin that would be associated with him for the next following years. Jack Hughes, the boy who will steal her heart and never fully return it. Even young, she was sure of it.
,, Hi, I’m Mattheo, this is my younger sister Thalia” the older brother taking the initiative to introduce them. Thalia stepped forward, being pulled from her admiring gaze trained on the middle child of the Hughes family. Thalia greeted the family with practiced elegance only a heiress of multimillion dollar company could carry, Thalia carried elegance from such a young age, given she was born to live this life. Even when she was in the womb, her parents knew she was going to be a lifelong member of the high society.
,, I love your skirt, It’s my favourite colour” spoke the youngest, Luke. Thalia immediately began the conversation with him about the shade and how it reminded her of her vacation to Caribbean, the memory of her family spending time together surrounded by the endless waves and eternity long sunsets made her smile. Thalia shared the details of their getaway , the young boy enchanted by the story. Ellen and Aurelia immediately smiled at their youngest children, seeing a new beautiful connection forming right in front of their eyes.
Their weren’t the only ones forming a now connection as Quinn immediately recognised his future teammate from the multiple images his mother had shown him. The eldest duo starting their own talk about the program and how they were excited for it. Both Mariott children smiled at the thought of their father proudly looking down on them. Maybe the move wasn’t so bad after all.
And that left Jack, but the young boy, always the star of the show was not left alone for long as he quickly inserted himself into the conversation with the adults, his charming personality making Aurelia swoon.
,,Come on, let’s talk in the kitchen” Ellen chuckled , inviting the family into the house for much needed reunion. The house had walls adorned with countless memories, providing warm feeling not only to the Hughes family, but to the Mariott as well.
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Luke led Thalia upstairs, wanting to show her his pictures from his own vacation, the young pair’s conversation never faltered. Thalia felt sense of relief, because for the first time since the tragic incident, the light at the end of the tunnel shined a little brighter. Lukes constant rambling made her feel secure and welcome, which was a pleasant feeling after a life of private school kids who were not so nice.
,, He didn’t bore you yet?” Spoke a voice from the doorway. Both of the kids turned around and saw Luke’s older brother, the boy with the most beautiful eyes, Jack. The blush that adorned Thalia’s chubby cheeks would be embarrassing if it hadn’t matched the one on the older boys own cheeks. Jack joined them on the floor and began sharing his own stories about the perfect holiday by the sea.
Mattheo and Quinn soon joined them, all of the kids forming a connection that will last through all of their adult lives, soon sharing their experiences together, laughing together, crying together a and some of them starting life together, but who will it be?
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kazuyummy · 10 months
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yuki tetsuya 💋 miyuki kazuya 💋 sanada shunpei 💋 isashiki jun 💋 kuramochi yoichi 💋 chris takigawa yu
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y u k i 💜 t e t s u y a ; hairpulling
you often look for tetsuya after sunday practice to give him the upcoming week's training schedule
as the meijin university boys' baseball team student physical trainer for the past two years, you help with their exercise regiment and work with the dietitian and coaches to deliver meal plans and practice schedules as well
it's not like you have to hand-deliver these things... but seeing Tetsuya is always a bonus (and it gives you a chance to go into detail - that's the excuse you use)
kuramochi, your best friend who had also decided to attend his high school coach's alma mater, is just so kind to interrupt and ask you to run through his schedule
"hold up, mochi - after i finish talking to tetsu"
"he can wait! i'm going on a date soon, so i'm in a rush!"
you snort, turning to tetsu to see where you left off on the page and telling mochi to wait his turn
mochi, the stubborn, unrelenting bastard, gives a short but firm tug to your ponytail
out of pure instinct, you bite your lip, eyes rolling back into your head with the tiniest of groans
mochi doesn't notice since he's behind you and still rambling on - thank goodness or he'd be howling, never letting you hear the end of it
but tetsuya certainly doesn't fail to catch it, visions of taking you from behind and pulling your hair fill his mind
he can see you ass-up on his bed, back arching and mouth babbling as he rams you with his cock, pussy gushing
he wonders if you like being spanked and choked too. would you call him sweetly by his name? or by daddy instead?
you blush heavily but continue talking, trying to play things off like nothing happened
but he's no longer paying attention, instead starting to brainstorm ways to get you to his for a personal training session with this newfound knowledge...
m i y u k i 💜 k a z u y a ; flexibility
kazuya walking into your apartment is not an uncommon occurrence, but today, he's earlier than usual - which means he sees you doing a yoga morning routine that you'll inevitably give up on in a week or two
still, you're surprised at how flexible you are and how energized and focused it makes you - so maybe you'll stick with it for a bit
miyuki's heart isn't prepared to see your ass in those tight pants, or the way your boobs push out of the elastic, seamless sports bra
he's just thankful (or not) that your top isn't loose, otherwise he would perish on the spot at seeing any bit of underboob
with pants that fitted, you're either wearing the smallest thong known to man or nothing at all
he's imagining manhandling you in so many positions - to see just how far you can stretch for him, the burn in your muscles nothing compared to the heat you'd feel as he fills you up to the brim
what if he railed you standing, a leg hooked over his shoulder to spread you open as you beg for him to wreck you despite struggling to stay in this position?
he wants to rip those pants down the seam, eating you out then fucking the lights out of you
you could try sitting on his face in the splits to give him full access to your little pussy while he holds your thighs down
you switch to the downward dog pose, ass in the air toward him and ask in the sweetest voice if he wants to join you
he takes back his earlier statement - maybe he is about to die on the spot after all
i s a s h i k i 💜 j u n ; finger sucking
studying in the library with jun is never a peaceful affair and you don't know why you agree to it every time - maybe because of your small little crush on your close friend that you continue to squash down
he interrupts your thoughts - "hey, what'd you get for number seven?"
jun pokes the side of your head - of course, he has his annoying moments too
"i told you i'm only doing even-numbered problems right now, idiot."
he doesn't ease up, continuing to poke, so it's time for retaliation. you whip your head around and prepare to bite
at that moment, something strange happens in your mind - you realize that he was poking you with his finger, not a pencil. and you don't want to hurt him with your bite, but you're already turning around, so - you... kind of just end up taking his fingers into your mouth
neither of you reacts right away. he's managed to get his long finger all the way in, hitting the back of your throat... with no gag reflex
his feels his digit rest on your tongue until you move it to flutter around him, the inside of your cheeks like velvet
"wh-what the fuck?"
his fingers come out with a pop and a little drool on the side of your cheek, which you wipe away
"would you rather i have bitten your finger? you'd be cryin', y'know?"
he stares, speechless and processing what happened. your mouth had felt so good, so soft around him. he'd be in heaven if you sucked him off like that, pretty eyes staring up at him while he paints your face white
"we wouldn't have had this problem if you stopped annoying me," you shrug
but when you pull out a lollipop from your bag, unwrapping it and swirling your tongue around, he suddenly remembers he's got something very important to do
s a n a d a 💜 s h u n p e i ; thigh crushing
sanada's flirting is often affectionate, so it doesn't phase you when he sits on the floor of the couch in front of you, leaning his head back between your legs and looking up at you
you roll your eyes with a smile but continue watching your friends play mario kart on the screen
when it's your turn and the controller is handed to you, he becomes such a little demon
he turns to your knee and does that thing where he tickles you by putting his fingers in the centre of your knee and spreading them outward at the same time
"shunpei!" you scold him, "stop that!"
"or what?" he'll raise an eyebrow playfully
"or... or i'll accidentally kick you, idiot" you save face in your response, but your red cheeks show otherwise - you're a sucker for that little smirk of his
he doesn't let up, though, giving your calf a flick, tickling your bare leg with the texture of his hair from where he's sitting - you name it
"shunpei, if you don't stop, i will crush your head between my thighs."
you lightly pressing on the sides of his head with them, which finally gets him a bit quieter
but that's because he's now imagining eating you out, thighs trying to close him in as he pulls them apart, lapping at your folds as you beg him to keep going
he'd give you orgasm after orgasm, sticky sweet voice crooning for you to give him one more, and another after that, and another...
he wants you so fucked out that by the time he sheathes himself inside you, you're putty in his hands and just a little fucktoy for him
in fact, he's tempted to pepper kisses across your inner thighs, the only mercy from him coming from the fact that you're not alone in the room
"i wouldn't mind if i died like that, sweetheart"
k u r a m o c h i 💜 y o i c h i ; neck kiss
being close friends with yoichi, it was easy to flirt in small doses with each other to deny your feelings by saying, "that's just what friends do", others saying you acted like a married couple
one day, you're saying goodbye and going for a kiss on his cheek when you both miscalculate - as you lean forward, he's already leaning away, and you end up moving too far forward, kissing his neck
you're a bit tangled in him, and whisper-giggle a "sorry!" in his ear, sending shivers down his spine
you chuckle nervously as you pull back, "i felt like a vampire doing that!"
he lets out an airy laugh, but he's rock hard right now
you've given each other plenty of friend-kisses on the cheek or forehead, but that spot just awakened something in him
he wants to feel your lips all over his skin, plush but feathery, whispering dirty, dirty things to him with your hands running up and down his body
how would those lips feel sucking his cock? how would they feel marking his neck when he drives into you, filling you with his load?
now he wants to fill your skin with love bites, tasting every inch of you and making your pupils dilate with hunger and lust
when he jokingly does it back and you let out a mewl, he knows his heart's in trouble. there's no way he can look at you the same again
c h r i s 💜 t a k i g a w a 💜 y u ; straddling
chris isn't always one for parties, but he doesn't mind coming out to a few to socialize as long as his friends are there
(and someone may have let it slip to him that you'd be there)
he's seated on one of the loveseats when you find him after a couple drinks each
he's getting up to hug you but someone trying to get through the crowd pushes you forward and you fall onto him, luckily with no more cup in hand
you land safely, however, your legs are straddling his hips as he looks up at your breathless form
chris, as always, is smooth in an awkward moment like this
"hey, I don't mind. not too many seats around anyway."
you giggle, gaining some bravery from him as well,
"okay, but don't complain to me if your legs go numb!"
you turn around on his lap so you're in a far less suggestive position, but he can't stop imagining you riding him
he'd want to hold your hips as you bounce up and down, your tits following suit hypnotizingly as you scream his name
he'd let you do all the work sometimes, moving to your feet and crouching on him so he can watch himself push past your puffy folds and the way you grip him as he comes back out again
but you sitting the other way now? cockwarming wouldn't be a bad idea either. having you spread your legs and his fingers in a v opening your folds, showing everyone how filled you are with him - the thought is thrilling
for now, he's content with his fantasies, but looks like he'll ask you to swing by his place later...
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this is a bit of a tribute to my upcoming miyuki fic (and you'll see why when it comes out lmao) but i'm in love w the idea of accidentally getting someone flustered like this and (sometimes) not knowing what you do to them, hehe. <3
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wayfaringtrainers · 2 years
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So I was working on the family trees for Robin and Amber, and suddenly my mind has become somewhat obsessed with Amber’s paternal grandfather...
1. I named him Magnus Richards. Fucking Magnus.
2. His face-claim is Alex Armstrong from fullmetal alchemist.
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3. He was either an elite 4 member or high-ranking gym leader. What type did he specialise in?
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onthecourtbugs · 2 years
Nash and Jason dating someone who plays a sport? like volleyball maybe
Sporty Girlfriend
Pairing: Jason Silver x Reader/Nash Gold Jr x Reader
A/N: Thank you for requesting! 😚 I haven’t forgotten ya’ll, I promise! 
Summary: Jason and Nash with their sporty girlfriends.
Jason don’t know nothing bout no volleyball but watching you on that court? He bout to learn today.
You and your teammates got that aggressive play that keeps the other teams scrambling to keep up and it’s hilarious watching them struggle.
His favorite thing about the sport though, for real? It’s the uniform.
Ooh-WEE. Ain’t nothing quite like a baddie in sport shorts.
Not short shorts.
Sport shorts.
Them volleyball spanks got his boo looking RIGHT, m’kay? He be grabbing you up by your hips after every game cuz he has to.
“Were you paying attention this time?”
“Why you gotta grill me every time you come out? I was paying attention!”
“Alright,” you lean back and give him the squinty eyes, “what was the score then?”
“‘Nuff for you to win.” 😁
“You know what…” You sigh and shake your head. “Nevermind, let me down.”
“Nah, you good up here.”
I swear he was paying attention to the game play,it’s just… the booty was calling his name… 
Your teammates couldn’t stop staring at Jason when he first came around.
“Oh my gawd…”
“Right?! Y/n really hopped into Space Jam and stole one of the MonStars!”
They got used to him eventually, and sometimes you’ll hear him talking about you to them after games.
“It’s easy to tell when she be in the zone. Watch, she be like…” He over here bending down with his hands on his knees, back dipped down, his butt poking out, mimicking your voice. “Come on ya’ll, we need this next point!”
The girls laugh, but when they see you behind Jason, they look around, suddenly finding a lot of other things interesting.
-coughing- “Turn around genius.”
He does. “Hey! Heyyyyy, baby, you did so good this game!”
Your crossed arms and quirked eyebrow tell him he’s busted.
“You talking bout me?”
“I was just playing, you know, you got that lil thing you be doing-“
“I don’t bend like that!” 💀
“No, you don’t bend on me like that!” He shuts up when you throw your water bottle at him. Even so, he’s not taking your attitude seriously.
What you gonna do, beat him up for being honest? You do poke your butt out. Shoot, all the time he spend looking, he would know.
Practicing when Jason is around is decidedly not the move.
He has so many times to do something with you while you’re free, but for some reason he likes to wait til he sees you about to warm up before you start training.
He’s coming and it’s not to save the day. 
“Uh-oh, what we doin’?”
You immediately straighten up from touching your toes. “Jason nooOooo, don’t come over here! Go find something to do!”
“I’m bout to, I’m bout to! Bend back over real quick~.” 😈
Like, where is this coming from, he couldn’t try to mess with you earlier? Now he’s distracting you and (sometimes) making you laugh and now half your session is the two of you messing around until you find a way to banish him.
That’s why you gotta train when he ain’t around, he play too much.
Very much the kind of guy who reminds you to have fun with what you’re doing. 
There will be no sticks up your butt with him.
Dang, is this your man or your personal trainer?
He stay with the regimens, and he is pushy about it. Healthy diet, regular check ups, steady exercising schedule.
“Dang, the only thing missing is vacation time!”
You laugh, but he actually has that on there too…
It’s annoying if you don’t like being told what to do, but you gotta admit it, it works. He carefully tailors everything to fit your habits, your limits, and your preferences, all that.
Watching you play is something else, especially when you’re in the zone.
What are you? Spiker? Libero? Middle Blocker? Never mind, it don’t even matter.
No matter where you are on that court, no matter what your role, every move you make is heated, animalistic instinct.
You and your teammates are often compared to sharks in the water, and when the ball is on your side, everyone can see why.
It’s that powerful, frenzied-yet-calculated kind of play that makes it so much fun to watch. He doesn’t get to do it as often as he’d like, being an athlete himself, but he makes the most of every chance he gets.
Unlike Jason, Nash will seriously work out with you and help you practice if you feel like you’re lacking in some way.
There are times when you feel pressured to train nonstop, but Nash ain’t bout to let you run yourself ragged for any reason. 
He wants you to be able to play without abandon, but sometimes you need a break.
He goes a teensy bit overboard with the rest and recovery when it comes to injuries.
Don’t even attempt to do anything yourself before you’re done healing, Nash don’t play that. 
It’s bad enough you got hurt in the first place, now you’re about to make it worse moving around trying to lift stuff, get to the fridge, ect.?
Nah baby, that ain’t happening. You can argue your case all you want but at the end of the day, you’re the injured party and he’s bigger than you so he’s gonna get his way.
“If you need something just ask me!”
“Nash, don’t even start, I can do stuff independently at this point!”
“You can get some independent rest, go lay back down.”
And then you get carried back to the little Squishmallow nest he’s made for you, and you gotta stay there til the doctor says you’re good to go. Lowkey on some Yandere kidnapping mess.
Can’t leave the room unless he’s helping you, can’t pick your own food, can’t do nothing. 💀
“Nash move, this is overkill!” You try one more time to get him to chill the hell out.
He just leans over you and kisses your pout. “Next time you’ll play more carefully, won’t you doll~.”
Just this once, he will bring you junk food and not make a big deal out of it.
“Spoiled brat.” Shaking his head in feigned disappointment.
“But you did that, tho.”
“….Damn, I did.”
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americas1suiteheart · 10 months
I need need NEED that second chapter of studio recordings pretty please😭
Of course, of course. I had already been working on the second chapter so I was able to get this done quicker.
Recording Two
[Part two of the Studio Recordings Wilbur Soot x Reader series]
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[Warnings; None, except some swearing.]
I woke the next morning, slightly groggy as I hadn't had my coffee yet.
I get out of bed and prepare myself a pot of coffee, blankly staring at it as it slowly fills up, the strong and nutty aroma filling the kitchen of my flat.
I can't help but let my mind wander to the man from yesterday that came into the studio.
His voice and playing style was so pretty, I don't think I've ever worked with anyone that has a style that beautiful.
I mean, I didn't get many customers but the ones I did get were usually teenagers that thought they could sing and compose music. So this guy compared to listening to them was an absolute godsend.
Once my pot finishes brewing I grab my Star Trek mug and pour the hot liquid into it, then setting it down to cool for a little while.
Walking back into my room I begin to get ready, throwing on one of my band t-shirts and a pair of relaxed trousers, then lastly my favorite trainers.
I finish up freshening myself up and then chug my coffee before walking out of my flat, lastly locking it.
I make it to the studio in 5 minutes due to it being right across from the flat building I live in.
I open up and greet Eliot, once again doing the same thing to set up as I did every other day.
I sit down in my chair and look through the recordings of yesterday, labeling them with different take numbers of the song. As I listen to them I remember just how nice his voice was.
God I really need to get a hold on myself. Do other producers and studio recorders think this?.
What feels like a little while more passes by and soon Eliot knocks on my door before opening it.
"Yo, Y/n, it's lunchtime now, let's go get some food, I'm starving, man." Eliot groans as he leans on the doorframe.
"Is it really? Jeez I didn't realize, I must've lost track of time sorry. We'll go and eat now. Same place as always I'll assume, yes?" I say, pushing myself and my chair away from my computer, then standing up.
"Yep, same as always," Eliot said as he walked to the coat rack and grabbed his coat. Me doing the same afterwards and then walking out of the building, locking the doors.
Me and Eliot went to this small sandwich shop a few minutes away from the studio every day for lunch about a month or so after he started working with me. It was cheap but good and wasn't particularly crowded constantly.
We make it and walk into the building, ordering our usual food, then paying and leaving to walk back to the studio.
As we make it back to the studio we see the man from yesterday standing by the doors with his acoustic case in one hand and his phone in the other.
He looks up to see me and Eliot, putting his phone into his pocket and straightening his posture.
"Oh, uh sorry for just standing here. I came here around 15 minutes ago but the doors were locked so I assumed you guys were on your lunch break, hope you don't mind."
"Nah, it's alright mate. Sorry for making you wait though, you must be freezing, come on in now it's heated inside." Eliot says as he grabs the keys from his pocket and unlocks the doors, letting us in.
The three of us walk in, me and Eliot place our coats back onto the rack as Eliot goes back to his seat at the desk.
I look at the taller man to see he still had his coat on, "Do you want to hang your coat up there? I'm sure you don't wanna be playing with it on, gets pretty warm in the recording area." I say, motioning to the coat rack.
He nods and then places his case down to take his coat off and hang it, then walking behind me as I walk into my recording studio.
"So yesterday you said you wanted to re-record some of those songs and then go through the tracks to see which ones you wanted to keep, correct?" I say sitting down in my chair and starting the computer back up.
"Yeah, I just want to redo three of those songs and then after that we can pick through those tracks,"
"Alright then, let me set up that mic for you and then we can get onto it." The both of us walk into the recording room.
I do the same setup as yesterday, connecting the mic, leveling it, setting the amp up, and finally going back to the control room.
Same thing as yesterday, he puts his headphones on as I do mine, he messes with his strings for a while, clearing his throat and sending me a wink and cheeky smile to let me know he's ready.
'Wink? He didn't do that yesterday, did he just do that? Why am I freaking out? Do I send a wink back?' You frantically think to yourself.
You send back a small smile instead, counting down from 3 with your fingers before pressing the record button.
He began singing again, the third song he played and recorded yesterday. It sounds more practiced now than it had been yesterday, it looked like he was having a much easier time playing it now.
His fingers danced across the strings so smoothly, you find yourself in awe at his playing skills. You had played around with the guitar yourself but never could you ever so fluidly move your fingers across the strings like that. They were always so stiff and awkward when you tried. You were better with woodwind instruments, you knew how to play a couple of them in fact including some brass instruments, a piano, and a drum kit as well, instruments were your thing but the guitar definitely was not one of them.
He finishes the song and lets out a content sigh.
"How did that sound?" He asks, taking one hand off of his guitar to run it through his messy curls.
"Sounded brilliant, are you going to want to do another take of that one?" You reply.
"I think that one sounded pretty good, I might want to record it again when we listen back on it though,"
He played a few of the songs from yesterday and then played four new ones, each take sounding amazing.
He places his acoustic onto the stand and takes the headphones off, then exits the room to go into the control room where you were.
"Those sounded great, do you want to listen back to them now and see which ones you want to keep?" You say, taking off your headphones and leaning back on your chair to look up at him.
"Yeah, of course," He smiles and gives a small nod, his curls bouncing slightly.
You pull a swivel chair up from the corner next to yours and plug the extra pair of headphones into the splitter so that he can hear the audio. He sits down and places the headphones over his head.
"Alright, we'll start with the first recording from yesterday how does that sound?" You ask, going to the page you had up from yesterday of the different takes and recordings.
The man hums in acknowledgment. You click on the first take, listening to it with him. After finishing the first one you listen to the other takes of the same song that were recorded so he can choose if he wants to redo it again or pick one he likes.
"I think I want to keep take eight, sounds much more clear and has no mistakes." The man says, placing his forefinger on his cheek in a thinking manner.
"Alright, you got a name for it so I can put it as the track name?" You ask, Deleting the other tracks as they would no longer be of use.
"Oh, uh yeah, that one's gonna be Saline Solution I think," He says, fixing his posture and placing his hands onto his lap awkwardly.
"Okay great, love that title by the way," You say, glancing at him for a second to make eye contact before looking back at the computer to replace the title with his own.
"Thanks," He says softly.
You continue on with it for a few more hours before Eliot knocks on your door before opening it, "Hey, we've got to close up for the night in about 20 minutes,"
"Shit, alright thank you Eliot," You say, taking your headphones off and standing up to stretch. The man does the same and rolls the chair back into the corner it was in before.
"Sorry for being here so long, I hadn't realized how long we were sitting there," The man smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"No, don't worry about it at all, I don't mind whatsoever. I'm actually quite glad you stayed so long, we never get anyone here and this has made my job more enjoyable instead of just sitting about doing nothing." You say, looking up at him.
"Oh, I'm Wilbur by the way. If I'm going to be working with you on this I might as well tell you my name, it'd make things much easier if we were at least a little more familiar with each other, yeah?" He holds his hand out, a smile on his face.
"Lovely name, my name's Y/n," You shake his hand and return the same smile.
You soon finish up and walk out of the control room with Wilbur behind you, entering the lobby of the studio where you could see Eliot on his phone wearing his coat waiting by the door.
You make your way to the desk and calculate how much it'll cost for his hours spent there, "Alright, that'll be £411.78. Choose your poison; Cash or card?" You grin at him.
"Card, please." Wilbur says, handing you his debit card.
Declined. The chip reader read in bright green letters.
"Fuck, um, I'm sorry about that hold on let me see what I have in pounds," He awkwardly grabs his wallet, searching through it.
"Hey, its fine you could always pay it back another time when you have it, I trust that you will," You hand Wilbur his card back.
"Thank you so much, I should have the money back in a couple of days, how about I come back around when I've got the rest?"
"Y'know, worst case if you don't come back it was more so a waste of your time than anything, we're still the ones with the music." Eliot butts in.
"You're not helping Eliot, terribly sorry about him Mr. Wilbur, sometimes he forgets his manners," You say, glaring at Eliot as you watch him stick out his tongue in a teasing manner.
"It's fine, I have a friend exactly like him, it's kind of funny in fact," Wilbur says in an amused tone.
You get out from behind the desk and walk Wilbur to the door, grabbing his coat to and it to him and grabbing yours, leading him outside so that Eliot can lock the doors up.
"Right, well thank you again. Do you suppose I can get your telephone number so I can let you know when I've gotten the rest of the money to pay?" Wilbur looks at you, standing awkwardly.
"Yeah sure, let me put the number into your phone," You say. Wilbur hands you his phone and you punch in your number to the keypad, putting your name in and handing his phone back to him.
"Thanks, ill keep in touch with you about it, bye now," Wilbur smiles and waves to you and Eliot as he walks off to his car and then drives off.
You walk with Eliot to where your cars were parked and dig into your pocket for your keys.
"What on earth happened in that recording room?" Eliot says, a cheeky grin on his face.
"What do you mean?" You say, still fishing in your pocket for the pesky keys.
"He just asked for your number, and on top of that you let him just leave without paying 400 pounds, something definitely happened in there," Eliot says, leaning on your car.
You suddenly realized what he meant and was implying at, your eyes widen and you can feel your face and ears quickly start to heat despite the freezing Brighton air.
"What! No! Jesus Eliot, do you seriously think I would do that with someone I'd just met and my client too for that matter? In my own studio too? Gross, man!" You exclaim in disgust, finally finding your keys and unlocking your car.
"I'm just saying, Y/n. I mean, he asked for your number for Christ's sake! there's no way that he doesn't at least fancy you a bit," Eliot says, playfully nudging your arm.
"God you're terrible, why'd it have to be you," You say playfully before getting into your car.
"Hey! Im great you just don't appreciate it! Anyways, see you Y/n, good luck with Wilbur," Eliot says drawing out the name as he walks away snickering.
Cheeky bellend' You think to yourself before starting up your car and turning the heat on. You check your phone before leaving to see you have a text from an unknown number.
"Hey, Y/n! Its Wilbur:) " The text wrote.
You smile and save him to your contacts, making a mental note to message him back when you wake up tomorrow.
Hopefully Eliot was right, hopefully he fancied you just as you had fancied him.
I'm really happy with how this chapter turned out. I wanted to make Eliot seem like Wallace Wells from SPVTW, and I'm fairly happy with how his character is coming out so far. Anyways, reblogs are of course appreciated, thank you for urging me to finish this chapter up anon!
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talesofmuscles · 2 years
Shaving Off Some Weight
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Christopher stares in disbelief as he has not shed a single pound of fat during his three months of workout; instead he is gaining more. He follows all the instructions, all the diet and all the tips yet he still stays the same. Feeling so defeated, Christopher cannot help but cry a bit. The chubby man always wants to get his dream body and he works hard for it. He even pays extra to be a part of the premium membership of the Go-Go Gym. Maybe it is just a mistake, he thinks. Christopher makes up his mind and decides he will cancel his membership after this month. He is just going to use the gym benefit until the end of month. After all, what good is working out when you gain more weight than you started?
“Hey there,” a man sneaks up behind Christopher, which makes the large man jump, “I heard someone crying and just want to check up.”
“Ah everything is alright,” Christopher lies as he scratches his beard, “it’s nothing really.”
“Well it is not nothing,” the young fit bodybuilder smiles, “a member of my gym is facing some hardship, so it’s my job to help. I am The Trainer here, love.” The Trainer winks and smiles.
“You wouldn’t understand,” Christopher looks away in jealousy. He knows he should not be bothered by the sight of a fit young man making him feel so much worse about himself.
“Try me,” The Trainer crosses his arms.
“Well first of all,” Christopher takes a breath, “I’ve been doing everything I can to lose weight, to get into shape. While you guys just have it so easy and walk around with such a nice body. It’s not fair that I spend so much time and energy just to know I can never get what I want.”
The Trainer thinks a bit of Christopher's situation. He wants to encourage the big man but doesn’t want to say the wrong things.
“Can I see your membership card?” The Trainer asks.
“Sure,” Christopher sniffles and gets the ruby red card out, “I’m cancelling next month anyway.”
“Hold on,” The Trainer yells in surprise which also surprises Christopher, “you’re THE executive member?”
“What?” Christopher is confused, “I don’t think so, I just pay for premium level. I cannot afford any higher.”
The Trainer smiles as he approaches Christopher. He puts his arm around the big man's shoulder and pulls out a silver card. “This is a premium card,” The Trainer explains, “you have the executive cards. It’s a special thing that we do here. You don’t have to pay for anything. Hell, I'll give you a refund for this month.”
“I don’t understand,” Christopher says, “that must be a mistake then.”
“No mistake, love,” The Trainer winks again, “it’s a giveaway event we do every month. You’re the lucky winner for this month.”
“I am?” Christopher feels a bit better about being lucky, “what do it get.”
“Private training with me,” The Trainer proudly announces, “you will get in shape in no time.
Christopher's eyes droop again which shocks The Trainer. People usually are excited to train with him but he never sees anyone who is sad about it.
“Sorry,” Christopher says, “but you can’t work miracles. If I can’t do it for three months, how can you do it in one?”
“How about putting a little trust in me,” The Trainer pats Christopher's shoulders, “I promise it will work.”
“Fine worth a shot,” Christopher shrugs.
“Not with this attitude,” The Trainer cuts Christopher off and gets serious, “I swear I will give you that perfect body. Now you have to believe in yourself again.”
“S…” Christopher is taken aback by the sudden change of demeanor, “sure I’ll try my hardest with your training.”
“Great,” The Trainer drags Christopher with him, “now follow me big boy.”
They walk together toward a seemingly normal white wall. When The Trainer hovers Christopher’s membership card in front of the wall, it splits into two and opens up. The men enter the secret room before the doors close up. Inside, Christopher can see stange workout set he has never seen before. Everything there has a tint of red to it. Even the weights are custom made.
“Welcome, love,” The Trainer introduces Christopher, “to your private gym.” The Trainer presses a button to pull out a screen. “Based on your logs,” The Trainer reviews, “you have been able to move up the weight level correct?”
Christopher nods. It is true that he has gotten stronger than before but it just makes him feel slower and heavier.
“Then how about you show me what you can do?” The Trainer puts his screen down, “and we will work on from there.”
Christopher hesitates at first but he knows he might as well take full advantage of this opportunity. Grabbing some weights and rack it on, he starts lifting in front of The Trainer.
“Impressive,” The Trainer compliments, “you even out lift me. Hey maybe you could be my trainer, love. Just kidding.”
Christopher smiles a bit as he has never been showered with compliments before. People usually just mock him for his looks rather than his strength. Once he sets down his weight, The Trainer swoops into action. At first he shows examples of newer and stronger exercises Christopher can do. The Trainer promises Christopher that these exercises are unique to him, and him only. It will definitely help him achieve his goal.
The first week was uneventful. Come in, workout with The Trainer for a couple of hours then leave. Although Christopher must admit that the young hunk reignites his passion for working out. Being there and working out with him make Christopher feel less alone.
The second week is more interesting. To encourage Christopher even more, The Trainer decides to workout side-by-side with Christopher. It somewhat excites Christopher, sometimes turns him on. Christopher’s hope revitalizes as he sees that he has got rid of the new weight he gained.
The third week is getting more, hands on. Inside the red gym, The Trainer guides Christopher with touches and supports. The closer Christopher is to The Trainer, the more irresistible the young hunk is. Every time Christopher gets too hard, The Trainer would help him out. Christopher loves to see the face The Trainer makes when he gives Christopher an encouraging blowjob or congrats Christopher by riding his massive cock. Christopher stays at the gym a bit longer. At the end of the third week Christopher is surprised that his big hanging belly is virtually almost gone. All the fat flaps tighten up to give his body the definition it lacks. Best of all, he can see his jaws getting more angular.
The fourth week is getting more heated. It is the last week before Christopher’s exclusive benefits expire. He works extra hard. Christopher even be in the red gym before The Trainer even shows up. Of course, that means The Trainer also workouts extra hard with Christopher. The more they work together, the more Christopher feels pumped and invigorated. The occasional blowjob and fucking no longer suppressed Christopher’s increasing libido. Now while working out, Christopher also pounds The Trainer’s ass and mouth. He lifts and pushes everything on his body to his limit. Every time Christopher cums is a moment of victory to him. The Trainer enjoys every moment of his trainee working hard and making progress. He also loves that a giant man like Christopher would bury the massive thick sausage of dick inside him. He loves feeling the power Christopher provides during his workout. Finally, on the last day, Christopher pulls out of The Trainer, now loose, ass. He just finished his workout and wiped everything off before putting things away.
“Thank you for helping me,” Christopher shyly says, “I’m sorry I was being harsh on you. I was just…”
The Trainer shushes Christopher off with a kiss on the lips. Christopher looks up with surprises as he sees the young hunk’s eyes start glowing neon red. The kiss is deep and passionate. It also feels refreshing, like his body just lightened up.
“You are the best trainee I ever had, love,” The Trainer parts his lips away from Christopher’s, “how about looking at the final result?”
The Trainer leads Christopher toward a locked room in the red gym. With Christopher's membership card, the room is unlocked and revealed to be a mirror room. Christopher walks inside and is in awe of what he sees. The man in the mirror has the perfect angular jaws covered with a thick bushy beard. His body is big and thick with powerful muscles. Christopher strikes a pose as test and he could see each part of his body expand beautifully with a flex. He is still in disbelief.
“You did it,” Christopher says, “you really let reach my dream body.”
“Actually it’s all you,” The Trainer smiles, “all these time you were working hard on to improve yourself. I merely give you tips and exercises. You did it by yourself.”
“But all the excess weight,” Christopher argues, “I couldn’t get rid of before.”
“That part is on me,” The Trainer admits, “seeing you work so hard, I decided to give you a boost. I drain out all your excess weight while making sure there's enough to nurture your muscle.”
Before The Trainer can explain more, Christopher grabs him and gives him a big tight hugs. It is probably a bit too strong and tight as The Trainer is wheezing for air.
“Now before you leave, love,” The Trainer winks at Christopher with his neon red eyes, “how about you thank me. I want to feel all of your hard work.”
Christopher's eyes glow a faint red as he grab onto The Trainer. Without prepping, he buries his thick cock inside of The Trainer ass. It is so loose yet so good to use. The Trainer smiles as he caresses Christopher's face.
“You did it wrong,” The Trainer says as he takes control of the situation and start riding Christopher cock, “you have to like this.”
The sudden shift drives Christopher mad with pleasure. He can’t speak with all the loud moaning and groaning. The only things he can do is to flex for The Trainer as a show. His pecs, which were so flabby, are now two hard basketballs of muscle. His stomach, while still bulging out, is as hard as concrete. His arms and legs are just magnificently swollen with power that each flex makes Christopher feel bigger. His cock and balls never changed size but because of his trimmed down size, they look like they got inflated with testosterones. After a constant riding from 20 whole minutes, Christopher finally gives out and cum inside The Trainer again.
Before Christopher heads home, he turns to the reception. With a smile, he hands his card to the receptionist.
“Please change my membership to annually,” the big manly muscular man says with glee.
“Sculptor pleaseeeeee,” The Trainer pleads to The Sculptor who is running on the treadmills.
“For the last time,” The Sculptor answers, “I am not going to tighten your asshole.”
“Don’t be an Angry Bastard,” The Trainer huffs, “it’s not my fault Christopher was bigger than I thought.”
“Maybe if you stop being a Horny Idiot,” The Sculptor sneers, “then maybe we won’t have this conversation.”
“I’m telling Papa Bear you’re being mean to me,” The Trainer pouts.
“Are you 8?” The Sculptor shuts the machine as he cooldown, “I am still not going to do it.”
“Come one it’s easy for you,” The Trainer wakes awkwardly with The Sculptor, “besides it’s just a quick fix up.”
“Fine,” The Sculptor says, “I’ll do it.”
“I knew you would help your best friend,” The Trainer hugs The Sculptor.
“I was dying to test out a new technique,” The Sculptor gently smiles with a glow of ember blue in his eyes, “and you will have the honor to be the first to experience it.”
“Wait,” The Trainer gulps as he realizes his mistakes, “it doesn’t hurt right?”
“It is a hundred percent safe,” The Sculptor answers.
“But it won’t hurt right?” The Trainer asks again.
“It is very safe,” The Sculptor answers.
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darkestprompts · 2 years
Heroes’ interactions at/with the facilities/shopkeepers in the hamlet? :3
Caretaker: Although some heroes can't stand his constant giggling, the more compassionate heroes learn to tolerate the guy's antics and even start to treat him as a sort of senile older relative. Dismas and Reynauld, on the other hand, will always hold a grudge over the stagecoach incident.
Survivalist: Not a big talker, generally only interacts when giving lessons. However, she will sit around quietly with other heroes that stay by the Outsider's Bonfire. I have the feeling she'd especially like Bigby, a real survivor if there ever was one. The scouts and tactical minded heroes of the Hamlet sometimes come by to run notes and plans by her before expeditions, to which she gives answers that are straight to the point.
Abbot: Has a good relationship with Junia, Baldwin and Reynauld, as expected, and accepts Damian with some reserve (he fears extremism may rile up the locals into a frenzy). Still, he ends up as the religious heroes' propaganda man. A lot of the inhabitans clinged to religion out of fear as the Hamlet fell into decay, but their arrival brought with them actual hope to the congregation. If you pay attention, you will notice his maneuvers to converse with them in places where they can be shown off and he's secretly behind many positive rumours about them.
Tavern keeper: Well-liked guy, knows pretty much all heroes directly or through acquaintances, and a good listener to boot, which is a critical qualification when so many people come to you talking about mind-shattering shit they've just seen. However, he still realizes that while the heroes are his foremost source of cash, they are also the most troublesome clients, so he keeps a stern face and a no exceptions policy. Once you let one crazy barbarian woman break your furniture, it becomes a free-for-all. And Dismas can shove his weighted dice where the sun doesn't shine.
Guild trainers: I took some time to think about these two, because it's interesting that they are capable fighters but don't participate in the expeditions. My conclusion is that, as mercenaries, they are willing to train the new meat but not invested enough in the promises of riches and redemption and all that nonsense to actually go in. And it's fine from the Heir's perspective, because you don't need to only know how to fight, but be a good teacher to fill their role. Their relative safety ensures a standard to the training of new arrivals. They mostly interact with the recruits who require such training, as more experienced heroes have their own routines.
Blacksmith: A lot of his clients are satisfied to place their orders and expect them to be to their taste, but occasionally someone will take the time to talk over specifications and improvements, and the old man appreciates those people. Barristan in particular likes to come by and discuss designs, sometimes even making suggestions for commissions that are not his.
Nurses: I suspect that these women are affiliated to the Church, but don't have the full status of a nun. Sort of like the medieval "serving sisters" of the Order of St Clara, that were allowed direct contact with the mundane world and generally came from lower classes. As such, they may not possess the highest education, but their methods are tried and tested. I believe they appreciate the back up from characters like Para (a real doctor!), Junia (a real vestal!) or Missandei (wow field surgery!), but can become easily discomforted when Paracelsus introduces methods that contradict their own, or to accept expertise from the likes of Bigby and Alhazred. They can be really stubborn, but usually cave in to positive evidence. They may not present the best bedside manners, but their grim no-nonsense attitude carries through shifts of holding down and treating severely disturbed, ailing and wounded heroes. Don't expect them to change.
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[???, 1:43 PM, July 23rd]
Teleportation, on its own, is usually disorienting enough. Teleportation mid-tackling some blond and blue loser is about five times worse than that, the two hitting the old, wearing concrete floor of here with a painful groan. To her credit, Vanilla’s quick to the draw despite the everything that has just transpired. Hip to sword to horrible, horrible man’s throat barely even feels like a second. This might be the first time something resembling fear's ever crossed Colress's eyes, and she relishes it.
"Listen to me, you..."
He hesitates.
"I can't imagine why Ghetsis ever let you leave. You clearly possess the sort of power he wishes he had."
Vanilla bites back a harsh growl.
...I can't just kill him.
Currently, their reasoning for the conviction is a little bit weak. This is the same man who tried to electrocute them within an inch of their life, and just the week before, affected their mind so harshly they nearly murdered him without any consciousness behind it. But she's terrified of what comes from breaking that conviction again, and so she makes her own excuses.
I bet Interpol has some reason they're keeping him around. Better to not.
The hesitation is enough for Colress's Beheeyem to catch its breath again, and the moment is gone. Vanilla reaches for Cobalion's Pokéball, and... oh. He released himself already. Too early. He's back in a lab in Nimbasa somewhere. ...It takes more than a little willpower to not scream.
Instead, they lock eyes with the Beheeyem, grab another Pokéball, and send forth the Altaria inside it. He hums brilliantly, turning to his trainer for guidance.
"Chiru, help me take this place down, okay?" They snarl. Even if Colress doesn't understand, Beheeyem does, flying at the bird and teleporting away at the last second. Bluffing to steal attention. Vanilla stands, pointfully driving one of Colress's wrists into the concrete with her foot as the scientist's other hand tries to sweep her second leg. That one lands square in Colress's stomach as retaliation, and he lets go with a guttural noise. Just in time for Vanilla to barely shield his eyes from a Lumina Crash.
Finally, they can take in their surroundings a bit. None of this room seems particularly important. Two doors. No giant computer towers screaming to be Dragon Pulsed into pieces. They do slam the strange alien into a standing bookshelf, though, for good measure. Now to get moving again, before Colress pulls something else...
He picks the right door, if only due to the promise of what sounds like footsteps. The door opens, with a bit of physical persuasion, to what appears to be a ruined basement. Light shines through small pieces of the foundation, walls cracked and crumbling, and where it shines, patches of tall grass grow, Musharna floating softly. Fallen bookshelves and stacks of water-damaged boxes block the way here and there, but... nothing critical. Shit. Those footsteps come back.
"Hey, boss, is everything..."
The... person... standing before Vanilla is something unbelievable. Head halfway turned to some bronze statue with yellow, beaming eyes, left arm hanging heavily like scrap metal to their side, pulling its person with it, and strange metallic, spherical bearings melded with the rest of their body. They apply a bit of psychic power to pick their arm up again. Vanilla backs up a few paces, hitting the heavy metal door.
"W-what in the..."
"Oh, shoot, you know, I get that a lot. Cost of science, you see? We're trying to see if Steel-type DNA could ever be compatible with human bodies. And you might say 'no', but I'm still alive! Even got these psychic powers out of it. All thanks to my partner Bronzong! Now you..."
The strange... man? takes a few steps forward.
"You're a really clean specimen, actually! Look at that! The worst you've got is those legs, but other than that, it's almost cute! The ears! The tail! You know, people'd pay to look like that! I didn't know Colress refined his process that much!"
"I'm not... I was born like this. What the hell do you mean, specimen? Refined process?"
"Holy shit! You're a nat? I guess Colress was right, natural hybrids really are better... what are you, a Zor? There's a lot of people looking for those kinds of abilities! No wonder he brought you in. Zorua are so tricky after all, we haven't been able to get anything on them..."
As the assistant/experiment keeps blathering on, Vanilla presses his back further against the door, breath heavy, weighing his options. Even if this "hybrid" isn't a threat currently, everything in their body screams that he is. That has to be worth something, right?
"Now I dunno what you're doing out here, but I can take you back! Between you and me, you're better off allowed out and about than--"
All at once, the door clicks open behind Vanilla, and the world fragments itself into technicolor blocks of light as something hits their back, pulling their entire being in. Their body wasn't made for that.
It hurts. It hurts. It's not supposed to hurt like that. So bad they can't even struggle. Not that they could anyways. She forces herself to curl up in the darkness, mind dulled to anything but rest and the twisting pain of holding this new size.
Everything, everyone else will have to wait.
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thenanbakacorner · 2 years
Absolutely fell in love with @wolfieskies-25​‘s Dragon AU and decided to write some headcanons for how the reader meets the Cell 13 boys! Enjoy! Art and AU both belong to wolfie!
See the bottom of this post for some AU context!
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🔓 Jyugo 🔓
You found Jyugo, in his dragon form, trapped, wedged between two large trees in the forest
How tf did he end up in such a predicament? You have no idea
But you’re a mix of awestruck and frightened by the sight of the large dragon who stared back at you warily, his tail thrashing anxiously
You decide to help him and gently assure him you meant no harm and wanted to help-- though you were unsure whether or not this dragon even understood you
Seems he understood, as you were able to approach him without him burning you to ashes
Somehow, you manage to help him squeeze out of the space, and he stares down at you
Needless to say he didn’t expect a human to help someone like him, and was a bit shocked
It’s your turn to be shocked when he actually speaks and thanks you for your help and promises to pay forward your kind act should he see you again, before flying away
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🎲 Uno 🎲
You ran into Uno while on a walk in the mountains at nighttime
It was rather foggy, but the moon shone bright above you, lighting up your path
When you turned a rocky corner, you found yourself face to face with a tall, armor clad blonde man who had wings, a tail, horns.. a dragon shifter
He was just as spooked as you were, as while you fell backwards in your shock, he shifted into his dragon form and fire formed at the corners of his mouth to prepare to defend himself
He quickly calmed down when he realized you weren’t a threat, however, and straightened himself out to look down at you as you stood back up
Asks what you’re doing out up here in the middle of the night with a tilted head and confused look
Turns out to be very chill and quite the charmer as you find yourselves conversing
Eventually he has to make himself scarce as he needs to return home, lest his trainers track him down and give him an earful or a beating for not coming back when he was supposed to
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🍩 Rock 🍩
You meet Rock while camping out deep in the forest
It was dusk and you were cooking a large chunk of meat on the fire, stepped away to take care of something else while it cooked
You get spooked by the sound of the trees and bushes rustling and run to hide behind something, peeking over some boxes to see what is approaching
You’re shocked to see a huge purple dragon emerge from the bushes, crouched low and looking around curiously
When his eyes fall on the cooking meat his eyes light up and a drop of drool comes down his chin
Makes a fast walk over to grab the meat, ripping it off of the metal skewer and swallowing it whole
Only when he lowers his head from swallowing does he notice you hiding behind the boxes, and akwardly looks down at the fire then back at you
Whoops, he thought whoever was in charge of this campsite wasn’t around. Busted.
He offers to make up for his rather rude thievery, and ends up coming back with a whole, live cow
Man, someone on some farm out there isn’t going to be happy when they find one of their cows missing
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💊 Nico 💊
Rather than you finding Nico, it was more so Nico found you
You were minding your own business, typing away at your computer, when you hear a loud crash in your backyard
Looking out the window, you see a cloud of dirt and something large and green in a slight crater from impact
Carefully, you walk outside to inspect more closely, and then realize, yep, a dragon just fell into your yard
He lifts his head somewhat weakly, dazed from impact, and looks at you, quickly scurrying to stand upon realizing you are there
He has a hard time standing, though, and is covered in scuffs and scratches
You decide to help him, grabbing some bandages and other medical stuff from your house to tend to his wounds
Once he’s all patched up, he seems very happy and actually leans down to nuzzle you, thanking you
When he tries to fly away, he struggles, so he decides to hunker down in your yard until he’s had some time to recover from his.. less than graceful arrival
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A few crumbs of info on wolfie’s Dragon AU! She doesn’t have much story for the AU other than these details.
The inmates are all dragon shapeshifters
The guards are dragon trainers/tamers
AU was inspired by the HTTYD franchise
In human form, the dragon shifters are one foot taller than canonical height
Dragon form sizes vary, but are comparable to the sizes of the dragons from HTTYD. Example: Nico is the size of Cloudjumper
The dragon shifters behave a lot like and have abilities of regular dragons, and hoard things of interest
They are able to fly around freely outside of the Nanba Dragon Research Facility, but have tracking chips inside of their skin that keeps track of where they are. They cannot fly outside of a specific range, and must return at specific times
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anonymous-user-a · 3 months
While walking to the Game Corner, it had become obvious how much worse the situation had become. In order to remain safe, Toxin had to remain out at all times alongside Aspen. The beasts had clearly developed an affection for stealth tactics, often attempting and failing to sneak up on them before being cut down by the Pokemon. To be blunt, Archer felt rather useless compared to them, being unable to fight back against the beasts should Toxin or Aspen be put in danger. Either way, they seemed to have the situation under control.
As Archer assumed he would be, Lance was waiting outside the Game Corner, only joined by a Dragonite that appeared to be the same height as the figure in the window. They wondered for a second if it could be a good idea to ditch the idea of helping or waiting and attempt to escape Celadon City. That was, of course, until Lance noticed them and Archer realised that it was far too late to dig herself out of this hole now. He was going to have to go into the festering tomb of Team Rocket's legacy with the very man who had arrested them and condemned him to a life in an empty, lonely, maddening torture.
Lance cut through the tension by offering a handshake, "I'm glad you have decided to help us, Archer." Archer took the offer. While Lance didn't look particularly angry, the expression he wore was certainly stern and serious.
"Us?", Archer responded sarcastically in a futile attempt to regain some sort of power in the situation. As embarrassing as It was, they were completely at the mercy of the Champion. He had a Dragonite of his own, equalising any protection that Aspen may provide, and it wasn't difficult to imagine that the Champion would easily dispatch Archer's team. After all, Lance was a Champion with extremely powerful Pokémon. Archer was simply a weak trainer who had a team solely consisting of a few dog Pokémon - the strongest of which couldn't battle due to needing to protect an egg - a relatively weak Crobat, and a gifted Koffing. A single one of Lance's Pokémon could dispatch Archer's entire team without breaking a sweat. It wasn't even a question of who would win in hand-to-hand combat - the Champion would easily be able to apprehend the ex-Executive. And Archer knew this. It'd have to avoid vulnerability at all times. "It seems that it is just you and Dragonite. Didn't you state that the Elite Four would be present?"
"Yes, I did.", Lance responded, paying no mind to Archer's snarky tone. "I had them go ahead while I waited for you to appear."
Archer scoffed, "Why? So they can get hurt instead of you?" The insults were uncalled for, cheap jabs that were easily disproven. Of course, she knew this. However, it demonstrated an aggression that could be crucial in ensuring his safety. Perhaps they were being paranoid, but that was irrelevant. It could second guess their social interactions after he's done.
"I did it to assist you, Archer.", Lance stated plainly. For someone who he had very little experience talking to, Archer was quite easy to read. It was obvious that the words had little weight behind them. Lance was no saint, and he knew it, but from an outsider perspective, he had the patience of one. Especially when dealing with aggression. To be blunt, the primary emotion Lance felt towards Archer was pity. The former Executive was hardly a threat. Even when they were, it was mainly to himself. Archer was most certainly capable of being dangerous, but required a direction to channel that potential. If there was no target for the energy, it would boil and fester inside of Archer until it all collapsed in on itself in an often brilliant yet terrifying way, like a star dying in a supernova. Alongside the familiarity with the entities and the area, this potential combined with compliance made Lance see Archer as practically necessary. But Lance could not see Archer as threatening for as long as there was no goal for the ex-Executive to work towards. "I instructed them to go ahead as to avoid potential conflicts between them and you. However, you and I will be sticking together. With all due respect, I will need to keep an eye on you at all times."
Archer couldn't help but feel a mix of guilt and rage at this response. The insults were unnecessary, but they seemed even less rational now. However, she did not need his pity, "If I have an altercation, I will handle it myself."
"I understand, Archer, however you are still a wanted criminal. While I would prefer to trust you to act in everybody's - including your own - best interests, I have yet to be given reasonable cause to do so.", Lance was completely honest. Or, at least, as honest as he could be without explicitly stating that he believed that Archer would act against their own self-interest due to distortions in perception, decision-making and such. In all honesty, he would prefer to trust Archer. He had a hard time believing that anyone was innately evil, including Archer. But he had to ensure the safety of the Elite Four, Celadon City, and Kanto as a whole. Until given adequate reasons to believe that these goals were intertwined, Lance had to prioritise the fate of Kanto over trusting a sole individual.
Archer didn't respond, simply going inside, taking the respirator that the other Lance had gifted it out of the suitcase, and putting it on to protect against the smell. Lance did similarly, taking one that had been placed on a nearby counter and equipping it. He couldn't help but find it curious how Archer had managed to obtain both a respirator and a Dragonite out of seemingly nowhere. Perhaps it would be a good topic of discussion to clear tension between the two later on.
The pair stood atop the staircase. Lance squinted into the darkness below, trying to make out anything within the darkness. Archer stared blankly into it, preparing to bare witness to whatever would great them in this torture chamber of its own creation. Aspen was instructed to remain upstairs until further instructions to ensure the safety of those exiting the underworld and prevent unprepared individuals from diving in. Archer went first, unable to fully comprehend the worst of the horrors they would meet that evening.
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
Family Planning
-- I love Bob, he is so sweet. And yes, I do have an agenda. I will make this man a father!
Please bear with me, I am trying something with my formatting
Request: "A trip with bob & the like car ride to the destination 🤍" by @happyblogsstuff
Sorry, I took some creative liberties --
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Bob received the phone call early in the morning on a very nice Saturday morning. The air was crisp and the dew lay lazily on the grass blades in front of his home. He'd been enjoying his steaming cup of coffee on his porch swing, waiting for his wife to wake up. As much as he loved the quiet of his cabin in the woods, he was growing antsy.
So when the phone rang about and Admiral Simpson asked him to join for a special mission he'd need to come back to Top Gun for, he didn't hesitate. He downed his coffee and marched down to the bedroom.
"Baby, wake up" he whispered, you nuzzled deeper into you pillow "I've been called back to Top Gun" he said, it was enough to get you to open one eye. 
"Something secret, they wouldn't tell me over the phone but they expect me there tonight at nine sharp for briefing." 
You swung your legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. You saw stars. 
Top Gun was a six hour drive from where you lived and you would have to leave in just a little under an hour if you wanted to get there in time for Bob to shower, relax from the drive and attend briefing. 
While you packed two bags, he called friends to see if they had any spare beds. By total coincidence, one of his buddies owned a rental that his tennant had left this morning and he couldn't find a new renter for. It sounded like a good deal considering it was a two bed, one bath house with a garden so Bob jumped on it. 
He knew you didn't like towns so a little green space would at least keep you from being miserable. 
Once the bags were packed, he loaded all the essentials into his truck, like his ps4, your books, laptops and a collection of board games you were almost certain you wouldn't get to play. Then, right before leaving you loaded the cat, an angry, screamy little thing and put on the road trip playlist. 
The roads were quiet until you were about a mile out from the highway. Bob stopped at a gas station to fill up. You opted to get provisions. 
Road trips were your second favourite thing, right behind watching terrible tv shows and Bob and you were seasoned pros although they usually were more relaxed and with no destination in mind. 
The gas station was barren in all the worst ways. All the good snacks were gone so you'd have to make do. You grabbed three cans of pringles, a bag of doritos, a family pack of peanut m&ms and a six pack of zero sugar cokes. After paying for the overpriced, second-class snacks you returned to the car. 
Bob looked good, in his jeans, tight white shirt and that cowboy hat he insisted on wearing. You weren't bitter about the hat, but he was oddly attached to the cowboy look for a man who put up such a staunch fight against you buying a horse. 
He smiled at you.
You were standing right outside the gas station door looking at him with such a look of love that it made him blush. 
Bob couldn't quite believe he'd managed to score you. You were drop dead gorgeous, kind, caring and hilarious. You never failed to make him feel better and make him want to be better. 
He admired you as you walked up to the car, opened the passenger door next to him to dump the snacks, smacked his ass and kissed his cheek. 
You looked nice wearing your tiny jean shorts, tank top and white tennis trainers, and with your hair draped over your shoulders. 
Bob watched you get comfy in the passenger seat and slide a treat towards the cat. He finished up at the pump and paid before sliding into the driver's seat and setting off.
"I'm bored, let's play something"
"Okay" Bob thought for a second "Look at those people there. If you had to guess who they were, who would they be?"
He nodded towards a car to their left, it was a tiny low down car driven by a middle aged woman and a young man. 
"Right well, she is obviously a bored housewife, running off for a romantic holiday with her younger lover while her husband is at home caring for the children. He obviously thinks she's visiting a sick relative and has no clue and she feels justified because her husband has been working too much and not paid attention to her needs" 
Bob laughed
"She has needs Bob!" You say with mock outrage, playfully swatting his bicep. "Your turn. Who are they?"
You had picked the car in front of you. The back of their car was loaded to the top with suitcases and bags. Bob moved to overtake them and you saw him take a very pointed glance past your window to see what they looked like.
"Well, he is an army man, who loves his wonderful wife very much and he has had dreams of starting a family for a long time but he doesn't know how to bring it up with his wife so he sets her up to play a game to tell her in a subtle way…"
"Oddly specific, baby" you said, purposefully pretending not to understand
"Or maybe I'm just scarily good at this game" he winked. 
It was true Bob had been thinking of starting a family for a few years now, but it had never been brought up. 
He knew you wanted children -- he wasn't blind to your longing looks when other women held their babies, the gently little waves you shot children's ways when just walking about, and how recently the only subject you wanted to talk about was your future children --  but with his job and always needing to go places, he was scared you'd change your mind. He was also scared to miss all the important milestones like first steps, first words, first day of school. 
But at the same time he knew, you had money, you were young, and you wanted it. So he figured now was as good a time as any. 
He looked over to you, slumped over with your head against the window, fast asleep. You hadn't answered or said anything but he knew you enough to understand that that meant you were saving the conversation for later, when you both knew what the mission would entail and you had time to collect your thoughts.
You had planned to share the 6 hour drive but in the end, Bob drove it all. He was sore and tired when they got to the house, collapsing on the unmade bed as soon as he could. You sat next to him and rubbed his back, removing the hat from his head and ruffling his hair. In two hours your relaxed, I-look-cool-in-a-cowboy-hat-despite-not-wanting-a-horse (not bitter!) Bob would transform into naval pilot Bob and he would slick back his hair and swap out his jeans and t-shirt for his flight suit. You didn't mind, you liked the uniform but after all his missions and close calls, the beige clothes just felt ominous. 
Too soon for your liking, the transformation happened. He tied his shoelaces, pet the cat on the head and kissed your lips. 
You watched him get into the car and leave the drive. 
"I love you!" You screamed after him, but he was already too far away.
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wayfaringtrainers · 2 months
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So I originally was not going to reblog that Isekai title ask meme, becuase I absolutely despise how oversaturated, formulaic and disingenuous most isekai anime has become. But then I thought "As the only person in the universe to hate Isekais, wouldn't my pain-filled responses be hilarious?
So yeh, expect sass if you send in a meme.
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