#bc if that Also ties into there being a loop potentially
shroombies · 1 year
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The revelation that glRanboo just actually Fucking Died here and got brought back a minute later is fucking me up so bad bc. Hetch says later that you gain that immortality, that ability to come back even after dying during a show, by joining the cast.
It implies glRanboo was already part of the cast from the start. We couldn't even free him in death. Showfall can bring him back any time they want. Fuck .
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wayfayrr · 4 months
I’m asking as a request but if u can’t or don’t want to it’s ok. Then maybe just a quick 1 sentence answer for each Link bc I’m curious? lol, So a little while back @luimagines wrote some divorce hcs. So…how would the yandere Links deal with a reader that wants a divorce?
Divorce? you think you can be rid of them? no, no hope whatsoever.
not even death can separate you
but I do think they'd be a little different in how they handle you suggesting it (also going to be using reader suggesting a divorce because they found a way home and didn't want to make the links choose between them and hyrule)
also pinky if you see this I absolutely adore your work but never actually read the divorce hcs dfbgdgbdbfcgb (got too sad like a fool)
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Legend would be the fastest to start outright panicking, immediately shutting down any hopes of you leaving. Barring windows and even going as far as to chain you to the bed so you can't leave. You're his and his alone.
Tears would break down, after thinking for a second that it's a joke he'd collapse onto you sobbing for you not to leave and forget him like everyone else does. But he won't force you to stay. If he learns why you did it? well remember this fic where wars lost himself a bit- Tears would kinda come to this conclusion a lot faster quickly following you into your world
Rulie takes after legend a little, in how he handles it after the first few hours. To start with though? He's a shaky stuttery mess trying to breathe and stay calm while failing but then he instantly jumps to keeping you away from society and tied to him.
Sky would laugh it off, seeing through you and the reason that you've even suggested it, divorce isn't even a potential for him. He's been reading your diarys and keeping a close eye on you - you think he wasn't aware of this beforehand? He promises you that it isn't even a choice to follow you to your home rather than staying here before kissing you silly and grabbing your waist so tight it almost hurts. Like he's offended you'd even think such a thing.
Twilight would freeze up to start, not, refusing to believe what you said. you have to repeat it a couple of times for it to really sink in, at which point he's already started snarling, wolfie starting to show in his actions and words. He could be rational and hear you out but he's just all over the place like he's been hit by a flashbang - take your chance to get away while you have it
Four would split instantly, the colours not being able to work together through it. Each wanting to handle it in a different way ( yes I know this isn't the most canon but it's more interesting sfvvsfvs) vio wants to plan out the why, blue is in charge of safe proofing the house while green and red are all over you, taking turns to watch you so you're never unsupervised. It'll take a lot of time and rebuilt trust to get him to rejoin.
Warriors would shatter, begging, pleading, sobbing and doing anything you ask of him to stay. even if you were to ask him to make himself bleed. he doesn't eat nor sleep for days on end as he tries and begs you to tell him why, why you would ever want to leave him. He looks more ragged than he ever did on the journey like he's seconds away from death. And when you finally do tell him- he breaks down all over again tugging you into his arms as he's begging for there to be more, that you didn't do all of this to him for something so small and that it isn't even a thought to him of course he'll choose you.
Time is in a weird place, he isn't entirely familiar to hylian/human traditions yet so the word divorce itself throws him for a loop, until you explain what it is to him. Which is where he turns ice cold, the more happy go lucky time you knew is gone, replaced by someone simply wearing his face as he goes through robotic motions. for time though I could also see him using the ocarina throwing himself into a pointless loop trying to stop you from suggesting it but he can't and it slowly destroys his sanity
these got longer as I went oops, I didn't think I'd write so much for it ngl got into the flow a bit
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
Rereading that noncon Ghoap puppy walk fic bc it makes me go insane. And I have so many questions. How can Johnny even breathe? What did they do beforehand that the others just immediately incorporate it into their routine? Did Gaz encounter puppy!Soap before? What are Price and Gaz thoughts on all this (Bc fuck, their commentary killed me - asking about belly rubs and giving advise on punishment)? Do they think this is completely consensual? Or do they suspect that there is more going on? Do they hope that there is more going on? Are they getting off on the thought of participating even in the smallest of ways in breaking down Soap? If ever Soap got his brains together enough to ask for help, would they give it to him or would they push him to his knees and take him like they always dreamed of doing and then return him to Ghost?
ahhh day 11 kinktober. my longest and least popular drabble from that month LMAO. tysm for asking about it!
i actually mapped quite a bit of that fic out in my head! but because it's entirely from soap's perspective, there are questions that you just can't answer yk?
first of all - it's pure erotica, so it exists in that kind of limbo that all semi-public/public erotica exists in - you've got to suspend your disbelief a bit, just for the sake of horniness lmao
1 - johnny can breathe (through his nose, because the hood isn't sealed shut), but not well. he's breathing heavily throughout the entire fic because of both his panic and the fact that he can only breathe through his nose
2 - i think i said this in another ask but! it was supposed to be that when ghost left johnny tied up at the beginning of the fic, he was going around and making sure only certain people were on base (hence price asking why he didn't come sign his paperwork). no rookies, since they could potentially lose all respect for soap, and no people who he knew were going to be shitty about it. the people he was okay with seeing johnny, he'd go up and say basically "i'm going to be doing public kink here later. either go or don't complain later". there probably aren't all that many people actually still on base, just lots of people looping around the building to watch
3 - gaz has probably caught the Vibe before, just from the way that ghost treats soap (and neither of them are subtle). price probably knows the extent of it just because he's their captain and he knows everything about all of them, but he's content to let them be. also gaz is probably just a kinky as them lmao, he doesn't care
4 - im soooo mixed on the "do price and gaz know it's not entirely consensual" thing. my gut says that price knows that ghost is manipulating soap, and gaz suspects. i think gaz might get a little worried, try and ask soap about it, and be mollified when soap near aggressively defends ghost. but price? he knows everything about them, doesn't he? but i think price also knows that sometimes the best thing for someone isn't always the nicest... and soap seems better with ghost, seems better after his training. as long as ghost isn't destroying him, he'll let them be
(i looooved their commentary too. i very very rarely dabble in public humiliation, and it's got to be sooo specific for it to work for me, but i love it in that fic)
5 - they both 100000% get off on being involved. if they didn't, they'd step back a bit. price is always gonna get off on being in control (and im a big fan of some light priceghost... maybe price taught ghost how to control a wild boy, and he enjoys watching his student grow into a master) and i think gaz is probably kinda into puppy play himself lmao, he's just there to get hard and have fun
i think if soap went to price for help, he'd get his mouth fucked, his ass whipped with a belt, and get locked in his cage until ghost got back. but im really not sure about gaz....
part of me says gaz is a sweetheart, he'd help soap. i could see him taking soap to price for help, and then the above following (right after price "explains" what soap needs to gaz, does a little manipulation and gaslighting of his own)
thanks for your questions! hope my answers are satisfactory lol
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ghostabocky · 3 years
wonder if i should talking about kh thoughts here instead of twitter lmaoo
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
I've been spiraling for months having a huge big boy type crysis that sent me all over my headspace and into forums. My whole sense of self was completely unchecked! I think I was spending that entire time in a Ne-Te loop. It's clear I use Ne, I don't even know where I got the idea otherwise. I'm constantly pulling abstract analogies and metaphors out of (seemingly) thin air and slapping connections together that don't seem to make sense and I'm throwing silly what ifs left right and centre like I'm a really hectic retail employee who's rapidly running out of time. I think I misunderstood the idea of Se *within myself* for what was overactive Te being heavily critical of any Ne idea that desired to be explored, the Te was like a angry scientist who really wasn't happy with any buzzing noise that Ne made and would wack it every time. Where was Fi in this analogy? Locked in a cage, unchecked and unable to be checked. The Ne-Te grip had me tight, I only realized all this properly today because I had a huge breakout about The Self™ - realizing I had been neglecting my own idea of myself, and struggling to even identify who I am, was or display myself to be anymore bc it was missing for so long.
I think another thing to consider is that I neglected to even think about how I could be confusing my enneagram 7w8 for Se traits of exploration and sensation seeking. Seems obvious now but like.. That's hindsight
Okay big rant I know, but I figure if people wanted any examples of a loop leading to a heavy mistype indication, this might be of some insight right? And naturally any commentary is *greatly appreciated*, you're a huge pillar in the community (atleast to me 🤷‍♂️) and so your knowledge and stuff stuff means a lot to read and understand! Can probably tell how energised this epiphany has gotten me 😅😪
P.S - also realized my partner is an ESFJ not ENFP, Si too high, Ne too unstable and Fe too obvious 👀
I'm pleased that you are so happy about potentially finding your type. It can feel great to settle on something after analyzing it for so long (but if you are an ENP, by tomorrow you will be questioning it again, heh). And yes, 7w8 especially with sp (?) can seem Se-ish in its desire for sensual experiences.
Since you welcomed commentary -- as you don't explain what you think Te is/does, or how you use it beyond a broad generalization, I can't say whether you are correct. An ENTP would also shoot down irrational ideas, but Te and Ti do it in different ways. Interacting with you the last few months, I've assumed you are ENTP. To "prove" a type to yourself (or to others), you must come up with real-life examples using all the functions in your stack -- eg, how I use Ti and Fe daily, or how I use Fi, and Te daily.
Merry Christmas! :)
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dikiyvter · 3 years
23 & 31? :eye: for either or both
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Of course aid anything 4 u <3
Uncommon Questions [ accepting ]
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23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
For Gio: Envy is... kind of a scale of ugliness for Gio, to be honest. First and foremost his envy is typically not something ugly; It's typically something that turns more into a hopeful longing other than any sort of truly resentful behavior. Just because he wants what someone else has doesn't mean that he needs to take it from them necessarily; the world is not a pie to be split among it's inhabitants. He views the world as an endless wealth, and if he wants something someone else has, all he has to do is work to get it himself. Ultimately his longing to be human and to take a quiet role in human society spawns from envy of the lives that humans lead.
... And then there's the far uglier envy. Gio is a rather childish individual who experiences emotions very strongly; In part this is subconscious acting, and in part it's genuine truth; He's really never been good at things regarding emotions primarily because he's never been taught a whole lot in regards to control of ones emotions or ways to manage them. He's a bit... emotionally stunted but more in the 'seems like an erratic mood swing-y mess because he feels very strongly' sense and less, you know, [gestures at Baal and Zhongli]. There is thus always a chance that when Gio becomes envious of something, his first reaction is that of intense resentment towards whoever it is that has what he doesn't- This is partially true even for his love of humanity. Even though he starts off with the thought of "this is beautiful" it was still interlaced with a lot of bitter resentment that he would never really have that; Coming to terms with his worldview is what got rid of that. But it's a bit harder to have a mentality of 'the world isn't a pie; someone having a bigger slice than me doesn't mean i can't have more if i want it' when its... say...
A person whom you love whose fallen for another or is having all of their time taken up by them.
For Riga: ...Riga gets a much shorter paragraph and for that I apologize, but I have a lot more thoughts regarding Gio on this subject considering that lil clowns got a lot of conflictions and nuance to ramble about. Riga, on the other hand, tends to be far more simplistic in the things he is feeling and how he is feeling them; though this isn't to say he feels any less strongly or erratically than Gio does.
Rigatello typically feels envy as a genuinely ugly awful emotion that typically results not just in resentment but in a very, very intense form of frustration. A major part of his character is that he is someone who wants very little, but the few things he does want are things he perceives more as needs; Case in point being he doesn't perceive wanting Gio to care about him as being a want, he sees it as a need, and when your needs are denied you become... what? Angry. Frustrated. Depressed. Envy turns him violent, because why should others have what's rightfully his? Why are others entitled to the few things he truly needs? Why is he not deserving of these things? There's a tangible cycle to a lot of Rigatellos emotions, and it's that he is confronted with something ( or someone ) he wants; He becomes reliant, he thinks he needs them ( using gio as an example; He cannot imagine who he is without Gio nearby. He cannot imagine himself in the hierarchy that is set between them both and Dottore without Gio there, because Gio has always been the one to provide a release of tension, even if the relationship the two of them shared was at times very far from healthy; The change of something he sees as being integral to his identity and his place in his little corner of society is something that throws him VERY badly; Rigatello is someone very afraid of any meaningful change because the fear of what comes next and that change leading to potential failure is one that haunts him ) ; They move away from him, and he panics, because he has very little and thus clings desperately to what few things he has; Cue the cycle of seeing that which he 'needs' with someone else, being angry, being frustrated, falling down the rabbit hole of wondering why he isn't worthy, arriving at depression, resparking that frustration, and... repeat.
A lot of his envy spawns almost purely from a place of this frustration-depression loop of wondering why he isn't good enough-- something that ties in heavily with the way he was 'raised', where threats of being scrapped were thrown freely, and any failure could potentially result in his literal destruction.
Wait this wound up being longer than Gios. Whoops.
31. Who are they the most glad to have met?
Okay here's where we ease into me being able to make coherent sentences again bc i'm not bound purely by my muses emotions <3
For Gio, It would be Venti, in more ways than one. First he had technically met Barbatos. The ideal Barbatos gifted to Mondstadt that rubbed off on the freshly-created and quite impressionable Gio; It was Mondstadt and their talk of freedom that lit the little fire that eventually turned into Gio pursuing his autonomy and humanity. Then was the archon; Barbatos gave his vision to him, and without that Gio never would have managed to escape Dottore, and if he didn't currently have it he wouldn't have been able to evade capture for this long. It also served as a constant reminder of Mondstadts ideals -- And not just that, but the special shape that the vision takes has always been a symbol that although Snezhnaya was his home-- Mondstadt was where he belonged. Then came Venti; Someone who made him feel welcomed in Mondstadt when he was initially very nervous about being there. He and Venti became dear friends ( possibly more ) and now that's someone he looks forward to every time he's on his way back to Mondstadt. The city truly feels like home to him now, and that's mostly because of Venti-- and even if his friend doesn't wish to be seen as Barbatos the archon, Gio cannot help the appreciation he feels for those previous actions, nor for the general ideals that Venti / Barbatos inhabit.
For Riga, that would be Lio, no contest. It.. it would take me ten years to explain all of Rigatellos feelings towards Lio there's so much shit at play they mesh so fucking well together their traumas and mentalities are such similar echoes, Lio is literally the only person in the world that Rigatello has felt genuine love and affection for and not in some way panicked and tried to burn the bridge before it could burn him; He feels genuinely safe and happy with Lio, and the fear that constantly haunts him is eased in their presence; He trusts not just Lio but himself, the fear he typically fears when he touches others is gone because they trust him so thoroughly that in the midst of their love it's hard to be afraid of himself. He feels for once that he can be something that protects instead of something that exclusively does damage; He feels cared for, wanted, loved, when all his life he's felt rejected and constantly on the brink of destruction. Where he once was told his wants and thoughts don't matter he has now found someone who cares very much for what he wants and what he thinks and FUCK I have a lot of thoughts about these two.
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Oh god, here's another thing I can't fully explain.
For Gio: Immensely. Gios current mentality is essentially that if he just closes his eyes and refuses to think about it then he doesn't have to deal with his flaws, and if anyone points them out he can just get mad about it and avoid them until he dies because he does. not. want. to. think. about. it. He HATES feeling bad, he hates feeling negatively about himself, he doesn't... know how to genuinely change things about himself; And I think that. That itself can be very much shown in how he treats the fact that he's not human? A person? Yes, he's a fully sentient person with his own thoughts and expressions and free will, a human? Not exactly. He's made out of metal and circuitry and artificial materials, and this is simply a factual statement, its not opinion; But he almost treats it like it is. He sees this idealized version of humanity that he wishes to be a part of but he cannot fathom how he can be apart of it if the core thing about himself isn't changed, but its NOT something he can change; Instead of accepting that, however, and still going on with his goal to pursue his autonomy and humanity despite this, Gio would... honestly rather stick his fingers in his ears and go "lalala" because he doesn't really have the toolset to mentally deal with the contradiction of "I want to be human but I can't". He perceives a need to change that isn't there, and instead of trying to address it he ignores it entirely in hopes that... it'll just stop being an issue that he needs to address with himself at some point. The same mentality applies to a lot of his flaws. Does he know hes being avoidant of his problems? Does he know that it's going to cause more issues in the future? He does. But he can't even address it with himself because it makes him feel bad, let alone with someone else who could actually provide him with skills that he needs to change his behaviors and mentality.
For Riga: Okay he genuinely gets a shorter paragraph this time because in short? Rigatello doesn't care. Admittedly he kind of wears his flaws on his sleeve. He's a "says it right on the tin" kind of guy most of the time, where he's typically mostly open about the less positive parts of himself-- If not exaggerating them as a means of keeping people away. There are of course the flaws that he hides due to them stemming from traumas, and his general desire to hide all things relating to his personal thoughts and feelings-- But this in and of itself could be perceived as a flaw, though one very unexplored considering Lio is his first close relationship with another person where he's been in any form open about his own thoughts and feelings, away from the influence of Dottore or the Fatui.
Rigatello does have... slightly less healthy perception of what counts as flaws in himself, though, such as having his own thoughts and emotions. He perceives his traumas as weakness, and weakness is a flaw, to him-- So too, then, are his traumas. He's not sensitive about this in the sense that Gio is where he's willfully ignoring something he's doing wrong; Riga doesn't... know that this isn't a good mentality. He.
Riga is kind of hard to explain this regard because of how severely impacted Rigatello is by the traumas hes endured, the people he was 'raised' by, and the current lifestyle that he leads. His emotional understanding is extremely limited and always has been, and I'm not entirely sure how to put it in coherent wording; Because typically when I try to talk about Riga and emotions it devolves into word vomit because his thoughts are just... nonsense screaming pain mush that he doesn't know how to cope with so he tells himself to toughen up, shoves it in the closet, and goes on with his day until he can lay down at night and have a meltdown--
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Honestly? The general rule of thumb is that I don't typically write people that I myself would get along with, if only because I know way too much about my own characters and their flaws? When. I look at people that I get along with, its primarily people who are patient enough to deal with my memory issues and my general lets say... low iq, to be nice. They're mostly laid back people who don't give too much of a shit one way or the other, but are friendly and fun to talk to because they have interesting ideas to contribute to a conversation, give room for others to contribute, and don't mind a bit of chaos when things inevitably devolve.
When I look at the characters I write... They all have some sort of flaw that directly contradicts the core things I typically find in someone I get along well with?
Gio is someone who I think I could get along with for a while; But inevitably his flaws, his distress regarding those flaws, and his subsequent refusal to acknowledge them in any meaningful form would inevitably stress me out and it would start to get tiring.
Bluntly put Riga is scary and I feel like I'd be stressed out 24/7 that I'm going to irritate him... And his general mindset of emphasizing his own flaws to push people away would just make me angry and I'd probably wind up letting him isolate himself because, having once been someone who was very much that way, I no longer deal well with that degree of self-pitying behavior b/c it pisses me off.
Outside of this blog, Ku Shen and I could probably get along pretty well, but I think the issue is that he's a massive introvert who would go Weeks in-between texting, and I have the memory of a goldfish and i'd inevitably find myself in a position where i have a text from him that's been waiting for me to answer for the past week and I'm too nervous to reply because I feel awkward being like 'hi i have untreated adhd sorry', and then suddenly three months has passed and I just can never talk to this man again.
...I'm going to include my Morax on here as well even though it's blog isn't super active; Look I might actually be able to chill with Morax if only because we vibe in either 'i am listening to you ramble for 3 straight hours with occasional questions or commentary' or 'we have both been dead fucking silent for the past 3 hours' and these are both my ideal ways to exist in someone elses presence. Also I feel like it'd wanna do fun shit and likes going on walks or smth. 10/10 I think I could get along with Morax.
H) What trait do you admire most?
Ah fuck okay. Uh. For Gio... I admire his optimism and hope. I consider myself to be a generally hopeful person but I'm not typically the kind of like... ~ * direct action * ~ person, and Gio VERY MUCH IS in most regards. He's generally super fucking ambitious and if he WANTS something he will GET IT and you cannot STOP HIM and I just wish I had that level of
I. Dedication II. Energy III. Optimism in actually completing the goal
For Riga? I guess it would be his general tenacity and endurance. He goes through. A lot of shit. Constantly. And he just keeps trudging on forward without pause. He does what he needs to do, and if you get in the way of him and what he needs to get done, then he'll make you fucking regret it. Top tier shit 10/10 good for him.
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bangtide · 4 years
an mbti nerd reacts to bts talking abt 16p*rsonalities
i am the nerd and if you couldn’t tell from the censoring of its name in the title, i hate 16personalities. why? well 16personalities is not mbti
they commandeer the terminology that the actual myers-briggs type indicator (mbti) uses in its theory for, and i quote, “its simplicity and ease of use”. they admit to it on their website
i wouldn’t take so much offense to them making their own theory based on mbti, if it wasn’t such a shitty one. and they didn’t make absolutely no effort to differentiate themselves from actual mbti. and their test wasn’t so poorly constructed. but i digress
you’re here to watch me have a meltdown about bangtan talking abt it
i will be using a lot of mbti jargon here so be warned. also this will be incoherent. but this is a place to rage abt how awful their results are for me and for you to find sadistic entertainment in said raging
if you are curious about actual mbti, i recommend these two websites for reading: psychologyjunkie & personalityjunkie. if you’d like a potentially accurate test, try this one
and before the screaming begins i’d like to preface this with each of the members’ actual types, that way there’s some frame of reference for my spike in blood pressure:
jin: isfj
yoongi: intj
hoseok: enfj
joon: infj
jimin: enfp or infp
tae: entp
kook: isfp
now....I Will Watch
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JIN? AN INTP??? WE’RE STILL ON THAT? i wanna jump off a cliff. it’s been 4 seconds. why am i doing this to myself. at least this is better than fucking infp yoongi
Ti dom jin will haunt me in my dreams tho that’s so awful and cursed....sir no that’s your inferior.....god i don’t need to be thinking abt how they were all probably in loop or grip when they took those tests in 2017 festa i’ll get Upset
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no, no he’s not joon
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the 2017 festa said jimin’s enfj which is not the worst thing i’ve seen ppl say jimin is. but jimin, baby, you are Not a judger. you’re an xnfp who nosedives into his low Te all the time
also ho god this part of the convo is more than a minute long. i’m rlly gonna give myself a heart attack watching this
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hobi does using sensing but it’s not his preferred perceiving function which is why it’s his TERTIARY!! HE HAS FE-SE LOOP ALL OVER HIS FACE SOMETIMES!! ALSO HE’S NOT A FUCKING INTROVERTED SENSOR?? HAVE YOU SEEN HIM DANCE??? brb gonna go dig a ditch and lie face down in it. at least it’s exfj bc anything else on one jung hoseok is absurd
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give me one person in the mbti community who would look at jeon-hanging-upside-down-by-my-ankles-to-bungee-jump jungkook and say he’s not an extraverted sensor. at least when he retook that god forsaken test yesterday it got it right
it looks like this is just gonna be them rattling off their incorrect 2017 festa results and reading the descriptions which. thank god bc i’ve been dealing w that for 3 years i can power through this
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this assessment of the difference..yes but also......absolutely not💖
this really hurts to watch i feel like i’m being fucking stabbed. i’m julius ceasar and bangtan are 60 roman senators out for blood. idk how i’m gonna deal w the fandom quoting this from now on
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yes yoongi bc jimin's feeling function is introverted in direction (Fi) & he’s not enfj. hoseok is an Fe dom who has trouble with constructive introspection like the stereotypical enfj
anyw gonna ignore my bleeding stab wounds and focus on how cute jimin looks in this shot...his face is so Round. a Babie. plus the lil ym interaction...my crops are watered even tho they’ve also been killed by plague
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oh thank god it’s over and we ended on a decent note
in conclusion: the festa results are still garbage and pls don’t use them for reference, read up about the cognitive functions, and 16personalities is evil & personally victimized me with this. i’m gonna go bleed out on the floor dealing with armys talking abt this on my dash for the next week thanks for coming to my self therapy session
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Good Girls Writers You Can’t Really Be Serious?!
This may be long but I must let this Out . * Me SCREAMING AT THE TOP of MY LUNGS*. So many things to unload after this Season finale. I have several different senerios and a couple points.
1. Have you noticed the parrells between some of the lines between Agent Turner and Rio these last couple of episodes. Similar lines such as “funny money”, “monopoly money”, “let’s see how you do”( ep 5 Rio says : “let’s see how all this goes”, then Agent says the same thing in the last scene during the season finale) . Agent Turners whole deal with Beth is how she lives in this “perfect” bubble. Agent Turner also tells Beth in the season finale while he sits around her table: how he’s from the projects ( which is the hood). I think there’s some resentment there and there is also a possibility that RIo and Agent Turner come from the same hood. The similarities in lines could be some potential foreshadowing for S3.
2. If the season finale is exactly how it seems , then everything that has happened between Beth and Rio, means absolutely NOTHING. They want us to believe that Rio is this villain 🦹‍♂️ , whose been setting Beth up to take the fall for everything. But in the scope of things it doesn’t make any sense. How did she get involve with all this if it wasn’t for Rio, S1 he wanted her out but she still wanted to play ball. The storage locker had all of Rio’s things in there along with the fake money . When the FBI raided Boland motors why would RIo give Beth a heads up and remove all the pills from the cars. If anything it makes him look just as much guilty as her. If not more. Villianizing Rio’s character would be a cheap sleazy way to get a thrill out of us. For that reason I can’t believe it. I won’t accept that storyline. Then have Beth casually shoot him 3 times with NO remorse shown, for the man she made love to several times, for the man she trusted, for the man that made her partner, for the man that for the most part has been looking out for her??? Really. Let’s cut the bull. 😕...... people have been circulating this Jenna Bans interview regarding the finale but in no where does it say everything is as it seems. These ARE the same people who made us believe for an ENTIRE season Boomer was dead 💀.
Alright... So here goes what I think is the true scenero: Rio has for the most part known what is going on with the Fed investigation before Beth does. Therefore, he had to know about Boomer still being alive, the girls trying to negotiate with him, and the status of what Turner knows. Now the reason I believe Beth and Rio planned this whole last scene. Rio couldn’t have known about Jeff’s body unless Beth told him about it. When I say Jeff’s body , I mean the fact that Beth buried it in her backyard. He makes it slip out during the last scene with Turner tied up . I believe that was purposeful; but we’ll get back to that. Rio gives Beth possession of ALL his things including furniture, clothes, etc, why do that just to set her up? Boomer is still ALIVE a big piece of the puzzle 🧩 and he is now in police custody.Which means he will be talking , but he can’t be deemed a creditable witness if the entire investigation has been botched by Agent Turner. Let me tie this all in before I go on forever(bc I could). When the scene cut after Rio throws the bag over Beth’s face. I think a conversation is had between Rio and Beth on their way to his apartment where he had Turner tied up. The coversation entailed how they were going to do this. The only way to get Turner off their back and mislead the entire investigation was to make Turner a dirty FBI agent and making him believe that their not on the same page. Beth and Rio yelling at each other seem completely out of character for both of them. At least not after all they’ve been through. I think the deal was for Beth to shoot Rio several times( in her eyes you could see she didn’t want to do it) but he looked at her and said “ just like we practiced” ( it’s meant for us to believe Rios talking about the I’m gonna teach you moments we weren’t privy to) but I believe he was referencing the areas he told her to shoot him. Remember Rio shot Dean and purposely did not kill him. We all know Rio knows how to shoot a gun to kill a person.
Beth and Rio now have incriminating information against Agent Turner to portray him as a dirty cop who can’t be trusted. Let’s not forget it ALL happened on camera ���, Rio was recording the Whole thing. Beth knew about the camera in Rio’s apt. Agent Turner telling Beth to leave the scene of the crime after she shot Rio and finding out she has a buried body in her back yard, not to mention him Blackmailing Rio before dialing the cops/ ambulance. Their setting him up.
Also noone thought it was highly coincidental that now Beth all of a sudden figured out how to make the fake cash. She couldn’t have known if Rio didn’t tell her this . It sounds simple but who would think to make fake cash with nail polish and whatever else is used. Rio this entire season has been grooming Beth to be a Boss Bitch. He wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t plan for her to take over the empire ( which I predicted in prior posts).💁🏽‍♀️..... Now if S3 goes in a different direction the writers may realize we figured some ish out and try to throw us a loop. But Rio being the villain I will NEVER buy. I won’t watch if that’s the case.
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batgirl-87 · 5 years
For the HPHM ship game: 11, 21 and 24 ^_^
Thank you for asking! =D 
(I hope I answered these well! I hope I answered all these questions for this ask from everyone well, I worry about that! =p)
MC Ship Asks
11. How often do they go out on dates and where do they like to go?
Keira disappears a lot during Year 6 (I had this idea already before the whole Mad-Eye Moody thing but maybe it’s even more so now because of that?) which is when they finally become an official couple (after some rocky moments) so there’s not a lot of time for them to go out on actual dates, but Charlie does take her out on an official first date that involves ice skating and warming up with some butterbeers at the Three Broomsticks. And she takes him to the 1990 World Cup so…. she’s killing it at dates =p 
I’m sure there’s plenty of Hogsmeade “dates”, walking around, getting a drink at the Three Broomsticks. I don’t know how much can really be done at Hogwarts =p But I think they’re also more ‘homebody’ types and ones who make little moments like studying in front of the fire in a Common Room a romantic date, grab some snacks from the kitchen and have a picnic, indoors or outdoors, or like a late night stroll through the Forbidden Forest or a quick little fly around Hogwarts grounds or around the Quidditch Pitch. Maybe even some Quidditch practice. And when the Room of Requirement is found (because it will be found!) probably some good quality alone time spent in there because finding alone time in Hogwarts, away from all the people and rumours and drama, is difficult.
Even as adults I think a tour around where they live in Romania and Egypt would be a good date (and here are the dragons =p) and then it’s primarily going down to the local pub for some food and a drink or cooking dinner together (which may lead to dancing in the kitchen), curling up by the fire and reading together, or even just running errands together - I think they’re casual people and don’t do huge dates typically but I think on special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries they will go out more and do something grander for the other. And I think them living apart after graduating Hogwarts for a lot of the time means any time they do get to spend together they just want to be together, alone, and also feel like an actual couple, getting groceries and cooking dinner together, going for walks, etc. away from Bill =p 
So big, more romantic, special, even ‘traditional’ dates are pretty rare and reserved for special occasions like anniversaries but typically they enjoy more ‘casual’ or ‘homey’ dates. 
21. Do they keep secrets from each other? Or are they open and communicative?
In Year 6 Keira had to keep it a secret about her position on the Team Canada World Cup Quidditch Team until she was allowed to openly mention and discuss it which occurs when they clinch a spot in the Top 16 World Cup Finals. So even after she and Charlie do officially become a couple she does have to keep that secret from him. And other things she feels are not her place to tell him (e.g. who’s a werewolf or animagus) she clearly keeps a secret from him - but those are not her secrets to tell!
I don’t think Charlie keeps secrets from her, even if he tried she’d figure it out, either by just deducing it (also let’s face it, he’s a terrible liar =p) or she could use her legilimency so… no point in even trying =p Plus she’d be pissed if he lied to her! 
That being said, Keira may have struggled at first with keeping Charlie in the loop of things. She’s just used to doing things on her own, doing what she wants when she wants, and she knows if she’s going to do something potentially dangerous and harmful for her he’s just going to get upset and try to talk her out of it but if she has to do it to find her brother or save those she cares about she’s going to do it and she doesn’t want a guilt trip! But that ends up leading to a good talk about how she doesn’t have to deal with everything alone and he’s there to help her and they’re much better together as a team. So she gets better at including him or at least telling him things after the fact =p “Hey so I sort of did this thing…” “So guess what happened!” =p 
So she learns to be more open with him because the doesn’t like keeping things from him, especially when she can see it hurts him, and it’s nice to know that she has someone who cares enough to want to know and want to be a part of her life and decisions and someone she can turn to and talk to instead of dealing with everything on her own. 
24. If they move in together, when does this happen? What’s the transition like?
So Keira doesn’t really have a permanent place of dwelling, even at Hogwarts and that continues post-Hogwarts. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t like feeling ‘trapped’ or ‘tied-down’, stuck in some place permanently, gives her anxiety. While attending Hogwarts she has homes she can stay at in Canada, Ireland, and England. And post-Hogwarts she has those homes plus a place with Bill in Egypt (*le gasp* they were roommates =p), a place in Romania with Charlie, and I’m sure she’s welcomed to the Burrow as well (and also Jacob’s home wherever that may end up being). And even after Bill leaves Egypt and marries Fleur she just adds that house to the list - Fleur loves her more than Bill anyway, whatever =p 
She probably has her stuff spread across all these homes and her friend’s homes =p But the only places she actually calls ‘home’ are 12 Grimmauld Place, Vancouver BC, and Romania with Charlie (And her shared place with Bill in Egypt while they both are working there as Curse-Breaker because she pays for it so it’s hers! =p) And the places she spends the most time are her place in Egypt with Bill (until he leaves her which is a whole other thing =p But she’ll still spend a lot of time at the seashell house =p), 12 Grimmauld Place still, and Charlie’s place in Romania. 
Charlie I feel…. part of him likes living alone because he finally has space and peace and quiet and his own stuff and own space without having to share it with all his siblings =p However, I think it’s difficult for him transitioning to an empty house. He and Bill shared a bedroom even and when Bill moves off to Egypt and he gets his own room he liked it until it was night and he couldn’t sleep because he always talked to Bill before going to sleep, even at Hogwarts! And at Hogwarts clearly he had roommates so it was reminiscent of his home life. So then having his own place in Romania is surreal… It’s so quiet… And part of him likes it but part of him really misses all the noise and liveliness and is actually a bit lonely. So when Keira comes to stay with him, of course he’s happy to see her and have her around, but he’s also very excited to have someone else there. 
And having her there is sort of the best of both worlds. Because it’s still pretty quiet and calm and he doesn’t have to worry about her messing with his stuff or pulling all these pranks =p But there’s someone there to talk to and laugh with and just someone else there! He’d honestly love to have her living there all the time but he has to also admit it’s always an awesome surprise when she pops up randomly at his place. And he knows she’d get restless and cabin fever-y if she was stuck there all the time. And it makes their time spent together more special and meaningful. And Keira loves spending time with him and having time to relax which is where she goes when she needs to relax and rest is Romania, but she couldn’t stay there all the time because she would get stir crazy and needs to do something, needs that adventure, or at least to travel, see what’s going on with others. He can come with her too if he wants! It’s not him she gets tired of it’s just being stagnant in one place. 
So they do live together… sort of… =p And they live together well actually, they like cooking together, both are pretty clean and organized, and they’re both pretty chill people, similar sense of humour. Charlie is used to sharing a space with a lot of people so he’s easy to adapt to someone new and I think going to Hogwarts and living with roommates throughout all those years teaches anyone who attends that school how to live with others. Keira is used to going between homes and while she’ll just let herself in and seems to make herself at home at all these places, like Bill and Fleur’s or Jacob’s, she still is aware that this is someone else’s house and the only place she felt was actually hers to do as she pleases was 12 Grimmauld Place. So it did take some time for Charlie to convince her that his place was also hers and she could make it her home as well - she wasn’t staying at his place, it was their place (I’m sure it was considered his place for at least the first year post-Hogwarts but definitely after Bill returns to England Charlie considers the place in Romania their home not just his).
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autisticlalna · 3 years
Ahhhhhhh I know!!! DreamXD literally making Karl a time traveler!! A clear-cut figure we can point to and say "your fault"!! And him making the entire Inbetween and Other Side and putting the overseers there!! Like, I'll have to rewatch, but why make Karl time travel and then give him this "choice" of what to do with it, where both sides are playing dirty to convince him! Maybe there's a third option of what Karl can do with his powers thay DXD doesn't want him to consider? YO WAIT that even ties in with the moral of the Maze!!! Hmmmmmmmm
But gosh yes Honk and the Overseers!!! Because, given Honk was quoting the Inbetween's books at one point, that would definitely make sense that it leads back to the Overseer? I had just assumed the Inbetween Overseer was lying about not turning the Inbetween hostile, because it's lied to Karl before and I don't trust either of them to do what's best for Karl. But!! Imagine it was something else? Imagine the Other Side was so desperate to bring Karl over, it reached out to him through its own connection to Honk and manufactured a danger to push him there? Imagine DreamXD doing all that and having indirect control of Honk through the Overseers to make sure Karl and Honk both stay entertaining?? Or is there an external force focusing on the Shadows that's acting on an unknown agenda??? !!!!!!
YEAH like. okay last year i was Really not on board with "the inbetween is dXD" but thats bc it felt like people were really straining to tie karl's lore into other stuff (and like, ill admit i am not on board with "ranboo is the other time traveler" bc ranboo is v clearly doing His Own Thing), but actually getting to see dXD talk to karl and getting an explanation of things won me over tbh. also the build for Dream XD's World is SO FUCKING COOL oh my god. big ol' clock.
but yeah the thing with making karl make a Choice is.. really interesting. and there's also the bit that the other-side's overseer said that the inbetween wasn't made Balanced, and we still dont really know what the purpose of the inbetween actually is. the overseer said that he'd help karl learn to control things, but.. how? at least the other-side's purpose is more tangible, at the cost of karl needing to spend more and more time away from the present
AND YEAH THE MORAL OF THE MAZE!! it's all a loop, they're stuck on-rails, there were cracks but they weren't Looking for them so they're stuck in a cycle!! karl needs to be able to find a third option! there needs to be a way to escape this! aaaaaaaa
yeah i am Very sus about the inbetween overseer but also like.. if they were telling the truth, that's very interesting. because then that implies there's another force at play that the overseer doesn't know about. and like, the other-side overseer was pushy about wanting karl to stay, but they didnt trap him or threaten him or anything like the inbetween tried. i dont think i trust Either of them rn, bc the inbetween has a known history of being Fucked Up and the other-side, while focused on "the good of everyone", seems to overlook or not really care about karl's life in the present and what's important to him. he's very much a pawn
and the thing is. the thing is. honk is definitely a pawn too. and i can kinda see it like.. he's very heavily rooted in the inbetween, and as a result would feel pressure to try and direct karl there even though he knows karl's been getting hurt, but there's also the potential of like-- the reason why honk is corrupted by the inbetween is because that's what karl is linked to, basically. if karl starts leaning more towards the other-side, that could bleed over to honk and put honk in an interesting position. in a way, karl isn't just choosing a side for himself, it's just that he's in the middle while honk's already weighted to one end
but also the idea of it being the other-side making the inbetween's facade crack and driving karl to escape, to learn that there's even an other side to the story to begin with, and using honk to do that ? holy Shit that is a hell of a thing. MAN
ohhhh god dXD having control of honk, also. that can only go well (that will go poorly, probably). but also dXD did mention that the last time traveler lost all of his memories and he had to get rid of him.. maybe thats why honk's corruption manifests in that specific way. he's a backup plan.
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lightspeedboy · 6 years
so uhhhh my life feels fucking pointless and despite finally being on T and having had top surgery i’m feeling shittier about being trans than i literally have in my entire life and being misgendered by nurses (who have access to my medical history where it clearly states i’m a Diagnosed Transgender) while doing my T shots and deadnamed by my internet company (who i have no memory of even having a previous account with) doesn’t really help
i wanna go back to school but i’m convinced everyone in my class hates me because i’m a piece of shit who’s picked too many fights with them for having shitty politics or maybe because i’m just a fundamentally unlikeable person who complains too much and annoys the living hell out of everyone and i know when i say that it probably sounds overdramatic but most of them actually have barely spoken to me since school started in august so i don’t really know what other conclusions i’m supposed to consider here
also i haven’t been there in over a month because of my sick leave so it feels even more overwhelming to go back after being completely out of the loop all this time, not just because i don’t wanna go back to feeling alone in a room full of people but also because i don’t wanna think about all the shit i’ve been putting off bc i’m terrified i still won’t have the energy to finish any of it!! i haven’t passed a single course since, like october and i feel like a failure even though i KNOW my value as a person isn’t tied to my performance as a student or an employee but of course that’s hard to believe when you've internalized that for 23 years in a capitalist hellscape and have to compare yourself to “““normal”““ people every day
which, speaking of, i should really probably see a doctor about my Fuck Brain but obviously i’m also terrified that they’ll just tell me there’s nothing wrong with me and i’ve just imagined the whole adhd thing despite multiple close friends repeatedly telling me i am in fact just as much if not more of a mess than i feel like and that there’s just no way they won’t at least examine it. rationally i know that. i realize they probably do want me to get better, if for nothing else then at least so that i can achieve my full potential as a useful member of society who’s capable of generating profit for some rich fuck who can use it to buy a third new car that doesn’t need to have something replaced every two weeks like mine does. rationally i know i won’t be treated the same way as i was at the trans clinic but that’s really the only experience i have with doctors and they were fucking shitty so you can understand why my feelings re: doctors are idonttrustlikethat.png. and i mean if they do actually decide that there’s nothing wrong with me and i’m just really that fucking useless then what the fuck am i gonna do
anyway the way i see it really my only two options here are to either 1) get a diagnosis and meds/other kind of help to survive the rest of the semester OR 2) get more sick leave before i actually, honestly burn out (after months of doing literally nothing lol) which i probably also need some kind of a diagnosis for and it may not even help me in the long run becase i’ll have to go back eventually
also option 2 means sorting a lot of shit out with KELA (our social insurance institution) which means bureucracy, endless amounts of applications and 40min waiting times on the phone just for them to tell me to fuck off and starve like they did in december, AND it means talking to my mother who’s wonderful and loving and supportive in almost all aspects of life and very dear to me but for some reason believes mental illnesses can be cured with vitamins and iron supplements and i uhhhh. don’t think i can do that lol
and like. i can keep all of this contained and actually feel good and normal as long as i have something to distract myself with which is probably partly why i’ve been so hyperfocused on destiny for the last 6 weeks, i’m v grateful that 3 of my friends are moving houses next week because i know i won’t have the time to feel sorry for myself because i’ll be busy painting walls and carrying furniture and driving vans around and then i’m going snowboarding the weekend after that which i honestly can’t afford right now but it’s the one thing i’m looking forward to and the only thing i get such a ridiculous, childish amount of joy out of and i just desperately need to feel that rush again before the season ends. but then there’s the fact that i’m gonna run out of stuff to do (or the energy to do it) eventually and we’ll just have to see how hard i crash then
i’m also constantly stressed about money and have been broke since december when kela fucked me over but that’s a whole another can of worms i’m not even gonna open right now since this already got way longer than i meant it to but i guess it’s good to get it all out
i’d say i wish i had beer but i’m lowkey afraid of my friends staging an intervention if i do that
tl;dr: i’m miserable and pretty much just want to lay down and die so that’s the sunday night Mood
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tryaddump · 4 years
1- KoR/TFO weapon Elias Alderaan isn't enough to wake him up When the Empire crumbles he's sorta just abandoned, maybe a shuffled around asset among surviving moffs and generals and the like before ending up in one of the groups' hands Feral but still trainable 2- Fully dark Elias At some point comes out of his stupor on his own, but is no less angry and vicious Ends up turning on his masters and takes over a cell or the empire for himself when the top two fall. Now hes the one cracking the whip, and he's even crueler to his subordinates as those who made him And he is always angry, like the kind of angry that shoots past flailing tantrums into eeerie seeming stillness, but you can't mistake it for calm when he casually snaps a neck or cuts someone in half for any minor inconvenience or failure
hackett. chinhands
TheKojiIsHere https://youtu.be/hL5zv4mN1xA Batman-Under the Red Hood Black Mask Montage
From beginning to 2:06
Except the punch would have been a saber thrust through the face
darth porgeius ooookay that’s some unhinged darkness right there
hackett. kor elias would be a fucked version of his tryad dynamic with ben. the kor were brothers / dark side teachers for kylo. it was a frat cult fully dark elias is giving vader a run for it
TheKojiIsHere But also imagine like Full dark Elias scoops Ben before snoke can
hackett. ..... The Resistance is now The Attempt because fucking hell
TheKojiIsHere Couple immediate differences: Ben never becomes a KoR bc Elias wouldn't even send him therr He also doesn't become a Jedi Killer bc even dark Elias has certain boundaries snoke does not, and no more Jedi need to die pointlessly Ben, and I cannot stress this enough is so much more of a powerhouse/threat holy shit Bc he's been kinda raised by Elias, taught proper forms, and how to utilize his raw power more effectively He's a better dueliest, more disciplined, and more knowledgeable Also Elias isn't borderline torturing the kid I wouldn't say he's kind But he's a very different kind of cruel
hackett. Duuuude, now im picturing this kylo concept art https://images.app.goo.gl/2BE5WHechxB78f7L8
darth porgeius super spook
hackett. Im curious to explore the differences because the kor are such a huge influence. Kylo ren's face is based on their style. That mask is so tied to his identity.
TheKojiIsHere Elias also wouldn't have tolerated such adoration of Vader Fuck I imagined him finding the helmet in Ben's quarters And making Ben watch as he crushed it with The Force Brought it in on itself until it was just a small metal sphere
hackett. ...... I think i just felt ben die inside
TheKojiIsHere Elias: You do not celebrate his works. He cast aside himself for the sake of an old fool with delusions of grandeur, and stole the selves of his brothers. He is not worth your worship, and you have already surpassed him in so many ways. Do not let the the short sightedness of the past blind and rob you of the future's promise, Ben.
hackett. ......i
I'm sending this here bc I don't wanna interrupt what you're typing in tryad chat BUT PALPATINE NEVER GETS INTO HIS HEAD ELIAS HAS MADE SURE NOBODY EVER GETS INTO HIS MIND AGAIN AND MAKES HIM SOMETHING HE ISNT SO HE MAKES SURE BEN CAN DO THE SAME Dark Elias doesn't get Ben by twisting his mind into servitude He makes Ben a better offer than anyone else is
hackett. In other words, his crimes are truly his own
TheKojiIsHere Yeeeeeup
hackett. There's no headworm that has convinced of his path Whats elias like as a master in this au
TheKojiIsHere Harsh but fair. He beats the shit out of Ben regularly, but never pointlessly. He's ruthless because those Ben will face are so, but there is always a lesson to be learned Example: Ben learned mental defense bc Elias would day take time each day forcing his way into Ben's mind whole instructing how to stop him He kept doing it until Ben got it Until his mental defenses were like walls of beskar Dueling, they used shock batons so it wouldn't be lethal but it would hurt Every slip in his form would come with pain But Elias always made sure he knew that with the pain came knowledge, with knowledge, strength I got to stress this allies is not insane just angry Which means he is capable of moments that are not the black mask video I showed you To be honest and this au with Ben is probably as soft as this Elias gets And he definitely gives been praise when it's due. It's hard fault but when Ben gets a form right, or makes progress, he makes sure Ben know that it is not unnoticed Above all Else, he may be harsh but he will never be Vader He will never push been to a breaking point. He will never Rob Ben know who he is. He will only test him and have high standards for Passing
hackett. Ben would develop so differently. Less reckless, still calculative but more discerning before he strikes and when he strikes he's already plotted out his next moves
TheKojiIsHere Seriously, such a difference this'd make Hell, the galaxy would be wildly different There'd be a third power at play Though Elias isn't much interested in huge expansion or conquest. He basically takes a world with the force he has and refuses to let it go. This ofc makes him an enemy of the New Republic So his group (idk the name yet) is essentially dealing with defense more than offense, but people are sent out to destabilize TNR on a major level And when TFO pops up, they're competition Plus, Elias will sense Palpatines hand in things So where TNR is met with cold, apathetic disruption TFO is targeted with extreme prejudice OH MAN IMAGINE THAT'S HOW REY FITS IN! SHES SCOOPED BY TFO She's  the Ren But yes Elias would have been a harsh but fair teacher/father. He also, as an interesting contrast to smoke, doesnt leave all the work to underlings Ben would see Elias fighting alongside him And his Vaapad variant works even better There's a lot more internal darkness to tap into and start the loop OH MAN I JUST THOUGHT OF A DUO MOVE THEY COULD HAVE USE EACH OTHER Rather than rely on the potentially waxing and waning emotions of another
hackett. Dark side circuit
TheKojiIsHere They link up an essentially become both generator and amplifier for each other And since both sides are aware of the transfer and letting it flow freely It's way more potent They'd be fucking unstoppable and terrifying sweet christmas TFO: sends a fleet with star destroyers and fighters aplenty towards Elias' planet Elias and Ben: link up and destroy them from the surface while the ships are still in orbit
hackett. That's messed, i dig it. They basically sound like an event horizon of power, once they link they just devour enemies with the force
TheKojiIsHere ^^^^
hackett. Like kylo ren in that resistance clip i sent is far as fuck away from his two underlings And he uses the force to make them aim at each other So thats him on his own Imagine with elias linked
TheKojiIsHere They could control the entire crew, on multiple ships Okay, so question Bc I feel like there is room for debate on this and I wonder where you stand Do you think each person like Has a set level of power in The Force that they are capable of from birth They may not be able to utilize all of it right away But there is a definitive, insurmountable cap Or do you think it's more of a soft cap that can be expanded with time and practice? Bc dif people def start off with varying levels of potency Re: the Skywalkers all being natural powerhouses But do you think that's it, or people can improve if they deign to try?
hackett. So i think its a little bit like that line from ratatouille. Anyone can use the force. Powerful force users can come from anywhere, be anyone. Even if its genetic for ben solo, doesnt mean thats how it happens for everyone. Like disney changed the canon that everyone is sensitive to the force but not everyone is force sensitive. It probably manifests in different ways. I think everyone can improve, heighten their awareness and control, but everyone has a cap. Not because theyre weak or pathetic or meagor, their strength is just elsewhere like all talents and abilities Which is why elias in any verse being able to compete with ren makes sense without it feeling like a "god mode"
TheKojiIsHere Another terrifying idea for dark verse They find the gauntlet Figure out how it's made then make their own With Empire assets Elias could have beaten TFO to Illum by decades
hackett. conduit dark siders with a pair of those gauntlets [8:14 PM]
TheKojiIsHere They turn the whole thing into a conduit over time The space weapon is them OH SHIT WHAT IF ILLUM IS THE PLANET ELIAS TOOK OVER Spent years turning it into a base/civilization
hackett. I WAS THINKING THAT like imagine just that planet becomes amp and battery pack
TheKojiIsHere And battle station/civilization And you know what? The people who live there live live well
hackett. i imagine, i don't see elias being the type to set himself to be hated by those under his indirect control but live under his influence
TheKojiIsHere Oh wow I must have pocket called you my b But yea he wouldn't be needlessly cruel
hackett. also not a fool, you don't make the people who surround you and know your home turf your enemy
TheKojiIsHere ^^^^^
hackett. leave them alone, ingratiate them at least a little bit. make their lives comfortable and protect them and they won't want a regime change
TheKojiIsHere His direct subordinates, however, he definitely rules through fear. He doesn't tolerate failure, and it's gratifying to be the punisher rather than the punished He offsets this by giving due praise to those who perform satisfactorily, and even more so exemplary
So there's a big dichotomy in treatment Ben, ofc, is judged most harshly but also performs most exceptionally In Elias' eyes
hackett. it's gonna interesting cause with snoke he gave benlo a direction and told him to find his own way there it's not the same with a dark elias, there's more expectations. more guidance. more discipline.
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mbti-notes · 11 months
Anon wrote: Dear MBTI notes, you’re a gem for still being into handwriting in this tech-based world. I found myself a bird with the same feather. I am reflecting on your questions so I can’t answer that yet but waiting for you; me & my ESTP bf talked more abt the initial question.
During that time, we went to a friend’s wedding, which made me sulk later. My bf soothed me, (as I think he felt guilty), he asked me why I find marriage personally important. I told him that a status ensures lifelong commitment & gives me inner peace because I want a sign to feel secure. I thought he would dismiss me like he would when he was younger, but he didn’t. He kissed & apologized, saying he never thought of marriage this way before so he suggested a few days to collect ideas, then would give me his solid opinion.
He proposed having children with me If I wanted to (I’m happy he asked me this bc actually he doesn’t really enjoy children despite being good with them). After a day he had his (not solid yet) opinions & asked me to ask you whether his thoughts also stemmed from a troublesome perspective (because I told him I asked someone with knowledge on marriages). The points are:
- Marriage provides rigidity in status & makes a situation static imagery. By standing in one place for a long time relationships aren’t able to get better & achieve more obstacles together in life. People need to change so that they can become better & being held back by a paper makes people problematic beings.
- Marriage sure is a provision for stability but on the flip side aversion to the new. If each person in a relationship isn’t ready to adapt, adjust & change the relationship is doomed to perish. Life is impermanent itself so why fear the forever changing, which is the people?
Questions he asked:
He mentioned he struggles at finding meaning in things that are purpose-implied (Ni inferior?). He asked how marriage that wouldn't imply the potential of a change of status that makes relationships gradually dull & worse. He asked whether marriage stops both people from flourishing in life. This was partly a trigger of his parents’ divorce as I knew from him that they “got bored” of each other when he was at high school.
Furthermore, he has a tendency to either never look for implications or read between the lines in a very useless manner until he gets paranoid about it (so I often stop him whenever he slips into that side). He asked what will change If he marries, is there any new expectations he should gradually learn to change.
That’s all he asked for now. Now that I know (not sure If I knew it all bc I haven’t asked him more yet bc we’re both not clear enough on what’s really our resolute opinions that have considered every serious reflective question) parts of his mind, we’re trying to both think about this for both our sake. Hope I can hear from you soon, I’ll write back when I’ve packaged all my answers to your reflection questions. Sincerely yours.
Since you didn't number your messages, I'm not sure whether I've included them all or in the right order. The previous questions for reflection were purely for your personal clarification. There is no need to send me a response to them.
With regard to personality type, ISTJs and ESTPs are called complementary opposites. Since the order of their cognitive processes are the same, they tend to exhibit similar-looking problems in type development, though coming from opposite directions.
Due to inferior Ne, narrow-mindedness is one core flaw of the ISTJ personality. And if auxiliary Te remains poorly developed, they are unable to accept and work with the facts of the real world, especially new facts. If a particular ISTJ is also prone to Fi loop, they will (stubbornly) remain stuck in one narrow perspective, despite there being much better perspectives available.
Due to inferior Ni, oversimplistic thinking is one core flaw of the ESTP personality. And if auxiliary Ti remains poorly developed, they are unable to detect logical fallacies in their own thinking. If a particular ESTP is also prone to Fe loop, they will attempt to manipulate or force agreement from others in an effort to avoid confronting the flaws in their own belief system.
When you bring the flaws of both personality types together, it's easy to get stuck, because one person can't see more than one perspective and the other only sees the most superficial perspective.
For example, his parents have affected his views on marriage, thus, his sample size is 1? Can you draw a scientifically sound and valid conclusion about marriage from only one example? Also, does he believe he has no control at all over himself? Is it reasonable for him to believe that he will follow exactly the same path as his parents, like you are both programmed robots? These kinds of problematic reasoning patterns indicate a lack of Ti development.
As a couple, if these type development issues are an obstacle and even causing you to clash, then you ought to develop better use of your functions, refer to the Type Development Guide.
The only thing I have left to say about your situation is that the both of you seem to be falling victim to illogical thinking, specifically, the false dilemma fallacy. The false dilemma fallacy means that people, intentionally or unintentionally, grossly oversimplify a situation into only two options, usually two opposing options.
In psychology, logical fallacies create cognitive distortions in your reasoning process. Your perception becomes less accurate and your judgment more flawed, which leads you to make poor decisions and then feel bad about yourself or your circumstances.
The false dilemma fallacy creates a false dichotomy in your mind that easily traps you in unhealthy and extreme thinking patterns such as black-and-white, all-or-nothing, and either/or thinking. "Stability vs change" is a common example of a false dichotomy. (Have you ever heard of "increments", which is a method of learning and changing that also maintains stability?)
The false dilemma fallacy commits two serious errors in logic:
It assumes that the two options presented are exhaustive or complete, meaning there are no other viable possibilities, nothing in between, or no gray areas to consider. This is a common rhetorical trick speakers use to pressure the listener into submission. By purposely leaving out other alternatives, the speaker tries to force the listener into choosing between two extreme positions that do not properly represent the reality of the situation and/or the listener's actual position.
It assumes that the two options presented are mutually exclusive, meaning they shouldn't/can't exist at the same time. Often, the speaker presents their own position as true/acceptable/desirable in such a way as to automatically render the opposite position as false/unacceptable/undesirable, so the listener receives a biased perspective or an unfair comparison. By purposely leaving out the cons of the speaker's own position and the pros of the opposite position, the listener is misled into siding with the speaker.
In order to escape a false dilemma, you must make a conscious effort to counter the above errors in logic:
Recognize that there are more than two options available and take time to discover what they are. Recognize that the two options might merely represent two extreme ends of a spectrum, so consider what lies in between the two poles. Recognize that the reality of the situation is far more complex than presented and take time to consider gray areas and exceptions to the rule.
Recognize that the reality of the situation isn't black-and-white, all-or-nothing, or either/or, so take time to examine how the two positions could potentially overlap, coexist, complement each other, or synthesize into a greater and truer whole.
Why is it that some couples get married and yet still change and grow better together? Why is it that some unmarried couples remain steadfastly together until death? Obviously, stability and change are not mutually exclusive. Stability (e.g. commitment) is needed to combat the deleterious effects of constant flux (e.g. lack of meaning) AND change (e.g. novelty) is needed to combat the deleterious effects of stability (e.g. stagnation). The answer isn't to force a choice between two opposites but rather to figure out their proper relationship to each other.
The real world is not either/or. The real world has many different kinds of couples with many different kinds of arrangements. Whether or not marriage will change anything or change the expectations is not for me to tell you, rather, it is up to the both of you to bring everything out into the open and negotiate the changes and expectations together. But until you can get past the false dichotomy, it will be difficult for the two of you to find middle ground.
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Episode 7: “The coin flip gods decided Xander would be leaving us tonight”- Chloe
Everyone drop your..................... spare change we have a decision to make - Someone on the losing tribe, probably.
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jeezzzzzz this round is fucking frustrating. so last minute last round my alliance flipped to keaton which was WONDERFUL!!! I was having a hard time talking to him and I'm glad it's Vi and Xander still here. the concering thing tho is someone told vi to do keaton so like.....someone tryna scoop up that good good number huh? this auction though....FUCK THIS. so it started off fine. nobody snatched the first thing bc it was useless. but then the second item hehe I grabbed it bc I wanted to throw to keep ashley safe + wanted to know what it was. so i was like ok cool love it. but then for some reason another item got posted after the time the post said the challenge would be running.....which was not fair flkjfl and i didnt see it cause i was like cool i can sleep now :) and then it's the fuckin most powerful thing in the game :)))) love that for me lol. and someone on that tribe fucked it up. i literally would've fuckin spent all the money for it if I'd known the auction was gonna go past the time the hosts said rip so that threw a wrench in everything and now i am a sad sad cowboy :'( next day i snatched the first item to end the auction so that the power hungry snakes in my alliance didnt get all the good stuff. so even tho i got nothing of value, i DID get assurance that only one thing is out there that I need to be worried about. :))) hehe :))) and it was REALLY EASY to play off like xander took them both tbh. he was typing in the chat the whole time lmao. the only problem is that chloe eve and isaac are actually smart and they might know it was me but like i rlly put in that fake nancy drew work and was like HELLO DID U BUY THOSE THINGS ? I even asked xander if he got either of the items hehe. im just sittin here with my two lame-ass packages <333333 but i have a really bad feeling about the other tribe. Ashley was on a work trip all week and I know her and her fuckery and her inability to talk to boring men and her tribe has way way too many of them. jared/sammy have the power on that tribe if they scoop dylan and goat nick or bro down with aidan. so it's bad news I think. I'm gonna be pissed at them if they get her out (and i swear to god if jared is doing it just to break up me and her so I'm closer to him he has another thing coming!!!!!!!!! :) ) i wanted to be loyal to jared and ashley, but if he gets her out before I even have a chance to play with her, im gonna be fuckin bitter!!!!!!!! and who knows what I'll do then :)
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Well rip us again. I’m slightly screwed? Maybe. I did get 2nd highest score so hopefully the others keep that in consideration considering Owen, Xander and eve got lower than 50 points. I’m pissed Bc Chloe and I both tried hard to carry the team. We were 200 points under. That’s more than either one of us got. Every one else didnt do an entire section. One of them only did a couple pictures, another only did a couple videos. Rip I want to die.
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BIIIIITCH. Shit has hit the fan and I finally feel like we're playing a game here. Last tribal was intense but it brought back that feeling as to why I play these things so I was kind of into it. Overall the scrambling in the last few hours showed a lot of people's hand and I think that was one valuable thing that came out of the last vote out (in addition to Sammy's vote out). Apparently the alleged vote was Ashley, which Jared told me rather late, and I didn't feel clued in on that AND I was a fan of Ashley. She was one of the only people here from my second tribe and she talked to me more than a majority of the tribe making me realize that the Malakoff OGs might have formed a voting block - Pat might possibly be involved. Apparently it was a push on behalf of Pat but I did use my vote steal and try to push things in order to save Ashley and push it onto another target. She really wanted Jared but I do feel like I have a stronger relationship with him and the ability to reconcile things further which is why I tried to deviate the target to Sammy. Plus in all of the ambiguity and the fact that my name was going around (as Ashley as a decoy to save herself *insert eye roll*) I felt the need to use the vote steal I secured on the rails. Regardless of how things played out at the end of the day I had no idea what the chaotic twink [Dylan] was going to do and in the event of a 3-3-1 tie I doubt Jared was saving me over Sammy. Weren't they butt buddies in a Tumblr Survivor or something? Like it just wasn't realistic... and I don't feel like I leveraged it poorly at all. Better than going home with something in my pocket like last time. Plus the studio art major's reaction in their exit interview only helped prove my point that they were the best person to go. Plus I felt as if the studio art major in question has the type of fun but lowkey personality that allows people to go deep and as such an extroverted loud ass bitch those players tend to be the ones on my radar. We worked hard, we persevered and won immunity. Pat worked his ass off in the fucking challenge because he knew he made a fucking mistake writing my name down but he's trying to be cordial. Honestly I think a lot of people are biding their time until merge and I have a sneaking suspicion I might be a person of interest when this merge comes. WHY? Well that challenge was CLEARLY thrown and the people who seemed to be left out of the loop were the ones from my original tribe. I'm pretty sure that's a fucking act of war in Ancient Greece. Nick (my number one ally atm I love you Nick) pointed that shit out immediately and made me run to check the results which left me shook. I tried to bring it up to Jared who played it off... another kind of red flag. My priority right now is to strengthen relationships heading into a potential merge and making sure they're on good footing with me even though the last thing that's happening is a loyal Malakoff 3.0. I'm not even going to delude myself with the fucking thought. Despite having Nick and I guess Ashley, I do feel very alone in this game. Most games I succeed in I have a partner in crime so I'm going to adapt and see how I can take on the merge. I really want Nick to know I trust him as much as I do and I hope that whoever survives of Chloe and Vi is excited to see us. That's if the merge is next and you're not playing with us... But I also hope that both Chloe and Vi survive this round but the break up of the challenge doesn't look good. Is there a chance they just fucking suck?
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Being back at tribal is fucking hell. At this point just give us merge I stg id be more likely to be immune then. Honestly it feels like most of my tribe put ZERO FUCKING EFFORT into this challenge and I’m beyond angry about it they’re all fucking bastards and I’ll vote every single one of them out for doing this to me.
Thoughts on being at tribal - the coin flippers are staying strong and yet again we flipped a coin to see who goes home between Vi and Xander. This time there’s no Keaton to fuck things around so I’m hoping it stays this straight forward and there’s no genuine last minute scrambles. I don’t think anyone from the group has told Vi or Xander yet who the vote is but the coin flip gods decided Xander would be leaving us tonight. I just wanna fucking sleep. So yea no valid reason for voting Xander tonight other than it was down to a coin flip. Either way I’d be voting Xander and Vi out at merge anyway.
M E R G E U S 
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I’m stupid and forgot to do this so I’m doing it from the bathroom at work pls don’t strike me I’ll give you detail when I get off sjhdjddh
Spoiler Alert: He never did send us details when he got off work.....
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Hey, this tribe fucking sucks. they never talk about anything or want to do much. Like i had to beg people to do the call. and force that to happen. and I had to force a vote talk out of people.... Thats not my style of gameplay. I hate that im forced to do that. and just want out of this tribe ASAP. IM just hoping if i do survive and make it to merge. that my clever "talking" skills have earned me some credit in this tribe. where I have some allies. I do want to make it far and not just flop in this game. Especially when no one really knows me here and they can't target me because im in a duo with someone on the cast. @every other game i play. *glares at jess* 
Also Xander...
Part 2 electric boogaloo I really just want Alyssa to expose me. Like is that so hard. Also i forgot to mention in my last confessional that Jess had a booty call and they left their top there. 
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Last round was pretty wild. I really did NOT want Sammy to go but unfortunately my hands were tied and he was with jared and pat. I kind of pushed for jared last round a little too much and Aidans ass told jared and he confronted me about it. I think i did a pretty good job at explaining why and basically it was like we both kind of went for eachother last round but now no one will think we are working together. My hope is that aidan and nick will be loyal and continue to work with me but i have a feeling jared is stilll trying to work on aidan and aidans ass is falling for it. Merge is probably coming up and im a little scared about that but if nick and aidan dont flop I think we can make it far.
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So last round I played like peepee poopoo I should've just listened to Sammy like I told myself I would at the beginning of the round and voted Aidan... but the second I detect any shadiness even in a F2 or F3 person that's when the meltdown comes... it was like the Bryce situation all over again Not to mention Aidan two-timed me! But luckily it is still early enough in the game to recover from this, and I still have the high noon... I just need to hang onto that no matter what. So this round I centered back in on my round one gameplan, Aidan lost my trust and Dylan earned his 3rd strike with me by not having my back in the tribe chat. I've been bonding with NickG, and I made a deal with Ashley so I'm hoping that new doors will open for me on this tribe. With that being said, we won the challenge and honestly I couldn't care less about a merge any more, the farther away it is the better to be honest- I can have a 50/50 shot at making it one round further every time with tribal immunity. Another note, non-zero odds that Owen threw the challenge for me? We'll see.
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Idk what day exactly the video title is specific of when I’m speaking from.
More Pat....
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CAF War Artists Lead In Evolving The Genre
By Ruthanne Urquhart
When we think of “war art” today, many of us think of photographs.
Cracked yellowed photos of Canada’s First World War aviators standing with pride beside the machines of wood and wire and cloth that would carry them into battle on high. Their jaunty white scarves and neat jodhpurs tucked into polished boots belie the mud and blood and soot to come. And, also from this era, the enormous paintings of heroes and generals and battles that cover walls in high-ceilinged museums and galleries.
Black-and-white and coloured photographs from the Second World War and later, of Canadian aircraft lined up on runways in England and southern France, South Korea and Italy. Agile fighters and lumbering bombers, repaired and readied by round-the-clock groundcrew so that the waving pilots and aircrew can carry the fight across the Channel, through North Africa, to the enemy in the North, over the Balkans.
Digital images, this time yellowed not by age but by blowing sand and dirt in Afghanistan, of coalition airfields where Canadians come under attack from above and from “outside the wire”, where befouled engines challenge groundcrew and aircrew alike. Where lowered ramps of cargo decks offer shelter and transport to the flag-draped coffins of Canadian warriors.
These are the pictures in our heads. Each one captures a single moment in time, as clearly as if we’d been there. Every detail in each photo ties it—and us—to that moment.
War art may be less clear, may not capture any one moment in time. But it captures something bigger, something that transcends that moment, that war. War art has the potential to reach wider and farther and longer than a photograph. And, interestingly, today’s war artists are working in mediums beyond—in fact, certainly from before—photographs.
Ottawa native Mark Thompson, one of the Royal Canadian Air Force’s embedded war artists, creates glass-based paintings and sculpture. Under the auspices of the Canadian Forces Artists Program (CFAP), he travelled to Kuwait, where the night missions of Canada’s young CF-18 Hornet pilots stirred his imagination and impressed him profoundly. One of his first experiences in Kuwait involved a night flight over flaming oil wells, which he has described as being “life-altering”.
Mr. Thompson’s work entitled “Book of War” is a tabletop installation on display at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa, Ontario, in its current exhibition of contemporary war art. A row of five open books encased in glass lie side by side along the tabletop; within the glass of each book is a video of a CF-18 fighter aircraft in various states: day, infrared, night, etc.
The Museum chose his “Hard Rain” to be the signature work for its exhibition. It comprises three rows of five falling bombs in shades of blue, encased in glass. The white swirls through the glass emulate wisps of clouds through which the bombs are falling, and the black background is a video loop that moves up and down.
Nancy Cole is the other of this year’s RCAF-embedded war artists. She was born in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, and grew up on military bases. An experienced textile artist, Ms Cole was placed with Canadian Forces Base/19 Wing Comox, British Columbia, courtesy of the CFAP. The war art that she subsequently produced comprises two large, hand-quilted textiles.
Ms Cole’s installation at the Canadian War Museum is entitled “Night and Day”. One textile is all black, with a grouping of small red dots in the upper right quadrant, representing the dark war-work carried out by CF-18s deployed on Operation Impact in Syria. Each red dot has a fine red, crooked or looping line radiating out from it, signifying people on the ground fleeing as the CF-18s pass overhead. The other textile is white, with a similar grouping of dots, also in the upper right quadrant. This textile signifies the other end of the spectrum of CF-18 taskings: the airshows, the flypasts, the lighthearted crowd pleasing. These dots have no red lines; we imagine these people standing in groups, looking up, watching the aircraft with smiles.
In ancient times, war art was, in fact, a multi-media undertaking. It was mosaic floors with clay, glass and gemstone elements in public and government buildings; it was sculpture and bas relief work for the homes and gardens of the wealthy. And it was intricately woven floor-coverings that warmed the stone underfoot, and wall-mounted tapestries that held drafts at bay.
During archaeological excavations today, one of the finest treasures to be unearthed is often a mosaic floor composed of tesserae, small blocks of ceramic, glass and stone. A good example is the Alexander Mosaic, dating from circa 100 BC. Measuring 2.72 by 5.13 metres, this floor mosaic from Pompeii depicts a battle between the armies of Alexander the Great and Darius III of Persia.
The Bayeux Tapestry, an embroidery of wool yarn on woven linen, was created in the 11th Century. It is almost 70 metres long and 50 centimetres high, and portrays the conquest of England completed in October 1066 under the leadership of William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy.
War art.
Mark Thompson, glass artist, and Nancy Cole, textile artist, are reviving ancient traditions and mediums in war art. The RCAF is honoured that these artists have chosen to incorporate within their works the CF-18 Hornet aircraft, in image and in spirit.
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